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6CW Anarchy Saturday 10th May 2014

Kurt N. Jurqa
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6CW Anarchy Saturday 10th May 2014 Empty 6CW Anarchy Saturday 10th May 2014

Post by JJJohnson Wed 30 Apr 2014, 9:30 pm

Live from the Copper Box, London
Start time: TBA

Match 1
Bam Sparkleston vs Percy Percival

Match 2
Jerome Dubois vs Robin Reborn
On commentary: Jack Hurst

Match 3
Jax Cutler vs Jimmy Phillips

Match 4
Blade vs Alexander Altair

Match 5
Ojore vs Vincent Costello

Match 6
Edward Plague vs Joshua

Match 7
Marty Helms/Jonathan Daniels vs Nicky Cassidy/Billy Shaw

Match 8
Daniel Reilly vs Liam Wood

Match 9
Nate Nack/Max Adamson vs Scott Harris/Mike Masters

Main Event
Enforcer vs Hobo

Also on the show:
*GazzyD has an announcement
*Who will put their name forward for the International Championship?
*Can Harris and Masters co-exist?
*How will Nate Nack respond to last week's attack?
*Are the Authority heading for total control?
*What is next for Liam Wood/Vincent Costello?
*Plus much, much more


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6CW Anarchy Saturday 10th May 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Saturday 10th May 2014

Post by MtotheC Thu 01 May 2014, 11:48 am

Tim Allen is standing by backstage

Tim Allen: Ladies and gentlemen I’m joined by the former UK champion, Vincent Costello…

The camera pans out to reveal Costello dressed to complete, the Hell’s Kitchen resident looks in a foul mood as Allen continues with the interview…

Tim Allen: Mr Costello you were defeated last week on Anarchy by Daniel Reilly for the UK Championship after your long-time rival Liam Wood interfered in the match. What is your reaction to losing the title?

Costello clenches his fist and tilts his neck from side to side as he remembers what went down on last week’s Anarchy and snatches the microphone away from Allen

Costello: Was I defeated?! Check the tape again bub, was I pinned? Did I tap out? NO, Costello’s Law has never been defeated in any match that actually meant something, but yet again my gold has been stolen from me, just like the EWF title was. And yet again the perpetrator was Liam Wood.

Now get out of my sight, your services are not required here

Costello address the camera as Allen nervously leaves the shot

Well Liam you may think that you have got one over on me, you may believe that you somehow have the upper hand, but all that was last week was injustice plain and simple. And Costello’s Law answers injustice with its very own unique brand of… justice, you see for you Liam I will be the judge, jury and executioner.

You’re not dealing with a hick like Alex Garcia or a punk like your crippled best friend, you’re dealing with Costello’s Law, the single greatest threat to you or anyone in this industry has ever faced. Sure you’ve been successful in the past against these second rate wrestlers but now your stepping up to the big leagues boy, your stepping up to me and unfortunately this only ends one way for you, the same way it always has… In heart breaking, crushing defeat.

And I can just hear the predicable, reliable Liam Wood response spilling out of your mouth before you’ve even have chance to say it: I’m the viper, I’m the superstar of the year, you can’t stop my  legacy, you have to cheat to win blah, blah, blah… I’m sick of it, it boring, self-indulgent garbage. And those pathetic idiots who buy your t-shirts may lap up every word that comes out of that smart mouth of yours but those of us with more than two brain cells to rub together have had enough of it and like any true champion, because that’s what I am… A champion, a flag bearer for Justice, a warrior of liberty… I will liberate us all from you.

People keep asking me, why do you hate Liam Wood so much, but the truth is I don’t hate you at all, I pity you, so desperate for the spot light, so consumed by ego, so overwhelmed with desire to be recognised as the best, well Liam this is a good news, bad news situation for you, because I’m going to make your dreams come true, I’m going to help you to realise that unobtainable goal but sadly not in the way you’d hoped for. I’m going to make you infamous, far and wide people will know the name The Viper Liam Wood. But they’ll know that he was the man that promised so much but delivered absolutely nothing, the man that took his ball and went home yet again after Costello’s law took all those claims, all those boastful remarks and shoved them back down his own throat, leaving him a broken, defeated shell of his former self.

You said last week you want me at Night of Glory, at the biggest event of the year, on the grandest stage of them all, well that sounds too good to be true. To have the opportunity to shut that mouth once and for all, in front of thousands, at 6CW’s centre piece PPV, well it has my mouth watering already… but… and you should know this by now Liam, there’s always a but… this is played by my rules and on my time, so you’ll get my answer, but for now you’ll will have to wait.

Costello laughs into the camera as the scene ends


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6CW Anarchy Saturday 10th May 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Saturday 10th May 2014

Post by TheCultOfPersonality Thu 01 May 2014, 5:04 pm

"Born a champion" hits as Mike Masters makes his way out to the ring. Mike Masters is shown wearing a bright yellow top with the phrase, "All I do is show off" printed on the front. Before making his way down the ramp, Masters does his signature pose before revealing his tag team championship belt under his top. Masters makes his way down the entrance ramp and grabs a microphone before posing once more on the turnbuckle.

MM: Woah this place is on fire tonight!

*The crowd start to chant "Masters, Masters".*

MM: Yes yes this place is absolutely smoking hot right now and its not just because im in the house people. No seriously though I feel it, I feel the heat, I feel the exicitement, ladies and gentleman we are edging this much closer to the biggest night of the year, the amazing spectacle that is Night of Glory. And you know I gotta say I can't wait either. I mean, Night of Glory. Live from the greatest city and my home, London. In front of thousands of people, I plan to do what I do best and thats steal the show. Night of Glory has my main name written all over it, its written in the stars, i'm already a big deal here in 6CW, just ask all my twitter followers. But at Night of Glory, the show off will show the world why he is that damn good.

MM: Now lets get to business. You all know what im going to talk about. It was widely speculated what this big secret my tag partner has been going on about these last few weeks. And you see, im confused. I mean I am a pretty intelligent guy but this just doesn't make sense. I mean, you know what just play the damn footage.

Hernandez: Did you get it done?

StageH: Yes sir…it is right here….

*Hernandez is passed an item and he smiles

Hernandez: Excellent….I cannot wait to give this to our newest member, he will be so pleased…

*The crowd gasp as Hernandez holds up a red Authority shirt with the name “Harris” printed on the back of it

MM: You see, I've gone through this video clip a fair few times now yet I still can't make sense of it. I mean, let me ask you guys, do you all think this is true? Did harris sell out?

*A huge "No! No! No! No!" is cried out by the crowd*

MM: Ok calm down people we don't do that over here. But I do get what you're getting at. Harris wouldn't do such thing would he? Or would he? I mean for weeks, he's been questioning me on whether I can trust him. And now he goes and possibly pulls a stunt like this. Listen Harris, if this isn't you're secret, what the hell is? This is getting ridiculous now. That's two matches you've lost in a row now. You know, you're not only making yourself look bad but you're making me look bad too. I mean were the tag team champions, we've got a huge target on our back, we gotta have eachothers back but I'm starting to see your true side.

MM: Harris, next week we team together to face Adamson and Nate Nack. We gotta show the world why we are the best team out. If your heads not in the game, if your not gonna bring The Sharpshooter of old back, then I suggest you don't turn up at all. I will happily defends the tag team belts on my own. I will happily be a one man tag team champion. You know why, because im Mike Masters and Im perfect and you're off.

Mike Masters drops his microphone and poses for the crowd.


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6CW Anarchy Saturday 10th May 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Saturday 10th May 2014

Post by Crimey Thu 01 May 2014, 5:47 pm

*Timothy Allen is backstage stood with Michael Hathaway and Jax Cutler who cracks his knuckles. Michael Hathaway is wearing his usual sharp suit, and has a beaming smile. He licks his lips as he gets ready for the questions.*

TA: Well Michael, Jax had a very impressive début on Anarchy where he beat Chaos with what seemed ease, how are you feeling after such a fantastic start?

MH: First of all, it is 'Mr. Hathaway' and 'Mr. Cutler' to do you Timothy. Let's keep this professional shall we? There is no need to try and get too close, to try and get to know each other or become too cordial. If it was up to me I wouldn't be stood here talking to you, answering your benign questions, I would walk into the ring, in front of the baying crowd and speak to the world through that means, where I pick the topics, where I don't have to have my intelligence lowered by standing here with you. Unfortunately, for me and for the world, that is my craft and I am not going to do it for free, not going to give people the satisfaction of seeing a master at work without paying for it. Just like Jax Cutler doesn't fight for free, you won't find him on the streets beating people up, he fights for money.

