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6CWF Presents Proving Ground Results - Monday 22nd May 2023

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6CWF Presents Proving Ground Results - Monday 22nd May 2023 Empty 6CWF Presents Proving Ground Results - Monday 22nd May 2023

Post by JJJohnson Mon 22 May 2023, 5:51 pm

*We go live on air from inside the sold-out Braehead Arena in Glasgow. The fans are making a hell of a noise as a pyrotechnic display accompanies “All of the lights” playing through the speakers. The cameras pan around to show us the layout of the arena and then they come to rest on Jeff Thadeus and RJ, who are situated at the 6CWF Announce Desk up on the stage.

JT welcomes us to the show and promises a stellar night of action as he and RJ run down the card and talk about what they are most looking forward to. We find out that JJ and Brandi Johnson are still in America but they will be back for the “From the Ashes” event in three weeks time.

*Eddy Kent opens up the show, met by unanimous boos from the audience. He isn’t interested in what the crowd have to say or what they want, he just came out here to make it clear to anyone and everyone that tonight he will end this whole saga with Scott Harris by defeating him in the middle of the ring. Kent says it’s a travesty he has to do it again, considering he won the first contest, but Harris should be grateful that he gets the share the ring with a living legend such as himself for the second time in three weeks.

This brings Harris out. Harris says he isn’t much for talking, or measuring (beep) sizes but he did come here tonight for a fight. He says he’s listened to what Kent has to say and he’s bored so how about they bring their match forward and they settle their differences right here, right now.

The crowd are on board and hyped as Harris begins to make his way to the ring but here comes Alex Walker. Walker says as much as he knows both men are itching to put on a show, something he commends them for, there is a schedule for tonight and, unfortunately, that schedule says they aren’t due on for at least another hour. There are boos all around and Harris turns to Kent and says “I didn’t realise you were still Walker’s (beep)”. Kent merely smirks back as the commentators hype up what a huge contest this is going to be later on tonight.

*Interview time with Mike Hill and Jack Reynolds. Reynolds wants to talk about Hill’s actions last week and costing Lex the main event but Hill says this is just typical biased journalism. Hill says his actions last week were retaliatory after Lex Hart smashed his face open with a steel chair and he points to his black eye and half-healed cut on his nose. Hill says nobody is talking about that….nobody wants to mention Lex’s outburst…’s all just about Mike Hill, the villain of the story.

Hill says if it’s a villain you want then it is a villain you are going to get. Last week was just a taster of what he can do and what he will do in order to get the respect that has been a long time coming.

Reynolds asks Hill if he is expecting Lex to respond here tonight but Hill shrugs it off. He says Lex can try, if he really wants, but he should know by now that this is a war he cannot win and it is futile to even try.

We move on to ask about Hill’s upcoming bout with Reilly and if he has a prediction….Hill predicts a victory and says that after that, the sky will be the limit.

*We get a shot of backstage where all the referees have been gathered. Alex Walker walks in, tapping on his phone, as Acer, Diablo, Christy James and Drake are addressing the officials. Acer says there have been too many controversial finishes and it’s drawing the attention of the media, which is never good for business. He understands it is a high pressure job and he commends the work ethic of the referees but they need to do better. Walker looks up and he nods toward Ralph Santos, one of the senior refs, who nods back. Acer asks if there are any questions but they all shake their heads.


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6CWF Presents Proving Ground Results - Monday 22nd May 2023 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Ground Results - Monday 22nd May 2023

Post by JJJohnson Mon 22 May 2023, 5:53 pm

Bout 1
Mike Hill vs Daniel Reilly

*Back out at ringside for the opening bout of the evening as “Broken Dreams” hits the speakers to a huge ovation from the crowd in Glasgow. Jeff Thadeus talks us through two defeats for Daniel Reilly, one highly controversial, since starting back in 6CWF so he will be looking to get his first W on the board here tonight.

*Reilly paces the ring before Mike Hill enters the fray, drawing the ire of the Glasgow audience. Hill is full of himself, despite sporting the injuries of last week’s attack from Lex Hart, as he swaggers across the ramp, taunting the fans as he does so. RJ reminds us that Hill is also chasing his first W here in 6CWF so both competitors may feel a modicum of pressure upon their shoulders in this one.

*There are “We want Lex” chants before the opening bell as Hill turns to the crowd and gives them the middle finger. The two men circle one another and then lockup in the centre of the ring. Reilly is quick with the side headlock but Hill drives them back into the corner and pulls free before landing a sideways pele kick from out of nowhere, crashing against the jawline of his foe.

*Reilly is already stunned as Hill runs to the adjacent ropes and comes running back with a corner dropkick. Reilly collapses out of the corner and Hill immediately scales the ropes. He prepares to throw himself into the “Next Big Move” but Reilly moves at the final second and sends Hill crashing into the deck.

*Reilly quickly drags Hill up and flips him into a fallout neckbreaker for a two count. He gets Hill up and lands a big time vertical suplex before pointing to the top rope, drawing the cheers of the crowd. Reilly heads up top for the frogsplash but Hill is already up and sprints to the corner before diving into a dropkick that sends Reilly flying off the turnbuckle and crashing onto the ramp outside.

*Hill climbs out and he uses the ropes to nail a springboard lionsault on the rampway before he rolls back in the ring and orders the referee to count. Reilly is in a lot of pain but by the count of eight he manages to drag himself back to the ropes.

*Hill grabs him by the head and pulls him through for a corkscrew neckbreaker (ala John Morrison) but Reilly steps off the ropes and scores with a huge European uppercut. He follows up with knife edge chops and then whips Hill off the ropes. He drops his head for a backdrop on the comeback but Hill boots him in the face. Hill then runs forward but Reilly counters with a beautiful spinning powerslam.

*Hill stumbles back up and Reilly snapmares him to the mat before running the ropes and returning with a heavy kick to the face. He points to the top rope again and makes his way over. Reilly prepares for a frogsplash but finds Hill’s knees upon landing.

*Hill follows up with a standing shooting star press for a two count. He stomps down on Reilly and then tries to twist him over for a liontamer but Reilly kicks him away. They scramble back up and Hill sidesteps and shoves Reilly off the ropes before nailing him with the “hill-can-rana” as he comes back into a pinning combo for a nearfall.

*Hill lifts Reilly into an inverted atomic drop and drops him with a spinning heel kick. He goes to the corner and succeeds in landing a 450 splash (Mike Time) but Reilly finds the ropes with his boot, drawing an angry outburst from Hill.

*Hill sets up for “Over the Hill” but Reilly shoves him into the turnbuckle and drops him with a huge back suplex that dumps Hill on the back of his neck. Reilly heads to the corner for a third time and succeeds in landing the huge frogsplash as the crowd go wild. The three looks imminent but somehow Hill pushes his shoulder up off the mat.

*Reilly begins to stalk Hill as he beckons him to his feet and he dives for the RKO but Hill counters with a rollup and transitions straight into the liontamer. Reilly is roaring in pain as Hill really ups the pressure and presses his knee into the spine. Reilly is struggling to cope and drag himself to the ropes as the referee asks him if he would like to quit. Reilly seems to have passed out at one point but he keeps his arm up on the third drop and then manages to find the ropes.

*The commentators are wondering how much Reilly can have left as Hill goes to work with brutal stomps to the back. He pulls Reilly up to his feet and nails a snap suplex before heading to the ropes. Hill once again prepares for the “Next Big Move” but Reilly is up and greets him with a hard right hand. Reilly clambers up onto the ropes and lets loose with more punches before attempting a superplex. Hill tries to fight out but Reilly is stronger. He drags Hill off the ropes into the supeprlex but Hill shifts his body in midair for a crossbody takedown which almost steals him a three count.

RJ: They’ve give so much already….both men desperate to get their first win….you have to imagine that either one is potentially one big move away from sealing this…

JT: But who can land the killer blow…..OVER THE HILL!

Hill is the first to his feet and he quickly grabs Reilly’s head and attempts to land his finisher but Reilly puts on the brakes and shoves Hill into the corner. Hill, showing presence of mind, leaps onto the second rope and he backflips over the oncoming Reilly. He is smirking as he waits for Reilly to turn around and then plants a backheel kick into his gut….


Reilly, this time, counters into an inverted headlock backbreaker. He rolls onto his front and stalks his groggy opponent, almost frothing at the mouth as he waits for Hill to rise again….Hill finally reaches a vertical base as Reilly leaps into him…



RJ: You have got to be kidding me….

The bell sounds and the crowd are booing as “Next Big Thing” blasts through the speakers and Mike Hill, an arrogant smile on his face, has his arm raised in victory. He is laughing at the reception of the crowd as he climbs out onto the ramp to celebrate. The instant replays then document the end of the bout. Reilly attempts the RKO but Hill shoves him away toward the referee. Reilly stops himself short but blocks the official’s view as Hill lands a low blow and rolls him up with a handful of tights. Hill then places his feet on the ropes as the official counts the deciding fall.

JT: Mike Hill has stolen one right under the referee’s nose..

RJ: He sure has….but the official hasn’t seen any of the rule breaks, all three of them…..and therefore Mike Hill is walking out here as the victor….

JT: And isn’t he full of himself….

RJ: Heck of a battle between two veterans but Hill just had a few too many tricks in his locker here tonight…..Reilly will be disappointed with another loss but it sure isn’t for a lack of trying….

JT: Reilly could have won all three of his matches by now but unfortunately he’s ended up on the wrong end of the decision…twice, at least, very poor decisions…

Reilly is crouched on the canvass, still struggling to regain his composure, and he’s intimating to the referee what happened but the official said he didn’t see anything. Mike Hill continues to gloat from the stage…

RJ: Great opening bout to tonight’s Proving Grounds and there is still so much more amazing action to come….


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6CWF Presents Proving Ground Results - Monday 22nd May 2023 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Ground Results - Monday 22nd May 2023

Post by JJJohnson Mon 22 May 2023, 5:57 pm

*Rex Adamson is standing by with Timothy Allen. Tim Allen first congratulates Rex on an impressive debut last week, saying not many debutants would be able to boast a victory over Lex Hart in their first ever match. Rex says it was no problem….Lex put up a fight but his youth and class showed through (completely skirting over any interference from Mike Hill).

TA wants to know what Rex makes of his “former world champion” opposition tonight but Adamson shrugs it off. He says it could be JJ Johnson for all he knows, Cassius Zhi maybe or Perfect Jack but it won’t really matter because he is the future of this business and there’s nobody that is going to stop him. Rex says he is looking forward to adding another world champion to his resume, the more he banks the more likely it is he’ll get a shot at the big time.

TA asks if that is the goal and Rex laughs at him, saying he didn’t skip out on the Olympics to hold anyone’s jockstrap. Rex says it is real simple and that is becoming the youngest ever world champion in the history……not only that but the fastest run to world champion……he reckons it took Tyson Armstrong a year from his debut and Mike Hill around six months….but he expects to have gold around his waist come June 9th which will make it exactly 32 days…..he tips a wink at Allen and says “Not even Uncle Max did that” and then he smirks and walks off.

*Fresh off the meeting with the referees and Drake is walking in the corridors when Alex Walker approaches him. Drake is not in the mood to chat but Walker says he has something to discuss with him. Drake shoves Walker away but as he reaches the end of the corridor Walker shouts “I think you’ll be interested in these pictures I have….and if not then I’m sure JJ will”……Drake storms back and confronts Walker, anger on his features. Walker holds up his phone and Drake looks at it, his anger turning to anxiousness as he punches a hole in the wall. Walker is trying to suppress a smile as he says “So….about that discussion”.


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6CWF Presents Proving Ground Results - Monday 22nd May 2023 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Ground Results - Monday 22nd May 2023

Post by JJJohnson Mon 22 May 2023, 5:58 pm

Bout 2
Rex Adamson vs ???

