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6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014

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6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014  Empty 6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sat 10 May 2014, 12:02 am

*The 6CW logo appears on the blank screen, as “Here Come’s the Boom” by P.O.D kicks in. The crowd leaps to their feet, and erupt in a chorus of noise as blue, white, and yellow pyrotechnics display goes off.

(The camera then pans across the small Copper Box arena as we see just over 3,000 fans with 6CW banners out on display.)

Let Them Suffer!!
Who’s next out the revolving door?
Happy Birthday Twisty
Oui, Non, MEH!!
I wanna be International Champion
Amsterdam Rocks

(The action is then taken ringside where Henry and Harold Lloyd are situated at the announce desk, ready to call the action.)

HA: Ladies and Gentlemen welcome once again to the only place worth being this evening. It has been ten days since we greeted you last but what a show we have in store tonight. I am joined as ever by my brother Henry

(Henry nods to the camera)

HE: Good Evening. Where to start Harold? We have an action packed card and this crowd and the entire 6CW universe are on tenterhooks after the end of the last show.

HA: Indeed Henry. Gazzy D has control over the Main Event at Night of Glory. What will he do?

HE: He should do the right thing and give Enforcer his undisputed title shot. Everybody knows that is what he deserves, it is only Gazzy’s interference in the Main Event at Day of Reckoning that stopped E achieving that monumental feat in the first place.

He and Max need to realise that making enemies of The Authority is not a wise move. They may have found this new found bond but all that will be quickly destroyed once the Soldiers of Authority get’s their hands on them.

If Gazzy wants his freedom he needs to make friends with the only man who matters in this business and that is Mr. Jones

HA: I don’t see that happening any time soon.

HE: Well then they will suffer the consequences

HA: So many options. But what will happen?

This is 6CW it’s TIME TO PLAY!!!!!!!!!


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6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sat 10 May 2014, 12:06 am

("Limelight" blasts through the speakers and the crowd jump to their feet as Gazzy walks through the curtain)

HE: Looks like we are going to have all our questions answered straight away Harold

(Gazzy is tagging hands with the crowd as he makes his way towards the ring. Gazzy is wearing a 6CW 4 LIFE t-shirt, rolling into the ring he jumps onto the turnbuckle, he pounds his chest and points to the fans. A 6CW chant reverberates around the arena.)

HA: Gazzy telling these fans exactly where his heart is

HE: Idiot

(Gazzy jumps down, grabbing a mic he hushes the fans)

HA: Here we go

("Radioactive" booms out of the speakers )

HE: Can they not do anything apart

(Max walks through the curtain, the 6CW belt across his shoulder. He is also wearing a 6CW t-shirt but looks a little uncomfortable. The crowd mostly boos but a few cheers can be heard)

HA: Max is here to support Gazzy, to show he agrees with whatever he has decided

HE: And they dressed the same. How cute.

(Max rolls into the ring and nods at Gazzy, the two men shake hands before Max takes a position to his employees left

Gazzy lifts the mic; he is smiling as the crowd chant his name)

GD: 6CW you are awesome!!

(The crowd pop as Gazzy shakes his head and his smile grows)

GD: I’ve had a rough old time this past year, but you guys have always kept me going and before anything else I want to say thank you. I’ve made a lot of mistakes but you lot have always been there for me and I will never forget it and I am telling you now I will always have 6CW’s best intentions in my heart whenever I make a decision

HA: I sense a but here?

GD: But obviously under the terms of my contract, anything I decide has to be agreed by Max

(The crowd boos as Max keeps his head down)

GD: Let me make this clear, Max and I will never completely see eye to eye on a lot of things but we have done a lot of talking these past few weeks, we have thrashed out a lot of things and he understands why I am doing this and he agrees it is the right thing to do

(Max pats Gazzy on the back)

HE: I think I’m gonna be sick

GD: Max knows what will happen if The Authority gets their hands on both the 6CW and EWF belts and as much as I think Max can beat Enforcer one on one, I know they will not do things fairly so to protect him and to protect everything I love about this company………

At Night of Glory it will be Max vs. Nate for the 6CW Championship and Enforcer vs. Gazzy D for the EWF Championship

(The crowd cheers as Max again shakes Gazzy by the hand)

HA: What an announcement. I never thought I would see the day but Max Adamson has agreed to forego personal triumph for the sake of 6CW

HE: He’s a coward; he’s taken the easy way out. Pure and simple. This isn’t Adamson being the bigger man. He is dodging The Authority because he knows he can’t win. It’s disgusting, an absolute outrage.

("King of Kings" blasts out of the speakers and Mr. Jones strides out onto the top of the ramp)

HA: What the hell does he want

HE: Hopefully he’s come to add some sense to proceedings

(Jones is smiling as he lifts the mic)

MJ: Well isn’t this sweet. Max and Gazzy, playing at superheroes against the big bad man

(Gazzy lifts the mic)

GD: If that’s what it takes to beat you then yes!!

(Jones laughs)

MJ: Beat me, don’t make me laugh Gareth. I applaud your efforts, your combined two brain cells have done fantastically well to come up with this scenario. Bravo

(Jones narrows his eyes)

MJ: But did you really think it would be that easy?

You may have the power to make those two matches but I still run this place and I say what goes and what doesn’t

HA: What is he talking about?

HE: I knew he’d have a plan

MJ: We will abide by the rules Gareth. At Night of Glory you will fight against Enforcer for the EWF Championship


HA: There’s a but coming

MJ: But the winner of that match will be placed in the 6CW Championship match later that same evening

HE: Genius

HA: He can’t do that

HE: He can do what ever the hell he likes

MJ: And just to make this clear, when Enforcer destroys you, there will be nothing your little bromance can do to stop him becoming the EWF and 6CW champion

(Gazzy turns and speaks to Max off mic. Gazzy shrugs his shoulders as Max is handed a mic)

MA: I guess you think you’re pretty clever, that we could never have seen this scenario coming?

(Jones is smiling)

MA: I am not stupid Jones; I have not gone into this blindly. This is not me suddenly having a change of heart; please, please, please don’t think for one second that I have gone soft, that I am pandering to these fans. Let me make things perfectly clear, I am still the same cold hearted son of a b**** that has destroyed every part of Gazzy’s life over the past year; I am not denying that. I’ll say it out loud now. I don’t care what I have to do and who I have to walk over to get the job done as long as I get what I want.

(Adamson stares a hole at Jones)

MA: You think this belt puts a target on my back, well take your best shot Michael. You are not picking a fight with a rookie here. I have fought bigger men than you and I am still standing.

(Max puts his arms out wide)

MA: You wanna go, I’m ready old man, let’s go. I will take the best you have and I will chew it up and s*it it out the other end. Trust me I’m no hero but if taking you down means 6CW lives a little longer then so be it, I will carry that weight and I will still be stood at the top of the mountain, looking down on the rest of the world

(Adamson smiles and pats the 6CW belt)

MA: I am the only ego that gets to survive from all this. I will destroy you and your Soldiers and you know what I am going to enjoy it!!!

(Jones smiles as the crowd go crazy)

MJ: You have just made the biggest mistake of your life!!!!!!!!!

(Max and Gazzy stand side by side staring at Jones across the arena as the scene changes to backstage)


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6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sat 10 May 2014, 12:09 am

(Backstage Robin Reborn and Jack Hurst are shown arriving at the arena)

JH: How many times can one man apologise? I had a rush of blood but you can’t tell me he didn’t deserve it?

The guy is like out of date cheese. Some people find use for it, but it stinks and would be best in the bin

(Reborn smiles)

RR: I know you got my back homez, but you gotta see the bigger pictures. You can’t just run in bare knuckled with your Queensbury rules going all UKIP on his @ss. We was so close, our mad skillz were lighting up that place and we were headin to Night of Glory to grab the goldz

I’m down with the fact you got my back

(Reborn places his hand on Hurst’s shoulder)

JH: It won’t happen again, you have my word as an Englishman

(Hurst holds out his hand, Reborn shakes his head and lunges in for a hug; Hurst looks uncomfortable as the scene changes)


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Age : 33

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6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sat 10 May 2014, 12:11 am

(Enforcer is stood backstage with Mr. Jones. Enforcer has the EWF title over his shoulder but is still dressed in street clothes)

E: I gotta admit you had me a little worried there Boss. I know we haven’t always seen eye to eye but I thought you’d lost your mind when you set up last week’s Main Event

(Jones smiles)

MJ: You want to know a secret?

(Enforcer moves in closer)

MJ: In the past I may have under estimated Gazzy and Max’s ability to work together. I have seen their relationship over the past year, I have seen the anger they have towards one another and I believed this would work in our favour, I will admit that last week I thought they would implode and leave us to get exactly what we wanted

(Enforcer grins)

E: So that was plan B?

MJ: They needed to realise that no matter what. I run this show and I say how things go. I may have afforded them to much slack on the leash in the past, now is the time to rein them in and start putting the plans in place that will enable us to get what we want

E: The 6CW championship?

MJ: They provided us with the opportunity; they foolishly thought they were getting one over on us.

E: I can’t wait to wipe those grins off their smug little faces

(Jones smiles evilly)

MJ: I gave them enough rope and we’ve just seen them hang them selves. Now it is over to you Enforcer and I know you will get the job done. I believe in you!!

(Both Enforcer and Jones are smiling as we go back to ringside for the opening match)


Posts : 9887
Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sat 10 May 2014, 12:13 am

Match 1
Bam Sparkleston vs Percy Percival

The action goes down to ringside and Percy Percival is just climbing into the ring, amid a pretty derisory reaction from the Copper Box crowd. He is pirouetting and blowing kisses as “Best song ever” echoes out to a decent reception from the 6CW audience.

HA: Our first match of the evening will feature 6CW’s newest talent acquisition..

HE: This guy is a freak…did you see him sniffing Enforcer’s jersey last week?

HA: Bam Sparkleston is certainly something “different”…we wait to see what he can do inside of the ring…outside of it he somewhat of a wrestling “fanatic”…

HE: I think his mum dropped him on his head when he was little…

HA: Not quite but not far wrong…

Sparkleston bounces onto the ramp, dressed in Enforcer’s ice hockey jersey, with his mobile phone in hand and he begins to make his way down the ramp. He pauses to take many “selfies” with the fans before climbing up onto the apron…

HE: Does he have braces? This has to be some sort of joke…

HA: I’ll admit that he doesn’t look like your typical pro-wrestler but I reserve judgement…

Bam climbs through the ropes and stares with wide-eyed wonder at the arena of fans around him. He seems giddy and nervous as he approaches Percival for a picture…

HE: Is he being serious? A picture with his opponent….

HA: Percival doesn’t seem to mind…

Percival really pouts and poses for a picture with Bam and then the referee orders Sparkleston to remove his phone from the ring. Bam pushes his hair out of his face, grinning, and then the bell sounds…

HE: I have so much respect for Mr Jones and The Authority but I have no idea how they let this idiot through the net…

Percy comes forward and he crotch chops at Bam, who merely stands and smiles, before running forward and he delivers a dropkick that sends Sparkleston back into the corner. Percival follows up with kicks to the stomach and then leaps up with a heel kick to the jaw…

HE: Sparkleston hasn’t even realised he is in a match…

HA: I think he is star struck…

Bam falls down into a seated position and Percival laughs as he does a lap of the ring and then runs back in with a bronco buster. He really grinds his groin into Bam’s face and then he rolls off and waits for his opponent to get up…

HA: Percy Percival is having it all his own way here….I don’t think he was expecting that….

HE: This kid can’t even wrestle…

Percival beckons Sparkleston up and then jumps at him for a superkick but Bam catches his foot and spins him around before knocking him down with a clothesline. The crowd cheer and Sparkleston seems to draw energy from their reaction…

HA: Sparkleston beginning to find his footing….I think he has realised he is in a match here….

Percival gets back up and walks straight into a dropkick, sending him into the corner, before Bam follows up with another clothesline. He runs Percy out into a bulldog………………..1…………………..2…………..shoulder up!

HE: I can’t wait to see them put this idiot in with someone competent….he is struggling enough with Percival…

Bam pulls Percival up but is shocked by a couple of punches to the midsection. Percy pulls out and lands with an enzeguiri that lands to the side of Sparkleston’s head………….1…………………2………….shoulder up. Percival rolls out onto the apron and he waits for Bam to stand back up…


Percival flies through the air for a “west coast pop” but Bam rolls out of the way and sends his opponent crashing into the mat. Sparkleston then springs onto the ropes and returns with a heavy knee to the side of Percy’s head……………………..1…………………………2………………kickout!

HA: The young rookie has some offense…he may be just learning the ropes but I can see good signs…

HE: You need glasses…

Sparkleston drags Percival up and tries to suplex him but is countered into a small package…………….1……………………..2……….shoulder up. They get back up and Percival looks for a swinging roundhouse kick but Sparkleston ducks under and runs the ropes before returning with a jumping high knee to the face…

HA: Pulled that out of the page from Harley Race….what a knee….

The knee sends Percival staggering into the ropes and then he returns into a scooped slam from Bam. Sparkleston looks surprised by his own effort and then he quickly scurries over to the ropes….

HE: Please don’t tell me he is going to the top rope….

HA: The kid fancies himself as a high-flier…

Bam wobbles a little as he pulls himself up onto the top rope and then he dives through the air for a frogsplash but finds nothing but canvass as Percival rolls out of the way. Sparkleston is holding his ribs as Percy rolls him over into a cradle cover………………….1…………………….2………………..shoulder up!

HE: I think management need to re-think this kid’s contract….

HA: You are so scathing….I’d love to see you in there fighting him…

Percival pulls Bam up and tries to lift him into a piledriver but Sparkleston kicks his legs and then manages to swipe Percy’s feet. Sparkleston smiles at the reaction from the crowd and then drops back, catapulting Percy into the corner…Percival staggers back out and is planted by a hard DDT…

HA: That could do it…

…..Percival just manages to kick out!

HE: This isn’t an Xbox game….this isn’t wrestling in your bedroom….this is the big leagues and he needs to realise it….

Bam tries to pull Percival back up but is greeted by a huge slap to the face that knocks him off balance. Sparkleston rubs his face, stunned, and then bursts forwards with a huge kick right to Percival’s face…

*Crowd cheer

HA: I guess the monster inside is just a little dormant…

Bam drags Percy up and he slings him against the turnbuckle before knocking him down with a huge discus clothesline as he stumbles out….Percival is groggy as he gets back to his feet and Sparkleston taunts him with a crotch chop…

HE: Ahhh…

HA: Attitude as well….Sparkleston is growing on me….OH WOW!

Bam grabs Percy by the head and then he jumps up and drives both of his knees into Percival’s face. Percy collapses back down on the mat, seemingly out cold, as Bam drops into the cover…

HA: Sparkleston wins his debut match…

HE: Please, I could have won that match…

HA: Yeah right….underneath the “geeky” exterior is a talented athlete, Bam Sparkleston just may be one to watch…

The crowd applaud as “Best Song Ever” plays out again and the referee raises Bam’s arm in victory. He looks delighted as he rushes over to grab his phone, quickly snapping another “selfie” of his winning pose.

HE: Someone needs to shove that phone where the sun don’t….

Sparkleston then drops down besides Percival and he gets a “selfie” of his opponent’s unconscious form before dragging Percival’s tutu off, much to the shock of the crowd. Bam holds the tutu like a prized possession as he rolls from the ring…

HA: I guess Sparkleston wants a trophy for his victory…

HE: He stole Percival’s tutu….who the hell does that?

HA: Bam Sparkleston does that….what an interesting debut…

Bam is seen laughing with the fans and repeating the phrase “Ermahgerd” as he makes his way up the ramp. He holds the tutu up in the air and smiles before disappearing into the backstage area.

Match result: Bam Sparkleston by pinfall
Match time: 3 minutes, 02 seconds


Posts : 9887
Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sat 10 May 2014, 12:16 am

(Jerome Dubois is shown backstage the crowd is chanting)


(Tim Allen is stood with the French phenomenon)

TA: Jerome you have barely been back in 6CW a few weeks and already you are making waves, the OUI movement is gaining momentum

(Dubois nods)

JD: Oui

TA: And now you have set your sights on Jack Hurst

(Dubois shakes his head)

JD: Non, Urst has targeted me because I am French. Eeee can see that I am ways more sophisticated than the English dirty peasant and e as taken exception

I was appy to let ow you say, bygones be bygones, but he has a real bee in his bonnet about me and my fellow Europeans

And for that e deserves to pay

TA: So this is about you defending your honour

JD: I am a proud man Tim. I am not like this English coward. If I am put into ze corner I will come out fighting. Jack Hurst I do not care for you but you has stepped in my way. Dubois is on a mission. I want my redemption.

You think I am a joke, we shall see when you step one on one wiz the pride of France

TA: And tonight you face Robin Reborn

(Dubois laughs)

JD: Pfft. He is the monkey of the organ grinder. I will crush him!

(Dubois walks out of shot)


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Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sat 10 May 2014, 12:17 am

(Jimmy Phillips is backstage with Christy James)

CJ: A tough week for you?

I think we all saw the unjust loss you suffered last week and now you have been pitched into a fight with a man who obviously likes to do all his talking inside the ring

(Phillips smiles)

JP: Is that your polite way of saying I like to talk?

(Christy giggles)

JP: Yeah I know it seems I love the sound of my own voice but you know what Christy, each and every time I make a promise I deliver. I told you this would be my year and you know what it seems to be turning out pretty well so far, last week was one of those things, I won’t lose sleep over it. Altair couldn’t get the job done so he had to cheat, if he is that insecure he needs to pay off a ref to feed hi sego then I’ll et him have that one, on the big stage, where it matters, I’ll tell you now, that aint happening

We are walking the road to the biggest night of the year and you know what Christy, when I get there I plan to throw one hell of a party, as a great man said I’ll be styling and profiling.

Jax Cutler tonight aint gonna change that. The Talent is walking out of Night of Glory a champ Christy. I guaran dam tee it

CJ: Is that you throwing your hat in the ring for the International Championship match?

(Phillips laughs)

JP: Well, you’ll just have to wait and see!


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Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sat 10 May 2014, 12:18 am

(Oliver Keane is walking through the corridors of 6CW and sees Daniel Reilly backstage.)

OK: A-ha, just the man I was looking for!

(Reilly looks up and shakes hands with Keane)

DR: You were looking for me?

OK: Indeed. I've got a plan I need a serviceable hand to help me execute.

DR: Tell me more.

OK: I've got a single goal here. Lets call it my Ricky van Wolfswinkel plan...I want rid of Blade. Back in the day he was always an annoyance and now I have the backing of the Authority behind me I thought I’d have a little fun

(*Reilly smiles)

DR: The guy is like a bad smell, he just hangs around this place. Every time you think you've got rid of him he pops back up

OK: Yes, yes, the stupid little grin of a man who doesn't quite understand just how irrelevant to this business he is.

(*Keane stops to consider and Reilly jumps in)

DR: I'm on board; I don't need to hear it. He's gotten in my way too many times from day one. He needs to go back to Yarmouth with all the other washed up has beens. He could probably do some bingo calling.

OK "That's the spirit. Step this way, we shall plot the last dagger to Blade's heart"

(*The two men walk down the corridor and away as the scene fades.)


Posts : 9887
Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sat 10 May 2014, 12:21 am

Match 2
Jerome Dubois vs Robin Reborn
On commentary: Jack Hurst

HA: Next up we have one of the future stars of this company taking on one of 6CW's resident legends as the man who loves to fly Robin Reborn takes on the pride of France Jerome Dubois...a man who is currently undefeated since making his return at Day Of Reckoning!

HE: That's right Harold, Jerome will be looking to make it 3-0 here tonight after he deals with Reborn and his silly little flips!

HA: Reborn is a highly talented superstar, he comes out here night after night and gives the fans what they want!

A massive cheer breaks out as "Stronger" by Kanye West begins to ring around the Copper Box Arena and Robin Reborn bursts out on to the stage accompanied by his tag team partner Jack Hurst

HE: These two men were shown to be lacking what it took last week, let's hope for their sake Reborn isn't humiliated too much here tonight!

HA: That's rubbish and you know it Henry, these two men in my opinion are the future of the tag team division and last week they were once again screwed by Dubois!

Reborn slides in to the ring and poses for the fans as Hurst takes a seat with Harold and Henry as "Beat the Devil's Tattoo" blasts through the speakers, Jerome Dubois slowly walks out on to the stage and puts two fingers up before looking at Reborn and changing it to three with a smile on his face, Dubois makes his way in to the ring and poses with his eyes locked on Reborn

HA: Thank you for joining us here tonight Jack, last week must still be fresh in your mind so you must hope that your partner can take Dubois down a peg or two

JH: Reborn will do what's right and overcome this slimeball, he knows that to do that though he must not meet him on his level...we'll do this the Reborn and Hurst way...

HE: The right way might be all well and good Jack but Reborn is up against a former 6CW World Champion, a man who knows every trick in the book and is happy to use them!

