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6CW Anarchy Results Tuesday October 9th

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6CW Anarchy Results Tuesday October 9th Empty 6CW Anarchy Results Tuesday October 9th

Post by JJJohnson Wed 10 Oct 2018, 9:27 am

HA: Ladies and Gentleman welcome to 6CW Anarchy, and I don’t know if you can hear it, or even feel it, but this crowd is absolutely electric as for the first time in 18 months, the man, the legend, the Franchise Player, JJ Johnson makes his much anticipated return to 6CW!

HE: Are you serious? Have you never watched wrestling. It’s not going to be JJ. It’s going to be Mike Hill, blacked up, walking to the ring and trash talking. JJ is far too big for 6CW now. He’s not attending some house show. He’ll save it for the grandest stage of them….


HA: I think we’re about to find out…

‘Remember the Name’ by Fort Minot hits and the crowd go wild as the lights flash around the entire arena. The anticipation is electric as they wait for JJ Johnson so appear. The vociferous arena turns it up a notch as JJ Johnson walks out onto the stage as the Titantron goes black and ‘J.J’ appears in huge letters behind him…



The fans are on their feet chanting ‘JJ Johnson’ at the top of their lungs as he walks down the ramp, nodding and smiling at the fans. He walks round the ring, stopping to talk to a young fan in the crowd before acknowledging the staff at ringside…

HA: Ever the model professional, and just look at all the fans trying to get a picture of their hero, the icon.

HE: I’m not his biggest fan, but you cannot argue with his legacy in wrestling, Harold. He’s without a doubt one of, if not THE greatest performer that has ever graced this business!

JJ climbs the ring steps and up the turnbuckle, posing for the fans as flashes go off all around the arena. He drops down, taking a mic and stands as the fans begin to chant…


JJ smiles and looks around the arena...

JJ: Ain’ never getting’ tired o’ that!

*Crowd Pop*

JJ: Y’know, I ain’ ever say this enough, but e’ry time I come back here, y’all make me wonder why I ever left…


JJ: Y’all thinin’ this be a mirage or suttin’? I’m just kiddin’, I feel that. An’ I love that y’all ain’ forgotten your one and only Franchise Playa!

Y’know, when I gots the call from the higher ups an’ all, sayin’ I could come back, promote my film, I was expec’in some jumped up, angry ass punk looking fo’ a paycheck. Someone like O’Callaghan, or that ‘Z’ lister, Grace. So I’m sittin’ at my home wi’ my baby girl, watchin’ the show an’ out comes the ‘Next Big Thing’ Mr. Mike Hill himself. An’ y’all know me and Hill, we go way back, y’all. Back to our 6WF roots. We been thru’ some shiz, y’know? An’ it gots me wonderin’, what’s the angle here? What’s the payoff in all ‘dis? See I ain’ got no beef wit’ you, Mike? I jus’ takin’ up an offer from the brass to come get some exposure, an y’all takin’ it personal like I don’ gone offending you or suttin’?


JJ: An’ so y’all be calling me out. Wanting yo’ shot at Born In Fire. Fool, you mus’ be trippin’ or suttin’, cause if there’s one thing imma be known for, it’s lighting up that sum’ bitch like nobodies bid’ness. Y’all ain’ forgettin’ that time ol’ Cassius damn near took JJ to the brink?

*Crowd Pop*

JJ: Then I gots to thinkin’ that this mus’ be personal’ See, there be cats up in this bid’ness that jus’ straight up jealous o’ anyone who be out there reppin’. They just forever in character y’know? Mike Hill come to work, he Mike Hill. He go home, he Mike Hill. Me? See I stan’ here in this ring I’m JJ Johnson. The V.I.P. The Franchise. I’m a baller in the ring, I made me name in this bid’ness. I paid my dues. I don’ my time. But see, when I leave here? When I walk from ‘dis arena, I go home an I just plain ol’ JJ. I a family man. I gots bills to pay. Man, ain’ no food stamp gon’ buy no diapers. Em’ weren’t lying to y’all. I got lucky, I got the offers, I worked hard and I took my chances, an somehow I’m s’posed to feel guilty for all ‘dat? Aww hell no.


JJ: This ol’ timer can still move, y’all feel that. Mike Hill, y’all wanna piece o’ JJ Johnson, boy you ‘bout to get more than y’all ever wished for. These cats who be sulking and bitchin’ cause I don’t return y’all calls, or cause I don’t name drop the bid’ness, I ain’ see you reppin 24/7. But I damn’ sure give back. Always have, always will.

Come Born in Fire, imma do what JJ Johnson does best an imma…


HA: Oh my!!

‘The Next Big Thing’ hits and Mike Hill storms down the ramp to a chorus of boo’s as JJ stands staring down his opponent…

HE: Something tells me Hill doesn’t wanna wait to Born in Fire….

Hill grabs a mic and slides in the ring, staring at JJ…

MH: You wanna know what it is, JJ? You wanna know WHY I called you out? Because you, like every so called legend, comes in and breezes through those doors whenever you damn well feel like it. You come in, you seek the adulation, and you forget about the guys who have stayed here through all the ups and downs. I’ve been here since day dot. While you’re out filming movies, I was working house shows all over the world. And you come out here, and you take MY spotlight. You were a legend JJ, but you sold out. I’m the real legend, I’m the man that deserves the plaudits. It should be me getting the adulation of these fans, but no? Cause I don’t have some cheap, tacky catchphrase I don’t get anything.

JJ: So y’all jealous cause I don’ better than you? That’s what this all about?

MH: I am not jealous of you, Johnson.

JJ: Sure as hell feel like it, Hill! Cause I walk through here an’ do what? Don’t slap the hands of all the guys in the locker room that been here from the start? Man, if y’all wanna vent an’ talk about yo’ feelings, I can put you in touch wi’ Dr Phil.

But see, you made ‘dis personal when y’all called me out. And at Born in Fire, I’m gon’ bring it old school. But if y’all think imma stand here and listen to y’all cry like a baby bitch, ain’ nobody gots time for ‘dat. Imma see ya, Mike…

JJ: Drops the mic in front of a fuming Hill and heads up the ramp to cheers from the crowd…

HA: Well, that ended quickly…

HE: something tells me JJ doesn’t want to hang around and talk trash!

HA: Can you blame him? He’s hardly disrespecting the business! Seems to me like Hill is the one with the problem!

JJ reaches the top of the ramp and raises his hand in the air to another huge cheer as we head to commercial.


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6CW Anarchy Results Tuesday October 9th Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results Tuesday October 9th

Post by JJJohnson Wed 10 Oct 2018, 9:31 am

*In the back, Alex Walker is in his office with Uryu Ishida. Walker is sitting behind his desk, monitors to the side showing the ring and other camera setups, whilst Uryu stands across from him.

AW: You really should sit, Uryu. It’s just more polite.

*Uryu looks at the chair, almost looking annoyed by it, but continues to stand.

UI: I don’t need a seat and I don’t need you mothering me. You heard what I had to say, I don’t doubt - I am a wrestler, Alex, and I come here to wrestle.

AW: And I am the man running this place, Uryu, the place where you would like to continue wrestling. Something you will only do with my say so.

UI: Like last time out, when you sent me home but let Lion limp on out there?

*Walker gives a slight nod, conceding the point

AW: Lamentable, yes. I hadn’t really thought that someone might take your place. But he shan’t be doing anything similar tonight. I would like to say it’s because I banned him, but he wouldn’t listen. Sadly, Mike Hill’s attack on his already injured body means that Lion is actually unable to walk...he’s wheelchair bound for the time being.

*Uryu pauses, a little shocked and saddened by Lion’s injuries

UI: But he would want me out there fighting

AW: Easy, Uryu. I’d possibly cave to that were he dead, not just injured. Without that, you’re just another overly passionate wrestler who thinks Pillman, Kid and Bulldog were heroes for working hurt, pushing through and getting by on whatever means necessary, rather than victims of a system that cared not for their health and wellbeing, but more for the money on the table.

UI: They were heroes, they are heroes

AW: Yes, Uryu, they are. But they deserve to be remembered not as martyrs for the old painkiller days, but for their own legacies. Instead, they competed when they were injured, they took pills, drank, whatever else to get through the next night of agony, the next day, they next week, month, year, all working on with injuries that were breaking their bodies.

UI: I decide when I’m fit to wrestle, Alex

*Walker slams a fist down on the table

AW: No, Uryu! The doctors decide if you’re fit to wrestle, and that’s the end of it. I will not have another Adamson here, another man forced into a routine of pills and drug cocktails to make it to the next show.

UI: I sat out your bloody match, Walker! I want to wrestle, I did my rest.

AW: If you want to wrestle, you need a doctor to clear you. The sooner the better, too, cos I’m not letting you out to face Engel until I see you’re capable.

*Uryu looks furiously at Walker, but turns to leave. Swinging the door open, he is stopped by one last comment from the boss.

AW: And get a drug test done whilst you’re there, Uryu. The random wheel of chance somehow falls on you tonight…

*Uryu stands silently, holding the door open, but resists the temptation to say anything, instead storming out and slamming the door behind him.


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6CW Anarchy Results Tuesday October 9th Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results Tuesday October 9th

Post by JJJohnson Wed 10 Oct 2018, 9:39 am

Match 1
The TA vs James McManus

HA: Starting us off here on Anarchy, we've got a handicap match for you.

