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6CWF Escalation 25/7/11

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6CWF Escalation 25/7/11 Empty 6CWF Escalation 25/7/11

Post by Mat Mon 18 Jul 2011, 7:39 pm

Match 1
Mr Kenty vs "Local Wrestler"

Match 2
Cerberus/Yarmouth Blade vs Mason White/Josh Valour

Match 3
Internecio vs Dicey Reilly vs Mark Matzko

Match 4
Jack Frost /w John Dice vs Mike Hill

Main Event
GazzyD/Jackson Black/Michael Sweewater/Ibrahim Mureson vs Geoff Steel/Daniel Reilly/Triple D/Lex Hart

6CW Creative

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6CWF Escalation 25/7/11 Empty Re: 6CWF Escalation 25/7/11

Post by AberdeenSteve Wed 20 Jul 2011, 6:59 pm

Christy James appears on the screen stood in an area backstage. She sorts her hair out one last time before addressing the crowd.

CJ: “Good Evening Ladies and Gentleman. I am somewhat unfortunate to have with me at this time, Jackson Black.”

Black then storms into shot and grabs the microphone from Christy James before shouting at her.

“What did I tell you before this interview started? You were to address me as the first ever 6CWF International Champion. Is it really that difficult to say? I had you down as stupid but you just blew yourself out of this world now.”

He then thrusts the microphone at her chest before asking her to continue the interview. Christy is looking a little startled but commences nonetheless.

CJ: “So last night we seen Triple D and yourself dubiously crowned joint 6CWF..”

Black once again grabs the microphone out the grasp of James and is now looking very angry.

“Seriously, how stupid are you? I, Jackson Black, am the first ever 6CWF International Champion; none of this Triple D cowpat. He is a nobody in this god dam company and should have never been in that match. It was a criminal decision at Ground Zero as it is clearly obvious that I had his shoulders on the mat for the 3 count. It would have been an embarrassment for Jackson Black to have been pinned by an amateur like Duke Dylan DeGayboy.”

Black laughs at himself whilst Christy looks on cringing. Black realises his joke was terrible before talking again.

“Duke, I wouldn’t even bother trying to chase me for this title. You are only going to end up embarrassed. This Monday night, I am going to show you why when Genesis once again runs a mock in this company and I will make sure you pay for the audacity you showed on Sunday.”

Black drops the microphone and walks off.


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6CWF Escalation 25/7/11 Empty Re: 6CWF Escalation 25/7/11

Post by Mat Wed 20 Jul 2011, 7:58 pm

JT:Prior to this past Sunday's Pay Per View,Ground Zero,we saw another video promoting the arrival of Mike Hill to 6CW,and it is my understanding that he will be making an appearance tonight...

HE:I don't know who this guy thinsk he is? Does he really think we care about what he did in 6WF? That's yesterday's news, and he is yesterday's man.

JT:You forget Mike Hill is a young competitor himself,although he has had plenty of experience in 6WF.He has a great record,and I for one cannot wait to see him in 6WF.He has a very exciting style of wrestling.

HE:Not too successful though is it? When was the last time he held a championship?

"The Next Big Thing" hits, and pyro's go off at the top of the stage.Once these stop,Mike Hill sprints out onto the ramp to a loud cheer from the crowd.He smiles and swaggers down the ramp,tagging the hands of the fans as he walks down the ramp.He springboards into the ring and stares out across the arena as he is handed a microphone.


Mike Hill:Well,what can I say after that reception? Thank you all so much,hopefully I'll have that sort of support for as long as I stay in 6CW!One thing that I discovered in 6WF was that the fans appreciate honesty,and I wasn't always honest with them,so tonight I'm going to start as I mean to go on and tell you the truth.

When I was offered the move across to Escalation and 6CW, I wasn't too sure about it.I had unfinished business in 6WF,I had things I wanted to achieve in 6WF.I had friends in 6WF, I didn't know whether I wanted to leave all that behind and come over here? But then I sat down and had a think about things.

