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6CW Anarchy Results Friday 30th May 2014

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6CW Anarchy Results Friday 30th May 2014 Empty 6CW Anarchy Results Friday 30th May 2014

Post by JJJohnson Fri 30 May 2014, 10:59 pm

*The 6CW logo appears on the blank screen, as “Here Come’s the Boom” by P.O.D kicks in. The crowd leaps to their feet, and erupt in a chorus of noise as blue, white, and yellow pyrotechnics display goes off.

The camera then pans across the small Copper Box arena as we see just over 3,000 fans with 6CW banners out on display.

I know Harris’s secret!!
Vive la Redemption
Brown is the new Black
I wanna hear a symphony of Agony
One true Viper
Max – I believe in you
I wanna see a Trash TV Reboot
Jackson Black isn’t God – He’s a very naughty boy

The action is then taken ringside where Henry and Harold Lloyd are situated at the announce desk, ready to call the action.

HA: Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to the penultimate episode of Anarchy before the biggest night in the 6CW calendar. This crowd is at fever pitch and I for one can not wait to see what is in store tonight

I am joined as ever by my brother Henry

*Henry nods to camera

HA: Henry, last time we saw The Authority really stamp home their control when they left Gazzy in a bloody mess as Max Adamson looked on, surely we can expect some kind of reaction tonight?

HE: Gazzy and Max would be wise to heed that warning. Mr. Jones has been in a foul mood and now is not the time to continue to cross the boss

*Harold laughs

HA: You really think Gazzy and Max will back down now just because Jones is a bit moody, they have seen a chink in the armour, now is the prime time to continue on the attack

HE: Then they should expect more blood loss. Mr. Jones and The Authority will not be made to look like fools. Max and Gazzy are on a hiding to nothing believe me!!

HA: Strong words Henry but it is actions that matter and tonight will set the scene for the future of our company

This is 6CW and IT’S TIME TO PLAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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6CW Anarchy Results Friday 30th May 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results Friday 30th May 2014

Post by JJJohnson Fri 30 May 2014, 11:01 pm

*Jimmy Phillips walks up to a door, knocks and enters

JP: Hobo, you in here?

?: Come on in man.

*Phillips walks fully through and finds Hobo waiting. The pair shake hands.

H: Thanks for coming, Jimmy. I like to talk to the people I'm gonna tag with if I get the chance.

JP: Where are the other two?

*Hobo smiles

H: Oh, I sent Bam to go have a "tactical meeting" with Robin. A nutcase like that and a daredevil don't need to talk to me before a match. Bam can't be controlled and Robin is a livewire, they'll do what they'll do.

JP: But I'm less free-willed?

H: No, you're just a thinking wrestler. And I can appreciate that. I get the feeling we're both desperate to show everything we've got every night.

JP: This is my year; I need to leave that impression every night

H: And I don't want to be a museum piece, Hobo isn't done.

JP: I get what you mean; maybe we need to be on top every night, not just the PPVs.

H: Exactly! We both plan on winning that ladder match, lets not pretend we don't, but there's a tag team match tonight where we can make a mark first. If we go big tonight then the fans will be desperate for us to win at Night of Glory. We impress now then they support us later. So, when one of us wins, the other will be a celebrated loser. Its not ideal, but you'll get over it.

*Hobo laughs at his own joke and Phillips smiles too.

JP: Yeah, yeah Hobo, I hear you. But you just remember this of the Year of The Talent. I'm going out there tonight to fire a warning shot, and I'm leaving Night of Glory with a nice shiny belt. International Champion.

H: It's a new dawn; it's a new day Jimmy. There's no honour among thieves, Jimmy, and those other four men are worse than thieves. The four of us can win this with class, and then be rivals with respect. I expect you to follow the creed, Jimmy.

*They shake hands and Phillips nods before leaving the room.


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Age : 33

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6CW Anarchy Results Friday 30th May 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results Friday 30th May 2014

Post by JJJohnson Fri 30 May 2014, 11:02 pm

*Michael Hathaway is in the changing room with Jax Cutler, in quiet discussion together sat on a bench.

?: Hey yo, I been looking for you boys.

*The pair turn to see DeMarcus Brown standing in the doorway. Cutler stands, quickly followed by Hathaway who puts an arm across his client's chest, easing him back.

MH: Mr Brown, you're interrupting us. We don't take kindly to unwanted disturbances.

DB: You'll get an unwanted disturbance attached to my fist right square in yo' face if you don't shut up.

*Cutler moves to go at Brown, and Hathaway has to use both hands to push him back, struggling against him.


*Cutler holds his ground but no longer looks to move forward.

MH: Mr Brown, have you just come to prove your idiocy or is there something else you'd like to add?

DB: Aight, business, I hear ya. I want your word that you ain't gonna use this tag match for no games. We got a gang of fools to crush, I ain't down with watching you two behind my back too. We focus on the job at hand, aight?

*Hathaway smiles

MH: Are you worried, DeMarcus?

DB: Worried? Hell no! I just don't want the hassle.

MH: Well then, you're clearly more stupid than you look and sound. Any time you are in a room with Jax Cutler you should be worried. You've got your truce, as long as you don't step on our toes. If I suspect anything in your motives that I don't approve of then you'll soon see what happens when I don't talk Mr Cutler down.

DB: And at Night of Glory he gets to find out what happens when I don't play by no rules

*Brown stops and turns his attention fully to Jax, stepping closer and nearly touching noses.

DB: The bigger they come, the harder they fall. A big man like you don't get up when he climbs the heights and comes crashing down. Keep that in mind every step you take up the ladder. I'll be waiting to knock you down.

*Cutler gives a slight twitch of his lips, almost indicating a smile.

JC: Talk is cheap.

*Cutler sits back down and Hathaway laughs wildly to himself, turning his back on Brown who walks away.


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6CW Anarchy Results Friday 30th May 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results Friday 30th May 2014

Post by JJJohnson Fri 30 May 2014, 11:03 pm

*The scene begins in a quiet gym, one man in there on his own. Jackson Black is bench pressing weights and the camera settles on him. After a few sets, a figure appears and stands over him.

?: I should have pictured you as a gym junkie

*Black looks up

JB: You here for my autograph or you got something important to say?

*Black sets down the weight and sits up; turning his body and the camera panning to see Alexander Altair returning the stern look from Jackson Black.

AA: No need to stop, Jackson, this isn't a friendly get together. You and I have business to attend to...I don't step into the ring with anyone before getting a bit of background information.

JB: Is that so? You don't need to talk to me then; unlike the rest of this roster I've got main event matches all over my CV, just go have a look at the titles I won.

*Altair smiles to himself

AA: But that's not the man I team with tonight. The past was very kind to you, Black, but the present is a whole new story.

JB: I'll fire you the warning shot you need. All of you will find out just what I taught Reborn last week: Jackson Black has not missed a step.

AA: Prove what you like in the tag match, come Night of Glory you won't have me there to catch you when you fall.

*Black gets to his feet and goes eye-to-eye with Altair

JB: Come Night of Glory you're gonna find out what it's really like to run with the big boys. When it’s all on the line, when the risk is worth the reward, you'll find that experience combined with god given talent is just too much for a little hitman and his notebook.

*Altair pauses, and Black smiles

JB: There's your research done. I've got work to do.

*Black slides back under the weights and goes back to lifting, leaving Altair to slowly walk away.


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Age : 33

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6CW Anarchy Results Friday 30th May 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results Friday 30th May 2014

Post by JJJohnson Fri 30 May 2014, 11:04 pm

*Robin Reborn is walking through the corridors of 6CW, head down and headphones in. A scream comes from somewhere behind him, but he doesn't hear. Out bursts Bam Sparkleston, walking a pace behind Robin.

BS: OH EM GEE, ROBIN REBORN! Wow! Robin, oh my god, its a pleasure. Big fan, I love it when you jump and stuff. So high! Much risk!

*Robin appears to hear none of this, but Bam goes on undeterred

BS: Aren't we the lucky ones tonight...actually getting to team with Hobo again! Last week he actually told me I could nibble his hobnob any time I wanted! We're true friends now, he might even write me into his will. I don't know about you, but oh em gee he is such a great man and I think we're blessed to be allowed to work with him.

*Still silence from Robin as he walks through the changing room doors and to a locker. Bam looks pensive.

BS: Such a shame we all have to compete in that dreadful ladder match against each other! Maybe tonight we can win this as a team and then we'll just have to keep the memory of the four best friends who took down the bad guys. We're the four best friends that anyone could have!

*Robin turns around and almost jumps out of his skin when he sees Bam's massive grin right in his face

RR: Bam, man, don't sneak up on me!

BS: Not tonight I won't Robin...I'm at your service!

RR: I know just the job for you tonight. Go out there and be yourself. To the other four. Nice and calm with us, but do all that Bam Sparkleshizzle to Altair, Cutler, Brown and Black.

BS: But they'll totally fight better with my support.

RR: Umm, yeah, but we wanna beat their best. Yeah. Thats the one. Beat them at their best.

BS: Totes true! Robin you're like a philosopher. Will you spit in a cup for me?


BS: Its normalz, totally normz. Just means I can sell authentic Reborn spit if I ever go broke. I don't think I could sell it though, mint edition spit. I've got so much spit and blood from Enforcer, Hobo, Dubois, and Percy gave me this really thick spit too. I like to collect.

RR: Out. Now.

BS: Sure thing RayRay, I'll bring the cup later.

*Sparkleston skips away and Robin shudders as he goes back to his locker.


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Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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6CW Anarchy Results Friday 30th May 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results Friday 30th May 2014

Post by JJJohnson Fri 30 May 2014, 11:06 pm

Match 1
Jimmy Phillips/Hobo/Robin Reborn/Bam Sparklington vs Alexander Altair/Jax Cutler/Jackson Black/DeMarcus Brown

We go to ringside as “Best song ever” is playing out and the crowd are cheering the arrival of Bam Sparkleston. He bounces out on the stage, taking pictures, and then takes his time to interact with the fans.

HA: The most excitable young man on the roster…Bam Sparkleston is just glad to be here amongst so many of his idols…

HE: The guy is a freak…he just follows the superstars around all day like a starstruck child….

HA: Says the man who waited for six hours outside Mr Jones’ office for an autograph?

Sparkleston rolls into the ring and catches a “selfie” of himself on the ropes before “Don’t fear the reaper” blasts out to another huge ovation. Hobo comes out onto the ramp and raises a fist into the air…

HA: Eight man tag team match up to start us off here tonight….the eight combatants who will compete for the International Championship at Night of Glory…

HE: Well you can forget about Sparkleston and this loser, Hobo….neither of them have a chance….

HA: Hobo has urged his doubters to just watch and see what happens…he believes he is as good as ever…

Hobo climbs into the ring and greets Bam Sparkleston as “Stronger” echoes out amid a procession of pyros. Robin Reborn dances out into view and then sprints down the aisleway…

HA: Injection of pace…Robin Reborn can’t wait to climb a ladder at Night of Glory and reach for the gold…

HE: Best thing that can happen is someone pushes him off and puts him out of his misery…sick of seeing his smiling face…

Reborn interacts with his teammates and then “Cold Ash” blasts out to a standing ovation. Jimmy Phillips strides out on the stage, focus in his eyes, and then removes his hoody as he walks down the ramp.

HA: 2014 is the “Year of the Talent” according to Jimmy Phillips….will he mark that by walking out of Night of Glory with championship gold?

Phillips jumps onto the apron, sending pyros from the turnbuckles, and then climbs through the ropes to join the other three men. They each take their turn to circle the ring before “MK Ultra” plays out to boos…

HE: With the backing of The Authority, Alexander Altair could be a dark horse for the IN Championship….

HA: Altair certainly wants to make Mr Jones happy and claiming more gold will do that…but the playing field is as competitive as ever…

Altair lowers his robe and fixes his eyes on the ring, mainly Jimmy Phillips, before walking down the rampway. He pauses outside the ring as “Bridge Burning” screams out…

HE: But this is my pick….the most physically gifted man on the roster today and the in-form competitor heading into Night of Glory…

HA: Jax Cutler is 3-0 here in 6CW and I can’t deny his impressiveness….with the vindictive Michael Hathaway in his corner there is no telling what this man can achieve…

Hathaway stands at the side of Cutler and talks him up before leading him down to the ring. Cutler looks ready for a fight as he circles the outside, watching his four opponents…

HE: I also like this guy too….he is my second favourite…

HA: You are not the only one…

“Watch me shine” echoes out and Jackson Black comes sauntering out on the stage. Bam Sparkleston seems giddy about Black’s arrival and has to be calmed down by his team members…

HA: Sparkleston is a huge Black fan…

HE: Hopefully Jackson knocks some sense into the little dweeb tonight…

HA: The longest reigning IN Champion of all time…Black wants his old belt back…

Black stops at the base of the ring and then climbs onto the apron as “Gangster Rap” blares out to a mixture of boos and cheers. DeMarcus Brown makes his entrance and then removes his bandana, storming towards the ring…

HA: Brown loves a tear-up and I think that is exactly what he is looking for tonight…

Brown and Jax Cutler share a glare before Brown jumps up on the apron and steps through the ropes. He takes a long look at Jackson Black before announcing that he is starting out for his team…

HA: Brown wants to get this underway…

HE: Who made him the boss?

Black shrugs and leaves the ring as Brown waits for an opponent to step forward. Robin Reborn is the man to take up the challenge…

HA: One fall to a finish….big chance of gaining some momentum before Night of Glory…

Reborn and Brown lockup and then Brown launches Reborn back into the corner. He swings a huge right hand but Reborn ducks under and then fires off with three right hands of his own…he grabs Brown’s arm and looks for an Irish whip but Brown is too powerful and sends Reborn flying across the ring…

HE: Reborn needs his wings clipping…

Reborn jumps up on the turnbuckle and tries to spin back into a crossbody but Brown catches him and then throws RR onto his shoulders…


Reborn drops off the back and then dropkicks Brown in the back, sending him sprawling into the ropes. Jax Cutler makes the blind tag and quickly storms in with a thunderous knee to Reborn’s stomach…

HE: Reborn is finished now, Cutler will beat him down…

Reborn drops to his knees and Cutler repeatedly clubs him across the back before dragging him up and slings him into the corner. He drives in with fierce shoulder thrusts to the gut before then throwing Reborn across the ring…

HA: Cutler is a very impressive specimen…

Hathaway: You’re the man, Jax…’re the best….these men have nothing on you….show them!

Reborn gets back up and Cutler thunders into him with a clothesline before he drops to his knees and begins to drill Reborn with furious punches…

HA: Those are closed fists…

The referee intervenes on the count of four and Cutler steps away. He looks back at Reborn and then runs at him with a big kick to the ribs before tagging in Jackson Black…

HE: Black took Reborn to school last week…no different tonight…

Black stomps down on Reborn’s midsection before dragging him up into a snap suplex. Black keeps hold of Reborn and drags him into a second suplex before pulling Reborn up for a third time and suplexing him high into the air…


Reborn manages to float behind, blocking the jackhammer, and then takes Black down with a rolling legsweep. Reborn gets up, groggily, and staggers towards his corner…

HE: Reborn running away…

Black reaches out and grabs Reborn’s leg but RR kicks out with his free heel and catches Black in the face. Reborn then dives across and tags in Bam Sparkleston…

HA: This could be Sparkleston’s wildest dream…he may not even want to hurt Black…

Sparkleston climbs into the ring with a smile and looks beside himself as he circles Jackson Black. Bam reaches out to touch Black but Jackson storms forwards and tackles Sparkleston to the ground…

HE: This idiot hasn’t got a clue…

Black drives in with a forearm, bloodying the lip of Bam, and then he grabs his legs and catapults him into the corner. Sparkleston hits the corner and falls back out as Black waistlocks him into a huge German suplex…

HA: Jackson Black doesn’t care if he is the idol of Bam Sparkleston or not….if he stands in the way of championship gold then he is likely to get hurt…

Black keeps his hands locked and throws Bam into another suplex…..then a third…..a fourth….a fifth…..a sixth…..a seventh….Hobo looks concerned for the youngster as Black nails an eighth straight suplex….
……….Hobo dives in and breaks it up!

HE: Hobo has no right sticking his nose in…

HA: He’s keeping this match alive for his team…

Black drags Bam up and pushes him into the ropes before tagging in Alexander Altair. Altair climbs in and he lashes against Sparkleston’s chest with vicious chops, reddening the skin…

HA: Altair is enjoying this….he loves hurting people…

Altair follows up with brutal European uppercuts before whipping Bam across the ring. Sparkleston slams into the turnbuckle and flips upside down on the top rope as Altair runs across with a diving high knee to the spine. Sparkleston falls down into a “tree of woe” position and Altair chokes him with his boot…Altair drags Sparkleston to the centre of the ring and jumps up for a diving knee….

HA: Sparkleston did well to avoid that…

Sparkleston rolls away, sending Altair into the mat, and then he runs the ropes and returns with a jumping high knee that knocks Altair down. He waits for The Authority man to get back up and plants him with a DDT…………………..1………………….2……………..kickout. Sparkleston makes his way to the corner and begins to climb…

HA: Bam taking a risk here…

Sparkleston wobbles a little, losing his footing, and Altair is able to get up and swipe his legs from under him. Altair then grabs Bam and delivers an iconoclasm, driving Sparkleston back down into the mat…

HE: Everytime Sparkleston climbs into the ring he takes a beating…he is beyond useless…

Bam falls down into a heap as Altair circles the ring and then crouches in the opposite corner. Sparkleston slowly begins to get back to his feet as Altair runs at him…


Bam drops to the floor, more out of pain than expertise, and Altair sails over his head before crashing into the turnbuckle. Sparkleston holds his back as he crawls over towards his corner…

HA: Sparkleston really needs to tag out…


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Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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6CW Anarchy Results Friday 30th May 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results Friday 30th May 2014

Post by JJJohnson Fri 30 May 2014, 11:07 pm

Bam manages to tag in Jimmy Phillips and the crowd go wild. Phillips jumps over the ropes and he charges into Altair with a shoulder block before welcoming him back and throwing him across the ring with an overhead suplex. Altair gets back up and walks into a northern lights suplex……………………1………………….2…………….Altair kicks out.

HA: Phillips and Altair have been at each other’s throats for months….would be a huge achievement for one to outdo the other and become the International Champion…..TOUCHDOWN!

