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6CW Aftermath - Tuesday 11th September 2018 - Card

The Last Outlaw
Engel Harlequin
Dolphin Ziggler
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6CW Aftermath -  Tuesday 11th September 2018 - Card Empty 6CW Aftermath - Tuesday 11th September 2018 - Card

Post by Dolphin Ziggler Sun 02 Sep 2018, 6:39 am

6CW Beachfront Brawl Spoilers:

Dolphin Ziggler

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6CW Aftermath -  Tuesday 11th September 2018 - Card Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath - Tuesday 11th September 2018 - Card

Post by Engel Harlequin Sun 02 Sep 2018, 12:05 pm

Charlotte Grey stands alongside a rather dishevelled Engel Harlequin backstage

CG: At Aftermath you have your biggest opportunity in months as you face off against six other men with the prize of a title shot of your choosing. Before we get into the competitors or even what title you would love to get your hands on, how do you feel?

Engel stares wide eyed at Charlotte as he answers 

EH: Charlotte, oh my beautiful beautiful Miss Grey...I had heard rumblings after our last interview that you had refused to take to the microphone with me ever again. Truly I was dismayed but now here you are in front of me holding that microphone to my lips and I feel wonderful hehehe.

Charlotte sighs

CG: This is about your match at Aftermath Engel...

EH: EXACTLY, Opportunities. Yes opportunities fall like autumn leaves. It is up to us to grab them and not let go. It's a beautiful thing. But what you really want to know, what your hoping for is an insight into my view of the match at Aftermath. But before all that, there was Beachfront Brawl...a night that revelled in anarchy and such wonderful chaos. A night where a man I loved yet loathed so much got put in his place just like all those that came before....

CG: You have certainly been on a tear in the last couple of months...

EH: The truth is that only the winners write there history. Sure right now it's a tear but the truth is that if I lose at Aftermath...Let's say Liam Wood sneaks the win or GazzyD takes a break from worrying if he is going to jump off a cliff and actually comes out and Wrestles...well then the truth is it won't be Engels on a tear. No it will be Engel lost again. You see I am no stranger to fact, and the fact is Keith Leone was in the wood shed waiting for a shotgun since the day he returned. Bam Sparkle whatever the hell had no place in the ring with someone such as I. They were warm up matches. This is my main event. Fail and it looks like Engel Harlequin is back to the laughing stock of 6CW.

CG: And what if you win? Where do you go from here?

Engel sniggers before beaming from ear to ear

EH: I might make the decision to become tag team champions see this is the crux of the situation they might treat me like a laughing stock, humour the crowd with the pennywise jokes but let's get something out in the open. You have seen how I can end 6CW legends you have seen what I can do. The truth is that not one person in that locker room wants to see me walking around with a loaded gun. Not one champion wants to deal with the unexpected challenge of the most unpredictable man in 6CW. The truth is when I take that opportunity when I snatch that title shot opportunity there will be a voice...Maybe only a whisper and you know what it will say my dear? WHOSE LAUGHING NOW? HEHEHEHEHE HEHEHE...

Engel walks off camera leaving a rather confused Charlotte. The scene fades

Engel Harlequin

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6CW Aftermath -  Tuesday 11th September 2018 - Card Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath - Tuesday 11th September 2018 - Card

Post by The Last Outlaw Sun 02 Sep 2018, 5:23 pm

The crowd in the arena are settling in, but they're awoken from their malaise by the sounds of Seether and the entrance of Marty Helms

HA: Looks like Marty wants to come out and have a little chat

HE: Standing proud, still holding the TV title after a vicious feud with Mike Hill

HA: It was not one for those of a weak disposition, but Marty Helms again proved that he can mix it with anyone, any style and on any night.

Helms swaggers down to the ring, his usual mix of mockery and disinterest in the fans and their opinions. He takes the steps and then enters the ring, taking a microphone that is offered to him

MH: We had to go to the other side of the world, but I came away as quickly as I could, comfortably still the Television Title holder. Two Martys have wrestled on big shows recently, but only one is The Last Outlaw, only one is worth watching. That's right, folks! The Villain is a caricature, The Last Outlaw is the pinnacle of this industry and the anti-hero that professional wrestling has been waiting for!

Marty revels in his own genius, only to be booed by the 6CW crowd.

