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Actors you dislike with a passion!!

The Special Juan
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Sir. badgerhands
Mr Bounce
Il Gialloblu
Mike Selig
Shot 21 LCFC
Mind the windows Tino.
The Womble
Adam D
Nakatomi Plaza
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Actors you dislike with a passion!! Empty Actors you dislike with a passion!!

Post by TRUSSMAN66 Mon 13 May 2013, 5:16 pm

1. Nick Cage...Over-acts in everything he's in.........(snake eyes WTF!!!!!)

2. Adam Sandler.....Let me punch his head in.........

Last edited by TRUSSMAN66 on Mon 13 May 2013, 5:30 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : ..)


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Actors you dislike with a passion!! Empty Re: Actors you dislike with a passion!!

Post by Rowley Mon 13 May 2013, 5:25 pm

Adam Saddler is a good shout Truss, is about as funny as waking up with gout.

Dislike Christian Bale as well, good actor but god he is up his own backside.


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Actors you dislike with a passion!! Empty Re: Actors you dislike with a passion!!

Post by TRUSSMAN66 Mon 13 May 2013, 5:31 pm

Rowley wrote:Adam Saddler is a good shout Truss, is about as funny as waking up with gout.



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Actors you dislike with a passion!! Empty Re: Actors you dislike with a passion!!

Post by Guest Mon 13 May 2013, 6:31 pm

Michael Caine - Really really really REALLY don't get what the fuss is about
Sean Connery - See above
Jason Statham - Are you an American, are you a Cockney - PICK AN ACCENT
Adam Sandler - That nasal drawl AAARRRGGH!
Vince Vaughan - Who decided he was a comedy actor
Will Ferrell - Believes his own hype and decides to ressurect the unfunniest of his comic creations
Kevin Costner - A droing dullard on a par with Nicholas Cage


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Actors you dislike with a passion!! Empty Re: Actors you dislike with a passion!!

Post by Nakatomi Plaza Mon 13 May 2013, 6:36 pm

Jaden Smith - Annoyed the hell out of me in The day the Earth stood still, comes across as a real spoilt brat
Matthew McConaghey - as wooden as a 2 by 4
Sarah Jessica Parker

Nakatomi Plaza

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Actors you dislike with a passion!! Empty Re: Actors you dislike with a passion!!

Post by TRUSSMAN66 Mon 13 May 2013, 6:40 pm

Not bothered about Parker's acting ability...Just like to know what is attrrative about someone that looks like a rabbit..........


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Actors you dislike with a passion!! Empty Re: Actors you dislike with a passion!!

Post by Guest Mon 13 May 2013, 6:45 pm

Danny Dyer though I'm not sure if he's really an actor?

The whole cast of Friends.


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Actors you dislike with a passion!! Empty Re: Actors you dislike with a passion!!

Post by Nakatomi Plaza Mon 13 May 2013, 6:46 pm

FreekShow wrote:Danny Dyer though I'm not sure if he's really an actor?

The whole cast of Friends.

How could I forget Dyer. Absolutely shocking

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Actors you dislike with a passion!! Empty Re: Actors you dislike with a passion!!

Post by Guest Mon 13 May 2013, 6:51 pm

Does Dev out of Coronation Street qualify?

Dev out of Coronation Street then.


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Actors you dislike with a passion!! Empty Re: Actors you dislike with a passion!!

Post by TRUSSMAN66 Mon 13 May 2013, 6:54 pm

Been here twenty years and can proudly say I've never watched an episode of it.


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Actors you dislike with a passion!! Empty Re: Actors you dislike with a passion!!

Post by Guest Mon 13 May 2013, 6:55 pm

Hf we're talking about women then Gwyneth Paltrow irritates the hell out of me. She's so insipid.
Cameron Diaz

If we're talking about Soap actresses then the women who play Kat and Bianca in EastEnders drive me up the wall. I don't know what annoys me more, the fact the aren't acting and are simply being themselves or that they're being paid huge sums of money for what they do.