Phillips looks for the “rock bottom” but Altair elbows his way free and then grabs Phillips with both hands, driving him down with a chokebomb………………1…………………..2………….kickout. Altair crawls to the corner and tags in Jax Cutler…

HE: Cutler has already dominated Phillips before…he will do so again…

Cutler charges Phillips back into the corner and nails shoulder thrusts before whipping him to the opposite corner. Phillips staggers out and is wiped by a huge running boot from Jax…………..1…………….2………..kickout.

Cutler drags JP back up and then scores with a fisherman’s suplex………….1……………….2……….shoulder up!

Hathaway: That gold is within your grasp, Jax…Night of Glory will be all about you….you’re the next big thing…

Cutler stomps down on Phillips back repeatedly and then he is slapped on the back by DeMarcus Brown. Cutler looks annoyed as Brown barges past him and then runs at Phillips with a diving dropkick……………….1……………………….2………………..kickout. Brown draws his finger across his throat before welcoming Phillips back up and lifts him onto his shoulders….


Phillips drops off the back and pushes Brown off the ropes before planting him with a spinebuster. Phillips makes his way over to the corner and slaps the hand of Hobo, drawing huge cheers from the crowd…

HA: Can Hobo ride the wave of success once more?

Hobo goes to the top rope and shines in the flash of cameras before leaping through the air with a heavy elbow drop to the chest of Brown…………………….1……………………2……………….shoulder up. Brown stumbles up and Hobo nails a four punch combo (Down and Out) and follows up with a big elbow to the top of his opponent’s head. Brown falls back into the corner and Hobo slams into him with a backside splash before welcoming him out….



Brown jumps out the side and shoves Hobo off the ropes before nailing him with the Samoan drop on the comeback…………………1……………………..2………………shoulder up. Brown then crawls his way to the corner and reaches out to tag in Alexander Altair…

HA: What…?

Altair suddenly drops down off the apron with a blank expression and then walks away from the ringside area. DeMarcus Brown and the other competitors watch him leave with surprise…

HA: Altair just walking out of here…

HE: Saving himself for Night of Glory, smart move…

Altair disappears through the curtain as Jackson Black slaps Brown’s hand and climbs in. He quickly drives in behind Hobo with a chopblock and then grabs his legs…

HA: Black looking for the Texas Cloverleaf…

Hobo scrambles and then twists and turns before managing to throw Black across the canvass with leg strength. They both get back up and Hobo looks for a kick to the stomach but Black catches his foot and spins him around before nailing an excellent “chaos theory” suplex…

HE: Jackson Black is the king of mat wrestling…Hobo is way past the point of being able to compete…

Hobo holds the back of his neck as he staggers up, walking straight into a t-bone………………1…………………2…………….shoulder up. Hobo is flat on his back as Jackson Black makes his way to the corner…

HA: This isn’t Black’s usual haunt….but he can go high-risk if needed…

HE: Time to put the tramp to sleep….MOONSAULT!

Black gets serious hang time on his moonsault but finds nothing but canvass as Hobo rolls out of the impact zone. Hobo manages to roll away and tag in Robin Reborn…

HA: Time to fly…

Reborn springboards onto the ropes and flies in with a double foot stomp to the back of Black before rushing off the ropes and returning with rolling thunder………………1…………….2………….shoulder up. Reborn drags Black up and then plants him with an inverted suplex before rolling to the corner and jumping up top…

HA: Reborn didn’t get the win last week but he could do tonight…

Reborn looks ready to fly when Jax Cutler grabs his legs and pulls him down, crotching Reborn on the top rope. The crowd boo as Black manages to get back and run to the corner, throwing Reborn down with a huge overhead suplex…

HE: He’s finished…

Black is still hurting from Reborn’s attack so DeMarcus Brown slaps his back and steps into the match. Brown waits for Reborn to get up and then charges through him with a furious spear….


……Bam Sparkleston makes the save!

HE: He better run…

Brown gets up and grabs Sparkleston by the head but is surprised by a roundhouse kick from Bam. Sparkleston looks shocked by his own actions and then he springboards onto the ropes and returns with a flying knee to Brown’s jaw…

HA: Would you believe it…

Brown staggers backwards into the opposite corner and allows Jax Cutler to make the tag. Sparkleston quickly exits the ring as Cutler marches over and pulls Reborn up by the hair…

Hathaway: Time to end it, Jax……4-0!

Cutler flips Reborn up in the air for his patented powerbomb finisher but RR responds with furious right hands before countering out with a falling hurricanrana. They get back up and Jax bursts forwards….


Reborn leapfrogs over Jax, sending him to the corner, and then dives over and tags in Hobo. Hobo quickly climbs in and he grabs Cutler’s trunks, rolling him up,…………………1……………………..2……………….shoulder up. They get back up and Cutler looks for a furious clothesline but Hobo ducks and pulls down the top rope…

HA: Jackson Black made the blind tag there….

Hobo aims to go out after Cutler but Black drags him back around and lifts him up on his shoulders, planting him with a Green Bay plunge….


………Hobo just gets his shoulder up. Black gets back to his feet and DeMarcus Brown calls out for the tag….

HA: Black doesn’t want to share…

Black stands in front of Brown and says “I don’t need anyone’s help….I’m the best around here” before slapping Brown’s hand arm away. He turns back around and beckons Hobo back up….

HE: Jackson Black can take care of Hobo himself…


Brown suddenly climbs in the ring and he swings Black around before lifting him on his shoulders….


Brown plants Black with the F-5 and then backs away with a grimace on his face….Hobo stumbles over and makes the cover…

HE: Nooo…

HA: Hobo and co win this match….big assist from DeMarcus Brown, who I guess doesn’t want to play kindly with anyone else….

“Don’t Fear the Reaper” blasts out and Hobo has his arm raised in victory. He is breathing heavily but looks pleased with his win, before he is span around and lifted onto DeMarcus Brown’s shoulders…

HE: Brown hasn’t finished….BROKEN HOME!

Brown drills Hobo with another F-5 before getting to his feet. He is quickly set upon by Robin Reborn, who knocks him back into the corner with right hands, and then looks for an Irish whip to the opposite corner. Brown reverses and then follows RR across but Reborn uses the top rope to propel himself up and over the oncoming Brown….

HA: Caught him….BROKEN HOME!


Brown looks set to plant Reborn when Phillips runs across and crushes Brown with a clothesline “from hell”. Brown rolls from the ring as Phillips helps Reborn back up to his feet…

HE: They can be friends tonight but they won’t be at Night of Glory…

HA: No they won’t……WHAT A SPEAR!

The crowd are stunned as Jax Cutler suddenly storms into the ring and spears both Phillips and Reborn at the same time. Hathaway applauds from the outside and punches the air with glee…

HE: This is the man to watch…Jax Cutler is deadly serious about being International Champion…

Cutler is knelt over Jimmy Phillips when Bam Sparkleston sneaks past him to kneel down beside Jackson Black. Sparkleston is too busy taking a “selfie” with his fallen idol to notice Cutler stalking him….

HA: Oh cmon…please…

HE: Sparkleston wants to be a wrestle then he needs to get to grips with the territory….he is standing in Jax Cutler’s yard…

Cutler drags Sparkleston by the hair into the centre of the ring and then flips him into a crucifix position. He holds Bam there and then pushes him…


Sparkleston is about to be planted by the powerbomb when he manages to kick his feet and drop behind. He dropkicks Cutler in the back, sending him away, and then dives under the bottom rope to safety…

HE: I can’t believe he escaped…

HA: Bam Sparkleston has more lives than a cat…

Sparkleston quickly makes his way up the ramp as Cutler watches him leave. Michael Hathaway continues to hype up his client from the outside…

Hathaway: Let him go, Jax….he is nothing to you…..nothing can stop you… will be the next 6CW International Champion….remember the name…..ladies and gentlemen…..JAAAAXXXX CUUUUTTTLLLLEEEERRR!


An irate Jackson Black spins Cutler around and drills him with a quickfire jackhammer before rolling from the ring. Black motions a belt around his waist and trash talks Michael Hathaway before making his way into the aisle…

HE: Can’t rule out Jackson Black…

HA: No you cannot….he has his eyes set on the International Championship….all eight men do….but only one can leave with the prize….who will it be?

Match result: Hobo via pinfall over Jackson Black
Match time: 10 minutes


Posts : 9887
Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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6CW Anarchy Results Friday 30th May 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results Friday 30th May 2014

Post by JJJohnson Fri 30 May 2014, 11:11 pm

*Backstage Mr. Jones is sat at his desk, the office door opens slowly and Oliver Keane walks in

MJ: Oliver, please take a seat

*Keane nods and takes a seat opposite the 6CW owner. Jones appears tired and removes his glasses rubbing his eyes

OK: Are you ok. You don’t seem yourself?

*Jones smiles briefly

MJ: Has Kelsey asked you to check up on me?

OK: She’s family and as much as you keep trying to push everyone away she’s worried about you. I know she comes across as this brash over confident fire cracker but she’s delicate and needs to be reassured that everything’s ok.

There have been a lot of things changing round here. I know we’ve had success but at what cost Michael, you wanted me to step up and start helping out, well this is me helping out, this is me coming to you and being honest

You’ve p****d off a lot of people to get what you want. I admire your stubborn determination to succeed; it reminds me of my father but you need to realise that you have people here who want to help you, we believe in what you are trying to achieve, we see that all this is in the best interests of 6CW

We are in a period of success never before experienced, crowd attendance is up, PPV buy rates have never been so good but I can see that there is something playing on your mind

I have seen the phone calls taken in the shadows, the emails from the legal team; I can see all is not as it seems Michael

*Jones lifts his head and stares towards Keane

OK: You don’t have to deal with everything on your own. What ever it is, I am sure there is a solution to be found. All it needs is a fresh pair of eyes

*Jones looks in a daze for a second as he considers his options. Keane appears nervous as the silence builds before finally Jones speaks

MJ: I appreciate your honesty Oliver. I have known for quite some time that you are the natural heir to this part of my empire. I’ll admit I initially reacted to the news of your relationship with Kelsey with some trepidation and worry, but please understand it was worry for you.

*Keane nods and smiles

MJ: I have not always seen eye to eye with that side of my family and I appreciate that Kelsey can be highly strung at the best of time but I should have had more faith in your ability to bring her back in line.

You and I have a lot in common Oliver; you are like the son I wish I had!

*Keane nods as Jones continues

MJ: It is true that there have been things going on behind the scenes that I have been keen to keep under wraps. I should have known that you would have sensed something was happening, it is why I was so keen to have you under my wing, this business, the ability to be three steps ahead is something that you have in abundance. It is what marks you out as elite. It is why I know I can trust you with this information

*Jones takes a deep breath

MJ: Recent developments have meant that our Authority is being questioned. There are dark forces at work Oliver and it is now an absolute priority that we get complete control at Night of Glory.

*Keane shifts in his seat

OK: But why, what’s happened, who is this dark power, Gazzy, Max. Surely nothing is as serious as you’re making out?

*Jones smiles wearily before removing his glasses once more as the scene changes


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6CW Anarchy Results Friday 30th May 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results Friday 30th May 2014

Post by JJJohnson Fri 30 May 2014, 11:13 pm

*The scene opens as the camera pans across a bookshelf filled with notably old editions, books bound by leather on what looks to be expensive wood. The image changes to art on the walls, the frames large, yet classy. There are trophies, both literally and figuratively, adorning surfaces with large gold prizes as well as large stuffed animal heads hanging off walls; the prize of a fair hunt. Men stand around drinking whiskey, smoking cigars and talking loudly. The camera switches again to see Jack Hurst sat in a plush chair, a brandy in hand, a pipe and a smokers robe covering the majority of a suit he wears underneath. He looks up, off camera, and smiles.

JH: Ahhh! So glad to see you've joined me!

*The camera turns to see Nicky Cassidy standing there. He hasn't quite got the tone of the occasion; he appears to be in a dressing gown and his pyjamas. He sits in the chair next to Hurst, acting as if he is quite at home.

NC: Quite, my good sir, quite. Indeed! Most humbly invited, if I do say. My, my, what a delightful place, indeed, indeed.

JH: I am delighted you agree so, Nicholas.

*He grabs a cigar and passes it to Cassidy, flicking a light as Cassidy takes it.

JH: When in Rome, young man.

NC: Indeed, indeed, rather must old fellow!

*Cassidy takes a long drag of the cigar and almost immediately coughs violently. Hurst is grinning.

JH: Not a cigar smoker, old Nick?

*Nicky weezes his response.

NC: Not really, old chum!

JH: Wash it down with some whiskey dear boy!

*Hurst passes over a glass and Cassidy takes a swig, reacting almost as notably as before.

NC: It burns!

JH: Yes, it'll do that. Takes a while to get accustomed to………rather strong. Would you like a tipple of something different?

*Cassidy nods

JH: Arthur? Arthur! Yes, Arthur, do you have the soft drinks you could bring over?

*Hurst is clearly happy with the reaction of this Arthur off camera

JH: Nicholas. Quite the bother we're in. I must apologise that you've been dragged into this Dubois mess. Real swine of a fellow. Indeed, I know you have much on your hands yourself with that Chaos fellow. There appears to be two of the little masked guy, but least he’s as much of a danger to himself as he is to you.

NC: Not at all, good chum, we shall take to the battlefield and banish our foes, once today and then another time at Night of Glory.

JH: Sounds like you're raring to go! Well, perhaps this meeting was unnecessary, we're clearly both on the same page. I shall head next door and get myself changed and prepared then!

NC: Next door? Wait, huh? We're miles away aren't we?

JH: Dear boy, we're in the arena!

NC: But how?

JH: Oh, I can get something like this together in a jiffy. A bit of charm and the staff will do you anything. Katy Perry is in the country too you know, she's my guest at Night of Glory. And the night before, the night after and the morning after all of those.

*Arthur comes over with a drink for Nicky.

JH: Ahhh, there you are. Should freshen you up!

*Cassidy grabs the water and throws it down his throat, immediately coughing again

JH: Crikey, is something the matter?

NC: That isn't water!

JH: Of course not, it's what we get in for the teetotallers’. It's vodka. Clear alcohols are for rich women on diets, but we make an exception for those who need something light.

*Hurst jumps up, pats Cassidy on the back and swings around his chair.

JH: See you on the fields of justice!

*The scene fades with Cassidy almost in tears.


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6CW Anarchy Results Friday 30th May 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results Friday 30th May 2014

Post by JJJohnson Fri 30 May 2014, 11:14 pm

"NON, NON, NON! Zere is zis lil masked swine?!"

*Jerome Dubois is storming around backstage. He stops and berates one of the sound guys.

JD: Zere is 'e?! Why must I chase ze puppet?! I told you to find 'im!

*The sound guy stammers

SG: I, urm, there's no sign sir

*Dubois grabs his collar

JD: Zut alors! Imbecile!

*He drops him again

JD: On n'apprend pas aux vieux singes à faire des grimaces! Ze cretin is not in here. Our match will be the great Dubois against Urst and the ice man. I must waste my energy against two fools whilst zis Chaos runs free. Non, non, non. I will not fight alone; ze Authority must do the right thing. I shall see them. Mr Jones is not to stop the Dubois revolution!

*Dubois storms on, round a corner and smashes straight into Billy Shaw

JD: Imbecile! You, you will watch tonight as the French revolutionary Jerome Dubois takes down your little friend

BS: Talking is for fools; back it up in the ring.

JD: Yes, run scared, a battle of wits is beyond your understanding.

*Shaw merely shakes his head and walks away, Dubois shouts at him

JD: I will take ze fool and break 'iz limbs.

*As he turns back in the direction he was heading, he is met by Timothy Allen.

TA: Ah, Jerome! A word?

*Dubois stops, looks at Allen and the camera crew and offers them a word

JD: Failures.

*He walks away from a slightly stunned Allen and the scene fades.


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6CW Anarchy Results Friday 30th May 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results Friday 30th May 2014

Post by JJJohnson Fri 30 May 2014, 11:14 pm

*Emmy is walking backstage of the Copper Box arena looking confident. She smiles at some stagehands that she passes and looks very at ease. As she turns round a backstage corridor she is met with the intimidating sight of Vincent Costello. He looks down and her and grins.

VC: I heard him say he is ready for anything.....

*Emmy tries to look calm as she stares up at him.

Emmy: And so he is. You will find out. No more talking.......

*Costello mocks her with a high pitched voice.

VC: No more talking.....

*Emmy goes to walk past him but Costello extends his arm and blocks her way. She tries to get past but cannot avoid him. Costello doesn't even look at her as he carries on speaking.

VC: Redemption may not be measured by losses, But revenge certainly is. And how would he feel if he lost you?

*He gradually turns to face Emmy and gives her a sickening smile. Suddenly, he grabs Emmy and pins her against the wall. She struggles to get free but Costello calmly pins both her arms above her head with one muscular arm. Emmy goes to scream but Costello covers his mouth with his free hand. He then smirks at her as she stares back terrified. He nods his head and starts speaking in low tones.

VC: You said you would follow him to the end of the world without question? Do you really mean that? Even if he was a broken man. A hollow shell, with all the blood drained out. Sitting in some hospital ward; a vegetable. Liam Wood, gone from the public world, but staring blankly at your private one. The world you said you would follow him to.....without......question.........

*Costello removes his hand and Emmy cries uncontrollably. He shushes her in a mock comforting tone as she continues to cry. Costello leans into Emmy and looks into her eyes. Emmy turns away but Costello takes his hand and grabs her around the neck. She tries to scream but gasps of air only come out of her mouth. He slowly turns her head around so that his menacing eyes lock onto her tear filled ones.

VC: Do you feel the walls closing in around you?

*He pulls his head to the side of her head and whispers into her ear.

VC: I can help you.......

*He brings his head back out and stares into her eyes again. The tears are now flowing freely as Emmy shuts her eyes and sobs.

VC: You have the power to make sure he does get dragged down to my level. That's the level where we will see the real Liam Wood. The one I have sucked out of him. At that point I will take him apart gratefully. No remorse. No let up. But how far I go is up to you girl. Do you want to wait hand and foot on a cripple all of your life? A lady as good looking as you could have any guy you want. Why would you settle for any less of a man. Don't do the honourable pushing him, I promise I won't let him suffer anymore than he has to. I will finish it.....cleanly. And then girl, your conscious is clear. You can walk away as confidently as you have been walking about here with no guilty thoughts. I did you a favour. I saved your world by destroying another.