MH: You boo me, but you care about those bingo hall losers as much as I do. GET ON TV, YOU UNEMPLOYED TOSSERS!

As he walks around, looking overdressed in a tailored suit, he readjusts his tie and focuses on his real point

MH: That unfortunate "business" aside, I thought it only right that the ratings draw comes out here tonight and gets his face some camera time. Draw in the everyday folk who cannot resist star power. A man described by Australian news as "not on, mate" - and I'm led to believe that is the strongest insult the tiny Australian mind can muster.

BUT, I digress, again. This is about real events, 6CW's fortnightly ratings hit. Where this business is made, the money earner. And tonight I am in the main event, given the opportunity to pick another title to adorn my perfect form. As the only standing champion in that match

The crowd interrupt with a very loud boo

HA: What?!

HE: Let him finish!

Helms takes a few steps back and looks confused

MH: This is television, you imbeciles. Only MY title matters. 

He ponders for a second

MH: Although, on this occasion, I consider Wood somewhat of an ally. Not in the ring, no. But an ally against the pondlife that Alex Walker appears to be surrounding us with. Uryu? Engel? And god only knows what the slit-wrist corpse of GazzyD is still doing in professional wrestling...

I don't imagine any one of them will make it out here to confront me. Uryu is hanging around drain pipes, hoping some adolescent has shamefully flushed a tampon he can sniff. Engel is in the back giggling, continuing his brilliant stream of failure so proudly that he cannot even deliver a promo properly. And I assume, or hope, that Gazzy might have gone full Benoit by the time Beachfront Brawl was through. After all, so much space out there, they'd never find Chrissy...

HA: That is disgusting!

HE: Helms goes in with a dagger once more

HA: Poisoned.

The crowd boo, disgust with their TV Champion very much clear, with some parents covering the ears of their children. Helms just smiles, sadistic and sly.

The Last Outlaw

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6CW Aftermath -  Tuesday 11th September 2018 - Card Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath - Tuesday 11th September 2018 - Card

Post by XR Mon 03 Sep 2018, 2:35 pm

This message is brought to you by The Beacon of Hope, Xavier Ross.

A spotlight appears on the stage and Xavier Ross walks in to the middle of it, arms out to his sides and head to the sky, eyes closed.  The fans boo as ‘Refused to be Denied’ by Anthrax begins to play, the acoustic chords ringing through the stadium.  Ross’ right arm points to the sky as the song gets heavy and a smile comes across his face.  He stands at the top of the stage for a moment before pointing to the ring and beginning to walk down the aisle, slowly and confidently.

HA:  This man had quite a Pay Per View.  We heard a lot of talk before hand from Xavier Ross, how he was going to open our eyes and be ‘The Beacon of Hope', as he calls himself.  He made an impact, that’s for sure – attacking Cameron Faith and costing James Hurst a shot at a 6CW contract.

HE:  Xavier said it himself, it’s gonna take time for him to get the complete change in 6CW that he wants and he won’t stop until he gets it.  At Beachfront Brawl, Hurst and Faith just got in the way!

HA:  Well one of those men gets the opportunity for revenge on Xavier Ross tonight.  Cameron Faith will step in to the ring and be the first opponent of the newcomer and it’s a double edged sword for Cameron.  Naturally, he wants to get his hands on the man who attacked him but he is also facing someone who nobody knows anything about.  All anyone knows is that he is extremely confident and extremely physical.

HE:  I don’t fancy Faith’s chances tonight, you saw the ferocity of Xavier’s attack and Faith just had no answer to it.  His only hope is that he’ll be face to face with Xavier Ross before the bell sounds, rather than being caught unaware.

Xavier stands confidently on the middle turnbuckle, spotlight still focused on him as he points out to the fans at ringside.  He places his hands on his heart and shuts his eyes, mouthing the words ‘Follow the light’ before opening his arms out wide and welcoming the fans in the stadium.  They boo as Ross is seemingly unaware of the negativity, embracing it instead.  He steps back off the turnbuckle as the spotlight follows him in to the middle of the ring.  The music fades as he stands alone in the ring, microphone in hand.

Xavier Ross:  Are we all starting to get the picture now?

The fans instantly boo in response as Ross continues.

Xavier Ross:  Oh I don’t mean everyone out in the audience; I know you and I have a connection which, despite being recently formed, is one that cannot be broken.  We are all on the same page, I am talking directly to my fellow…competitors.

