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6CW Anarchy 27/2 - Results

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6CW Anarchy 27/2 - Results Empty 6CW Anarchy 27/2 - Results

Post by Paul Mac 6CW Wed 27 Feb 2013, 12:03 pm

The 6CW logo appears on the blank screen, as “Here Come’s the Boom” by P.O.D kicks in. The crowd leap to their feet, and erupt in a chorus of noise as a blue, white, and yellow pyro display goes off.

The camera then pans across the small Copper Box arena as we see just over 3,000 fans with 6CW banners out on display. We then go to ringside where Henry and Harold Lloyd are seen.

HE: Hello Ladies and Gentlemen and welcome to 6CW Wednesday Night Anarchy! I am Henry Lloyd, and I am joined by my co-commentator, my brother Harold Lloyd.

HA: Evening 6CW fans, and what a show we have for you here live on ESPN from the Copper Box centre in Hackney, London!

*6C-Dub chants are heard echoed across the arena

HE: That’s right Harold we are into our fourth edition of Anarchy less than 2 weeks away from our very first PPV! Absolution…..

HA: A fitting name to say the least, and with just 2 hours of this left to go, each and every single member of this roster will want to make an impression here tonight.

HE: It will be filled with mind games Harold, everyone here tonight will want to go into the PPV with the advantage, but more importantly Harold we know what our main event is going to be!

HA: Nate Nack vs Orthrus for the Golden Contract, this could be a huge game changer in regards to the future of one of these two individuals….

HE: More specifically, the “Golden Contracts” means that the victor can literally do whatever he wants! He can’t get fired, he can’t be disqualified in matches, he will have so much power coming out of Absolution… I for one am not sure if that will be a good thing for Andrews and 6CW

HA: Indeed Henry but let’s not get ahead of ourselves, we have some huge matches here tonight. Up first, we have an interesting match up as GazzyD returns to action after being taken out on our 2nd edition of Anarchy, and have yet to hear anything behind who is allegedly behind it.

HE: Biggest question at the moment though is what condition is he in tonight? Is he even medically cleared for the match?

HA: Well there are questions over the validity of the doctor who signed him off, but who is going to stand in the way of Gazzy if he feels he is ready……….

Paul Mac 6CW
6CW Creative

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Age : 44
Location : Born in Surrey, live near Sunderland and work in London

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6CW Anarchy 27/2 - Results Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy 27/2 - Results

Post by Paul Mac 6CW Wed 27 Feb 2013, 12:04 pm

“Porn Star Dancing” hits as the arena as the crowd give a good pop as out strides Dean Andrews with a purpose.

HE: What the? He wasn’t schedule to appear here.

HA: The boss seems peed, must wonder what on earth is he doing out here.

Dean Andrews walks quickly down the ramp, up the steel steps and enters the ring where he grabs a microphone from the time keeper.

*The camera zooms in on Dean Andrews who is seen standing in the middle of the ring scratching his head.

DA: First of all while I am out here tonight, let me just say thank you all for being here tonight. Thank you for turning up to each of our shows because without you none of this would be possible here tonight. To honest with you, I have been blown away by your support, and by how fast the 6CW name is spreading across London.

It’s funny because originally when we were looking for a new home for 6CW, all my advisors, all the money men, the sponsors were telling me to go to the north of the UK…Go to the likes of Manchester, Newcastle, even Birmingham. They told me that’s where all the true wrestling fans are, that is where our market is…First of all I fired the guy who ever thought we should go back to Birmingham, as if a big reputable wrestling company would ever consider basing it’s business in Birmingham.

Andrews has a glint in his eye

I am so pleased that I stood my ground that I insisted that London should become our new home…It is a fitting place. A city where everyone is given a chance to re-invent themselves, and start a fresh. That is exactly what we have done and for that once again I thank you...

*Andrews begins to nervously speak, as he usher’s his words.

But behind everyone success story there are always an element, or individuals more specifically, that are trying to pull you down and drown you….I mean….…ermmm… to put it…..Eermmmm……Excuse me for a second………

*Andrews begins to have a frustrated grin emerging on his face.

DA: I mean is this……this right here, what we do… it ballet?!

*Crowd: No!!!!!

DA: I mean is this some kind of dancing on ice??

*Crowd: No!!!!!

DA: No! You’re dam right. Because as I stand here addressing all of you here tonight, I have a constant fight on my hands, every minute of the day I receive e-mails, phone calls from people telling me I should look into the way I deal with the personnel round here, that my man management skills leave a lot to be desired, that as the boss I should care more for the welfare of my staff….

Andrews is pacing the floor

DA: Now I want everyone to understand one thing…. This right here (Andrews point around the ring) this ring…this is a wrestling ring ……and more specifically this is MY RING!!!!
When I started to pump my hard earned money into this company it was to prove a point…To prove that 6CW never died, and that 6CW had a purpose in today’s society…SO as far as I am concerned, until things change, I am the majority shareholder of this company, and god dam it that means I am the Boss around here and if I want to listen to your opinion then I will ask for it but until that time keep your god dam feelings to yourself.

And I am going to be dammed if I have a bunch of pre-Madonna wrestlers telling me how to do my job, because quite frankly if it wasn’t for me? And the 6CW brand, half the people here would have never appeared on a TV Screen, and the other half would remain in the shadows of professional wrestling as just another “Guy” in the back who wants to reach the top. What that means is that I want everyone who is listening to me in the back to understand one thing perfectly clear…

Don’t push me…..Don’t you dare push me…..As the old saying goes “Don’t Cross the Boss”, because as of right now I have been some what subdued….After the first 3 shows, I have learnt more about each and everyone of you than you could have ever imagined, and I am telling you now I am done observing. If you refuse to do the job that I expect of you then you go hop on over to the 6WF, or go to EWF APW or some other hell hole, hell I don’t care where you go, if you don’t want to be here then just get the hell out of my company!

*The Crowd begins to applaud Andrews

HE: Strong words by Andrews here, he is clearly upset about the Reilly situation.

HA: The Boss is sending a clear message to the locker room here either quit, or be apart of something special.

DA: Because this isn’t the WWE…..this isn’t a PG rated show…No this is 6CW! And dam it when I decided to bring this company back from the dead it was to see some shocking, entertaining, violent TV. That is what the era of “Aggression” is all about. That is what it personifies. I want to bring excitement back to wrestling, and if I have to step on a few toes to do it, then by god, I am going to do whatever it takes! And I am not going to sit back in my office, getting a fat pay cheque while being told by others how to run my company!

Because at the end of the day ladies and gentlemen, I will always put 6CW first…Ahead of everything, because 6CW is bigger than me, it is bigger than anyone of those names in the back, and while we may be the ones who bring the show to you…It isn’t about us, it is about you…The fans who turn up every week, and it is about 6CW. Which is why I am going to continue to run 6CW the way I believe is best…I am going to make the right decision for the business, whether people like the sponsors , Daniel Reilly or any of the others who are trying to tell me how to run my company, likes it or not!!!!!!!!

*Andrews slams the microphone on the mat, he exits the ring and makes his way up the ramp.

HE: Wow….Andrews seems like volcano, things are definitely brewing and he just seems to be one small rumble away from a full eruption.

HA: I would hate to be the person who is around him when that happens!!!!

The show goes to a commercial

Paul Mac 6CW
6CW Creative

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Age : 44
Location : Born in Surrey, live near Sunderland and work in London

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6CW Anarchy 27/2 - Results Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy 27/2 - Results

Post by Paul Mac 6CW Wed 27 Feb 2013, 12:05 pm

Backstage after the break Dean Andrews is walking towards his office when he is approached by Mr Jones

Andrews appears upset by his appearance
DA: What the hell are you doing here?? – I know last week you guys said you wanted to take a more hands on approach but what the hell – It’s like you don’t trust me or something

Mr Jones slowly takes off his glasses, cleaning the lens on his tie he smiles
MJ: Rousing speech out there Mr Andrews really got the blood pumping. Have you ever thought of moving into politics?

Andrews is clearly not happy
DA: You didn’t answer my question, what in the hell are you doing here?

MJ: Now now Mr Andrews, let us keep this civil. I am a business man I do not wish to get embroiled in this brew ha ha. I am here merely as an interested bystander. We have told you Mr Andrews my colleagues and I have no desire to get involved in the day to day running…………. at the moment, but you must understand with such a financial interest in this business it would be absurd if we were not watching things very closely.

As I said last week Mr Andrews, the world of business is constantly evolving, constantly growing. Those who do not look to improve simply stagnate, they go stale. 6CW is not a product we intend to go stale

Andrews reacts angrily
DA: And you think I want that, do you not listen to a word I say, I would bleed for this industry. 6CW is my lifeline and I will make sure that it is the most cutting edge wrestling company in this business

Mr Jones is shaking his head
MJ: Cutting edge, I guess this is where Anarchy comes into it. Yes??

DA: And what’s wrong with the name Anarchy?

MJ: That’s just it Mr Andrews, it isn’t just a name is it? – Anarchy is what you have drilled into the 6CW superstars; it should be a way of life. You want war, you said it yourself. But do you really know the true meaning of Anarchy?

Andrews looks confused

Mr Jones smiles
MJ: I thought not - The word "Anarchy" comes from the ancient Greek anarchia, without a ruler, which means in layman’s terms that you might be able to understand ‘the absence of a leader’.

So really Mr Andrews we shouldn’t be so surprised by this chaos that bounces back and forth show after show – 6CW Anarchy is exactly what it says on the tin

Mr Jones replaces his glasses and goes to walk out of shot

DA: You jumped up little

??: Hello Dean

Andrews turns and his face drops as stood inches away is Daniel Reilly, Andrews gulps in a breath

Reilly has an evil grin etched on his face as Andrews looks on seething

Paul Mac 6CW
6CW Creative

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Join date : 2011-01-26
Age : 44
Location : Born in Surrey, live near Sunderland and work in London

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6CW Anarchy 27/2 - Results Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy 27/2 - Results

Post by Paul Mac 6CW Wed 27 Feb 2013, 12:07 pm

Backstage the camera shows an image of a locker room. As the camera zooms up into the name, the fans begin to boo as it is displayed, in gold writing, Mike "Masterful" Masters.

Alongside the cameraman is 6CW reporter, Timothy Allen. The two walk in slowly. As they walk in, they witness Mike Masters on the phone.

MM: Alright babe, I'll see you tonight. Make sure...wait babe I'll call you back.

As Masters hangs the phone off, he provides a look of confusion on his face as he sees Tim Allen and the cameraman. Timothy Allen begins to speak.

TM: Sorry to interrupt you Mike....

MM: Yeah you should be sorry. Who the hell are you and why are you in my locker room? This place is only meant for important people like myself.

TM: My name is Timothy Allen. I am a reporter here. I'd just like to ask you some questions.

MM: Wait you’re a reporter? Where is that hot blonde that interviewed me the other day. You suck compared to her.

TM: Well she's busy right now.

MM That’s a shame. She digs me. She probably can't control herself around me so she's avoiding. Alright, let’s get this over and done with.

TM: Ok. On the last edition of Anarchy, you suffered your first singles defeat to Jack Hurst...

MM: And let me interrupt you right there squirt. Did Jack Hurst beat? Yeah sort off, kind off. Who were people talking about after the match? Me. In fact, I’m always talked about. The fans can't help but talk about me, you know why? Because my crazy got given talent is irresistible to all viewers of 6CW. You see I handed an absolute beat down to Jack Hurst after our match, and he deserved everything he got. He calls himself gentlemen? Let me tell you something Tim, words of advice. Chicks don't dig gentlemen; they dig guys with amazing good looks like myself. Just look at me, amazing.

TM: Well later tonight, you team with Jack...