In my last few months in 6WF,I didn't do what I wanted.I had the opportunities to win title belts, but I didn't take them.I saw guys over-taking me,going towards the top of the card and me being left behind.I became too settled in 6WF,I'd started to do something that I criticised others for, not working hard enough, just working the match and taking the pay cheque.That's not why I got into this business,I wanted to win titles,I wanted to be recognised for my wrestling,I wanted to be the best in the world.

I realised that it was no longer possible in 6WF, dare I say I became bored of it all.I've seen people come and go in 6WF, and I'd faced most of them,if not all.I wanted a fresh challenge,I wanted to work my way back to the top,a place where I couldn't just sit back in an established position but where I'd have to work my way from the very bottom of the company up to where I want to be,the very top.That's when I decided that 6CW and Escalation is the place for me,and this reception proves I made a great choice!

Is it a risk? Yes.Is it a risk I want to take? Most definitely! I'm going to bring something new to 6CW,something you've never seen before.I'm a risk-taker,I'm an innovator,I put everything on the line,I am a crowd pleaser! That's my style,it's cost me some matches but it's won me plenty more,and I hope that is the case on my debut match against someone called Jack Frost?

Now I understand people want to stand out, be different, but what sort of name is that? Jack Frost? Really? But It's my understanding that you and your tag team partner are one hell of a team,in fact the tag team champions.That's impressive,I'll give you that Frosty the snowman.But what are you like on your own,no-one to back you up, left in the cold...pun intended? It's not as easy,you have to rely on yourself to do the job.

I know Dice will be at ringside, hoping to bring you some luck.But you're going to need more than that to beat me, Cos I'm Mike Hill and I am that GOD DAMN...

*Hill waits and the crowd are quiet...

Hill:Damn it I forgot,you don't know the catchphrase.Quick briefing,I'm sure this can be edited out.

HE:Does the idiot not know we are live?

JT:Clearly not Henry.

When I say cos I'm Mike and I am that GOD DAMN,you wait and after a slight pause in unison we shout good.You got that? Right we'll try it again.I know Dice will be at ringside,hoping to bring you some luck.But you're going to need more than that to beat me, Cos I'm Mike Hill and I AM THAT GOD DAMN...


Hill:That's more like it!

*Hill smiles and salutes the crowd before leaving the ring, as "The Next Big Thing" starts playing.

6CW Creative

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Age : 30
Location : Malvern!/DiMattEvansWBA

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6CWF Escalation 25/7/11 Empty Re: 6CWF Escalation 25/7/11

Post by Marky Thu 21 Jul 2011, 10:16 am

AberdeenSteve wrote:Christy James appears on the screen stood in an area backstage. She sorts her hair out one last time before addressing the crowd.

CJ: “Good Evening Ladies and Gentleman. I am somewhat unfortunate to have with me at this time, Jackson Black.”

Black then storms into shot and grabs the microphone from Christy James before shouting at her.

“What did I tell you before this interview started? You were to address me as the first ever 6CWF International Champion. Is it really that difficult to say? I had you down as stupid but you just blew yourself out of this world now.”

He then thrusts the microphone at her chest before asking her to continue the interview. Christy is looking a little startled but commences nonetheless.

CJ: “So last night we seen Triple D and yourself dubiously crowned joint 6CWF..”

Black once again grabs the microphone out the grasp of James and is now looking very angry.

“Seriously, how stupid are you? I, Jackson Black, am the first ever 6CWF International Champion; none of this Triple D cowpat. He is a nobody in this god dam company and should have never been in that match. It was a criminal decision at Ground Zero as it is clearly obvious that I had his shoulders on the mat for the 3 count. It would have been an embarrassment for Jackson Black to have been pinned by an amateur like Duke Dylan DeGayboy.”

Black laughs at himself whilst Christy looks on cringing. Black realises his joke was terrible before talking again.

“Duke, I wouldn’t even bother trying to chase me for this title. You are only going to end up embarrassed. This Monday night, I am going to show you why when Genesis once again runs a mock in this company and I will make sure you pay for the audacity you showed on Sunday.”