HE: And this should be a situation that suits the TA down to the ground, our tag team champions being given the numbers advantage.

HA: Well it's not like they haven't used it to their advantage in recent weeks anyway, even when it was singles competition.

HE: James McManus is the man who has faced the wrath on the TA on both of those occassions.

The opening bars of 'Sad But True' play. The hooded figure of James McManus appears on stage. He carefully throws his hood back and walks past the mixed crowd. He rolls into the ring and points to the heavens before backing off into the corner and stepping through the ropes.

HA: McManus picked up a singles victory over Jackson Jackson a month back, only to be attacked by Frank Horrigan after the match.

HE: And last time out, he looked close to getting another win over the TA against Horrigan when Jackson interfered on behalf of his tag team partner.

"Machine Gun" roars out through the speakers and there is a mixed reception for the arrival of the TA. Frank Horrigan stalks out ominously and he is followed by Jackson Jackson. The pair walk down the ramp side by side with their titles in the air, Horrigan steps in while Jackson stares at McManus from the outside.

HE: What a combination these two are, I'm not sure we've ever seen a more dominant duo in this company.

HA: They certainly know how to work a situation to their advantage I know that much.

Ding, Ding, Ding!

Jackson and McManus lock-up. Jackson forces him backwards slightly and then quickly fires off a couple of stiff European Uppercuts into the chin. James McManus falls back to the corner, but he then ducks underneath a punch and pushes Jackson into the turnbuckles.
McManus then pummels the abdomen of Jackson with a flurry of sharp jabs to the body. He then snapmares Jackson down to the canvas before running out of the corner and connecting with a neck snap on Jackson. He hooks the leg.

Ref: 1..................2.............Kick out!

McManus then hits some hard stomps to the head of Jackson, trying to wear down Jackson as early as possible, before running across the ring, and on his return hitting a jumping knee drop across the head of Jackson. Jackson quickly begins to pull himself up to his feet, but McManus quickly then starts hitting some hard chops to the chest of Jackson, before again hitting some hard punches to the head of Jackson, then pushing him into the ropes.

McManus then whips Jackson across the ring, and on Jackson’s return, McManus hits him with a snap powerslam. Jackson rolls to his feet, throwing a groggy clothesline which McManus easily ducks and then backslides Jackson into a pinfall predicament.

Ref: 1..................2.......Kick out!

Jackson powers the shoulder up. McManus goes straight back onto the offensive with a series of hard knee drops down into the face. McManus then steps back, allowing the TA man to rise before kicking him in the gut, McManus then slams Jackson down by the head. The tag champion stirs, McManus runs in and nails a knee trembler to the head. He makes the cover.

Ref: 1................2.............Kick out!

HA: McManus has been clever so far, keeping Jackson isolated from Horrigan, essentially making this a singles match.

Jackson drives the shoulder up off the mat. McManus lifts him to his feet, hitting a series of right hands, before slinging him over his shoulders. He goes for a conventional powerslam on this occassion but the tag champ drops down the back. He then rolls McManus up into a pin.

Ref: 1.................2..........Kick out!

The duo rise up and Jackson quickly Irish whips McManus into the corner. Jackson quickly fires in a series of roundhouse kicks to the gut, he then makes the tag to Horrigan. The big man runs in and hits a big clothesline on McManus, this is quickly followed up with a running dropkick from Jackson. McManus stumbles out of the corner and he is met with a double flapjack. Cover.

Ref: 1.................2...........Kick out!

McManus kicks out. Horrigan drops some big elbows down into the gut, he then allows McManus to his feet before connecting with a scoop slam. The veteran technician gets up to his feet unsteadily and Horrigan nearly takes his head off with a huge big boot. Cover.
Ref: 1................2..........Kick out!

Horrigan connects with a series of boots, again targeting the abdomen. He then locks in a grounded abdominal stretch, before bringing McManus to his feet and throwing him out across the ring with a pumphandle fallaway slam. Horrigan drags him to the middle and covers.

Ref: 1...................2.............Kick out!

McManus gets the shoulder up. Horrigan makes the tag to Jackson, he goes to the top rope as Horrigan lifts McManus into the air in a suplex position, Jackson flies off with a crossbody block. He covers.

Ref: 1...................2.............Kick out!

Jackson drags McManus up to his feet and looks to begin exerting his dominance on the contest, hitting a couple of shoot kicks to the abdomen. He follows this up with a series of European Uppercuts that back McManus into the ropes. Jackson switches up hitting a few more kicking combinations before throwing McManus across the ring.

Jackson bounces off the ropes and on the rebound, he meets McManus with a vicious-looking discus elbow smash. McManus sits up and Jackson runs the ropes...

HA: Brutal kick!

Ref: 1..................2............Kick out!

McManus gets the shoulder up. Jackson allows McManus to roll up to his feet, He throws him out across the ring and on the rebound, McManus is met with an inverted atomic drop. The tag champion follows this up with a double underhook tiger suplex. McManus rolls up and walks straight into a dropkick. Cover.

Ref: 1.......................2................Kick out!

Jackson makes the tag to Horrigan. The pair pick up McManus and throw him out across the ring, on the rebound Horrigan lifts McManus into the air and spins him around for a spinebuster which Jackson re-enforces with a leaping clothesline. He hooks the leg.
HE: Yet more double team moves from the TA, who are clearly themselves here.

Ref: 1...........................2..................Kick out!

McManus kicks out. Horrigan allows him to rise before crashing a knee up into the abdomen. The veteran lurches forward and McManus throws him down with a suplex. He keeps the hold applied, dragging McManus to his feet and nailing a 2nd suplex. James McManus is brought up and Horrigan delivers a third suplex, but this time releases, launching the veteran across the ring.

Ref: 1...................2..............Kick out!

Horrigan lifts up McManus, he hits a couple of big headbutts. He then bounces off the ropes and goes for a running DDT but McManus manages to push him away. Horrigan runs back at McManus, he counters with an arm drag takedown. Horrigan rolls up, McManus hits a chopblock and follows that up with a running DDT of his own. He hooks the leg.

Ref: 1..................2............Kick out!

McManus hauls up Frank Horrigan, he then Irish whips him into the corner. McManus runs to the opposite corner, bouncing off the ropes before sprinting in and nailing a stinger splash. Horrigan stumbles forward, McManus hitting a gutwrench suplex bridging into the pin.

Ref: 1.................2............Kick out!

James McManus gets to his feet, and immediately goes up to the top rope. He waits for Jackson to rise, before diving off and connecting with a high-angled crossbody block. The Tag Champ rolls up, and McManus hits a scoop slam. Horrigan rolls to his feet, McManus boots him in the stomach and hits a short powerbomb.

Ref: 1.................2.............Kick out!

HA: McManus has been very impressive once again here this evening.

Horrigan kicks out. McManus drags him up, hitting a couple of knife-edge chops to the chest. Horrigan falls into the corner, McManus continues with the chops and then shoulders to the gut. He then places the tag champ onto the 2nd rope as elevation...


Ref: 1......................2...................Jackson Jackson breaks the pinfall!

HE: And here comes the numbers game once again!

Jackson Jackson storms the ring, hitting a leaping stomp down on James McManus' back. He drags him off Fanatic and then starts pummelling away on him with stomps. He drags James McManus to the corner where he crashes a series of knees to the face.
Horrigan has got to his feet and he joins his tag partner in beating down on McManus for the third show in succession. He's far more rudimental with his offence, simply driving stiff right and lefts down into the top of the head.

The duo pick up McManus launching him into the ropes and hitting a double clothesline on the rebound. Horrigan lifts up McManus, putting him onto his shoulders for a powerbomb before Jackson dives off the top rope with a big clothesline.

HA: Yet another heinous assault on McManus from our tag champions.

HE: And now they line up the Shatter Machine...

HA: What the hell?

HE: Who turned out the lights?!

The lights in the arena totally drop out, leaving it in the pitch black for what seems like a minute.

HA: We're getting no word of a technical fault here folks, we have no idea what's going on.

HE: Here we go Harold, they're starting to come back on...OH MY!



HA: And look at him, he is staring Horrigan eye to eye, he's the same size as that monster!

The crowd pop as The Fanatic stands staring at Horrigan. The big man storms at Fanatic, going for big punches but the Parasite Killer gains the advantage and pummels him up against the ropes, Fanatic launches Horrigan out across the ring before flattening him with a huge spear on the rebound.

Horrigan rolls out of the ring, Fanatic turns around and Jackson is staring at him in shock. He stumbles backwards and ends up walking into McManus who has got to is feet as well. He shoves Jackson back into the path of The Fanatic who drives Jackson down into the canvas with a huge chokeslam.

They don't stop there, lifting up Jackson and throwing him into the ropes. Fanatic bench-presses him into the air and McManus catches him on his shoulders, delivering a big powerslam onto Jackson.

HA: The TA not quite so dominant now that McManus has levelled the playing field up!

HE: What a huge momentum turner for McManus having The Fanatic back alongside him. Suddenly, there's another big force to be reckoned with in the tag team division.


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Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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6CW Anarchy Results Tuesday October 9th Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results Tuesday October 9th

Post by JJJohnson Wed 10 Oct 2018, 9:41 am

*Tim Allen is standing backstage with O’Callaghan

TA: I’m here with the fiery Irishman, 6CW’s O’Callaghan.