JH: We'll just see about that...

The bell rings and both men begins to pace around the centre of the ring, Reborn offers a handshake to the apparent disgust of Jerome, he shakes his head and begins to shout “NON!” to the dissaproval of the crowd. Dubois goes for the lock up but Reborns ducks under and continues to circle his opponent, Dubois once again goes for the lock up lunging forward only for Reborn to drop down on to the matt causing Dubois to dive over him, Reborn quickly kips back up and bows to the annoyance of Dubois who hits the ground and pushes himself up, a “LETS GO ROBIN” chant starts up causing Dubois to shake his head as he gets back to his feet.

HE: I don't think Jerome Dubois will take too kindly to your partner making a fool of him like this

JH: On the contrary Henry, I have a feeling he'll be used to being one up by those from a superior nation, I believe it serves him right for his lack of respect at the start of the match.

HE: Well your friend should be careful, since his return Jerome has been undefeated and this lack of respect and show boating from Robin could be the opening Dubois needs...

JH: If you can stop Robin from flying then be my guest but it'll take more than Pepe Le Pew and his untested streak to dent the hopes of Mr Reborn today!

HA: What a prospect, the man who refuses to keep his feet on the ground going up against the man who's been unstoppable since getting back to the Copper Box Arena!

Dubois goes for the lock up again this time succeeding, Reborn reacts quickly though hitting an arm drag that flips Dubois across the ring, Dubois is quickly up and charges for Reborn again, Reborn quickly hits another arm drag once again sending Dubois rolling across the ring, Dubois is back up and meets Reborn in the middle of the ring, the pair lock up, Dubois drags Reborn in to a head lock but Reborn once again reacts quickly dropping down and going for the roll up

HA: Reborn almost had this one early on, it seems that the pride of France is having a slight bit of trouble dealing with the speed of Robin Reborn

HE: Just wait, all he needs is an opening

Both men are up quickly and meet again, Dubois once again locks up with Reborn

HA: Jerome needs to stop being so stubborn and adapt his attack, it's clear that Reborn is ready to escape anything that's being thrown at him.

JH: A stubborn French man? Ever the cliché!

Reborn once again breaks away from the hold this time shoving Dubois back, Dubois goes for a clothesline but Reborn ducks under before returning off the ropes, Jerome quickly reacts following in managing to hit a massive knee to the gut that doubles Reborn over...

HE: Fortune...

JH: Just watch!

HA: What a reversal!

The replay shows are Dubois goes for his patented Go Flasher finish only for Reborn to reverse midair turning it in to a massive tornado DDT that plants Jerome in the middle of the ring




HA: NO! 2.9! Reborn is in disbelief!

HE: Well he better believe it, Dubois isn't out of this yet!

Reborn sits up with a look of shock on his face as he checks with the ref as if amazed that Dubois was able to kick out, the referee reassures Reborn who is quickly back to his feet as he sets his target on Dubois who has pulled himself to his feet in the corner

JH: That's it Reborn! Don't give him a chance to breathe!

HA: Reborn is set to fly again!

HE: Crash landing...Oh my god!

Reborn charges across the ring looking for the stinger splash only for Dubois to hope the top rope landing on to the apron, somehow Reborn scouts it though and manages to bounce off the second rope hitting a moonsault over the top rope and using his arial ability to hit an inverted DDT on to the apron. Dubois' head smashes on to the apron and he rolls in to the ring but Reborn is down on the outside, he begins to drag himself up looking to make the cover

HA: What a move from Reborn! Dubois must be out of it!

HE: Yeah but what good is that when you're as suicidal as Reborn is!

JH: What you confuse for stupidity is just spirit, there is nobody who can hold that man down!

Reborn slowly drags himself on to the apron and reaches his feet as Jerome is slowly getting back up in the centre of the ring, Reborn poses for the fans before using the top rope to springboard towards Dubois

HA: Reborn has been in control for most of the match, the man he is facing tonight is in big trouble of having that perfect record tarnished!

HE: Not if he keeps fighting like that he isn't!

The crowd groan as Dubois reacts, Reborn looks for the hurricanrana but is caught by Dubois

HA: Garlic Bomb!




HE: That was a close call for your partner there Jack, see how quickly the The French Crusader can turn things around

JH: Robin is still in this one, never count him out!

Dubois gets back to his feet and begins to stalk Reborn who finally gets back to his feet, the crowd groan as Dubois charges forward hitting a massive chop block to the side of Reborn's leg twisting it badly, Dubois is quickly back up and begins to land stomps to the same spot before dragging Reborn to the ropes and propping his leg on bottom rope and standing on the spot putting tremendous pressure on the knee of Reborn, the crowd begin to boo bringing a smile to the face of Dubois who takes the time to mock the fans

HA: This is not the Jerome Dubois who returned a few weeks ago!

HE: You said he had to change his approach to Reborn and I guess he took your advice, he's going to ground the man who loves to fly!

The ref counts to four before Dubois stops applying the pressure, he quickly keeps on the offence dragging Reborn to the middle of the ring and twisting Reborn in to a big single leg boston crab causing Reborn to scream out in pain in the middle of the ring

HA: Reborn is as far from his comfort zone as possible...

JH: Get out of there Robin!

HE: What a tactic by Jerome! This is why this man is staying undefeated!

Dubois continues to wrench back on the knee of Reborn as Robin claws at the ground dragging himself closer to the ropes, after a few moments he is a finger tip away as Dubois laughs dragging him back in to the middle of the ring again, he attempts to go for the Boston crab again but Reborn kicks away only for Dubois to begin landing kicks to the already hurt knee before twisting Reborn over back in to the Boston Crab once again

HE: Still think he can hold on Jack?

JH: I'm scared he will, Robin isn't going to quit unless Dubois breaks his leg!

HA: Sadly I think Jerome would go that far just to get the win and continue his impressive run as of late

Once again Reborn manages to drag himself across the ring and to the ropes, Dubois attempts to drag Reborn back but the crowd cheer as Reborns hand grasps the rope forcing the ref to start counting

JH: Let go of the damn hold you brute!

HA: This is disgraceful!

HE: This is brilliant!

The ref gets to three and warns Dubois who laughs before shouting “I have until cinq you English moron!” causing the crowd to rain down a tonne of abuse at the french superstar, Dubois finally gets the hold go before quickly dragging Reborn up and charging him back towards the turnbuckle, he quickly hooks the hurt leg across the second rope before backing up and returning with a big drop kick directly to the knee causing Reborn to drop down shouting out in pain

HA: Dubois seems like he wants to punish Reborn for showing him up earlier in the match!

HE: Reborn didn't show him up, he just caught him off guard, THIS is showing someone up and it's amazing to watch!

Dubois picks Reborn back up and the crowd cheer as Reborn lands a big punch that rocks Dubois, Dubois quickly looks for a haymaker of his own but Reborn ducks it catching Dubois with a belly to back suplex that crashes Dubois back first in to the turnbuckle, Reborn charges in but his leg gives way giving Dubois time to react. Dubois reacts with a knee to the stumbling Reborn that causes him to crash backwards hitting his head hard on the matt, Dubois quickly drops down and rolls to the outside grabbing Reborns legs and pulling them either side of the ring post

HE: Yes! A ring post figure four...this must be the end of it!

HA: Someone needs to do someth- JACK!? Where are you going!?

The crowd cheers as Jack Hurst rips off the commentary headphones and drags Dubois away from Reborn

HE: He put his hands on Jerome! Ring the bell!

HA: He hasn't laid a hand on him properly...yet.

Dubois begins to shout at Hurst who squares up with him and the two begin to run their mouths, suddenly both men stop as clapping can be heard and a massive cheer begins to break out distracting Hurst. Dubois uses the distraction landing a huge right hand that causes Hurst to fall over the commentary desk


Dubois spins around and a look of horror crosses his face as the image of Reborn charging towards him is the turnbuckle is the first thing he see's, the flashbulbs go off as Reborn manages to springboard off the turnbuckle and down to the outside hitting a corkscrew cross body that crushes Dubois against the commentary desk

HA: I think Dubois is out of this one! What a brutal impact!

Reborn drags Dubois up and rolls him in to the ring before climbing in himself and making the cover




Reborn is in shock but grits his teeth and pulls Dubois up, Dubois reacts quickly hitting an eye poke to the high flying star that stumbles him back, Dubois quickly launches himself off the ropes once again looking for a chop block to the hurt knee of Reborn

HE: Here comes the BOOM!

HA: It sure does!

As Dubois launches himself Reborn is able to jump up landing a double foot stop to the back of Dubious who rolls on to his back gasping for air, Reborn then limps to the turnbuckle pulling himself to the top and signalling for the end

HA: Reborn might not be able to do this, his legs have been through a war tonight

The crowd's cheers get louder as Reborn launches himself towards Dubois

HE: Oh no! Shooting Star Press!

HA: Perfect landing!




HA: There it is...the winning streak of Dubois is over...what a brilliant showing by that man in the ring!

HE: He got lucky! If it wasn't for Hurst he'd have lost and probably had his knee broken!

HA: You say that like it's a good thing!?

Reborn slowly gets to his feet and limps towards the ropes before using them to walk over to the turnbuckle, he climbs to the second rope wincing as he does before saluting the fans as Hurst gives him a round of applause from at the commentary desk. The crowd's cheers are suddenly transformed in to a torrent of abuse as Dubois is back up, pulling Reborn from the ropes causing him to come down on the bad leg, Dubois wastes no time landing more viscous kicks to Reborns knee

HA: Here comes Hurst!

Hurst quickly slides in to the ring quickly clotheslining Dubois over the top rope and down to the outside, to the disgust of Reborn, Hurst and the fans Dubois manages to land on his feet, he takes a second to recover before sarcastically bowing and walking towards the ramp, mocking Hurst and Reborn as Hurst checks on his tag partner in the ring

Match result: Robin Reborn by pinfall
Match time: 8 minutes


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Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sat 10 May 2014, 12:24 am


(*The camera is in the locker room of Bam Sparkleston. He is surrounded by 6CW memorabilia and is adding to his collection.)

BS: This tutu is better than Desmond! Percy is such a hero, I'm gonna keep this and never, and I mean ever, wash it!

(*Bam gives it a sniff, rubbing his nose up the crotch)

BS: Mmm, authentic G.A.Y.S crotch sweat!

(*He carefully places it down and picks up the Enforcer jersey he stole. He grabs a frame and begins to carefully place it inside.)

BS: What a champion. Such win. Much amaze. Total incredible. Wow. Do want.

(*Bam turns to see the camera)

BS: OH EM GEE! An official 6CW camera! Total must have!

(*He steps towards the camera and starts wrestling it free from the cameraman)


(*He pulls it away and places it down so all we can see are the heels of Bam and the cameraman)

BS: And I've always wanted an official 6CW cameraman too..........wait! Come back!

(*Bam sprints out of the room after the cameraman as the scene fades)


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Age : 33

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6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sat 10 May 2014, 12:25 am

(*The scene starts in the car park. Mike Masters is walking to the arena. As he gets to the doors, Scott Harris is waiting for him. Masters stops and the two have a silent stand off.)

MM: I take it this is no coincidence

SH: That'd be one thing you're not wrong about. We need to clear this up before we do our job tonight

MM: Mike Masters doesn't have any clearing up to do

SH: Look, Mike, don't let them play you. If I was some secret SOA then why would they tease it? Why would I keep trying to win?

MM: I don't want to understand The Authority. That's for you to do

SH: You've got to trust me, scum like them hold none of my interest

MM: I don't need to trust your allegiance. I know how selfish you are, that's why we're partners. You sort out your politics and business after we win. But I'm not The Authority's champion. I never will be.

SH: Neither will I

(*Harris puts out his hand, but Masters walks past him with nothing more than a nod.)


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Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sat 10 May 2014, 12:27 am

(Alexander Altair is stood backstage at the 6CW arena with Tim Allen. Altair is dressed in a grey suit and black tie, sunglasses rest on his head and he has a smug smile across his face )

TA: Alexander, the world saw last week the benefits afforded to members of The Authority during your match with Jimmy Phillips

(Altair throws a stare at the interviewer)

AA: What are you trying to allude to Timothy? That somehow my victory was undeserved, that foul play was to blame for what happened?

(Allen gulps audibly and Altair smiles)

AA: What's the matter, cat got your tongue?

(Allen remains silent)

AA: Timothy a word to the wise. If you are going to throw around accusations, make sure you not only have facts to back up your wild claims but also you have the testicular fortitude to continue with your line of questioning.

(Allen nods)
AA: For your information, what happened last week was an act of mercy. The referee is there not just to call the match but also to act in the best interests of the participants and Jimmy Phillips best interests was to have the match called.

I was as outraged as you Tim. I wanted to continue, I wanted to break Jimmy in half. I was happy torturing him like a cat plays with a mouse but the official saw things differently. I even lodged an official complaint but my hands are tied, the result stands and I must live with the injustice on my conscious

(Altair cannot stop smiling)

TA: And should we expect the same outcome tonight against Blade?

AA: One thing you should learn very quickly Tim, always expect the same outcome in my matches.

Blade has once again stuck his nose in business that he does not belong and as a colleague of Daniel Reilly it is only right that I deliver a message on his behalf

TA: And that message is?

AA: That he is just another victim!!

(Altair walks out of shot as Allen hands back to ringside.)


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Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sat 10 May 2014, 12:28 am

Match 3
Jax Cutler vs Jimmy Phillips

Back to ringside and “Cold Ash” roars out to a fine reception from the crowd. Jimmy Phillips bursts out on the stage and raises his arms in the air…

HA: This next contest should be a fantastic spectacle between two very fine athletes...

HE: Phillips is biting off more than he can chew with Jax Cutler….did you see what he did to Chaos last week?

HA: And Phillips has been on a fine run of form since the turn of the year….I am sure his confidence is high…

Phillips unzips his hoody and throws it to the crowd before leaping onto the apron, sending pyros from all four turnbuckles. He climbs into the ring to wait for his opponent…

HA: Jimmy Phillips, I would imagine, will be seriously considering throwing his name in the hat for the International Championship match at Night of Glory…

HE: I wouldn’t bother if I was him….if Altair is involved then Phillips has no chance…

HA: I’m not sure The Authority can fix a ladder match the way they fixed the submission bout last week….The “Talent” will fancy his chances…

Phillips paces the ring as “Bridge Burning” screams out to a wild ovation of boos from the crowd. Michael Hathaway is first on the scene, closely followed his “client”…Jax Cutler!

HE: 6’4, 283 pounds…..Jax Cutler is the real deal…

HA: He is a monster of a man, no doubts, and a fine athlete but his opponent ticks those boxes too…this should be a smash mouth affair…

HE: Phillips doesn’t have Michael Hathaway in his corner, though…..he seems to get an extra level out of Cutler…

HA: Hathaway can talk but it is Cutler who competes, that is all that matters…words won’t win matches for Jax…

Cutler stands in the aisleway and looks up at Jimmy Phillips as Michael Hathaway pats him on the shoulder and gives him some final words of encouragement.

Hathaway: This is all about you, Jax….this guy is just another obstacle on your path to greatness…..take him out….REMOVE HIM!

HA: This contest is not going to be for the feint at heart…expect hard-hitting action from the outset…no messing around…

HE: Both men come to fight…..just what we like to see…

Cutler steps through the ropes and stands across from Phillips as the referee gives them his instructions. They both nod in understanding and then the bell sounds to begin the match….Phillips and Cutler immediately enter into a test of strength…

HA: I wouldn’t like to pick a winner of this challenge…

Cutler and Phillips swap control of the clinch in the early stages before Jax manages to throw JP back against the ropes. Cutler looks to follow up with a swinging right hand but Phillips ducks under and then fires off with three punches of his own…

HA: Jax Cutler is only one match into his 6CW career….this is a huge match for him at such an early stage…

HE: He can handle it…

Phillips whips Cutler across the ring and then lowers his head for a backdrop on the comeback but Jax delivers a sharp kick to the face before following up with a clothesline. Phillips gets back up and Cutler sets him down with a belly to belly suplex…………………….1…………………..2………………shoulder up!

HA: Cutler is certainly easing into life as a 6CW competitor….no hesitation in his work…

He drags Phillips back up and lifts him for a suplex but JP drops behind and shoves Cutler into the corner. He follows in for a splash but Cutler drives both his feet up and staggers Phillips back to the centre of the ring…


Jax runs out for his trademark spear but Phillips ducks his shoulder and counters with a tremendous Samoan drop…………………….1………………………….2…………………..kickout. Phillips rocks Jax back into the corner with right hands before looking for an Irish whip to the opposite side…

HA: Cutler turned inside very well there…

Jax keeps hold of Phillips’ arm and drags him into the centre of the ring before kicking him in the stomach. JP doubles up and Cutler drives him down with a hard STO………………..1………………..2…………..Phillips gets his shoulder up!

HE: Each move from Cutler has bad intentions behind it….he is a wrecking machine…

Hathaway: You have him where you want him, Jax… these people exactly what you can do… are the future of this business!

HA: Hathaway’s voice goes right through me…why does he have to shriek?

Cutler pulls Phillips back up and considers flipping him up for a powerbomb but JP drops back down to his knees, preventing the lift. Jax hammers punches down into Phillips’ spine and then succeeds in gutwrenching him into a throwaway suplex….

HE: Two matches in and already he is ragging seasoned athletes around….this guy has a one way ticket to the top…

Phillips crawls up in the corner and Cutler thunders into him with a heavy knee before shooting more punches toward the head. JP is slumped against the ropes as Cutler lifts him onto the top turnbuckle…

HA: Cutler seems happy to take a risk here…

HE: High impact, high reward…

Cutler climbs onto the ropes and tries to deliver a superplex but Phillips won’t play ball. He smashes big uppercuts into Jax’s body and then manages to throw him down to the canvass below. Michael Hathaway has his head in his hands as Phillips waits for Cutler to get back up and then dives from on high with a big shoulder block….

HA: Hathaway was worried for a second there…

Phillips lifts Cutler onto his shoulders and runs him into the turnbuckle for some “snake eyes” and then he welcomes him back around and nails a Russian legsweep……………1………………….2………………kickout. Phillips then grips Cutler into a waistlock and tries for a German suplex…

HE: Jax has the brakes on…his MMA background has taught him how to block takedowns…

Cutler uses his strength to pull Phillips’ arms from around his waist and then drives back with a fierce elbow to JP’s mouth. Phillips staggers off balance and Cutler is able to tackle him to the ground before mounting for crunching ground and pound…

HA: Each shot is laced with venom….and Cutler has closed fists, the referee needs to warn him…

The referee orders Cutler off of Phillips on the count of four and then warns him about his future behaviour. Hathaway applauds from the outside as Cutler waits for Phillips to get back up and then he lifts him into a bearhug…

HE: Time to squeeze the life out of Phillips….he is done for….

HA: Cutler has this submission in tight….

Jax really presses his arms into the back and spine of Phillips, crushing him and cutting off the oxygen suplex. JP is trying to fight out but struggles to break the grip of his aggressive opponent…

HE: Phillips is finding out that he isn’t the only man with power on this roster…

Hathaway: Break him…..he can’t handle the power…..snap his bones…

The referee is asking if Phillips wants to give up but he shakes his head and does what he can to try and release himself from the hold. Jax continues to ramp up the pressure, really pressing his hands into the spine of his opponent, as Phillips begins to drift out of consciousness…

HA: Jimmy Phillips just may pass out here from the pain…

The referee looks ready to move in and take action when Phillips, suddenly, gets his hands up and claps them right against the ears of Jax Cutler.

HE: That isn’t fair…

HA: Nothing illegal about that…

Cutler drops Phillips and staggers away, disorientated, before JP runs back in and drops him with a shoulder tackle. The crowd cheer as Phillips beckons Cutler back up and scoops him up on his shoulders….

HA: Running powerslam….shades of the British Bulldog…

1……………………2……………..Cutler throws his shoulder up. Phillips lays some boots into Cutler before dragging him up and looking for a vertical suplex. Cutler kicks his legs and keeps his balance before lifting Phillips into a suplex of his own, dropping him across the top rope…

Crowd: OOOOO!

HA: That is not a good landing for Jimmy Phillips…

Jax then runs to the opposite side and returns with a solid boot to the temple that sends JP falling down to the outside. The referee begins to count but Cutler isn’t interested in winning in that manner…

HE: Jax Cutler wants to prove his dominance…prove that nobody can match up to him…

Jax pulls Phillips up and rams him back into the ringside barrier before scooping him up and dropping him across the railing. Cutler throws Phillips back into the ring and then he uses the top rope to vault over and land a heavy elbow drop to the chest……………..1………………….2……………kickout!

HA: This is a fierce battle…both men will be black and blue when this has finished…

Cutler pulls Phillips back up and tries to nail a fisherman’s suplex but Phillips turns out and drags Jax back in…


Cutler elbows his way out and then succeeds in hitting the fisherman’s suplex…………….1…………………2……………….Phillips gets his shoulder up. Cutler stalks Phillips and waits for him to stand before running at him wrapping his legs around Phillips’ waist…

HE: Guillotine choke…this will end it….