Black drops the microphone and walks off.

Triple D finishes watching Jackson Black's interview on a monitor;

DDD: Ha! Jackson Black thinks he's the new champion?! I've not heard such rubbish in all my life! At least when his wrestling career is over Jackson Black has a new career in writing for The Sun...

(Jeff Thaddeus is shown approaching Triple D)

JT: Duke, any chance of an interview?

DDD: Sure. After all, I am the first ever 6CW International Champion Wink

JT: What do you make of Jackson Black's comments?

DDD: Jackson Black will go a long way in 6CW. Unfortunately, his run will be cut short the more he badmouthes Duke Dylan Debadguy. "Look at me I can make a gay joke Duke Dylan Degayboy hahahahahaha come here Sweetwater I wanna taste your sweetwater" randy

JT: vomit

DDD: Laugh

JT: thumbsup

DDD: Yahoo

JT: Hug

DDD: Erm

JT: Sad

DDD: Whistle

JT: Duke, in the main event, not only do you face Genesis, but you have to team up with some guys you haven't exactly seen eye to eye with...

DDD: That's true, Geoff Steel cost me the 6CW Championship and I haven't forgotten that, but then he was screwed out of the title by Genesis and has the audacity to complain about it! Daniel Reilly and Lex Hart, never has the word "overachieve" meant so much when used to describe both these men. But the point is, we have to put our differences aside and take out the cancer of 6CW, Genesis. Even the resident Bad Guy can see the priorities here. None of the members of Genesis are badder than me, but to be honest, as a collective, the entire group are pretty bad. They're so bad Jeff, they're terrible! I mean, did you even watch Michael Sweetwater's debut? And as for Ibrahim Mureson, he just plain sucks!

It'd be very easy for me to verbally lay into them right here right now Jeff...

So i'll continue.

Gazzy D, you suck. I had you beat for the title, and if i'm that bad then what does that make you? You're a paper champion on a bed of rocks, but as soon as those rocks crumble, your weaknesses will be plain to see for everyone. Enjoy your short lived reign at the top Gerry.

And as for Jackson Black... The guy flukes a double pinfall against me and claims he won? In case you didn't realise Jackson, I pinned you for the same duration of time you pinned me. But we will fight again, one of us will win the 6CW International Championship, and as good as you are, hell, if anyone should know it's the guy who gave you your break in this company, as good as you are, you will never be as bad as Duke Dylan Debadguy. Jackson, I brought you into 6CW, and if you keep getting in my way, I can just as easily take you out of 6CW.

Jackson, you can whine and moan all you want, you can tell Christy James that you deserve to be the Champ, all that matters is that we are co-champions. And what that means is that until we have a deciding match, neither one of us can claim to be champion, neither one of us is the first ever International Champion... Yet. All it means is that we will face off one on one to determine the true Champion. And i'll tell you something Jackson, i'm feeling like a champion, i'm eating like a champion, and i'm sleeping like a champion. You're sleeping with Michael Sweetwater. Now you tell me who's the champion.

That's me, your first ever 6CW International Champion, MISTERRRRRRRR DEBADGUY... DE-BAD-GUY...

JT: I think that's Mr Kenty's signature.

DDD: Jeff, it's not Mr Kenty's signature...


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6CWF Escalation 25/7/11 Empty Re: 6CWF Escalation 25/7/11

Post by Bentyf1 Thu 21 Jul 2011, 2:04 pm

*Mr Kenty approaches Triple D and Jeff Thadeus smirking and clapping slowly*

*Still clapping Kenty stares at Triple D coldly and the claps become slower and louder until Kenty stops*

Mr Kenty: Jeff you wouldn't mind passing me that mic would you?

JT: Not at all.

*Mr Kenty snatches the mic and continues to stare down Triple D

Mr Kenty: I have been here what 5 minutes and I can already tell the majority of the locker room is full of monkeys.

*Kenty laughs and chews on his chewing gum still staring at Triple D*

Mr Kenty: Good luck with your match tonight "Duke" I'm sure you can put all your differences aside with the other chumps on your team and put up some sort of fight against Genesis..