Ross points towards the entrance from which he came.

Xavier Ross:  See whilst my name was on the lips of everybody watching in the Stadium at the Pay Per View and by everybody who was watching at home, I can’t help but be a little concerned about the response…or lack there of, by the individuals who represent this organisation.  There’s a lot of talk from a lot of individuals here but it is focused on the wrong issue.  Nobody truly cares about the championship match tonight and absolutely nobody cares about this number one contenders match.  But yet tonight you will have heard ‘star’ after ‘star’ talk about how much it means to them to get the opportunity, to prove themselves to be the best or that they deserve to be champion.  They are failing to see the bigger picture for 6CW and that is the reason why I am here.  It doesn’t matter about what they do tonight because, for them, they see it as another day at the office and they’re gonna carry on doing what they do.  But it isn’t and they won’t.

Ross pauses and then wipes the hair away from his eyes.

Xavier Ross:  At the Pay Per View, I cost a man his job.  I took away the chance for a man to earn a livelihood, to provide for himself and his family.  I took that away without even breaking in to a sweat.  He’s gone and I am the reason why.

Xavier smirks, the fans dislike intensifies at the brazen nature of the attitude he’s displaying.

Xavier Ross:  That guy was a nobody, what do you think I can do to those around here who think their names carry weight?  You think I can’t do the same to the likes of Liam Wood?  Gazzy D?  Cerberus?  These men mean nothing to me, just like that nobody I dispatched at the Pay Per View.  Eventually they will fall to bended knee and admit that they have lost sight of the landscape here in 6CW.  That nobody cares for them, that they only care for themselves and not the company which signs their pay cheques.

Ross looks directly in to the camera.

Xavier Ross:  I am your awakening.  The longer you ignore me will only make the punishment more painful and put you beyond repair.  I’ve sent out 3 warnings so far, this is your 4th.

After pauses for a few seconds, Ross takes his attention away from the camera.

Xavier Ross:  And so tonight, Cameron Faith.  You have been granted the opportunity to step in to the ring with the man who embarrassed you.  I got in to that ring and beat you like it was man against boy.  I left you crumpled in the ring in less than 10 seconds and tonight you’ve got the chance to get some of that revenge, right?  You’re excited, right?  A little angry?  Maybe a little nervous?  I don’t blame you, I’d say I know how you feel but that couldn’t be further from the truth.  I’m excited for tonight.  I am ready to practice what I have been preaching and I couldn’t be happier with you being the first man in my path.  It’s going to be tough for you, nye on impossible, but when you pick yourself off the mat once the bell has sounded and you hear my music playing, take time to think.  Take time to get yourself together and allow yourself to see your new perspective on life and 6CW.  You had a glimpse of it at Beachfront Brawl but that’s all it was, a glimpse.  Tonight you will have your mind opened...and hopefully…a few others will to.

This message was brought to you by The Beacon of Hope, Xavier Ross.

With that, Ross drops the microphone and his entrance song begins to play again.  The crowd boo and shout various abuse at him as he exits his ring to make his way to the back.[/quote]


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6CW Aftermath -  Tuesday 11th September 2018 - Card Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath - Tuesday 11th September 2018 - Card

Post by x12x Mon 03 Sep 2018, 10:54 pm

The Television Champion Helms stands tall in the ring as the boos get even louder due to Revival Mode by Every Time I Die blasting through the speakers and the newly crowned United Kingdom champion Liam Wood walking out on to the stage, his new belt proudly resting over his shoulder. The boos get even louder as Wood points to his shirt that reads “RIP Mr Kenty” referencing Wood's actions at Beachfront Brawl that saw him take Mr Kenty out for good.

HA: Oh god, this is all we need...another disgusting excuse for a human being...

HE: That is our United Kingdom Champion you're talking some respect!

HA: Like he did to Mr Kenty when he practically ended his career?

HE: He did what he had to do!

Wood slowly makes his way down to the ring and rolls inside before clapping for Helms, to the shock of the fans though, there seems to be no sarcasm in Wood's actions. Wood continues to pace before finally speaking, a smile on his face.

Marty, I hope you don't mind but before I speak with a fellow champion I'd like to address the gutter dwelling morons who have tried their best to hold me back since my return...the idiots who hoped that THIS belt wouldn't have ended up over my shoulder because it would prove exactly what I've been saying for years...their love, their admiration, their opinions...don't change a thing.