*Rex Adamson is full of bravado as he makes his way out onto the stage. He points back up to the VIPTron which has plenty of highlights of his match with Lex Hart last week. Rex raises his arms as pyros go off behind him and then he readjusts his singlet. The commentary team talk up the impressive nature of his debut and wonder what is in store for the Australian here tonight and in the future.

*Rex paces the ring and uses the ropes to stretch before turning back toward the stage. He beckons for his opponent to come out and reveal themselves as Jeff Thadeus informs us that Rex’s opponent is a “former world champion”.

*There are cheers from sections of the crowd as former 6WF World Champion, GWC arrives on the scene. RJ gives us the lowdown on the former Dynasty member that won the vacant world title in 2008 before being dethroned by TGA. GWC was, of course, here on the opening night of Proving Grounds and it would seem Diablo convinced him to compete one more time.

*GWC is clearly older then his prime but still looks in great shape as he climbs in the ring to go toe to toe with Adamson. Adamson slaps the hand of GWC, respectfully, but then barks at the referee to get this show on the road.

*They circle and then lockup. Rex immediately takes the back and lifts GWC off the ground before slamming him to the floor. He manhandles him on the deck and takes control of the head. GWC struggles to get to his feet as Rex keeps the hooks in. Adamson turns his body and then whips GWC into a snapmare as he manages to get up and then pulls him into a reverse chinlock as commentary talk up his wrestling credentials.

*GWC manages to fight up again and he elbows at the body of Rex before pulling free. He runs the ropes and returns for a clothesline but misses and eats a huge release German suplex. Rex beckons him back up and nails a side wrench suplex before hooking his arms and dragging him up into a bridged Dragon suplex for a very close two.

*Rex drags GWC up and looks to whip him off the ropes but GWC reverses. GWC leaps into the air but Rex catches him and drills him with a powerslam before flexing his biceps. He beckons GWC back up and scoops him for the “Fire-Thunder Driver” but GWC drops off back and counters with a Russian legsweep.

*GWC drags Adamson up for a powerbomb but Rex swipes the legs and catapults GWC into the turnbuckle. Rex chases in and lands a splash against his opponent’s back before pulling him out into another huge German suplex.

*Rex climbs the ropes and he walks from the turnbuckle to the middle of the ropes and dives off with a missile dropkick as the crowd applaud. The commentators talk about Rex’s amazing athleticism for a big man and how although he oozes arrogance, the fans cannot help but be impressed by what they are seeing.

*Rex motions for a spear as he stalks GWC. He is talking with the crowd and yelling “He’s done….I haven’t even broke a sweat” before running out of the corner for the “Gore”. GWC is ready though and lands a brutal dropkick in mid-flight. GWC quickly rolls Rex into a cradle but he kicks out on two.

*They scramble back up and GWC looks for a big boot but Rex avoids it and then nails a discus backfist and follows up with a huge northern lights suplex for a two count.

*Rex traps GWC against the ropes and lands brutal chops to the chest. He holds him in place and he’s talking to his opponent. “You’re done, old man….you don’t belong in the ring with someone like me”. The crowd are booing as Rex leaves GWC slumped against the ropes and walks around, parading himself. He then turns around and eats a huge running boot from GWC but manages to kick out on two.

JT: Rex Adamson’s brashness almost cost him big time there…..he was too busy running his mouth and GWC kicked some of respect into him…

RJ: Rex Adamson almost learned a very valuable lesson there….you do not turn your back on your opponent, especially a former world champion…..

JT: And he still isn’t out of the woods….GWC is lining him up here…..can Rex withstand what is to come?

Rex is holding his jaw and he looks concerned as he grabs the ropes and begins to pull himself back up. GWC is watching his every move, eagerly anticipating him turning around, and then he pounces…

RJ: CWG…….


Rex pulls away from the ropes and turns into the “CWG” (Face-first stunner) but Rex Adamson shows amazing power to prevent the move and also lift GWC backwards up over onto his shoulders….he spins around and drills him in the centre of the ring with the “Fire Thunder Driver”….

RJ: That was incredible…


JT: What can you say? 18 years old and each performance just brings something new and incredible rom Rex Adamson….

RJ: The strength and presence of mind he showed there for that counter was insane….he literally picked up a near 270lb man and flipped him backward onto his shoulders….Rex Adamson, take a bow….

JT: Of course it’s too early for “out there” predictions but are we looking at one of the faces of the next generation of professional wrestling?

RJ: Two matches, two wins, two former world champions defeated….Rex Adamson is making statements….

JT: And I’m sure Uncle Max will be proud….

Rex kneels on the canvass for a second and then he nods his head and orders the referee to raise his arm in victory. He looks down at GWC and then we hear him tell the referee “Get him out of my ring”….Rex heads for the corner and he pulls himself onto the turnbuckle. He lowers his singlet and pounds his chest before raising his arms. The majority of the crowd are booing but there are impressed faces in the audience and some fans cheering what they have just seen…

RJ: I think Rex, just like his Uncle before him, will polarise fan support….there are going to be plenty who dislike his arrogance but then there will be those who love his performances and the guaranteed fire when he steps through those ropes…

JT: One thing is for sure….I think we are all going to be glued to the Rex Adamson journey here in 6CWF…


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6CWF Presents Proving Ground Results - Monday 22nd May 2023 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Ground Results - Monday 22nd May 2023

Post by JJJohnson Mon 22 May 2023, 6:07 pm


August 8th 2009 - 6CW Resistance - Daniel Reilly vs Dicey Reilly vs Cobra (#1 Contender World Title)

Born to Fight plays as Dicey Reilly makes his way to the ring. He slides into the ring and poses in the middle of the ring.

Big Things Poppin’ plays and Daniel Reilly moves out onto the stage. He stares at Dicey before slowly making his way to the ring. He climbs up the ring steps and enters through the middle ropes. Reilly again stares at Dicey before climbing the turnbuckle and posing for the crowd.

Don’t Stay echoes through the arena as Cobra slowly walks onto the stage before running down the entrance ramp and sliding into the ring.

Mike Bird is stood in the middle of the ring.

MB: ‘Ladies and Gentlemen the following contest is a triple threat match with the winner facing Median for the 6CW Heavyweight Championship.

Introducing first, hailing from Dublin, Ireland. He weighs in at 260 pounds. The Dublin Destroyer, Dicey Reilly.

Secondly hailing from Birmingham, England. He weighed in at 140 pounds. He is the self proclaimed King of the Streets, Daniel Reilly.

And finally, he hails from Tijuana, Mexico. Today he weighed in at 260 pounds. Here is Cobra.’

Mike Bird exits the ring and the bell rings. All three men stare at each other before Dicey and Cobra both turn towards Reilly. Reilly tries to talk his way out of it but to no avail. Dicey catches him with a right hand and another. Cobra follows up with a boot to the gut before sending Reilly over the top rope with a clothesline. Cobra talks some smack to Reilly while he’s lying on the floor before turning round. Cobra is met by a belly to belly suplex from Dicey. Dicey quickly into the cover but only gets a 2 count. Dicey picks Cobra up and hits a couple of rights backing Cobra into the corner. Dicey whips Cobra across into the other corner before charging in and catching Cobra with a big clothesline. Cobra staggers out of the corner before Dicey catches him with a picture perfect falling neckbreaker. Dicey into the cover but Reilly pulls him out underneath the bottom rope. Reilly hits a basement dropkick dropping the Irishman to one knee. Reilly follows it up with a enziguri. Reilly climbs onto the apron and poses for the crowd, but from behind Cobra with a forearm to the lower back of Reilly before being reverse suplexed back into the ring. Cobra grabs Reilly and tries to set him up for the Snakebite but Reilly manages to fight out of it before sliding out of the ring. Reilly shakes his head and starts to walk round the outside of the ring forgetting about Dicey. Reilly goes round the ringpost and finds Dicey standing in front of him. Reilly smiles and turns round but only finds Cobra. Reilly goes to get in the ring but Dicey and Cobra grab hold of him and drag him back out.

Reilly is whipped into the ring steps, the ring post and back into the ring steps. Cobra and Dicey look at each other before nodding and getting back in the ring.

Cobra and Dicey lock up in the ring. Cobra gets the upper hand and locks in a head lock. Dicey throws Cobra into the ropes but Cobra hits a shoulder block knocking Dicey to the mat. The crowd begin to boo as the camera shows SRA walking down the entrance way. Cobra begins to shout at SRA ignoring Dicey. Dicey gets back to his feet and spins Cobra around. Dicey with a kick to the gut and picks Cobra up looking to try and hit the CraicDown. Cobra manages to fight over the top of Dicey and hits the snakebite.

SRA gets up on the apron and begins to jaw jack with Cobra. Cobra goes to swing for SRA who jumps down out of the way. Cobra turns round to cover Dicey but Reilly hits the RKO from no where.

Henry: ‘Reilly with the cover and it’s over. Daniel Reilly will face Median for the Heavyweight Title in our main event.’
Harold: ‘And look at SRA, he seems pleased with himself.’
Henry: ‘He does now but he has his own match to worry about tonight.’


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6CWF Presents Proving Ground Results - Monday 22nd May 2023 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Ground Results - Monday 22nd May 2023

Post by JJJohnson Mon 22 May 2023, 6:09 pm

*GazzyD is live in Braehead and he is training ahead of his match later tonight. There is a knock on the door and he looks up a Christy walks in. Gazzy turns away from her and continues to stretch.

Christy says she wasn’t sure how best to approach Gazzy in the last couple of weeks given everything that has been going on in their personal lives but Gazzy shuts her down….he says she was the one who wanted space and time to work on their marriage but she neglected to tell him that she had a new job, helping to run the company he has signed for…..or the fact that she is all cosied up with “him”….

Christy looks tearful and says she wanted to tell Gazzy about the job, this is something they’ve talked about for years but given everything that has been happening….she wasn’t sure he’d want to know…..and as for the other thing, she isn’t “cosying” with anyone….Christy tells Gazzy that they are still married and that means something to her….but she’s allowed friends, something she told him two years ago, and that isn’t going to change…..which is why she is here…

She’s heard Gazzy’s media duties and his veiled accusations…she wants them to stop. She says if Gazzy really loves her, if he has any desire for their marriage to work then he needs to stop….because the man she fell in love with would never believe her capable of stacking the deck against him…..she knows, more than anyone, how Gazzy has had to fight the odds in his career and overcome more obstacles than most…she would not be a part of that…

Gazzy is struggling to make eye contact as he continues to stretch….Christy wants him to really think hard about what he wants because she doesn’t want “whatever this is” to continue….Gazzy continues to ignore her as she hides her tears and says “Good luck tonight” before leaving the room.

*Tyler Roth is fresh out of the gym and ready to go to war. Clarissa is standing by to interview him when Marty Helms walks into shot. Helms goes head to head with Roth and then smirks. He says they have a job to do tonight, that’s it. He tells Roth not to mess things up because a potential world title shot could be on the line…..and if Helms misses out because of Roth’s mistakes, he won’t like what happens next.

Helms walks out of shot as Roth smirks at Clarissa and follows

*Cameron Faith is taping up his hands in the back, the fans going wild as they see him on the big screen, and then SRA and AJ Harvey (GMW) approach. They talk about how great it is to be back in Glasgow and on the same card as the great Cameron Faith. Faith appreciates it and wishes them luck in their upcoming tag match.

GMW say they don’t need luck and they show brass knucks off and laugh. Faith nods his head, a wry grin on his face, and goes back to preparing. SRA says they wanted to talk to him “real quick” about making this “a thing”. Faith raises an eyebrow, unsure of what is meant, as AJ Harvey points at all three of them. Glasgow’s sons…..the real Glasgow’s Most Wanted……

Faith says he is flattered by the offer but he isn’t sure. SRA looks suspicious but AJ Harvey tells Faith to think it over as it would be beneficial to everyone and success would be a guarantee.