As for the match with Chaos, it was business Timothy. Business as usual. I said last week, I stood on this exact spot, you were wearing the same cheap suit, and I prophesied the exact thing that happened. There were some doubters as to Jax's talents, as to my words, I understand that, this world is full of liars and fakes and boastful false prophets. I am not one of them, I deal in truths, I deal in facts, I deal in predictions that I believe wholeheartedly, ones I know will come true. You can take down everything I say on record Timothy because I am stood with the best athlete in the world, and I am not talking about you. Chaos is the first name, the first name on a list of stars, wrestlers and fighters that Jax Cutler will beat to rise to the top.

How are we feeling right now? Fantastic. I have been proved correct. Jax got to go home early because of the pathetic fight that was put up by a former world champion and the company, no, the world was put on notice that The Main Event has arrived and it is something truly special. Every week Jax Cutler walks out there, every body he leaves broken and battered in the ring, every one is another nail on the door, nailing the proclamation that the best has arrived in 6CW.

TA: Chaos was a small, fast wrestler but this week you face a totally different test in Jimmy Phillips, a former American football player, he is 6 foot 4, 257 pounds. The match with Chaos is hardly great preparation for this match, what have you done differently?

MH: Thanks Timothy, but I can do my own scouting of opponents. I know all about Jimmy Phillips, I know his strengths, his weaknesses, his history and his immediate future; to be the next name on the list of Jax Cutler's victories. He will require a different style than the fight against Chaos for sure, but Jax is perfectly capable of that. Look at him, he may be pure muscle, probably the strongest guy in the company but do not doubt this man's speed, his athleticism. He will be able to out-strength, out-speed and out-fight Jimmy Phillips every time.

I have some respect for Jimmy Phillips, like my man Jax, he's an athlete first. The difference being that Jax Cutler is an athlete, but he's always been a fighter, every sport he has been involved in was about inflicting pain, it was about beating the other man, literally. Jimmy Phillips comes from a vastly different and inferior sport. He comes from the land of pads and helmets. Protection is key because the men involved in that sport are afraid of pain, they don't embrace it like Jax Cutler does. Jimmy Phillips is a sportsman, but he's not a fighter and that is key, that is why Jax Cutler will beat him, will make him look silly. While he might not be thrown around the ring like Chaos was, he'll find out in his own way that Jax Cutler is more than capable of adapting to different pressures.

TA: What about the International Championship, it is being revived in 6CW, is that something Mr. Cutler would be interested in fighting for?

MH: Timothy, I'm not going to put my cards on the table here. Jax Cutler is always interested in fighting for accolades, whether the International Championship is right for him right now will have to wait and see. If he does decide to go for the International Championship and inevitably win the title, one thing is for sure...nothing will ever be the same again.

*Michael Hathaway grins as he winks at Timothy Allen before walking off, Jax Cutler's shoulder smashing into Timothy Allen as they leave, nearly knocking him off of his feet.*


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6CW Anarchy Saturday 10th May 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Saturday 10th May 2014

Post by Dolphin Ziggler Thu 01 May 2014, 9:45 pm

"...I know we're a team, Robin, but this man needs to be dealt with!"

*The camera rushes round a corner to see Reborn and Hurst arguing

RR "Look, man, I'm gonna go teach him a lesson. But its for me. Hes cost me a shot at gold I worked damn hard for."

JH "Thats fine by me, but you must remember he is my trash to get rid of"

RR "Whatever, Jack. All this talk about keeping your head in the game, don't do anything stupid and it's you antagonising a frog that loses us our chance"

JH "I didn't make him do what he did"

RR "Yeah, but you didn't just leave him be. He came back, big deal. The French always linger, that's the garlic for you"

*Reborn walks away and Hurst stands frustrated

Dolphin Ziggler

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6CW Anarchy Saturday 10th May 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Saturday 10th May 2014

Post by MtotheC Fri 02 May 2014, 2:08 pm

The scene opens with Nicky Cassidy bursting into the backstage locker room at the Copper Box where he joins his tag team partner Billy Shaw. Cassidy has a boom box on his shoulder and is raping…

Cassidy: :music:Tag Team back again, check it up top wreck it down low… Party people let me hear some noise… music

Cassidy makes a Hulk Hogan like gesture to his ear in the direction of Billy Shaw

Shaw: Hoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Cassidy: :music:Ice Colds in the house, jump up, get down we’re here in force. There's a party over here, a party over there, Wave your hands in the air like you just don’t care…

Whoomp there it is… I said whoomp there it is music

Cassidy: Here he is… my brother from another mother, the wind beneath my wings, Bill S. Preston, Esquire. That was wicked cool last week, the two of us back together again, kicking a$$ and taking names… Whoomp there it is!

Shaw: It sure is good to be back again, but man I really wanted to kick Helms and Daniels butts for what they did to me.

Cassidy: No dramas broseph, they’ll get what’s coming to them, I guarantee you that, but let’s address the most important thing in our world right now…

Shaw: How we’re gonna win the tag team belts?

Cassidy: Nope

Shaw: How we’re gonna get revenge on the Authority?

Cassidy: Nope

Shaw: What then?

Cassidy: Well as you know, we are now an official 6CW tag team and what better way to make this official than naming our team!

Shaw: Go on then I’m sure you’ve been up all night coming up with names, so let’s hear them…

Cassidy: Wrong again amigo, this name was the first and only one it could ever be! What’s our favourite film, the film that defines the very foundation of our friendship?

Shaw: Bill and Ted’s excellent adventure, of course!

Cassidy: Of course! So prepare to have your mind blown… our new name is…

Cassidy takes of his hoody to reveal a brand new t-shirt that has a picture of Cassidy and Shaw standing in a bill and ted esque American phone box with their new team name above it…

Shaw: No way???!!!!


Shaw: Bro that is awesome!

Cassidy: I know… totally awesome right?! Helms and Daniels better watch out because tonight the ‘Wild Stallions’ are gonna kick their a$$es all over the C- Box.

Shaw: True that!

The newly named Wild Stallions play air guitar and high five as the scene ends


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6CW Anarchy Saturday 10th May 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Saturday 10th May 2014

Post by DP Fri 02 May 2014, 9:58 pm

Scott Harris is shown storming through the backstage area, the usually calm youngster’s face is contorted with anger. He bumps into a stagehand, the stagehand is fast to apologise to Harris who uncharacteristically squares up to the petrified stagehand.

SH: WHAT?! You’re going to walk into me and not even say sorry?! Are you THAT rude?!

Stagehand: I’m sorry Mr. Harris… I didn’t see you..

SH: You didn’t see me?! Are you blind instead of rude?! If you do it again, you punk, I swear to god…

Harris stops and thinks, his whole demeanour quickly changes, he lets go of the stagehand.

SH: I’m.. I’m sorry, I’m just a bit.. A bit all over the place at the minute, I know it’s not your fault. Just go, alright.

The stagehand hurries off and Harris puts his hands to his eyes, looking upwards. He lets out a yell of frustration and kicks a door close by. Tim Allen appears at the door, Harris looks exasperated.

TA: Hi Scott, seeing as you’re here, can I grab your thoughts about this past week?

SH: Fine.

TA: I think it’s fair to say we’re all confused by what we saw at the end of your match, where we saw The Authority own a shir…

SH: We all know what we saw, Tim! There’s no need to dredge up stuff that everyone has already seen!

TA: I’m sorry Scott, I’m just doing my job…

SH: Confused. You said everyone is confused? Well, what a way to state the god damned obvious!! Confused?! I’m damn well mystified. Tell me, Tim, please, just humour me… Do you believe it too? Are you in on it?

TA: Sorry?!

SH: Do you, or do you not think I’m a member of The Authority?

TA: Well… Ermm…

SH: You do don’t you!! You’re as bad as Mike Masters! You’re as bad as the rest of the rumour mongers! You believe the hype machine, you’re spoon fed lie after disgusting lie after disgusting lie and you willingly buy into it and lap it up and take it in and you spread it. You spread it like a virus and infect anybody who will listen with absolute, grade A crap! Tell me, Tim, do you enjoy being lied to?