MM: No no, you see we’re not a team. A team is people who work together. I definitely won't be working with him. In fact, I don't need him. I don't need anyone. I’m in this business for myself. I mean, what’s Dean Andrews thinking putting the two of us together? He knows we don't get along. The fans don't wanna see me team with anyone, the fans wanna see Mike Masters, and Mike Masters only.

TM: And finally...

MM: You know that's enough from you. I declare this interview over. If 6CW wants a interview, brings the hot blonde reporter over. Then we can get some Q&A rolling. Now get out of my locker room. I've got things to do, people to see. Oh and one more thing, remember this Tim, I’m perfect and your not. Goodbye.

Master’s ushers Allen and the crew out of his locker room and almost straight into the oncoming Jack Hurst

JH: Timothy! Why do we only meet in this arena? We should have a game of squash some time; I'll even play left handed so you have the chance of a point or two!

TA: You continue to baffle me at every corner Jack. While you’re here can we get your thoughts on tonight’s match, we have just heard from Mike Master’s and he was far from complimentary

JH: Rarely does Mr Masters utter a phrase that even provokes a reaction. I'll presume it was something along the lines of "LOOK ME BIG N TOUGH" "I DO BIG STRONG THINGS COS I SCARY" and then some excuse about how losing to me is unimportant, probably all part of some master plan to attack me from behind after the match.

Allen smiles

JH: A strange bed fellow’s match, that’s the phrase for this sort of affair, I believe. I'm not adverse to a stranger in my bed Timothy. I always ask a lady their name, of course, but they just seem so keen to scream mine that it all gets a bit lost. Indeed, tis one of the perks of this job Timothy, every minute in that ring is like foreplay for the ladies watching me, the show I put on is helping me carry on the night after I leave the arena too, and we do have a rather beautiful audience.

TA: But the match itself?

JH: The cretin I shall partner has his uses. The boy is a physical threat, where he lacks subtlety he finds aggression. At the very least watching Masters and Helms lock together in the ring will be a keen interest to nature enthusiasts. The chance to see two hyenas scrap live will be intriguing if not a display of any skill.

TA: What about locking up with recent ally Roman Azrael?

JH: Roman has been a fine ally in the face of these two fools, but I'm keen to step inside the ring with him too. Respect for an opponent makes the match ever more exciting. My path to this place has not had glamour even comparable to facing such an enigma, to test myself against a friend as a foe will be a fantastic opportunity.

I must be off Timothy. That charming Alistair Cook lad is having trouble with his one day game again; a word or two from me usually sees him straight. Wonderful game is cricket, parallels with this sport that many fail to grasp. Whilst the likes of Helms and Masters swing and miss, elegance in motion sees both force and artistry lead to success. Toodlepip

TA: Toodlepip? Jolly good!
Allen looks on confused

We fade to black.

Paul Mac 6CW
6CW Creative

Posts : 6474
Join date : 2011-01-26
Age : 44
Location : Born in Surrey, live near Sunderland and work in London

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6CW Anarchy 27/2 - Results Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy 27/2 - Results

Post by Paul Mac 6CW Wed 27 Feb 2013, 12:08 pm

The crowd cheer as Gazzy D appears on screen as he enters the building; Christy James is on hand with her camera crew

CJ: Gazzy welcome back – How are you feeling coming back here for the first time since you were driven away on the back of an ambulance?

Gazzy darts a look of disbelief at Christy
GD: Wow you’re a bright little sunbeam today aren’t you, full of positivity. Are you going straight from here to the Samaritan hotlines to do the night shift?

Christy laughs nervously
CJ: I am only here to ask what everybody is thinking, I apologise if my questions come across as uncaring – You know I care – I was the one who found you- I still have nightmares about the blood

Gazzy laughs
GD: Yeah there was quite a lot, fair play whoever it was that attacked me did a number on me but he didn’t account for my strength, my will to recover
A normal man would still be resting in a hospital bed but here I am tonight ready for action

CJ: And that brings me to another point, there are question marks over your clearance from the doctor, people are saying that pressure was put on the medical staff to make sure you could return straight away

Gazzy reacts angrily
GD: What are you saying Christy. Don’t beat around the bush, say what you’re thinking!!!

Christy takes a breath

CJ: Did you threaten the 6CW medical staff

GD: I am back Christy, that is all that matters. I am ready for action. Do I look injured???

Christy does not respond

GD: The medical staff made a decision based on the information presented to them. That is all – there is nothing more that needs discussing!!!!

Gazzy slings his bag over his shoulder and makes his away to the locker room, Christy looks saddened as she hands back to ringside

Paul Mac 6CW
6CW Creative

Posts : 6474
Join date : 2011-01-26
Age : 44
Location : Born in Surrey, live near Sunderland and work in London

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6CW Anarchy 27/2 - Results Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy 27/2 - Results

Post by Paul Mac 6CW Wed 27 Feb 2013, 12:09 pm

HA: First action of the night for you now and it’s a treat for the fans as Gazzy D makes his first in ring appearance since the heinous, mystery backstage attack that left him hospitalised. He’s since been given the all clear to return to action, but you have to wonder whether he is really 100%?

HE: After any assault like Gazzy suffered you’re going to be feeling it for some time after, he went through a serious ordeal, Harold. I feel like this is far too soon!

Dylan Wright is already in the ring awaiting the arrival of the fan favourite as the lights dim and the opening of ‘Airplanes’ plays out. The crowd in unison get to their feet as a spotlight focuses upon the curtain and a deafening roar rings out as the Manchester native steps from behind it, grinning broadly.

He yells “I’m back baby!” before proceeding to make his way to the ring, slapping hands with the fans on his way to the ring.

HA: You have to commend Gazzy’s bottle for returning so soon, but it’s obvious that he isn’t 100%. Dylan Wright must be sensing an opportunity!

HE: You can’t hold a guy like Gazzy down, he wanted to come back and it’s up to him to deal with the consequences no matter what happens tonight!

Gazzy rolls into the ring and waves to each corner of the Copper Box and its vociferous reception. He suddenly stops though, like he’s seen someone in the crowd, he looks closer and after a moment shakes his head and turns as the bell rings and Wright flies into him forcing him to the corner.

HA: Gazzy distracted already and Dylan’s not going to pass that opening up!

Dylan takes the attack to Gazzy, firing off with lefts and rights, the referee stepping to split the men. Gazzy is allowed to step out of the corner but already looks dazed…

HE: Gazzy suffered a severe concussion in that attack, and it’d appear that even such a trivial clash between these two men is going to hurt him.

The referee checks on Gazzy, who claims to be ok and steps away as both men lock up, the going is even until Gazzy pulls Dylan in, hitting a knee to the gut and following through with a DDT. Gazzy gets up and favours his head slightly before looking back into the crowd…

HA: It’s like he’s seen someone…

Gazzy returns his attention to Dylan who is just getting up. He hits a knee to the gut once more and then hits a snap suplex, making the cover…

Ref: 1…….2…Kick out!

Gazzy brushes it off and locks in a grounded headlock, forcing the Wright brothers’ head to a painful angle, exerting pressure. Wright battles to an almost vertical base, and looks to break free, but Gazzy is level to it, whipping Dylan to the ropes and flooring him once more with a standing drop kick. Rather than make the cover, Gazzy goes to the ropes and leans on them.

HA: I honestly think this is too much too soon! Gazzy should be recuperating damnit!

HE: Like all wrestlers, he’s stubborn. Too stubborn!

The referee again asks Gazzy if he is ok and Gazzy merely smirks at him, returning to Dylan who is just on his knees after Gazzy’s period of offence. Gazzy goes to pick him up, but Dylan throws an elbow which winds Gazzy as Dylan follows with a couple of jabs and then a left hook to the body, a European uppercut sending Gazzy sprawling to the ropes. Gazzy turns quickly but Dylan catches him with a belly to belly suplex, Gazzy landing with a lot of impact being absorbed by his head.

HA: Ouch!

Gazzy holds his head as Dylan runs the ropes and hits a dropkick to the ribs of the 6CW legend. He rolls him over and makes the cover…

HE: Cover….1………2…….No! Dylan thought he’d taken advantage.

Gazzy continues to hold his head and Dylan hauls him up…

HA: Twist of fate! Right on to the head!

Dylan hits the move made famous by the Hardy’s and Gazzy looks out… Dylan once more makes the cover.

1…………..2…………….Gazzy somehow kicks out, but looks in a bad way.

HE: Gazzy took that Twist of Fate right to that concussed head; every blow could be doing serious damage!

Dylan backs away as Gazzy tries to pull himself up, with the Wright brother opting to run the ropes and hit a knee to the temple, causing Gazzy to crumple to mat again. Gazzy is positioned next to the turnbuckle by Wright, who takes to the top rope.

HA: Here we go…. SWANTON BO…


Wright takes off with the Swanton Bomb and Gazzy, somewhat instinctively, gets his knees up into the back leaving Wright writhing in pain. Gazzy is stirring also as the referee begins a double count.

Ref: 1……………2…………….3…………………4…

Gazzy is using the ropes to haul himself up as Wright is on his knees holding his kidney area…


Both men are up, Gazzy just before Wright. Wright walks flush into a clothesline; he is up straight away but gets dropped by another. Once again he gets up to be felled by another. Gazzy ducks a misguided punch attempt by Dylan and runs the ropes, returning with a head scissor takedown. Gazzy is up before Wright and waits for his opponent to stir as he springboards the ropes and cleans Wright’s clock with a pinpoint drop kick.

Gazzy makes the cover…

Ref: 1…………….2…………….


Gazzy is up and is awaiting Wright to get to his feet when he is then spooked by something behind him on the ramp…

HA: What did Gazzy just see?!

HE: I have no idea? I think it was just a cameraman?!

Gazzy looks to the ramp and begins yelling to the back.



HE: His paranoia nearly cost him there!!

Wright rolls up Gazzy from behind but Gazzy is able to kick out at the last as both men get up, they trade blows but Gazzy gets the best of Dylan, trying to hit a kick to the gut, Wright catches it but doesn’t anticipate the Enzuiguri that puts him to the canvas.

Gazzy once more looks to the ramp, but snaps out of it as he ties up Wright…


Gazzy hits his variant of the Skull Crushing Finale and makes the cover…

HA: Ball game, surely… One, two…..Wright kicks out! And look at Gazzy!!

Wright somehow kicks out, and Gazzy looks stunned. He hauls Wright up, knee him in the stomach and locking the arms…

HE: DEEP IMPACT! Exclamation point! This has to be over!

Gazzy hits the Deep Impact and makes the cover…

Ref: 1………..2……………………..3!

HA: Gazzy wins on his return! But let’s be fair here, it was hardly a vintage showing from the 6CW stalwart, he didn’t look 100% and at times, Henry, he almost looked distracted!

HE: It was odd behaviour from Gazzy tonight, Harold, but at the end of the day, he’s returned with a ‘W’ in the column, and that’s all that will matter!

Paul Mac 6CW
6CW Creative

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Age : 44
Location : Born in Surrey, live near Sunderland and work in London

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6CW Anarchy 27/2 - Results Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy 27/2 - Results

Post by Paul Mac 6CW Wed 27 Feb 2013, 1:11 pm

There is a darkened room; a solitary armchair is shown sat in front of a wall with a projector in front of it. A door is heard opening and closing as a man comes in and sits down, as the projector comes to life. It shows images of Mexico City, Los Angeles, and London and then shows a man mid shooting star press, cameras in the background flashing. The man is Alejandro Suarez.

AS: Life was hard… Being poor, having to steal food, water, cleaning products, it isn’t a life I’d want to wish on anybody. Yet for the majority of my short life it’s all I’ve ever known. Running… Hiding… Praying that I wouldn’t get caught.

In the end, me and my family, we had to get out. We had to leave, we needed to start again and I remember that night like it was yesterday. The night we jumped the border, I’ll never forget it because we felt an exhilarating rush, a freedom that we’d never felt before… It was like saying goodbye to one life and welcoming a new one!

