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6CWF Ground Zero Results 17th July 2011

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6CWF Ground Zero Results 17th July 2011 Empty 6CWF Ground Zero Results 17th July 2011

Post by JJJohnson Sun 17 Jul 2011, 11:33 pm

*A video package plays to begin the show.It shows a montage of 6CW superstars clashing.A thunder storm erupts overhead and then images of building being ripped to shreds in natural disasters.

Voiceover:In every lifetime comes a moment when it is time to stand up for your rights.No longer backing away from confrontation but meeting it head on and fighting for what you believe in.

Each and everyone of us will face a fight at some time in our lives...whether it is for pride...

*Images of the brawl between 6CW and 6WF superstars on Lockdown.

VO:Or for conquest....

*Drake is shown bleeding on the canvass and then slamming Internecio through a table.

VO:Or those who fight for the honour of being called "champion"...

*A selection of clips that show Keith Leone fighting with Dicey Reilly and then all four members of the International Title Match.

VO:But some fights do not come to us by choice,some times we are forced into a situation through the actions of others...

*Daniel Reilly is shown being constantly attacked by Genesis before reaping his revenge.It shows Reilly being assaulted by Sweetwater as Alex Walker smiles.

VO:But in the end there is always one that conquers....and one that falls.....through all the pain,all the suffering there is one that shall rise through the wreckage and be declared victorious....

From the ashes the phoenix shall rise...

*A picture of the 6CW Title is show

VO:Although all around us we see devastation and destruction there will always be a silver lining.....from the rubble shall rise a new hope....

Tonight we enter Ground Zero with the aspiration of finding the one that shall lead us into the future....

*A selection of clips tells the tale of Geoff Steel and GazzyD's feud,it ends with a split-screen of both men.

VO:But who will it be?

*VT ends


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6CWF Ground Zero Results 17th July 2011 Empty Re: 6CWF Ground Zero Results 17th July 2011

Post by JJJohnson Sun 17 Jul 2011, 11:34 pm

The show begins as the cameras roll down the gigantic stage in the Ford Field.Huge red,white and blue fireworks shoot into the air as "Burn it to the Ground" screams from the speakers.The scene shows the ring,the ropes are red,white and blue and "6CWF Ground Zero" is written across the ring aprons.The titantron structure is a giant circular screen and flames burn from big cannons set next to the entranceway.

JT:Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to the sold out Ford Field,in Detroit,Michigan,We are live and exclusive at the first 6CW production since the merger with 6WF.Folks welcome to 6CWF Ground Zero...I am here with my broadcast colleague,Henry Lloyd,and Henry what a night this promises to be.

HE:Howdi feels great to be back here in the U.S of A....and I am psyched about this monumental event.Four titles are on the line,including the crowning of the first ever International Champion....and the massive clash between GazzyD and Geoff Steel for the 6CW Title.

JT:Both equally huge matches...but what about the 5 on 5 elimination match between 6CW and 6WF...a chance for bragging rights after just a month in unison and I am so excited about each of these contests...

HE:I think each and every single one of these fans in this arena are excited aswell Jeff..

JT:Yeah I will take this time before the night begins to say what an amazing atmosphere it is here in Detroit....80,000 fans in attendance,the biggest 6CW crowd of all time...truly ground-breaking stuff...


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Age : 33

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6CWF Ground Zero Results 17th July 2011 Empty Re: 6CWF Ground Zero Results 17th July 2011

Post by JJJohnson Sun 17 Jul 2011, 11:37 pm

Match 1
International Championship
Triple D vs Jackson Black vs Josh Valour vs Cerberus

The crowd pop as Mike Bird steps up the ring steps and climbs into the ring.He walks to the centre of the ring and holds a microphone as the referee in the ring holds up a shiny belt.

Mike Bird:Ladies and Gentlemen.............welcome to 6CWF GROUND ZERO!

*Crowd pop

Mike Bird:The first contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a fatal four way match for the 6CW International Championship!

"Sabotage" screams through the speakers and the boos are loud as golden sparkles begin to fall from the top of the titantron.Fireworks explode into the air and then a figure appears on the stage with a smirk on his face.

Mike Bird:Introducing first....from Aberdeen,Scotland...........weighing in at 245 pounds......Duke Dylan Debadguy....................Trrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiipppppppppllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeee DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!

Triple D stands and slicks his hair back before smiling at the reception from the Detroit crowd.He walks down the 100ft stage.He swaggers down the aisle and then climbs onto the apron and into the ring.

JT:The first of four men who qualified for this opportunity here tonight....Triple D recorded a very good victory over Michael Sweetwater and has been a man on a good run since his Generation Zero faction disbanded last month...

HE:Ive always liked Triple D but I feel he needs a big win to register in peoples minds again....he let himself down bigtime with the Generation Zero debacle...after I backed him for so long...

JT:Im sure he doesnt really care about letting you down....he is here to make his mark...and he has the tools to do it...

Debadguy takes off his waistcoat and smirks as "Enemy" roars out and the crowd cheer as red and white fireworks explode up into the air.Triple D bounces back against the ropes and then looks up...

Mike Bird:From Toronto,Ontario,Canada.................weighing in at 275 pounds..................Jooooooooooosssssssssshhhhhhhhhhh Vaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllooooooooooouuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrr!

Valour holds his arms in the air and nods his head in appreciation of the fans ' reaction.He begins sprinting down the huge ramp and he slides into the ring,staring at Debadguy as he stands up.He goes to the corner and poses for the crowd...

JT:Somewhat of a wildcard in this match is Josh Valour...he was close last month to becoming Extreme Champion but since then he has found a new side,he shocked many by defeating Yarmouth Blade last week and the crowd have really warmed to this kid...

HE:I have no idea why....the boy is a fool....he is no match for anyone....he had one or two lucky wins and all of a sudden people think he is the real deal...

Valour and Triple D look at one another and then "Numb" screams out and the boos are even larger as red and green pyros shoot high into the arena air.The crowd begin to chant "You suck" as the curtain pushes open...

Mike Bird:From Phoenix,Arizona................weighing in at 224 pounds...........representing Genesis..........Jaaaaaaaaaaccccccccckkkkkkkkkssssssoooooooooonnnnnnnnn Bllllllllllllaaaaaaaaaacccccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkk!

Black holds his arms up (ala Chris Jericho) and lets more pyros explode into the air before swivelling on his heel and smiling.He removes his jacket and throws it at the fans before walking to the ring.Triple D eyes him the entire way...

HE:Here he is pick....the man that will walk away tonight as the first ever International Champion...

JT:I cant dispute his chances,arguably the favourite in this match.Came into 6CW under the mentorship of Triple D but now he claims to have moved on to "bigger and better things".Tonight we will find out if that claim is true....

Black stares at Debadguy and winks at him as he climbs onto the apron and into the ring.The referee checks him over for concealed weapons as flames blaze from the ringposts and the huge stage as "Your Betrayal" fires out and a red haze falls on the ring...

JT:Do not adjust your sets folks,this man is a monster of epic proportions and I know many people are tipping him here tonight...

Mike Bird:And finally........from Deadman's corner............weighing in at 295 pounds........Ceeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrbbbbbbbbbbeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrruuuuuuuuuuuuuusssssssss!

HE:Cerberus probably had the hardest match of all qualifiers........he defeated former two time world champion,Daniel Reilly in a big upset.....he is a man mountain....he really will cause a lot of problems here tonight...

JT:But how will he fare without his manager out here....the creepy and sadistic Mr Jones is in action tonight...

HE:Well we hope he is....after he was savagely beaten on Escalation who knows...

Cerberus walks down the ramp with a blank look on his face.He climbs up onto the apron as more flames blaze from the corners and he climbs over the ropes and stares at his three opponents.

JT:First contest of 6CWF Ground Zero.....and now we find out who the first ever International Champion will be...

The bell sounds and Triple D,Black and Valour all run over to Cerberus and begin pounding at the giant.He tries to fight back but they all succeed in tipping him over the ropes to the outside...

HE:Clever tactics...eliminate the biggest man...

Jackson Black takes the opportunity to back suplex Triple D to the mat.He stands up and smiles before bouncing off the ropes and returning with a jumping kneedrop.Valour quickly runs over and knees Black in the face...

JT:Solid shot from Valour....what does he have lined up here....OH MY!

Crowd:That was awe-some x5

HE:He's a maniac..

Valour runs across the ring and dives over the top rope,taking Cerberus out on the outside.In the ring,Triple D is up and he ducks a clothesline from Black before slamming thunderous right hands into the face,backing him to the corner...

JT:Alot of ill-feeling here between these two men...

Triple D nails three stiff knife edge chops and then whips Black to the opposite corner,he chases him in but takes double feet to the face...Debadguy staggers back as Black climbs onto the second rope...


The crowd cheer as Triple D leaps into midair and takes Black out with a dropkick.............1..................2..........Valour breaks up the pin.

JT:One fall to a finish here folks....that means that two of these men will not be involved in a decision..

Valour pulls Triple D up and drags him into a short armed clothesline.He waits for him to get back up and then whips him hard into the corner before driving in with a knee lift to the gut...he pulls him out by the hair...

JT:Tower of...


The crowd have no choice but to applaud as Jackson Black seizes Valour around the waist and nails a german suplex,which in turn sends Debadguy crashing into a faceplant on the canvass...Triple D staggers back up and Black hits him with a t-bone suplex...

HE:My pick...

....................shoulder up!

JT:Close call there,Jackson Black had a taste of International Gold....Lookout!

Black stands up and turns straight into a huge boot from Cerberus,he drags the Genesis member up again and hauls him over the top rope to the outside.He fixes his eyes on Triple D next,he drags him by his hair and lifts him into a brainbuster.............1....................2.......Valour breaks up the pin.

JT:These two men have been at loggerheads for the past few weeks...Valour showing no fear against such a monster...

HE:Just shows how stupid he is...

Valour drags Cerberus up and tries to pummel him but eats a stiff uppercut that staggers him back to the corner.Cerberus marches in and stomps aggressively at the midsection of Valour before lifting him onto the top rope and nailing another uppercut before climbing up...

JT:Danger zones here....

HE:Looking like a superplex.....OH MY GOD!

The crowd applaud again as Jackson Black slides back into the ring,he positions himself underneath Cerberus and powerbombs him from the top rope,in turn drilling Valour with a huge superplex....Black staggers over to make a cover...

JT:Fame-ass-er....Triple D has it...

..............shoulder up!

HE:He almost pinned Jackson....

Triple D shakes his head and then covers Valour..............1...................2............kickout.He crawls across and covers Cerberus.........................1.............................2..........powerout!

JT:Three attempts but no winner...Triple D coming close but not close enough...

Debadguy gets up and he pulls Black towards him and nails a vertical suplex,he swivels his hips and pulls him up again before hitting a second...he drags him for a third...

HE:D to the....Ouch!

Triple D lifts Black up but Valour rushes across and big boots him clean in the face.Debadguy stumbles through the ropes onto the apron as Valour grabs Black and hits a sitout spinebuster............1.........................2..............kickout.

JT:All four of these guys vying for the honour of becoming the first ever International Champion...only Jackson Black has tasted gold here in 6CW so it is a huge incentive for both men....

Black staggers up and Valour clotheslines him over the top rope to the outside.Debadguy climbs up on the apron and Valour grabs him...

Triple D drops Valour into a guillotine on the top rope before climbing up the turnbuckle and leaping off with a well executed dropkick....he goes over to build offense...

JT:Triple D in a spot of trouble here...

He is seized around the throat by Cerberus and lifted into a body press before being hauled high over the top rope,on top of the recovering Jackson Black...

HE:That is scary strength...

Valour clambers back up and he runs at Cerberus but is easily lifted airborne and dropped face-first on the turnbuckle before Cerberus seizes him in a full nelson and drills him with a huge slam.Valour is in pain as he tries to get up....

JT:Cerberus lining up for that bicycle it!

Cerberus almost takes Valour's head off with the running kick and then he climbs the ropes as flashbulbs go off...

HE:Such a big man taking a big risk.....OH WOW!


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Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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6CWF Ground Zero Results 17th July 2011 Empty Re: 6CWF Ground Zero Results 17th July 2011

Post by JJJohnson Sun 17 Jul 2011, 11:39 pm

Cerberus stands on the top rope as Jackson Black appears from nowhere,he sprints across and leaps onto the top rope before belly to belly suplexing the monster from the top rope to the mat below.Both men are sprawled on the mat...

JT:What a match this is to open 6CWF Ground Zero....these men are laying it all on the line...

Valour uses the ropes to climb up and he looks at the carnage in the ring,he smiles as the crowd cheer him on and then he begins to climb up the ropes...

JT:Josh Valour is not a man afraid to take a risk....

He dives off as Cerberus and Black get back up and he takes them out with a double flying clothesline.Black staggers back up and Valour grabs him in a belly to belly position and throws him over the top rope to the floor....Cerberus is next to come and Valour lifts him onto his shoulders and hits a fireman's slam (Attitude Adjustment)........

JT:Valour is on fire here....


The crowd are mixed as Triple D is back in the mix and he surprises Valour with a leaping neckbreaker,he hooks both legs........................1..............................2.......................3!

JT:He got him....

Jackson Black places Valour's foot on the ropes at the last minute and the referee waves the pin attempt away.Triple D looks shocked as he glares at Black..

HE:These two men started down a path together two and a half months ago....can they finish their tale here tonight?

Black climbs in and he begins to trade shots with Triple D,the crowd are behind Debadguy as he begins to pummel Black against the ropes and then shoots him off the ropes...Black comes back and Triple D lowers his head,so Black greets him with a stiff kick...

JT:Triple D caught short there....lovely neckbreaker counter!

Black looks for a clothesline but its ducked and Debadguy nails a neckbreaker,he drags Black up and hoists him onto his shoulders...


Black drops off the back and manages to hit a german suplex,he keeps his hands synched and he nails another....and a third....he drags Triple D up for a fourth time....

JT:Four german suplexes in a row....

1..........................2...................shoulder up!

HE:What is it going to take...

Black rolls to his feet and he beckons for Triple D to get up,the crowd boo the Genesis member......

JT:Big chance here....AMERICAN...

BOOM!....The crowd are shocked as Cerberus seizes Black around the throat,with Triple D on his shoulders,and lifts him into a devastating chokeslam,dropping Triple D into the mat aswell....he drags Debadguy up and nails him with a chokeslam....

HE:Cerberus is cleaning house...I told you I was picking him Jeff....

JT:You've been backing Jackson Black for weeks...

Cerberus surveys the damage and then throws Triple D from the ring before dragging Black up by the head...

HE:You know what comes now....BURN IN....


The crowd pop as Valour is back in the ring and he runs across and drops Cerberus with a huge spear,sending Black tumbling from the ring.Cerberus tries to get up but Valour kneels over him and punches ferociously at his head and face...

JT:Josh Valour showing no intimidation and these fans here in Detroit are loving it....

Valour lets Cerberus up and then he clotheslines the monster and himself over the top rope to the outside.He pulls Cerberus around ringside to the announce area and bounces his head off the spanish announce table...

HE:We'll let our spanish colleagues handle this situation...

Cerberus seizes Valour by the head and butts him backwards towards the ring apron,he shakes his head and runs at Valour.................BOOM!....The sound reverberates around the arena as valour drop toe-holds Cerberus face-first into the steel steps....he drags the monster back and plants him across the spanish announce desk...

JT:This kid has got some wild guts....I mean seriously what is he going to do next...

HE:Josh Valour is sick.....he's the real monster here....

Valour climbs back onto the apron and then up onto the top rope,he looks down at Cerberus across the announce table...

JT:Jesus,he's 15 feet in the air....dont do it kid.....dont do it.....OH MY GOD!


Crowd:Holy (beep) x5

JT:Josh Valour may have just ended his and Cerberus hopes of becoming the first ever International Champion....that was wild...

Both men lay in the wreckage,neither moving an inch as the crowd are going wild.In the ring,Triple D stumbles back and bumps into Jackson Black...