*He nods a few times as Emmy opens her eyes. He tenderly wipes away a tear with his knuckles, that makes her shiver in disgust.

VC: It's up to you.........

*Slowly he lifts his arm off of hers and as soon as she realises she is free, Emmy runs away crying again. Costello watches her go and smirks again.

VC: You go girl......tell him I have no more words either.

*He smiles sadistically and punches the wall a few times, before turning around and walking away.


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6CW Anarchy Results Friday 30th May 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results Friday 30th May 2014

Post by JJJohnson Fri 30 May 2014, 11:17 pm

Match 2
Jack Hurst/Nicky Cassidy vs Jerome Dubois/Chaos

Back at ringside and “Prince Charming” echoes out to a great ovation from the fans in attendance. Jack Hurst walks out on the stage and waves at the fans….

HA: Jack Hurst is ten days away from a Night of Glory show-down with Jerome Dubois….tonight those two men will be a part of this tag team match up…

HE: Hurst got lucky last year, Dubs wasn’t in the right frame of mind when he lost but he’s had a year out and now he is back to set the record straight…..Hurst has no idea how to compete against a fully-focused Jerome Dubois….

Hurst climbs into the ring and then he climbs up onto the turnbuckle to pose for the fans as “Cold as Ice” echoes out to another thunderous ovation. Ice blue fireworks explode into the air…

HA: Nicky Cassidy is another superstar with a score to settle at Night of Glory…

HE: Chaos has been messing with Cassidy’s mind for weeks, months….they are going to clash properly at the biggest event of the year….

Cassidy swaggers out and lowers his fur coat to the floor before rushing down to ring and sliding in. He shakes hands with Jack Hurst and then “Beat the Devil’s Tattoo” echoes out to a crescendo of boos. Jerome Dubois walks out on the stage, a smug grin on his face, and then he makes his way down to the ring, his eyes locked on Jack Hurst.

HA: Jerome Dubois believes that walking through Jack Hurst at Night of Glory will be his first step to getting back to the top….it has been a long time since he held the 6CW Championship…

Dubs is up on the apron, sneering at Jack Hurst, as Chaos comes through the crowd and drags Cassidy from the ring. He slams “Ice Cold” back into the announce table…

HA: A blindside attack….I should have guessed…

Chaos drops down onto Cassidy’s chest and begins to deliver stiff punches to the face. Hurst attempts to climb from the ring to aid his partner when Dubois climbs in and clubs him from behind…

HE: Dubs taking advantage of the situation….that is what great superstars do…

Dubs drags Hurst into the centre of the ring and lifts him up into a suplex before climbing up and twirls into an elbow drop……………………..1………………………2……………….shoulder up. He drags Hurst back up and flips him onto his shoulders….


Hurst drops behind and counters with a neckbreaker. They get back up and he floors Dubois with a clothesline before welcoming him back up and he dropkicks him into the corner. Hurst drives in with a clothesline and then he suplexes Dubois into the air, turning him into a slam in midair…

HA: Dubs is down, centre of the ring….Hurst is heading for the skies…

HE: Stop him….

Hurst quickly heads for the top rope and prepares for his patented legdrop when Chaos grabs his foot and crotches him across the turnbuckle. Dubois is able to get back up and he delivers a superplex from on high….

HA: Cassidy is struggling to get up here on the outside, Jack Hurst all alone right now…

……….Hurst kicks out. Dubois gets back to his feet and he tags in Chaos. Chaos leaps over the top rope and lands on top of Hurst with a splash………………….1…………………………..2………………..shoulder up.

HE: Hurst is going to get taught a lesson here…he is up against two former world champions….

Hurst gets back to his feet and Chaos crunches a buzzsaw kick against his temple, dropping him in a heap, before heading to the corner. He looks over his shoulder at Hurst before springing onto the top rope….


Chaos looks for the corkscrew split-legged moonsault but Hurst drives his knees up into the gut of his opponent. Chaos stumbles back up and Hurst scoops him up onto his shoulders…


Chaos counters with a headscissors that sends Hurst flying towards the corner, straight into a tag from Cassidy. The crowd roar as Cassidy springs onto the ropes and dives in with a missile dropkick, wiping Chaos off his feet….

Chaos gets back up and Cassidy floors him with a discus clothesline before running off the ropes and returning with some rolling thunder………………..1………………………..2…………………..kickout. Cassidy pulls Chaos up and tries to lift him into a suplex but Chaos floats over the shoulder and spins Cassidy around….


Cassidy swipes Chaos’ legs and slingshots him into the corner before throwing him into a release German suplex as he returns. Cassidy drags Chaos back up and nails him with a fisherman’s suplex…………………….1……………………..2…………….shoulder up. Cassidy makes his way to the corner and he beckons Chaos back up…

HA: Cassidy looking to end this….ICE BREAKER!

Chaos ducks the superkick and then springboards off the ropes, returning with a twisting tornado DDT……………………..1………………………..2………………….shoulder up. Chaos gets back up and he tags in Jerome Dubois. Dubois takes to the top rope and drills a flying elbow drop into Cassidy’s chest………………………1…………………………2………………..kickout!

HE: Cassidy is so cocky and arrogant…but that will be slapped out of him here by Dubois….

Dubois pulls Cassidy up and tries to lift him into a “Go Flasher” but Cassidy drops behind and nails an inverted backbreaker (Randy Orton). Cassidy then crawls over to tag in Jack Hurst. Hurst goes to the top rope and he jumps off with a double axe handle to Dubois’ head……………….1……………………..2………………shoulder up. Hurst pulls Dubois back up and tries to suplex him but Dubois swings out and drags Hurst into him…


Dubois nails the sit-out side-slam and covers………………………….1………………………..2…………………..shoulder up. Dubois makes his way to the corner and waits for Hurst to get back up before charging at him….

HA: Dubois lining up for a spear….

Hurst counters with a drop toe hold and quickly tries to synch in an anklelock. Dubois yells out in pain but then turns on his back and kicks out, sending Hurst flying. They get back up and Dubois gets in first with a kick to the stomach before flipping Hurst up….


Hurst counters the powerbomb into an x-factor facebuster……………………….1……………………….2……………….kickout. Hurst gets back up and he makes the tag to Nicky Cassidy. Cassidy quickly leaps up top…


Chaos grabs Cassidy’s trunks and pushes him off the turnbuckle. Cassidy lands hard on his back and then stumbles back up as Dubs grabs his head and flips him into a powerbomb……………..1………………….2…………………..Cassidy just gets his shoulder up!

Dubs drags Cassidy back to his feet and he lifts him into the air…


Cassidy drops out the back and he pushes Dubois away before jumping back towards him…


Dubois moves out of the way but the superkick detonates on the jaw of Chaos and sends him flying from the apron. Dubois then runs across and knocks Hurst off the apron before beckoning Cassidy around, kicking him in the stomach…


Dubois nails the “Go Flasher” and hooks both legs…………………………1…………………………2………………….Hurst dives into the ring…………………………3!

HE: Not quick enough….

HA: Jerome Dubois and Chaos take the upper hand heading into Night of Glory…

Dubois quickly rolls from the ring with his arm in the air as Jack Hurst kneels over Nicky Cassidy. Dubois winks at his rival as he swaggers off into the aisleway…

HE: Cassidy may have got a little retribution on Chaos but he wasn’t ready for Jerome Dubois….Jack Hurst just found out exactly what he is up against in ten days…

Hurst stands up at the ropes and watches Dubois walk up the rampway as Chaos is back up on his feet on the outside. He rubs his jaw, his dark eyes sparkling, and is muttering under his breath as he watches Hurst help Cassidy back up…

HA: Chaos won’t forget that kick in a hurry….these four men are going to settle some pretty personal rivarlies at Night of Glory…

Match result: Jerome Dubois via pinfall over Nicky Cassidy
Match time: 4 minutes, 48 seconds


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6CW Anarchy Results Friday 30th May 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results Friday 30th May 2014

Post by JJJohnson Fri 30 May 2014, 11:18 pm

*Christy James is standing with backstage as she starts to talk into the camera.

CJ: Hi everyone! My guest tonight, facing a handicap match of sorts, "The Viper" Liam Wood!

*Wood walks into shot looking supremely confident and relaxed.

CJ: Liam, you are up against two men which......

*Wood shakes his head and covers up her microphone.

LM: Let's get things straight Christy, this so called match against so called men is a joke. Poodles of Justice? The very fact this bout has been legitimised is a criminal act. But Liam Wood takes on all comers. That is why I am 6CW Superstar of the Year. I may have played up to the joke for the fans earlier, but I am serious now. I will defeat the G.A.Y.S. and then concentrate on more important matters......

CJ: Vincent Costello?

*Wood grits his teeth and shuts his eyes.

LM: Even the name gets me on edge. But Vince, I have had some good advice this week. Advice from someone very important to me. That person made me realise who I am and who I am not. So have your fun.....comedy isn't your thing by the way. I will be man that people look up to and not the man that is going to fight you in the gutter. Stay there if you want, I am........

*Suddenly the sound of crying is heard and Emmy comes running into shot. She flings herself into his arms and sobs into his shoulder. Wood looks very confused and agitated as Christy backs away. Carefully he manages to pull her away from his shoulder and looks at her intently.

LM: Costello........?

*She doesn't answer but just nestles into his body again.

LM: Costello..........

*Woods face turns red with anger as he pulls away from his girlfriend and is about to stride off. Emmy manages to turn round and grab his arm.

Emmy: No Liam! You can't! Don't take the bait please! Please! For me!

*Wood looks at her briefly before shaking her arm off and walking off. The sound of boxes clattering can be heard as Christy tries to comfort Emmy.


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6CW Anarchy Results Friday 30th May 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results Friday 30th May 2014

Post by JJJohnson Fri 30 May 2014, 11:19 pm

*The camera flickers on and we hear the end of Molly's speech to Percy.

MC: ...And after you're done you just you just suck it straight back out with a straw. Now where is Viper, we really should talk ahead of this match.

PP: He's out the back talking to his little girlfriend

MC: No, you silly goose, not closet Viper, our Viper.

PP: Oh my, I haven't seen any of Viper since last Friday!

MC: That crafty butcher always disappears after a night at Dot's!

*Percy shakes his head

PP: But seriously Molly, this match with Liam, what's our plan?

*Coddle smiles

MC: Oh, darling, we'll see if Wood can handle two of us at once, if we're clever we can beat him down to his knees then take him from both sides. He'll be quite the lucky Pierre, as the French say.

PP: He won’t know what’s coming

MC: Or who

*Coddle winks as the scene fades out


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6CW Anarchy Results Friday 30th May 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results Friday 30th May 2014

Post by JJJohnson Fri 30 May 2014, 11:32 pm


Night of Glory IV
May 4th, 2012

6CW World Heavyweight Championship
"End of the line"
Genesis vs 6CW
Hell in a cell
Lex Hart © vs Keith Leone

The action is back at ringside and the whole arena is in a raucous mood.The whole stadium seems to be shaking under the atmosphere before Mike Bird steps forwards into the middle of the ring.He smiles at the audience before holding the microphone into the air..


*Crowd pop

Mike Bird:The following bout will be your MAIN EVENT of the evening........and it will be for the 6CW World Heavyweight Champion.....contested inside HEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLL IIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNN A CEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLL!

*Crowd ultra pop

JT:My god you can feel it...the energy,the excitement....this is it...the biggest night in our company's history...the biggest match of all time....the future of 6CW hangs in the balance..

HE:I've got goosebumps....80,000 fans have witnessed an amazing night of action but now they are about to witness the most monumental match of all time.It's the "end of the line" tonight at the fourth anniversary of Night of Glory,we are about to witness the end of an era...

JT:Genesis or 6CW....tonight one of these establishemnts will fall into the abyss,they will cease to's the final battle after an amazing 12 month war.....but when the dust settles and all is said and done,only one will stand......

HE:I cannot contain myself...i've seen it all in 6CW....Ryan Rose,Median,Dicey Reilly,Daniel Reilly....the ups and the downs.....and tonight it could all come to an end..

JT:You've been welcoming the end for weeks...don't turn coat now..

HE:It's finally just struck me...the magnitude of the event....after four long and amazing years,we could be looking at the final night in 6CW history...

JT:This illustrious company has provided us with some of the most memorable events in wrestling history...tonight that could all come to an end...the dream of so many could turn into a devastating nightmare.....the future is literally hanging in the's all or nothing....go hard or go home...

HE:It's all down to two....we are back in the colisseum....we are going to settle this war like wars should be settled...the best against the true warrior against another true shall fall....and one shall stand victorious...

JT:And you heard it folks...this match will be decided inside the demonic hell in a cell....a stipulation added last week at the Supershow to prevent any outside interference...

HE:I cannot wait any longer...

The cameras pan around the arena as the crowd are all holding banners up and the deafening chant of "6C-Dub" roars out.Mike Bird seems to have tears in his eyes from the reception of the crowd.

JT:I have never witnessed an atmosphere like this in all my years...80,000 strong...this is what professional wrestling is all about...

The lights in the arena suddenly go out completelty.There is complete darkness and cheers and screams can be heard all around before a lone white light appears on the stage.It grows bigger and bigger before a procession of figures march out onto the stage.

HE:What is this...

JT:The grand finale...

JT:This is the 51st Highland Division....a fitting tribute to the roots of god this is electric....

The whole of the 51st Highland Division covers the stageway and lets out "Scotland the brave" on the bagpipes as every single fan in the arena rises to their feet in unison.The noise is defeaning as the music grows louder...

HE:My god this is madness...

Pyros burst up behind the men,every colour of the raninbow,and the crowd continues to show their appreciation...

JT:Whatever happens tonight...this moment will live on forever...

HE:And what now is this...

Suddenly another group of men walk through from the back and the crowd cheer as Jackson Black,Mike Hill,Perfect Jack,Jerome Dubois,GazzyD,Johnny Lawless,Killbane,Eliminator,Zach Corchia,Kenji Hidari and Dopant Zero all walk out onto the stage and they stand on opposite sides of the stage.

JT:This is utterly amazing....i've got a lump in my throat..

HE:But what's going on..

JT:It's the guard of honour...every single employee of 6CW's job is on the line tonight and they are showing their support...

Every referee from the backstage area,aswell as backstage works and production crew join the 6CW roster on the rampway as suddenly the bagpipes stop.There is an awesome round of applause before the lights dim again.There is a procession of illuminous red pyros that fire into the air before "Limowreck" decimates the soundwaves.

*Crowd ultra pop

JT:Would you listen to god this is a moment to behold...

The noise reaches deafening limits as "Limowreck" continues to roar out and then a figure appears on the stage.

Mike Bird:Introducing first.................the challenger....................from Bristol,England..................weighing in at 230 pounds..........Keeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiitttttttttttthhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Leeeeeeeeeeeeeeooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

The noise continues to grow as Leone stands on the stage.He glares out from beneath his hood and then lowers it with a focused look on his face before walking slowly down the rampway.He receives pats on the shoulder and a massive round of applause from his colleagues before passing Jackson Black at the end of the line and walking down to the giant hell in a cell structure that has now surrounded the ring.The crowd roar in approval as Leone scans the cell and then marches straight through the door into the ring.

JT:Keith Leone has arrived....and my god what an arrival...even a crazy s.o.b like Leone has to be touched by that show of support from the 6CW entourage....amazing scenes here at Night of Glory...

HE:But how much pressure does that now put on Leone...this is the biggest match of his life,the biggest match in 6CW's history...the future of this company rests on his he ready for that kind of pressure?

JT:I believe he is...I don't think Keith Leone has ever been more ready for anything in his life...this represents almost a year's worth of hard work and dedication...he has fought this war against Genesis,sometimes single handedly...and tonight he gets a chance to finish it once and for all...

Leone climbs up into the ring and he stands on the ropes,glaring out at the waves upon waves of fans cheering him on.There is no emotion on his face as he breathes deeply and then climbs down onto the canvass.The referee has a few words with him and Leone just nods in acceptance.

HE:We are so close to ending all of this...

JT:The first ever Night of Glory main event featured a 6CW Championship that determined the first superstar to hold that illustrious championship...tonight could be the final time we ever see the 6CW Title up for grabs...

Leone stands in the centre of the ring and just stares ahead of him as the 6CW lockeroom disappears into the backstage area.Massive chants of "Le-on-e" and "6C-Dub" continue to roar around the arena before the lights go out again.This time there is a slow drum roll golden pyros burst high up into the night sky."Be myself" then roars out of the speakers and there is colossal boos from the crowd.

Mike Bird:And his opponent..............weighing in at 240 pounds.....................The Iccccccccccoooooooonnnnnnnnnnn............The Kiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnngggggggggg ooooooooffffffffffffff Caaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllgggggggggggaaaaaaaarrrrrrryyyyyy...........the current,reigning and defending 6CW World Heavyweight Champion....representing Genesis (crowd ultra boo)..................Leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrtttttttttttttttttt!

The crowd are watching as the lights come back on and the boos grow louder.Four men,dressed in Genesis green,all walk out onto the stage,and on their shoulders they are carrying a glorious throne.Sat atop of the throne is Lex Hart,dressed in a royal robe and a crowd ontop of his head.

HE:Amazing...this is truly amazing...

JT:It's something alright...

HE:Leone got his little it's time for the world to bow down to Lex Hart...

The men walk slowly down the rampway as Lex Hart smiles at the booing masses.They then set the throne down at the base of the cell and Lex steps off the throne and begins to remove his robe and crowd.He is dressed in pink and green trunks,with the 6CW Title wrapped around his waist.He stares at Keith Leone inside the cell before nodding his head in a focused manner and then he enters the cell.

JT:Lex Hart is entering the chamber...trapped inside with Keith Leone until these men can settle this once and for all..

HE:This is it's been one hell of a ride...but tonight we witness the end of an era...tonight we will close to the doors on 6CW...

JT:Not right now we are not...this match hasn't even begun yet...I believe in Leone,80,000 here in Wembley believe in Keith Leone...aswell as the whole 6CW universe...I believe this is going to be one for the ages,a fitting end to the greatest pay per view extravaganza of all time...but I do not know how this is going to end...that's what this match is for...the end of the line...6CW World Title on the line....Genesis or of them is going out of business tonight...

