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6CW Draft Night April 25th Results

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6CW Draft Night April 25th Results Empty 6CW Draft Night April 25th Results

Post by JJJohnson Tue 26 Apr 2011, 2:10 am

*The show goes on air and the crowd pans around the arena as "I want it all" screams from the speakers and the sell-out crowd is going wild.Pyrotechnics explode into the rafters,every colour of the rainbow exploding into the air as the screen shows a plethora of signs in the crowd.

"GazzyD is gonna kick Reilly's ass"
"What the fricking hell happened last week?"
"Leone sucks"
"Perfect Jack is a wrestling god"
"I eat your kids"
"6CW = True Wrestling"

JT:Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to 6CW Draft Nig,we are coming to you live from the O2 Arena in London and what a show we have lined up for you tonight.It was just last week that perhaps one of the most shocking events in 6CW occurred,three of our newest recurits sabotaged the main event and laid out five 6CW superstars...what was their motives,perhaps tonight will provide us with some answers...

HE:Perhaps but who knows.This is a historic night for 6CW of those nights with that special feeling....

JT:Just hold on a minute Henry...I cant believe what I am hearing...we need to go in the back...Christy James is standing by

*The cameras switch to a distressed Christy James who is stood in the parking lot as an ambulance is being loaded,the lights are flashing into the screen as Christy begins to speak.

Christy:Thankyou Jeff and these are really horrifying scenes as we begin this night,I have just been informed that our 6CW General Manager,John Liederman has been savagely attacked in the backstage area....the paramedics were called and they are now attending to Mr Liederman,who is said to be in a very bad way.

JT:Any ideas on who the culprit is Christy?

Christy:At this time there is no word on what happened,a member of the production team found Mr Liederman approximately five minutes ago in his office.Our best wishes of course go out to Mr Liederman but it has been left up to me to report the decision just processed by the Board of Directors?


Christy:Of course it has been very difficult for them to make such a judgement call but they believe it in the best interests to postpone the 6CW Draft until further notice.This was Mr Liederman's dream and they do not think it appropriate to proceed after such a heinous attack...

JT:So the Draft will not be taking place here tonight?

Christy:That is correct,the rest of the show will of course continue but the Draft has been henceforth cancelled until further notice.

JT:Thankyou Christy and our best wishes of course to John Liederman...well what a beginning,a really shocking way to start tonights proceedings and this is just the opening.We have plenty more to...

HE:Oh yes!


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6CW Draft Night April 25th Results Empty Re: 6CW Draft Night April 25th Results

Post by JJJohnson Tue 26 Apr 2011, 2:11 am

The arena decends into boos as "Sabotage" blares out and Triple D swaggers out onto the ramp.He is dressed in jeans and an open shirt,he slicks his hair back and laughs at the fans reaction as he spins on the stage.

JT:The new number one contender to the 6CW Title is in the house and these fans do not look pleased to see him.

HE:Thats because the people here in London do not appreciate true class.This man is top of the food chain.last week he defeated five other men in a hellacious ladder match and seized the opportunity at the 6CW World Title...this man is a future world champion,no doubt about it.

JT:That he may be,but thats not what has all the people talking this week.Everybody wants to know the motives behind Jackson Black,Angealus and Scorpion interfering in the ladder match and pathing Triple D's path to glory....where they complicit?...Or was it all just a startling coincidence?

HE:Well let the guy speak and you might find out...

Triple D climbs into the ring and he smirks as the chants of "Asshole" ring out around the O2 Arena.He takes a microphone from the announcer and looks around the stadium before beginning to speak..

TripleD:Cant say I didnt expect that kind of reaction,but on the other hand I cannot say I particulary care either!

*Crowd boo

Triple D:Yeah yeah,boo,boo.Is that all you people can do,you sound like demented sheep!.You dont understand how petty you sound and all the while I am standing here as the new number one contender to the 6CW World Heavyweight Championship!

Crowd:You suck x5

Triple D:I beat five of the so-called best stars in the 6CW,I demolished them and left them all a broken mess.I have been on a train of domination ever since I debuted here in 6CW....I have owned ass on everybody...and in a few weeks time...I will be your WORLD CHAMPION!

*Crowd boo

Triple D:Thats right,because in three weeks it will be time for 6CW Final Dawn,the night when your resident badguy will cash in his title shot and on that night I will defeat whoever walks away tonight as 6CW Champion and the gold will rest around my waist.

JT:There you have it then folks....three weeks from now,6CW Final Dawn is the night that Triple D will challenge for the 6CW Title.

Triple D:See I dont care if its GazzyD or Daniel Reilly because I will defeat anybody on this roster.I am the main event,the most charismatic superstar in 6CW,the most athletic,the most talented and there is nobody that can stop my rise to superstardom.

From day one I knew I would get here,and along the way I have beaten everybody that this business has to offer.In three weeks time I will cement my place as a legend of this industry when I am declared world champion....its not fiction people,this is bone-chilling reality!

HE:This is fantastic news....I cant wait...

Triple D:The day I signed for this company was the day the queue began behind me.I was always going to shine brighter than any other star and my opportunity has come already.I have already shocked the world once and at Final Dawn I will do it again...

JT:Triple D confident as usual but I have a feeling this conversation is just about to get more interesting!

Triple D:But of course,for as stupid as you all look,you already knew all of that.You knew the moment I pulled that contract down last week that my time had what I am telling you isnt exactly startling news.I know the reason each and everyone of you bought a ticket for tonights show....I know that last week was the most tuned in episode of Escalation in recent memory,at least until this weeks and we all know why.

Last week,not only did I create history by winning the ladder match,but three rookies,kids off the streets made an impact that has never,ever been seen before.They acheived something in five minutes what some of the 6CW superstars will not acheive in a lifetime...they created history.Three newbies,guys that are usually shunned in the backroom,usually the butt of all the jokes....but these three men are already feared,respected and most of all they are in demand.

And I stand here and I tip my hat to them,I applaud them....I will not join the witchhunt,the crusade to teach them a lesson....and you know why? know why people?....


*Crowd ultra boo

HE:I knew it...the guy is a genius!

Triple D:Thats right,it was me.Of course it was me,the sheer magnitude,the whole intelligence of it all could only point to one time goes on people remember those who had the brains and the cojones to pull off the unthinkable,to do what others would not.My name will be synonmous with bravery and distinction....because I outwitted five other guys and I made them all grovel at my knees....I began a revolution...I stripped this place bare and I created a new wave of dictatorship...ladies and gentlemen....I gave you GENERATION ZERO!

*The crowd are booing loud as "Generation" by Simple Plan blasts from the speakers and a jet of purple pyros shoot into the air.Jackson Black,Scorpion and Angealus all walk onto the rampway.dressed in red t-shirts and black pants and trunks.They tap their chests and give a salute as Triple D nods his head and returns it.They begin to walk down the ring and climb in as the boos continue.

Triple D:Take a good look everyone because this right here,us four,we are the future of professional wrestling.With me at the helm there is nothing that we cannot acheive,there are no goals beyond our reach,we will dismantle all competition from bottom to top and we will reign supreme.

Allow me first to introduce,The Scorpion!

*The crowd boo as Scorpion steps forwards and nods his head

Triple D:Six foot,four inches of pure terrifying power.This guy is venomous from head to toe and he is itching for his opportunity at terrorising the 6CW lockeroom...with me guiding him,opportunities will be aplenty.

*The crowd continue to boo as the flowing blond haired man steps forward

Triple D:Angealus,The Vengeance Angel.Primarily this guy works alone but he recognises the opportunity for success if we stick together.He shares our common goal,to eliminate the unworthy and cleanse this federation.This man is as deadly with his feet as he is with his hands and I cannot wait to see him tear apart this roster...

*Angealus steps back in line as the final member steps forward.He grins broadly and beats his chest as the boos grow louder

Triple D:And last,but by no means least, I give you the "Guru of Submission" Jackson Black!

*Black drops down and does five one armed pressups before standing up and letting out a roar of adrenaline.

Triple D:All american american,one of the best mat wrestlers in this business and an unrivalled suplex machine.This guy makes Perfect Jack look distinctly average in the wrestling stakes and if Jack has something to say about that then he knows where to find us...

*The crowd chant "You suck" as all of Generation Zero fall back in line

Triple D:There you have it....the future....this is a sight you will be seeing for a very long time so I suggest you all become used to it....Generation Zero is running the show....and by the looks of things...I would say there isnt anybody that can stop us...

I have enlisted the best,the most talented set of rookies imaginable and under my tutelage,these three men will become distinguished,world renowned,professional wrestlers.

Our time is now and there will be no one that can stand in our way....tonight you will get a glimpse of what Generation Zero is all fact I think its time we opened this show....

*Triple D smiles as the crowd boo and "Generation" rings out as the show goes to the commercials


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6CW Draft Night April 25th Results Empty Re: 6CW Draft Night April 25th Results

Post by JJJohnson Tue 26 Apr 2011, 2:11 am

Match 1
Angealus vs Percy Percival

JT:Welcome back to monday night Escalation folks,if you are just joining us then let me inform you that the Draft has been postponed until further notice after a brutal assault on John Liederman...