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Actors you dislike with a passion!! Empty Re: Actors you dislike with a passion!!

Post by Guest Mon 13 May 2013, 6:56 pm

TRUSSMAN66 wrote:Been here twenty years and can proudly say I've never watched an episode of it.

That's some going Truss OK

Keep up the good work!


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Actors you dislike with a passion!! Empty Re: Actors you dislike with a passion!!

Post by Galted Mon 13 May 2013, 6:58 pm

I bore myself to tears advertising my contempt for the two Wills, Ferrell & Smith.

I've recently developed a dislike for Hugh Jackman thanks to Tino.

Apart from them, Connery, Cage & Costner as above, mainly because they can't act & ruin films that could otherwise have been ok. Will add Tim Robbins to that category.

Johnny Depp because he's so annoyingly handsome & talented & has a habit of sticking that thing above his balls into ladies I'd sacrifice children to root.


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Actors you dislike with a passion!! Empty Re: Actors you dislike with a passion!!

Post by Adam D Mon 13 May 2013, 7:37 pm

kirsten Dunst.

Furrowing your brow is not acting.

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Actors you dislike with a passion!! Empty Re: Actors you dislike with a passion!!

Post by Galted Mon 13 May 2013, 7:41 pm

Adam D wrote:
Furrowing your brow is not acting.

Colin Farrell - not a bad actor but the way his brows act independently of the rest of his face is quite disturbing.


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Actors you dislike with a passion!! Empty Re: Actors you dislike with a passion!!

Post by The Womble Mon 13 May 2013, 8:09 pm

How has no one mentioned not only the worst actor in the world but also one of the worst excuses of a human being.....Tom Cruise!

Awful awful man
The Womble
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Actors you dislike with a passion!! Empty Re: Actors you dislike with a passion!!

Post by Galted Mon 13 May 2013, 8:18 pm

Bit harsh Womble, wouldn't particularly like to know him personally but has turned on the acting ability on occasion, unfortunately he tends to go for undemanding roles in blockbusters.


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Actors you dislike with a passion!! Empty Re: Actors you dislike with a passion!!

Post by The Womble Mon 13 May 2013, 9:10 pm

I know it's harsh but I just don't like him. I know I don't know him personally but there is nothing endearing about him. I don't rate him as an actor either.
The Womble
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Actors you dislike with a passion!! Empty Re: Actors you dislike with a passion!!

Post by Mind the windows Tino. Tue 14 May 2013, 12:20 pm

Galted wrote:

I've recently developed a dislike for Hugh Jackman thanks to Tino.

That's the spirit, Galted.

I am shaking with anger even thinking about the useless Aussie f*cker.

Mind the windows Tino.

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Actors you dislike with a passion!! Empty Re: Actors you dislike with a passion!!

Post by Shot 21 LCFC Tue 14 May 2013, 12:36 pm

Hugh Grant - seriously lazy actor who plays the same role in every film - for once can you just play a villain or a mental person or someone else other than the stereotypical romantic Brit!!!

Daniel Radcliffe - Not seen him recently, so he may have improved but after watching the first 2 Harry Potter films he couldnt act for sh*t! And now he is a multi millionaire.

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Actors you dislike with a passion!! Empty Re: Actors you dislike with a passion!!

Post by JuliusHMarx Tue 14 May 2013, 12:38 pm

Tom Hanks. Never draws me into any of his dramatic characters, I always think it's just Tom Hanks trying to act it out.
Good in the early comedies though.


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Actors you dislike with a passion!! Empty Re: Actors you dislike with a passion!!

Post by Guest Tue 14 May 2013, 12:39 pm

Hugh Hackman - but I think this may be more a hatred of wolverine

Nicholas cage - how the guy keeps getting work astounds me

Jason statham - every single film he does is the same with the same crap acting

I temporarily hated Bruce Willis after die hard 5 as well


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Actors you dislike with a passion!! Empty Re: Actors you dislike with a passion!!

