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6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May

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Electric Demon
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Engel Harlequin
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6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May Empty 6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May

Post by Mat Tue 19 Apr 2016, 12:36 pm

Live from Wembley Arena

Match 1
James McManus vs Jack Hurst

Match 2
Cameron Faith vs Brandon Perez

Match 3
Dicey Reilly vs Cassius Zhi and Marshall Murdoch

Draw for the next round of the 6CW TV Title Tournament

Match 4
Robin Reborn vs Engel Harlequin

Match 5
6CW Tag Team Titles
Geoff Steel and Mike Hill(C) vs Austin Stevens and Hokori

Match 6
Conor Anderson & Scorpion & O'Callaghan vs Keith Leone & Mike Masters & Thunder

Match 7
Cerberus and Crime Lord vs Jimmy Phillips and Aaron Heath

Main Event
6CW World Heavyweight Title
Joshua(C) vs Max Adamson

Card subject to change

6CW Creative

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6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May

Post by Engel Harlequin Tue 19 Apr 2016, 3:16 pm

*The scene opens backstage in Engels locker room. The room is a mess, clothes are scattered everywhere, empty paper cups and takeaway cartons cover a table and a frustrated looking Engel, still wearing his suit but his hair all over the place is talking into what seems like an out of view mirror*


*Engel slams his fist on the table and screams angrily. The familiar face of Charlotte Grey walks into view with a microphone and walks towards Engel*

EH: STAY BACK! I will be with you momentarily.

*Engel mumbles to himself whilst combing his hair and walks towards Charlotte, a smile across his face. Charlotte holds up the microphone and prepares to interview Engel*

EH: Wait a minute, let me just tidy a few things.

*Engel in a scattergun fashion grabs the clothes from the floor and throws them into a pile before clearing the desk with his hands right onto the floor. Engel then approaches Charlotte once more*

EH: Thats better.

CG: (Charlotte lets out a faint laugh) Seems like you could do with a housekeeper...

EH: (Agitated) SHE...was supposed to be doing that!

CG: Your talking about Theresa?

EH: Don't mention her name here...lets get on with the interview shall we?

CG: Indeed, So Engel first of all congratulations on your victory over Anthony Grace in the first round of the TV title tournament in what was a very close fought battle. Do you have any words for your opponent?

*Engel adjusts his suit and smiles*

EH: The Television Title, is MY title. Anthony Grace was a mere stepping stone in confirming that fact. Sure he put up a good fight, but the plain and simple truth is that this is MY destiny and Anthony Grace for all his fighting spirit would be better placed in straight to DVD movies than my BLOCKBUSTER! Engel Harlequin TV champion...face of 6CW...This is a self fulfilling that every single participant in this tournament will learn as the weeks go on.

*Charlotte nods her head at Engels confidence and continues*

CG: But surely your lack of in ring experience in a PG environment will make things a little tricky for you?

*Engel frowns*

EH: THIS SCENARIO, this composition of beauty that Jonesy claims to have created, plays out because I allow it to play out...this is my game and I made the playground what it is. You think battling Costello, Dicey Reilly...even Cerberus, has not been valuable experience? Your all the same, viewing life through a singular spectrum, a simple minded view of the world. There is no man in this man in 6CW that will keep me down.

*Charlotte coughs*

CG: What about Robin Reborn? You have been placed against him at this weeks Anarchy. Many people believe that this is a step too far, that maybe your punching above your weight in this contest...

*Engel vigorously runs his hands through his hair several times seemingly frustrated. He begins to laugh manically*

CG: Engel?

*Engels hands come down his face as the laughter stops and cover his mouth. He giggles a little before falling silent and removing his hands*

EH: Sorry...Robin Reborn, the winner of the gateway to all accounts a legend in the making and Main eventing Night of Glory...MY NIGHT! Hero to the masses...Charlotte, all heroes is my destiny. What I have to say to Robin Reborn...I will say to his face in the ring...RIGHT NOW!

*Engel rushes past the camera and out of the room. Charlotte looks confused*

Camera Guy: Well thats a wrap...

CG: Wait a minute...what was he hiding?

*Charlotte walks over to the area Engel was standing in when she first entered the room*

CG: (sighs shaking her head) This is not good...

Camera guy: Why whats up?

CG: 6CW is not ready...

*The scene fades as a concerned looking Charlotte walks towards the door*

Engel Harlequin

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6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May

Post by Man Mountain Mike Tue 19 Apr 2016, 4:10 pm

*Wembley arena is filling up for the 2nd May edition of 6CW Anarchy. We go to ringside where Harold and Henry are sat*

HA: Welcome to 6CW Anarchy folks, and what an action packed show we have lined up for you this week.

HE: After an action packed Tv Title tournament round we are back to normality.

HA: And thankfully no Man Mountain Mike on the preshow...

*'Celtic Rock' plays as Man Mountain Mike hobbles onto the stage using crutches, he is wearing what can only be described as a muscle suit. The crowd boo as Mike hobbles to the ring and rolls through the ropes. The crowd laugh as Man Mountain Mike slips and slides struggling to his feet. After a few minutes of attempts the Man Mountain just sits there angrily*

HA: Well, I guess I spoke too soon. How the hell is he going to get out of the ring now. Its like an accidental protest...

HE: This is his ring...Man Mountain Mike deserves a lot more respect than he has been getting...

*Man Mountain Mike is handed a microphone by the giggling ring crew*


*Mike tries once again to push himself to a standing position but is again unsuccessful. He shakes his head angrily*


*'Last resort' plays as Man Mountain Mike slams his fist to the mat interrupted*


*As the music continues to play pyro's go off around the 6CW arena*


HE: No surely not...


*Johnny Lawless walks onto this stage to a standing ovation, and walks down to the ring holding a microphone. He stares into the eyes of Man Mountain Mike and then around the arena at the audience before sliding into the ring and pacing in front of the sitting Mike*


*Johnny waits for the crowd to stop chanting*

JL: What a reaction! Thankyou 6CW universe.

HA: Johnny Lawless is here in a 6CW ring, what a moment...

HE: I don't know what the fuss is about...he had a failed run here years ago aside from that, he has no history.

HA: Johnny Lawless innovator of extreme and former owner of the Extreme Wrestling Federation...


JL: Your ring? What are you on aboot?

*The crowd laugh as Johnny mocks Man Mountain Mike*

JL: First of all...the 6CW board are not going to allow this protest to continue and have asked that I deal with the I would not usually attack a cripple...


*Man Mountain Mike attempts to grab Johnny Lawless who is dancing around him. Johnny stops playing, runs off the ropes and hits a shining wizard to Mikes head. Lawless grabs one of the crutches and swings it across the Man Mountains back sending him rolling in pain out of the ring to the outside. Johnny throws the crutches at him and picks up his microphone*


JL: Now that order of business is out of the seems things have been a little less extreme around here...well I am not here to change that...but offer the 6CW locker room the chance to express themselves in a very extreme manner. 30th July...Sheffield arena on the 6CW Network...the opening rounds of the KING OF EXTREME TOURNAMENT! If you are viewing this show live on the 6cw network you can Click here at the bottom of the screen for more details.

*The crowd begin a one more match chant as Johnny drops the microphone and climbs into the crowd*

HA: What an announcement! While things here are a little more PG, Johnny Lawless is extending an open invitation to 6CW.

Man Mountain Mike
Man Mountain Mike

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6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May

Post by x12x Tue 19 Apr 2016, 8:32 pm

PROMO PART 1: Behind the scenes

Our scene opens in the backstage area of the 6CW Arena, as the camera focuses we see EWF World Heavyweight Champion The World Eater Liam Wood marching down the hall in his day to day gear including the World Eater biker cut off. Wood carries the belt over his shoulder as he reaches the office of Mr Jones, pushing the door open and walking in only to find Mr Jones on the phone

MJ: I can ensure you that the forecast for the brand is positive and...

Without warning Wood places his hand on the phone abruptly ending the call for Jones causing him to look up in shock and annoyance.

LW: Jones we need to talk...

MJ: Could you not see that I was busy?

Wood grits his teeth

LW: Yeah you are busy...telling me why I'm off the next show!

Jones puts down the receiver and rubs his forehead in frustration before speaking to the EWF Champion

MJ: Liam, when you are a champion in my company you get the perks that come with that...especailly after you solved my issue of not only Keith Leone but also Crime Lord. I can promise you that there is no other reason as to why you are not booked to fight that night...As you saw, Joshua was afforded these luxuries during the last show...

LW: Well maybe Lurch needs the time off but I don't...

MJ: It's not about needing it, it's about using it to your advantage. You are a valuable asset to this company and I want to keep you that way...

LW: Next time run it past me first ok.

Wood goes to walk off but Jones quickly stops him in his tracks

MJ: Liam it would be good to remember who pays your wages and who helped you realise your potential to become champion once again.

Wood spins around marching back to the desk, clearly offended but trying to hide it

LW: Helped me?! I did this on my may have helped me see the light but I was the one who beat Mike Masters...I was the one who beat Keith Leone and I'm the one who's going to put this title on the map...You can take credit for baby sitting Joshua and you can take the blame for handing that idiot Crime Lord the International title but don't act like you had anything to do with this when it came to my performances in the ring!

Suddenly Kramer rushes in to the office after hearing the commotion

CK: Sir, is everything ok?

Before Jones can answer Wood shoves past Kramer and leaves the pair alone in the office

MJ: Absolutely fine Charles...just making sure the fire's still burning in our champion.

The scene ends with Jones smirking as Wood storms down the halls out of site.


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6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May

Post by x12x Tue 19 Apr 2016, 8:33 pm

PROMO PART 2: A new video appears on the 6CW Website with the title “DEAR MAX ADAMSON

The video begins in the corridor of a luxurious apartment complex filmed on a hand held camera. The camera continues to film before reaching a door and the camera man's hand reaches across and knocks, waiting for a minute until the door is answered. As the door swings open we see the smirking face of EWF World Heavyweight Champion The World Eater Liam Wood wearing an old school Cactus Jack shirt and the EWF Title draped over his shoulder.

“Max, come in...make yourself at home”

Wood smirks before the camera moves past him in to the luxury apartment of the champion, it pans around revealing the walls decorated with Liam Wood memorabilia as well as replicas of the belts that Liam has won in his career including a bracket for him to hang up the current EWF World Title. Wood moves back in to shot, sitting on a large black sofa before beckoning the camera man to sit down. Wood then leans forward, placing the EWF World Heavyweight Title in plain view on the table before talking to 'Max'.

“Now Max...I'm sure you're wondering just why I invited you here today and to cut to the chase...I wanted to congratulate you!”

Wood feigns a look of worry before smiling in to the camera again

“You see Max, last night you beat me and ended my 1000 plus day reign as Television did something that no other man has been able to do and beat me when it was all on the line...I have to admit that despite it not meaning that much anymore as I am a World Champion still did something very impressive and you should feel proud of what you simply wanted it more.”

“I have to admit that maybe the idea of fighting for a B rate title just doesn't do it for me and that caused me to take my eye off the ball but I like that you can get over being stuck with Anthony Grace and that you find the excitement in the smaller's time for us to move on to bigger and better things.”

Wood sits back

“You get to move on in the tournament and are now probably favourite to win a title which will secure you some classic matches against the upper echelon of the mid card of 6CW while I take my EWF Title and defend it at the biggest show of the year Night Of Glory...Sure, my bigger and better IS bigger and better but that's what comes with being a World remember that feeling right?!”

Wood smirks, sitting forward again and taking the title belt, placing it over his shoulder before continuing to speak

“Now, I know that you're probably thinking about your 6CW World Heavyweight Title shot and I had to admit that I'm worried for you...I remember the days of Max Adamson being the man...the man who broke the record for the longest reign...the man who made Gazzy D his slave and the man who made the top of the mountain look like see I remember that man and I see who you are now and it just isn't the aren't the man anymore and I'm worried that if you invest too much in to this match it's going to crush you when you fail.”

“I'm not here to tell you not to try...I'm just here to remind you that accepting your place in the world is ok...allowing yourself to admit that you aren't the best anymore...that the world has left you behind and that you're probably stuck baby sitting Anthony Grace until you retire...all of that is fine. You see Max...the days of you being World Champion are over...Joshua is going to break you and your record and knock you down to earth with a bump and I'm here just to tell you to accept that because all you can really do is brace for impact.”

Wood smirks once again

“Just remember still have the TV Title Tournament which is...great. I can't wait to see you win that belt because it'll be closure for you and your career and then you can go on to have classic matches against the likes of Brandon Perez...Mike Conrad and who knows...maybe Blade will come back to face you.”

“Think of this as an intervention from your friend Liam Wood...I want you to cope with Joshua beating you so hat when you realise your place in this company you realise that you are a valuable member of the 6CW pyramid and without the small guys like yourself holding up the elite...such as myself...this place just wouldn't work... thank you for that Max and good luck in the tournament.”

Wood smiles one last time before the camera turns off, ending the scene.


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6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May

Post by Electric Demon Tue 19 Apr 2016, 10:09 pm

As Charlotte Grey exits Engel Harlequin’s locker room with her cameraman in tow, she almost bumps into Cassius Zhi, nudging instead the green tea he is carrying and spilling some to the floor.

Charlotte : Oh god…. Sorry… I…I….

Cassius Zhi stares down at the pool of tea that has formed on the floor, cracking his neck pensively as Charlotte visibly holds her breath, backing away into her cameraman.

Zhi slowly trails his gaze from the spillage, slowly up Charlotte Grey’s body, to her eyeline, glaring at her maliciously before cracking a sly smile, satisfied at her visible intimidation.

Cassius : A mere spillage… excuse me, Miss Grey isn’t it?

Charlotte is taken aback by Cassius’ unexpected politeness

Charlotte : Um… yes. Charlotte. Yes.

Charlotte looks at Cassius inquisitively, and he holds her stare forcing her to nervously shake her hair and look away.

Charlotte : Well… seeing as we’ve bumped into each other (she laughs nervously at her pun, eliciting no reaction from Zhi)… perhaps I could get an exclusive interview?

Cassius takes a sip of what remains of his tea then nods reluctantly

Charlotte : Great! So Cassius Zhi, you’ve been making waves since arriving here in 6CW, and after an impressive victory in Round 1 of the 6CW TV Title tournament over Brandon Perez, you and your former 6WF colleague Marshall Murdoch are to seemingly take on Dicey Reilly. JUST… Dicey Reilly. That hardly seems fair, do you think?

Cassius laughs off Charlotte’s sudden change of tact then looks into his tea, swirling it gently around.

Cassius : In a sordid business such as this one, Miss Grey, I find you are ultimately afforded the same level of fairness as you extend to others. In such a dog-eat-dog environment it can surely only ever be that way? And Dicey Reilly, despite what these fans believe… or rather, in spite of what these fans believe… does not exhibit such fairness, especially to those who scream his name.

Charlotte raises her eyebrows in question as Cassius continues

Cassius : As you said yourself Miss. Grey, I have been making waves here in 6CW already… and will continue to do so. Whereas Dicey Reilly is only concerned with crying over a minor spillage such as this one at our feet. One that has already since dried away for Engel Harlequin, Cerberus and Vincent Costello – yet remains like the tracks of a drunkard’s tears for Dicey Reilly.

And whilst the salty, acrid taste of those tears continue to linger and burn upon Dicey Reilly’s liquor damaged tongue, and he clings on to this sour cocktail of self-pity and injustice he has become intoxicated with; like the good for nothing slum drunk he is he will continue to return home to the ones who love him no matter what, and safe in that knowledge, he will take it all out on them!

Because Dicey Reilly ABUSES his relationship with the 6CW fans!

The fan can be heard booing in the corridor : BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Cassius : Is that fair, Miss. Grey?

Cassius takes a step toward Charlotte , now more menacing.

Cassius : The fact is, Dicey Reilly and his crimson-crazed Xtreme contemporaries endangered those fans’ lives night after night, yet still they blindly cheer his name.

Is THAT fair, Charlotte?

Then Dicey Reilly walks out to the ring last night and tells the same audience… HIS FANS… that the twelve matches they have paid their hard earned cash for has now become only eleven, yet still they blindly cheer his name.