HE:It could be down to two....these two right here.....who will be the International Champion?


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6CWF Ground Zero Results 17th July 2011 Empty Re: 6CWF Ground Zero Results 17th July 2011

Post by JJJohnson Sun 17 Jul 2011, 11:46 pm

They begin to trade shots again and then Black knees Triple D in the stomach and hits a fishermans suplex.................1.......................2.............shoulder up.They stagger back up and Black kicks Debadguy's feet out from under him...

JT:Texas cloverleaf....

Triple D squirms and twists before kicking Black back into the corner.He scrambles up and runs in for a bodysplash but Black avoids it and nails a chaos theory suplex................1.......................2...............shoulder up!

HE:Jackson is back as my pick Jeff....I knew this kid could do it...

JT:Your unbelievable...

Black stands up and he holds his arms up,drawing more boos from the crowd,before waiting for Triple D to get up and taking him out with a running enzeguiri...

HE:Cmon Jackson...cover him...

Black stares at Triple D on the deck and he quickly crawls to the corner and climbs up the ropes....

JT:Could be an opportunity missed there for Jackson Black....high-risk coming up....MOONSAULT!

HE:Oh no...

Triple D moves at the last moment as Black slams into the canvass,Debadguy staggers up slowly as Black is doubled up in pain and he drags his former protege towards him...

JT:D TO THE 5.....


JT:He got him.........


HE:Who got who?

ding ding ding

JT:I dont know....I'm really not sure...

The bell sounds to end the match but there seems to be some confusion as both Black and Triple D kneel in the ring with their arms raised in victory.

HE:We need to see some replays of that....i'm sure Jackson got it....

JT:Folks the referee is actually taking a look at the monitors here for confirmation...

The replays show Black slide off the back of Triple D and roll him up but Triple D shifts his body ontop of Black at the same time....

HE:Its so inconclusive....

JT:But we need a decision...

HE:I think the referee has made one...

Both Triple D and Jackson Black are standing up,staring at one another as the referee talks with Mike Bird.Bird nods his head as the referee slides into the ring,International Title in hand...

Mike Bird:Ladies and Gentlemen....after reviewing the tapes,the referee has made a decision..................the winner of this match..................and NEW International Champion..............Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaccccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkksssssssssssooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnn Bllllllllllllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaccccccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkk!

HE:Yes I knew it.....

JT:Wow,I guess the referee saw something we didnt...hold on....

Mike Bird:.....................and Duuuuuuuuuuuuukkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkeeeeeeeeeeee Dyyyyyyyyyyyyllllllllllllaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnn Deeeeeeeeeeeebbbbbbbaaaaaaaadddddddddddgggggguuuuuuuuuyyyyyyyyyy Trrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiippppppppppplllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeee DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!


JT:Its the right call....

HE:So what..........they are co-champions?

JT:It would seem that way...

HE:This isnt right......

Jackson Black tries to snatch the title but Triple D grabs the other end and both men scuffle until the referee intervenes and pulls the belt away.

HE:So who gets the belt...

JT:Neither of cant split a title belt in half can you....Id wager this is not the last we have heard of this!

HE:You can count on it...

JT:But what an opening match this was....Josh Valour and Cerberus laying it all on the line,I will remember that death-defying stunt from Valour for a long time.....and Jackson Black and Triple D,your new co-International Champions...

HE:Well if the rest of the show is anything like that match....I cant wait to see it...


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Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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6CWF Ground Zero Results 17th July 2011 Empty Re: 6CWF Ground Zero Results 17th July 2011

Post by JJJohnson Sun 17 Jul 2011, 11:50 pm

*The action goes backstage into the giant reception area inside Ford Field.The crowd boo as they see Keith Leone twirling kendo sticks and then practising with nunchucks as Christy James approaches.

CJ:Keith,any chance of a quick word?

Leone:Cant you see I am trying to prepare here...

CJ:I was sent to ask you a question?

*Leone stares at her

CJ:The question is...."Are you ready?"...

*Leone smirks

Leone:Is that some kind of joke,is that the best that the useless drunken Irishman can come up with."Are you ready" are you kidding me,he is asking me if I am ready.Well why dont we look back at all the other times I have been ready,all throughout my career when i have proved time and time again that I am the "Extreme Saviour" that I am the most "hardcore" superstar in wrestling history.

These organisation might want to keep me down but they cannot deny me my respect.I have dragged "extreme" rules to the forefront of our business,I have defeated all the so called "greats" and tonight will be no exception.Dicey Reilly wants to know if I am ready,well just how ready was I last monday night?

You remember Dicey?.Or perhaps your were too intoxicated to even string a sentence together,because on monday I pinned sent a message loud and clear that you were not in my league....and here tonight in front of all these idiots in the Motor City...

*Crowd boo louder

Leone:You will join an increasingly long list of men who thought they were better than me....when in reality,they didnt even measure up...tonight here at Ground Zero,Dicey Reilly you will join a list of men that have been forgotten,men that dont mean that I destroyed single-handedly...

*Crowd pop

HE:Oh no...

JT:I had a feeling this might happen...


*Leone whirls around and a little shock registers in his face as he stares into the eyes of a very familiar face

???:How's it going Keith?

Leone:What do you want?

*The crowd are cheering as Leone is face to face with Blue Dragon

BD:Cmon man,thats no way to treat an old friend...

Leone:Your no friend of mine...

BD:No?...Ah well,I guess I'll have to get over that.I just came to wish you luck in your match tonight,I reckon your gonna need it...

Leone:What would you know about it?....Incase you'd forgotten your one of those men I was talking about,someone that tried to match up to me in the "hardcore" scene but didnt quite make the grade...

BD:I think someone has taken one too many chairshots to the head dont you?...I seem to remember that it was me that beat you for the "hardcore" title,me that beat you at your own remember that Keith?...Or is that amnesia kicking in again?

Leone:I dont need to justify anything to you Dragon...I still hold my championship....last time I checked,you lost yours to some nobody....really "extreme"!...

BD:Oh I'm still "extreme" fact I'd say I was more extreme than ever before....I might have relinquished my title but that doesnt mean I cant play by those rules any more...

Leone:Talk is cheap, if you'll excuse me....I have a "title" defense to make...

BD:By all means dont let me keep you....but remember Keith....i'll be watching!

*Dragon winks at Leone and walks off as the Extreme Champion scowls and heads towards the entranceway


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6CWF Ground Zero Results 17th July 2011 Empty Re: 6CWF Ground Zero Results 17th July 2011

Post by JJJohnson Sun 17 Jul 2011, 11:53 pm

Match 2
Extreme Title
Keith Leone(c) vs Dicey Reilly

Mike Bird:Ladies and Gentlemen.........the following contest is scheduled for one fall.....and it is for the 6CW EXTREME CHAMPIONSHIP!

*Crowd pop

JT:One of the most eagerly anticipated matchups of this night.....and how will that confrontation play on the mind of Leone?

HE:He's a champion Jeff,he wont be fazed in the slightest....he has beaten Blue Dragon,beaten Abe Abercorn,Geoff Steel,he holds two pinfalls over Dicey Reilly...this man is the best at what he'll see that here tonight...

The arena lights dim and green and yellow spotlights descend onto the stage as fireworks begin to explode high into the arena air.The crowd begins to cheer as "Born to Fight" roars out....

Mike Bird:Introducing first..............the challenger.....................from Dubline,Ireland.............weighing in at 260 pounds................Diiiiiiiiiiiiiiicccccccccccceeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Reeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiilllllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

Dicey walks out on the stage and the crowd pop as he stares with a focused expression before walking down the ramp.He tags hands with some of the fans and then reaches the ring,he crosses himself and then rolls in...

JT:Dicey Reilly admitted last month that he had allowed his comic antics to blind him...he let himself become somewhat of a laughing stock but he has vowed to fight back and once again engrave his name on the champions list here in 6CW....he certainly has the tools to do it,I have never seen him so focused...

HE:Who cares....Dicey is nothing but a drunk,he already had two cracks at Leone and lost,he got pinned on monday night....he cant beat the "Extreme Saviour"...

Dicey paces the ring as the crowd chant his name and then "Even Flow" rips through the soundwaves and red fireworks explode into the air.80,000 fans descend into boos as the curtain opens and Dicey's opponent steps out....

Mike Bird:And his opponent...................from Bristol,England..............weighing in at 245 pounds............he is the current,reigning and defending 6CW Extreme Champion............Keeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiittttttttttthhhhhhhhhhhh Leeeeeeeeeeeeooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnneeeeeeeee!

JT:Brought to this federation by John Liederman,Leone was entrusted with the position of re-establishing the extreme division.He did that by hiring Nigel Napalm,who beat Geoff Steel within an inch of his life...allowing Leone to capitalise at Night of Glory and take the Extreme Title....since then he has beaten all challenger,he has cemented his place as a "great" in this division and win here tonight would put no doubt in anyone's mind that he is the best ever...

HE:In my mind he already is,he has mastered this art....he has been the champion of this division in every company he has ever worked in....he has been compared to an surpassed guys like Sabu,Raven,Mick Foley....he is a true original of "hardcore" rules and tonight he will show us all...

Leone strides down the ramp and unclasps the Extreme Title as he climbs up the steel steps.He and Dicey stare at one another as Leone climbs in the ring and holds the championship in the air...

JT:These men probably respect one another....they are both fine athletes,but there is a mutual dislike...bordering on hatred....but here tonight at Ground Zero,can Dicey Reilly roll back the clock or will Keith Leone show us all why he is the definition of "Extreme"?...

HE:I actually have goosebumps about this one....

The bell sounds and the crowd cheer as both men circle one another.Leone smirks at Dicey and then beckons him in,both men lockup and Dicey twists the right arm of Leone but takes a stiff back elbow and Leone swivels out and kicks Dicey in the stomach...


Dicey counters the DDT into a backdrop,he waits for Leone to get back up and floors him with a clothesline.Leone clambers back up and Dicey dropkicks him into the corner,the challenger climbs up and he waits for Leone to stagger forwards...

HE:Leone had that one scouted...

Dicey looks for a brainbuster but Leone slides out and counters with a german suplex.He quickly gets to his feet and climbs the ropes before waiting for Dicey to get up and he jumps off with a flying back elbow...

JT:Keith Leone is actually showing wrestling credentials here in the early going...

Leone drags Dicey up and lifts him into a vertical suplex........1.............2..........shoulder up.Leone gets to his feet and he stomps on the head of Dicey before climbing from the ring and he grabs a steel chair and rolls back in...

HE:And here comes the furniture...

Leone sets the chair up and then pulls Dicey up and places him across the chair before running off the ropes,he comes back and leaps into the air for a legdrop...

JT:Dicey drilled right into that chair there....his skull took a pasting....

1..........................2............kickout from Dicey.Leone grabs the chair and folds it up,he waits for Dicey to get up....CRACK!...He launches it ECW style at the head of Dicey and watches him fall from the ring.Dicey tries to crawl up on the outside as Leone runs across and baseball slides him to the floor.

HE:I told you Leone was a pinnacle athlete in this industry,he doesnt get the respect he deserves...

Leone climbs onto the apron and waits for Dicey to clamber up before jumping off and nailing a double axe handle to the back.Leone throws Dicey against the steel steps and then backs away....

JT:We saw this on monday night....OH WOW!

The sound echoes as Leone runs in a knees Dicey's skull against the steel steps.Dicey slumps as Leone stands with his hands on his hips and breathese deeply as the crowd boo him...

HE:Keith Leone is taking his time,like a predator stalking its prey...

Dicey tries to crawl up as Leone aims a kick at his ribs and then pulls the ring apron up and drags out two kendo sticks...

JT:Leone's favourite hardcore weapon right there...

Leone smiles as he swings the sticks between his fingers and then brings them down in unison across the spine of Dicey.He rolls the sticks into the ring and then grabs his foe and throws him back under the ropes...

HE:Leone is enjoying himself out there...

Leone cracks another shot across the back of Dicey,a welt appears on the spinal column before he presses one stick underneath the legs of his opponent and nails russian legsweep....

JT:Each shot ripping at the flesh,I dont care how tough you are...that is going to hurt...

Leone picks both sticks up again,he whirls them around as he waits for Dicey to get up.He slings one into the midsection of Dicey before cracking the other across his back.Dicey is on his knees as Leone places one stick underneath his chin and then drives it upwards,snapping the stick in half...

HE:Splinters right into the chin...Leone pulling out all the tricks here...

Leone kicks the remains away..................1.........................2..........kickout.He holds the remaining stick like a light saber and then twirls it above his head as Dicey tries to get up...

JT:Tried one too many...

Dicey slams several right hands into the midsection of Leone and then grabs his head and jawbreakers him back into the corner.Dicey stands up and he runs into the corner and nails a clothesline before pulling Leone out and lifting him into a faceplant suplex....

JT:Revenge on the mind here for the Dublin Destroyer....

The crowd cheer as Dicey stands up and he grabs the kendo stick and beckons for Leone to stand up........WHACK!.....WHACK!....WHACK!....WHACK!....WHACK!....WHACK!.....WHACK!....On the seventh shot the stick snaps in half and flies into the crowd.Leone falls to the ground in agony and Dicey goes to the corner and climbs onto the ropes before leaping off a second rope elbow drop..............1...............................2......................shoulder up!

HE:These men are punishing each other's bodies....

Leone tries to get up but Dicey knees him hard in the head and then flips him up into the air for a powerbomb,Leone slips off the back and quickly slides from the ring...

JT:Champion showing the first signs of wear here,taking a breather...

Dicey allows no time as he jumps from the ring and follows Leone.He clubs him across the back and then slams Leone's head into the steel steps before throwing him back in the ring...Dicey lifts the apron up again....he drags a table out and positions it against the ringside barrier before grabbing a trash can and climbing back in the ring...

HE:Dicey has some evil intentions here...

JT:Its extreme rules,what else do you expect?


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6CWF Ground Zero Results 17th July 2011 Empty Re: 6CWF Ground Zero Results 17th July 2011

Post by JJJohnson Sun 17 Jul 2011, 11:57 pm

Leone tries to grab the trash can but Dicey kicks him in the face before planting the can across his head as he tries to stand up.Dicey puts the trash can on top of Leone and then goes to the second rope again...

HE:Dicey taking a risk...

Leone scrambles up and hauls the can at Dicey's head,knocking him off the ropes.Leone picks the can back up and slams it across Dicey's head three times before running off the ropes and returns with a dropkick that crashes the can into Dicey's face..................1..................2................shoulder up!

JT:Keith Leone's name is synonmous with "extreme" but tonight he could cement his place as the best ever...

Leone slams the can on the floor and then picks up the groggy Dicey to his feet,the crowd are booing as Leone laughs...



Leone looks for the DDT but Dicey spins out,he kicks Leone in the stomach and then flips him up and powerbombs him across the can...............................1..............................2.............................3!

JT:Got him...

HE:He just kicked out...

The crowd groan as the referee signals a two count,Dicey shakes his head with annoyance but raises no dispute as he gets back to his feet.He grabs the steel chair from earlier and places it across the head of Leone before running against the ropes and returns with a big jumping legdrop...

........shoulder up!

Dicey grabs the chair and he takes it to the corner and jams it between the top and middle ropes.He drags Leone to his feet.................CRACK!.......

HE:OH no....

Leone's head slams through the chair,he staggers back to the centre of the ring and Dicey back suplexes him to the mat....Dicey rolls back onto his feet and grabs the chair again,he shouts at Leone to get up....

JT:Here we go....OH JEEZ!

Dicey swings the chair back to strike as Leone erupts forwards and superkicks the chair into the face of his challenger....he crawls across.................1....................................2...................


Dicey just kicks out....

JT:A whisker away from the three count.....Dicey Reilly will not go down without a fight though....

Leone drags the chair up and sets it up before grabbing Dicey by the head and pulling him upwards....

HE:You ready Jeff....DDT!