HA: If Cutler can get Phillips on the ground then I see no escape…

Phillips stumbles off balance and almost collapses to the mat but he manages to use his leg strength to stay upright. Cutler is tugging back at his head, trying to get the choke locked in, as Phillips rushes into the corner and crushes Jax against the turnbuckle…

HA: Phillips needed that, he was in big trouble there….

JP staggers away, rubbing his throat, and he drops down to a knee to compose himself as Cutler surges back towards him…


Phillips sidesteps and sends Jax through the ropes and into the ring-post. He pulls Cutler out and nails a German suplex…
……….Cutler just manages to kick out!

HA: That was a close call….the impact from the ring-post may have jarred Cutler’s shoulder….

Phillips grabs Jax’s arm and wrenches it, sending pain into the shoulder, before pulling him forward into northern lights suplex………………1…………………..2…………….Cutler just manages to kick out again. Michael Hathaway looks concerned from the outside…

HA: Hathaway isn’t shouting and screaming so much….he recognises that his client is in danger…

HE: It is a momentary lapse…

The crowd are cheering as Phillips begins to stalk Cutler, waiting for him to stand, and then he beckons him…


Phillips tries to nail the “rock bottom” but Cutler elbows his way free once again. Phillips stumbles away as Jax rubs his shoulder and then JP runs the ropes…



Cutler ducks under the huge “clothesline from hell” and counters with a tiger suplex……………………………..two……………..thr-shoulder up!

HE: That was a three…

HA: Not quite it wasn’t…

Michael Hathaway is banging his hand on the apron and screaming at the referee to count faster. He then turns his attention to Cutler…

Hathaway: You’re ok, Jax….you are better than him….shake it off, shake it off…..FINISH THIS!

Cutler nods his head at Hathaway and then he drags Phillips into the centre of the ring and he flips him up into the air, ignoring the pain in his shoulder…

HA: He calls this the CUTTING EDGE!

Cutler looks ready to nail the “razors edge” powerbomb but Phillips is able to drop out the back at the final moment and he pulls Jax into a masterlock…

HE: No….fight out, Jax…

HA: Phillips trying desperately to lock this in…

Phillips tries to lock his hands behind Cutler’s head and really synch the submission in but Jax uses his power to pull free and drive a fierce knee into Phillips’ face, staggering him back into the corner. Cutler then races in for a splash but Phillips steps aside and sends Cutler crashing into the turnbuckle. JP takes his chance to run the ropes…



Phillips comes back for the “clothesline from hell” but is almost broken in two by a huge spear from Cutler…

HA: Cutler wins it…

HE: I told you….this guy is the real deal, Harold…

HA: Huge victory…..what a fantastic bout…

The crowd boo as “Bridge Burning” echoes out and Jax Cutler is declared the winner. Michael Hathaway is quick to climb in the ring and join his client, a microphone in his hand.

HA: Do we really have to listen to more of this guy?

HE: He has something to say….

Match result: Jax Cutler via pinfall
Match time: 6 minutes, 45 seconds


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Age : 33

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6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sat 10 May 2014, 12:30 am

Hathaway raises Cutler’s arm in victory and then smiles as he looks down at Jimmy Phillips, who is nursing his ribs in the corner.

Hathaway: Ladies and gentlemen…allow me to introduce to you….your next 6CW International Champion…………………Jaaaaaaxxxxxxxxxxxx Cuuuuuuttttlllleeeeeeeerrr!

*Crowd boo

HE: I guess Cutler’s throwing his name in the ring for the ladder match at Night of Glory…

Hathaway: The man that stands before you today is not just any 6CW superstar….this man is the future of this business, an iron-clad guaranteed main eventer and first ballot hall of famer….Jax Cutler is a name you are going to be hearing for a very long time and when you hear it you will associate it with two words…..destruction…..and success!

HE: How can you argue against that?

Hathaway: Mr Jones made a very brave decision when he sanctioned a ladder match at Night of Glory for the International Championship and left the playing field open to anyone and everyone….in that moment he presented a silver platter to this man with a shiny gold belt on it….he handed that championship to Jax Cutler…

*Cutler smiles and motions for a belt around his waist…

Hathaway: I can’t make decisions for the rest of the 6CW roster but if I could I would advise them to reject the offer of turning up at Night of Glory and challenging for the International Championship….I would tell them to think of their careers and their families…because should they choose to pursue this quest then the only thing I can guarantee them is pain and misery….

*The crowd suddenly cheer as Jimmy Phillips staggers up and drags the mic out of Hathaway’s hands.

Phillips: Your boy is tough….no point in me denying that…but you guys are new around here and incase you hadn’t got the message….2014 is the year of the “Talent”…which means if anyone is walking out of Night of Glory with the International Championship….then it will be me…

*The crowd cheer but Hathaway laughs and calls for another mic

Hathaway: Mr Phillips, I will pardon the interruption as I can imagine you are not thinking straight right now….but after witnessing, first hand, what my client is capable of I have to question your intelligence as to why you would want to get in his way again?

Phillips: You can knock me down but I will get back up and I will come back stronger….tonight I lost, I can hold my hands up, but at Night of Glory that will not happen again….I will climb that ladder and I will leave with that belt….believe that…

*Cutler squares up to Phillips, ready for round two, when “MK Ultra” echoes out and Alexander Altair walks out on the stage.

Altair: Fine speech, gentlemen….as you know, I am not one to mince my words….since joining The Authority I have decided that the time for waiting patiently is over…my boss requires results and I am more than capable of giving them to him….so at Night of Glory, it will be me leaving with that belt…

HE: Wow….Cutler, Phillips and Altair all throwing their names in the hat….what a match we have on our hands…

*Phillips is glaring at Altair and shakes his head, mouthing “over my dead body”, as The Authority member makes his way to the ring. Altair is just climbing onto the apron when “Stronger” blasts out to a great reception…

HA: If you’re having a ladder match then I guess you need a man who isn’t afraid to take a risk…

*Robin Reborn bounces out onto the stage and tags hands with the fans before smiling as he raises a mic to his mouth.

Reborn: I could puff out my chest and act all macho right now….fi fie fo fum, I smell testosterone so I better run…..but that really isn’t my style. Please continue with the monologues, by all means, but just know that all your posturing is pointless…..that belt is leaving with me at Night of Glory….because unlike all of you, I will put my body on the line to make it happen….I don’t care what I have to do….you’re looking at your new International Champion…

HE: Give me a break, like that would ever happen…

*The crowd are cheering as Reborn climbs up on the security railing and motions a belt around his waist. The superstars in the ring do not look impressed and then a look of shock registers as “Gangsta Rap” roars out.



*The Copper Box is cheering as DeMarcus Brown comes walking out onto the stage dressed in a white hoody with his trademark bandana around his mouth. He raises his arms in the air, soaking up the reception, and then calls for a mic.

Brown: Miss me?

*The crowd cheer

Brown: I can tell by the look on the faces of the men in that ring that they didn’t miss me. They thought whilst I was gone they had a chance to make it to the big time….but now I am back their chances just levelled out to zero. Sure as hell the last time I was in a 6CW ring my blood stained that canvass….I left the arena in the back of an ambulance….but you can’t keep a man like me down….

I’m back up in this (beep) and you can believe that business just picked up….I am a walking nightmare for a whole lot of men on the roster…my presence here tonight already got many running for the hills, I will deal with them in time….but first port of call is getting some recognition and at Night of Glory that is exactly what I am going to do….sorry to break this to you boys, but you are looking at the next International Champion…

HA: I don’t believe it….DeMarcus Brown is back in 6CW and he is shooting for the International Championship…

HE: I thought Ojore ended this guy’s career…

HA: Brown is made of a sterner stuff, obviously….he has returned and he wants to make a statement on the grandest stage…

*Brown is looking around at his rivals and then “Don’t Fear the Reaper” blasts out to another huge ovation. Hobo saunters onto the stage with a smile and he offers a handshake to DeMarcus Brown, which is accepted.

Hobo: Don’t believe we have met before….the name is Hobo, future International Champion…

*The crowd cheer and Brown smirks but shakes his head

Hobo: It looks like all of you brought jammy dodgers to a chocolate finger fight….a bunch of shining red holes up against my big, long stick…..I’ll let you think about what the outcome may be…

*The crowd cheer as Hobo smiles

Hobo: In all seriousness, Mr Brown and everyone else, I didn’t come back to professional wrestling to make biscuit quips and potentially manufacture a new recipe for Viennese Whirls….they are just a couple of my targets… of my list is making sure that I am relevant once more. I know many of you look at me and see an “old timer”….someone who is “past it”….but many men have doubted me in the past and they have rued the day….

As Mick Foley once said, falling off a twenty foot cell hurts but it is the moments when you capture the audience’s attention that will live forever….I can still take a knock with the best of them and my days of reaching for the sky are far from over… Night of Glory I am going to show the world that this millionaire tramp still has one last tango in him….that belt belongs to me…HOBO…

Crowd: OUT!

*The crowd are cheering as Hobo, DeMarcus Brown, Robin Reborn, Alexander Altair, Jax Cutler and Jimmy Phillips all stare at one another.

HA: What a lineup….the playing field was left open and six superstars have answered the call….one of the men is going to leave Night of Glory as the International Champion…

HE: Altair or Cutler….I bet you…

*The staredown between all six men continues when the lights in the arena start to flicker. An electric charge seems to run through the rafters and the Hypertron begins to malfunction. Sparks fly from the screen and the crowd are glued to the action before “Watch me shine” by Fozzy screams through the PA system…

HA: That music…I know it…..but there is no way, it couldn’t be….OH MY GOD IT IS!

HE: I think I am hyperventilating….


Posts : 9887
Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sat 10 May 2014, 12:34 am

*The entire Copper Box is on their feet, stunned, as a figure appears in the entranceway. He has a broad smile on his face as he steps out onto the stage to a deafening ovation. He is dressed in a black jogging bottoms and an open hooded top…

HE: I need to pinch myself…


Crowd: This is awe-some x10

HE: I can’t believe it….the Jackson Black…

HA: It has been over two years since the last time we saw Black in a 6CW ring……this is huge….

Crowd: Welcome back x10

*Black continues to soak up the reception and then he raises a microphone to his mouth.

Black: Now that is how an International Champion is supposed to arrive…

*Crowd cheer

*Black takes a long look at the six men surrounding the ring

Black: I understand you gentlemen have an interest in becoming a champion in this business but if I could offer you some advice…..go after someone else’s championship….

*Black smiles

Black: Incase you didn’t know just who in the hell I am….I am Jackson Black…..the first ever and longest reigning 6CW International Champion of all time….I held that belt for one whole year and I never legally lost it…

HE: He’s got a point…

Black: And these people here cheer my arrival because they remember just what the hell I am capable of when I step through those ropes….make no doubt about it, the reaction of this crowd means jack(beep) to me…

*The crowd suddenly boo

Black: I didn’t come back here for them, their approval and support is as worthless as their lives…..but at least when I stepped through the curtain they knew who they were dealing with…..the fact you six are still standing in my ring means that I may just need to prove to you exactly who I am…

HE: I love Black’s attitude….I was worried he was going to pander to these losers…

HA: No chance of that….Jackson Black is one of the most arrogant men in wrestling but he does have the skills to back it up…

*The six men around ringside are glaring at Black and some of them are beckoning him down to the ring for a fight.

Black: I ruled this division once before and I am going to do so again….and once the International belt is back where it belongs, I am going to pick up where I left off…..the faces may be different but everything else is the same….instead of Walker you have Jones….instead of Genesis you have The Authority…..and instead of Keith Leone you have that waste of oxygen Nate Nack….but all of that will be as insignificant as it was back then…because when the time comes, I will take control of this company…..I will hold the world championship around my waist…..and all of you losers will come to realise that my comeback is the worst thing that ever happened to you…

HA: Jackson Black is back in 6CW and he is heading straight for the International Championship…

HE: What a way to return….what an impact…..Black is heading back to the top…

Black drops his mic and stares down at the ring as Bam Sparkleston comes rushing out onto the stage with his phone. He is flashing pictures and then takes one of Jackson Black.

Sparkleston: Ermagherd….Jackson Black, I am your biggest fan…..selfie?

*Black looks at Bam in disgust as Sparkleston inches closer to take a picture of them together. Black pushes Bam to the ground and shakes his head as he walks out of the scene. Sparkleston can be heard talking to himself.

Sparkleston: I need that picture….if I need to enter the ladder match to get it then I will….whatever it takes!

HE: Is that kid insane?

HA: I guess he is a big Jackson Black fan….so much so that he is willing to enter the ladder match at Night of Glory…

HE: I think he must have a death-wish…

HA: I don’t know about that but what I do know is that we have one hell of a lineup….Jax Cutler, Jimmy Phillips, Alexander Altair, Robin Reborn, Hobo, Bam Sparkleston and the returning duo of DeMarcus Brown and Jackson Black….one of these eight men is going to leave Night of Glory as the International Champion…..what a contest that is going to be…

HE: It doesn’t get much bigger or better….6CW is on a roll…

*The scene ends with Sparkleston sat on the ramp whilst Hobo, Phillips, Reborn, Cutler, Altair and Brown all continue to look at one another.


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6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sat 10 May 2014, 12:35 am

(Blade walks into the arena and is quickly approached by Christy James. Blade smiles)

B: Evening Christy. How do?

CJ: I’m good thanks B. You. You really seem to be finding your feet around here again. It’s good to see, we need people around here like you. You’re the life and soul of this company, the heart beat

(Blade smiles)

B: Thanks Christy. I know how important this place is to the fans and they have stuck by me through everything I’ve put them through, now I start to repay them

CJ: You don’t owe them. They love you; they know what you’ve been through

B: I’ve still got a lot of making up to do and that’s continues tonight

CJ: And Night of Glory?

B: It’s gonna be an honour to be on that stage again and I will be dedicating my victory to the 6CW universe. Daniel Reilly is gonna get his come uppance Christy, mark my words


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6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sat 10 May 2014, 12:39 am

(Timothy Allen is seen stood backstage; in a smart looking black suit with a red tie he has an expression of excitement on his face. He moves the microphone around erratically and doesn’t seem to be able to keep still, a member of staff brings Tim a glass of water which he gulps down quickly and hands back the glass.)

Staff: You ok Tim?

(Tim stumbles through his words)

TA: I’m fine I just can’t quite believe they gave me the honour of doing this interview

Staff: Let’s see how you feel about it after Tim, looks like we are ready Tim, you good to go.

(Tim looks to his left and his eyes widen, he takes a big gulp then gasps for air)

TA: Yes, let’s do this

(Tim raises the microphone to his mouth and composes himself before giving the thumbs up.)

TA: Ladies and gentlemen, I am Tim Allen; it is my pleasure to be bringing you an interview, with 6CWs latest returning superstar, DeMarcus Brown

(There is a roar from the crowd as DeMarcus walks into shot; Brown is wearing the familiar all white attire only broken by his bare defined arms. Brown has the hood on his jacket up and the bandanna covers the rest of his face. He stands at the side of Tim but does not speak; he just faces forward staring at the camera. Tim turns to face DeMarcus and his expression changes to one of daunt as he looks Brown up and down.)

TA: Erm, so DeMarcus let me be the first to welcome you back to 6CW

(DeMarcus interrupts Tim)

DB: You’re not the first, I bumped into Christy earlier, I wouldn’t call her welcome too warm though

(Tim has a horrified look on his face)

TA: Well I for one am glad to have you back DeMarcus this place hasn’t been the same without you.

DB: Whys that Tim?

(Tim freezes clearly not having an answer ready for Browns question, Brown shakes his head and doesn’t wait for a response from Tim before providing an answer of his own)

DB: Look let’s just cut out the flattery Tim, we both know this is the biggest interview of your career and you want me on side so that I give you all the details, so let’s just keep this to the point, what you really want to know Tim is why I am back, that is the question on the lips of everybody out there, so of course it would most likely be the first on yours

(Tim just nods)

DB: Is it not obvious why I am back? From the day I joined this company, I made it quite clear the reason I joined was to make it to the top, at the moment how far would you say I was from that goal Tim?

TA: Well I don’t know, winning the Internation…………..

DB: I’ll stop you there Tim, I’m at the very bottom you don’t need to sugar coat anything, all my life I’ve been at the bottom trying to work my way to the top, it’s a position I’m used to, but a position I don’t plan on staying in for long. My injury came at the worst possible time I was starting to climb to where I belong, but of cause that caught the attention of the Authority because I was a potential threat. I took my time on the sidelines, I did my rehab, went to all my appointments, did everything this company suggested would get me back in the ring, in honesty I’ve been ready to return for a while, but that’s what they would have wanted me to do, that’s what they would have expected from me to rush back and come looking for retribution.

You see Tim I may have been on the sidelines but that doesn’t mean I haven’t had eyes and ears in this place reporting everything that has been happening how this company has been eating away at itself without me lifting a finger, funny how a situation changes, when I joined this company I was in it simply for myself, but now I find myself with a common enemy, I guess we’ll have to see how that goes if there is enough in it for myself but I digress, you want to know why I’m back and why I chose now, simple now The Authority have something to lose, something they want, the International title, what better way to mark my return then to claim that title for myself and in turn give Mr. Jones one hell of a middle finger in the process. It was too good of an opportunity to simply let pass by so that’s why DeMarcus Brown is back in 6CW to be the biggest thorn there has ever been in the side of the Authority whether it be at the bottom or at the very top.

TA: You aren’t worried that this may well end up with you back on the sidelines; they’ve done it once you don’t think they could do it again.

DB: Look I’m not some dumb street hoodlum Tim, I know how things work, I know at the first opportunity they will try to force their dominance upon me, put me back in my place, try to contain me. They can try Tim, they can try. What left is there that they can do to me that they haven’t already tried, yet I’m back here before you, what they gonna do Tim hire two monsters this time to get their point across. I haven’t forgotten about Ojore and his new friend Mr. Takeo who seems to think cheap shots are the way to make a name for himself; he is nothing more than a coward, a dog fighting over scraps in the street. For now the monsters seem too happy fighting each other to pay any attention to DeMarcus Brown, what they need to realise is I’m the big bad wolf and sooner or later I will blow all their houses down, they can play their games for now I have other priorities, but I never forgot a face, especially one which needs re-arranging. So as you see Tim I’ve been back what an hour and I already have my hands full, I guess I best make a start on my list.

(DeMarcus sniggers then stares at Tim before walking out of shot.)

TA: There we go folks DeMarcus Brown is back in game, god help anybody who happens cross his path, he seems ready more than ever to dish out his own kind of punishment.

(The cameras stop rolling and Tim breathes a sigh of relief)

TA: Never let me volunteer to do anything like that again.

(We go back to ringside)


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6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sat 10 May 2014, 12:41 am

Match 4
Blade vs Alexander Altair

Ha: Up next we have Blade going up against one of the newest members of The Authority, Alex Altair

He: and personally I don't think Blade stands a chance, he hasn't been at his best the last few weeks and Altair has proved he's one of the most dangerous and calculated in the business

Ha: It also helps to have the backing of the Authority, like last week

He: This again? Phillips is the only person who says he never tapped out. Your all just bitter because The Authority are going from strength to strength

'I do what I want' starts to play and Blade runs out to the stage. The crowd get to their feet in support of the fan favourite as he makes his way from side to side on the stage. He starts to make his way down to the ring tagging the hands of the fans

Ha: Wait a minute..

the crowd boo loudly as Blade is attacked from behind by Altair. He knocks him down with the axe handle from behind. Blade tries to push Altair away but Altair delivers a sharp kick to the side driving the air out of his opponent.

Ha: This is uncalled for from Altair

He: Match hasn't started yet, he's breaking no rules. Like I said he's a calculated tactician

Altair grabs Blade up by his head and drags him toward the ring. Blade tries to elbow free but Altair delivers a knee to the gut and then slams his head off the ring apron and slides him inside the ring.

Altair climbs in and closes in on Blade. The official gets in between and Altair orders him to ring the bell. Altair stalks Blade as he gets to his feet and then he backs him into the corner of the ring. He unleashes a flurry of punches measuring each with precision. Blade slumps in the corner of the ring as Altair backs away and goads him out of the corner

He: Altair has well and truly gone to the next level since he joined The Authority


The crowd go wild as Blade explode out of the corner and knocks Altair down. Altair gets up and is knocked straight back down with a standing drop kick, he gets up again and Blade backs him against the ropes and whips him across the ring before sending him soaring through the air down to the mat with a big body drop and quickly goes for the cover



Altair gets his shoulder off the mat. Blade gets to his feet and he lifts Altair up, he backs him into the corner of the ring and then whips him into the opposite corner. Blade charges at him and squashes him up against the turnbuckle with a clothesline and then climbs to the top rope and dives off with the flying crossbody as Altair staggers out of the corner




Altair kicks out again. Blade grabs him by the head and connects with a some shots to the temple. He gets to his feet and urges the crowd to make some noise. Altair slowly gets to his feet as Blade stalks him, he kicks him in the gut

Ha: Blade looking for a suplex

He: Not so quick, Altair nailing the northern lights suplex of his own

Altair slowly gets up and then drags Blade to his feet before dropping him back down with a snap suplex. He drags him back to his feet and then hits a second followed by a third and then he hooks the leg for the cover



Blade kicks out and Altair quickly gets up and stays on the attack. He circles Blade and stomps down on him attacking every part of Blade that he can before he lifts him up to his feet and then sits him up on the top rope

Ha: What does Altair have in mind here?