*He turns to O’Callaghan

TA: O’Callaghan - -

*An angry O’Callaghan interrupts

O’C: Fiery? Did you call me fiery, fella?

TA: Ummm, yes I did, I suppose.

O’C: That’s painting me as another Irish stereotype, and I don’t like it.

*Allen is taken aback

TA: Well, I’m sorry if I’ve done that, sir. It wasn’t my intention. I was considering your recent behaviour

O’C: My recent behaviour? What is this, detention? Anthony Grace has tried to stand in my way, and I don’t take that s*** from no one.

TA: A man you have, lest we forget, found a level of partnership with in recent times.

O’C: Allen, the man has never been nor ever will be someone I consider on my level. I’m a super heavyweight, the kind of fighter that signs contracts in my opponent’s blood. Are those words you’d say about Anthony f’ckin Grace?

TA: All that being said, you interjected in a title match and it looks like you’ve gone from allies to enemies in a matter of weeks. Why now?

*O’Callaghan looks at Allen, then takes a step a little closer to the camera

O’C: Let’s have a little direct word here, shall we now? What you’re seeing is the revival of O’Callaghan, back to own the night. Go back a few hundred years and I’m the man riding a horse at the end of the battle with the head of an enemy in my hand. I don’t just plan to win now, I plan to brutalise and victimise. And Anthony Grace is first.

*He walks away


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6CW Anarchy Results Tuesday October 9th Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results Tuesday October 9th

Post by JJJohnson Wed 10 Oct 2018, 9:43 am

*Uryu is sat on a bed in the doctor’s office, his legs swinging off the edge, sat up, looking as impatient and immature as a waiting child. The doctor turns to him, having been looking at his computer screen.

UI: Well?

Dr: Look, Uryu, I’m not worried about drugs, ok? I know you, I see the preliminaries on this thing, I would bet the proper checks come back all clear.

*He sighs

Dr: But...I can’t say I am happy with the physical tests.

UI: Doc, come on…

Dr: Mr Ishida, I do not come here as a wrestling doctor, I am a medical professional, I try to retain my clarity as if I were still at the hospital or the local surgery. And you are not fit to go out and take on that kind of physical activity.

UI: I’ve been working out all week, I am fine

Dr: I suggest you stop that and rest. I can start with your back, which has taken some extreme lacerations that are not healing, I would guess the stitches are struggling with your workouts. Your knees are showing extreme inflammation, but really, I’d be tempted to let you go, if it were not for the concussion issues. You’re on a road to long-term brain injury here, Uryu. You haven’t given it a second, the brain cannot be expected to bounce around like a cricket ball at a T20 and then settle back down for the night.

UI: But I feel fine…

Dr: I don’t know if I can believe that, seeing what I see. Even if you feel fine outwardly, your body is begging you to sit down and stop.

UI: So you’re not clearing me

Dr: Not even nearly. The report has already been emailed to Mr Walker. Go home, Uryu. Rest. Smart men win battles, the dumb ones pick ones they can’t win.

*The doctor turns away to look over his work, leaving Uryu sat in a sad state, a little shocked, a little angry, but mostly lost. The scene fades.


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Age : 33

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6CW Anarchy Results Tuesday October 9th Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results Tuesday October 9th

Post by JJJohnson Wed 10 Oct 2018, 9:46 am

Match 2
#1 Contender TV Championship
Street Fight
Xavier Ross vs Cameron Faith

The action returns to ringside as TV Champion, Marty Helms is taking position at the announce desk with Harold and Henry Lloyd. Helms sneers at the reaction of the fans as he lays his championship belt across the front of the table and then sits down.

HA: We are joined for our next contest by Marty Helms....Marty, welcome to the team...

Helms: I'm part of nobodies team, let's understand that...

HE: I'm going to enjoy this...

HA: Marty, this next match will determine the next contender for your TV Championship.....any preference on who you'd like to face?

Helms: I don't give a damn, the result is the same no matter who they put up in front of me....I'm sick of repeating myself, I'm too good for this division....too good for this roster....I promised a reality check when I came to 6CW and that is exactly what I am delivering....5th of June I won this belt and it does not leave my possession unless I decide to let it, believe that...

"Ain't stopping me" booms through the speakers and is met by big cheers from the 6CW universe. Cameron Faith walks out onto the stage and he nods in appreciation of the crowd's reaction before motioning a belt around his waist...

HA: Is Cameron Faith regaining the form that made him one of the hottest prospects in professional wrestling?

Helms: Do me a favour...

HE: He won one match, Harold, and all of a sudden you think he's capable of competing with the likes of our TV Champion...

HA: If he wins tonight then he'll the right to compete whether he's capable or not...

HE: That's a big if, I think Xavier Ross has his number...

Faith walks around the ring and shares a brief stare with Marty Helms, the TV Champion chuckling to himself at Faith's glare, and then the Scotsman climbs up into the ring to await his opponent. "Refuse to be denied" then screams out and is met by a crescendo of boos...

HA: Is this man the next big thing in 6CW?

HE: I think he's got a bright future ahead of him, for sure...

Helms: If he wants a future then I suggest he heads in a different direction to me.....because I'll end all the hype....

Ross makes his way down to ringside and then pulls himself onto the apron. The referee is forced to intervene and keep Cameron Faith back as he tries to storm into an attack...

HA: Cameron Faith is wound up, he needs to keep that emotion in check here...

Helms: Rubbish, he needs to be aggressive....he needs to be willing to brutalise.....this is a street fight after all...

HA: That's right and I'm not sure it was one of Alex Walker's finer ideas....Ross and Faith have been at loggerheads for the last month and our leader has made the executive decision to sanction a no holds barred street fight between them.....this could turn ugly and quickly....

HE: I'm sure hoping so....whatever is left of the winner is going to get destroyed by this man right here...

Helms: Spot on, Henry....

The referee keeps the competitors in separate corners, running through his expectations with both of them, and then he gives the signal to the timekeeper to start the contest off. Faith quickly bursts forward and tackles his man back into the corner, unloading with lefts and rights to the body and head...

HA: Cameron Faith has been on the periphery for too long, but Xavier Ross has awoken something inside of him....

Helms: And I'll put it back to sleep if he comes through this...

Faith follows up with knife edge chops to the chest of Ross and then he grabs his arm and tries to whip him across to the opposite corner. Faith follows his man across but Ross slams his elbow out into his opponent's jaw, staggering him back to the centre. Ross bursts out looking for a heavy clothesline...

HA: Faith saw it coming....PELE!

The overhead kick lands on top of Ross' head and sends him staggering backward and through the ropes to the outside. Faith clambers back up to his feet and he sprints toward the ropes....


Faith dives through the ropes with the suicide dive that sends he and Ross crashing back into the announce desk. Faith slowly gets back up to his feet and he stares at Helms before motioning a belt around his waist....

Helms: That's cute....but you've got no chance, boy...

Faith drags Ross back up and he smashes his head off the top of the announce table before walking off to catch his breath. Ross is dazed and confused as he clings to the table in order to retain his balance...

HA: Xavier Ross feeling the pace here...

Helms: Just shows how easy it would be for me to break him.....


Cameron Faith waits for Ross to lift his head off the desk and then he leaps forward for his patented superkick, only for Ross to grab Marty Helms and pull him in front of the kick, the TV Champion taking the full force...

HE: Faith just kicked Helms' head off...

HA: Thanks to a huge assist from Xavier Ross....I'm not sure either man is going to come away from this looking innocent...

Faith is momentarily shocked by his victim but has no time to digest as Ross takes advantage and drills him in the side of the head with a television monitor. He then drags Faith up and runs him forward.....BOOM!

HE: Faith could be out cold now...

Faith is smashed into the steel steps and left in a heap on the deck. Ross, mockingly, dusts off his hands and then he pulls Faith up and throws him back into the ring...

HA: Ross ready to go to work now...

Ross pulls up the ring apron and he grabs a kendo stick from underneath before heading back inside. He twirls the stick in his hands as he waits for Faith to stand and then he lashes the weapon across the spine of his rival...

HE: That's going to leave a mark...

HA: Sickening impact...

The whip of the stick echoes around the arena and Faith yells in pain as he drops back to his knees. Ross revels in the pain he has caused and then he draws the stick back like a baseball bat and begins to tee off, time and again he cracks it across Faith's back until it shatters....

HE: Look at those welts...

There are deep red laceration marks all over Cameron Faith's back as he slumps to the floor and Xavier Ross throws the remains of the stick away. Ross breathes in the dislike from the crowd and then he drags Faith back to his feet and drills him with a brainbuster....

1...................2..................shoulder up!

HA: Faith kicking out there but he's in pain, that back has to be in agony right now....

Ross stalks his man and talks trash to him as he waits for Faith to get up. He grips Faith under the chin and fires off with big time right hands and then he charges off the ropes and returns with a brutal big boot straight to the mouth. Faith is flat on his back as Ross leaves the ring again, this time to retrieve a steel chair....

HE: Xavier Ross is loving the street fight rules...

HA: I don't think this is his first rodeo...

Ross clambers back in and he raps his knuckles against the chair before setting it up in a seated position. Faith is in a whole world of hurt as Ross grabs his head and drags him up before flipping him into the air...

HE: Faith is done....