Dicey swipes Leone's feet out and the back of his head smacks against the steel chair,Dicey slingshots Leone into the turnbuckle and then waits for him to stumble back out...


Dicey looks for the piledriver but Leone staggers back and backdrops Dicey over the top rope.Dicey climbs up on the apron as Leone hammers him with right hands....Dicey teeters backwards and Leone runs off the opposite ropes and comes back...

HE:Stopped in his tracks...

Dicey pushes his foot through the ropes and connects with the face of Leone,he grabs the top rope and vaults over into a clothesline takedown.He drags Leone up and then rushes him forwards and hauls him high over the top rope...

JT:Back to the outside....a dangerous environment...

Dicey climbs out after Leone,he grabs his head and takes a few surprise shots to the midsection before kneeing Leone in the stomach.He grips him in a belly to belly position but Leone headbutts him before slamming his head off the steel steps....

HE:Leone showing his championship credentials...look at that!

Leone lifts Dicey into a suplex and then slams him chest-first across the ring barrier as the crowd wince.Leone slaps Dicey across the back before climbing back onto the apron....

JT:Dicey is in a prone position....OH DAMN!

The crowd all jump back as Leone leaps from the apron for an elbow drop,Dicey moves away last minute as the champion crashes against the barrier and slumps to the floor.Dicey climbs back over the railing,he aims a few kicks at Leone and then climbs back into the ring...

HE:Leone might have damaged his elbow seriously there...

JT:Dicey is on fire right now....INCOMING!

Crowd:Holy (beep) x10

HE:He's out cold...

Dicey rushes across and suicide dives through the middle ropes,Leone moves at the last minute as Dicey crashes head-first through the table set up against the ringside barrier.Leone looks a little shocked as he stares at the wreckage...

JT:Dicey Reilly may have broken his neck there....that was have to believe that Leone has this one sewn up...

HE:I never had any doubt...

JT:260 pounds of dead weight isnt so easy to lift though....

Leone has to summon all of his strength as he drags Dicey up and drags him to the ropes and rolls him into the ring.He slowly climbs in and drops across Dicey...


HE:Leone retains....

The crowd pop as the referee points to Dicey's foot on the ropes.Leone looks gobsmacked as he stares at Dicey's foot...

JT:Even after all that,Dicey Reilly still had the ring awareness to seize the ropes...

Leone looks angry as he rolls from the ring and grabs another steel chair and throws it into the ring.He rolls back in and wraps the chair around the throat of Dicey before pulling him...

HE:This is going to be the most brutal DDT of all time...

Dicey pulls away and pushes Leone backwards,Dicey staggers back and Leone sprints at him as Dicey lowers his head...

JT:He took the chair right across the chest....OH NO!

*Crowd groan

Dicey runs at leone but is drop toe-holded onto the mat,slamming the chair up into his neck.Leone smiles sadistically as he goes to the ropes and climbs up...

HE:No way that Dicey can take much more....MOONSAULT!

JT:Thats it...



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6CWF Ground Zero Results 17th July 2011 Empty Re: 6CWF Ground Zero Results 17th July 2011

Post by JJJohnson Mon 18 Jul 2011, 12:01 am



The crowd are on their feet applauding as Dicey somehow kicks out again.There is blood pouring from above his right eye as Leone punches the mat and stands up...

HE:What does Leone have to do...

JT:Is there anything he can do?

Leone looks up into the air and then screams at Dicey to get up,his eyes glow with malice as he watches his opponent...

JT:Dicey has taken everything Leone has to offer...

HE:Not everything.....EV...





The whole arena is on their feet as Dicey kicks out of the DDT from Leone.The champion is in utter shock as he clutches at the referee's shirt and pleads with him but is told it was only a two count.

HE:I am in shock....what more does Keith have to do here....

JT:You hear about these moments but perhaps we are witnessing one....on a certain night when one man just cannot be beaten...

Leone screams and slams his fists against the ring mat before getting up,he stares at Dicey with hatred...

HE:Keep it cool Keith....

Leone grabs the turnbuckle cover and begins to untie it,he drags Dicey up...

JT:This looks bad...

Leone rushes Dicey forwards to slam his head against the exposed steel but Dicey slams his elbow back into the midsection of Leone and then clatters his face into the steel...Leone staggers back as Dicey grabs one of the chairs......SMACK!...


The sound echoes around the entire arena as Dicey smashes the chair across Leone's skull.He then looks around at the cheering masses and shakes his head...

HE:What is he doing?

JT:He isnt't done...

HE:What do you mean,Keith isnt moving...

Dicey sets the chair up and then grabs the other chair and sets it up next to it....

HE:What is this...

The cheers are almost defeaning as Dicey drags Leone to the corner,he stands on the second rope and then pulls Leone towards him and lifts him up....

HE:I cant watch....

JT:This is bad....really bad......OH MY FRICKING GOD!

Crowd:Holy (beep) x10





ding ding ding

JT:He did god he did it....

Mike Bird:Ladies and is your winner..............................and NEW 6CW Extreme Chaaaaaaammmmmmmmppppppiiiiiiiooooooonnnnnn.................Diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiicccccccccccccceeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy RRRReeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

The whole arena is on their feet applauding,Dicey is seated in the ring and looks awestruck as the referee hands him the Extreme Title and raises his arm in the air.Dicey slowly climbs to his feet,he wipes blood from his eye and raises the belt above his head...

JT:My god Dicey Reilly has done it....he has proven all his doubters wrong........he has denied all his critics........he is the brand new Extreme Champion! is it even possible....Keith is "Mr Extreme" at all...

JT:Because tonight was his night.....on this night he would not be denied...he took everything Leone had to offer and he fired back even stronger....what a match....and what a champion we now have....

The crowd chant Dicey's name over and over as the new champion stands tall on the ropes and holds the title in the air.Leone struggles up the ramp looking sullen as Dicey beats his chest and hugs his new championship....


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6CWF Ground Zero Results 17th July 2011 Empty Re: 6CWF Ground Zero Results 17th July 2011

Post by JJJohnson Mon 18 Jul 2011, 12:04 am

*The action goes backstage and the crowd boo as 6WF General Manager,Danny McGraw is standing with Christy James.

CJ:Ladies and Gentlemen,my guest at this time....6WF,General Manager,Danny McGraw!

*Crowd boo

CJ:Mr McGraw,we are just a few moments away from Team 6CW vs Team 6WF....the first clash between these two brands since the merger took place last month....bragging rights are on the line...

McGraw:And who do I think is going to win?...Is that really going to be the question?...I mean come on,look at the facts miss and you will see the truth staring you in the face...

You line up Team 6CW and the best you can talk about is Frosted Dice,who are tag team champions.Team 6WF boasts La Pulga Loco...

*Crowd boo

McGraw:Former European and Tag Team Champion,Marshall Murdoch is also a former tag team champion.Blue Dragon is arguably the greatest hardcore wrestler of all time...

*Mixed reaction from the crowd

McGraw:And then the two showpieces.Crime Lord has done it all,two time world champion,three time hardcore champion,tag team champion,one of the greatest of all time.and finally,The Perfect One...

*There are very audible cheers from the crowd

McGraw:Yes I thought you knew him.Perfect Jack is a former world champion in 6WF and 6CW,arguably one of the best ever....and you think this will be a contest?

Make no mistake my dear,Team 6WF is and always will be superior....we showed it two years ago against this no mark company and we will do it again tonight...

*Crowd boo furiously

McGraw:I have no problem being in partnership with 6CW because it makes us look even better than we already are.We outstrip the 6CW by miles and here tonight you will see first hand exactly what I am talking about...

I dont play to lose....losing is not an option!

*The crowd boo as Danny McGraw smiles and walks away.


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6CWF Ground Zero Results 17th July 2011 Empty Re: 6CWF Ground Zero Results 17th July 2011

Post by JJJohnson Mon 18 Jul 2011, 12:07 am

Match 3
6CW vs 6WF
Elimination Match
Anonymous/John Dice/Jack Frost/Yarmouth Blade/Mason White vs Perfect Jack/Blue Dragon/La Pulga Loco/Crime Lord/Marshall Murdoch

JT:Here we go've been here since the very beginning,you have seen them come and go and you witnessed first hand the war between 6CW and 6WF.Now the war is over,both companies have joined forces but the animosity remains...

HE:Sure it does...because 6CW know,just like the guys in 6WF know,that we are each other's main rival.We present the biggest competition in the world and thats what makes it so exciting....I dont hate the guys from 6WF but I would love to get one over on them...

JT:And with the array of talent on show,this should turn out to be a fantastic contest!

The lights in the arena dim and the crowd in Ford Field mostly boo,with the exception of some cheers as "Let the Bodies Hit the Floor" screams out.All five members of Team 6WF walk onto the giant stage....Crime Lord and Marshall Murdoch are furthest back as Perfect Jack and Blue Dragon lead the line...La Pulga spits on the floor and trash talks the fans as he comes down...

HE:Its quite a line up,no doubt about that.You heard Danny McGraw list their accomplishments,these are the very best in 6WF and they will provide one heck of a test here tonight...

Marshall and Crime Lord climb into the ring and talk tactics as La Pulga rolls in after them and Blue Dragon paces the apron.Perfect Jack walks around the outside,shaking hands with the fans...

JT:It is great to see Jack back here tonight though,obviously we want a 6CW win but Jack loved this company and was forced out by Alex Walker...

All five members of Team 6WF climb into the ring as the fireworks explode from the stage and the 80,000 fans pop as Frosted Dice lead out Team 6CW to "Across the Nation".Mason White is right behind them and Yarmouth Blade follows a few minutes later...

HE:Its fair to say that Team 6CW are a youthful team,not alot of experience but there is no shortage of talent.Frosted Dice are an amazing tag team and aslong as Mason White and Yarmouth Blade keep their hatred aside then we have a real chance...

JT:And where is number 5?

Frosted Dice shout instructions at White and Blade as the lights dim.The Guy Fawkes mask appears on the screen and a voice sounds out...

"We are Anonymous
We are here...

It is time"

Green fireworks explode high into the air and then the lights come back on.Anonymous is standing behind Team 6WF in the ring as the crowd cheer.Team 6CW stare at their opponents as Anonymous flips Jack around and begins to brawl with him...

HE:Here we go.....5 on 5,elimination rules....only one team can triumph,who will it be?

Anonymous and Perfect Jack brawl through the ropes to the outside.Frosted Dice and Church of Hero fight in the centre of the ring as Mason White brawls with La Pulga and Blade fights with Dragon.

JT:All chaos here in the early going...

White headbutts La Pulga back into the corner and then runs in and nails a bodysplash.He pulls La Pulga out and body presses him into the air...

HE:Unreal strength...

Crime Lord breaks free from Jack Frost and kicks Mason White in the stomach,causing La Pulga to drop,and then clotheslines him over the ropes to the outside.Frosted Dice run across and take out Marshall and Crime Lord...

JT:Yarmouth Blade and Blue Dragon the only two left in the ring so the referee is officially starting this match...

The little scuffles begin to break apart on the outside as Yarmouth Blade and Blue Dragon go at it.Dragon kicks Blade in the stomach and whips him to the corner before following in,Blade spins around the ropes and kicks Dragon in the face over the top(ala Christian)...he climbs up top as Dragon staggers back...

HE:High crossbody...

Dragon rolls through....................1...................2.........shoulder up.They scramble up and Dragon knees Blade in the gut before whipping him off the ropes,he comes back and Dragon tilt-a-whirls him into the air but is countered into a headscissors takedown.Dragon gets back up and Blade dropkicks him to the mat before getting up...

JT:Blind tag from Mason White....keep it together guys...

Blade and White share a huge staredown before White goes after BD.He runs the 6WF'er back into the corner and slams several shoulder thrusts into the midsection before pulling him out and hitting a belly to belly suplex................1......................2.............kickout.

HE:I dont like Mason White but by god I am rooting for him tonight...

Mason hooks BD around the waist and hauls him up,he looks for a belly to back slam but Dragon back elbows him in the temple and spins out before dropping White with a solid DDT...

JT:Dragon tagging in Perfect Jack...and you can feel the respect in the air...

The crowd pop as Jack gets in the ring,he lets White up and then hooks him around the waist and nails a german suplex................1.....................2.............Anonymous breaks the count.

HE:A warning shot....letting Jack know he is there...

JT:I think he was well aware....

Jack stares at Anonymous and then waits for White to get up.He hooks his arm for the Perfect Slam but White shoulders him away and then floors Jack with a big boot as he comes back.he tags in John Dice...

HE:6CW Tag Team Champion in the house....

Dice waits for Jack to get up and hits him with a three punch combo before whipping him to the corner.He runs in and hits a clothesline before standing on the second rope and nailing a flying bulldog.................1........................2..............Jack kicks out.Dice drags Jack up before scoop slamming him onto the mat and tags in Jack Frost....Frost climbs the ropes as Dice hits a reverse atomic drop and then Frost comes off top with a legdrop to the back of the head...............1.....................2............kickout.

JT:Frosted Dice showing why they are so highly rated in the tag team world...

Frost attempts a suplex on Jack but the 6WF'er swings off back and tries to counter with a russian legsweep but Frost spins to the side and reverses into a northern lights suplex............1........................2................shoulder up.Both men get up and Frost looks for a kick to the midsection but Jack catches his foot and counters with a dragon screw,he rolls up and immediately looks for the figure four...

HE:Danger zones....

Anonymous springboards over the ropes and dropkicks Jack in the chest,sending him back to his corner and allowing La Pulga to get the tag.La Pulga goes to the top rope and waits for Frost to get up before coming off with a missile dropkick....

JT:La Pulga Loco is Danny McGraw's right hand man,a big showing from him here could put him in world title contentions...

Frost gets up and looks for a clothesline but its ducked and La Pulga hits a reverse DDT................1......................2...................kickout.La Pulga runs off the ropes and takes Frost out with a wheelbarrow bulldog as he comes back,he pulls Frost up...

HE:Orange Crush...

Frost drops off the back and spins La Pulga around before dropping him with the Northern Wind DDT...................1...........................2................shoulder up.The crowd are cheering on as Dice holds his hand out for tha tag but Frost drags La Pulga back up...

JT:Cold snap...

Frost looks for the gringo killer but La Pulga manages to counter with a flapjack and quickly tags in Crime Lord.The crowd boo as Crime Lord drags Frost up and lights him up with stiff knife edge chops...he whips him hard across the ring and follows across with a huge bodysplash in the corner before pulling Frost out...


Frost spins off the back and counters with a russian legsweep....he scrambles back to his feet....

JT:Oh cmon ref...

The crowd boo as Marshall Murdoch,tags Crime Lord's back and then flies from nowhere with a running forearm smash and takes Frost out.John Dice breaks free into the ring and clatters into Marshall,sending him into the corner....

HE:Frosted Dice and The Church of Hero going to war....

John Dice stomps on Marshall Murdoch and then turns around....


Crime Lord drills Dice with the F-5,Dice rolls from the ring in pain as Frost staggers back up.Crime Lord smirks slightly and then lifts Frost onto his shoulders...

HE:Not another Lock n Load...


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6CWF Ground Zero Results 17th July 2011 Empty Re: 6CWF Ground Zero Results 17th July 2011

Post by JJJohnson Mon 18 Jul 2011, 12:10 am

Crime Lord sets up for another F-5 but Frost elbows his way out and drops off the back of Crime Lord as Marshall Murdoch starts forwards....



HE:He's out of there....

Mike Bird:Ladies and Gentlemen...........................Jack Frost has been eliminated....

JT:6CW loses its first man....big loss...

The replays show Crime Lord duck out of the way at the last minute as Marshall hits the Marshall Law (Trouble in Paradise) for the three count.

HE:I didnt expect to see Frosted Dice split up so earlier...we need to level things up...

Anonyous climbs up the ropes and waits for Marshall to get up before shooting starring through the air and catching Marshall with a beautiful DDT as he lands....