Blade throws his arm off the mat to the cheers of the fans. Altair unhappily gets to his feet and he mounts Blade before raining down a flurry of punches as Blade can only try and cover up. He continues the assault only stopping before the official reaches a count of five

He gets up and then drags Blade to his feet and then whips into the corner of the ring. Blade bounces out with the force and then staggers into the centre of the ring were Altair knocks him down with a running knee and goes straight for another cover



Blade kicks out again and Altair gets back up and waits as Blade starts to get to his feet before hitting a running punt to the rib area of Blade who falls back down to the mat. He exits the ring and drags Blade over to the corner wrapping him around the ring post applying pressure to the back area again only breaking after the official counts to five.

Altair slides back in the ring and then lifts Blade up to his feet and then slides him across the canvas up against the steel ring post again targeting the side and back of Blade who's face is etched with pain.

He: Altair picking Blade apart now, this guy is a master of his trade

Altair lifts Blade up to his feet and then he backs him against the ropes and Irish whips him before connecting with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker and hooks the leg again




Ha: Blade kicks out again much to the displeasure of his opponent

Altair hits the mat in frustration and he gets to his feet and signals for the end. He begins to stalk Blade who pulls himself to his feet and then he drags him down looking for the Anaconda Vice

He: Altair's got it locked in

Ha: Not yet he hasn't. Blade is fighting against it.....HE GOT THE ROPES BEFORE THE DAMAGE COULD BE DONE

He slowly gets to his feet and swings a wild right arm in the direction of Altair who ducks underneath


Ha: But Blade is fighting against it

He: No use

Blade quickly begins to fade as Altair applies more pressure to the sleeper submission. He falls down to the mat and the official positions himself to see if he taps out. Blade looks to be out cold as the official raises his arm in the air and it falls straight down the mat. He signals for one and then raises his arm a second time and it falls straight down

He: Blade is out, this one id in the books as the official raises his arm again...IT DROPS!


The crowd are cheering Blades name as his arm shoots straight back in the air. He fights back up to his feet and then he elbows his way free. He bounces off the ropes and then runs at Altair



Altair staggers back as Blade quickly gets to his feet






Blade can't believe it after he almost takes Altair's head off with the running enziguri. He sits up and catches his breath before getting to his feet and waiting for Altair to do the same, as he does Blade closes in and hits a running knee into a neck breaker and then hooks the leg again



Altair kicks out, Blade jumps up and he climbs to the top rope, he waits as Altair gets to his feet before flying through the air and knocking him down with a missile dropkick, he lifts Altair back to his feet and then hits an inverted atomic drop and then takes Altair down with a spike DDT and then goes for another pin




Ha: Blade got him

He: Foot on the ropes, great ring awareness from Altair

Blade looks to the heavens and exhales heavily before getting back to his feet. He drags Altair up and kicks him in the mid-section before setting him between his legs for the powerbomb

He: Reversed by Altair........PUNT TO THE HEAD! SICKENING

Ha: Blade is out cold! That kick could put anybody out





He: Neither can I. Blade is either mighty brave or mighty stupid

Altair hits the mat in frustration. He fixes his boots and then gets to his feet and walks into the opposite corner of the ring and starts to motion for Blade to get to his feet. Blade slowly crawls to the ropes and pulls himself up before turning to face an oncoming Altair

He: SPE..






Ha: That was 3!!

He: The ref doesn't think so, he's saying Altair kicked out

Blade is pleading with the official as we see a replay of Altair going shoulder first into the steel ring post and then Blade rolls him up for the pin attempt. Blade holds his head in his hands and then he pulls himself back to his feet.

Altair slowly gets up holding his shoulder as Blade closes in, he hits a standing dropkick and Altair falls back through the ropes taking a heavy fall to the outside. Blade waits as he gets back to his feet


crowd: 6cdub x5

The crowd go wild and flashbulbs illuminate as Blade bounces off the ropes and then leaps clear out of the ring taking Altair down. He gets to his feet and high fives a fan wearing a Sheffield united shirt in the front row.

The official starts to count both men out as Blade lifts Altair to his feet and slides him back inside the ring. He climbs up to the ring apron and then waits as Altair gets to his feet

Ha: What’s Blade thinking here

He: Whatever it is I don't think it’s good for Altair




'Mk Ultra' starts to play as the boos ring out. We see a replay of Altair spear tackling Blade out of the air and then as he comes crashing down to the canvas he locks in the Anaconda Vice straight away leaving Blade no choice but to tap out.

Altair rips his hand away from the referee who tries to raise it in victory and then he kicks Blade out of the ring under the bottom rope, before exiting the ring and back up the ramp to the stage as we cut away from ringside

Match result: Alexander Altair via submission
Match time: 5 minutes, 37 seconds


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Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sat 10 May 2014, 12:42 am

(*Christy is stood backstage ready to interview)

CJ: My guest at this time...Jax Cutler

(*She turns to welcome Jax but instead stands Michael Hathaway. He smiles...)

MH: Now, now Christy. You're smarter than that. Did you really think I'd leave you to talk to Mr Cutler? We professionals don't do our jobs part time. If you want time with Mr Cutler, you talk to me.

CJ: I'm sorry Mr Hathaway; I came to talk to Jax Cutler

MH: But you don't get to talk to Jax Cutler. I get to talk to Jax Cutler, you get to speak to me. That's why Mr Cutler is my client. Because I deal with this nonsense whilst he decimates. It so happens that Mr Cutler is here with me right now

(*Cutler walks away to stand beside Hathaway)

CJ: Mr Cutler, what are your--

(Mr Hathaway wags a finger)

MH: No, no, no Miss James. You've misunderstood. Again. You're becoming a burden.

CJ: So, I, erm………

MH: You talk to me, Miss James. Let me answer your questions without you even needing to speak. Yes, Mr Cutler is better than every man in this industry. Yes, not one man is safe from my client. And yes, we will be taking that nice, shiny International Championship for our own. It's next.

(Cutler steps across and grabs the microphone.)

JC: You've been warned

(*Hathaway laughs smugly as Cutler walks away and the scene fades.)


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6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sat 10 May 2014, 12:44 am

(Max and Gazzy are backstage and Gazzy is pacing the floor)

GD: I’m sorry I should have seen that coming, I should never have trusted Jones on his word

(Max laughs)

MA: If I was a distrustful guy I’d say you set me up for that?

(Gazzy raises his hands)

GD: I had no idea, honest

MA: I suppose I couldn’t blame you, I can’t really expect us to be friends again, not after everything

GD: Honest. Everything we talked about, it was the truth. I know you have this contract but I was just trying to do the right thing. I don’t want to take your title. It’s like I said, Nate deserves his shot at the biggest show of the year and Enforcer and The Authority need to be kept away from that belt, it’s for the good of the company, I told you. All I am interested is doing what I need to do to have this contract thing over.

I want to be free from this.

What more do I have to do to show I am on side. It’s the Authority that is the enemy. They will do anything to make sure Enforcer gets his hands on that belt. We can’t let that happen.

(Max attempts to calm Gazzy down)

MA: OK OK I believe you Gareth, no need to get your panties in a bunch jeesh. I had a feeling Jones would try and pull something. But I promised to follow your plan, Nate get’s his rematch, it’s the right thing to do

(Max has a pained expression as he speaks)

MA: But I can’t take any chances……..

You want your freedom?

(Gazzy nods)

GD: That’s all I ever wanted

MA: I walk out of Night of Glory still 6CW Champion then you’ve got it


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6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sat 10 May 2014, 12:46 am

(*Timothy Allen is backstage)

TA: My guest at this time...Hobo

(*Hobo walks to shot, shakes hands with Allen and stands ready)

TA: Tonight you reignite a past that some thought they'd never see in wrestling again...facing off with fellow Trash TV cohort do you approach a match with a man you know better than any other competitor in the industry?

H: Well, Tim, a lot has changed. We're not young men any more, Tim. But we're better for it. Things have changed with us both. I've grown into this industry with some honour and pride. We learned that in the old days. Even the jokes, hell we took pride in that stuff. E might have taken the wrong path to the top, but we've seen him fight for that independence away from Jones' sly games.

TA: But do you think you can beat the Champ?

H: Yes. In one word. I don't turn up to sit and watch these guys with gold. First I show my old buddy that his beginnings are still relevant in his present. After that I grab the International Championship. They want names? They want ambition? They've got a title waiting for Hobo. No one has seen more of this world than Hobo. The Biscuit Baron. The Homeless Hardcore Champion. Make that 6CW's International Champion.

TA: A pleasure as always Hobo

(*Hobo shakes his hand again and leaves as the scene fades.)


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6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sat 10 May 2014, 12:48 am

Match 5
Ojore vs Vincent Costello

Back to ringside and “Bonfire” is echoing out to a mixed ovation and Ojore comes marching out onto the stage, a dark expression on his face. His shifts the Xtreme belt on his shoulder and continues down the aisleway…

HA: Ojore is desperate for a fight…I don’t think you have to be a genius to work that out…

HE: Well 6CW security keep stopping him from clashing with his main rivals…so perhaps tonight he can get some action elsewhere…

Ojore climbs up into the ring and slings his belt into the corner as “Killing in the name of” screams out to tumultuous boos. Vincent Costello swaggers out and slicks his hair back, a fierce glint in his eye…

HE: Well Ojore may get his wish because this man doesn’t back down from a brawl…

HA: Vincent Costello lost his UK Championship last week and although the gold didn’t mean much to him, the manner in which he lost has left him in a bad mood..

HE: That damn Liam Wood sticking his nose in where it doesn’t belong…

HA: Two men with a lot of pent up aggression….this promises fireworks…

Costello takes his time to circle the ring, taunting the fans, and then he jumps up on the apron and climbs through the ropes. He yells at the referee to make Ojore keep his distance…

HA: Ojore the more physically imposing superstar but Costello will not be bothered about that….

HE: Don’t forget there is history here….Ojore is the reason Costello was put out of action and lost the EWF Championship….

HA: I doubt Costello has forgotten that…

Ojore backs away slightly and Costello launches into with a solid kick to the stomach. He follows up with three huge right hands and then looks for an Irish whip…

HA: Costello is not going to win the power game…

Ojore reverses and sends Costello flying into the corner and then he runs in for a flying splash but finds nobody home. Costello quickly runs off the opposite side and returns with a diving knee to the temple of his opponent…

HE: That was impact…Ojore’s head bounced back into the turnbuckle…

Ojore staggers back out of the corner and Costello drops him with a hard DDT………………..1………………..2……………powerout. Costello quickly tries to get on top of Ojore with right hands but the Xtreme Champion launches Costello back into the corner…

HA: The beast looks angry….

HE: So far he has failed to hold Costello down…

Ojore runs in but finds Costello’s feet in his face, knocking him backwards. Costello then lifts himself onto the second rope and dives off with an axe handle…

HA: Caught him…OH WHAT A SLAM!

Ojore catches Costello in his arms and turns him into a crushing belly to belly slam…………………1…………………..2………………kickout. Ojore rags Costello back up by the head and slings him against the ropes before knocking him down with a clothesline. The “Man of War” stomps around the ring and then charges off the ropes, returning with a huge leg drop……………….1……………….2……….Costello gets his shoulder up!

HE: Vincent does not want to allow Ojore the time to get off his power moves….

HA: Right now he can’t get out of the way….

Ojore tries to scoop Costello up in his arms for a “World’s strongest slam” but Vincent reaches out and jams his thumb into his foe’s eye. Ojore is temporarily blinded and it allows Costello to drop him with a running boot to the face…

HA: Costello is a man who loves to hurt people….he thrives off it….and he would love nothing more than to hurt Liam Wood at Night of Glory…

HE: He wants more than that….he wants to finish Wood once and for all, just like he did to Thunder….

Costello lands hard stomps to Ojore’s head, keeping him grounded, and then runs off the ropes before returning with a diving knee to the face……………..1………………..powerout. Costello lands clubbing punches to the back of Ojore’s neck and then he backs off the corner and lifts himself onto the second rope….he waits for Ojore to rise and then jumps off with a solid stomp to the back of his neck……………1………………2………….kickout. Costello slicks his hair back and waits for Ojore to get back up….

HA: Costello has that faraway look in his eyes…….OMERTA!

Costello tries to lift Ojore up for the “black hole” slam but Ojore puts a stop to it with a huge head-butt. Costello staggers back into the corner and Ojore almost crushes him with a running splash. Costello drops down on his back, under the turnbuckle, as Ojore walks to the corner and begins to climb up the ropes….

HE: I don’t like the look of this…

HA: Vincent Costello is in the firing line here, Ojore wants to do some damage……VADER BOMB!

Ojore propels himself from the top rope and looks to crash down onto Costello but Vincent manages to pull himself under the bottom rope before impact. The crowd are booing as Costello backs away into the aisleway, shaking his head…

HE: Where is he going?

HA: Running like a scolded dog…

Costello: I don’t need this, this doesn’t interest me…

The referee is beginning to count to ten but Costello continues to back away, ignoring the complaints from the audience.

Costello: I’ve got bigger things to take care of…this is a battle, I’m fighting a war….look at the bigger picture…

Ojore is shaking his head with anger, beckoning his opponent back, but Costello just shrugs his shoulders and turns his back, heading towards the entranceway.

HA: Vincent Costello taking the count out defeat here…

HE: You heard what he said….”bigger things to take care of”….I think Costello wants to save himself for his fight with Liam Wood…

HA: Without a doubt….Costello knows what Ojore can do and he wanted no part of it tonight…

The bell sounds and the referee declares Ojore the winner but he does not seem impressed with the manner of his victory. Ojore grabs the turnbuckle padding and rips it clean off before exiting the ring with a frown on his face…

HE: Ojore must be wondering what he has to do in order to get a fight around here…

Match result: Ojore via count-out
Match time: 2 minutes, 48 seconds


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Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sat 10 May 2014, 12:50 am

(In a backstage locker room the camera shows McCoy sat all alone, zooming in on his face his wooden features appear cracked and worn

Heavy breathing can be heard off camera but the lens remains firmly pointed at McCoy. A familiar drawn voice can be heard, the tone slow and considered)

"The sheep………..They are a bleating……….Repeating their monotonous drawl
Baying for blood………they cry they plead…………Can you give them………… what they need?"

"Their hearts desire…………..the one true thing……………That can save them………..And still they sing………….. The words are true………..the words are just……………. A penance due…………..A thirst …………a lust……….."

"The sickening cries……………..the desperate voice…………..The truth is coming…………you have no choice"

"A path is chosen…………………A guiding light…………….. There is no option……."

(The camera moves to show Joshua stood in the corner, breathing heavily his hair covering his face, he looks up to camera his eyes barely visible)


(The camera stays on Joshua as the crowd continues the chant)


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6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sat 10 May 2014, 12:53 am

(The scene changes, Christy James walking the corridors seemingly looking for somebody.)

CJ: He must be around here somewhere…..

(Jackson Black then appears into shot, back to the camera)

CJ: Jackson, Jackson, can I get a few words with you!?

(Jackson stops and turns, smug smile spread across his now bearded face)

JB: I wondered when you would appear, looking for the first words from the man who has returned to reclaim the title that made him the household name he is today.

(Jackson smugly smiles to himself, whilst stroking his beard.)

JB: Now, what would you like to ask me? Have I missed you?

(Jackson laughs to himself.)

JB: Of course I have missed you Christy, but probably not in the way you would hope. For the last 18 months I have constantly been looking over my shoulder, expecting some harlot to come chasing after me, wanting the latest news.

(Jackson smiles)

JB: I've missed you that much, that I won’t strain you too much. I know what you want to ask me, you want to know why I have returned.

(Jackson sighs.)

JB: When I left 6CW, I was disillusioned. I had the 6CW World title within touching distance. I could smell the gold; I could taste it…….

But just when I thought it was mine, I was screwed. The group of men that I had given my all for, the group of men that I thought had my back. That group of men thought it was "best for business" to bring back Lex Hart, give him the 6CW championship. Genesis ended me.

(Jackson is now looking visibly frustrated.)

JB: I was made to look a fool. I had Keith Leone (crowd pop), a homeless man that somehow managed to make a name for himself in 6CW, tell me week after week that Genesis didn't have my best interests at heart. Each week, the same old drivel was spewed by Keith. Each week, I told him he was a loser, I told him the years of drug abuse had messed with his head. But after everything, he was right.

Do you know how it feels to be humiliated on the biggest stage there is in 6CW??

(Christy shakes her head, visibly frightened.)

JB: Words do not describe the feeling; words do not describe the way I felt that night. So I left this crooked company, went back to wrestling for promotions that appreciated that they had the greatest technical wrestler in the world. I had to leave; I had to clear my head.

(Jackson still angry, breathes deeply, and allows Christy to get a question.)

CJ: So, why leave those promotions? Why come back to 6CW?

JB: The reason?

The reason?

If you had been inside my head the last 18 months you would know why. I have wrestled in every independent promotion there is out there; Ring of Honor, Pro Wrestling Guerilla, and Dragon Gate. But no matter where I was, who I was wrestling. There was this voice in the back of my mind. This voice telling me that I had left 6CW on a whimper, I left with my reputation in pieces. No matter how many World Championships I won elsewhere, I could not switch off that voice. I couldn't fight it anymore, until I heard the 6CW International Championship
was making a return. The voice changed and it started to tell me that I this was my opportunity, that was chance to silence the crowds.

I had my ticket. I was the first ever 6CW International Champion and I will stop at nothing to return it to its rightful place, around my waist.
No matter which of these pieces of sh*t are thrown in front me, I will destroy them. I will show them that those claiming to be the best are all blasphemers.

There is only one god around these parts Christy, and that's me.

(Jackson stares at Christy, pointing at himself. A look of years of frustration and anger is etched across his face. He turns and walks away.)


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6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sat 10 May 2014, 12:54 am

(The screen is pitch black, a match strikes and the from the light the face of Edward Plague becomes visible

Plague is singing softly under his breath, the words barely audible)

"Ring a ring a roses
A pocket full of posies

One, two, three, four

We all fall down down"

(Plague’s eyes turn straight to camera, he laughs sinisterly)

"I hear it calling………..

That thing, deep inside……..

A monster with my name………..

Its hatred burning bright…………

Forget them all, you only need yourself!" it cries………..

I know, I tell it……….

I see all those flies…………..

Exactly! Now crush them and you are free!.................

I turn to it………………

But all of them need me………………"

(Plague blows out the match and the darkness returns, the sound of him singing again can be heard as we return to ringside)


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6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sat 10 May 2014, 12:56 am

Match 6
Edward Plague vs Joshua

The dull beat of a heart can be heard from the speakers as we return to ringside. The lights in the arena have dimmed but they pulse bright each team the heart beats…

HA: That sound means one thing….it is time for the arrival of the “Puppet Master”…

HE: I wish it wasn’t….this guy freaks me out…

HA: For weeks now we have witness the ongoing saga between four of 6CW’s monstrous competitors….tonight two of them are scheduled to go one on one…

The tall figure of Joshua appears on the stage, his puppet McCoy on his arm, and he slowly makes his way down to the ring. Joshua places the puppet on the ring steps with care and consideration before he gets into the ring…

HE: He seems to care about that puppet more than anything else…

HA: Joshua is a dark, complex, character….we have barely scratched the surface of understanding him but what we do know is that the puppet, McCoy, is key to his existence…

Joshua runs his finger across McCoy’s face and then he pulls himself up on the apron and climbs over the top rope. Joshua stands tall in the middle of the ring and waits for his opponent…

HA: But as complex as Joshua is….then there is Edward Plague…

HE: I really don’t want to be ringside for this match….both of these men give me nightmares…

HA: Plague has tried, so far unsuccessfully, to offer an alliance to Joshua…the “Puppet Master” is not interested…..both men seem to revel in the pain and suffering of others, they are alike in that manner, but Plague’s influence could be key if this continues…

“CCClouds” plays out and there are more boos and screams from the crowd as the lights go out. A lone light appears on the stage, illuminating the mask of Edward Plague, and then the monster walks forwards and places his lantern down on the ramp.

HE: Can someone turn the lights on?