Allen doesn’t have a reply…

SH: Your silence says it all, Tim. You lap it up, don’t you, you love hunting for the next big scoop… Scott Harris: The Authority’s Newest Member.

Well mark my words, Tim, write it down, tell the world, put it on the website, read my damned lips: I AM NOT A MEMBER OF THE AUTHORITY!!

I detest The Authority; I detest what they stand for, their objectives, their divide and conquer strategy! How much more do I have to prove that I am not in any way, shape or form affiliated with The Authority.

TA: But obviously, there’s something more to you Scott…

SH: WHAT ARE YOU?! Jeremy Kyle?! EVERY man has his secrets Tim Allen, like you when you’re cavorting with those two bit hookers on a street corner! My business Tim Allen, is my god damned business! And not you, Mike Masters, 6CW, the fans or the world will find out! And that’s not me being melodramatic, or secretive. Every man has his secrets and he should be entitled to the right to keep them!

I am sick and tired of having to explain this week in and week out!

TA: And what of Mike Masters? You had quite the confrontation…

SH: Mike Masters can think what he wants to think and do what he wants to do! I’m not in control of him… He’s entitled to his opinion of me but it doesn’t mean I have to respect it. It’s obvious what he thinks of me and that he doubts my loyalty. But let me ask you, what sort of partner does that make him? Yes, he’s an egotist, yes he’s what he is and I’m fine with that but when you question my loyalty, my intentions, when you buy into that infection…

Harris tries to compose himself…


Harris grabs hold of Allen.


Harris throws Allen into the wall and storms off. Allen watches after him, favouring where Harris had grabbed him.


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6CW Anarchy Saturday 10th May 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Saturday 10th May 2014

Post by Daniel Reilly Sat 03 May 2014, 3:57 pm

'Broken Dreams' starts to play and the fans begin to raise the roof with huge chorus's of boos. Golden sparks begin to fall, scattering all over the top of the entrance ramp as Daniel Reilly finally emerges, slowly strolling out with the 6CW TV Championship slung over his shoulder. He walks to the top of the ramp and pauses as he takes a few moments to observe the booing fans around him. Reilly then performs his trademark smirk before lifting his Championship into the air, before slowly making his way to the ring. He rolls in and again hangs his Title over his shoulder as he reaches for a microphone and waits for the fans to quieten as his music stops.

DR: You so called fans are lucky I've even decided to show my face. Most of you are too lazy to work, too lazy to wash your clothes, too lazy to invest in your own basic hygiene and a man like myself does not need to be in the same surroundings as you disease ridden insects. I have choose to keep my silence. I've had many, many people question me on my recent decision to join the Authority. I'm sick of the messages off you gossip loving freaks wanting to know my reasoning. Was I looking for a boast to the top? If I'm so dangerous alone, why do I need backing? Your questions bore me.

I joined the Authority because they are the only people with enough intellect to share my vision in making this company the great force it should be, and rid it of the talentless so called men who pollute them lockers in the back. I am the newest member of the Authority and now that they can consider the most dangerous man in wrestling amongst their ranks, we are going to take things to a whole new level that many believe can not be reached.

But while I'm out here, isn't it funny how you all like to try and claim that I am purely a man of words, a man who can not back up his words with action. Well guess what you pieces of crap? Guess who is rightly back amongst the gold?

(Reilly lifts his UK Championship up drawing in more boos.

This Championship that I hold was endangered. It was in danger of losing all prestige, it was becoming a Championship of no worth. The men before me have done nothing to make this Championship no more then a Title. You see, that's where things are going to change. I have already restored prestige to this Championship by having my name proudly written across the plaque on the front. This UK Championship is now going to mean something, it is now going to be a Championship that people want. The UK Championship has now entered the 'Daniel Reilly' era and any man who dreams of ending that will see them dreams broken before their very eyes.

Talking of broken dreams, another man who lives every dream failing to achieve his dreams is the resident clown, Blade. Now Blade, you talk and you talk about beating me, but what has happened both times we've fought? You lost in consecutive weeks! You are a joke and I don't ever want you to think that you're fit enough to be in the same ring as me again.

As for Liam Wood? Wood, you are fighting a Champion. You came down during my match last week and whilst I understand I was not your cause for arrival, I'm glad you got to see me win my Championship, and I'm glad you got to see what you are going to be on the end of when we face off. Liam, on behalf of the Authority, I look forward to beating you. You can dream all you want about beating me, but those dreams? I'm going to break them!

Daniel Reilly

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6CW Anarchy Saturday 10th May 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Saturday 10th May 2014

Post by x12x Sat 03 May 2014, 6:15 pm

As Reilly stands tall in the ring the mood quickly changes as the former EWF World Heavyweight Champion The Viper Liam Wood casually strolls out on to the stage with a microphone resting under his arm. Wood sarcastically claps and shakes his head with his eyes firmly locked on the new 6CW UK champion. Wood adjusts his Thunder t-shirt and cracks his neck before lifting the microphone to his lips and speaking.

“Daniel, it's a pleasure to meet you for the first time...from what I've heard you used to be a big deal around here, it's nice that you've been allowed to come back and teach us new guys just how to get places in 6CW...I always thought it was by being the best and putting your body on the line but I guess all it takes is giving Mr Jones a foot rub and promising not to screw his inspirational!”

The crowd cheer for Wood as he begins to pace the stage continuing to keep his eyes locked on Reilly

“Now, you might be asking who the hell do I think I am!? You're Daniel Reilly, you're a legend, you've achieved it all and right now you're holding the UK title but I'm out here talking to you like you're just another person, I'm out here talking to you like you're just another pawn for Mr Jones to play with and the reason why it seems like this? It's because to me you are just another person in this company, your accolades mean me you're just the guy I helped win that title and the guy I'm going to beat at Anarchy later this week...I think it's cute that you think I dream about beating you but up until I realised we had a match, I kind of forgot you were here...I guess all it took to get my attention was to cosy up with Jones, I'll remember that if I feel the need to get some attention...”

The crowd laugh as Wood casually walks down to the ring and rolls under the bottom rope circling Reilly as he continues to speak, Reilly keeps eye contact scowling at Viper

“I have a question though, should I feel privileged to be in the ring with you right now? As you said, you're a champion but I guess you didn't know that I've been there and done that before...the difference? I won my titles on my own, I never once needed someone to interfere and get the win for can thank me however you like, my first request would be dropping my name from your damn mouth before I knock it see I feel bad for you, the man you're looking at right now isn't the man who's been walking around this arena for the past 6 months...I'm back better than ever and right now my ONLY focus is on I said last week...I'm done with talking and playing games and I'm ready to show the world why I call myself the best in the business and that continues where it left off last week...last week I put down a week? I put down a monster I know it's ironic for me to claim that someone has an ego but as it's been pointed out I'm a massive fans of cliches and judging by your little speech about these are you!”

Wood laughs to himself but stops instantly as he notices the disinterested look across the face of Reilly.

“I'm just kidding, in all honesty Danny, I'm happy for you...not only were you given that title on plate by yours truly but next week you get to see what the future of this company looks like...”

Wood sarcastically offers out a handshake to Reilly.


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6CW Anarchy Saturday 10th May 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Saturday 10th May 2014

Post by Daniel Reilly Sat 03 May 2014, 7:03 pm

Daniel Reilly stares towards Liam Wood's outstretched hand. Reilly then looks up and stares Wood dead in the eyes before raising the microphone up to his mouth.

DR: Well what a refreshing change this is. A man who comes out and plays the funny guy role, cracking jokes in a way to suck up to these idiots, and for what? For the cheap thrill of having these bums chant your name? Well how original. I've been here long enough to see millions of men just like yourself come and go, you come out, you talk a big game, much like myself, except you know as well as me that you are speaking words that you just don't have the talent to back up!

You see Wood, you are right, this is the first time that Daniel Reilly and Liam Wood have stood face to face in any wrestling ring. But believe me, Wood, the pleasure is all yours. You seem to know a little bit about myself and that remains the reason as to why I'm a little confused by you. You know what I can do, in fact no matter how much you want to take credit for my win last week, it was me who put Blade down for the three count, you saw how quickly I can swing the match my way. And so why the hell would you come down to my ring, and dare try and talk trash to my face. You see, Wood, you don't want to make an enemy of me. Alone, I am dangerous, but with the Authority in my corner, I am deadly!