JT:Simply astonishing....

Anonymous runs off the ropes and then handsprings into a standing moonsault....................1....................2................kickout.He pulls Marshall up and spins on his feet and heel kicks him in the gut before grabbing him in a stunner position and backflipping over into a modified reverse DDT...Anonymous walks to the corner...

HE:This is magnificent to watch....CORKSCREW MOONSAULT!

Crime Lord pushes Anonymous off the ropes at the last minute and the crowd boo.Crime Lord tags himself in and sets about the masked man,he pulls him into a huge bearhug and then drills his foe with a spinning slam.He gets up and runs off the ropes before coming back and nailing a big splash on Anonymous........................1........................2..............John Dice drags Crime Lord from the ring and slams the back of his head into the ringside barrier.

JT:Things are getting really heated out there...

Marshall Murdoch jumps off the apron and begins brawling with John Dice.Both men slam into the announce table....

HE:Referee would be wise to leave that well alone...concentrate on the legal men...

Anonymous watches Crime Lord trying to get up on the outside and then runs to the ropes and somersaults over the top into a senton splash onto Crime Lord...

JT:Anonymous is no fan favourite but here tonight this crowd is right behind him...

Crime Lord is rolled back in the ring as Anonymous climbs onto the apron and then springboards onto the top rope...


Crime Lord moves at the last minute and Anonymous slams into the mat.Crime Lord rolls on his back and tries to make it to his corner...

JT:Both these men need a tag...oh my .....

Perfect Jack gets the tag and the crowd cheer.He sprints into the ring and drags Anonymous up before drilling him with a belly to belly suplex.He pulls him up again and nails another....Anonymous climbs up for a third time....

HE:Perfect Slam....some one get in there....

Anonymous is drilled with the third slam and Jack hooks the leg....................1.......................2...................foot on the ropes.Jack stands up and he beats his chest before willing Anonymous up...

JT:Jack has it all lined up here....PERFECT PLEX!

Anonymous spins out and jawbreakers Jack to the mat before turning and tagging in Yarmouth Blade.Blade rushes into the ring and takes out Jack with a spinning back elbow,he lets him back up and connects with a faceplant suplex................1.........................2.................shoulder up.Blade gets up and hits a standing legdrop.................1..........................2.................kickout.

HE:So far Team 6WF has the upper hand but things can change in a heartbeat....

Blade pulls Jack up but is surprised but a leg swipe and is slingshot into the corner,his head collides with the turnbuckle and he staggers back as Jack plants him with a dragon suplex.................1............................2..................kickout.Jack stumbles to his feet and runs Blade back into the corner before lifting him up and following....

JT:Precarious position.....OH MY....

Blade headbutts himself free and then sunset flips over the back of Jack and brings him crashing down into a powerbomb.He slowly crawls across and drapes his arm..................1.......................2...............................3!

HE:Jack's gone....


The crowd is split as the referee points to the foot on the rope and waves the pinfall away.Blade gets to his feet and looks annoyed as he pulls Jack up...

HE:Powerbomb time...

Jack counters the powerbomb with a backdrop and falls back into a tag on Blue Dragon.Dragon storms the ring and dodges a clothesline from Blade before launching back off the ropes with a huge battering ram headbutt to the chest....Blade is seriously winded as he gets up....


The crowd cheer as Mason White grabs Dragon's head and spins him around before guillotining him across the top rope.

HE:Mason White actually saved Yarmouth Blade there,would you believe it?

JT:Great to see....its only one night....

Blade takes a tag from the recovered John Dice and he drags BD up and whips him to the corner,he rushes in for a clothesline but BD gets his boot up and sends Dice back...

HE:Crime Lord made the blind tag....

Dragon is unawares of the tag and runs out at Dice,but is countered by a big samoan drop.Crime Lord takes advantage of the situation and nails an STO..................1.......................2..........shoulder up!

JT:The Church of Hero/Frosted Dice war continues to rage...

Crime Lord drags Dice up and headbutts him back to the corner before running in with a clothesline and then suplexes Dice to the mat.Crime Lord climbs onto the second rope...

HE:Dice in trouble here......BIG SPLASH!

The crowd cheer as Dice drives his knees up into the midsection of Crime Lord.Dice stumbles to his feet and runs across and shoulder blocks Marshall Murdoch off the ropes,sending him crashing into the announce desk....

JT:Talk about a little payback....

Yarmouth Blade,Anonymous and Mason White climb into the ring and flank as John Dice waits for Crime Lord to get up,he lifts him onto his shoulders and nails the Loaded Dice(reverse F-5) as the crowd cheer...

HE:Has to be level.....


JT:Got him....

Mike Bird:Ladies and Gentlemen......................Crime Lord has been eliminated!

The crowd cheer as Crime Lord rolls from the ring and John Dice stares at him with a cold expression.Marshall Murdoch watches with shock from the outside...

HE:We are level at four apiece...


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6CWF Ground Zero Results 17th July 2011 Empty Re: 6CWF Ground Zero Results 17th July 2011

Post by JJJohnson Mon 18 Jul 2011, 12:14 am

La Pulga blindsides Dice and then stomps on him furiously whilst he lays on the floor.He pulls Dice up and connects with an orange crush suplex........................1........................2................shoulder up.

JT:Its amazing to see our guys against the 6WF guys....this merger has opened the doorway for so many potentially epic matchups...

La Pulga runs off the ropes and shows signs of Rolling Thunder but Dice rolls from the ring.La Pulga shakes his head and walks to the ropes before vaulting over the top....

HE:Looking for a crossbody...

Dice feints and then backsteps as La Pulga slams into the hard flooring.The crowd cheer as Dice pulls La Pulga up and throws him into the ring before going onto the apron and climbing the ropes...

JT:John Dice loves the odds.....and this one is the long shot!

Dice soars through the air and connects with a solid elbow drop.........................1.......................2.............Marshall breaks up the pin.

HE:You can cut the tension with a knife....this crowd knows that this match is in the balance...

Dice pulls La Pulga up and then tags in Mason White.They both whip Pulga off the ropes and send him high into a huge double backdrop as he comes back.Pulga staggers up as White grabs him and delivers a urange backbreaker...

JT:Sickening impact and that could be all...

1.......................2................kickout.White drags La Pulga up,he stares across at Team 6WF and then bench presses his foe into the air before launching him up and dropping him on the mat.Mason flexes his arms and grins...

HE:That wont go down well...

Yarmouth Blade slaps the back of White and the referee signals a tag.White and Blade get in one another's face and begin to trash talk...

JT:Someone needs to stop this...

John Dice grabs the bicep of Mason White and drags him back to the corner.La Pulga uses the time to his advantage and tags in Perfect Jack.Jack and Blade circle the ring and then lockup in the centre,Jack swivels around the back and nails a belly to back slam before rolling across the body and synching in a front facelock...

HE:Jack using his ground game,not many in the world can deal with that...

Blade tries to stand up so Jack spins around back again and looks for a german suplex but Blade jumps backwards onto the shoulders of Jack and then twists in midair and counters with a headscissors....Jack staggers back up and Blade springboards off the ropes and sunset flips over Jack.......................1............................2....................shoulder up!

JT:Yarmouth Blade is another competitor that has lived life in both federations but now he is a 6CW man and he is fighting for our pride...

They both scramble back up and Blade ducks a clothesline and springboards back onto the ropes and shoots back with a tornado DDT..............1.................2..............kickout.Blade grabs Jack by the head and pulls him back up...

HE:Powerbomb time...

Jack swipes the legs of Blade and slingshots him into the corner before nailing a german as he comes back....he drags Blade up and hits a second....he follows up with a third........1.....................2.....................kickout.

JT:Yarmouth Blade just took some serious punishment....he needs a tag...

Perfect Jack tags in Blue Dragon.Dragon lets Blade up and then underhooks his arms and suplexes him to the mat..................1..........................2...................kickout.Dragon gets up and drops three consecutive elbows to the chest and then goes to the corner and climbs up...

HE:Blue Dragon taking a risk here...

Blade whirls on his heel and then runs across to the corner,he acrobatically leaps up and enzeguiris Dragon in the side of the head,causing the big man to collapse to the mat....

JT:Big equaliser and now both men need a tag....

Dragon holds his back as he tries to crawl to the ropes and get up.Yarmouth Blade is slowly making his way towards the 6CW corner...

HE:Cmon Blade....we need this....OH NO!

Blade grabs the ropes and pulls himself up,he looks into the eyes of Mason White and then eats a solid headbutt across the bridge of his nose.Dice and Anonymous look on in shock as Blade staggers backwards towards Blue Dragon...



HE:That makes no sense.......dammit I knew that guy was a liability...

Mike Bird:Ladies and Gentlemen..........................Yarmouth Blade has been eliminated!

Dice questions White but is shunned as Anonymous makes the tag.He quickly readies himself and then springboards over the ropes and catches Blue Dragon with a soaring bulldog.............1...........................2..................kickout.

JT:The animosity between Mason White and Yarmouth Blade continues,but I would of hoped it would happen at a more approproate time...

Yarmouth Blade rolls from the ring but makes a beeline for White as John Dice drops from the apron and pushes him away.Blade points back at White and both men trash talk one another....

HE:Look out from above...

BD gets up as Anonymous flies from the top rope and lands a double kneedrop to the spine....Dragon slowly crawls back up as Anonymous runs across and shining wizards him in the jaw.............................1...................................2........................shoulder up.

JT:I didnt think I would be saying this but Anonymous had really fit into the role of team leader....


Anonymous looks at Dragon and climbs up before quickly springing back and superkicking Perfect Jack from the apron,the crowd all look in shock as Anonymous adjusts his mask and then pulls Dragon to the corner...

JT:Completely uncalled for....not what I wanted to see from Team 6CW at all...

Dragon breaks loose and he slams fists into the face of Anonymous before whipping him to the opposite corner.He darts across and lands a big splash before pulling Anonymous into a big sidewalk slam...................1...................2............shoulder up.Dragon shakes away some cobwebs before standing and he picks Anonymous up...

HE:Pele kick from nowhere....

Anonymous startles Dragon with the pele kick,BD falls back into the corner and the masked man manages to lift him onto the top rope.He climbs up and grabs his groggy opponent...

JT:Never a good position for anyone to be in.....PROTEUS EFFECT!

The crowd applaud as Anonymous nails the top rope pedigree on Blue Dragon,the 6WF'er is out cold as Anonymous hooks the leg..................................1.................................2.......................3!

HE:He got him....

Before the referee's hand hits the mat for the three count Perfect Jack drags Anonymous under the bottom rope and slams his head against the steel steps.He rams Anonymous back into the ringside barrier and then pulls him forward into a belly to belly position....

JT:Lookout here....OH GOD!

Crowd:Holy (beep) x5


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6CWF Ground Zero Results 17th July 2011 Empty Re: 6CWF Ground Zero Results 17th July 2011

Post by JJJohnson Mon 18 Jul 2011, 12:25 am

Perfect Jack belly to belly throws Anonymous,spine-first,into the ringpost.Jack looks savage as he crawls up again and this time he hooks Anonymous by the arm and delivers a sickening Perfect Slam across the steel steps...

HE:Jack has snapped....he is dismantling Anonymous...

JT:It isnt surprising......Anonymous targetted Jack over and over again....

HE:The referee is counting here...

....................5.......................6...................7...........Anonymous tries to stir as Jack runs across and kicks him in the face...........................9..............

JT:This is it here....

HE:This isnt good...

Mike Bird:Ladies and Gentlemen....................Anonymous has been eliminated!

JT:Team 6CW is down 2 to 4 here.....things not looking so hot....

La Pulga tags in from Blue Dragon as John Dice takes his position in the ring.They lockup and Dice twists the right arm of Pulga and kicks his legs out from under him.Pulga kicks back up to his feet and armdrags Dice before dropkicking him back to the mat as he gets up.Dice gets up again and La Pulga nails a windmill kick to the head and then seizes Dice around the waist and nails a chaos theory suplex..........................1..........................2...................Dice grabs the ropes.

HE:6CW cant afford to lose anyone else here....

JT:We knew this wasnt going to be an easy task by any stretch of the imagination...

La Pulga stands up and he spits at Dice before front flipping into a legdrop..........1................2..............kickout.Pulga pulls Dice up and looks for a suplex,Dice slides off the back and then spins La Pulga around...


Pulga drops off the back and connects with a reverse DDT....he rushes off the ropes and the crowd look on...


The crowd cheer as Dice drives his knees up into the spine of La Pulga at the last minute.He slowly crawls to his feet as La Pulga rushes towards him....

HE:Samoan drop counter from Dice.....cmon 6CW!

Dice drags La Pulga up by the head and flips him up and nails a powerbomb,he keeps tight hold and lifts him up again...

JT:John Dice looking for that destructive hat-trick...

La Pulga jumps out at the last minute and kicks Dice in the stomach before running off the ropes,he returns and Dice flips him 360 with a solid clothesline...

HE:Now that is what I call impact...

Marshall Murdoch storms the ring and tries to intervene but Dice sidesteps him and hauls him over the top rope to the outside.Dice tags in Mason White as La Pulga staggers back up....

JT:A chance here to reduce the deficit perhaps....

Dice lifts La Pulga onto his shoulders and then nails him with a huge gutbuster,Mason White rushes off the ropes and returns with a huge knee to the face....

HE:Mason White owes 6CW after that debacle with Yarmouth Blade....

JT:He calls that the Green Bay Pretzel!

White synches in a Brock lock and La Pulga screams in pain as White tworks with serious pressure.He bends La Pulga's body at a sickening angle...

HE:How can any man deal with that pressure and pain?

La Pulga tries to crawl to the ropes but White drags him back and applies even more pressure as Pulga has no choice but to tap out...

JT:Danny McGraw's man is out of there....6WF is down to 3....

Mike Bird:Ladies and Gentlemen.....................La Pulga Loco has been eliminated!

White holds his arm in the air but doesnt have long as Marshall Murdoch attacks him from behind.He whips White into the corner and then rushes in with a solid back elbow...he stalks White from the corner and then connects with a face-first russian legsweep............1................2.............kickout.

HE:Momentum is shifting all of the time....I really could not call this one...

Murdoch tries to apply a seated chinlock but White manages to struggle up.He reaches around back and grabs Marshall's head before sitting down into a jawbreaker....Marshall staggers back into the corner as White gets up,Murdoch runs out...

JT:Beautiful poweslam takedown from Mason White...

White stands up and he beats his chest with fury and then beckons for Marshall to get up....


Marshall jumps out of the side and he spins White around and takes him out with a t-bone suplex.White staggers back up and Murdoch kicks him in the gut before nailing a pumphandle slam......................1.........................2..................kickout.

JT:As time progresses there the toll is going to show on all of these athletes....

Murdoch reluctantly allows Perfect Jack to tag in.Jack shakes his fingers and stomps his feet as he waits for Mason to get up...

HE:Mason White could be a sitting duck here....PERFECT PLEX!

Mason spins out,he keeps ahold of Jack's arm and drags him forwards into a big urange backbreaker.White is on his knees and tries to crawl towards John Dice...

JT:We need a tag here....the entire Ford Field knows it...

White tries to make a tag but Jack grabs his legs and drags him back to the centre of the ring.White turns on his back and kicks both feet into the chest of Jack....Jack staggers back as White clambers up and rushes forwards....


*Crowd groan

JT:Seperated shoulder could be on the cards...

Jack steps away in time as White slams into the ringpost,Jack rolls him up...............1.....................2..................kickout.They get back up and Jack grabs the shoulder of White and yanks it before lifting White up and connecting with a shoulderbreaker............1.........2...........kickout.

HE:Mason White has a bullseye on that shoulder,it could spell danger...

Jack drags White up by the injured arm and slams it against the turnbuckle before lifting White up top.He climbs up and nails a few right hands before underhooking White...

JT:Bigtime suplex coming up...

White fights back and he rattles Jack before throwing him off the top rope to the mat below.White tries to re-adjust and find his feet...