Charlotte Grey is taken aback. Cassius seethes and then steps back and takes a slug of his green tea to calm himself down.

Cassius : Dicey Reilly has disrespected his fans, Charlotte Grey. Not only that, but Dicey Reilly has disrespected an ally of mine in Scorpion. And also, Miss. Grey, with all due respect, Dicey Reilly has disrespected the title with which I will become synonymous at Night of Glory.

So if you ask me, I think it would be pretty damn unfair to allow such flagrant disregard to go unpunished.

Cassius takes his final sip of tea and discards the cup to the floor, immediately his arm shoots past Charlotte Grey making her jump as he grabs the cameraman by his jacket pulling him closer, visibly terrified. Zhi reaches into his jacket pocket and takes out a coin.

Cassius : That’s for the tea.

Cassius barges past the cameraman and heads to his locker room.

Electric Demon

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6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May

Post by Guest Wed 20 Apr 2016, 12:54 am

We're at a 6CW house show. A match is currently taking place showcasing some up and coming talent when its interrupted as 'Ban all the music' blasts out of the speakers and Jimmy Phillips cockily strides out from backstage. Jimmy is wearing a navy suit and red tie with mirrored aviators as he straides down to the ring ignoring both the boos of the crowd and the protests from the competitors in the ring

TA: I don't believe this guy. We were in the middle of a cracking little match up and he just blatantly interupts it. Absolutely no reason for him to be out here

JT: Hold up Tim, stop being so bloody sensitive. This is The Talent, he can do what he wants when he wants

TA: He may call himself The Talent Jeff, but ask me he's never lived up to the billing

JT: You want me to tell him you said that?

TA: I'd rather you didn't

Phillips circles the ring and grabs a microphne from the timekeeper before climbing the steps and to the ring apron. He unbuttons his jacket and enters the ring through the ropes before removing his sunglasses and staring both competitors down

JP: If you want a future in this business then I suggest you get out of MY ring right now otherwise I'll end both your careers before they've even started

Huge boos ring around the arena from the fans

JP: That's right, boo me. Like you think I care. You know it wasn't so long ago that you were cheering my name like the moronic sheep you are. Pathetic.

The boos increase in volume and a Phillips sucks chant breaks out

JP: If I sucked, I'd be like you. Forking out my dole money, watching superior athletes like myself as a form of escape from your dire day to day existance. But I'll let you boo me all you want, just know that you're booing the future 6CW TV Champion

Phillips straightens his tie before continuing to ddress the audience

JP: Oh it's true. I watched last week at Anarchy. I checked out what awaited me in the next round. Quite comical really. I couldn't believe that this was the best 6CW had to offer. There's really nothing for The Talent to be concerned with. It really doesn't matter what happens when the battles are drawn

My Twiter feed has gone mental this week asking me who I wanted to face off and my answer to each and every one of them was the doesn't matter who I face, because the outcome is going to be the same. It doesn't matter if its Aaron Heath (crowd boos), CrimeLord (crowd boos louder) or Max Adamson (the roof almost comes off such is the volume of the cheers), somebodies TV title tournament is ending with a Touchdown.

Phillips smiles smugly and mimes a title around his waist drawing more heat from the fans

JP: But before I can end somebodies TV title dream, I'll be looking at showing everybody what they're getting themself in to next week at Anarchy. Cerberus....CrimeLord, hell even Heath. You think I care that I'm your partner this week? I don't care, this week is all about ME showing YOU, exactly what awaits you if you draw the short straw and have to face The Talent in the TV Title tournament.

So what Cerberus is what? 7ft tall yet The Talent has more more God given ability in his pinky than he has in his whole body. Crime Lord, you're the International champion, big whoop. The real reason you still have that title round your waist is because you got lucky in that ladder match the other week when I was shear milimetres away from grabbing it. Now just because of that I don't want you coming out thinking you've got the big set of stones because of that title and because you put that has-been Costello out of comission this week, any fool could've done that. But a has-been I am not. You might come over here thinking you're the man because you were once a big name in that failure of a company you came from, you may even think you're special because you were Jones' pet project for a second, no matter how much you would deny it.....Its true. We may have once been tied together by happenstance within the Forgotten, but now my agenda is my own, and that doesn't bode well for you my friend.

Now my tag partner....Aaron Heath. A word of warning to you. After tagging with Tyson for so long I'm sick of carrying deadweight, I would think of a joke for comparison around your soccer team but quite frankly like the country it represents its full of losers and I would be here all night (huge jeers from the crowd, clearly unhappy at Phillips' mocking of their national sport and it's team) Show up if you wish, but word of warning, get in my way and I don't care if you're meant to be on my side or not, this is about me sending a message to everybody on this roster, everybody in management, advertisers, potential investors. Me showing the world what they should already know

Its like I told the jackass doing commentary over there last week (he points at Tim Allen) I don't aspire to be a champion, champions aspire to be me

Phillips drops the mic as the crowd hurl abuse at him from the crowd


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6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May

Post by Engel Harlequin Wed 20 Apr 2016, 1:27 am

*The scene opens as Engel is walking briskly through the arena passing ring crew and other superstars on his path. Suddenly a song begins to play*

'Doctor Jones, Jones, Calling Doctor Jones
Doctor Jones, Doctor Jones, Get up now'

*As the song continues, Engel frantically pats his pockets as if looking for something. He reaches into his top pocket and pulls out a phone which he places to his ear*

EH: Well this is a surprise Doctor, how can I help?

*Engel listens intently nodding his head*

EH: MY MOTHER! How the hell is she?

*A look of anguish, then anger and then just a smile crosses his face*

EH: Thats not possible Doctor, I saw her the other day...I mean sure she has OBVIOUSLY had a Lobotomy and cannot remember me just like you said...but I saw her clear as day!

*Engel grits his teeth angrily*


*Engel shakes his head in disbelief*


*Engel relaxes a little and calms down*

EH: Doctor Jones...relax...things are different now. No this is not like last time...I promise. Thankyou for the call doctor but I have a date with Robin Reborn. Speak soon...

*Engel takes the phone from his ear. The voice of Doctor Jones can be heard repeatedly saying Engel. Engel throws the phone to the ground and stamps on it angrily*

EH: Freaking loon running the asylum I tell you Engel...

*The scene fades as words appear on screen "Up next, Engel confronts Robin Reborn*

Engel Harlequin

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6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May

Post by Nay Wed 20 Apr 2016, 1:37 am

*The scene opens up in the arena carpark as 4 Maybachs pull up. The car door slowly opens and Cameron Faith climbs out before being quickly surrounded by his entourage as they fight their way through the gathering of fans screaming for photos and autographs. Suddenly a couple of flashes go off in Faiths face and he spins around pushing a young female fan to the ground as he grabs her camera and throws it to the ground and stamping on it.*

FAITH: Give the lassie some money for the camera and tell her to f*** off!!!!!!!!!

*The crowd start shouting abuse at Faith who responds by shouting and swearing at the crowd before getting into a pushing match with an older man. The man swings for Faith who dodges the punch before landing a huge right hand seconds before his entourage get to him and force him through the crowd as fights with them to get to back to the man*


*Faith continues to try to fight through his entourage as security and EMTs rush past to get to the fans*


*Faith turns to see Pauline Hayden stood at the arena entrance arms crossed. Faith marches towards her going face to face*

PH: You hired me to manage your media profile, you hired me to make sure that your best bits are highlighted and the rest is hidden. Your hired me to allow you go out and create 6CW history. How the hell are you expecting me to spin that?

*Faith stares disbelievingly at his Media Manager*

Faith: No Hen, I hired you to make sure that these situations don’t happen. I am a superstar the level of which this company has never seen before. I’m so big that the only offers Anthony Grace gets these days is to join Calum Best in getting a celebrity colonic.

Seriously, what the hell did you think would happen when someone like me is forced to walk through scum like that? So instead of giving me lip, how about you do what you told me you do best and sort out this sh*t and I’ll do what I do best, win wrestling matches with in style.

Take last week for instance, If it wasn’t for Keith Leone getting his usual slice of luck I would still be competing to win the most prestigious TV tournament in years but, Instead I’m stood out here dealing with these pissants, It just ain’t right. Still my performance against one of the supposed best around should mean I am more than deserving of other chance to show just how good I am.

So, who I am facing this week, Thunder, Reborn, Grace, Cassius, Adamson, Joshua, a rematch against Leone to put things right?

*Pauline Hayden looks sheepishly at Faith*

PH: Erm, Brandon Perez.

Faith: Unbelievable, I’m speechless.

*Faith once again shakes his head in disbelief*

Faith: I just don’t know what to say to that, I have to beat that sex pest again? How many times till he gets the picture that it’s all about levels and he ain’t even left the god damn basement yet.

PH: well I suppose......

Faith: You suppose what? All I ever hear is that Cameron Faith is the new breed, that Cameron Faith is the future of 6CW yet how am I meant to believe that when week on week I have to walk down to that ring to “I Fought the Law”. I mean if they can’t even get my god damn entrance music right really what chance have I got.

In fact Pauline before you deal with this sh*t why don’t you do something useful and actually start earning the big bucks I pay you by making sure that when i walk out to that ring it’s to the correct f***ing music.

*Faiths stares out the crowd as the EMT’s provide medical assistance to the two fans*

Faith: I said when I joined this company It was only to be the very best and each and every week I walk out in that arena and put on a show, I create magic in that ring, what I do week in week out is an art form no one else in this company can match and what do I have to show for it so far.

This tinpot UK championship!!!

Don’t get me wrong I don’t plan on letting anyone take this from me, ever, but I am the man these fans want at the very top of this company, you know how I know this, because If I was a wrestling fan I am the man I would want at the very top of this company.

Well no longer do they need to accept someone of my stature just being the future of this company, because I am also THE HERE AND NOW.

Now why don't you go deal with that!!

*Faith points to Charlotte Grey who is walking towards them with a cameraman from the crowd before retreating into the building*

Last edited by LL Cool Nay on Wed 20 Apr 2016, 7:57 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Added more commas, can never have enough commas)


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6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May

Post by Engel Harlequin Wed 20 Apr 2016, 2:49 am

*Wembley arena is full to capacity. Boo's erupt as 'Hysteria' plays out around the arena and the lights go out*

HA: Engel promised that he would come out and address Robin Reborn and here he is.

HE: Engel has impressed me in recent weeks, he is such a good company guy, he knows what the fans want, he knows what Mr. Jones wants. Ultimately he is a guy that you would want as face of 6CW...

HA: Only three weeks ago you hated the guy...

HE: People change Harold...People change...

*A spotlight runs up the ramp towards the entranceway before stopping as Engel walks out onto the stage smiling*


*Engel uses his hands to encourage the chant louder*

HA: Most would be angered or insulted by these chants but Engel seems to relish it...

HE: He doesn't care what these people think. He was putting his body on the line for there entertainment then, where were they then Harold? Where were they then?

HA: Supporting him Henry...

HE: And where did it get him? Engel is reaping the rewards of towing the line...

HA: Be careful what you wish for Henry, I know Engel, have interviewed and spoke in great depth with him...This is not the Engel I know...

*Engel saunters down the ramp mocking the fans, waving his fingers as if a composer and smiling. He takes a look at the Night of Glory sign before climbing onto the ring Apron and slowly climbs through the ropes. He spins around his arms open and laughs as the lights come up*

HE: Thats it Engel, your better than each and everyone of these idiots out here...

*Hysteria stops and Engel grabs a microphone from the ring crew*


*Engel smiles and rubs his hand through his hair waiting for the crowd to silence*

EH: You guys really know how to hurt a guys does it feel? After the last episode of Anarchy, to gain a peek into the future of 6CW...I Engel, defeating Anthony Grace in a match of the ages...I Engel showing the WORLD what I can do in this ring...You all thought I was some one trick pony, glorified stunt man who couldn't cut it with real athletes...Your all one dimensional...

*As the crowd boo, Engel leans on the top rope laughing*

HA: Nobody ever thought that...

HE: Yeah they did, and look how he surprised each and everyone of them...

HA: How you viewed Engel before his first proper match is not the be all and end all...

HE: When did I ever doubt his ability...

HA: You are ridiculous Henry...

*Engel stands up straight again and walks to the centre of the ring*

EH: Now, I must turn my attention to my next opponent...another member of the failed experiment that was "Team 6CW". It seems to be a recurring theme right now, and a theme I hold close to my heart...because you see, when Genesis were running this place into the ground...I WAS team 6CW...if John Liederman had not locked me away in that damn asylum I would have been the one to shove Mr. Bat right down that failure of a man Lex Harts throat...but enough of that because I am not here to talk about the past...tonight is about...THE FUTURE.

HE: Thats right the future of this company...ENGEL...HAHA...

HA: Oh please, he has a long way to go yet Henry...

EH:This world . . . belongs to the strong, my friend! The strong devour the weak, and the world ENDURES. You Robin Reborn stole your chance at Gateway to Glory...stole your friends place in this world, to become bigger than this simplistic nature of the natural world. At Night of Glory...the little bird that learnt to fly too soon...learns that he should have waited to figure out the lesson that which all must know...not to fly too close to the Sun...however...that being said...I admire your courage...your will to succeed...which is why I am honoured to face you at Anarchy...because Mr Anarchy your realisation begins...when you face me in this ring...IN MY RING, you become not a legend but a piece in the composition, in my grand show...

Crowd: BOOO...

EH: The way I see it Mr front of all these people...facing you I have nothing to lose, but you...YOU Mr. Reborn could lose achieve nothing, I am a star in comparison to this superstar status you have acquired...but fail to defeat me Mr. Reborn...and imagine for a second winning your main event match at Night of Glory...that feeling inside your head...that monster tearing you up inside...that thought...that you could not defeat Engel...

*Engel laughs manically and nods his head*

EH:  (sarcastically) But of course...little birdy...on this road to Night of Glory...I am a mere stepping stone...

*As the crowd chant You Sold Out to Engel, he walks towards the ropes facing the entranceway and leans against them, frantically stamping a foot and laughing*

Last edited by Engel Harlequin on Thu 28 Apr 2016, 5:29 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Edited for continuity reasons)

Engel Harlequin

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6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May

Post by President Trump Wed 20 Apr 2016, 12:26 pm

“Born to Fight” hits over the PA system and the crowd go mental as Dicey walks out from behind the curtain with a t-shirt that says f**k or be f**ked on the front of it and F**K JONES on the back, Dicey stands for a few seconds before raising his arms in the air and begins to make his way to the ring

HE: I thought we saw the last of this numbskull last week after he publicly humiliated Mr Jones but Mr Jones is a nice guy and gave Dicey a match this week

HA: Nice guy!! He has put Dicey in a 2 on 1 situation against Murdoch and Zhi, thats a punishment in anyones eyes

HE: And rightly so

Dicey rolls into the ring and quietens the chanting crowd

Dicey: All week I have been asked the same question, Why? Why did I forfeit the match in the TV Tournament, Why did I walk out on the show, well I have a question to all of those people...Why are you asking me stupid questions

Crowd: Dicey

Dicey: I walked out because I could, because I wanted to show Jones and all in the back that we have the power, we make the rules, not slimeballs like Jones and Kramer, US all of US have the power to do whatever we want in this company, without us there is no 6CW, no profit margins, no t-shirt sales, US and all of you descent hard working people have all this power but don’t use it, the sheep in the back would rather blindly follow than to lead, they would rather feed off the scraps that Jones throws them than bite his f**king hand off and feast at the table

Crowd: F**K JONES

Dicey smirks

Dicey: Jones is not 6CW....WE ARE 6CW............