Plague sits down on the ramp and he removes the mask, revealing a smile on his face, before he holds up the lantern again to illuminate his features. In his other hand he holds a microphone…

Plague: From the valley of the damned they called me towards the light…but I told them that in the darkness is where I had found my home….they did not understand my decision….they cast judgement upon my choices…

*Plague lets out a high pitched laugh

Plague: They said that hiding away is an act of sin….that those who pray for the abyss should be shackled and bound…..but I told them that those statements are nothing more than brainwashed ideologies….you are saying what society wants you to say….you are conforming to their ways and means…

In the darkness is where I found my identity….in the blackness I came to realise that your storybooks and tales of ghouls and ghosts are but the views of those who have been enlightened to reality….these are not the workings of a fictitious mind….this is the reality that you avert your eyes from….this is the truth…

*Plague lets the light shine in his eyes

Plague: Monsters are real….one, two, three, four of them standing right before you very eyes….they are not the fallacy of someone’s mind, they are flesh and bone like what you see in the mirror….words on a page have become real, transcended into this life by the suppressed fear of the non-believers…

We stand amongst you….and some of us are not afraid to show you our real faces…we don’t hide behind corners, or under your bed….we show you ourselves because we embrace your fear….we rise up and feed off your terror….

You want to shackle us? Put us in a cage and witness the untold horrors that can occur when men are driven to the point of no return…?

*Plague begins to laugh again

Plague: Then make it so….revert back to your Neanderthal stance, tie us up behind bars and watch on, wide-eyed, at the severity of this situation….I welcome your need to separate us from the rest….segregate us and observe how we flourish in the name of entertainment…

The people want a show….they want to see the anomalies in a row….line them up and roll up, roll up…..two tickets to the Freak Show….who wants the first look at what these monsters are capable of?

*Plague places the lantern down and the lights come back on. He looks straight at the ring and Joshua.

Plague: What say you?

HE: I am officially retiring from commentating on this guy’s matches…

HA: Edward Plague once again making sure everyone is as confused as he is…

Plague stands back and smiles as he begins to walk down to the ring. He slides under the bottom rope and waits on all fours, looking up at Joshua, before standing tall. He flicks his hair back and holds his hands out…


HA: There is Plague’s answer…

Joshua suddenly thunders a huge uppercut to Plague’s jaw and sends him flying backwards. Plague smiles but eats several more right hands from Joshua before he is whipped across the ring and dropped by a huge boot as he returns.

HE: Joshua isn’t interested in prophecies and small talk…he just wants to fight…

Plague gets back up and Joshua delivers a headbutt which staggers him back into the corner. He follows up and lands with methodical punches to Plague’s body before whipping him across the opposite side…

HA: All Joshua in this early going….

HE: Plague put him through a table last week….you don’t forget that….

Plague hits the opposite turnbuckle but immediately sprints back out and crashes in to Joshua with a flying crossbody block. Plague flicks his hair from his face and smiles…

HA: Plague is just enjoying this whole thing…..even when he takes a beating he seems to love it…

Plague drags Joshua up and then easily scoop slams him to the canvass before running back off the ropes and returning with a huge back splash across Joshua’s chest. Plague gets back up and he waits for Joshua to stand before kicking him in the stomach…


Plague tries to get Joshua up for the “border toss” but Joshua holds firm and then counters with a backdrop. Joshua helps Plague up and then lands a huge uppercut before headbutting Plague into the ropes and then whips him across the ropes…


Joshua grabs Plague by the throat but Plague kicks his way out and then lifts Joshua into a full nelson slam……………………1………………………….2…………………shoulder up. Plague drags him up by the hair again and tries to lift him…


Plague looks for the “omega” tombstone but Joshua fights his way out with elbows and then runs off the ropes before returning with a flying lariat take-down. Plague tries to get up as Joshua makes his way over and nails a neckbreaker…………………………..1…………………………2…………………..kickout. Plague tries to roll under the bottom rope onto the apron but Joshua grabs his hair and pulls him back through, draping Plague’s legs on the ropes…

HA: Elevated DDT….that was nasty…

Joshua stares at McCoy before planting Plague down into the mat with a heavy DDT, he then drags him away from the ropes…………….1……………………2………………..shoulder up. Joshua makes his way over to the ropes and starts to climb…

HE: We’ve seen Joshua go here before…

HA: That death-defying headbutt is something to behold….

Joshua makes it to the top rope but Plague is already up and runs against the turnbuckle, causing Joshua to fall into a crotched position. Plague then stands on the bottom rope and manages to throw Joshua from the top onto the canvass below…

HE: That is some impact…


Joshua lands hard on his back and then Plague runs off the ropes and returns with a leaping double foot stomp to the chest. Joshua is doubled up in pain as he tries to stand back up…

HA: Edward Plague just took control of this contest….CHOKESLAM!

HE: And ended it…

Plague drives Joshua down into the mat with the slam and he covers……………….1…………………2………………….3!


The crowd are stunned as Joshua throws his shoulder up off the canvass before three. Plague looks stunned but smiles as he rolls away from Joshua and gets back up to his feet…

HA: Plague is actually laughing about it….

HE: Now he can cause more damage to Joshua instead…

Plague waits for Joshua to stand and then he thunders into him with a huge clothesline that knocks the “Puppet Master” down again. Plague pulls Joshua towards the ropes and then begins to scale the turnbuckle himself…

HA: I don’t know what Plague is thinking about here…

HE: Whatever it is likely won’t end well…


Plague throws caution to the wind as he tries to jump from the top rope and crash down on top of Joshua, only for Joshua to move out of the way. Plague is disorientated a Joshua manages to make his way over to the ropes now…

HA: Joshua has been presented with an opportunity here…

HE: One he is happy to take….DUMBSTRUCK!

The flashbulbs go off as the giant flies through the air and lands down onto Plague with a crunching headbutt. Both men’s head seem to collide upon the impact and Joshua rolls away…

HA: He hit Plague with such ferocity that he opened up a cut…

HE: I’m not surprised….did you see the hang time?

The instant replays show the move over and over again and the crowd are going wild. Back live and the referee is checking on the condition of both men…

HA: I think the referee may be considering calling this match to a halt….that headbutt may have caused a concussion for both…


HE: You heard what the crowd think….they want this to continue…

The referee gives the signal that the match will continue and the crowd roar with jubilation. Joshua is over by McCoy, almost seeking guidance, and then he begins to stand up…

HA: Plague took the worst of the blow but Joshua is on wobbly legs himself…what more are these men willing to do to each other?

HE: God knows……SPEAR!

Joshua begins to make his way over to Plague when Lucas Takeo storms the ring and thunders straight through Joshua with a bone-crushing spear.

HA: What the hell is Takeo doing out here?

HE: You’ve seen the same things I have in recent weeks…nobody can control these monsters…

HA: This is getting out of hand…

Takeo lets out a roar as he kneels over Joshua and then he gets back to his feet. Edward Plague has blood running down the bridge of his nose as he stumbles back up to his feet…

HA: I don’t think Plague even knows Takeo is here….

HE: He will in a minute….OH WOW!

Takeo wraps his huge hand around Plague’s neck and then scoops him off the ground before driving him down into the mat with an explosive chokeslam. The referee is trying to take control of the situation but Takeo just shoves him in the chest, sending the official flying through the ropes to the outside…

HA: Takeo taking no prisoners…

HE: And yet another match that is going to end in a no contest between these guys…

Joshua is somehow back up and he turns Takeo around before unleashing with huge uppercuts to the jaw. Takeo is rocked back on his heels and then Joshua tries to whip him across the ring…

HE: Takeo is too strong….LOOK AT THAT!

Takeo reverses the whip and then he lifts Joshua up on his shoulders as he returns, planting him with an earth-shattering Samoan drop. Takeo then climbs from the ring and he lifts up the ring apron before dragging out a table from underneath. He slides it back in the ring and sets it up in the centre…

HA: What the hell is he planning on now?

Takeo looks down at the table before lifting his head and staring straight up at the entranceway. He lets out another roar…


HE: Takeo’s calling out Ojore…

HA: As if there isn’t already enough carnage…

Takeo takes his time to wait and then the crowd roar as “Bonfire” blasts out of the speakers. Ojore takes no time in bursting out from the entranceway, fire in his eyes.

HA: Ojore never turned down a fight….he wants this…

HE: So does this crowd….

Ojore begins to make his way down the ramp when a sea of security storm the ringside area to block his path. The crowd are booing furiously as Ojore’s path to the ring is blocked off…

HA: The fans don’t like it but this may be a wise decision…

HE: Who cares about “wise”…..the 6CW Universe wants a fight between these monsters…


HA: The call for a sanctioned match is growing…

Ojore looks angry as he kicks at the security railing and then tries to break through the line of security. There is a monumental struggle but the security forces are able to keep the Xtreme Champion back…

HE: I think they can only hold for so long….

Takeo is also furious and he picks up the table before hauling it over the top rope at the army of security in front of him. The giant then climbs from the ring and tries to initiate a fight…

HA: This is going to turn ugly…

Plague is sat up in the corner of the ring, blood running down his face, with a smile on his face. He is gesturing with his hand as though conducting the audience with their “Let them fight” chants…

HE: Something needs to be done….because I don’t think any of these men are going to rest until they get the battle they want…

HA: But what on earth will the ramifications be? That will be like signing off on a world war…

Joshua has staggered out of the ring and seems to be looking to McCoy for answers. He then pulls back and places the puppet on the ring apron before lifting the steel steps up on his shoulders….



Crowd: Holy (beep) x10

Joshua just hauls the steps through the air and into the sea of security guards, knocking many of them to the groud. Takeo and Ojore are able to break through and begin to fight as more security are forced to come down from the back….

HA: This is insane….where does it end?

The security teams manage to escort Ojore out of the ringside area, with much difficulty, whilst Takeo is restrained in the aisleway. Joshua is glaring at Takeo with cold menace and then he lifts McCoy up on his arm as he turns back to the ring, where Edward Plague is singing…

Plague: Underneath the desert sun
They bid my brother's blood to run
Many miles away
Hell has come today

HA: Somebody needs to get a handle on this before it is too late….I have no idea what is going to happen next…

Match result: No contest
Match time: 5 minutes


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6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sat 10 May 2014, 12:59 am

(Helms and Daniels are stood backstage with Hernandez)

MH: Great work last week boys but the concentration levels do not drop, you know what you need to do, we are doing all we can outside the ring, messing with their heads but once the bell ring sits over to you two

(Helms and Daniels nod)

MJ: Tonight you keep setting that marker. Send a message to Masters and Harris. This is what a real team looks like

(Daniels puts his hand on Hernandez’s shoulder)

JD: Don’t worry Boss; we know what we need to do

(Hernandez smiles)

MH: I have great faith in both of you, we all do but you know the plan, you know what needs to be done


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6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sat 10 May 2014, 1:02 am

(Mr Jones is sitting quietly in his office, working silently with papers strewn across his desk. Suddenly, the door fires open and in bursts Ojore)

MJ: What are you doing in my off--

(Ojore raises his hand)


(Jones leans back in his chair and opens his arms out, inviting Ojore to speak. Ojore looks to the skies)

O: Let them fight. Let them fight. Let them fight

(Jones shakes his head unimpressed by the interruption)

MJ: You always want to fight, Ojore. Who, when, where?

O: These men want to fight Ojore. Welcome to the fight.

MJ: Ohhh, yes. Plague, Takeo and that little puppet and his Joshua

(Ojore slams his fist on the desk)

O: It is time for war

(Jones removes his glasses and looks Ojore straight in the eye)

MJ: I'm not just giving you anything you want, Ojore. You have to make this worth my while

(*Ojore takes the XTreme Title off his shoulder and lays it on Jones' desk)

O: Let...them...fight

(Ojore turns and leaves with Jones leaning back smiling. The entire arena are chanting Let...them...fight, Let...them...fight, Let...them...fight, Let...them...fight)

(The camera refocuses on Jones who smiling)

MJ: Very well then


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6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sat 10 May 2014, 1:09 am

Match 7
Marty Helms/Jonathan Daniels vs. Nicky Cassidy/Billy Shaw

Back at ringside

HA: Tag action up next. Two very impressive teams on show

HE: Hardly, the number one contenders and next 6CW Tag Champions yes but a couple of stoners, I don’t think so

HA: Cassidy and Shaw had built up a real connection before Shaw’s unfortunate lay off, but now they are back together its like they’ve never been apart

HE: They’ve called themselves the Wyld Stallions, what kind of name is that

HA: Sounds like an excellent name to me

"Cold as ice" blasts out of the speakers and Cassidy and Shaw burst through the curtain at pace, tagging hands with the crowd both men slide under the bottom ropes, each man climbs a turnbuckle and plays air guitar as the crowd scream and shout

"King of Kings" starts to play and Marty Helms and Jonathan Daniels walk through the curtain and head down the ramp, the two men high five before removing their vests and climbing up into the ring. They look at Cassidy and Shaw with disdain before taking to opposite turnbuckles, motioning belts around their waists, much to the dislike of the crowd…They jump down from the corner

HA: Looks like Cassidy and Helms will start things off

Shaw and Daniels go through the middle rope to the ring apron

Ding, Ding, Ding!

Cassidy goes in for the lock-up but Helms quickly takes him down with a spinning chop to the throat. Cassidy falls into the mat and Helms goes on the offensive quickly, stomping away on the throat and neck of his opponent, the referee steps in and forces Helms to stop the stomping attack. Helms nods but then drags Cassidy closer to the corner before going to the 2nd rope and then leaping off, hitting a double foot stomp down across the throat. He covers.

Ref: 1................


Kick out!

Helms picks up Cassidy and quickly locks in a sleeper hold. Cassidy fights up to a vertical base, only for Helms to quickly take him down to the mat with a white Russian leg sweep. Helms gets to his feet, waiting for Cassidy to rise before hitting him with a headlock driver. Helms makes the cover again.

Ref: 1...................


Kick out!

HE: Strong start from Marty Helms, showing off a unique range of offence.

Cassidy gets the shoulder up, Helms drags him to his feet where he reels off a number of quick head butts to the chin. Cassidy is rocked back into the ropes and Helms tags in his partner, both men Irish whip Cassidy across the ring and hit a double hip toss.

Daniels covers

HA: They want this over quickly. The Authority once again looking impressive this evening

HE: As always

Ref: 1………………….


Kick out!

Daniels hauls Cassidy up and lifts him onto his shoulders, he goes for a powerbomb but Cassidy counters with a hurracanrana. Daniels spins towards his corner and tags in Helms, who runs into the ring and Cassidy hits him with a dropkick.

Helms bounces up from the mat but is put back down with a Neckbreaker.

Ref: 1………………….


Kick out!

Cassidy gets to his feet and waits for Helms to rise, as he gingerly gets to his feet Cassidy connects with a boot to the gut.

HE: Countered

HA: And again

Helms grabs the boot but Cassidy immediately re-counters with an enzaguiri kick. Helms drops to one knee and Cassidy levels him with a legsweep DDT. Cover.

Ref: 1.................


Kick out!

HA: That was close

HE: No way

Helms kicks out, Cassidy locks in an armbar hold. He slowly drags Helms to a vertical base before throwing him down into the canvas with a snap suplex. Cassidy keeps the hold applied, dragging Helms to his feet and hitting a 2nd suplex. Again Cassidy brings Helms to his feet and hits a third suplex. He makes the cover.

Ref: 1.....................


Kick out!

HA: Cassidy is definitely the man on top now

HE: He can’t keep up this pace forever. The Authority will come out on top

Helms is dragged to his feet and Cassidy tags in Shaw for the first time in the match. Shaw immediately drives Helms into the mat with a face-first Russian legsweep and covers.

HA: Shaw keeping up the pressure

Ref: 1………………….


Kick out!

Shaw waits for Helms to rise; he lifts a knee up into the gut and swings his opponent off the ropes, nailing Helms with a swinging neckbreaker. He hooks the leg.

Ref: 1……………….


Kick out!

As he staggers to his feet Shaw hauls Helms onto his shoulders before nailing a Rolling fireman’s carry slam. He drags his opponent to the corner where he tags in Cassidy. Shaw hits a running face wash kick and Cassidy follows up with a dropkick.

As Helms lurches forward Shaw catapults him out of the corner straight into a Cassidy big boot. Cover.

Ref: 1………………..


Kick out!

HE: This isn’t fair, who’s the legal man. Get a grip referee

As Cassidy exits the ring Shaw lifts up Helms, he hits a scoop slam and then goes up top…

HA: Frog splash!

Ref: 1…………………


Kick out!

Helms kicks out and Shaw waits for him to rise before going for an Irish whip, Helms uses the last of his strength to reverse the momentum. Shaw rebounds to the centre of the ring and Helms nails a leaping, spinning elbow smash.

HA: Desperation stuff. Helms showing great guts

Ref: 1………………….


Kick out!

As Shaw kicks out Helms wastes no time in making his way to the corner to tag in Daniels

HE: Shaw has expended a lot of energy and Daniels is almost completely fresh

Daniels clambers into the ring; Shaw runs at him but is knocked down with a huge punch. He staggers up only for Daniels to hit another punch. Shaw is up to his feet for a third time and is leveled him with a clothesline. Cover.

Ref: 1………………..


Kick out!

Daniels wastes little time in lifting Shaw to his feet, and then hitting a scoop slam following up with a knee across the throat. He hooks the leg again.

Ref: 1………………….


Kick out!

Shaw kicks out and Daniels slams the mat in frustration

HE: Stay on him

Daniels hauls him to a vertical base, Shaw is barely able to stand, his eyes rolling backwards into his head. Daniels kicks him in the gut and then lifts him into the air, nailing a big powerbomb.

HE: The whole ring shuddered there!!!!

HA: Great impact but he’s not going for the pin.

Daniels lifting up Shaw once more and delivers a brutal second powerbomb. This time he drops to the mat and covers.

HE: That has to be all

Ref: 1…………………………..


Kick out!

HA: Great heart from Shaw

Shaw kicks out at two and three quarters. Again Daniels slams the mat and starts to remonstrate with the referee

HE: Don’t lose your focus

Helms shouts to his partner who turns and lifts Shaw up, he throws him to the corner and nails a number of big punches.

Backing away Daniels plays to the crowd as Shaw stands motionless in the corner

HA: He’s allowing him recovery time

HE: He knows what he’s doing

Daniels runs in, going for a big spear but Shaw dives out of the way at the last minute. Daniels crashes into the ring post.

HA: Shaw needs the tag, now’s his opportunity

Shaw crawls across the mat as Cassidy pleads with his partner for the tag, Daniels has started to stir and is himself crawling towards Shaw reaching for his boot

HE: Don’t let him………………

HA: Too late!!!!

Shaw dives to his corner and the crowd jump to their feet as he makes the tag. Cassidy flies into the ring and unleashes rights and lefts to Daniels, he pushes him back against the ropes, whipping him across the ring he knocks Daniels to the mat with a text book dropkick. Cover

Ref: 1……………….


Kick out!

Cassidy drags Daniels to his feet and reels off a succession of chops into the chest, backing the Authority member into the corner. Cassidy then goes up top..

HA: Flying bulldog from the top rope!

Ref: 1……………………


Kick out!



HE: Get that nut job out of here; he’s going to ruin this match!

Chaos who has come through the crowd climbs over the ring barrier and is staring at Shaw, pointing and shouting

HA: I can’t make that out, what is he saying?

HE: Your guess is as good as mine!!

Cassidy who has lined up Daniels for his finisher releases his opponent and moves towards the ropes.

Chaos has a twisted smile on his face as he starts to laugh uncontrollably before jumping back over the barrier and out through the crowd



With Cassidy’s attention focused on the unexpected interference, Helms had made the blind tag and is stood behind Cassidy waiting…


Ref: 1…………………………….




HA: Cassidy and Shaw were in the ascendency and it is only because Chaos decided to make an appearance this match swung back the way of The Authority

HE: I don’t care what he was out here for, Helms and Daniels stayed in the game and there opponents lost focus, they deserved all they got

Helms and Daniels are being declared as winners as Cassidy and Shaw look on puzzled from the ring

Match result: The Authority via pinfall
Match time: 5 minutes, 42 seconds


Posts : 9887
Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sat 10 May 2014, 1:19 am

(Nate is backstage with Emma who looks tired and pale)

E: We keep having the same conversation Nate. I don’t know how long I can watch you put yourself through this. Is it really worth it?

NN: Emma I made a promise to all the fans. I will not back down; I will not give up the fight

(Emma sighs)

E: But everyone else has

??: Not everyone

(Emma turns as the locker room door opens and in walks Max Adamson)

MA: Look I am as surprised as you that I’m here. I know this is not what I do. I am not the man who stands up for what other people believe in. I’m the man who stands in the corner pulling faces, pointing and laughing as you all fail

I know why you don’t trust me. I get that. I wouldn’t trust me. Hell if I was you I’d be telling Emma to get out of this room right now

NN: So why are you here?

(Max looks Nate in the eye)

MA: I can't change anything that has happened in the past and I won't stand here and try and deny that if it comes down to saving my a55 or someone elses, I pick myself every single time...