Ross looks to bring Faith crashing down with a powerbomb across the chair but Faith jumps out at the final moment and then he scoops Ross up as he turns around, backbreaking him across the seat of the chair...

HA: Oh wow....AND AGAIN!

Faith then pulls Ross up and connects with the "ghetto blaster" double with a neckbreaker across the chair. The crowd are going wild as Faith pushes the broken chair away and covers....


HE: Xavier Ross really is the Beacon of Excellence...

HA: I thought Faith had him....Faith did too...

Faith looks to the referee but the official assures him it was a two. Faith gets back to his feet, drawing a deep breath and wincing at the welts on his back, and he heads for the corner...

HA: Faith knows he has to connect just once and he's heading for a TV Title showdown...

HE: He just connected with one of his big moves....what makes him think this one will be any better?

HA: There's barely a man alive that kicks out of this....ACT OF FAITH!

Faith launches forward for his patented superkick but Ross ducks under and in the same movement scoops Faith onto his shoulders before launching him off into a gutbuster across the steel chair...

*Crowd groan

HA: That might have broken a rib...

Ross picks up what is left of the mangled chair and he beckons Faith back up before smashing it straight into the side of his head....

HE: Forget about it....

.............Faith kicks out!

HE: Count faster, referee....

HA: Nothing wrong with that count....Cameron Faith showing his resilience here...

Ross complains to the official but is informed it was a definite two. Ross then climbs from the ring again and whips up the ring apron, searching underneath for his next item of destruction...

HA: Xavier Ross really is at home here, he's excelling under the lights...

HE: And Cameron Faith is about to feel even more pain....he can't withstand much more...

There are cheers as Ross drags a table out and then slides it under the bottom ring. He climbs in after and begins to erect it in the centre of the mat before fixing his attention on Faith, who is barely able to get up to his feet...

HA: Cameron Faith is in a bad way here....he's taken some high impact damage in this contest...

Ross grabs his opponent by the neck and pulls him up before flipping him up onto his shoulders. He holds him there for a moment and then runs to the corner, launching Faith against the turnbuckle...


Faith staggers out of the corner and straight into the clutches of Ross, who attempts his patented fisherman's suplex through the table, but swivels out of it and pushes his man away....


*Crowd pop

Ross throws his hand up to protect his chin but can't block the full impact, which knocks him backward and sprawls him across the table. Faith looks at his man and then shakes his head as he scrambles for the corner...

HE: He didn't get all of that kick....

HA: And he knows it....he needs the exclamation point!



Crowd: Holy (beep) x5

Faith gets up onto the top rope and prepares for the double rotation moonsault, only for Marty Helms to jump onto the apron and crunch a devastating bullhammer elbow into Faith's face. Faith seems to collapse in slow motion, backwards, and drives through Ross and the table in the middle of the ring...

HE: You knew Helms wasn't going to take that kick laying down....

The referee tries to get in Helms' way but the TV Champ shoves the official to the floor as he storms the ring. Faith is in a lot of pain on the floor as Helms drags him back up and then decimates him with a sitdown powerbomb....

HE: All Ross needs to do is cover and he's got this win....he's got the TV Title shot....


The crowd's boos turn to cheers as Helms then drags Ross up out of the wreckage and nails him with a huge Bullhammer elbow, rendering him unconscious next to Cameron Faith. Helms stands over both men and raises his arms in the air....

HA: Marty Helms sending a message....

HE: But who gets the title shot?

HA: I don't think either of these men are in any state to challenge right now.....I guess Alex Walker is going to need to review this situation.....

Helms raises his TV Title in the air and then shakes his head at both his victims before climbing from the ring as the referee checks on both competitors.

HA: Marty Helms said there's nobody on his level and he's gone some way to proving that once again here this evening....we still don't know who his next challenger is...

HE: Faith and Ross didn't settle their differences either...

HA: I don't think this will be the last we hear of this...


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6CW Anarchy Results Tuesday October 9th Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results Tuesday October 9th

Post by JJJohnson Wed 10 Oct 2018, 9:49 am

*Backstage, we are in the office of Alex Walker, his monitors as ever showing him all the action. A soft knock grabs his attention, and he shouts for whoever is there to come in. Through the door steps Tim Allen

TA: You wanted me?

*Walker smiles

AW: Ah, yes, excellent! I must admit though, it was the cameras really, although your team beaming it out to our fans are always the best.

*Allen smiles

AW: I have an announcement to make. A fairly simple one, I must say. What with the events of this evening, a match for Born in Fire is to be made. Our throwback pay-per-view gets a bit of a throwback match. The TA will defend their tag team titles against a returning team of some fame - the Parasite Killers!

*Walker smiles as he hears the pop from the arena.

AW: Thank you, T---

*Before he can finish, in storms Anthony Grace.

AG: Enough is enough, Walker, I demand change.

*Grace looks up, having stormed in fully charged, and sees Allen with Walker. He glares and then dismisses him almost instantly and turns his fury back to Walker.

AG: This is ridiculous. First O’Callaghan costs me the world title, then my International title is taken from me unjustly, and then the peaceful but powerful Grace movement is not even acknowledged by your holiness. Who does Marty Helms think he is?!

AW: If you’re going to sit down in the ring, maybe you should consider yourself lucky that that was the worst thing he did.

AG: He disgraced himself and my brand, disgustingly encouraged by you.

AW: Marty Helms is a champion here, Anthony, maybe you were just a bit too awestruck to react.

*The hint of a mischievous smile lingers on Walker’s face as Grace moves forward to stand above him, inches from his desk.

AG: This! This is what I deal with!

AW: And what is it you wanted, bursting into my office like this?

*Grace looks indignant

AG: You don’t know?! I want the only obvious outcome of this whole stinking affair.

*Grace waits, feeling it almost too apparent that we he wants should be what Walker is already thinking about

AW: Well..?

*Grace throws his hands into the air

AG: I want the result reversed, Walker. In fact, I don’t want it, I demand it. My title should be here, ready to go from edge to edge of this world, Mr International as the real champion that every country on this planet needs.

*Walker stares at him for a beat or two, watching the performance and pantomime in front of him

AW: No, Anthony, that isn’t going to happen. And before---

*Grace is stopped before he can interrupt

AW: Before you think you have anything else useful to say, you should stand there and shut the hell up instead!

*Grace is shocked, appalled and infuriated, his face conveying it all

AW: What I will do, with Mr Allen here again for a second scoop in quick succession. What I will do is make a decision. It was on my mind, but now it is concrete. Anthony, you will get your big chance at Born in Fire. The shot you really need.

AG: A rematch?! I think I’m a little above a is my title

*Walker smiles again

AW: Oh no, not a rematch. You are done with that title, until I am otherwise convinced. No, you will get your shot at revenge. And you won’t be the only one. Anthony, at Born in Fire, the first weekend of November, it will be you, Mr Hollywood, versus our rather bullet-focused Irishman.

*Walker stands

AW: Anthony Grace vs O’Callaghan, the fight is on!

*Grace looks incredulous, but rather than replying, storms out, swinging and slamming the door behind him.


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6CW Anarchy Results Tuesday October 9th Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results Tuesday October 9th

Post by JJJohnson Wed 10 Oct 2018, 11:26 am

*The scene changes and Uryu Ishida is shown exiting his locker room. He looks disconsolate and downbeat as he throws his kitbag over his shoulder.

HA: Uryu was scheduled to compete in our next match but under advise of the medical examiners he has been refused permission to compete...

HE: He's a walking medical way could 6CW risk a lawsuit by sanctioning him...

HA: I'm inclined to agree but Uryu isn't so understanding....he was hell bent on competing here tonight and exacting revenge upon Engel Harlequin...

HE: Then the medical team have done the right thing because nobody in their right mind would pursue a showdown with that nutcase....

*Uryu takes a few steps when a shadow crosses the path in front of him. The camera catches a glimpse of barbed wire and then pans up to reveal Engel Harlequin barring Ishida's path, his patented bat in his hand.

HA: We need security back there right now...

EH: Hehehehe…..poor Uryu… desperate to play....and I could really use another body in my game.....everybody else seems to run away...

Uryu: I'm not running anywhere....

*Engel continues to giggle as Uryu takes a quick glance at the barbed wire bat and then back at his rival's face

Uryu: I'm coming for you...

Engel: Hehehehe, I'm right need to look.....what's the matter? Afraid to break the rules? Good little choir boy, toeing the line, yes sir, Mr Walker....I won't fight...hehehehe….

*Crowd pop

*Uryu drops his bag in a flash and he drives forward before Engel even has time to react, crashing into the clown and slamming him backwards into the wall, sending them both crashing to the deck. Uryu crawls on top of Engel and he begins to rain down fists as the International Champion can be heard laughing through the chaos...

HE: Somebody needs to stop this before it goes too far...

*Engel manages to get his feet up and he boots Uryu away from him before making a grab for the barbed wire bat once more. Uryu scrambles forward as Engel gets a swing with the bat....

HA: Straight into those inflamed knees...

HE: At least it wasn't his head...

HA: Not yet...

*Uryu lets out a yelp of pain as the impact sends him crashing down to the ground. Engel hobbles up and he wastes no time in lifting the bat over his head, looking to bring it straight down on Uryu's skull...