*Kenty still smirking*

Mr Kenty: I guess I will see you around Dee Dee, remember my name, it's only a matter of time before I will be great..if not the GREATEST commodity on this show. And if you don't remember who I am you will now because I am MISTERRRRRRRRRR KEEEENNNNTTTTYYYY..

*Gets right in the face of Triple D*

Mr Kenty: *whispers* Kenty..

*Kenty stares coldly at Triple D and drops the mic and walks away..*


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6CWF Escalation 25/7/11 Empty Re: 6CWF Escalation 25/7/11

Post by President Trump Thu 21 Jul 2011, 3:22 pm

The crowd are settling in their seats when the stage lights turn green and “Born to Fight” wails out over the PA System and an ecstatic crowd, Dicey gingerly walks out onto the stage with his newly acquired 6CW Extreme Title strapped around his waist and Bettsie in his hand leaning against his shoulder

JT: There he is the new 6CW Extreme Champ and the FIRST and ONLY…6CW Grand Slam Champion and listen to that reception Henry

Henry: It’s a technicality; it doesn’t hide the fact that he’s a drunken idiot

Dicey walks slowly down to the ring tagging fans along the way, he reaches the ring and walks around to the announce table and shakes hands with Jeff and Henry before climbing in a saluting to the fans

JT: See he’s a true Champ

Henry: Il never get the dirt of my hand

Crowd: DI-CEY

Dicey: I was gonna come out here and list off all my achievements but then only insecure people and Hero does that….

Henry: Our Lord Hero won’t like that

JT: Since when have you been a convert to the Church of Hero?

Henry: Never you mind

Dicey: For the last 3 months, Keith and myself have torn each other to shreds, they say Extreme type matches shorten your career…hell if that was the case after what ive been through Id be finished next week hahaha, but sorry to upset everyone in the back…I AINT GOING ANYWHERE!!!!!!

Crowd: Flip’EM UP DICEY…Flip’EM UP (clap x2)

Dicey: Leone, I told you I was taking your belt, it took a little longer than I planned but it’s where it belongs and that’s on the waist of a true EXTREME FIGHTER…I told you, you would have to kill me to stop me and by God you tried but you don’t get wins by trying, I took all you had to give and I still got back up for more, there was no distractions this time, no sly pins on other people, there was just me, you and a Poopie load of weapons and look who is standing here the NEW EXTREME CHAMPION


Dicey: I see already I have a target on my back…Valor I know your back there playing with your Pokemon toys or whatever you crazy kids are into these days, let me give you some advice son…look for a different challenge…look for a Lex Hart or a Drake…someone that is in your range, don’t seek out the big dog with the big teeth because your not gonna come out the other side the same…hell I don’t think you’ll come out the other side haha

Anyway id love to stay out here chatting to you fine folk but I have a date with drunkenness at Jacks Bar, their throwing me a shindig for being the greatest living 6CW Wrestler ever so if your near pop in for a beer or 20

Dicey drops the mic as “Born to Fight” hits again and he poses on the turnbuckles with the Extreme Title and Bettsie raised in the air, Jeff stands up from the announce table and is stopped by Henry

Henry: Where do you think your going

JT: Screw this Im gonna party with Dicey, you should have seen the trouble we use to get up to back in the Team Phenom days with Max and Prodigy….see ya

Dicey walks up the ramp closely followed by Jeff

President Trump

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6CWF Escalation 25/7/11 Empty Re: 6CWF Escalation 25/7/11

Post by Paul Mac 6CW Fri 22 Jul 2011, 11:01 am

The camera shows Lex Hart sweeping into the parking lot in his black SUV
He jumps down from the drivers side grabbing his kit bag and makes his way to the arena entrance.

Lex is wearing casual clothes a baseball cap and black glasses as he steps into the backstage arena Christy James is on hand to greet him

CJ" Big night for you tonight Lex?
Your first match back on Escalation and you're straight into the Main event picture, how are you feeling about your opponents tonight?"