GMW leave as Faith shakes his head with a laugh.


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6CWF Presents Proving Ground Results - Monday 22nd May 2023 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Ground Results - Monday 22nd May 2023

Post by JJJohnson Mon 22 May 2023, 6:10 pm

Bout 3
Marty Helms/Tyler Roth vs GMW

*Glasgow’s Most Wanted are the first on the scene for the following bout but despite being hometown fights they are booed by the 6CWF fanbase. SRA and AJ Harvey give back to the fans with a cacophony of abuse as they climb into the ring and pose in front of the camera. Jeff Thadeus gives us a bit of background on the 6CW Originals. Once enemies they turned their like mindedness into a tag team threat. They never achieved championship gold during their run in 6CW but they have had plenty of success on the independent circuit ever since.

*Marty Helms then makes his way out to a mixed reception from the Glasgow crowd. He doesn’t seem to care as he points his finger down toward GMW and then draws it across his throat. He strides across the ramp and GMW decide it’s best to evacuate the ring. RJ gives us the lowdown on Marty Helms and his re-debut last week with a very impressive destruction of Orthrus. Helms looks less than impressed as “Riot” then screams out to a standing ovation from the audience.

*Tyler Roth stands on the stage and drinks in the reception before making his way across the stage. Marty Helms is standing in the centre of the ring and staring at his partner.

*GMW decide to strike and they nail Helms with a double chopblock from behind. They begin stomping down on him as Tyler Roth storms the ring. AJ Harvey runs forward and lands a few clubs to the back of Roth before TR grabs him by the throat. Roth benches Harvey off the ground and then just throws him at SRA and knocks them both down. They rise again and Roth floors them with a huge double clothesline.

*Helms is back up now and he looks annoyed as he demands to start the match, to which Roth obliges. Helms drags SRA up and headbutts him against the corner before charging in with a fierce knee to the midsection. He stomps a brutal mudhole in the gut and then he grabs SRA’s legs and whips him through the air, causing him to land on the back of his head in the middle of the ring. Helms beckons SRA up and grabs his head for the “Infinity Edge” (Project Ciampa)

*AJ Harvey climbs the ropes and comes off with an axe handle to the back of Helms, allowing SRA to escape. AJ follows up with more right hands and then runs off the ropes for momentum but returns into a Samoan drop. SRA takes advantage with a superkick but Helms powers out on one.

*Roth slaps Helms back for the tag and there is an intense staredown between the two men. SRA squares up to Roth and then slaps him in the face. He looks for another but Roth catches his hand and crushes it. He uses amazing strength to just haul SRA to the corner before running in with a huge clothesline. He follows up with ten more before using a Biel throw to just launch SRA through the air to the centre of the ring.

*SRA tags out to AJ Harvey but he looks reluctant to get in. Roth grabs the ropes and he pulls them with so much force that AJ Harvey is flipped over the top and inside the ring. He staggers up and Roth seizes him around the throat and drills him with a two handed chokebomb. He places a foot on AJ’s chest for the cover and he smirks when Harvey manages to kick out on two.

*Helms is barking for a tag as Roth looks over at him and they stare each other down. SRA throws something to AJ Harvey and then runs around the ring and he yanks Helms off the apron, causing him to slam his head against the ring steps. The referee is yelling at SRA as AJ Harvey lands a big punch to Roth’s jaw, dropping him, and then stuffs some brass knucks back in his pocket. Somehow Roth manages to kick out on two.

*Harvey tags SRA back in and they wait for Roth to get to his knees before nailing a double superkick to the head, leaving Roth slumped. SRA quickly covers but Roth just about manages to get his shoulder up again.

*SRA signals that he wants the “Destroyer” and he runs off the ropes for momentum as Marty Helms rolls back in and meets him mid-run with a shattering spear. AJ Harvey quickly puts the brass knucks back on and he looks to take Helms out on the blindside but Helms sees him coming and ducks the shot before kicking him in the gut and nails the “Infinity Edge” (Project Ciampa).

*Tyler Roth is back up now and Helms tells him “I saved your a55”. SRA is crawling up and Roth grabs him and nails a huge European uppercut before turning him inside out with a discus lariat. Both Helms and Roth are staring at one another, each with an opponent at their feet…

RJ: You could cut this damn intensity with a knife….

JT: You just know that each shot, each move landed by Helms and Roth is meant as a warning message to the other….

AJ Harvey is barely crawling back to his knees and he raises his head to plead with Marty Helms for mercy. Helms just glares back at him, with no emotion, as Tyler Roth grabs SRA and drags him to his feet….

RJ: I don’t like GMW’s chances here and now…..they tried to pull a few fast ones but they have angered the two men on the 6CWF roster who you really shouldn’t get mad….


Roth suddenly pulls SRA into him and he flips him into “The Reaping” (Back suplex into a sitout powerbomb) as Helms charges off the ropes and returns with the “Blade of the Ruined King” (Shining wizard) to the back of AJ Harvey’s skull. They both make covers…



RJ: I don’t think it comes as any surprise that Marty Helms and Tyler Roth are victorious here tonight….

JT: The only issue was going to be their ability to work together….if that fell apart and GMW were able to exploit it then maybe they had a chance but it didn’t go down that way….

RJ: I think it’s evident that Roth and Helms are itching to fight but they had a common denominator tonight and that was to get the W and hopefully move one step closer to competing for a world title….

JT: And what a colossal collision this would be….

The referee moves to raise both Helms and Roth’s arm in victory. They continue to glare at one another as Helms goes back to telling Roth that he bailed him out. Tyler Roth just has a smile on his face…

RJ: Marty Helms letting Roth know that he was at the mercy of GMW before he intervened….

JT: That may be true….we don’t know if Roth would have succumbed….but he bounced back emphatically and took care of business….not to mention that even someone as tough as Tyler Roth will struggle when he gets struck in the jaw with brass knucks….

RJ: I reckon he’s been punched harder in his career…

JT: Most probably and that’s why he was able to kick out…..Marty Helms is no doubt going to use that as a talking point and a case for getting one up on Tyler Roth but I’m not sure Roth really cares….the only thing that will matter is when these two finally showdown….

Roth nods at Helms and then turns away to look at the crowd, showing appreciation for their support. Marty Helms has a dark look in his eyes as he manoeuvres himself behind Roth….

RJ: What is Marty Helms thinking here?

JT: I think he’s contemplating sending a message…..OH MY!

Tyler Roth turns around as Marty Helms sprints forward and then delivers a huge punt kick to the side of AJ Harvey’s head, leaving him unconscious on the deck. Roth stares at Helms and then down at Harvey before shrugging his shoulders and climbing from the ring….

JT: I’m not sure whether Tyler Roth was impressed or not there….

RJ: I think Helms changed tact at the final second….I’m almost sure that attack was meant for Roth….


Roth is standing on the stage, staring back at the ring, as Marty Helms drags SRA up and flips him into a powerbomb position before slamming him down on top of the motionless form of AJ Harvey. Helms kneels over GMW and stares up at Roth….

RJ: Sooner or later these two warriors are going to enter the Coliseum and I, for one, cannot wait for it….


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6CWF Presents Proving Ground Results - Monday 22nd May 2023 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Ground Results - Monday 22nd May 2023

Post by JJJohnson Mon 22 May 2023, 6:18 pm

*Alex Walker is shown entering the dressing room of Eddy Kent. He came to wish Kent luck tonight and he knows he’ll get the job done. Kent asks if “Santos has been assigned” but Walker says there was a last minute change, out of his hands, but that shouldn’t make any difference because Kent is built different and can win under any circumstances.

Kent asks about the world title picture at “From the Ashes” and Walker says he can’t give too much away but announcements are imminent. He tells Kent to get him a W tonight and there should be no hiccups. Kent says you can “bank on it” as Walker claps him on the shoulder and the scene ends

*The scene changes to Liam Wood, sitting in his dressing room. He has on his “EWF Original” t-shirt and his attention is glued to the TV. The camera pans around to show Wood watching old footage from EWF.


Two men dressed in clown masks have entered the fray. The larger of the two lifts Wood into an inverted atomic drop position, holding him there, as the smaller masked man flies off the top rope with a sickening leg lariat to the throat of Wood, spinning him inside out. The crowd are booing furiously as the two men roll from the ring and the referee turns back around…

JK: What are we seeing here…

DF: FEAR really is all around us, Johnny……..this is scary….

The masked men flee the scene as Machiavelli places an arm across the chest of Liam Wood and hooks the leg…

JK: This shouldn’t be going down like this…


DF: How do you stop these guys?

The crowd are showing their disgust as “People are strange” echoes out of the speakers and Dario Machiavelli is declared victorious. Ojore is quickly by his boss’ side and helps him up to his feet, a smile on their faces as they look down at Liam Wood…

JK: Viper was awesome tonight, he damn sure had Machiavelli’s number….but as he was moved onto the verge of winning this match he was damn well ambushed….first Ojore and then those two men in masks….this is just so hard to fathom…

DF: I think unfortunately we need to start taking FEAR seriously….these guys are not playing around….and we do not even know exactly what they are capable of….how many of them are there?

JK: I really don’t know…..this is just such a difficult question to answer…..we could very well be looking at the grim future of EWF…

DF: Who can realistically stand up to the might of FEAR?

Machiavelli is staring at Wood with an ugly grimace and then he orders Ojore to pick the TV Champion up. The crowd are booing as Ojore obeys Dario’s command and hauls Wood up with apparent ease…

JK: This isn’t right…..Wood doesn’t deserve to be another goddamn sacrifice….

DF: But who can stand up to them…..

Ojore has both of his hands locked around the throat of Viper, choking him, as Machiavelli trash talks Wood, belittling him, and then orders the big man to lift Viper up….

*Wood shuts the TV off and looks angry as he stands up and heads for the door

*GazzyD is grabbing a drink backstage when he turns and finds his way blocked by Rex Adamson. Rex smirks at Gazzy and says he wanted to come introduce himself to “Mr 6CW” and a man he grew up watching. Gazzy accepts the handshake as Rex looks at his hands and arms, saying “I expected bigger, stronger” to which Gazzy rolls his eyes

Rex says he meant no offence but this is the great GazzyD…the man who helped put 6CW on the map…..main evented Night of Glory…..multi time world champion…..and the way “Uncle Max talks about you” suggests you were a lot bigger and tougher looking…

Gazzy assures Rex that he is more than capable of holding his own…..Rex laughs and says he’s sure….but somewhere down the line he wouldn’t mind putting that theory to the test….after all there is unfinished business between the Adamsons and GazzyD…..and he’s currently in the process of knocking off ex world champions, who have seen better days, en route to the fastest ever world title run…

Gazzy wishes him good luck, almost scathingly, and then Rex jokes that maybe he’ll ask Christy for a favour, seeing as though she seems good at given boost ups…..he swaggers off as Gazzy seethes with rage…


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6CWF Presents Proving Ground Results - Monday 22nd May 2023 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Ground Results - Monday 22nd May 2023

Post by JJJohnson Mon 22 May 2023, 6:19 pm

Bout 4
Liam Wood vs Dario Machiavelli

*Straight back out to ringside as Liam Wood is making his entrance. There are a lot of boos but once again an audible section of Wood fans can be heard within the audience. Wood stands on the stage for a moment and then beckons the camera closer to him to show off his “EWF Original” t-shirt. The commentators talk us through Wood’s mindset as of late and how he has returned to achieve things “he never has before” although we are still unsure of who or what his target is.

*The lights then dim and there are boos as the creepy Dario Machiavelli makes his way out onto the stage. Jeff Thadeus gives us the lowdown on Machiavelli & Wood’s paths crossing during their days in EWF and how someone is clearly trying to lead Liam Wood down memory lane.

*Machiavelli climbs up into the ring and Wood is itching to get started but Dario holds up his hand to stop him. The filmmaker places his handheld camera underneath the bottom rope in the corner and then he points to the VIPTron and wants Wood to watch a video.