HE:But every cloud has a silver lining and right now we have the debut of Generation Zero and their first contest...Angealus,the Vengeance Angel, will go one on one with Percy Percival.

The crowd give a good reception as Percy Percival gets in the ring and blows kisses to the crowd.Angealus and the rest of Generation Zero give him disgusted looks and then Triple D orders his troops from the ring as Angealus watches Percival.

JT:Its been awhile since we saw Percy Percival out here,but dont let the attire and demeanur fool you folks....this guy can fight!

HE:And he is going to need to do just that right now...

The bell sounds and both men walk into the centre for a lockup,Percival quickly shifts into a headlock and then spins behind and slaps Angealus backside as the crowd laugh.Triple D shouts instructions from the outside as Angealus turns around and looks furious...

JT:I dont think Generation Zero are going to stand for any fun and games tonight...

HE:Too bloody right they're not!

Percival smiles at Angealus but then takes a hard stomp to the midsection and then Angealus whips him into the corner.He runs in but Percival gets his boot up and he stumbles back as Percy runs at him...

JT:Beautiful discus like punch from Angealus...

Angealus floors Percival and then sets about stomping on him with a viscious,rabid assault.The referee drags him off on four and whilst he is distracted,Scorpion waits for Percival to stand up and then guillotines him off the top rope...

HE:Great teamwork by Generation Zero,great understand between these guys already you can see...

Angealus backs away from the referee and he pulls Percival up and hits an exploder suplex..........1................2..............kickout.Angealus elbows hard at the face of Percival and then stands up,he kicks his opponent back to the corner and then backs away...he watches Percival squirm and then runs across and baseball slides him right into the ringpost....

JT:Devastating attack and you can see the way these guys have been told to attack and never relent...

Percival is in pain as Triple D continues to shout instructions and Angealus hits multiple headstand kneedrops to the back and ribs.He rags Percival up by the hair and tosses him into the corner before connecting with several hard kicks to the midsection and whipping him across to the other side...

HE:Percival taking some serious punishment here....

Percy hits the opposite turnbuckle and staggers back out as Angealus lays in wait and floors him with a roundhouse kick.He quickly goes to the corner as Percy gets up,Angealus reaches the top rope and looks down..

JT:Bigtime flying clothesline and sensing an end here....

Percival tries to stagger back up and Angealus grabs him by the head and then flips him into the air...

HE:Thinking Tiger Bomb...

Percival falls off the back and he whips Angealus around and dropkicks him back in the corner.Percy runs in with a bodysplash and then runs him out for a bulldog...

JT:Angealus counted with the back suplex...

...........shoulder up!

JT:Percy landed right on the back of his neck there and that looked painful...

Angealus hits several clubbing blows to the neck and then is escorted away by the referee on the count of four.Jackson Black grabs Percival's head and chokes him against the ropes as the crowd boo...

JT:This is unfair,its like four on one...

HE:Its Generation Zero,Jeff....these guys are running the show,did you not hear what Triple D said before?

JT:Unfortunately I did...


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6CW Draft Night April 25th Results Empty Re: 6CW Draft Night April 25th Results

Post by JJJohnson Tue 26 Apr 2011, 2:12 am

Angealus picks Percival up and whips him off the ropes,he drops his head for the backdrop as Percival comes back but takes a clean kick to the face...he sways as Percival runs back off the ropes...

HE:Angealus ducked,off the ropes....eastern lariat,that was impressive!

Angealus takes Percival down again and then waits for him to get up,Percival swings a right hand but its dodged and Angealus hits a bridging belly to back suplex.............1..................2..........kickout!

JT:Triple D seems impressed with what he is seeing so far...but nothing but a win will suffice I am sure.

Triple D is giving advice to Jackson Black and Scorpion as they watch the action on the outside.Angealus pulls Percival up again and whips him to the corner...he follows in but Percival uses the top rope to propel himself airbound and he wraps his legs around the oncoming Angealus' neck and spins him into a headscissors takedown...

JT:Perhaps some fight in the former tag team champion yet...

Percival receives a big roar from the crowd as he staggers back up and runs off the ropes,he takes the recovering Angealus down with a flying back elbow and then kicks back to his feet....he waits for Angealus to get up and then hits a standing tornado DDT...



JT:Percival wins...

HE:No he doesnt!

The crowd are booing as Triple D blatantley puts Angealus' foot on the bottom rope.The referee waves it off and tells Percival it was a two count.Percy gets up and he points at Generation Zero....

HE:That is a true leader,helping out wherever he can...

JT:Its called cheating Henry..plain and simple...

Percy looks around and then at Angealus,he stomps his foot three times on the mat as he waits for his opponent to get up...

JT:You know what comes next....GAYMAKER!

Jackson Black jumps on the apron and Percival changes direction and throws a punch at Black,who drops from the apron just in time.Angealus is quickly back to his feet and he spears Percival back into the corner and nails five harsh shoulders to the midsection and then lifts Percival onto the ropes...

JT:Like a pack of damn hyenas these guys...


Angealus hits the Tiger Suplex 85 from the top rope and covers Percival....................1..................2.......................3!

JT:Dammit...Generation Zero and Angealus pick up the win...

HE:What a start,what a great showing from Generation Zero!

JT:Yeah they all certainly played their parts well...oh cmon!

Triple D applauds from the outside and then he barks instructions at Jackson Black and Scorpion,who quickly enter the ring.They raises Angealus' hand in victory and then all three begin to stomp on Percival.The referee tries to interfere but is scared from the ring and the beatdown continues.Jackson Black drags Percival up and holds him whilst the other two nail right hands and then Scorpion trash talks him and hits a stunner...

JT:This is need for actions like this at all....

HE:Sending a message Jeff...

JT:To who exactly?

HE:The entire lockeroom,Generation Zero have arrived and they mean business.

They throw Percival from the ring and then Angealus drags him up and rams him face first into the ringpost,he does this three more times as Triple D nods with impressiveness....Scorpion then grabs a bloody Percival and runs him at high speed before throwing him head-first into the ring steps....Jackson Black pulls up the protective mat off the concrete floor and hauls Percival back to his feet...

JT:Enough is enough already...we need security....

Black hits the American Slam on the exposed concrete as the crimson-masked Percival is laid unconscious on the floor.Black smiles as Scorpion and Angealus help him up and they all give their trademark salute.Triple D walks around the ring and stares at Percival before nodding at his group and directing them up the ramp...

HE:This is domination at its finest....we have seen some great factions in 6CW,Dominion,Glasgows Most Wanted,Revolution but I think right here we could be looking at the best one yet....these guys are a real force to be reckoned with.

JT:They are a set of wild animals,there is no compassion there at all.They are just out to main and hurt people...this is sick!

EMT's come down to check on Percy as Generation Zero head into the backstage area.


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6CW Draft Night April 25th Results Empty Re: 6CW Draft Night April 25th Results

Post by JJJohnson Tue 26 Apr 2011, 2:12 am

*The action is backstage with John Dice and Jack Frost

Dice:How you feeling now pal?

Frost:Ive felt better,but tonight we've got an opportunity and I hope to not let it slip me by...I want to see Mr Jones squirming and his two monster laying unconscious by his side.

Dice:That sounds like a plan I could get used to...ive been pulling glass from every part of my body all week and I am itching to get back in the ring and show these guys exactly what I think of them...I would say it was about time Frosted Dice got payback!

Frost:Sounds good to me mate....but are you happy with just recording a victory over these guys,I mean they messed us up big time last week!

Dice:Im not happy about a damn thing,but i'm glad you asked that because as it happens...yours truly may just have an ace to pluck from the deck.

Frost:Oh really?...well why dont you fill me in..

Dice:Lets take a walk friend,I think your gonna like this...

*Dice and Frost walk away as the crowd cheer them.


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6CW Draft Night April 25th Results Empty Re: 6CW Draft Night April 25th Results

Post by JJJohnson Tue 26 Apr 2011, 2:13 am

Match 2
Lex Hart vs Perfect Jack

The action is back at ringside as "Burn in my Light" screams out and the crowd boo the arrival of Lex Hart.His usual arrogance seems to have been replaced with anger as he shouts insults and the crowd and storms to the ring and climbs in.

JT:Lex Hart's mood continues to worsen,first he was the first man eliminated at Night of Glory and then last week his opportunity at becoming number one contender was thwarted by Generation Zero....the usual air of self-confidence has been replaced with serious anger and I think Lex is ready to fight...

The crowd then pop as "I am Perfection" roars out and purple pyros explode into the air.Perfect Jack walks out onto the stage,perspiration trickles down his face as he blinks and then stares down at Lex Hart.The crowd continue to show their support as Jack descends on the ring...

HE:Another man that had his dreams of a world title dashed by Generation Zero last week....Jack will be looking to get back on the trail here tonight I am sure...

