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6CW Aftermath Results Friday 17th July

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6CW Aftermath Results Friday 17th July Empty 6CW Aftermath Results Friday 17th July

Post by JJJohnson Fri 17 Jul 2015, 11:15 pm

*The 6CW logo appears on the blank screen, as “Here Come’s the Boom” by P.O.D kicks in. The crowd leaps to their feet, and erupt in a chorus of noise as blue, white, and yellow pyrotechnics display goes off. As the camera pans around the sold out 6CW arena across the thousands in attendance the voice of Harold Lloyd can be heard

HA: Good evening ladies and gentleman and welcome once again to the sold out Wembley arena...I am Harold Lloyd and as ever I am joined by my brother Henry

*Henry nods to camera

HA: The wrestling world is still in a state of shock after Night of Glory. We saw a wrestling legend retire on a stretcher, new champions were crowned and an era of darkness began in 6CW...Who knows what we have in store this evening but one thing is for sure, my brother and I will be here every step of the way...This is 6CW


(After the opening credits we are back at ringside)

Ha: I can't wait to get the action underway this evening, I'm still on such a high from Night of Glory.

He: I won't often agree with you, but have to here. It might have been one of the finest wrestling shows I've ever had the privilege of being involved with....WHAT AN OVATION!!

(The crowd jump to their feet as 'Limelight' blasts out of the speakers and Gazzy makes his way out to the stage hand in hand with Christy. He takes a look around the fans and soaks in the atmosphere before making his way down to the ring tagging the hands of the fans)

Ha: We weren't expecting to see Gazzy here tonight, what a pleasant surprise this is

He: The former champion in good spirits, he put up a huge fight against the monster Joshua, and on another night could easily have been walking out still the champion

Ha: He should still be the champ, it was a damn mugging. I think Gazzy will be out here tonight to stake his claim at his rematch

(Gazzy grabs a mic from ringside and then cups his ears to the crowd as the noise increases before eventually asking for calm)

g: You know what, you guys truly are the best fans of any wrestling promotion around the world. You flood here in your thousands, you buy our merchandise and chant our names and that is why not just me, but every man back stage comes out here and puts on a show like we witnessed at Night of Glory

(A huge pop and "6CDub" chant breaks out around the crowd as Gazzy soaks up the atmosphere)

g: I mean what a night it was. We had highs and we had lows, and that's what makes 6CW great. It was a heck of a rollercoaster for me as well. I got engaged to the woman I love minutes before I walked out to a sold out Wembley crowd and I stole the show. I took the fight to the Puppet Master and I felt 100ft tall, I truly was a king upon men.

But as this business has proved on countless occasions, when you're at the top, there's always somebody looking to bring you crashing back down to Earth. Well in this occasion make that three people. I have no idea why The Forgotten targeted me, or why they are helping Joshua, what I do know is that beat down they gave me bloody hurt.

There's a lot of people at home who won't give wrestling the time of day because they believe its 'fake', believe me there is nothing fake about what we do. There are countless people who have walked through this company who can vouch for that, hell when I was a kid I remember locking my brother in a sharpshooter because I seen Bret Hart do it on the TV, FYI my brother thought that was pretty painful. But the pain and the knocks and the concussions they add up.

Some of you older fans may remember a few years back I won the title at Night of Glory III. Unfortunately what should have been the best night of my career turned into the beginning of a horrible downward spiral for me. Anybody remember Genesis?

(There are deafening boos that circle around the crowd)

g: It wasn't the best decision I ever made, but in an effort to keep hold of my title I sold my soul to the devil, and one of the most dominant stables was created. Obviously I went on to lose the title to Geoff Steel and I eventually saw the light and walked away from Genesis, only to be thrown from that stage down to the concrete floor. My back was bust pretty bad and at the time I thought I would never wrestle ever again.

But I had to come back. I had to have another crack at being the World Champion, doing it properly this time, for each and every one of you. I didn't care at what cost. I owed it to you all, to be the champion you all deserved, not some corporate sell out like I turned to in Genesis.

And that's what I did. I didn't care how many times I was knocked down or bust open. I didn't care about what bumps I took. I didn't care about the pain, because to me it was all worthwhile so long as I could hear a 6000 strong Copper Box crowd cheering my name every time I walked out from behind that screen, so long as I could see the smiles that I put on every single one of your faces as I pulled out all the stops. Despite what any of the doctors told me I had no intentions of stopping and I'd passed all the tests so they couldn't stop me from competing

(Gazzy is struggling to get his next words out and has to compose himself before he continues to speak)

g: After Night of Glory, I......I had to go to the doctor again. I was eager to get signed off so I could cash in my rematch against Joshua. The doctor wasn't happy to sign me off without going for more tests, so I went, and thankfully I did.....because the MRI showed that I have to retire

(There is a stunned silence around the arena that is quickly replaced by cries of no from parts of the crowd, Gazzy is really struggling to continue)

g: Believe me its not my choice, I've been told that I have no other choice, and thankfully they found this now, so at least I'm not going to end up stuck in a wheelchair or a hospital bed the rest of my life. Right now, with so much to look forward to, getting married to this beautiful princess and starting our own family, I just can't risk it, no matter how much I would love to put on one last show for you guys

(Gazzy begins to well up in the middle of the ring as a rapturous applause breaks out followed by a "THANK YOU GAZZY" chant)

g: No, thank you guys!

(Gazzy drops to his knees and does the we're not worthy bow to all sides of the crowd before regaining his feet)

g: It sounds cliché, but all my life all I ever wanted to do was wrestle. I remember me and my cousin climbing in the ring and fighting at the intermission of an amateur show at our local town hall. Then the pinnacle, sat in the front row as British Bulldog left Wembley Stadium as a champion. If somebody told me back then that not only would I go on to make it in this business, but that I'd be a two time world champion and be part of one of the most successful tag teams ever, and that my last match ever would have been headlining Night of Glory defending the 6CW title.........I would have snapped your hands off, even as that 8 year old

I started my career here as a 24 year old, and I've had 6 brilliant, unforgettable years performing for you. Whether that would be as part of the three times tag champions, climbing the mountain on my own, or leading a war against The Authority I'm going to remember every minute of it, and although I would love to be able to thank every single person I know time is

tight and we only have a 90 minute TV slot so I'm not going to stand here listing names. You all know who you are, but there is one person who I feel the need to publicly thank, and it may surprise you all. That person is......


(the name is met with a mixed reaction from the fans)

g: You gotta hear me out. Granted some of you newer fans will likely only know about what happened since 6CW reopened. But we were good friends once, and before I go I want to settle this by saying lets let bygones be bygones and whats happened has happened. The fact is that Max brought out the very best in GazzyD, and while it was a privilege to call Max a friend, it was an honour to call him a rival and go toe to toe in some of the greatest matches 6CW has, and ever will see

Ha: I'm not going to disagree there

(Gazzy holds his hands up for calm from the crowd again)

g: and Max, you know more than anybody how much this company means to me. When the chips were down and 6CW needed somebody to fight the good fight, then I was the first to jump in. You know first hand from when I fought beside heroes to defeat you and The Authority and it pains me to know that I am not going to be around to take the fight to the enemy once again.

This time its not Genesis, its not The Authority, its these three chumps walking around with wolf masks on, they're calling themselves The Forgotten and to be honest I think its about time that they were forgotten about. Which is why I'm going to be looking to not just you, but the other men on the roster, guys who if you cut will bleed the colours of 6CW to defend the company we all love against the disease that is The Forgotten and Joshua. Don't let what we have all helped create fall into the darkness, take the fight to the enemy, win the day and save 6CW

I'm proud to have fought for what this company stands for, I'm proud to have fought side by side against some of the greatest names in this industry and I'm proud to have shown you don't have to be the biggest or the strongest to be the best. All it takes is hard work, belief and this *he points to were his heart would be* to be the best. I've overcome odds time after time after time and have proven that anything is possible, as our resident A Lister would say, believe to achieve. For the past 6 years you've seen what is possible, and like I've always said SEEING.......

crowd:.......IS BELIEVING!!!

(Gazzy holds back the tears as Christy hugs him and then they kiss in the middle of the ring. He applauds all sides of the crowd as a huge gazzy chant erupts)


Ha: I can't believe it, I'm speechless

He: I can't deny, Gazzy is a modern day legend. He lived for this company, I can't imagine what pain he is thinking right now, all i can say is thank you Gazzy.....thank you

(both commentators as well as the capacity crowd get to their feet and clap Gazzy as he holds back the tears in the ring)


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Age : 33

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6CW Aftermath Results Friday 17th July Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath Results Friday 17th July

Post by JJJohnson Fri 17 Jul 2015, 11:18 pm

*Timothy Allen is backstage on his mobile phone whilst the camera and lighting crew put the finishing touches to his interview area

TA: Well, I better be getting her wage too then? I'm not?! I swear to god, Bob, you don't do anything! I've not had a booking outside of this place for 2 years! I'm talking to Kramer; he'll represent me like a real pro

*Muffled reply

TA: Well I would be a star if you pulled your finger out!

*Allen hangs up abruptly and turns to see Blade is standing next to him

TA: So, back again huh?

*Allen nods to the cameras to start rolling

B: Yeah, what of it?

TA: Sticking around now?

B: You are gonna need to start watching your tone, fella. Yeah, I went away. I had a look at a lot of avenues for Blade. Some I liked. Some I didn't. But you always get dragged back home, don't you? And as much as things change, they don't half stay the same too. A leadership in disarray, brutal figures hunting in packs, monsters with titles, cheats with the belts and Liam Wood caught up in his own mind; in many ways it’s like I never left.

TA: And tonight your return begins again...with a match against Majestic

B: The fella is very brash and looks like he wants to make a name for himself in whatever way possible. I'll be expecting any dirty trick he can manage cos the guy doesn't walk alone. But make no mistake; I'm not some stepping stone for him to go over on his climb. We're starting at the same path here, and Blade has all the tools in his locker to get right back up to the top again.

*Blade turns to Allen

B: And I'll wave down at you once I get there, Allen.

*With that he leaves and Allen gestures to cut as the scene fades.


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Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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6CW Aftermath Results Friday 17th July Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath Results Friday 17th July

Post by JJJohnson Fri 17 Jul 2015, 11:20 pm

(Dean Andrews is sat in his office when Charles Kramer enters the room)

CK: Good to see you've stayed with a more sedated décor in here, the street graffiti look you were going for at Night of Glory wasn't really my cup of tea

(Andrews shakes his head)

DA: Good to see you're finding this amusing

CK: How else should I react?

DA: Worry, general concern?

CK: Why would we be worried, what has changed?

DA: They know!!

CK: What do they know?

(Kramer puts out his hands)

CK:That you are easily spooked, they are trying to scare you, make you admit to something you haven't done. You are free of any guilt here Dean. What happened, those two dreadful incidents were horrific accidents, nobody is to blame. You hear me?...You have to believe that Dean. That is how we move forward, that is how this company moves to where it needs to be...You are the best thing that ever happened to 6CW...Are you hearing these words, are you listening to me?

(Dean is staring forward)

CK: Dean???

(Andrews nods)

CK: You understand what needs to be done?...You know the plan, you get what you have to do?...There is no going back now….You have come so far

(Andrews nods and stands from his desk)

DA: You're right, you're always right. I'm fine, we are fine...We move forward


Posts : 9887
Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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6CW Aftermath Results Friday 17th July Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath Results Friday 17th July

Post by JJJohnson Fri 17 Jul 2015, 11:21 pm

Match 1
Blade vs Majestic

We head ringside for our first match as we are joined by Harold and Henry Lloyd, both brothers look excited as we kick off the action for the first time since Night Of Glory.

HA: 6CW is back and what a way to start it!

The fans cheers break out like crazy as I Do What I Want by Fear blasts through the speakers and 6CW returnee Blade bursts out on to the stage

HA: It's been a while since we've heard that music but it looks like Blade hasn't been away!

HE: THIS is why you're excited!? You get to see 6CW's hottest superstar in action after his debut win and you're excited about Blade?!

HA: Blade is a legend to these fans...who wouldn't be excited!? Majestic has a lot of potential but you have to admit that this would be a big win for him!

The cheers continue as Blade poses causing a procession of fireworks to blast all around the stage. As Blade walks to the ring he taps hands with the fans and rolls under the bottom rope with a huge smile on his face.


Blade's smile gets even bigger as This Is Why I'm Hot by Mims fills the air, the fans reaction changes quickly and they begin to rain down abuse at the stage.

HE: Now this is who I'm excited to see! I can see Majestic going 2-0 here tonight!

HA: It's possible, he's shown some real potential but I just hope that he shows us that he can do it alone here tonight...he may be undefeated after his first match at Night Of Glory but I can't agree with how he did it!

HE: A wins a win with it!

The boos get louder as smoke fills the stage before Majestic flanked by Young Jeezy and K-Bone walks out. All three men pose with their arms high in the air as flames rise up from behind them. As the Crew make their way to the ringside area they pause once again, taking the time to trash talk those at the ringside area

HA: Right here we go...after 16 days 6CW is back to business!

HE: Majestic has other ideas...he's making these fans wait for him! Amazing!

As Blade remains in the ring still soaking in the attention from the fans Majestic remains outside with Young Jeezy and K-Bone, as this continues the fans quickly grow restless and begin to reign down abuse.

HA: The fans want to see some action...what is Majestic doing?

HE: He's talking tactics...this man is a master strategist and will ensure he continues his winning ways here tonight!

HA: Well it looks like Blade is ready and is starting without Majestic or the Crew!


The fans go crazy as Blade, having seen enough planning climbs to the top rope before launching towards The Crew with a huge splash that takes down all three members, Blade quickly hoists Majestic to his feet and rolls him in to the ring allowing the match to get underway

*Ding Ding*

An even bigger cheer builds from the crowd as Blade quickly meets a stand Majestic with a stiff set of left jabs before taking him off his feet with a big european uppercut. Blade doesn't stop there though, picking Majestic back up and throwing him across the ring in to the ropes, on Majestic's return he is turned inside out with a big knee to the gut that lands him on the ground.

HA: Blade hasn't lost a step since the last time we saw him and the fans have welcomed him back with open arms!

HE: It's ridiculous...these fans are going off nothing more than nostalgia and that can only get you so far!

HE: Well the Crew will want to forget that soon enough!

The fans cheers somehow get louder as Blade cockily picks Majestic up in to a gorilla press before throwing him over the top rope and back down on to K-Bone and Young Jeezy once again taking the Crew out. Blade stays in the ring posing for the fans before beckoning Majestic to get back in the ring.

HE: Blade is getting arrogant, he thinks that before these fans are behind him he's unstoppable!

HA: Right now he's looking the part!

As Majestic once again waits on the outside Blade wastes no time charging at the ropes before hitting a big baseball slide that crashes K-Bone in to and over the guard rail, Blade goes for the groggy Majestic but Young Jeezy blocks his path causing Blade to mock Jeezy as the two begin to exchange harsh words

HE: What was that you were saying about Blade being unstoppable!?

As Blade, distracted by Jeezy continues to trash talk the fans groan as Majestic comes flying out of nowhere hitting a big suicide dive sending both men crashing in to the guard rail. Young Jeezy quickly helps Majestic up and back in to the ring as the ref counts

REF: ….3........4..........5.................6...................

Majestic begins to pose in the ring as Blade slowly crawls along the floor, the shoulder first collision with the guard rail really showing it's effects.


HA: Blade breaks the count!

A massive cheer breaks out as Blade somehow gets back in to the ring as the ref is about to end the match only for Majestic to quickly make the cover


HA: There's still fight left in Blade! There is no way he's going down without a fight!

HE: Sadly for Blade this is one he just cannot win!

Majestic quickly pulls Blade up to a kneeling position before landing CM Punk style elbow blows to the shoulder before landing a viscous stinging kick to the underside of Blade's arm that causes Blade to show real signs of pain.

HE: This is smart from Majestic, Blade took a big bump against the guard rail and now Majestic is slowly picking it apart

HA: It's a solid tactic, without that shoulder at 100% a lot of Blade's offence could be useless!

Majestic quickly pulls Blade to his feet before twisting his arm around and dragging him to the corner, Majestic then bends his arm around the top rope getting it caught leaving Blade defenceless. The ref begins to warn Majestic who backs off before running back in with a high knee once again to the shoulder of Blade causing him to shout out in pain. The ref quickly moves Majestic back but as he does K-Bone quickly gets to the apron and lands a massive running boot to the same shoulder before getting to the floor and acting innocent

HA: This is a disgrace! Ring the damn bell!

HE: K-Bone was just getting Blade back for sending him crashing in to the guard rail!

HA: He's not a part of this match!

HE: Blade MADE him a part of it when he attacked him!

The ref finally gets Blade untangled from the corner and moves as Blade remains near the turnbuckle, as he turns back to the ring Majestic charges forward but Blade is able to duck out of the way sending Majestic crashing in to turnbuckle and stumbling back in to the middle of the ring. As Majestic turns he is met by punches by Blade with his weaker arm

HA: Blade is making a come back but his good arm is all but out of the game!

HE: Comeback over!

As Blade looks for another jab Majestic is able to duck before grabbing the hurt arm of Blade and flipping him over with an arm drag, as the pair land Majestic is quickly in control looking to end things

HE: CROSSFACE! Majestic has this one!

HA: Not so quick! Blade is a veteran! Rope break!

The crowd cheers for Blade's expert ring knowledge are quickly turned to boo's as Majestic begins to ignore the referee's orders to break the hold, the boo's get louder as the ref counts

REF: ...ONE...TWO...

HA: Oh my god! With every second that hold is just putting extreme pressure on the shoulder of Blade!


HA: Majestic finally breaks the hold!

HE: He did nothing wrong! Majestic had till five!

Majestic quickly breaks the hold before the five and pulls Blade up charging him across the ring and throwing him shoulder first through the turnbuckle pads and in to the ring post, Blade slumps on the second rope, holding his shoulder but Majestic gives him no rest pulling him back and hitting a big belly to back suplex making sure the 6CW veteran comes crashing down on the shoulder

HE: This is a master class on how to target a body part! If Majestic is able to lock in another crossface then this one will be over!

HA: It looks like he has the same plan Henry!

Blade slowly pushes himself up from the ground and reaches his feet in the middle of the ring as Majestic stalks him with a sick smile across his face, Majestic quickly charges looking for a bulldog but Blade ducks the attempt sending Majestic crashing to a seated position on the ground with Blade quickly reacting with a big running knee to the back of Majestic's head making the cover straight away

…...TWO- NO!

HE: Majestic is tougher than that! Blade is going to have to push him MUCH further

HA: I think he plans to brother!

Blade uses his weaker arm to pull Majestic back up whipping him off the ropes and hitting an expert drop kick on Majestic's return. Blade wastes no time hitting a huge jumping leg drop and making another cover


HA: Blade is getting closer and looks to be fighting through the pain of that shoulder bump!

