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6CWF Escalation Results 4th July

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6CWF Escalation Results 4th July Empty 6CWF Escalation Results 4th July

Post by JJJohnson Mon 04 Jul 2011, 11:13 am

*The credits finish rolling and the show goes live on air.The cameras pan around the arena and there is a huge "6CWF" steel sign above the enranceway as pyros explode up into the air.The noise is electric as the scene changes to Henry Lloyd and Jeff Thadeus at ringside.

JT:Ladies and Gentlemen good evening and welcome to the monday night Escalation.We are just two weeks away from the Ground Zero extravaganza and tonight we will commence the 6CW International Championship tournament...

HE:And tonight we will revel once more in the glory of Genesis,the greatest faction in professional wrestling.They will press home their advantage and the whole world will know what they are about...

JT:Well thats as may be but Im sure these fans,just like,are more excited for tonights action.It promises to be a rip-roaring night of total entertainment and it begins now...

4th July

*The action is backstage with Alex Walker.He is striding down the corridor when confronted by a man in a cowboy hat.

Walker:Danny McGraw,how nice to see you!

*The two men shake hands rather hurriedly

McGraw:Walker,I wondered how long it would be until I bumped into you.Did you happen to catch us last night on pay per view?.We did big business...

Walker:I caught some of it,have to say I was impressed with what I saw but there was definite room for improvement.

McGraw:You think so,and you think your 6CW roster can top it?

Walker:I advise you to watch tonight,and watch us do PPV in a couple of weeks and you will get your answer...

McGraw:Heck I might even come watch the show.Bring some of my boys along...

Walker:Bring whoever you want....6WF and 6CW may have merged but make no mistakes,this is the dominant brand in sports entertainment....and anytime you need any proof just let me know!

McGraw:That almost sounds like a challenge....and let me make one thing clear Walker,I dont back down from a challenge.I dont appreciate your guys showing up unannounced like last night, I know it was one of your bunch that took out Jack, and if it happens again I will not be held responsible for my actions...

Walker:I'll be sure to send a memo next time...but I assure you that if that was one of my guys on your show last night,it wasnt sanctioned by me....if I wanted to send a message to you,I would do it first hand...

McGraw:Or why not go one better,you say you've got a pay per view in two weeks?


McGraw:Well why dont I send some of my boys over and we can make a night of it....last night one of your guys got involved in our show....and I am sure you dont want a retaliation why dont we sort this out now....

Walker:Let me know what you want...

McGraw:Well ive already had Perfect Jack on the phone...he wants his attackers head on a plate...and to be honest I cant deny him that.So here is what I propose....two weeks from now...two headed up by whoever it is you hired to take out headed up by Jack representing representing 6WF....bragging rights if you will...

*Walker smiles

Walker:Danny they said you were a shrewd businessman but it seems under that hat of yours you are hiding alot of money making shenanigans.Heck I like that idea.....I love that idea....from day one I said that I would make sure 6CW was seen as the dominant brand...and two weeks from now I will prove it...I look forward to seeing what you have got...

McGraw:Oh you'll see...

*McGraw smirks and walks off as Alex Walker adjusts his suit and heads down the corridor.


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6CWF Escalation Results 4th July Empty Re: 6CWF Escalation Results 4th July

Post by JJJohnson Mon 04 Jul 2011, 11:15 am

Match 1
International Title Qualifier
Mason White vs Jackson Black

JT:Happy Independence day everyone and we are kicking off tonights show with the first qualifier for the brand new International Title.8 men have been picked exclusively for this opportunity at becoming the first ever International Champion...

HE:Aslong as members of Genesis are involved then there is nothing to worry about...we will know our winners...

"99 Things" roars out and there is a good reception as Mason White enters through a jet of pyros.He hulks up and flexes his arms before walking down the ramp and stops next to a fan who has a sign saying "Yarmouth Sucks"...White smirks and ruffles the fans head before walking to the ring and climbing in...

JT:Last week Mason White was turned upon by his own tag team partner Yarmouth Blade..

HE:He got what was coming to him...White is a loser...YES!

The boos are huge as "Numb" screams out and then Jackson Black makes his entrance.He is dressed in black trunks with "Genesis" wrote on them in green.He laughs at the crowds reception as he swaggers down to the ring and climbs in..

JT:Jackson Black was seconds away from becoming a two time tag team champion last week but Daniel Reilly put paid to that..

HE:Yes he was a travesty...but Jackson will bounce back here,there is nobody that can deal with his wrestling ability...

JT:I cannot doubt the skill set of Black...a highly trained wrestler...

The referee checks both men over and then signals for the bell to start the match.Black circles and then they lockup,Black quickly slides around the back and looks for a german suplex but White is too strong and he swings his elbow back and connects with the jaw of Black.He kicks him in the gut and whips him to the corner before following in,Black gets his feet up and kicks White back before going to the second rope and leaping off with a double axe....


JT:What a thunderous clothesline...

White floors Black in midair with a massive clothesline.Black staggers up and White whips him off the ropes before hauling him into a huge backbody drop.Black gets up again and White grabs ahold of him and hits a huge urange backbreaker...................1......................2................shoulder up!

JT:White's power is immense....the guy is a rock...

Black staggers up into the corner and White charges in and spears him into a huge shoulder thrust,he nails three more and then pulls him out and hoists Black onto his shoulders...

HE:Not a torture rack...

The crowd boo as Black rakes the eyes and quickly slides from the ring for a breather.White is holding his face as the referee begins his count...

JT:Dirty tactics from Jackson Black but we would expect nothing else...

HE:Dont know what you mean Jeff...

White jumps out of the ring and he runs after Black,Black sprints around the ring and slides back in before White follows.He visciously stomps on the back of his opponent and then drops elbows and knees into his back...

JT:Never seen this side of Jackson Black before....he seems in a zone...

White tries to get up in the corner but Black sprints in and drives his knee right into the midsection and then nails an impressive overhead belly to belly suplex............1............2.........powerout!

JT:Still life in White yet though...

HE:Not for long...

Black clubs the back of White and attempts an exploder suplex but White elbows out and then floors the oncoming Black with a huge big boot.White runs off the ropes and returns with a huge bodysplash...............1............2.......kickout.He drags Black up by the head and looks for a powerbomb but Black swipes his legs and stomps on his midsection before looking for a sharpshooter...

HE:Jackson Black is very well versed in submission aswelll...

White boots Black back into the corner.He gets up and runs in after Black...


JT:That could seperate your shoulder right there.....

Black drags White the ringpost and nails a bridging german suplex...........1.............2..........shoulder up.White is holding his shoulder as he gets up and Black kicks him in the injured area before grabbing his arm and hyperextending it....he twists the arm behind the back of White and hits a modified reverse DDT.............1..............2.......kickout.

JT:Good contest between two of the brightest talents in 6CWF....the winner will earn a semi final place in the tournament...

HE:What an honour it will be to be known as the first ever 6CW International Champion...


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6CWF Escalation Results 4th July Empty Re: 6CWF Escalation Results 4th July

Post by JJJohnson Mon 04 Jul 2011, 11:19 am

White tries to get up and Black dropkicks him in the shoulder and then hits a jumping armbreaker as the crowd boo.Black stretches White's injured arm out and hits three solid knees before looking for an armbar...

JT:White needs to get loose way can he cope with that submission...

White punches his way out and quickly scrambles to his feet,Black darts at him but is lifted high and drilled with a devastating spinebuster................1................2............shoulder up!

HE:Cmon Jackson,weather the storm...

White beats his chest and then pulls Black up by the head and body presses him into the air,he benches him a couple of times and then roars as he hauls Black through the air,and he lands throat-first across the top rope...White smiles as Black is groggy...

JT:Could be...

"One and Only" screams from the speakers and the crowd boo,Mason White turns towards the entranceway with anger in his eyes....

HE:Thats Yarmouth Blade's music...

JT:But where is he?




The music caused enough distraction for Jackson Black to sneak behind White and then scoop him up and nails the slam for the three count.The crowd are booing as Black sits and smiles to himself before rolling from the ring...