The crowd are on their feet and applaud as Jack bursts up and onto the top rope before armdragging Mason White from the top rope onto the deck.John Dice breaks into the ring as Marshall Murdoch tries to intervene...

JT:Referee losing control perhaps...

The crowd are in shock as Anonymous is back up on the outside,he drags BD from the apron and then slides in the ring and catches Jack unawares with a superkick to the jaw before rolling from the ring as John Dice and Marshall Murdoch are split up by the referee...

HE:The official didnt see that....Mason White has the cover....


JT:We are back level....and although I am pleased there was no need for Anonymous to get back involved,he was already eliminated....

HE:I think its fair to say we havent seen the last of that...

Mike Bird:Ladies and Gentlemen.........................Perfect Jack has been eliminated!

JT:We are down to 2 on 2.....John Dice and Mason White for 6CW.....Blue Dragon and Marshall Murdoch for Team 6WF!

HE:No matter what happens I tip my hat to all of these guys....what a match this has been....


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6CWF Ground Zero Results 17th July 2011 Empty Re: 6CWF Ground Zero Results 17th July 2011

Post by JJJohnson Mon 18 Jul 2011, 12:28 am

Mason White makes the tag on John Dice as Blue Dragon slides into the ring.Dice runs at his foe for a clothesline but is flapjacked up and across the ropes....he staggers as Dragon runs off the opposite ropes and returns with a huge big boot...................1.......................2...............shoulder up.

Dragon pulls Dice up and shows amazing power as he flips him up and nails a sitdown powerbomb....he rolls onto his feet and goes to the corner and climbs up,he looks down at his foe....

JT:Flying headbutt!

Dragon nails the soaring headbutt and the crowd applaud.Dice is huddled up in pain as he tries to get up....


Dragon lifts Dice up but is poked in the eyes as the crowd cheer,Dice runs Dragon forwards and slams him head-first into Marshall Murdoch on the apron before rolling BD up.............1.................2...............shoulder up.They both scramble up and Dragon launches into a clothesline but Dice ducks it and nails a three punch combo,he tries to whip Dragon to the corner but its reversed....BD rushes in after Dice....

JT:Solid boot to the face....Dice going to the second rope....

Dice comes off and connects with a double axe handle,Dragon sways as Dice rushes off the ropes......

HE:Double clothesline....

Both men wipe one another out in the centre of the ring.Mason White is slumped in his corner as Marshall Murdoch is desperate for the tag in his...

JT:Its all a race here....first man to get the tag is in pole position....

Dice slowly gets towards White but slumps to the mat as Dragon manages to tag in Marshall Murdoch.....

HE:Dice is almost there....

Murdoch gets there and he punches White from the apron before lifting Dice onto his back and hitting an alabama slam...................1.......................2................kickout.Marshall pulls Dice up and whips him into the corner before running in and connecting with a double knee slam into the chest (Elijah Express)....he waits for Dice to stagger out...


Dice elbows Murdoch in the side of the head and counters quickly with a neckbreaker.Both men crawl towards the ropes and try to crawl up...

HE:This match is pushing thirty minutes.....these men must be shattered....

Dice gets up against the ropes,Marshall comes towards him but is kicked in the stomach and Dice looks for a suplex but its reversed into a small package..............1................2...............shoulder up.They both get to their feet and Dice lifts Marshall onto his shoulders...


Marshall drops off back and bridges into a german suplex...............1..................2............kickout.They get back up and Murdoch kicks Dice in the stomach before suplexing him onto the top rope,he clambers up and grabs Dice in a front facelock for a superplex.Dice fights free though and shakes Murdoch with a headbutt before sending him crashing to the mat with three solid right hands....


Marshall moves at the last minute as Dice crashes into the mat.The crowd are chanting "6C-Dub" as Marshall slowly crawls to his feet,he taps his chest and screams for Dice to get up...

JT:John Dice is really feeling the pace here.....MARSHALL LAW!



JT:Did he get him?

HE:I think so...

Mike Bird:Ladies and Gentlemen..................Marshall Murdoch has been eliminated!

JT:Frosted Dice gets the one upsmanship on Church of Hero again....6CW are one decision away from a huge victory...

HE:Excellent work from John Dice there...

Dice is in a seated position and he looks unsteady as Blue Dragon scales the ropes and waits for him to get up.The crowd are cheering and shouting as Dice makes it to his feet...

JT:This has been such a tremendous contest....Dice needs to watch out here....

Dragon leaps from the top and takes Dice out with a flying shouldertackle.He gets to his feet and waits for Dice to starting getting back up before running across and leaping into a bicycle kick....

HE:Dice moved....White took the brunt....

Dice dodges the kick at the last minute,Mason White pulls himself back onto the apron but eats the kick and it sends him flying again....Dragon turns around...




The boos are monumental as Marshall Murdoch drags John Dice from the ring before a three count can be made.Dice tries to recover quickly but Marshall slams his knee into Dice's jaw...

JT:He stole our damn victory....what the....

The crowd cheer as Jack Frost comes rushing back to the ring and he attacks Marshall Murdoch.Both men begin brawling...

HE:The bad feeling between these two teams has been building all night....finally its coming to a head!

Crime Lord is on the scene and he helps Marshall to double team Frost before Dice rushes in and both teams begins to brawl into the aisleway...

JT:John Dice needs to be careful here....

The referee's count reaches eight as Dice breaks looks of the brawl and makes a beeline for the ring...............9...............10!

HE:He got there....

The referee waves it away as Crime Lord grabs Dice's leg and pulls him back onto the hard flooring and both teams fight some more.A team of referees scurries down the ramp to difuse the situation....

Mike Bird:Ladies and Gentlemen.....................John Dice has been eliminated!

JT:John Dice is still yet to taste defeat by pinfall or submission but he is out of this contest all the same....and we are done to just two....Blue Dragon against Mason of these men will bring ultimate pride to their brand tonight....

Frosted Dice and COH brawl up the ramp and then the crowd cheer as Mason White slides into the ring and then Blue Dragon climbs through the ropes.Both men meet in the centre of the ring and exchange looks...

HE:Both men have their followers,they have their fans....but tonight,right here,right now its about pride...

The cheers are huge as both men begin to trade shots,White rocks Dragon back to the ropes but then BD fires back and they are in the centre again.Dragon kicks White in the stomach and looks for a gutwrench but White slips out and nails an overhead belly to belly suplex...............1..............2.............shoulder up!

JT:Both these men have expended so much energy.....they are running on pure adrenaline....

They get back up and Mason White looks for a body press but his shoulder gives way and Dragon nails a snap DDT.....................1.........................2................kickout.Dragon rolls onto his knees and wipes away beads of sweat before pulling White up....

HE:One big move and you have to believe this one is all over....

White picks Dragon up and runs him back into the corner.He nails two shoulder thrusts but on the third attempt BD gets his knee in the way and sends White backwards....Dragon runs out with a big boot....

JT:Oh what a spinebuster....

White nails a spinebuster and then stands up and beats his chest.He flexes his biceps and wills Dragon up,he whips foe against the ropes....



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6CWF Ground Zero Results 17th July 2011 Empty Re: 6CWF Ground Zero Results 17th July 2011

Post by JJJohnson Mon 18 Jul 2011, 12:31 am

Dragon spins around the back and he kicks White in the stomach and grabs him for a gutwrench....


White drives his head under the chin of Dragon and then whips him off the ropes quickly and the crowd erupts....



JT:Thats a 6CW win...

The crowd are groaning as the referee is down and out,the replays show the swinging boot of BD catching the official in the side of the head before he is drilled with the finisher......Mason White looks on in disbelief....

HE:Mason White has the pin though.....

White crawls over and tries to revive the referee.The crowd are cheering him on as he shakes the referee and then staggers onto unsteady legs...

JT:Mason needs to keep it cool here....he's got this....

HE:The referee is coming around.....

JT:Here we go.....



JT:Thats it.....

ding ding ding

HE:I dont believe it....

Mike Bird:Ladies and is your winner..............representing Team 6WF...................Bllllllllllllluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuueeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Drrrrrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaggggggggggggggoooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnn!

JT:This is (beep)....Alex Walker should do something about this....

HE:He warned them that they had to work together.....and they didnt listen...

The instant replays show Mason White about to nail another black hole slam as Yarmouth Blade jumps the ring barrier and slides in the ring.He has a steel pipe in hand and cracks White across the back of the skull with it,allowing Dragon to get the pin.

JT:It was a fascinating match,a true testament to how good these two rival brands really was an honour to watch and it truly is an honour to be apart of 6CWF.....

HE:But you know in the back that the 6CW guys,and especially Alex Walker,are blowing a fuse.We had this match in the bag,but Yarmouth Blade and Mason White's animosity has cost us...

JT:Its pure stupidty....on both parts....White was responsible for Blade's elimination and in retaliation he has been taken out by his former tag team partner....

HE:What a match that was....all ten men gave it their all and I will not be forgetting that in a long time....

JT:And neither will any of these amazing fight.....Blue Dragon is victorious on behalf of Team 6WF.....and this night is nowhere near over....Ground Zero is really blowing us away here in Detroit....

HE:It sure is and I cannot wait to see what happens next...


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6CWF Ground Zero Results 17th July 2011 Empty Re: 6CWF Ground Zero Results 17th July 2011

Post by JJJohnson Mon 18 Jul 2011, 12:33 am

*The action goes backstage and a monitor is smashed across the floor and there is a furious shout of anger as Christy James walks into a room and sees Alex Walker.

CJ:Mr Walker,your thoughts on what just happened in the Team 6CW vs Team 6WF match?

Walker:What do you think my thoughts are?....I told those idiots that they better work together,I told them that there would be hell to pay if they didnt.They have embarressed me here tonight and I am not the kind of man that takes that lying down.Believe me when I tell you that Mason White and Yarmouth Blade will face serious consequences next week on Escalation.

CJ:Its been a mixed night so far Genesis,Jackson Black has become co-champion with Duke Dylan Debadguy,can you shed any light on that situation?

Walker:Its a farce,we knew Jackson was going to win that match and yet it seems I need to sit down and cull some of these so called officials I am hiring because that was ridiculous.It was the first ever International Championship match and the referee ended it on a draw decision.That match should have been re-started until we got a decisive winner.Yet another mess I will no doubt have to clean up.

CJ:Surely you will be looking for the night to get better though?

Walker:Im not looking Christy,I know this night will get better.Ibrahim Mureson will bring home the TV Title from the "Toy Soldier" and then Michael Sweetwater will show the insulent,Daniel Reilly why he is messing with the wrong people.In the main event here at Ground Zero,GazzyD will dismantle Geoff Steel,and by his request there will be no interference from Genesis in that contest because Gazzy will prove once again that he is the best in the world.

CJ:Thank you for your time Mr Walker!

*Walker curtly nods his head and then walks away


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6CWF Ground Zero Results 17th July 2011 Empty Re: 6CWF Ground Zero Results 17th July 2011

Post by JJJohnson Mon 18 Jul 2011, 12:36 am

Match 4
First Blood
Internecio/Mr Jones vs Drake

ding ding

Mike Bird:Ladies and Gentlemen............the following contest is a handicap FIRST BLOOD match!

*Crowd pop

JT:Business really picking up now folks in a very personal match indeed.It was just a month ago that Drake was ready to hang it up,ready to call time on his career when he was brutally assaulted by Internecio and Mr Jones.They claimed that Drake owed it 6CW to accept the challenge of a "hungry lion" and continued their vindictive streak for weeks.It was only last week on Escalation that Drake not only accepted the challenge but he showed his foes exactly why he is a force to be reckoned with...

HE:It was a flash in the pan Jeff.....kind of like Drake himself....tonight he will find out exactly why Internecio is the most dominant force in sports entertainment....

The lights in the arena switch off completely.There are screams and boos as the entranceway glows red and then fireworks erupts into the air."Your Betrayal" screams out and then a giant shadow passes across the stage.Mr Jones walks out with a smirk as Internecio walks behind him...

JT:Since his debut over 4 months ago,there has not been one man that defeated Internecio....he truly is a destructive force....with the maniacal Mr Jones by his side there is no telling what the future holds for this monster...

Mr Jones climbs up the steps and into the ring as Internecio uses the ropes to clamber in.The noise of the boos is loud as Mr Jones shouts instructions at his client.

JT:But Drake has a real chance,he bargained and he made Jones get involved in this match...he isnt a wrestler,in fact he could be a hinderance here tonight.Internecio not only has to protect himself but also his manager aswelll....

HE:He'll do it with ease Jeff....just you wait and see...

The whole arena erupts into cheers as "Pieces" sounds out and pyros explode all along the stage.The curtain rips open and a very focused Drake walks onto the stage.His chest heaves in and out as he stares down at his opponents and then he begins to march.

JT:Drake returned two months ago to set the record straight,he wanted to leave behind a far he been in electric form,can that continue here tonight?

Drake runs the final part of the journey and slides into the ring.Internecio quickly sets about him with kicks as Mr Jones applauds and shouts in glee.Drake manages to stand up and he throws huge haymakers before lifting Internecio up and slamming him back into the corner.He nails shoulder thrusts....

HE:Stay out of there Jonesy...

Mr Jones panics and he clubs Drake from behind,Drake spins on his feet and stares at Jones before walking towards him.Jones looks alarmed as he backs away....

JT:It was only six nights ago that Mr Jones felt the wrath of Drake,he could be in for a reminder now....

The crowd boo as Internecio clotheslines Drake from behind and stomps on him whilst he is on the ground.Drake tries to cover up as the monster drops furious elbows at his chest and leaps up and lands a kneedrop to the head.

HE:Internecio is fighting like an animal here....I like these tactics...

Internecio kneels over Drake and chokes him with both hands.The referee cannot do anything as Drake struggles to break free.Jones is laughing and clapping in the corner as Internecio finally releases and stands up.Drake struggles to his feet and then eats a huge uppercut from Internecio....he staggers back to the ropes as the monster runs at him...

JT:Big backdrop to the Jones is in trouble...

The crowd cheer as Drake backdrops Internecio to the outside and then quickly turns his attention to Jones.Jones tries to make a break for it but Drake catches him with ease and drags him back to the centre of the ring.He stares at Jones and then easily benches him into the air...

HE:Oh no this is bad,...

Internecio gets up on the outside as Drake walks to the ropes and then hauls Jones at the big man,knocking both to the ground.Drake stands tall in the centre of the ring and raises one arm as the crowd cheer...

JT:Drake is here to show that he can still hang with the elite....SUICIDE DIVE!

The crowd erupt into cheers as Drake dives through the middle rope and takes out Internecio on the outside.He pulls his foe up and drags him forwards before slamming his head against the steel steps...

JT:Referee might want to get out there check for blood....thats how this match ends.....

The referee looks at Internecio but there is no blood as Drake whips him headlong into the steps and the sound echoes around the arena.Drake grabs Jones by the head and lifts him up before slamming him across the security railing....

HE:That isnt right,he shouldnt be competing....

JT:He agreed to it....

Internecio gets up and Drake headbutts him back against the railing and then runs at him and clotheslines him into the crowd.Jones manages to get to his feet as Drake grabs him and throws him into the ring.Drake walks around ringside and grabs a steel chair as the crowd cheer...

HE:This is bad...

Drake climbs back into the ring with the chair.He watches as Jones struggles to his feet and then jams the chair into his midsection before smashing it across his spine.Jones slumps in agony on the mat as Drake holds the chair up.The crowd are cheering as Drake jumps the chair on the mat and drags Jones up...

JT:Drake has got some evil intentions here....

Drake sets about a DDT on the chair as Internecio returns with a huge running boot to the head.Drake tries to get back up but Internecio kicks him in the stomach and nails a big suplex.He helps Jones to his feet and ushers him to the corner before grabbing the steel chair off the mat...

HE:Drake is going to feel some vengeance now...