HE: I hate to admit it but Blade is building up a head of steam

HA: and just listen to those fans!


Blade takes a second to acknowledge the fans before pulling Majestic up and ducking a desperation haymaker by Majestic. Majestic then looks for a clothesline but Blade ducks that as well before hitting a neckbreaker rolling back over to a mounted position and hitting hard ground and pound. As Blade his with his hurt arm he shows off the pain it causes before landing a headbutt to Majestic and covering once again

HA: This could be it!


As Blade goes for the cover Majestic acts quickly rolling him in to an armbar style submission with Blade still on his feet. The crowd will Blade not to tap but the pain begins to get too much

HA: Despite this move focusing on the elbow joint you just have to know that the shoulder of Blade must be in complete agony


HA: Don't speak too soon Henry! POWERBOMB FROM BLADE! He can't make the cover though!

The fans are amazed as the replay show Blade using all his power to lift Majestic up from the armbar style submission before hitting his trademark powerbomb that causes Majestic to roll across the ring and leaving both men down

REF: ….ONE........TWO............THREE............FOUR!

Blade begins to stir crawling to the ropes and agonisingly pulling himself up as the ref's count continues

REF: ….FIVE.............SIX...............SEVEN!

HA: Blade is up! This is his chance with Majestic still feeling the effects of that powerbomb!

As Blade gets to his feet he begins to slowly make his way over to Majestic who has begun to stir only to be distracted by both Young Jeezy and K-Bone on either side of the ring apron. The ref quickly begins to shout at Jeezy who argues back with the official leaving Blade to deal with K-Bone.

HA: I think Blade is looking to welcome K-Bone to 6CW properly!

Blade quickly grabs K-Bone by the neck before flipping him over the top rope and crashing down in to the ring, as K-Bone gets to his feet he is met with a huge running lariat from Blade's weak arm that flattens him. Blade then poses for the fans before pulling K-Bone up and landing a kick to the gut

HE: Do something ref! Don't let him powerbomb K-Bone! He's a civilian!

HA: He chose to get involved so he needs to take his punishment like a man! POWERBOMB!

The crowd go crazy as Blade runs forward with K-Bone towards the ropes and powerbombs him over the top down in to the arms of Young Jeezy leaving both members of the Crew down and out. The fans begin to chant Blade's name as he turns his attention back to Majestic


HE: What an impact! The fans stopped in their tracks!



HA: After all this...this is an injustice!



The crowds chants for Blade quickly turn to boo's as the replay shows Blade turning back to Majestic only for Majestic to be back on his feet, Majestic quickly hits a quick to the gut before hitting his tear drop finisher

As we come back Majestic is back on his feet mocking the fans as Young Jeezy and K-Bone reenter the ring joining Majestic to pose over the body of Blade.

Match result: Majestic via pinfall
Match time: 5 mins; 02 seconds


Posts : 9887
Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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6CW Aftermath Results Friday 17th July Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath Results Friday 17th July

Post by JJJohnson Fri 17 Jul 2015, 11:23 pm

(Our scene opens in a long hallway, the camera slowly moves behind a man dressed in a zebra print suit who is humming “Smooth” by Santana as he walks. Along the hall the man notices various women who he hands roses out to as he goes. Each women reacts differently, some with interest, some with confusion but most with a slight sense of repulsion. The man continues to walk until he reaches a large mirror that stops him in his tracks revealing him to be 6CW's latest signing Brandon Perez. Perez pauses for a second and smiles before stoking his porno stache and turning around to face the camera. When Perez turns around he gives his best Blue Steel, adjusts his already open shirt to reveal his hairy chest and winks at the camera before speaking)

Perez: “So who wants a moustache ride?!”

(Perez then quickly walks to a door with the camera still in pursuit, as Perez exits the hallway we find ourselves in a car park with Perez standing proudly in front a purple rock star style tour bus that has the words “The Bang Bus” in huge gold lettering on the side. As Perez climbs aboard we hear what sounds like a party and cheering from the party goers as they notice Perez, the door shuts before the camera can get on leaving the camera man outside. The scene fades to a black screen and we are left with the words “The bang bus is coming to town...”)


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Age : 33

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6CW Aftermath Results Friday 17th July Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath Results Friday 17th July

Post by JJJohnson Fri 17 Jul 2015, 11:29 pm

(As the crowd chatter expectedly, "Above the Law" by Bad meets Evil blares out of the speakers. The fans look to the stage and Dean Andrews appears. Some of the crowd are quite negatively focal but there are still cheers for the 6CW General Manager. There are a few signs dotted around the arena stating "Andrews Sold Out" but the cameras are quick to concentrate on Andrews walking down the aisle.)

HA: Dean Andrews has had a lot of rumours and accusations flying his way ever seen Daniel Magnusson was assaulted in his own office. Conspiracy theories have not avoided him and he seems like the prime suspect at the moment.

HE: But until Magnusson returns, he is the guy in charge.

HA: Maybe that was part of the plan?

HE: You sound like the dirt sheets brother and I know you are better than that. Fact is there is a lot of weird stuff happening lately and Andrews needs to steer the ship through what has become volatile waters.

(As Andrews greets the fans by the aisle, he appears nervous to speak to them. He wears a false smile, but he is doing his best to keep up appearances. He reaches the ring and is handed a microphone as he slips between the ropes. The music dies down and Andrews appears more confident as he looks out across Wembley Arena)

HA: He has a job to do now......and he knows it.

(Andrews waits a few moments and runs through what he has to say in his head. He then lifts up the microphone and speaks loudly)

DA: Welcome to a new 6CW year! And a new era!

(The fans are slightly mixed at this announcement and Andrews loses some of his confidence. He quickly pushes on)

DA: I know there have already been some things that have tainted the very start of this new era. Some wild and crazy accusations flying around with no substance to them. I am here not to talk about the finger pointing and the blame game. I am here to talk about 6CW.......and that is all that matters!

(The crowd again give a mixed response but are generally happy to let Andrews speak)

DA: With another fantastic Night of Glory behind us, we now collectively look to the future. And the future is bright here! 6CW has always been a place to reward hard work and talent with opportunities to excel. Those guys will have seen the main matches at Night of Glory VI and have a thirst to be right at the top come Night of Glory VII!

(The crowd cheer this and Andrews continues)

DA: Tonight I will make a major announcement! An announcement that will show everyone that 6CW is well on track not only to match the lead up to Night of Glory but also to surpass it! This announcement will enable those hungry for more to have an exciting chance to prove that they are the best of the best of the best. THAT is the key........

(He pauses and stares into the camera)


(The crowd pop at this announcement and Andrews nods his head and allows the cheers to grow)

HA: Andrews has come out here and already shaken things up! Key to the Kingdom, a match for guys to win a guaranteed title shot whenever they want, is one way to get the place rocking!

HE: He is certainly getting a positive reaction at this announcement!

(Andrews allows the crowd to die down before continuing)

DA: Yes that is right! Key to the Kingdom will return at Beachfront Brawl! 6 competitors that have been hand picked by me will face off to get a title shot at any time! This is the opportunity that those chosen cannot afford to miss!

(He starts to pace the ring)

DA: I have thought long and hard at just who should take part. Who are the rising stars that deserve a chance to get this important reward? I have tossed and turned between names, such is the strength of the roster, but I know I have now picked the right men who deserve this chance!

(He stops pacing and stands in the centre of the ring)

DA: The first competitor involved in Key to the Kingdom........a man who won a bloody war at Night of Glory to claim his place.........DICEY REILLY!

(The crowd cheer as Dicey's face appears on the screen)

DA: Next comes a man who has long been knocking on the door of the elite club. A man who went to the limits at Night of Glory and prevailed. Sometimes you have to shake hands with the devil.......and even if his choice of manager turns my stomach.......the next competitor alongside Dicey will be.........MIKE MASTERS!

(Masters face comes up on the screen, with Jones standing beside him. The crowd boo upon seeing them)

DA: Those two men fought with all their might, but their opponents showed the same level of intensity not rivalled by many in 6CW. That is why I have chosen them both to feature in Key to the Kingdom as well. The next two entrants.......PERFECT JACK and LIAM WOOD!

(Both men's faces appear on the screen and there are cheers for Wood and boos for Jack. Andrews allows the crowd to react before continuing)

DA: The next spot goes to a man who took part in one of the greatest matches 6CW has ever seen. A guy who has possibly ended a legend. Love him or hate him, he is a big part of 6CW's history. That is why I had no doubt that the 5th spot in Key to the Kingdom will be filled by.........LEX HART!

(Hart's image comes up onto the screen and the audience jeers and boos it)

DA: Now we come to the last that I have thought longer and harder about. Who in 6CW deserves this spot? Who has shown tremendous character, hunger and belief? Who has had to work hard for every opportunity, not just in 6CW but also in life?

(Andrews pauses)

DA: Who can make this the biggest Key to the Kingdom 6CW has ever seen?

HA: Max Adamson? Leone?

HE: An old face perhaps?

(Andrews stares at the camera and smiles)

DA: Of course there is only one man in everyone's minds right now. I give you the last entrant in Key to the Kingdom, exclusively at Beachfront Brawl............ANTHONY "AMAZING" GRACE!!!!

(The crowd cheer loudly but there are some vocal boos as Grace's face appears on the screen)

HA: Oh wow!

HE: Those theories aren't going away any time soon!

("Above the Law plays and Andrews drops the microphone. The screen changes to show an image of each of the 6 fighters involved in Key to the Kingdom. Andrews exits the ring and points to it, before walking up the aisle)

HA: There you have it ladies and gentlemen! A major announcement for Beachfront Brawl. Key to the Kingdom returns and we know our 6 guys taking part! What a match that will be! Two existing rivalries.......a 6CW legend.......and a guy who polarises opinion in this very building.

HE: Andrews has made his mark and proved the show is definitely still strong!

(Andrews reaches the curtain and waves to the fans before exiting behind the curtain and the show goes to a break)


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6CW Aftermath Results Friday 17th July Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath Results Friday 17th July

Post by JJJohnson Fri 17 Jul 2015, 11:31 pm

(Action from a 6CW live event earlier in the week plays and Tim Allen is stood in the middle of the ring)

TA: Ladies and Gentlemen at this time would you please welcome your NEW 6CW UK Champion Jonathan Daniels!

"Perfection" starts to play as the lighting changes to gold with gold streamers going off on the ramp way. Daniels makes his way out onto the stage and is greeted by the crowd with a barrage of boos, Daniels walks all the way down to ringside with a big grin on his face almost laughing the boos off from the fans. As Daniels enters the ring he shakes hands with Tim.

JD: Thank you Tim for such a great and welcoming introduction and as for you fans who decided it was best for you to boo me… How dare you boo YOUR UK CHAMPION! I did exactly what I said I was going to do and I beat that hillbilly hick Buck Riggins…. I guess we can now change your favourite saying to your name is Buck and at Night of Glory you ran out of luck HAHA. At Night of Glory I showed the world that Jonathan Daniels has arrived and I am ready to take on anyone and everyone whether it be for my title or not I will make my way to the top of this company mark my words. Since my return to 6CW I have grown I have made my way up the ladder and I am only going to go further whether you fans like it or not Jonathan Daniels is here to stay.

Now let's look forward into the future and it starts with a tag team match against Buck Riggins and Ryker Kidd and as we all know Buck Riggins is someone who is on the decline he is a nobody just like each and every one of you stupid fans sat here tonight. Then we have Ryker Kidd a man who claims he is here for all of you until either his Dad finally sits front and centre cheering him on or he is carted out of here unable to compete anymore well all I can say to all you fans is cheer for him now as you won't have much time left to cheer for him as I promise you all that when Syn Shadows and myself are finished with him he will not be the same man. Mr Kidd I hope you see this video as the best thing you can do is sit in that front row with all of these idiotic fans who cheer for your son as this may very well be his last wrestling match so I personally invite you to come and watch the destruction of your son.


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6CW Aftermath Results Friday 17th July Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath Results Friday 17th July

Post by JJJohnson Fri 17 Jul 2015, 11:33 pm

(Dean Andrews is walking backstage, his face changes as he looks into the distance, the camera moves around and shows Brian stood in conversation with a blonde in her late twenties, the words are in audible and the two hug and the woman walks out of shot. Andrews angrily walks over)

DA: Why is she here?

(Brian remains silent)

DA: Do you think I don't get what you are trying to do? I'm not stupid Brian, I’ve seen the way you look at me, I've heard the way you talk about the way I run things

(Brian stares ahead)

DA: I know you have speech problems but I didn't think you were mute…

(Brian stares at the ground)

DA: Look me in the eye when I'm talking to you!!

(Brian's veins bulge in his neck as he regains eye contact)

DA: Your name carries no weight around here anymore Brian, you are a nobody, nothing. And you and your sister should forget about any plans to cause trouble, do you hear me?

(Andrews goes to walk away but then he turns)

DA: Oh and just in case you had any doubts, you can consider your internship in 6CW over!!!

(Andrews barges past Brian as the former backstage interviewer stands staring forward)


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6CW Aftermath Results Friday 17th July Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath Results Friday 17th July

Post by JJJohnson Fri 17 Jul 2015, 11:34 pm

Match 2
Aaron Heath vs ???

The action returns to ringside and the crowd are making some raucous noise. "Time Bomb, Baby" begins to play through the speakers and a VT plays on the screen of an angry looking individual boarding a plane. The door of the plane shuts behind him and pyros begin to flare up on the stage. From the backstage area walks a man with a trimmed brown beard and blue eyes. He is wearing a black sleeveless vest which reads "It starts with me" on the front and black shorts with a picture of a snarling honey-badger. He takes a deep breath as he stares around the arena...

HA: Ladies and gentlemen meet Aaron Heath.....the latest recruit to the 6CW roster...

HE: I had the pleasure of meeting Heath earlier today and I have to say I like this kid...his attitude is fantastic...

HA: I think you may be one of the few with that opinion...Heath is certainly driven and talented, he wouldn't be on the 6CW roster if he wasn't...but from what I've heard he is extremely arrogant, abusive and just all around not a very pleasant individual to be around...

HE: People will moan about anything...they hate to see somebody with the ambition to succeed....I found Heath extremely engaging.....he has plenty of confidence in his abilities...

HA: Aaron Heath is known to many wrestling fans that follow the independent circuits....and his reputation as an animalistic thug precede him....talented maybe, but I believe this is a huge risk by 6CW management to allow such a hothead into the fold...

There are boos from the crowd as Heath morosely, his eyes fixed on the ring, begins to make his way down the ramp. There is a cold, determined demeanour about the newcomer as he trudges through the aisle, continuing to ignore the reaction of the crowd. He stops and cricks his neck from side to side before heading to the steel steps and climbing up, stomping down heavily on each one as he goes. He then climbs into the ring and he snatches a mic from the announcer....

HE: These people need to give Heath a chance...they don't know him...

Heath: Let's not pretend that you don't know who the hell I am...

*More boos from the crowd

HA: You were saying, brother? Heath isn't exactly a welcoming character is he...

Heath: Quite frankly, I couldn't care less about what you have heard about me. The things I have seen… the things I have had to go through. What you have heard about me is just one side of the coin… and I’m not going to give you the other side of that coin...

*Crowd: A55hole x10

Heath: You just don’t get it do you…your opinion means nothing to me.. you damn know what I’m here for. I’m here to be the best in the world. I’m here to become the very best on a worldwide basis… because in the clear light of day, I know that I’m capable of and I don’t need it ratified by people like you. Ask the countless amount of men I have beaten to a pulp in bars, taverns and underground wrestling in the North West. Ask the guys who have looked at me with utter disdain and thought of me nothing more than a failure… I have proved them all wrong. They will give you a better understanding than any person on YouTube commenting on one of my wrestling videos or those people who study factsheets on people like me. 

Let’s talk about 6CW. I know it’s filled to the top with guys who are supremely talented. Ex- champions, legends, Icons, champions and men who have dominated rings up and down that country for years. These guys have broken men and left them battered in the ring. But over all the years and over all the matches, they have never reckoned with a guy like me. The one thing they all share in common… their biggest weapons aren't their strength, speed, charisma or endurance… no, it’s the fear factor...

It doesn't matter if you people don’t like it… it doesn’t matter if the superstars don’t like it… they will all find out that any wrestling ring is my property. I own it and I have proved it time and time again in underground wrestling, Bar room fights, bare knuckle fights and fights that would make you turn away. I own any ring I walk into and in a 6CW ring, I'm going to own that one too. Listen up, I'm promising to you now that I will make 6CW a world where fear is non-existent. But the constant will be Aaron Heath… Because I’m the true catalyst of change. 

HE: I believe...

HA: Will you be quiet...

Heath: And I don't know who my opponent is be honest I don't really care.....whether they are past or present, the one thing I guarantee is that they won't have a future once I'm finished with them....Aaron Heath is set to become the biggest star this company has ever seen and there isn't one man in this world that can put a stop to that....

*Heath throws the mic down on the floor, the crowd continuing to boo, and his eyes focus up on the stage once more. Suddenly the lights in the arena dim right down to blackness and smoke begins to billow out onto the stage from behind the entranceway. Green lasers then begin to cut through the smoke and "Friction" by Imagine Dragons begins to beat through the PA system. A shadow appears on the stage, his arms wide open and then...




*Crowd ultra pop


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6CW Aftermath Results Friday 17th July Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath Results Friday 17th July

Post by JJJohnson Fri 17 Jul 2015, 11:35 pm

The lights come up and the noise in the Arena is deafening as the cameras pan in on Hero, a huge smile on his face as he spins around in a full circle. He beckons for the crowd to cheer louder and they comply, almost raising the roof off of the place...

HE: I can't believe it...

HA: The eight time world heavyweight champion has returned......I never thought I'd see the day...

HE: I thought he was retired...

HA: And yet here he is....arguably the biggest superstar in the history of professional wrestling.....welcome to 6CW, Aaron are about to get the acid test, son...

Hero swaggers down the ramp, tagging hands with every single adoring fan along the way, He smiles as he walks around the ring, interacting with the fans as he does so. Aaron Heath continues to just stare out at the hall of famer, his expression never changing...

HA: This is one hell of a moment here in 6CW....Hero has returned....there were rumours swirling for weeks but I paid no attention to them...

HE: He can't just show up here and steal the limelight from the new generation.....Aaron Heath might just send him packing back to the retirement home if he isn't careful tonight....

HA: Aaron Heath has given a big speech, made a lot of guarantees and promises but I am pretty sure he wasn't expecting Hero as an opponent here tonight...

HE: It doesn't matter....Heath is ready to make a statement and Hero hasn't wrestled in years....I know where my money is going....