HE:I told you Jeff,any members of Genesis in this tournament and they will win....they are too good....

JT:And your telling me that Yarmouth Blade's music playing had nothing to do with Black's win there.....

HE:Not at all,Black would have countered White's next move was always in the bag...

Mason White is coming around in the ring and he looks furious as Jackson Black swaggers up the ramp looking impressed.

JT:Well like it or not guys,Jackson Black advances to the next round of the International Championship tournament..


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6CWF Escalation Results 4th July Empty Re: 6CWF Escalation Results 4th July

Post by JJJohnson Mon 04 Jul 2011, 11:20 am

*The action goes backstage as the door to Alex Walker's office opens and Perfect Jack walks in.

Jack:I want answers Walker...

Walker:Dont we all..

Jack:You think this is a joke?.....Last night I was competing for my job in 6WF,I put my body on the line only to get jumped by one of your guys....why did you do it Walker....I know I am one of the few guys that is contracted to both companies...

Walker:About that...

*Jack stops in mid sentence

Walker:Well I am sure that you either saw or you were told that me and Danny McGraw have reached an agreement about the upcoming Ground Zero will head up a team of 6WF competitors against a team of 6CW competitors...

Jack:I saw that....but that doesnt change my allegiances....

Walker:Well actually Jack it see as of this point forwards you are no longer contracted to 6CW...

*Jack's face suddenly drains of colur,a team of security enters the room as Jack tries to burst at Walker.

Jack:Are you kidding me?....Your screwing me over Walker...

Walker:The decision wasnt mine to make dont shoot the messenger.Last night your victory over Lex Hart finalised your place on the 6WF roster and released you from your tenure in 6CW...

Jack:I had my goddamn number one contenders match....I want my title shot you Bar Steward...

Walker:And I am sure if you keep your hard work up then Danny McGraw will grant you one...but from this point forwards you are no longer a 6CW superstar....which means you have no need to be here tonight...

Jack:You son of a (beep)...

*Walker smirks as security escorts Perfect Jack as the crowd are going wild with boos

HE:Oh wow....that is huge...

JT:6CW has just taken a huge blow....Perfect Jack is contracted to 6WF...this changes it all completely..

HE:The main event tonight is down to two men...Geoff Steel and Mark Matzko...

*Commercial break


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6CWF Escalation Results 4th July Empty Re: 6CWF Escalation Results 4th July

Post by JJJohnson Mon 04 Jul 2011, 11:24 am

*The show comes back from the commercials with Yarmouth Blade talking to Christy James

CJ:Yarmouth Blade,after last week when you turned on your partner Mason White there has been alot of talk of where you go from here....

Blade:Wherever I want...I am the most complete athlete in 6CW....I eclipse everyone in this lockeroom and anyone in the 6WF lockeroom by a country mile...there is nobody that measures up to me....and I can prove that anytime I need to....I got rid of Mason because he was a nobody...he was slowing me down...

CJ:And what about what just happened in Mason's match with Jackson Black...your music played out,did you have anything to do with that?

Blade:You reall think I am that desperate for attention....its not my fault that the guys in the production truck cant do their jobs properly...

*Mason White storms into the picture and he begins to brawl with Yarmouth Blade.Security are quick to rush in and they drag both men apart...

White:Just be a man wanna fight then lets fight....dont attack me when my back is turned...dont play your music and then dont turn up...if your as badass as you say then lets go...

Blade:Any time....your not on my level Mason...

???:Timeout boys...timeout...

*The crowd boo as Alex Walker walks into shot.He looks from one man to the other.

Walker:I understand there is real animosity here...and I feel that.But I am afraid your both going to have to put it on hold...because I have a bigger task for you....

*They stare at Walker

Walker:Two weeks from now 6CW and 6WF will do battle...we are talking about bragging rights for who the dominant brand is....I want you two on that team....that means all differences aside....and if 6CW picks up the win....then you two boys can have whatever match you we have a deal?

*Blade and White stare at one another and then slowly turn back to Walker and nod their heads


*He walks off as the crowd boo and security continue to restrain Blade and White.


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6CWF Escalation Results 4th July Empty Re: 6CWF Escalation Results 4th July

Post by JJJohnson Mon 04 Jul 2011, 11:25 am

*The action is backstage with Genesis.The crowd boo as GazzyD is pacing the floor.

GazzyD:Have you seen the lineup in this main event....I mean are you serious....Geoff Steel....the man is a perennial it any wonder he never had a shot at the big time....the guy sucks!

*Crowd boo

GazzyD:And what about Matzko huh?

Jackson Black:That guy is nothing,so he is the TV means bull(beep).He is a crazed action man wannabe and if he is lucky to even get through tonight then you will destroy him at Ground Zero...

GazzyD:Tell me about it...

Sweetwater:And Jack,well you just saw what Mr Walker told him....we all know you would have kicked that chumps donkey but who cares....he's gone...and good riddance to bad rubbish...

GazzyD:Glad to see you boys know what your talking about....and after Jackson's big win tonight all we need is Sweety to take out Triple Douchebag and Genesis is high rollling again....because make no,Mureson and Singh have got some serious issues to address in the six man tag...aint that right boys?

*Mureson and Singh crack their knuckles and nod their heads as Gazzy smiles

GazzyD:Its time to do what Genesis does best....Win!

*They all nod their heads as the show goes to a commercial


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6CWF Escalation Results 4th July Empty Re: 6CWF Escalation Results 4th July

Post by JJJohnson Mon 04 Jul 2011, 11:27 am

Match 2
Internecio/Cerberus vs Drake/Josh Valour

The action is back off the commercial break and fire erupts on the stage as some of the crowd scream and then Mr Jones leads his monsters onto the stage.Internecio flicks his hair back and Cerberus just stands tall as the crowd boo them.

JT:Tag team action now....and very personal intense....WHOAH LOOKOUT!

The crowd suddenly cheer as Drake erupts from the back and clatters into the back of Internecio.He begins brawling with the monster and they trade thunderous blows.Drake knees Internecio in the stomach and then rams his head into the steel titantron structure as Cerberus clobbers him from behind...

HE:Serves Drake right for getting involved before this match had begun....

JT:You mean how Internecio and Jones ambushed Drake last week,or did that slip your mind?

Cerberus grabs Drake by the back of the neck but has no time to react as Josh Valour comes running from the back and kicks Cerberus in the side of the head.They brawl across the stageway and the crowd are going wild...

JT:This one has just descended....all of these men are just laying chunks into one another...

Internecio grips Drake around the throat but eats a huge headbutt and is then pummeled down the rampway towards the ring as Mr Jones follows.Drake grabs Internecio by the arm and whips him...............BOOM!

HE:Oh no...

The ringsteps go flying as Internecio's head collides with them and he lays slumped on the floor.Drake turns on Mr Jones,who gulps and begins to plead.He runs backwards and slides in the ring but Drake quickly catches up to him...

HE:Leave him alone...

JT:Are you going to go and stop him?

On the stage,Cerberus rakes the eyes of Valour and slams his face into the metal structure before gripping him around the throat and backing him to the edge of the stage.

JT:Some evil intentions here....

Valour kicks Cerberus between the legs and the crowd cheer.He drags the big man towards him and gives a signal to the crowd...

HE:Not the Tower of Valour...

In the ring,Drake grabs Mr Jones ready for a jackhammer but he receives a sharp low blow from Internecio as the crowd boo.Internecio stomps visciously on his foe as Jones scrambles up and begins to laugh...

JT:This damn sure isnt right...

On the stage,Cerberus clobbers huge rights into the head of Valour and drops off his shoulders before flooring him with a big bicycle kick.Internecio jumps from the ring on instructions from Jones,he throws a table back into the ring and then...

JT:Not this again...cmon we need security out here...


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6CWF Escalation Results 4th July Empty Re: 6CWF Escalation Results 4th July

Post by JJJohnson Mon 04 Jul 2011, 11:30 am

Internecio has a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire and he waits for Drake to stumble up before cracking it right across his skull.He stands over his bloody victim and then presses the barbs into the open wound as Jones laughs evily and applauds...

