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6CWF Escalation 1st August

Paul Mac 6CW
Adam D
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6CWF Escalation 1st August Empty 6CWF Escalation 1st August

Post by Adam D Wed 27 Jul 2011, 2:10 pm

Match 1
Elimination Chamber Qualifier
Lex Hart vs Dicey Reilly

Match 2
Jack Frost//Josh Valour vs Mr Kenty/Cerberus

Match 3
Elimination Chamber Qualifier
Internecio vs Mike Hill

Match 4
TV Title
Mark Matzko © vs Michael Sweetwater vs Yarmouth Blade vs Mason White

Match 5
Elimination Chamber Qualifier
Drake vs John Dice

Match 6
Elimination Chamber Qualifier
Keith Leone vs Daniel Reilly

Main Event
Geoff Steel/Triple D vs GazzyD/Jackson Black

Adam D

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6CWF Escalation 1st August Empty Re: 6CWF Escalation 1st August

Post by Adam D Wed 27 Jul 2011, 2:11 pm

John Dice is talking to Christy backstage.

C: So how does it feel to be getting a chance at being an entrant in the elimination chamber?

John Dice removes his aviators, hangs them in his jacket pocket, straightens his cuffs and breathes in before answering.

JD: It feels good. Jack and I are dominating the team in 6CW and 6WF, and now its time to show the world that I am not just a tag team wrestler. That I have the right amount of intensity to win the big one.

CJ: But they dont come much bigger than Drake. And he is a fans favorite.

JD: Well so is Johnny Dice. And the last time I looked, the only belt that Drake had around his waist, was that cheap plastic thing that he bought from the reduced bin at Burtons. Whereas....

Johnny unbuttons his suit jacket to reveal the tag title around his waist.

CJ: So how do you feel going up against Drake - someone that the fans love.

JD: Its all business and there wont be any hard feelings. After the match, we will shake hands and share a drink backstage. But in that ring, I dont care if I am facing the Pope -

CJ: D'Angelo has joined 6cw?

JD: No - the one who lives at the Vatican - where was I? Ah yes, facing good guys. I dont care if its the pope, I will win this match. I am the longest unpinned superstar this industry has ever seen. 4 Months in 6CW without losing by pinfall or submission. Those credentials should tell, you, Drake and every wrestler out back, that I am the Real Deal and to never bet against me when something important is on the line.

CJ: And whats so important?

JD: A shot at the big title. I want to be the first 6CWF guy to no tonly be unified tag champ but also to hold a world title at the same time.

CJ: Isnt that a tad greedy?

JD: Greed is good. And I am only claiming what I deserve. Infamy. Thanks for your time Christy - if you ever want to catch a after show drink, you got my number.

Johnny walks off and enters his dressing room

Adam D

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Age : 51
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6CWF Escalation 1st August Empty Re: 6CWF Escalation 1st August

Post by Paul Mac 6CW Wed 27 Jul 2011, 4:53 pm

Backstage before Escalation Lex Hart is drinking a cup of water by the catering area
Lex is not yet dressed to compete but he is showing the battle scars from last weeks match

As Lex screws up the paper cup and throws it into the trash he is approached by Christy James and her backstage interview crew.

CJ" I know you must be busy Lex but can you spare us a few words before tonights big match?"

Lex looks nervously at his watch but smiles

LH" You know Christy If you had asked me a few months ago I'd have told you where to go
I would have started some big long rant about how I am too good to stand here with people like you

Lex laughs
Sometimes I wonder how I even got my head through the arena entrance it was that over inflated
You must have thought I was a complete ass??

Christy shakes her head and almost convincingly replies
CJ" Oh no Lex we never thought that at all

LH" Now say that with a straight face!!"