Crowd: He-ro x20

The crowd continue to go wild as Hero hops up onto the apron and scales the ropes, posing for the thousands in attendance. He then stares down at Heath and smiles at him before jumping down inside of the ring. The referee stands in between both men as the fans continue to chant Hero's name....

HA: Hero has had success all over the world, in multiple companies...but the one place he has never conquered is 6CW.....I believe that is why he is here, to try and become the 6CW World Champion....

HE: Good luck to him....his best days are far behind him....

HA: So many have written Hero off on so many occasions over the years...I've learnt never to underestimate the Alpha Male...

Heath and Hero are head to head in the ring as the noise of the crowd continues to grow. The referee gives his final instructions to both parties...

HA: Aaron Heath's debut in 6CW and he is sharing the ring with one of the greatest of all time.....this is the kind of moment that will never be forgotten...

Hero is smiling at the noise of the crowd whilst Heath looks unmoved and just continues to stare into his opponent's eyes. They back away from one another and begin to circle before joining back up with a lockup in the centre of the ring...

HA: Heath is going to have a slight power advantage here but Hero is as athletic as they come....

HE: Used to be as athletic as they don't know what he has left in the locker...

They scramble for a moment and then Heath uses his power to throw Hero backwards against the turnbuckle. The crowd boo as Heath just glares at Hero, who stares back with a little surprise..

HE: It won't be long until Hero realises what a huge mistake he has made...

Hero gives Heath a smile and then comes forward again and they tie up. Heath once again pushes Hero backwards but Hero hits the ropes and comes back. Heath aims a very stiff right hand at him but Hero ducks under it and runs the opposite ropes before flying back with a dropkick to the chest that sends Heath staggering back into the corner.

*Crowd cheer

HA: Not bad for an old man...

Heath slumps down into a seated position and Hero runs in, uses the top rope to pull himself into the air, and nails a slingshot dropkick right to the face. They roll back up and Hero kicks his opponent in the stomach....

HA: ENC....

Heath blocks the stunner and pushes Hero away. Hero quickly springboards onto the ropes and fires back with a back elbow to the face. They get up again and Hero connects with a standing dragonrana...
.....shoulder up!

HE: What is this joke?

HA: Hero looks like he's never been away...

The crowd are applauding the high energy start to the match. Hero backs up in the corner and he lifts himself onto the second rope. He jumps towards Heath and tries to stomp down on his back but AH moves away from the impact zone. Hero lands and dives into a forward roll before leaping onto the opposite turnbuckle and he shoots through the air and catches the debutant with a tornado DDT....

HA: Heath just doesn't know where the offense is coming from...

1.................2..............Heath kicks out. Hero pulls Heath up and tries to suplex him but AH locks his leg on the inside and then shoves Hero back into the ropes. He charges forward but Hero pulls down the top rope and sends Heath over and out to the apron....Heath gets back as Hero springboards onto the turnbuckle and flies back across...


Crowd: That was awe-some x10

HA: That is the kind of offense that Hero has always brought to the table...

Hero jumps across and wraps his legs around Heath's neck, delivering an incredible hurricanrana that sends both men crashing down to the hard floor. Both men are hurt but Hero has a smile on his face as he listens to the cheers from the crowd...

HA: Hero has made so many moments in professional wrestling and he lives for the adulation of the masses....

Hero crawls back up and he grabs Heath before shoving him under the bottom rope. Hero then climbs onto the apron and he scales the ropes...

HA: Aaron Heath's dream debut could be about to turn into a nightmare...

Hero reaches the top rope and he stares out at the audience, a confident look on his face, before he launches high into the air...



Hero propels himself into the breath-taking moonsault but he lands right across the knees of Heath, who throws them up in desperation. Hero holds his ribs as he staggers back up, walking right into Heath's path....

HE: Now the pain begins for Hero...

Heath throws Hero into a fall away slam and he makes the cover..................1.................2.............shoulder up. Heath gets back up and he drags Hero to his feet before crunching him back down with a heavy brainbuster...
.......shoulder up!

HA: Heath is going to try and impose himself now on this match...

HE: Imagine the headlines when Aaron Heath defeats the great Hero in his very first match in 6CW....

Heath stomps down on Hero before ragging him back up and throws him against the turnbuckle. He unloads with right hands to the face of the veteran before grabbing his arm and whipping him to the opposite corner....Hero collides with the turnbuckle with such force that he drops down on his knees...Heath then runs across and jumps off the floor, driving both of his knees against the side of Hero's head....

HA: That could have scrambled Hero's senses....

Heath drags Hero away from the ropes.............1.................2.........Hero kicks out. Heath grabs Hero by the head and pulls him up before flipping him onto his shoulders....

HE: Hero is going for a ride...

Hero senses the danger as he fires down punches into Heath's head and then he somehow manages to flip forwards and he takes Heath off the floor, drilling him a sunset flip bomb...
.....shoulder up!

HA: Even when he is in danger Hero is always a threat....he has been around so long that he can pull anything out of the bag at any time...

They get back up and Hero aims a high kick at Heath's head but AH ducks under it and tries to lift Hero into a full nelson but Hero counters with a midair bulldog. Hero scrambles back to his feet and he waits for Heath to stumble up in the corner before charging in and landing with a stiff shining wizard...

HA: Hero looks in incredible shape...he's really taken this return seriously...

Heath, on jelly legs, stumbles from the corner and Hero delivers another stiff kick to the stomach...


Heath catches Hero's foot and he spins him around before kicking him in the gut and delivers a spike DDT...
......shoulder up!

HE: Respect needs to be shown already for Aaron Heath....he is in there with a former eight time world champion and he is giving him all he can handle...

HA: Nobody was saying anything bad about Heath....he's acquitting himself very well here.....but Hero has been out of the game for years and he looks prime...

Heath gets back up, his cold eyes scanning around, and then he grabs Hero by the head and yanks him up. He lifts him onto his shoulders for a scooped slam piledriver but Hero wriggles off the back and pushes Heath away. He then runs back at Heath and leaps towards him but AH sidesteps and sends Hero clattering against the turnbuckle....Heath then charges off the adjacent ropes and returns...


Heath runs back and he almost kicks Hero's head right off his shoulders with a big boot..................1....................2............Hero manages to throw his shoulder up off the deck.

HA: This is turning into some match....

Heath looks a little annoyed with the referee as he drags Hero back up and begins to pummel him back into the corner. He easily lifts Hero up onto the turnbuckle and then climbs up after him....

HE: Heath ready to go high impact...

Hero fires back with a solid forearm to the face and then he headbutts Heath and shoves him back down to the canvass. Heath gets up and Hero leaps towards him with a crossbody...

HA: Rolled right through...WOW!

The crowd have to applaud as Heath rolls right through and stands up with Hero in his arms. He then swings him up and drills him with a scooped slam piledriver...
.....thr-Hero just gets his shoulder up!

HE: That looked like a three to me...

Heath gets to his feet and he looks into the eyes of the referee, clearly unimpressed with the call. The official stands his ground though and orders the match to continue. Heath grabs Hero's arm and he pulls him up and flattens him again with a brutal forearm smash to the face. He then grabs his legs and pulls him closer to the corner...

HA: I don't know what Heath has in mind here but he clearly wants to hurt and punish Hero....

HE: This man is driven to succeed....this is all he knows...

Heath ignores the boos of the crowd as he climbs out onto the apron and begins to scale the ropes. He glares down at Hero before making his move...

HE: Time to go.....BOOM!

HA: Nothing doing...huge mistake from Aaron Heath....

Heath propels himself into a cannonball splash but finds nothing but canvass as Hero rolls out of the way. Heath staggers back up and Hero delivers a hard superkick to the back of his head, sending him sprawling across the middle ropes...

HA: Heath all hung up with nowhere to go.....619!

The crowd cheer as Hero sprints in and scores with the tiger feint kick to the face, sending Heath scrambling back to the centre of the ring. Hero then clambers up on the apron and he springboards back and lands a double stomp to the back of Heath...
..........Heath gets his shoulder up!

HE: Hero's offense is good but not good enough in this generation....he adapts or he dies..

HA: Hero's offense has made him a big game player for so many years....if anyone can adapt it is him....

Hero listens to the roar of the crowd as he ushers Heath to get back to his feet. The debutant is groggy as he stumbles up and heads straight into the path of his opponent...


Heath turns through the stunner and counters with a reverse neckbreaker. He gets back to his feet and he looks down at Hero before running off the ropes....

HE: He told me earlier today that he calls this the ACT OF VIOLENCE!

Heath jumps up to land the "curbstomp" but Hero ducks through it and then out of nowhere clatters Heath in the face with a pele kick. The crowd are applauding as Hero gets back and he springboards onto the ropes and he moonsaults back into an impressive legdrop. Heath is all over the place as he gets back up...

HA: Aaron Heath is in no man's land.....ENCORE!

Ding ding ding

HE: Hahahahaha....

The crowd boo furiously as Heath drops to his knees behind the stunner and lands a vicious low-blow to Hero, causing a disqualification. Hero sags down as Heath grabs him by the shoulder and runs him forward, throwing him through the ropes and into the ringpost....


HA: What a no good piece of looks like Aaron Heath may have picked up a few tricks from our EWF Champion....

HE: Heath is sick of jostling with a has-been....

HA: A has been that was about to beat him on his debut....

Hero collides with the ringpost and slowly he falls out and onto the floor below. Aaron Heath ignores the referee and the scandlised voices from the audience as he climbs out after his opponent....

HE: Aaron Heath has made people sit up and take notice....that is a successful debut if you ask me...

HA: Hero proved he still has what it takes to be a real contender here on his first night back....

HE: Heath isn't done....YES!


Heath grabs Hero by the head and he flips him up onto his shoulders before battering him down with a sit-down powerbomb on the concrete floor. Hero is folded up in a heap as Heath gets back to his feet with a cold, calculated look on his face...

HE: Aaron Heath just destroyed Hero on his debut here in 6CW....if this isn't a catalyst for change then I don't know what is....

HA: Heath has made a statement that's for sure but what a dastardly thing to do.....Hero has been re-introduced to professional wrestling in an alarming way this evening....

HE: I don't think he will be pursuing a fight with Heath again....he should set his sights lower...

HA: No way is Hero going to back down, he showed enough in this match to prove he can hang tough with Heath...

HE: He's also nearly been crushed....surely he doesn't want to go through this again....

Hero is writhing in pain on the floor, a ringside doctor checking on him, as Aaron Heath backs into the aisleway with a smirk on his face. He raises his arms in the air, sparking a chorus of boos from the crowd, and then he makes his way up the ramp towards the backstage area...

Match result: Hero via DQ
Match tme: 7 minutes; 58 seconds


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6CW Aftermath Results Friday 17th July Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath Results Friday 17th July

Post by JJJohnson Fri 17 Jul 2015, 11:36 pm

*Buck Riggins is strapping up his boots in the locker room as Ryker Kidd walks in. His new Xtreme Championship title rests around his waist, and Buck's eyes linger on it as he stares up at his tag partner for the night.

RK: I shoulda thought about that, sorry pal

BR: No, no, we celebrate achievement and right the wrongs of losses tonight, boy. That Syn and the weasel Daniels get to come face to face not only with the XTreme champ, but also a guy right here who knows how to fight like we ain't in no ring.

RK: Either way, you deserved better, man.

BR: Well, I got what I got. Some point we win titles and lose titles. But the road to another starts tonight for me. And I don't think the Xtreme champ wants to lose on his first night with the belt, does he?

RK: Not a chance, especially to those two.

BR: Let’s kick this year off in style, brutal style.

*Riggins gets up, fist bumps Kidd then walks out, leaving Ryker with a smile on his face.

RK: I think we're gonna get on just fine.


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6CW Aftermath Results Friday 17th July Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath Results Friday 17th July

Post by JJJohnson Fri 17 Jul 2015, 11:38 pm

(Backstage, Mike Masters and Mr Jones are in deep conversation)

MM: Quite an announcement. How the hell Wood got involved I don't know. The guy follows me around like a bad smell.

(Jones smirks slightly and Masters looks peeved)

MM: And you are not exactly helping getting it deodorised.

(Jones shakes his head)

MJ: I thought we were beyond all this Mike. You seem to forget my intervention was critical for you picking up the win at Night of Glory.

MM: I seem to remember you being rolled out from the ring at some point before I got the pin.

(It is Jones' turn to look peeved and Masters holds his hands up)

MM: Ok, Ok! I needed a little bit of help and you delivered. But that is what you are here for right?

(Jones wraps his arm around Masters shoulders and the two men walk down the corridor)

MJ: Exactly! And I will be there for you for Key to the Kingdom too! Whoever is taking part, this is a great chance for you Mike. It allows you to take that next step we all know you can make. Whether Wood is involved or not, doesn't make the slightest bit of difference. As a team.....we can beat anyone.

MM: So you have no interest in Wood?

(Jones stops and sighs)

MJ: I didn't say that......

(Masters goes to speak but Jones cuts in)

MJ: Look, I shouldn't have to keep saying this to you. It should be obvious by now! I know what I am doing. Wood is a factor we both will deal with and an important factor as well. But my mind is set on Key to the Kingdom and your involvement. Make no mistake about that......

(Masters says nothing. Jones slaps him on the back and smiles)

MJ: Have I ever let you down?

(Again Masters says nothing as the camera fades)


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6CW Aftermath Results Friday 17th July Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath Results Friday 17th July

Post by JJJohnson Fri 17 Jul 2015, 11:40 pm

Match 3
Buck Riggins/Ryker Kidd vs Jonathan Daniels/Syn Shadows

HA: Next up on Aftermath, we've got tag team action for you, with some of 6CW's brightest young talents squaring off against each other.

HE: Two of the competitors in this match became champions at Night of Glory, with Jonathan Daniels defeating Buck Riggins to become 6CW UK Champion while Ryker Kidd captured the Extreme Title in the brutal chamber of horrors match.

HA: Riggins will be after immediate redemption tonight as he teams up with Kidd to face off against Daniels and his partner Syn Shadows, who was also invovled in the Chambers of Horrors match at Night of Glory.

HE: I'm expecting to see some seriously exciting action in this match, and I expect Daniels to continue from where he left off at Night of Glory by winning again.

"Devil Town" blares out through the speakers and the crowd cheer as Buck Riggins walks out onto the stage. He removes his cowboy hat and launches it into the crowd, before briskly making his way down the ramp, tagging the fans hands. Riggins climbs up the steel steps onto the apron and then into the ring.

HE: Is Riggins really still here? I thought he'd have gone back to the farm after losing that title belt.

HA: Riggins feels like he let these fans down by losing the title, he wants to make it up to them, to these fans who have made him feel like he belongs.

"Bawitdaba" hits and the crowd continue cheering as Ryker Kidd strolls out with the extreme title around his waist. He spreads his arms wide as pyro's explode off around him before sprinting down the ramp and sliding under the bottom rope into the ring, he leaps to his feet and then walks towards Buck. The two high five and then await the arrival of their opponents.

HA: Kidd was absolutely incredible at Night of Glory. He stepped into the Chambers of Horrors match at just 18 years of age, against experienced competitors, and emerged with the title after that stunning shooting star press DDT.

HE: It's all very good Kidd doing that now, but if he continues to act and wrestle like he does, he'll be lucky if his career lasts until he is 19. You simply can't take that many risks.

The lights drop and "soundscape to Ardor" plays out around the arena, a few of the fans start chanting "SYN" as the lights flicker back on and Syn Shadows emerges out onto the stage. He points to the sky before walking down the ramp, blue lights flashing along the aisle way as he goes. Syn reaches the bottom of the ramp and points to the sky once more.

HE: It so easily could have been Syn walking away from Night of Glory with the extreme title, not Kidd. I would definitely like to see these two in a match for that title.

HA: Two of 6CW's most promising, and exciting, young wrestlers, they have the potential to light up this company.

'Perfection' starts to play and the crowd boo loudly as Daniels walks out to the stage. He flexes his muscles to the jeers of the crowd as gold pyros envelop him. He strides out of the pyro and then begins to walk down to the ring, the crowd taunt him but he returns with taunts of his own before climbing into the ring and up the turnbuckle, pointing at the title around his waist.

HA: Daniels certainly isn't going to let anyone, particularly Buck, forget that he's the champion now.

HE: Why would he? That title belt looks perfect around his waist. He will bring prestige back to the UK Title!

Ding, Ding, Ding!

Ryker Kidd starts the match off for his team up against Syn Shadows. The pair lock-up, and Kidd applies an armbar on Shadows. He takes the new Extreme champion down to the canvas with an arm drag takedown. Kidd rolls up to his feet, Shadows goes for a boot to the stomach but Kidd grabs the boot. He spins Shadows around, only for Syn to leap into the air and deliver an enzaguri kick to the head. Kidd collapses down and Shadows covers.

Ref: 1.................2........Kick out!

Kidd gets the shoulder up off the mat. Shadows gets up to his feet and connects with a standing shooting star press. Shadows then allows Kidd to his feet before Irish whipping him into the corner. Shadows then sprints in, connecting with a dropkick. Kidd stumbles forward and Shadows drops him with a bulldog. Cover.

Ref: 1...............2..........Kick out!

HE: Shadows starting off strongly, everyone talks about how exciting Kidd is, I think Shadows is just as good, if not better.

Shadows locks in a full nelson hold on Kidd, slowly bringing him to his feet and hitting a series of knees to the back. He attempts a dragon suplex, but Kidd blocks and then counters with a jawbreaker. Shadows stumbles back, Kidd runs in and takes him down with a forearm smash.

Syn Shadows rolls up to his feet, Kidd hits a dropkick to the knees, he then kips to his feet and immediately plants Shadows with a DDT. He hooks the leg.

Ref: 1.................2................Kick out!

Kidd gets up to his feet, he allows Shadows to rise before hitting a series of European Uppercuts that sends Shadows stumbling back into the corner. Kidd makes the tag to Riggins, before climbing to the top rope and hitting Shadows with a hurracanrana. Shadows pushes up to his feet and walks straight into a clothesline from Buck Riggins. He covers.

Ref: 1.......................2.................Kick out!

Shadows gets the shoulder up, Riggins drags him to his feet and hits a couple of heavy-handed punches to the side of the head. He then drags Shadows in before throwing him down to the mat with a suplex. Shadows rolls to his feet, Riggins knees himself in the stomach followed by a kick to the face. Shadows rashes to the mat and Riggins hooks the leg.

Ref: 1.....................2..................Kick out!

Riggins drags up Shadows, he hits him with a couple of big headbutts followed by a powerful Irish whip to the corner. Riggins sprints in, going for a stinger splash but Shadows dives out of the way, followed by a kick to the head through the ropes. Shadows then goes to the top rope, he grabs the head of Riggins and then dives off the top rope, delivering a bulldog.

Ref: 1................2..............Kick out!