JT:A lot of history between these two competitors....former tag team champions,and now very bitter enemies...what would it mean for either of these guys to score a victory here tonight?

HE:A step back up the ladder towards world title contention,thats what!

The referee speaks to both men and then signals for the bell to begin the match.Lex and Jack lock up and Lex immediately applies a headlock,Jack backs him off the ropes and shoots him across the ring...Lex comes back with a shoulder block takedown and then runs off the adjacent ropes as Jack gets back up...Jack leapfrogs Hart and then waits for Lex to return before hiptossing him...

JT:Lex landed on his feet,this is incredible....

Lex spins around and leaps into a dropkick but Jack catches his feet and drops him onto the canvass before slingshotting him to the corner....Lex lands on the middle ropes though and quickly spins back around and jumps off with a double axe handle...

HE:Caught him....

JT:What a belly to belly throw!

Jack catches Lex and hits the suplex as the crowd roar in appreciation of both men.Lex staggers back up and Jack kicks him in the stomach and hits a vertical suplex............1...........2..........kickout!

HE:Two of the best pure athletes in 6CW,without any question of a doubt...

Jack stands up and quickly synches in a seated sleeper on Lex.Lex quicky gets on one knee and tries to fight out as more pressure is applied from his opponent,Hart reaches both feet but sways as Jack jams his knee into the spine...

JT:Perfect Jack is regarded by fans and peers alike as the best mat technician in professional wrestling....but Lex Hart is fighting here...

Lex grabs around the back of Jack's head and nails a sitdown jawbreaker that sends Jack staggering back to the corner.Lex takes a moment to recover and then climbs back up and spots Perfect in the corner....he runs forwards but Jack gets his foot up and kicks Lex back to the middle of the ring...

JT:Jack seems to have an answer for everything Lex does...

Jack runs out at Lex but is felled by a solid dropkick to the knees and Lex grabs the legs of Perfect as the crowd boo...


Jack kicks Lex back towards the ropes and scrambles up.Jack darts at Lex but is backdropped over the ropes onto the apron.Lex turns around and grabs at Jack but is shoulder thrusted through the middle ropes....

JT:Sunset flip....oh wow!

Jack sunset flips over the ropes and rolls Lex into a pin but Hart rolls right through onto his feet before kicking Jack squarely in the face and covers...............1....................2...........shoulder up!

HE:Inches away there and that kick may have knocked some screws loose...

Lex screams at the referee and then drags Jack up.He hits stiff and sickening knife edge chops before whipping Jack across the ring...

JT:Jack had hold of Lex's arm...belly to belly...

Jack drags Lex into the centre of the ring and looks for another belly to belly suplex but Hart rakes his eyes as the crowd boo and then neckbreakers Perfect Jack to the mat...........1..............2...........kickout!

Lex stomps on Jack repeatedly and then nails three consecutive elbow drops to the chest..........1...........2........shoulder up.Lex pulls Jack up by the hair and suplexes him onto the top rope...he nails stiff shots and then climbs up after Jack...

HE:Big risk from up on top but Lex is going for the superplex...

Jack fights back with rights and lefts as the crowd cheer and then he shoves Hart down onto the canvass.Lex struggles back to his feet as Jack composes himself...


JT:Not the best of landings what so ever for Perfect Jack...

Lex runs into the ropes and forces Jack to drop into a devastating position on the top rope.Hart smirks and then climbs up and pulls Jack into a front facelock...


.............3.....shoulder up!

JT:Whoah that was literally a quarter of a second short...

Hart holds his head in his hands and then bangs the mat three times and points at the referee,who waves his claims away.Lex grabs the ropes and pulls himself up,he looks furious as he argues with the referee and then grabs Jack to pull him up...

JT:Small package....


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6CW Draft Night April 25th Results Empty Re: 6CW Draft Night April 25th Results

Post by JJJohnson Tue 26 Apr 2011, 2:13 am

1................2..............shoulder up!

HE:Jack almost stole it....

Lex kicks out furiously and then waits for Jack to get up and knees him hard in the midsection and then hits a jawbreaker that floors Jack.Lex stares around at the booing masses and then runs off the ropes and springboards onto them...

JT:Asai moonsault!

1....................2.............Jack kicks out again and Lex almost flips out as he stands up and kicks the ropes and lets out a huge roar of anger.The crowd are laughing and jeering him as he shouts abuse at the referee...

HE:Keep it cool Lex,you've got this...

Lex screams at Jack to get up and the drags him up and pulls him into a front facelock and nods his head in anticipation...

JT:Lex looking to finish....HART ATTACK!


Jack spins off the back of the jackhammer attempt and nails a german suplex.He keeps his arms locked and pulls Jack back up and hits another,and a third....a fourth......and then a big time release fifth as the crowd roar...

JT:Five german suplexes in a row......that is all...


HE:Foot on the ropes....foot on the ropes!

The crowd groan as the referee points to Lex's foot on the ropes and waves away the pinfall.Jack nods his head in understanding and then pulls himself up...

JT:Both of these men know that going the extra mile is what gets you results....and Perfect Jack is desperate for a result here...

HE:So is Lex...

Jack stands up and he waves his hands as he anticipates Lex getting up,the crowd are cheering him on as Hart staggers up...

JT:Here we go,PERFECT...

Lex swings out at the last moment and then catches Jack coming in with a spinning heel kick as the crowd boo...Lex stands up and he beats his chest and gives the crowd the finger as the "Asshole" chants break out...

JT:Lex Hart trying his best to turn every single fan against him...

HE:I dont think he is really fussed Jeff...its just about getting the big "W" in the win column....

Lex stares furiously at Jack and spit forms at the corners of his mouth as he eyes his opponent up and then makes his move...




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6CW Draft Night April 25th Results Empty Re: 6CW Draft Night April 25th Results

Post by JJJohnson Tue 26 Apr 2011, 2:14 am



The crowd erupt into cheers as "I am Perfection" screams out and Jack is declared the winner.He rolls from the ring and the fans reach over the barricade to tag his arms and chest.The replays show Lex jump into the Canadian Destroyer but Jack counters with an Alabama Slam spinebuster and then a flip over into a bridging pin that catches Lex by surprise and records the pinfall victory.

HE:How...I mean,where did....

JT:Perfect Jack once again demonstrating just how deadly he can be inside that squared circle,fantastic performance and Lex Hart's miserable run continues...

Jack nods his head and then looks back at the ring,Lex is punching the mat and going mental.Jack smiles and then turns his back and heads up the ramp.

HE:Lex did everything he could,he pulled out all the stops but it just wasnt enough...he must be fuming...

Lex gets in the face of the referee and is berating him before grabbing him by the scruff of the neck,causing loud boos from the crowd.The referee pushes Lex away and begins to shout at him...

JT:Lex really over stepping the mark there....OH NO!

Lex boots the referee in the stomach and nails a big time Hart Attack as the boos ring around like a swarm of boos.Lex stands up and looks demented as he runs his hands through his hair and stares at the unconscious referee.

JT:Lex Hart has snapped,we need some EMT's and some damn security to get rid of this idiot....

HE:Not going to try and condone those actions but it is clear to see that Lex Hart is under some serious pressure due to his run of extremely bad form of late...

A hoard of referees and backstage officials come rushing down to the ring and they usher Lex Hart away and check on the match referee.Lex storms up the ramp and continues to fit in rage as he reaches the top of the stage and doesnt look back.


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6CW Draft Night April 25th Results Empty Re: 6CW Draft Night April 25th Results

Post by JJJohnson Tue 26 Apr 2011, 2:15 am

*Triple D is shown walking through the backstage area with the rest of Generation Zero.A door opens to the left and Gerard Dubois steps out,he looks at Triple D with a apprehensive look.


Triple D:Hey there Gerry...

Gerard:Can i help you with something?

TripleD:No we are just on our way out to boys here have a match right now....against your guys actually!

*Scorpion and Jackson Black smirk from behind Triple D's back

Gerard:Look Duke you didnt have to do this,we where a team and I had great plans for us all..

Triple D:No you see Gerry thats where you are wrong.You had no plans for me,everything you did was for your precious tag champions.You let them talk to me like a piece of garbage,you let these rookies disrespect me...but now I have my own faction,and these guys know the meaning of respect and they understand that with me as their leader that the sky is the limit.....things could have worked out so well Gerry if you had realised what you already had...but now time has passed you your Cure is rended infertile,because Generation Zero is taking over and in just a few minutes you are going to see the magnitude of your mistake...

Lets go!

*Triple D and Generation Zero brush past Dubois and head towards the ring.Dubois shakes his head in dismay and heads in the opposite direction.


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6CW Draft Night April 25th Results Empty Re: 6CW Draft Night April 25th Results

Post by JJJohnson Tue 26 Apr 2011, 2:15 am

Match 3
Rook/Blade vs Jackson Black/Scorpion

"One and Only" roars out and the crowd rise to their feet and applaud as the 6CW Tag Team Champions make their way out to the ring.Yarmouth Blade runs down the ramp and tags the fans hand before sliding in,Frank Rook follows him and climbs over the top rope into the ring.Rook stands tall in the centre as Blade goes to each corner in turn...