Uryu uses his free leg to lash out and swipes Engel's feet, causing him to fall forward onto the bat as it breaks his landing. Uryu then drags his man back up and he rushes him forward before smashing his head clean into the wall. Harlequin slides down in a heap as Uryu then heads over to the huge water cooler and he drags the glass container from the top....

HE: What's he doing?

HA: Uryu, think about this? Don't descend to his's exactly what he wants....

*Uryu stands over Engel, whose eyes' are glowing with malice as he almost wills Uryu to end him, and Ishida lifts the cooler higher into the air.


*Alex Walker has rushed into the scene with a team of security guards, Walker's hands are raised in surrender

Walker: Uryu don't do it....

Engel: Do it, Uryu…

Walker: You don't want to do this...

Engel: This is exactly what you want to do...


*Uryu is torn between both men's voices but finally he comes to his senses and places the cooler down on the floor, Walker breathing a sigh of relief. Engel looks almost disappointed by the turn of events

Walker: This is getting out of hand,'re forcing my hand to do something I don't want...

Uryu: No you're forcing my hand....this is on you....either you sign off on me and him or I'm going hunt him down without your blessing and put an end to it.....I'll be back in two weeks and you can give me your answer....I'm heading home for some "rest"....

*Uryu stares down at Engel and then picks up his kitbag and barges past Alex Walker

Engel: Hehehe, I like him....please let him play....

Walker: Not another goddamn word out of're on the same tightrope that he's walking....he falls and you fall....believe me on that!

*Engel rocks back and forth and continues to smirk as the scene comes to an end


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Age : 33

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6CW Anarchy Results Tuesday October 9th Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results Tuesday October 9th

Post by JJJohnson Wed 10 Oct 2018, 11:27 am

JJ Johnson is shown backstage on his phone. The crowd can be heard cheering as Clarke James approaches...

CJ: Well ain’t this a blast from the past! You being up in here and not...

JJ turns and motions to his phone, stopping James mid sentence...

JJ: A’ight. Ain nuttin’ wrong wit’ that y’all. Imma be around for a few more days y’know. Then I gots to head out fo’ some promotional shiz in Milan and Barcelona, then back here for the go home show, but I’ll catch y’all between then, ya feel dat? A’ight... I’ll see ya’ll soon.

JJ hangs up the phone and turns to James...

JJ: Hey man, how you doing?

James moves in for a hug as JJ extends his hand. James stops and puts his hand out instead...

CJ: Erm, yeah man, it’s all good! Where you been? I left you a few messages but got nothing back. You been hella busy or something.

JJ: You know how it is man, gots to be every where, all o’ the time. So, how’s tricks wi’ you? You still clowning roun’ wi’ PJ?

CJ: I mean, we do our thing. Headline makers, you know all about that, right?

JJ: Ha... yeah I think so. So, Co-Champ? That really a thing or y’all just not ready to take the big dog on by yo’sel’?

CJ: Me and Jack, we just click you know?

JJ: Man, I feel ya, just figured y’all woulda hit the top or suttin’ by now. Listen, I gots ta shoot, I gotta get back to my hotel and get ready fo’ some more movie stuff, y’all know how it is’.

CJ: Sure man, I feel ya. Let’s hook up sometime yeah, been too long!

JJ: Sure man, just hit my PA up and she’ll sort for you! Keep it tight, Playa.

James extends his hand by JJ heads off up the corridor and out of sight as we head to commercial.


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Age : 33

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6CW Anarchy Results Tuesday October 9th Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results Tuesday October 9th

Post by JJJohnson Wed 10 Oct 2018, 11:29 am

Christy is shown wandering backstage, looking somewhat nervous. She stops and pulls her phone from her pocket and shakes her head. Footsteps can be heard as she looks up as Liam Wood walks towards her:

LW: Looking for someone? Funny, for all the time you’ve been in this business, Christy, you can never seem to stay out of trouble for too long.

Christy: What do you want, Liam?

LW: Want? Am I that predictable? Maybe I just wanted a chat, a catch up for old times…

Wood smirks menacingly…

LW: Or maybe I figured it was time to tell you a few home truths. To make you realise that everything that’s coming Gazzy’s way is all down to you.

Christy: What do you mean? This is nothing to do with me, Liam!

LW: Isn’t it? Gazzy could’ve had it all. The Brotherhood was his ticket to greatness, and he did what he does best, he blew it. Then we had to suffer more of Gazzy playing the victim. His little pity parade, his little spiral towards the depths… and then you.

Christy: Me?

LW: Yes. You. You’ve come along, turned his little frown upside down. Lit a spark, found a flame and now he thinks he’s some world beater, ready for all comers.

Wood chuckles to himself…

LW: Do you realise he isn’t in the same atmosphere as me?! Let alone on my level! This false bravado you’ve stirred within him is setting him up for the ultimate downfall. I meant everything I said, Christy. I’m going to retire him. I’m going to finally dispel this myth that Gazzy D ever deserved his seat at the table and I’m going to destroy his spirit irrevocably. There is nothing you can say, nothing you can do.

Christy: Why, Liam? Why are you doing this?

Liam leans in, a sadistic grin on his face as Christy cowers away from him…

LW: Because I can.

Wood brushes past Christy and heads off as we head back to ringside.


Posts : 9887
Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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6CW Anarchy Results Tuesday October 9th Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results Tuesday October 9th

Post by JJJohnson Wed 10 Oct 2018, 11:34 am

Match 3
Anthony Grace/Liam Wood vs O'Callaghan/GazzyD

HA: Liam Wood is one sick son of a b1tch....I hope Gazzy kicks his a55 all over this arena tonight, how dare he speak to Christy like that...

HE: Our UK Champion can speak to anyone however he wants......Christy knew what she was signing up for when she got with Gazzy, and Gazzy knew what was going to happen when he chose to go after Wood....

"Freedom" is booming through the speakers as we return to ringside and GazzyD bounds out onto the stage, met by a thunderous ovation from those in attendance. He pumps his fist into the air and nods his head before marching to the ring...

HA: GazzyD has the UK Championship firmly in his sights....

HE: Don't talk stupid...

HA: Two weeks ago he knocked off Liam Wood, he showed that he can beat his rival in competition and that puts him at the head of the queue....this rivalry has been brewing a very long time, it needs a conclusion and I think we're on our way to getting it...

HE: One tag team victory doesn't make GazzyD a UK Champion.....

HA: GazzyD is a hall of a famer, a two time world champion.....he's beaten some of the best in business and I believe on his very best day he can defeat Liam Wood for the UK Championship...

Gazzy rolls into the ring and then "Run this town" echoes out to a standing ovation from the crowd. O'Callaghan walks out onto the stage, beads of sweat trickling down his head, with a focused expression on his face....

HA: Have you ever heard O'Callaghan greeted by the 6CW crowd like this?

HE: I can't even bare to look at him after what he did...

HA: O'Callaghan stood on his own two feet and showed that he won't be anyone's lackey, in my book that deserves praise....the way he went about it may be questionable but I think Grace pushed his patience too far....

O'Callaghan stands in the aisle, the fans reaching over the barricade to pat his back, and then he clambers up into the ring to join Gazzy. The crowd are chanting for both men as they share a quick word...

HE: It is because of O'Callaghan that Grace is no longer International Champion, you could argue that it's his fault that Grace no longer has the World Title either...

HA: Are you Grace's press manager now? Grace's own actions led to his downfall, he believed he was invincible and it came around to bite him in his a55....there is no sympathy for him....but he'll get his chance for revenge, it was announced earlier tonight that Grace and O'Callaghan will clash, one on one, at Born in Fire...

"Revival Mode" screams out to tumultuous boos from the 6CW faithful as an angry Liam Wood comes storming out onto the stage. Wood has no time for the crowd as he marches down to the ring...

HA: Wood looks ready for a fight....

HE: And do you blame him? GazzyD is about to find out what it means to be on the wrong side of the UK Champion....

HA: GazzyD has been on the wrong side of Wood for eighteen months, Wood and The Brotherhood tried to wreck Wood's life....if anyone should be wary then it is Liam Wood, because I don't think Gazzy will stop until he has his revenge....

Wood unstraps the UK Championship belt and he lays it under the bottom rope and points at it whilst looking up at Gazzy. They lock eyes and Wood shakes his head...

Wood: I'm going to end you....I promise you that....

Gazzy beckons for Wood to come and fight but the UK Champion merely stands his ground and continues to stare up at his rival. Anthony Grace then walks out onto the stage, no music and no entrance...

HA: No fanfare....Anthony Grace is making a silent protest...

HE: He's been let down by 6CW, screwed by the establishment, and he is no longer playing ball.....there'll be no introductions, no procession.....Anthony Grace is here to do a job and that's it....

HA: I think I prefer this, it's easier to digest...

Grace looks sullen as he pushes past Liam Wood and then climbs up onto the apron. O'Callaghan is smirking from ear to ear as he fixes his eyes upon Grace, almost goading him into an attack...

HE: O'Callaghan is going to rue the day he ever messed with Anthony Grace, I can assure you of that...

HA: O'Callaghan has been on the worst run of his 6CW career and even when he was losing Grace expected him to focus on assisting him instead.....O'Callaghan is solely focused on himself now and when he is in that mindframe I don't think he fears a damn thing....if anyone should be worried then it should be Anthony Grace because he is now embroiled in a feud with a wrestling machine....