HA: Buck looked in imperious form, but Shadows' speed has allowed him to get an opening.

HE: Get Daniels in there, he'll put Riggins away quickly!

Shadows is happy to oblige as he tags in the new UK Champion. Daniels allows Riggins to rise, before sprinting in and knocking him down with a clothesline. Riggins rolls up, he throws a wild punch which Daniels ducks, he then delivers a trio of German suplexes, bridging over into the pin on the final one.

Ref: 1.................2..............Kick out!

Daniels gets to his feet, he immediately drops a series of elbows down into face before stepping back and allowing the former champion to his feet. Daniels whips him out across the ring, before driving Riggins down into the mat with a spinebuster. Daniels then bounces off the ropes, delivering a leaping elbow drop to the chest. He covers.

HE: Tremendous power from Daniels, dominating Riggins!

Ref: 1................2..............Kick out!

Riggins kicks out, Daniels locks in an armbar and lifts him to his feet. He makes the tag to Shadows, who goes to the top rope as Daniels knocks Riggins down with a clothesline. Riggins rolls up and Shadows dives off the top rope, nailing a missile dropkick. He covers.

Ref: 1......................2.....................Kick out!

Daniels motions for a tag and Shadows is quick to tag the UK champion back in. He stands in the corner, waiting for Riggins to rise, before running in and taking him down with a spear. Daniels covers.

Ref: 1...................2.................Kick out!

The UK champion lifts up Riggins, he boots him in the gut and then lifts him onto his shoulders, setting up for a powerbomb. Riggins starts fighting, piling punches down into the top of the head. Riggins continues to drive punches down and Daniels crumples down into the canvas. Riggins quickly runs in and nails a hard knee to the side of the head. He hooks the leg.

Ref: 1..................2................Kick out!

Buck Riggins slowly crawls towards the corner, looking for the tag. Daniels is up and he runs over, he pulls Riggins to his feet but the American reverses, grabbing Daniels by the head and throwing him into the corner. He nails a series of punches to the head, followed by a huge right uppercut and Daniels slumps down. Riggins tags in Kidd, who runs along the apron to the opposite corner.

HE: What's Kidd thinking here?!

HA: Coast to Coast!

Ref: 1....................2..................Kick out!

Kidd lifts Daniels to his feet, he fires in a series of knife-edge chops to the chest followed by a kick to the gut. Daniels lurches forward, Kidd bounces off the ropes and then connects with a somersault neckbreaker on his fellow champion. Kidd makes the cover.

Ref: 1.................2................Kick out!

Kidd goes to the apron, he stands waiting for Daniels to rise before springing in and hitting a seated senton. Daniels sits up, Kidd hits a series of kicks to the body before dropping Daniels with a huge roundhouse kick to the head. He hooks the leg.

Ref: 1..................2...................Kick out!

Daniels powers the shoulder up, Kidd lifts him to his feet and again fires in knife-edge chops, following that with European Uppercuts and then a couple of spinning roundhouse kicks sending Daniels into the turnbuckles. Kidd sprints in, hitting a leaping forearm.

HE: Blind tag from Shadows!

Kidd steps back from the corner, waiting for Daniels to stumble forward. He spins around and Shadows springboards off the top rope, hitting a glancing knee to the side of the head.

Kidd stumbles to his feet...

HE: Fade to Black...Blocked!

Kidd grabs the boot, he Shadows around on the spot and hits a boot to the stomach, Shadows lurches forward and Kidd runs off the ropes...


Ref: 1.............................2...........................................3!

Ding, Ding, Ding!

HA: It's all over!

HE: How did they win that? Riggins was being dominated earlier on, in fact Shadows and Daniels were in charge for most of this match!

HA: Riggins stayed resilient, and then managed to get the tag to Kidd, who is on a serious hot streak at the moment. Another huge win for the new Extreme champion.

*Riggins steps into the ring, he helps up Kidd and the two high-five again, before the ref passes Kidd his title belt and he holds it aloft to loud cheers from the crowd.

Match result: Buck Riggins/Ryker Kidd via pinfall
Match time: 5 minutes; 12 seconds


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6CW Aftermath Results Friday 17th July Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath Results Friday 17th July

Post by JJJohnson Fri 17 Jul 2015, 11:42 pm

(Timothy Allen is backstage as Dicey Reilly goes past him)

TA: A few words Dicey?

(Dicey stops, stretches his arms out and yawns. He walks over to Allen and motions for him to start)

TA: Dicey, you look in tremendous shape considering your battle with Perfect Jack at Night of Glory. How have you done it?

(Dicey smirks)

DR: Old friends and wicked ways. I have been around a long time and I know exactly what my body needs.

TA: We heard what your old friends thought of you........what was it again? A drunk, sexpest and a d......

(Dicey shakes his head and Allen stops mid-sentence. The interviewer coughs before continuing)

TA: This Key to the Kingdom announcement has meant that your battle with Perfect Jack is far from over. We would have been forgiven to think that the feud was over, but does tonight bring it to a whole new level of intensity?

(Dicey laughs)

DR: Look at me Tim! Away from the ring and the bedroom, I don't do intensity. Too much effort for too little. I am sorry if this announcement has shook 6CW, or whatever the darlin' media want to describe it. But I am just taking one match at a time. If that means I face Jack again at Beachfront Brawl then that's what has to happen. It's no big deal........he isn't a big deal. And I have already proved that.

(Dicey nods and ruffles Allen's hair, before walking out of shot)


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6CW Aftermath Results Friday 17th July Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath Results Friday 17th July

Post by JJJohnson Fri 17 Jul 2015, 11:44 pm

(Anthony Grace is on the phone as he walks backstage)

AG: Did you hear the announcement…..It's a huge opportunity, a real privilege to get the chance….

(Grace smiles)

AG: I know but they have always done right by me, they believed in me when nobody would give me a chance. They have earned my loyalty

(Grace pushes open the door to his locker room, his face changes)

AG: I gotta go, I'll call you after the match. Love you…

(Grace hangs up the phone)

AG: What are you doing here Emma, I said I needed time….

E: Time for what, you saw the video, you saw….

AG: I saw a car

E: His car, you saw his car!!

AG: It's all circumstantial Emma. And that's what you were told by the police

(Emma reacts angrily)

E: Have you been checking up on me?

AG: What do you expect, what you are asking me to do, do you realise the ramifications, not just on me, for everyone?

(Emma begs)

E: Please Anthony, you have to believe me, in your heart, you know it's true. You see it I know you do? You're just too scared to open your eyes…

(Grace sits, his head in his hands)

E: Please, you're my last hope


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6CW Aftermath Results Friday 17th July Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath Results Friday 17th July

Post by JJJohnson Fri 17 Jul 2015, 11:46 pm

Match 4
Dicey Reilly vs Mike Masters

HA: Welcome back to Aftermath, we've got a big singles match for you next.

HE: Both of these men had a successful night a few weeks back at Night of Glory, both walking away with victories in what can certainly be described as grudge matches.

HA: Dicey Reilly defeated his former tag team partner Perfect Jack, while Mike Masters defeated Liam Wood after a huge assist from his manager Mr Jones.

HE: Why the caveat Harold? Masters was the better man, he deserved to win the match, the same certainly can't be said of Dicey. Jack out-wrestler him for that entire match!

"Champion" echoes through the speakers to furious boos. Red pyros explode into the air as Mike Masters swaggers onto the stage with a huge grin on his face, he spins around to show the back of his hoody and the nickname "The Masterful One" embroided on it. Mr Jones then strides out to join his client. Masters marches down the ramp, Jones walking behind him applauding as Masters then leaps onto the ring apron and then steps into the ring.

HE: Once again, these two proved to be a fruitful partnership at Night of Glory. Masters will now surely be looking at one of the world titles.

HA: I can't see that Liam Wood will let that defeat, particularly the manner of it, be the end of this. He will want revenge.

HE: Wood might have been more successful at Night of Glory and listened to Masters and Jones, but his ego just wouldn't allow it. He only has himself to blame.

The crowd explode to their feet as 'Born to fight' blasts out of the speakers and Dicey makes his way out to the sold out crowd. He stops at the top of the ramp and stares out across the crowd as a smile spreads across his face. He starts to make his way down to the ring tagging the hands of the fans before sliding in the ring.

HA: Dicey was the fans favourite at Night of Glory, and no doubt he will be again tonight up against Mike Masters.

HE: That's because these fans are idiots. They'd rather cheer a drunken, past-it brawler than technically-gifted, supreme athletes like Masters or Perfect Jack.

HA: Dicey is someone all these fans want to go for a beer with, Masters and Jack are guys these fans want to punch in the face. They can't though, so they're happy to cheer Dicey for doing it on their behalf!

Ding, Ding, Ding!

Dicey Reilly and Masters lock-up, and Masters quickly puts Reilly into a headlock. Dicey counters by Irish whipping Masters into the ropes, Masters rebounds to the middle of the ring and Reilly takes him down with a stiff-armed clothesline. Masters gets up to his feet, Dicey kicks him in the gut and then plants Masters with a DDT. He covers.

Ref: 1...............2.........Kick out!

Masters forces the shoulder up off the canvas. Dicey grabs Masters by the head and lifts him to his feet, where he fires in a couple of big forearm smashes into the face. Masters stumbles back, he replies with a couple of punches but Dicey walks straight through them and then wraps a big European Uppercut into the chin.

Masters falls into the ropes, Dicey dumps him down onto the apron. He leans through the ropes, picks up Masters and holds him over the top rope, before smashing punches and slaps down into the chest ala Sheamus. As the ref reaches a four count, Reilly flings Masters into the ring with an inverted suplex. He turns and covers.

HA: Dicey showing there is more to him than just brawling, that was an incredible suplex.

Ref: 1...................2................Kick out!

Dicey allows Masters up to his feet. He then kicks him in the stomach, before driving a series of clubbing blows across the back of Masters. Reilly then runs off the ropes, going for a swinging neckbreaker but Masters swings through and delivers a twisting neckbreaker of his own.

Reilly stumbles up to his feet, Masters ducks under a wild clothesline attempt from Dicey before taking him down with an arm drag. Reilly gets to his feet and runs at Masters, who drops him with a sidewalk slam. Cover.

Ref: 1................2..............Kick out!

Mike Masters gets to his feet, and he quickly goes on the attack by dropping a series of knees down into the face. Masters then drags Reilly up to his feet, before taking him down to the mat with a snap suplex. Masters drags Dicey up to his feet by the waist, and then hits a Gutwrench suplex, bridging over into the pin attempt.

HE: Look at that for athletic ability, could you imagine Dicey Reilly even attempting something like that?!

Ref: 1................2.............Kick out!

Reilly forces the shoulder up. Masters steps away from Dicey, allowing him to rise to his feet before sprinting in and connecting with a running forearm smash that knocks Reilly off his feet. Masters goes to the outside, waiting on the apron as Jones applauds him on the outside. Reilly stirs to his feet and Masters springboards in, delivering another forearm smash.

Dicey stumbles into the corner, Masters sprints in and connects with a leaping double knee. Reilly slumps down and Masters starts stomping a mudhole into Reilly. Masters then places his boot across the throat of Reilly, choking him out. Masters releases just before the 5 count. He lifts up Reilly, shoving him away from the corner and then running in and delivering another big running forearm. Cover.

HE: Why aren't they cheering Masters? I thought they liked brawlers, Masters just showed he can brawl with the best of them.

HA: Because as I said earlier, they want to be brawling with him, cos of his attitude and probably his manager's attitude too.

Ref: 1......................2.................Kick out!

Masters lifts Reilly up to his feet, he whips him out across the ring and then hits a double leg takedown. Masters then tries to lock in a boston crab, but Reilly manages to resist and fight the submission hold. He boots Masters away into the corner. He stops himself hitting the turnbuckles, and then turns around, running towards Reilly. He grabs Masters by the waist and flings him down with a belly to belly suplex, bridging into the pin.

Ref: 1..................2.............Kick out!

HA: Reilly needed that counter, Masters was on top, now he needs to take advantage of this opening in the match.

Dicey gets to his feet, he stomps down on Masters' head a couple of times before allowing him to his feet. He whips him out across the ring, and then hits Masters with an inverted atomic drop. The hall of famer then bounces off the ropes, nearly taking Masters' head off with a huge boot to the head. He hooks the leg.

Ref: 1.................2...............Kick out!

Masters drives the shoulder up off the mat. Reilly hauls him to his feet and then fires in a series of body blows, followed by a boot to the chest that forces Masters back into the corner. Reilly sprints in, nailing a stinger splash. Dicey then climbs up to the 2nd rope, where he drives in a series of punches to the head.

The crowd chant along as Reilly reaches 10 punches, Jones gets onto the apron but quickly leaps off when Dicey climbs off the 2nd rope and turns towards him. Dicey faces back up to Masters, who stumbles out of the corner. Dicey boots him in the gut and then delivers a hanging brainbuster. He covers.

Ref: 1....................2.................Kick out!

HA: Reilly dominating here!

Dicey Reilly lifts Mike Masters to his feet, he kicks him in the stomach and then goes for a powerbomb, but Masters counters with a hurracanrana. Masters runs towards the ropes as Dicey rises....


HA: Masters has turned this match on it's head!

Ref: 1....................2......................Kick out!

Masters locks in an armbar on Dicey. He drags him to his feet and then hits an armbreaker. Masters keeps the armbar hold applied, Dicey counters by Irish whipping Masters towards the corner, he leaps up to the top rope and nails a whisper in the wind. He covers.

Ref: 1..........................2........................Kick out!

Mike Masters goes up to the top rope, he steadies himself...

HE: 450 splash!


Masters writhes around the ring in pain, clutching at his ribs. Dicey drags him to his feet, setting up for the craicdown when Mr Jones climbs onto the ring apron. Reilly releases Masters, he strides over to Jones on the apron, he tries to leap off but Reilly grabs him by the head. The crowd cheer loudly as Reilly draws back his right hand to nail Jones with a punch, but he manages to free himself from Reilly's grip and drop back to the outside.

Dicey turns back towards Masters, who has just stirred. Dicey sets up for the craicdown once again.

HA: Damn it, now it's Perfect Jack!

HE: He clearly wants revenge from Night of Glory.

Jack marches down the ramp, he climbs up to the steel steps and unlike Jones, he is happy to beckon Dicey on. Jack stands on the outside, Reilly stares at him and smiles. Perfect Jack then climbs onto the ring apron and Reilly steps forward, glaring at Jack.

PJ then drops down off the apron, Dicey turns around and by now Masters is up. He kicks him in the gut...


Ref: 1............................2........................................3!

Ding, Ding, Ding!

HA: God damn it, Reilly was prevented from winning that match twice, first by Mr Jones and then by Perfect Jack.

HE: Don't be stupid, it was simply delaying the inevitable. Masters technical ability would have won him that eventually.

HA: How can you say that? He was set up for his finishing move twice! If Jack wants another match with Reilly, he should have gone about it like a man, rather than this screwball way of doing it, ruining a great match in the process.

HE: Another impressive win for Masters, that's the be all and end all Harold.

Mr Jones rolls into the ring, holding aloft the arm of his client as Aftermath goes to a break.

Match result: Mike Masters via pinfall
Match time: 6 minutes; 14 seconds


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Age : 33

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6CW Aftermath Results Friday 17th July Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath Results Friday 17th July

Post by JJJohnson Fri 17 Jul 2015, 11:47 pm

(Perfect Jack is walking backstage and talking angrily at the camera)

PJ: Give a dog a bone and he always wants to come back for more right Dicey?

(He continues walking and flings a towel over his shoulders)

PJ: Andrews little talk in the spotlight has proven one thing........that this place has no idea of who deserves opportunity. You get the chance at a title shot whenever you want and you act as if it is no big deal. That is why dogs like you need to be put down.......ungrateful, little mongrels too inbred to recognise who is boss!

(Jack stops and slams the wall with his hand. He then turns back to the camera)

PJ: You beat perfection, so the phrase every dog has his day must be true. But that still doesn't make you in my league. Now that your body has been shown just how far I can take you, I am out to destroy your mind too. Don't even think this is over because of one fluke result.

(Jack stands tall and addresses the camera)

PJ: Key to the Kingdom is a chance for the greatest to reclaim his throne. My main event spot was on hold while I had to deal with you, but now I can kill two birds with one perfect throw of a stone. You think this is over Dicey? Think again! The cream always rises to the top and you can wallow back in the dregs!

(Jack walks forward and throws the towel over the camera, covering the view, as his footsteps are heard striding down the corridor)


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6CW Aftermath Results Friday 17th July Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath Results Friday 17th July

Post by JJJohnson Fri 17 Jul 2015, 11:49 pm

*Back at ringside

HA: There's never an easy night for any superstar here in 6CW

HE: I dunno, Costello makes being a champion look easy

HA: Costello is a cheat

HE: Woah, thats a low blow Harold!

*Harold audibly sighs

HA: Its not going to be an easy night for the men who stand against Joshua and the Forgotten, that's for sure

*At that moment the fans cheer as Thunder's image appears on the big screen. He stands outside in the parking lot, seemingly lost in his own thoughts. Enigma walks to stand by his side

E: Watch all you want, their goal has nothing to do with the outside

*Thunder continues to stare

T: I used to like coming out here. Fight night flames for the King, his hunter silent in his midst. Now we fight a different foe.

E: Our roles are nothing more than how the times choose to cast us.

T: I have never quite understood why some men just want to watch the world burn.

E: It isn't more than we have fought before. This business is never stale, but a lot of the time it comes down to choosing how you'll live your life and what fights you just have to take

T: What you say is reasonable, logical, justifiable. But does that make it right?

E: But if we don't stand then are we accepting that they are not wrong?

T: In this world, there is right and there is wrong, and that distinction is not difficult to make. Yet for some...

E: Don't lament it. We won't be in this industry forever. But all we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.

T: Well, tonight we get to take on the newest beast of 6CW and the wolves that have chosen to be his pack.

E: But tonight we stand against them. Some of the best in the business come together to make sure this warpath is not aided by fear.

T: The first step to save 6CW

E: We are responsible for each other. That's part of being human -- isn't it?

*Finally Thunder turns to face Enigma, and he smiles too

T: So, where do the weaknesses present themselves?

E: The real proof of a man is not how he treats his friends...but his enemies. They are ruthless, but that at least shows us they are not concrete together.

T: And we're the patsies, huh, some sort of--

E: Don't say it. This doesn't end with us all going down. If we stand together we can face the oncoming storm as one.

*Enigma puts a hand on Thunder's shoulder

E: We return fire tonight.

*Enigma wheels away and leaves Thunder pensive as he turns to stare out into the car park again.Thunder mutters under his breath

T: The red coats are coming….