JT:6CW Tag Team Champions,The Cure.Yarmouth Blade and Frank Rook fought tooth and nail with The Untouchables to claim that prize and it was a really proud night for them at Night of Glory when they finally got their reward...

"Generation" blares out and huge boos decend as Generation Zero walk out onto the ramp.Triple D leads his men to the ring and then Jackson Black and Scorpion climb onto the apron and in the ring.

HE:But there is a new threat in town and The Cure mau not have an antidote for Generation Zero...

JT:Well as we have seen already tonight,this pack of you hyenas are desperate for success and they will do anything to acheieve it...The Cure will need to watch each other's backs here because this is a dangerous situation they are in....

Triple D and Angealus circle the ring as the bell sounds and Frank Rook starts out with The Scorpion.They lock up and Rook easily overpowers his opponent and throws him back into corner and laughs...

JT:Frank Rook showing he is not intimidated by Generation Zero,and why should he be,the guy is a beast

Scorpion shakes his head and then walks back towards Rook and they go for another lockup.This time Scorpion kicks Rook in the stomach and then hits hard right hands to the face and backs him towards the ropes,he grabs Rook's arm and whips him across the ring...

HE:Frank Rook easily reversed that....OH WOW!

Rook reverses the irish whip and on the comeback he sends Scorpion over ten feet in the air with a collosal backbody drop.The crowd cheer and Scorpion quickly scrambles to his corner and tags in Jackson Black...Triple D barks instructions from the outside...

JT:Not a great start for these cocky newcomers and Triple D will want to see more from these guys...

HE:Now the All-American,Jackson Black is in the ring...lets see how he fares.

Jackson Black feigns the lockup with Rook and quickly shoots around the back into a waistlock.He clubs the back of Rook and then looks for a german suplex but Rook swings a hard elbow into his temple and sends him flying into the corner.Rook steadies himself and then charges in with a bodysplash...

JT:Black downstairs with the kick to the knee,sound tactics there...

Black targets the knee with several kicks and then he kicks Rook's right leg up and holds him off balance.The big man tries to steady himself but Black swipes his standing leg and then nails three quick elbow drops to the inside of Rook's knee....he climbs up for a fourth time and applies a single leglock...

HE:Excellent strategy from Jackson Black...the big man cant do anything if he cant stand up...

Rook shouts in pain but will not quit as he tries desperately to reach the ropes.Black ups the ante and Triple D applauds from the outside...

JT:Rook really could do with making a tag but he isnt so capable right now...

Rook manages to pull back and grab the ropes but Jackson Black makes use of the five count and the releases.He watches Rook squirm in pain and he stomps heavily on the knee of Rook and then places his leg on the bottom rope...he grabs the top rope and uses it to jump into the air and slam all his body weight down into Rook's knee...

HE:I can see why this guy was recruited....Jackson Black is a technician,he knows what to target and how to get the job need a guy like this...

The referee warns Black on his second attempt but Jackson laughs him off and does it again.He looks at Triple D,who nods his head,and then leaps into a third...

HE:Oh no...

JT:I dont think Jackson Black is gonna be doing any celebrating tonight....

HE:That was illegal...

JT:Referee didnt call it...

Triple D is screaming at the referee as Rook drives his leg up between the legs of Jackson Black as he leaps off the ropes.The referee says it was an accident and lets it go...Yarmouth Blade is clapping from the ropes and urging his partner on...

HE:Disgusting call from the referee....

JT:Rook close to the it!

The crowd cheer as Blade gets the tag and he quickly leaps over the ropes and runs in the ring.Scorpion gets in and runs at him but Blade dodges his clothesline attempt and springboards onto the ropes and fires back with a headscissors takedown...Scorpion gets back up and Yarmouth dropkicks him into the corner and then nails a running shining wizard....he grips Scorpion and runs him out for a bulldog but then uses him as a springboard and propels himself through the air and hurricanranas Jackson Black to the canvass...

JT:Phenonmenal athleticism from Yarmouth Blade and these fans love it...

Yarmouth ducks a running boot from Scorpion and roundhouse kicks him to the mat before jumping up top....

HE:Thinking frogsplash...

JT:Ref,ref look....

Angealus jumps onto the apron and distracts the referee as Triple D climbs up the opposite side,he grabs Yarmouth Blade by the head and drags him off the top turnbuckle and guillotines across the ropes as the crowd boo loud...

JT:That was blatant....unbelievable!

HE:What goes around comes around Jeff....Rook almost made Jackson infertile before...

Blade and Black are both down on the canvass and they slowly try to crawl to their corners as the referee is counting them down............1......................2.....................3......................4................5.................6.................7........

JT:Both these guys need a tag,but who will make it first....

Black tags in Scorpion and he scurries across the ring and grabs the left leg of Yarmouth Blade and pulls him away from Rook before he can make the tag.Yarmouth stands up one leg,he hops for a moment but then jumps into an enzeguiri...

HE:Not fast enough today kid....

Scorpion pulls back and the kick attempt misses him and allows him to knock Blade down with a huge clothesline.He drags him back up quickly and whips him off the ropes....

JT:Oh what a spinebuster from Scorpion,that could do it...


HE:These guys are like a well-oiled machine and you can see little traits they have already picked up from Triple D...

Scorpion connects with closed fists to the head of Blade and ignore the referees orders to stop.He backs Blade to the corner and stomps a mudhole before whipping him to the opposite side....Blade hits the turnbuckle and flips up(Ala Ric Flair) before collapsing back down...he staggers for a moment and then Scorpion runs off the opposite ropes...



HE:He's got him....


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6CW Draft Night April 25th Results Empty Re: 6CW Draft Night April 25th Results

Post by JJJohnson Tue 26 Apr 2011, 2:16 am

Rook is in the ring and he breaks the count up just before three.He stares at Scorpion,who glares back and is then ushered to his corner by the referee.Triple D shouts more instructions as Scorpion slithers over and tags Jackson Black back in....

JT:Now they are wearing Blade down and this isnt looking good for the tag team champions...

Black waits for Blade to stagger up and hits him with a t-bone suplex.........1...............2.............kickout.He pulls Blade back up again and this time nails a belly to belly suplex...................1.....................2..................shoulder up!

HE:Jackson Black is self-professed suplex machine and you can see why...

Black kneels for a moment and shakes his head before standing up.He pulls Blade up again and this time whips him to the corner,he runs in but Blade spins around the ropes and kicks over the top (ala Christian)....Black staggers back as Blade goes up top....

JT:An opportunity perhaps...

Black quickly recouperates and he darts forwards and leaps athletically in the air to enzeguiri Blade in the side of the head.Blade stumbles and then Jackson Black climbs up the ropes and seizes him...


The move connects and the crowd groan as Jackson Black drapes an arm over Blade................1....................2.........thr-kickout!

JT:A whisker and I mean just a whisker away from being over...

Triple D bangs the mat and shouts more instructions as Jackson tags Scorpion back in.They pull Blade up and Jackson seizes him in a german suplex position and hauls him backwards as Scorpion connects with a neckbreaker at the same time...


JT:No getting up from that....

Scorpion dallies for a moment and then opts against the pin cover as Triple D holds his head in his hands and shouts instructions again.Scorpion begins to stalk Blade as he tries to get up...

JT:I dont think it was the wisest move on the part of Scorpion to not make the cover there....and I dont think Triple D was so impressed either...

HE:Doesnt matter if he gets this...DEATH STALKER!

Scorpion looks for the stunner but Blade manages to counter into a reverse DDT as the crowd cheer.Both men collapse on the mat and Triple D curses on the outside...

JT:The cockiness of Scorpion cost him there and he better hope that doesnt cost his team big time....

They both amble towards their respective corners and reach their hands desperately towards their partners...

HE:Scorpion made it....


The crowd roar as Rook is tagged in and he bulldozes through Jackson Black with a huge shoulder block takedown.Scorpion crawls up and Rook easily man handles him and body presses him into the air before slamming him down on the canvass....Rook then takes Black down with a running clothesline...

JT:Rook is fresh and you can tell he wants to punish these cocky,young upstarts...

Scorpion staggers back to his feet again and this time Rook whips him off the ropes and then decimates him with a spinning powerslam....he stands up and lets out a roar as Jackson Black reaches his feet...

HE:Oh no...


Rook flips Black up for the pumphandle as Angealus gets in the ring with a steel chair and drives it into the back of Rook's knee,causing the disqualification.Triple D climbs onto the apron and shouts instructions as Yarmouth Blade runs at Angealus...

JT:Its a damn a pack of wild dogs....go on Yarmouth,give them what they deserve!