HE:Drake is paying the price here Jeff...

JT:You are such a fool...can you not see how disgusting this is...

Mr Jones begins to set the table up in the centre of the ring as Internecio chokes Drake on the floor.He ignores the referees pleas to stop as Drake oozes blood and turns purple...Cerberus rags Valour up on the stage...

HE:And now Josh Valour,for all of his gonna BURN IN HELL!


Crowd:holy (beep) x5

Valour jumps off the back and then waits for Cerberus to turn around before spearing himself and his foe off the fifteen foot stage and across the technical equipment........BOOM!.....Sparks fly as monitors explode and the crowd scream as smoke billows from the area where both men landed....


Teams are on the scene with fire extinguishers as flames are visible in the wreckage.Mr Jones glances at the monitor for a moment and then bellows for Internecio to drag Drake up...

HE:Looks like Jones and Internecio arent finished here though....

CRACK!....The crowd wince as Internecio chokeslams Drake right through the table and leaves him in a bloody heap on the floor.Jones pats Internecio's shoulder as the monster stares down at his victim...

JT:Thats twice in two weeks now that Internecio has left Drake in a bloody wreck...

HE:Drake should realise that his days are done here in 6CW....that is the future right there Jeff,you are looking at the most dominant force in sports entertainment...

JT:I want to know if there is any word on Valour and Cerberus...those two men just risked their lives for an insane stunt...

The replays show Valour and Cerberus crashing to the floor again.Back live,Cerberus is trying to sit up as medics assist Josh Valour.Drake is being checked over by EMT's as Jones finally leads Internecio from the ring...

HE:Well this tag team match never got started but the action was still wild....all four men were at risk but Internecio is once again standing tall here tonight...

JT:Its becoming a recurring theme....this monster is uncontrollable,and with the maniacal Mr Jones in his corner,there is no telling where this deadly spree might end....

HE:And what about Valour and Cerberus?...last week Valour took out Jones and this week he has tried his best to take out Cerberus...

JT:The kid has a wild side and damn he has some balls....Valour is not afraid of a fight,which is a good thing because if keeps it up then no way will Cerberus be backing down...


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6CWF Escalation Results 4th July Empty Re: 6CWF Escalation Results 4th July

Post by JJJohnson Mon 04 Jul 2011, 11:32 am

*The crowd cheer as Daniel Reilly walks into shot with Christy James.

CJ:Reilly,it must be awhile since you have heard a reception like that from the 6CW faithful?

Reilly:A very long time.And I am not going to go into details because we all know what has happened in the past and if I am brutally honest I have no regrets.But i think right now what i want and what these fans want falls into the same category...

CJ:And what is that?

Reilly:For Genesis to pay for everything.I know everyone has their legitimate issues with these guys but I blame Alex Walker single handedly for the position I am in today.And I will not rest until he pays....that means I will continue to let Genesis know that i am not going anywhere....that I can strike at anytime....and if you continue to avoid me then I will continue to make you pay!

CJ:And what is it that you really want Reilly?

Reilly:My whole career has been based around being recognised as the best.To be known as the 6CW World Champion,I never envisaged a day when that goal would drop to second on my list but now it has.You see now I have a new aim,now I have a new target and I will not rest,will not stop until I get even with Alex Walker...

*Crowd cheer

Reilly:And I know he will put obstacles in my path because why would he want to set foot inside a ring with a (beeped) off psycho like me...but rest assured that I will go to whatever means necessary to get my revenge...I dont care who long it takes...I dont care how many members of Genesis I have to go through....I will have my vengeance...and Alex Walker will pay very dearly for what he has done...

CJ:Well tonight you team with Dicey Reilly and John Dice to take on Genesis...a perfect opportunity to get your point across wouldnt you say?

Reilly:I would indeed....and I know my partners will be wary of me,wondering if will revert back to type,and honestly I can tell them to take no chances....because my ambition is much bigger than anything else...if you get in my way,if you attempt to stop me from getting to Walker then i will take you out...I dont care who you are...I dont care if we are teammates or foes...Genesis and Alex Walker have conspired to bring me down....and for that they will feel my wrath....they will know exactly what it feels like to get bitten by this Viper...

*Reilly stares darkly into the camera and the crowd cheer as he walks off


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6CWF Escalation Results 4th July Empty Re: 6CWF Escalation Results 4th July

Post by JJJohnson Mon 04 Jul 2011, 11:35 am

Match 3
International Title Tournament
Triple D vs Michael Sweetwater

Henry Lloyd:Welcome back ladies and Gentlemen up next we have an interesting match up in Micael Sweetwater and triple d, After Genero Zero collasped lets see if Triple d can over come the obsticle of Michael Sweetwater?

Jeff Thadeus:This one is gonna be awesome Henery, Two of the best Wrestler's in 6cw, god dam it i mean 6cwf, still cant get used to saying that, Why they have to go and change it Henry?

HL: We will now hand you over to your ring announcer Mike bird.

MB: This match is scheduled for one fall.

I think bad thought's by Danko Jones hits and the crowd start to boo as rocket's shoot off at the top of the stage then Michael sweetwater comes from behind the curtain and holds his arm's in the air and start's to trash talk the fans as he walks slowly down the ramp.

MB: Coming down the ilse weighing 152bls Michael Sweetwaterrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

HL: I love this kid, but saying this I love his opponent too.

Sweetwaet then get's to the ring and rolls under the bottom rope and then stands in the center ring ignoring all the abuse he's getting from the fans.

Sabotage hit's and the crowd carrying on booing but there are a few cheers for triple d who comes from behind the curtain and Walks onto the stage looking relaxed, he makes a 'D' with his arms as an Alberto Del Rio style (golden shower) pyro goes off behind him, he walks to the ring looking confident and just sneers at the fans at ringside.

MB: Coming down the Isle weighing in at 245bls Triple ddddddddddd!!!!!

Mike Bird then leaves the ring and the ref finishes checking the turn buckles then goes to check two wrestler's.

HL: Tough choice on who is going to win this match up Jim?

JT Yeah, but it should be a good un.

The ref finishe's checking the the wrestler's then goes to signal the start of the match.


HL: Here we go then, Who's gonna get the upper hand?

The two men then go to lock up and bothe men are trying to get the upper hand but both men are struggerling and let go, they both start to trash talk each other and then Tripple d slaps Sweetwater in the face, Sweetwater rubs his face and Triple d is just laughing so Sweetwater slap's Triple d in the face.

Crowd: ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

HL: Look's like this one is just about to kick off Jim?

JT: Look's like it Henry.

Triple d rub's his face then the two men start to throw punches at each other, they both take it in turns then Triple d starts to get the upper hand and then does a kick to the face of Sweetwater who then falls to the ring mat holding his face.

Crowd: ooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

JT: That just gotta hurt?

Triple d then goes for the cover.

The ref strts to count.




JT: He got the shoulder up.

Triple d stares at the ref and the ref points to Triple d that it was 2, Triple d then start's to punch sweetwater in the face with left's and right's and the starts to count to 5.





Triple d breaks on the count of 4 then rolls off Sweetwater who is feeling groggy laid out on the mat.

HL: Triple d has now got complete control of Sweetwater.

Triple d goes towards Sweetwater but the ref tells Triple d to get to his feet but triple d shoves the ref out the way and goes to pick up Sweetwater but Sweetwater gives a thumb to Triple d in the eye and Triple staggers back giving Sweetwater enough time to get to his feet.

JT: Oh come on plain cheeting by Sweetwater.

HL: Only if the ref seen it and he was turning the other way when Triple d shoved him, Triple d must be care full though not to get disquailfied though.

Sweetwater gets to his feet and runs at Triple d and gives Triple d a clotheline and Triple d crashes to the ring mat,n Triple d then stands up and Sweetwater starts to run the ropes and Gives Triple d another Clothelines, Triple d falls to the mat again then Sweetwater drives a hard elbow to the chets of Triple d while he is laid out on the mat jump's back up and then runs the rope and does a leg drop on to Triple d and then goes for the cover.