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6CW Aftermath Results Friday 17th July Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath Results Friday 17th July

Post by JJJohnson Fri 17 Jul 2015, 11:50 pm

Match 5
Anthony Grace vs Perfect Jack

HA: Well with that massive announcement about the "Key to the Kingdom" match at Beachfront Brawl it is time to see two more men who will compete for that illustrious prize....

HE: That contract gives the holder a guaranteed world championship match at any time over the next twelve are basically guaranteeing one superstar a reign as champion...

HA: But as you say only "one" superstar can earn that right....could one of these two competitors be that guy?

The crowd boo furiously as "Perfect" plays through the speakers and then a very sullen Perfect Jack strides out onto the stage. He removes a towel from over his head and stares around at the audience before making his way down the ramp...

HA: Perfect Jack is not in a good mood after losing to Dicey Reilly at Night of Glory....he was so sure of victory in that match...

HE: Jack hit a blip but he knows he is the better man, he knows he is still world championship material....getting his hands on the "Key to the Kingdom" will remove any memories of Night of Glory...

HA: I'm not sure the memories will fade so quickly; Jack still felt it necessary to get involved in Dicey's match earlier with Mike Masters....he is extremely bitter about that defeat...

Jack ignores the reaction of the crowd as he rolls under the bottom rope and then climbs to his feet. He uses the ropes to stretch out and then makes his way back to the centre to await his opponent. There is a long pause and then "Amazing Grace" hits the speakers to a mixed response from the 6CW crowd...

HA: Despite a career defining victory for Anthony Grace at Night of Glory there are still some fans who refuse to get behind him....they are not convinced...

HE: Because he's a smarmy douche who has had everything handed to him on a plate...

HA: His victory over Max Adamson certainly wasn't silver plated, he needed to grit that one out....I think Grace deserves his due for that...

HE: The only thing I care about is what Emma showed him at Night of Glory, what was on that tape?

HA: That certainly is a huge topic of conversation for many....can Emma trust Grace? What is his allegiance with Kramer etc? The waters are certainly muddied right now...

Anthony Grace drops to a knee and bows to the support of the crowd before rising up with a big smile on his face. He makes his way down the ramp, slapping the hands of the fans as he does, and then he circles the ring to pose for photos with some of his more boisterous COG's. Grace then pulls himself up onto the apron and steps inside...

HE: All the misery and frustration that is built up inside of Perfect Jack is going to be unleashed upon his opponent here tonight....

HA: He shouldn't underestimate Anthony Grace; those who do tend to regret it...

Grace smiles at Jack, who just glares back, and then both men begin to circle each other. The bell sounds to begin the contest and they immediately launch into a lockup. Jack quickly shoots around the back and he scoops Grace up off the ground before driving him down to the deck. He rolls over the top and front facelocks Grace...

HE: Grace can find ways to scrape out of situations but what he can't do is outwrestle a world class wrestler like Perfect Jack...

HA: Not many people can...

Grace tries to push himself up to his feet as Jack keeps his hands locked under the chin. Grace manages to turn his body to the side and he launches elbows into the gut of Jack before breaking free and unleashing with right hands. He grabs Jack's arm and looks for an Irish whip but Jack spins inside and throws Grace with a big hiptoss...

HE: Jack knows that he allowed victory to get away from him at Night of Glory but he is not a man who makes many mistakes....he will bounce back and he will be a real force once again....

Grace gets back up and Jack unleashes chops to his chest before grabbing his arm and he whips him to the corner. He runs in after him but Grace drives his feet up and catches Jack in the face, sending him flying backwards. Grace then lifts himself onto the second rope and launches into a lariat...

HE: Beautiful...

Jack catches Grace in mid-jump and launches him across the ring with a heavy belly to belly suplex. Grace gets back up and Jack nails him with a wrist clutch gutwrench suplex......1...................2...............Grace kicks out. Jack gets up and immediately goes on the offensive with stomps to the back and head of his opponent....

HA: Grace has shown that he has great powers of recovery and real takes a lot to keep him down...

HE: But everybody has a breaking point and Perfect Jack is exceptional at finding them...

Jack tries to pull Grace up but the filmstar holds onto the ropes and refuses to budge. Jack drives heavy punches to the kidneys and drags Grace away again for a German suplex but Grace rolls forwards and sends Jack flying over the top of him and out onto the apron....

HA: Grace doing everything he can to avoid the ground game of Perfect Jack....WHAT A FOREARM!

Grace gets up and he drives his arm right into Jack's face before suplexing him back over the top and lands down on top of him...................1........................2................shoulder up. They get back up and Jack misses with a right hand, allowing Grace to nail an atomic drop and follows up with a snap neckbreaker...

HA: Grace trying to build some momentum.....trying to take the fight to Jack...

Grace gets back up and he beckons for Jack to stand before trying to pull him into the "Ovation". Jack slams brutal elbows into the side of Grace's jaw, pushing him away, and then he drives in behind with him with a hard chopblock to the back of the knee. Jack quickly gets back up and he stomps down on the knee of Grace before placing it on the bottom rope....

HE: Jack has a target now....

Jack uses the ropes to jump into the air and then he drives all of his bodyweight down onto the knee join of Anthony Grace. He repeats the process three more times before the referee intervenes and threatens to disqualify him for use of the ropes...

HA: Perfect Jack is like a dog with a bone now.....he is extremely dangerous when his opponent is hurt...

Jack stomps down on the knee some more and then he grabs Grace's leg and begins to pull him towards the centre of the ring. He lifts the leg up and drives it back down before turning around and he applies a standing leglock...

HE: Grace won't even be able to make movies once Jack is done with him.....Night of Glory seems so far away now....

Grace yells out in pain as Jack twists his knee at an unnatural angle and continues to turn it. Grace bangs his elbows into the canvass and bites back the pain, refusing to give up despite the referee's questioning...

HA: Anthony Grace is tough....he won't cave easily....

HE: That suits Perfect Jack...I'm sure he'd love to prolong the misery here...

Grace tries to turn his other leg and kick out at Jack but he cannot muster any power. Jack eventually catches Grace's other foot and he begins to turn him over for a full Boston crab...

HE: If Grace gets caught with this then you can start the countdown to the end...

Grace squirms and battles before reaching up and grabbing Jack's head, pulling down into an inside cradle................1...............2..........shoulder up. Jack scrambles back up and he stomps on the top of Grace's knee before lifting him into the air and drilling him with a kneebreaker....he keeps hold of Grace's leg and performs a dragon screw before.....


HE: This is it....I don't care how tough Anthony Grace is...

HA: One of the deadliest submission moves of all time....locked in!

The crowd groan and Grace screams out in pain as Jack drops down into the submission, applying serious pain to the already damaged leg. The referee is immediately down on his knees and asking Grace if he wants to quit but he vigorously shakes his head....

HE: Grace is a fool to try and battle against this....he's fighting a losing battle, he can't survive...

HA: This submission has ended so many matches over the years....

Jack presses his foot into the knee joint of Grace and really digs in, causing Grace to yell out, but AG still refuses to give it in. He flops back on the canvass, holding his head...
......Grace sits back up!

HE: Grace nearly pinned himself there....

HA: The pain he is experiencing right now must be excruciating...

Grace is clawing at his own head and his entire body is quivering with pain as Jack begins to hop up and down, increasing the pressure by tenfold. The referee is urging Grace to consider his options...

HE: Grace will end up on one leg if he isn't careful....he won't be able to climb a ladder then....

HA: Bravery may be the downfall of Anthony Grace here....

Grace's hand is shaking, contemplating giving up, but then he sucks it back in and drags himself backwards as far as he can go and then throws his arm out....

HA: I have no idea how he did that?

HE: It doesn't really matter....the damage is done!

Grace finds the ropes but Jack refuses to release the hold until the referee's count reaches four. The crowd are willing Grace on, trying to lend him some support, but Jack just shakes his head at them and grins. He gets up and marches over to his opponent, stomping down on the injured knee some more...

HA: Anthony Grace looks badly hurt....

The referee intervenes and pushes Jack away before kneeling down to check on Grace's condition. Jack is taunting the crowd and then he heads back as Grace uses the ropes to try and pull himself up...

HE: Grace is a fool for trying to fight on....

Jack grips Grace by the waist and he easily drags him away from the ropes and throws him with a German suplex. He gets back up with a smile and he pulls Grace into a gutwrench before slinging him across the ring once again. Grace is clearly in a lot of discomfort as PJ grabs his leg again and pulls him towards the centre of the ring...

HA: Jack is like a predator stalking his prey....he thinks it is time to finish this...

Jack tries to turn Grace over for another figure four leglock but Grace uses his free leg to kick out in desperation, catching Jack clean in the side of the face. Jack staggers away and he holds his jaw before shaking his head and he comes storming back, grabbing Grace by the head....


*Crowd cheer

HE: Huh?

HA: Out of absolutely nowhere....

Grace seizes Jack by the neck and plants him with the reverse swinging STO. But the pain in his knee prevents him from taking advantage of the finisher...

HE: Grace can barely put any weight on his leg....nobody can win a match on one leg...

HA: Grace is going to give it a good go...

Grace sucks up the pain as he pushes himself backwards and drops an arm over Jack's chest..

HE: Brilliant....Jack is a tough customer...

HA: Yes he is....but you have to wonder how much Grace's pain cost him there...

Grace stumbles to the ropes and begins to pull himself up. He winces as he tries to put weight on his injured leg, clearly struggling to bite back the pain. He eventually manages to stumble over as PJ gets back up...

HA: Grace needs to try and build some momentum and quickly because I don't know how long that leg is going to hold up...

Grace hits a three punch combo on Jack and looks for an Irish whip but Jack is able to reverse and sends AG crashing into the corner. He follows in and dives for a splash but Grace avoids it and sends Jack crashing against the turnbuckle. Jack stumbles out and Grace hits him with a running clothesline......then a second.....then a third.....PJ stumbles back up and Grace whips him off the ropes before sending him sky high with a big backdrop...

HE: Get it together, Jack...

PJ staggers up and falls into the corner. Grace thunders into him with a splash and then he rushes Jack out and plants him with a bulldog. The crowd are applauding as Grace pulls Jack up and lifts him up off the ground, planting him with a heavy DDT...
....Jack gets his shoulder up!

HA: Anthony Grace showing his grit once is becoming customary...

Grace hobbles back up and he waits for Jack to get to his feet before jumping on his back. He tries to synch in the sleeper hold but Jack quickly staggers back to the corner and crushes AG against the turnbuckle. Jack reaches over his shoulder and snapmares Grace to the canvass before lifting himself onto the second rope...

HE: Jack going for the kill now....

Jack leaps off with an attempted kneedrop to the injured knee of Anthony Grace but Grace ploughs his foot upwards and catches PJ right in the face. The impact causes a lot of pain in Grace's leg but he manages to pull himself back up and then he catches Jack walking in with a spinning heel kick. The COG's are applauding as Grace drags himself over to the corner and begins to climb up...

HA: This does not look good here for Anthony Grace, I don't understand why he would take this risk...

HE: Because he's a limelight hog...

Grace begins to pull himself up the ropes to the top. He stares out at the crowd and slowly balances himself on the top rope before launching himself backwards....


The flashbulbs go off as Grace flies into the moonsault but he finds nothing but canvass on impact. Jack rolls free and Grace's knee seems to clatter hard into the canvass once again. PJ slowly gets to his feet and he wraps his arms around Grace's waist before throwing him into a hat-trick of German suplexes....

HE: Jack is dismantling the so-called megastar that is Anthony Grace....

Jack gets up and he stares down at Grace with a shake of the head before walking to the corner and lifts himself onto the second rope. He stares down at AG and then jumps off and ploughs his elbow down into the chest of his opponent...
........Grace manages to get his arm up off the deck!

HA: Grace is hanging on here....the pain he is feeling in that knee is clearly affecting his performance...

Grace is holding his knee and really showing signs of agony. He is trying to get up as Jack stomps down on the injured area and then drags him to the ropes. He places the leg up on the ropes again and then he jumps into the air....

HE: This may completely separate the knee joint....AHHHH!

The crowd cheer as Grace drives his free foot up and catches Jack in a very borderline area. Jack stumbles away and Grace is able to crawl after him and drag him backwards into a schoolboy...
.....Jack kicks out!

HE: That would have been a disaster...

Jack quickly scrambles back up but Grace swipes both of his feet out and bridges over the top................1..................2.............Jack bridges back out. He spins around and plants Grace with a northern lights suplex...
......thr-shoulder up!

HA: You cannot deny Anthony Grace's determination to succeed...

HE: Perfect Jack will take that away from him.....Jack has taken it away from so many world class performers over the years....

Grace gets back up and he throws caution to the wind by swinging a kick towards Jack's ribs. Jack catches Grace's leg and he slams it back down against the canvass before dragging him in close....


Jack looks for the fisherman's suplex but Grace drops down on both knees with a jawbreaker, sending Jack staggering back to the corner. Grace groans at the pain in his knee and then he pushes back up and runs forwards, leaping up towards Jack's head....


HE: That is it...

Jack moves and Grace sails over the top turnbuckle, his knee colliding with the ringpost. Grace falls back down to the canvass and grimaces as he clutches his knee. He tries to get back up but Jack runs in behind and lashes a fierce kick behind the knee joint. He then grabs Grace's leg....


"Born to fight" booms through the speakers and the crowd erupts. Perfect Jack immediately releases the submission and storms towards the ropes...

HA: Dicey Reilly is coming for a fight....

HE: He has no business being out here....

HA: Perfect Jack had no business being involved in his match earlier tonight....

HE: Where is he?

Jack's eyes are alight with venom as he screams towards the entranceway and beckons for Dicey Reilly to come out and fight. The music continues to play but Dicey is nowhere to be seen...

HA: Dicey getting inside Jack's head....the issues between thee two men are far from finished....

HE: Reilly's clearly too scared to come out and face Jack, instead he's resorting to childish games....but it won't work.....NOOOOO!


Jack continues to stare at the screen but then he laughs, clearly deciding Dicey isn't coming out. He then turns back around and walks straight into the ferocious tornado roundhouse kick from Grace. AG is still holding his knee in pain but he makes the cover...

HE: This is not right....

HA: Anthony Grace's run of form continues....he picks up a huge scalp once more...

HE: He was dominated from start to finish....the only way he won that match is because of that Irish fool, Dicey Reilly....

HA: Jack allowed Dicey Reilly to get inside his head, that is the reason he lost this match.....his issues with the hall of famer made him take his eyes off the prize and Anthony Grace took full advantage...

"Amazing Grace" is playing out of the speakers as Anthony Grace uses the ropes to hobble back to his feet. He winces in pain but manages a big smile for the cameras and his fans. He waves at the audience and then begins to climb to the outside....

HE: Grace is a one legged man....he was embarrassed here by a superior athlete....

HA: And yet he won the match....not very embarrassing in my book....sure he's hurt but he showed real guts to stick in there and survive....his determination paved the way for the opportunity to end this match and he took full advantage....

HE: He better see a doctor and get some help because I don't fancy his chances of climbing a ladder in the "Key to the Kingdom" match after what he's been through tonight....

HA: Grace has six weeks to recover but unfortunately in that time he'll still have to compete and you can guarantee his rivals will know exactly what to target...

Grace refuses the help of a on sight medics as he stumbles up the ramp towards the backstage area. He smiles at his fans and pauses for a few moments on the stage to wave back. PJ is just coming to in the ring, holding his jaw, with a fierce expression on his face.

Match result: Anthony Grace via pinfall
Match time: 10 minutes; 09 seconds


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Age : 33

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6CW Aftermath Results Friday 17th July Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath Results Friday 17th July

Post by JJJohnson Fri 17 Jul 2015, 11:53 pm

(Timothy Allen is standing by with Liam Wood, as the interviewer talks into the camera)

TA: Ladies and gentlemen, I am standing by one of the entrants to Key to the Kingdom. Please welcome, Liam "Viper" Wood.

(Wood barely acknowledges Allen. Tim looks a bit uneasy but continues)

TA: Liam, it would be wrong of me as an interviewer not to mention another PPV defeat for you. It was a match you really wanted to win and, thanks to the interference of Mr Jones, it was one cruelly taken from you. Can you take any positives away from that match?

(Wood stares at the ceiling and sighs)

LW: Not really. Jones was always going to get involved as that is the only way Masters could win. I don't need anyone giving me shortcuts in life. My PPV record has been talked about to death and I am sick of it. There is too many people looking at things at face value and not digging deeper into the true meanings......

TA: Like what?

LW: Joshua? New 6CW Champion? Costello? EWF Champion? Check the history books and all will become clear.

(Allen looks into the camera and shrugs before speaking again)

TA: Does the Key to the Kingdom announcement give you another chance for redemption?

LW: It is a chance I deserve. I have worked my butt off for this place and I get screwed over. People talk about me as if I haven't achieved anything. Like I am a failure. But they know when they talk about me, they have a guy who gives everything in that ring night after night. It is that kind of respect that should come my way.

(Allen looks at Wood)

TA: But surely you realise that people are already placing bets not on you winning at Beachfront Brawl, but yet another Wood near miss and bitter disappointment?

(Wood goes to say something but stops. He grits his teeth and shakes his head, before barging past Allen saying not another word)


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Age : 33

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6CW Aftermath Results Friday 17th July Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath Results Friday 17th July

Post by JJJohnson Fri 17 Jul 2015, 11:55 pm

(A exclusive from earlier in the week)

The camera cuts backstage where there is a cameraman standing by, along with a slightly dishevelled looking Timothy Allen. Allen is constantly glancing at the doors that lead into the backstage area from the parking lot. Finally, clearly after some prompting from the cameraman, Allen begins to address the audience.

Allen: Ladies and gentlemen, I am standing by…

Cameraman: (slightly muffled from off camera) Better than you were at the party after Night of Glory.

Allen: (Scowling off camera) I’m sorry, I thought I made the witty comments here. (Allen readjusts himself and then begins to speak)Now yes, I’m standing by here, hoping to snag an interview with one of the 6CW superstars as they make their first appearances back in a 6CW locker room since Night of Glory.

The camera then zooms out so Allen and the doors can both be seen in the shot, as they wait patiently. A few moments of awkward silence pass, as Allen begins to look more and more nervous, when suddenly a stagehand runs to Allen and whispers something in his ear, which causes him to smarten himself up.

Allen: I’ve just received word now that someone has arrived and will be with us shortly, and obviously we are here to get their first opinions on the events that transpired at Night of Glory.

Suddenly the doors behind Allen are pushed open, and the hooded figure of Keith Leone walks into the arena. Leone has his sports bag slung over his right shoulder. His hood is pulled far down over his face so that no-one can see under it and he walks with a quick pace as if he is determined to reach somewhere. Allen steps back from his original position to try and get Leone’s attention.