Blade knocks Angealus back into the corner and is throwing rights and lefts until Jackson Black seizes him from behind and hits a chaos theory suplex as the crowd boo.They drag him back up and Triple D looks incensed as he leaps into the air nails Debad Intention on Blade....

HE:This is brilliant...these guys are taking over the whole show...

JT:You think this is brilliant,how do you know you wont be next?

HE:Cos they'll take you first and I will escape...

Rook tries to crawl up to help his friend but Scorpion nails a running punt to the head and floors him.Triple D then picks up the steel chair and drives it against the knee of Rook before Jackson Black applies a rolling kneebar and the tag team champion...

JT:This is heinous....someone needs to stop these guys....

The crowd are booing wildly as Triple D orders Angealus to the top rope,he nods in agreement and climbs as Jackson Black breaks the submission hold and they all hold Rook in place as Angealus looks down...

JT:This is not good...oh you'll break his knee you savages!

Angealus leaps off with a double foot stomp on the knee of Rook,who screams in pain.Yarmouth Blade is trying to recover as Scorpion lays the chair flat and Jackson Black scoops Blade up and nails the American Slam on the steel.

JT:Thats enough...cmon!

Triple D looks at his faction and nods his head before directing them from the ring.All four men enter the aisleway as "Generation" blares out and the cameras pan back to Rook and Blade motionless in the ring.

HE:Generation Zero is running roughshod through the entire 6CW lockeroom...

JT:And your still impressed?...First Percy Percival was left a bloody mess and now this....heck how do you know these arent the guys that attacked John Liederman,they certainly fit the M.O...would you say?

HE:No way Jeff,Generation Zero are taking out the competition....they had no business with Liederman!

JT:You sure about that?...Funny how Mr Liederman's attack has co-incided with Generation Zero running around here doing whatever the hell they want....not like anyone can stop them now is there? think about that!

Generation Zero stand on the stage with grins on their faces before exiting into the backstage area.


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6CW Draft Night April 25th Results Empty Re: 6CW Draft Night April 25th Results

Post by JJJohnson Tue 26 Apr 2011, 2:16 am

*Perfect Jack is walking through the corridor,wiping sweat from his brow with his trademark towel as a figure steps in his way.

Jack:Sorry about that pal..

???:So you should be!

*Jack looks up and sees the arrogant face of Oliver Keane

Jack:On second thoughts maybe I should have barged you harder...what do you want Keane?...I'm only available to talk if its to arrange an ass kicking for you,otherwise beat it!

*Keane continues to smile

Keane:Always so hostile hey Jack...why dont you show a little respect!

Jack:To you?...Remind me again what happened two months ago,oh yeah thats came back as Reilly's agent,you cost me my shot at the 6CW World Title and then had Reilly vow that I would never win the world title ever again...

Keane:I really can't remember too know with preparing my client for his big match here tonight!

Jack:No problem Keane because I will remember that moment my entire life.When I finally reclaim the 6CW Title I will remember Reilly's words and I will remember that it was you who filled his head with all this rubbish.I know your not fully to blame,Reilly has always been too dumb for his own good, but you played your part and for that you will get exactly what you deserve.

Keane:What I will get Jacky boy is a client that is 6CW World Heavyweight Champion,you watch closely tonight and see how a real wrestler takes care of business.And once the belt is back where it belongs,around Reilly's waist,there will never ever be a chance of your recapturing your pathetic glory days...and if you even try it,your career will be over before you can even blink!

*Jack grabs Keane by the scruff of the collar and shoves him against the wall

Jack:Let us get one thing straight,you don't open your mouth and disrespect me when you havent got the balls to back it up in the ring.You tell Reilly that it doesnt matter if he is champion or not because we are not done,he cost me my dream and he made a vow that made him a very dangerous whether its next week,whether its next month or even in a years time,you let your "client" know that this is not over...because I will not rest until he,and you for that matter,are where you the gutter!

*The crowd cheer as Jack shoves Keane hard against the wall and then walks off.


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6CW Draft Night April 25th Results Empty Re: 6CW Draft Night April 25th Results

Post by JJJohnson Tue 26 Apr 2011, 2:17 am

Match 4
Keith Leone vs Dicey Reilly

JT: This next match up promises to be a classic as newly crowned Extreme champion Leone goes one on one with the longest serving TV Champion and crowd favourite Dicey Reilly

H: You forgot to mention former TV Champion instead of longest TV Champion

JT: But he held that title longer than anybody has so stop being so petty, just because you don't like the guy

'Even flow' begins to play and the crowd descend into a chorus of boos as Leone walks out of the backstage area and soaks up the jeers lifting his title in the area, he cockily walks down to the ring and slides in under the bottom rope and again holds his title in the area as the crowd boo louder than ever

H: What a champion this guy is, one of the toughest S.O.Bs in the business

All of a sudden the crowd jump to their feet as 'Born tofight' blasts out of the speakers and Dicey runs out to the sold out crowd

JT: You want to talk about the toughest S.O.B in the business you're looking at him. Dicey has taken on all challenges this business has thrown at him and overcome them.

Dicey walks down to the ring tagging the hands of the fans and then climbs into the ring, he barges past Leone and climbs the turnbuckle throwing his arms in the air

JT: 6CWs favourite Irishman fired up for this one

The referee takes the title from Leone and passes it to the timekeeper and motions for the bell. The two men circle each other in the middle of the ring and then tie up. Leone backs Dicey into the corner and breaks on the command of the referee. As he breaks he slaps Dicey in the face who tackles Leone to the mat and begins rain left and right hands down as the Extreme champion can only cover up. The referee pulls Dicey off as Leone struggles to his feet and Dicey runs at him again and clotheslines him down to the mat. He stomps on him a couple of times and then backs against the ropes and hits a jumping kneedrop across the head of his opponent. he drops over him his elbow across the face for a cover


Leone kicks out and Dicey starts to drag him up to his feet but Leone gets a thumb to the eye, Dicey takes a blind swing at his opponent but Leone ducks underneath it

H: WOW!!! What a German Suplex......and another.......and another....Leone is suplexing machine!

After 3 German suplexes Leone considers the pin bt then starts to lift Dicey to his feet, he backs him against the ropes and then whips him across the ring and as Dicey is running back at him he snaps him in two with a spear

JT: Credit were its due what impact, can he get the cover?


JT: No is the answer, Dicey jst gets his shoulder up

Leone starts to lift Dicey up and puts him in the corner of the ring, he shushes the crowd and then hits Dicey across the chest with a knife edged chop, he picks Dicey up and places him seated on the top turnbuckle. He climbs up to the second rope and sets Dicey in position for a superplex

JT: Dicey blocks it. Hes beginning to fight back

Dicey starts to punch Leone and he starts to lose his balance, Dicey pushes him down to the mat and gets himself stood on the top turnbuckle. He motions for Leone to get to his feet

JT: This is risky, Dicey not one who'll usually take to the top rope


Replays show Dicey leaping through the air with a crossbody attempt and Leone connects with a dropkick as he is flying through the air and Dicey falls crumpled to the mat. Leone crawls quickly over for the cover

H: Sirely the win?



Leona hits the mat in frustration and stomps on Dicey. He lifts him up and then backs him back into the corner again, he whips him across the ring to the opposite corner and then runs at him, he leaps to hit him with a running kneestrike


Dicey jumps out of the way at the last second leaving Leone straggling the top rope and as he staggers down to face Dicey he is met with a kick to the gut and Dicey drops him with a DDT leaving both men down on the mat. The referre starts to count


The two men roll onto their fronts and start to drag themselves across the ring


Each man starts to pull themselves up using the ropes



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6CW Draft Night April 25th Results Empty Re: 6CW Draft Night April 25th Results

Post by JJJohnson Tue 26 Apr 2011, 2:17 am

H: Both men JUST beating the count of 10

they meet again in the middle of teh ring and begin to trade punches, Leone starts to get the upper hand and backs Dicey up ahainst the ropes, he Irish whips him and goes for big body drop but Dicey reads it and hits a swinging neckbreaker on Leone. He motions for him to get back to his feet and as he does he kicks him in the gut and lifts himin the suplex position

JT: What strength here from Dicey Reilly

Dicey holds him in the air and then drops him down on his head and he goes for the pin

JT: What a move


H: So close, even I though dicey had the win then

Dicey motions for Leone to get back up and then wraps his arms around his waist and then plants him with a belly to belly suplex. He signals for he end and then motions for Leone to get to his feet

JT: I think Dicey has the Craicdown on hismind. He hits that and its over

Leone staggers to his feet and Dicey kicks him in the gut, he sets him between his legs for the Craicdown


Leone sends Dicey through the air with a body drop and as dicey quickly gets upto his feet he his planted with a superkick. Leone climbs to the top rope and then jumps off driving his elbow through the chest of dicey. Leone drags him to his feet and Dicey swings at him, Leone ducks underneath and then connects with a Russian leg sweep and goes for pin


H: I thought he had it. Surely Dicey can't hang on much longer

Leone runs at the ropes and jumps off the second rope aiming a moonsault, Dicey ducks out of the way but Leone lands on his feet. Dicey hits a standing dropkick and quickly goes for the pin


H: I'm sorry Dicey but you won't win with a dropkick, ll that whiskey must've killed your braincells

Dicey lifts Leone up and again kicks him in the midsection

JT: Can he hit the Craicdown this time?