HL: This could be it, Did you see how high that leg drop was?

The ref starts to count to 3.




JT: No shoulder up, that was close, good back and forth match up.

Sweetwater goes for another cover.




Triple d gets the shoulder and Sweetwater slams the mat in frustration.

Sweetwater pick's up Triple d and then does a standing drop kick which sends Triple d flying out of the ring and lands on the out side on to the floor.

HL: Triple d landed hard on the floor, He could be out cold.

The ref starts to count Triple d but Sweetwater rolls out of the ring and onto the out side and walks towards Triple d who is laid out on the floor.

JT Look at him, he's just trash.

HL: Sweetwater whispering sweet nothing's to Triple d there.

Sweetwater pick's up Triple d and then goes to Irish whip Triple d on to the steel ring post but Triple d then reverse's and Irish whips Sweetwater on the ring post instead.

Crowd; Holy Sh....t, Holy Sh....t.

The ref is counting up to ten.





HL: Both men need to get back in the ring or they gonna be counted out.

The ref carry's on the count.





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Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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6CWF Escalation Results 4th July Empty Re: 6CWF Escalation Results 4th July

Post by JJJohnson Mon 04 Jul 2011, 11:38 am

Triple d then rolls under the bottom rope and then stops the count but the rolls back out of the ring and starts to walk up to Sweetwater who is laid out at the side of the commentaters table holding his chest were he hit on the ring post.

Triple pick's up Sweetwater then rolls him in to the ring but then turn's Sweetwater's body round so that his head on just hanging over the ring apron face up , Triple d then hits Sweetwaer on the chest several times and climbs on to the steel ring steps on to the apron.

Then Triple d holds one arm in the air and wlak's on the aprn towards Sweetwater and jump's in the air and lands a leg drop onto the troat of sweetwater, Who the falls back on to the out side of the ring on to the floor and Triple d lands hard on the ring apron and also falls on to the floor.

JT: Oh my god!!!! Triple d must have Broken Sweetwaters kneck?

CROWD: That was awesome, That was awesome!!!!!

The ref starts to count the two men out.









Sweetwater and Triple d start to stir and both men just about get in the ring before the count of ten.

HL: How in the hell did Sweetwater get back in the ring after that huge leg drop from triple D?

Triple d is the first man up but Sweetwater is on his knees holding his throat, Triple d run's at Sweetwater and goes for a kick to the face on Sweetwater but Sweetwater dives out the way and Triple d falls on to the ring mat holding the back of his head as it hit's the mat hard.

Sweetwater then pick's Triple d up and kick's Triple d in the stomach.

HL: Yes fisherman's suplex this has to be it?

JT: Were in the hell did that come from after Triple d gave him such a beating?

Sweetwater grabs hold of Triple d and flip's Triple d over his head and Triple d lands hard on the ring mat


HE:Sweetwater is through...

The crowd cheer as Daniel Reilly is down at ringside and he turfs the referee from the ring before he can make the three count.Sweetwater is bemused as he looks around for the referee but only sees the smiling face of Reilly...

JT:Oh wow,Reilly said that Genesis would pay for Alex Walker did to him....

HE:Reilly wants to watch himself...he is pushing the envelope too far...

Sweetwater looks furious as he points at Reilly and then Mureson and Singh come charging from behind the curtain and down to the ring.Reilly quickly hops the security railing into the crowd...

HE:And now he is fleeing like a creature of the night....what a coward...

JT:Would you face Mureson and Singh on your own?

HE:I wouldnt be stupid enough to annoy them in the first place...

Sweetwater shouts for the referee to get back into the ring,the official stares at him and then slides under the bottom rope...


.............Mureson and Singh dart for the ring...

JT:Thats the three.....Triple D advances...

The three count is made and Debadguy quickly rolls from the ring as Mureson and Singh climb in.Triple D stumbles up the ramp celebrating as the members of Genesis help Sweewater to his feet...

HE:This is tragic...I like Triple D but Genesis should have gone two straight...

JT:Well Triple D advances to the next round of the International Title tournament...but the big story here folks is Daniel Reilly's continuation of the sabotage tactics he started last week...

HE:He should be fined and is an outrage...


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6CWF Escalation Results 4th July Empty Re: 6CWF Escalation Results 4th July

Post by JJJohnson Mon 04 Jul 2011, 11:40 am

*The scene is backstage with a delighted Mr Jones and Internecio.

Christy:Mr Jones...


CJ:Earlier tonight we watched as Internecio brutally assaulted Drake again..where will this visciousness end?

Jones:My dear this demonstration will end when Drake admits that he is finished....that he is a has-been that can no longer compete with the future of this company,Internecio!

*Crowd boo

CJ:Well what if Drake disagrees,these fans in attendance always seem to think Drake has enough fight left in him...

Jones:These people are deluded....but in essence what you say is true.Drake is a man with far too much pride,in the past two weeks we have sapped as much of that as possible but we fully expect him to return for vengeance....that is why I am here to issue a challenge...

*Crowd cheer and chant Drake's name

Jones:Two weeks from now at the Ground Zero event...I am offering Drake the chance of retribution....a one on one match with Internecio....a chance for him to prove he can fight against the best...

*Crowd cheer

Jones:But in return for that challenge,I shall pick the stipulation!

CJ:And what will that be?

Jones:You know Christy,I dont think a true man can ever get tried of watching his foe's crimson leak from every is therefore that we will be challenging Drake to a ....FIRST BLOOD MATCH!

*Crowd pop

HE:Wow what a challenge...

JT:And not one I am convinced Drake should take....have you ever seen this monster bleed?

HE:No,who could get close enough to make that happen...and on the other hand he seems to have got the hang of making Drake bleed....I think Drake should leave this well alone...if he has any sense...

JT:Well we know Drake...the man has pride by the bucketful,ive never seen him back down before....

*Mr Jones smirks as the crowd boo him..

CJ:And just quickly,any news on Cerberus after his earlier collision with Josh Valour?

Jones:Cerberus is just fine....I assure you that I have trained my clients to absorb pain in an unnatural way....but Josh Valour is a meddlesome child who is really starting to irritate...he is a pest....and like every pest,he will be exterminated!

*Jones smiles evily and then walks away,Internecio following him.


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6CWF Escalation Results 4th July Empty Re: 6CWF Escalation Results 4th July

Post by JJJohnson Mon 04 Jul 2011, 11:46 am

Match 4
Daniel Reilly/Dicey Reilly/John Dice vs GazzyD/Ibrahim Mureson/Kalki Singh

"Numb" screams out and the crowd boo as GazzyD walks onto the stage,flanked by the two behemoths,Mureson and Singh.GazzyD smirks and then looks back over his shoulder as Alex Walker walks out...

JT:What the hell does he want?

Walker:Ladies and Gentlemen,after what happened in the previous contest it has come to my attention that certain matters need to be dealt with.I cannot allow the inmates to believe that they run the asylum and I certainly cannot allow certain individuals to disrupt my best laid plans.It is my job therefore to inform you that Daniel Reilly will not be competing here tonight as I have had him escorted from the building...

Crowd:Bull(beep) x10

JT:So once again the odds are stacked in favour of Genesis,well there is a surprise.

HE:Reilly should have known better...he got involved in business that did not concern him...

Walker:The following contest will therefore be a 3 on 2 handicap enjoy!

Walker grins as he soaks in the abuse and then heads backstage.Genesis enter the ring and wait patiently before the area lights up and there are cheers as "The Angel and The Gambler" roars out and one half of the tag team champions enters the fray.

JT:John Dice is used to the long odds but maybe nothing ever like this...

HE:He got lucky last week against Genesis but lightning wont strike twice here....

Dice shakes his head but tags hands with the fans as he walks down the ring.Green and yellow fireworks then explode as "Born to Fight" roars out and Dicey Reilly comes turfing onto the stage.He nods his head at the reaction and then strides down to the ring.He shakes hands with Dice and they stare up at Genesis...