HE:I cannot believe this is what it comes down to...

JT:After twelve long months of twists and turns....this is it.May 3rd 2012....Keith Leone vs Lex Hart inside Hell in a Cell at Night of Glory IV....the war ends here....and for either 6CW or Genesis,the road ends here....

HE:You can feel the intensity burning...

Lex steps up onto the apron and slowly steps into the ring.He glares at Keith Leone as he raises the 6CW Title into the air and Leone merely glares back.The referee checks both men for foreign objects and finds nothing.He then takes the 6CW Title from Lex Hart and raises it into the air as the crowd pop.

JT:That's one of the main factors of this match....the 6CW World Heavyweight Champion...the opportunity to be called the best professional wrestler in the all comes down to this...the biggest match in both of these men's careers...

HE:This promises to be one of the greatest matches of all time...

Leone is kitted out in black trousers and he stares across at Lex in his green and pink trunks.Both men go face to face as the crowd chant "6C-Dub" and the referee reads them the riot act before stepping back and signalling for the bell to begin the contest!

*Crowd pop

JT:And here we fall to a finish...main event of Night of Glory...."end of the line" match...6CW Title on the line...either Genesis or 6CW is going out of business after this match.....this is as big and as personal as it gets...

Leone and Lex continue to stare at one another before Lex smirks and begins to trash talk his opponent.Leone continues to glare into his opponent's eyes as the crowd cheer him on,and then he explodes with a huge right hand...

HE:We're underway Jeff...

Lex throws back with a right hand of his own and the action is in full flow.Both men crash punches against one another's head before Lex begins to crash hard chops against the chest of Leone.Keith staggers back towards the ropes before scoring with a massive uppercut which turns the tide again.Lex stumbles into the centre of the ring and Leone chases after him with big punches...

JT:Just a boxing match thus far....both men looking to impose themselves on proceedings...

Lex turns things back in his favour with a solid knee to the stomach before whipping Keith Leone off the ropes.Leone comes back and Lex knocks him down with a back elbow and the crowd boo.Leone gets back to his feet again and Lex rattles in more fierce chops to the chest before whipping Leone across the ring again...

HE:Lex showing his dominance here already...AHHHH!

JT:You were saying...

Leone comes back off the ropes and ducks a backhand from Hart before running off the opposite side and returning with a jumping high knee to the face.Lex gets back up and Leone greets him with stiff forearms before whipping Lex into the corner.Hart slams against the turnbuckle and Leone follows him in,only to take a solid back elbow to the face.Keith staggers back to the centre of the ring as Hart lifts himself onto the second rope...

HE:Beautiful missile dropkick...

JT:Not quite...

Lex looks for the missile dropkick but Leone manages to catch his legs in midair and slam Hart down onto the mat.He keeps ahold of Lex's legs and then tries to twist him over...

JT:Leone wants the sharpshooter...

Lex manages to wriggle from side to side before pulling Leone into a small package.............1.........................2................shoulder up.Leone and Hart scramble back to their feet,Lex manages to leapfrog over Leone and then takes him down with a hiptoss as Leone turns around.Keith gets back up and Lex nails a second hiptoss before beckoning Leone up for a third time and he knocks him down once again with a magnificient dropkick.

HE:Lex demonstrating his athletic abilities right there...

JT:Something he has in abundance...

Lex quickly scrambles over to Leone and attempts to place him in a seated chinlock but Leone squirms on the mat and ends up ontop of Lex...


The crowd cheer as Leone tries to synch in the submission,but Hart manages to forward roll and sends Leone crashing into the corner.Lex gets back up and follows Leone into the corner but Keith manages to get his knees up and catches Hart on the jaw...

HE:Both men really struggling to gain an opening here in the early going...

Leone takes his chance to raise up onto the second rope and prepares to jump off but Lex runs over and slams a fist into the stomach of his opponent.Leone doubles up in pain and Lex pulls him down off the ropes,slamming Keith throat-first across the top rope.The crowd boo as Lex pulls Leone back up and nails a snap suplex........1.......................2.....................kickout!

JT:These two superstars still very much in the feeling out look at the 20 foot steel cell around them and you know things are going to get ugly sooner or later...

Leone gets back up and Lex kicks him in the stomach and looks for an irish whip.Leone manages to reverse the whip by holding onto Lex's arm and he drags him into the centre of the ring before flipping Lex up onto his shoulders..


Lex manages to kick his feet and scramble off the back of Leone before countering with a back suplex.Hart then gets back up and sidles into the corner,lifting himself onto the second rope,before coming off with a fistdrop to the skull....................1.............................2.................shoulder up from Leone.

HE:After everything that we have already seen tonight...and it's not over yet...this is going to steal the show....

JT:All the tension,all the pre-match hype and you know it will has to deliver...these two men have to put it all on the line...

Lex has a few words with the referee before pulling Leone up by the hair.He tries to lift Leone up into a second suplex but Leone floats over the back and tries to counter with a russian legsweep.Lex elbows his way free and spins out before kicking Leone in the stomach and nailing him with a snap DDT.......................1...................................2......................kickout!

HE:Lex is going to gradually wear Leone down.....he is a master technician....

JT:Lex is one of the best in the game,no doubt about it...but so is Keith Leone...that's what makes this match so hard to call..

Lex rolls back onto his feet and he stomps down on Leone before heading to the corner once again.Lex scales the ropes and manages to reach up and touch the top of the cell roof for leverage.Leone slowly gets back onto his feet as Lex prepares himself and then jumps off...


Lex jumps off the top rope but Leone rolls out of the way,causing Hart to land heavily on the canvass.Leone quickly rushes across and rolls his opponent up.....................1.....................2...............shoulder up.Both men get back to their feet and Lex looks for a quick kick to the stomach,only for Leone to catch his foot and swipe Hart's standing leg.He stomps down on Lex's midsection before slingshotting him to the corner...Hart's head collides with the turnbuckle and he staggers back,straight into a russian legsweep...
.................shoulder up!

JT:Both men displaying their wrestling credentials thus far...but you have to wonder how long that is going to last....

Leone wipes his hair out of his eyes and then pulls Lex back up to his feet.He looks to flip him into the air for a powerbomb but Lex drops out of the front and counters with a sitdown jawbreaker.Leone staggers back into the corner and then Lex follows in with a bodysplash...

HE:Lex has got Leone exactly where he wants him...

Lex drives shoulder thrusts into the midsection of Leone before lifting him up onto the top rope.He rocks Leone's head back with right hands as he climbs up with him before lifting Leone's arm over his head...

JT:Lex Hart is thinking superplex here...

Lex looks to pull Leone down into the superplex but Leone keeps his feet and punches at the stomach of the champion before pushing Hart down onto the canvass,much to the delight of the crowd.Leone takes a moment to compose himself before standing up on top and leaping off...


Leone flies off the top looking for his patented elbow drop to the chest,only for Lex to roll out of the way in time.Keith crashes into the canvass in pain as Hart staggers over to the ropes and begins to climb himself...

HE:Lex now going to give Leone a demonstration in how you fly from on high....FLYING HEADBUTT!

The flashbulbs go off in the arena as Lex comes flying from the top,landing the headbutt straight to the chest of Leone.Both men are down for a few moments before Lex crawls across and makes the cover...

HE:6CW is over...

.............shoulder up!

JT:We fight on...

The crowd cheer as Leone pushes his shoulder up off the mat.Lex looks at the referee with an angry grimace before getting back onto his feet and beckoning Leone to stand up.Keith is clearly abit groggy as he staggers back up and Lex knees him in the stomach before pulling him into a front facelock...

HE:Headbutt might not have done it but this will....HART ATTACK!

Lex tries to lift Leone high into the brainbuster,but Keith succeeds in dropping off the back and pushes Lex off the ropes.Hart comes back and Leone spins him around into an impressive spinebuster............................1...............................2....................shoulder up!

JT:Never has so much been on the line in one match...the richest prize in the business but also the business itself...this is truly incredible stuff...

Leone gets back up and he flicks his hair out of his eyes and then stares out at the sold-out crowd.He nods his head and then begins to usher Lex back onto his feet...the champion is moving gingerly but eventually he gets back up...

HE:What is Leone thinking here...

JT:He's thinking it only takes one second to end it....CONCUSS KICK!

Lex gets up and he turns around as Leone leaps towards him,looking for the sickening superkick.Hart somehow manages to duck underneath it and he wraps his hands around the waist of Leone before nailing him with a german suplex,into a bridge....................1.......................2.........................shoulder up!

HE:Lex is going to keep taking Leone to his limits...until Leone can take no more...

Leone kicks out but Lex keeps his hands locked and manages to drag Keith back to his feet,succeeding in nailing a second straight suplex.The crowd are booing as they watch on anxiously...

JT:Lex Hart is really going to town now...

Lex has Leone back to his feet again and he connects with a third german suplex,before continuing the process..........four.....................five............................six...........Lex pulls Leone back to his feet for an amazing seventh time and then nails the suplex...

HE:Seven straight...lucky seven...this is it.....

................Leone gets his shoulder up!

JT:Keith Leone is going to keep on fighting until he can fight no more....that's the nature of this man...he is a true warrior..

Lex is on his knees looking completely flabbergasted as the referee tells him it was a two count.The crowd are cheering and Lex crashes punches down into the head of Leone before standing up.The fans in attendance boo the 6CW Champion as he rolls under the bottom rope and pulls the apron up..

HE:Lex Hart is the first man to observe the scene outside of the ring...and he seems to like what he sees...

Lex smiles as he produces a steel chair from underneath the ring and then rolls back in.Leone is just getting back to his feet and he staggers forwards,only to have the chair crunched into his stomach.Leone doubles up in pain and then Lex lifts the chair over his head.....CRACK!

JT:Anything goes...that is the stipulation that both of these men signed up for...

Leone falls to the canvass and rolls onto his back as Lex lifts the chair up again and attempts to bring it down towards Keith's chest.Leone manages to get his feet in the air and kicks the chair away before scrambling back to his feet...

HE:Leone cannot escape this onslaught....Lex is in the zone now..

JT:You sure about that...

Leone gets back to his feet as Lex twirls the chair in his hand and swings it straight at Keith's skull.Leone is able to just duck underneath the impact and sprint off the ropes before rushing back as Lex turns back around...


Leone bounces back off the ropes and the crowd cheer loud as he thunders through Lex with the spear.The referee slides down to make the count.........................1.............................2........................thr-Lex kicks out in time!


JT:I thought Keith Leone was going to have the three count there....but he just came up short...

Lex is clutching his ribs in pain as Leone gets back onto his feet.Keith looks at the steel chair on the floor and he thinks about it before kicking the weapon under the bottom rope to the outside of the cell.Lex begins to get back up onto his feet and Leone lifts him up onto his shoulders...

JT:If Leone nails this then you can forget about it....TOMBSTONE!

HE:Lookout Lex...

Leone walks to the centre of the ring and looks ready to nail the tombstone,only for Hart to scramble off the back.Lex then ducks under Leone's legs and manages to lift him high into the electric chair position...

HE:Look how the tide has turned...

Lex holds Leone up in the air for a few moments,but Keith is able to roll right down the front and drag Lex into a pinning combo...........................1........................2...............Lex kicks out.Both men scramble back to their feet and Leone is able to swipe Lex's legs out from under him...


The crowd pop as Leone places his legs in position and then turns Lex over onto his stomach.The submission isn't quite locked in properly though and Lex is able to grab Leone's trousers and pull him into a schoolboy.........................1..............................2.................shoulder up from Leone.They both get up again and Leone looks for a right hand,only for Lex to catch his fist...


The crowd boo as Lex takes Leone down and locks in the crossface in the centre of the ring.The referee is down on his knees,asking Leone is he wants to quit,but the challenger yells "no" and shakes his head.Lex shouts out with aggression as he pulls right back on the head and neck of his foe...

JT:Keith Leone's hopes and dreams hang in the balance...the future of 6CW is teetering here...

HE:No way Leone can withstand way...

Leone is clearly in agony as he tries to reach out for the bottom rope,but finds himself too far away.The crowd are willing him on as Lex screams "Tap out you son of a b1tch,this company is mine".....Leone continues to shake his head and defy his opponent...

JT:Keith Leone showing the heart of a lion...but how much more of this can he take?

HE:The more he withstands,the more energy he is sapping away from himself..

JT:Leone knows what this match means...he will not quit unless he absolutely has to...

HE:I'd say we have reached that moment...

Leone tries to pull himself free of the submission once again but Lex's grip is solid.Leone then tries to drag his body closer to the ropes,but his hands misses by some distance.Lex is really tearing back on the neck and shoulder of his challenger...

JT:Keith Leone could be about to give this up....6CW could be about to close it's doors for the final time...

Leone shifts onto his right hands side and stretches as far as he can,only to see his fingers brush the bottom rope.Lex's face is bright red from the effort he is exerting and Leone's face is slowly turning purple...

HE:Tap out have no choice...

JT:Leone is giving everything here..

HE:He's not got a chance...


*Crowd pop

Leone's hand shakes as he tries to fight the pain before he reaches out once more and somehow grabs ahold of the bottom rope.Lex Hart refuses the release the submission for a few more seconds before finally letting go and getting back to his feet.Lex and the referee argue as Leone lays in a heap on the floor.

HE:Leone might of got out of that but he has nothing left...he's a sitting duck for Lex now..

JT:I am sorry to agree but I have no choice...Leone may have just lost all his energy in that exchange...he showed warrior spirit to battle against that submission...but it may have cost him his last bit of energy...

Lex pushes the referee away in anger as Leone manages to roll under the bottom rope and fall down on the floor outside the ring.Lex is quick to follow him and he grabs Leone by the shoulders and hauls him up.Hart throws Leone against the side of the cell wall three times before dragging him back and swiping Leone's legs.The crowd watch on as Lex holds Keith in place before firing him at the side of the cell...

HE:Leone is taking a beating now...6CW's hopes and dreams are fading...

Leone slams against the cell wall and just slumps there with an unsteady look on his face.Lex gets back up and he crashes fists into the back of Leone before ramming him back against the ringpost.Leone yells in pain before Lex throws him head-first into the cell again..

JT:Leone is a soldier no doubt about it...I have seen him go through hell many times before...but Lex Hart is unrelenting here...he just will not stop...

Lex smirks as he crashes Leone's head against the cell anothe three times and then rolls the challenger back in the ring.There is a small cut open above the right eye of Leone as he gets back to his feet.Lex climbs up onto the apron and then scores with a springboard crossbody takedown..............................1...............................2.....................shoulder up!

HE:Lex Hart is the cerebal assassin...he knew Leone was going to come out,all guns blazing...but he has weathered the early Leone is going to suffer badly...

Lex is back up and he pulls Leone to his feet before placing Keith's head between his legs.He flips Leone up onto his shoulders for a powerbomb but Leone manages to roll down the back into an attempted pinning combo.Lex rolls right through though,back onto his feet,and then runs off the ropes....returning with a stiff low hesitation dropkick to the face of Leone.

JT:Leone being kept at bay now....Lex doing everything he can to keep the challenger down..

Leone clutches his jaw as he gets back up,only to walk straight into a backbreaker from Lex Hart.Lex then forward rolls over to the corner and climbs up onto the top rope.Leone is motionless on the mat as Lex prepares himself for the leap..

HE:Lex taking a risk here...

JT:Not really sure if this is necessary at this stage....LEGDROP!

HE:Oh no....he missed...

Lex comes off the top rope,looking to land a legdrop across the throat of Leone but Keith moves out of the way just in time.Hart lands hard on the canvass and rolls around in pain as Leone tries his best to get back up.The challenger grips the ropes and uses all of his strength to reach a vertical base once more.Lex is just getting back aswell and he rushes at Leone in the corner...

JT:Keith Leone saw that one coming...

Leone manages to get his feet up in the air and he kicks Lex backwards.Hart staggers off balance and Leone lifts himself up onto the second rope before diving off and connecting with a flying clothesline takedown.Both men get back up and Lex misses with an uppercut before Leone kicks him in the stomach and scores with a double armed DDT...

JT:DDT could finish it...

Lex rolls immediately under the bottom rope,following the DDT,to prevent Leone making a cover.Keith shakes his head and looks around at the sell-out crowd before backing against the ropes and sprinting across the ring...


Crowd:That was awe-some x5

HE:Nooooo...Lex are you ok?

Leone sprints across the ring and suicide dives through the middle rope,colliding with Lex and slamming both men back into the cell wall.Leone crouches over Lex and nails him with thunderous rights and lefts...

JT:Leone might of found a second wind here...he's firing once again...

Leone stands up and he shakes the side of the cell as the crowd cheer.He then smiles as he drags Lex back up his feet and crashes Lex's head against the steel mesh.Lex's face is contorted in pain as Leone then proceeds to drag him all around the cell,pressing his face harder and harder against the steel...

HE:This is sick...Leone is an animal..

JT:That is tearing through flesh right there.....Keith Leone is terrorizing the 6CW Champion here at Night of Glory...

Leone drags Lex around the whole of cell before backing away and then cracking Lex's head against the wall for good measure.Lex drops down onto his knees,blood spurting from his head,down his face and across his chest.

HE:This is terrible..

JT:Lex Hart is a sight to behold...busted wide open at the hands of Keith Leone...

Lex looks as though he is having some problems breathing as blood continues to pour freely down his face.The crimson is matted in his blond hair as Leone lashes big punches down into his skull before dragging the champion up and dumping him back in the ring.Leone picks the steel chair up from earlier and follows Lex back into the ring...

HE:As if you haven't already done enough damage...

JT:Keith Leone has the champion in a bad way...and it could be about to get worse...OH MY!

Lex spits blood on the floor and then somehow manages to get back to his feet.Leone is waiting for him as he does so......CRACK!...The sound echoes like a gunshot as Leone crashes the steel chair against Lex's skull,leaving him motionless on the canvass...

HE:Kickout Lex...

JT:Title is changing hands right here...

............Lex gets his shoulder up!


JT:Lex Hart showing his own fighting spirit right there...not willing to release his grip on this company,not willing to release his grip on the 6CW Title...