Allen: Keith, Keith! Good to see you and up on your feet after what happened at Night of Glory…

Allen gets no response and Leone keeps powering down the corridor, seemingly unaware of Allen’s presence. Allen looks nervously back at the camera before once again trying to begin a conversation.

Allen: Many people have said that the performance you put on at the event was one of the best of your career and you really do still have it; do you think this is so?

Once again, Leone does not say a word and just keeps on walking. Allen out of desperation grabs the arm of Leone and then goes to address him once more.

Allen: Keith…

Suddenly Allen seems to realise what he has done as Leone stops instantaneously, and turns his head slightly so that he is just facing Allen.

Leone: If you value you’re continued existence on this planet, I suggest you never touch me again, is that clear to you?

Allen immediately withdraws his arm and looks defensive as Leone then turns back to his original position. Leone looks as if he is about to walk away as Allen then speaks.

Allen: Come on Keith, you have to give us all something here. I know you’re upset but you have Costello again in the ring tonight. Sure it’s non-title, but you can get your hands on him again. Surely you have something to say about that.

Leone stays silent for a few moments as he stares down at the floor. Finally Leone raises his head slightly but does not face the camera as he speaks.

Leone: The time for talking is over. There are no words to describe what I felt following our match at Night of Glory, and there are no words to describe what I’m going to do to Vincent Costello at Aftermath. All I will say is that I’m not a religious man, but even I will be praying before our match Aftermath for God to forgive me for what I will do.

Leone then lowers his head again and walks down the corridor as the camera pans around to follow him, and watches as he enters a locker room and then slams the door of it behind him. The camera then pans around to see the face of Timothy Allen, which is a mixture of terror and frustration. Finally he shakes his head and begins to walk back to where he was standing earlier as the camera feed cuts away.


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Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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6CW Aftermath Results Friday 17th July Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath Results Friday 17th July

Post by JJJohnson Fri 17 Jul 2015, 11:57 pm

Match 6
Liam Wood vs Lex Hart

HA: Time for our third match of the night involving Key to the Kingdom participants....

HE: Matches like these are big momentum boosts.....but in the end it is going to come down to whoever can get up that ladder fast enough at Beachfront Brawl...

The crowd give a cheer as "Endseekers" bursts through the speakers and Liam Wood makes his way out onto the stage. He keeps his head bowed and seems to be whispering to himself as flames erupt all around him....

HA: The inner turmoil of Liam Wood continues and I have to admit it is becoming more and more worrying....

HE: I'm not going over old ground again, we all know what the answer to Wood's problem is....

HA: There is absolutely no way Liam Wood is going to side with Mr Jones and give in to the darkness inside of him.....he just needs to find a way to combat the frustration....

HE: He's won two high profile matches in an eighteen month period......face facts; whatever Liam Wood used to stand for just doesn't work anymore....he needs to change his outlook and embrace the rage that burns inside...

Liam Wood makes his way down the ramp, fans reaching over to get a touch of one of their favourites, and then he climbs up into the ring. Wood paces the ring, continuing to talk to himself, before turning his focus up towards the stage....

HE: Liam Wood needs a guiding light and that light is Mr Jones....just look what he has done for Mike Masters...

HA: Mr Jones has tried on several occasions over the last two years to make Liam Wood's life a alliance will never happen...

Wood's eyes are locked on the stage and then "Be Myself" booms out to a violent reaction from the 6CW crowd. The boos are deafening as pyros flash into the air and then Lex Hart comes swaggering out onto the stage, Miss Jessica by his side. Lex grins at the reaction of the crowd and then points to his t-shirt; which reads...


HE: I need one of those t-shirts...

HA: Lex Hart may be just about the most hated man in 6CW right now....especially given what he did to JJ Johnson at Night of Glory....

HE: He did exactly what he said he was going to do.....he ended the career of JJ and he did it with his own bare hands....he deserves some damn respect...

HA: The level of brutality in that match is something I will never forget....neither the smile on Lex's face at the destruction he caused.....this man is the personification of evil and malice....the same can be said about that harpy by his side....

HE: Don't talk about the beautiful Miss Jessica like that....

HA: I'd like to know how Jessica is feeling after the return of Hero earlier tonight....

HE: Why should she care? She's with a real man now....

Jessica runs her hand down the chest of Lex and smiles wickedly before leading her man down to ringside. Hart removes his t-shirt and holds it up to the fans, who boo, and then he climbs up into the ring to join Wood. The two men stare at one another....

HA: A first time meeting right here.....two former world champions set to do battle...

HE: Lex already knows he has this won.....he is the master manipulator and Wood's mind is the most fragile in 6CW right now...

The referee as a brief word with both men and then calls for the bell to start the contest. Miss Jessica yells out words of encouragement to Hart as the two men circle each other and then launch for a lockup. Lex ducks under Wood's advances and grins at him....

HA: And the mindgames begin....

Wood just stares at Lex, who trash talks a little, and then they launch for a lockup again. Once again Hart ducks under Wood and he slicks back his hair, sticking his tongue out at Wood. The crowd are booing furiously...

HE: Lex knows exactly what he is doing here....

They set for a third lockup and Lex once again goes for the duck under but Wood grabs his hair and drags him back before clattering him with three right hands, drawing cheers from the crowd. Lex stumbles into the ropes and Wood lands hooks to the body before seizing Hart's arm and he whips him across the ring...

HA: Two very talented wrestlers here, but will Liam Wood be able to keep his talents flowing for the full duration of this contest?

Wood drops his head for a backdrop on the comeback but Hart leaps straight over him and runs off the opposite ropes, only to return into a pele kick to the head. They get back up and Lex misses wildly with a right hand before being scooped up and drilled by a full nelson slam.....................1......................2............hart kicks out!

HE: Wood must be close to finally giving in....he is obsessed with being a main event player and yet everything he tries just doesn't work.....that EWF World Championship reign must feel like a lifetime ago now...

Wood pulls Lex up and tries to flip him for a powerbomb but Hart falls out the front and counters with a stiff European uppercut. He grabs Wood's arm and whips him into the corner before chasing in after...


Wood hits the turnbuckle but immediately powers back out and almost takes Hart's head off with a discus elbow to the face. Lex gets back up and Wood seizes him by the throat before chokeslamming him into a backbreaker.....
........Hart kicks out!

HA: Miss Jessica isn't looking so pleased with what she is seeing...

HE: She has plenty of faith....

Jessica taps her long fingernails on the ring apron and shouts for Lex to get it together as Wood goes back on the offense. Wood tries to lift Hart up into a suplex but Lex kicks his feet and refuses to budge. He then tries for a suplex of his own but Wood floats over the back and he hooks both of Hart's arms behind his back...

HA: Beautiful tiger suplex!

..........Lex pops his shoulder up. Wood gets back to his feet and he quickly heads for the corner and pulls himself onto the top rope. Hart slowly gets back to his feet as Wood launches towards him with a flying lariat...


Lex shows amazing athleticism to dive into the air and catch Wood with a furious dropkick right to the face. They get back up and Hart dropkicks Wood into the ropes before scooping him on the comeback, drilling him with a backbreaker...
........shoulder up!

HA: Now it is a question of whether Liam Wood's mind will allow him to push back from this....

Hart clambers on top of Wood and begins to punch down with heavy right hands to the face. The referee grabs Lex on the count of four and pulls him away...

HA: Hart risking a disqualification....

Lex pulls Wood up by the head and looks for a suplex. Wood spins out and drags Hart in close for a swinging STO but Lex headbutts his opponent right in the eye. Wood clutches his face and Lex bridges him into a German suplex...............1...............2...........kickout!

HE: Lex Hart right now has a taste for causing pain and suffering....if he can end the career of the great JJ Johnson then he can pull off anything....

Lex lashes punches down on the back of Wood and then drags him up into a piledriver position. Wood battles back and he manages to swipe Hart's legs before catapulting him towards the corner...


Hart shows all the grace in the world to land on the turnbuckle and immediately flip back off into a moonsault takedown on his opponent...
......Wood gets his shoulder up off the mat. They get back up and Wood throws a clothesline but misses and Hart counters with a big backdrop driver, dropping Wood right on the back of his neck..................1................2..........Wood gets his shoulder up.

HA: That was a hard landing for Liam Wood.....Lex Hart is piling on pressure now....

Lex pulls Wood up and he turns him around before snapping him back down with a neckbreaker. He then pulls Wood close to the ropes and he jumps onto the bottom before floating back with a moonsault. Hart gets back up and he repeats the process from the second rope.....

HE: Hat-trick coming up.....

Hart gets to his feet and he launches himself onto the top rope before flying back for the third straight moonsault, only for Wood to drive his knees straight up into the midsection of his opponent....

HA: Wood needed that.....AND THAT!

Hart staggers away, winded, and Wood is able to get back up and then crunch into his rival with a spear................1........................2.............shoulder up. Wood rolls over into a seated position to catch his breath....

HA: Winning the "Key to the Kingdom" would be a huge event for either of these would surely make Lex Hart the most dangerous proposition in wrestling today and for Liam Wood it would represent a opportunity that he has tried so hard to attain in the last two years....

Wood gets back up to his feet and he pulls Hart into a gutwrench and tries to lift him for a suplex. Hart manages to squirm through and out onto his feet before grabbing Wood's head and delivers a jawbreaker. Wood staggers back into the corner and Hart rushes at him, only to receive both knees right to the face....

HA: Lex wasn't expecting that.....he is dazed...

Hart stumbles backwards, blinking, as Wood lifts himself onto the second rope and then jumps forwards, ploughing his feet out in front of him for a missile dropkick...

HE: Lex Hart is just so damn good!

Lex catches both of Wood's feet in midair and drives him down into the mat before immediately turning him over into a sharpshooter. The crowd boo and Miss Jessica shrieks in delight as Hart sits right down into the submission hold....

HA: The devastating submission made famous by Lex Hart's family.....Liam Wood is in trouble now....

HE: He's going to have to tap-out or else end up like Anthony Grace earlier....

Wood shouts out in pain as Hart applies the submission but he quickly digs his nails into the canvass and tries to pull himself towards the ropes. Hart's face is a picture of determination as he wrenches back on the legs of his opponent whilst Liam Wood's reddened features try desperately to drag him towards safety....

HA: Wood needs to reach...

HE: He has to tap....


The crowd cheer as Wood's right hand closes around the bottom rope and breaks up the submission. Lex releases on the count of four and he snarls at the referee as they argue in the centre of the ring....

HA: Wood showed heart there....OH CMON!

The crowd boo as Miss Jessica delivers a hard slap to the face of Wood whilst the referee's back is turned. She acts innocently as Lex makes his way back across and begins to stomp down on Wood. He pulls him towards the centre of the ring...

HA: Lex signalling for the "Canadian Destroyer" here...

HE: It destroyed JJ Johnson's career....HERE WE GO!

Lex sets up for the flipping piledriver but Wood shows great skill to pull Hart up on his back and then snaps him back down with an Alabama slam. Lex gets back up and Wood kicks him in the stomach...


Wood pulls Hart in and really drills him into the mat with the heavy suplex...

HA: He got him...

HE: He never...

The referee's hand flies down for three but Lex is able to pop his shoulder up off the deck just in time. Miss Jessica breathes a sigh of relief that her man has managed to survive...

HA: Liam Wood coming so close to picking up, what would have been, a huge morale boosting victory...

Wood grabs Lex by the head and he drags him up before flipping him onto his shoulders. He spins him around and looks to drop him for a powerbomb but Lex scrambles down the back and into a victory roll........1...........2.......Wood kicks out. They scramble back up and Wood ducks under a clothesline from Hart before shoving him against the ropes and he pops him up as he comes back....


Lex wraps his legs around Wood's neck and throws him across the ring with a hurricanrana. They get back up and Lex connects with a stiff superkick.............1..............2..........Wood throws his shoulder up. Hart gets back up to his feet and he delivers two vertical suplexes to Wood before darting at the ropes and leaping onto them....


Lex looks for the springboard moonsault but Wood moves out of the way in time. Hart lands out on his feet and he rushes back at Wood but is lifted up and flapjacked across the top rope...

HA: Hart got hung up there....

Lex is all at sea and Wood locks his hands around his waist and propels him into a release German suplex, sending Lex in a full arc whilst in midair. Hart slams down on his chest, winded, and Wood quickly grabs him and flips him up into the air....


The crowd let out a roar as Wood powerbombs Hart across his knees with brutal force and then he hooks both legs with a triumphant smile...

HA: This match should be over...

HE: Miss Jessica just has a question for the referee....

HA: Like hell she does....

The crowd are booing furiously as Miss Jessica hoists herself up on the apron, displaying a brief shot of her rear, and distracts the referee whilst he is in the middle of the count. The official scrambles over and orders Jessica down but she flutters her eyelashes at him....

HA: This is a joke....Wood had this match sewn up...

HE: That remains to be seen...

Wood gets to his feet, his eyes bulging with rage, and Miss Jessica quickly scarpers from the apron. Wood tries to take deep breaths but his body is shaking....

HA: Wood looks like he is going to have a complete meltdown here......keep it calm, Liam...

HE: He can't....he's going to implode again....embrace the darkness!

Wood seems to contain himself and he moves over to the ropes and begins to climb up towards the top rope. He beckons for Hart to stand up and then he jumps towards him....


Hart displays his fantastic skills again to roll away from the impact just in time. Wood lands in a crouched position and staggers slightly as Lex rushes off the ropes and comes firing back...


The crowd wince at the noise of the impact, Lex jumping up with a high knee that smacks Wood clean in the face...

HA: That was very nearly three there....

Lex pushes his hair from his face and has a few choice words for the official. He then crawls back up to a standing position and he begins to motion for Wood to get back to his feet...

HE: Lex Hart is gunning for the victory here.....FLATLINE!

Hart goes for the RKO but Wood puts on the brakes and shoves Lex into the ropes before charging into him and clotheslining him to the outside. Wood then grabs the top rope and catapults himself over the top..

HA: Wood turning himself into a human missile!

The crowd cheer as Wood crashes down ontop of Lex with a big crossbody. He then drags him back up and rolls him under the bottom rope...Lex grabs the front of the referee's jersey and pulls him away from the ropes as Wood clambers onto the apron....

*Crowd boo


Miss Jessica quickly sneaks in behind Wood and lands a horrible low-blow, causing him to sink forwards and drop through the ropes and back into the ring. Lex quickly pushes the referee aside and he helps Wood back up...


HE: Beautiful....

HA: Wood has been screwed and set up here...


The fans boo furiously as "Be Myself" blares through the speakers and Lex Hart rolls from the ring to join Miss Jessica. Jessica shrieks in delight and Lex gives her a huge kiss as they parade in front of the cameras....

HA: Liam Wood didn't stand a goddamn chance....that was a blatant low blow....Jessica shouldn't be allowed to come out here, she is a cheat...

HE: She's accompanying her man....what the referee doesn't see, he can't call....Lex Hart is the rightful winner of this match...

HA: Rightful? There is nothing right about this at all and you damn well know it....Wood's run of misfortune continues...

HE: Whilst Lex's run of great form is just getting better.....he is heading straight back to the big time where he belongs...

Lex and Jessica laugh as Liam Wood lies slumped on the deck with his head in his hands. Jessica lovingly caresses Lex's body and then leads him up the ramp as the taunts from the crowd continue. Wood is stumbling back to his feet, an irate look on his face, and he breathes heavily as he roars at the referee....

HE: That official should get running before the inner Wood swipes left on him....

HA: Wood seems be teetering very close to the edge again....

Wood grabs the referee by the front of the shirt and begins to shake him, his eyes strangely glazed as he does so. The official is pleading for Wood to let go of him and eventually he seems to snap from his trance and release the ref....a strange expression on his face...

HE: I thought he was going to go psycho on that referee right there...

HA: Liam Wood is becoming more and more unbalance every time that we see doesn't help of course that things just aren't going his way inside the squared circle....he can't buy luck right now....

Wood runs his hands through his hair and clutches at his scalp as he stares down at his feet, an angered look crossing his features. Lex Hart and Miss Jessica have long disappeared into the backstage area as Wood continues his self-reflection in the ring...

HE: Wood needs to let all of the darkness wash over one with is the only way he stands any chance of winning the Key to the Kingdom match.....this emotional trainwreck that he is right now stands no chance...

HA: It is hard to imagine but Wood will always have the talent to pull off great things so I wouldn't rule anything out....I still believe one big victory will put him right back on track...

HE: Achieving that victory will be easier said than done....

Match result: Lex Hart via pinfall
Match time: 9 minutes


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6CW Aftermath Results Friday 17th July Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath Results Friday 17th July

Post by JJJohnson Fri 17 Jul 2015, 11:59 pm


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6CW Aftermath Results Friday 17th July Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath Results Friday 17th July

Post by JJJohnson Sat 18 Jul 2015, 12:01 am

*Timothy Allen is standing backstage with the Red Arrows. Both men have their tag titles over their right shoulders and are standing either side of Allen.

TA: As you can see I stand here with the Tag Team Champions, the men whose title reign stands at 343 days.

*Allen turns to Jack Hurst.

TA: Jack, the last stand of the Red Arrows stretches on again after a battling victory at Night of Glory. How big a moment was that for the pair of you?

JH: Huge, Timothy, absolutely huge. Winning that match really meant the world to us. The biggest night of the year and at the best stadium the world has to offer--truly you don't top that. But our moment was spoiled...

TA: And that starts me on my next question. The Forgotten made sure they were anything but as they not only took out their anger on you, but changed the face of this company by helping Joshua become a world champion in the main event.

*Hurst interrupts

JH: Timothy, what you saw was a group desperate for attention. And a group that failed again. Not only did we retain, but here we are again. Still standing and meeting them head on again tonight.

TA: Do you see yourself being a cohesive team with Thunder and Enigma?

*Reborn jumps in for this one

RR: Look, Timbo, my man. This isn't gonna be one and done tonight. This is gonna be the start of the fight back. Tonight is not about Red Arrows teaming with two new stars. No, tonight is about the good men of 6CW standing together against the rising evil. I don't wanna sound like Stan Lee writes my lines, but sometimes you need the good to be forced out of men to see how great they can be. We'll be a team, but a wider team, a team of individuals in this company. Cos the world needs individuals, you know, people who are a little bit different. You know, sometimes when you cage the beast, the beast gets angry. And they tryna cage us. Our world needs those who'll stand up against what is wrong. The 6CW world need superheroes, and hell Timbo, superheroes always need a Robin.

TA: So what does that make you, Jack?

JH: I'm the Batman.

*Tim looks to laugh, but the deadpan stare of Hurst cuts him short. The champs bump fists around Allen and then turn in opposite directions and walk away, leaving Allen standing alone.