*We get a crude recording of “A day in the life of Emmy” and it seems Machiavelli has been following Wood’s former beau, including during her visit to “Proving Grounds” last week. We get intimate shots of Emmy having her makeup done and then there is even a clip of Liam Wood hesitating outside of the room, thinking of approaching her before walking away.

*Back live and Machiavelli has a dark smile on his face whilst Liam Wood is raging. The referee seems unsure of what to do but takes the decision to call for the bell. Liam Wood quickly runs forwards and almost crushes Machiavelli in the corner with a huge yakuza kick (ala Sami Zayn).

*Wood drives at Machiavelli’s head with thunderous punches and forearms before the referee is forced to drag him away and give him a warning. Machiavelli is dazed and confused but he manages to rake the eyes of Wood when he walks back in. Machiavelli smashes Wood’s head off the turnbuckle and then attempts to drag him out into an inverted DDT but Wood spins around and counters with a huge backdrop.

*Wood bounces off the ropes and returns with a discus punch that rocks Machiavelli as he stands. Wood then superkicks the knees from under Dario, dropping him on all fours, before running the ropes again and returns with a huge boot to the face. The commentators are talking about how Dario Machiavelli seems to have made a very foolish decision in riling Liam Wood.

*Wood contemplates a cover but instead he heads for the corner and climbs up. Machiavelli is still flat on the deck as Wood comes off and drives a heavy elbow to the chest. Machiavelli rolls out onto the apron for safety but Wood is in no mood to play around and quickly sprints over, landing a huge spear through the ropes onto the ramp.

*There are some audible cheers from the audience as Wood drags Machiavelli back up and he flips him into a powerbomb position before throwing him over the top rope and back into the ring. Wood scales the ropes again and this time comes flying off with a big time lariat.

*Wood signals for the end and he drags Machiavelli up into the “Manson Driver” but Dario succeeds in swiping his legs. He catapults Wood into the turnbuckle and then shocks everyone as he lands the inverted DDT. Machiavelli looks jubilant as he covers but Wood just manages to throw his shoulder up before three.

*Machiavelli complains to the referee and then turns his focus back on Wood. He grabs Wood’s arm and wraps it around his neck before pulling him into an attempted neckbreaker (ala William Regal) but Wood spins free and lands a big kick to the gut before snapping him down with a double armed DDT.

*Wood once again thinks about the cover but instead he pulls Machiavelli up. He holds his head in place before shoving him back into the ropes….



Machiavelli comes back down out the air and Liam Wood explodes the knee right into his face, leaving him completely motionless on the deck. Some of the fans are chanting “one more time” as Wood just stands over his foe, breathing deeply. Wood runs his fingers through his hair, looking slightly crazed, and then he bounces back off the ropes….

JT: Just like he did last week to Jason Sparkz…..PSYCHO CRUSHER!

RJ: Nowhere for Machiavelli’s head to go but into the canvass…..that could break someone’s neck….

JT: I have a feeling Liam Wood wouldn’t lose any sleep over that tonight….

RJ: Machiavelli turned up here and made this extremely personal from the off…..he’s found out the hard way how foolish that decision was….

Wood finally drops down and he places his hands on Machiavelli’s chest as the referee counts………………1………………….2…………………3!

JT: Liam Wood takes the W here and that’s another ghost of the past exorcised…..

RJ: Despite Wood’s brashness and, at times, downright arrogance….we just a vulnerability in him here tonight….Machiavelli opened up a very personal door and Liam Wood snapped…

Liam Wood stands and he continues to stare down at Dario Machiavelli and it is clear that he is still seething. He walks over to the corner and then he picks up Machiavelli’s camera. He is looking through the recordings on it and then he watches as Dario starts to try and rise…

JT: Wood may have the victory but I don’t think he’s quite over Dario Machiavelli’s intrusion…..


Wood takes another deep breath and then he shatters the camera over Machaivelli’s head, leaving him unconscious on the canvass and sending bits of debris flying. There are cheers from the crowd at Wood’s actions…

JT: Some lines you just do not cross and Dario Machiavelli may think twice about that again in the future…..WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?

Wood is glaring down at the broken form of Dario Machiavelli when a hooded figure leaps the security barrier. They roll in behind Wood and then drill him with a leaping neckbreaker (ala Dolph Ziggler)….

RJ: Out of nowhere…

JT: Would you look at that….don’t these ghosts of the past usually show up in threes?

RJ: Then who is this one?

JT: That would be Alex Garcia…..probably Liam Wood’s very first enemy over in EWF….someone really is digging up the past….

The man lowers his hood to reveal a shock of blond and brown hair underneath. He is has a cocky grin on his face as he looks down at Liam Wood…

Garcia: Miss me? Oh we’re gonna have some fun, Liam….

RJ: Crazy scenes here at Proving Grounds….Liam Wood believed he had finally moved past this trip down memory lane but he can guess again….he may be referring to himself as “Mr EWF” and the “Original” but now someone else is here to challenge that theory….


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6CWF Presents Proving Ground Results - Monday 22nd May 2023 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Ground Results - Monday 22nd May 2023

Post by JJJohnson Mon 22 May 2023, 6:23 pm

*Clarke James arrives at the arena and is amused as security come out into the parking lot to greet him. Security tell him that he’ll be kept guarded until his match, at which point he will be escorted to the ring. CJ asks if he has the great “JJ Johnson” to thank but he is told this is directly from Acer. There is a flicker of annoyance on CJ’s face that JJ isn’t the one giving the orders.

*We get a shot of Uryu training with kendo sticks up on the roof, looking highly focused. The commentary team talk about Uryu’s mystery opponent here tonight and they debate on whether he has been receiving “preferential” treatment. Jeff Thadeus doesn’t believe Christy James would be so unprofessional and that Ishida just seems to have found a whole new level of performance. RJ wonders if anything can prevent Uryu from getting a world title shot

*The 6CWF Board, minus JJ & Brandi, are gathered in the conference room and they are in debate. Acer stands and says that a decision must be made tonight in regards to the world championships. He says they each have two picks and whichever names have the most votes will be brought forward to JJ so that he can sign off. Acer says he has looked through the picks and then stares at Drake and says “I’m surprised at you…..I thought we were in agreement, this is bad for business” but Drake looks away and rubs his chin. Alex Walker is sitting behind Acer’s line of view with a smile on his face.


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6CWF Presents Proving Ground Results - Monday 22nd May 2023 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Ground Results - Monday 22nd May 2023

Post by JJJohnson Mon 22 May 2023, 6:24 pm

Bout 5
Uryu Ishida vs ???

*Back out at ringside and there is a raucous ovation for the arrival of Uryu Ishida. RJ reminds us that Uryu is currently 2-0 here in 6CWF and another victory here tonight would surely have him stepping close to world title contention. Jeff Thadeus reminds us that there have been a few question marks over Uryu’s opposition so far and rumours that he is receiving favourable treatment due to friendships in the boardroom. Both commentators talk about the whole Uryu/Gazzy/Christy triangle and whether anyone is going to address it before the rumours and accusations grow out of control.

*There are some nostalgic cheers as Yarmouth Blade is announced as Uryu’s opponent. Jeff Thadeus tells us that Blade is a former TV Champion in 6CW and world title challenger so Ishida will have to be about his game here tonight. RJ acknowledges that this is definitely a step up from what Uryu has faced thus far.

*Blade seems moved by the crowd’s cheers but then shows his true colours as he thunders in Uryu with a forearm whilst Ishida is looking the other way. Blade stomps down on Uryu before dragging him up and whips him into the corner. He chases in but Uryu gets his feet up and knocks Blade back. Ishida lifts himself onto the second rope and leaps off with a meteora takedown for a two count.

*They get back up and Uryu looks for a roundhouse kick but Blade ducks it and lands a backdrop driver for a two count. Blade grabs Uryu and attempts a “overdrive” (ala MVP) but Uryu swipes his legs and bridges over the top for another close call.

*They get back up and Uryu leaps up for a hurricanrana but Blade catches him and drills him with his patented powerbomb. Blade looks certain of the three but Ishida kicks out. Blade punches the mat in a fury.

*Blade heads to the ropes and he comes off the top with double knees to the back of Uryu’s neck. He then climbs up again and scores with a senton bomb but Uryu finds the bottom rope with his foot.

*The commentary team talk about how Uryu is certainly being pushed tonight. Blade ushers Uryu up and then spins toward him for a tornado kick (ala Kofi Kingston) but Uryu ducks under and lands a poisonrana. Blade is on his knees as Uryu superkicks him in the back of the head and gets a two count.

*Blade stands and Uryu swipes him with a brutal calf kick before repeating the process three more times. Blade is hobbling now as Ishida slams into him in the corner for a shining wizard and then follows up with a monkey flip. Uryu goes up high for the “Split Second” but Blade gets his knees up and pulls him into a cradle for another two.

*Blade quickly gets up and this time he nails the “overdrive” but Uryu demonstrates his resilience again to kick out. Blade complains to the official and then he drags Uryu back up. He flips him up for another powerbomb but Uryu counters into a sunset flip bomb for another two.

*They scramble up and Uryu ducks a clothesline before springboarding off the ropes and lands a tornado DDT. He rolls out onto the apron and beckons for Blade to stand before springboarding back in with a flying forearm to the jaw but unfortunately the impact sends Blade flying from the ring.

*Uryu curses his luck as he climbs out to get Blade back in. Jeff Thadeus is unsure why Ishida wouldn’t just take the countout but RJ believes Uryu wants to prove himself.

JT: I still think he would have been wise to take victory any way he can…..every W counts….

RJ: That just isn’t Uryu’s style….

JT: Well he better hope it doesn’t cost him…..what has Blade got there?

RJ: I’m not sure…

Uryu dumps Blade back in the ring and it becomes apparent that Blade is holding something close to his chest. Ishida follows him into the ring and is waiting for him to stand…

JT: Hold on a minute here….he’s got a damn steel pipe…..Blade was synonymous for this during his run in 6CW….

RJ: Looks like he’s turning back the clock…..and Uryu has no idea…

JT: Told you he should have taken the countout….

Uryu takes a step toward his opponent as Blade seizes his opportunity and spins around, whipping the pipe toward Uryu’s head….


There are cheers all around the Braehead Arena as Uryu reacts with lightning reflexes and he takes Blade down by the arm, sending the steel pipe rolling across the ring, and then he bridges over the top into an excruciating armbar….

JT: That is expertly applied…..Uryu is ripping at that shoulder joint….

RJ: Blade is trying desperately to reach for that pipe but it’s too far away…

Blade is screaming in pain as he tries to use his free hand to reach for the weapon but it is too far out of reach. Uryu really cranks up the press on the hold and Blade has no choice but to tap out….

JT: He did it….Uryu faced a damn sight more adversity here tonight but that’s three from three….

RJ: Big, big performance from Ishida here tonight…..he showed he can withstand some punishment and still come through with the win….

JT: I genuinely thought his desire to gain a victory inside the ring was going to cost him but he had Blade’s number….

RJ: And a good job because otherwise he was going to have a very serious concussion on his hands…

The crowd are applauding and cheering their hero as Uryu staggers up and has his arm raised in victory. He looks down at the steel pipe and kicks it from the ring before heading to the corner to celebrate…

JT: The rumours and accusations may continue but nobody can argue about Uryu’s level of competition tonight….Blade came to win and he gave a solid showing…..but make no mistake about it, Uryu Ishida is the real deal…

RJ: I don’t think that can be denied….Uryu keeps winning and proving the doubters wrong…..with every passing year he seems to be improving and come “From the Ashes” I think his name has to be in the conversation…

JT: 15 plus years in the game…..a veteran of the business….is Uryu Ishida finally on the cusp of the big one?