Helms motions for Wood to continue, almost enjoying Wood mocking the fans

At Beachfront Brawl I did what I was born to do and I achieved greatness...I rid 6CW of Mr Kenty and pinned Gazzy D to crown myself the champion of the United Kingdom. I did exactly what I wanted, I overcame the odds stacked in my way and I now stand as the man who rules your stupid, pitiful, little country...your abuse, did nothing to stop that... didn't stop me...
...and you didn't stop Mr Helms here.

...I'm happy to say, at Beachfront Brawl, the Villains won.

Wood turns his attention back to Helms, adjusting his belt before speaking directly to the Television Champion. The pair seem to have a mutual respect between them but there is a clear underlying tension between two of the men with the biggest egos in the company.

Wood: Aftermath we head in to the co-main event of the show as champions and I know for a fact that these morons will want to see us tear each other apart for a shot at another title...

Helms nods at Wood as Wood continues

...and that is why I'm happy to know that you don't buy in to that BS. As the saying goes, real recognises real and that is what is in this ring right now...two real champions, two real competitors and out of the men heading in to that co-main event...the only men really deserving of a shot at a title of their choosing. We stand taller than any other man in that ring and I think we both know that it'll come down to us to decide who walks away with their hand raised in the air...

Helms nods again, showing his agreement at Wood's claims. The fans on the other hand begin to chant the names of the other wrestlers taking part in the match.

The fans might hate us but look at the alternatives...

...Uryu Ishida, the man who seems more interested in sniffing Max Adamson's jock strap than actually wrestling...Gazzy D, the failed comeback star who's 'legacy' is as brittle and broken as his neck...Engel Harlequin, a clown who's career highlights are being beaten by me...or Perfect Jack and Clarke James who ran two titles through the mud until I came and saved one. If it wasn't for us, this would be a dark match...I hate to share the spotlight but if THEY are the other options then we need to make sure that we take out the trash.

If by some miracle I don't pick up the win, I can honestly say that YOU are the only option that won't make a mockery of the entire company...

...So let the best man win...
...The man who rules the Television or the man who rules the United Kingdom.

Wood lowers the mic and offers a firm handshake to Helms, who looks down at Wood's out stretched hand.


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6CW Aftermath -  Tuesday 11th September 2018 - Card Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath - Tuesday 11th September 2018 - Card

Post by Engel Harlequin Tue 04 Sep 2018, 3:53 pm

As Liam Wood extends his hand out to Marty Helms "it's not over yet" begins to play. Engel walks out onto the stage a look of admiration across his face as he stares down at the pair. Engel is met with a mixed reaction from the crowd as he walks down the ramp towards the ring, transfixed on the pair of them.

HE: Two's company three is a crowd and I don't think the sight of Engel will be a welcomed one. But look at that stare. Since the 6CW revival Engels story has had some twists and turns but he is just like these two, a 6CW superstar. He wants that title shot and he does not give a damn about who he has to face to get it.

HA: Engel is as far from Professional Wrestling as you are ever going to get. Not only that but for sheer brutality he is matched if not even surpassed by that man right there, UK Champion Liam Wood. Engel doesn't stand a chance.

HE: And I am sure the rest of the competition probably think the same way but truth be told nobody in that ring knows what to expect more so than Liam Wood who has had the edge on Engel in every occasion they have ever faced each other. But this is all about desire. These two champions risk complacency already adorned with the gold as they are.

HA: And what about Engels continued desire to end the careers of 6CW superstars? Will he remain focused on that title shot or target GazzyD once more. We saw how that potentially cost him his first world title months ago.

Engel slides under the bottom rope, microphone in hand, taking a glance at Liam before staring sadistically at Marty Helms and then down at the Television title. The music cuts off and Engel raises the microphone to his lips.

EH: You know it's funny, Liam, it's funny that you bring up History. You see yes it is true that I have never managed to beat you in this ring...and as the Victor you have rewritten that history to appease your little mind. You see Martin mcfly Liam Wood isn't being entirely truthful. It's true I have never managed to get the win over him that is most certainly true...but he has never gotten that win over me without outside hands getting involved. So forgive me for my assumptions but this little's not about respect. It's not about Liam Wood and Marty Helms being the best competitors in this ring. No this marriage of convenience is sought after through fear.