Lex gets his shoulder up off the mat and Leone looks away in shock.The crowd are booing the action they see in front of them but the referee assures everyone it was a two count.Leone gets back to his feet and he wedges the chair between the top and middle ropes in the turnbuckle before walking back to Lex.He drags the champion back to his feet and scoop slams him onto the mat before heading to the corner...

JT:Leone is the ascendency right here...he wants to finish this thing if he can...

Leone reaches the top rope and he looks down at Lex Hart before raising his arms into the air and he dives from on high...

HE:Not this...


Leone flies from in high,crashing the elbow straight into the chest of Lex Hart.The crowd are on their feet applauding as Leone crawls back up.He flicks his hair away again as he stomps his foot and beckons Lex to stand....the 6CW Champion is dripping blood as he gets back to his feet...

HE:Don't turn around Lex...

JT:Leone's tuned it's all but finalised.....CONCUSS KICK!

Leone dives across and looks for the superkick but Lex manages to duck down and crash home a ferocious low blow.The crowd are booing as Leone doubles up in agony and then Lex pulls Leone into the centre of the ring....




The crowd are going nuts as Leone somehow pushes his shoulder up into the air,defying the three count once again.Lex Hart has his head in his hands and is staring at the referee in disbelief.

HE:That was a had to be a three...

JT:You would think so...but it was not....Leone popped the shoulder....Keith Leone kicked out of the jackhammer...

The noise levels grow in the arena once more as Lex gets back up onto his feet and spits in disgust.He grabs the steel chair that is wedged between the ropes and slams it against the floor,beckoning Leone to get back onto his feet.

HE:Lex is furious...he just hit Leone with the big one....and it was not enough...

JT:It's an extraordinary night....and you have to believe it is going to take something extraordinary to finish it...

Leone is clearly hurt as he tries to get back to his feet.Lex's chest is heaving in and out and he stares with fury as he watches Leone's slow rise.Keith clings to the ropes and tries to pull himself back up before staggering into the centre of the ring...

HE:Finish him...

Lex swings the chair over his head and attempts to bring it crashing down on the head of Leone,but the challenger manages to duck the shot and then kicks Lex in the stomach.Hart doubles up and Leone grabs him by the hair,runs him to the ropes,and slings him over the top rope.Lex goes flying and crashes against the side of the cell...

JT:Incredible impact....Keith Leone just bought himself one hell of a reprieve right there...

Leone staggers back and falls down on one knee,struggling to get his breath back.Lex is writhing on the floor outside as the referee is forced to just watch both men struggle to cope with the pace.Leone then gets back to his feet and heads to the ropes,spurred on by the reaction of the crowd.Keith climbs up onto the top rope and he perches there,waiting for Lex to stand back up on the outside...

HE:What is this nutjob doing now...

JT:Anything that he feels might change the complexity of this match.....LOOKOUT!

Lex gets back up and Leone dives from ontop,looking to take Lex down in a crossbody only for the 6CW Champion to show great athleticism.Lex jumps into the air and catches Leone in mid-flight with a tremendous dropkick to the face.Leone folds up on the floor in a heap as Lex crawls back up and begins to stomp on his opponent's back...

JT:Just a violent assault here....Lex doing his uptmost to take away Leone's willpower...

Leone is slumped on the ground as Lex chooses to rip the steel steps away from the ring.The crowd are booing as the champion summons his strength and hoists the steps up onto his shoulders,waiting for Leone to get back up.Leone is holding the bottom of his back and uses the cell wall to reach his feet...

HE:Leone should of stayed down...because things are about to get very bad for him...


Lex slings the steel steps through the air,aiming for Leone's head.The challenger is somehow able to duck out of the way as the gigantic steps collide with the side of the cell wall,ripping it open at the bottom.

HE:The cell just broke from that impact...

JT:Well then imagine what it would of done to Keith Leone's head...

The cameras show the hole,about three foot wide at the bottom of the cell on the announce side of the arena.Leone is back up and looks thunderous at what Lex just attempted,before both men engage in hand to hand combat once again.Leone begins to pummel Lex backwards before Hart rakes the eyes of Leone and crashes his head against the ringpost.Leone goes down on one knee before Lex pulls him up and dumps him back inside the ring...

HE:This has been amazing this far....a fitting main event...

JT:It sure has...but I don't think we are likely to be done just yet....I could be wrong but I get the impression these men are not ready to call it a night...

Lex gets back up onto the apron and he watches Leone,stalking his every movement.The challenger slowly gets back to his feet as Lex springboards onto the ropes and wipes Leone out with an impressive missile dropkick...........................1.............................2..................Leone gets his shoulder up.Lex stares around,looking a little disgruntled,before hammering big shots into the head of Leone and he stands up.Keith is struggling to get to his feet as Lex gives a signal to the crowd...

HE:Lex is ready to finish this here....

JT:Lex Hart got it all lined up...


Lex runs back off the ropes as Leone begins to get back up and then sprints into the centre of the ring,looking for the flipping piledriver.Leone is somehow able to catch Lex on his shoulders at the last minute...


Leone looks for the alabama slam but Lex rolls down the back into a schoolboy....................1...............................2..................Leone kicks out.Both men scramble back to their feet and Lex grabs the steel chair off the canvass before jabbing it straight into Leone's midsection...

HE:Haha what craft...Lex is always thinking...always one step ahead...

JT:Leone did not even see that coming...or if he did then he had no way of stopping it...

Leone is down on the canvass and Lex chokes him with his foot for a moment before heading to the corner.Lex looks around before jumping up onto the bottom rope and springboarding back into a moonsault...

HE:Lex is going for the "triple bypass" here...

JT:A hat-trick of moonsaults...this will possibly finish it..

HE:It will finish it...

Lex gets back up after the first moonsault and this time he springboards onto the second rope,once again floating back into a moonsault across the chest of Keith Leone.The crowd are booing,letting their feelings be known,as Hart reaches his feet for a third time and heads to the corner...

JT:Keith Leone could be just about done here...

HE:He is done...Lex Hart always has more in the tank and your seeing that first hand.....TRIVECTOR!

Lex springs up onto the top rope before floating back,once again into a picture perfect moonsault.Only this time Leone drives his knees into the air,connecting with the midsection of Lex Hart,who subsequently rolls away in agony.

JT:Leone saw it coming...he had to otherwise this was finished...

HE:Get up Lex...

JT:Both men's body have to be wracked in pain...but this is all about being the 6CW World Champion...

HE:Get up champ...

JT:Both men are groggy...but they are up...

HE:Lex has got the chair...nail him...

JT:Leone is more shot and you have to believe this is over...



Both men stagger to their feet,Lex Hart with a steel chair in hand.Hart looks to swing the steel chair at Leone but the challenger avoids the impact and then scoops Lex up onto his shoulders before nailing him with the tombstone piledriver...


JT:Yes...go on's yours's all yours...



*Crowd groan


The crowd are in utter disbelief as Lex manages to get his shoulder up from the tombstone.Leone rolls off the pinfall and just stares at his opponent,almost mesmerised by what he is seeing.Keith begins to crawl back to his feet,staring at the referee in a questioning way.

JT:Leone cannot believe it...I can't believe it and neither can this capacity crowd at Wembley...

HE:Well believe it...Lex Hart is superhuman...there is no way he is allowing this match to slip away from him's all on the line...Lex is too professional to watch this end in any other way than a victory...

JT:This is unbelievable action...

Leone flicks his hair out of his face and continues to look at the referee before staring out of the cell at the packed out crowd.They are on their feet applauding and massive chants of "Keith Le-on-e" roar out,breathing new life into Leone's charge.The challenger swallows deeply and then heads to the corner...

HE:Leone can forget about this...

JT:No way is he going to forget...he has the champion down,almost out...he is so close to realizing his dream...

Leone gets up onto the top rope,only for Lex to roll under the bottom to the outside of the ring.Hart staggers towards the hole in the side of the cell and he begins to crawl through it.Leone shakes his head and climbs down from the ropes to give chase..

HE:Lex is getting the hell out of there...buying himself a breather..

JT:But at the same time he is taking this fight to a place that it shouldn't be...both these men are outside the cell...this is getting more and more dangerous...

Lex gets up and staggers over towards the wreckage of the 6CW announce table.Leone is soon to follow and he makes his way over towards Lex,only for the 6CW Champion to pick up a monitor off the floor and crash it against Keith's head.Leone staggers back and collapses on his backside as Lex then hauls the monitor straight at his head...

HE:More and more weapons available on the outside....Lex wants to incapacitate Leone...make sure he cannot cause any more threat...

Lex stomps Leone on the floor before choking him with his foot again.Leone is slumped on the ground as Lex takes a moment to admire the giant steel structure in front of him...

JT:Lex Hart has lost a lot of blood...but like him or loathe him,this man is a champion...and he will fight to the bitter end...

HE:What are you thinking Lex...

Hart runs his hand along the cell and then he places his foot on the bottom,and to the surprise of the crowd,he begins to climb up.Flashbulbs begin to go off as Hart scales the heights of the cell at a slow pace...

JT:This is not good...Lex Hart is looking to take the fight to the top of the cell....never something you want to see...

Leone is back up and he stares at Lex above him before giving chase.Leone still seems a little fresher and manages to get up next to Hart in no time.Both men are over halfway up the cell,around about 12 feet,when they get level with one another.Leone grabs Lex by the back of the head and slams it against the cell...

HE:By god don't do that...

Lex teeters slightly and there is an intake of breath from the crowd.Hart then elbows Leone in the side of the ribs and cracks his head against the cell wall,causing Leone to wobble off balance.The announcers below are on their feet as Lex cracks Leone's head against the cell again...

JT:This is a heinous sight to watch....these two men are literally dicing with death here...

Leone sways backwards but manages to keep his grip on the cell.He then let's go with one arm and slams his forearm against Lex's nose.Lex wobbles back badly before Leone grips his head again,rakes it against the steel mesh and then slams it hard against the cell wall...


JT:Leone punishing Lex up there...this is horrible to see....OH SWEET MOTHER OF GOD!


Crowd:Holy (beep) x10

The impact of Lex's head slamming against the cell wall causes him to release his grip from the side of cell and tumble almost twelve feet,and he crashes through the spanish announce table as the crowd in the arena go wild.Leone is still clinging to the cell and he looks back over his shoulder,staring down at Lex,who is motionless in the wreckage.

JT:Lex Hart's hopes of winning this match just got dashed god that was sickening to watch....the impact,the back of his head whiplashing off the floor....we may need medics...

HE:We do need medics....Leone is a sick man....and this match needs to be stopped..

JT:Lex is the one who climbed the cell...he was trying to knock Leone off,Keith returned the favour and in the end it didn't finish well for the champion...he shouldnt have been up there in the first place...

Leone continues to stare as the spanish announcers check on Lex.Amazingly the 6CW Champion is stirring amid the debris of the table.Leone can be seen mouthing the words "son of b1tch" before shaking his head and beginning to climb the rest of the way,up onto the roof of the cell.

HE:Why the hell is Leone going up there...

JT:Because Lex is standing up....and Leone wants to finish this properly...

Lex is almost on jelly legs as he stands,clinging onto the spanish announcers for stability.He stares around at the crowd and then up to the top of the cell,where Leone is stood,beckoning for Lex to climb.

HE:Don't do it Lex...get it back in the can't end it up there...

JT:Only thing likely to end up there is someone's career...

Lex staggers off balance and then falls into the side of the cell.He rests there for a moment and then he grabs ahold,almost caught by a second wind,and begins to climb up.The crowd are going wild and Leone nods his head as Hart scales the twenty foot height...

HE:This is insane..

JT:Incredible action here at Night of Glory....this is the end of the line...the 6CW/Genesis war ends here tonight...these two warriors,Keith Leone and Lex Hart are literally laying it all on the line here...I cannot believe what I am watching...

Leone steps back into the middle of the roof,allowing Lex to get up and swing his legs over.The crowd below are rocking as Lex manages to crawl up onto his feet.Both men are showing the signs of war as they meet in the centre and begin to trade big right hands.The crowd boo every shot by Lex and cheer every blow thrown by Keith Leone.Leone begins to rock Lex back,knocking him close to the edge of the cell...

HE:I don't think I can watch this...

JT:They are so close....teetering on the edge here....

Lex slams a knee into Leone's midsection and manages to pummel him back to the centre.Up on top of the cell they brawl until Lex kicks Leone in the stomach and lifts him up into a front facelock...


Leone drops over the back and spins Lex around before flipping him up onto his shoulders.The crowd below are going nuts as Leone sets up for the tombstone,only for Lex to scramble off the back and nail a sickening low blow.Leone doubles up in agony before Lex manages to flip him up into the air...

JT:He's gonna powerbomb him up on the top of the cell...this is horrible to watch....

Leone manages to roll down the back of Lex and he keeps ahold of his legs as he gets back up,trying to twist Hart into a sharpshooter.Lex wriggles and fights before managing to kick Keith away.Hart gets back up but Leone kicks him in the stomach and drags him forwards...

HE:Not the piledriver...

JT:Leone looking to end it...




Crowd:Holy (beep) x20

JT:This is bad...this is all over...

Leone is about to nail the piledriver when Lex suddenly counters with a backdrop.Leone slams down into the roof of the cell and the roof gives way,causing Leone to fall through and land hard in the centre of the ring.The referee looks stunned as he looks at Leone's broken body,and Lex Hart peers through the hole at the top of the cell..

HE:This is over...get down there Lex....finish it..

JT:Never in all my years....the risk was too great...somebody was bound to get hurt...and in the end it was Keith Leone....his back may be broken...

Lex slowly swings his legs through the hole in the top of the cell and he pulls himself through it.He places his feet on the top rope and manages to step down,back inside the cell.Hart drops down onto the canvass and stares at Leone for a moment before collapsing to his knees and he rolls Leone over...

HE:The whole lockeroom is watching this....the final moments of this great company...

JT:I hate to admit it.....but 6CW is done...


HE:Ring the bell guys....

*Crowd ultra pop

JT:I don't believe it....


JT:I don't know what is happening here folks...I have no earthly explanation....but Keith Leone just kicked out...

HE:But he can't.....

The arena is uncontainable as Leone somehow gets his shoulder up off the mat again.Lex punches the canvass in bitter fury before getting back to his feet and seizes the referee by the front of the shirt.The official tells Lex there is nothing he can do,it was a definite two count.Lex looks thunderous as he pushes the official onto the ground...

JT:Lex Hart has snapped here...

HE:Can you blame him?...He just put Leone through the top of the cell,twenty feet to the floor and still the challenger kicks out....what the hell is going on...

JT:Keith Leone has been through more extreme environments than anyone else...he knows how to survive...that's all it can be...pure survival instinct...

Lex spits at the referee before climbing out of the ring and he pulls the ring apron up.He rummages there for a few moments before re-appearing,this time with a sledgehammer in hand.

HE:Leone might of survived alot...but he will not survive this...

JT:Leone has been brutalised many times by this sledgehammer....and it looks like he has another appointment here tonight...

Lex slams the hammer against the ringpost before sliding back into the ring.Leone is clinging onto the referee,using the official to pull himself up as the crowd will him on.The challenger is really struggling but somehow he manages to reach a vertical base.The crowd are watching,looking apprehensive as Lex is seething at the mouth...

HE:Leone's up...and now he is about to go to sleep...

JT:Keith Leone's heart could be about to be broken...

Leone lets go of the referee's shirt and staggers back into the centre of the ring.He turns around as Lex charges at him with the sledgehammer,looking to slam it straight into the skull of his challenger....

HE:Go on Lex...



Leone ducks the shot with the sledgehammer and then waits for Lex to turn around before firing at him with the superkick.Lex ducks the kick though and Leone detonates on the jaw of the referee,sending the official out of the ring.Lex then drives the hammer into Leone's stomach before bouncing back off the ropes...


Lex comes back off the ropes and he successfully nails Leone with the flipping piledriver in the centre of the ring.He hooks both legs before realizing that the referee has been laid out.....Hart gets back to his feet and he stares at the referee on the outside,completely motionless.He then looks to the stageway and signals for another official..

JT:The referee is down....we need another official...

Another referee appears on the stage and begins to run down to the ring.The official has a key in hand and unlocks the padlock around the cell door before sliding into the ring as Lex drops into the cover again...

HE:This is it...

.........Leone kicks out!

JT:My close can you be...


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Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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6CW Anarchy Results Friday 30th May 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results Friday 30th May 2014

Post by JJJohnson Fri 30 May 2014, 11:36 pm

HE:That referee should be fired....the time it took him to get out here just cost Lex the match...

JT:Not the referee's fault...

HE:That's not how Lex sees it...

JT:Oh cmon...

Lex is livid as Leone manages to get his shoulder up again.The 6CW Champion stands and grabs the sledgehammer off the canvass before crashing it against the skull of the second referee,causing to collapse into unconsciousness.The crowd are booing as Lex stares manaically as Keith Leone,beckoning him to stand once again...

JT:Lex has finally lost it...all that power has finally gone to his head...

HE:He's a king Jeff....and this is his kingdom....

Leone is in a bad way,blood trickling down the side of his face,as he slowly gets back up.Lex is almost shaking in anticipation as he waits for his foe to stand.Leone stares out at the bright lights of the arena before turning around...



Lex comes forwards as Leone gets up,looking for the sledgehammer shot to the skull.Leone amazingly whirls around on his heel and scores with the superkick straight to the jaw,leaving Lex down on the canvass.Leone looks around as 80,000 fans rise to their feet and he then grabs ahold of Lex's legs...

HE:There's no can't finish it...

JT:He'll do everything he can then to make sure Lex Hart plays no further part in this match....SHARPSHOOTER!

HE:He can't use that move...

JT:He can and he is.Lex Hart is a disgrace to his namesake and Leone can use whatever damn well move he wishes...

The crowd pop as Leone rolls Lex over onto his stomach and finally applies the sharpshooter in the centre of the ring.Lex is screaming in agony,trying to pull himself to the ropes but he cannot muster the strength.Leone sits right back,applying maximum pressure as Lex's blood drips all over the canvass.

HE:Fight it Lex...

JT:Lex Hart can feel the 6CW Title slipping away...he can sense it...

Lex tries to crawl for the ropes again,arching his back for more leverage.He reaches out and his hand brushes the bottom rope before Leone drags him back into the centre and sits down once again.Lex is shaking his head,in clear distress,blood oozing from his forehead before he starts to tap out on the canvass...

JT:Lex is tapping out...he's tapping....this is over....we are done...