CRACK!...Internecio jams the chair down into the spine of Drake,he repeats the process three more times and then sets the chair up on its legs.He drags Drake to his feet...

JT:Surely his isnt thinking Last Flight?

Internecio sets Drake up for the tigerbomb but is backdropped by his opponent.Internecio clambers back up as Drake runs towards him...

HE:He missed....oh no...

Internecio sidesteps Drake,who runs into the corner and clatters into Mr Jones.Drake staggers back around and Internecio drills him with a huge chokeslam as the crowd boo.Internecio flicks his hair back and then walks to the corner and rips the padding off the turnbuckle....

JT:Internecio setting a trap here...Drake in no man's land...

Internecio scoops Drake up on his shoulders and runs him into the corner for some snake eyes,Drake drops off the back and shoves Internecio into the corner before running in...



Internecio somehow counters the spear with a drop toe-holded that slams Drake's face into the exposed steel.Drake clutches his face and rolls around as the referee checks him...

JT:I have a feeling that Drake may have just been busted wide open..



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6CWF Ground Zero Results 17th July 2011 Empty Re: 6CWF Ground Zero Results 17th July 2011

Post by JJJohnson Mon 18 Jul 2011, 12:39 am

The referee shakes his head and the crowd cheer as the cameras show Drake's face.He is a large red mark but no blood.Internecio merely sighs and then drags Drake up and throws him to the outside of the ring.He follows and begins dismantling the steel steps....he hauls the steps onto his shoulders as Drake slowly gets up...

JT:Dont do it.....that'll kill a man.....OH GOD!

BOOM!....The steel steps slam into the ringpost as Drake manages to duck away.He seems shocked as Internecio kicks him in the stomach and slams his head against the ring apron.Drake staggers around and rests against the announce desk....

HE:They are right here in front of us Jeff....

JT:I think it may be time to move....

Internecio seizes Drake around the throat and looks for another chokeslam but Drake fights out with hard rights and lefts.He knees Internecio in the stomach...



Crowd:Holy (beep) x5

HE:He just took out the monster....

The arena is electric as Drake suplexes Internecio through the announce table.Internecio is in a heap as Drake clutches at the ring apron and tries to stand up...

JT:Ive never seen anyone take out the monster like Drake...shades of monday night...

Drake manages to get onto his feet and he stares at Internecio with cold eyes.The crowd are chanting his name as he staggers over and grabs one of the monitors....

HE:They are expensive Drake...

CRACK!....Drake slams the monitor into the face of Internecio three times and then stands up.He orders the referee to check and the referee does...

JT:A cut could easily have opened there...

The crowd boo as the referee shakes his head.Drake spits on the ground and then walks to the ring and slides in,Mr Jones is trying to get up as Drake kneels and stares at him...

JT:No monster to protect Jones now....he is on his own.....SPEAR....SPEAR.....SPEAR!

The crowd cheer as Drake rips through Jones with a huge spear.He stands up and grabs the steel chair as Jones tries to get up through his agony...

HE:I cant watch.....


JT:OH wow!

Jones collapses back to his knees as the chair swings over his head and collides with the referee's skull.Drake looks annoyed and shocked as he kicks Jones in the head...

HE:The referee might be bleeding after that shot...

JT:He took it on the side of the head,but he aint moving,we may need a replacement....

Drake places the chair between the second and third ropes and he grabs Jones and drags him up before whipping him hard into the corner......CRACK!....Jones' head collides with the steel and he staggers back as Drake synches in the Lights Out.Jones struggles for a moment and then collapses onto his knees...

HE:Drake is choking out remorse....

Drake stands up and stares at the unconscious Mr Jones before placing the chair across his head.Drake goes to the corner and climbs up before looking down....


Drake leaps off the top rope and lands a huge legdrop,driving the chair into the skull of Jones.The crowd are cheering as Drake rolls to his feet and the camera zooms in....


The crowd are on their feet as the screen shows the face of Mr Jones,blood is pouring between his eyes as Drake stands over him and smiles.

JT:This match is over....Jones is busted wide open....

HE:But there is no referee...

Internecio is slowly crawling onto the apron and into the ring,behind Drake.The crowd are shouting warnings as Drake tries to revive the referee...

JT:Drake needs to watch himself here....

Drake somehow swivels around and he flapjacks Internecio,head-first,into the exposed turnbuckle before grabbing the chair off the floor.....CRACK!....

JT:Oh god what a shot....

HE:Ahhhhhhhhh I he made the monster bleed...

Blood is visible through the dark hair of Internecio as the crowd cheer.Mr Jones rolls from the ring and lays on the hard flooring...

JT:Drake has made both his opponents bleed....Drake is the winner here....

Drake shakes the referee and the official begins to come around.The crowd are chanting Drake's name...

*Crowd boo

JT:That is shameful...

Mr Jones sneaks back in and he low blows Drake,dropping him to the mat.Jones rolls a baseball bat in barbed wire to Internecio before pulling something from his pocket...

JT:What is have got to be kidding me?

HE:That is genius...

Jones produces two ski masks and places one over his head before handing the second to Internecio,who does the same.The crowd are wild with boos as Internecio stands up,he picks the bat up and beckons for Drake to get up....

JT:This isnt right....referee get them men to remove their balacalavas......OH DAMMIT!

Internecio slams the barbed wire into the face of Drake,causing blood to ooze from his head.The referee staggers around and sees the crimson before calling for the bell...

HE:They did it...

JT:This is disgracefull

"Your Betrayal" screams out and Mr Jones raises his and Internecio's arms in the air.Drake is laying in a pool of blood on the canvass as his opponents leave the ring.

JT:Drake has been robbed here....he took on two men and he beat them,only to be cheated by some very callous tactics....there should be an inquiry...

HE:They outsmarted him Jeff....face it.....they did what was necessary to get the job done....

Jones rips off his ski mask to reveal a blood-soaked face as he and Internecio reach the top of the stage and stare down at a groggy Drake.Internecio removes his mask and wipes away a trickle of blood as they back through the curtain...


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6CWF Ground Zero Results 17th July 2011 Empty Re: 6CWF Ground Zero Results 17th July 2011

Post by JJJohnson Mon 18 Jul 2011, 12:42 am

*The action goes backstage and there is a mixed reaction as Lex Hart is standing with Christy James.Lex is dressed in jeans and shirt and he smiles at the camera.

CJ:Ladies and Gentlemen....please welcome.....Lex Hart!

*Cheers and boos

CJ:Lex obviously your not on the card here tonight but as a 6CW superstar you are here no doubt scouting the opposition.Have you enjoyed it so far?

Hart:I have enjoyed it very much,a lot of great performances from some fantastic athletes.I enjoyed watching 6WF and 6CW go at it,two brands I am very familiar with.Its a shame I am not involved tonight but I am looking forward to getting back into action.

CJ:And where do you start?...Do you have any goals?

Hart:Of course I have goals but I am not getting carried away.I know I need to prove myself,I need to work my way up the ladder and I am full prepared for the hard work ahead of me.My ultimate goal is to be seen as the best in the businss,it may take me a while but I am confident I can achieve that!

*There is sound of applause from behind,Lex turns around and his expression changes as Alex Walker and GazzyD walk into shot.

Walker:He's back....Lex Hart back in 6CW!

Hart:What do you want Walker?

Walker:I dont think that is the way you talk to your boss now is it?....You remember that Lex,because the only reason you are back here in 6CW is because I have allowed it.I have sanctioned your return and for that you should be down on your knees thanking me.

Hart:I think i would rather ram my fist through your face....

*Crowd pop

Walker:Hmmm,well if thats how you feel Lex....then why dont you go ahead and do it.I mean whats stopping you?

*Lex stares from Walker to Gazzy

Walker:Or could it be that your a coward.I know your a waste of oxygen but not even you are stupid enough to get on the wrong side of Genesis...

Hart:Is that some sort of joke?...You think I am afraid of your precious Genesis...of guys like him!

*He points at Gazzy

Gazzy:Why dont you shut your mouth lex,before I do it for you!


*Lex and Gazzy front up but Walker pulls Gazzy back

Gazzy:You'll never be on my level Lex....your a fraud....a joke.You can try and climb that ladder but you wont get off the first rung,because you are a washed up has-been.

Lex:Its nice to finally see you have found a personality Gazzy...but it doesnt suit you.Your a fool if you think Genesis will benefit you,you may be their crown jewel right now but when you lose that belt....probably here tonight in Detroit...

*Crowd pop

Lex:You will be rendered as useless as Triple D was before you....if anyone is a joke Gazzy,its you!

Gazzy:You've got a big mouth Lex....and one day soon it will land you in a whole world of trouble,I promise you!

*Gazzy shoves past Lex and walks away.Walker continues to stare at Lex.

Walker:Toe the line Lex,because one false move from you and you will be signing on for the rest of your life.Enjoy the rest of the show!

*The crowd boo as Walker brushes past Lex and walks away.


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6CWF Ground Zero Results 17th July 2011 Empty Re: 6CWF Ground Zero Results 17th July 2011

Post by JJJohnson Mon 18 Jul 2011, 12:57 am

Match 5
TV Title
Mark Matzko(c) vs Ibrahim Mureson

ding ding

Mike Bird:Ladies and Gentlemen...............the following contest is scheduled for one falll......and it is for the 6CW TV CHAMPIONSHIP!

*Crowd pop

JT:Interesting interaction between Genesis and Lex Hart right there...

HE:I used to like Lex but he's changed....Genesis is what its all about now,as this next match will prove...

JT:Another huge opportunity for Genesis to add more gold to their repetoire...

"Numb" blasts out and the crowd are booing loud as red and green fireworks shoot high into the air and enlighten the entranceway.

Mike Bird:Introducing first............the challenger......................from Senegal,Africa............weighing in at 350 pounds....................Ibraaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhiiiiiimmmmmmmm Muuuuuuurrrrrreeeeeeesssssssssoooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!

Ibrahim Mureson looks as deadly as ever as he walks out onto the stage.He is dressed in black trousers with no top,his biceps and chest bulge with muscle as he walks down the ramp.Suddenly a figure follows him....

JT:As if this wasnt bad enough....this isnt right....

The crowd boo as Kalki Singh follows Mureson down to the ring.He stands on the outside as Mureson climbs in and stands in the centre.

HE:Look at this Jeff,you really think there is a good ending here for Matzko?

JT:I have no idea,no way the champion is at 100% and this is some task on his hands....

The crowd pop as "New Day" roars out and green fireworks shoot up into the air from the cannons set up at the base of the entrance.A red,white and blue flag falls down from the titantron....

Mike Bird:And his opponent......................from Dallas,Texas...............weighing in at 245 pounds....................he is the current,reigning and defending 6CW TV Champion........Maaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrkkkkkkkkkk Maaaaaaaaaaaattttttttttttzzzzzzzzzzkkkkkkkkkoooooooooo!

The TV Champion stands tall on the stage and then begins to walk down the ramp towards the ring.Mureson flexes his arms and cracks his knuckles as Matzko unclasps the belt and climbs onto the apron.

JT:Mark Matzko has been the victim of some brutal attacks in recent weeks from these two way the champion is at full fitness but we know he loves a fight.He wont back down....

HE:And there lies his downfall....look at his opponent Jeff,he is a man feet and 350 pounds....Mureson is walking out here as TV Champion!

Matzko stares up into the face of Mureson as the referee speaks to both men and then calls for the bell.Mureson stares down at Matzko and then pushes him hard in the chest,sending him back against the ropes.Matzko fires back with a few right hands to the body but Mureson swats him away...Matzko runs back in but Mureson uses his momentum to propel him airborne,Matzko flies through the air and then lands on his chest in the centre of the ring....

JT:That is scary,brutal strength,...

Mureson pulls Matzko up and places him against the ropes before landing several hard palm strikes to the chest.He whips Matzko across the ring and floors him with a big boot as he returns.Matzko stumbles back up and Mureson easily lifts him up and nails a big fall away slam..........................1..........................2...........kickout.

HE:He is tossing Matzko around like a rag doll....are you watching this Jeff?

JT:You know I am,Im sat right next to you and right now Ibrahim Mureson is in control...

Mureson hauls Matzko back up and throws him into the corner.He stomps on the midsection of Matzko and then whips him hard to the opposite side.He rushes across for a bodysplash but Matzko dropkicks the knees of his opponent....

JT:An opening perhaps...

HE:Or not!

Matzko quickly rushes off the ropes but is floored by a double fisted club as he returns.Mureson breathes deeply as he stares around at the booing crowd and then stands up.He lets out a big roar and then drags Matzko up,he flips him onto his shoulder before powerbombing him into the turnbuckle...Matzko drops to the mat....

JT:Mureson's strength is unbelievable,its easy to see why Alex Walker uses this man as his bodyguard...

Mureson stomps his feet and then pulls Matzko up and whips him off the ropes,Matzko ducks a shot as he comes back and then rebounds off the ropes...

HE:See that back elbow Jeff,I think Matzko's jaw may have been unhinged...

JT:Everytime Matzko tries to build momentum he is stopped in his tracks...

Matzko struggles up in the corner and Mureson slams into him with a huge clothesline.He pulls Matzko out and lifts him into a suplex position,he holds him there for fifteen seconds...

JT:This is astonishing....all the blood to Matzko's head....

Mureson slams Matzko into the mat....................1..........................2.............kickout.Singh is just pacing the outside as Mureson motions for a body press,the crowd are booing as he waits for Matzko to get up....

HE:What goes up Jeff,must come down....

Mureson body presses Matzko into the air and then slams him down into the canvass.He rushes off the ropes and returns with a big splash but Matzko gets his knees up.The champion quickly scrambles to the ropes and gets up,he climbs up the turnbuckle....

JT:Matzko needs something big.....

Matzko leaps off and connects with a spinning back elbow,Mureson doesnt go down but sways on the spot as Matzko rushes off the ropes and returns with a leaping forearm.Mureson continues to stagger as Matzko goes to the corner again....

HE:All or nothing from here...

Matzko leaps off and eats a huge uppercut..............1...................2.........kickout.Mureson looks thunderous as he gets back up,he roars again and then drags Matzko to his feet,he flips him onto his shoulders....

JT:Could be thinking tombstone here...

Matzko rakes the eyes and drops off before running off the ropes and he comes sprinting back but is countered by a huge AA spinebuster as the crowd boo.Mureson spits and then grabs a groggy Matzko and hoists him onto his shoulders and nails a Shock Treatment(modified backbreaker ala Abyss)...........1.....................2..............shoulder up!

JT:We have seen Mark Matzko stare adversity in the face time and time again,he has rose against it on so many occassions but tonight could be too much of an ask...

HE:Of course it is,its no shame in losing here...Matzko has proven his credentials but there will always be someone better...

Mureson stands and looks down at Matzko before drawing his finger across his throat.He lets Matzko try and find his feet....

JT:Mureson thinking death valley driver here...

HE:New champion!

Matzko swings off the back and manages to counter with a full nelson facebuster.Mureson tries to get up as Matzko runs off the ropes and returns with a big punt to the head...............1...................................2..................powerout.Matzko pummels Mureson and then stands up,he looks for a DDT but Mureson pushes him back into the corner and charges in....

JT:Matzko is moving here and he is causing the big man problems....

Mureson slams into the turnbuckle as Matzko avoids him.Matzko goes up top and leaps off with a bulldog that floors Mureson.The champion gets up as the crowd are cheering....

HE:This cant be....



JT:Got him....

ding ding ding

The referee calls for the bell as Singh drags Matzko from the ring and slams him right through the security railing.The crowd are in shock....

Mike Bird:Ladies and is your winner as a result of a disqualification.....and STILL 6CW TV Champion.............Maaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrkkkkkkkkkkk Maaaaaaaaaaaattttttttzzzzzzzzzkkkkkkkkkooooooooo!

JT:Matzko retains his title but I really think he has a problem here...

Mureson is back on his feet and he shouts for Singh to throw Matzko back into the ring.He does so and Mureson picks Matzko up and levels him with a death valley driver.Singh dislodges the steel steps and throws them into the ring....