So go ahead, Liam. You do exactly what Blade did two weeks ago and talk your big game. Tell these people that you love how you're going to stop the big, bad Daniel Reilly, tell them how you're going to be the man that shuts me up. But I just hope you are ready to come down to this ring next week and face up to these people when I prove all your words to be nothing but irrelevance when I start my reign as the UK Champion against the man desperate to get a quick ride to a bit of fame by trying to claim he's the reason I hold this Championship.

Don't come down to this ring and expect a handshake off me because you were once the 6WF Champion. In case you didn'y know, Wood, you aren't dealing with a normal man. You are dealing with a two time 6CW Champion, a two time 6CW TV Champion and you are dealing with the current 6CW UK Champion. I am the most dangerous man in wrestling, and believe me, Wood, you can be the best, but when the most dangerous comes to town, all he leaves behind is shortened careers!

I am not even 23 years old and yet I stand before you as a 6CW Legend. You are naive to believe that you are the future of this business. Wood, I am the past, the present and you can be damn sure I am also the future of this business! I can sense you have a tinge of bravery by coming out here and confronting me but I gurantee you that you will look back and realise that this is nothing more then stupidly. Liam Wood, I am a dangerous, dangerous man, be careful about what you say, all you're doing is feeding my appetite in wanting to shorten the career you hold so dearly!

Daniel Reilly

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6CW Anarchy Saturday 10th May 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Saturday 10th May 2014

Post by x12x Sat 03 May 2014, 7:47 pm

Wood smirks and lowers his hand before lifting the microphone again

“You're right to be confused by me because I am not like anyone you will have faced before, I'm not Blade and I'm not out here to pander to anyone...these fans chant my name because they can see what you're too scared to admit, they see the god damn man! You made one mistake though, I have no interest in beating the 'big bad Daniel Reilly' for any reason other than you've been put in my way by your bosses...I couldn't care less what you do with or without that belt...I know that in your head you're still relevant but it's time to wake up from the day dream and watch as the future takes place in front of your eyes...back in the day you were Daniel Reily...THE you're just the next in line to be fired when you can't quite scratch the itch on Jones' ass.
Now don't get me wrong Danny, I do know exactly what you are capable of, I've seen your matches, I've heard the stories and I'm bored of it see there's the problem though, you automatically think that people are going to be shaking in their boots just because you say boo and that's how I know you haven't done your research on me, let me clue you in with a few cliche's of my own...”

Wood begins to list off his achievements counting them on his fingers

I'm the Viper Liam Wood, I'm a former World Champion, I held the EWF TV Title for the entirety of it's existence and to top it off I'm the superstar of the damn see I know that you're a dangerous man but so am I...the inclusion of the Authority? It means nothing to me, I'm the man who put FEAR six feet under, I'm the man who lead Team EWF to victory over what you now call the Authority...if they were actually a threat to me, then why am I still stood here in the ring showing them just as must respect as they deserve?

Wood shrugs and continues to speak, leaning on the ropes arrogantly

“So please tell me again why any of the bullsh!t you mentioned should faze me in the slightest? You claim to be the man who can end a career...well try me because the person you're looking at right now isn't scared of your hollow threats...I'm tired of all of this 'bad guy' bullsh!t!”

Wood begins to pace the ring, his eyes locked on Reilly as he continues

“You see, you claim to be the baddest...something I will have never dealt with before but you've said nothing that any two bit bad guy couldn't vomit out in his sleep...I've dealt with you a million times and it always ends the same so do me one favour...bring your A game or shut the hell up because if you underestimate me in the slightest, I'll make you pay.”

Wood stops pacing the ring and stares Reilly down with a serious stare.


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6CW Anarchy Saturday 10th May 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Saturday 10th May 2014

Post by Guest Sun 04 May 2014, 8:44 am

Timothy Allen is stood backstage at a House show. He fixes his hair as before he turns to the camera.

TA: Ladies and gentlemen, my guest at this time….Jimmy Phillips

Cheers can be heard off camera from inside the arena as The Talent walks into shot. He’s wearing his trademark red hooded jacket and his expression is more serious than usual

TA: So Jimmy, this week you go…..

Tim is silenced as Phillips throws his arm up and rips the microphone out of his hand.

JP: Sorry Tim but before we talk about this week The Talent has something that he wants to get off his chest. The Talent wants to talk about last week and the 240lb elephant in the room that is Alexander Altair’s ‘victory’

I mean everybody saw it. Everybody witnessed the win by submission, only I never tapped out…..I never gave up. You all know that I was a second away from reaching that bottom rope when that snake in the grass referee signalled for the bell and declared Altair the winner.

I guess that being part of your new gang has some perks, I mean let’s face it you could never get the job done before and now when you win one it’s tainted in controversy. Well if that’s the way y’all want to play the game, that’s fine by me. Everybody seems to forget that back in EWF it was yours truly who spearheaded the war on FEAR, this might be a different company …..This might not be FEAR any more….but I’m more than happy to get my hands dirty once again, fight the good fight and rid the world of a bully that has outstayed its welcome

Phillips is clearly wound up as he hands the microphone back to Tim Allen

TA: So Jimmy, it sounds like you’re ready to pick a fight with The Authority, unfortunately this week you’re not going to get that chance just yet. Instead you will be going one on one with the very impressive Jax Cutler, and his manager Mr Hathaway was eager to point out some of the similarities between the two of you. I’m sure you have seen. Care to weigh in on what he has said

JP: What’s to say? Obviously Michael Hathaway is a cold, calculated tactician. He won’t say anything without a reason other than to get inside an enemy’s mind and give his client an advantage.

For him to comment saying that the only difference between me and his client is that although we’re both athletes first, unlike me Jax has been a fighter his whole life, he needs to learn that I have been fighting my whole my life. When I was born to single mom with four sisters and everybody said I would never amount to anything, who went on to become one of college footballs hottest prospects? And when I got my injury and the finest doctors across the US told me I’d never walk again, did I lie there in bed and accept my fate? No I fought against the odds and now stand before you part of one of the hottest wrestling companies on the planet

Now I know strictly speaking this wasn’t the kind of ‘fighter’ that Hathaway had in mind when he said what he said…..but a fight… a fight…….is a fight, and The Talent has never come across one that he would back away from

TA: It sounds like Hathaway may have touched on a nerve with his comments. I’m sure you’re pretty eager to give him a first hand look of what The Talent is all about, and I’m sure if you were to win it would send a pretty clear message to Altair and The Authority as well baring in mind how impressive Cutler looked against Chaos

JP: You’re right he looks impressive. I mean the way he made easy work of Chaos like he did….WOW!

Newsflash….I AM NOT CHAOS! I’m not 5’7, 170lbs with the personality of Gollum. No Tim….I am The Talent….I am unlimited potential…..I am the future of this company…..I am Hathaway’s and Cutler’s reality check

Phillips doesn’t even wait for further question and brushes past Tim Allen and out of shot

TA: Cheers Jimmy…I guess


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6CW Anarchy Saturday 10th May 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Saturday 10th May 2014

Post by Daniel Reilly Sun 04 May 2014, 7:30 pm

Daniel Reilly smirks as he watches Liam Wood pace the ring, tapping the microphone on his hand as he waits. Both men refuse to drop eye contact.

DR: Oh, you want me to bring my A game? Be careful what you wish for because truth be told, my C game is more then good enough to cause enough damage to satisfy the thirst for your blood that you give me with each word you choose to speak. You an talk all you want about irrelevancy, but let's face the facts Liam, I am stood before you as a Champion. You can not claim that same pleasure.

And let's not try to hide from the stone cold truth that if I had been around last year, you would not be walking around here as the Superstar of the Year. Look at the facts before you try and pass me off, Wood. I returned to 6CW just two months ago and I have already achieved more in that time then most have done in their whole career. I have picked up wins left, right and centre, I have joined the most dominant group of men there is here in the Authority, and I stand before you as your UK Champion!

You see this is the magic of it, I am the future of this business, despite the fact I am the past and the present. I proved time and time again that I am the best wrestler 6CW has ever produced. I have continued to beat men like you who think they can shut me up, day after day, week after week!

And what a fitting tough that you seem like it's some sort of destiny of yours to beat me this week, when we have Night of Glory just around the corner. You see Wood, the last time I was at Night of Glory, I walked in alone against four men in a 4 on 1 handicap match, and just like I always do, I adapted, survived and I won!