Liam and Marty mockingly laugh at Engels comments.

HE: They can laugh but Engel might just be onto something. The very thought that Engel could walk out of Aftermath with the chance to take either of the titles they carry is a scary prospect.

HA: That maybe so Henry but he is preaching to the wrong choir if he thinks they will ever admit it...

Engel kisses the air whilst looking towards Liam Wood before staring back at Marty Helms.

EH: History...but of course you wouldn't know much about that would you Marty? You see that Title you wear so well? Without me it didn't even exist. Without me that title would have still been trash TV. It was the chaos, the anarchy that I brought to this ring that gave that title it's heritage. GazzyD has history, Liam Wood has history...hell even Uryu Ushida has history. You your nothing more than an afterthought. But enough see I would love to stand here all night and tell you the story of how Me, Cerberus Vincent Costello and Dicey F'n Reilly tore up this place week in week out. How our actions forced the hand of 6CW to take that title slam a PG sticker on the front of it and sell out to the toy companies...but I have a counter offer that will trump old stick in the mud over want to make your self a star. You wanna be a champion worth knowing? Here's my with me. When I win that title shot...and I will win hehehehe. When I win that title shot I might just offer you the opportunity to make that title famous once more...

Engel offers his hand out to Marty.

[B] HE: Very clever from Engel, challenging the legitamacy of Marty Helms as TV Champion in an attempt to get an advantage.

Engel Harlequin

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6CW Aftermath -  Tuesday 11th September 2018 - Card Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath - Tuesday 11th September 2018 - Card

Post by x12x Tue 04 Sep 2018, 4:37 pm

Wood looks at Engel before stepping in the way of Helm to break up the handshake offer

Keep your disgusting hands away from a champion...

Wood smirks as he continues

You see Engel, there's a lesson that you need to learn and it's this...the history books don't remember the losers in life.

So when I beat you it was because I cheated? So what?! When the history books are written they'll just tell the tale of how I stayed a World  Champion because I had the guts to do what it took.

The history books won't talk about Engel Harlequin, the man who nearly won this and nearly won that...they'll talk about the Liam Wood's and the Marty Helms of the world, the men who crowned themselves champions and took what they wanted.

Wood looks back at Helms

The fact that Engel can claim he has anything to do with your belt Marty is a disgrace because when people think about the Television Title they think about how Liam Wood became a Television Champion during his debut PPV in EWF, they'll talk about how Marty Helms has destroyed those in his path...

...what they won't speak about is Engel and this misfits who thought that killing themselves on TV was even close to wrestling...

...the funny thing is though Engel, you didn't even become Xtreme Champion and yet you think you have a right to talk about that title?! You are nothing but a bit part, an the history books you won't even exist.

Wood walks past Engel and over to the ropes, smiling as he does

So tell me about how we're scared, tell us about how I cheated to beat you but the sad truth is that you don't have it in you to make history.

No, in fact you say that you're going to win but when you do you'll go for the Television Title and not a World Title...I guess losing out both times to me really did break your confidence but at least you k ow your level now...pathetic.

Wood's smirk widens as he stares at both Engel and Helms.


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6CW Aftermath -  Tuesday 11th September 2018 - Card Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath - Tuesday 11th September 2018 - Card

Post by Engel Harlequin Tue 04 Sep 2018, 5:15 pm

Engel looks over at Liam almost perplexed. The crowd begin to rise as Engel walks up face to face with Liam and stares him up and down.

EH: That wet feeling down should get that looked at hehehehe...

Engel spins around shaking his head and walks away from liam.

EH: I thought I was the one with the split personalities but your identity crisis is so far gone your answering for other people. In case you didn't notice...I was talking to Marty. Now I get it, we have that historic connection between us, maybe you feel left out maybe you are wondering why I don't make you such an offer?

Engel turns and faces Liam Wood.

EH: What have I got to prove to you Liam? A "man" who needed back up to beat me? A man who I had down for the three count until his Wyatt family wannabe's came and ruined the party? Seeing as you don't know who your answering for I will help you out. NOTHING, I mean sure I admire you. It takes a crazy f***ed up human being to do what you did to Mr. Kenty...the same sort of crazy f***ed up human being I would love to have alongside me. Your on top of the world, on a run that surpasses most runs you have ever had here in have come along way since suffering loss after loss after loss...hehehe.