HE:No referee remember that Jeff....

JT:We need another goddamn referee...MY GOD WHAT WAS THAT!

Leone's face is a picture of pure and utter determination as he applies maximum pressure.He can hear Lex Hart tapping out but no bell sounds to end the match so he keeps the submission locked in.Lex begins to fade into unconciousness as the sledgehammer suddenly collides with the face of Keith Leone...

HE:Genius...utter genius...

The crowd are suddenly murderous as they see Alex Walker standing in the ring,glaring down at the broken body of Keith Leone,who is now bleeding profusely.Walker smiles and then begins to revive Lex Hart...

JT:This is digusting.,...that son of a b1tch has no business out here....there is no outside interference...

HE:Walker makes the rules Jeff....and he is protecting his investment....Genesis cannot just cannot happen...

JT;6CW is getting screwed here....getting screwed in a goddamn big way....Alex Walker is going to finish us off,that sneaky son of b1tch...

Walker manages to pull Lex up and he begins to bring him to.Lex looks a little groggy but he grabs ahold of Walker and steadies himself with a smile on his face.Walker smiles back and both men shake hands before Lex turns around and sees Leone,motionless on the canvass.Lex begins to laugh as he drags Leone up and places him in position for the Hart Attack...

JT:Four great years of this illustrious company and it comes down to this...these snakes are going to put us in the ground...

HE:Leone is a spent force...I told you never to bet against Genesis Jeff...this is the uprising...this is it.....END OF THE LINE!

*Crowd ultra,ultra pop



Lex is about to nail the jackhammer when every single head in the arena turns to the entranceway as "Born to fight" roars out of the speakers.Dicey Reilly,wearing a "6CW forever" t-shirt,comes storming onto the stage with Betsie in hand.The whole arena is rocking to it's foundations as Alex Walker and Lex Hart look disbelieving...

HE:He's not allowed out here...


Lex Hart orders Alex Walker to cut Dicey off.Walker nods his head and rolls out of the ring and through the door of the cell,only for Dicey to slam the barbed wire bat into Walker's stomach and then crack him across the back with it.Lex looks as though he has seen a ghost as Dicey glares him and then runs into the cell...

HE:Get him Lex...he's not in your league...

Dicey slides in as Lex greets him and begins to stomp down on his back.He drags Dicey up and both men trade right hands before Lex lashes in hard chops to the chest and backs Dicey against the ropes.He then whips the hall of famer across the ring,only to be taken out by a huge clothesline on the comeback.The crowd are on their feet as Dicey picks Betsie up and waits for Lex to stand...

JT:Dicey Reilly is back...he's fighting,fighting for the future of this business.....DOWN GOES LEX HART!

Dicey crashes the barbed wire bat against the skull of Lex,drawing massive cheers from the crowd.Dicey raises the bat in the air and then points at the "6CW" on his shirt and beats his chest.Massive chants of "6C-Dub" and "Dice-y Rei-lly" roar out as Dicey turns and faces Keith Leone.Leone is slumped against the turnbuckle,staring at his one-time rival....Dicey stares back and then nods his head and motions for Leone to take the floor...the crowd are on their feet as Dicey rolls from the ring...

JT:Dicey Reilly letting Leone know that he still has a job to do....Dicey just ensuring that Genesis did not screw up the end of this match...

HE:This isn't right...

JT:It's about as right as it is ever going to be...Leone is primed...

HE:Don't get up Lex...

JT:The 6CW Champion is all over the place...

Lex somehow manages to get up on his feet,only to stagger around towards Leone,who detonates the superkick on Lex's jaw.The champion swirls around and then Leone scoops him up into the air...

HE:No this can't be....


The first referee is back in the ring as Leone nails Lex with the tombstone.Dicey Reilly is walking up the stage with a smile on his face as the referee makes the cover...


ding ding ding




HE:This is dreadful..

JT:What a night...what a moment...after all the adversity...after near enough twelve months fighting this war,putting his body on the line...Leone has done it,he's accomplished his dreams....he's reached the top of the god this is amazing...

The cell structure begins to lift into the air almost straight away as "Limowreck" screams out and 80,000 fans are on their feet in unison,showing their support for the new world champion.Leone is on his knees,blinking back the tears as the referee comes over to him and hands him the 6CW Title.Leone clutches it close to his chest in almost disbelief

JT:One of the greatest matches of all time.....a fitting way to end this night,a fitting way to end this war.But Genesis is finished...the greatest threat against 6CW has been eliminated,finally Leone has done it...finally Keith Leone is the 6CW Champion....

HE:If it wasn't for Dicey bloody Reilly...

JT:Dicey played his part,no doubt...but Alex Walker would have played his part in another Genesis screwjob if Dicey has no the grand scheme of things it all evened itself out....Leone and Lex put on one hell of a show....they left nobody in any doubts....they are the two best athletes in the business today...but this night...this moment belongs to Keith Leone...

Leone staggers up and goes to the corner,standing up on the ropes as confetti bursts from the rafters and falls down to the ring.Leone kisses the 6CW Title and then raises it into the air as the crowd cheer and the flashbulbs go off.A sign in the crowd is shown "Leone is 6CW's Saviour" and Leone salutes the fans as he continues to celebrate.

JT:You can mope all you want Henry...but Genesis is finished.Keith Leone has provided the final nail in the coffin of probably the most dominant faction in wrestling history....Leone has risen above,breathed life back into 6CW....and you have to believe this is the beginning....a dawning of a new era...


JT:Folks for my money this has been the greatest wrestling program ever produced...the superstars of 6WF and 6CW have put on one hell of a performance here tonight...this will take some beating...but I leave you with that image of image of the future...Genesis is finished...but Keith Leone....Leone is rising here tonight at Night of Glory.

The show ends with a procession of pyros and more confetti as Leone continues to stand on the ropes celebrating,the crowd all around chanting "6C-Dub"


Posts : 9887
Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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6CW Anarchy Results Friday 30th May 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results Friday 30th May 2014

Post by JJJohnson Fri 30 May 2014, 11:37 pm

Match 3
Liam Wood vs G.A.Y.S

He: Up next the deck is stacked against Liam Wood ahead of his match with Costello, as tonight he is placed in a handicap match against Percy Percival and Molly Coddle

Ha: And I have to say I don't envy Wood being shorthanded here

He:'d love being in the same ring as G.A.Y.S…

Ha: You have to worry about Liam Wood’s frame of mind though….after Costello went after Emmy earlier…

'No Limit' starts to play as the strange duo of Percy and Molly walkout to the stage. They hug at the top of the ramp before making their way down to the ring and sliding inside

Ha: These are a strange pair

He: They are, and although on paper its two v one, I think Wood will fancy his chances here. Hardly a threatening combo....well in a wrestling sense of the word

The crowd suddenly jump to their feet going wild as “666” blasts from the speakers and Wood walks out to the stage and straight down to the ring eyes fixed on his opponents

Ha: Wood looks focused here tonight, no doubt wanting to send a very public message to his Night of Glory opponent

He: Well G.A.Y.S aren't wasting their time

The crowd boo loudly as Wood is assaulted as he slides in the ring. Both Molly and Percy violently stomp on him not allowing him to get to his feet as the official calls for the bell. Wood tries to get to his feet but the beat down continues as Percy hits a running dropkick knocking Wood through the ropes to the outside of the ring

Molly exits the ring and skips around the ring to the side were Wood is and lifts him to his feet as Percy bounces off the ropes and knocks him back to the ground with a baseball slide

He: Maybe I spoke to soon. Molly and Percy started off surprisingly well here

Molly lifts Wood again and rolls him back in the ring under the bottom rope. Percy camply skips a circle around Wood who slowly gets to his feet as Molly enters back into the ring. The two men push Wood up against the rope and then whip him across the ring

Ha: Wood underneath the clothesline

He: GAYS with the body drop

Ha: Wood lands on his feet what athleticism.....AND WHAT AN EZIGURI TO MOLLY

The crowd go wild as Wood manages to land flat footed and then he wraps his foot around the back of Molly's head. Wood gets quickly to his feet and ducks under a Percy clothesline before dropping him to the mat with a big right hand. Percy jumps straight to his feet and is flattened again with another right hand and then jumps up a third time and runs into an overhead belly suplex as Wood sends him flying across the ring

Wood doesn't even conetmplate going for the pin as he makes his way over to Molly and lifts him off the mat. He whips him into the corner of the ring and then he lifts Percy up and whips him into the opposite corner.

Ha: Wood starting to take control of this one

He: I'm sure Costello will be quaking in his boots....not

Wood sizes up Molly before charging at him and connecting with the running dropkick, he gets to his feet and then runs at Percy and hits him with the same offense. He charges at Molly and hits a another drop kick, then again to Percy

Ha: Wood is on fire here

Wood climbs to the second rope and begins to rain down a flurry of right hands as the crowd count along with each one, as he reaches 10 he slingshots down and uses his momentum to monkey flip Percy out of the corner into the centre of the ring. Percy is on all fours as he begins to get to his feet when Wood runs across and uses him as a platfom to connect with poetry in motion

He: OK I'll admit that was pretty good

Molly staggers out of the ring and then falls to the mat as Wood turns his attentions to Percy who has gotten to his feet, Percy aims a clothesline at Wood

Ha: Wood read that.....WHAT A PELE KICK

He: Well Molly can pretend to be a girl all he wants but I think that shot proves just how far away from a girl he really is

As Percy goes for the big clothesline Wood ducks underneath and then hits the moonsault Pele kick. Percy looks to be out cold before he falls and headbutts Molly in the groin on his way down to the mat

Again Wood shows no intention of going for the cover as he barks instructions for his two opponents to get to their feet. Molly is first, he slowly gets up sucking in every ounce of air he can as he tries to catch his breath. Wood closes in and kicks him in the mid section, he sets him in position for a suplex before snapping back wrenching Molly through the air. Wood rolls through and lifts Molly back to his feet before nailing with a second suplex, this time a fishermans suplex before rolling through again and going for a third suplex, this time stalling in the air as Percy gets to his feet in front, while hoisting Molly up in the stalling suplex Wood kicks Percy in the gut


He: I still think he'll need to raise his game further for Night of Glory

The crowd are going insane as Wood drops Percy face first down to the mat with a DDT while he simulataneously drops Molly with the suplex.

Wood gets to his feet and stares up at the ramp as if expecting to see Costello making an appearence before he lifts Percy to his feet. He backs him against the rope and whips him across the ring and then drops Percy to the mat with a flapjack. Molly is slowly getting up as Wood kicks him in the stomach and then sets him in position for a powerbomb

He: Reversed by Molly into a big body drop


Wood is fired up as the crowd are going wild chanting his name. He begins to stalk Percy who is groggily getting to his feet


He: No Molly....don't turn around


He: Where's he going now?

Ha: I think I can guess.....A fitting respect to a true wrestling legend in Randy Savage

Wood exits the ring to the apron and then climbs to the top rope. He stares around at the crowd before pointing to the heavens and soaring through the air driving his elbow through the chest of Molly. Wood gets back up and then climbs to the opposite corner this time nailing the elbow on Percy

Ha: Its nice that Wood pays homage to those that have influenced him. No doubt one day somebody will be doing the same of him

He: Will you shut up talking rubbish. Its that respect that holds people like Wood back, you think Costello has respect for others?

Ha: I already know he doesn't

He: and thats why Wood has never beaten him, Costello doesn't allow himself to get bogged down with rubbish, he's all business

Wood lifts Molly to his feet and then whips him into the corner of the ring before picking up Percy and whipping him into Molly. Wood backs into the opposite corner and then runs at them, Percy dives out of the way but Wood still makes contact with a big boot to the face of Molly who slumps down against the turnbuckle. Percy grabs Wood who easily blocks a punch, spins Percy around and then lifts him as if going for an old school atomic drop but he throws him split legged at the corner causing Percy to connect with an in-advertant bronco buster to his partner

Ha: Wood still stern faced, you'd think he'd be enjoying this but there's a bigger a picture he's looking at

Wood grabs Percy and drags him out of the corner. He kicks him in the gut and then drills him down to the mat with a sit out powerbomb. He gets back to his feet and signals for the end which draws more cheers from the crowd and Wood begins to stalk Molly who is slowly pulling himself up in the corner of the ring. Wood impatiently drags him to his feet and drags him across the ropes before Irish whipping him against the opposite ropes


He: But Wood isn't finished with percy yet


He: But what's he doing? He signalled for the end but doesn't look to be going for the cover

Ha: I don't have a clue what Wood has planned here....wait a minutes I think I know....Surely he can't do this can he??

Wood refuses again to go for the pin, this time electing to pile Percy on top of Molly with both face down. Wood stands over his to opponents and then sits down on both

ding ding ding


He: Its over, release them you sick son of a.....

Wood somehow manages to grab Molly from the bottom and manages to lock the submission in on both men who quickly tap out to end the match. 'I killed the prom queen' rings out again but Wood keeps the submission locked in and the official has to prise his hands free for it to be broken

Ha: How impressive was Wood tonight?

He: Like I said at the beginning, lets not get carried away and lets take the opposition into account here. Yes he was up against two men here tonight, but look who those two men where. Just a couple of freaks

Ha: I agree that Costello will prove to be a bigger test, but I think even he might have to take notice of what Wood has just done....hugely impressive

Wood's arm is raised in victory before he climbs to the top rope and poses for the crowd as EMTs check on both Molly and Percy in the middle of the ring

Match result: Liam Wood via submission
Match time: 4 minutes, 50 seconds


Posts : 9887
Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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6CW Anarchy Results Friday 30th May 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results Friday 30th May 2014

Post by JJJohnson Fri 30 May 2014, 11:39 pm

*Backstage Gazzy & Max are arriving at the arena. Gazzy is still showing the effects of last weeks beating at the hands of The Authority; both men are carrying their own bags. Max looks fired up as he bounces through the arena entrance

MA: Let’s just go straight at them. No more games, lets go to them, why wait for them. Come on revenge will be so sweet

*Gazzy smiles

GD: That’s exactly what there’ll be expecting and no doubt there’ll see us coming from a mile away. Did you not see as we came in, they’ve beefed up security? Jones is obviously taking no chances; we’ve got them worried Max and that will work in our favour

Everything will be second guessed, they will tie them selves in knots trying to work out what we will do. Just give them enough rope Max, there’ll hang themselves, trust me

*Adamson smiles

MA: This is a turn up, you telling me what to do.

GD: There’s a lot riding on all this Max, for you and me. I need to make sure there are no mistakes. I know what is at stake for me. I can’t afford for things to go wrong

*Adamson stops and puts his bag down

MA: I promise Gazzy. Everything will be ok and I am a man of my word after Night of Glory, you will have your freedom

*Gazzy picks up Max’s bag

GD: Which is why we can’t slip up now!

MA: I hear ya boss

*Both men walk towards the backstage area, a group of fans wearing Max Adamson – Incredible Hunk t-shirts approach them asking for autographs and Max and Gazzy pose for photos as the scene changes


Posts : 9887
Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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6CW Anarchy Results Friday 30th May 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results Friday 30th May 2014

Post by JJJohnson Fri 30 May 2014, 11:44 pm

(The lights in the arena cut out and voices begin to sound out over the speaker system. Slowly a video plays alongside the voices.)

???: My dream was always to be a world champion, from day one….I was told from the get go that the chances of me making it into the big-time were pretty slim….that men like me, with my kind of background, are good at polluting jail cells and not the pro-wrestling industry….but the very first moment I stepped through that curtain and I stood in front of those fans, I knew I had found my calling in life….the connection was instant…..I had finally been born…


Abe comes into the picture and dives...


RA: The winner of this match by way of Pin fall and your NEW TAW CHAMPION, J......J.....JOHHHHHNNSSSSSOOOOOONNNNNNN!

(The scene cuts to JJ Johnson sat in a black room. He is talking as though being interviewed, providing commentary for the clips being shown)

Crowd: JJ Johnson x10

(The scene changes)


Ref/Crowd: 1...................2............................3!



JJ Johnson: I was sharing the locker-room with legends of the business….Diablo, Hero, EZ Money, Hobo, Nemesis….they were the icons of that era….they were the benchmark for those of us who aspired to be something more than ordinary….they commanded respect with their mere presence….that was my goal…..I wanted to be just like all of them…To stand on the mountain top….to be looked upon by everyone else as a “leader”, because that is when you know that all the hard work and all the dedication to this industry has been worth it…twice within my first two years as a professional I held world championship gold….I was honoured to represent the 6WF as a figure of success…I had achieved everything I ever set out to achieve and that was a great feeling for me…My name was included on a list with the best of a generation….I had come from nothing and had gained everything…

(Scene changes again)



Ref: 1..............................................2.............................................................3!

Ding, Ding, Ding!





RJ: WORTHY OF A BORN IN FIRE MAIN EVENT! And these fans certainly appreciate the winner of this match!


JJ Johnson: Four years of undoubtable success…..three Born in Fire main events…..three World Championship reigns…They talked about me and put me on a pedestal with the greats….JJ Johnson was the name in lights, night after night….then came Born in Fire 2012…

I can’t even begin to tell you how that main event felt…I don’t know if words can describe it….the rivalry between me and Cassius Zhi is one that will live throughout time….it will be remembered as one of the greatest ever….the two of us stood higher in stature then any superstar that has ever been before us….I knew that was my last match and it was my last chance to add to my legacy….I will go on record and say that had it not been for every single one of those fans in the arena that night, I wouldn’t have accomplished that dream….they gave me the energy to go beyond anything I have ever done before in my career…..that night taught me that the bond you share with the fans can be the difference in any match…..they are the lifeblood of this industry….they are the reason that my name is inked in the hall of fame records…

(The scene changes again and we see JJ Johnson being operated on)

JJ Johnson: I knew my career was hanging in the balance before Born in Fire, I knew back in February of that year….but I wanted to make sure I gave back to every single fan who paid money and supported me throughout my tenure in 6WF….when they got me into theatre after I just won the world championship for the third time, I could tell by the looks on the doctor’s faces that I was not in a good place…

(JJ is shown at ringside being tended to by medics and receiving oxygen)

JJ: My neck and my spine were severely damaged, it was touch and go whether I was going to need to spend a prolonged period of time in a wheelchair….I had five procedures in the space of three months, all to correct the damage that I had sustained as a professional wrestler….I was a shell of a man, I withdrew from everything….I left my wife to bring up our new born daughter…I let a lot of people down..