In the background the projector shows a number of mug shots of Suarez in Police custody.

AS: But, you know… Life seldom flips completely… We still went through the same struggles, we struggled to make ends meet and with an elderly mother, an absent father and brothers and sisters that relied on me, I had to make a decision. I had to keep us alive. At any cost…

I did things I regret, I saw things that will stay with me till the grave, but I had to do it, I had to put food on the table, put my family through school. And one day, one day it all changed. I became the thing I didn’t want to become…

What started as a normal job quickly turned sour… We used to intimidate, just coerce money from people who’d wronged us… But this one guy, he didn’t buy it… He saw through us, he knew we were just the brawn of the operation and my leader, my boss… He snapped. Just lost it… He flipped out. It was only meant to be petty crime, but then he turned it up, he pulled out that gun… And he shot the guy square between the eyes… He was dead upon impact… And I just remember the feeling in my stomach as I saw the life leave his eyes and him slump to the ground… And I ran. I kept on running and I didn’t look back.

This life I have now, I feel like I don’t deserve it, I’m blessed to be given yet ANOTHER chance, some people don’t even get a second chance, let alone a third.

But I like to think I’ve earned where I am today. I’ve earned the opportunity to be here. Because I devoted my life to wrestling back in LA, I took to it and once the money started rolling in so I could support my family, I knew this was for me…

Images flash in the background of Suarez in action…

AS: People talked about me, they said I had something… They said I could do things that were unthinkable, but me? I just loved the feeling of taking off across the ring, hitting people fast and hard and the rush, the feeling of getting a win.

And then they started calling me ‘The Superstar’ because I was something, and I quote, out of this universe. And I never let it go to my head, I never developed an ego, I never commanded the main event booking. I just loved doing what it is I do.

And I’m delighted that I’ve been given my shot in 6CW, I’m thrilled. I used to watch in the days of Genesis, the days when Dicey Reilly and Lex Hart were the big names, when Diesel and Drake would go toe to toe, when the likes of Adamson, Prodigy, Triple D would electrify. I watched and I longed to share that stage.

I’ve finally got my chance, it’s finally my time!

6CW, get ready. Because every company needs a Superstar!!

Suarez smiles, looks at the images behind him and walks away as a graphic appears on the screen reading boldly: ALEJANDRO ‘THE SUPERSTAR’ SUAREZ – NEXT!

Paul Mac 6CW
6CW Creative

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Age : 44
Location : Born in Surrey, live near Sunderland and work in London

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6CW Anarchy 27/2 - Results Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy 27/2 - Results

Post by Paul Mac 6CW Wed 27 Feb 2013, 1:12 pm

The scene opens in a darkened room, a flickering candle providing the only light source, the dull glow of the flame lights up the cracked brickwork of the desolate room as the shadows dance across the surface of the walls. Heavy breathing can be heard as a deep voice begins to echo around the room that resembles an abandoned castle dungeon.

“I have sat back and watched the sin for far too long, the world I once loved has become nothing more than a vultures nest with the Godless inhabitants mere parasites picking at the carrion that the demons have left them, their ignorance and greed has bred a blackened heart and it is in need of purification.”

A man steps forward, his face dimly lit by the candle light, his eyes blank, dead almost. Suddenly the camera shakes and the image cuts to him screaming with his head in his hand and then straight back to his blank stare, he continues to talk

“I stand before you as a man with a mission given to him from God, a man who has been sent to rid the world of the darkness that has engulfed his creation, starting with the 6CW I will rid the roster of the evil that is in the souls of the so called superstars."

The camera pans out and the flickering light reveals that the walls of the dungeon have been covered in bible passages

“My name is The Reverend Edward Plague and I am absolution”

Commercial Break

The candle light goes out and the scene fades to black.

Paul Mac 6CW
6CW Creative

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Join date : 2011-01-26
Age : 44
Location : Born in Surrey, live near Sunderland and work in London

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6CW Anarchy 27/2 - Results Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy 27/2 - Results

Post by Paul Mac 6CW Wed 27 Feb 2013, 1:13 pm

HE: Welcome back Ladies and Gentleman and here we are ready for match two of the night and this one should be fast past action with men flying all over the ring and still along side me is my good brother Harold, You looking forward to this one Harold?

HA: Evening Henry and yes I am. As well as looking forward to the big men I love these guys who fly around the ring and put there bodies on the line its just great watch.

'Superstar' plays out and sparks fall from above the entrance way, as Alejandro Suarez emerges, points to the sky, and quietly says "Dios me dé fuerzas" (God give me strength), before running down the rap and sliding into the ring, climbing the turnbuckles to salute the fans.

HA: It will be interesting to see what this kid has to offer with this been his first match up here in 6CW

HE: And also with Cody Wright, with him normally in a tag team with his brother Dylan, Speaking of which here he comes now.

Six Barrel Shotgun by Black Rebel Motorcycle Club hits the arena speakers and pyrotechnics shoot off into the rafters as Cody Wright walks out onto the ramp holds both arms into the air and then tags fans on his way down to then ring and then slides under the bottom rope and climbs the top rope in the other corner of the ring to pose for the fans with Suarez looking on.

HA: High octane, High flying encounter with these two superstars.

HE: Yeah I am expecting this one will be a hum dinger of a match.

The referee gives the signal to start the match as the fans goes wild.

Ding, Ding, Ding.

The two wrestlers gives a hand shake before they go to lock up but Cody steps to one side and knees Suarez in the stomach and then hits a DDT and then urges for Suarez to get to his feet and then Irish whips him to the corner of the ring and follows up with a running knee to the face of Suarez and then quickly jumps up on to the top rope and then hits a legs drop and goes for the cover.


HA: OH so close from Cody, He's all over the newcomer.

HE: Suarez needs a lucky break and fast or this one is gonna be over in a hurry.

The Wright fans boos loudly as Suarez gets the shoulder up before the count of three, Cody then stands up and Irish whips Suarez to the corner of the ring and runs at him with an elbow but Suarez moves out of the way turns round and jumps up and kicks Cody to the back of the head who then slumps down to the mat.

HA: Wow great move from Suarez just the lucky break you were talking about Henry.

HE: And that move was even better Harold.

As Cody is slumped on the mat in the corner of the ring Suarez then runs at Cody and puts both hands on the ropes and swings his feet right in the face of Cody who the holds his hands on his face and rolls out of the ring and then as Cody gets to his feet on the out side of the ring Suarez then puts both hands on the ropes once more and lifts him self over the top rope hitting a spinning cork screw and landing on top of Cody who slumps to the floor and Suarez then stands up and puts both arms in the air as the crowd start to chant "This is awesome".

HE: I agree with the crowd Harold this match is awesome.

HA: It certainly is and after Cody had the better start of the match Suarez is now in control of things.

Suarez then picks up Cody and is about to roll him back into the ring when all of a sudden Cody then comes round and grabs hold of Suarez and rams him back first on to the apron of the ring not once but twice and then rolls Suarez back into the ring and goes for a cover.


HE: Another cover and another kick out from Suarez.

HA: Suarez was on the front foot but not anymore, Whoa I spoke too soon!

As the crowd cheers when Suarez gets the shoulder up Cody lifts up Cody and goes for the power bomb but Suarez then counters with a hurricanrana as Cody staggers up to his feet Suarez then hits a Enziguri and then follows up with a Lion-Sault and goes for the cover.


HE: Holy cow did you see that Harold?

HA: Man that was just brilliant Harold and so close to get the win.

Cody rolls out of the ring trying to get a breather but Suarez runs the ropes and goes for a dive over the top rope but some how Cody delivers a drop kick to the stomach of Suarez and they both crash to the floor on the out side of the ring.

Crowd: Holy S...t, Holy S...t

HE: My god both men down, who is gonna get up first?

HA: What a counter from Cody pure instinct got him out of that move.

HE: And if both men don't get back in the ring this is gonna end up in a draw.

The crowd try to urge both men to there feet as both men struggle to get to the feet as the referee counts to ten.


HE: Both men start to get to there feet, But which one is gonna throw the first punch.

HA: Looks like it’s gonna be Suarez, Ouch or maybe not.

Suarez rolls into the ring at the count of seven to break the count but then rolls straight back out of the ring. Cody gets to his feet Suarez climbing onto the barricade and runs along the barricade and then let’s fly with a high cross body onto Cody, both men crash onto the hard mat

HA: Wow Henry, both these guys giving there all and these crowd are loving every minute of it

Suarez gets to his feet and rolls Cody into the ring, Cody slowly struggles to his feet, staggering towards the ropes as Suarez stands on the ring apron

HE: Oh my god I have never seen anything like that!!!!!!!!!!!!

As Wright approaches, Suarez jumps using the top rope as a springboard and plants Cody with a spinning DDT

Cody is lying prone in the middle of the ring as Suarez climbs the turnbuckle

HA: I have heard about this move, everybody get there cameras ready

Suarez flies from the corner connecting perfectly with the Superstar Press (Shooting Star Press) and hooks Cody’s leg for the cover.


Ding, Ding, Ding.

RA:: Here is your winner Alejandro 'The Superstar' Suarez

HE: All I can say to that is WOW! What a match up, an impressive debut from the young man

HA: Yes Henry what a match great moves from both men Cody showed that maybe he does have a future here after all but Alejandro 'The Superstar' Suarez just had that little bit more on the night.

Paul Mac 6CW
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6CW Anarchy 27/2 - Results Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy 27/2 - Results

Post by Paul Mac 6CW Wed 27 Feb 2013, 1:13 pm

We go backstage to where Timothy Allen is stood with Marty Helms

TA: I am standing by with Marty Helms my guest at this time.

MH: Your guest at this time?? believe me Tim you are the guest here pal, me allowing you this interview, me allowing you my time which could be spent elsewhere and more productively. So yes you are my guest here and I believe you have some questions for me.

TA: Well first of all how do you feel about the upcoming tag match in which you will partner Roman Azrael?

MH: That is a good question Tim what do I make of this match.... well I am more used to partnering Mike Masters as me and him have a certain connection if you will but Roman has proved he is a tough fella and that is something I respect. As for Mike Masters well we know each others strengths and we know weaknesses simply put a mirror or an attractive female in front of Mike and you have him checking himself or the female out.

TA: What about Jack Hurst?

MH: Me and Jack Hurst just don't see eye-to-eye, you see Jack thinks he knows little things about me through what he has heard about me and my time in prison but there is a whole other side and a lot more history to me. Jack you mentioned Cricket to our good friend Tim here when he interviewed you and said I would merely swing and miss well guess what Jack Cricket is one of the first sports I learned how to play and if I say so myself I am pretty damn good at it, there is no swing and miss with me I just hit sixes all day long.

TA: Finally what about the announcement of the fatal four way for our PPV Absolution?

MH: Simply put Tim... I will walkout of Absolution as the victor of the match. I have spent enough time to know I can beat all three of my opponents it is just a matter of time before I am recognised as the star I was meant to be

As Marty walks out of shot the camera focuses on a dark spot a few feet away, as the camera zooms in Roman Azrael steps out of the shadows

TA: Roman my apologies we didn’t see you there, can we get a few words?

RA: I did not want to be seen, your apologies are not necessary

Allen looks a little perturbed by the response

TA: Why are you hiding in the shadows?

RA: I am not hiding; I am seeking solace in an environment that feels like home. I may have exorcised the demons from my past but the darkness still holds some comfort.

The darkness was my home for so long, as I prepare to accept the light back into my life this is where I choose to take my thoughts

This is where I can find my peace

Allen looks on confused
TA: OK, and what about your match tonight? You have been teamed with an unlikely partner in Marty Helms

RA: The world works in mysterious ways, and I am not here to question the what and why’s, I can only strive to overcome each and every struggle I face with the inner strength and will to succeed

The powers that be have seen fit to mix and match, so to speak. In an attempt to create controversy no doubt and to heighten the sense of mistrust within the ranks. I must team with Helms to take on Masters and Hurst, but believe me when I tell you that I am more than attuned to what consequences lay in store when that bell rings.