But this fight with The Authority won't be won by standing around talking. And if there is something I can do better than run my mouth, it is use these...

(He raises his fists)

Max: The battle lines are well and truly drawn now, there is no turning back....I know that and I am more than ready for whatever happens next...

(Max holds out a hand.Emma rolls her eyes)

E: You’re not falling for this?

(Nate shakes Max’s hand and Emma storms away)

E: You’re an idiot Nate


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6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sat 10 May 2014, 1:29 am

(The scene changes and Billy Shaw is shown running into the backstage area. He is frantically asking staff members if they have seen Chaos)

Shaw: Anyone seen him?

(Everyone asks either shrugs their shoulders or shakes their heads. Shaw looks frustrated as he pushes through a door into an empty stairwell)

Shaw: Chaos you son of a...

(Chaos suddenly rounds the corner and cracks a furious roundhouse kick into the side of Shaw's head, dropping him to his knees. He then punts Shaw in the ribcage before ripping a fire extinguisher from the wall....CRACK!)

HA: Chaos is beating the hell out of Billy Shaw in the back...

HE: He lured Shaw into this trap...

(Chaos smiles and then backs away as Nicky Cassidy comes running into the scene.)

Cassidy: Get away from him, you coward...

(Chaos' eyes roll and then he fixes his gaze on Cassidy)

Chaos: You were supposed to be my abandoned me...

Cassidy: Abandoned you? You were kicking lumps out of me every time I turned my the hell was I supposed to trust a man who kept attacking me?

(There is a look of near pleading in Chaos' eyes)

Chaos: But it wasn't....not's, it's him...

(Cassidy looks bemused)

Cassidy: Stay away you freak...seriously man I thought we were cool but your not Ice Cold at boy Billy did nothing to you...

(Chaos begins to hold the side of his head and falls down to his knees)

Chaos: You'll'll pay...

(Chaos' eyes move in and out of focus and then he focuses back on Cassidy, renewed flame in his eyes)

Chaos: You have stumbled upon a situation you really cannot walk away from any more, have upset the stratosphere and for that, you will pay....I am so close to showing the world how very wrong they were to overlook me....there is a reason I was the most feared man in this industry, time to open their eyes and remind them...

(Chaos begins to laugh to himself as Cassidy watches him with fury. Medics arrive on the scene to check on Shaw)


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6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sat 10 May 2014, 1:31 am

Match 8
Daniel Reilly vs Liam Wood

HA: We’ve got the UK Champion versus the former world champion in our next match up….

HE: One of these men is riding the crest of the wave, the other is about to be drowned by it…your time is up Liam Wood, you’re up against The Authority now…

“Broken Dreams” roars out and the crowd boo furiously as Daniel Reilly swaggers out on the stage. He holds his arms wide, posing, and then he pats the UK Championship that is strapped around his waist…

HA: In some ways you could say that the reason Reilly has the belt is because of his opponent tonight…Wood’s interference last week allowed Reilly to take out Blade…

HE: Don’t talk such rubbish, Reilly would have won that match regardless….he is a former two time world champion, he thrives on the big occasion…

Reilly sneers at the boos from the crowd and then makes his way through the aisleway to the ring. He pulls himself up onto the turnbuckle to pose some more…

HA: Reilly officially agreed to defend his gold against Blade at Night of Glory….that will be a fine contest…

HE: There will be nothing “fine” about it….Blade is going to get massacred, just like he did last week….and the week before…

HA: Blade certainly owes Reilly big time for those sledgehammer shots…

HE: Fat chance of that happening, he isn’t on Reilly’s level and he never will be…

HA: Reilly has certainly regained a lot of his old momentum since he joined The Authority…he will not be an easy force to handle…

Reilly jumps down into the ring as “666” screams out to a standing ovation from the 6CW faithful. Flames burst from the stage to introduce the arrival of Liam Wood…

HA: Reilly has faced some of the best in 6CW history but he has never faced Liam Wood before…

HE: So what? Reilly has beaten the best and he will continue to do so…Wood is nothing he has never seen before….

HA: I wouldn’t count on it…Wood is so unorthodox that you really cannot be sure to expect….and plus he is not in a good mood right now, which makes him even more unpredictable…

Wood makes his way down the ramp, slapping the hands of his adoring fans, and then he rips off his t-shirt and throws it into the crowd. He turns his attention up towards Reilly and then jumps onto the apron…

HA: Earlier tonight we saw Vincent Costello walk out of his match in order to preserve himself for a fight with Wood at Night of Glory….but I really don’t think Wood will employ the same tactic….he doesn’t walk away from fights or the opportunity to entertain his loyal supporters…

HE: Then he is a fool….Costello did the smart thing and he will be fresh for the show-down….Wood will be lucky to walk out of here after this bout…

The referee stands in between both men as they lock eyes in the middle of the ring. Reilly is grinning at Wood as the bell sounds to begin the contest. Reilly takes a step forward but is instantly rocked back by a huge right hand…

HA: Liam Wood is not here for a sizing up competition…

Wood continues to blast Reilly with right hands and then he whips him across the ring. Reilly comes back and Wood knocks him down with a well-executed dropkick…

HE: Wood didn’t even let Reilly get ready…that wasn’t fair…

Reilly tries to get back up but Wood seizes him in a gutwrench before throwing him into a suplex………………….1…………………2……….kickout. Wood knocks Reilly down with a clothesline and then jumps up onto the second rope and waits for Reilly to stand…

HA: Lovely discus elbow from the second rope….

1……………….2…………….Reilly kicks out. Wood waits for his opponent to stand and then grabs him by the throat…

HE: Fight out Reilly…

Wood tries to lift Reilly off the ground but DR jumps out the side and stomps on Wood’s gut before delivering a sharp DDT…………………1………………………2……………..shoulder up. Reilly goes to work with vicious stomps to different parts of Wood’s body…

HA: Reilly is one of the most dangerous superstars in the game….he will not hesitate to go for the jugular…

Wood crawls to the corner and tries to stand but Reilly runs into him with a dropkick that sprawls him across the ropes. Reilly then delivers crossface punches before the referee intervenes on the count of four…

HE: This is how I knew this match would pan out….Reilly is too talented for Wood….

Reilly backs away with a smile and then he watches Wood getting up before running at him and swinging his boot towards the skull…

HA: He’s gonna punt him into next week….

Wood throws his hands up and catches Reilly’s foot before swiping his standing leg as well. Reilly tries to crawl away as Wood pulls him back to the middle and synches in a figure four leglock…

HE: Oh no…

HA: Not what Reilly was looking for….this is a bad situation….

Reilly is yelling out in pain as Wood yanks back on the leg, extending the pressure, but he refuses to quit when prompted by the referee. The crowd are urging Wood on, desperate for him to secure the victory….

HA: Reilly may be forced to tap out….he is stuck in the middle of the ring…

HE: He’ll find a way, he has to…

Wood continues to increase the pressure on the legs of his opponent as Reilly flails in agony. The referee is on his knees, questioning Reilly, but DR turns away from him and tries to pull himself closer to the bottom rope…

HE: Reilly has been in submissions before, he has survived….

HA: But Wood has this locked in tight….

HE: He got the ropes!

Reilly manages to reach out and grab the ropes, much to the dismay of the crowd, and Wood is forced to release the hold. He takes a deep breath and then grabs Reilly by the head, dragging him back to the centre of the ring….

HA: Wood still feels he has this match in his favour…..VIPER DROP!

He tries to hook Reilly’s arms in place but Reilly suddenly drops to his knees and swipes Wood’s legs from under him. He seizes the left ankle before Wood can get away…

HE: He was playing possum….now Wood will pay…

HA: Reilly’s turn to use a submission….he is deadly with this anklelock…

The crowd are booing and Liam Wood is yelling out as Reilly really turns his foe’s ankle at a horrible, ugle, angle. Wood is trying to thrash and crawl his way to the ropes but Reilly pulls him back, twisting and tearing….

HA: Reilly will have no qualms about breaking that ankle if he has to…

Wood’s face is red with the agony he is feeling but he refuses to give in to the submission. The referee is urging Wood to think about his decision but he is waved away as Viper tries to reach out and grab the ropes….

HA: Inches away…

HE: But so far….Reilly is going to snap his ankle off…

The UK Champion has a mad glint of desire in his eyes as he continues to force the issue but then Wood manages to reach out and grab the rope, bringing cheers from the crowd. Reilly refuses to break the hold and drags Wood back to the centre…

HA: That’s not fair….Wood had the ropes….

Wood manages to turn on his back and he kicks out with both feet, sending Reilly flying across the ring. They both get back up and Reilly flies forward but is lifted up and flapjacked across the ropes…he stumbles back into a big German suplex……………………1……………………….2……………..shoulder up!

HE: Wood can get all his offense in but he can’t take Reilly out…

HA: Why do you insist on talking such rubbish? If Wood lands his best moves then he can take care of anyone on this roster…

Wood drags Reilly up by the head and tries to flip him up for a powerbomb but Reilly drops out front and kicks Wood in the stomach before following up with a hard European uppercut. Wood staggers back into the ropes and Reilly whips him across the ring…

HA: Reilly was looking for that dropkick but the bottom fell out…

Wood pulls back on the ropes, causing Reilly to slam down on the canvass, and then grabs his opponent’s legs before beginning to swing him around…

HA: Reilly’s going for a ride…

HE: I feel dizzy just watching….

After eight spins, Wood lets go and sends Reilly crashing into the turnbuckle. The UK Champion is groggy as he makes it back to his feet and walks straight into a reverse swinging STO (Sister Abigail)…………….1…………………..2………..thr-just gets his shoulder up!

HA: Wood was close to closing the show there….

Reilly is laid out on the floor as Wood quickly makes his way to the corner and begins to climb. He looks out at his adoring masses and then prepares for launch…

HA: Wood loves this tribute to the Macho Man…


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6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sat 10 May 2014, 1:32 am


Reilly rolls out of the way of the flying elbow and sends Wood crashing down into the canvass with real force………………….1……………………….2…………………..shoulder up. Wood gets up but is flattened by a running clothesline, then another one………….and a third from Daniel Reilly. The crowd boo as Reilly beckons Wood back up and then flips him into the air…

HE: What a move…

HA: Fallout neckbreaker….

……shoulder up!

HE: Wood had his chance in this match and he blew it…now he is a sitting duck….

Reilly drives hard punches into Wood’s head and stomps him back to the corner before delivering a ten punch combo. He taunts the crowd and then delivers a fantastic hurricanrana that sends Wood flying back to the centre of the ring….Wood staggers up and is spun into a vicious powerslam……………1…………………………2……………………shoulder up!

HA: Reilly has his flow to perfection now…he’s enjoying this battle…

HE: Of course he is…he knows he is going to win….

Reilly beckons Wood to stand up again and tries to lift him into a back suplex but Wood flips over the shoulder of his opponent and then shoves him into the corner. He chases in with a brutal yakuza kick to Reilly’s chest and then goes up high as Reilly stumbles to the centre of the ring…

HA: Never count out Liam Wood, he’ll fight to the end….WHAT A LARIAT!

The flashbulbs go off and the crowd cheer as Wood flies from on high and wipes Reilly off his feet…………………1……………………….2………………kickout. Viper gets back up and he takes a deep breath before beckoning Reilly up and he pushes him into the air….


Reilly catches Wood’s knee on the way down and he kicks his standing leg out to synch in the anklelock once again. Wood tries to crawl away in desperation but Reilly tugs him back…

HE: No escape this time….

Wood shakes his head, frustrated at being caught again, and then he throws his body forward with a roll that sends Reilly flying forwards and through the ropes to the outside…

HA: Fantastic counter from Wood….Reilly landed hard on his spine out here….

Reilly is shown clutching his back on the outside as Wood rubs his ankle in the middle of the ring. The referee moves over to start counting Reilly out…

HE: Use the count Reilly, get your composure back…

HA: A couple of more seconds in that submission and Liam Wood could have been in trouble…..

Wood is starting to get back to his feet when “Killing in the name of” screams out of the speakers, drawing huge boos from the Copper Box crowd. Vincent Costello strides out on the stage, a smug smile on his face…

HA: What does Costello want?

HE: He walked out of his own match earlier because he has issues with Liam Wood…

HA: Not tonight he doesn’t….Wood is in a match…

HE: That doesn’t matter to Costello, he is tired of being one upped by this guy…

HA: Please be serious…

Costello begins to make his way down to ringside as Wood gets to his feet, fire burning in his eyes. The trash talk begins between both superstars but Costello keeps to the outside…

HA: Liam Wood needs to keep his focus on this match…he can deal with Costello afterwards…

HE: Easier said than done….

Reilly is back in the ring on the count of seven and he quickly rushes over and grabs Wood by the shoulder, spinning him around…


Wood puts the brakes on and pushes Reilly away before kicking him in the stomach when he turns around…


Wood hooks Reilly’s arms but Reilly battles free and manages to swipe Wood’s legs. He drops back and catapults him towards the ropes, where Costello lands a huge right hand to the jaw of his rival…

HE: What a punch……RKO!

HA: Costello had those damn brass knucks on…

Costello drops down off the apron with a smile and kisses the brass knucks on his hand as Reilly drops Wood with the RKO in the middle of the ring…

HA: Dammit….Reilly wins this match….

HE: That will teach Wood for getting involved in Costello’s affairs….he cost Vincent the UK Title and now Costello has returned the favour…

“Broken Dreams” blasts out and the crowd boo as Reilly rolls from the ring and snatches his UK belt from the timekeeper. He raises his belt in the air as he walks past Costello and into the aisleway….

HA: Costello has done enough here tonight, time for him to leave…

HE: You don’t get to make that decision, Harold…

Costello circles the ring, watching Wood struggling to make his feet, and then he grabs a steel chair from the announce area. The crowd are booing as Costello rolls under the bottom rope…

HA: Someone needs to stop this…

HE: Wood has been blasting chunks out of Costello for weeks….payback time…

The referee tries to intervene but Costello threatens him with the chair and scares the official from the ring. Costello then waits for Wood to turn towards him…….CRACK!


The sound goes off like a gunshot as Wood isn’t even able to get his hands up to block any of the impact. The chair thunders off the his head and immediately drops him down to the floor…

HE: Costello is one sick S.O.B….he promised Wood he was going to finish him…

Blood is trickling down the forehead of Wood as Costello drops on top of him and begins to furiously punch away at the cut, sending streams of blood all over Wood’s face. The crimson stains Costello’s hands as he continues his assault…

HA: This is heinous….stop it….

HE: Vincent Costello is making a statement tonight…

More referees storm the ring to break up the action but Costello is finished and gets back up to his feet. He uses Wood’s blood to draw a cross on his chest and then raises his arms as the fans in attendance boo him with serious hatred….

HA: As if this feud wasn’t personal enough already…

HE: Oh I think this is far from “personal” if you ask Costello, he’s just getting warmed up…..Wood wanted this fight and now he is going to find out just how far his rival is willing to go…

The referees call for medics to check on Wood’s injuries as Costello looks down and then climbs out of the ring. Wood is already trying to get back to his feet but his face is covered in a crimson mask and he keeps losing his balance….Costello slicks his hair back and smiles before turning his back and exiting the scene.

Match result: Daniel Reilly via pinfall
Match time: 7 minutes, 30 seconds


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6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sat 10 May 2014, 1:34 am

(Mike Masters is sat in his locker, the door slowly pushes open)

MM: About time Scott, where you been. Or do I not need to bother asking that one?

(The door opens fully and in walks Kelsey Callihan. Masters shakes his head and stands as Kelsey approaches)

MM: What do you want; he’s not here if that’s who you’re after. He’s probably with Jones plotting their next move

(Kelsey smiles)

KC: You’re so sure he’s one of us?

MM: You have been messing with me for months. This has got your handiwork written all over it. Remind me, who made the decision to promote Harris to the big leagues again?

(Kelsey laughs)

KC: I just signed the paperwork, he came highly recommended

(Masters shakes his head)

MM: I bet he did

(Kelsey pushes her hand against Masters' chest)

KC: Why do you resist us so much, embrace your dark side Mike. We could be so good together

(Kelsey leans in and kisses Masters on the cheek)

"SON OF A..."

(Over Kelsey’s shoulder Scott Harris can be seen walks into the locker room.Kelsey turns and winks at Harris as she skips out of the locker room)

MM: It’s not what it looks like!!


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6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sat 10 May 2014, 1:36 am

"Allen! Allen!"

(Liam Wood is storming around backstage in search of Timothy Allen. His face is stained with blood.)

LW: Allen! You want your exclusives then give me a damn mic!

(Wood turns a corner and we see Timothy Allen, who springs to life.)

TA: Viper, Liam, you called?

(Wood grabs the mic, squares up right to the camera lens and his angry face fills the screen)

LW: Oh, I called alright. 6CW, welcome to the woods. Welcome to the danger zone. Enough of the games, enough of the c**p. This was the end game, wasn't it Vincent? You thought you wanted me angry. Be careful what you wish for

(Woods paces back and forth but comes back at the camera)

LW: This isn't about good versus evil, right versus wrong. No, no, no, no, no! Keep your heroes and your villains. This is primitive. If Costello wants to run in the jungle with me then he's got it. If he wants to take down Liam Wood, if he thinks he can hang with Viper, then we've got the biggest night of the year ahead of us. A night for immortals. And I'll risk it all. I'll go further than any man will go.

(Viper is bristling with rage, speaking faster than his mind is working. He takes a second to compose.)

LW: You know what I'm saying to you Vinnie. You might have the law, but I'm the sheriff of this town. Costello's Law goes down in the history books. I'm giving you the chance to take me down on the grandest stage. Speak to your advisers, check with your lawyers. Consult your damn doctor too, cos this ain't no game now.

(*Wood stares straight down the lens)

You and me, Costello. One on One. Let's end this!!!!

(Viper drops the mic and storms away)


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6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sat 10 May 2014, 1:37 am

Match 9
Nate Nack/Max Adamson vs Scott Harris/Mike Masters

HA: Can anyone solve the issues between the tag champions?

HE: I’d say no….Masters and Harris don’t trust each other, you can’t buy trust…

HA: The Authority are doing a fine job of stirring the pot…

“Survival” blasts out of the speakers and the crowd cheer as Scott Harris makes his way onto the stage. He lowers his hood, his eyes full of emotion, and then marches down towards ringside…

HA: Last week the rumours swirled that Scott Harris was joining The Authority….now the spotlight is on Mike Masters….can they separate their differences?

HE: No way…two egomaniacs who only care about themselves…

“Champion” then plays out to another standing ovation and Mike Masters swaggers out into view. He twirls on the spot and holds up his tag championship as pyros explode behind him…

HA: Masters has been against The Authority since day one, it is so difficult to believe he would jump ship…

HE: Masters wants to be a world champion…he can’t achieve that without The Authority’s backing…

Masters removes his jacket and then vaults up into the ring to join Harris. The tag team champions eye each other up with mistrust, a serious air of tension between them.

HA: And we were thinking Nate Nack and Max Adamson would be the team that struggled to work together…

“Unbreakable” screams out to a huge round of applause and Nate Nack runs out on the stage, his ribs heavily bandaged. He raises his arms in the air and flexes his muscles…

HA: Early tonight we discovered that Nate Nack will get his re-match for the 6CW Championship at Night at Glory…but this evening he must team with the man who took his gold from him…

HE: Max Adamson is a smart man….he managed to persuade GazzyD to make the re-match because he knows Nack is nowhere near 100% after what The Authority did to him last week…

HA: Rumours have swirled about internal injuries and broken ribs but Nate Nack has been coy on the matter….all I know is that this man will not back down from a fight, injury or not….he has his heart set on regaining the championship that was so cruelly taken from him…

Nack tags hands with the fans as he makes his way down the ramp towards the ring. He climbs up onto the apron and nods, with respect, at his opponents before entering through the ropes. A huge “Mighty Mighty” chant rings all around…

HA: So much love for Nate Nack in the Copper Box…

HE: These people are used to backing losers…a little horse in a stallion title race…

Nack watches his two opponents and then “Radioactive” blasts out to a very mixed reaction from the audience. Most boo but there are some audible cheers as Max Adamson struts out on the stage…

HA: One week ago we would have heard unanimous boos for this man…but his actions last week have left the 6CW Universe in limbo….is Max Adamson starting to come around to GazzyD’s way of thinking?

HE: Don’t talk so stupid….I don’t know what Max was thinking last week, going against the Authority, but he would never pander to these fans….Adamson is all about success and he will have his reasons, I am sure, for what went down on the last episode of Anarchy…

HA: Right now we don’t know those reasons exactly…but what we do know is Max Adamson will defend his title against Nate Nack on the grandest stage, as well as Enforcer or GazzyD….first these two men must team together against our tag team champions…

Adamson holds the 6CW Championship up in the air and smiles as pyrotechnics flash behind him. He then walks down to the ring and climbs in to join the rest of the competitors. The referee talks with all four men…

HE: Two teams who are nowhere near the same page, this should be interesting…

HA: If one of these units can co-exist for the duration of this match then you have to back them…but is that even possible right now?