Christy smiles

LH" Exactly
But don't worry your pretty little face anymore Christy
I have all the time in the world
Especially for ladies as beautiful as you

Christy blushes

LH" You see I have watched you over the last few weeks
You work your ass off each and every day to get where you are and I admire that

You really do love this business
I bet you would do anything to help 6CW

Christy nods

LH" It is people like you Christy that are the life force of this company
People who will work there fingers to the bone
Shed blood just to keep this great company afloat

People like you and my opponent tonight Dicey Reilly


Lex claps enthusiastically

Dicey me and you have had a lot of run ins in the past
I have said alot of things that I have ultimately regretted
In my arrogance I failed to see the obvious
I failed to see how much you have achieved
How much I could learn from you

In a way it is a shame that once again we find ourselves as opponents both fighting for the same prize as ultimately we share a common goal

We want to return this company back to where it belongs
Back to being the best in it's field
Infamous across the world for putting on the best damn shows night after night with wrestlers willing to put there lives on the line all in the name of entertaining the greatest fans in the business


So I'm here tonight Dicey to say how about we show this arena what we do best
Let's put all our past behind us and go out there and tear the roof of this place

Best man wins
No hard feelings
No animosity
No reprisals

Tonight we leave it all in the ring!!!!!

As Lex finishes speaking Dicey walks into shot

Lex turns to face him and outstretches a hand waiting for Dicey to respond

Paul Mac 6CW
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Location : Born in Surrey, live near Sunderland and work in London

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6CWF Escalation 1st August Empty Re: 6CWF Escalation 1st August

Post by Mat Thu 28 Jul 2011, 7:32 pm

"The Next Big Thing" blasts out through the speakers and the crowd cheer for Mike Hill as he walks out onto the ramp with a smile on his face.He swaggers down the ramp tagging as many fans hands as possible before springboarding into the ring.

Mike Hill:Well I didn't have too bad a start did I? Firstly can I say how great it was to wrestle Jack Frost, he is a great competitor and to beat half of the tag team champions in my first outing in 6CW has given me great belief, and also great respect for Frosted Dice.

But most of all,I'd like to say thanks to you fans.That support you offered me was outstanding,even against two favourites of the company so I thank you for that.And I hope that my style was what contributed to the great atmosphere from the fans.

*Crowd pop

HE:This love-fest is disgusting.

Mike Hill:And proving that I've started life off pretty well here in 6CW,I have a chance to force myself into a world title match in only my 2nd match in the company.But I know that I face one hell of a challenge if I wish to advance to the Elimination Chamber Match.

I've been told exactly what Internecio is like, essentially he is a monster,a freak of nature, a destructive force and in most people's eye I am the under-dog.But that doesn't matter to me, because that is something I have experienced throughout my career.Yes I am smaller than a lot of the guys on the roster, but I'm as good if not a better wrestler than these big guys.

It's nothing new to me being in a David vs Goliath type battle,I've faced a who's who of 6WF's biggest and most dangerous wrestlers and yet I am still standing here today relatively unscathed.And that's because I've learned to out wrestle these guys,out manouveure them and Internecio is no different.

I know that you don't speak Internecio,whether that's because you have social problems or because that annoying little bloke who runs around with you doesn't stop running his mouth means you can't get a word in, but either way I am sure you can understand what I'm saying.If not Mr Jones, tell him this...I'M GOING TO BEAT HIM!

Is that easy enough for you to comprehend Internecio? Do you want me to say it slower? Just bring yourself down to the ring and you will see first hand what I mean.And when I beat you, I go into a match that I am more accustomed to than most.From what Alex Walker and the BOD said, this is the first ever elimination chamber match in 6CW.Well if I beat Internecio then I hold a distinct advantage over the others,I've been involved in two elimination chamber matches in 6WF in addition to an extreme elimination chamber.That structure is like no other,you go through hell and back,you really do risk not only your career but your livelihood on that unforgiving steel.But you cannot be apprehensive,you have to take the bulls by the horns and take the ultimate risk to get ultimate reward.

And that is something I have always been willing to do, and on Monday Night Internecio will be beaten because, now let's see if you remember this...I AM THAT GOD DAMN...


*Hill smiles as he climbs the turnbuckle to salute the fans before leaving the ring with "The Next Big Thing" playing.

6CW Creative

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6CWF Escalation 1st August Empty Re: 6CWF Escalation 1st August

Post by AberdeenSteve Thu 28 Jul 2011, 8:54 pm

A black VW Golf R32 pulls into the 6CW car park. The car is motionless for a moment before the driver’s door swings open and Jackson Black steps out. He casually walks around the back and opens the boot of the car before pulling out a sports bag which he drapes over his left shoulder. He turns to walk away but bumps into Christy James.