Dicey sets him up for the Craicdown

H: Here's the pin


JT: WOW!!!!

MB: Ladies and gentlemen, here is your winner

the 6CW Extreme Champion.........Keith Leone

The crowd boo as we see replays of Leone countering out of the Craicdown and rolling Dicey into the pin for the victory



Dicey looks shocked in the ring and holds his head in his arms as Leone is annonced the winner. Leone walks over to him as dicey gets to his feet and offers him an outstretched arm

H: And what class from the champion

As Dicey goes to shake hands Leone kicks him in the midsection and goes to hit him with his DDT finisher but Dicey spins out gets a kick of his own


H: What a coward, he had to rely on a sneak attack to get the upper hand all because he lost. What a chump

'Born to Fight' starts to play again as Dicey backs out of the ring and up the ramp his eyes fixed on Leone. Leone starst to stare and looks back up the ramp at dicey who smiles and winks back

H: Despite the pictures your seeing the winner of this match was Leone, Dicey is nothing more than a coward


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6CW Draft Night April 25th Results Empty Re: 6CW Draft Night April 25th Results

Post by JJJohnson Tue 26 Apr 2011, 2:18 am

*Mr Jones is shown talking on his mobile backstage

Mr Jones:Things are falling beautifully into plan and I do not think even you or myself pictured it going this well...Internecio and Cerberus are more than a match for those two dummies and they will prove that in the next few weeks....yes the stage is set and things will happen exactly as we discussed...

*Suddenly a black material bag is shoved over Jones' head and tightened as his phone drops and he tries to fight.He is dragged backwards towards a car that is running

HE:What the heck is this....somebody is kidnapping Mr Jones...

*Mr Jones is shoved into the back of the car and then the kidnapper is shown, a huge grin on his face.

Dice:Hey Frosty...lets get this show on the road....Old Jonesy boy is nice and comfortable in the back and we have business to take care of...

*The driver's window winds down and Jack Frost pokes his head out as the crowd cheer..

Frost:You know before when i said i liked the sound of your plan....I was wrong...


Frost:Cos I frickin love it man....this douchebag has no idea what is in store for him...

*Dice smiles and then climbs in the back aswell,he taps the top of the car!

*The car races out of the arena as the crowd can be heard laughing and cheering.


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6CW Draft Night April 25th Results Empty Re: 6CW Draft Night April 25th Results

Post by JJJohnson Tue 26 Apr 2011, 2:18 am

Match 5
Triple D vs Geoff Steel

The action is back at ringside and "Last Resort" is blaring out and the crowd are on their feet applauding as Geoff Steel strides down the ramp.He reaches out and tags a few fans hands before climbing into the ring and stretching in preparation for his match.

JT:Former Extreme Champion,Geoff Steel in action now and a big match he has in front of him...

HE:A match that he stands absolutley zero chance of winning...Generation Zero!

JT:You know ive already seen enough of these guys for one night but guess I have to see them again...

HE:Yes you do!

"Generation" blasts out and the boos have increased even further as the show has gone on.Triple D swaggers out onto the stage,he looks back towards the curtain,which doesnt move, and then smiles as he walks to the ring.


HE:You see Jeff,there you go with all your accusations and assumptions,but Triple D is the number one contender to the 6CW Title,he doesnt need backup to win this match..

JT:I must say I am surprised,after all we have seen here see Triple D out here by himself is nothing short of a miracle.

Triple D trash talks the fans and then climbs into the ring and sneers as Geoff Steel.The referee speaks to both men and then signals for the bell as Debadguy springs back against the ropes and shoots into a lockup with Steel...

JT:Its the powergame of Geoff Steel against the athleticism of Triple D...should be a cracking contest!

Triple D quickly applies a headlock but Steel easily backs against the ropes and shoots him across the ring.Triple D comes back and ducks a right hand before bouncing off the opposite side and flying back...

JT:Huge sideslam takedown by Steel...

Steel slams Triple D into the mat and then waits for him to get back up before clotheslining him back down again.Steel drags Triple D up for a third time and flips him up into a powerbomb position before dropping him backwards and guillotining him on the top rope....Triple D sways as Steel runs off the opposite ropes...

JT:Steel on fire here....SPEAR!

Triple D amazingly leapfrogs at the last moment and Steel crashes into the turnbuckle before he is rolled up.............1.......................2................Steel kicks out.Both men scramble up and Debadguy nails a sharp knee to the midsection and quickly whips Steel into the corner,he follows in....

JT:Foot up from Geoff the second rope....


Steel leaps off with a double axe handle but is met in midair with a staggering dropkick to the face.Steel tries to get up and Triple D hooks his arm and nails a suplex,he swivels his hips and pulls Steel back up and hits another before repeating the priocess for a third time...

HE:Looking at D to the 3...

Steel swivels in midair and lands behind Triple D before pushing him in the back,Triple D stumbles into the corner and Steel nails him with a running clothesline before flipping him up on his shoulders....

JT:Running powerslam...shades of the British Bulldog

.......shoulder up!

Steel spits on the mat and he drags Triple D back up.He punches him back onto the ropes and then whips him towards the corner again,he follows in but Debadguy shows athleticism as he uses the top rope to propel himself up and over the oncoming Steel...

HE:Beautiful....german suplex!

1.................2..........Steel kicks out!

JT:Triple D looking to maintain his title credentials but Geoff Steel is no slouch,he can hang with the best of them and it will take something special to keep him down...

Triple D cockily slaps the back of Steel's head and then pulls him up and lights him up with stiff knife edge chops.Steel grabs him by the head and flips Debadguy onto the ropes before returning the favour with harsh chops and then three solid european uppercuts...he irish whips Triple D across the ring...

JT:Triple D dodged that....crossbody....

Triple D comes back off the ropes with a flying crossbody but Steel catches him in midair and connects with a big fall away slam..............1.....................2..........Triple D kicks out.

HE:It will take something special to keep Triple D down aswell...

Steel stands up and he looks at Triple D before signalling to the crowd and they give a huge cheer as he grabs Debadguy's long hair...

JT:End is in sight.....BLADE CUTTER!

Debadguy swipes Steel's legs at the last moment and slingshots him into the corner,Steel's head connects with the turnbuckle and he sways..

HE:Opportunity knocks.....DEBAD INTENTIONS!

Steel grabs the top rope and holds on as Triple D crashes into the mat....Steel quickly runs off the ropes...

JT:Great back and forth action here oh SPEAR!

The crowd erupt as Steel crushes into Triple D with an almighty spear...



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6CW Draft Night April 25th Results Empty Re: 6CW Draft Night April 25th Results

Post by JJJohnson Tue 26 Apr 2011, 2:18 am

foot on the ropes!

JT:How close can you be?

HE:Great ring awareness from Duke...thats why he is the number one contender...

JT:Yeah and it has absolutely bothing to do with the fact that Generation Zero eliminated the competition...

HE:Nothing at all...

Steel shakes his head but breathes deep and stands up.He watches Triple D struggling up and then grabs him...

JT:Didnt work the first time but Triple D on wobbly legs......BLADE CUTTER!

This time Triple D backdrops Steel over the top rope but Steel lands on the apron.He grabs Triple D's hair and yanks so hard that Debadguy is dragged to the mat...the crowd cheer as Steel climbs the ropes...

JT:Not a place we often see Geoff Steel....shoulder block takedown!

Steel floors Triple D with the flying shoulder and then gets back up with a triumphant smile...

JT:This could be all...

HE:You were saying...

The crowd boo as Generation Zero walk out on the stage and stare down to the ring at Steel.Steel stares back and then he begins to beckon them on and even opens the ropes for them...

JT:The vultures are circling,but Geoff Steel never met a fight he didnt like...

HE:This is one he cant win,mark my words...

Generation Zero circle the ring,the referee is waving them away as Steel tries to watch them all closely...

JT:Without a General Manager aswell we are going to struggle to keep these guys under wraps....this is completely uncalled for...its gang tactics,nothing more.

Angealus jumps up one side as Steel goes towards him but then he drops down and Scorpion attempts to climb in on the other side but Steel blocks him off.Jackson Black then follows suit but Steel stands his ground...

HE:Steel needs to get out of here in my opinion...has he not seen what has happened to everyone else here tonight?


Debadguy takes advantage and sneaks up behind Steel before connecting with the leaping neckbreaker.....................1.........................2...................3!

HE:Yes,go on Duke...

JT:This is really starting to get ridiculous now....Generation Zero has interjected themselves on almost everything here tonight and nobody is doing anything about it...

HE:What can anyone do?...Generation Zero is running the show Jeff,face facts!

JT:Oh cmon,this is enough now...