Adamson offers to start the match for his team, which Nack accepts, whilst Masters and Harris argue about who will begin for them. Eventually, Masters steps aside with a smirk and offers to let Harris start…

HA: Scott Harris and Max Adamson to start us out here…

Harris and Adamson lockup in the middle of the ring and Max uses his power to press his opponent back into the corner. He releases and then aims a right hand at Harris but it is ducked and Harris tees off with stiff chops to the world champion’s chest…

HA: Adamson does not want to get in a straight shooting wrestling match with Scott Harris…

HE: He is the world champion, he can do as he likes…

Harris nails a big European uppercut and then tries to whip Max across the ring but Adamson is able to reverse. The Australian follows across but Harris gets both his feet up and catches Max in the face, knocking him back…

HA: Harris has had a poor run of late, two losses in succession, he would love to get back on track tonight…

Harris runs out with a clothesline and then he welcomes Max back up and scoops him into a backbreaker…………………..1……………………2………….Adamson kicks out. Harris pulls Max up and tries to suplex him but Adamson blocks it and then shoves Harris back into the corner…

HA: Masters with the blind tag…

Masters slaps Harris’ back and then springboards into the ring with a flying forearm that wipes Max off his feet. Adamson gets back up and Masters kicks him in the stomach before delivering a solid DDT……………….1………………………..2………………….shoulder up!

HA: 6CW Champion struggling to get his rhythm…

HE: Not for long…

Masters grabs Max by the head but Adamson uses his strength to lift Masters up and flapjacks him back against the turnbuckle. Adamson then pulls Masters out and throws him into a bridged German suplex……………………..1………………………………..2…………………..kickout.

HE: I told you it wouldn’t be long….Max Adamson is the world champion for a reason…

Adamson gets up and lands hard, clubbing, blows across Masters’ spine before offering the tag to Nate Nack. Nack looks shocked as Max gestures for him to take his hand…

HA: I don’t think Nack was expecting Max to be a team player tonight…

Nack takes the tag and quickly climbs into the ring. He whips Masters off the ropes and knocks him down with a solid back elbow before letting him back up and lifting him into a belly to belly slam……………..1……………………..2………………….shoulder up!

HE: Max isn’t stupid…he wants Nate in action because of those injured ribs. The more Nack fights, the more damage he is likely to sustain…

Nack pulls Masters back up but takes three very stiff punches to his ribs. Masters then pulls free and kicks Nack in the stomach before attempting an Irish whip to the corner. Nack reverses but Masters heads straight up the turnbuckle…


Masters corkscrews back and knocks Nate down……………..1…………………2…………..kickout. They get back up and Masters scores with a spinning heel kick before lifting himself onto the second rope and dropping a leg across Nate’s throat……………..1……………….2……………shoulder up!

HA: Mike Masters will not feel overawed by this level of competition….he had two very close calls with the EWF Championship…

HE: But he never officially won it so who the hell cares…

Masters pulls Nate back up and tries to lift him into a suplex but Nate is too strong and manages to block. Nack then throws Masters back into the ropes and rushes at him…

HA: Neat drop toe hold from Masters….

Masters drops Nate across the second rope and then he runs to the opposite side before returning with a flying knee strike to the back.

HE: Every shot is heading at Nack’s body….the tag champions aren’t as stupid as they look…

Harris calls for the tag but Masters ignores him and continues his assault. He uses the ropes to leap up and drive knees down into Nack’s ribs before pulling him into the centre of the ring, hooking his arms into place…


Nack counters with a backdrop and then quickly runs the ropes for a big splash, only to land across the knees of Mike Masters. Nate is in pain as Masters heads for the top rope…

HE: Nack can’t get back up…

HA: Mike Masters senses his chance…..450 SPLASH!

Masters looks annoyed as Scott Harris slaps his leg and receives the tag. Masters is just stood on the top rope as Harris climbs into the ring and quickly runs into Nate with a hard shining wizard…

HE: Tensions continue between the champions…

HA: Harris not happy about being kept on the sidelines…

1……………….2………………Nack throws his shoulder up. Harris pulls Nack up and lands with a hard snap suplex before swivelling his hips and dragging Nate up into a second one. The crowd cheer as Harris repeats the process for a third time…

HA: Each impact is sending blinding pain into Nate Nack’s body…

1…………………2………….Nack manages to kick out again. Harris grabs Nate’s legs and tries to turn him over into a Boston crab but Nack reacts with stiff punches that knock Harris back into the corner. Nate then crawls up and rushes in for a big splash, but finds nobody home…


Nate stumbles back out and is sent flying by a German suplex. Harris keeps his hands locked and drags Nate up again for a second suplex and then, to the delight of the crowd, he succeeds in securing the hat-trick!

HA: Harris is a suplex machine…

………………shoulder up from Nack. Harris gets back to his feet and glares at Masters, who is calling for a tag…

HE: Harris really doesn’t want to tag his partner in…

HA: The differences between these two need to be settled…

HE: Masters was snogging Kelsey Callihan earlier….not exactly something Harris is likely to forget…


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6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sat 10 May 2014, 1:38 am

Harris looks annoyed but slaps Masters’ hand anyway and lets him into the mat. Masters quickly springs onto the ropes and comes down on Nate’s stomach with a sickening foot stomp….Nate is doubled up in pain as Masters runs the ropes and returns with a swinging neckbreaker…

HA: That could finish it…

1……………….2………..Adamson breaks the cover!

HE: Adamson helping Nate…am I seeing things?

HA: Adamson likes to win, the only reason I can explain that…

Adamson leaves the ring as Masters lands a hard punt to Nate’s ribs. Masters then runs the ropes and returns with a jumping butt splash to the body of Nack before dragging him back up once again…

HA: Masters determined to finish this….GRINGO…

Nate battles against Masters’ grip and then manages to swipe his legs and slingshot him into the corner. Masters shows his athleticism to land on the second rope and then he leaps up top…



Crowd: That was awe-some x10

Masters floats back for the moonsault but Nack shows off his power by catches Masters on his shoulders and then detonates with a running over the shoulder cutter (Big Ending). Back live and both men are flat out…

HA: Nate Nack needed that….needed to slow the momentum of the tag champs…

HE: But he is exhausted and his body is racked with pain…

The crowd are applauding both men as they try and crawl toward their respective corners. Harris is reaching as far as he can to tag in from Masters but suddenly Masters kicks up on his feet and moves away from his partner…

HA: What the hell is Masters’ doing….he can’t fight this match alone…

HE: He thinks he can…

Nate suddenly tags in Adamson and the 6CW Champion storms the ring. He rushes at Masters and knocks him down with a clothesline before whipping him hard into the corner. Masters staggers back out and Adamson sends him flying with a huge backdrop…

HA: Masters should have taken that tag…

Masters gets back up and Adamson rocks him with right hands before sending him into the corner again. He follows in but Masters kicks out with both feet and clatters Adamson in the face…Masters lifts himself onto the second rope..

HE: Tornado DDT….maybe he doesn’t need any help…

Masters plants Max and covers……………….1………………………2……………..shoulder up. Masters beckons Max back up and then he grabs his arms…


He tries to turn Adamson around for the “killswitch” but Max pushes him back into the turnbuckle. The world champion then follows up with a monkey flip, which sends Masters back to the centre, and then runs at him…


………Harris is forced to intervene!

HA; Scott Harris keeping this match alive….

Adamson squares up to Harris as the referee gets involved to send the “Sharpshooter” back to his corner. Max then moves over to the corner and he waits for Masters to get back to his feet…

HE: Max wants to show Nate Nack exactly what is coming for him at Night of Glory…..GORE!

Max sprints forwards for the spear but runs straight into a crunching superkick to the face from Masters………………….1………………………2………………….shoulder up.

HA: Masters needs to put his ego aside and tag in Scott Harris, he has to…

Harris is yelling for the tag as slowly Masters begins to crawl towards him. Adamson is holding his jaw and shaking away the cobwebs as Nate Nack shouts out to him…

HE: Whoever makes that tag first is going to have a big advantage…

HA: Both in with a chance…

Adamson slaps Nack’s hand just as Masters gives the tag to Scott Harris. They storm towards each other and trade off with right hands before Nack uppercuts Harris in the stomach and whips him off the ropes….Harris comes back and leapfrogs over Nack before sprinting off the opposite side…

HA: Look at the strength…

Nack benches Harris into the air and then slams him down on the deck before running the ropes and returning with a huge splash……………1…………………2………….Harris kicks out. Nate gets up and signals a belt around his waist…

HE: Fat chance, loser….you’ll never hold gold in this company again…

HA: Time will tell on that….WAKE UP CALL!

Harris floats over the back of Nack and tries to counter with a German suplex but Nate elbows his way free. Harris stumbles around and Nack scoops him up on his shoulders…


Harris drops off the back again and this time scores with a dragon suplex………………..1…………………2……………..shoulder up. They get back up and Harris grabs Nate’s arm…


Nate jumps out the side and shoves Harris into the ropes, causing him to knock Masters down off the apron. Harris turns back around and Nate slams him down on the mat…..and again……….then for a third time….

HE: Nack loves those three slams…

HA: He sure does….setting Harris up now…

Nate Nack lowers the straps on his singlet and then he drags Harris back up to his feet and lifts him into the air…


Harris manages to turn his body in midair and wraps his legs around Nack’s neck, trying to lock in a triangle choke. Nate uses his power to rush into the corner and crush Harris against the turnbuckle…

HE: Harris can be deadly with those submissions if you give him a chance….

Harris slumps against the turnbuckle as Nate backs away and then charges back in with a flying splash….CRUNCH!

HA: Nack found nothing there….

Nate slams into the turnbuckle, as Harris moves, and Max slaps his shoulder for the blind tag. Nack stumbles back to the centre and Harris grabs him….


HA: But Nack isn’t legal….GORE…..GORE…..GORE!

Harris thinks he has the three count but the referee signals that Adamson tagged in. Harris gets to his feet but cannot react quick enough to block the rib-crushing spear…
……………..thr-Masters saves the day!

HA: Mike Masters couldn’t have left that any later….

Masters pulls Adamson up and throws him into the ropes before dropkicking him in the face as he returns. The referee gets involved and begins trying to drag Masters towards his corner as two figures roll in the ring…

HA: What the heck…..OH MY GOD!

HE: I guess The Authority had a message to send…

Jonathan Daniels and Marty Helms are smirking at Mike Masters and then they pull Max Adamson up and deliver a double powerbomb….the crowd are booing as The Authority dump Harris across Max’s chest…

HA: But why are they helping out Scott Harris?

HE: Why indeed….

Masters is stood flabbergasted as the referee turns around and makes the count………..1…………………2………………….3!

HA: Harris and Masters have won this tag team match but everything just got very confusing up in here…

HE: Mr Jones told Max Adamson earlier tonight that he would regret going against The Authority….I guess this is what he meant…

HA: But why help out Harris and Masters?

HE: You’ve seen the same things I have in recent weeks….things are not right between the tag champions….are you seriously telling me there is no affiliation with The Authority?

HA: I’m starting to wonder….

“Survival” blasts out as Harris just slumps on top of Adamson. Mike Masters has his hands on hips, still confused, and then he pulls Harris up and sits him in the corner…

HE: Masters wants answers…

HA: I’m sure Harris does too….Masters was snogging Kelsey earlier…

Masters gives Harris a little slap and then begins to ask what the hell is going on. Harris looks confused and then begins to argue back with his partner…

HA: How on earth can these two continue to co-exist as a team? They are scheduled to defend their belts at Night of Glory against The Authority…

HE: Good luck with that…

The argument continues as Nate Nack sits down on the apron and stares back at Max Adamson, who is holding his back, as he tries to stand. The two men share a stare and then Nack drops to the hard flooring and hobbles his way up the ramp…

HA: And what about Nack and Adamson?

HE: They worked well tonight….but Max has got to start thinking about what he has done….if he apologizes to Mr Jones now then perhaps he can make this go away…

HA: I don’t think Max has an apologetic bone in his body….the war with The Authority will continue, of that I am sure…

Match result: Harris & Masters via pinfall
Match time: 10 minutes, 04 seconds


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6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sat 10 May 2014, 1:41 am

"What happened big man?"

(Hobo is shown walking up to Enforcer ahead of their match as the EWF champ stands outside the office of the Authority. Enforcer screws up his face)

E: You shouldn’t be here

(Hobo laughs)

H: Why not, you and me on screen together. It’s TELE!

(Enforcer smiles briefly but the stern frown soon returns)

E: Those days are passed. I can’t be held back by what happened years ago. Nobody wants to hear about ghost stories, those days are dead and buried

You and me, what we had, that died a long time ago. I’m better than whatever the hell level you are at now. And in five minutes I’ll show the world why you should never look backwards

(Hobo pats Enforcer on the shoulder and puts on his best joker impression)

H: Why, so, serious?

(Enforcer shakes his head)

E: I haven’t got time to talk to washed up has beens Hobo, you keep dragging out the stories of the good old days entertaining the crowd like the clown and I’ll watch from my throne awaiting your execution

(Enforcer walks out of shot. Behind Hobo the office door opens and Gazzy D walks out looking sheepish, he makes brief eye contact with Hobo before scurrying away. Hobo looks at the camera and smiles)

H: Now that’s TELE!!!!!!


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Age : 33

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6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sat 10 May 2014, 1:49 am


Night of Glory II
April 24th 2010

Chamber of Horrors Match
Jerome Dubois vs Cobra

The lights go down inside Madison Square Garden. Blue lights begin to flicker and the crowd pop as The Chamber of Horrors begins to lower. The Chamber surrounds the ring and the fans look on in awe at the sadistic structure. Mike Bird enters the chamber. He looks incredibly anxious as he steps through the ropes.

Henry: Ladies and Gentleman, before this match gets under way, I must warn, this match is not for the faint of heart. This will be an absolute massacre, there will be blood it will be brutal.

Harold: In my entire life I have never seen anything like this. This match will certainly live on in infamy.

MB: Ladies and Gentlemen the following is the first ever Chamber of Horrors match!

Crowd pop

The Aerodynamic bell rings three times. “La Resistance” begins to play and the crowd boo viciously. Dubois walks out onto the Stage and spreads his arms out wide and shouts “Vive la France” Dubois walks cockily down the ramp as the fans throw debris at him.

MB: From Paris France, weighing 275 pounds, he is Le Phenome Francais, Jeerrrrroooooommmmmee Duuuuboooooiisss!!!

Dubois stops at the door and looks nervously up at the intimidating structure. Dubois, slowly and cautiously enters the chamber. Dubois climbs through the ropes and stares up the ramp.

The arena is plunged into darkness. Green white and red pyros explode on the stage. A shower of golden pyros shower down from the ceiling. “If it wasn’t for hate, we’d be dead by now” blasts out through the speakers as Cobra leaps through the shower of pyros and the crowd explode into cheers.

MB: And from Tijuana, Mexico, weighing in at 260 pounds, The Shining Light, Cccoooooobbbbrraaaaa!!!!

Henry: Listen to this ovation!!!

Harold: The fans will cheering louder when you’re sent packing to the unemployment line.

Henry: Shut up and just call the match!

Cobra walks confidently into the chamber and smirks at Dubois before climbing through the ropes.

The atmosphere inside Madison Square Garden is absolutely electric. The referee calls for the bell to start the match.

Henry: Here we go!

Cobra and Dubois circle each other. Cobra goes for a right hand but Dubois ducks it and backs away. Cobra swings at Dubois but Dubois drops down and rolls onto the steel floor. Dubois backs away. Dubois just nudges the electrified wall and immediately jumps and rushes back into the ring only to be met by a vicious round kick from Cobra. Cobra smiles and shakes his head as Dubois falls to the mat. Cobra picks Dubois up and drives him back first into the turnbuckle. Cobra follows it up with a few shoulder thrusts. Dubois falls to his knees clutching at his ribs. Cobra follows up with a knife-edge chop followed by the customary “wooo!” from the crowd. Cobra picks Dubois up and lifts him up into a vertical suplex position and holds him there.

Henry: What a show of strength from Cobra!

Cobra drops Dubois headfirst into the mat with a brain buster. Cobra rolls over on to Dubois back and locks in a camel clutch. Dubois frantically crawls towards the bottom ropes. The ref tells Cobra to break the hold but Cobra just smiles and cranks up the pressure and Dubois screams in pain.

Henry: There’s nothing the ref can do!

Harold: This is completely unfair!

Cobra jumps up and drops down across Dubois’ lower back. Cobra grabs Dubois by the legs and drags him back into the centre of the ring. Cobra picks Dubois up and locks in a full nelson. Cobra lifts Dubois overhead and connects with a dragon suplex. Cobra doesn’t release the hold and rolls through and connects with another dragon suplex. Cobra floats over into a cover. 1...2.Dubois kicks out. Cobra picks Dubois up but Dubois counters with a European uppercut. Dubois bounces off the ropes but Cobra takes him down with a standing dropkick. Cobra waits until Dubois gets to his feet. Dubois uses the ropes to pull himself up. Cobra charges at Dubois but Dubois lifts Cobra over the top rope. Cobra just manages to land on the apron, avoiding the fall onto the barbed wire boards.

Henry: That was a close call!

Harold: Cobra isn’t out of the woods yet!

Dubois charges at Cobra but Cobra ducks and shoulders Dubois in the mid section. Cobra springboards over the top rope into a sunset flip pin. 1...2..Dubois kicks out. Cobra follows Dubois as he stumbles to his feet and hits him with a clubbing blow to the back. Cobra hits Dubois with a knife edge chop and whips him into the ropes. Cobra leaps up and takes Dubois overhead with a beautifully executed hurricanrana.

Henry: What great agility from Cobra.

Cobra gets to his feet and Dubois stumbles round. Superkick! Dubois falls down to the mat and Cobra quickly goes for the cover. 1...2.Dubois kicks out. Cobra drops down to the mat and locks in a front face lock on Dubois. Cobra slowly drags Dubois to his feet whilst keeping hold of the front face lock. Cobra goes for a ddt but Dubois blocks it and takes Cobra overhead with a bridging suplex pin. 1...2.Cobra kicks out.

Henry: Cobra almost got caught there.

Cobra and Dubois both get to their feet. Cobra quickly applies a side headlock. Dubois pushes Cobra off into the ropes. Dubois side steps Cobra and sends him over the top rope. Cobra lands on his feet. Dubois clotheslines Cobra and Cobra falls onto the steel floor. Dubois climbs through the ropes as Cobra gets to his knees. Dubois hits Cobra with a measured kick to the head. Dubois grabs Cobra by the head and drags him up to his feet with a front face lock applied. Dubois lifts Cobra off the ground and cracks Cobra’s skull of the steel floor with a sickening spike ddt.

Henry: What a sick move, Cobra could be unconscious!

Harold: HAHAHA! I love it! Finish him Dubois!

Dubois sits up and looks over at Cobra’s lifeless body and smiles, he then turns his attention to the weapons wall. Dubois lifts a steel chair of the wall. Dubois walks over to Cobra. Dubois lifts the chair over his head and brings it down across Cobra. Dubois follows it up with another chair shot. Dubois lifts the chair over his head again and once again hits Cobra with a big chair shot. Dubois throws the chair into the ring. Dubois uses his foot to roll Cobra under the bottom rope. Dubois climbs through the ropes. Dubois drops down to his knees and goes for the pin. 1...2..Cobra gets the shoulder up!

Henry: It’s going to take more than that to keep Cobra down.

Dubois looks frustrated and claims it was a slow count. Dubois grabs Cobra by the head and lifts him to his feet. Dubois drops down and hits Cobra with a low blow.

Henry: What a disgusting move from Dubois!

Dubois lifts Cobra up and throws him over the top rope. Cobra crashes onto the steel floor. Dubois climbs through the ropes. Dubois grabs Cobra’s legs. Dubois catapults Cobra.


Harold: YES!YES!YES! What do you think of your match now, Cobra!?

Cobra convulses on the floor after having the volts shoot through his body. A sick smile spreads across Dubois face as he looks down at Cobra. Blood begins to pour down Cobra’s face as an added effect of the electrified barbed wire. Dubois smiles and picks Cobra off the floor. Dubois lifts Cobra up and brings him down onto the steel floor with a spinebuster. Dubois picks Cobra up and throws him over the top rope into the ring. Dubois climbs through the ropes. Dubois walks over to Cobra and starts laying in the boots. Dubois goes for the cover. 1...2..Cobra rolls the shoulder up. Dubois slaps the mat in frustration and looks back out at the weapons wall. Dubois stands up and climbs through the ropes. Dubois looks up at the wall. Dubois smiles and takes down a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire.

Henry: It looks like things are going from bad to worse for Cobra.