There is no common bond, except the thirst for success but I am more than sure that that component will not be enough to keep mine and Helms’ eyes on the same page for very long. I have come across men like this before, willing to sell their own family members down the river in the purpose of serving only themselves…a mercenary, a callous and cold individual and there is none more dangerous than them.

*Azrael blinks behind his mask and then stares at the palm of his hand

Azrael: But this is all part of the journey, a learning experience as they say and I welcome it like a new-born brother. For in order to attain the ability for triumph, one must enter through the minefield of betrayal and deceit….tomorrow night is a fantastic opportunity for me to gauge everything I need to know about my closest of rivals.

Because, whilst I may respect a man like Jack Hurst, he is still seeking the same treasures that I am and for that reason I cannot afford to look upon him as an ally. All four of us are targeting superstardom; all four of us are here to prove ourselves in front of the fans and in front of the critics. We may have come from very different backgrounds; with very differing outlooks but our goal is the same…….to climb that mountain, to reach immortality.

A slight smile can be seen from under the mask

RA: In this life there will be those who fight for good, those who fight for evil, those who wear the masks of disguise, hoping to lead you into a false sense of security........and those who wear the mask in order to protect everyone that they have ever cared for. It takes a trained hand to notice these things, but when you have fallen victim to deceit like I have, then you will be able to tell the difference

Azrael bows his head, collecting his thoughts for a moment

RA: I am not a noble man, I am not your archetypal hero....I do not fight for honour, I fight for what is right, I fight for what I believe in.

There will be times when you do not agree with my actions, or you do not understand my methods...but this is my calling and I will do whatever I have to in order to restore a sense of righteousness to this industry once more.

Azrael walks out of shot leaving a rather confused Tim Allen looking at the camera

Paul Mac 6CW
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6CW Anarchy 27/2 - Results Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy 27/2 - Results

Post by Paul Mac 6CW Wed 27 Feb 2013, 1:14 pm

Nate Nack is backstage with Christy James, Nate is dressed in jeans and a ‘Mighty Mighty’ T shirt

CJ: Nate it’s great to see you so happy- Six weeks into your 6CW career could you have asked for a better start?

NN: Too be honest Christy it has exceeded even my wildest dreams. I had a few things I wanted to achieve when I agreed to come to 6CW and already I am finding I have to re set my goals and aim even higher. It’s been fantastic, I’m loving every minute.

CJ: And what about the family at home. How have they taken to your new found fame?

NN: They have been so supportive. It’s been hard for them, I’m so far away and the only chance we get to speak is on Skype or on the phone. Apparently they’ve got posters of me up in all the local shops and when you drive into Omaha there’s a sign that says ‘Welcome to Omaha – Home of 6CW superstar Mighty Mighty Nate Nack’.

It’s surreal, it’s all happened so fast.

CJ: That’s something I wanted to touch on Nate. How do you keep grounded, who keeps your feet on the ground?

Nate smiles
NN: Emma

CJ: Is she your special someone?

NN: You know what Christy, Emma is just awesome. She knew how much this means to me and she has supported me every step of the way. She has moved half way around the world just so I can chase my dream

She’s amazing. I don’t know what I would do without her

CJ: And what has she had to say about the prospect of you winning the golden contract?

NN: She has already picked out her first pair of Loubertins

CJ: So she has expensive tastes, a girl after my own heart

NN: She deserves to be spoilt; if I win I’ve got a special gift planned. But I’m not saying anymore than that

CJ: Very secretive, our viewers will just have to watch this space then. But looking back at the match itself how do you make sure your concentrating on the match in hand, you’re in a very dangerous match tonight, are you fully prepared

Nate puffs out his chest
NN: I am always ready for the next challenge Christy and tonight is no different. I have a great partner and tonight we are gonna go out there and get the job done or my name isn’t ‘Mighty Mighty Nate Nack!!!!!!”

Nate leaves Christy facing the camera
CJ: Back to ringside

Paul Mac 6CW
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Location : Born in Surrey, live near Sunderland and work in London

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6CW Anarchy 27/2 - Results Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy 27/2 - Results

Post by Paul Mac 6CW Wed 27 Feb 2013, 1:15 pm

HE: Welcome back Ladies and Gentlemen and thank you Christy for that exclusive interview!

HA: Forget the interview Henry! We have a huge match up next! We get to see 4 men in action next in a huge tag team match.

HE: That’s right Harold, tonight they may be friends, but come 6CW first PPV Absolution they will become bitter enemies.

HA: Could we see some alliances form here tonight Henry?

HE: Could do, I mean we have already seen Helms, and Master hanging around each other. Forming some sort of friendship.

HA: Well it will be put to the test come Absolution!

“Sirens” begins to echo across the arena, as the arena turns to a red chrome colour. Out comes Marty Helms, with Mike Masters by his side to a chorus of boo’s from the crowd.

HE: Well if there were ever any doubt about partnerships forming, Helms, and Masters are sending a strong message to Azrael and Hurst!

The two men raise each other arm in the air as “Champion” then plays. The two men dash down the ramp and slide into the ring. Masters is seen doing a handstand in the corner as he shows off in front of the crowd, as Helms stretches against the ropes.

“Prince Charming” hits as out comes with a cane in hand as “He Is Charming” chants are heard. Hurst bows to his audience as he descends down the ramp where he spots an attractive lady. Hurst make his way over and wraps his scarf around the lady as he then kisses her hand as she blushes as he walks off.

HE: While Helms, and Master’s may have a partnership, we mustn’t forget that Azrael saved Hurst from imminent danger a while ago, and if there is one thing Hurst has shown is an abundance of heart and determination.

HA: Hurst cannot be discarded Henry, he is the wild card in this match. I don’t personally we have seen everything he has to offer, but one thing for sure, he will look to get some revenge.

Hurst is seen waiting on the outside of the ring as Helms and Masters are seen trying to bate him into the ring. The lights then go out as the arena erupts into cheers. A lone voice echoes out “And now revered audience, the show begins". Jets of purple rockets shoot high into the air before exploding, then a spotlight shines to the rafters and all eyes from the audience turn upwards. As the light flicker is figure is seen kneeling on a turnbuckle. As the lights turn back on Azrael is seen perched on the top rope.

Hurst then grabs Helms ankle and drags him on to the outside of the ring as the two men begin to brawl. Masters then turns around as Azrael leaps off the top rope with a dragonrana.

HE: Azrael flying in out of nowhere!

HA: Masters didn’t see that one coming! And look at Hurst and Helms brawling on the outside.

HE: Hurst is taking it to Helms!

Hurst is seen hitting some stiff shots on Helms, as Helms tries to dash away, but Hurst chases. Helms then slides into the ring only to be met by a flying low drop kick sending back to the outside of the ring where Hurst is seen picking him up and driving him spine first into the apron. Helms swings a wild right but Hurst blocks it and hits a knee thrust to the gut and then clobbers Helms back as he stumbles down to one knee. Hurst then slowly back away and measure Helms up as he charges in with a running knee shot to the side of the head.

Meanwhile in the ring, Azrael is seen hitting some rapid kick to the gut in the corner on Masters. Azrael then delivers an Irish whip in the corner but Masters counters and delivers one of his own. As Masters charges behind, Roman leaps onto the top rope and counters with a corkscrew senton. As he goes for the pin, but the ref is seen on the outside telling Hurst to go to his corner, allowing Helms a chance to recover.

HE: The referee is trying to get this match under control.

HA: Can you blame all hell has broken loose! Hurst and Helms on the outside, Masters and Azrael on the inside! We haven’t even got the match underway yet!

As Hurst is seen backing away, and moves into his corner the referee slides back into the ring and rings the bell.

Ding Ding Ding!

HE: The match is finally underway!

Azrael drags Masters to his feet and hits another kick to the gut, and then drags him to his corner and smashes his head on the turnbuckle, as Hurst gets tagged in. Hurst enters the ring. Hurst hits a snapmare, and then runs the ropes to hit an enziguri on Masters. Hurst then takes out his mirror as he observes himself he looks down at Masters and says “If you break my mirror the bad luck is yours!”

*Hurst chant are heard across the arena.

Masters is seen back up to a vertical basis as Hurst hits a stinging chop across the chest, but Masters responds with a thumb to the eye, as Hurst stumbles away. As Hurst turns back around, Master who is seen clutching his abs charges in with a clothesline but Hurst ducks under. Masters then comes off the ropes as Hurst goes for a big back body drop but Masters rolls across the back. Hurst then turns around

HE: What a disaster kick!!!!!

HA: Beautiful counter there by Masters!

Masters then viciously stomps on Hurst, keeping the resident gentlemen grounded. Masters then drops a series of hard elbow drops as he then kip back up. Masters then stares at Helms in the corner who is fresh and full of energy, as he then makes his way over and tags him in. Helms is seen climbing to the top ropes as then slowly rises and leaps off hitting a flying head butt on Hurst as he then goes for the cover.



Kick out!

*Crowd: Let’s got Hurst!

Helms then mounts Hurst and hits a series of ground and pound elbow shot to Hurst head as he methodically beats him down. Helms then drags Hurst to his feet and slowly backs him into the corner. Helms smiles and then slaps Hurst across the face showing complete disrespect. Helms trashes Hurst, as Hurst shows seen of life hitting a series of rapid shot to the head as he goes Charm Offensive, Helms counters with a stiff uppercut sending Hurst stumbling back into the corner.

Helms rushes over and hits a running big boot on Azrael who was standing on the apron, as he flies off and lands on the barricade. Masters is seen cheering his partner on, as Helms then flies into the corner with a huge shoulder shot to the gut on Hurst. Helms then climb onto the second rope and hits ten shots to the head as he then grabs Hurst head and hits a flying swinging DDT from the second rope.

HE: What a move! Helms going for the cover!!!




Paul Mac 6CW
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Location : Born in Surrey, live near Sunderland and work in London

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6CW Anarchy 27/2 - Results Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy 27/2 - Results

Post by Paul Mac 6CW Wed 27 Feb 2013, 1:16 pm

HA: No Hurst bravely gets the shoulder up!

HE: I can’t believe that! Helms and Masters certainly dominating this match though, clearly their friendship and understanding of each other is shinning through here.

Helms looks up to the sky, as he drags Hurst to his feet, and tags Masters in. The two men hit a double vertical suplex, as Masters then goes for another cover.



Shoulder up!

Masters picks Hurst up and goes for a swinging neck breaker but Hurst shoves Masters away as Hurst stumbles against the ropes. Masters comes flying back in but Hurst pulls on the top rope sending Masters flying but lands on the apron. Hurst then groggily moves away as he then turns around to check on Masters, who is seen leaping on the top rope and flying through the air with a huge springboard forearm on Hurst. Masters then smiles and signals the end as he drags Hurst back up and props him on his back

HE: Masters going for the Gringo Killer here!

HA: Hurst breaks free!


HA: Out of nowhere!!!!

*6C-Dub chants echo through the Copper Box arena.

The two men are seen lying motionless on the mat, as Azrael gets back up on the apron and encourages Hurst on, as Helms observes from the outside. Hurst crawls towards his partner as he leaps in the air and tags Azrael in. Masters does the same but Helms leaps off the apron avoiding the tag to Masters horror. Masters then turns around as he is met by a combination of punches and kicks. Masters then swings a right but Azrael ducks under and hits a roundhouse kick that catches Masters off guard.

HE: What a kick!

HA: Screw the kick I can’t believe Helms has abandoned his partner!

HE: Clearly thinking about impressing at the PPV!

Masters is seen trying to deliver an Irish whip, but Azrael counters and delivers one of his own. As Masters comes off the ropes he goes for a clothesline, but Azrael counters and lock a crossface out nowhere, in the centre of the ring.