The referee tries to keep a lid on the warring duos as he checks them over for concealed weapons. There is a lot of trash talking between the four men and then Liam Wood and Gazzy opt to take the reins for their teams...

HA: You can feel the energy in this arena.....Liam Wood and GazzyD generate the hype, the bitterness is real.....

Gazzy and Wood circle one another and then they launch forward for a lockup, only for Wood to draw back at the last minute and then plough his boot straight into Gazzy's gut, drawing boos from the audience. Wood smirks and follows up with several crunching right hands, knocking Gazzy back to the ropes, before seizing his man's arm and sends him across the ring...

HE: Back..

Gazzy hurdles over his opponent and sprints off the opposite side before returning with an attempted spinning headscissors but Wood keeps hold of his man's legs in midair and launches him at the turnbuckle...

HA: Brutal impact...

Wood grabs Gazzy by the head and drags him into the middle of the ring before flipping him up onto his shoulders....

HE: Lungblower!

Wood smashes Gazzy across his knees and then shakes his head, indicating that it is done.................1..............2.................kickout!

HA: Wood needs to start realising that GazzyD isn't going to go anywhere in a hurry, he's as tough as they come...

HE: That is only going to extend the beating...

Wood clubs Gazzy across the back and then he drags him back up and lifts him into a final curtain suplex. Wood talks trash to his rival and then heads for the corner, climbing up to the top....

HA: Wood upping the stakes....

Wood takes off through the air, aiming his elbow at the heart of Gazzy only for the "History Maker" to roll aside at the final moment. Wood is in agony on the ground as Gazzy manages to stagger back to his feet and then springboards onto the ropes...

HA: Asai moonsault connects....

..............shoulder up. Gazzy gets back up to a vertical base and he ushers Wood back to his feet before kicking him in the stomach...


Wood battles out of Gazzy's grip and swipes his legs before catapulting him to the corner. Gazzy manages to land on the ropes, allowing O'Callaghan to make the blind tag...

HE: Lookout, Liam....

OC climbs into the ring, unbeknown to Wood, and he spins the UK Champ around before nailing him with a belly to belly slam. Wood stumbles back up and is nailed by an overhead suplex before O'Callaghan welcomes him up again...


......thr-shoulder up!

HA: O'Callaghan on fire here....

Wood looks winded as he gets up and OC wraps his arms around the waist before hauling the UK Champ into a release German suplex. The crowd are on their feet and applauding as O'Callaghan lets out a primal roar...

HA: He's like a renewed beast...

HE: He's still on a losing streak....

O'Callaghan gets to his feet and he stares at Grace, who returns the glare. OC's chest heaves in and out and then he turns back to Wood, who is slowly getting back up...

HA: O'Callaghan lining it up....

OC scoops Wood into his arms and drills him with a backbreaker before grabbing his legs and immediately begins turning him onto his stomach, applying the sharpshooter...

HA: Wood's in all manner of trouble now....


*Crowd boo furiously

Grace climbs into the ring on the blindside and nails the roundhouse kick to the back of O'Callaghan's head, leaving him draped on the deck. Gazzy tries to rush the ring but the referee blocks his path...

HA: It should be Grace you're warning here ref, not Gazzy.....

O'Callaghan is face-first on the deck as the referee tries to calm the situation down. Wood is holding the bottom of his back but still the freshest man in the ring as he drags himself over and tags the outstretched hand of Anthony Grace...

HE: Just need the cover, Anthony....

Grace laughs at the reaction of the crowd before he slides down on his knees and hooks both legs....
..............shoulder up!

*Crowd cheer

HE: That was a disgustingly long count....

HA: Seemed fairly standard to me...

Grace looks at the referee but then just sneers, as though he expected nothing less, before climbing on top of O'Callaghan and beginning to lay down some vicious ground and pound.

HE: Another Irishman taking a pummelling on the ground...

HA: Grace showing a vicious edge here...

OC tries to get his arms up to block the shots and then he succeeds in tucking his legs up and pushing out at the chest of his rival, sending him backward. OC gets to his feet but grabs his head, feeling the effects of earlier kick...

HE: That concussion is already kicking in....

Grace comes storming forward again with a clothesline but OC is able to duck under it and fires off with harsh knife edge chops, reddening the chest of the film star. OC follows up with a european uppercut and then he grabs Grace's arm, whipping him to the corner...

HA: OC ran right into that one...

O'Callaghan chases in but takes both of Grace's feet to his head, staggering him backward. Grace bursts out after and downs his man with a one handed bulldog...............1...................2.........kickout. Grace gets to his feet and pushes past the referee as he heads for the corner...

HA: No arguing or complaining from Grace tonight, it's quite refreshing to not have to listen to his whining...

HE: There's no faith left in this company and the pro wrestling institution....Grace knows if he wants something done, he'll have to do it alone...

Grace crouches down, a look of serious concentration on his face, as he peers forward and waits for OC to start reaching a vertical base. O'Callaghan is still squinting in pain from the roundhouse kick...

HA: O'Callaghan has no idea what's awaiting him...

HE: He's about to rue his actions of two weeks ago....A LEVEL!

Grace leaps through the air for the Superman punch but OC steps out the way and then counters with a German suplex. O'Callaghan clings on like a wild animal as both men scramble to their feet...

HA: Grace desperate to escape here but once O'Callaghan has his hooks in.....GERMAN!

O'Callaghan is persistent to the last as he drags Grace up for a third time and destroys him with a huge bridged suplex..................1.................2.........Grace just manages to pop his shoulder off the mat. O'Callaghan begins to get back up as the crowd roar his name...

HE: Come on, Anthony, get it together...

Grace staggers, on his knees, and rests across the ropes. He takes a deep breath as O'Callaghan sprints towards him and uses the ropes to spin around into a 619 kick. OC walks along the apron and climbs up the ropes...

HA: O'Callaghan gaining traction here....FROGSPLASH!

The flashbulbs go off as OC soars through the air and then crashes down on top of Anthony Grace...
...........Wood breaks the count!

HA: This match was over with...

OC gets to his feet and goes nose to nose with Liam Wood, neither man giving an inch as the referee is forced to get in between them. OC looks disgusted and then fixes his attention back on Grace, willing him back up to his feet...

HA: O'Callaghan knows how close he is to snapping that winless record....and how much sweeter it would be to end it with victory over Anthony Grace...

HE: Not going to happen...

HA: If he gets this submission in....

OC lifts Grace up into the air and slams him down with a kneebreaker. He keeps hold of his leg and begins to synch in the submission in centre ring....

1....................2...............shoulder up!

HA: Grace almost stealing one there....

They both scramble back up and O'Callaghan swings for a clothesline but Grace ducks and counters with an atomic drop before shoving his man into the corner. He follows in with a splash to the back and then he tries to drag O'Callaghan into a sleeper on the floor...

HE: Imagine the irony, here......two Irishman gonna tap in the space of four days...

Grace succeeds in pulling OC to the floor but he can't wrap his legs around the waist of his man, allowing O'Callaghan to swivel out. They both get back up and OC lifts his man onto his shoulders but Grace drops off the back and both men charge off the ropes....

HA: Like a damn car collision right there....

Grace looks for a flying clothesline as OC meets him midair with a crossbody block that leaves both men in a heap on the deck. The crowd are applauding and chanting for O'Callaghan as he tries to push himself across for a tag...

HA: Both men need this...

HE: Grace in the lead.....Wood gets in and this is over, O'Callaghan is done....


Wood gets the tag and begins his charge but Gazzy springboards into the ring and wipes him out with a seated senton. They get back up and Gazzy nails him with a spinning heel kick before running off the ropes and returns with rolling thunder. Grace is pulling himself back up on the apron as Gazzy runs into the corner and springboards off the turnbuckle, flying across with a dropkick that sends Grace off the apron...

HA: GazzyD is brimming with confidence here now...

Wood is back up and he tries to blindside Gazzy but the hall of famer sidesteps and sends his man crashing against the turnbuckle. Gazzy drags him out and drills him with the "skull crushing finale"...

....shoulder up!

HA: That victory last time out has given GazzyD a new lease of life....he has Liam Wood on the ropes once more...

Gazzy looks down at his man and then he climbs out onto the apron. He looks around the arena, the fans chanting his name, and then he grips the top rope to springboard back inside...

HA: 450...


Wood rolls aside and sends his opponent crashing into the mat. Wood gets back up and he pulls Gazzy into a double armed DDT..............1...................2........kickout. Wood looks furious as he mounts Gazzy and begins to punch down with venom...

HE: Wood is going to beat Gazzy within an inch of his life....

Wood gets up and he snarls at the referee before beckoning Gazzy back up and he seizes him by the throat, chokeslamming him straight into a backbreaker. The UK Champion then heads to the corner and ascends to the top rope...

HE: Wood's gonna fly....

Wood comes crashing through the air and this time he scores with the devastating elbow to the heart of his man. Gazzy is feeling the effects and clutching his chest as he staggers back up to his feet...

HE: Finish him...


Wood boots his man in the gut and looks to hook Gazzy's arms in place but the "Human Highlight Reel" spins out of his opponent's grasp and boots Wood in the gut, hooking his arms...


Wood battles out and then shoves Gazzy back into the ropes before pushing him into the air as he comes back...


Gazzy counters in midair with a sensational hurricanrana. They both get back up and Wood looks for a huge discus lariat but Gazzy ducks underneath the impact and seizes hold of Wood...