Lex removes his shades slowly a sly grin across his face

LH" Very good Christy , you always know the questions to ask to push our buttons
I know everybody's expecting me to stand here and make boasts about my past, reel off my past achievements and make wild claims about what I am going to do tonight

But that was me then and this is me now
In time yes I hope to be able to regale you all with stories of my accomplishments, the gold I have held aloft , the scum I have chased out of 6CW

But now is not the time for words
Tonight I am a rookie again
Tonight I have to earn my stripes

I know my team mates tonight look at me warily
They worry that I cannot be trusted
And you know what I don't blame them

I feel the atmosphere when I walk in the arena
I can hear the whispers in the locker rooms
The comments from the fans
I see the shaking heads the dis-trusting looks

I know that it won't happen over night
I know I can't change the way the world looks at me in the blink of an eye

I know that Christy

But I can do something

Tonight is my chance to right some wrongs
To heal some wounds

I have a lot of bridges to build Christy
Starting with the most important people in 6CW
The life and soul of this place

The heartbeat of this business

(Lex looks down the camera )

This place is my home
I helped build this house from the foundations
But I have stood and watched idly by as it falls into ruin
As parasites tear it down from the inside

But this old place deserves better

You deserve better!!!!!!!!!


And so it's time, starting tonight, we take back what is rightfully ours!!!!!!!!!!

An audible cheer reverberates around the arena and a chant can be heard from the fans packing out the stands


Lex takes in a huge breath and smiles

LH" It's great to be home!!!!!!!!!!!"

Lex walks off out of shot as the chanting continues

6CW 6CW 6CW 6CW 6CW 6CW 6CW 6CW 6CW 6CW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Paul Mac 6CW
6CW Creative

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6CWF Escalation 25/7/11 Empty Re: 6CWF Escalation 25/7/11

Post by Adam D Fri 22 Jul 2011, 1:50 pm

Johnny Dice is backstage in his locker room watching Mike Hills promo about Jack Frost.

Johnny pours himself a bourbon and gets out his cell phone. He dials a number and lets it ring before putting it into one of those bendy craddle things he saw on the Apprentice and regrets buying ever since. he turns the speaker on, as he perches on a bar stool, next to the mini bar.

Voice: Good afternoon, Powerslam magazine, how may I direct your call?

JD: Its John Dice - I have 10 minutes to talk to one of your journos if they are free.

Voice: One moment please.

The line is put onto hold as the "girl from Ipanema is played.

Voice: John Dice? Is that you - Pippa Razzi here. How can I help?

JD: I thought I would give you guys an exclusive for your magazine. I have been quite quiet in the media as of late but having walked out of Ground Zero still unpinned and the name on everyones lips, I thought I would issue you with an exclusive statement.

PR: sure - we will put it out there for you. What is it you want to say.

JD: This week, one half of this generations greatest tag stars is going up against Mike Hill. A man kicked out of 6WF and who has come running here with his tail between his legs. He is running down my partner and I just needed to get something off my chest.

PR: continue.

JD: I am a good guy around here, Mike. But I still remember you for what you did.

PR: What did he do?

JD: I still watch as he took advantage of one of the greatest superstars ever to grace the squared circle.

PR: I dont think he ever faced Shinobi Blackbeard?

JD: As Hobo layed on the floor with his ankle snapped, Hill covered him for the TAW title.

PR: And why does this bother you?

John Dice pulls out a dog tag from beneath his shirt and handles it. It has the words "Riff Raff Revolution member #3"

JD: Lets just say that I was a fan growing up and Hill is a dirty scumbag who never got his comeuppance. Now you are in 6CWF, you will.

PR: Anything else?

JD: One more thing. Frosted Dice plays by the rules and we roll with the punchs. And when you meet Jack this week, you both get to roll the dice and take your chances in this match. But remember this, sometimes those dice can be loaded.

PR: Thanks John.

Johnny picks up the phone and after struggling to get it out of the craddle, he hangs up and downs his drink, before smirking.

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