HE: Masters is stuck!!!

HA: Cross face!!!!! Cross face locked in!!!!

Masters tries to crawl towards the ropes but Azrael intensifies the pressure as Masters taps out!

HE: He taps! He taps out!!!!

HA: My god!!!!

Hurst slowly gets back into the ring as the two men celebrate as the fans erupt in to a chorus of cheers.

HE: What a match!

HA: What a message they have sent to Masters and Helms!

HE: What a..


Crowd: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!

HE: Come on!!! The match over!!!!

Helms is seen sliding a chair to Masters as he enters the ring behind Azrael and Hurst as he hits a huge steel chair shot on Azrael. Masters groggily gets back up, and as Hurst avoids Helms chair shot, he dashes right into Masters swinging shot! Helms unleashes with fury various chair shots on Azrael, as suddenly Masters enters the frame and shoves Helms away.

The two men argue as Masters asks “What the hell Happened during the match”, Helms apologies as the two men eventually shake hands. Helms then picks Hurst up and raises him in the air.

HE: Jackhammer!

HA: Hahaha! The Helms/Masters Connection is back!!!!! It isn’t about the win/loss ratio it is about weakening your opponents!

Helms then drags Azrael to his feet and hits a Jackhammer on him as well as Masters smiles and applauds Helms on. The two men the shakes hands again, as Helms raises his arms in the air turning towards the fans.

*Crowd: You suck!!!


HA: The hell!!!!

Replay shows Masters leaping on the second rope and hitting a huge disaster kick on the back of Helms head knocking him out cold.

HE: Out of nowhere! Guess Masters didn’t appreciate Helm’s trick during the match!

HA: he is going to regret this!

HE: Well the most important thing Harold is the image. Masters is the only one standing in the ring, as 3 men lay motionless on the mat. But will this be the result at Absolution?

HA: I have no idea but one thing for sure you can’t pick a winner out of these 4!

Commercial Break

Paul Mac 6CW
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Location : Born in Surrey, live near Sunderland and work in London

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6CW Anarchy 27/2 - Results Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy 27/2 - Results

Post by Paul Mac 6CW Wed 27 Feb 2013, 1:18 pm

After the break Dennis Hart is backstage preparing for his match, as he turns the corner he knocks into the oncoming Dylan Wright

DH: Watch where you’re going clown, has nobody told you it’s only 6CW superstars allowed back here. Long haired grease monkeys are out front with all the other layabouts and time wasters

DW: And has anybody told you that security normally work the doors not the corridors

Hart steps forward to face Dylan just as Cody turns the corner

CW: Whoah Whoah Bro what’s the beef. I thought we were gonna go grab some nachos and get some gaming started?

Hart smiles
DH: That’s it run along and play with your toys, leave the serious competition to the grown ups

Cody steps to Hart
CW: Yo what you trying to say??
Hart laughs
DH: What I am saying homes, is that you and your brother are a sorry excuse for competitive wrestlers. You are an embarrassment to the industry and should leave the in ring action to professionals like me

DW: That’s right is it…. Care to back up your words with actions???

DH: What do you suggest?

DW: Well like you said Cody and I aren’t fit to lick your boots so you won’t have any trouble beating us at Absolution in a two on one handicap tag match

Hart has an evil smile

DH: It will be my pleasure

Paul Mac 6CW
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Location : Born in Surrey, live near Sunderland and work in London

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6CW Anarchy 27/2 - Results Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy 27/2 - Results

Post by Paul Mac 6CW Wed 27 Feb 2013, 1:19 pm

HA: Welcome back to 6CW Anarchy, I am led to believe that we are going backstage where our ‘colleague’ Garry Grant is presenting another inept………. sorry in depth character assassination of a 6CW superstar

The scene changes to a mocked up interview studio backstage, the camera is focused on a close up shot of Garry Grant who is seen smiling into the camera. The camera begins to zoom out slowly revealing Grant’s purple suit with a white shirt.

GG: Good Evening ladies and Gentlemen…Welcome to another fantastic addition of “The Critics Chair” where we look to dig deep into individuals characteristic, and use my ability to reveal specific weaknesses. My guest tonight is a man who paid the price of the Era of “Aggression” as he was viciously assaulted on Anarchy a month ago…

He is none other than GazzyD…But before I bring our my special guest tonight, let me take you back into the past as we look to dissect what occurred on a night that GazzyD will surely never forget.

A Video begins to play

Daniel Reilly is stood smiling in the centre of the ring

HA: This doesn’t feel right. Something is definitely going on here.

HE: I am being told there has been an incident backstage HA.
Christy we’re coming to you

The big screen turns on, Christy James is stood backstage she has tears in her eyes and is struggling with her words

CJ: There was so much blood
I didn’t know what to do, he was just lying there!!

The crowd are silent as the camera moves past Christy to reveal the shocking scenes

Paramedics are knelt on the floor frantically working away

Para1: Give us some space. Where is the ambulance???

Sirens can be heard

Para2: The ambulance is outside but it can’t get any closer. We are going to have to move him

The first paramedic looking worried shakes his head

Para1: He has suffered a severe trauma to the head if we move him we risk additional blood loss and the potential for further injury. My first concern is the safety of the patient

The second paramedic who is a slightly more elderly gentleman sees the camera crew and whispers in the ear of his colleague

Para2: I think it best we do this at the hospital. The patient is still unconscious and his best chance for recovery is at the medical facility

The first paramedic nods as the stretcher arrives

Para1: Protect the neck, careful. He has lost a lot of blood can we get the I.V. ready?

The camera crew manage to break free from the crowd and get a clear shot to reveal a bloody Gazzy D lying motionless on the stretcher.

The entire arena takes a breath as Gazzy is lifted into the awaiting ambulance, the doors are slammed and it drives in to the night.

The camera re focuses on Christy who is sobbing uncontrollably

Back at ringside

HA: Oh my god. I really don’t know what to say. Gazzy D has been the victim of what appears to be a brutal assault. I know it’s early but my bet is on that man standing in the ring.

Daniel Reilly has been watching the footage very closely, an evil smile on his face.

HE: Daniel Reilly has shown in the past just how far he will go to inflict pain and suffering to an opponent, he has to be the prime suspect

The Video Ends as we go back to Garry Grant in his studio.

GG: Shocking scenes…..Well, without further delay let me bring our guest tonight. Ladies and Gentlemen Gazzy….D!

GazzyD makes his way out and sits on a high stool next to Garry Grant as the two men shake hands.

GG: Thank you for allowing us this time.

GD: No problem….

Grant leans back on his chair.

GG: First and foremost how are you feeling?

*Gazzy sniggers.

G: Every day Garry since that attack I have been in a constant battle with myself. The mind is sharp, wants to push forward, move on from what happened, but unfortunately when it comes to my in ring performance at the moment, I am just no able to do what I want to do…In others words the body isn’t following the mind because it just isn’t able.

*Grants smiles as he stares into Gazzy face.

GG: It is funny you mention that, it is almost like you are already making excuses in regards to your return to the ring since you have been back in 6CW.

*Gazzy becomes nervous

G: I am not a man to make excuses Garry.

GG: No I don’t think you quite get me Gazzy…because what I mean is that ever since you have returned to 6CW trying to re-launch your career, and prove your worth to this company, when I stare at you in your eyes I question you. I question whether or not Gazzy that fire, that passion, and determination is still there.

G: Passion Garry? Really, I mean I have only competed in two matches, the first a four way where Daniel Reilly handed Orthrus the victory and the second tonight which I won.

GG: That may be the case Gazzy, but the old you would be in second rate matches with a second rate tag specialist, the old you would be in the main event right now. Regardless of physical condition the old you would have overcome that vicious attack. The old you GazzyD, would not be sitting here today, making excuses for his lacklustre performances. The old

*Gazzy cuts Grant off.

G: Well the new me is telling you to shut the hell up! You can’t keep trying to compare me to the past Garry. What I have done, what I have built has been fantastic. I did things that nobody would have ever believed, or deemed possible. Should my career end tomorrow, I could happily say I would have no regrets.

GG: So you’re settling for mediocrity?

G: I am a former 6CW World Heavyweight Champion, something that very few people are in this world. While you may say and believe that I have lost my passion, my drive, my determination, I say just watch me. Watch me Garry because it is doubters like you who add fuel to my fire. And that flame is going to grow, and grow, and grow, and eventually someone is going to get burnt!

GG: You speak a big game, but to be honest once again you’re just not convincing me.

G: Garry 2 weeks ago, I wasn’t even medically cleared to compete!

GG: So why make excuses? Why compete?

G: Because that is the type of man I am. I was not going to sit in my hospital bed while whoever attack me roam free on Anarchy. Roam free around 6CW, around the company that I helped put on the map…Make no mistake about it Garry, I came back to Anarchy, back to 6CW for one purpose, and one purpose only.

Whether I have to search down all of these god dam hallways in the Copper Box arena. I am going to find that man who took me out. I am going to find that man who busted me open, as I lay motionless in a pool of my blood. This is no storyline cowpat…This is personnel Garry…This is a war…..If Andrews wants “Aggression” dam it I am going to give it to him each and every Wednesday Night Anarchy until I find the man who did this to me….

GG: But do

*Gazzy cuts Grant off again.

G: Do you know how many stitches Garry?

GG: No…quite frankly I don’t really care.

G: 16 stitches…….16 that will leave a scar for the rest of my life…..I will make sure to return the favour........

Grant is already looking over Gazzy’s shoulder; he yawns and checks his watch

GG: Oh is that the time already, wow this has been great, good luck with your crusade then….I best think I end this here, before we bore our viewers to death with you. Thank you very much for tuning in to this week addition of “The Critics Chair” I am Garry Grant….Goodnight!

As the interview ends Gazzy grabs Brant by the shirt
G: What are you trying to pull???

Grant feigns fear and shrugs his shoulders

GD: You invited me here; you wanted me to tell my story
Make a plea to the fans, to the locker room you said. What was that cr@p??????

Gazzy has kicked over his chair, his fist clenched as he readies for attack

??: Put him down Gazzy

Grant smiles
GG: Yes Gazzy, put me down, do as you’re told now. Be a good little boy

Gazzy turns to see Dean Andrews stood beside him

DA: Let go of him Gazzy. I did not agree for your early return for you to attack my backstage staff.
You asked me to have a quiet word with the medical team, you guaranteed me you were ready to come back. But now you throw that trust back in my face with this!!!!!!

Gazzy let’s go of Grant who is still smiling from ear to ear

GG: You are merely a puppet just like the rest of them, run along Pinocchio; Gepetto wants his wooden boy back

Gazzy lunges at Grant who takes a step back

DA: Gazzy do you want me to suspend you????

Gazzy turns with a scowl

DA: You are on thin ice Gazzy; you need to think about what is important.
I agreed for you to return on the proviso you were physically and mentally ready to continue in 6CW which based on your performance tonight and your state here now I have serious reservations about.

I promised you I would do all I could to help you find who attacked you but you have to hold up your end of the deal
I want 6CW to be at the top and I need all my superstars at the top of their game, I can’t afford to carry any dead weight, we are only as strong as our weakest link

Gazzy snaps
GD: Are you calling me the weakest link??????

DA: I am saying that like everyone else you are still on trial, you may have been a big part in the history of 6CW but you still have to prove whether you should be part of its future

GD: What are you proposing???

DA: Absolution is only ten days away and you still don’t have a match

GD: Give me Reilly!!!!!!