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6CWF Presents Proving Ground Results - Monday 22nd May 2023 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Ground Results - Monday 22nd May 2023

Post by JJJohnson Mon 22 May 2023, 6:28 pm

*Jack Reynolds is standing by with Scott Harris ahead of his upcoming match. Harris goes over what he has already said. Kent blew a gasket in the first meeting and couldn’t get the job done whereas that was Harris at his most vulnerable and he still didn’t lose.

Harris promises that tonight he will set the record straight with Eddy Kent, solidifying himself as a big game player here in 6CWF, and then he will set his sights on the mountain top.

*An irate Liam Wood storms into the backstage area and he snatches a mic from Clarissa before addressing the camera. Wood says it is very clear what he wants and that is Alex Garcia one on one next week on Proving Grounds. He says Garcia may want to attack him from behind, proving he’s the same coward he was ten years ago, but how about he shows up and takes care of business like a man. Wood says he is sick and tired of this “EWF reunion bull(beep)” and next week vows to end it for good

*Christy James finds Uryu in the backstage area and she wants to congratulate him on another win. Uryu has a small cut on his left arm and Christy puts her hand on it as GazzyD is shown watching them, his eyes narrowed. Christy turns and quickly removes her hand as Rex Adamson passes. He pats Gazzy on the shoulder, smirking, and says “Damn, Uryu got there first” before walking off.


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6CWF Presents Proving Ground Results - Monday 22nd May 2023 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Ground Results - Monday 22nd May 2023

Post by JJJohnson Mon 22 May 2023, 6:29 pm

Bout 6
The Re-Match
Eddy Kent vs Scott Harris

*We get a big hype VT ahead of the following contest which documents the first meeting between Harris/Kent with Harris seemingly passing out but after the allotted time limit. We see both men picking up victories last week and the confrontation backstage.

*Back live and at ringside as Scott Harris arrives on the stage to a standing ovation. He bobs from one foot to the other and raises his arms in the air as pyros explode behind him. He then makes his way across the ramp and climbs into the ring as the commentators debate on if their will be any mental barriers in front of Harris after the first fight.

*Boos descend on the Braehead Arena as Eddy Kent strides out onto the stage. He talks trash into the camera and hypes himself up before climbing through the ropes. He is goading Harris and asking him “Are you ready for another sleep?” as the referee is forced to keep them apart.

*The bell sounds as both men circle and then lockup. They come to a stalemate on the first attempt before tying up for a second time. Kent forces Harris back into the corner as the referee breaks them apart. They circle for a third time and Harris takes the back. Kent fights against the hold and he throws a back elbow into Harris’ face before spinning around and armdragging him to the floor. They get back up and Kent looks for a second armdrag but Harris stands firm and pulls Kent back toward him into a solid clothesline.

*Kent rolls from the ring and sits on the apron for a minute, looking annoyed. Harris, however, wastes no time as he sprints toward the ropes and dives through them into a crossbody across Kent’s back and sends both of them crashing to the floor. Harris drags Kent back up and smashes his head off the apron before rolling him into the ring. He pulls himself onto the apron and waits for Kent to rise before catapulting himself back in with a heavy lariat that spins Kent 360. Kent succeeds in kicking out on two.

*The commentators talk about Harris’ sense of urgency and how the clock will be playing on both competitors minds. Harris beckons Kent up and looks for a codebreaker but Kent lets the bottom drop out and sends Harris to the deck. He grabs his legs and catapults him into the ropes before drilling him with an inverted backbreaker into a neckbreaker which garners another two count.

*Kent beckons Harris up and tries to lift him onto his shoulders for a rolling fireman’s slam but Harris fights off back and drives a forearm into Kent’s back before shoving him against the ropes. Harris lifts Kent into a back suplex position as he comes back before dropping him out into a backbreaker for a two count.

*Harris drags Kent back up and nails a pendulum backbreaker before trying to turn him into the sharpshooter. Kent thrashes from side to side and then he pulls Harris’ head down and pokes him in the eyes, forcing a release. Kent scrambles back up and rushes at Harris but eats a roaring elbow as he gets close. Kent is rocked as Harris nails him with a t-bone suplex for a two.

*Harris heads for the corner and he gets up top. He sets up for the frogsplash but Kent moves aside. Harris is able to transition into a forward roll but as he gets up he eats a big boot from Kent that drops him into a seated position in the corner. Kent charges in with a brutal kick (ala Matt Cardona) and then pulls Harris away from the ropes and covers for a two.

*Kent stomps down on Harris, forcing him to the ropes, and then he chokes him with his boot until the referee forces a break. Kent grabs Harris by the head and pulls him up for a DDT but Harris counters with a northern lights suplex for a two. Both men get back up and Kent sidesteps Harris and sends him into the ropes before dropping him with a spinebuster on the comeback.

*Kent mocks Harris before grabbing his leg for a figure four. He twists around but Harris plants a boot in his back and shoves him away to the corner. Harris chases in and lands a stinger splash before doing another lap and returns for a shining wizard but Kent moves and sends Harris crashing against the turnbuckle. Kent pulls Harris into the centre and lands a spike DDT but again it is only a two count.

*The crowd are chanting “This is awesome” as the commentators remark on yet another incredible showing between these two combatants. Kent is looking annoyed as he watches Harris trying to get up and then he pulls him into a front facelock for the “Kentlock” guillotine. Kent is just about to leap up and wrap his legs when Harris rushes him back to the corner, squashing him against the corner, and then nails an overhead suplex

*Kent gets back and runs for a knee lift but Harris catches his legs and then nails a capture and lift backbreaker. He takes a deep breath and then heads for the corner. He is preparing for a frogsplash when Kent leaps at the ropes and causes him into a crotched position. Kent then climbs onto the second rope and nails a huge rolling fireman’s carry from on high, the impact shaking the ring. Both men are hurt bad but Kent manages to crawl over and make the cover, only for Harris to find the ropes with his boot.

*Harris is badly dazed and struggling for his breath as Kent leaps into him and this time he manages to get the hooks for the “Kentlock” guillotine. Jeff Thadeus talks about how this brings flashbacks of their last meeting. Harris is desperately trying to kick and squirm to safety but to no avail. He is kicking his legs out and trying to find the ropes but he can’t. The hold is in for a good couple of minutes and the referee is looking concerned. He slides down to check Harris’ pulse when suddenly “The Sharpshooter” summons all of his strength to lift Kent off the floor and he drives into the ropes and sends them both crashing to the hard flooring outside.

*Kent looks annoyed as he gets back up and he kicks Harris in the face before chucking him back in the ring. Harris is still having trouble as Kent climbs the ropes and then leaps off toward his opponent. Harris, however, shows incredible core strength to catch and hold Kent on his shoulders before drilling him with an Argentinian backbreaker (ala Roderick Strong). The crowd are applauding as Harris drags Kent back up and suplexes him into the air before releasing him at the top and throwing him outward so that he crashes hard on his back again

*Kent is all at sea from the impact and Harris quickly pounces and he turns him over into the sharpshooter as the fans rise to their feet, cheers ringing all around the Braehead Arena. Kent is yelling in agony and desperately trying to scramble for the ropes. He gets within touching distance but then Harris pulls him back and sits into the hold

JT: This is astonishing……Scott Harris was on the brink again, so close to passing out from the “Kentlock”…..but now he has Kent exactly where he wants him…

RJ: One of the most devastating submission moves in the game….these two men have put it all on the line again here tonight….

Kent is clawing at his own head, his face reddening by the second, as Harris continues to turn up the pressure. The referee is asking Kent if he wants to quit but he shakes his head…

JT: Kent has been talking big ever since their first meeting….if he were forced to submit here tonight that would be some dent to his ego…

RJ: Be that as it may, I’m not sure how much more he can withstand of this….his back has taken an unreal amount of damage already and Harris is a master with this hold…

Kent’s hand is shaking and it is clear that he is on the brink. Pain and suffering is etched all over his face as he reaches out toward the ropes again although he knows the effort is fruitless. Harris’ face is burning with determination….

JT: This would be a huge vindication for Scott Harris here tonight…..he has showed tremendous courage to battle back and put himself in this position…

RJ: I think Kent is going to tap….I don’t think he has any other choice….

The crowd are poised and ready to begin celebrating when Kent, in pure desperation mode, grabs the front of the referee’s shirt and pulls him forward…

JT: That should be a straight disqualification….

Boos fill the air as the referee is taken by surprise and stumbles off balance before falling through the ropes to the outside…


JT: But the referee is on the outside….he has no idea…

Kent is tapping his hand furiously against the canvass and the crowd are cheering but it soon becomes apparent that the match has not finished. Harris looks dismayed as he releases the submission and sees the referee on the outside of the ring. He spits in anguish and then rolls out to check on the official….

RJ: Scott Harris should have the victory here….Kent tapped out….

JT: Unfortunately there was nobody to make it official….Harris needs to try and get the referee in the ring…

Harris gets the referee on his feet and the official seems to be conscious as Harris helps him back into the ring. Harris rolls in after him as Kent is slowly struggling back to a vertical base…. Harris stalks Kent’s every move and then grabs his arm…


Kent jumps out the back of the “Olympic Slam” attempt and he spins Harris around and pulls him in close….


Harris lands vicious and brutal elbows to the temple of Kent, breaking his grip, and then he beckons him in close….



Harris follows the “codebreaker” up with a huge “Olympic slam” and he hooks both legs…




JT: This is unbelievable….

It takes a few moments for realisation to dawn on the faces of the cheering masses but then there is shock and astonishment. The referee, still a little worse for wear, is in talks with Michael Bird…

MB: Ladies and gentlemen, the referee informs me that the fifteen minute time limit expired before the three count could be completed…..therefore this contest has been ruled A DRAW!

*There are boos and chants of “Bull(beep) all around the Braehead Arena

RJ: Nobody, and I mean nobody could have bet on this…..once maybe but twice? Twice these men have fought and twice it has ended in a draw with one of the competitors just a second from victory….you could not write this….

JT: Last time it was Kent….tonight it is Scott Harris…..these two men are so well matched that they push each other to their absolute limits….

RJ: I’m not sure fifteen minutes is long enough for these two…..neither is going to be satisfied with yet another draw….there needs a definitive conclusion to this….

Scott Harris is on his knees and looking at the referee is disbelief. He is holding up three fingers but the official is explaining to him that time elapsed before the three could be completed. Harris holds his head in his hands.

JT: Scott Harris knows he did absolutely everything he could tonight….if Kent hadn’t thrown the referee from the ring then he would have won….these are the very fine margins that define the difference between the win and a draw….Harris had it in his fingers but it slipped through….

RJ: I still can’t believe this has happened again….

Harris gets to his feet and he shakes his head, showing his disappointment, as the audience applaud him and chant his name. He raises an arm to them and climbs out onto the ramp as Eddy Kent starts to pull himself up. Kent is making sure with the referee that time ran out and that he didn’t lose the bout. Kent nods his head and smirks as he watches Harris retreating onto the stage. Harris turns back and glares at Kent…

JT: I know we say this plenty here in pro wrestling but you have to imagine that this one is far from done….these two men are perfectionists and there is no way they are going to settle for a couple of draws, their egos won’t allow it….they need to know who the better man really is…


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6CWF Presents Proving Ground Results - Monday 22nd May 2023 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Ground Results - Monday 22nd May 2023

Post by JJJohnson Mon 22 May 2023, 6:34 pm

*Eddy Kent is doubled over in the back, looking exhausted and annoyed, as Alex Walker approaches. Walker is surprised Kent didn’t take of business tonight but Kent complains that he was thrown off guard by that “useless referee”. Walker said unfortunately plans had to change because suspicions were aroused.

Kent wants to know how this has affected his chances of a world title shot but Walker tells him to relax because everything is in hand…..there’ll be an announcement by the end of the night.