Crowd: 6-C-DUB

Dicey: Jones doesn’t care about you or the wrestlers or the staff backstage, he cares about money and how he can bleed this company dry, he cares about sales and marketing and how he can exploit everyone to get what he wants but on Monday I showed him he can’t always get what he wants, not from me

HA: Dicey is fired up, I haven’t seen this much fire in him in years

HE: Thats probably the Spiced rum

Dicey: 6CW is not a company or a business, it’s a community, a family, a place were we all come to feel part of something, I can walk out there amongst you all and I can guarantee that I could chat to you all for hours about this place, about its history, it’s past and present greats, you are all like me, you love this place and will do anything to see it succeed and throughout the years we have, we all stayed when others left for 6WF, we all stayed until the day the doors closed and then returned when it opened again, this company is part of our very souls and I will be damned if I let that greasy f**k ruin it, I don’t care what he does to try and stop me, 1 on 1, 2 on 1, the whole Goddamn roster against me I don’t give a flying f**k, I will find a way and that is a promise


Dicey: As for Anarchy and my match against the Rentford Rejects, that match smells of desperation and pettiness of an old man that didn’t liked being told NO! I saw Zhi’s interview earlier and who the f**k does this blow in think he is? He is here a wet week and he has the balls to tell me and all of you that I abuse my relationship with the fans......this “interview” read like a PR written propaganda piece put together by the brain cell of Kramer and Zhi can come out here and deny it but we all know how the Chinese like to do what the Supreme Leader tells them to do but Zhi us Irish are different, we stand up for what we believe in and what we think is right, going back to Ireland for the Easter Rising commemorations stirred my passion, those brave men and women choosing to lay down their life for the freedom of the country inspired me, Patrick Pearse, Thomas MacDonagh, Thomas J. Clarke, Joseph Plunkett, William Pearse, Edward Daly, Michael O'Hanrahan, John MacBride, Eamonn Ceannt, Michael Mallin, Sean Heuston, Conn Colbert, James Connolly, Sean MacDiarmada, Sir Roger Casement all executed for what they believed in and that is what Jones is trying with me by putting me in a match with you and your shadow but I won’t bow down and I will defiantly not back away, you won’t be as lucky as your little buddy last week, last week was two fingers to Jones, Anarchy will be the whole fist.....but don’t worry.....I’m a gentle lover

Crowd: Dicey’s gonna kill you

Dicey leans back on the ropes like he doesn’t have a care in the world

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6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May

Post by TwisT Wed 20 Apr 2016, 4:58 pm

The lights go down to near darkness in Wembley Arena, as the fans sit quiet. The heartbeat that signals Joshua’s arrival starts to play and the houselights pulsate on and off. The mood is tenser than we have seen it lately, as Joshua slowly appears on the stage. He has the 6CW World Title over his shoulder and his hair covering the scars on his face.

A few fans hold up signs that show the significance of the main event in the next show, and also supporting Max Adamson. As Joshua walks down the aisle, he glances at them when passing. There is a brief shake of the head, before he carries on towards the ring. Joshua climbs the steel steps and waits for the heartbeat to flatline; staring straight ahead across the ring. When the long high pitched chord rings out, Joshua flings his head back and glares around at the audience. He lifts up a microphone that has been left for him and walks across the ring. There are a few Adamson chants that ring out, but Joshua stops them dead with his next cold words:

And so the recycling of failures to face me………continues at the next bout………

Joshua looks around at the audience and dares them to disagree. He then points towards the stage and snarls:

It is not enough that I watch weak winners pick off lowly losers………but now I also have to hear them make a play for prestige………A title that was rightly ripped from their grasp………by a being that proves its value when around his waist………

He stares into the camera and points towards the lens:

These men cowered and complained………that their worth was not being recognised ………And so to please those who fight each day for my scraps………it was decreed that they would all face off………in a failures ball………

He glances around at the audience and adjusts the 6CW World title hanging over his shoulder:

During this little initiative to crown a new champion………of a worthless award………we saw the fragile, tentative steps that the victors took………to shout above the din of the dire duels on display………They would stand, beat their chests and declare their power………without actually pitting themselves against a monster that no strength could subside………

He pauses. There is a sound of gritting teeth before Joshua continues:

And when the pathetic pleaded that they were due a free pass to power………Leaders buckled to demands and gave them their dream………One that the wise actually know………is simply a way of the monster turning it into a nightmare………

He looks to the audience again:

And what is this dream………?

Joshua lifts his hand up and feels his neck:

It has been rammed down our throats………about how a significant milestone is upon us………This date irks some as it takes away their only accolade………that proved their relevance………However I look at this date………I ponder on its importance………and then discard it as an event not worth any further thinking………

A few courageous fans boo this and Joshua shoots them an evil look:

That is correct………It means nothing………..!

The fans quieten down as Joshua’s tone decreases in volume:

The length of one point in time to another is should only hold meaning………when we measure the impact made within it………Some men will plead that their reign was memorable………due to the days, weeks, months and years………However I stand here and gauge the impressiveness of it on bones broke………blood spilt………and dreams shattered………Whether that merely came in minutes rather than millenniums………

Joshua stops and paces towards the corner. He leans against it and pulls on his hair. He regains his thoughts and speaks again:

What opportunity this woeful match gives me………is to show that the pretender that beat the other holder of the crown………will now simply be cast aside with only his memories of being the man………Clinging on to that annual legacy………where 6CW was ruled by an individual weak………pathetic………and nowhere near my equal………

The crowd boo slightly at this and Joshua nods:

Oh he will debate the cause………He will regale us all of tales of doing gallant things for the greater good………But he needs to remember he failed at that too………along with his false idol………and was sent away a disappointment to the people watching me now………More evidence of big mouths failing to have even small successes………

Joshua walks to the centre of the ring and holds one arm out:

Look at me now and dare utter………that you have seen any individual who strikes more fear into the hearts of more men………than I can do with simply a cold stare of emotionless eyes………?

There is no response from the audience as they look on. Joshua turns his head and makes sure he glances at as many faces as he can:

As I thought………and that silence should be mimicked by those I face next………

Joshua looks up at the stage again:

If it is indeed your turn………if you are unlucky enough to be next in line………don’t think that strong words will save you from the suffering to come………Your only hope………in the realm you choose to belong to………is to quietly bow at my feet and accept the punishment that will befall………

He lifts a hand upwards towards his head and feels the marks on his face:

These scars prove that I have seen worse………felt worse………and committed far worse………than putting down lame dogs………whose bark annoys me more than what pain their bite could ever do………

He scratches at his cheek so strongly that he starts to bleed. But Joshua’s face remains unmoved as he does this:

Because pain………real pain………Is yet to come………

Joshua cocks his head to one side and speaks in a slight sing-song voice. A voice we haven’t heard for a long time:

Pray that any return doesn’t send me to the brink………Because mercy is never found with a parental link………

He allows his hair to fall from one side and cover his face. We see a slight twitch of a smile before he lifts his head and stares up the aisle.


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6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May

Post by Perfect Jack Wed 20 Apr 2016, 5:15 pm

This is a clip that has been uploaded to 6CWs YouTube channel. The video plays showing Perfect Jack walking backstage after his match against Aaron Heath at Anarchy. Jack is walking through the arena with a towel around his neck looking visibly frustrated. Jack is approached by Timothy Allen.

TA: Perfect Jack can I get a few words for 6CWs YouTube channel please?

PJ: A few words? Here's your few words you annoying little rat. Heath got lucky. He knows it, I know it, you know it, everyone in the whole damn world knows it. It should be me progressing in the TV Title tournament. But no, I'm stood here standing and talking to a loser like you. Now get out of my way before I do something you will regret.

Timothy stands aside as Jack walks off. As the clip closes you can faintly see Jack tipping over nearby tables and throwing bottles of water against the wall in anger.

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6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May

Post by Dolphin Ziggler Thu 21 Apr 2016, 1:17 pm

*Do Or Die plays out through the speakers and the fans erupt. Engel looks at them with a perplexed glare before turning to face the man who walks out on the stage.

*Reborn stands square in the middle of the stage, looking down the ramp and into the ring at Engel. He bounces from foot to foot, before halting in place and forming his fingers into a gun, mocking to fire at Engel before sprinting down to the ring, sliding under the bottom rope and walking straight past Engel, saluting the fans by climbing one turnbuckle, then dropping down and climbing another. He drops down and turns to face Harlequin

RR: Poor old cliche, he just doesn't know that the world is no longer scared of clowns.


RR: Now you get to stand face to face with the future you talk about. A man who has proved that courage endures, that risks are worth taking and that size doesn't always matter.

*Reborn holds a finger up to Engel and turns to stare down the camera

RR: Don't worry, I got it in all the right places

*The crowd laugh as Reborn smiles down the lens, then returns to Engel as serious as before

RR: The thing is, your boy has nothing to lose now. I'm getting everything I want; Liam has lost it, Joshua misses his daddy and Jones is slipping. All I gotta do is keep playing the game. I'm not gonna beat you cos I need to beat you...I'm gonna beat you cos i'm that much better than you. I'm gonna beat you because when I step in this ring, nobody can match me, no n****r can catch me, and ain't no one round here gonna stop me.

*Reborn puts out a hand to Engel

RR: Step in my ring and call me out again, be it Anarchy, Aftermath, Raw, Impact, Nitro or even some relic like do it again and i'll let a man know that the future is now

Dolphin Ziggler

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6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May

Post by Engel Harlequin Thu 21 Apr 2016, 4:01 pm

*As Robin Reborn extends his hand towards Engel, and the crowd cheer for him, Engel looks curiously at the hand and licks his top lip. He walks around Reborn looking him up and down a look of marvel upon his face. Reborn looks a little taken aback. Engel walks back to the front of Reborn and then bends his knees and squats his gaze fixed on Reborns face. The crowd grow restless and begin to boo Engel as he again stands up and looks Reborn up and down*

HA: I think Engels lost for words Henry...

HE: Or maybe he is simply sizing up his opponent?

*Engel begins pacing backwards and forwards, his eyes fixed on his opponent, He raises the microphone to his lips but is met with a chorus of boo's. He lowers the microphone shaking his head, waiting for the crowd to stop*

HA: This atmosphere, this electric.

HE: Maybe if the people shut up and let Engel speak they might learn something...

*Engel goes to the turnbuckle and hits his head upon the pad several times frustrated before turning back to Reborn*

EH: Hehehe...Welcome, Robin the MADHOUSE...HeHeHe...a place where villains are villified, heroes are Lauded and...YOU...the most cocky, arrogant, overconfident idiot in the history of 6CW are raised above all others on the back of treachery and LIES!

*The crowd boo Engel as he taps the side of his forehead nodding*

HA: Treachery and lies? What the hell is Engel talking about...


EH: A thief in the night stealing the destiny of a man he called friend, stealing his chance and walking this dead mans path into the arms of beasts atop the mountain...and yes they may grow complacent, there bellies full from the feast of flies...and you may well be hungry for that which they have...but you walk blindly onwards...the path unclear to you because its not your path to walk...

*Engel leans back against the ropes a sick smile across his face*

EH: To walk out here, and dismiss me so easily, to make promises to these people that you will defeat me? That you will reach the pinnacle of this great company? On the back of what does this crazy ideal fly around your head exactly? I have seen that look in your eyes a thousand times, from greater men than you...what makes you so different? Your black so you can use the word n***er? Thats not exactly the vocabulary of a hero that these people want to see as face of this great company is it?

HE: Too right Harold. Robin Reborn is not very PG is he...


*Engel scratches the side of his head before running his hand through his hair*

EH: You say nobody is scared of clowns...I expected more from a man such as you, I didn't realise you were Its not the clown you need to be scared of right now...Robin Reborn fear that you will your old friend Mr Thunderpants discovered...what it feels like to have that destiny...that sure path you walk in your cocksure manner...fear that you will know what its like to lose everything you felt so DAMN SURE ABOUT...

*Engel drops into the corner against the turnbuckle and rests his head on the ropes laughing manically*

Engel Harlequin

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6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May

Post by Dolphin Ziggler Thu 21 Apr 2016, 5:55 pm

*Reborn stares at Engel slightly bewildered, mouthing "is this guy for real?" as Engel rests his head, laughing away. Robin raises the mic

RR: There certainly isn't a man left in that twisted mind to be scared of. When you delve so deep to become a symbol of nightmares you lose the soul of the man who stood evidence? Chuckles over there.

*Reborn walks to and sits on the turnbuckle diagonally across from Harlequin

RR: You are the harlequin girl that is giving Jones what he wants, but no love do you receive. The suit, the public image, nothing hides the painted face. Oh its still there, you can't wash away those stains. I'm the face that balls around this place cos I don't pander to these people

*Reborn points to the crowd

RR: I AM these people. I'm your working class hero, the man of the people, they n****r from the streets. I've seen how the boys react to me. Just another black man making jokes with a pinch of swagger and a basketball spring. But now they don't see the colour of my skin, they see the gold that's waiting to rest round my waist.

*The crowd stand and applaud before a chant breaks out "Hes one of our own, he's one of our own, Robin Reborn, he's one of our own"

RR: So you want to survive in the new 6CW, with the new breed rolling through with the old guard, the EWF flavour and the shame of 6WF holding on? Then you gotta realise I am the mountain top, the pinnacle and the last hurdle on the road success. You've seen a thousand men gives a thousand determined stares, but can you hang with me?

Dolphin Ziggler

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6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May

Post by Electric Demon Thu 21 Apr 2016, 9:27 pm

As Dicey casually relaxes against the ropes and the fans chant his name, they are interrupted by “They Say” by Scars on Broadway blasting out around the arena.

Henry Lloyd : Here comes the sadistic antagonist, Cassius Zhi. You just know Cassius wanted a reaction out of Dicey Reilly earlier tonight – and we know Zhi, we have seen how he operates over the years, and you can bet your bottom dollar he wasn’t satisfied with the one he got and that is why he is out here right now, looking for another one!

Harold Lloyd : People just can’t handle the truth, Henry. Cassius Zhi speaks a lot of sense. We should all listen to what he has to say.

Henry Lloyd : Oh please.

Cassius Zhi slowly makes his way down the ramp, methodically stirring his green tea with a wooden stirrer as he bare footedly approaches the ring. The Chinaman doesn’t take his eyes off Dicey Reilly, even as he takes a sip of tea and climbs the steps into the ring, taking a microphone as he does so.

Reilly hasn’t moved from his laid back spot and seems amused by Cassius’ predictable appearance. Zhi takes another sip of tea as his music dies down until eventually being drowned out by the crowd’s jeering.

The atmosphere is intense as the two men stare each other down across the full length of the ring.

Cassius : How very inspiring, Reilly!


Cassius : A heart-warming tale of how the £400k a year slave just wants to break free of his golden chains. Inspired by his history… channelling the memory of that long list of men that nobody has ever heard of… was that the former EWF roster?


Cassius smirks before looking out into the crowd incredulously whilst stroking the back of his head.

Cassius : Reilly here is right though. Why should you listen to me? Fresh out of the water, just finding my feet on new territory… NO! ACTUALLY, you know what… scrap that! Because that should be WHY THE HELL SHOULD I WASTE MY TIME ON YOU?

Cassius eyes flare with wild anger at the crowd baying in front of him

Cassius : How could I possibly make you understand what Dicey Reilly is really like, when you’re the same idiots who time and time again elect a house of representatives full of robbers and then whinge and complain when you get robbed?


And I can only assume that the reason you actually choose to be governed by those who would make you suffer is the very same reason you chant this fraud’s name night after night and keep him in a job… because you like to be abused! Because every single one of you is so disgusting, so pathetic and so unpopular that you come back to suffer Dicey’s unrequited love, to suffer his ABUSE, time and time again because at least it is a form of attention! AT LEAST HE NOTICES YOU!


Cassius turns his attention back to Dicey, sneering at him with contempt.

Cassius : You tar my words with the accusation of propaganda, yet all the while you know these morons will lap up any cr@p you put down in front of them as long as it is laced with profanity and a performing-arts school passion.

Cassius takes a step towards Dicey, taking a sip of his tea

Cassius : I see through it though, Dicey.

You can convince these people that the spirit of the Easter Rising will drive you to save this corrupted company from its barbaric oppressor, but I….. SEE…. THROUGH IT… (Zhi jabs himself in the chest aggressively with his thumb)… and I’m beginning to question which part of your island’s illustrious history you’re really taking your inspiration from, Reilly.