(Images of JJ standing on turnbuckles as various crowds chant his name start to play)

JJ: I remember just sitting there and daydreaming about what it used to be like…I felt empty, like someone had stolen my soul…everyone thinks the last image of my career was being crowned 6WF World Champion……as though it all ended like a fairytale...but all I remember is staring up at the lights and fighting to stay alive…I was living through a waking nightmare…

That’s not how I want to be remembered, that isn’t the last memory I want for me or my fans…..It doesn’t matter how many special DVD’s they release….I am not going to be satisfied unless I can close the final chapter and bow out with the happy ending that I desire…

(We get images of JJ during rehab. There are pictures of JJ down at around 200 lbs but then the VT documents him back in the gym, building back his muscle mass)

JJ: This wasn’t supposed to be possible…this was some pipedream that I was told to forget…but I have never quit in my life and I wasn’t about to start now….I want my daughter to be proud of me and what I can do….I want my family to know that I’m not done….this isn’t over….that the story of JJ Johnson still has a dozen more pages left until the finale..

(JJ is shown back in the gym working on his athleticism and footwork. He begins to look more agile and physically prepared)

JJ: Social media has been rife with reports of my return but I could never give them what they wanted….the injuries were too severe…there was no way back…

(JJ is shown lifting huge weights and a smile on his face as he looks into a mirror, an imaginary crowd builds behind him)

JJ: But I have defied doctor’s prognosis, I have battled back from an injury that they promised I would never overcome…

I am a modern day miracle….I’m not bragging about it, but the facts don’t lie….they said I would never wrestle again but I’m about to prove everyone wrong…

(JJ is smiling in his chair)

JJ: I think this interview alone is enough for everyone to know what is just around the corner….but if it is confirmation you need then I am more than happy to report the breaking news…

(JJ reaches down and picks up a piece of paper)

JJ: This is a contract presented to me this morning by 6CW….and underneath here…

(He lifts the paper up to reveal another document underneath)

JJ: Is my signature….

(JJ smiles as the crowd inside the arena go wild)

JJ: It’s been eighteen months since the last time I stepped between the ropes….but I am waiting no longer…I’ll see you all real soon…

(JJ continues to smile as the scene fades out and then a message appears on the big screen)

23rd June on Anarchy

Crowd: JJ JOHNSON x10


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6CW Anarchy Results Friday 30th May 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results Friday 30th May 2014

Post by JJJohnson Fri 30 May 2014, 11:46 pm

*Backstage straight after the airing of the video Mr Jones is backstage with Kelsey, the pair are watching on a TV screen and Jones is furious

MJ: What the hell was that?

*Jones turns to Kelsey who is unaware of the scale of the situation

MJ: Was this you?

*Kelsey looks back blankly

MJ: I told you Kelsey, I gave you strict instruction that we were not to accept any new roster members before Night of Glory. Did I not make myself clear enough? What were you thinking?

You know what we are up against here Kelsey. I can’t believe you would be so stupid

*Mr Hernandez runs into shot, out of breath he is holding a piece of paper outstretched in his right hand

MH: It wasn’t her; Kelsey had nothing to do with this

*Jones turns to Hernandez his eyes incandescent with rage

MJ: If not her then who, who would be so stupid!

*Hernandez nervously hands over the paper to Jones who looks at it wide eyed

MH: It was you boss.

*The silence echoes through the corridor as Jones stares blankly at the paper

MH: The production team received that urgent memo along with a video tape by courier this morning, signed by you, instructing them to play it during the middle of the show

*Jones screws up the paper and throws it to the floor

MJ: Get me the head of security……..NOW!!!!!!!!!

*Jones strides out of shot as Hernandez shrugs his shoulders towards Kelsey who is still unsure what is happening

(Commercial break)


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6CW Anarchy Results Friday 30th May 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results Friday 30th May 2014

Post by JJJohnson Fri 30 May 2014, 11:47 pm

*Mr. Hernandez is shown walking backstage, he stops and the camera shows the sign on the dressing room door

*Masters and Harris – 6CW Tag Team Champions*

*Hernandez goes to knock but shakes his head and pushes the door open. Mike Masters is in the far corner doing bicep curls whilst looking in the mirror

MH: Getting the guns ready Mike?

*Masters drops the weights and turns with a scowl

MM: What do you want Heat. Haven’t you already done enough damage?

*Hernandez laughs

MH: I have done nothing but ask a question Mike the rest as enjoyable as it has been has had nothing to do with me

You know champ….……..paranoia is a strange thing. It makes you question everything you thought to be true, which in a situation like yours must make it very difficult to know what to do next, it’s a real pickle. I wish I had the answer for you……Oh wait do you know what………… I think I do!

*Masters furrows his brow

MM: What the hell are you talking about, I’m done with your riddles, if you know something then spit it out or get the hell out of my dressing room

*Hernandez smiles and pulls a file filled with papers from behind his back

MM: What is that?

MH: It is everything you ever wanted to know Mike. This is me setting the record straight

*Hernandez hands over the file and walks out of the room, he can be heard whistling as the camera focuses on Masters as he looks confused, glancing down the camera focuses on the file which is labelled



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6CW Anarchy Results Friday 30th May 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results Friday 30th May 2014

Post by JJJohnson Fri 30 May 2014, 11:49 pm

Match 4
Lucas Takeo vs Edward Plague vs Joshua

HE: I can’t believe what we have just witnessed, Harold….JJ Johnson, the JJ Johnson is going to be at Anarchy after Night of Glory…

HA: Ladies and gentlemen, the magnitude of that announcement is profound….already Twitter has gone into overdrive….The Franchise is heading for 6CW….what a moment that will be…

Back at ringside and “From Yesterday” is echoing out to boos from the crowd. The giant form of Lucas Takeo is making his way down the ramp…

HA: Last week it was announced that Ojore will defend his Xtreme Championship inside the “Chamber of Horrors” structure….this week, the three men who he will face at Night of Glory will collide right in front of us…

HE: And there is no chamber protecting us from them tonight….this could get ugly…

HA: Indeed it could…three maniacal powerhouses will fight it out here on Anarchy whilst, I am sure, Ojore watches from the backstage area….

HE: We could get a preview of Night of Glory right here tonight…

Takeo climbs up into the ring as the lights darken and the steady beat of a heart begins to pulse from the speakers. The lights flash on and off each time the heart pulses…

HA: Step forward “Puppet Master”…

Through the changing lights Joshua can be seen making his way to the ring, McCoy perched on his arm. The lights come back up and Joshua is placing the puppet on the steel steps before making his way into the ring…

HE: Last week we saw Edward Plague talking to that puppet…almost goading it to convince Joshua to join forces….what sort of power does it hold?

HA: We have no idea but it would certainly seem as though Joshua is bound by a spell…

Joshua stands in front of Takeo, no interaction between either of them, as a high pitch laughter rings through the airwaves. “CCClouds” then echoes out of the speakers and the lights switch off completely…

HE: And now the nightmares begin…

Plague: From hell they came forth….blessed with a mission to show those who dwell in the light that there is nothing to fear inside the depths of darkness….shackled and bound by the oppression of society, they have lost sight of reality….but I am going to show you what can be achieved when we all work together to search from the truth…

My brothers and sisters…..we must walk through the fire to get to salvation on the other side….follow me and I will give you a new purpose…

HA: Edward Plague is as vocal as ever…

Plague holds a lantern up to his face, illuminating the mask that covers it, and then he removes the mask to reveal his devilish grin underneath. He slowly begins to walk down to the ring and then he pauses and holds the light up to McCoy…

HE: Joshua isn’t going to like this…

Plague: I can offer him a path of righteousness….relay my message…..tell him that my brotherhood can give him everlasting life…

HE: What the hell is he talking about?

HA: I have no idea but Joshua has heard enough…

The lights come back on and Joshua is on the outside of the ring, behind Plague. He spins Edward Plague around and then crunches a huge uppercut under his chin…

HA: Plague really is barking up the wrong tree with his offer of an alliance with Joshua…

HE: Monsters aren’t meant to work together…too many combustible elements…

Plague staggers over towards the ringside barrier and Joshua grabs him by the hair before smashing his head down against the railing. Plague slumps down to the ground as Joshua turns away and heads towards the ring…

HA: We have a one on one contest for the time being…

Takeo grabs Joshua before he can get in the ring and shows amazing power to haul him over the top rope into a slam. Joshua gets back up and Takeo delivers a fierce chop to the top of the head, knocking Joshua down again…

HE: Takeo will be sore after losing to Ojore last week…

HA: He’ll want to bounce back with a statement…

Takeo drops a huge elbow to the chest…………………1………………….2…………..kickout. He grabs Joshua by the hair and drags him up before attempting to powerbomb him…

HA: Takeo is capable of doing this…

Joshua wriggles and then pulls free before throwing a huge uppercut into Takeo’s jaw. The giant staggers back and Joshua lands a flurry of blows to the body before charging off the ropes for more momentum…

HE: What a clothesline!

Takeo drops Joshua with a clothesline as he runs back and then he pulls him up and connects with a huge sit-down powerbomb……………………..1…………………………2……………………..Edward Plague breaks up the cover.

HA: I don’t know if Joshua would have gotten up from that…

Plague unleashes punches and kicks on Takeo until he manages to force him back into the corner. He drives his elbow into Takeo’s throat and then climbs onto the ropes and begins to drive punches down into Takeo’s head…

HE: Plague seems more violent tonight, uncontrollable with his rage here…

Plague gnaws at the head of Takeo and then drops down with a smile as the referee remonstrates with him. Plague flicks his hair from his face before running back in and crashing against Takeo with a splash. He repeats the process again….and then for a third time before beckoning Takeo out and he kicks him in the stomach…


Plague prepares to lift Takeo up when Joshua comes running off the ropes and wipes Plague out with a diving lariat. Plague gets back up and Joshua runs into him with a knee to the face, sending Plague through the ropes and to the outside once more…

HE: Joshua trying to isolate Plague from this match…

HA: A smart tactic…

Joshua then turns back around and he is seized around the throat by Takeo. Takeo attempts to lift Joshua up but he battles free and then scores with furious headbutts, staggering Takeo back into the corner. Joshua runs into the corner with a hard clothesline and then pulls Takeo out into a DDT……………1………………….2……………..powerout!

HE: Plague is talking to McCoy….

HA: Joshua won’t like that…

Plague is on his knees, whispering to the puppet, when Joshua climbs out of the ring. He kicks Plague in the side of the head and then drags him up and throws him against the ringpost. Plague is laughing as he falls down to his knees again and then Joshua grabs his head and slams him backwards against the apron…

HA: Plague may be knocked out from that impact….there was no holding back from Joshua there…

Plague slumps under the ring apron as Joshua begins to climb back up on the apron. He then scales the ropes to the top and leaps off and knocks Takeo down with huge lariat….Takeo gets back up and Joshua turns him into a neckbreaker………………………1…………………………..2……………….shoulder up!

Joshua then circles Takeo, waiting for him, before dragging him up into a full nelson submission…

HE: Joshua has some guts trying to put Takeo down like this…

HA: Takeo is a monster of a man…he won’t fold so easily…

Joshua tries to sway Takeo back and forth, pushing down on his neck, but he cannot quite get both hooks in. Takeo struggles against the grip of his opponent but then shows his strength by throwing Joshua back into the corner. Takeo then runs in for a splash but Joshua drives both feet up, crashing them into Takeo’s nose…

HA: There is blood everywhere…

Blood streams from Takeo’s nose as he staggers back and then he is lifted up off his feet by Edward Plague, who plants him down with a full nelson slam. Plague then runs off the ropes and returns with a jumping double foot stomp to the chest…

HE: That could have broken some ribs…

Joshua runs out of the corner and tries to boot Plague in the head but Plague drops down and pulls the top rope, sending the big man to the outside. Plague then rolls back up to his feet and he runs over to Takeo, jumping into the air and then driving down with a huge back splash…
…………..shoulder up!

Plague flicks his hair from his face as he climbs back up on his feet. He waits for Takeo to start moving and then he drags him up to his feet…

HA: Plague looking to end this one…


HE: Not so fast…

Joshua is back in the ring and he slams a steel chair right into the spine of Plague, dropping him on his knees…..CRACK!....He then levels the chair across Takeo’s back before turning the weapon on its edge and jabs it down into the side of Takeo’s neck…

HA: Joshua bringing the violence…

HE: Just like he did last week….I can’t believe they are going to lock these four guys in a cell at Night of Glory…

HA: The animosity needs to end somewhere…

Joshua lifts the chair up again and looks to bring it down onto Takeo’s head when Plague grabs it and pulls it from his hands. Joshua tries to turn quickly but Plague cracks the chair right into the side of his head…

HE: That was like a gunshot…

HA: And this is probably about 10% of what we are going to see inside the Chamber of Horrors…

Joshua falls down in the corner and Plague jams the chair against his chest before circling the ring and then rushing back in with a sickening cannonball splash. Plague pulls the chair into the centre of the ring and then he pulls Joshua towards him…

HA: He’s gonna piledrive him…

Takeo is back up and he grabs Plague by the throat before lifting him off the canvass and slamming him down with a sickening chokeslam…
………thr-Joshua just manages to dive in and break it up!

HE: These guys might kill each other before the 9th June…

Joshua stumbles back up and he sets the chair in an upright position before pulling Takeo across and he DDT’s him down onto the seat…

*Crowd groan

HA: Brutal impact…Takeo’s nose may be shattered now…

Takeo is flat on his back as Joshua picks the chair up and then waits for Plague to get back to his feet. Joshua lifts the chair behind his head and then he brings it crashing down towards Plague’s head…

HE: Missed…

Plague ducks under the blow and sprints off the ropes before returning with a flying crossbody block. Plague then holds his arms out and begins speaking to the audience…

Plague: Behold this moment….the beginning of the end as you all know it….together we shall blow out the candles but do not fear the darkness that overwhelms you….because when the lights go out, you will all see the world as I see it….reality shall set in….you will join me!

HA: Plague may want to put his concentration on the match at hand…

Plague places the chair on Joshua’s chest and then he makes his way over to the corner and lifts himself onto the second rope. He looks down at Joshua and then throws himself off into a back splash….BOOM!

HE: Nobody home…..SPEAR!

Joshua rolls out of the way and Plague is sent crashing down into the canvass. Takeo then gets back up and he rushes across and almost breaks Plague in two with a crushing spear…

HA: This is all ready to end…

Takeo is just about to make the cover when Joshua grabs him and drags him into a Russian legsweep. Joshua then places the chair onto Takeo’s head and makes his way over to the corner. He climbs to the top rope, his long hair covering his face…

HE: What is he thinking….


Crowd: Holy (beep) x10

HE: He may have broken both of their skulls…

Joshua gains serious hang time as he launches through the air and then lands down on the chair with a thunderous head-butt, busting it straight into Takeo’s face. Both men are completely unconscious but Joshua’s arm is pressed across Takeo’s chest…

HA: Joshua hits that move inside the Chamber of Horrors and we will have a brand new Xtreme Champion….

HE: After hitting that move I don’t know whether he will wake up in time for Night of Glory….or Takeo for that matter…

The steady beat of the heart pulses out of the speakers as Joshua is declared the winner of the match. All three men are prone on the canvass but Plague is the only one showing signs of life. He leans his head back against the bottom rope and laughs, sinisterly, as he looks at what Joshua has done…

HA: Edward Plague seems happy at what he is looking upon…

HE: He’s been trying to get a rise out of Joshua for weeks, perhaps he is happy to see the devastation that has been caused…

HA: These men are willing to put their bodies through unspeakable horrors…I dread to think what they may do to each other at Night of Glory….

The crowd suddenly begin to roar as Ojore comes bursting through the curtain and down to the ringside area. He is just climbing into the ring when an army of security storm out after him…

HE: Looks like Mr Jones wants these men kept apart now until Night of Glory…

HA: And for good reason, there may be nothing left before the big event…

Ojore is already in the ring and he picks Joshua up in his arms and then crushes him with a brutal “World’s Strongest Slam”. He lets out a primal roar as security burst into the ring and dive on top of the champion…

HE: Rather those guys then me…Ojore wants a fight…

HA: And so does this crowd…


Security manages to drag Ojore out of the ring, with much difficulty, and others do their best to keep everyone else inside the ring. Plague is still sat in the corner, his dark eyes glistening with malice, as Joshua and Takeo struggle to even muster a movement.

HA: What the hell is going to happen at Night of Glory?

HE: With these four men involved….I wouldn’t even like to hazard a guess…

The crowd continues to chant “Let them fight” as Ojore is sent up the rampway by the security guards. He looks back down at the ring as Plague pulls McCoy into the ring and kneels over Joshua with the puppet in his hand….he smiles as the scene fades out!

Match result: Joshua via pinfall over Lucas Takeo
Match time: 7 minutes


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6CW Anarchy Results Friday 30th May 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results Friday 30th May 2014

Post by JJJohnson Fri 30 May 2014, 11:51 pm

*The sound of a heavy commotion is heard backstage as a security guard shouts out.

Guard: Liam! No! Put that down!

*Liam Wood comes into shot carrying a crowbar and slamming it against the wall with every step. The guards try and pull him back, but he shoves a few of them back against some production boxes. Suddenly Wood quickens his pace as Costello briefly comes into shot. He is immediately knocked down with a blow with the crowbar and Wood sets upon him with more blows. Security grabs Liam by the arms and haul him away, but Wood fights them off again and goes back towards Costello.

LM: What did you do to her?!

*Wood holds the crowbar up horizontally and slams it into Costello's throat, choking him against the wall in the process. We see that Costello's forehead is bloody but he appears to be smiling even while struggling to breathe.


*Costello seems to widen his smile as more security guards pile in and get between the two wrestlers. Wood manages to swing the crowbar one last time, which catches Costello on the jaw. At last, the guards manage to pull Liam away, even when he is seen still fighting to get free. Costello is kneeling on the floor spitting blood, when he turns back towards Wood.

VC: What did I tell her?! I told her the truth Liam! THE TRUTH!

*Wood can still be heard scrapping with the guards out of shot as Costello spits out one last bit of blood from his mouth. He looks back towards the direction that Wood was dragged too, with a wide grin on his face.