You see, Wood, you aren't the fact man to walk down here, confront me, and tell the world a hundred white lies and fake promises about how you're going to do this and you're going to do that, you won't even be the last, but when the smoke settles this week, I will be the victor that stands over your broken body.

Liam Wood, I am begging you now, as you are the so called future of our business, please do not make an enemy of me because I will make it my personal mission to put you down if I think you're barking just a little too much, I am not the kind of enemy you want to make!

Daniel Reilly

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6CW Anarchy Saturday 10th May 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Saturday 10th May 2014

Post by x12x Sun 04 May 2014, 8:50 pm

Wood sarcastically claps again before speaking once more

“Wait, you you're telling me that you joined the group of men that is lead by the owner of this company and now you're the UK champion? Wow, that must have been a hard road to walk but as you said you're the man...all I had to do to win my UK Title back in EWF was beat three other men, granted two of them didn't last long in this business but one of them...well one of them was Ojore, a man who you need to hit with a bus before he even realises you're hitting see you look at it like you made the smart move...I look at it like you made the easy one, so call yourself a champion but you did it by having ME help you, you did it by getting on your knees and following orders for Mr can call it whatever you want and I know that you won't care what me or these fans call you but deep down inside, you'll realise there's a reason you don't want me to make an enemy of's not for my safety, as I said before I've dealt with the Daniel Reilly's of this world're good, you've proven that but if you were to really come after me...I'd expose you for what you are...”

Daniel Reilly continues to smirk as Wood carries on talking

“You used to be the man, you didn't follow any rules that anyone set you but you came back here to 6CW and you saw that there was a new breed of superstar who were just a little bit hungrier than you...they had a hotter fire burning in their gut and they didn't need guys like Calihan, Deep Heat or Jones to give them shots...”

Wood begins to list names to huge cheers

“...guys like Jack Hurst, Mike Masters, Scott Harris, Robin Reborn...(a sad look crosses Wood's face)...Thunder...LIAM F*CKING WOOD!”

A small “LIAM F*CKING WOOD” chant breaks out to the enjoyment of Wood as he looks down at his Thunder t-shirt and nods before speaking to his future opponent once more.

“You see, we're the future of this saw what was happening and realised you were out of step...your name wasn't enough anymore so you shook hands with the don't you DARE tell me who I want to urine off and who I don't because you've got a few major flaws in your estimation of think I'm treating our match like it's destiny to beat you? It's cute that you think you're that big a target for me but the only reason I had to remember your name was because your bosses decided to put us in a match think that title means anything, like you being champion is a big deal? You're not a're just the guy who's replacing Tyler Roth as The Authorities latest play thing...the moment they get bored of you, they'll stick it on the next brain dead coward who's looking to sell his soul...”

“You were right about one thing ARE looking at the goddamn future of not only this company but this beg all you want but the moment you make it your mission to 'put me down' is the moment you've done goofed because as I said before...I have had a target on my back since day one, guys like you have lined up their shots and had the confidence to pull the trigger...the problem though?”

“I'm GODDAMN Bulletproof”

Wood drops the mic and hops over the top rope on to the apron to a huge ovation from the fans, before dropping down Wood makes a gun with his fingers and pulls the trigger aimed at Reilly.


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6CW Anarchy Saturday 10th May 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Saturday 10th May 2014

Post by Paul Mac 6CW Tue 06 May 2014, 10:53 am

Alexander Altair is stood backstage at the 6CW arena with Tim Allen. Altair is dressed in a grey suit and black tie, sunglasses rest on his head and he has a smug smile across his face

TA: Alexander, the world saw last week the benefits afforded to members of The Authority during your match with Jimmy Phillips

Atair throws a stare at the interviewer
AA: What are you trying to allude to Timothy. That somehow my victory was undeserved, that foul play was to blame for what happened?

Allen gulps audibly and Altair smiles
AA: What's the matter, cat got your tongue?

Allen remains silent
AA: Timothy a word to the wise. If you are going to throw around accusations, make sure you not only hav efacts to back up your wild claims but also you have the testicular fortitude to continue with your line of questioning.

Allen nods
AA: For your information, what happened last week was an act of mercy. The referee is there not just to call the match but also to act in the best interests of the participants and Jimmy Phillips best interests was to have the match called.

I was as outraged as you Tim. I wanted to continue, I wanted to break Jimmy in half. I was happy torturing him like a cat plays with a mouse but the official saw things differently. I even lodged an official complaint but my hands are tied, the result stands and I must live with the injustice on my conscious

Altair cannot stop smiling

TA: And should we expect the same outcome tonight against Blade?

AA: One thing you should learn very quickly Tim, always expect the same outcome in my matches.

Blade has once again stuck his nose in businesss that he does not belong and as a collegue of Daniel Reilly it is only right that I deliver a message on his behalf

TA: And that message is?

AA: That he is just another victim!!

Altair walks out of shot as Allen hands back to ringside

Paul Mac 6CW
6CW Creative

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6CW Anarchy Saturday 10th May 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Saturday 10th May 2014

Post by Kurt N. Jurqa Wed 07 May 2014, 5:14 pm

The titantron flickers to life and shows an image of backstage, the picture is wobbling and it’s clear it’s being filmed on a phone, it pans across and it is one of the locker rooms, the G.A.Y.S locker-room to be precise. A large poster of Kylie is on one wall and Stephen from Boyzone on another. The camera pans again and the face of Bam Sparkleston appears smiling. He’s wearing a Frankie Goes to Hollywood style t-shirt with the words ‘Bam says Relax’ across the front.

Bam: ERMAHGERD!!! BamCam fans! How truly Hashtag awesome is this! Me Bam Sparkleston is kicking off this week’s show in his very debut match against Double P himself, the one the only Percy Percival. Bam is just so excited over this that in homage to the G.A.Y.S Bam’s prepared this special something for you!

Now first Bam heard you guys like poppers, so I’ve got a 24 pack of party poppers just here, you guys know how to start things with a bang YOLO!

Bam lets off a popper with a rather timid ‘bang’, he squeals in excitement and then smells the smoke from inside the popper as the paper from inside cascades over a rather large dildo in the corner of the room.

Bam: Next I found out you need lube quite a lot, now I have to agree, that door entrance of yours was really hard to get through Hashtag Awkward!, I had to really push my way in, so what better than a can of WD40, it worked a treat let me say, immediately it opened up wide and I was able to come straight in. I’m just too good for you guys, a real giver.

Bam now demonstrates the door opening and closing, oblivious to the poster on the back of the door of a well muscled hunk wearing nothing but a cockring, Bam says ‘squeak free too!’ to the cam.

Bam: I also found out you both love going to Brighton, you know what guys? I love the seaside too coming from Laguna Beach California, the sound of the waves lapping up against the shore, munching down on a big saveloy, but why restrict yourself to Brighton, when this wonderful island you guys come from have loads of quaint seaside towns, Morecambe, Skegness, Torquay etc. So my next gift for you both is a weekend away at a B&B in Rhyl, I know you guys will love that North Wales breeze in your face, yes I know I’m so totes amazeballs!

He whistles ‘Summer Holiday’ by Cliff Richard as he looks what other gifts he has in his bag. He pulls out a pair of wrapped objects, both about 12 inches in length, long with a bulbous head.

Bam: Heard you two are both just huge on grinders, so I got you matching salt and pepper ones and wait for it, wait for it...a paprika one!

Bam sets them down on a table next to a DVD box set of Twink Anal Virgins.

Bam: Well I hope you two enjoy my gifts and Percy breaks me in easy in our match on Saturday, Bam doesn’t fancy waking sore on Sunday after a pummelling in the ring. So until then it’s bye to all my BamCam fans! Smell ya laters!!

Kurt N. Jurqa

Posts : 303
Join date : 2014-04-03

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6CW Anarchy Saturday 10th May 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Saturday 10th May 2014

Post by Dolphin Ziggler Wed 07 May 2014, 6:44 pm

A black screen. The music plays throughout. At 20 seconds...a voice comes in -

"...It is time"

*The camera flicks from a black screen as those words are finished. A flame is roaring in an otherwise dark scene. We are outside in a totally nondescript area. It is either too dark to note our surroundings or our surroundings are of no note. The camera pans around the flame and we see what appears to be a dead deer on the ground. A voice speaks as we circle the flame

At 45 seconds of the voice returns

"Never did man fight so hard. Ojore people come to the village to save ourselves. The foe come to take our land. Ojore was raised in a warzone, never were the lands at peace."