Cassius takes another step, ever closer to Reilly

Cassius : Attempting to hold this company to ransom. To ruin the spectacle for everyone. This unrelenting threat to ”give me what I want or you’ll be sorry”… really does elicit memories of your ancestors.

Cassius swirls the tea around in his cup, slyly snorting a derisive one-syllable laugh to himself as the atmosphere intensifies. He looks down into his cup as he continues

Cassius : Well… I guess it’s true what they say… one man’s freedom fighter is another man’s…..

Harold Lloyd : OH COME ON… THAT’S SICK!

Cassius’ eyes dart up from the cup of tea and fixes Dicey Reilly with a challenging glare, visibly willing for a reaction out of Dicey, biting his lip his free hand clenches and unclenches with excitement.

As Dicey finally pushes himself away from the ropes, Cassius’ intensity instantly dissipates as he smirks and takes a step back, finishing his tea and throwing the cup aside. He raises a finger, mockingly reminding himself of something.

Cassius : Oh, before I forget. I found this backstage… figured it belonged to you. Are you planning to go Luchador?

Cassius reaches into the back of his orange pants and takes something out and flings it at Dicey. It hits his chest and falls to the mat. The crowd boo with disgust as the camera zooms in to reveal a black balaclava.


Cassius laughs sadistically, readying himself for any kind of reaction.

Electric Demon

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6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May

Post by Fernando Thu 21 Apr 2016, 10:59 pm

Its like I told the jackass doing commentary over there last week (he points at Tim Allen) I don't aspire to be a champion, champions aspire to be me

Phillips drops the mic as the crowd hurl abuse at him from the crowd

"Hell" By Disturbed blares around the areana as flashing red lights go off and smoke covers the stage as former 6CW Xtreme Champion Cerberus walks out to a smarky reaction

Well well well if it isn't Mr Jones lapdog "The Talent" Jimmy Phillips...
Is it he paying you so badly too that you have to do house shows aswell...
Id have thought someone who has his balls carried around in Jonesy's purse would be better off but here you are...

Crowd starts to chant Jonesy's Lapdog at an agitated Phillips..

I was going to leave you here to talk to these fans but then you mentioned the TV Title...
Unfortunately you didn't get the memo...
That shiny lovely title is going to be wrapped around my waist by the end of Night Of Glory...
Because unlike you gold is all i deal with...
Let's face it Jimmy you've been here so long and done nothing of note...

Ive been back 8 months and done more then you inside 5 weeks....
Jonesy handed out titles by the dozen to your forgotten colleagues yet you got nothing...
I mean even Austin Stevens got a belt and he is retarded....
Ever wondered why that is Jimmy?
Because whilst your called "The Talent"...
Compared to the greats of this business the Dicey's, The GazzyD's & The JJ Johnson's 
Your an abject failure of a wrestler...

Cerberus starts to make mocking sad faces at Phillips...

So Jimmy i will see you and Jonesy's new favorite Aaron Heath next monday...
That's gotta sting hasn't it, Down to 2 and you're still 2nd best...
It's alright though cos you can relay it to the Sunday worker...
Im sure he's busy being paid more then you getting days off...
I have a size 12 boot with your names on it...
And if your really lucky Jimmy...It'll only go down your throat...

Cerberus starts chuckling to himself as he takes a lay down on the ramp staring at Phillips..

I would say you could come past me now but only for people with balls like Crime Lord...
And not those who suck them like you...So You can wait til i leave or go through thousands of people who hate you...
Your choice Jimmy...Ill just sit and wait for you...
I hope Jonesy's got the writers working hard for your next promo...
Since you just spout his sh*te....
Or maybe you could come up with something that's not been shoved down your throat like his d*ck...

Cerberus drops his mic and starts read a book with a fake cover of a man on his knees called "How to suck at wrestling in 10 easy steps" by "The Talent" Jimmy Phillips 


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6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May

Post by TwisT Fri 22 Apr 2016, 1:02 pm

The scene opens up in a plush hotel conference room which has been surrounded by video cameras and heavy duty lights. There is a large stage at the front with a single lectern next to a large canvas stand which has been covered with a black sheet. The world’s media sit on chairs in front of the stage and are talking amongst themselves. We can see that it is night time by staring out of the large panel windows that completely cover the back of the room. Outside, the twinkling lights of a London skyline cover the horizon and we can just make out the Thames moving quietly below the room.

A hush descends on those present as double doors to the side open and Jimmy Lennon Jr. walks out. The flashbulbs go off as Lennon walks to the stage and stands in front of the lectern. One of the reporters on the front row grins and turns to the other saying “Grace couldn’t afford Buffer”. The other reporter laughs and turns to the stage again. Lennon asks for quiet and then speaks into the microphone on the stand.

JL: Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for gathering here tonight for this monumental announcement. Overlooking the landmarks of London, I am privileged to be standing here and ready to announce your host for this evening. Please welcome a man who knows exactly when it’s showtime! Anthony “Amazing” Grace!

The double doors fling open again and Anthony Grace walks out confidently. He is wearing an all-white suit with a red scarf wrapped around his neck. He smiles broadly as a wave of photographs are taken and points into the TV cameras that are present. Grace shakes Lennon warmly by the hand and takes his position behind the lectern. The reporters ready themselves and stare intently at Grace as the Hollywood superstar starts to speak.

AG: Thank you John and thank YOU for being in attendance tonight. Before we talk about the reason you are all here, I wish to have a minutes silence for a fellow artist in the world of wrestling who has sadly gone to a better place. I would ask you all to stand and share my stillness as we remember the “Ninth Wonder of the World” - Chyna

Grace bows his head and looks to the floor as the reporters stand. There is a brief moment of silence, which is not close to a minute, before Grace coughs and looks up. The reporters look around at each other before taking their seats. Grace looks at the papers on his lectern before speaking.

AG: From One Night In Chyna to One Night With Grace……….

Grace beams a large smile but is largely met with bemused looks. Grace coughs slightly and shuffles the papers on the lectern.

AG: Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here tonight to witness a NEW string to the Anthony Grace charity bow. One that will provide much needed finance for the quest to end poverty, but also give those taking part a sense of style only seen on the streets of LA. I give you all the chance, right now, to BE AMAZING!

Grace uncovers the canvas stand with a flourish and reveals the following picture:

6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May Receiv10

Flashbulbs go off as Grace smiles widely again, while nodding his head enthusiastically. The reporters start writing away on their notepads as male and female models stride out of the double doors and pose in front of the stage. The models wear all manner of clothing but every one contains the “Amazing” logo somewhere upon it. Grace applauds the models before speaking.

AG: I give you “Amazing” by Anthony Grace – a clothing range designed by my own experiences. This new range will enable whoever wears it to not only be confident over their appearance but also help those in need as well! A colossal 50% of the sales for these products will be sent to good causes of my choice, all of which will have done FANTASTIC work for the human race, both here and abroad. It is the perfect mix of chic and charity! Brought to by Anthony “Amazing” Grace”!

The models applaud and coax the reporters into clapping too, which they do so grudgingly. The models do one last pose before walking away and back through the double doors. Grace watches them go with a beaming smile and gives them the thumbs up. He then turns back to the audience and grins again.

AG: Now, I am sure you will all have some pressing questions to ask me, so go right ahead!

There is a barrage of talk heading towards Grace. He holds his hand up to calm them down.

AG: Please folks, let us have a bit of DEMOCRACY here! I know this has sent you all on edge!

The reporters look amongst themselves before one speaks up from the front row.

Reporter 1: Anthony, how do you respond to the leaking of 6CW salary and contract details? Were you shocked that such a leak took place?

Grace signs and removes the scarf from around his neck. He places it on the lectern and stares at the reporter.

AG: No, I think it is HEALTHY. I am all for the FULL disclosure of wages into the public domain. It is imperative that the general public know EXACTLY what they are getting for their money. The current climate has made transparency very important. That is why, only last week, I was the ONLY 6CW employee to publish their tax returns.

Another reporter speaks.

Reporter 2: But your relationship with Charles Kramer must have suffered? Bearing in mind, in simple salary terms, he is earning 100k more than you?

AG: Personal differences aside, I know Mr. Kramer is fantastic in any role he has taken. If 6CW decree he should have that income then who am I to say he doesn’t deserve it?

Another reporter pounces on this and hits Grace with another question.

Reporter 3: And what about your former tag team partner, Max Adamson, getting a bigger cut in merchandise sales? Were you aware of this? Is that an indication that merchandise hasn’t been selling as strongly since your debut?

Another reporter butts in.

Reporter 4: And this new clothing range is simply a way to plug the gap?

Laughter fills the room and Grace looks annoyed briefly before joining in with the amusement.

AG: That is a good one! Look gentlemen, I understand you need to ask questions that sell stories but I don’t think you should take up your entire time with me by asking about one subject. Remembering exactly why you were all invited here of course!

Grace chuckles uncomfortably.

AG: Now do any of you have a question that doesn’t revolve around the salaries of my distinguished colleagues in 6CW?

The reporters look amongst themselves again and there is a pause. Then one reporter from the back speaks up.

Reporter 5: With your elimination from the TV title tournament, can you begrudge others on the roster thinking you are the Agbonlahor of 6CW?

Grace cannot hide his confusion at the question.

AG: I am sorry but I do not get that reference……

Reporter 5: Gabby Agbonlahor? A sports star involved in high profile incidents deemed of a selfish nature, who then comes to work for a sinking ship but lacks the fitness or talent to make any sort of an impact.

There are a few eyebrows raised amongst the audience and Grace talks sternly.

AG: Who says 6CW is a sinking ship?

The reporters in the room chuckle to themselves and Grace takes a deep intake of breath.

AG: Whereas I am not familiar with Mr. Agbonlahor and whatever he does in his personal life, I still fail to see why people believe that 6CW is failing? Recent PPV’s have shown that it is as POPULAR as ever. Obviously, Mr. Jones’ involvement has had a negative impact, but I have assured the fans that I am the BEST placed person to fight for them and return the light to 6CW!

Reporter 2: But you keep losing Anthony! The Megastars rise to the top was demolished. You lost the chance to become TV champion – a belt that a so called Hollywood superstar should have strived to get. You haven’t had a meaningful win for months and when you have, it is been largely due to interference or an Adamson GORE.

Reporter 3: The vultures are circling Anthony. It is widely known that your family and friends think being part of 6CW was a mistake from the start. You have got where you are through your contacts – one of which has been duly dumped by 6CW and the other now works for the man you are naively targeting. The fans still cheer but these are fast diminishing…….

Reporter 1: And those cheers are being replaced by silence and not with boos. You are simply not as popular as the likes of Adamson, Thunder and Dicey.

Grace rubs his head as the strain of this bombardment of questions clearly shows. He holds his hands up as if pleading to get a word in.

AG: I can understand your concern and it is duly noted. But being part of 6CW is NOT a popularity contest! We all have goals that we strive to reach and others that you mention have different ways of succeeding in those goals. I am not prone to swearing. I do not consider myself a superhero. I do not have the history of championships to call upon. I can only be myself……A man who TRIES to please the crowds through DEDICATION, COMMITMENT and a NEVER SAY DIE attitude. Of course that loss to Mr. Harlequin was a hiccup, but it was a win he deserved – hence the handshake we shared at the end. This doesn’t mean I cannot COMPETE. This doesn’t mean I have NOTHING to give. BELIEVE me when I say, I fully intend to not only start a winning run in the ring, but also to topple Mr. Jones once and for all!

Grace stands defiant but the next question winds him.

Reporter 1: That being the case Anthony, but why aren’t you in training trying to avenge that lose? Has the belief been extinguished? Is that why this clothing range is needed…….a Plan B?

Grace goes to speak but is unsure what to say. He looks around at the fans and for once feels lost. The eyes of the people in the room stare daggers at him, ready to write down any juicy soundbites that flow from Grace’s lips. Grace stutters and one reporter goes in for the kill.

Reporter 2: So tell us exactly why you aren’t on the card for the next show?

Grace takes a moment but it is clear from his face exactly what he is thinking. He then places his scarf around his neck and smiles.

AG: There will be more details about the Amazing clothing range being sent to your offices. I hope to read good reviews! Thank you very much for your time.

He salutes to the audience as they get up and throw more questions his way. Grace waves and quickly walks off the stage, before exiting through the double doors.


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6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May

Post by President Trump Fri 22 Apr 2016, 1:31 pm

Dicey looks at Zhi and then to the fallen Balaclava that lays at his feet, his fists and jaw tense then relax as Dicey takes a deep breath, reaches into his trousers and pulls out a naggin of whiskey, Dicey opens the cap and takes a swig before offering some to Zhi

Dicey: Are you sure you won’t have a might lighten you up a bit

Dicey takes a longer sup before returning it to his trousers and picks up the balaclava

HA: You could cut the tension with a knife

Dicey: When I spoke about Irish heroes, I didn’t mean the men that twisted their ideology into some thuggish organisation.....but hey sometimes you need to go that little extra to get where you need to be as the song goes:

Northmen, Southmen, comrades all
Dublin, Belfast, Cork and Donegal
We’re on the one road singing along
Singing the Soldiers song

Zhi relaxes a little but still ready for anything

Dicey: If you were allowed to use Google in the great People’s Republic then you would know the difference between the sacrifice that was made on that Easter morn rather than the brutality that occurred in the years to come both North and South of the boarder but as with the rest of the spoon fed rhetoric you have been spouting it’s not really surprising

Dicey walks around Zhi

Dicey: Thats the difference between me and you Cass...I can call you Cass can’t I...ah who cares, you see Cass you aren’t the kind of guy to sacrifice anything, you have no allegiance to anything, no friends, sure I doubt you know where your own brother is at this very moment and I doubt you give a sh*t because you are just like the country that you ran from and the billions of people there, you are a souless zombie that does what they are told, what did Jones promise you...huh? the TV title just like the little deal your fellow 6WF outcast Crime Lord got, something shiny to keep you on board, you can come down here with your cool exterior, swirling your Green tea and mouthing off about subjects you can never possibly comprehend because you don’t care, all you want is what you can get for yourself, to carve yourself a little place out in 6CW and cling onto it for as long as you can and if that means jumping into bed with Jones then I say your socks are still on his bedroom floor right next to Kramers and Liam Woods ones


Dicey: I am proud of my countries history just like I am proud of the history of 6CW and I will protect both with every inch of my life because unlike you I feel this place is worth fighting for and no words,  insulting props (Dicey throws the balaclava back at Zhi) or a mercenary from China or anywhere else in the world will stop me.....this is my place of worship, this is my house and I will not let it get torn down, not again....NEVER AGAIN!!!

Crowd: 6-C-DUB

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6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May

Post by Marky Fri 22 Apr 2016, 2:11 pm

TwisT wrote:
The lights go down to near darkness in Wembley Arena, as the fans sit quiet. The heartbeat that signals Joshua’s arrival starts to play and the houselights pulsate on and off. The mood is tenser than we have seen it lately, as Joshua slowly appears on the stage. He has the 6CW World Title over his shoulder and his hair covering the scars on his face.

A few fans hold up signs that show the significance of the main event in the next show, and also supporting Max Adamson. As Joshua walks down the aisle, he glances at them when passing. There is a brief shake of the head, before he carries on towards the ring. Joshua climbs the steel steps and waits for the heartbeat to flatline; staring straight ahead across the ring. When the long high pitched chord rings out, Joshua flings his head back and glares around at the audience. He lifts up a microphone that has been left for him and walks across the ring. There are a few Adamson chants that ring out, but Joshua stops them dead with his next cold words:

And so the recycling of failures to face me………continues at the next bout………

Joshua looks around at the audience and dares them to disagree. He then points towards the stage and snarls:

It is not enough that I watch weak winners pick off lowly losers………but now I also have to hear them make a play for prestige………A title that was rightly ripped from their grasp………by a being that proves its value when around his waist………

He stares into the camera and points towards the lens:

These men cowered and complained………that their worth was not being recognised ………And so to please those who fight each day for my scraps………it was decreed that they would all face off………in a failures ball………

He glances around at the audience and adjusts the 6CW World title hanging over his shoulder:

During this little initiative to crown a new champion………of a worthless award………we saw the fragile, tentative steps that the victors took………to shout above the din of  the dire duels on display………They would stand, beat their chests and declare their power………without actually pitting themselves against a monster that no strength could subside………

He pauses. There is a sound of gritting teeth before Joshua continues:

And when the pathetic pleaded that they were due a free pass to power………Leaders buckled to demands and gave them their dream………One that the wise actually know………is simply a way of the monster turning it into a nightmare………

He looks to the audience again:

And what is this dream………?