Engel takes off his top revealing his scarred body. A psychotic look descends as he steps closer to Liam.

EH: You think you have the B***s now Liam. Your not scared? Do to me what you did to Kenty. F***ING do it liam. End me, right here right now in front of each and every one of these people and let them see. Cause this is the ONLY opportunity you will ever get to prove me wrong Liam. Come on I want it Liam...

Marty watches on bemused as Liam looks at Engel, his blood boiling. Engel again turns away shaking his head.

EH: You are right about one thing though. Why the hell would I waste my time on the TV Title when I can shoot for the top. You got me. Red handed hand in the cookie jar.  Fact is, I am not offering jack. By all means join forces if it's all you have in your arsenal. I will end you both just like I did Keith Leone.

Engel Harlequin

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6CW Aftermath -  Tuesday 11th September 2018 - Card Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath - Tuesday 11th September 2018 - Card

Post by x12x Tue 04 Sep 2018, 8:01 pm

Wood rolls his eyes before replying to Engel

Engel, you want to know why I spoke? It's because I'm a god damn champion and I can do exactly what I want...I am a man who has been World Champion three times, I have been voted superstar of the year and I have held more titles than a lot of the roster included.

Wood cockily holds up a 0 with his fingers before smiling and continuing

So what you saw wasn't split personality it was me making sure you remembered who the hell you were interupting and reminding you that no matter what...compared to me, you are a nothing. NOTHING you have done even compares to my achievements and you know that's the god damn truth.

So you ended Keith Leone's career? So what?! I'm the one who took his world title and left him mentally broken...all you did was clear up the trash when he had nothing left to can tell us that taking him out means something but what do you have to show for it?

Me on the other hand, I ended Mr Kenty and walked away with the United Kingdom Championship...I left Beachfront Brawl as the god damn man and that's because I pick my spots and make them count. You on the other hand, you can't control that tiny little mind of yours and show everyone that no matter how many times you change your're still the same idiotic little freak who just can't get the job done.

Wood moves in closer to Engel and stares him in the eyes

So I couldn't care less if you feel you have something to prove to me or not, I couldn't care less if you think you get the moral victory from our matches and I really couldn't give a flying f**k if you think I'm scared of you or not because the ONLY thing that's important here is the belt over my shoulder. The ONLY thing that's important here is that I am a champion once again and that at Aftermath...I get the shot to go after another title and further prove just how great I am.

Wood goes to turn and leave but stops before speaking to Engel one last time

but Engel..lets say you manage to steal a win at Aftermath and get the chance to fight for the title of your choice...don't pick mine because it's only ever going to end up one way... as champion.

Wood cockily raises the belt in to the air before walking out of the ring and through the exit leaving Engel and Helms stood tall in the ring.


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6CW Aftermath -  Tuesday 11th September 2018 - Card Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath - Tuesday 11th September 2018 - Card

Post by TwisT Wed 05 Sep 2018, 5:43 pm

“Power” by Kanye West plays around the arena and Anthony Grace waltzes out onto the stage in his white suit and International title around his waist. The belt has been changed so the strap is white, and it merges effortless with Grace’s attire. He jogs around on the spot and grins as paparazzi start to appear on stage and take photos. As the flashbulbs go off continuously, Anthony Grace looks at home with his picture being taken and boos from the crowd reigning down upon him. Two women in evening gowns suddenly appear from either side of Grace and takes one arm each. The former world champion then marches down the aisle, with both women walking beside him, and grins to the crowd.

HE: This generations new Ric Flair! What a time to be alive!

HA: Why does he look so happy?! He just lost the world title!

HE: I am sure he will tell us but look how happy he is!

Grace gets to the ring and climbs the steps. The two women hold the ropes open for him and he enters the ring. He laughs broadly as the crowd continue to boo and gazes at them from over his sunglasses. He then reaches into his jacket pocket and retrieves his gold microphone.

AG: Ladies and Gentlemen, may the representative of all that is International show you the way in culture, sophistication and pure class.

Grace laughs again as the crowd jeer him over his world title loss.

AG: Oh, you are right! Anthony Grace is no longer world champion! He has done his bit in elevating 6CW and now he can remove the weight from around his neck. That title simply became a target for the demented. Instead of realising that 6CW was in a much better position if I was World Champion, the powers that be had it in their small minds to remove the belt from around my waist using any means necessary.