The image fills the screen. 10 seconds silence

6CW Anarchy Saturday 10th May 2014 Zulu

"Ojore knows to fight before Ojore knows to walk. The men, they come to take what we have. Mothers killed for sport, and they were the ones of luck. Barbarians take more than lives with their weapons"

The image fills the screen. 5 seconds silence

6CW Anarchy Saturday 10th May 2014 1276724827

"In Ojore culture, Ojore was no more than any other man. Ojore learn to fight in silence, Ojore learn to break bones with hands. Ojore learn to hurt every muscle in a body."

The image fills the screen.10 seconds silence

6CW Anarchy Saturday 10th May 2014 Last-African-Warriors-9788854404724

"War is not a game. Every action will have result. No god will save you. No strings will guide your way. Mindless violence no place in this fight. Ojore saw pain and took revenge. This is how the embrace for war came. Brothers and sisters no longer to see."

The image fills the screen. 5 seconds silence

6CW Anarchy Saturday 10th May 2014 Graves-420x0

"So if these men say they want Ojore. If these men come to fight Ojore. If these men come for hurt Ojore. They come to fight a war. Ojore bring the brutality of might, the destitution of soul and the honour of soldier. Bring your bibles, dance for your puppets and tell Ojore its your time."

The image fills the screen. 5 seconds silence

6CW Anarchy Saturday 10th May 2014 Burning-crown--large-msg-127104068962

"Ojore stand at the end and ask you again...not one man will answer as Ojore gets to feet...shall we...let them fight?"

The last image is Ojore's face. A sombre tone to an otherwise empty expression.

Dolphin Ziggler

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Join date : 2012-03-01
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6CW Anarchy Saturday 10th May 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Saturday 10th May 2014

Post by Enforcer Wed 07 May 2014, 10:25 pm

Saturday Night hits and the crowd boo as Enforcer walks out on to the stage. He walks to either side holding his title aloft, but the usual look of determination is absent from his face.

Ha: Enforcer looking a little distracted tonight, perhaps his loss last week coupled with his upcoming match against long time ally Hobo is playing on his mind?

He: Of course he is not distracted, he is the most dominant force in professional wrestling and I am sure he is just planning the destruction of the coat tail rider Hobo!

Enforcer has made his way into the ring and stands with a mic in hand, waiting for the boos to subside. He is wearing jeans and a Cardiff Devils ice hockey jersey, with his title draped over his shoulder.

E: When you have all quite finished YOUR EWF Champion is waiting to speak.

The crowds boos ignite once again and Enforcer smiles to himself.

E: I never tire of playing you all like the fools you are, but as enjoyable as baiting you is I have much more important things on my mind. First of all I would like to congratulate Gazzyd on his victory last week, he took advantage of a referee not booked for the match and stole a victory that was mine.

Ha: What a crock! Gazzyd was a worthy winner and the only referee giving advantages was that stooge Hernandez!

E: I'm sure Gazzy will realise that his victrory has an asterisk and will make his decision accordingly, ensuring the man that he screwed out of last weeks match AND the Gateway to Glory match gets what he deseves. He gets all your sympathy, but he revels in his new role where he can do what he wants,whilst blaming his contract. You are all too thick to see through him like I do, but do not fear I will keep pointing out the injustices here in 6CW.

Never mind the injustices for now though, I face Hobo this week on Anarchy in a clash of Trash TV alumni.

A chant of TRASH TV builds in the crowd.

Ha: Trash TV may have never appeared in 6CW, but their impact on the industry as a whole is undoubted.

He: Of course, any stable carried by Enforcer will have made an impact.

Ha: Oh please...

E: We have some fans in I see, well you're not the only ones...

Enforcer lays his title on the canvas and removes his hockey jersey - revealing a Trash TV t-shirt. The crowd erupt in cheers and Enforcer smiles as he laps up the adoration.

As the cheers quieten he takes of the t-shirt and motions to throw it into the crowd, but as he does he takes a lighter from his pocket and quickly sets it alight, dropping it in the middle of the ring. Inciting yet more boos from the crowd.

E: I lied, I wasn't done messing with you. Trash TV died a long time ago, I have moved on and so should you. Trash TV was great, but it held one of the greatest talents of all time down for too long. I moved on and have now been EWF Champion for over 6 months with no plans on relinquishing MY title any time soon.

Enough of the history lesson though, it is time to look to the future and up next is match that has been anticipaed for years. Hobo v Enforcer, it writes itself, but there won't be a fairytale ending here. I was always too dominant for Hobo to deal with, but I have moved on immeasurably since then.

Henry, you know the respect I have for you, which is why I am warning you not to turn up to Anarchy. You joined 6CW and I considered taking you out straight away, but you were doing your own thing so out of respect I let you recapture that spotlight that you lost, providing you stayed out of my way.

Your return doesn't have to end this week, but if you turn up to Anarchy you have to understand that it will. Hero made the mistake of trying to share the limelight with me and we all know how that ended for him.

Just one look at what I did to Hero should show you the regard in which I hold you, you have been free to enjoy the midcard and you still are. But for both of our sakes, please just sit this one out.

I ask you as a friend, but if you step through the ropes I will treat you like any other victim.

The crowd boo as Enforcer picks up his jersey and belt, draping them both over his shoulder.


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6CW Anarchy Saturday 10th May 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Saturday 10th May 2014

Post by Dolphin Ziggler Wed 07 May 2014, 11:09 pm

Work it, make it, do it, makes us harder, better, faster, stronger!

*The crowd pop as out comes Robin Reborn. He bounces down the ramp, high fives aplenty

HA "Well, looks like Robin Reborn has got some words for a crowd that is jumping for every step he takes"

HE "Maybe they'll fall off somewhere high with him too"

*Reborn rolls into the ring, goes over to grab a mic and sits crossed leg atop a turnbuckle.

RR "Disciples of the church of flight, Reborn wants to lay some down y'kno."

*Robin takes in a deep breath and looks focused.

RR "Your boy is mad. I'm riiiilllllllllled up brothers and sisters. Y'all know Reborn is a man of love. I love all the people. Skin colour and nationality ain't nothing you decide on. Why hate a man cos'a where he from?"

*A polite round of applause...

HE "Jesus, hari krishna in the ring is losing his fans already"

RR "But then there's the French"

*This gets a huge pop from a partisan crowd.

RR "I ain't coming out here for cheap pops. I could laugh at their local sports team, but with France they top of the pile. The national game is surrender and they all winners. But that little Jez Dubz. He can't lay down. But hell, who can blame him. My boy Jack, well he couldn't help himself. I should be sitting here looking forward to a tag title match, but those two have cost a man."

*The crowd are a bit hushed as Robin blames his partner

RR "Yeah, yeah, brotherhood and all that, but the man needs to know what he's---"

*Prince Charming hits and the fans pop for Jack. He offers a polite wave but makes his way to the ring, mic in hand, rather quickly

JH "No. Let me get the first word in here. I may have antagonised that fool, but you told me yourself you wanted to kick his pencil moustache off his stupid little face. The guy is like out of date cheese. Some people find use for it, but it stinks and would be best in the bin."

RR "Man, I know, but we had business to attend to. You lecture me every week, "don't take risks" "wrestling not gymnastics", yet you haven't kept your head in the game"

JH "Granted, I split my focus away 5%, but don't let some frog jump in the way and derail our progress. Squash him, move on, get the momentum back towards our tag team titles. And they are ours, we got placeholders for Champions and placeholders for number one contenders."

*Reborn jumps down to his feet, shakes Hurst's outstretch hand and can be heard saying "watch how this air force deals with the French" before a hug between the pair and Stronger plays out from the speakers around the arena.

Dolphin Ziggler

Posts : 24115
Join date : 2012-03-01
Age : 35
Location : Making the Kessel Run

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6CW Anarchy Saturday 10th May 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Saturday 10th May 2014

Post by TwisT Thu 08 May 2014, 2:07 pm

As the arena screen goes black after Ojore's video, a "let them fight" chant breaks out around the Copper Box arena. The camera pans round the audience, picking out many "Let Them Fight" signs and the crowd's volume rises as more and more of the fans join in. We hear Harold and Henry Lloyds voices trying to come out through the noise.