Joshua lifts his hand up and feels his neck:

It has been rammed down our throats………about how a significant milestone is upon us………This date irks some as it takes away their only accolade………that proved their relevance………However I look at this date………I ponder on its importance………and then discard it as an event not worth any further thinking………

A few courageous fans boo this and Joshua shoots them an evil look:

That is correct………It means nothing………..!

The fans quieten down as Joshua’s tone decreases in volume:

The length of one point in time to another is should only hold meaning………when we measure the impact made within it………Some men will plead that their reign was memorable………due to the days, weeks, months and years………However I stand here and gauge the impressiveness of it on bones broke………blood spilt………and dreams shattered………Whether that merely came in minutes rather than millenniums………

Joshua stops and paces towards the corner. He leans against it and pulls on his hair. He regains his thoughts and speaks again:

What opportunity this woeful match gives me………is to show that the pretender that beat the other holder of the crown………will now simply be cast aside with only his memories of being the man………Clinging on to that annual legacy………where 6CW was ruled by an individual  weak………pathetic………and nowhere near my equal………

The crowd boo slightly at this and Joshua nods:

Oh he will debate the cause………He will regale us all of tales of doing gallant things for the greater good………But he needs to remember he failed at that too………along with his false idol………and was sent away a disappointment to the people watching me now………More evidence of big mouths failing to have even small successes………

Joshua walks to the centre of the ring and holds one arm out:

Look at me now and dare utter………that you have seen any individual who strikes more fear into the hearts of more men………than I can do with simply a cold stare of emotionless eyes………?

There is no response from the audience as they look on. Joshua turns his head and makes sure he glances at as many faces as he can:

As I thought………and that silence should be mimicked by those I face next………

Joshua looks up at the stage again:

If it is indeed your turn………if you are unlucky enough to be next in line………don’t think that strong words will save you from the suffering to come………Your only hope………in the realm you choose to belong to………is to quietly bow at my feet and accept the punishment that will befall………

He lifts a hand upwards towards his head and feels the marks on his face:

These scars prove that I have seen worse………felt worse………and committed far worse………than putting down lame dogs………whose bark annoys me more than what pain their bite could ever do………

He scratches at his cheek so strongly that he starts to bleed. But Joshua’s face remains unmoved as he does this:

Because pain………real pain………Is yet to come………

Joshua cocks his head to one side and speaks in a slight sing-song voice. A voice we haven’t heard for a long time:

Pray that any return doesn’t send me to the brink………Because mercy is never found with a parental link………

He allows his hair to fall from one side and cover his face. We see a slight twitch of a smile before he lifts his head and stares up the aisle.

As Joshua stares up the aisle, "Radioactive" by Imagine Dragons hits and the crowd erupt as Max Adamson saunters out onto the stage with a trademark smirk on his face, Adamson is dressed to compete with his ring attire only covered by a t-shirt which reads "#MaxMoney", Adamson looks at his microphone and tosses it away, revealing a new gold coloured microphone and Adamson winks before speaking;

Max: Now everyone knows I'm one of the highest earners in the company, I need to act like it...

(Adamson walks down to the ring and bravely climbs in, he stands across the ring from Joshua)

Max: ...But here's the thing. Not only do I need to act like I'm one of the highest earners in 6CW... I need to justify being one of the highest earners. See Josh, big man, you might think that you're unbeatable in 6CW. And there's no doubt you're probably the baddest, nastiest 6CW World Champion in history. And there have been some big bad and nasty Champions in this company. From Median to Mr Crowley. I've been in the ring with those two and I don't doubt you're better than both of them.

(Adamson walks around his half of the ring as Joshua stands perfectly still, staring a hole into Adamson)

Max: But you are beatable Josh. You are. You might tell yourself and anyone who will listen that you're not, but you are. I've seen you flat on your back before in this very ring Josh and it will happen again. For all the history we have, for you being able to Chokeslam me to hell and back, I've Gored you before Josh. I've Cycloned you before Josh. I've Famaxed you Josh. And I'm gonna do them all again Josh. Your demeanour might allow you into the heads of your previous "victims" Josh, but it's not gonna work on me.

(Adamson stands in front of Joshua nose to chest, and looks up at him fearlessly)

Max: The title record. I heard you referencing it in the mysterious way that you do things. If we're talking facts, as it stands I, Max Adamson, am your longest reigning 6CW World Champion of all time. All time. Three hundred and twenty days. By the time our match rolls around, your reign will be at an impressive three hundred and seven days. And rather than just sit and watch you bypass my record, I've been given an incredible opportunity. You might see it as me signing my own death warrant but frankly Josh, I've been in the ring with you before and I'm still here son.

(Adamson grins as he continues)

Max: I'm still here, and I have the opportunity to put all my eggs in one basket and I can end your reign, avenge what you did to GazzyD, take the 6CW World Championship away from Mr Jones' clutches, save my own record 6CW Title reign, and become the first ever man to win that title three times. There's a lot on the line for me Josh. The old Max Adamson could have let the pressure get to him and falter. But the fact is Josh, only one of us is under pressure. Only one of us while dismissing the record title reign as something you don't care about, is on the verge of making history.

(Adamson smirks as he edges away from Joshua)

Max: Since nobody else in The Forgotten is holding a title, the pressure is all on you Josh. The pressure to keep The Forgotten in power rests on your shoulders. Especially since the Puppet Master became the Puppet. All your nonsense about "the real pain is yet to come", behave yourself Josh. If you're going to tell me that you've not gone to your limits yet despite being on the verge of a record 6CW World Championship reign then I'm going to stand in front of you, and tell you to your face... Well, chest... That you are a long haired freak who clearly needs to figure out the difference between dreams and reality. Maybe I'll also teach you the difference between "small" and "far away". As in, your ego will be small, because Max Adamson will have taken your Championship far away...

(Adamson smirks again as the crowd loudly chant "Adamson" over and over)


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6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May

Post by Dolphin Ziggler Fri 22 Apr 2016, 2:22 pm

*Thursday the 21st April, a 6CW house in Leeds. Jack Hurst stands in the middle of the ring dressed in a Union Jack tuxedo.

JH: All rise for the national anthem on this the day of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the second's 90th birthday.

*The crowd give a raucous rendition of God Save the Queen, to which Hurst applauds as they finish

JH: Excellent, excellent, really quite humbling. It is not often a southerner walks like he belongs when he comes to Yorkshire, but sometimes you can see we are all kin. And much like the Queen, I want to leave a legacy of love to the less fortunate. So to show you all that every loser can win one day, I would like to invite Mr Brandon Perez to the ring...

Dolphin Ziggler

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6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May

Post by Engel Harlequin Sun 24 Apr 2016, 3:16 am

*As Reborn stands upon the turnbuckle, the fans cheering for him and continuing to chant "He's one of our own", Engel tilts his head and licks his lips a smile still etched across his face. Engel reaches up with both hand and grabs the top rope, pulling himself up. The smile fades and a look of dismay forms as he walks slowly towards Engel*

HA: I think this is a look of realisation from Engel...

HE: Realisation? I think Engel is simply disappointed...

*Engel lowers his head as if enamoured by the presence of reborn. He raises the microphone to his lips*




HA: Engel clearly edging towards frustration here...

HE: Do you blame him Harold. These people need to pay Engel the respect he deserves.

EH: Robin Reborn...eloquently you speak of the plateau upon which you stand, built upon shaky foundations indeed...but raised higher than little old me could ever imagine...hehehe...even now you stand above me looking down, a look of disdain, almost pity at what awaits me in this ring at Anarchy. You perch high little bird confident in your future, the stolen destiny, speaking of the gold that will adourn your waist...I walk into a match that I cannot hope to win...against the self proclaimed greatness that stands before me...

*Engel raises his head and looks Reborn dead in the eye, again a smile forms. Engel imitates a gun to his own head and pulls the trigger before falling backwards and lying motionless*


HA: Oh get a grip Henry...


*Engel slowly lifts his head and smiles at reborn before performing a kip up. He walks right up to a startled and confused Reborn and a crazed look forms across his face, Engels eyes wide laughing manically*


*Engel turns away from Robin Reborn and raises his head in laughter*

HA: Engel showing a side we dont usually see from him in this corporate image he now wears...

HE: If Engel brings this side to the ring...nobody can stand in his path...

*Engel turns back to reborn and shakes his head*

EH: Robin sell this dream of yours to these speak of this greatness you will acquire...but the thing is speak now to cannot sell dreams to a man that has walked through nightmares...

*The crowd do not know how to react as Engel seems to glaze over, his crazed look almost changing his persona completely. Some chant "Engels going to kill you" some chant for Reborn whilst some simply boo*

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6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May

Post by Dolphin Ziggler Sun 24 Apr 2016, 1:09 pm

*Reborn slowly drops off the turnbuckle and stands calmly toe to toe with Engel.

RR: Ahhh, the dexterous tongue of a man who says nothing. What lost do you lead? What chaos are you curating? You're a cog in the Anarchy of 6CW right now, trying to run on the hamster's wheel and make it somewhere you cannot.

*Reborn shakes his head

RR: I learned a lot from Jack, and long words were in amongst that. But I'm still just a simple man with a spring in his step and a blind spot for danger. Your words are no warning to me, they are excuses for you. And when I beat you in the middle of this very ring, MY ring, you will be the one who sees their fears become reality.

*Reborn turns his back on Engel and walks to the ropes, stopping there but still facing away from his opponent

RR: Take your time now to see this ring without the threat inside it. See how you handle it. Because the next time you're here you will be standing in front of history being made, and all you'll be is a footnote. If you think you can deal with that, I'll see you at Anarchy.

*Reborn takes a step out of the ring, turns around, tosses the mic to the side and waves goodbye to Engel before saluting the fans and walking down the ramp and to the back

Dolphin Ziggler

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6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May

Post by TwisT Sun 24 Apr 2016, 5:54 pm

Joshua looks at Adamson from across the ring. He finds himself flinching at the crowds cheers. These start to subside when Joshua lifts the microphone to his lips:

You stand and lecture me...........on pressure.........?

Joshua shakes his head and paces the ring, while glaring at Adamson:

This pressure you speak of.........This history defining moment..........Do you truly believe I take part in proceedings here............just so my name gets marked in history?............A point in time that is looked back something that breaks boundaries?..........A record broken that will prove my judged by the length of time gold is around my waist?..........

He stops pacing and lowers the title to the floor:

How low you must think of yourself........Dealing with mere days and not eras............

Joshua glares at Adamson from beneath his hair:

I feel no pressure.........As what you class as momentous.........I class as just another step to take..........

He pauses and cocks his head to one side. He glances at the crowd and then back to Max:

When you are swept aside........this anniversary you hold dear will be eradicated..........And these people will soon forget what brought us together.........I would have gone on in my quest........whereas you will deflate in the demise of what you hold dear........Then it will be forgotten.......Removed not only from my memory........but from the memories of those that watch us now...........

He walks up to Adamson and bends down towards his face:

Listen and weep........How clearer can I make this?........You are as insignificant as the have etched on your mind...........

He holds himself at eye level before straightening his back:

And so it comes to pass.........the next in line is one who plans to knock me to the ground..........A fatal threat of defiance.........for someone who admits I am the worst of all..........

Joshua bends down again and whispers in Max's ear:

I might be barred from entering your mind.........But physical torture is only a short time away.........And you will wish that your pleas to rescue your record.......had been met with the same negativity........of those who dare feel you have a chance in Hell when we meet........

He backs away again and lifts his hand up so it is only inches away from Adamsons neck:

Pressure?.........It is non-existent until my hand is wrapped.....around your worthless throat........

Joshua pulls his hand away quickly and covers his hair over his face.


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6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May

Post by Marsh Tue 26 Apr 2016, 10:19 pm

After what seems like days the crowds chanting is stopped briefly by the sound of a car horn coming from the backstage area, a taxi then pulls out into the arena (a’la JBL or Alberto Del Rio) much to Dicey and Cassius’ bemusement in the ring, the taxi goes as far into the arena as possible before Marshall Murdoch steps out to a chorus to boos. Marshall makes his way into the ring shouting back to the driver

MM: ‘Keep the meter running, can you send the bill to 6CW management? It’s one of my few perks’

(Marshall enters the ring and stands alongside Cassius, Marshall holds out his fist for Cassius to bump but Cassius doesn’t acknowledge it, after an awkward few moments Marshall lowers his hand and addresses Dicey)

MM: ‘F**k Jones eh Dicey? Is that the line you’re playing? Jones is only here to bleed the company dry and you’re the lone noble soldier willing to stand up for 6CW and fight against the capitalist money driven regime?’

‘Have I got that right?’

(Marshall pulls out a piece of paper from his back trouser pocket and begins to unfold it whilst muttering to himself) ‘Dicey Reilly, fighting for all’s that good and right, Dicey Reilly – man of the people’ (Marshall unfolds the paper) Dicey Reilly…third highest earning wrestler in the company?’

MM: ‘That can’t be right can it Dicey? Surely not? Dicey Reilly who barely minutes ago was chastising others for being money driven, earns a basic salary that’s over 7 times the average London salary? Dicey Reilly, who barely moments ago was berating Mr Jones as the worst thing to happen to this company, is quite happy to cash his cheques every week. F**k Jones was it? Well based on this you must be f**king someone to get this sort of return, and let’s face it you’re basically f**king all these morons in attendance over, people who pay their hard earnt job seekers allowance to watch their ‘man of the people’ compete, yet he refuses to even entertain the prospect? F**k Jones indeed Dicey, say it often enough and you might start to believe it yourself’

MM: ‘Then there’s all this bullsh*t about 6CW being your place of worship, your house? Well my memory isn’t the best, one too many chair shots probably, but me and you have faced once before to my recollection, and that wasn’t in a 6CW ring… it was in a 6…W…F ring, now that may not be the public image you want to portray, you’re probably hoping these morons had forgotten all about that hadn’t you? Forgotten about the time 6CW legend, 6CW stalwart Dicey Reilly, was part of a group that tried to take over another company to RIVAL 6CW!?! Real one company man aren’t you Dicey?’

‘See these people may buy it, but I don’t, although on my salary I’m not buying a lot at the moment, this isn’t your place of worship is it Dicey? It’s your cash machine, and come next Monday me and my equally underpaid friend over here will expose you for what you really are, and in your own ‘temple’ as well, although I’ve no doubts you’ll make sure you collect your 30 pieces of silver as we do so.’


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6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May

Post by President Trump Wed 27 Apr 2016, 9:38 am

Dicey starts to clap at Marshall and then smiles

Dicey: The gangs all here and I think someone is still drinking the Hero Juice, these fans aren’t stupid, do you really think they don’t know we get paid for this, what does it matter how much I get paid or how much merchandise I sell because you know what Marsh......I don’t care, as long as I have enough money to keep a roof over my head, food and drink on my table and enough to help out people that really need it I don’t give a rats arse

Crowd: DI-CEY

Dicey: I don’t really have to explain myself to you or anyone else but you ask anyone where I live or back in Ireland about me and you will hear what that piece of “leaked” paper doesn’t tell you, I’m just a guy from the gutter that’s done well for himself, I’m not your Anthony Grace or a Max Adamson, I don’t shove my money in people’s faces or walk around in expensive clothes, damn I don’t even own a car, I am who I am and that’s.....