Lex Hart walks into shot and he smirks at Kent. He says winning isn’t so simple when the refs are bought off….Kent quips back that that is why Lex hasn’t had any success since 2012….Lex looks from Walker to Kent and back again…Lex says the difference between them is that even when Lex and Walker were aligned, Lex took care of business on the fly, whenever plans changed….but Kent needs everything handed to him on a plate….without Walker holding his hand there isn’t a hope in hell that he makes it to the top….

Lex guarantees he’ll be a world champion in this company before Kent and walks away. Walker is eyeing him curiously as Kent looks angered.

*Geoff Steel is doing some last minute prep for his match, the crowd going wild at his image on the big screen, as Diablo and Acer walk into shot. They shake hands with Steel and welcome him back. Acer is delighted to have such a top tier talent back on the roster and praises Diablo for getting the deal over the line (it seems Diablo is leading Talent Relations). Steel says it was a no brainer when Diablo approached and he’s glad to be back home.

Steel jokes that a world title belt would look good around his waist and Acer tells him that if he performs the way they all know he can then he doesn’t see that being an issue in the coming months. Diablo shakes Steel’s hand again as the scene ends.

*We get a brief shot of Drake walking down a corridor, watching over his shoulder at every juncture, and then he enters a room and shuts the door. The words “Johnny Oko” can be seen on the nameplate.


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6CWF Presents Proving Ground Results - Monday 22nd May 2023 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Ground Results - Monday 22nd May 2023

Post by JJJohnson Mon 22 May 2023, 6:37 pm

Bout 7
Lex Hart vs Geoff Steel

*Geoff Steel is greeted like a hero as he makes his way out onto the stage. He stands for a moment and lets the occasion wash over him before making his way to the ring. Jeff Thadeus gives us the background on Steel and wonders whether the former 6CW Champion can scale the heights of the mountain top once more.

*Steel is waiting for his opponent and Lex’s music hits the speakers but he is nowhere to be seen. Steel continues to pace the ring and is asking the referee what’s happening but the official is nonplussed.

*We get a shot of the backstage area and Mike Hill has assaulted Lex in the backstage area. Hill has Hart trapped in a doorway and then he drives the door forward so that is cracks into Lex’s skull. He drags Lex up and launches him against the wall, denting it, and then he grabs a steel chair and lashes it across Hart’s spine. Hill turns the chair on its edge and he presses it down into Hart’s throat, choking him as security personnel and a team of backstage officials try to prise him away.

*Hill continues to choke Hart whilst he’s trash talking him. Hill tells Hart that he “should have stayed away” and he’ll “regret ever starting this fight”. Geoff Steel suddenly appears in shot and he grabs Hill by the waist and launches him across the floor.

*Hill looks annoyed and contemplates an attack but then sneers at Steel and skulks away. Steel calls for a medic to come in and check on Lex. Steel helps Hart up to his feet but then Lex shoves him away, clearly angered by what has just happened. Lex is unsteady on his feet but he tells everyone to clear out. Steel tries to approach again but Lex warns him off and says he doesn’t need anyone’s help. Hart staggers way, holding his neck, as Steel watches him leave.


June 21st 2008 - 6WF Chaos - Trash TV vs Anarchy (6WF Tag Team Championships)

Anarchy in th U.K. plays as EZ Money walks down the ramp while at the same time Hero descends from the roof of the Birmingham Bowl as the men grab hands and touch shoulders ready for their shot at the 6WF Tag Team Belts

RJ-This folks could be a showstealer

Trash TV come out alone with their Tag Titles over their shoulders and Bezerkers 6WF Internet title around his waist. The four men eyeball each other from opposite corners. As Hero stands in the middle of the ring the bell goes and Trash TV play Rock,paper,scissors to decide who starts. Bezerker wins with paper over rock and stretches his neck before walking to the middle of the ring and slapping Hero

Michael Wire-Here we go RJ

Hero rocks Bezerker back with a right hand and Bezerker steadys himself and hits Hero back.They trade blows one at a time and Bezerkers send Hero back towards the ropes as he whips Hero across and ducks his head. Hero sets up for The Canadian Destroyer but Bezerker rolls out of the ring flustered.Hero says with his thumb and finger how close he was before holding the second rope open for Bezerker.The Internet Champion declines and tags Hobo in.Hobo challenges Hero to a test of strength which is accepted and Hero begins to overpower Hobo before Hobo stamps on Heros foot and picks him up bashing his back into a corner.Stiff back elbows to Heros face is followed by Hobo putting Hero on the second rope.Hero kicks Hobo off and goes for a double axhandle but Hobo catches Hero with a punch to the ribs.A Soft Shoe Shuffle(Face first Russian Legsweep) later and Hobo makes a cover 1...2......Kick out! A backbreaker gets another two count before Hobo pulls Hero along the mat to their corner and tags Bezerker

RJ-In comes The Double Champion

Bezerker holds Heros leg in the air and drops an elbow on the upper inside leg of Hero before holding Hero's leg down and dropping a knee on it 1...Kick out! Hero goes to reach for the tag as Bezerker places Hero in a bostan crab

Crowd-Lets go Hero!

Crowd-Trash TV!

Crowd-Lets go Hero!

Crowd-Trash TV!

Hero crawls towards his corner but EZ Money comes in the ring and kicks Bezerker in the back of the head to release the hold before the referee warns him. Bezerker tags in Hobo who picks Hero up but Hero Insiguri kicks him and makes a tag to EZ Money. EZ Money comes in with a clothesline to Hobo and a quick DDT on Bezerker when he enters. An Atomic Drop is followed by a German Suplex on Hobo 1...2........Kick Out!

RJ-Long two count

EZ pulls Bezerker to his corner and both men hit Bezerker as the referee warns them again. EZ Money picks Hobo up for a running powerslam 1...2......Bezerker breaks up the count. EZ Money sees Hobo down and climbs to the top for The Money Shot but Hobo moves leaving both men down

Crowd-Lets go Hobo

Crowd-EZ Mon-ay

Crowd-Lets go Hobo

Crowd-EZ Mon-ay

Hobo tags Bezerker as Hero gets the tag off EZ Money.Bezerker misses with a swinging punch and Hero scoops Bezerker up for an Inverted Death Vally Driver 1...2......Kick out

Michael Wire-Two and three quarters

Hero connects with a shining wizard 1...2......Kick out

RJ-I thought we had new champs right there

Hero tags EZ Money and and Hero puts Hobo up on his shoulders while EZ Money climbs to the top rope

RJ-Doomsday Device!

After hitting The Doomsday Device Hero knocks Bezerker off the apron making sure he cant stop the count 1....2........Foot on the rope from Hobo. EZ Money dives through the ropes onto Bezerker and keeps him down as Hero slides in the ring

RJ-Whos the legal man?

Hero goes for another Canadian Destroyer but Hobo reverses it by backdropping Hero and hits down and out(his hands names) over and over before putting the Ho Down on Hero (Camel Clutch). EZ Money is fighting outside as Hero cant reach the ropes and taps

The referee tells Hobo that Hero isnt the legal man.Hobo gets off Hero and turns around just in time to be hit with a Styles Clash from EZ Money 1...2.....Kick out! EZ holds his head in his hands

Riff Raff Revolution-6WF! 6WF! 6WF!

EZ Money dropkicks Bezerker off the apron and gives him verbal abuse over the top rope. EZ Money turns around straight into a Hobo Hnadshake(poke to eye) followed by a Hobo cuddle(Bear hug into sidewalk slam).Bezerker from the outside grabs Heros legs inside the ring preventing him from making the save 1....2........3! Hobo pins EZ Money before rolling onto his back exhausted. Bezerker gets in the ring and helps Hobo to his feet. SMASH! Hero cracks Bezerker in the back of the head with a chair before setting up Hobo for a Canadian Destroyer and connecting! Hero gets a table from outside the ring and sets it up in the ring placing Bezerker on top and telling EZ Money to climb to the top rope.EZ Money does and puts Bezerker through the table with a money shot. Anarchy pick up the 6WF Tag Titles before placing them on the laid out Trash TV

RJ-This isnt over Michael not by a long shot


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6CWF Presents Proving Ground Results - Monday 22nd May 2023 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Ground Results - Monday 22nd May 2023

Post by JJJohnson Mon 22 May 2023, 6:38 pm

*Mike Hill pushes open the door to the 6CWF Boardroom and he is there to make demands. He is sick and tired of being disrespected. He wants action taken and “all you people know that this company can’t be a success unless I’m at the forefront”.

Acer welcomes Hill but tells him that it was made very clear that wins/losses would bring success but Hill only just got his first win tonight which rules him out. Hill talks about “impact” and what he’s done to Lex Hart but Acer says “you haven’t beaten him”. Hill is getting more irate as he throws things off the table and says maybe he’ll have to “dial it up” to get some more attention.

*He storms out as Acer turns to his colleagues and smiles

*We see Drake coming out of Johnny Oko’s dressing room. He quickly makes his way to the parking lot and we see him reach for the door handle with his left as it becomes clear that is right hand is covered with a rag and stained with deep red blood.

*We go to the 6CWF Panel hosted by Max Adamson. Tonight he is joined by Enforcer, Trevor Swann and Cameron Faith’s former beau Kristal.

Adamson is surprised by Kristal’s appearance and she is too. She said she received a mystery ticket to the show last week and she assumed it was from Cameron and that he wanted to reconcile but she hasn’t seen him yet. She said when she got here they asked her to be on the Panel and she was happy to. Max asks if this Glasgow crowd can spur Faith on to victory tonight and she says absolutely. She expects Faith to get the win and then they can party….Adamson turns to the camera and raises his eyebrows (knowing what a detrimental effect Kristal had on his career last time)

Adamson wants to catch up with his fellow 6WE alumni Enforcer. Adamson says they tried to book Hobo but he is actually a hobo now and they wouldn’t let him in the arena. He wants to pick Enforcer’s brain on what we have seen here tonight and who he has been impressed by. Enforcer is rolling with Tyler Roth and says he expects him to become world champion sooner rather than later. He was also impressed by Scott Harris here tonight and says he’s shared a ring with Harris and knows what he can do. However if Eddy Kent has Alex Walker looking out for him then who knows. Adamson asks if Enforcer got a call about a comeback and he says he did but he isn’t sure the game is for him anymore.

Adamson grudgingly turns to Trevor Swann whilst Kristal is helping herself to more champagne. Adamson says they spent the budget on Kristal’s drinking problem so they had to settle for Swann as the final guest tonight. Adamson says he would ask if Swann got an invited back but he already knows the answer….because he’s even more washed up then his pathetic cricket team. Swann produces a cricket bat and waves it at Adamson, telling him to wind it in. Max then produces a cricket ball and guarantees he can bowl Swann out right here.

The production team are rolling their eyes as floor space is made and a wicket brought in. Swann stands in place as Adamson bowls it at him and then Swann smashes the ball right up into the rafters. He raises an arm over his eyes, watching it go, and then he starts to laugh as he turns to mock Adamson….Max, however, has already seen red and he runs right through Swann with a “Gore” as the crowd cheer.

Max gets back on camera and says if they’re not careful they’ll book another “Ashes match” courtesy of River Ace….he dusts himself down and looks for his own drink but Kristal has helped herself to that as well. Adamson looks to Enforcer, who shrugs, and then calls for the end.


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6CWF Presents Proving Ground Results - Monday 22nd May 2023 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Ground Results - Monday 22nd May 2023

Post by JJJohnson Mon 22 May 2023, 6:41 pm

Bout 8
Johnny Oko vs GazzyD

*GazzyD is live inside Braehead Arena and the majority of the audience are chanting his name. Jeff Thadeus talks about how Gazzy has had many “historic” nights inside this building and he will be looking for another here tonight as he tries to position himself for a potential world title tilt.

*The commentary team talk about what we have seen already tonight between Christy and Gazzy and whether that will be playing on his mind heading into this match.