HA: Can you believe this?! It is like the Roman Coliseum here! They are baying for blood!

HE: The crowd certainly have a thirst for the carnage these guys can bring. Their calls may soon be answered and it seems Ojore is more than ready judging from what we have just seen.

HA: He looks as if..............Oh no.........

Suddenly, the sound of the heartbeat fills the arena and the crowd cheer briefly before the lights go out. The house lights flash on and off in time with the beat, as the crowd wait expectedly for Joshua's arrival.

HE: Joshua's reaction to the end of last week's match will be very interesting.......

HA: It was perhaps the one time he has ever been wiped out in quite that fashion.

While the heartbeat continues, the crowd try and peer through the gloom and the occasional bright flash of light, to see if Joshua appears on the aisle. Instead the heartbeat continues and the audience start to murmur.

HE: Is he making an appearance?

HA: We know that Joshua takes his time with everything he does.........and this is no exception.

After a while the heartbeat finally stops and the houselights come up. The crowd look around to see where Joshua is and are met with a peculiar sight. The Spanish commentary duo have vanished from beside the Lloyd brothers and have been replaced by McCoy sitting on one of the chairs. Joshua is lying on the Spanish announcers table and has the microphone held up to his lips as he stares blankly at the ceiling. A lone cameraman starts to shuffle round quickly and points the camera at Joshua. The houselights dim and a spotlight falls on the prone Joshua. His hair covers nearly all his face and all that can be made out of his facial features are a pair of lips. These start to move steadily as Joshua starts to sing hauntingly:

The welcoming sound……….of head on steel……….proved the start……….of a battle of wills……….
The welcoming feel……….of spine through wood……….prolonged the war……….as it should……….
And as I lay here……….supposedly in pain……….a call to arms……….played again and again……….
Let them fight……….the people shout……….as metal to skin……….soon rang out……….
Let them fight……….the people exclaim……….as the blood drips……….they want more of the same……….
Let them fight……….the people express……….as my broken body……….crashed through this same desk……….
Let them fight……….the people wail……….a call to succeed……….and never to fail……….
And as I listened……….I gave them my word……….to honour their needs……….with the damage incurred……….
To suffer and torment……….to give and take……….and never to think……….of my own sake……….
To promise also……….to deal out the pain……….and never leave out……….other players to this game……….
And with three other men……….bound together in hell……….we continue to contest……….as your ovation swells……….
For we are nothing……….but martyrs to a cause……….punishing each other……….for your grateful applause……….

Joshua slowly swings his legs around and ends up in a sitting position on the desk. He looks around at the audience and then claps eyes on the commentary duo. He gives them an ice cold stare for a few moments before returning his attention to the audience:

Let them fight?……….Are you all sure?………Can your stomachs take it? ……….Will your eyes not burn……….at the hatred on show? ……….Is this something……….you really wish to witness? ……….

Joshua gradually gets off the desk and moves around to where McCoy is sitting. The spotlight goes out and the houselights return to normal. Joshua lifts McCoy off of his seat and carefully carries him away. The puppets head moves to face the commentators and its expression is one of pure evil. McCoy’s head slowly shakes from side to side in a mocking way, as Joshua climbs the steel steps to the ring. He lovingly places McCoy onto the top turnbuckle before entering the ring. The cameraman bravely follows him in and stands hunched next to the turnbuckle on the other side. Joshua grasps the microphone tightly and slowly brings it to his lips:

My foes will continually tell you……….that they are ready……….for war……….War that will define themselves……….their futures……….and this very federation……….Through the cries……….baying for blood……….they will lie that this……….is where they belong……….They know what will……….befall them……….and they are ready for it……….They will lie……….using sleight of hand……….and colourful tactics……….that they have faced……….and defeated……….a battle as hard as this……….But their history……….their résumé of hardcore……….will pail in comparison……….to a life that witnessed……….and welcomed……….true horrors of this world……….Their story……….littered with words of optimism……….sprinkled with promises of expectation……….is nothing but children’s drivel……….compared to a saga of torment……….

He turns to the cameraman and points at himself:

MY saga……….

He looks around at the crowd and glimpses up the aisle. He waits patiently before turning his attention back to the cameraman and starts walking towards him:

You see……….Let them fight is untrue……….a headline for those feeble sheep……….that try to convince themselves……….of their non-existent strength……….As I look around here……….and backstage……….I hear these underlings……….whisper strong words……….as they hide behind fancy images……….I see them flexing their muscles……….while their fears decay their bodies……….I smell their sweat……….drifting like rotten flesh……….as they stand on tip toes……….to face me……….Let them fight……….is simply a symbol……….of those that do not know……….or cannot comprehend……….the destruction the devil……….and his puppet……….can bring……….

He stands directly over the cameraman as he kneels down in fright. Joshua bends over and his face fills the camera lens:

We will fight……….for as long as I choose……….We will fight……….even when they pass out……….We will fight……….until I move on……….Filled with satisfaction……….of a role completed……….and chapters of torment……….still to be wrote……….with new victims……….big headed……….drunk on egos……….but with nothing to show……….but trembling knees……….and soon to be heard pleas……….

Joshua pushes his nose right into the lens and spits his next words out:

Let them fight?……….Wrong……….Let……….them………suffer! ……….

He pushes the cameraman aggressively to the floor so that the camera falls to the ground. Almost instantly the lights go out and a sound of a flatline is heard, screeching out around the arena. When the houselights return, Joshua, McCoy and the cameraman have vanished.


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6CW Anarchy Saturday 10th May 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Saturday 10th May 2014

Post by Michael_Sweetwater Thu 08 May 2014, 5:42 pm

“Unbreakable” hits the loudspeakers as the Mighty Mighty Nate Nack appears from the backstage curtain to a wave of cheers.

“And here comes the former 6CW champion Nate Nack, who's been on a bit of a downward spiral as of late after losing that title,” says Henry Lloyd at ringside.

“You just love saying that, don't you?” replies his broadcast partner Harold Lloyd.

“I speak the truth! Nate Nack was champion, lost it to Max Adamson, and has been losing matches since then. That would be the definition of downward spiral!”

“Yes, because that 'downward spiral' has nothing to do with the Authority's interference or anything.”

“I like to think of it as guidance.”

“Sure, keep telling yourself that.”

By now, Nate is in the ring with a microphone in hand and pacing around the ring.

“I have been pushing against the Authority since the day it began,” he says. “And Emma said something last week that struck me: Drake is gone. Dean is gone. The people that stood with me are slowly disappearing. But I don't give up the fight. Even if it kills me. And last week, the Authority tried to do just that. I took a championship belt to the head, got busted open as you can see by scar I've got goin' right now. I got quintuple-powerbombed through the announcer's table by the Authority.

And then they decide to put me in a match this week with Max Adamson against Scott Harris and Mike Masters, two men I've got some mighty mighty respect for. And after seeing everything that's going on between them, I know the Authority is waiting for an implosion. That's what this match is for. They're waiting for everyone that could be against the Authority to turn against each other, for everyone against the Authority to give up hope, to finally accept that they're word is law. And I won't have it.

Now Max, I have to be mighty mighty honest. We are not friends. You took that belt from me, and while I can't blame you for it, I will do whatever it takes to win it back. And that starts this week by showing I can keep up with the champion. But you and I both know the Authority is going to stick their heads in this match. If not to disrupt us, it will be to get in the heads of Harris and Masters. Either way, they'll be there.

You don't have to like me, Max. We just have to tolerate each other and work together long enough to get though this week. Last time, you were scurrying up that ramp with that belt while I was laying in a pile of rubble and splintered wood. I need to know that I can trust you this week, that you won't run, because if you do, you will have an enemy in the Authority, and in me. So what do you say, Max?”


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6CW Anarchy Saturday 10th May 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Saturday 10th May 2014

Post by Marky Fri 09 May 2014, 7:14 pm

Nate Nack is stood in the ring when "Radioactive" by Imagine Dragons begins to play and the crowd immediately boo, Adamson smirks as he slowly walks out to the ramp with the 6CW World Heavyweight Championship over his shoulder, he has a microphone in his hand and he stops at the top of the ramp. He beckons for the music to stop and Adamson absorbs the jeering of the fans in the Copper Box Arena before speaking;

Max: Nate Nack. Let me be "mighty mighty" honest with you. I'm not exactly salivating at the prospect of teaming up with you. We both know that the Authority has issues with us, you for whatever reasons you have, but they have an issue with me because I hold something very dear to them. I stand here as the 6CW Champion, and I'm not a part of the Authority. Which is their biggest problem. This match, Nate Nack and Max Adamson versus Scott Harris and Mike Masters, this isn't about seeing if we can co-exist. This isn't about seeing if we can form some kind of new partnership to threaten the Tag Team Champions. This is purely so all four of us can be the sitting ducks the Authority want us to be.