Andrews smiles and rubs his chin as the crowd cheer

DA: If we find that Reilly was to blame for your attack then I will be happy to serve him to you on a silver platter but at the PPV I have an altogether different type of challenge for you

GD: I’m ready for anyone, name him

DA: At Absolution it will be Gazzy D one on one with the newest ‘superstar’ in 6CW

Alejandro Suarez!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The crowd cheer at the prospect of such a mouth watering match, Andrews pats Gazzy on the shoulder as he walks past

Commercial Break

Paul Mac 6CW
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6CW Anarchy 27/2 - Results Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy 27/2 - Results

Post by Paul Mac 6CW Wed 27 Feb 2013, 1:21 pm

Back from the break and the camera shows Dean Andrews walking into his office as he sits down at his desk, there is a knock at the door

Andrews sighs wearily
DA: Come in

The door opens and in walks Blade, Blade is dressed in jeans and a Sheffield United shirt. Andrews asks him to take a seat but Blade continues to stand

DA: I don’t get you Blade. One minute you’re playing the clown, the next you’re breaking into my arena and holding impromptu Main Events

I don’t know what to make of you – In the ring you’ve impressed me, but then there’s this – You don’t look like a superstar, the way you carry yourself. Are you really 6CW material??

Blade narrows his eyes and goes to speak but is cut off by Andrews

DA: I see something in you Blade but you need to start showing it more often. I need to see that you can be a part of this company for years to come. I need to start seeing aggression. I want to see how much this means to you

B: This means everything to me!!!!!!!!!!
This company means everything to me. I would do anything for 6CW!!!!

DA: Prove it – I want you to show me what this means to you.

B: You want to see how much this means to me then give me Brown

DA: I don’t follow you Blade; you will be facing him tonight in the Main Event

Blade slams his fist on the desk

Blade: No give me Brown one on one – You want to see how much this means to me
Put me in the ring with Brown at Absolution

You want to see the best of me??
I’ll show you exactly what I can do!!!!!!!!!

Andrews smiles
DA: That’s what I mean, that’s what I wanted, you’ve got a deal.

Andrews stands and shakes Blade’s hand

DA: Absolution, Blade vs DeMarcus Brown

Blade is grinning as there is another knock on the door and in walks Mr Jones
MJ: Mr Andrews I think we need to talk

Dean Andrews looks nervous
DA: Can you not see I’m busy

MJ: I am sure whatever your dealings with this fan are can wait

Blade turns
B: Fan??? – My name is Blade, I am a proud part of this roster, I am part of the 6CW old guard

Mr Jones looks unimpressed
MJ: So you were part of the reason this failed last time???

Blade goes to react but Andrews steps in
DA: Thank you Blade, don’t you have a match to prepare for

Blade stands for a second staring at Mr Jones before nodding and walking out of the door

DA: Are you trying to upset all my staff!!!!
What the hell do you want now?

MJ: We need to speak about the PPV – A number of concerns have been raised that I need to bring to your attention

DA: What do you mean concerns, the line up for the PPV is off the chart in fact I had just finalised another mouth watering match for Absolution right before you barged in

MJ: Yes that is one of the things we need to speak about
We have questions about whether you are using the roster to its full potential we feel that you may be stifling them with all this talk of minimum wage interim contracts

Our competitors are watching and we have reason to believe they are ready to swoop with considerable offers for our major talent

As you know we have persuaded Daniel Reilly that his future lies with 6CW but we are not here to negotiate with the entire roster on your behalf. Talent management and development falls under your remit, and from where we are standing it is another thing you are failing to manage adequately

DA: What do you mean; I have created an environment of continuous improvement. A permanent 6CW contract should really mean something, it should not be something that can be handed out like jelly beans

Just look at the Golden contract tournament, it has brought out the best in everyone who has stepped in that ring

Mr Jones snaps
MJ: But what is it giving back to the company!!!!!!

The fans are getting great matches, the superstars are offered riches beyond their wildest dreams, but what do we get????

Where is the payback?

I………..We are concerned that you are running this company on a week by week basis, that you have no long term vision

DA: This is my company, what gives you the right to tell me how to run things?

Mr Jones smiles calming himself down
MJ: I heard your little speech earlier and couldn’t help but notice a minor detail you got wrong. Unless you deliberately meant to mislead everybody?

Andrews looks confused
DA: What do you mean?
MJ: You may be the General Manager of 6CW Mr Andrews but what you failed to reveal to the fans is the fact that you are not the majority shareholder in 6CW, yes you may have the largest single number of shares but that doesn’t give you the controlling vote

As you know there are more parties involved than just us and yourselves

And by the terms of our contract it must be the majority view of the trinity of investors when any major decision is made, you may be enjoying the freedom of the day to day running but I think it’s time we added some more stability to this ship

Andrews is fuming
DA: What do you mean stability???

MJ: It may be too late to make any changes before Absolution but on the first Anarchy after the PPV we want to see how you plan to take this company to the next level

DA: They won’t stand for this, they have my back, you can’t do this

Mr Jones laughs
MJ: You may carry favour with the third investor at the moment but as we said the world of business is a vicious place to be, even the best of bed fellows one day could be at each others throats the next

Enjoy Absolution Mr Andrews because come the 20th March things around here are going to have to change

Good day to you

Mr Jones turns on his heels and exits the office, Andrews picking up a glass throws it against the closing door

Paul Mac 6CW
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6CW Anarchy 27/2 - Results Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy 27/2 - Results

Post by Paul Mac 6CW Wed 27 Feb 2013, 1:23 pm

Back at ringside

HA: Wow what huge news just now, even more developments to the behind the scenes set up of 6CW

A third mystery investor – Andrews is clinging onto control by his finger tips, ten days away from the first PPV of the new 6CW era and the battles in the board room are matching the action in the ring

What does this all mean for the future of 6CW???


Harold looks over to his brother who is strangely quiet

HA: What’s the matter Henry you seem even more nervous than normal

Henry is looking over his shoulder and staring up at the lights
HE: This is when it usually happens

HA: What are you talking about

HE: That guy in the mask, that anonymous bloke, this is when he normally makes his appearance

HA What???

HE: That guy in the creepy V for Vendetta mask – You know the lights go off and then we get all those strange messages

We are you
They are us
We are coming

HA: OK ………… well it doesn’t look like he’s coming, do you want to wait for him to turn up or are we ok to continue, maybe I should check under the ring for you just to put your mind at ease

Henry is still looking around the arena, and then he goes to stand

HA: Henry – Sit down, for god sake, concentrate!!!!!!

Harold shakes his head as his brother nervously retakes his seat
HA: Ladies and Gentleman a huge match next on Anarchy

Henry is still silent
HA: Henry!!!!!!!!!

HE: Errrrrr, yes sorry of course Harold, OK yes where were we?????

Suddenly the video screen emits white noise and the screen fades into static

HE: Oh my god here we go I told you

A white mask appears on the screen, the one matching the vignettes from the earlier weeks, it remains motionless for a few seconds as the crowd wait...and then an electronic stylised voice echoes out...

We rise!
We fall!
We conquer!
We surrender!
We live!
We die!
We work!
We play!
We laugh!
We cry!
We love!
We hate!
We will!


*The camera cuts to the crowd, there’s the occasional fan now wearing a similar mask dotted amongst the audience*

We demonstrate!
We innovate!
We replicate!
We stimulate!
We cultivate!
We aspirate!
We perpetrate!
We propagate!
We officiate!
We discriminate!
We castigate!
We eliminate!
We liberate!
We educate!


*The camera cuts again to the crowd, several more fans have now got Guy Fawkes masks on as the video continues to play*

We are the sum of all!
We are the voice in your head!
We are the face in the crowd!
We are the minority!
We are the majority!
We are the meek!
We are the people!
We are the fallen!
We are the risen!
We are the question!
We are the answer!


*The camera goes again to the crowd, now it’s a mass of identical faces, each and everyone wearing the mask and collectively they begin to speak...*

We are Legion!
We do not forgive!
We do not forget!

Expect Us!

The arena descends into darkness and when the lights come up normality has resumed

HA: I’ll give you that one Henry that was weird!!!!!!!
Let’s go to a commercial break whilst my brother recomposes himself and maybe gets a fresh pair of pants

Paul Mac 6CW
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6CW Anarchy 27/2 - Results Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy 27/2 - Results

Post by Paul Mac 6CW Wed 27 Feb 2013, 1:24 pm

HA: We are back Ladies and Gentlemen, normal service has been resumed and what a match we have for you now

HE: Yes Harold this could easily be a Main event on some other shows and that just shows the level of talent we have now in 6CW

HA: Both men suffering indifferent fortune so far in 6CW, Dennis Hart started strongly in reaching the Semi Final of the Golden Briefcase tournament, some would say they were surprised that he fell at the final hurdle when he lost to Orthrus last week

HE: And then we have Daniel Reilly, back from what was really a self imposed hiatus but one that has meant he now returns in a position of real favour with the mysterious group of sponsors

HA: But how much the events of recent weeks have affected his concentration is yet to be seen

HE: Well we won’t have to wait much longer to find out

Stratovarious - We Are The Future blasts out of the speakers as Dennis Hart walks out onto the top of the ramp, walking towards the ring he cracks his knuckles

HA: By no means a fan favourite but he is definitely held in higher regard than this man

As Hart climbs into the ring, Big Things Poppin by T.I starts to play and the arena erupts into a chorus of boos as Daniel Reilly walks through the curtain, he has a grin from ear to ear; cracking his neck he slowly walks towards the ring his focus firmly on Dennis Hart

HE: He looks ready, no doubt about that

HA: No one doubts his ability Henry, it’s just the massive ego and everything else that comes with it. Don’t forget Daniel Reilly was once the biggest hero to these 6CW fans but he threw it away for his own greedy thirst for success

Ding, Ding, Ding!

Reilly and Hart meet in the middle of the ring and lock-up, Reilly is forced back by Hart’s power. Reilly falls into the ropes; he places his body between the middle and 2nd rope forcing Hart to step back. Reilly moves away from the ropes, Hart runs in and Reilly cuts him off with a boot to the gut. He throws Hart onto the apron before hitting a spike DDT. He hooks the leg.

HE: Reilly looking to end this quickly

Ref: 1.............2...kick out!

Hart powers out of the pinning predicament, Reilly drags him up to his feet and then whips him into the ropes, Reilly bounces off the ropes and then nails a leaping knee on the rebound. Hart falls to the mat; Reilly again runs the ropes and drops an elbow down into the chest. Again he covers.

HA: Electric start from Daniel Reilly, showing no ring rust from his week off!

HE: It will be an interesting contest; we know that Reilly cannot compete with Hart in terms of power so he will have to use his speed advantage.

HA: One thing for sure is that neither of these men will give in easily, two of the most resilient stars in 6CW!

Ref: 1..........2.....

.Kick out!

Again Hart kicks out; Reilly waits for Hart to rise before going for a German suplex. Hart blocks, he then spins out of the hold and then drops Reilly to the mat with a headlock takedown. Hart places Reilly into a grounded rear waist lock, he drops a couple of knees into the back before lifting Reilly up, Hart then nails a German suplex of his own.

Ref: 1............2.....

Kick out!

Reilly kicks out; Hart gets to his feet and immediately starts stomping away on the head of Reilly who rolls backwards towards the corner. Hart drags Reilly up and then nails a big spear; he follows that up with a series of short, sharp, stiff shoulders driven up into the abdomen.

Reilly slumps down and Hart once more stomps away on him until the referee steps in. Reilly pulls himself up using the ropes, he walks forward straight into a Gorilla press slam from Hart who then bounces off the ropes and connects with a big running forearm smash that takes out Reilly.

Ref: 1...........2.......

Kick out!

Hart looking to slow the match down, hitting a few more stomps into the gut before placing Reilly into a seated abdominal stretch. He hits a couple of knees into the back using Reilly as leverage before hauling him up to a vertical base and connecting with a big pump handle slam. He hooks the leg.

Ref: 1...........2.......

Kick out!