The reverse twist of fate connects......1...............2........Wood throws his shoulder up off the mat.

HE: Thank God.....I thought that was it....

Gazzy grabs the ropes and pulls himself up but Grace seizes his head and guillotines him across the top. Wood is able to get back up to a standing base and he charges off the ropes, stomping his man into the canvass...


HA: Gazzy may be finished here...

Wood lands the footstomp.........1........................2.....................3!


O'Callaghan drags Wood off the pinfall before the three count and immediately turns him over into the sharpshooter, Wood screaming in pain as OC sits right back into the submission.

HE: He isn't legal man, this isn't right.......A LEVEL....YES!

Grace comes from nowhere and lands the Superman punch to the side of O'Callaghan's jaw, knocking him down. Grace smirks as the referee pushes him back to the corner, the film star begins yelling at Wood to get across and tag him in...

HA: Grace wants to pick the bones now....he knows both Gazzy and O'Callaghan are sitting ducks...

Wood holds the bottom of his back as he stumbles forward and then tags the outstretched hand of Grace. Grace quickly clambers into the ring, his eyes alight with opportunity, and he ushers GazzyD to stand up....


Gazzy somehow ducks under the roundhouse kick at the final moment and he kicks Grace in the stomach on the counter...


Grace swipes Gazzy's legs at the final moment and then catapults him into the corner. Gazzy's head collides with the ringpost and Grace rolls him up....


HE: That was three....

They get back up and Grace slams a vicious knee into Gazzy's gut and then he flips him up into the air and spins him around...

HA: What a powerbomb!

Grace slams Gazzy down and keeps him pressed to the canvass..................1.................2........Gazzy just about kicks out. Grace fixes the referee with a look of contempt before heading to the corner, beckoming for Gazzy to stand up...

HE: This company is going to start taking Anthony Grace seriously from here on out.....A LEVEL!

Gazzy meets his man head on with a furious dropsault to the face, almost spinning Grace inside out with the impact. Gazzy clings to the ropes to help himself up and then he stumbles over to Grace and begins dragging him back up...


Wood grabs Gazzy's legs from the outside and drags him under the bottom rope before decimating him into the steel steps, sending the top part flying across the floor. Wood then drapes Gazzy across the base...

HE: Wood has snapped....Gazzy drove him to this...

HA: O'Callaghan made the blind tag and Grace has no idea...

Grace is watching Wood's attack on Gazzy as O'Callaghan climbs through the ropes, a fiery determination on his face. The crowd are roaring as Grace turns around and his eyes widen...

HA: Time for these men to settle their differences....

Grace throws a shot but OC blocks it and fires off with a combination of his own. He grabs Grace's arm and looks for an Irish whip but Grace ducks inside and kicks his man in the stomach before attempting a DDT...

HA: He got him up....Alabama Slam!

OC counters by lifting Grace onto his shoulders and then he drills Grace down onto the deck with the thunderous slam. He keeps hold of his foe's legs and turns him over as the crowd go wild....

HE: This is bad....

HA: Sharpshooter locked in.....Grace in a whole world of trouble now.....not many escape this....

Grace is screaming in agony as O'Callaghan sits right back into the hold. Grace tries to drag himself toward the ropes but OC just pulls him straight back and increases the pressure....

HA: Grace needs some help but Wood is too preoccupied with Gazzy....OH MY GOD!

*crowd groan

HE: He might have just broke his neck....

The crowd are stunned as Wood runs across and he footstomps Gazzy's head on top of the steel steps, leaving him completely motionless on the base of the steel. Wood stands over his rival with a dark expression on his face...

HA: That is heinous....

HE: He warned Gazzy....he told him exactly what he was going to do...

HA: And that condones it? I don't think so, that is disgusting....

The boos are torn between cheers as Anthony Grace has no choice but to tap out in the centre of the ring and hand victory to O'Callaghan. "Run this town" blasts through the speakers as the referee raises the irishman's arm in victory....

HA: O'Callaghan just submitted Anthony Grace...huge result...

HE: I don't believe it...

HA: He tapped, we all saw it....O'Callaghan's losing streak is over and he continues to haunt Anthony Grace.....

OC stares down at Grace, who is wincing in pain, and nods his head in vindication before turning away to bask in his own glory. The cameras then turn back to Liam Wood, who spits on the broken carcass of GazzyD....

HA: Liam Wood is a completely reprehensible human being....

HE: Gazzy knew what he was getting involved with....he asked for this and now he's got it....I hope Christy is happy with herself...

HA: None of this is Christy's fault, what is the matter with you?

Wood rips his UK Championship from a production member and walks off, leaving Gazzy to be attended to by medics. O'Callaghan continues to celebrate his victory in the centre of the ring...

HA: Very contrasting emotions here....O'Callaghan and Gazzy are both victorious but only one of them looks like a winner right now........


The boos fill the air again as Grace nails a low-blow on O'Callaghan from behind and then rolls from the ring with anger etched all over his face. He glares back at his rival, who is on his knees and taking deep breaths, and shakes his head before storming up the ramp...

HA: What a sore loser...

HE: O'Callaghan is another one who had it coming....he meddled in Anthony Grace's business, he made this personal between them and that is just an indicator of what is to come....

HA: I think we've got two very personal rivalries to keep an eye on here....I'm not sure these four men can be kept in check...


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6CW Anarchy Results Tuesday October 9th Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results Tuesday October 9th

Post by JJJohnson Wed 10 Oct 2018, 11:38 am

*Backstage we see the figure of the Television Champion Marty Helms, Helms makes his way towards the exit of the arena with a smug smile on his face but is quickly stopped in his tracks by a familiar voice causing Helms to roll his eyes.

???: Don't you DARE leave this arena...

*Helms slowly turns around and smirks at a furious Alex Walker who quickly catches up with Helms

AW: you think your actions tonight were acceptable?!

MH: Well if someone else had done that, maybe not but because it was me, Marty Helms...your longest reigning singles champion...then yes, what I did wasn't just acceptable. It was NEEDED.

AW: And there's the problem! You're part of a little gang of fighters who think they can do what they want, when they want and nobody is going to do anything about it...

*Helms smiles before attempting to speak

AW: Whatever witty remark you have lined up, save it! You're about to see who the boss is here in 6CW. You need to face the consequences of your actions and I have JUST the punishment...

MH: You're going to punish me?! I did what was right...the fans might boo me for what I did but I did them a favour when I ended that pathetic match early!

*Alex Walker smiles before speaking one last time

AW: Well Marty, that little favour of yours has left me with only one option. At Born In Fire it will be Marty Helms taking on Cameron Faith AND Xavier thank you for giving me a chance to set up such an amazing match...and another thing, you enjoy competing so much and you're so much better than everyone else? I love that attitude Marty so in two weeks you'll face Cameron Faith one on one......and when you're done with that match you'll then face Xavier Ross.....enjoy the rest of your evening!

*Helms' smile drops as Walker walks past him, patting him on the shoulder as he does leaving Helms with a sour look on his face


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6CW Anarchy Results Tuesday October 9th Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results Tuesday October 9th

Post by JJJohnson Wed 10 Oct 2018, 11:40 am

Main Event
Cerberus vs Clarke James

HE: Ladies and Gentleman we are just moments away from our huge Main Event!

HA: Yes we are, Henry! And what a match it promises to be as Clarke James takes on Cerberus as the road to Born in Fire continues.

HE: And after last week, I’m very much looking forward to Cerberus handing out some more punishment to those idiots. Co-World Champions? I’ve never heard something so ridiculous in all my life!

The crowd erupt into cheers as ‘Blind Faith’ roars from the speakers and Clarke James walks out on to the stage with Perfect Jack beside him…

HE: What’s he doing out here?! He’s banned from ringside!

HA: I don’t know, do I? I’m sure there’s a perfectly reasonable explanation!

James and Jack walk down the ramp, slapping hands with the fans as they approach the ring! James slides in and climbs the turnbuckle and poses for the fans as Jack grabs a mic from ringside…

HA: See! They’re just addressing the fans!

HE: Delaying the inevitable, Harold!

James takes a mic from Jack and looks around into the crowd…

CJ: Honestly, when we stand in this ring and you guys chant like you do, it makes we wonder what kind of reaction we’re going to get when we walk out of Born in Fire as the first ever 6CW Co-World Champions.

PJ: It’s amazing to think how far we’ve come, CJ? You know, all those months ago when we were fighting over the UK and International titles.

CJ: And then winning the Tag Titles.

PJ: And then dominating merchandise stands across the globe.

CJ: Only to be screwed out of our titles.

PJ: And now we’re here.

CJ: On the cusp of something incredible. And I know what people are thinking, these guys aren’t taking this seriously.

PJ: That we’re just here for the craic.

CJ: For a giggle:

PJ: For a laugh.

CJ: But, actually, we are serious.

PJ: Dead serious…

A voice in the crowd shouts something towards the two men…

CJ: Itchy what now?

PJ: Dude, keep that to yourself!

CJ: Anyway. We’re dead serious about this. I know a few people thought we’d never come as far as we did.

PJ: And people say it will tear us apart.

CJ: Break us.

PJ: But the reality is.