(Adamson stares at Nack from the ramp)

Max: I have no desire to experience what you spoke of, being powerbombed through the announce table by a pack of vicious animals. You need to know that you can trust me? I'm not going to lie to you Nate, I'm the 6CW Champion because I meticulously planned everything out to become 6CW Champion. I won the Gateway to Glory match because I looked out for myself. I used my employee GazzyD to ensure I was in the right position to win that match. Everything I do is what's best for Max Adamson. If you're telling me you want my trust, and you want Max Adamson to stand with three guys I'm not particularly fond of, and fight against the Authority when the chances are we'll be outnumbered, I'm not sure what you want me to say.

(Adamson looks sympathetic as he continues)

Max: I have to look out for number one. Me. I'm the 6CW Champion, and frankly taking a beating for other people is not what's best for Max Adamson. I meticulously plan everything, but I can also adapt and react to what's happening around me. It's what makes me this good Nate. I can tell you now, that if the Authority plan on getting involved, I will fight back. But if the chances of success and survival are slim, and if the Authority are about to utilise the numbers game on me, even if you, Masters and Harris are taking a beating...

(Adamson pauses before continuing)

Max: Don't even think about it. If I have the choice between taking a beating from the Authority, and running away, I'm gone. The white Usain Bolt. Gone.

(Adamson looks disgusted as the crowd chant "coward" at him)

Max: No. I'm not a coward. Running away from a beatdown doesn't make me a coward. It makes me clever. It makes me smart. It makes me smarter than any of you. This "stand and fight" mentality, this mentality of fighting the odds even though it's gonna end badly... It's weak. It's weak minded of anyone who stands and fights. Max Adamson is strong willed. I have no problem leaving you in the lurch to protect my best interests.

(Adamson stares as Nack looks unimpressed)

Max: Besides, regardless of what the Authority want, it is not in my best interests to stop them giving a kicking to someone who is targetting MY 6CW Championship.

(Nate looks annoyed in the ring as Adamson continues, while smirking)

Max: So like it or lump it Nate, here's the deal. Max Adamson will be your willing tag team partner, take it to Harris and Masters, but you need to understand that if the Authority attack, and you're looking for your partner, your brother, your friend, to be stood alongside you, I will not be there. I am not your friend. We can tolerate each other long enough to get the job done, but once that match is over, you're on your own.


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6CW Anarchy Saturday 10th May 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Saturday 10th May 2014

Post by Adam D Fri 09 May 2014, 7:53 pm

Dont fear the Reaper blares out and the spotlights skim the arena looking for Hobo in the crowd.

The camera eventually picks Hobo up sat between two very large ladies. He gives a double thumbs up to the camera and then looks at the women sat either side of him. He gives a theatrical shudder and fumbles around his coat for a microphone.

HE: Does he always walk around with a mic in his pocket?

HA: I guess he does!

Hobo waits for the crowd to die down before addressing the crowd.

Hobo: Now you may think that I am a little sad at Enforcers show of disrespect the other day but I am not. In fact it made me happy. ANd I will tell you why. Firstly, it made the news around the world. #trashtv was trending within seconds and our T-Shirt sales went through the roof! It was the single biggest item sold in wrestling on any day ever. So thank you E - you made me just a little bit richer.

HE: He really is a horrible individual.

Hobo: Secondly, it reinforced what all these fans always knew. And something that you cant forget. That no matter how high you climb. No matter how many PPVs you headline. No matter how many belts you get along the way. You will always be remembered for being in Trash TV. Our histories are intertwined and that shadow will never go away. Trash TV isnt something you can burn, and do you know why? Because it was Born in Fire. Trash TV didnt make you famous, it made you a legend.

HA: He has a point.

Hobo: So go and burn a few more Tshirts. Burn the latest copy of my latest memoir, "Down and Out...again" which is available from all good book stores or from Burn the old Fiat Panda. But I assure you that every match you strike, wont make Trash TV go away, it will just make it shine brighter.

HE: Ive said it once, Ive said it a million times. He is an idiot.

Hobo: I dont want to bring back Trash TV. But I will always cherish what we achieved. You were the first one to join the stable that I created. You were my first protege. And this week I will show you what happens to all proteges in comeback stories. They always lose to their teacher. Or die. But in this instance lose. You were never as good as me, you just thought you were.

Hobo: You are the Daniel Laruso to my Mr Miagi. THe Rocky to my Mickey.

HE: Didnt those guys become better than their teachers? He really is an idiot.

Hobo: This week, I will show the world that you may be a champion but not the best in the world. My time for dancing with you one more time is here. And this dance ends with you staring up at the arena lights.

Hobo: So big E - I cant wait to do this. And when all is said and done, these 6CW fans will get to see why Trash TV, why Hobo and Enforcer were amongst the greats. You may be bitter about my shadow but this week you will remember what its like to infamous again.

Hobo: Hobo.......OUT!

Hobo puts the mic back in his pocket and gives the two fat girls a kiss each on the cheek.

Adam D

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6CW Anarchy Saturday 10th May 2014 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Saturday 10th May 2014

Post by x12x Fri 09 May 2014, 9:19 pm

Our scene opens a few moments before the start of Anarchy, the camera cuts to the commentary desk where Harold and Henry Lloyd are going over the final details before going live, suddenly the titatron goes live but nothing but static plays causing the members in the crowd to shout out in discomfort

HE: I have a bad feeling about thi-

Henry is quickly cut off as the lights in the arena go down and the sound of sinister laughter can be heard echoing around the arena, suddenly a lone spotlight appears in the middle of the ring revealing the daunting figure of Edward Plague stood in the centre of the ring as booing can be heard from the crowd in attendance, Edward laughs before beginning to speak to himself

“I can feel their eyes...hehehe...I feel them dancing across my skin...I feel the stares from the weak and the ignorant...hehehe...they scream from the rooftops telling the whole world that Edward Plague is crazy...hehehe...they warn their children to cover their ears when I speak as if my words are poison that could rust their blood and cause their hearts to slow down until they stopped...hehehe...they call me crazy, they say I am not fit to walk among them...hehehe...they call me inhuman but it is them who would love nothing more than to cage me like a wild animal and put me on display like some freak...hehehe...they say that I am a monster yet show me on compassion when all I offer is safety among the darkness that they have created...”

Suddenly the lights go up revealing around 30 robed figures wearing Plague masks stood around the ring, Edward puts his arms out and spins around with a smile on his face before continuing to speak, the figures around the ring chant “NO CROSS...NO CROWN...NO KING” to the delight of plague.

“...You see, a strange being...hehehe...he is given the gift to walk in the sunshine yet decides to tie himself down and allow the ropes to pull him deeper until his site has gone...hehehe...he was given the gift to see EVERYTHING yet he allows the machines to control his eyes...hehehe...they are the poison that I must protect them from but they no longer listen to Edward...hehehe...the machine's have begun to overpower even the truth that I hold...”

“...This...hehehe...this is a call to my all of my brothers...”

“...there is one who walks among you who see's the truth yet the darkness still control his actions...hehehe...this is a call for him to join us...a call to a kindred spirit...a man who truly see's my vision...hehehe...yet fights to be controlled by the machine...”

Suddenly the figures around the ring pull wooden puppets from their robes as Edward screams the name of the man he will be facing soon


Edward pauses and breathes heavily as the figures around the ring continue to chant. Edward laughs to himself as he begins to address Joshua

“You have been given a gift greater than the sheep who follow the machines words without asking can see the truth in pain...the truth in are a wolf among the sheep but sadly you are still surrounded by them with no control over your actions...hehehe...the machine may not have control of you but you do not breathe with your own lung...hehehe...the actions you preform are not your own...hehehe...join me brother and see the final truth...”

Edward pauses for effect and laughs before signing off

“...allow us to cut the strings that hold you up...”

...allow us to help you stand on your own...

...join me.

One by one the figures begin to drop the puppets leaving them on the ground as the scene fades to black


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