HA: Reilly is taking some real shots here, he is showing great strength to absorb the power of Dennis Hart

Hart retreats to the corner, he waits for Reilly to rise before running in going for a spear which Reilly manages to leapfrog over the top. Hart spins around and Reilly counters with a big spear of his own! He pummels away at the head of Hart until the referee steps in.

Hart staggers up to his feet following the punches; Reilly boots him in the stomach and then connects with a DDT!


Ref: 1...........2.......Kick out!

Daniel Reilly waits for Hart to get to his feet before hitting a hard knee to the gut. Hart keels over and Reilly lifts him into the air...

MW: Vicious pile-driver!

Ref: 1..............2...........

HE: It’s over, it’s over

Paul Mac 6CW
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6CW Anarchy 27/2 - Results Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy 27/2 - Results

Post by Paul Mac 6CW Wed 27 Feb 2013, 1:26 pm

HA: No!!!!!!!!!!

Kick out!

Reilly drags up Hart, he sets up for his finisher but Hart counters with a desperation clothesline before dropping to his knee.

HE: This match taking so much out of both men, neither of them is willing to give an inch

HA: Say what you like about these two but they are great competitors, and they have put on a great match tonight

Both men stumble to their feet, Hart swings with another clothesline but Reilly ducks

Reilly quickly boots Hart in the stomach

HE: Spine buster from Reilly, is that the beginning of the end?

Ref: 1.............2............

HE: No Kick out again, great resilience from Dennis Hart

Hart just manages to get the shoulder up; Reilly lifts up Hart and puts him into a sleeper hold.

HA: Reilly feeling that Hart doesn’t have much left, he’s trying to squeeze the life out of his opponent

Reilly trying to get the move fully synched in but Hart counters and drives Reilly’s back into the turnbuckle, Reilly bounces out of the corner but Hart counters with a huge boot to the skull. Reilly collapses down, Hart covers.

Ref: 1...........


HE: Oh my god neither of these men will stay down

Reilly gets the shoulder up again, Hart drags up his opponent and sets up for the Out you go but Reilly drops down the back and connects with a Russian Leg-sweep!

HE: Back and forth contest here! Reilly with the quick pin, he’s got the tights

Ref: 1............


Kick out!

HA: Hart with the shoulder up just at the last minute.

HE: I really can’t call this one

HA: Reilly has the momentum but that can change in an instant

Reilly picks Hart back up to his feet but Hart rakes the eye and levels Reilly with a throat thrust
HE: Just like that!!!!

Hart stands over Reilly waiting for him to rise before nailing him with a huge German suplex. Hart then climbs up to the top rope. He steadies himself

HA: Foreign territory for Hart, desperation move,


Reilly staggers to his feet and Hart leaps from the corner and connects with a double axe handle

Ref: 1...........


HE: Surely this time

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6CW Anarchy 27/2 - Results Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy 27/2 - Results

Post by Paul Mac 6CW Wed 27 Feb 2013, 1:26 pm

HA: NO Kick out again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hart frustrated retreats to the corner as Reilly stumbles up. Hart goes for the kick but Reilly blocks it.

HA: Nobody home!!!!!!!


HA: What a counter!

Ref: 1...............



Ding, Ding, Ding!

HE: And like that, from nowhere Reilly picks up the win that is why he is one of the most dangerous men in 6CW

HA: It looked like he would be making a losing return tonight Henry but he was able to counter and just like that the match is over

Hart bangs the mat in frustration before rolling out of the ring; Reilly climbs the turnbuckle, a sly grin across his face as the crowd boo

Suddenly ‘Faith’ booms out from the speakers and ‘The Ronster’ walks out of the curtain and onto the top of the ramp to huge cheers. Reilly’s grin changes to a scowl

HA: What is he doing here?

HE: I don’t want to think about it Harold, the man is a joke!!!

Ron lifts the microphone to speak
R: Welcome back Daniel

You are probably wondering what I am doing here??
Ron pauses for dramatic effect

R: I am here tonight with an olive branch

As impressive as your win tonight was, your record, unlike mine is not perfect

As the most dominant man on the 6CW roster I want to offer you a chance
A once in a lifetime opportunity
A chance to face a big name at the first 6CW PPV since its return

Ron is smiling as he looks at all the faces around the arena

R: Me!!!!!!!!!!!

HA: Oh my god is he drunk??

HE: Does he have a death wish??

Ron is smiling
R: Absolution – March 10th

Daniel Reilly vs The Ronster

Welcome to the big leagues Daniel!!!!

Faith starts to play and Ron exits through the curtain leaving Reilly looking bemused in the ring

HA: I’m not sure what I’ve just witnessed. Is that match actually going to happen??

HE: I hope not for Ron’s sake


Paul Mac 6CW
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Location : Born in Surrey, live near Sunderland and work in London

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6CW Anarchy 27/2 - Results Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy 27/2 - Results

Post by Paul Mac 6CW Wed 27 Feb 2013, 1:27 pm

Ron is backstage when Dean Andrews comes storming up to him
DA: What the hell, you think you can just make PPV matches now when ever you like, does nobody respect my authority round here!!!!!!! – First those two useless Americans and now you

And against Reilly, do you have a death wish?

Ron scoffs loudly
Ron: I’ve already beaten him once; this is just the exclamation mark. You told us to go out there and grab the opportunity. I am seizing my moment!!!

Andrews is shaking his head in frustration
DA: Are you kidding me?? – You’re head is almost as big as that pot belly

Ron looks at his stomach sheepishly
DA: You didn’t beat him; he only quit to make a point to me
You won by count out, I know you were badly beaten but surely you remember that??

Do you really think in a one on one match you stand a chance against Daniel Reilly?
Ron he’s gonna kill you

Ron is starting to panic
R: Well just undo the match – Say I was suffering concussion, anything, come on Dean, you said so yourself, this is ridiculous

Ron laughs nervously as Andrews eyes narrow

DA: You’ve made your bed now lie in it!!!!!!!!!

The camera focuses on Ron who is literally shaking in his boots as we cut back to ringside

Paul Mac 6CW
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Location : Born in Surrey, live near Sunderland and work in London

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6CW Anarchy 27/2 - Results Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy 27/2 - Results

Post by Paul Mac 6CW Wed 27 Feb 2013, 1:27 pm

He: Well folks, we're almost done for another show, but first we've still got the big one. It’s Main Event time

Ha: And what a match up we have in store. Its tag team action between 4 of the best that 6CW has to offer as Blade and Nate Nack take on the team of Orthrus and DeMarcus Brown

He: Well let’s not waste any time, here we go

The lights in the arena go down as Hell starts to play, the near 7ft figure of Orthrus rises up through a cloud of mist to the boos of the crowd. He walks slowly down to the ring and then pulls himself up on the apron and climbs in the ring over the top rope as the lights come back on

He: Just look at this guy. 6ft1, nigh on 350lbs. A monster of a man

Ha: There's nobody on this roster, not even Nate Nack who we'll see shortly that has the strength that this man possesses.

The booing increases in volume as 'Gangster rap made me do it' and a lone spotlight illuminates DeMarcus Brown. He turns to face the crowd, his face mostly covered by his hood and a bandana as he starts to cockily stroll down to the ring

He: This kid has impressed. We've been going what? A month and a half so far and this guy has been the star of the show for me. His no nonsense attitude makes him one of the toughest guys here in 6CW and I don't say it lightly when I say this guy is destined to be a champion one day

Ha: I don't disagree but it won't be any time soon after he was cost his place by Blade in the Golden briefcase tournament last week

The mood in the arena quickly changes and the look on Browns face quickly changes from cockiness to disgust as 'I do what I want' starts to play and Blade walks out to the cheers of the crowd. He surveys his opponents and then walks down to the ring tagging the hands of the fans. He stops at the foot of the ring and looks at his opponents who are inviting him inside

He: Blade has been around long enough to fall for this, as good as he is this would be too much

Ha: Not just for Blade, for anybody

Again the volume increases as 'Unbreakable' blasts from the speakers and Nate Nack walks out, he forgoes his usual show of strength and walks straight down to ringside

He: Well these two not wasting any time, we got ourselves a match

The two men shake hands and then slide in the ring and instantly take the fight to the heels. Nack starts to trade blows with Orthrus as Blade and Brown target one another. The referee is trying to regain some sort of control but quickly loses control as the two teams continue the war.

In one corner Orthrus has turned the tables and has Nack pinned against the turnbuckle driving his knee against his midsection whilst in the other Blade finds himself on the receiving end of a vicious beat down by DeMarcus Brown. Orthrus backs away and allows Nate to get to his feet and then runs at him

He: Nobody home with the big splash then, and now Nack clotheslines the big man to the outside of the ring

The crowd cheer as Orthrus is evicted to ringside and then he turns and pulls Brown off of Blade. The two trade rights in the centre of the ring as Blade gets back to his feet and then Brown quickly exits the ring himself to the jeers of the crowd

Ha: Clever from DeMarcus, he seen the numerical advantage and got himself out of there

Brown and Orthrus are talking at ringside as the official urges one of them to get inside the ring. Orthrus climbs in and Nack talks Blade into letting him start. The Two Golden Briefcase finalists circle each other in the centre of the ring before tying up. Orthrus forces Nack into the corner of the ring and then cleanly breaks on the referees command

Ha: Cheap shot

The crowd boo as after they break the tie up he drives an elbow into the skull of Nack. He drags him out of the corner and knocks him to the mat with a short arm clothesline and then drops his huge leg across the neck and head. He thinks about the pin but drags him back up to his feet and then throws him back down with a scoop slam before hitting another leg drop and then hooks the leg



Nack kicks out a pretty slack cover from Orthrus. The big man gets to his feet and drags Nack up before tagging Brown in. They push Nack against the ropes and then whip him across the ring before knocking him down with a double shoulder charge. Orthrus exits the ring as Brown picks Nack up and chops him across the chest. He kicks him in the mid section and then pushes him against the ropes,

Ha: Reversed

Nack reverses the Irish whip sending Brown against the ropes and then he hits a big back body drop. Brown rushes back up to his feet but is knocked down with a clothesline, he gets up and is knocked down with another and then he throws him down with a scoop slam.

He: And here comes Blade

Nack tags Blade in who jumps the ropes and then goes on the assault. He directs several frantic left and right hands as Brown can only try and protect himself and the referee has to order him off

He: Blade is like a man possessed. These two have really gotten into a heated rivalry these last few weeks and its threatening to boil over here

Blade is furious and continues to try and attack Brown as the referee keeps him held back. He manages to fight his way around and then closes in on Brown, the crowd boo as DeMarcus gets a thumb to the eye temporarily blinding Blade. However the crowd quickly turns to cheers again as Blade thwarts the advancing Brown and sends him flying through the ropes to the outside of the ring, Blade bounces off the opposite ropes


Blade runs and soars over the top rope with a spinning suicide dive. He gets straight back up and high fives some of the crowd in the front row and then slides in and out of the ring to stop the referee counting out. He picks Brown up and then rolls him back in the ring, slides in and covers him



Brown throws his arm in the air on the two count and Blade gets straight up' He lifts Brown and drags him over to his corner and tags in Nate Nack. Blade Irish whips Nack into Brown who staggers out of the corner and is knocked down by a dropkick from Blade. Nack goes for the pin again




Paul Mac 6CW
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6CW Anarchy 27/2 - Results Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy 27/2 - Results

Post by Paul Mac 6CW Wed 27 Feb 2013, 1:28 pm

Brown kicks out again and Nack lifts him to his feet, he kicks him in the gut and then connects with a fisherman’s release suplex. He stalks Brown as he tries to get to his feet and then positions himself behind him; he locks his arms up over his head in the full nelson before lifting him and driving him down to the mat. Nack tags Blade back in

He: Nice team work here from Blade and Nack staying fresh and not giving their opponents any time to impact

Ha: very clever as well as both Orthrus and Brown are dangerous individuals and right now they're nullifying that threat

Blade comes in but Brown gets a thumb to the eye before rushing and making a tag to Orthrus. The big man comes in but Blade takes his leg from underneath him with a dropkick to the knee and then a Shining wizard. He whips him into the corner and then tags Nack back in.