Post by Guest Tue 14 May 2013, 12:41 pm

Vince Vaughan - Who decided he was a comedy actor

What a fine film The Break-Up was. Whistle


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Actors you dislike with a passion!! Empty Re: Actors you dislike with a passion!!

Post by Mind the windows Tino. Tue 14 May 2013, 12:42 pm

gazzyD wrote:Hugh Hackman - but I think this may be more a hatred of wolverine

Doesn't matter why you hate him, gazzy. Just hating him is good enough.

How is Widnes these days? Is that huge pile of rusty metal still there as you come over the bridge?

Mind the windows Tino.

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Actors you dislike with a passion!! Empty Re: Actors you dislike with a passion!!

Post by Guest Tue 14 May 2013, 12:45 pm

As ugly as always dude


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Actors you dislike with a passion!! Empty Re: Actors you dislike with a passion!!

Post by Mind the windows Tino. Tue 14 May 2013, 12:46 pm

gazzyD wrote:As ugly as always dude


Mind the windows Tino.

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Actors you dislike with a passion!! Empty Re: Actors you dislike with a passion!!

Post by Guest Tue 14 May 2013, 12:47 pm

I'd add Bradley cooper to the list as well. What does he actually do except be eye candy for girls?


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Actors you dislike with a passion!! Empty Re: Actors you dislike with a passion!!

Post by Galted Tue 14 May 2013, 1:09 pm

gazzyD wrote:I'd add Bradley cooper to the list as well. What does he actually do except be eye candy for girls?

I recently watched a Youtube "compilation" of him impersonating other actors - turns out he can do a total of 2 (Robert de Niro & Owen Wilson). The audiences found him hysterical, though not quite as hysterical as he found himself.

In comparison I watched the Inside The Actors Studio with Kevin Spacey & he reeled off about 10-15 impersonations, was amazing.


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Actors you dislike with a passion!! Empty Re: Actors you dislike with a passion!!

Post by Mind the windows Tino. Tue 14 May 2013, 1:12 pm

Galted wrote:

In comparison I watched the Inside The Actors Studio with Kevin Spacey & he reeled off about 10-15 impersonations, was amazing.

I have seen something similar and he is fantastic. His Al Pacino and Jimmy Stewart impressions are just brilliant.

Mind the windows Tino.

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Actors you dislike with a passion!! Empty Re: Actors you dislike with a passion!!

Post by Guest Tue 14 May 2013, 1:19 pm

Sean William Scott aka Stifler (face it, that's all he's known for) - just irritating in the extreme

Megan Fox - attractive lass but comes across as a complete and utter twunt both on-screen and off.

Neil Morrisey - really really can't abide him. Never done anything where he hasn't played the same character he's played a thousand times before.


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Actors you dislike with a passion!! Empty Re: Actors you dislike with a passion!!

Post by Mike Selig Tue 14 May 2013, 1:28 pm

I know it's all meant as a bit of a laugh, but to actively dislike or hate someone who you only know via their behaviour on a TV screen (whether acting or not) seems a bit of a waste of energy to me. With the obvious exception of Tino who has actually met HJ in real life.

Anyway, I think criticism of Tom Cruise's acting skills are harsh - although he doesn't seem to challenge himself as much these days, he has played in the past some seriously different roles and usually done pretty well.

Daniel Radcliffe ditto - I found he's grown quite a bit as an actor, and isn't afraid to take on challenging roles. Not the greatest possibly, but there are surely worse out there.

Hugh Grant is a far more reasonable target than those two, but to be fair he's pretty good at what he does (+ my mum would kill me if I said a bad word against him).

Adam Sandler gets on my nerves, but that's more the roles rather than anything else.

Mike Selig

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Actors you dislike with a passion!! Empty Re: Actors you dislike with a passion!!

Post by Guest Tue 14 May 2013, 1:30 pm

Mike Selig wrote:I know it's all meant as a bit of a laugh, but to actively dislike or hate someone who you only know via their behaviour on a TV screen (whether acting or not) seems a bit of a waste of energy to me. With the obvious exception of Tino who has actually met HJ in real life.