JB: “Haven’t you learned from the last time we spoke that we are on completely different planets? Our last ’interview was a complete disaster because of you and I’d rather not talk to you and be made to look like people such as Duke.”

Christy looks at him unhappily;

“Well I only wanted to know what you plan to do tonight in your tag team?”

Jackson again looks at Christy with an expression of distaste;

“Seriously, did you actually even go to school? What sort of question is that to ask, what am I going to do tonight? I am going to win obviously. This is the start of me proving why I should have been announced the first ever 6CWF International Champion. I can’t say I was happy with the answer I got concerning who is actually the champion but whatever these stupid Board of Director’s has in mind, I am dam sure I’ll be the one with my hand held high and being announced properly as the champion."

Jackson then goes about barging past Christy and walking towards the arena entrance.


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6CWF Escalation 1st August Empty Re: 6CWF Escalation 1st August

Post by Marky Thu 28 Jul 2011, 9:07 pm

Another black VW Golf R32 pulls into the 6CW car park. The car is motionless for a moment before the driver’s door swings open and Duke Dylan Debadguy steps out. He casually walks around the back and opens the boot of the car before pulling out a sports bag which he drapes over his left shoulder. He turns to walk away but bumps into Christy James.

DDD: S'up Christy. Fancy an interview with the first ever 6CWF International Champion?

(Christy looks at him in surprise)

CJ: I was going to ask something...

DDD: What is it? What is it you want to ask the first ever 6CWF International Champion Duke Dylan Debadguy?

CJ: Er... How come you and Jackson Black not only have matching International Championship belts, but identical cars, sports bags and walk?

(Triple D takes off his sunglasses and looks at Christy with an expression of distaste)

DDD: Seriously, did you actually even go to school?! What sort of question is that to ask, "why do Jackson Black and I have matching belts, cars, sports bags and walks". The answer is obvious. Because I taught him everything he knows. And while he runs his mouth he's obviously realised the best way to get to the top is to copy Duke Dylan Debadguy in every way. Look out for his "J to the 3" suplexes, just saying.

CJ: But even your insults are identical!

DDD: Look, all I know is this is the start of me proving why I should have been announced the first ever 6CWF International Champion. I can’t say I was happy with the answer I got concerning who is actually the champion but whatever these stupid Board of Director’s has in mind, I am damn sure I’ll be the one with my hand held high and-

CJ: "being announced properly as the champion?"

DDD: Er, how did you know what I was going to say?

CJ: Call it a hunch...

(Triple D isn't happy and he storms off past Christy and walks towards the arena entrance)

CJ: Weird...


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6CWF Escalation 1st August Empty Re: 6CWF Escalation 1st August

Post by Gregers Sat 30 Jul 2011, 11:21 am

(White Light hits and the crowd cheer massively as the lights in the arena go down and the icy cold blue pyro goes off. Jack Frost and John Dice then appear as the crowds cheering gets louder. They make their way down to the ring before Jack Frost begins to speak)

JF: Ladies and Gentlemen, we are Frosted Dice. Your very proud 6CW tag team champions!

JD: And whats more the undisputed best tag team in this company!

JF: And lets not forget that this is 6CW, the pinnacle of Sports Entertainment. When our company successfully tookover the 6WF we showed just how dominant we are. But do we see ourselves as 6CWF?


JD: Exactly, but what do we see ourselves as?

Crowd: 6C-Dubbya! 6C-Dubbya! 6C-Dubbya!

JF: The company of opportunities, the company that excepts outsiders such as myself. A company devoid of that lunatic Hero!

JD: Hero, the reason why Shutdown lost the ratings game. The reason why millions and millions of fans flocked to Escalation every week. The reason why 6CW took over.

JF: Which is why since the merger we have been determined to show him that this is our show, that this is the true home of wrestling. This is 6CW!

Crowd: 6C-Dubbya! 6C-Dubbya! 6C-Dubbya!

JF: I mean, not only do we know that we are the greatest tag team currently performing but we back up that claim with actions. John here is still undefeated in his 6CW career. And I have given hope to all outsiders, to every little Icelander. Jack Frost bought home the gold!

Crowd: Frosted Dice!

JD: And next on our agenda is becoming the unified 6CWF Tag Champions. So whether its the Church of Hero, Soldiers of Fortune or French Element we will not be stopped...


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