Nate enters the ring and then unleashes with a boxing combo in the corner. Orthrus pushes him away but Nack hits a running clothesline squashing Orthrus against the turnbuckle, he staggers out and Nack sends him flying with a T-Bone suplex and goes for the pin



Orthrus powers out of the cover and Nate goes to pick him back up but Orthrus hits a low blow that goes unnoticed by the official. Nack bends over in pain and Orthrus drives him down to the mat by hitting a sledgehammer blow across the lower back. He waits for him to get back to his feet and then lifts him into a pendulum backbreaker across his knee and hook his leg for the pin



He: Orthrus goes close there but he needs more than that to put Nate Nack away

Orthrus tags out and Brown enters back in. He circles Nack stomping down on his arms and upper body. He mounts him and starts to rain down punches and then gets back up continuing to stomp down. He waits for Nack to get up and then hits a vertical suplex into another cover




Nack throws his shoulder in the air on the two and a half count. Brown gets to his feet and barks at Nack to do the same, Nack pulls himself up


Nate dodges out of the way and Brown goes face first into the middle turnbuckle. He dizzily gets to his feet


Nack gets to his feet and plays up to the crowd as they soak up his confidence. Brown gets to his feet and Nate Nack sets him up over his shoulders before running and hitting the powerslam in the middle of the ring. Nack full of confidence gets back to his feet and stalks Brown. As he gets up he kicks him in the midsection and sets him in position for the suplex

He; Look at the strength, the power as he holds Brown in that vertical suplex position

The crowd are cheering as Nack holds the suplex for 30 seconds before dropping him into the brain-buster and he hooks the leg for the cover




He: So close for Nate, he almost had him

Ha: well now its Blades turn to re-enter the match up

Blade enters the ring and pulls DeMarcus brown up; he backs him against the rope and whips him across the ring before connecting with a Trouble in Paradise. He hooks the legs of Brown but the official refuses to make the pin

He: I don't think Blade noticed the blind tag from Orthrus

Blade gets up as he realises what’s happening and turns into a huge big boot from Orthrus. Orthrus then begins to taunt Nate Nack and the official has to try and calm him down. With the referee's back turned Orthrus and Brown take advantage and begin to double team Blade. Orthrus drags him up off the mat as Brown hits him with a low blow and then Orthrus throws him through the ropes shoulder first into the ring post. Brown exits the ring and drags the same arm and the pulls Blade as hard as he can so his shoulder once again drives into the ring-post

Ha: This official needs to have two pairs of eyes to control this one, come on, get with it ref

Blade stumbles out of the corner holding his arm in pain but is met by the big man Orthrus who lifts him and then drives him down to the mat with a sidewalk slam and stays over him for the cover




Paul Mac 6CW
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6CW Anarchy 27/2 - Results Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy 27/2 - Results

Post by Paul Mac 6CW Wed 27 Feb 2013, 1:30 pm

Blade screams in pain as he throws the injured arm in the air to beat the pin fall. Orthrus walks over to the turnbuckle and then begins to untie the top one; the official quickly intervenes and stops him but has to tie it back in place

He: But wait a minute, Ref.....look at Brown.........WHAT A CON

With the officials back turned once again DeMarcus Brown has removed the turnbuckle and Orthrus drags Blade up to his feet and then runs him shoulder first into the steel ring. Orthrus waits and bides his time as Blade looks to recover before kicking him in the midsection and then dropping him with a package piledriver and goes for another cover



Blade kicks out again and Orthrus stares a hole right through the official. He slowly gets to his feet and walks toward the referee backing him into the corner before turning his attention back to Blade. Blade his getting back up gingerly and Orthrus wraps his hand around his throat, he sets him up for the choke slam but Blade begins to kick him in the mid section forcing him to break his hold, he runs and bounces off the rope

Ha: You have to love Blade and his never say die attitude


Blades resurgence is quickly ended with the power move from Orthrus who follows up by going straight back to the injured shoulder ruthlessly stomping on it. He tags DeMarcus in who enters the ring and cockily stomps away at Blade. Blade tries to get up but Brown knocks him back down with a punt to the ribs.

Brown picks Blade up and then whips him into the corner, he stands in the opposite corner and then charges at him driving a running big boot into the side of the head and as Blade staggers out of the corner he lifts him and takes him down with a Samoan Drop and then lies on him for the cover




He: these covers are getting closer to closer, and as much as I respect Blade I wonder whether this is the right thing to do, his shoulder isn't 100% and he's only taking more damage here

Brown doesn't look amused as Steel throws his arm off the canvas. He stalks Blade who slowly uses the ropes to get to his feet and still holding his shoulder he turns to face Brown






Brown hits the mat in frustration. He waits for Blade to get up and then whips him into the corner where Orthrus is. He runs over and knocks Nack off the apron with a forearm smash and then the referee is once again distracted enough for the double team on Blade. Orthrus chokes him with the tag rope as Brown delivers several knees deep in the midsection. They make the tag and the two men whip Blade against the ropes

Ha: Blade ducks under the double clothesline.....BUT THERES NOTHING HE CAN DO ABOUT THAT

The crowd get excited as Blade avoids the swinging arms of both Orthrus and Brown, he bounces off the opposite ropes and then they hit a double flapjack

He: What impact, look at this hang time, he must’ve been 8 or 9ft high

Orthrus doesn't waste anytime in lifting Blade up; he kicks him in the gut and then sets him between his legs





Paul Mac 6CW
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6CW Anarchy 27/2 - Results Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy 27/2 - Results

Post by Paul Mac 6CW Wed 27 Feb 2013, 1:30 pm



Even the crowd are stunned as Blade manages to kick out. Orthrus looks passed as he gets to his feet and signals for the end. He raised his arm in the airs and barks at Blade to get back to his feet, as he does he wraps hi hand around the throat of Blade and then lifts him high in the air and drives him down into the canvas





Ha: I think that would have been it, but Nack saves the game for his team

Orthrus gets up to confront Nack but he doesn't back down and begins to trade punches with the big man. He isn't backing down but the referee has to pull him away warning him he isn't the legal man.

Brown tags into the ring and wisely puts himself in between Blade and his corner as he tries to crawl over to make the tag. He waits for him to get up to his feet and then locks in a sleeper hold. Blade quickly begins to fade and drops back down to the mat. The referee checks for the submission but Blade looks to be out. The referee raises his arm in the air and falls straight back down, he lifts it again but it falls again. Blade chants fill in the arenas he looks to be slipping away


Blade catches his arm as it drops to the mat and he throws it straight back up in the air. He forces his way back up to his knees, then to his feet with the sleep still locked in. He hits some elbows into the midsection but Brown refuses to break the hold. Blade has no choice but to carry Brown over to the corner of the ring.

Ha: Come on Blade...just one more push....HE GOT THE TAG

Nate explodes into the ring he knocks Brown down with a clothesline and then runs at Orthrus knocking him off the apron. Brown gets back to his feet and is knocked down with another clothesline

He: wait a minute......My that’s a big call, the referee is claiming he never seen the tag

The crowd aren't impressed as Nack is forced back out of the ring. Brown quickly gets to his feet and drags Blade away from his partner back into the middle of the ring. He lifts him up and kicks him in the midsection only to plant him face first into the mat with a DDT and hooks the leg




He: Blade got his shoulder up, but you can't help but think the referee has made a huge error in judgement here

Ha: I'd say but it doesn't make a difference talking about it

Brown is signalling for the end. He lifts Blade to his feet and picks him up over his shoulders

He: Looking for broken Home (F5)


Both men are down in the middle of the ring. Blade crawls over to his corner as DeMarcus Brown makes the tag to Orthrus.

Ha: Orthrus intercepts Blade....ENZIGURI NAD THE TAG

Orthrus falls to the mat as Blade wraps his foot around the back of his head and then leaps forward and tags the outstretched hand of Nack. He climbs through the ropes and rocks the big man with a big right hand as he gets to his feet; he continues to throw left and right punches backing him into the corner of the ring. He climbs to the second rope and then begins to rain down a flurry of punches as the crowd count along, he gets to 10 and then and then he jumps off. Orthrus staggers out into the middle of the ring and swings a wild right hand


DeMarcus Brown gets in and Nack sends him flying with an overhead belly suplex. Orthrus gets back up and Nate Nack hits a boot to the gut and then connects with a running knee lift, the big man staggers but doesn't go down


The crowd go wild as Nack lifts all 350lbs of Orthrus over his head in the Gorilla Press Slam position and then drops him face first down to the mat and goes for the pin

Ha: This could do it




Paul Mac 6CW
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6CW Anarchy 27/2 - Results Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy 27/2 - Results

Post by Paul Mac 6CW Wed 27 Feb 2013, 1:31 pm


Blade although not fully recovered runs in the ring after Brown has made the save and clotheslines him out of the ring to the outside. As Brown gets to his feet Blade springboards over the top rope and takes him down with a cross-body. Back in the ring Nate Nack is stalking Orthrus

He: He's setting him up here for the wake up call, this is the move that got him into the finals for a title shot and now he's looking to put Orthrus away






He: So did I. But Nate Nack showing tremendous resilience and will to win by forcing his shoulder off the mat

Orthrus gets up and stands over Nack, he raises his arm out signalling the set up for a choke slam as Nack tries to get up slowly

He: Wait Blade from behind.......DISASTER KICK








Nate Nack and Blade shake hands in the middle of the ring before the referee raises their arms in victory....



The crowd boo as DeMarcus Brown gets back in the ring with a steel chair and wraps it around the backs off the victorious team. The official tries to get in the middle but quickly escapes as Brown threatens to strike him with the chair as well. Brown continues to beat down both guys as Orthrus slowly starts to get to his feet. As he does he stops Brown from beating down Nate Nack, so he can inflict the damage himself.

He lifts him off the mat by the throat and then lifts him on top of the turnbuckle. He exits to the ring apron before wrapping his hand around Nack's throat again and then throws him and drives him down to the hard floor outside with the choke slam. He walks over to the announce table and starts taking it to pieces, he picks the name panel off and then throws it at Nack as he tries to get to his feet. He lifts one of the monitors out and then drives it into the side of Nack's skull; a river of crimson begins to flow

Inside the ring Brown is working away at the injured shoulder of Blade. He grabs the steel chair and positions Blade's arm through it right up to the shoulder. He climbs up to the second rope as Blade lies defenceless

He: No Brown, don't do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The impact is sickening as he jumps down stomping both feet onto the steel chair and Blade screams in pain and kicks at the mat in agony. Brown smiles at the damage he has caused before kicking Blade to the outside under the rope.

Back at the announce table Orthrus is dragging the lifeless body of Nate Nack over. He lifts him and sets him in between his legs before lifting him through the air and driving him down through the table with Death from above

Ha: My God. Look at the carnage caused here. Orthrus has taken Nate Nack out of the game before they get chance to meet in the Golden Briefcase tournament....wait a minute.. What does DeMarcus Brown have in mind...

OH MY GOD NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On the opposite side of the ring Brown has Blade up over his shoulders. He hits him with the Broken Home (f5) swinging him into the steel ring post shoulder first before dropping him face first onto the steel steps

He: This is ridiculous. They lost the match and spat their dummies out

Ha: This is a war zone, Blade and Nack are done, maybe forever after the beating they have taken here, I wish we could stay and see what happens but I'm afraid we've run out of time, tune in next time to see the fall out of this vicious beat down...goodnight folks

The camera scans across the wreckage of Nate Nack through the announce table and then Blade lying crumpled across the steel steps. The camera finally fixes on Orthrus and Brown who are stood in the middle of the ring; their arms raised in victory as the crowd throw soda cups and bottles at them

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