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6CW Aftermath Results Friday 17th July Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath Results Friday 17th July

Post by JJJohnson Sat 18 Jul 2015, 12:03 am

Match 7
Vincent Costello vs Keith Leone

The action returns to ringside and there is an almighty pop from the crowd as "Limowreck" screams through the speakers and then Keith Leone appears on the stage, his face concealed by his trademark hood. Pyros explode around him and then he lowers the hood and begins to walk down the ramp...

HA: This match, in the landscape of 6CW, is huge.....a re-match from Night of Glory.....a re-match from the night that this man right here, Keith Leone, should have walked away as the EWF Champion....

HE: There is no proof of that....

HA: Vincent Costello threw the kitchen sink at Leone and he couldn't put him away.....Leone had the match in the palm of his hand and was about to superkick Costello into next week when the "champion" took the coward's way out and got himself disqualified...

HE: Costello showed why he is such an amazing champion....he recognised danger and he dealt with it...

HA: He cheated and the whole world knows it....tonight the world title might not be on the line but Keith Leone is going to be gunning for serious revenge...

The fans reach over the barricade to touch Leone as he unbuttons his hoody and then drops it to the floor. He pulls himself up on the apron and steps through the ropes as "Killing in the name of" booms through the speakers, greeted by a violent reaction from the 6CW faithful. The purple pyros that flash into the air are drowned up by the boos emanating all around....

HA: Vincent Costello is closing in on one whole year as EWF Champion....but it leaves a bitter taste in many mouth's because everyone knows that championship belt should no longer belong to him...

Costello appears on the stage and he shrugs off the reaction from the crowd, smiling smugly as he stares all around. He shoulders the EWF belt and nods his head before beginning his walk to the ringside area....

HE: Vincent Costello has taken on all comers....defeated all him or not but this man is the best in the business; he always finds a way to win.....

HA: He couldn't beat Keith Leone and he damn well knows it....for the first time ever I saw fear in the eyes of our world champion....

HE: Don't be daft....Costello fears no----AHHHHHHH!

The crowd cheer as Costello walks towards the ring apron and Leone sprints across and dives through the middle ropes, tackling him to the floor with a suicide dive. Leone explodes with a blast of right hands and then he gets to his feet with a maddened expression on his face....

HA: Keith Leone is back to his best, no doubt in my mind....his performance at Night of Glory proved exactly that...

Leone grabs Costello by the hair and he pulls him up before running him forwards and throwing him, chest-first, against the steel steps......BOOM!

HE: Disqualify him, ref...

HA: This match hasn't officially begun yet....Leone releasing some frustration....

Leone drags the champion back up and then he hauls him under the bottom rope, prompting the referee to begin the contest. Leone rolls back in and he waits for Costello to get up before lifting him into an inverted atomic drop and then he scoop slams him to the canvass...

HE: This isn't fair.....Vincent Costello hasn't been given a chance to get started....

Costello gets back up and Leone decks him with a running clothesline before dragging him to his feet and he whips him off the ropes. Costello comes back and Leone sends him sky high with a huge backdrop. Costello holds his spine as he stumbles back up to his feet...

HA: Keith Leone has begun this match where he left off two weeks ago...

Leone unloads with five more right hands and then he sends Costello flying into the corner. He rushes in after his opponent but Costello drives his elbow out and catches Leone in the jaw with it. Leone staggers backwards and Costello rushes out towards him....


Costello looks for a brutal lariat but Leone ducks it and counters with a snap German suplex into a bridge...............1...............2.............shoulder up. They get to their feet and Costello misses wildly with a right hand as Leone counters with a back suplex. Leone then heads to the corner and climbs up top...

HA: A win here for Keith Leone would surely put no doubt in anyone's mind that he deserves another shot at the world championship....not that he should have to prove he is worthy....

Leone reaches the top and then he throws himself through the air, crashing his elbow down into the chest of Costello with maximum impact. Costello is short of breath as he staggers back up to his feet and walks into Leone's path...

HE: You should have stayed down, Vincent....


Costello wriggles his feet and he drops down off the back of Leone before shoving him into the ropes and he drops him with a heavy big boot to the face as he returns....
......Leone kicks out!

HE: Now the tide will Costello is going to teach Leone a lesson for thinking he is a big shot...

Costello begins to stomp down on Leone, every part of the body he can reach. He boots him heavily in the ribs over and over and then he drops down and pushes Leone's head against the bottom rope, choking him...

HA: Costello is trying to use his physical aggression to work his way into this match....

HE: There is nobody more dangerous when he is in this mood...

The referee intervenes on the count of four and Costello rises to his feet once again. He traps Leone against the ropes and fires punches down against his head before following up with even more explosive stomps and kicks to the body. Costello grabs Leone's legs and he drags him away from the ropes before stomping down again on the midsection of his foe...

HE: This is going to be a dismantlement now....Costello is going to thrash the life out of Leone....

Leone rolls over on his stomach and tries to shell up as Costello launches more punches down towards his skull. Costello shakes with anger and then he notices an opportunity and he runs towards the ropes...

HE: Leone's in prime position here and he doesn't even know it....KERB-NO!

Costello leaps up for the foot stomp but Leone shows great character and skill to push himself upwards and he catches Costello on his shoulders before snapping him down with a powerbomb, Costello landing hard on the back of his neck. Costello tries to stagger back up and Leone kicks him in the gut...

HA: Double armed DDT!

1.......................2...............shoulder up. Leone gets back up and he listens to the electricity of the crowd as he beckons for Costello to stand...

HA: Leone trying to finish the job.....CONCUSS....

Costello ducks the superkick and he hooks Leone in a half nelson before launching him backwards with a sickening suplex. Costello then shows great strength to pick Leone up by the legs and onto his shoulders....


Costello powerbombs Leone backwards into the turnbuckle and then he scoops Leone up onto his shoulders and he spins him around...

HA: Devastating impact!

Costello throws Leone off his shoulders and knees him right in the face with a GTS.................1...................2..............Leone barely gets his shoulder up off the mat. Costello punches the canvass and then he gets back up. Leone tries to roll out onto the apron but VC drags him back through the middle ropes...


HA: Leone looks hurt...

Costello hits a crunching corkscrew neckbreaker from the elevated position and he hooks both legs...............1.....................2.............Leone manages to get his shoulder up off the mat!

HA: Costello is starting to feel those unwanted feelings again....the idea that he cannot put Leone away....

Costello slicks his hair back and then he backs into the corner and lifts himself onto the second rope. He beckons for Leone to stand up and then he jumps off towards him...


Leone spins around and drives both his hands up in an axe handle, smashing them into the gut of Costello and spinning him in midair. Leone quickly grabs Costello and he lifts him up, drilling him with a piledriver....

HA: Costello landed right on the top of his head....this could be it....

......shoulder up!

HE: Costello is the EWF Champion, you don't just put him away like that....

Leone hooks both of Costello's arms and tries to throw him with a suplex but Costello spins out and kicks Leone in the stomach. He then rushes Leone forwards and throws him through the ropes, slamming him into the ringpost....

HE: That is going to change everything...

The crowd groan as Leone slumps against the solid steel. Costello drags him away and scoops him up on his shoulders.....


Costello laughs and looks at the crowd before connecting with a reverse death valley driver, smashing Leone down on his face...
...........kickout. Costello has a few choice words for the official as he gets back up. He then grabs Leone and he yanks him back to his feet before scooping him up on his shoulders....

HE: This is brilliant....with his own move....TOMBSTONE!

Leone suddenly rakes the eyes of Costello and he drops off the back before shoving him against the ropes. Costello comes back and Leone looks for the superkick but VC catches his foot and spins him around....


HE: It's done...

The crowd groan as Costello drills Leone with the black hole slam and he makes a triumphant cover...

HE: YES....


Crowd: Keith Le-one x10

HE: Please don't let this happen again....

The crowd are bouncing and Costello looks livid as the referee motions that the shoulder was up. The EWF Champion is screaming with fury before he rolls out of the ring and grabs a steel chair from the side of the announce table...

HA: Here we go again....Costello taking the easy way out...

Costello clatters the steel chair against the top of the announce table and then he heads back to the ring and rolls inside. The referee tries to block him off but he shoves the official out of the way and heads straight towards his rival...


Costello throws the steel chair towards Leone's skull but KL dodges the shot and counters with a snap neckbreaker. They get back up and Leone lifts Costello onto his shoulders and runs him into a powerslam...

HA: Costello's plan has backfired...he's in trouble now....

1.....................2............shoulder up. Leone gets back to his feet and he kicks the steel chair to the corner before dragging Costello back up. He looks for a suplex but Costello floats over the side and pushes Leone to the corner. He follows in with a diving splash but Leone moves aside and sends VC crashing against the turnbuckle. Costello staggers back around...


*Crowd pop

HE: Not good....

Leone kicks Costello right on the jaw and he collapses into the cover...



The crowd are bouncing and celebrating until the referee points to Costello's left foot, the very last inch of his big toe has managed to find its way under the bottom rope. Leone thinks he has the match won but the referee shakes his head and informs him of what has happened....

HE: That is a true champion....always aware, always surviving no matter the adversity...

HA: Keith Leone thought he had the win there....

Leone pushes his hair from his face and he lets out a sigh. He gets back to his feet and he staggers against the ropes for a second and stares out at the sell-out crowd...

HA: Costello on dream street.......he's barely holding on....TOMBSTONE!

Leone scoops Costello up on his shoulders and prepares to finish him with the piledriver but Costello jabs his thumb into Leone's eye, temporarily blinding him. Leone drops down on his knee as Costello runs off the ropes and sprints back....


He runs back but the crowd cheer as Leone takes Costello to the floor with a drop toe hold. He quickly rolls over and he grabs Costello's legs....


Costello thrashes and writhes before kicking out with both feet and he sends Leone flailing backwards, rolling to the canvass. Costello comes back and sprints at Leone but he steps aside and sends Costello against the ropes....


*Crowd pop

Leone lands the second superkick, sending Costello flying over the top rope and crashing into the aisleway. Leone falls down in a seated position for a moment....

HE: No pinfall though...

HA: I think Costello is out cold from that kick....if Leone can summon his strength and get him back in the ring then this is over...

The referee is leaning over the ropes and looking down at Costello..................1......................2...................3..................4.....................5.............Costello is trying to push himself up on one knee but it is clear that he is groggy.........6...
..........Leone gets back to his feet and makes his way towards the ropes......8.........Costello stumbles over to the apron and he looks up at Leone...
.......He shakes his head and backs away as Leone looks furious...

HA: I don't believe this...

HE: The champion doesn't get paid for overtime....he's done enough tonight...

HA: Vincent Costello, regardless of what anyone else says, knows he cannot beat Keith Leone.....twice in two weeks he has ran away from an ultimate conclusion....

The crowd are booing furiously as Costello staggers around to the announce desk and snatches his EWF belt up before hurrying up the rampway with it. Leone is standing in the ring looking completely nonplussed...

HE: Costello has nothing to prove to anybody....he is the EWF World Heavyweight Champion....

HA: A champion that fears defeat when it stares him in the face....Vincent Costello fears Keith Leone...

HE: He fears no man....Costello's Law rules this company...

HA: I'd say Costello's Law has lost its hold over 6CW....

Costello waves off the crowd's reaction as he takes a quick look back at Leone, who is shouting for him to come back and fight. Costello's smirk returns and he shakes his head at Leone before raising the championship belt over his head....

HA: Costello can kid himself all he wants but he's not fooling anyone else....Leone has his number and he damn well knows it...

HE: Complete and utter tripe....I guarantee if Leone ever gets another shot at the EWF Championship then Costello will prove who the better man really is...

HA: In two weeks Vincent Costello has conceded a disqualification and a count-out defeat to Keith Leone rather than reach a definitive result inside the ring....that tells me everything I need to know...Keith Leone should be handed another shot at that belt, he deserves it..

Match result: Keith Leone via pinfall
Match time: 9 minutes; 15 seconds


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Age : 33

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6CW Aftermath Results Friday 17th July Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath Results Friday 17th July

Post by JJJohnson Sat 18 Jul 2015, 12:05 am

*The camera flickers to life to show a figure standing backstage. He is staring directly down the lens, the bottom half of his face hidden by a wolf mask,wearing a black hood and all black all over. The figure is alone in a darkened room, and a deep male voice greets us.

?: Welcome to a glimpse of the future, 6CW. For you see we are the future, not them. They no longer matter. They who stand against us merely offer themselves as the newest victims. Yes, it has been very impressive to witness so far, the rise of a new power. Yet this is merely the beginning of the plan. Did you think we would so simply begin and end? Night of Glory would saw the warning beacons lit. This is but the start. Our strength in unity will bring down the 6CW you know.

*The figure stops and turns away. He walks a few steps before whispering loudly

"We will be Forgotten no more"


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6CW Aftermath Results Friday 17th July Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath Results Friday 17th July

Post by JJJohnson Sat 18 Jul 2015, 12:06 am

(Dean Andrews is walking through the backstage area ahead of the Main Event, he turns a corner and sees a large gathering of people stood outside the open door of his office)

DA: Hey, it's not the time of the year for bonuses

(The group hear Andrews and begin to disperse, inaudible whispers can just be made out. Andrews stands open mouthed at the doorway)

DA: What the hell……

(The camera shows that the office has been completely trashed, electrical items lay strewn across the floor and the charred embers of a small fire is burning out where once stood an oak desk. Andrews takes a step forward and his attention is drawn to the far wall where once again a message has been daubed in large red letters)

The message reads:



(Andrews is stood silent, shaking his head. Backstage staff rush forward with fire extinguishers to put out the last few flames of the dying fire)


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6CW Aftermath Results Friday 17th July Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath Results Friday 17th July

Post by JJJohnson Sat 18 Jul 2015, 12:07 am

Main Event
Joshua/The Forgotten vs Red Arrows/Enigma/Thunder

The crowd are really amped up as the action returns to ringside for the main event. The cameras pan around to show "GazzyD is 6CW" signs in the crowd before "hero" by Nickleback plays out of the speakers. There is a flash of light and then the crowd cheer as Enigma appears on the stage....

HA: What a night this has been folks....the shock retirement of GazzyD, the return of Hero, the Key to the Kingdom announcement and so much more but we are not done yet....we still have a huge eight man tag team main event....

HE: It really does feel like a momentum shift is underway here in 6CW and I have a nasty feeling that the events of Night of Glory started it off.....

HA: 6CW is very much in a state of unrest....Daniel Magnusson's attacker is still at large, Charles Kramer is continuing to pull the strings and manipulate the situation....and we now have a very unsettling power rising, lead by our brand new 6CW Champion...

HE: And you really think this superhero wannabe can help to stop The Forgotten?

HA: I'm not sure anyone can but I have a huge amount of respect for anyone that tries....GazzyD said it earlier tonight, now is the time for the 6CW roster to stand up and be counted.....this is a huge opportunity to prove yourself against the wild coyotes that are trying to take this company over...

Enigma climbs up onto the apron and vaults over the top rope. He stands on the turnbuckle and stares out at the crowd before the lights go down again. There is a huge roar from the crowd as "Heroes are hard to find" echoes through the airwaves...

HA: What an ovation for the new 6CW International Champion....

HE: So we've got two pretend superheroes....i'm sure the Forgotten are quaking in their boots...

HA: I think anyone who underestimates Thunder is a fool....since he returned a few months ago there is no doubt in my mind that he is more focused than ever before....this man has the ability to go really far in his career...

Thunder taps his heart as he listens to the cheers of the fans and then he pats the INT belt around his waist and begins his walk to the ring. He rolls under the bottom rope and he touches hands with Enigma before climbing up onto the turnbuckle to pose for the audience...

HE: Thunder shocked me by overcoming Jax Cutler, I'll admit, but can he really be expected to overcome The Forgotten?

HA: He'll never back down from a fight and I guarantee he'll give it his it enough? I have no idea...

Thunder climbs down to join Enigma as "Stronger" rips through the speakers and another roar from the crowd greets the arrival of the 6CW Tag Team Champions. Robin Reborn bounces out onto the stage and he raises his arms in the air whilst Jack Hurst follows behind him, giving a solid wave to the audience...

HA: If anyone already knows what it's like to face The Forgotten and overcome them then it is the 6CW Tag Team Champions...

HE: They scraped through a tag team title defense at Night of Glory against two of them, and I mean barely scraped....but they've never looked comfortable against the whole unit....factor in the fact that now Joshua is seemingly allied with them and this is a whole different ball game now....

HA: Maybe so but the Red Arrows will not change their outlook.....quite arguably the greatest tag team in the history of 6CW and they see this battle against The Forgotten as a personal vendetta...they will not stop fighting....

Hurst and Reborn make their way down to the ring and then they climb up inside. There are pleasantries exchanged between all four members of the team and then the lights go down. The sound of a gong reverberates through the arena and is followed up by the howl of a wolf. "Riot" by Three Days Grace begins to play through the speakers and the crowd boo furiously as the 6CW World Heavyweight Champion appears on the stage....

HA: Here he arguably the most powerful man in all of 6CW....the Heavyweight Champion of the world....

HE: And look at McCoy...

Joshua, now dressed in a black vest and black trousers, has McCoy in his arms. The 6CW Championship belt has been wrapped around the puppet's waist as the champion just carries both down the ramp with him, hanging loosely at his side. Suddenly from the backstage area comes the three masked members of The Forgotten....

HA: And here he leads his new found allies....never would I have believed Joshua to join forces with anyone but it seems he shares some kind of ideaology with these men.....I just don't know what....

HE: Do we want to know? I believe this may be the biggest threat our company has ever faced.....we still don't know the full extent of these men's quest.....and that makes them even more dangerous...

HA: True....we aren't even sure what we are up against...but whatever it is, it is extremely dangerous....

Joshua pulls a steel chair from the next to the announce table and sets it up before setting McCoy down on it. He then finds himself surrounded by his three masked cohorts. They all stare at Joshua, who slowly bows his head, and then they turn on their heels and storm the ring....


The crowd roar as The Forgotten fly into the ring and begin brawling with their opponents. Oyabun quickly begins a brawl with Thunder whilst Jack Hurst and Robin Reborn set about picking up where they left off at Night of Glory, fighting with Shateigashira and Wakagashira. Enigma is looking from one side of the ring to the other, looking for an opening, when Joshua climbs onto the apron and steps over the top rope...

HE: Enigma has been running around for weeks now warning everyone of impending doom....I think he should have looked a little closer to home...

Enigma makes a break forward and begins to fire off shots on the 6CW Champion. Joshua is barely moves by the impact and then he grabs Enigma and delivers a headbutt, sending his opponent flying backwards and into a heap. Oyabun has Thunder trapped in the corner and is teeing off with shoulder thrusts to the gut...

HA: For me this is almost like watching Genesis all over again....

HE: But we knew all along what Genesis' motives where.....these men seem to answer to nobody and nothing....