JT:These two men know the odds are against them but you can bet on a fight...

The crowd cheer as Dicey and Dice climb into the ring and begin fighting their opponents as the bell sounds.Gazzy tries to ambush Dicey with a belt shot but Dicey backdrops him over the top rope to the outside.Dice plants kicks into the midsection of Mureson but is easily full nelsoned by Singh and hauled into the corner.Singh lights him up with stiff chops before Dicey runs across and knees Singh in the back sending him from the ring aswell...

HE:Oh no...

JT:The numbers game has flipped...

Mureson swings wildly at Dicey but misses and is dropkicked into the corner.Dicey grabs John Dice and whips him hard into Mureson before running in himself and nailing another body splash,they pull the big African out and double suplex him to the mat..................1..............2..........Gazzy breaks up the pin.

HE:Its only a matter of time Jeff before it all becomes too much...

Dicey gets up and knees Gazzy in the stomach and looks for a gutwrench but Singh grabs his legs from the outside and drags him under the bottom rope before flooring him with a huge headbutt.In the ring,Dice misses with a clothesline and is spinning heel kicked to the ground by GazzyD before Mureson hits a massive splash from the second rope.Dice clutches his ribs as he struggles up and Mureson lifts him high into a gutbuster before the referee forces him from the ring...

JT:Finally this match is down to one on one....GazzyD and John Dice....

Dice is holding his midsection as Gazzy whips him into the corner.He follows in but takes a sharp elbow to the temple and staggers back,Dice goes to the second rope but Mureson grabs his head and yanks him off,guillotining him on the top rope as the crowd boo.

JT:This is a joke...

HE:You cant compete with Genesis,Jeff...thats just life...

Gazzy runs off the ropes and cartwheels back into a standing moonsault before tagging in Kalki Singh.The crowd boo as Singh easily rags Dice to his feet and body presses him into the air,he lets out a roar....

HE:You cannot deny how impressive that is....


The crowd pop as Dicey flies from the top rope and dropkicks Singh in the chest.He drops Dice but tumbles backwards and gets tied up in the ropes.The crowd are cheering as Dicey and Dice take it in turns to pummel the Indian giant....Dicey then climbs from the ring before tagging back in...

JT:The duo doing themselves proud right at this moment...coping with the might of Genesis...

Singh is releases but Dicey stomps on the back of his knee repeatedly before running off the ropes and nailing a huge knee to the face as the giant drops to his knees...........1...........2..............huge powerout.Singh tries to get up but Dicey is onto him and lays huge shots to his head before breaking on the five count.Singh gets onto his knees as Dicey grabs ahold and plants him with a DDT...........1............2.......kickout!..

HE:You cannot deny that they are doing well but they are a man will show through in the end...

Dicey tags back in Dice.The tag champ goes to the top rope and comes off with a flying elbow to the chest as the crowd cheer.Singh slowly clambers up and Dice kicks him the stomach...

JT:He's not going to try and lift him surely...

Dice does indeed look for Loaded Dice but Singh elbows him in the head before tagging in GazzyD.Gazzy springboards onto the top rope and flies into a big clothesline that takes Dice out.They get back up and Gazzy connects with a roundhouse before springboarding onto the ropes and soaring back with a dropkick takedown............1............2.......Dice kicks out.Gazzy spits on the ground and then beckons for Dice to get up...

HE:Gazzy looking to end it here....

Gazzy looks for Deep Impact but Dice spins out,he grabs Gazzy's arm and drags him back in and nails a samoan drop as the crowd cheer.Both men are down as Dice crawls across and gets his hand out............1.....................2............kickout.

JT:Close call but GazzyD has more in the tank...

HE:Of course he does,he is the 6CW Champion.......

They get back up and Dice nails a three punch combo before whipping Gazzy to the corner.He runs in but eats a double foot to the head,Gazzy climbs to the second rope and drags Dice towards him before nailing a tornado DDT.He staggers up and tags in Mureson...

JT:This African collosus is enough to scare any man...

Mureson waits for Dice to get up and then furiously headbutts him back into the corner.He stomps repeatedly on his midsection and then drags him to the centre of the ring and lifts Dice onto his shoulders before hitting a modified ribbreaker......................1................2...........kickout.Mureson stares at Dicey Reilly before tagging Singh in....they both haul Dice to his feet...

HE:You've seen this before....DOUBLE CHOKESLAM!


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6CWF Escalation Results 4th July Empty Re: 6CWF Escalation Results 4th July

Post by JJJohnson Mon 04 Jul 2011, 11:47 am

Mureson and Singh lift Dice into the air but the crowd cheer as Dicey gets in the ring and kicks Mureson in the stomach and then Singh.He punches both men repeatedly and then backs off as Mureson runs towards him...

JT:Dicey pulled down the ropes....Mureson is on the outside...lookout...

Singh runs across and tries to big boot Dicey but its ducked and Dicey amazingly german suplexes the big man as the crowd applaud.He gets back to his feet as GazzyD flies off the top rope and takes him out with a martial arts kick...

HE:The man advantage works every single time...

Gazzy stares at Dicey and laughs before he is spun around and lifted onto the shoulders of John Dice...


He spins Gazzy around for the reverse F-5 but the champion lands behind him and nails Downtown(Skull Crushing Finale).....Dicey is back up and he kicks Gazzy in the stomach....

HE:No cmon champ....




Mureson and Singh distract the referee as Michael Sweetwater enters the ring with the ring bell in hand and slams it into the head of Dicey Reilly.He quickly rolls out as the crowd are booing wildly and GazzyD crawls across the cover...

HE:That was epic...

JT:It was a damn if 3 on 2 wasnt bad enough....they needed 4....


HE:Get in...

"Numb" roars out and GazzyD rolls from the ring to join the rest of his Genesis cohorts on the outside of the ring.John Dice crawls across to check on Dicey...

JT:The numbers game was always going to be an uphill battle....after Daniel Reilly was taken out of play before the match even begun,you knew they were in for a long night....but they fought valiantly and if it hadnt been for Sweetwater then I think we could of had a huge upset on our hands...

HE:Face it Jeff,Genesis is the future...nobody can beat these guys....not you,not Dice or Dicey,not anyone in tonights main event....they are the best and they are going to carry on being the best,get used to it.


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6CWF Escalation Results 4th July Empty Re: 6CWF Escalation Results 4th July

Post by JJJohnson Mon 04 Jul 2011, 11:47 am

*The action returns from the commercials as Dicey Reilly has an icepack on his head and is walking through the corridor.He shoulder barges into someone and spins around...

Dicey:Hey watch it...

???:Or what?

*The crowd boo as Keith Leone is glaring at Dicey

Dicey:Would you like me to show you Keith....

Leone:You dont intimidate me Dicey...I am the Extreme Champion....I have faced bigger,badder and tougher guys than you and guess what...I beat them all.I am true Extreme and there is nobody that can topple me...

Dicey:Care to put a wager on that?

Leone:I think I have proven enough times that you are no match for me Dicey....your just another name that goes into a box,along with Chris Patricks,Blue Dragon,Geoff Steel,Code Effrigo,Abe Abercorn....each one of my have nothing for me Dicey....

Dicey:An impressive list you have there....but history doesnt lie....and everyone knows that each time you have faced me,you have snuck in the back door for the have never defeated me mano et mano...

Leone:You had your chance....face it Dicey,your washed up...your an old man...

Dicey:I might be old but I am a damn sight more "extreme" than you will ever be.You know I am sick of little punks like you that think that your some cool (beep) cos you pulled off a few wins....but newsflash Keith,when were you ever world champion?...when your were you a triple crown winner? might be the Extreme Champion but you will never be as good as Dicey Reilly...