Dubois climbs through the ropes with the barbed wire bat. Cobra is trying to push himself up but his arms give way. Dubois stares down at Cobra. Dubois lifts the bat above his head and brings it down across Cobra’s back. Cobra screams in pain and Dubois laughs. Dubois drops down to his knees and grabs Cobra’s arm in a chicken wing.

Henry: Dear God! Crossface chicken wing with the barbed wire bat!

Dubois locks in the crossface and rakes the barbed wire bat across Cobra’s already bloodied face. Cobra screams in agony. Dubois starts shouting at Cobra.

JD: Tap! Cobra! Tap! You inbred Mexican pig!

Cobra grabs the barbed wire with his hands and pushes it away from his face. Dubois looks shocked.

Henry: Cobra is willing to go through any kind of torture to win this match!

Cobra gets to his feet and rams the end of the bat into Dubois midsection. Dubois staggers backwards and Cobra drops to his knees. Dubois charges at Cobra but Cobra swings wildly with bat and catches Dubois in the head. Dubois collapses to the ground and rolls around the mat in pain whilst clutching his head. Cobra drops the bat and falls flat on his stomach. Cobra crawls towards the ropes. Cobra uses the ropes to drag himself to his feet. Dubois gets to his feet. Dubois charges at Cobra but Cobra ducks and lifts Dubois over the top rope. Dubois lands on the apron, narrowly avoiding the fall onto the barbed wire boards. Dubois gets his balance and sighs with relief.


Cobra connects with the buzzsaw kick and Dubois falls backwards onto the barbed wire. Cobra looks down at Dubois then across the ring.

Henry: What’s Cobra planning here?..Oh my God!!

Cobra runs across the ring and hits a springboard elbow drop onto Dubois. Cobra clutches at his arm and struggles to free himself from the barbed wire. Dubois screams in pain as he lays strewn on the barbed wire, Cobra climbs through the ropes and stands on the apron. Cobra leans over and grabs Dubois. Cobra slowly lifts Dubois off the barbed wire. Dubois has a bad cut on his right arm. Cobra suplexes Dubois over the top rope back into the ring. Cobra stalks Dubois. Dubois sits up. Cobra throws the Barbed wire bat to Dubois which Dubois catches. Cobra charges at Dubois and connects with a shining wizard, driving the barbed wire bat into Dubois’ face.

Henry: Cobra is putting his own body on the line just so he can punish Dubois!

Harold: The blood is pouring from Dubois’ head!

The barbed wire has ripped through Dubois’ flesh and the blood begins to pour out of the wound. Cobra staggers forward clutching at his leg. Cobra mounts Dubois with a crazed look in his eyes. Cobra starts laying vicious punches to Dubois’s head. Cobra stands up and stares towards the weapons wall. Cobra walks over to the wall and his eyes fix on one item. Cobra takes down the Singapore cane to a loud pop from the crowd. Cobra glares over at Dubois. Cobra slowly climbs through the ropes. Cobra walks over to Dubois and raises the cane above his head. Cobra cracks the cane across Dubois back. Dubois rolls towards the ropes clutching his back. Cobra follows Dubois and delivers another devastating shot with the cans. Dubois scurries over to the ropes and desperately tries to pull himself up with the ropes. Cobra winds up with the cane and cracks it across Dubois’ head. Dubois collapses to the mat.

Harold: All Cobra is proving is he is nothing but a common thug!

Cobra drops the cane and walks across the ring. Cobra climbs through the ropes and goes back to the weapons wall. Cobra lifts down a Table covered in glass. Cobra slides the tables under the bottom rope. Cobra climbs through the ropes. Cobra sets up the table near the turnbuckle. Cobra sees Dubois struggling to pull himself up using the ropes. Cobra walks over to him and boots him in the skull. Cobra drags Dubois over to the table and lays him on it. Cobra grabs Dubois by the head and lays in some right hands. Cobra climbs slowly up to the top rope, the match has clearly taken a lot out of him. Dubois rolls off the table and clubs Cobra in the back.


Crowd: Holy Poopie! X10

Dubois falls down into the corner. Cobra lays strewn on the remnants of the glass table. Dubois uses the ropes to struggle to his feet. Dubois stumbles over to Cobra. Dubois slowly lifts Cobra off the mat and synches in a gutwrench.

Harold: CULTURE SHOCK! This one’s over!

Henry: 1...2...thr Cobra kicked out!!!!!!!

The crowd pop hugely as Cobra somehow manages to roll the shoulder up. Dubois sits up in disbelief. Dubois seethes with anger and grabs Cobra’s head. Dubois starts screaming “I’m better than you!” at Cobra. Dubois lifts Cobra off the mat and once again synches in the gutwrench.

Harold: Here comes another Culture Shock!!

Henry: SNAKEBITE!!!!

The replay shows Cobra dropping down Dubois back and connecting with the Snakebite. Cobra slowly crawls over to Dubois and drapes an arm across Dubois’ chest. 1...2...3!

Harold: He kicked out!!! YES!!!

Henry: What is it going to take to end this match!?

Cobra rolls over and slowly drags himself over to the ropes. Cobra rolls under the bottom rope. Cobra drags himself to his feet. Cobra takes a ladder down off the weapons wall. Cobra tries to get the ladder off the top rope. Dubois dives on the end of the ladder and it catapults into Cobra’s face. Cobra falls backwards onto the steel floor. Dubois drags the ladder into the ring. Dubois rolls out of the ring and drags himself over to the weapons wall. Dubois takes down a black bag. Dubois struggles to his feet and throws the bag into the ring. Dubois clambers into the ring. Dubois sets up the ladder and picks up the black bag. Dubois opens the bag and pours the contents onto the floor.

Henry: Thumbtacks!

Harold: HAHAHA! The end is nigh for Cobra!

Dubois turns around and sees Cobra trying to drag himself through the middle rope. Dubois laughs and picks up Cobra’s Singapore cane. Dubois walks over to Cobra and raises the cane in the air. Dubois cracks Cobra across the back of the head with the cane. Cobra falls into the ring. Dubois slowly drags Cobra to the top of the ladder. Dubois shouts “IT’S ALL OVER!!” as the crowd boo viciously. Dubois synches in the gutwrench. Cobra manages to fight out of it and smashes Dubois’s head off the top of the ladder.

Henry: Cobra was playing possum.

Harold: Come on Dubois, you can still win this!!

Cobra turns his back to Dubois and hooks both his arms...


Cobra rolls over onto his stomach and slowly crawls towards Dubois’ lifeless body. Cobra drapes and arm across Dubois chest.

Crowd: ONE...TWO...THREE!!

The ref calls for the bell and immediately calls for medical help.


“If it wasn’t for hate, we’d be dead by now” blasts out through the speakers. The medics rush down to the ring.

Henry: This match is mercifully over, in all my years as a wrestling commentator I have never witnessed such brutality. It looks as if Cobra has proved his point.

Harold: Cobra has proved nothing! Cobra chose this match because he knew he couldn’t match Dubois’ wrestling talent!! Dubois is clearly better than that Mexican criminal!

The medics roll both Cobra and Dubois onto separate stretchers. The medics take both men out of the ring and rush up the ramp to the back


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6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sat 10 May 2014, 1:53 am

Main Event
Enforcer vs Hobo

HA: All set for what promises to be one heck of a main event….

HE: I’d like to think of it more like a retirement match….once Enforcer is through with Hobo I doubt that stinking tramp will ever wrestle again…

HA: So much history between these two men….such a backstory….but their paths have taken very different directions in recent years…..

HE: This won’t be a cosy Trash TV reunion…someone will get hurt tonight and that someone will be Hobo…

The crowd roar as “Don’t fear the reaper” screams out of the speakers, accompanied by a procession of fireworks. Hobo makes his way out onto the stage and he raises a fist in the air, smiling warmly at the ovation he is afforded…

HA: We found out earlier tonight that Hobo will be a part of the ladder match for the International Championship at Night of Glory…

HE: I have no idea why….he won’t win, he doesn’t cut it anymore….I wish someone would just tell him that and have done with it…

HA: Hobo has been more than competitive since he returned to 6CW last month…he has just as much of a chance as the other seven superstars involved in that match…

HE: More of a chance than he has tonight…

Hobo rolls under the bottom rope and then climbs to his feet as “Saturday Night” bursts out to a thunderous chorus of boos from the 6CW faithful. Enforcer makes his entrance, EWF belt around his waist, and he scowls at Hobo…

HA: These men were at one time THE tag team in this industry….Trash TV set records in 6WF but that was a long time ago, their friendship has never been the same since…

HE: Because Enforcer realised he was a superstar in the making and got tired of doing lame comedy with a man who lives in a cardboard box…Trash TV was years ago, about as relevant as the company it started in…..fact is, Hobo was a big name back then….Enforcer still is a big name….it tells you all you need to know…

Enforcer removes his vest and throws it to the ground before climbing up onto the apron. He unstraps his world championship from around his waist and goes toe to toe with his opponent….

HA: Earlier tonight Enforcer found out that his chances of becoming Undisputed Champion are still alive….if he can successfully defend his championship against GazzyD at Night of Glory then he will be added to the 6CW Championship bout later in the evening….

HE: Mr Jones has always believed in Enforcer and that decision proves it…at Night of Glory Enforcer is going to prove why he is the best in the business…

HA: And tonight?

HE: Do you even need to ask? A foregone conclusion…

Enforcer and Hobo continue to stare at each other as the bell sounds to start the match. Their eyes are locked and neither man moves an inch until Hobo offers out his hand…

HA: Hobo at least has a little respect…

HE: Slap him down, E…

Enforcer looks at Hobo’s hand and then around at the crowd. He seems a little disgusted and then slaps Hobo’s hand away…

HA: He thought about shaking it…

HE: No he never…

Hobo looks out to the crowd, smiling, and then shrugs his shoulders before spinning and rocking Enforcer with a huge right hand. Hobo follows up with three more punches and then tries to whip Enforcer across the ring…

HE: Hobo can’t match E’s power…

HA: But he can match his fight…

Hobo comes back and ducks under a clothesline before rushing the opposite side and returning with a flying crossbody block. They get back up and he delivers a Russian legsweep…………1………………….2…………..kickout. Enforcer gets back up and Hobo knocks him down with a clothesline before dragging him up into a suplex………………..1………………..2……………shoulder up!

HA: Hobo rolling back the clock….is this ’09 again?

Hobo lands a kneedrop to the head of Big E and then bounces back off the ropes and returns with a hard kick to the head. He makes his way over to the corner and starts to climb to the top…

HE: Enforcer knew what Hobo was doing….read him like a book…

Enforcer is back up and he swipes Hobo’s legs, crotching him across the top rope. Big E then uses his power to slam Hobo down from the top and onto the canvass…Hobo holds his spine as he gets up and is taken down by a huge running hammer-fist………..1……………….2……………….kickout!

HA: Enforcer will look to impose his physical style on this match….yep, here we go…

Enforcer begins to stomp down on Hobo with real intent. He goes after any part of the body he can reach, backing Hobo into the corner, and then he stomps a brutal mudhole to the stomach. The referee intervenes on the count of four and Big E just laughs…

HE: Enforcer wants to send a message to GazzyD….this is what is coming at Night of Glory….

Hobo tries to cling to the ropes as Enforcer grabs his legs and launches him out into the centre of the ring, causing Hobo’s head to bounce off the canvass. Enforcer then goes to the apron and climbs to the top…

HA: Enforcer’s turn to take to the skies…

HE: He won’t mess around….


Enforcer leaps off for a crushing elbow drop but Hobo avoids contact by rolling away. Enforcer is doubled up in pain as Hobo grabs his arm and rolls him into a mahistrol cradle……………….1………………….2…………….shoulder up!

HA: Hobo almost caught the world champion cold…

They roll back up and Enforcer looks for a big boot but Hobo catches his foot and slams it down before lifting Big E into an inverted atomic drop. He nails a four punch combo and follows up with a solid elbow to the top of the head…


Enforcer staggers back into the corner and Hobo clatters into him with a back splash. The crowd are cheering as he beckons Big E towards him…

HE: Lookout ‘E…

HA: Hobo has won championships with this move….HOBO CUDDLE!

Enforcer elbows his way out of Hobo’s grip and then he backs away before sprinting back at his opponent…

*Crowd cheer

HA: Not what Enforcer was looking for…

Hobo pulls down the top rope and sends Enforcer toppling over to the outside of the ring. Hobo then bounces back off the opposite ropes and returns with a baseball slide which sends Big E rolling across the concrete floor…

HA: Hobo showing no fear…he knows Enforcer inside, out…

Hobo climbs out onto the apron and then stands on the second rope. He looks down at Enforcer on the floor before launching himself through the air…


Crowd: That was awe-some x10

HA: Shades of Mick Foley right there…

Hobo lands the flying elbow drop to the outside of the ring, really hammering his elbow into the heart of Enforcer. Hobo does a mock “bang bang” taunt before rolling back into the ring and out again to break the count…

HE: He really is dumb….he didn’t even try and take a count out victory…

HA: Hobo doesn’t want to win this match like that…

HE: You take what you can get against Enforcer…

Hobo drags Big E by the head and tries to pull him back towards the ring apron. He tries to swing Enforcer’s legs up but the EWF Champion turns his body and knees Hobo straight in the stomach…

HA: That took some wind out of the sails…

Enforcer staggers over to the steel steps and drops to his knee, catching his breath, as Hobo regains his composure and rushes forwards….BOOM!

HE: Take that, tramp…

Enforcer sidesteps and sends Hobo into the steel steps, his knees cracking the metal with real impact. Hobo is doubled up in pain as Enforcer rags him up and throws him back into the ring…

HE: Now he is going to experience real pain…Enforcer is not playing around…

Enforcer pulls himself up on the apron and then he shows agility to launch himself over the top rope and shoulder tackle Hobo to the mat……………1…………….2…………..shoulder up. Enforcer pulls Hobo back up by the head and suplexes him into the air…

HA: Jackhammer….

Enforcer scores with the solid suplex and covers again………………..1…………….2………kickout. Enforcer complains to the referee but is told it was a definite two count…

HA: Hobo won’t just lie down…Enforcer should know that, this isn’t the first time they fought…

Hobo is trying to crawl up as Enforcer lands stiff punches to the back and then whips him across the ring. Hobo comes back and Enforcer lowers his head for a backdrop…

HA: Hobo scouted it…

Hobo stops short and kicks Enforcer in the face before bouncing back off the ropes again and sprinting forward for a clothesline…


Enforcer crunches Hobo into the mat with a big spinebuster…………….1………………..2…………..shoulder up. Enforcer stomps down on Hobo’s chest and stomach before backing to the corner and lifting himself onto the second rope…

HA: Big kneedrop…

Enforcer lands the knee and covers…………..1…………….2………..Hobo kicks out again. Enforcer brushes his hair from his face and breathes before rolling into the corner…

HE: Time to finish this ‘E….this guy is a joke and you know it…

HA: Enforcer has his eyes locked on his target…


Enforcer bursts out for his finisher but Hobo shows great presence of mind to catch Big E on his shoulders and turn it into a torture rack submission…

HA: One of the best counters I have seen in a long time…

HE: This isn’t good…

Enforcer yells out in agony as Hobo contorts his body, driving his shoulders up into the spine. The referee is asking Enforcer if he wants to quit but he violently shakes his head…

HA: Enforcer is in excruciating pain here…

HE: But he is a world champion, he doesn’t lose to cannon fodder like this…

Hobo’s grip begins to slip and he is forced to spin Enforcer out and drill him with a modified falling neckbreaker…

HA: If Hobo could have maintained the submission for a little longer then he may have finished Enforcer there….

Enforcer tries to stand up and Hobo pulls him forwards for a piledriver but Big E swipes his opponent’s legs and then catapults him into the corner. Hobo cracks the turnbuckle and slumps there as Big E takes his time to get back up…

HE: Enforcer just getting his breath back….he’ll take control, you will see….DEATH VALLEY…

Hobo walks out of the corner and Enforcer tries to lift him up but Hobo drops behind and nails a face-first Russian legsweep (Soft shoe shuffle)…
……….Enforcer gets his shoulder up!

HA: Too much of a close call there for the EWF Champion…

Hobo pulls Enforcer up and delivers a double-armed suplex before rolling to the corner and heading for the skies once more. The crowd are taking pictures as Hobo makes the top and comes diving off…

HE: Homeless people can’t fly…

HA: Hobo going unorthodox here…

Hobo tries to change it up and land a flying headbutt but Enforcer is able to roll out of the impact. Hobo is dazed and confused as he tries to get back up to his feet…

HA: Hobo taking a big risk and it got no pay-off….SPEAR!

Enforcer thunders into him with the running tackle………………..1…………………..2……………….kickout. Enforcer punches his hand into the mat and urges the referee to make the correct count…

HA: Enforcer can yell at the official all he wants but it is down to him to get the job done…

HE: Hush your noise…

Enforcer makes his way over to the corner and then crouches down again. His nostrils flare as he waits for Hobo to get back up onto his feet…

HA: Enforcer going for broke….FACECHECK!

Hobo gets his boot up into the stomach, blocking Enforcer’s momentum, and then drills him with a huge double armed DDT…

HA: That just might be enough…

1……………………..2…………………Enforcer throws his shoulder up off the mat in time!

HE: Can you imagine if that nobody had pinned the champion…

HA: If Hobo can pull out a performance like this at Night of Glory then we may be looking at our new International Champion…

HE: Wrestling moves won’t help this pensioner climb a ladder…

Hobo stumbles up and he gives a signal to the crowd before helping Enforcer to his feet. He grabs Big E’s arm and whips him off the ropes before lifting him up as he comes back…


He lifts Enforcer into his arms but the EWF Champion shows his aggression and plants a furious headbutt right between Hobo’s eyes. Hobo staggers around, disorientated…

HE: That was a beautiful shot….DEATH VALLEY DRIVER!

Enforcer dumps Hobo on his head and hooks both legs…

HA: Enforcer picks up the victory….brave effort from Hobo but the EWF Champion is rolling on to Night of Glory…

HE: That result was never in doubt….Enforcer is head and shoulders above the rest of these jokers…

“Saturday Night” is screaming out of the speakers and the fans boo as Enforcer stands tall over Hobo. He snatches his championship belt from the referee and hoists it above his head…

HA: Enforcer showing that in the ring he is as ruthless and as impressive as anyone…it is going to take a serious effort from someone to dethrone him…

HE: Nobody can dethrone him…it isn’t possible….there isn’t a man on the roster capable…

HA: Not even GazzyD?

HE: I won’t even dignify that with a response…

Enforcer then shoulders his championship and calls for a microphone from the ring announcer. He fixes his gaze on the audience…

Match result: Enforcer via pinfall
Match time: 8 minutes, 24 seconds


Posts : 9887
Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Results May 10th 2014

Post by JJJohnson Sat 10 May 2014, 1:54 am

Enforcer: You can all shut up!

*Crowd boo furiously

Enforcer: Last week I was promised a championship celebration for the fact that I am the most dominant man in this industry today…but that never happened. So here tonight, right now, to celebrate the fact that at Night of Glory I will become the Undisputed World Champion…I want to invite the rest of my Authority cohorts out here to party with me…

*The crowd boo even more

HE: I love it….Enforcer is in a party mood…

Enforcer continues to wait for the Authority to arrive but their entrance is not forthcoming. He looks bemused as the Hypertron suddenly bursts to life..

HA: I guess Enforcer is being left hanging here…

*The scene goes backstage and The Authority members can be seen scrambling for Mr Jones’ office, where they quickly lock the door, as Max Adamson comes running down the corridor wielding a steel chair. Mr Hernandez has been left outside the door and he doesn’t even manage to get his hands up in time….CRACK!

HE: Oh no….

HA: Max Adamson is on the rampage in the backstage area…

*Adamson leaves Hernandez in a heap on the floor before smashing the chair repeatedly against the office door, trying to break it open.

HA: The Authority are hiding like the cowards they are….afraid to face Adamson despite their number’s advantage…

HE: Why are you doing this Max?

The scene goes back to the ring and Enforcer looks furious as he quickly makes a beeline towards the ropes. Suddenly “Limelight” by Rush blasts from the speakers and the fans go wild…

HE: This isn’t fair…Enforcer is…

HA: All alone? GazzyD is in the house…

Enforcer is staring up at the stage, waiting, when Gazzy jumps from the crowd. He then leaps onto the apron and springboards into the ring with a dropkick to the back of Enforcer. The EWF Champion crashes into the turnbuckle and then staggers back around…


The roars grow louder as Gazzy dumps Enforcer in the middle of the ring. He then grabs the EWF belt from the canvass and heads to the corner to pose…

HE: That doesn’t belong to you…

HA: Is this a sign of things to come…Max and Gazzy on the same page, are the days of The Authority numbered?

The big screen shows Adamson throwing the chair down on the floor, next to Hernandez, and then walking away as GazzyD continues to celebrate with the crowd to end Anarchy.

HA: Business has picked up….thank you for joining us folks, we’ll see you ten days…goodnight!


Posts : 9887
Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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