HE:Genesis may not have the gold but they have a message to send....

JT:Someone needs to stop this....

Mureson places the steel steps in the middle of the ring as Singh climbs in.They both seize Matzko around the throat and deliver a shocking double chokeslam across the steps!

JT:Matzko's spine could be damaged after that.....what a brutal attack!

HE:Genesis proving dominance once again...

Mureson snatches the TV Title from the referee and throws it across the chest of Matzko before he and Singh leave the ring.The crowd are booing furiously.

JT:Mark Matzko is still the TV Champion but at what cost?

HE:I told you he should have pulled out,he was never going to come out of this match in a good way....

JT:Folks Ground Zero continues to make headlines,and be sure not to go anywhere because we still have much more to come..


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6CWF Ground Zero Results 17th July 2011 Empty Re: 6CWF Ground Zero Results 17th July 2011

Post by JJJohnson Mon 18 Jul 2011, 12:59 am

*A video begins to play

The arena goes dark and the titantron lights up in a white flash and then dark again. A single white light flashes down again and a microphone slowly descends as a hand grabs it tightly and swiftly moves into the light its Mr Kenty. "Ladies and Gentleman, Boys and Girls off all ages if you don't know who I am yet then this is for the benefit of all the incompetent fans in this stadium and all the fans around the world watching this event for I am MRRRR KEEEENNNNTTTTYYYY" the fans in the stadium boo loudly. Kenty then smirks "I hope your all enjoying the show eating your popcorn,burgers all that greasy food you "people" eat when you come to these 6CW events, stuffing your face not even knowing what is going on in that very ring. You "people" come to watch pouring money into this company without barely knowing what happens, but I tell you something this night you will begin to take notice of well the "skill" and some "talent" that these so professed "wrestlers" claim to have, I'm only here to save them from going into the trash". The crowd boo massively "Keep your ticket stubbs because this is the night you pay attention and then tomorrow night on escalation you see the future of this company, business will pick up because I'm MRRRR KEEENNNNTTTYYYY.." the crowd boo hugely. Kenty comes closer to the camera and whispers.."Kenty" throws the microphone still smirking and walks off..the arena goes back to normal with the crowd looking confused and booing loudly.

*VT ends


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6CWF Ground Zero Results 17th July 2011 Empty Re: 6CWF Ground Zero Results 17th July 2011

Post by JJJohnson Mon 18 Jul 2011, 1:00 am

*The action is backstage with Daniel Reilly.The crowd cheer as Reilly stares into the camera.

Reilly:I am a man that in life has made mistakes.I am not afraid to admit that and in most cases I am not ashamed.Mistakes help a boy grow into a man,they are what shapes our path into adulthood and allow us to develop.

But are those who blot out their mistakes,that shirk responsibility and take no remorse from what they have done.They set about trying to ruin the lives of others and they do so with no second thought of the effects their actions may have.

Those people will all come to the clearing,the place where judgement is bestowed upon thee whether you like it or not.The place where you shall admit your sins or face the wrath of the holy.At this very moment Genesis finds itself in the clearing beyond the light....Alex Walker has a very simple choice to make.

He either owns up to his mistakes,or he shall face vengeance itself.Because I do not care how long it takes,I do not care how many members of Genesis have to fall before I get what I want.Alex Walker will pay for what he has done to me.

But do not take my word for it,because tonight a sacrifice is caught in the bracken.A proverbial lamb to the slaughter is Michael Sweetwater and he will become the first victim of my quest.Alex Walker decided how many victims there shall be...

On his head be it!

*Reilly's mouth curves into a smile as the scene returns to ringside.


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6CWF Ground Zero Results 17th July 2011 Empty Re: 6CWF Ground Zero Results 17th July 2011

Post by JJJohnson Mon 18 Jul 2011, 1:03 am

Match 6
Daniel Reilly vs Michael Sweetwater

JT: Ladies and Gentleman welcome back to 6CWF Ground Zero, we are broadcasting live from Ford Field, Detroit! And what a great show we have had so far, but I’m sure there’s plenty more twists and turns to come.

HE: And what a tremendous match we have got lined up next here for you at Ground Zero, as Daniel Reilly squares off against Genesis’ Michael Sweetwater.

JT: Our GM Alex Walker has made Daniel Reilly’s life a misery, he’s trying to fight his way back towards a world title match but Walker continues to block his path with various obstacles, and tonight he looks to one of his henchmen to really hammer home his message.

HE: I don’t think that Walker has thrown obstacles in the way of Reilly, he is the creator of his own downfall Jeff. He is the one who has targeted Genesis, and Walker is just protecting his business interests.

JT: Have you not seen the sort of thing Genesis get up to? Blind-siding Reilly, beating him down when they have the numbers advantage, they will do, and are doing anything they can to make Reilly’s life hell.

“I think bad thoughts” roars out through the speakers, pyrotechnics explode around the top of the stage and then Michael Sweetwater strolls out onto the ramp, the crowd descend into massive boos at the first sign of the Genesis member. He snarls at the fans before striding down the ramp, the crowd hurl abuse at him but he just smiles, sliding into the ring and then posing in the centre of the ring.

JT: Fair to say that these fans agree with my reasoning, not exactly a warm reception for Sweetwater is it?

HE: That’s because neither of you have good taste, or even just the ability to state what is happening in front of you. Reilly asked for this, now he’s receiving it. Is that so wrong?

“Broken Dreams” hits and the crowd in Detroit cheer massively for the arrival of Daniel Reilly. He walks out onto the stage calmly, he nods to the fans who cheer even louder. He then makes his way down the ramp, making an effort to tag as many fans hands as possible. Reilly then steps through the middle rope into the ring, staring across at Sweetwater.

JT: Look at the intensity on the face of Reilly, he can’t wait for that bell to ring and give Sweetwater a beating, to release all of his anger and frustration.

HE: That’s if he gets the chance. Sweetwater is one hell of a competitor; he wouldn’t be a part of Genesis if he wasn’t.


The crowd cheer as the bell rings and the match starts. Reilly quickly moves in for the lock up, Sweetwater takes on the challenge immediately. Sweetwater forces Reilly back towards the corner where he fires in a series of stiff body blows, he then goes for a punch to the head but Reilly blocks and then boots Sweetwater in the gut. The Genesis member falls back slightly and Reilly runs out of the corner, he goes for a clothesline but Sweetwater manages to avoid it, Reilly rebounds back off the ropes only for Sweetwater to hit a clothesline, like Reilly was looking to do moments earlier.

Reilly falls into the canvas, Sweetwater quickly begins to stomp away on the head and face of Reilly until the referee drags him back. Sweetwater shoves the referee aside as soon as he is finished talking, Reilly is on one knee and Sweetwater hits a vicious kick into the ribs. Reilly rolls towards the ropes trying to go to the outside but Sweetwater drags him back by the legs and then stomps down hard on the gut. He then slingshots Reilly throat-first across the bottom rope before moving him away from the ropes to cover.

Ref: 1............2......Kick out!

Reilly gets the shoulder up, but Sweetwater is quickly onto the offensive once more placing Reilly into a sleeper hold, driving a knee into the back for good measure. Reilly stomps his feet on the ground, and the crowd begin to cheer him on as he starts fighting the sleeper hold until he is up to a vertical base. Reilly counters with a jawbreaker and the crowd him loudly as Sweetwater stumbles back into the ropes and Reilly whips him out across the ring and as Sweetwater ricochets back off the ropes towards the middle of the ring, Reilly drills him down with a double a Spinebuster! He bounces off the ropes, hitting a running splash before hooking the leg.

Ref: 1.............2.......Kick out!

Sweetwater thrusts the shoulder up off the canvas, Reilly gets to his feet and stands smiling above Sweetwater, waiting for him to rise. Finally, Sweetwater clambers to his feet and Reilly hits a couple of stiff European Uppercuts that have Sweetwater backed into a corner. Reilly hits a couple of shoulder thrusts into the abdomen before spinning Sweetwater and driving his head into the turnbuckle.

JT: Reilly is firing tonight, all of his anger and frustration at Walker being unloaded on Sweetwater.

HE: Give me a break Jeff, if Sweetwater was doing this you’d be screaming for a disqualification. You’re such a hypocrite, just like Reilly.

Eventually, Reilly relents and then pulls Sweetwater down to the canvas with an edge-o-matic. Reilly gets to his feet and heads up to the top rope. He steadies himself before saluting the crowd, finally launching himself off the top rope and dropping a leg right down across the throat of Sweetwater. Reilly makes the cover.

Ref: 1..............2........Kick out!

Sweetwater kicks out, Reilly has him into a seated rear waistlock.

JT: I’m not sure why Reilly is doing this, his strength is his speed, he should still be going at a high-octane pace instead of slowing it down.

HE: Maybe he just can’t keep going at that sort of speed, maybe he’s already exhausted and that was Sweetwater’s plan, to resist the offence as well as possible knowing that Reilly wouldn’t be able to go on like that!

Finally, the two men get to their feet and Reilly attempts a German Suplex, but Sweetwater blocks and then drives a boot backwards, Reilly keels over and the crowd boo.

JT: They think that was a low blow, and I have to agree with them!

Sweetwater flips the bird at the crowd before bouncing off the ropes and hitting a running bulldog on Daniel Reilly, driving him face first into the canvas. Reilly stumbles up to his feet and spins groggily straight into a pump kick from Sweetwater! He covers.

Ref: 1............2.........Kick out!

Reilly powers out Sweetwater is onto his feet quickly, he drags Reilly onto his feet in a front facelock and then crashes a series of stiff knees up into the face forcing Reilly back towards the ropes. Sweetwater then whips him out across the ring then meeting him with a leaping crossbody! Reilly rolls away into the corner and Sweetwater runs over and hits a boot into the face, he then starts to stomp away on Reilly viciously until the ref drags him backwards. Reilly pulls himself up using the ropes only for Sweetwater to knock him down with a double axe-handle!

Ref: 1..............2............Kick out!

JT: Both men have taken some punishment in this match...

HE: Yes but Sweetwater is powering on, Reilly seems out on his feet.

Reilly is dragged up by Sweetwater, who quickly hits a bulldog. He then stands waiting for Reilly to rise before going for a dropkick but Reilly shoves him away and both men fall to the canvas.


The adrenaline starts to pump and soon Reilly is onto his feet, but he is quickly followed by Sweetwater and the two start to exchange punches.

Reilly Punches: REILLY!
Sweetwater Punhces: BOO!

Soon the only chants that can be heard are Reilly as he gains the advantage in the slugging match taking place in the centre of the ring. Sweetwater is trapped in the corner where the punches continue to reign in on Sweetwater, Reilly then takes a step back only to hit a boot to the head. Sweetwater seems out cold but Reilly doesn’t allow him to fall forward instead placing him on the top rope. Reilly then goes to the top rope himself...

HE: What’s he thinking of here?


Ref: 1...............2................Kick out!

Sweetwater barely kicks out, Reilly looks to the heaves in despair but then gets to his feet, Sweetwater rises and Reilly boots him in the gut before drilling him down to the mat with a powerbomb. He doesn’t cover, instead stomping down on the right leg of Sweetwater...



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Join date : 2011-03-09
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6CWF Ground Zero Results 17th July 2011 Empty Re: 6CWF Ground Zero Results 17th July 2011

Post by JJJohnson Mon 18 Jul 2011, 1:07 am

Reilly has his trademark submission hold synched in on Sweetwater, the Detroit crowd are cheering loudly for Reilly as the sweat pours down his face, such is the pressure he is exerting on the ankle of Sweetwater, who is screaming in agony. Sweetwater clutches at thin air as he desperately tries to grab the ropes, Reilly is twisting away on the ankle as hard as he possibly can.

JT: He’s going to have to tap soon, he’ll break his ankle if he doesn’t!

HE: Sweetwater doesn’t give up, he’s part of Genesis.

JT: Well it looks like he’s about to here, he’s got nothing left in the tank, if not he’ll be going through the rest of the match with a severely injured ankle.

Sweetwater seems to have stopped fighting, Reilly keeps the hold synched in waiting for Sweetwater to tap but the crowd aren’t cheering, they are booing as somehow Sweetwater finds that bit of extra energy and starts fighting back.

JT: No way...


Sweetwater clenches the bottom rope tightly in his hand as Reilly begins to berate the referee, despite having the hold still locked in. Reilly releases just before he can be DQ’D but continues to argue with the ref, who tells him to get on with it. He turns around and lifts up Sweetwater going for his finisher, the RKO...

HE: Shoves him away!

Sweetwater shoves Reilly back, he turns around and Sweetwater hobbles across knocking him down with a big forearm smash. He doesn’t cover, letting Reilly rise before drilling him down with a DDT. He falls into the cover...

Ref: 1.............2...............Kick out!

Both men stay grounded following Reilly’s last gasp kick out, the crowd are cheering Reilly’s name almost in desperation, but Sweetwater is the first man up. He steps gingerly towards Reilly, still struggling to place any pressure on his right ankle. Reilly rises and he is met with a boot to the gut...

HE: Reilly is now a SLEEP WITH THE FISHES!

Ref: 1...................2.........................3.Foot on the rope!


JT: No Henry, foot on the rope! What resilience from Reilly. Outstanding stuff from both competitors I hasten to add.

Sweetwater gets up, he looks down at Reilly with almost begrudging respect before hitting one stomp to the head. He then goes towards the corner, hobbling as he goes. He then steps onto the apron, starting to slowly climb towards the rope...

JT: Why’s he doing? One more Fisherman’s suplex and he’d have it won, this is a big risk especially with the state of his ankle, I wonder what Walker is thinking.



Reilly rolled out of the way, and Sweetwater crashes down to the canvas on his ankle, falling to all fours. Reilly groggily walks over and has Sweetwater in the centre of the ring...

JT: The ankle lock again!

Reilly clenches in the ankle lock for a 2nd time and the crowd inside Ford Field cheer loudly as Sweetwater yells in pain...


HE: There was no way he could survive another ankle lock, damn it!



The crowd cheer Reilly who keeps the hold locked in, exacting some final revenge before releasing as the ref tries to tug him away. Reilly turns towards the crowd and climbs the ropes, saluting all the fans.

JT: What an absolutely tremendous match here folks, both men put it all on the line, and at times it seemed Sweetwater had it won but Reilly pulled through in the end.

HE: Sweetwater will be back, mark my words. He’s given Reilly a stern test, and I’m sure he will be waking up battered and bruised tomorrow morning.


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6CWF Ground Zero Results 17th July 2011 Empty Re: 6CWF Ground Zero Results 17th July 2011

Post by JJJohnson Mon 18 Jul 2011, 1:10 am

*The scene shows outside Detroit as cars drive past the huge Ford Field arena.The crowd then pop as Geoff Steel is standing by with Christy James


*Crowd pop

CJ:We are just moments away from your 6CW Championship match.Your first ever opportunity at fighting for the biggest prize in pro wrestling,how are you feeling?...After last weeks assault on Escalation surely you are not at 100%

Steel:I dont know about that,my ribs are a little bruised but my adrenaline is so pumped that I feel no pain.In fact I feel fantastic,I feel ready to go out there and accomplish my dream.I have waited so long for this opportunity and now all of my hard work is paying off.I get to go out there in front of 80,000 amazing fans here in Detroit...

*Crowd pop

Steel:And compete for the 6CW Title.It does not get any bigger than this and I am so pumped for this chance.I know with my injuries I am considered an underdog but that doesnt faze me.I have been an underdog my whole life and I like to think I have proved a heck of a lot of people wrong over the years.

CJ:What do you make of GazzyD's claims that he will be "going it alone" here tonight?

Steel:It doesnt make one shred of difference to me.I know how Gazzy rolls and I dont believe for one second that Genesis wont have a part to play here tonight.I know the odds are stacked in his favour but I also know that with this crowd behind me,my own hard work and just the tiniest shade of luck here at Ground Zero and I can reach the top of the mountain.Gazzy can try and make all the claims he wants,try to get inside my head but I am more focused that ever before.