*Leone looks Dicey up and down and then smirks before brushing past him towards the entranceway


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6CWF Escalation Results 4th July Empty Re: 6CWF Escalation Results 4th July

Post by JJJohnson Mon 04 Jul 2011, 11:57 am

Match 5
Keith Leone vs Jack Frost

JT: we have two champions going up against each other here as the Extreme champion Keith Leone goes up against half of the tag team champions in Jack Frost

H: and straight away you have to give the advantage to Leone who has got were he is on hi own as opposed to relying on a tag partner

JT: Thats a bit unfair don’t you think? Jack Frost isn’t exactly a pushover.

‘White Light’ rings out of the speakers and the crowd give a decent oivation to Jack Frost as he walks through the entrance into the arena and down the ramp, he as his tag title draped over his shoulder and lifts it high into the air as he enters the ring.

H: I’ll be honest this guy does have talent, but I reckon if he gets in trouble tonight he needs to realize that there’s nobody there to bail him outta jail

The crowds cheers turn to boos as ‘Even Flow’ starts to play and Leone cockily walks out to a barage of abuse from the fans. He unclips the Extreme title from around his waist and lifts it high in the air as the crowd continue to boo.

H: This guy has taken some of the best guys this company has in recent months and still stands here with gold around his waist. Thats what Frost needs to realize

JT: we’ll see. I reckon Frost has the ability to turn a few heads tonight, and who knows he could even put himself in the title picture for a shot at the Extreme Title

The referee signals for the bell and the match begins with both men tieing up in the middle of the ring. Frost pushes Leone across the ring who quickly bounces up to his feet and they begin to circle the ring before tieing up again. Leone grabs Frost by the head in a headlock and Frost backs against the rope and pushes his opponent off whipping him against teh rope. Leone runs back at Frost but is knocked down with a shoulder charge. Leone starts to get back to his feet as Frost hits out with a variety of kicks. Leone eventually gets to his feet despite the kicks but Frost pushes him into the corner of the ring and then hits a 3 kick combo to the leg, gut and head before nailing a spinning heel kick leaving Leone slumped in the corner. Frost backs off and then runs at him and plants his boot across the side of Leones face

JT: What impact, he almost took his head off

Frost drags Leone into the centre of the ring and drops down for the cover

JT: Well Frost looks good so far, you can’t deny that

Frost grabs Leone by the head and starts to lift him to his feet but sharply turns away holding his face as Leone gets a thumb to the eye and then Frost staggers blindly into a jawbreaker. Leone crawls over and hooks the leg


H: Kick out by Frost, but what you are beginning to see here is the momentum shift into Leones court

Leone motions for Frost to get to his feet and then impatiently hits a running knee to the head as hes starting to get up. He drags him back to his feet and drops him with a Russian Leg sweep which he floats over into a pinning position

H: Beautifully executed


JT: Shoulder up

Leone gets up to his feet and starts shouting at Frost to get back up, he cockily wipes his foot across the baqck of Frosts head (ala Jericho) while he continues to verbally assault him and then he lifts him upto his feet. Frost swings wildly with his right hand

JT: I think Frost has had enough of the trash talk


Frost rocks Leone with a big right hand as he’s getting to his feet followed by another, he aims a third but Leone ducks underneath and nails him with a German suplex bridged for the pin

JT: I thought that was 3

H: It would have been if it hadn’t have been for a slow count by the official

Leone stares a hold through the referee and then grabs Frost up off the mat


H: He’s bought himself some recovery time at best, he’s in no position to mnake the cover

The referee starts to count both men out as they slowly start to show signs off life. Leone is quickest to his feet but Frost reacts too quick and dodges out of the way of the clothesline attempt and then Leone turns around only to be nailed with a Northern Lights suplex, Frost motions for Leone to get to his feet and as he does he kicks him in the gut and then connects with a swinging neckbreaker and hooks the leg for the pin

JT: Now its Frosts turn to build some momentum

Frost exits the ring and climbs up to the top rope and waits patiently for Leone to get to his feet before flying through the air and knocking him back down with a missile dropkick. Frost quickly crawls over to Leone and covers him

Frost doesn’t allow Leone to recover and quickly goes back on the offensive. He stomps on him as Leone is struggling to his feet and then he backs him up against the ropes and and whips him into the corner of the ring and then runs at him squashing him with a clothesline. He grabs Leone by the head



JT: YESSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE GOT IT


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6CWF Escalation Results 4th July Empty Re: 6CWF Escalation Results 4th July

Post by JJJohnson Mon 04 Jul 2011, 11:58 am


Frost holds his head in his hands and starts to pull Leone upto his feet





The two men quickly get to their feet and begin to trade punches in the middle of the ring. Frost begins to get the upper hand before Leone kicks him in the gut and then bounces off the ropes


Frost writhes in pain on the mat as Leone drops over him for the pin


Frost kicks out and Leone hooks his leg again


And again


H: Leone wants to make sure he doesn’t get too frustrated here, this is actually really clever, hes not allowing Frost any time to get his breath back after having the wind knocked outta him with that spear.

Leone gets to his feet and then and stalks Frost who slowly begins to pull himself up......



Replays show Leone nearly beheading Frost with a kick to the face and the he stands over him


JT: This must be it



Leone gets to his feet and signals for the end and then drags Frost upto his feet. He kicks him in the gut

H: Going for the spike DDT, we’ve seen him use this to finish off his opponents before

JT: REVERSED!!!!!!!!




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6CWF Escalation Results 4th July Empty Re: 6CWF Escalation Results 4th July

Post by JJJohnson Mon 04 Jul 2011, 11:59 am

We see replays of Leone going for the DDT which Frost wriggles free of and Leone turns to face Frost who kicks him in the gut and then lifts him with a gut wrench into powerbomb position. As he is driving Leone down into the mat, Leone manages to grab the head of Frost and uses his own momentum to plant him head first with a DDT in the centre of the ring and cover for the win

JT: That certainly was some DDT! But even you can’t deny Frost was impressive here tonight

H: He was, but unfortunately his best wasn’t enough and he’s gonna have to do more than that to put himself in the title picture

Leone slides out of the ring and grabs his title from the timekeeper before ecxiting up the ramp to the jeers of the crowd.He clutches his Extreme Title as he reaches the top of the stage...

JT:Keith Leone showed that on his day he is a very impressive individual.....

CRACK!.....The crowd roar in approval as Keith Leone turns around and eats a huge chair shot from Dicey Reilly.Dicey's chest heaves in and out as he stares down at Leone...

HE:Oh no....that was completely uncalled for...

JT:Dicey said they had unfinished business....he said Leone needed to realise how "extreme" he really is...

HE:Dicey lost two title opportunities...

JT:But he was never pinned...

Dicey throws the chair down next to the unconscious Leone and signals a belt around his wasit before heading backstage as the crowd cheer.


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6CWF Escalation Results 4th July Empty Re: 6CWF Escalation Results 4th July

Post by JJJohnson Mon 04 Jul 2011, 12:00 pm

*The action is in the parking lot and the crowd gives a huge cheer as Perfect Jack walks out of the doors.He looks back at the huge "6CW" sign and sighs before heaving his kitbag over his shoulder.

Crowd: Thank you Jack x10

JT:Perfect Jack leaving the 6CW Arena for the last time folks....the end of an era without a shadow of a doubt...

HE:Good riddance is what I say...

JT:I know you dont mean that....Jack is one of the greatest 6CW stars of all time....and we wish him all the best over in 6WF...

*The lights in the parking lot flicker a little as Jack walks towards his car.He reaches it and all of the windows have been smashed and a message has been sprayed across the doors.

"We are Watching"

JT:What on earth...

*The lights fully go out in the parking lot and there is a loud bang.The lights return and Jack is layed face down on the concrete floor as the doors to the parking lot swing shut and all is seen is a flicker of black.

HE:Was that...

JT:I think so....but Jack was just leaving the building...

HE:Well I think reading into this we know who the leader of Team 6CW at Ground Zero will be...

JT:Folks this one isnt over...Jack is gonna need some help...