Triple D scares the referee off and then orders Scorpion to pull the padding off the turnbuckle,which he does.Jackson Black and Angealus haul Steel up and then Triple D grabs him and smashes his face against the exposed turnbuckle..he repeats this twice more,causing a cut to open above Steel's left eye and then pulls him to the centre of the ring.....


Debadguy hits the reverse tombstone on Steel and the crowd boo as Steel's blood stains the canvass.Generation Zero stand tall in the ring and celebrate.

JT:This is heninous....and it has to stop....surely somebody can end this madness?

HE:Id get used to that picture right there Jeff because I have a feeling we will be seeing that for a very long time...


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6CW Draft Night April 25th Results Empty Re: 6CW Draft Night April 25th Results

Post by JJJohnson Tue 26 Apr 2011, 2:19 am

*Christy James is standing by with GazzyD.The crowd pop as Gazzy nods at the camera and shoulders his 6CW Title

Christy:GazzyD,tonight here in the O2 Arena you will make the first defense of your 6CW Title...and a very difficult defense at that.How are you feeling just a few moments before taking on Daniel Reilly in a 2 out of 3 falls match?

Gazzy:You know Christy I feel comfortable and ready to go.I know the task ahead of me is going to be difficult,perhaps as difficult as any match I have ever had.Daniel Reilly prides himself on being world champion and losing this(points at belt) to me at Night of Glory really wounded him...but a wounded animal is a dangerous animal and I know I am going to need every ounce of my being here tonight to walk away as champion...

But last week I made a vow,I made a promise to these fans and a promise to myself.I have worked my entire life for this championship and I will not let it go without the fight of a lifetime....Daniel Reilly may have got the better of me last week but he is going to have to bring all he has,and a whole lot more if he is to get anywhere near me here tonight....

Because for as pent up and focused as Daniel Reilly is,you can bet your bum that I am going to be a thousand times more so.Every drop of blood,sweat and tears that I have has gone into my career,I have worked harder than anyone else to get to the top and I am not ready for that to end just yet.

These fans have showed faith in me from the very beginning and I promise to repay that every step of the 2 out of 3 falls may be considered a test for me...but thats nothing compared to the lesson I will teach Reilly tonight!

*GazzyD nods at Christy and walks away as the crowd cheer again and a large "GazzyD" chant starts up.


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6CW Draft Night April 25th Results Empty Re: 6CW Draft Night April 25th Results

Post by JJJohnson Tue 26 Apr 2011, 2:19 am

Match 6
Mark Matzko/John Dice/Jack Frost vs Anonymous/Cerberus/Internecio

The action is back at ringside and Cerberus,Internecio and Anonymous are all in the ring.Internecio and Cerberus look furious as "New Day" roars out and the crowd cheer as Mark Matzko walks out onto the stage.He salutes the crowd and then begins his descent to the ring.

JT:Welcome back to Escalation folks and its 6 man tag team action up for us now.Earlier tonight we saw John Dice and Jack Frost kidnap Mr Jones in retaliation for the beating they took from Internecio and Cerberus last all four men must be in the same ring at the same time...

HE:Not to mention the steadily growing feud between Mark Matzko and Anonymous...this tag team match has all the makings of slobberknocker...

John Dice and Jack Frost come out to huge cheers and join Matzko at the base of the ramp.They stare up at the ring and their opponents,all three men talk tactics and then tear towards the rings...

JT:Here we go,these six men are gonna get it on...

Dice and Internecio begin to throw huge rights and lefts before Internecio grabs Dice with both hands and hauls him over the top rope and follows him.Cerberus whips Frost off the ropes but takes a huge boot to the face and then Frost dropkicks Cerberus to the ropes and through them to the outside...Matzko and Anonymous lockup and Matzko headlocks Anonymous...

HE:The fighting has already spilled out in front of us...

Internecio grabs Dice but takes a boot to the kneecaps and then Dice slams the big man's head against the announce table.Cerberus gets up on the outside as Frost sprints towards him,he runs up the steel steps and dives off at his foe...


Frost wipes Cerberus out and the crowd go wild .In the ring,Matzko reverses an irish whip from Anonymous and then backdrops him high into the air as he comes back.Anonymous staggers up and Matzko whips him into the corner and then follows in with a big clothesline before pulling him out and nailing a brainbuster...

HE:Looks like these two are gonna be the legal men...


Matzko pulls Anonymous up and he scoops him onto his shoulders and looks for a running powerslam but Anonymous drops out the back and hits a reverse DDT.Internecio is whipped on the outside by Dice but he reverses....BOOM!

JT:Sickening impact...

Dice's head collides with the steel steps and the crowd wince as he collapses on the outside.Internecio flicks his hair back and then climbs onto the apron as Anonymous tags him in....

HE:Here comes the monster...

JT:Interested to see how both Cerberus and Internecio fare,knowing their handler has been kidnapped by two of their opponents...

Internecio drags Matzko up and he uppercuts him back against the ropes and then whips him across the ring,Matzko ducks the back elbow but on the rebound he cannot dodge the huge big boot that floors him.Internecio begins choking Matzko on the ground before releasing on four and tagging Anonymous back in...

HE:Currently we are looking at a two on two situation,both John Dice and Cerberus are out of commission....

Anonymous backs Matzko into the corner and hits several stomps to the midsection before leaping up and kicks Matzko in the face.Matzko staggers as Anonymous climbs up the ropes and then launches himself off...

JT:Excellent missile dropkick...

1..............2.........Matzko kicks out.Anonymous stands up and adjusts his mask before running off the ropes and hitting a flying facebuster....he stands back and connects with a standing moonsault before getting up again and runs off the ropes...

HE:Rolling thunder connects....

Anonymous hits the somersault maneurvre and then stands ups and tags Internecio back in.Both of them drag Matzko up and nail a double suplex before Internecio bounces back off the ropes and leaps up into a huge elbow drop...

JT:Matzko dodged it....he needs a tag...

Internecio misses the elbow but quickly gets up as Matzko makes a dash for the ropes.Frost stretches his hand out as Internecio grabs him by the collar and drags him back...

HE:Did he get it...?


Internecio wraps his hand around Matzko's throat and hoists him skywards as Frost gets in the ring and clotheslines him from behind,causing Matzko to drop to the mat.Frost spins Internecio around punches him back to the ropes and looks for an irish whip,Internecio reverses but Frost comes back and leaps through the air,connecting with a tornado DDT...Frost staggers up and lets Internecio stand,he targets his legs with stiff karate kicks and then nails a spinning roundhouse to the midsection...



JT:Jack Frost taking the fight to the monsters.....

Frost looks for an irish whip to the corner but Internecio reverses it and chases in.Frost gets both feet up and plants them in the face of Internecio,knocking him backwards onto his knees...Frost climbs up the ropes...

HE:Flying legdrop to the back of the neck....

Frost hits the legdrop as Cerberus gets back onto the apron and tries to climb in the ring.Frost runs at him but Cerberus grabs his head and guillotines him across the ropes and then slides back in the ring...

JT:Cerberus has no business in the ring,Internecio is the legal man...

Cerberus runs at Frost and goes for a bicycle kick but Frost ducks it and sets up for the Gringo Killer....

HE:What an effort...OH NO!

Cerberus pushes Frost away and into Internecio,Internecio grips Frost around the throat and the crowd groan as Cerberus hooks Frost aswell...


Dice is on the top rope and he nails a massive double crossbody on the monsters as the crowd cheer.Anonymous climbs in the ring and he waits for Dice to get up...


Anonymous hits the superkick on John Dice as the crowd boo.Mark Matzko climbs in the ring and he running clotheslines Anonymous over the top rope to the outside.Matzko drags Anonymous up and slams him against the ringside barrier...

JT:This is descending...

Matzko pulls Anonymous towards him and then flips him up for a powerbomb and runs him back towards the ringpost....

HE:Anonymous slipped off....PELE!

Anonymous hits the backflip kick on the outside and both men are down.In the ring,Frost is up and he dodges Internecio's big boot and manages to backdrop him over the ropes to the outside.

JT:Cerberus has him....GERMANS!

Cerberus hits one german suplex....two german suplexes.....three suplexes....he pulls Frost back up and looks for a fourth as Frost spins out and nails a northern lights suplex....

HE:Cerberus isnt the legal man though....the pinfall doesnt count....

Frost notices this and releases the cover,he checks quickly on John Dice and then stands up and grabs Cerberus to throw him from the ring....

JT:The referee ordering Frost away...he is taking care of Cerberus...look out...

Internecio is back in the ring with a steel chair and he drives it into the midsection of Frost and then throws the chair from the ring as the referee turns back around and Internecio hits a chokeslam in the centre of the ring...

HE:Forget about it...



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6CW Draft Night April 25th Results Empty Re: 6CW Draft Night April 25th Results

Post by JJJohnson Tue 26 Apr 2011, 2:19 am

Dice breaks it up.

JT:These guys have got some heart....give them that...