He looks into the camera.

AG: Now let’s see how Cerberus does carrying the ball. He wanted it and now he can deal with the responsibility.

He laughs again and points to the crowd.

AG: And you thought that would be the end of it right?! But since Beachfront Brawl the sponsors have left in their droves! Pure panic has fallen on 6CW when they realised all that I said would happen is beginning to come true……. empty stadiums, small merchandise sales, non-existent advertising deals. Cerberus just isn’t someone you can trust to lead a company of this stature!

Grace shakes his head.

AG: So, what do they do when this moment of clarity becomes apparent? They place my good self in a title match with Cerberus on the next show and beg me to win “by whatever means necessary”!

The crowd boo but Grace is in his element of smugness.

AG: You don’t believe me?! What kind of World Champion on a massive pay-per-view DOESN’T get any sort of a celebration over his win but is simply thrown back into a match with the former champion?! Do you think I invoked my rematch clause?! Are you serious?! The guy has tried to kill me over the last few months! He can take that title with my blessing…..let him bury 6CW into the ground…..AGAIN!

He points at the back.

AG: Alex Walker had the nerve to reprimand me! Alex Walker had the nerve to ban me from the PPV! Alex Walker did all that and it amounted to nothing! I still walked out of that place as a champion and with the biggest headline that PPV produced! Mr Drundridge made that a certainty! Even when the whole of a criminal country thought it had got the better of Anthony Grace, the man that has the power of Hollywood behind him just changed the questions you all thought you had answers too! Anthony walked in a star and walked out a star…..still as the most talked about individual in 6CW but now with horizons that are clear and constructive for the good of himself!

Grace points to his International Championship around his waist.

AG: Which leads me to talk about this belt of pure beauty. The International Championship for the International Playboy!

He swaggers in the centre of the ring and blows a kiss to the two women who are standing outside.

AG: You see, being World Champion means you must be champion of places like Ethiopia, Kenya, Bolivia, Lichtenstein and of course Australia! Countries that would not know what the word International means. But as International Champion, I am the representative of Paris, London, Milan and New York. Parts of the globe that appreciate just what Anthony Grace brings to the table. I mean just look at me…..

He rotates on the spot and holding his jacket open.

HE: The man is class and perfection. Truly an international superstar.

Grace stops showboating and smiles.

AG: And above all else; as International Champion, my ties with 6CW are more easily broken. There has been a change of the guard you all begged for and now the World is in Cerberus’ hands. If you want me to save it AND save 6CW from the upcoming difficulties it will have, then you will have to make me a VERY good offer to leave this International heaven.

Grace nods in defiance.

AG: Anthony Grace – International Playboy and Champion of the Stars. Now……..after months of putting 6CW first…….it is time to have fun.

He lowers the microphone as photographers continue to take his picture while the crowd boos.


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6CW Aftermath -  Tuesday 11th September 2018 - Card Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath - Tuesday 11th September 2018 - Card

Post by The Last Outlaw Thu 06 Sep 2018, 6:24 am

Helms stands, watching Wood go, trapped now with Engel

MH: I'd have shook his hand, but now he leaves me in here with this...

He gestures towards Engel

MH: ...what even are you? Clown? Inmate? I literally have no idea what to say to you. I don't care for you, I don't understand you, I don't respect you.

Helms just glares at Engel with pure disgust

MH: We had two champions out here, men who have won titles using skill and ability, nous and ring-smarts. UK Champion, Television Champion. Two belts you have never even touched.

Engel reaches out a hand to touch the title draped over Helms's shoulder. The champ pulls away sharply

MH: There isn't enough bleach in the world to clean anything you touch. Get this straight, Engel. You are a bottom-dweller. You spiral down the cycle of nobodies, affecting no-one, achieving nothing. You make no sense, you never win anything important, you are laughed at by competitors and fans alike.

Whilst you claim a spot in history, I have come in and made it. My career here is a tenth as long as yours, but I am already more successful than you. Your crowning glory is the feud that fired two other men to World Title success. Even your biggest achievement was losing. losing in a world where there are no rules.

You can't win wrestling matches, you can't win street fights. All this time, all this effort, and what do you have to show for it? When 6CW closed its doors, what was your legacy, huh Engel? And what will it read now? Do you really think this is worth my time? This chapter in 6CW will not need to mention you - yet Liam Wood and I have already left our mark.