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6CWF Escalation Results 4th July Empty Re: 6CWF Escalation Results 4th July

Post by JJJohnson Mon 04 Jul 2011, 12:04 pm

Main Event
Number One Contender to the 6CW Title
Geoff Steel vs Mark Matzko

JT:Well safe to say this has been a night of revelations and then some....but we arent finished yet folks....we still have a massive question that needs an answer...

HE:Yeah,who is next in line to take a beating from GazzyD?

JT:You mean who will be the next number one contender to the 6CW Title....We initially thought this was going to be a triple threat match but after tonights event we now know that this will be a one on one affair between two of the biggest stars in this industry....

"New Day" blasts out and there is a massive ovation as Mark Matzko strides onto the stage.The TV Title is strapped around his waist and he salutes the fans before marching to the ring.He looks confident as he climbs through the ropes and green fireworks explode into the air....

JT:Mark Matzko is a man that has amassed many fans and much acclaim in such a short period of time.His best of seven series with Antoine Mason,his first ever championship victory....and the amazing three fight feud with Anonymous have placed this man in this position....he stands on the cusp of the biggest night of his life...

HE:I dont like Matzko,I dont like his opponent...but this guy is impressive....I never thought he could beat Anonymous but he did...I never thought he would win the TV Title but he did....and I certainly never thought I would be talking about him as a contender to the biggest title in pro wrestling...

Matzko stands tall in the ring and removes the TV Title as the lights in the arena dim.There are huge cheers from the crowd as "Last Resort" blazes out and red fireworks shoot high into the arena air.

JT:And his opponent,a man that has taken adversity and beaten it time and time again...a true warrior,a true fan favourite...

Geoff Steel walks out on the stage and he smirks.He holds his hands in the air and breathes in the cheers before walking down to the ring.He steps up the steel steps and climbs in the ring before going face to face with Mark Matzko...they never break eye contact...

HE:One of these men will challenge for the 6CW Title in two weeks time...but which will it be?

JT:Its too close to call.....what a match we have in store for you...

The bell sounds and the crowd roar as both men nod and then back off.They circle for a few moments and then lockup in the centre of the ring.They jockey for position and then Steel twists the right arm of Matzko and pushes him back into the corner.The referee seperates them and both men back away before walking back to the centre and locking up again.Matzko applies a quick headlock but Steel backs against the ropes and shoots Matzko across...Matzko comes back and shoulder blocks Steel to the mat....He runs off the opposite ropes and sprints back as Steel gets up...


Steel swipes Matzko's legs on the comeback and looks for the submission but Matzko kicks his legs into the chest of Steel and scrambles away.He gets back up and both men share a smirk before locking up for a third time...Matzko is quick to shoot around back but Steel catches him with a hard back elbow and spins out before kicking Matzko in the stomach and nails him with a suplex..............1...........kickout.

JT:These men are so evenly matched...its going to be hard for either to dominate...

Steel waits for Matzko to get up and then armdrags him over into a full nelson.Matzko quickly shifts underneath and looks for a back suplex but Steel flips over his back and nails a russian legsweep.............1................2........shoulder up.

HE:There is no way Mark Matzko is at 100%,that doesnt mean he cant win but I have never seen a more brutal match than that last man standing match last week...

Steel pulls Matzko up but is surprised by a forearm,Matzko lifts Steel up and slams him back into the corner and nails three solid shoulder thrusts before whipping him to the opposite corner.He rushes across but takes a back elbow and staggers back....Steel runs at him...

JT:Beautiful overhead belly to belly suplex from Mark Matzko...

1...........2......kickout.Matzko drags Steel up but is countered by a jawbreaker,he staggers back to the ropes and Steel runs at him but is backdropped over the ropes onto the apron.Steel clings on and tries to grab Matzko but is kneed through the ropes and Matzko suplexes Steel back into the ring.................1..................2.............shoulder up.

HE:Even you must know Jeff that these guys would be eaten alive by GazzyD....

JT:I dont know that...I actually believe either of these men could take on GazzyD and give him a run for his money...

Steel gets back up and Matzko attempts his patented DDT but Steel counters with a backdrop.Matzko stumbles back up and Steel whips him hard into the turnbuckle and then waits for him to come out before body pressing...

HE:That is amazing strength....

Steel slams Matzko down into the mat and the crowd cheer as he beckons the former soldier back to his feet...


Matzko rolls away and Steel rams into the turnbuckle before Matzko locks in the million dollar dream (sleeper hold)...Steel is struggling and waving his arms wildly...

HE:Mark Matzko pulled the sleeper from nowhere...Steel in big trouble...

Steel makes a sidestep and manages to haul Matzko up in desperation and backbreakers him to the mat......both men lay sprawled on the mat and desperately try to get up as the fans cheer them on...

JT:This crowd are split....both men have so much support...

Steel is up in the corner and he waits for Matzko to come towards him before slugging him back with a huge right hand.Matzko throws a big one of his own and then Steel kicks him the stomach....


Matzko swipes Steel's legs and slingshots him into the corner,Steel staggers back and Matzko full nelsons him into a sickening facebuster........................1...........................2..............3....kickout!

JT:So close but Steel is fighting on here...


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6CWF Escalation Results 4th July Empty Re: 6CWF Escalation Results 4th July

Post by JJJohnson Mon 04 Jul 2011, 12:07 pm

Main Event
Number One Contender to the 6CW Title
Geoff Steel vs Mark Matzko

JT:Well safe to say this has been a night of revelations and then some....but we arent finished yet folks....we still have a massive question that needs an answer...

HE:Yeah,who is next in line to take a beating from GazzyD?

JT:You mean who will be the next number one contender to the 6CW Title....We initially thought this was going to be a triple threat match but after tonights event we now know that this will be a one on one affair between two of the biggest stars in this industry....

"New Day" blasts out and there is a massive ovation as Mark Matzko strides onto the stage.The TV Title is strapped around his waist and he salutes the fans before marching to the ring.He looks confident as he climbs through the ropes and green fireworks explode into the air....

JT:Mark Matzko is a man that has amassed many fans and much acclaim in such a short period of time.His best of seven series with Antoine Mason,his first ever championship victory....and the amazing three fight feud with Anonymous have placed this man in this position....he stands on the cusp of the biggest night of his life...

HE:I dont like Matzko,I dont like his opponent...but this guy is impressive....I never thought he could beat Anonymous but he did...I never thought he would win the TV Title but he did....and I certainly never thought I would be talking about him as a contender to the biggest title in pro wrestling...

Matzko stands tall in the ring and removes the TV Title as the lights in the arena dim.There are huge cheers from the crowd as "Last Resort" blazes out and red fireworks shoot high into the arena air.

JT:And his opponent,a man that has taken adversity and beaten it time and time again...a true warrior,a true fan favourite...

Geoff Steel walks out on the stage and he smirks.He holds his hands in the air and breathes in the cheers before walking down to the ring.He steps up the steel steps and climbs in the ring before going face to face with Mark Matzko...they never break eye contact...

HE:One of these men will challenge for the 6CW Title in two weeks time...but which will it be?

JT:Its too close to call.....what a match we have in store for you...

The bell sounds and the crowd roar as both men nod and then back off.They circle for a few moments and then lockup in the centre of the ring.They jockey for position and then Steel twists the right arm of Matzko and pushes him back into the corner.The referee seperates them and both men back away before walking back to the centre and locking up again.Matzko applies a quick headlock but Steel backs against the ropes and shoots Matzko across...Matzko comes back and shoulder blocks Steel to the mat....He runs off the opposite ropes and sprints back as Steel gets up...


Steel swipes Matzko's legs on the comeback and looks for the submission but Matzko kicks his legs into the chest of Steel and scrambles away.He gets back up and both men share a smirk before locking up for a third time...Matzko is quick to shoot around back but Steel catches him with a hard back elbow and spins out before kicking Matzko in the stomach and nails him with a suplex..............1...........kickout.

JT:These men are so evenly matched...its going to be hard for either to dominate...

Steel waits for Matzko to get up and then armdrags him over into a full nelson.Matzko quickly shifts underneath and looks for a back suplex but Steel flips over his back and nails a russian legsweep.............1................2........shoulder up.