CJ: We’ve never been more focused than we are now. Anyone who ever walks into this business dreams of one day standing in this ring, holding a loft a World Title. Jack and I are going to go one better and stand here as history makers, as the first ever Co-World Champions.

PJ: We’re not just doing it for ourselves.

CJ: We’re doing it for everyone who said we were nothing more than a comedy act.

PJ: A one hit wonder.

CJ: A sideshow.

PJ: And as for Cerberus.

CJ: Together.

PJ: Apart.

CJ: We’re bringing everything you’ve got. So be ready, because come Born in Fire, we’re leaving nothing in the…

HA: Oh my! I think he’s heard enough!

‘Haunted’ roars from the speakers and the crowd cheer as the lights darken and Cerberus walks out on to stage. Jack can be seen scurrying from the ring and heading through the crowd. Cerberus stops and watches as he disappears from sight…

HE: Look at him. Together my ass. Couldn’t wait to get out of here quick enough and now James is all alone with the monster!

Cerberus slowly strides down the ramp as James waits in the ring…


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6CW Anarchy Results Tuesday October 9th Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results Tuesday October 9th

Post by JJJohnson Wed 10 Oct 2018, 11:41 am

HA: Clarke James is all alone now....he's facing his very worst nightmare.....

James takes a fighting stance as Cerberus climbs up onto the apron and then steps over the top rope. CJ throws caution to the wind and rushes forward, bombarding the world champion with punches to the head and body...

HE: I'm not sure that's wise...

HA: He has no other choice, it's going to get a whole lot worse for him if he doesn't keep Cerberus at bay....

HE: I can't believe PJ left him high and dry...

HA: Jack isn't allowed out here anyway....

CJ continues to throw punches but Cerberus seems unperturbed and then he launches James backward and off his feet, sending him scrambling. CJ gets back up and comes forward, walking straight into an uppercut from the world champion...

HA: You cannot stand and fight with this man....James needs to find another way...

HE: He got the big man off his feet two weeks ago...

HA: With a damn steel pipe...

HE: Anything will do...whatever it takes...

CJ gets up again and Cerberus grips him before nailing a huge headbutt that sends him down again. Cerberus shakes his head at his challenger and beckons him up again before clutching him by the throat...

HA: CJ going for a ride...


CJ stomps on the top of Cerberus' knee and the monster releases his grip, falling down. Clarke James sucks in a deep breath and then runs off the ropes, returning with a monstrous chopblock...

HE: Brilliant tactics....the knee is weak, cut him down...

HA: Smart move....James stands a much better chance this way...

HE: And he and Jack stand a better chance of climbing a ladder faster at Born in Fire...

HA: True...

James stomps repeatedly on the back of Cerberus' knee and then he grabs his leg and drags him to the ropes, placing it on the bottom. James then leaps into the air and drives all his bodyweight down on the appendage...

HE: James will keep going and going...he's like a dog with a bone...

HA: Cerberus is a freak of nature, I've yet to see a man that can stand up to him and win a fight.....a one legged Cerberus may be a different proposition, two men against one who can't walk....

HE: I can see champions....

HA: First time ever...

James ignores the remonstrations from the referee as he repeats the process three more times and then he clambers from the ring and drags Cerberus, by his leg, to the ringpost. The referee is warning CJ but it goes unacknowledged as he drives the champion's knee against the unrelenting steel...

HA: James doing everything he can to break that leg...

Cerberus grunts in pain as James slams his knee against the post three more times. The champion tries to drag himself away from the dangerzone but CJ quickly climbs back onto the apron and scales the ropes...

HE: As much high impact damage as possible...OH WOW!

*Crowd cheer

James leaps from the top rope but Cerberus ploughs his uninjured leg up and catches him clean in the face, knocking him senseless. The big man is struggling on his bad knee but slowly manages to pull himself to a vertical base...

HA: I've never seen Cerberus move so gingerly....IMPACT!

James is back up and he sprints forward, only to be scooped up and drilled by an almighty sidewalk slam from the world champion..................1....................2.........kickout. Cerberus gets back up again and he seizes CJ by the head, pulling him into a front facelock...


James floats over the shoulder of the champion and he stomps on the back of his knee again before jumping in the air, connecting with a heavy enzeguiri to the head...

HE: Will take more than that to keep this monster down....

HA: Fortunately at Born in Fire that won't be the aim.....I don't know if anyone can beat Cerberus in that manner...

James circles the big man, urging him to stand, and then he grabs his arm and pulls him forward...


Cerberus drives a huge elbow into the jaw of James, knocking him silly, and then he floors him with a huge boot to the face.

HA: Cerberus felt that right through his knee....

The champion can barely put weight on his leg as he hobbles to the corner. James is holding his jaw as he tries to get to his feet and Cerberus seizes him from behind....

HE: End is nigh.....


James, in desperation, stomps down on Cerberus' foot and then he spins out, dropkicking the monster's legs out from under him. James scrambles for the corner and he climbs up high before launching off, driving his elbow down across the back of Cerberus' bad knee....

HA: Clarke James is performing a near miracle here....

Cerberus' leg is hanging like a dead weight as he tries to pull himself to the ropes. He tries to get up but James storms into him with a knee to the stomach before pulling him into the centre, nailing a sitout spinebuster. CJ grabs his man's legs....

HE: Figure four....he's gonna make the monster quit....

HA: Is that even possible?

CJ sits down into the submission, drawing another yell of pain from the monster in front of him. The referee asks Cerberus if he wants to quit but the monster merely stares at him, unwilling to answer...

HA: I think Cerberus would rather risk a broken leg than give up....he doesn't have quit in him...

HE: Everybody has a breaking point....

James really cranks up the pressure on the submission but Cerberus just will not give in. The monster drops back on the canvass...............1.........................2.........Cerberus sits straight back up and stares into James' eyes...

HA: It's like he just looked right through Clarke James' soul...

James gulps as Cerberus stretches out and grips him by the throat, choking him until James releases the submission. Both men make their way back up to their feet and Cerberus hobbles forward, only for James to duck under him to scoop him up...


HA: Can't keep him up...

Cerberus is able to drop off the back of CJ and then he grabs him by the back of the neck before launching him over the top rope to the outside. The big man drops down on one knee, feeling the effects of the sustained attack on his knee...

HA: I don't think I have ever seen Cerberus needing a timeout before...

HE: James reluctant to give him one.....HERE WE GO!

The crowd cheer as James pushes members of the ringside team out of the way as he grabs a steel chair from ringside and folds it up. He heads back for the ring and the referee tries to get in his way...

HE: I wouldn't do that, ref....

HA: James throwing all pretence aside now....this isn't about beating Cerberus here, this is about weakening him as much as possible before Born in Fire....

HE: He's gonna break that leg....


James comes forward and swings the chair at Cerberus but the big man dodges it, the weapon clattering off the ropes. Cerberus then drives forward as CJ turns back around and he brogue kicks the steel chair straight into James' face, leaving him flat out on the floor. The world champion staggers in pain but he drags the chair up and slings it from the ring before beckoning for CJ to get back up...

HA: Clarke James is about to regret his actions....DEATH BELL TOLLS!

The impact shakes the ring as Cerberus lifts CJ high into the air and then decimates him with the chickenwing facebuster...

HA: Another match when Cerberus has been on the receiving end....but all it takes is one move....


HE: Just like that....

HA: Who can stop this man? Even with one leg he is the most frightening, dominating superstar I have ever known....

HE: But he is the proverbial one legged think he can climb a ladder faster than CJ or PJ?

HA: We're gonna find out at Born in Fire...


The boos ring around the arena as PJ storms through the crowd and then he smashes into Cerberus from behind, taking his knee out again. PJ tends to Clarke James and helps him up, checking on his teammate....

HA: They're not done...

HE: PJ gonna help CJ finish the job....

Jack climbs from the ring and he grabs the steel chair from the floor and heads back in. CJ grabs Cerberus' bad leg and stretches it out as PJ lifts the chair above his head....

HA: This is a damn mugging....


HA: He won't stay down...

Cerberus boots up with his free leg and kicks it straight in PJ's face sending him staggering away. Cerberus then uses his boot to push CJ in the face, sending him scrambling across the floor. The world champion gets back up and CJ makes a grab for the steel chair put Cerberus pulls it from his hands and throws it aside....PJ runs back in but Cerberus grabs him by the throat....

HA: PJ going for a ride....

HE: Help him, Clarke

CJ is back up and he runs in on the blindside but Cerberus spins and grabs him by the throat with his free hand. He stares into the eyes of both men and then lifts them both off the mat, drilling them with a devastating double chokeslam....



The whole arena is rocking as Cerberus stands over the fallen bodies of his challengers. He stares down at them with intense dislike....

HA: They've done everything they can to stack the odds in their favour but when it comes down to a straight fight they don't measure up....not even two of them.....they better find a different way over the next month....

HE: I see what you're saying and I can't argue but it won't be a straight fight at Born in Fire and that's the point....Cerberus is an animal, a wrecking machine but he's still only got one leg and climbing a ladder won't be a walk in the park...he's up against it still, no matter how you look at it...

HA: Maybe you're right, Cerberus does face a challenge keeping hold of his world title.....but he's shown here tonight that if Jack and James want the belt they are gonna have to go through hell to get it....

The show goes off air with Cerberus taking his world championship from the referee and slinging it over his shoulder as Perfect Jack and Clarke James remain motionless on the canvass.


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