HE: Wood wasn't supposed to lay a hand on Costello before Night of Glory....he is serious trouble...

HA: I think Jones has enough on his plate right now...


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6CW Anarchy Results Friday 30th May 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results Friday 30th May 2014

Post by JJJohnson Fri 30 May 2014, 11:53 pm

*In the office of the Authority Mr Jones is sat at his desk presiding over the participants of the Main Event

MJ: I don’t need to tell you how important it is that tonight ends without any drama. This uprising or whatever they want to call it has caused enough troubles and I do not care for any more, do I make myself clear?

*The gathering nod and Enforcer smiles

E: I think we showed last week that we more than have the measure of them. They are like sitting ducks and I can’t wait till we pick them off at Night of Glory. This gold is starting to look lonely on its own. But I need to make sure that all hands are on deck...I don't want the return of bloody JJ Johnson playing on anyone's mind...

*Jones smiles

MJ: All will be taken care of...Confidence is great big man but let’s not get too carried away. We have to be prepared for anything. I do not doubt your ability; you know I am your biggest supporter. I believe in you but preparation is key and tonight goes a long way to ensuring our plan comes to fruition at Night of Glory. So no stone unturned OK?

*All the men nod and begin to leave the room. Jones taps Enforcer on the shoulder and the EWF champ turns

MJ: They are there to protect you tonight. Don’t put yourself in a situation you don’t need to be in

*Enforcer laughs

E: Are you worried about my safety. That’s so sweet

*Jones snaps back

MJ: You know what I mean. I have a lot invested in you. I can not afford for them to take out their revenge on you for last week

*Enforcer nods before leaving. Jones turns and faces Oliver Keane who steps out of the corner of the room

OK: With all that has happened I can’t believe you are remaining calm. Don’t you think you should tell them all what’s going on?

I don’t want to question your judgement but you can’t honestly be leaving things down to chance. Please tell me you have a plan B?

*Jones smiles

MJ: Of course


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6CW Anarchy Results Friday 30th May 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results Friday 30th May 2014

Post by JJJohnson Fri 30 May 2014, 11:54 pm

*Elsewhere backstage the camera shows Nate Nack sitting alone in his dressing room; he is sat in front of a large mirror and is staring at his reflection, he begins talking to himself

NN: What went wrong huh?

We had it all, everything we ever dreamed this business could be like and we had it in the palm of our hands. What happened?

*Nate has wide eyes

NN: Did I lose focus, is there any more I could have done?

I thought I gave it my all; I made this my priority to the detriment of others and for what?

Was it all worth it, in the end will all this have been worth all the heartache, all the suffering, the pain, the arguments with the people I loved. I believe in this place, I love everything 6CW has to offer, everything it has given me. I wouldn’t change a single moment of what we’ve been through together but perhaps now the end isn’t how I imagined it would be

Maybe I am not the man who was destined to lead the fight back. That maybe I am not the man the people need to take the fight to The Authority

Maybe I am not the man I thought I was, that I am not the man I need to be?

But if that is true, then what was all this for?

Why go through what we have gone through if in the end it is not me?

What was it all for?

*Nate puts his head in his hands before looking back at the mirror, his eyes burning bright

NN: This will not all be for nothing. I will be the man I was meant to be!!


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6CW Anarchy Results Friday 30th May 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results Friday 30th May 2014

Post by JJJohnson Fri 30 May 2014, 11:56 pm

Main Event
GazzyD/Max Adamson/Mike Masters/Nate Nack/Scott Harris vs Enforcer/Marty Helms/Jonathan Daniels/Daniel Reilly/???

HA: Now is this a main event or what?

HE: No better away to end the go home show before Night of Glory….tag team matches don’t come much bigger than this…

The crowd inside the Copper Box are making a huge noise as “King of Kings” screams out to a deafening crescendo of boos. Enforcer, the EWF Champion strapped around his waist, leads out the rest of The Authority…

HA: Enforcer leading The Authority into battle…

HE: He is a general that Mr Jones can be proud of….Enforcer is going to lead The Authority to the holy grail at Night of Glory by becoming the Undisputed Champion…

HA: Judging by Mr Jones’ mood tonight I would guess he needs a bit of good news because nothing seems to be going right for him…

HE: Mr Jones will take care of everything, don’t you worry…

Enforcer climbs up into the ring and is soon followed by Daniel Reilly, Marty Helms, Jonathan Daniels and Alexander Altair.

HA: Altair ducked out of his match earlier tonight and I guess this is why….he was needed for this contest…

HE: For the greater good…Altair knows what is at stake and he knows where his priorities lie…

Enforcer can be seen standing in front of his team members and giving them all instructions as “Unbreakable” blasts out to a huge ovation. Nate Nack marches out on the stage, a smile on his face, and fixes his gaze on the ring…

HA: Is Nate Nack just ten days away from getting the 6CW Championship back?

HE: Nack is ten days away from kissing his career goodbye…for months now he has been a thorn in the Authority’s side but no more….Enforcer is going to walk right through him…

HA: Enforcer will need to get past GazzyD before that….there is no telling that The Authority will have any influence in the main event…

Nack tags hands with the fans as he walks down the aisleway and then “Survival” plays out to another solid ovation. Scott Harris makes his way onto the stage, lowering his hood as he comes, and then he lifts up his head and marches down the ramp…

HA: Scott Harris has so much going on his head right now but he needs to keep his focus…

HE: Harris is too much of an egotist to focus…just like Masters….those two can’t put their differences aside and that is why they will lose the tag team titles at Night of Glory…

HA: There is no trust between the tag champions and that is a serious worry…

Harris joins Nack on the apron and then they both climb through the ropes to confront The Authority. The referee keeps both teams apart as “Limelight” sounds out to a huge ovation…

HA: What a noise for the #1 contender to the EWF Championship…

HE: These people are stupid…cheering on a loser…

GazzyD makes his way out on the stage and he walks from one side to the other, surveying the atmosphere, before turning on his heel and walking down the ramp. Enforcer is grinning from the ring….

HA: The Authority beat GazzyD senseless last week but if they think it was enough to put him away then they were very wrong….GazzyD never backed down in his life…

HE: That is because he is an idiot….this is one fight that even the “Ultimate Underdog” can’t win….he can’t overcome these odds…

Gazzy hops over the top rope and glares at Enforcer before “Radioactive” blasts out to another huge round of applause. Green and gold fireworks explode into the air as the 6CW Champion makes his way out…

HA: Never would I have believed that Max Adamson would be joining the fight against The Authority….but as long as he holds the 6CW Championship I have faith….because Max will do whatever it takes to keep that belt and that means The Authority’s chances of prying it from him are slim…

HE: I can’t believe Max…I just don’t get why he has turned his back on his own philosophies and shacked up with these 6CW jacka55es….he’s fighting a losing battle and it just doesn’t make sense….I hate to say it but he made his own bed and this is now one of the final times we will see him with that belt…

Adamson holds up the 6CW Championship and grins before walking down the ramp to join the rest of his team. He climbs up into the ring and shakes hands with GazzyD before turning to face The Authority…

HA: 6CW and The Authority…..the power struggle continues but only one can have total control…

HE: Aren’t 6CW a little light on numbers…

Adamson, Gazzy and Nate are all looking at Scott Harris, questioningly, but Harris just shrugs his shoulders. There is a pause and then “Champion” echoes out…

HA: Better late than never…

HE: This guy is such a show-off…..

Mike Masters walks out on the stage but his demeanour is more reserved than usual. His head is bowed and he looks annoyed, a brown file in his hands.

HA: That is the file that Masters was given earlier by Mr Hernandez…

HE: I wonder what is inside…

HA: Whatever it is, I don’t think Masters liked it…

Masters circles the ring and then grabs a mic before climbing inside. He looks from The Authority to his team members and then at Scott Harris. The two men glare at each other and then Masters throws the file at Harris…

HA: What is going on here?

Masters: You know, Scott….for weeks I have believed that you were a turn coat, an inside man for The Authority….but then I started to doubt myself, perhaps I was just being paranoid…after all, I am the first to admit that working with others is not my forte…

*Harris has a blank expression on his face

Masters: The shirt with your name on it….the whispers, the rumours…Kelsey kissing me….Hernandez chumming up to me…..when I stopped and thought about it I realised that they were just trying to drive a wedge between us….they were playing dirty tricks so that we would take our eyes off the ball….right?

*Harris nods his head

Masters: Wrong….because despite all that, despite the fact that I was willing to put that all aside and whoop the a55es off these sons of b1tches in front of us….that document right there proves everything I ever needed to know…

*Harris looks down at the file

Masters: You don’t need to open it do you, Scott? No of course you don’t because you know exactly what that says….you know, just like these guys stood in front of us know…

*The Authority are all smiling as Harris begins to shake his head

Masters: I don’t need to hear an explanation….or a story of lies and deceit…maybe you could just explain why you to strung this out? Why be in a team with me? Why fight alongside everyone else when all the time you were stabbing us in the back…

*Adamson tries to move forward and calm down Masters

Masters: No…you need to hear this, and so does everyone else…I wanted proof that you were a lying piece of trash and now I have it….I know your one of them, Scott….and why…..because it is in your blood…


HE: Haha…

*Nate Nack, Adamson and GazzyD all look stunned by Masters’ revelation

Masters: Oh yeah, that’s right……Scott Harris…..the illegitimate bastard child of Michael Jones…

*Crowd make a noise of stunned disbelief…

*Harris is shaking his head and saying “It isn’t like that”

Masters: Don’t even try to deny it….the proof is right there, Scott….you can’t hide from it….

HA: Did you know about this?

HE: Me? No I had no idea….

*Harris tries to turn to his team members but they all seem a little distant with him. Masters has a look of livid fury on his face.

Masters: You’ve been running spy for daddy all along, haven’t you? You are pathetic….a waste of oxygen…a (beep) stain on your mummy’s panties….oh wait a minute, she didn’t wear any did she?

*Harris suddenly flares up and he rushes into Masters and tackles him to the ground. The Authority are all laughing as Nack, Max and Gazzy try and break up the fight.

HE: This is fantastic….these idiots have imploded…

HA: They need to get Masters and Harris away from each other….


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Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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6CW Anarchy Results Friday 30th May 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results Friday 30th May 2014

Post by JJJohnson Fri 30 May 2014, 11:58 pm

Enforcer then gives the signal and The Authority storm forwards to attack their opponents. Enforcer drives into GazzyD and tackles him to the corner whilst Daniel Reilly knees Max Adamson through the ropes to the outside. Alexander Altair is battling with Nate Nack as Jonathan Daniels and Marty Helms take advantage of Harris and Masters, who are still rolling on the mat…

HA: The Authority have stolen a march on their opponents…this was the damn plan all along…

HE: Mr Hernandez has played a blinder by giving that document to Masters…the truth is out of the bag and 6CW is reeling…

Helms drags Masters away and slams him into the corner as Daniels drops down onto Harris’ chest and begins to deliver furious punches to the face.

HA: Daniels is beating the hell out of Harris…..he isn’t one of theirs…

HE: Obviously….this was the plan from the get-go….The Authority are going to put their opponents on the shelf before Night of Glory even gets here…

HA: Those evil pieces of…

HE: Be careful what you say, brother…

Daniel Reilly is stomping on Max Adamson near the ringside barrier as Enforcer tosses GazzyD to the outside and follows him. Big E drags Gazzy around and thunders him into the side of the steel steps…

HA: The 6CW superstars are being destroyed here…

Reilly backs away and then runs at Max again but Adamson ducks his shoulder and manages to backdrop Reilly over the railing and into the crowd. Max then quickly moves over and tackles Enforcer, knocking him to the ground…

HE: Someone needs to help out Big E…

Nate Nack is pummelling Alexander Altair and then launches him over the ropes to the outside as Harris turns the tables on Daniels and begins to fire away with furious rights and lefts. Marty Helms looks for a “bull hammer” on Mike Masters but MM ducks under and springs onto the ropes…


Masters kicks Helms through the ropes to the outside of the ring and then he chases across and suicide dives to the outside, knocking himself and Helms into the aisleway.

HE: This is mayhem…

Reilly is trying to climb over the railing and back into the ringside area when he is dragged around by a fan and hammered with furious right hands…

HA: It’s Blade…looking to get him some of the UK Champion….

HE: This isn’t fair…

The fans are cheering and security have to block them off as Blade is shown battering Reilly through the audience and towards the backstage area. Blade takes a cup of beer from a fan and drinks it before slamming the cup into Reilly’s face….

HA: 6CW refusing to wilt under the force of The Authority…..Mr Jones’ grip on the power is slipping…

Marty Helms is battling with Mike Masters up the rampway and onto the stage. They trade off with rights and lefts before Helms lifts Masters up on his shoulders…


Masters elbows his way free and then he dropkicks Helms through the curtain, sending The Authority member out of sight. Masters quickly follows to the backstage area…

HA: This fight is descending all over the building…

Alexander Altair delivers a low-blow to Nate Nack, leaving him slumped in a heap, and then he rolls from the ring and helps Jonathan Daniels in his fight against Scott Harris. They double team the tag team champion and then suplex him across the stage…

HE: Take that Harris…lookout Enforcer…

Enforcer is climbing up by the announce table when GazzyD runs at him and tackles him across the desk. The crowd are going wild as Gazzy can be seen delivering furious rights and lefts to his foe…

HA: The Authority can try as hard as they like to keep 6CW down but this company has fought back from the brink before…

HE: They have never faced a threat like this…

Max Adamson is watching Gazzy pummel Enforcer with a smile and then turns his attention to the ring, where Nate Nack is trying to get up. Adamson takes a long minute to plan his next move…

HA: Adamson has locked his sights on Nate Nack…

HE: Alliances only stretch so far…

HA: Indeed they do…Max Adamson still has to defend his 6CW Championship against Nack at Night of Glory….can he gain an advantage?

Max takes his time and then he rolls into the ring and crouches in the corner. He watches Nack slowly begin to get back to his feet and then he bursts out towards the centre of the ring…


Adamson slams right through Nack and leaves the former world champion in a heap on the canvass. The cameras then show Altair and Daniels dragging Scott Harris into the backstage area…

HE: We need to get cameras back there…

It doesn’t take long for the footage to change to the backstage area. Blade has been left on the floor with a pool of blood around his head as Oliver Keane is shown helping Daniel Reilly out of the situation. Marty Helms has Mike Masters up on top of a car and is preparing to powerbomb him…

HA: This is too much now…someone stop this…

Scott Harris breaks forward and grabs Helms’ legs before dragging him off the roof of the car to the floor below. He trades rights and lefts with Helms before Daniels and Altair storm in to give the advantage back to The Authority. Harris is down on the floor, taking a furious flurry of kicks, when Mike Masters dives off the roof of the car onto Helms, Daniels and Altair…

HE: Someone please take Mike Masters out of commission….

Masters drags Daniels up by the head and runs him forwards before crashing him straight through a door, leaving him slumped inside an empty locker-room. He then picks up a steel chair off the floor and swings forwards….CRACK!

HA: Holy hell…

The chair splatters off the top of Marty Helms’ head and leaves him completely out of it on the floor. Alexander Altair is quickly in with a sharp kick to Masters’ gut and then drags him forwards….CRASH!

*Crowd scream

HE: Yes….

Altair plants Masters’ head into the passenger’s window of the car, leaving a huge crack. Masters slumps down to the floor, barely moving, as Harris sprints at Altair and tackles him backwards….they storm back and crash through another door, a huge bang can be heard…

HA: What the hell just happened?

The cameras come forward and pan through the door to show Scott Harris and Alexander Altair in a battered heap on the floor. Shards of glass are scattered everywhere and the wall behind them is sparking and flaring…

HE: They went through that electronic billboard…

HA: It was a wonder neither of them was electrocuted…

HE: They may have been….neither of them are moving….

The cameras show Altair and Harris slumped on the ground and then pan back around to show Masters, Helms, Daniels and Blade all in the same situation. The action then returns to ringside…

HA: We are just ten days from Night of Glory…

HE: Are any of these men going to make it?

Max Adamson is still staring down at Nate Nack as the crowd begin to go wild. GazzyD drives a chair against the spine of Enforcer and leaves him slumped across the announce table before staggering over to the ring apron, where he then pulls out a massive 15ft ladder….

Crowd: GazzyD x10

HE: You have got to be kidding me?

HA: GazzyD is the “human highlight reel”….he has one big trick up his sleeve tonight…

Gazzy drags the ladder over to the announce table and then places it in position. He smiles at the reaction of the crowd and then begins to make his way to the top…

HE: Someone stop him….he’s going to land on Enforcer…

HA: I don’t think you will get many volunteers to stop this….

Gazzy reaches the top and stands tall as the flashbulbs go off all around the arena. He has a look of pure determination on his face as he looks down at Enforcer, still prone on the table…

HE: Don’t do it…

HA: GazzyD has stars in his eyes…..OH MY GOD!

Crowd: Holy (beep) x20


The Copper Box is going wild as GazzyD swanton bombs off the top of the ladder and drives himself and Enforcer through the announce table. Both men are completely motionless in the wreckage of the table…

HA: GazzyD has just sent one hell of a message…he will do whatever he has to in order to leave Night of Glory as a world champion…

Crowd: 6C-Dub x10

Max Adamson is standing in the ring, stunned by what he has just witnessed. He has a wry smile on his face as he stares down at GazzyD and Enforcer…

HE: What the hell is he smiling about?

HA: Because The Authority just got some of their own medicine…GazzyD has retaliated for what happened to him last week…

HE: He will pay dearly for this….Adamson won’t be smiling when he loses his 6CW Championship….


Max suddenly turns around and is shocked to see Nate Nack back on his feet. Nack scoops Adamson up on his shoulders and then runs across and detonates with an over-the-shoulder cutter (Big Ending) that leaves Max flat out on the canvass….the crowd are cheering as Nate reaches down and picks the 6CW title off the mat….

HA: It seems everyone keeps forgetting about the longest reigning champion in the history of this promotion…..will Nate Nack climb back to the mountain top once more?

HE: I bloody hope not…

HA: Being a champion has consumed Nack for almost a whole year….he is not willing to give up on his dream just yet…..who will have their Night of Glory?

HE: We’ll find out in ten days…

The show ends with Nate Nack holding the 6CW Championship in the air as Max Adamson is flat out at his feet.


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Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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