Dicey: As for my brief stint in 6WF, well everyone regrets that fat girl you end up sleeping with don’t they, 6CW had died when I went over to the darkside, I wasn’t finished with wrestling yet and I had some old scores to settle especially with Keith Leone so why not and just like many a drunken encounter it didn’t last long and I am back home where I belong

Crowd: 6-C-DUB

Dicey: But enough about me Marsh, just because you rocked up in a taxi and shout poverty doesn’t mean these people can’t see through your bulls**it and see you for the bumhole you really are, you come out here waving your little piece of paper trying to get the fans to turn their back on the only man in this company actually fighting for them, to keep this place from turning into another 6WF, how is the old place by the way....oh you abandoned it and it closed its doors forever, no really, both of you left the sinking ship and left it to drift into oblivion, two of its biggest stars just didn’t give a sh*t about what happened to the company they helped build, NO that is a shock to me.................nah, look at you two you are sc*m plain and simple, you are mercenaries like all the rest, the Jones’ the Kramer’s only here to line your pockets, you don’t care about 6CW you didn’t even care about your home in 6WF and that little piece of paper just shows me how much Jones thinks of you too, you are pathetic Marshall and only get into fights that you know you can win because you have back up, how is your better half Clark James, he is no Cassius Zhi but he carried you for long enough

Marshalls smug look turns to a scowl as Zhi looks on in bemusement

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6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May

Post by Steel Wed 27 Apr 2016, 10:38 am

Timothy Allen is and a camera crew are gathered near one of the entrances to the arena hoping to catch a superstar on arrival, Tim has on a smart looking black suit with red bow tie, he has a microphone in hand ready to jump into action. A car then begins its approach to the stage doors and some fans who are being held back by security begin to cheer in excitement and have their cameras at the ready. The car stops outside the door and Tim readies himself. The passenger door then opens and out steps Geoff Steel in a grey pinstripe suit and dark sunglasses, the tag team title belt over his shoulder, Steel lifts a bag out the car and places it down before shutting the door behind him. Steel waves to the fans and raises the title belt in the air for them to take some snaps, he then waves again before making his way towards the entrance of the arena. Tim is already waiting for Geoff.

TA: Good Evening Mr Steel

GS: Good Evening to you Mr Allen

TA: Hope you're not in a rush Geoff, would you mind answering a few questions.

GS: Sure Tim I've only got the small matter of a defence of the tag team titles to prepare for.

TA: Yes, Yes well if you're sure you have time I'll fire away.

Steel rolls his eyes but remains with Tim regardless.

TA: last time out Geoff you beat Mike Masters to proceed to the next round of the TV title tournament, any preferences for how you would like in the next round?

GS: None whatsoever Tim, there are no easy contests out there to be had, so it doesn't really matter who I am drawn against, I'll still have to give it my best if I want to proceed any further in this competition. At some point Tim you have to face the best this company has to offer, so whoever is picked against me can look forward to that.

Steel winks at Tim and smirks.

GS: The TV title is at the very back of my priorities this week though Tim, this week my concentration is fully focussed on putting on a display for these fans and retaining the championship I already have. Beating the Forgotten will not be an easy task, they were the tag team champions of this company for a great long while and no doubt would like nothing more then to have these titles back in their possession, it's upto myself and Mike to show that winning these titles was no fluke and start off our reign by beating a formidable team, put a marker down for any other team who might be thinking that taking the championship away from us will be easy.

TA: Surely you must be confident of a victory though having only recently bested them.

GS: Sure myself and Mike have proven that we have what it takes, that doesn't guarantee us a victory though, we still can't afford to show up with anything less than our best to even have a chance of walking out with our championship intact. Just because we beat them at aftermath doesn't mean we will automatically beat them again Tim.

TA: One last question Geoff it's been a very popular one this week, given your salary was leaked this week and that of your colleagues, are you happy with your current deal?

Steel smiles and shakes his head

GS: To be honest Tim I've found this whole situation comical, there's been so much made out of this story and yet no official confirmation that the figures given were correct. When I cameback to 6CW Tim I didn't comeback here for the money, I had other offers on the tables, offers of more money than I am receiving being in 6CW, I didn't comeback for the money however I've made enough of that over my career, I cameback to 6CW because I considered it home and it was the most competitive of any federation out there. Money means nothing Tim I already have more than I can spend, look at the top two names on that list Max Adamson and Anthony Grace, a whole lot of good it did them when we faced off recently, I'd rather have this title belt over my shoulder, than a share of a PPV revenue any day. I'm here to win championships as should be every other competitor, if they are here for the money then clearly they are in the wrong business.

TA: Thanks for your time Geoff

GS: No worries Tim, I can see why they pay you all that money

Steel picks up his bag, gives the fans one last wave then enters the arena as the scene ends.


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6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May

Post by x12x Wed 27 Apr 2016, 4:46 pm

Our scene begins in the familiar setting of Brandon Perez' Bang Bus, we join Perez just as he is leaving wearing his Union Jack themed suit that he wore in the build up to his UK Championship match that saw him pick up three pinfalls but sadly not the win. Perez walks in to the parking lot and stretches before coming across a group of furious fans. One of the fans notices Brandon and runs over, quickly taking a selfie causing Brandon to pull the Blue Steel look almost on instinct.

BP: Hey nice to see you excited for the show!?

The fans cheer for Perez as he continue to speak

BP: I'd love to stop and chat but I need to get in and get ready for my match against Cameron Faith...I hope you understand?

The fans boo Faith's name before wishing Perez luck, as he leaves them he hands a few of the girls cards with his numbers on causing most of them to blush apart from an older lady who is clearly the mother of one of the fans, she shakes her head before giving the card back.

BP: Playing hard to get...NIIIIIICEEE.

Perez winks, making his way in to the building but as he walks through the door he walks straight in to the back of none other than his opponent for the show Cameron faith.

Faith: I wish these fans would stay out of my god damn way...

Faith keeps his back to Perez who smirks before pretending to air hump the UK Champion causing some of Faith's entourage to giggle. Faith grits his teeth before turning around to the smiling face of Perez. Perez quickly takes charge of the conversation, shaking Faith's hand only for him to snatch it away.

BP: Hey man! Cool to see you...excited for our match?! I know I am!

Faith remains quiet as Perez continues to go on

BP: I just want to say bad luck last week against Keith in the tournament...I thought you did really well buddy...could have been anyone's fight...hey! At least we have that in common!

Faith: We have nothing in common you little...

BP: OF COURSE WE DO! You're Scottish so I bet you've tossed a few cabers in your life and you know if you've seen any of my movies you'll know I'm dealing with a caber of my own down there...but all jokes aside...let's go out there and give the fans what they deserve and show them that despite not being in the tournament we're the ones to watch!

Perez pats Faith on the chest before continuing but as he goes to speak his attention is taken away by a monitor playing near by with Jack Hurst on it.

Jack Hurst wrote:So to show you all that every loser can win one day, I would like to invite Mr Brandon Perez to the ring...

Instantly, like a distracted dog Perez quickly walks off with the camera following him leaving a clearly frustrated Cameron Faith on his own. The camera quickly follows behind Perez as he makes his way out to cheers before entering the ring and standing with Jack Hurst. The camera cuts to the normal hard cam to show both men in their union jack themed clothes

BP: So what do I owe this pleasure then Jack?

Perez lowers the mic, waiting for Hurst to speak.


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6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May

Post by Dolphin Ziggler Wed 27 Apr 2016, 7:32 pm

*Hurst tilts his head slightly to the side and offers a warm smile

JH: Ahhh, Mr Perez. In many ways the ying to my yang. What you lack in style and charisma you make up for in puns and sheer force of will. And maybe rohypnol, who knows. Your bang bus reminds me of my days on the road, but nowadays I have 5 star hotels and honeymoon suites.

*Perez stands with a stare somewhere between perplexed and aroused

JH: You're picturing me with Kelsey, arent you?

*Perez nods without shame

JH: Quite the woman she is, she's even taught me a thing or two. But what she has done for the best of both our worlds is remind me how I found that Ric Flair lifestyle. How I got limosine rides, flew on jets, stole the odd kiss or two. And I did that with gold.

*Hurst turns to the Leeds crowd

JH: Leeds, how did I get that gold?

*Waiting for a Red Arrows chat, Hurst is annoyed to hear Robin Reborn! echo around the arena. He shakes it off and rolls his eyes

JH: Yes yes, Robin is great and all that jazz. But what Yorkshire is forgetting, Mr Perez, is that the Red Arrows were my idea and I was the driving force behind our title capture. For you see, Brandon, gold is the thing that gets you in any door you want. VIP treatment at every venue and chauffeurs driving you round for free. Brandon, when was the last time anyone cared that you entered a room?

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6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May

Post by Marsh Wed 27 Apr 2016, 8:56 pm

‘6-C-DUB! 6-C-DUB!’

The crowds chanting continues as Marshall looks on at Dicey in frustration waiting for the crowd to pause, after a minute or two the chanting eventually starts to die down.

MM: ‘Well Dicey, you’re right about one thing at least, I don’t care about 6CW, not in the slightest, it’s not ‘my home’, it’s not my temple, hell it’s not even my garden shed. It’s a job, it’s just a different name on the payslip, but I make no bones about it, I don’t claim to be some pagan of virtue fighting the good fight, or refusing to fight because I didn’t get my own way come to think of it.’

MM: ‘Then there’s the predictable you’ve always needed someone else line, please spare me that one, I thought you were more original that than, I would recite the CV but everyone already knows it… in fact sod it, it’s always nice to hear…

The longest still standing undefeated record at Born in Fire

The greatest European champion of all time

The best wrestler never to win the world championship

And never pinned in your precious 6CW

MM: ‘Not bad for someone who can’t do it on their own hey? But here’s the great thing, on Monday I’m not on my own, I have this (he acknowledges Cassius) remorseless b@stard alongside me, yet you are alone aren’t you Dicey? Although given your recent track record I really wouldn’t be surprised if you cried off again, I mean we are a slightly more daunting prospect than Scorpion and you jibbed out of that one, so I hope you find the courage Dicey, do it for the fans – you need to make it up to them really after letting them pay their hard earned money to see you refuse to compete, because my god I’m looking forward to this one.’


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6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May

Post by x12x Wed 27 Apr 2016, 10:46 pm

BP: Now's nice to meet you but you might have me mistaken for somebody see Brandon Perez is a man who was famous for recruiting girls in to the business armed with only my smile...

Hurst looks unimpressed

BP: Gold though...that does interest see being a three time UK Champion in one night got me excited for more and it also brought my celibacy crashing to an was glorious!

HE: Well there we have it...Brandon Perez has broken is vow of celibacy...

HA: Has anyone told him that title wins in scramble matches don't count?

HE: What an idiot!

Perez lets a smile cover his face as he speaks

BP: You can keep your five star hotels and your limos...the night I became a three time champion made the Bang Bus the place to be...a party bigger than mere mortals can've got an invite if you want next time? I've got a few girls you can meet...

...and while Destiny, Krystal, Chantelle and Judy show you just why the Bang Bus will be your second home maybe I could borrow Kelsey and we reenact some of my favourite scenes from my classic film 'When Horny Met Sally' or 'The Sure W*nk Redemption'

How about it?

Perez offers up a fist bump to Hurst who stares at it again, unimpressed. Perez waits...hand still ready for a bump...


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6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May

Post by Fernando Wed 27 Apr 2016, 11:28 pm

Cerberus puts his book down and starts heading down towards ringside

Times up Jimmy...
Guess Jones don't think your worth enough to get the typers out for your next reply..
Or do you need someone standing behind you to give you support like a mom holding a child's hand..

I guess i should start to talk to the babysitter of Jimmy Phillips since he's gone quiet...
Aaron Heath get your self out here Jimmy's crapped his pants....
Im not going to wait until Sunday for a guy who can't hold a title for more then 5 minutes...
There's no doubt your a physical specimen Mr Heath so i see why Jonesy's getting his claws in early...

HL: That's a surprising amount of praise for a guy with an IQ of 2
HL: Id hope for your sake he didn't hear you say that or you better start planning your funeral.

The problem i have with you Aaron is your choice of accomplices...
There's no need for you to throw your career down the drain to be one of Jones's lackies...
You can deny it all you want but your just a pawn in his sponsorship game...
Where was he when Cameron Faith come in and pulled that title right out of your hands...
Your not a priority...You work for him...You get nothing back...

HL: Mr Jones is an excellent man manager 
HL: Why did half The Forgotten walk out on him then?
HL: Because they are ungrateful.

That being said i get why your cradling Jones' balls Aaron...
Trying to take the easy way to the top of the company...
Unfortunately for you it's not going to work..
Michael may be running things for now..
I doubt for much longer though..

The walls are closing in on his sorry reign over 6CW...
It's just a matter of time until we go under or someone else takes over...
The sponsors aren't happy...The fans aren't happy...
The roster isn't happy....

Why is this happening?
Because he didn't give the fans what they want...
He couldn't swallow his pride and accept that this was what people wanted to see most...
All they wanted was violence and action and most importantly to...

Crowd starts chanting: Let Them Fight..

This brings us nicely to the TV Title Tournament...
It doesn't matter which one of you get the furthest...
It doesn't matter if Crime Lord gets the furthest...
Because your all looking at the next TV Title holder...
So guys i will see you next week if you can stop suckling on Jonesy's d*ck...
Ill see you too Crime Lord...So you better stay out of my way...
Otherwise ill plant your ancient past it arse into the ground aswell...

Cerberus takes a seat on the commentary table just glaring at Jimmy Phillips...


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6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May

Post by Engel Harlequin Thu 28 Apr 2016, 5:24 am

*The scene opens, a security camera recording in black and white films a familiar man sat upon a wooden chair, wearing a straight jacket, clown make up adorning his face, fixated eyes staring blankly in front of him. The date is displayed at the bottom of the recording "1st March 2012". Engel rocks back and forth in the chair impatiently. This goes on for a minute when suddenly a door swings open and a man wearing a white coat walks into the room with authority. He is slightly balding and wears glasses, holding a clipboard and pen as he sits down in front of Engel who reacts in an overexcited manner*

DJ: Patient 203...for the purpose of this interview, what is your name?

*Engel leans back in his chair a child like frown appearing as he looks at Doctor Jones*

EH: DOCTOR JONES...WHAT A PLEASANT SURPRISE...I understand this need to be a little cautious but...PADDED CELLS...STRAIGHT JACKET..."Patient 203" Why all the formality doc...its me...Engel Harlequin, your top patient, grade A student and the most successful client to walk out of this establishment...SAVED...

DJ: Patient 203 showing signs of Psychosis...

*Engel leans his chair forward making the legs bang against the floor loudly as he leans towards the Doctor*

EH: Doc...come on stop it...this is just a check up right...

*Doctor Jones looks up from his clipboard and takes off his glasses*

DJ: Engel, this is NOT just a check up...can't you remember the circumstances that ended with you back here?

*Engel tilts his head to one side looking towards the ceiling. He pauses as if thinking before tilting his head back straight and looking furiously at the doctor*

EH: HE CALLED ME BOZO...HE HIT ME IN THE GUT WITH A SLEDGEHAMMER...HE MOCKED ME...I spoke to Liederman, I asked for a shot at his title, promised that I would rip his skin from his face, that I would crack his skull like an egg...I'm hungry the catering staff here know how to cook an omelette...hehehe...Liederman sent me here "to ensure my mental state before undertaking the large task of taking on Lex Hart"...

*Doctor Jones shakes his head disappointed*

DJ: I am afraid you have been mislead see this visit is a little more permanent than that...

*Engel looks at the Doctor shellshocked as he gathers his thoughts*

EH: YOU TOLD ME...Go and integrate with the outside world...realise your told me I was fine...

DJ: 6CW were happy, I was happy, everyone was happy with your results Engel, we did move forward with your integration but look what you have become...obsessed...fanatical...unstable...just like with Joe...

*Engel leaps up from the chair angrily*


*The doctor backs off from Engel and deflects the conversation*

DJ: Look, Engel we gave you every opportunity to be just didn't work out...

*Engel begins muttering to himself walking back and forth*

EH: SUCCESS? Doctor? How do you measure Success? Was I not...YOUR success as I walked out of these doors into the real world?

*The doctor shakes his head in dismay*

DJ: Engel how do YOU measure success...

*Engel walks over to the wall of the padded cell and rests his head against it. He leans back*


*There is a thud as Engel slams his head into the wall after the last word of his sentence. He leans back again*

DJ: Engel...