Shate whips Jack Hurst off the ropes and drops him with a big boot whilst Waka lifts Reborn onto his shoulders and tries to run him into a rolling fireman's slam....

HA: Beautiful counter from Robin Reborn...

Reborn spins out and drops Waka on his head with a DDT. He gets back up and he ducks under Shate's discus lariat attempt before dropkicking him through the ropes to the outside. Oyabun storms forward but Reborn yanks down the ropes and sends him flying over...

HA: Robin Reborn is all fired up...

The crowd are cheering as Reborn rolls back up to his feet and finds himself staring at Joshua. They stare at each other for a moment and then Reborn charges forward and leaps at the world champion, forearming him in the face. He follows up with a few more shots to the head and then he grabs Joshua's arm and tries to whip him across the ring....

HE: Well that's not going to happen....

Joshua easily reverses and sends Reborn across the ring. RR comes back and Joshua pops him high into the air but Reborn counters with a sensational front dropkick that sends the champion staggering back to the corner. Reborn follows in with a huge splash, landing on the ropes and begins to rain down with a ten punch combo....

HA: Robin Reborn is ready to fight tonight....he sees Joshua in line with The Forgotten and he wants to tear chunks from the world champion...

Reborn lands six punches but then Joshua grabs him by the throat and hauls him backwards, throwing him halfway across the ring. Reborn gets back up and charges back in but Joshua greets him with a devastating diving clothesline...

HE: Reborn just got folded in half...

Reborn is in a heap on the floor as Joshua stands and allows Oyabun to tag himself into the match. The powerhouse drags Reborn up and he whips him off the ropes before drilling him with an impressive Samoan drop.................1................2............shoulder up.

HA: This Oyabun was so damn impressive inside the Chamber of Horrors structure....he seems to have real penchant for destruction...

He drags Reborn back up by the head and hauls him into the corner before crashing against him with a clothesline. He drags RR out by the arm and bench presses him into the air with incredible power...

HE: That is scary from a man standing 6'2....

Reborn is benched three times and then thrown high into the air, leaving him to crash down heavily on his chest. Oyabun then runs off the ropes and returns with a huge leaping splash................1..............2...........Reborn throws his shoulder off the mat!

HA: I'd like to know who was talking with The Forgotten just before this match seemed to be that there may actually be somebody pulling their strings...

HE: It was just Roussemof..

HA: I'm not so sure....

Oyabun stands on Reborn's stomach with both feet and then he jumps up and crashes down with his knees into the gut, sending RR rolling away in agony. Oyabun then turns and offers the tag to Shate...

HE: These guys work so well as a unit...that is what makes them even more formidable...

Shate leaps onto the top rope and dives into the ring with a legdrop to the throat of Reborn................1.................2..........kickout. He drags him up and delivers a series of European uppercuts, backing him against the ropes, before whipping him to the opposite side...


Reborn shows his athleticism to fly back and take Shate off his feet with the back elbow to the face. They get back up and Reborn catches Shate's foot before nailing a stepover heel kick to the jaw...........1................2..........shoulder up. Reborn drags Shate back up and connects with a face-first suplex before rolling to the corner...

HA; Reborn never gives up....never backs down......HE'S GONNA FLY!

Wakagashira grabs Reborn's foot and yanks it out from under him, causing Reborn to get crotched up top. The crowd are booing furiously as Shate then gets back up and he springboards onto the ropes before floating across and catching Reborn on the turnbuckle, pulling him off into a heavy bulldog....

HE: That was sensational....

HA: Reborn might just have been knocked out by that....

Shate rolls Reborn over.......................1.........................2............Jack Hurst interrupts the count. Shate gets back up and Hurst quickly scoops him onto his shoulders....


Waka storms the ring and spears Hurst, tackling him through the middle ropes to the outside of the ring. Shateagashira is able to get back up and he pulls Reborn to his feet and prepares to run him into another bulldog...

HE: Reborn is about to go night night....


Reborn stops dead and uses Shate's own momentum to throw him forwards and into the turnbuckle, leaving him slumped upside down. Reborn then staggers away and manages to tag in Thunder, much to the delight of the fans...

HA: Here comes the International Champion...

Thunder quickly springs onto the ropes and he jumps into the ring, flattening the recovering Shate with an overcastle neckbreaker. They get back up and Thunder lifts his opponent into an electric chair position before dropping him on his face...

HE: So far 6CW are fighting hard against The Forgotten but how long can they keep this up?

Thunder gets up and he motions a roll, drawing cheers from the crowd. He then runs against the ropes and comes charging back...

HA: Rolling thunder!

He nails the rolling senton splash to the chest of Shate and then he beckons him back up and he drags him in close, flattening him with a rock bottom slam...
........Oyabun breaks up the count!

HE: They always seem to have an extra man....

Oyabun delivers a stiff kick to the side of Thunder's head before the referee can intervene and push him backwards. Thunder gets back up and he grabs Shateagashira and connects with a snap suplex before rolling his hips and drags him up again...

HA: Thunder loves to hit these in threes....

The crowd cheer as Thunder connects with the second suplex and then he hauls Shate up for a third time and completes the hat-trick. He gives a little theatrical shake as he heads for the corner and climbs up top...

HE: I think he's feeling froggy...



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6CW Aftermath Results Friday 17th July Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath Results Friday 17th July

Post by JJJohnson Sat 18 Jul 2015, 12:08 am

Thunder launches himself into the frogsplash but finds nothing but canvass as Shate is dragged out of the way by Wakagashira. Waka tags himself in and he quickly climbs up the ropes and waits for Thunder to get up before launching at him with a big lariat..................1........................2.................shoulder up.

Waka pulls Thunder back up into a gutwrench and then he lifts him high, spinning him into a heavy powerbomb........1...............2............shoulder up!

HA: Now that Thunder is the International Champion that automatically makes him a target for most on the roster.....I'm sure The Forgotten would happily take that belt to increase their hold on the company....

Waka gets up and he waits for Thunder to rise before grabbing him by the throat. He tries lift him into a chokeslam but Thunder jumps out the side and kicks his opponent in the stomach before dropping him with a DDT................1.................2............shoulder up!

HE: The problem I have whenever The Forgotten are around is that chaos could literally ensue at any moment...

Thunder gets back up to his feet and he takes Waka by the arm before twisting it around. He then backs into the corner and climbs backwards up the turnbuckle before walking along the ropes....

HA: Thunder going old school here...

He jumps off and clatters down behind the back of Waka's head with a stiff forearm smash. He then backs up against the ropes and comes forward with a throwback snap neckbreaker...
.....shoulder up from Waka!

HE: Enigma really wants the tag....

The crowd are cheering as Enigma stretches out his hand and signals for Thunder to tag him in. Thunder looks a little surprised but he nods and slaps Enigma's hand. Enigma waits for Waka to get up and then he springboards onto the ropes and comes off with a crossbody takedown.............1.................2............kickout. They get back up and Enigma scores with a spinning heel kick before following up with a standing shooting star................1.............2...........shoulder up again!

HA: I don't know what Enigma has been prophesising....I don't know what he has seen that the rest of us haven't but it really seems to have lit a fire underneath him in recent weeks....he is a changed man...

HE: Well the idiot actually thinks he is a superhero doesn't he....and now he thinks he is fighting a great, mysterious evil...

Enigma pulls Waka up and he tries to whip him to the corner but it is easily reversed. Waka follows in but Enigma spins around the turnbuckle and nails a feint kick over the top. Waka staggers back as Enigma scrambles up to the top rope and launches forwards again, this time driving his knees down into Waka's shoulders and pinning him to the floor............1.................2............kickout. Enigma gets back up and he signals for Waka to stand before jumping towards him....


Waka ducks it and he lifts Enigma into a full nelson before transitioning into a backstabber. Both men are flat on the deck and Waka is much closer to his corner...

HE: Enigma had a few moments of success there but now he could be in trouble...

Wakagashira manages to roll over and he finds the hand of Oyabun. Oyabun quickly goes to the top rope and he waits for Enigma to stand before diving towards him, flattening him with a heavy shoulder tackle..............1...............2...........kickout. Oyabun gets back up and he lifts Enigma into a back suplex position before spinning him out into a sit-out powerbomb...................1..................2...........shoulder up!

HA: And as of yet the 6CW Champion hasn't needed to break sweat....

HE: Completely guarded by the fact that The Forgotten are so good at what they do...Enigma is trapped now...

Oyabun drags Enigma up and he pushes him back into the corner and begins to stomp a mudhole. He then offers the tag to Shate, who vaults over the ropes and follows up with stiff chops and palm strikes. He launches heavy karate kicks into Enigma's stomach, doubling him up, and then he drags him away from the ropes and swings him into a neckbreaker.................1....................2............kickout!

HA: Enigma is being worn down....

Shate grabs Enigma's ankle and tries to apply a submission but Enigma scrambles forward and rolls away, sending Shate crashing into the corner. Enigma gets back up and he quickly tries to score with a superkick but Shate catches his foot and spins him around before countering with a Russian legsweep....Shate gets back to one knee, his eyes shining from above the bandana around his mouth, and he offers out his hand to Joshua....

HE: And here we is about to pick up...

Joshua stands over the ropes. Enigma staggers back up and Joshua wraps both his hands around his foe's neck before lifting him off the ground, choking him in midair. The referee counts to four and then Joshua sits down and slams Enigma into the canvass. The world champion gets back up to his feet and he stares across at his other opponents....

HA: I don't know if there has ever been a formidable champion than that he has the 6CW title I'm wondering if anyone can ever take it from him...

HE: It cost Gazzy his career just trying to beat this man....

Enigma is trying to stand up and Joshua grabs him by the scruff of the neck and drags him up before launching him into the turnbuckle. He lands a big hook to the body and then goes upstairs with an uppercut that sends Enigma flying up onto the top of the turnbuckle....

HA: He's never rushed, never forced into a pace that isn't his own....Joshua is always in complete control...

Joshua lashes his palm down across the chest of Enigma and then he uses the top rope to propel him into the air and he catches him like a baby. He backs away from the turnbuckle and then just launches Enigma over his head, sending him smashing down on the canvass. Joshua pulls Enigma back up and he lifts him into a suplex position, holding him there for ten seconds before just throwing him against the ropes with horrific impact...

HE: Enigma is being decimated here....

Enigma tries to crawl up, using the turnbuckle, and Joshua smashes into him with a splash. He then beckons Enigma out and he grabs him by the throat....

HE: Enigma is about to GO TO...

The crowd cheer as Reborn, Hurst & Thunder rush into the ring and attack Joshua, stopping him from splattering Enigma into the canvass. Joshua is taken to one knee as his opponents try and wear him down but then The Forgotten storm in and all hell breaks loose....

HA: This is what we were banking on...

Oyabun crashes into Thunder and tackles him to the corner, beginning to explode with right hands whilst Thunder fires back with shots of his own. Shate takes the fight to Jack Hurst and tries to throw him to the outside but Hurst reverses it and sends Shate over the top. Hurst then runs the opposite side and then dives through the middle as he comes back....

Crowd: That was awe-some x10

Waka and Reborn are battling it out and Waka kicks Reborn in the stomach before flipping him up onto his shoulders. He runs him towards the ropes but Reborn topples forward and scores with a hurricanrana that sends both men flying over the top. Reborn manages to hang onto the apron as Waka crashes down to the floor below. Waka gets back up and tries to grab Reborn's feet but RR kicks back out and catches him in the face, sending him staggering backwards. Reborn then springboards onto the ropes and he twists off with an incredible corkscrew splash....

HA: Robin Reborn is picking up where GazzyD left off......the "human highlight reel"....

Reborn gets back up and he throws his arms up as the crowd cheer. In the ring, Thunder ducks a "clothesline from hell" attempt from Oyabun and then he pops him into the air...


The crowd cheer as Thunder pops Oyabun into the air and drills him with a sickening European uppercut as he comes down. Thunder is about to follow up with the elbow drop when he is spun around....


Joshua grips Thunder by the throat and he lifts him into a chokeslam before carrying him to the ropes and he drives him down towards the hard flooring, Thunder landing in a devastating heap. Joshua then flicks his hair from his face and he turns around....


The cheer from the crowd is incredible as Joshua turns around and eats a big superkick from Enigma, knocking him to the floor. Enigma dives into the cover and the crowd chant along...
.......Joshua powers out!

HE: Guess again...

HA; For a moment there I thought we might witness one of the biggest upsets of all time...

Enigma gets back up with his head in his hands and he listens to the roar of the crowd. Joshua then sits up, drawing shock from the audience. Enigma shakes his head and he runs off the ropes before returning with a low hesitation dropkick to the face, leaving Joshua sprawled out again. Enigma heads for the corner and he climbs high....

HE: I don't believe what I'm witnessing here.....SENTON BOMB!

Enigma dives from on top but Joshua moves aside and sends Enigma crashing into the canvass with sickening impact. On the outside, Jack Hurst and Robin Reborn are double teaming Shate. They prepare for lift him into a double powerbomb but Waka grabs Reborn and spins him around before connecting with a sickening "rain maker" lariat....

HA: Reborn just got his head taken off....

Hurst pushes Shate away and hits Waka with three right hands and then finishes the "charm offensive" combo with a solid hook that sends Waka toppling to the floor. He beckons him back up and he lifts him onto his shoulders....


BOOM! The crowd wince as Shate springboards onto the apron and he flies across and catches Hurst around the head, bulldogging him across the top of the steel steps. Oyabun then calls for his allies to follow him into the ring....

HE: They've taken everyone out....

HA: Not everyone....


Shate and Waka grab Enigma by his arms and they whip him into the ropes before all three Forgotten members lift him skywards on the return and drill him with the devastating flapjack. Joshua is scaling the ropes...

HA: Pure carnage all around....

HE: This is what these men do.....DUMBSTRUCK!

Joshua thunders through the air and almost puts his head right through Enigma's chest with the devastating flying headbutt. Enigma writhes in pain as Joshua cross his arms across his chest...

HA: And just like that...

HE: Was it ever in doubt?

HA: Such a valiant effort from the Arrows, Thunder and Enigma but The Forgotten are fast becoming the most formidable faction we have seen here in 6CW...

The cameras pan around and show Reborn and Hurst sprawled next to each other on the hard flooring. Thunder is on his knees holding his back whilst The Forgotten and Joshua parade over Enigma in the middle of the ring. "Riot" is blaring out of the speakers...

HA: A terrific main event but 6CW is in grave danger....these men are fast taking over and I'm not so sure if anyone can stand up to them...

HE: The show began with GazzyD announcing his retirement, brought about these men, and Gazzy made a call for the 6CW roster to stand up and be take the fight to The Forgotten....well they have but it ended the same way it did at Night of Glory....

HA: What now...?

HE: I don't think they are done...

Joshua looks from Oyabun to Shategashira to Wakagashira and then they nod their heads and climb from the ring. They rip up the ring aprons and begin to pull tables out from underneath....

HA: This is bad....

HE: It seems the 6CW roster are going to pay for standing up to this new power....

HA: Somebody needs to step in here...we need someone to stop this....


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6CW Aftermath Results Friday 17th July Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath Results Friday 17th July

Post by JJJohnson Sat 18 Jul 2015, 12:09 am

*Crowd pop

HE: HUH?!?

The entire Wembley Arena rises to its feet as "Radioactive" screams through the speakers and an irate Max Adamson storms out onto the stage, carrying a steel chair in his hand. He looks thunderous as he makes his way down the aisleway....

HE: What are you doing out here Max......OH MY LORD!


Waka storms into the aisle to cut Max off but Adamson dodges his lariat attempt and then crashes the steel chair right across the top of his head. Shate runs over and uses the steel steps to propel himself into an aerial assault.....CRACK!


Max throws the steel chair into the air and it thunders into the face of Shate, leaving him in a battered mess on the floor. Oyabun then clatters into Max from behind and he spins him around and grabs him....


Max lands several elbows to the jaw of Oyabun, breaking his grip and sending him staggering away. Adamson quickly sprints after him.....CRASH!

Crowd: Holy (beep) x20

HE: I didn't even think Max was here tonight....

HA: Max Adamson has just laid waste to The Forgotten....that leaves just one...

Max splatters into Oyabun and spears him through a table that they have just set up against the ringside barrier. Max gets back to his feet and the crowd roar as he glares up at Joshua...

HE: Joshua alone is still as formidable as they come...

HA: But Max Adamson is not intimidated....he wants a fight....

Adamson tugs at his hair, his face full of rage, and then he dives into the ring and storms at Joshua. They collide in the centre of the ring and Max begins to knock Joshua backwards but then Joshua responds with a headbutt and a big uppercut. He grabs Max by the throat and lifts him up....

HE: GO TO...

Max jumps out of the side and he sprints against the ropes before rushing back and he clatters into Joshua with an almighty spear...


The arena is shaking as Max stands up and he begins to tug at the ropes, making them vibrate as he shakes them. He pulls at his hair again and then he shouts for Joshua to stand up....

HE: Max Adamson was the last person I expected to come to the rescue here....

HA: I think he must have heard GazzyD's speech earlier tonight....he's answered the call of his former best friend...CYCLONE!

Max scoops Joshua up on his shoulders and prepares for the F-5 but Shate and Waka reach under the bottom rope and grab Adamson's feet, pulling him to the floor. They then grab Joshua and drag him under the bottom rope...

*Crowd boo

HA: The Forgotten are damn well retreating....Max Adamson has them shaken...

Oyabun is holding his head as he staggers from the wreckage of the table and he grabs McCoy and the 6CW Championship before joining his faction in the aisleway. Joshua is glaring back at Max and he moves forwards....

HE: Joshua doesn't want to back down here...

HA: The rest of The Forgotten trying to exercise some control here.....

Shate and Waka grab Joshua's shoulders and pull him back whilst Oyabun pushes McCoy into Joshua's arms, hoping it will act as a calming influence. Max Adamson is pacing the ring, his eyes full of fury, and he continues to motion for The Forgotten to come back and fight....

HA: The war between 6CW and The Forgotten just took an unexpected twist...perhaps we do stand a chance, maybe just maybe there is a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel...

HE: Can 6CW really pin their hopes on the wildcard that is Max Adamson?

HA: Who else is there? Do we have a choice? Max answered the call.....he brought the fight and The Forgotten are backing away for the first time ever...

Joshua seems to relax a little with McCoy and the 6CW Championship in his arms but he still continues to stare at Max Adamson in the ring. The rest of The Forgotten turn around and point at Max before motioning towards Enigma, Thunder and The Red Arrows as though warning him what his future entails...

HE: Well Max has certainly picked his side...the line is drawn in the sand...

HA: I have a feeling over the coming weeks the rest of the roster may be forced to make a choice...the battle lines have been well and truly marked...

The show goes off air with Max Adamson and Joshua continuing to stare at one another whilst The Forgotten stalk the stage, looking angry.


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Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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