I came here to fight and I came here to become 6CW World Champion!

*The crowd pop as Steel nods at Christy and then heads off

CJ:Good luck Geoff!


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6CWF Ground Zero Results 17th July 2011 Empty Re: 6CWF Ground Zero Results 17th July 2011

Post by JJJohnson Mon 18 Jul 2011, 1:14 am

Main Event
6CW Title
GazzyD (c) vs Geoff Steel

ding ding

Mike Bird:Ladies and Gentlemen...............the following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the 6CW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP!

JT:Here we go guys,6CWF Ground Zero has been one hell of an event and its time for the showpiece attraction.Geoff Steel earnt his shot three weeks ago against Mark Matzko.Here tonight he will get his first ever opportunity at becoming world champion.

HE:But in his way is one of the best ever,in my opinion.GazzyD has been champion since Night of Glory,he has beaten all comers,he is the leader of the most dominant faction in wrestling today.Nobody matches up to him...

JT:You could be right,tonight we will find out.GazzyD has vowed to go it alone here,no help from Genesis, so perhaps we are in for a classic.

The whole arena waits and then the cheers are unbelievable as "Last Resort" roars through the airwaves.Jets upon jets of red and white fireworks shoot up into the air and the crowd is rocking as the curtain opens...

Mike Bird:Introducing first.............the challenger..............from Sheffield,England.............weighing in at 259 pounds..........Geeeeeeeeeooooooooooooooffffffffffffff Sttttttttteeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllll!

JT:Ford Field is in motion for the arrival of the challenger to the 6CW Title.Geoff Steel is a hero from these shores all the way back to his beloved England.This man has heart and determination in the masses,he is a great athlete and finally he has his chance at the big time...will tonight be the night that Geoff Steel realises a dream!

HE:I admit that Steel is one heck of a competitor,he is a class act but I just dont think he makes the cut.Do you really see him in the same bracket as GazzyD,Diesel,Cobra,Median...

JT:I think it is a realistic possibility,Geoff Steel has the skills necessary to go all the way....all of the fans in Detroit seem to think so aswell.

Steel tags hands with the fans as he walks down the monumental ramp and then climbs into the ring.He looks awestruck by the crowds reception and he applauds them back as he stares around at the packed out Ford Field.

HE:This is the biggest crowd in 6CW history on one of the biggest nights we have ever had....its only fitting that we end it with a match of this magnitude...

Steel walks around the ring and then turns to face the stage.The lights in the arena dim and an image appears on the screen.A heart pulses,its speed increases and then it explodes with the sound of broken glass."Hell Yeah" roars from the speakers as green pyros erupt into the air and the crowd begins to boo.

Mike Bird:And his opponent.................from Manchester,England..............weighing in at 221 pounds......he is the current,reigning and defending 6CW World Champion.............Gaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzyyyyyyyyyyyy DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!

The boos are huge as Gazzy erupts onto the stage through a jet of smoke.He cockily holds his arms in the air and then strokes the 6CW Title around his waist.He trash talks the fans as he walks down the rampway towards the ring.

JT:No doubt in anyones mind that that man right there is one of the greats.He won that championship in a fatal fourway match at Night of Glory,he defeated Daniel Reilly,Lex Hart and Perfect Jack on one night.He has since proven himself as the best in the business....whether you like the way he does business or not,GazzyD is number one with a bullet!

HE:Finally you give him some recognition.GazzyD is the best in the world,better than anyone in any other promotion period.He is a skilled technician with amazing ability all round,that is why he is the 6CW Champion and the leader of Genesis.

Gazzy climbs onto the apron,he yells for the referee to keep Steel away as he climbs into the ring.He unclasps his championship belt and holds it aloft as the crowd....Steel eyes his foe and then looks up at the belt...

JT:Geoff Steel has dreamed about this moment his whole life,the chance to be called a world champion and now he has the opportunity.The challenger may be hurting after that brutal assault last week on Escalation,his ribs may be hurting but pure adrenaline will pull him through this one...

HE:Maybe it will,but GazzyD is a master technician.He knows Steel is in a weakened state,he masterminded that last week and he knows that the ribs are the dangerzone.

JT:This match is one fall to a finish.....all for the richest prize in the game.Only one can leave as the 6CW Champion,but who will it be?

The bell sounds and the crowd cheer as both men circle and then lockup in the centre of the ring.Steel shoves Gazzy back against the ropes and the referee has to break them apart.Gazzy points at Steel and trash talks them before they lockup again,Steel once again forces Gazzy back into the corner and the referee is forced to intervene...

HE:Steel needs to keep off the ropes,he is flouting the rules...

JT:He's not doing anything,its Gazzy that keeps backing off...

They stare at one another and then look for another lockup,Gazzy kicks Steel in the stomach and cracks him with right hands before whipping Steel off the ropes.Steel comes back and Gazzy leaps over Steel before armdragging him on the comeback...they both get back up and Gazzy looks for a roundhouse kick but its ducked and Steel counters with a belly to belly suplex...........1...............2...........shoulder up.

HE:This is going to be close throughout I feel....I think Gazzy will be victorious but these guys are evenly matched...

JT:I cant believe you have changed your tune already....

They get up and Steel slams his knee into the midsection of Gazzy and then whips him to the corner.He rushes in but Gazzy gets his feet up and kicks him back,the champion highers himself onto the second rope and then leaps off with a flying headscissors takedown....Steel staggers back up and Gazzy takes him out with a running enzeguiri............1..................2.......shoulder up.

Gazzy shouts at the referee and then drags Steel up,he looks for a suplex but Steel floats over the back and attempts a full nelson slam.Gazzy counters with a wheelbarrow bulldog....he is up and runs off the ropes before cartwheeling into a standing moonsault.............1...............2...........kickout.

HE:This is where the class will show through Jeff,Gazzy knows what its like to be in these positions time and time again...

Gazzy climbs onto the apron and up onto the top rope,he watches Steel trying to get up and then soars through the air...Steel moves away and Gazzy is forced to jump over his head and then run off the ropes,he returns and leaps at Steel with a crossbody...

JT:That is amazing strength.....big time fall away slam!

1...............................2.................Gazzy kicks out.Steel drags his foe up by the head and flips him up for a powerbomb but its countered into a hurricanrana as the crowd boo.They get back up and Gazzy stomps on the stomach of Steel...


Steel swivels from the predicament and scoops Gazzy up into a backbreaker.Steel stumbles to the corner and climbs up the ropes,he stares around at the flashbulbs going off...

JT:Not a place that Geoff Steel finds himself in very often....flying headbutt!

Steel flies through the air but Gazzy gets his knees up and slams them into the head of his high-flying opponent.Steel is in alot of pain as Gazzy runs into the corner,he leaps up and springboards onto the middle ropes before flying back with a missile dropkick...Gazzy rushes into the corner and grabs the ropes....


Gazzy nails the split legged moonsault and covers............1........................2....................foot on the ropes.

JT:A whisker away...

Gazzy holds his head in his hands as the referee tells him it was a two count.He gets back up and pulls Steel towards him...

HE:Oh no...

The crowd cheer as Steel swipes Gazzy's legs and looks for the Steel Works (Liontamer) but Gazzy manages to kick him back into the corner.The champion gets back up and runs in with a big shining wizard...he grips Steel by the head and runs him forwards for a bulldog...

JT:Brilliant counter from Steel...

Steel stops short and counters with a back suplex............1..........2..........kickout.They get back up and Steel grabs Gazzy's head and headbutts him back into the corner before running in with a huge shoulder thrust.He lifts the champion up top and then climbs up after him....

JT:What a superplex...

The ring shakes as Steel lands the huge suplex from the top rope and he crawls across and covers......................1........................................2...........................kickout.The crowd gasp as Gazzy gets his shoulder up...

HE:I thought it was over there...

Steel gets himself up and beats his chest and riles the crowd up,they chant his name as he kneels in the corner and beckons for Gazzy to get up...

JT:We all know what comes now....SPEAR!

Gazzy leapfrogs at the last minute and Steel goes flying through the ropes to the outside of the ring.The champion slowly clambers to his feet and he stares around and spots Steel on the outside....

HE:What else do these men have in the tank....OH YES!

JT:Not even the crowd can deny how good that was...

Crowd:That was awe-some x5


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6CWF Ground Zero Results 17th July 2011 Empty Re: 6CWF Ground Zero Results 17th July 2011

Post by JJJohnson Mon 18 Jul 2011, 1:19 am

Gazzy runs across,leaps onto the top rope and then corkscrews into a torpedo takedown on Steel on the outside.Both men slowly try to get up...

JT:GazzyD laying it all on the line there....its all about being the 6CW Champion.....what a match!

Gazzy grabs the security railing and leaps onto it before backflipping into a moonsault takedown as the crowd applaud.He staggers back against the apron and tries to catch his breath...

HE:This has been a great night of action and the main event is really living up to the hype...

Gazzy grabs Steel and rolls him into the ring.He trash talks the fans and then climbs onto the apron,Steel approches and grabs Gazzy by the hair but the champion counters with a brilliant pele kick that floors Steel.The champion grips the ropes and leaps into a springboard....



HE:I really thought that was close can you be?

Gazzy shakes his head as he staggers up,he looks at Steel and then ushers him to get up.Steel is holding his ribcage as he gets up...

JT:Steel's previous injuries may be catching up on him here....

Gazzy kicks Steel in the ribs and then lifts him in a suplex position before swivelling him around back and nailing a stunner(ala R-Truth).....Steel is flat out as Gazzy goes to the corner again and climbs up....

HE:Any move from up there is going to damage the ribs of Steel....FROGSPLASH!

Gazzy connects with the high flying move and then crawls to the corner..............1...........................2.................shoulder up.Steel is in alot of pain as the referee talks to him...

JT:No way is Geoff Steel is going to throw in the towel.....this is the biggest opportunity of his life and he will not quit...

HE:But show some respect here Jeff,Gazzy said he would do it alone and he is doing...

Steel struggles to his feet and Gazzy nails him with a gutbuster.He runs across and spings into an asai moonsault....

JT:Steel got the knees up....he needs this chance....

Gazzy rolls in pain as Steel manages to get knees up.The whole crowd is on their feet as Steel tries to get up,Gazzy is rolling back onto his feet....




GazzyD just manages to kick out before the referee's hand hits the mat for the three count.Steel looks groggy as he crawls to the corner and tries to pull himself up...

JT:You can see the look on these men's faces....this is about being recognised as the best in the business...

Steel wipes sweat from his brow and then walks back and grabs Gazzy by the head,he pulls him into position...

HE:Please Gazzy....


Gazzy spins from the piledriver and kicks Steel in the stomach before looking for a DDT but Steel lifts him into a release spinebuster and grabs his legs....


80,000 fans are on their feet and going wild as Steel manages to synch in the liontamer.He bends the back of GazzyD at an excruciating angle,the champion screams in pain and desperately tries to crawl to the ropes....

HE:Hold on Gazzy....

JT:The championship is in the balance....will GazzyD tap out?

Gazzy's face is purple in pain and he tries in vain to get to the ropes.He closes in and reaches out....

HE:He got there....


The whole arena erupts as Steel drags Gazzy back to the centre of the ring and drills his knees right into the back of Gazzy for added pressure.The referee is asking does Gazzy want to give him up,he is shaking his head but his hand nears the mat....

JT:July 17th 2011....Geoff Steel is on the brink....

Gazzy makes one last attempt at the ropes but he misses and slumps back to the mat as Steel cranks up the pressure...

HE:He's gonna tap....I cant watch!

JT:This is it....

The crowd all wait with bated breath as somehow GazzyD reaches out and grabs the ropes to break the submission.Steel collapses on his knees from the effort...

HE:I cant believe he made the ropes....

JT:I dont think anyone in the arena have to tip your hat for that!

Steel looks shocked as he stares down at GazzyD,writhing in pain.Steel looks around at the fans chanting his name...

JT:This is your chance kid...BLADE CUTTER!

Gazzy drops from the piledriver and pushes Steel back into the corner.Steel almost takes out the referee but just manages to stop himself...he comes back out and Gazzy leaps up and nails a spinning heel kick....

HE:Cmon Gazzy....

Gazzy stumbles to the corner and leaps up top.The arena watches on as he stares down at Steel....

JT:Senton Bomb!

The cheers are huge as Steel moves out of the way and Gazzy slams into the mat.Steel clutches his ribs as he makes it back to his feet....

HE:What a match this has been....



*Crowd pop


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6CWF Ground Zero Results 17th July 2011 Empty Re: 6CWF Ground Zero Results 17th July 2011

Post by JJJohnson Mon 18 Jul 2011, 1:25 am


JT:We have a new champion....

The crowd are on their feet ready to start cheering as Jackson Black and Michael Sweetwater run down the stage.The boos are huge as they stand in the aisleway...

JT:Gazzy said Genesis wouldnt be involved in this match....

HE:They're not....

JT:Their distracting the damn referee....

Jackson Black is on the apron arguing with the referee.Geoff Steel looks up and spots what is happening....

JT:Geoff Steel looks ready to snap....

The boos are catastrophic as a hooded man jumps the railing and slides into the ring.He swivels Steel around and nails him with a side effect neckbreaker...

JT:Who the hell was that....Genesis make me sick!

HE:What makes you think that was a member of Genesis....

Jackson Black and Sweetwater look a little shocked but they drop from the apron as the hooded man retreats through the crowd.GazzyD slowly crawls up and grabs the groggy Steel...

JT:This is a disgrace....and there is Deep Impact....that is it....



The arena pops as Steel kicks out,Gazzy looks on the verge of tears and Black/Sweetwater sigh with shock.A huge "Only One Geoff Steel" chant sounds out...

HE:Get him again Gazzy....

Gazzy looks almost unconscious as he shakes with uncontrollable anger.He tries to stand up but slips,he stares at Geoff Steel as though mesmerised...

JT:Geoff Steel said he was coming to fight but I dont think anyone expected this...even after that mysterious blindside....

HE:Another Deep Impact on the cards....

Gazzy drags Steel up,he looks around at the cheering crowd and then delivers an almight deep impact in the centre of the ring,he rolls Steel over and hooks both legs....

JT:Cmon kid...

JT:Kickout Geoff....



ding ding ding

Mike Bird:Ladies and is your winner..........and STILL 6CW WORLD CHAMPION.....Gaaaaaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzzzzzzyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!

"Hell Yeah" roars out as Gazzy slumps to his knees in the ring and is declared the winner.The referee raises his arm in victory and then Gazzy snatches the belt and is pulled from the ring by Black and Sweetwater.They lift the champion onto their shoulders and parade him up the stage as the crowd go wild with boos...

JT:It was one heck of a match....a priviledge to watch.It was back and forth,both men put on a clinic....but Steel was on the verge of winning,he had the match won....Genesis have screwed him from his dream...

HE:You keep saying it was Genesis....but nobody knows who the hooded man was...

JT:Im not talking about that,that is something different entirely....Steel had the three count,no way was Gazzy kicking out but Jackson Black distracted the referee....we were told Genesis wouldnt be involved but that was yet another damn lie....

HE:Keep your hair on Jeff.....what happened just happened....GazzyD is still the 6CW Champion and that is all that matters.

JT:Maybe so,but I dont like it.Geoff Steel had his dream stripped from him here tonight and its a damn shame....I'll admit though this has been one hell of a night.The first ever 6CWF event produced by 6CW has been a barnstormer....thankyou for joining us for Ground Zero folks and be sure to tune in next week for all the fallout on Escalation....goodnight!

HE:Night all!

The show ends with Gazzy being welcomed into Genesis' fold on the top of the ramp.Alex Walker,Ibrahim Mureson,Kalki Singh,Michael Sweetwater and Jackson Black all lift the champion into the air as they stare down at a crestfallen Geoff Steel.


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