*Doctor Jones walks over to Engel and puts a hand on his shoulder*

DJ: Engel stop...

*Engel spins around and looks at the doctor a crazed look in his eyes*


*The doctor takes a step back and turns his back on Engel*

DJ: I am afraid that is not going to happen...Engel I thought we had controlled this side of you...

*Engel walks up to the doctor and rests his head on his shoulder from behind*


*Engel falls down onto his back side, his back leant against the wall his head rocking back and forth gently as he mutters to himself*

DJ: Engel...I am sorry, its clear to see I was wrong...that IT was wrong to allow you back into normal society...Engel I am sorry but...

EH: Wait Doc...hear me out...they mock me doc...they dont fear who I am...they treat me like some kind of nothing...I am the secret weapon of 6CW...the Hero...and yet they treat me like some washed up has been piece of crap...I just want my shot...

*The doctor turns back towards Engel a comforting hand placed on his shoulder*

DJ: I am sorry Engel...there's nothing I can do...Cliff told me about the pimp too...

*Engel looks up at the doctor confused*

EH: The Pimp?

DJ: You went to a brothel, kept screaming something about seeing your mother. The Pimp looked to get rid of you...

EH: But we sorted that situation out before it got out of control though Doc...


*Engel looks down sadly*

EH: Look Doc...I need your help...I need to be a part of 6CW...


EH: ...Look I know that might seem unrealistic right now...but my Mother always use to say...use the tools god has given you to reach where you need to be...

DJ: I don't understand what your getting at Engel...

*Engel stands up and looks into the Doctors eyes looking for sympathy*

EH: The tools I need are me...get me out of here...however long it takes...

*Doctor Jones shakes his head and makes a note of something on his clipboard before heading towards the door*

DJ: I can't promise anything Engel...not at this stage. I need to speak to the board, your treatment costs money and after THIS...well they may be a little less inclined to help you...

*Engel looks down to the ground as the Doctor opens the door. He looks up as if a thought pops into his head*

EH: What about my scheduled matches...I have dates to fulfil...

DJ: 6CW management found a suitable replacement...

EH: They got a man in a clown suit didnt they...

DJ: They did...but he does a good job of imitating you...

EH: Ah damn other thing? How's Theresa?

DJ: Theresa?

*Engel sighs and shakes his head*


DJ: Oh Theresa...yeah she's fine. Has her you...why do you ask?

EH: She helps me...keeps me focussed. When I am with her its I am me...

*The Doctor smiles as he leaves the room, Engel sinks back against the wall as the door locks. The scene pulls back to reveal Doctor Jones watching the old security tape in front of student doctors*

DJ: So you was that "hope", that little glimmer of light that we saw from Engel that convinced me to help him, to solve his puzzle so to speak...

Female student: Did you do it?

DJ: What? Solve his puzzle...oh no far from it...but we gave him the tools to succeed on his own two feet...

Male Student: Do you not feel maybe you have missed a trick?

DJ: How do you mean?

Male Student: Well, sir...if I am not mistaken, Engel clearly manipulated the situation to his advantage...

DJ: Thats a lesson for another time...class dismissed...

*As the students leave the room Dr Jones walks over to a blackboard and rests his head against it*

DJ: He is right...I know he is right...but Engel...He is free worked....

*The scene fades as a look of doubt forms in the Doctors face*

Last edited by Engel Harlequin on Thu 28 Apr 2016, 4:19 pm; edited 1 time in total

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6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May

Post by President Trump Thu 28 Apr 2016, 10:01 am

Dicey: Quite a list of achievements there Marshall are you 2010 Max Adamson in disguise, the new nearly man of a now dead fed, f**k even the plastic Paddy, Chris Patricks came back from the dead and won the Undisputed Title and you are throwing out this cr*p out, you must have been the funny guy of the Church of Hero......stand back everyone this guy is NUTS

Dicey raises his hands up pretending to be frightened

Dicey: Achievements mean nothing once you step into the ring especially here in 6CW (fans start to chant again) I don’t care what you did in Birmingham, I don’t care what you have done here, I all care about is kicking your teeth down your are looking forward to Monday night, I am glad to hear this because I want you and Thai Green there to be ready, I want you to be hungry, to be baying for my blood because I am coming out to win, to punish, to show Jones and Kramer that you don’t f**k with me and come out without a few cuts and bruises and maybe missing a limb, yes I will probably get a beating but as God as my witness I will keep coming and coming and coming because that’s the Dicey Reilly way......hell it’s the 6CW way and that is something you will never understand

Crowd: DICEY

Dicey: So don’t worry I will not be a no show, I will be here in this ring with bells on so buckle up sunshine’s because you are in for one hell of a beating on Monday

Dicey drops his mic and rolls out of the ring and begins walking backwards up the ramp smiling at Marshall and Zhi inside the ring

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6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May

Post by Electric Demon Thu 28 Apr 2016, 2:07 pm

Cassius snarls at Dicey Reilly as he retreats up the ramp. He leans down and picks up the discarded balaclava and throws it in Dicey’s direction again, landing on the ramp.

Cassius : Don’t worry Dicey. No need to wear this for a freedom fight on Monday.

Cassius turns and looks into the crowd with disgust

Cassius : I’m not here to understand your delinquent disciples. And I have no interest in taking your place of worship.

You can keep it!

Cassius turns back, looks to Marshall with a sly smile, then steps up to the ropes to stare down at Dicey.

Cassius : Temples are no good to me, Dicey.

My only objective come Monday night is to have my good friend Murdoch here hold you down while I kick a damn hole in one of yours!

Henry Lloyd : Good God!


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6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May

Post by Nay Thu 28 Apr 2016, 11:47 pm

CF: This has got to be the most pitiful exhibition of testosterone I think I’ve seen, right now I think I’d rather go back outside to that rabble than listen to this p*sh.

*Perez drops his fist as both he and Hurst turn to find Faith stood behind his entourage wearing a Weegy Baseball cap, grey vest, Jeans and two large diamond chains hanging around his neck, one which says Faith, the other Champ. He places the UK championship over his shoulder and focuses on the two men in front of him.*

CF: I mean are you really two grown men debating whether it’s better to get laid or get paid. Explains why one of you is a has been and the other a never will be. Take it from someone who has actually achieved something around that you can have all the riches, fancy cars and 5 star hotel stays….

*Faith sssshhhhh’s Perez & Hurst as they try to speak to their utter disgust*

CF: Yeah, Yeah we all know Reborn carried you to a Tag team championship and as for you Perez you had your chance in the time attack when you did get your hands on this title a few times, pity for you all that matters was who got the last pin fall.

*Faith hands the UK championship belt to one of his entourage who holds it above his head as Faith steps forward.*

CF: That’s the difference between me and you though, you don’t see me walk around here rubbing my success into folk’s noses. I’m a simple guy, with simple needs. I don’t do this for the riches or personal glory, the riches.

I do this to create happiness. Every time I wrestle I liberate the minds of those narrow minded sheep we call the 6CW universe by letting them live vicariously through me in the hope it brings a little joy into their meaningless lives.

So instead of standing around arguing whose the most tragic why don’t you watch how a real champion carries himself, you never know you may learn something.

*Faith takes a few steps backwards as members of his entourage holla and pat him on the back*


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6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May

Post by Crimey Fri 29 Apr 2016, 3:52 pm

(Backstage Crime Lord is stood in a empty room, the International Championship is sat behind him on a bench, he's dressed immaculately in a dark blue suit, with a white pinstriped shirt. He addresses the camera.)

CL- Last Anarchy you watched me destroy one of the most feared men in 6CW history. Vincent Costello terrorised this company for years, he was the best 6CW had, he would take on all comers and he'd win. 

(Crime Lord takes a moment.)

Then I happened. Then Crime Lord entered 6CW, he won the 6CW International Championship, he came seconds away from winning the whole Gateway to Glory and then he put Vincent Costello on the shelf, permanently. Let's just take a look again and this time really soak in what you are looking at, drink it in and enjoy.

(The images change now to last Anarchy.)

Footage from 6CW Anarchy 18th April wrote:Costello lands a kick to the knee that drops Crime Lord in to a kneeling position before bouncing off the ropes, as he returns and jumps up though Crime Lord reacts quickly catching him across his shoulders





HA: I can't think of many men who could kick out of the F5...Not even Vincent Costello Costello!


HA: Crime Lord has done it! The International Champion has beaten Vincent Costello going through to the next round!

HE: What on earth is he doing?! The match is over!

Crime Lord quickly pulls Costello back to his feet tossing him through the ropes and down to the outside, screaming at the top of his lungs “IS THIS ALL YOU'VE GOT?!”

HA: This might be him sending a message to Mr Jones after what happened last week!

HE: Well it's a disgrace...

The fans give a mixed reaction as the attack from Crime Lord continues, Costello attempts to fight back but is quickly stopped with a kick to the gut before Crime Lord hoists him up on to his shoulders, charging forward and unleashing an unholy powerbomb in to the guard rail crashing Costello spine first. Costello slumps, clearly struggling to move as EMT's rush in to assist him.

HE: Someone get Crime Lord out of there!

HA: OH GOD...I don't think he's done.

The fans are stunned as Crime Lord picks up the ring steps, charging across the ringside area and laughing them head first in to Costello as he slumps against the guard rail leaving him out cold and clearly injured. Crime Lord smirks taking a microphone and climbing back in to the ring before speaking

CL: Is that all you've got for me Jones?! Do you see who you're dealing with now?! That man has terrorised this company since the day he arrived and I just took him out and I did it just because I could! You're about to see that being on the wrong side of me doesn't end well...just ask Costello!

Crime Lord drops the microphone and leaves the ring as the camera cuts to a bloodied Vincent Costello being strapped on to a stretcher, still unconscious from the impact of the ring steps.

HA: The fans are in shock, Crime Lord may have just ended the career of Vincent Costello...

(It cuts out, back to Crime Lord who has a smirk on his face.)

CL- Now as much as I am sure you all can enjoy that, it wasn't really for any of 6CW's viewers that I did that. It was for Mr Jones. That sack of crap thinks he can bully me, thinks he can set his loyal dogs on me without repercussions? He's clearly not done his research of who he's getting into business with. I don't play by his or anybody's rules. I work for one man and that's me. I follow my own path and anybody who gets in the way invariably ends up getting hurt. Costello didn't do anything to me. He was just the unlucky one who was drawn into a match with me. I needed to show Jones what he was getting himself into. I'm not playing games, I'm not going to bow down and accept his threats. If that had been Robin Reborn, Jones would have lost his Night of Glory main event. If that had been Liam Wood or Joshua, Jones would have lost one of his world champions, if that had been Thunder, Max Adamson, Jimmy Phillips, Conor Anderson, Cerberus, Anthony Grace Lex Hart, Engel Harlequin, Dicey Reilly, Cassius Zhi or whoever the hell was the unlucky one to be drawn against me the result would be the same. 6CW's roster would be one man lighter and Jones would be scrambling around thinking of ways to replace them before the biggest show of the year.

You're in over your head, forget the investors, forget the merchandise numbers or the sponsors or whatever the hell is occupying your mind right now and turn your head and look at ME! I am the biggest threat to your company, your power, your control right now Jones. You had me as an ally and then in your stupidity you made an enemy out of me. Now you're going to suffer the consequences. I know you've faced "rebellions" before, Keith Leone and the other merrymen calling out for "freedom" and asking the fans to believe in them. You defeated them, well done, congrats. This is a completely different kind of fight. I am not going to play by the rules, I don't have honour, I don't have morals or ethics. I will make your life hell and I will do it as the entire world boos me. Hell, I'm so despicable having me hunting you down might be the only thing in this reality that could make you even slightly popular. I am not going to stop until I have my hands around your neck and a fist around this company. You are an incredibly stupid, short-sighted, powerless runt. I will eviscerate you. I will take your head and drill it so hard into the mat that every match in 6CW will have to contend with manoeuvring around your body sticking vertically out of the ring. 

I see your next plan of attack appears to be throwing me together with the idiot Cerberus and sending the two most naive of your lapdogs...Phillips and Heath....I'm so scared. I am more concerned about the waste of space I've been given as a tag partner costing me the match than I am Phillips and Heath getting together and somehow out wrestling me. They're nobodies...I deserve BETTER! You really want to start taking me seriously Jones. I came moments from having a shot at your two precious world champions, I beat the five men you could throw together who were desperate enough to face me in a ladder match. Despite me being in your sights for months now, the best you can do is a sneak attack from your tragic Conor Anderson. It's pathetic and it makes me wonder how prepared you are for what's coming your way. I'm not to be taking lightly. I have been doing this longer than you and have watched better men than you lose control because of less. I am a very powerful ally, but a much, much more powerful enemy and I am going to take everything you have built and BURN IT TO THE GROUND. 

I am going to take pleasure in destroying your work, your pathetic minions and then finally I'm going to enjoy taking you apart limb from limb. I'm a fighter, I am a warrior, I am 6CW's Iron Man and now I am your number one problem. Are You Ready?

(Crime Lord smirks and the camera switches off.)


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6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May

Post by TheCultOfPersonality Sat 30 Apr 2016, 11:18 am

Masters enters the backstage area after just competing in a match at the recent live event. Masters' is displaying no emotion as he ignores everyone applauding his effort backstage. Timothy Allen comes into the shot to get reaction from Masters but as per usual, Masters ignores him from the start.

TA: Masters, just want a quick word.

MM: Pssh...

TA: How are feeling regarding your recent match?

MM: I feel like I do every night. I do this week in week out, you out of all people have no idea how I'm feeling. But I'll keep doing this because that's just the kinda guy I am.

TA: You recently lost to Steel in the first round of the TV Tournament. Wh...

MM: What are my thoughts? Gutted, how else do you expect me to feel? I bust my as$ every damn night for this company, I still full well believe I am one of the best wrestlers in the building, but there I go lose to yet another legend in the game. You see, what I want people to think of when they hear the name Mike Masters is an extremely good looking man who by the click of his fingers can steal someone's girlfriend. I want people to think that I am one of the best wrestlers to step in the ring and can easily wrestle rings around anyone. I want people to be jealous of my lush blonde hair yet still not want to get into a ring with me. But you know what people will remember me the most for? That guy that nearly won the match, that guy that nearly won the championship, you see know one's gonna remember I won the EWF championship...that's just how it goes.

TA: What next for Mike Masters?

MM: I keep doing my thing, the thing I love. Wrestle. Night of Glory is just around the corner and I'm gonna make damn sure I make it.

TA: Well..

MM: Interview over Tim.


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6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May

Post by Good Golly I'm Olly Sun 01 May 2016, 8:35 pm

*We head to ringside where Harold and Henry Lloyd are waiting to talk*

HA: Last week the TV title tournament got off to a fascinating start, especially with the upset win for newcomer O'Callaghan over the veteran Lex Hart

HE: Yes a shock result, many people had that pencilled in as a easy win for Lex

HA: Well Lex did win....ish. Lets remind the viewers at home how the end went down...

*The screen cuts to the ending of the Lex Hart vs O'Callaghan matchup from Anarchy on 18th April*

Aftermath - 18th April wrote:O'Callaghan grabs the legs of Hart and steps over before mocking him and the crowd

HA: Lex's own move? Not like this...

HE: It’s also O’Callaghan’s move and it looks like Hart is going to be embarrassed in front of all these idiots.

As O'Callaghan goes to lock in the Sharpshooter, Lex sends him crashing into the referee. Lex gets up and grabs O'Callaghan by the legs sending him flat onto his back and locking in his own Sharpshooter. O'Callaghan tries desperately to fight out of the hold but the pain is too much as he begins tapping


HE: The referee is out of it Harold.

Lex looks confused as no bell is rung and looks around before noticing the referee is out cold. He breaks the hold and walks over to revive the referee. O'Callaghan comes from behind and low blows Hart before executing an inside cradle. The referee sees the pin


HA: NO! Lex Hart has been screwed...he gave it is all, he had the win in the bag...but Lex Hart has been screwed!