He stops and smiles, a twisted and sickening smile

MH: You're a specialist in failure, Engel, a forgotten man from a desperate time.

Helms holds his title in the air

The Last Outlaw

Posts : 297
Join date : 2012-12-20
Age : 36

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6CW Aftermath -  Tuesday 11th September 2018 - Card Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath - Tuesday 11th September 2018 - Card

Post by Fernando Fri 07 Sep 2018, 10:20 am

"Haunted" hits as red lights flash about the arena as New 6CW World Champion Cerberus walks out with the title over his shoulder and climbs into the ring

HA: Here comes the new 6CW Champion
HE: What a great disappointment it is for everyone that Grace isn't champion

I often wonder if you ever actually believe the rubbish you come out with...
Or is everything you say actually scripted enough that eventually you believe it's truth...
i'd have thought your people would of been smarted then that but apparently...
You really think because im now champion we're going out of business...

Do you think Mr Walker would of sent me after you if 6CW needed the money...
I hate to break this to you Anthony but you've been used as a pawn in a bigger game...
You can say all the sponsors are all leaving now you're not champion...
Newsflash idiot 6CW will already have their money...

Cerberus raises his title 

So you're all about having fun now huh...
Not wanting to fight me anymore...
I assume this means you won't bother showing up on Tuesday for our title match..
But we both know you will...
Because as much as you like to pretend that's your new fav title...
You know this is will always be the level above that...
And nothing you say will ever change that...

So my suggestion is go find Kramer and O'Callaghan...
Get on your knees and beg for their help yet again...
Come up with one of your stupid plans...
Then Tuesday be a f**king man...
And accept your fate because you will never be World Champion again...

Cerberus raises his title in Grace's face and tells him this is as close as he's going to get to it ever again and climbs out the ring and starts to walk away from Grace

HA: He doesn't seem prepared to listen to anymore of Grace's crap
HE: Complete and utter disrespect of the International champion there. Why is this man representing our company


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6CW Aftermath -  Tuesday 11th September 2018 - Card Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath - Tuesday 11th September 2018 - Card

Post by Uryu Ishida Sat 08 Sep 2018, 8:08 pm

Uryu is seen leaving the airport with an unshaved face and bags under his eyes as he looks around at the dull surroundings and nods. Timothy Allen calmly walks up to Uryu and Uryu doesn't even see him approach.

TA: Uryu, you took your time getting back to the UK, you are almost going to miss your opportunity...Uryu?

Uryu glances at Timothy and looks at something in the distance. When Timothy looks in the same direction all he can see is the taxi rank with nobody there. Uryu slowly walks to the taxi rank and Timothy keeps talking to him.

TA: How is Lion recuperating? What made you take your time returning? What do you think of your opportunity this week, a chance to get a title shot at any champion?

Uryu suddenly stops and looks up at the sky, a small plane flying overhead as he answers, still looking up.

UI: alright, sadly he can't be back in time for the show...ya know? Injuries do that...

TA: and...yourself...I know you aren't happy with how that went, does he blame you?

UI: No...he doesn't...but I do... I was careless and Max stayed in my head... I needed a day or two to try and understand a few things.

TA: Such as...

UI: Where I stand with him, where he stands with me. What happens now? You said something about a title opportunity?

Uryu sighs and returns to looking at Timothy

TA: Yes, you and six others are in a match to determine the number one contender for a belt of your choosing. Who would you...

UI:... I am not sure if that is an apology or a thank you...

TA: Excuse me?

UI: The match, being placed in it after what happened. Alex Walker...what is he playing at? I mean, we lost and am fully taking the blame for it and he throws me into a match where there is a huge reward for the winner? Feels almost like a pity trophy, yay you competed, have a cookie! or look, we know you got your partner injured because you have issues with Max Adamson but heres another opportunity to make it right! Make what right Tim? He doesnt deserve to be in a hospital bed right now! He deserves to be here because day in and day out he never complained about being hurt and he still went out there and put everything on the line where I was too focussed on the Australian ego driven bint known as Max Adamson! Now get lost!

Timothy is shoved aside as Uryu gets into a taxi as the camera sees his head in his hands as Timothy looks on concerned.

Uryu Ishida

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Age : 34
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