*Johnny Oko then arrives, his Geishas by his side, and goes through his elaborate entrance with the kitana. Two of Oko’s “guards” then appear and flank him to the ring. The guards climb down off the ramp and patrol the ring as Oko gets inside. The referee stands in between both competitors and checks them over for concealed weapons.

*The bell sounds and both men circle for an opening. Oko lunges for a lockup but Gazzy sidesteps and lands a forearm to the jaw before attempting an Irish whip. Oko reverses it but Gazzy throws himself into a handspring and dives back for an elbow but Oko moves and lands a brutal chop to the chest that takes Gazzy off his feet.

*Oko lands more chops to his kneeling foe and then he bounces back off the ropes and returns with a kick to Gazzy’s jaw. Oko grabs Gazzy’s arm and seems to be contemplating an armbar when Gazzy rolls free and pulls him into a schoolboy for a two.

*They get back up and Gazzy dodges another backhand chop and runs the ropes before returning with a slingblade takedown. He drags Oko closer to the ropes and nails a split-legged moonsault but only manages a two count. Gazzy heads to the corner again and he climbs up. He perches and then leaps but Oko lashes a roundhouse kick into his stomach whilst he is in midair. Oko grabs Gazzy’s arm and nails an armtrap neckbreaker, leaving Gazzy swaying, before running off the ropes and he returns with a jumping chop to the back of the neck that sends Gazzy through the ropes onto the apron.

*Oko pulls Gazzy up and looks for a suplex but Gazzy fights back and lands a guillotine and follows up with an over the top kick. Oko staggers back and Gazzy springboards in with a dropkick takedown for a two count. Gazzy beckons his opponent up and looks for a “skull crushing finale” but Oko drives the point of his elbow into the throat of his opponent.

*Gazzy is gasping for air and throws a desperation right hand but Oko ducks under and nails an exploder suplex. Gazzy is flailing on all fours as Oko runs in behind and nails a front snap neckbreaker (ala Charlotte Flair) for a two count.

*Oko stomp on Gazzy’s hands as he tries to stand up and then he fully extends his opponent’s arm and nails a leaping knee to the elbow joint. Gazzy is clutching his arm as he staggers up and Oko pulls him in close for an inverted STO and applies a “koji clutch” on the canvass.

*Gazzy is in a whole world of pain as he struggles against the submission but he refuses to quit. Oko continues to rip back on the head and arm but Gazzy somehow manages to twist his body and gets a foot on the ropes as the referee forces a break.

*Oko stalks the ring and he waits for Gazzy to rise before running out for the “K-Oko” kick but Gazzy moves and sends his opponent into the turnbuckle. Gazzy drags Oko out and plants him with the “skull crushing finale” but Oko’s foot finds its way onto the bottom rope, thanks to one of his “guards”.

*Gazzy looks annoyed as beckons Oko. He kicks him in the gut and sets up for “Deep Impact” but Oko swipes his feet. Oko catapults Gazzy to the corner but Gazzy lands on the ropes. Gazzy leaps up top and spins toward the middle of the ropes before diving off and planting Oko with a huge DDT as he gets back up. Gazzy rolls out onto the apron and then nails a springboard 450 but once again one of Oko’s guards places the “Oyabun’s” foot on the ropes.

*Gazzy swears loudly and then he nails a running suicide dive on the guards and leaves them in a heap as the crowd go wild. Gazzy gets back up the apron and catapults himself in but Oko catches him on his shoulders and nails the “Ode to Taka” (Michinoku Driver) for a two count.

*Oko beckons Gazzy up and he scoop slams him into an inverted DDT. He then heads to the corner and he climbs up high before launching himself into the “Kamikaze” moonsault, only for Gazzy to move aside and sends him crunching into the mat.

JT: I wasn’t expecting Oko to take that kind of risk….

RJ: Not given this new personality and aggression….he seems more rooted in physical and grounded attacks….he really put it on the line there…

JT: And it didn’t pay off…..he’s left himself vulnerable…


Cheers ring all around the Braehead Arena as Gazzy gets back to his feet and he hooks Oko’s arms in place before drilling him with the finisher…..he rolls Oko over and hooks the leg….



JT: That’s as clear as day…

Oko’s guards storm the ring and they stomp on Gazzy before the three count can be completed, prompting the referee to call for the bell. The crowd are booing furiously as the stomps continue. Gazzy tries to get up and he tackles one of the guards into the corner before the other takes off his belt and lashes it across Gazzy’s back…

RJ: This is turning into a damn mugging now…..GazzyD had this match won…now he is being used as a punchbag…

Gazzy falls down on his knees and the two guards grab an arm each before drilling knees into the side of his skull (ala Young Bucks). Johnny Oko is back on his feet now and he looks annoyed as he demands the belt…..he then orders his guards to hold Gazzy up…

JT: Cmon now…..this really isn’t necessary….

RJ: Last week we watched Johnny Oko break the fingers of Nicky Cassidy…..I’d say this is fast becoming his M.O….

The crowd wince and look horrified as Oko delivers five sickening lashes with the belt across Gazzy’s back, leaving deep red welts. The guards let go as Gazzy slums against the canvass….

JT: Gazzy may have the DQ victory but I’m not sure he feels much like a winner right now…

RJ: Is Oko done here?

Oko looks down at Gazzy and then he stands on Gazzy’s wrist. He kneels down and grabs Gazzy’s hand…

JT: Not another armbar? Someone needs to stop this…

Oko is weighing up his options as the crowd are booing furiously. Oko continues to hold Gazzys arm, thinking it through, but then he shakes his head and drops the appendage. Oko then climbs from the ring as his guards hold the ropes open.

JT: Johnny Oko continues to make statements here in 6CWF….he doesn’t have the W here tonight but nobody is going to forget what he has done….

RJ: Whereas GazzyD is back with a W but he has physical issues now to compound the many mental worries he currently has….this is not an easy time for the “history maker”….


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6CWF Presents Proving Ground Results - Monday 22nd May 2023 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Ground Results - Monday 22nd May 2023

Post by JJJohnson Mon 22 May 2023, 6:45 pm

*Clarke James is waiting patiently in his dressing room, running his pendants through his fingers, when Acer arrives. He looks at CJ with great dislike and then tells the security detail that it’s time to escort James to ringside. James stands up and cricks his neck before placing his pendants back on.

*Cameron Faith is interviewed ahead of the main event. He is excited to get out there in front of his fans and put on a show. He knows he slipped up last week but he’s hoping that a victory tonight will propel him back in the stakes for a world title. Faith promises to leave it all out there tonight.

Tim Allen askes Faith about the earlier proposal from GMW but Faith says that is not in his thinking right now. Tonight is about him and Clarke James, nothing else. Faith says he has got this far in his career without needing others for a step up and he isn’t about to start now.

*GazzyD is being tended to by medics following the attack from Johnny Oko. He is sat on the bench in the trainer’s room when Christy James comes in to check on him. Gazzy is angry to see her and tells her to get out. Christy looks tearful again as she just wanted to see if Gazzy was ok but he tells her he doesn’t want her there….and that maybe she should go check on Uryu instead. Christy looks upset as she leaves. Gazzy then gasps in pain and yells at one of the medics as they clean the wounds on his back

*Alex Walker is whistling as he walks down a corridor in the backstage area and then finds his passage blocked by Johnny Oko and his “guards”. Walker wants to know what he can do for Oko but Oko holds up a hand to silence him. He tells Walker to stop meddling in his affairs and that he has no concern with Oko and Drake’ business. Walker says he wasn’t aware that Drake and Oko had “business” but he is thankful for the information. Oko removes his glasses and tells Walker that this is not a game he wants to play. Walker doesn’t back down, however, and says he only plays games that he knows he can win.


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6CWF Presents Proving Ground Results - Monday 22nd May 2023 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Ground Results - Monday 22nd May 2023

Post by JJJohnson Mon 22 May 2023, 6:46 pm

Main Event
Clarke James vs Cameron Faith

We head back out to ringside as the crowd are in fine voice for the main event. The cameras pan to ringside where a giant of a man is sitting in the front row and he waves at the camera

RJ: Oh wow….former 6WF World Champion, Tyson Armstrong is in the house….you just never know who is going to show up here at Proving Grounds…

The noise almost goes through the roof as “U ain’t stopping me” hits the airwaves and silver/blue pyros explode into the rafters. We see Kristal applauding from the 6CWF Panel table and making her way toward the front row before Cameron Faith appears on the stage…

JT: What a hometown welcome for Cameron Faith…

RJ: Glasgow royalty….Cameron Faith is adored by his people and they will be expecting a big performance from him here tonight….

JT: Faith is 1-1 since the restart of 6CWF but he will be hoping that his fans can spur him on tonight and put him in a great position just ahead of “From the Ashes”….

RJ: We know if Cameron Faith turns up in his fullest capacity and performs to the best of his ability then he is a run for anyone in the business….I know I’m not alone in saying that I want to see Cameron Faith have a prolonged run of form so we can see exactly what this man is capable of….at one point during 6WF we were certain he would become world champion….

Cameron Faith takes off his cap and he places it on a small boy’s head before catapulting himself over the ropes and into the ring. He looks emotional at the reaction he is receiving from the audience.

JT: Cameron Faith knows how big this moment is and he knows how tough this match is going to be…but if he truly wants to fulfil his potential and become world champion then these are the types of matches he needs to win…

The cameras then show backstage behind the curtain as Clarke James is being led to the Gorilla by four security guards. Acer is standing by and watching proceedings. Clarke James turns to him with a sneer…

Clarke James: Am I free to go, officer?

Acer looks annoyed but he nods his head, his jaw locked, and Clarke smiles again before turning away and heading up the steps toward the stage. We hear “Blind Faith” playing out and the boos beginning as Acer continues to watch. He turns to the security…

Acer: You stay here….the moment he puts a foot out of line I want you out there, understood?

The security all nod in understanding and then the scene changes to the stage where Clarke James is being booed to the rafters.

RJ: Clarke James’ every move is being monitored here….

JT: Nobody is happy about his presence….everyone is just waiting for him to snap once again….

RJ: And yet JJ Johnson wants him employed….

JT: One of the strangest decisions in my book….but then we know Clarke James is a big game player, we know he is a damn fine competitor and Johnson wants the best roster…

RJ: But does he really want this man at the forefront? Because that is a real possibility….

Clarke James stands at the ropes and he stares at Cameron Faith. A smile plays on James’ lips as climbs through the ropes to join his opponent. The referee looks cautious but he checks both men for concealments before declaring himself satisfied…

JT: Just because the referee didn’t find any weapons doesn’t mean there aren’t any….Clarke James may be the most dangerous individual in the game right now….

RJ: Huge main event here on Proving Grounds…..Cameron Faith…..Clarke James…..electric atmosphere….

JT: This Glasgow crowd are hoping to see their man come away with the W…

CJ and Faith circle one another and then they lockup in the centre of the ring. James quickly pulls at the right arm of Faith and snaps it down, putting pressure on the shoulder joint, and the lashes a kick upwards into the chest. He drives a forearm into Faith’s face and then a vicious chop before whipping him into the corner. He runs in after but Faith drives up with two big feet, connecting with the jaw, and sends CJ back. Faith turns on his heel and leaps onto the second rope before diving out with a stunner-like move which snaps James down into the mat……………1…………………..2…………..kickout!

RJ: Is there extra pressure on Cameron Faith here tonight in his hometown? Is he expected to perform?

JT: These fans know what he is capable of, sure….but I’d say any pressure on Faith’s shoulders is more of his own making….

Faith gets up and he heads to the corner. He climbs up onto the ropes and he waits for CJ to rise before leaping at him with a crossbody takedown. He beckons James up and lands a back elbow to the midsection and snapmares him to the mat. Faith lands a dropkick to the back of CJ’s head and covers again…………………..1……………………2………shoulder up!