Anyway, I think criticism of Tom Cruise's acting skills are harsh - although he doesn't seem to challenge himself as much these days, he has played in the past some seriously different roles and usually done pretty well.

Daniel Radcliffe ditto - I found he's grown quite a bit as an actor, and isn't afraid to take on challenging roles. Not the greatest possibly, but there are surely worse out there.

Hugh Grant is a far more reasonable target than those two, but to be fair he's pretty good at what he does (+ my mum would kill me if I said a bad word against him).

Adam Sandler gets on my nerves, but that's more the roles rather than anything else.
Whereas some of us are quite happy to have our righteous (or should that be self righteous) indignation fueled on a regular basis


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Actors you dislike with a passion!! Empty Re: Actors you dislike with a passion!!

Post by Shot 21 LCFC Tue 14 May 2013, 1:31 pm

I only said Radcliffe based on the early Potter films. Im sure he has now improved. And yeah by hate I should probably say "find it annoying".

What is this thinkg with Tino and Hugh Jackman then?

Shot 21 LCFC

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Actors you dislike with a passion!! Empty Re: Actors you dislike with a passion!!

Post by Hero Tue 14 May 2013, 1:32 pm

Based on the above point by MS... John Cleese, met him in a London Art Gallery, politely asked him for his autograph and was told to p**s off.


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Actors you dislike with a passion!! Empty Re: Actors you dislike with a passion!!

Post by Adam D Tue 14 May 2013, 1:34 pm

John Cleese has gone up in my estimations

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Actors you dislike with a passion!! Empty Re: Actors you dislike with a passion!!

Post by Shot 21 LCFC Tue 14 May 2013, 1:37 pm


Someone tell me what happened with Jackman then!!

Shot 21 LCFC

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Actors you dislike with a passion!! Empty Re: Actors you dislike with a passion!!

Post by The Womble Tue 14 May 2013, 1:40 pm

Mike Selig wrote:I know it's all meant as a bit of a laugh, but to actively dislike or hate someone who you only know via their behaviour on a TV screen (whether acting or not) seems a bit of a waste of energy to me. With the obvious exception of Tino who has actually met HJ in real life.

Anyway, I think criticism of Tom Cruise's acting skills are harsh - although he doesn't seem to challenge himself as much these days, he has played in the past some seriously different roles and usually done pretty well.

Daniel Radcliffe ditto - I found he's grown quite a bit as an actor, and isn't afraid to take on challenging roles. Not the greatest possibly, but there are surely worse out there.

Hugh Grant is a far more reasonable target than those two, but to be fair he's pretty good at what he does (+ my mum would kill me if I said a bad word against him).

Adam Sandler gets on my nerves, but that's more the roles rather than anything else.

He couldn't act his way out of a box. He is nothing but an irritating, talentless, vertically challenged cretin.
The Womble
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Actors you dislike with a passion!! Empty Re: Actors you dislike with a passion!!

Post by Mind the windows Tino. Tue 14 May 2013, 1:40 pm

Shot 21 LCFC wrote:

What is this thinkg with Tino and Hugh Jackman then?

Any excuse...

O'Hare airport in 2010. Late at night, middle of winter, inside a building, there he was wearing sunglasses and swearing rather loudly into his mobile phone in front of the rest of the departure lounge. Just no need to be such a t*sser.

And my wife fancies him but that isn't the main reason.

Mind the windows Tino.

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Actors you dislike with a passion!! Empty Re: Actors you dislike with a passion!!

Post by Guest Tue 14 May 2013, 1:44 pm

Mind the windows Tino. wrote:
Shot 21 LCFC wrote:

What is this thinkg with Tino and Hugh Jackman then?

Any excuse...

O'Hare airport in 2010. Late at night, middle of winter, inside a building, there he was wearing sunglasses and swearing rather loudly into his mobile phone in front of the rest of the departure lounge. Just no need to be such a t*sser.