The bell rings and the referee raises O’Callaghan’s hand in victory as Lex angrily looks on. O'Callaghan rolls out of the ring and cockily backs up the ramp as Hart argues with the referee trying to explain that O'Callaghan tapped to the Sharpshooter.

HE: There's no point arguing Lex, O'Callaghan won the match, the record books will show a W in his win/loss column.

HA: Do you have no care at all for the rules Henry? O'Callaghan used a blatant low blow to win that match!

*The screen cuts back to Harold and Henry Lloyd at ringside*

HE: I'd just call that a wily move Harold. He used the situation to his advantage

HA: Hmmm, think we're going to have to agree to disagree on this one. Anyways, I'm hearing Timothy Allen now has the victorious O'Callaghan backstage with him...

*The screen cuts backstage where Timothy Allen stands in the interview area, with O'Callaghan alongside him*

TA: Thanks Harold, I am indeed here with O'Callaghan who picked up that victory over Lex Hart last week in the TV title tournament. Thank you for joining me...

*O'Callaghan snatches the mic away from Allen*

O'Callaghan: What's the point of you asking me a question? Like last week, I'm gonna blow you off and head to the ring and talk to the universe, rather than waste my time with you...

*O'Callaghan walks off and hands the mic back to an angry Allen*


*Allen is distracted*

TA: Oh what the heck do you want?

*CM Funk enters camera shot with a mic in hand*

CM Funk: Hey hey Timothy, you've not been blown off my man

TA: What do you mean?

CM Funk: Everyone knows you can only get blown off, with your sunglasses....ON!

*CM Funk grabs a pair of sunglasses and places them on Allen's face*

CM Funk: Now the ladies will flock to blow you off Timmy!

*Allen is cut off as the arena goes dark as "Run this town" hits with multicoloured strobe lighting filling the darkened area, then the camera cuts to O'Callaghan walking through the backstage area, with a great swagger to the music making his way out through the curtain. Then O'Callaghan appears, stands at the top of the stage, inhales the air and walks down to the ring, avoiding members of the crowd while holding his arms out, walking with a swagger to the music. Once he reaches the ring apron, he walks to the camera side and surveys the front row, picking out the poorest looking member of the audience, goes to hand them a fifty pound note. Just as they go to take it, he takes it away, and rips it in half cackling to himself as he enters the ring and grabs a microphone from ringside.*

HA: What on earth just happened backstage?

HE: I dunno, but always good to see CM Funk in the action! Shhh now, greatness is about to speak Harold.

*O'Callaghan stands in the ring, smiling to himself as he begins to talk*

O'Callaghan: Last week Lex Hart was soundly defeated by yours truly. All I heard from the old man all week was how all 'my claims were just words', that I was now 'in the big leagues' and had to 'back up those words with my actions'. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. The old man, much like most of that 6CW locker room doesn't understand that I am the best wrestler in the world.

*O'Callaghan draws some boos from the crowd after the claim*

O'Callaghan: You see Lex Hart seemed to think that I simply spend all my time in the gym, and reading wrestling A to Z. Whilst it's true, you don't become a specimen like myself without some time in the gym, what Lex failed to realise that I have been wrestling my enter life. I understand all the nuances in the ring. That's why last week I 'tapped out' so to speak...

*The crowd start a "You tapped out" chant, which makes O'Callaghan chuckle*

O'Callaghan: Oh you fools. You think a couple seconds in an old mans sharpshooter is gonna make a wrestling wonderkid like myself tap? I simply tapped, knowing the referee was out cold and Lex would break the hold. My in ring knowledge knows no bounds!

HA: Is this guy deluded? What is he on about?

O'Callaghan: I then simply rolled up the old man, and progressed to the next round of the TV tournament. He'll moan about being 'screwed', but he was simply outsmarted by a young upstart who he talked trash about all week. Maybe it's time he hung up the old boots and retired eh?

*The crowd boo, continuing the "You tapped out" chant*

O'Callaghan: Anyways like Lex Hart, that's all in the past now - I am looking forward to the future and finding out who gets the chance to lose to me in the next round of the TV tournament, but before that I find myself booked in a three on three tag team match this week. I suppose you folks all want Thunder, Leone and Masters to win right?

*The crowd go ballistic as O'Callaghan reads out his opponents*

O'Callaghan: Well what a shame for you folk that they are up against a team containing me. The greatest wrestler on the planet. The future TV title champion. The future of 6CW.

*O'Callaghan holds his arms wide, drawing in the boos from the crowd*

O'Callaghan: You can boo all you want, but come Monday night your beloved threesome are gonna find out that the future is now.

*O'Callaghan drops the mic and exits the ring as 6CW heads to commercial*
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6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May

Post by Bentyf1 Sun 01 May 2016, 10:11 pm

*The camera pans around Wembley arena as the anticipation of the crowd rises massively and quickly as each second passes by. The camera continues to pan around the arena, the fans in their droves holding up signs including "EVA" and "Give RJ a chance" complete the bubbly and palpable atmosphere. "Timehop baby" shockingly shatters the airwaves inside the arena as the crowd rises to their feet, causing a wild echo to bounce all over the arena in wild excitement of the self-professed prophet of 6CW. Jimmy Phillips stands in the ring, looking towards the ramp defiantly as Cerberus stands up in the commentary area, his eyes piercing daggers towards the ramp.The noise inside Wembley arena ratchets up a few more decibels as a figure arrogantly strides onto the top of the ramp from behind the luxury black curtain. Wearing black pinstripe trousers, sophisticated black shoes, a smart and freshly ironed white shirt tucked into the trousers and a chrome Rolex watch on his right wrist, Aaron Heath slithers into camera's view. His top two buttons lazily undone which in some ways matches his relaxed and slovenly demeanour over his face. Heath stands chest puffed out on the top of the ramp, his neck rolling from side to side looking at the waves of the 6CW world that have flooded the arena. Heath begins to twirl a microphone in his right hand as his attention now turns to the large Night Of Glory sign hanging in the rafters. Heath looks down to the ring, shaking his head from side to side, with a wry grin on his face. Suddenly, His relaxed mood seems to have vanished just like that as his eyes connect with a section of fans baying for his blood. Heath composes himself before raising the microphone to his lips and speaking as Phillips and Cerberus look on.*

Heath: Just so you two guys knew. my name... My name is Aaron Heath. Now, for the amount of months I have been here already, I think it's fair to say if I have a problem with somebody I don't usually come out here and share it with the world. Sure, I will talk and share my views but ultimately I hunt them down one by one. It's reasonable to suggest, for the past few weeks now, It feels like I'm the one being hunted down like a filthy animal what with the Gateway to Glory and of course with the TV title back in the picture, this hunt is intensified. Is it out of fear? possibly. The more I think about it,the more I think that people such as Jimmy Phillips and even people like Cerberus are the type of people I'm referring too.

*Heath locks eyes with both men as the crowd continue to ramp up the atmosphere as Heath cricks his neck and smiles cheekily down at his tag partner for the evening and one of his opponents, Cerberus.*

Heath: Now you could say that the path we are going down may potentially lead to similar fates... wouldn't you agree gentleman? but that path contains the prophet. That path contains the fraud killer and both of you are standing in my way and are both whether you like it or not, going down a path of destruction. But before that happens and we how the land lies, I wan't to know why you think you can save yourselves? I mean, looking at Cerberus... you love destruction don't you big guy. But you have found yourself on the wrong path.

*Cerberus snarls viciously like a rabid dog as Heath smirks at the top of the ramp, continuing to speak his mind as the crowd are largely split.*

Heath: You don't find yourself in the same ring against alleged heroes of this company in which I know deep down in that dark soul of yours that you wish to wash away. In that respect, we are cut from the same cloth. But I digress, you don't find yourself in the ring with Dicey Reilly, Anthony Grace, Max Adamson or a Thunder... no, because you see, unlike those guys, I welcome destruction. I welcome pain. And...  by the same token, destruction welcomes me and pain welcomes me with open arms.

Heath: Call it... a highly morbid curiosity. I know all about you, your the devils monster. I see your eyes, into that deep dark soul even and I see a monster. But despite that... I see fear. I see a man that despite his most depraved and callous actions, that their is a light inside which makes him question his own morality... The difference between us Cerberus, is that I don't have that light inside my head. I don't question my morality... but I look at you and I see a man who is on edge yes. But a man who is in constant turmoil. We haven't personally been introduced yet, but know this... Don't underestimate me Cerberus. Because you maybe the devil's monster, inside that ring I am the devil.

*Heath glaringly points to the Night of Glory sign above the ring and hanging in the rafters as the crowd continue their frenzied reaction to Heath's rhetoric. Cerberus and Phillips continue to look on, their eyes pointing daggers at the intense and ever growing confident Aaron Heath. Heath pinches the bottom of his nose before exhaling deeply and then raises the microphone to his lips once more.*

Heath: When I entered 6CW back in July of last year, I think I did that. And yes, I became known as some kind of entity, some kind of prophet if you will. What I say, I do. And when I say things, they're never lies. I have become some kind of force, some kind of tormentor if you will. I torment wrestlers to an extent they have never experienced in their very existence. I'm the Prophet of 6CW. True, I've made some choices, decisions and turned down some roads which have taken me to the point I have reached today... but this isn't a popularity contest. In this business, you don't have to be popular.

Heath: What I'm talking about is making a stand, making an impact and as prophet of your world and your 6CW World, I'm going to make the biggest impact leading up to the grandest stage of them all, Night of Glory. I'm about to make a huge impact which will lead to ramifications for the entire roster and I guess you could say that you two, Phillips and Cerberus will feel these ramifications. What I'm going to do is something which no other superstar in this entire company has done in their first year with 6CW. At Night of Glory seven, I will walk into Wembley Stadium at the very pinnacle of my game and I will become my own champion, claiming what's mine, the TV title. Being the TV champion, My followers will revel in my glory. Social media and the 6CW world are perfectly balanced and with myself, my words will be spread around the world, filling your ears, brains and souls with my words.

Heath: At Night of Glory, The prophet will undoubtedly and unquestionably defeat one of your many false idols who will be gunning for that TV championship which will after tonight be resting on this right shoulder, not around one of your fraud's shoulders. Not around the waists of men who don't deserve to control the very aspect which bonds us all together in a sea of 150 characters and messages. Your falses idols, each and everyone of them have had a historic career and have beaten the very best. It's no mistake they are where they are today  because of their intelligence, strength and intensity. Every single man that has fought against your frauds have come away looking worse for wear...Apart from me. But this TV title that you people crave for another white sheep to cling onto will conceal a gaping whole within the legacy of your heroes, in which the truth would damage and destroy them as well as taking each and everyone of them down with you. I'am your saviour for this. I will protect you from this damming verdict.
*Jimmy Phillips eyeballs Heath who has a wild look in his eyes as he continues to speak.*

Heath: And hey who knows, maybe Jimmy in the ring down there will try and become more than a myth tonight or even at Night Of Glory... and that will be down to the prophet of 6CW, Aaron Heath. I'm determined to expose the lies and the false idols that plague this company and as far as I'm concerned Jimmy... you are more than welcome to help me on my quest. But know this, I will not be stopped. I will not be stopped by anyone and if you're in my way, Phillips you will live to regret it...

*The crowd raise the noise once more as the camera pans to Jimmy Phillips who has a mischievously look on his face as he mouths "You talk to much" as Heath snarls, making his cheeks glow red anger as his blue eyes light up as he continues to spit his words out.*

Heath: Even before I set foot into a 6CW ring, I knew that my reputation would proceed me. That my reputation would anger and that my reputation would stem jealously from other so called wrestlers, such as Jimmy Phillips as you people can now see, quite clearly, in my kingdom just a few feet away. Jimmy is scared. Jimmy is intimidated as he knows that he's vulnerable to my wrath. I worked every day to get to the level I find myself at today, and that scares you Phillips... that intimidates, but that infixes you towards me. You're jealous that my reputation as a prophet has allowed you to sink into the shadows, despite your self perceived glory. We know that these people see me as a the truth speaker around here and people like you Phillips may act a tough game and have proven that you're a tough competitor...but you're riding my coattails tonight, not the other way around.

*Heath seems to have calmed down as he begins to address both men at ringside, with that glint in his eyes.*

Heath: Unlike the pair of you, I have earned the reputation of being what I say that I'am. A prophet. I'm a prophet of the masses and I'm a prophet of the 6CW world which is something that you could never accomplish in your career. In just one short year, I have done more things than you have done in the past half a decade or so. I have already stepped foot inside the ring with a false legend and he has never been seen since. I had the longest unbeaten run of a rookie in the entire history of 6CW, I've destroyed, damaged and hurt careers both short and long term. They all bowed to my greatness in reality. Tonight will be no different for you Cerberus, Phillips is lucky that he's on my wave and not yours.

*Heath removes his glare from the superstars in the ring back to the Night of Glory logo in the rafters with an evil glint in his eyes.*

Heath: For that matter, Everyone right behind me now in that locker room, every single superstar, get used to being in my shadows. Get used to being in the shadows of a prophet. Because tonight is the first moment of many where I make history. So you people can chant your heroes names and chant your false idols names like Cerberus and Crime Lord, you can yell and shout as much as you like because nobody and I mean nobody is taking my Night of Glory. Nobody is going to stop me from taking that TV championship and nobody is going to be taking away my destiny at Night of Glory of once and for all proving that the Prophet, Aaron Heath, is the true leader of this era... with just one Act of Violence.

*Timehop baby smashes the sound-system inside the arena as the fans descends into mass mixed chants as Heath smugly stands arrogantly on the ramp, looking down at Phillips and Cerberus who return a look of disdain towards the highly egotistical and evil Aaron Heath. Heath drops the microphone, his eyes never leaving that big bold logo in the rafters before slithering back through the curtain as the camera's return back to ringside.*


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6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May

Post by President Trump Tue 03 May 2016, 2:28 pm

Dicey walks into his house and is jumped on by a half naked Sally Hendrix

Sally: There is my BIG...STRONG......MAN

Sally starts to undo Diceys belt, Dicey stops her and smiles

Dicey: So I guess you have see the financial leak

Sally sits on the stairs looking innocent

Sally: I don’t know what you are talking about, can’t a girl just welcome her boo home with some affection

Dicey: I take that as a yes, look it’s not what it seems, yes I get loads of money but it all goes into savings and to help some friends out, I get by on what I need
Sally: mean those leeches like Diesel, Jack, Jill and their little rug rat

Dicey: Thats my Godson you are talking about

Sally: They don’t even give you the time of day, never mind a thank you, you are too soft in the head, it’s a wonder you negotiated that much in the first place

Dicey: I only got that deal because they were discriminating against my eating habits

Sally: Were you picking your nose again

Dicey: NO!!!! I was eating a pie and chips and I put red sauce all over my chips and people complained

Sally looks at him in a confused manner

Sally: What is wrong with you.......are you an animal or something, ketchup is for dipping....DIPPING not what you do you twisted freak

Dicey: Not you as well

Sally starts to put her clothes back on and walks up the stairs

Sally: You can sleep on the couch tonight.......I need to process this information

Dicey looks up the stairs as Sally disappears from view


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6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Monday 2nd May

Post by ncfc_Tooze Tue 03 May 2016, 4:28 pm

James McManus is shown sitting in a darkend room, his hood on his hoody pulled over his head. He rocks back and forth as he looks deep in thought. He stops rocking as Jenny McManus walks into the room and places her hand on his shoulder

Jenny-it's ok James, he's nearly here, your plan is about to come to fruition.
It's not long until you are both reunited and can once again prove to the world of tag teams that you are the future. It's time James, it's time for the rebirth and it's time for you to prove you are the best.

Jm- The best Jenny would have beaten Marshall Murdoch, the best would still be in that tv title tournament, the best wouldn't be thinking about his future.
The best wouldn't be in the first match of the card
But like you say Jenny,dearest, it is time for a rebirth
But this rebirth means going back to the beginning
And the beginning is where I am the most technically dangerous wrestler in the world. And that starts with you Mr Hurst, then Mr Faith, I come for you and that title you hold so dear.
This is my time
Time for the future to begin.........again

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