JT: The other thing you have to be concerned about when facing someone like Clarke James is his unpredictability….it’s hard enough that he is a top tier talent but he is also capable of hellacious things and that will stick in the back of your mind…

Faith pulls James up and he nails a vertical suplex. He swivels his hips and gets CJ up again for a second as the noise in the arena grows. Faith lifts James up for a third time but suddenly he draws back, holding his face….

RJ: Did James bite him? I think he did….

JT: It was hard to see as Faith had that front facelock applied….but I wouldn’t be surprised….James has history….

CJ drops Faith with a clothesline and then he beckons him back up into an atomic drop. He runs the ropes and returns with a forceful forearm smash to the back of Faith’s neck, knocking him to his knees. James stands over Faith and glares down at him before nailing a brutal discus elbow smash to the temple……………………1…………………….2…………..Faith just pushes his shoulder off the mat!

RJ: James is slowing the pace now….he’s looking to control every aspect of this bout….

JT: Silencing the crowd….taking away Faith’s momentum….

James grabs Faith’s skull and holds him into a variation of a chinlock. He squeezes and turns the head of his opponent, digging his fingers under the chin bone…

RJ: CJ finding the pressure points….he wants to hurt everyone he steps in the ring with…

Faith is yelling in pain as he struggles against CJ’s grip and then manages to get to a knee. He tries to pull James’ hands away from his face but he can’t. Faith gets to his feet and he drives the point of his elbow into the solar plexus of CJ, managing to free himself, and then he runs off the ropes for some momentum…

JT: Ran straight back into it…

CJ is waiting and he ducks his shoulder into Faith’s path before scooping him up and drills him with a Samoan drop. Faith stumbles up in the corner and James thunders into him with a brutal kick to the jaw that sends Faith through the middle rope to the outside of the ring…

RJ: Faith may have lost a tooth or two there, that was a serious kick….

JT: James turning it up now…..THAT MAY HAVE BEEN A MISTAKE!

RJ: A break from his methodical approach and he’s presented Faith with an opening here…

CJ runs to the ropes and dives over the top with a “tope con hilo” (senton splash) but Faith moves at the final second and sends his opponent crashing onto the solid flooring. Tyson Armstrong pats Faith on the shoulder as the Glasgow man rolls back into the ring. He waits for CJ to start rising and then nails him with a suicide dive, drawing a roar from his native crowd….

RJ: Cameron Faith drawing on the energy of this crowd…

Faith drags James up and he hauls him under the bottom rope. Faith climbs onto the apron and scales the ropes. He can be seen talking to himself before turning and he launches himself into a moonsualt takedown……………….1…………………………2……………….CJ kicks out!

JT: Faith pulling out the stops now….he is chasing that big W….

RJ: A win here tonight could put him in a great position come “From the Ashes”…..

JT: He may be one big shot away….ACT OF FAITH!

Faith is banging his foot on the canvass as he waits for James to rise and then he leaps toward him with the superkick but CJ ducks under it and immediately scoops Faith onto his shoulders and drills him with a death valley driver…

RJ: From nowhere…..and that might do it…

……thr-shoulder up!

JT: Faith just….and I mean just kicked out there….he had no idea that was coming…

RJ: Incredible counter….

CJ drops onto Faith and chokes him until the referee forces a break on four. He then grabs Faith’s face and digs his fingers into him, clawing at the eye and nose areas….

JT: This is the brutal side of Clarke James’ rearing its head again….he really is a sick individual….

The referee pulls Clarke James away and gives him a warning on his conduct but James just seems to stare right through him. He leans over Faith and he digs his fingers into his mouth and pulls upwards as Faith’s yells fill the air…

RJ: And this is exactly why the majority of the Board were reluctant to let Clarke James back….most feel he’s too volatile….most men don’t look to rip their opponent’s mouths open….

The referee counts to four again before reiterating his warning to James. He smirks and then watches Faith getting up. Faith is holding the ropes as James rakes his fingernails down the back and then he pulls Faith into the middle of the ring and nails a hangman’s neckbreaker. Faith is holding his head and it is clear he is feeling some discomfort as he starts to get back up….CJ is stalking his every move and then draws him in close….


Faith lands furious elbows to the side of CJ’s head, breaking his grip, and sends him staggering to the ropes. Faith takes a moment and then he sprints at CJ but is backdropped over the ropes and sent crashing onto the ramp outside the ring. CJ then climbs out onto the stage, despite the referee’s warnings, and he drags Faith up before launching him off the ramp, five foot, to the solid floor below….

RJ: That may have dislodged something in the back of Cameron Faith….

JT: Always a concern when you have a connecting rampway to the ring…..that drop to the floor is just there to be exploited….

The referee is telling James to get the action back in the ring but he drops down and grabs Faith before throwing him back in the ring. He slithers back in under the bottom rope and he waits for Faith to rise before spinning him around and nails a spinebuster….

RJ: That back of Cameron Faith’s must be in excruciating pain right now…


JT: Faith is a fighter and he won’t want to go out with a whimper in front of his own fans but at some point he may need that decision taken out of his hands….

Clarke James watches Faith struggling on the canvass and then heads for the corner. He is disinterested in the fans’ reaction as he scales the ropes…

RJ: James once again abandoning his cerebral methods to go high risk….not sure how wise that is…

JT: CJ is more than capable of this kind of attack but I’m just not sure it suits tonight’s plans…

RJ: And you’d be right…

James reaches the top rope and he throws himself into a corkscrew senton but finds himself landing across the knees of Faith, drawing more cheers from the audience. Faith winces from the pain in his back but he sucks it up and drags himself to his feet….

JT: Cameron Faith has bought himself a chance here….GHETTO BLASTER!

CJ swings wildly with a right hand but Faith ducks and scoops him into a backbreaker before twisting him out into a neckbreaker. He quickly drags CJ up and flips him into a crucifix position before twisting him out into a “yotesuka” facebuster….

RJ: What a shot…..he drilled James big time….that ought to do it…


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6CWF Presents Proving Ground Results - Monday 22nd May 2023 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Ground Results - Monday 22nd May 2023

Post by JJJohnson Mon 22 May 2023, 6:46 pm

…..James kicks out!

JT: Faith thought he had it there…

RJ: So did this crowd…

Faith brushes hair from his face and takes a deep breath. He shoves up and staggers to the corner before making his way up the ropes…

JT: Faith wants to put on a show for his people….


CJ is on his feet and he clocks Faith with a right hand, forcing him to sit down on the top rope. James then climbs up on the second rope and he grabs Faith…


James throws Faith off the top rope with a scooped slam but Faith amazingly lands on his feet, drawing huge cheers from the crowd. James jumps down off the ropes but Faith charges in and greets him with a huge knee to the jaw and then charges him out into a bulldog. He drags James up and lands three successive vertical suplexes….

RJ: He got all three…..Cameron Faith turning it up…

Faith sits on the deck for a moment, breathing in and out from the effort, and then he makes his way up and heads for the corner. He makes his way to the top again as the flashbulbs go off and then he twirls on his heel….


*Crowd pop

RJ: He got all of that….mesmerising…

Faith spins into the incredible double rotation moonsault and he lands it clean. The impact has him winded for a few moments and then he crawls into the cover…


JT: I don’t know if it’s the occasion or the pain in his back but Faith forgot to check the ropes….

RJ: He let James off the hook there…

James rolls out under the bottom rope and drops onto the floor as Cameron Faith takes a few moments to get himself together….

JT: James needs to try and recover here….Faith needs to keep on him and finish the job….

RJ: This one is hanging in the balance…..WHAT ON EARTH?!?

There is suddenly carnage at ringside as Clarke James stumbles up to his feet and he slaps Tyson Armstrong in the face. Armstrong immediately leaps the ringside barrier to retaliate as security pour to ringside to keep them separated.

JT: What the hell is Clarke James doing here? He just put hands on Tyson Armstrong….

RJ: Never the wisest move….

JT: I’m not sure what James’ plan is here…

Security is all around ringside as the referee jumps out to try and de-escalate the situation even more. Clarke James has stumbled away, grinning, as Tyson Armstrong tries to push through the masses….

RJ: You can’t help but think this is yet another ploy from Clarke James….he knows Tyson Armstrong was trained by JJ Johnson, he knows they are tight….

JT: There’s always something win the mind of Clarke James…

Cameron Faith climbs out onto the apron and he jumps off with a clothesline to the back of Clarke James, sending him staggering into the ringside barrier on the opposite side of the melee with Tyson Armstrong…

*A woman shrieks


Kristal, Cameron Faith’s former partner, is now standing at ringside and Clarke James grabs her by the hair and pulls her over the barrier. She looks terrified as CJ holds her up in front of Faith, making him pause in his tracks…

JT: Clarke James knows weakness….he knows how to exploit it….

James suddenly shoves Kristal into Faith and he catches her, which allows CJ to grab his pendants from under the ringpost and he wraps it around his fist before driving a punch into Faith’s jaw…

RJ: And the referee is still tied up with Tyson Armstrong….Clarke James has orchestrated this whole thing…

James grabs Faith and throws him back in the ring as Kristal staggers back into the security railing, still looking scared. CJ rolls in after Faith and he pulls him in close…


The referee has seen the action in the ring and he makes sure Tyson Armstrong is secured before rolling back in…


RJ: Clarke James has won here tonight…..he played everyone and despite looking on the verge of defeat, battling the crowd, he has come up smelling of roses….this is unbelievable….

JT: Clarke James is fast becoming one of the most dastardly crooks in the business…..I don’t think there is anything he wouldn’t do to get the win….

Acer is back on the ramp, looking furious, as the referee raises Clarke James’ arm in victory. Kristal has climbed into the ring to check on Faith, who looks groggy, as James smirks at his handiwork and then joins Acer on the ramp. Six security guards break away from Tyson Armstrong, who is calm but annoyed, and flank James on the stage…

RJ: Acer getting Clarke James out of here as quickly as possible and I think that’s wise…

JT: Limits his chance of causing any more chaos and keeps him away from Tyson Armstrong…..

RJ: I’m not sure CJ deserves that kind of mercy….

Acer shakes his head as CJ smirks and then he leads him across the stage and toward the backstage area. Faith is sitting up now and looking at Kristal with confusion…

JT: This was a great main event with a very chaotic finish…..Cameron Faith will need to go back to the drawing board after this one…Clarke James, however, remains undefeated…

RJ: Could he be closing in on a world title shot? The mind boggles if that happens…

JT: Can he be denied if he continues to win?

RJ: Another fantastic edition of Proving Grounds, folks….we hope you have enjoyed it as much as we have…the road to “From the Ashes” is close to the finish line…but who will fight for the world championships in Birmingham?

JT: The Board must be close to a decision….they only have one more week to decide…


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6CWF Presents Proving Ground Results - Monday 22nd May 2023 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Ground Results - Monday 22nd May 2023

Post by JJJohnson Mon 22 May 2023, 6:48 pm

Following the main event and we head backstage to the 6CWF Boardroom where Diablo has an announcement for us. Next week will see two tag team matches:

Marty Helms/Tyler Roth vs GazzyD/Rex Adamson
Clarke James/Uryu Ishida vs Eddy Kent/Scott Harris

The two winning teams will go on to “From the Ashes” where the members of each team will face one another for one of the two world championships on offer.

The scene changes for a final time and there is a broken body on the floor outside the Braehead Arena. There is a pool of blood around the head of the man and a message has been scrawled on the wall beside him. A cleaner is emptying the bins and she lets out a shriek as she discovers the body. Acer is the first one on the scene, followed by the rest of the 6CWF Board.

Christy James: Who would do something like this?

Acer: Who do you think….this is getting ridiculous, someone get the damn medics…

*A medical team are quick to arrive on the scene as Acer kneels down next to the bloodied form of Tyson Armstrong. We see the message left on the wall:

“Vengeance is mine…..I will repay” 12:19


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Age : 33

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