And my wife fancies him but that isn't the main reason.
Oh I think it is, fella.


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Actors you dislike with a passion!! Empty Re: Actors you dislike with a passion!!

Post by Mind the windows Tino. Tue 14 May 2013, 1:49 pm

DAVE667 wrote:
Mind the windows Tino. wrote:
Shot 21 LCFC wrote:

What is this thinkg with Tino and Hugh Jackman then?

Any excuse...

O'Hare airport in 2010. Late at night, middle of winter, inside a building, there he was wearing sunglasses and swearing rather loudly into his mobile phone in front of the rest of the departure lounge. Just no need to be such a t*sser.

And my wife fancies him but that isn't the main reason.
Oh I think it is, fella.

She fancies lots of people Dave, I don't hate them all.

Mind the windows Tino.

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Location : Your knuckles whiten on the wheel. The last thing that Julius will feel, your final flight can't be delayed. No earth just sky it's so serene, your pink fat lips let go a scream. You fry and melt, I love the scene.

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Actors you dislike with a passion!! Empty Re: Actors you dislike with a passion!!

Post by Shot 21 LCFC Tue 14 May 2013, 1:59 pm

Mind the windows Tino. wrote:
Shot 21 LCFC wrote:

What is this thinkg with Tino and Hugh Jackman then?

Any excuse...

O'Hare airport in 2010. Late at night, middle of winter, inside a building, there he was wearing sunglasses and swearing rather loudly into his mobile phone in front of the rest of the departure lounge. Just no need to be such a t*sser.

And my wife fancies him but that isn't the main reason.

I wouldnt hate him for that. Im only playing Devils Advocate but you dont know what that phone call was abouy. It could have been something really upsetting or stressing. I obviously cant excuse swearing in front of people (especially if there were kids nearby), but it is not as if he treated you how Cleese treated Hero...

Shot 21 LCFC

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Actors you dislike with a passion!! Empty Re: Actors you dislike with a passion!!

Post by Mind the windows Tino. Tue 14 May 2013, 2:10 pm

Shot 21 LCFC wrote:

I wouldnt hate him for that. Im only playing Devils Advocate but you dont know what that phone call was abouy. It could have been something really upsetting or stressing. I obviously cant excuse swearing in front of people (especially if there were kids nearby), but it is not as if he treated you how Cleese treated Hero...

I know exactly what the phone call was about as I heard everything he was saying. It was hard not to. He was telling the other person, who I can only assume was his agent or manager, that he wouldn't do the f**king film because he didn't have the f**king time and the script was f**king sh*t.

Irrespective of that, he had sunglasses on. Inside. At night.


Mind the windows Tino.

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Location : Your knuckles whiten on the wheel. The last thing that Julius will feel, your final flight can't be delayed. No earth just sky it's so serene, your pink fat lips let go a scream. You fry and melt, I love the scene.

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Actors you dislike with a passion!! Empty Re: Actors you dislike with a passion!!

Post by The Womble Tue 14 May 2013, 2:11 pm

Mind the windows Tino. wrote:
Shot 21 LCFC wrote:

What is this thinkg with Tino and Hugh Jackman then?

Any excuse...

O'Hare airport in 2010. Late at night, middle of winter, inside a building, there he was wearing sunglasses and swearing rather loudly into his mobile phone in front of the rest of the departure lounge. Just no need to be such a t*sser.

And my wife fancies him but that isn't the main reason.

This is a perfect reason for disliking someone. No one should wear sunglasses indoors, at night...................except Stevie Wonder
The Womble
The Womble

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Actors you dislike with a passion!! Empty Re: Actors you dislike with a passion!!

Post by dummy_half Tue 14 May 2013, 2:22 pm

crazygangwomble wrote:
Mind the windows Tino. wrote:
Shot 21 LCFC wrote:

What is this thinkg with Tino and Hugh Jackman then?

Any excuse...