HE:There is no way Mark Matzko is at 100%,that doesnt mean he cant win but I have never seen a more brutal match than that last man standing match last week...

Steel pulls Matzko up but is surprised by a forearm,Matzko lifts Steel up and slams him back into the corner and nails three solid shoulder thrusts before whipping him to the opposite corner.He rushes across but takes a back elbow and staggers back....Steel runs at him...

JT:Beautiful overhead belly to belly suplex from Mark Matzko...

1...........2......kickout.Matzko drags Steel up but is countered by a jawbreaker,he staggers back to the ropes and Steel runs at him but is backdropped over the ropes onto the apron.Steel clings on and tries to grab Matzko but is kneed through the ropes and Matzko suplexes Steel back into the ring.................1..................2.............shoulder up.

HE:Even you must know Jeff that these guys would be eaten alive by GazzyD....

JT:I dont know that...I actually believe either of these men could take on GazzyD and give him a run for his money...

Steel gets back up and Matzko attempts his patented DDT but Steel counters with a backdrop.Matzko stumbles back up and Steel whips him hard into the turnbuckle and then waits for him to come out before body pressing...

HE:That is amazing strength....

Steel slams Matzko down into the mat and the crowd cheer as he beckons the former soldier back to his feet...


Matzko rolls away and Steel rams into the turnbuckle before Matzko locks in the million dollar dream (sleeper hold)...Steel is struggling and waving his arms wildly...

HE:Mark Matzko pulled the sleeper from nowhere...Steel in big trouble...

Steel makes a sidestep and manages to haul Matzko up in desperation and backbreakers him to the mat......both men lay sprawled on the mat and desperately try to get up as the fans cheer them on...

JT:This crowd are split....both men have so much support...

Steel is up in the corner and he waits for Matzko to come towards him before slugging him back with a huge right hand.Matzko throws a big one of his own and then Steel kicks him the stomach....


Matzko swipes Steel's legs and slingshots him into the corner,Steel staggers back and Matzko full nelsons him into a sickening facebuster........................1...........................2..............3....kickout!

JT:So close but Steel is fighting on here...

Last edited by JJJohnson on Mon 04 Jul 2011, 12:09 pm; edited 1 time in total


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6CWF Escalation Results 4th July Empty Re: 6CWF Escalation Results 4th July

Post by JJJohnson Mon 04 Jul 2011, 12:08 pm

Matzko goes to the second rope and comes off with an elbow to the back of Steel's neck as he gets up.Steel stumbles up again and swings at Matzko,he misses and is lifted into an atomic drop...he stumbles into the corner and Matzko flattens him with a bodysplash before lifting him up top...

HE:Dangerous territory for both men here...

Steel headbutts Matzko across the bridge of the nose,blood explodes from the nostrils as Steel pushes his opponent hard onto the floor below.....Matzko staggers back to his feet and tries to wipe the crimson away as Steel flies off with a huge shoulder tackle takedown...Matzko slowly gets back up and Steel grabs him by the head....


The crowd are split as Matzko counters the piledriver with the alabama slam..............1..................2................shoulder up!

HE:This is getting closer...

Steel is on wobbly legs as Matzko whips him off the ropes,he comes back and Matzko stuns him with a hard kick to the stomach......


Steel lifts Matzko onto his shoulders and counters with a firemans slam (Attitude Adjustment)....Matzko clutches his back as he gets up and Steel flips him up onto his shoulders and connects with a running powerslam.....

HE:Shades of the late,great British Bulldog......



Steel holds his head in his hands as Matzko kicks out,he stands up and tells the referee it was three but is told it was a definite two.He shakes his head and then beckons for Matzko to get up...

HE:Steel needs to keep his focus here....SPEAR!

1.........................2......................Steel kicks out.

JT:Matzko almost stole it with the rollup...

They get back up and Steel attempts a suplex but Matzko slings over the back and looks for a german suplex but Steel throws his head back and connects with Matzko's injured nose...Matzko clutches his face and Steel lifts him up and slams him to the mat.........

HE:Both these men doing everything then can....they really want this...

Matzko gets up and Steel clotheslines him over the top rope to the outside.Matzko tries to stumble up as Steel climbs up the ropes and looks down...


Steel takes Matzko out with a flying crossbody from the top to the outside.The referee starts counting both men..........1.................2...................3................4...........Steel grabs Matzko and drags him towards the apron...

HE:Why didnt Steel leave Matzko out for the count out...

JT:He wants to win this the good old fashioned way...

...........5...............6.........Steel rolls Matzko back in the ring and then follows.Matzko staggers up and tries to wipe blood from his nose again as Steel dropkicks him to the mat.He underhooks both Matzko's arms...

HE:Flipping powerbomb...

1....................2.............shoulder up!

JT:Close call there but Mark Matzko is continuing to show his huge heart...

Steel tries to drag Matzko up but is shocked by a small package............1..............2..........Steel kicks out.They scramble up and Steel ducks a clothesline and runs off the ropes...he comes back as Matzko turns around...

HE:Double clothesline....both men just got wiped out...

JT:First man to his feet certainly has the advantage...

Both men struggle back up and Steel looks for a right hand but Matzko ducks underneath it and runs off the opposite ropes before returning with a huge flying forearm...

HE:What a shot...Steel could be out cold....

JT:And Matzko is looking to capitalise....we saw this against Anonymous...

Matzko looks around as the crowd cheer and then he slowly walks to the corner and climbs up the ropes,he looks around the arena and then salutes as the flashbulbs go off....


Steel slides away at the last moment as Matzko slams into the mat with full force,Steel slowly staggers back to his feet...

JT:Steel has an opening here....BLADE CUTTER!



JT:Its over....

The bell sounds and the crowd cheer as the replays show the end of the match.Steel attempts the piledriver but Matzko counters out for the big DDT.Steel swipes his legs at the last minute and rolls over into a pinning combo for the huge three count....back live,the crowd are going wild as "Last Resort" blares out...

HE:Steel wins...

JT:Geoff Steel and Mark Matzko were so evenly matched....they gave it their all but in the end Steel had a little more in the shame for Matzko in defeat...huge show of class there...

The crowd pop as Steel looks at Matzko and then helps him to his feet.Matzko stares at his opponent and then both men shake hands and hug.

HE:I tip my hat to both men...I dont believe either is in the calibre of GazzyD but tonight they put on a great match...

JT:Yes they did...either of them was worthy of the win but Geoff Steel is a definite contender...its been a long road for this kid...but he deserves the opportunity...

HE:Here we go...

The boos are huge as Genesis storm the ring.GazzyD shocks Geoff Steel with a low blow and a massive Deep Impact as the crowd go wild.Matzko tries to help out but Mureson and Singh drag the soldier from the ring and slam him right through the security railing into the crowd...

Crowd:Holy (beep) x10

JT:Matzko just got broken in half...

Michael Sweetwater climbs to the top rope and leaps off with a double foot stomp to the chest of Geoff Steel...

HE:I told you dont cross Genesis...

JT:It was a damn setup....why cant these guys fight fair for once...

Jackson Black drags Geoff Steel up and laughs as Gazzy slams the 6CW Title into the skull of Steel and floors him to the mat.The fans are hurling abuse and litter into the ring as GazzyD kneels over Steel with a smirk on his face and raises the 6CW Title in the air as Genesis flanks him...

HE:Face it doesnt matter who the number one contender is because nobody matches up to Genesis....these guys are unstoppable...

JT:I have a feeling you could be right....these ego maniacs are destroying 6CW from within....Geoff Steel won the number one contendership in a fiercly contested bout and this is his prize....a first class donkey kicking from god...

HE:Get used to this picture Jeff....Genesis are the beginning of the new era....6CW is now in full control of these guys...

JT:Folks this is all we have time sure to tune in to 6WF presents Lockdown this thursday for all the fallout from their Chaos PPV....and we will be back next monday for the final show before 6CWF Ground Zero....what a night...

HE:Night gang!


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