O'Hare airport in 2010. Late at night, middle of winter, inside a building, there he was wearing sunglasses and swearing rather loudly into his mobile phone in front of the rest of the departure lounge. Just no need to be such a t*sser.

And my wife fancies him but that isn't the main reason.

This is a perfect reason for disliking someone. No one should wear sunglasses indoors, at night...................except Stevie Wonder

Or Jake and Elwood Blues Very Happy


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Actors you dislike with a passion!! Empty Re: Actors you dislike with a passion!!

Post by Adam D Tue 14 May 2013, 2:24 pm

Mind the windows Tino. wrote:
Shot 21 LCFC wrote:

I wouldnt hate him for that. Im only playing Devils Advocate but you dont know what that phone call was abouy. It could have been something really upsetting or stressing. I obviously cant excuse swearing in front of people (especially if there were kids nearby), but it is not as if he treated you how Cleese treated Hero...

I know exactly what the phone call was about as I heard everything he was saying. It was hard not to. He was telling the other person, who I can only assume was his agent or manager, that he wouldn't do the f**king film because he didn't have the f**king time and the script was f**king sh*t.

Irrespective of that, he had sunglasses on. Inside. At night.


I take it was Real Steel?

Adam D

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Actors you dislike with a passion!! Empty Re: Actors you dislike with a passion!!

Post by super_realist Tue 14 May 2013, 2:46 pm

Will Ferrel, (never funny)
Tom Cruise,
Angelina Jolie,
Justin Timberlake (does he qualify?)


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Actors you dislike with a passion!! Empty Re: Actors you dislike with a passion!!

Post by TRUSSMAN66 Tue 14 May 2013, 2:54 pm

Will Ferrell is basically a Jim Carrey...........Jerry Lewis type of actor that probably doesn't travel well..........


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Actors you dislike with a passion!! Empty Re: Actors you dislike with a passion!!

Post by Guest Tue 14 May 2013, 3:26 pm

Adam D wrote:
Mind the windows Tino. wrote:
Shot 21 LCFC wrote:

I wouldnt hate him for that. Im only playing Devils Advocate but you dont know what that phone call was abouy. It could have been something really upsetting or stressing. I obviously cant excuse swearing in front of people (especially if there were kids nearby), but it is not as if he treated you how Cleese treated Hero...

I know exactly what the phone call was about as I heard everything he was saying. It was hard not to. He was telling the other person, who I can only assume was his agent or manager, that he wouldn't do the f**king film because he didn't have the f**king time and the script was f**king sh*t.

Irrespective of that, he had sunglasses on. Inside. At night.


I take it was Real Steel?
Having watched it, I can see why he was angry. Perhaps he'd already made REAL STEEL, was embarrassed at what a piece of cack it was and that's why he was wearing sunglasses.


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Actors you dislike with a passion!! Empty Re: Actors you dislike with a passion!!

Post by ONETWOFOREVER Tue 14 May 2013, 4:06 pm

Colin Farrel - simply cannot act
Joe Pesci - Tommy from goodfellas in every movie
Keanu Reeves - Stale bread on screen
Phillip Seymour Hoffman - Who told this guy he could act? Kermit the frog???
Keira Knightley - No skills....tap that a*s tho
Johnny Depp - No real presence on screen.


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Actors you dislike with a passion!! Empty Re: Actors you dislike with a passion!!

Post by Guest Tue 14 May 2013, 4:31 pm

ONETWOFOREVER wrote:Colin Farrel - simply cannot act
Joe Pesci - Tommy from goodfellas in every movie
Keanu Reeves - Stale bread on screen
Phillip Seymour Hoffman - Who told this guy he could act? Kermit the frog???Keira Knightley - No skills....tap that a*s tho
Johnny Depp - No real presence on screen.
Gotta disagee with you, I think Hoffman is very good. Not afraid to stretch himself by playing a drag queen in FLAWLESS with Robert DeNiro or playing Truman Capote or a bad guy in MISSION IMPOSSIBLE


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