Dice clubs the back of Internecio and drags him up,he kicks him in the stomach and lifts him up for the...


Internecio drops off the back and looks for a big clothesline but its ducked and Dice nails a samoan drop.He goes to the corner and climbs up the ropes...

JT:Dice taking a gamble....LONG SHOT!

Dice nails the flying elbow drop and the crowd cheer before he climbs up.His eyes glare as he sizes up his opponent...

HE:John Dice taking this fight to the maximum....he wants this....

Dice lifts Internecio onto his shoulders but has no time to react as Cerberus is back and nails a running bicycle kick.He drags his Dice up...

JT:Dice could have bitten off more than he can chew now....Internecio is back up....DOUBLE CHOKESLAM!

Internecio and Cerberus double chokeslam Dice into the mat and the crowd boo as he rolls from the ring.On the outside,Anonymous drags the steel steps into the aisleway and then pulls Matzko towards him...

HE:This is sick,he is gonna piledrive him on the steel steps....

Jack Frost makes it back to his feet and he spins Cerberus around quickly and kicks him in the stomach...

JT:COLD SNAP....This is it...

Frost connects with the Gringo Killer as the crowd erupt into cheers,but Internecio is lying in wait....

JT:Turn around Jack....


Internecio nails the BlackTiger Bomb as the crowd boo and then places both palms on Jack Frost for the the cover....................1......................2....................3!

JT:Dammit....this is over....


The match ends with Internecio's team the victors but on the outside Matzko fights out of the piledriver and then DDT's Anonymous onto the steel steps...

JT:Anonymous may be out cold after that...Mark Matzko may have just got a hint of redemption....

Internecio stands tall and he stares at the Jack Frost,before John Dice recovers enough to drag his tag team partner from the ring and helps him into the aisle.Internecio stares at them with cold eyes as Dice shouts back to him "This isnt over bitch"...

HE:John Dice telling Internecio this isnt over and I would say he is right...none of these feuds are...

JT:But what is gonna happen next,all of these guys wanna tear each other's throats the hell can they settle this?

HE:I guess Dice and Frost's plan to kidnap Mr Jones has backfired because they seem to have really po'ed the two behemoths...

JT:But their mentor is still missing and who knows what Frost and Dice have planned for him...

HE:Folks I hate to interrupt this fascinating encounter but we are receiving word that there is an incident in the back...

JT:Not another one..


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6CW Draft Night April 25th Results Empty Re: 6CW Draft Night April 25th Results

Post by JJJohnson Tue 26 Apr 2011, 2:20 am

*The cameras are rolling in the back,there is alot of shouting as suddenly a body goes flying through the air and collides with a nearby wall.

HE:Thats Jerome Dubois....what the heck is going on here...

*Jackson Black,Scorpion and Angealus are on the scene and begin to lay the boot into Dubois as he collapses on the mat.Scorpion drags a table out and places it in the middle of the room as the other two drag Dubois up and flip him into the air...all three hold him in place....


Black stands over Dubois and slaps him in the face before holding his head down as Triple D swaggers onto the scene,a huge grin on his face and a steel chair in hand.

Triple D:You really thought you were on my level didnt you really thought you were ready for me....and you really thought it was your father that had it in for you,but was me...I hate you...I hate everything you stand for...


CRACK....CRACK....CRACK!.....Triple D smashes the chair three times into the skull of Dubois before the rest of Generation Zero lay the boot in some more.Triple D orders them to stand him up,Dubois is not moving as Triple D rips his mask off,revealing a blood soaked face...he grabs Dubois' face...

JT:This is disgusting....

Triple D:Your not welcome here boy....

Triple D has the rest of Generation Zero lift Dubois into the air and then they place him onto his shoulders....Triple D orders them to place the steel chair beneath his opponent...

JT:Somebody needs to stop this...


Triple D tombstones Dubois onto the concrete and steel chair,blood leaks across the floor as Triple D stands up and laughs.He then turns his back and Generation Zero follow.

JT:Something needs to be done...nobody is safe from these guys....


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6CW Draft Night April 25th Results Empty Re: 6CW Draft Night April 25th Results

Post by JJJohnson Tue 26 Apr 2011, 2:20 am

Main Event
6CW Title
2 out of 3 falls
GazzyD© vs Daniel Reilly

ding ding ding

Mike Bird:Ladies and Gentlemen......the following is contest is the two out of three falls match.....and it is for the 6CW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP!

*Crowd pop

JT:This is it...the match that every single fan in this arena has been waiting for...

The arena is literally electrifying and the noise is defeaning as Mike Bird stands in the centre of the ring and then the lights dim.Red pyros shoot from the stage and then "Big Things Poppin" screams out and the boos begin as a figure steps out from behind the curtain.

Mike Bird:Introducing first.....the challenger.......from Birmingham,England..............weighing in at 196 pounds.............."The King of the Streets".....Daniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeel Reeeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiilllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

The crowd boo as Reilly stands on the stage.His face is dripping with water as he looks down with intensity and then begins his descent.He ignores the fans as he climbs up the steel steps and then into the ring.He paces the ring and keeps psyching himself up before stretching against the ropes.

HE:Reilly looks pumped here tonight,he wants this match and this victory more than anything else in the world...

JT:But as we saw earlier,GazzyD wants it just as much and it is going to take the absolute best from either of these athletes to walk away victorious here tonight.Reilly was the man for almost six months,he beat every single challenger there was,but there was one man he could not topple...the man that dethroned him at Night of Glory...the 6CW Champion...

Reilly looks up at the stage and then the crowd pop as the lights go out completely."Airplanes" begins to kick in and then a whole jet of silver and gold pyros erupt along the stage before massive red and blue ones explode in the arena air...a huge lights explodes on the stage and then a shadow walks out as the cheers increase tenfold...

Mike Bird:And introducing his opponent..............from Manchester,England.......weighing in at 221 pounds.....he is the current,reigning and defending 6CW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION.........Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzyyyyyyyyyyyyyy DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!

The noise is defeaning as GazzyD bounces out onto the stage and he nods in appreciation of the sold-out crowd.He points around and then comes down the ramp,tagging fans' hands as he comes.Reilly continues to stare with focus as Gazzy climbs onto the apron and goes to each corner in turn,holding the 6CW Title up in each one...

JT:It was a dream come true for GazzyD earlier this month in New York City when he captured the 6CW Title in a historic fatal four way elimination match....he defeated Reilly and found himself as the leader of this great company....Gazzy has promised to be remembered as one of the greats and the "human highlight reel" will have to back that up tonight if he is to fulfill his promise...

HE:GazzyD is a tremendous athlete,I dont doubt that,but does he have that edge that will keep him at the top of the mountain?...Reilly can go to that other place,he can fight clean and he can fight dirty...a world champion needs versatility and I am not sure that when it comes down to the nitty gritty that Gazzy will be able to switch it up...

JT:Tonight will promises to be one for the ages...this is it folks...two out of three falls for the richest prize in the game..

Reilly and Gazzy stand toe to toe as the referee reads them both the riot act,they stare into one another's eyes and neither blinks as the referee calls for the bell and the crowd cheer.Both men inch closer and are nose to nose...

HE:You could cut the intensity with a we go...


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6CW Draft Night April 25th Results Empty Re: 6CW Draft Night April 25th Results

Post by JJJohnson Tue 26 Apr 2011, 2:21 am

Reilly snaps with a right hand and then Gazzy fires back with one of his own.Reilly hits back with three quick shots but then Gazzy ducks a big haymaker and the crowd cheer as he stuns Reilly with an uppercut and hammers him back towards the ropes,he grips Reilly's right arm and whips him across the ring...

JT:Ferocious start and you can sense what this means to both men...

Gazzy leaps into a dropkick but Reilly catches his legs and drives him into the mat,he grips Gazzy's legs and slingshots him to the corner but Gazzy lands on the ropes and quickly spins back off with a double axe handle...he bounces Reilly back against the ropes and sends him across the ring again...

JT:Scores with the dropkick this time....frantic start from these men...

HE:No chance they can keep this up for three falls...

Gazzy waits for Reilly to get back and then forearms him against the ropes and hits another irish whip,this time Reilly ducks the clothesline and comes back off the opposite ropes...

JT:Hurricanrana from the champion...

Reilly is stunned with the hurricanrana and gets up again,Gazzy goes for a hiptoss but Reilly elbows him in the ribs and gutwrenches him up into the air...

HE:Headscissors from GazzyD...

Gazzy sends Reilly tumbling into the corner and then stuns him with a stiff shining wizard,he grips Reilly's head in a headlock and runs him out for a bulldog but Reilly stands firm and hits a quick back suplex...

JT:Gazzy landed on his feet astonishing...

Gazzy lands behind Reilly and this time hits the running bulldog.He sprints to the ropes and springboards onto the middle...


HE:Reilly moves...

Reilly moves away from the moonsault attempt but Gazzy lands on his feet.He wobbles slightly and Reilly takes advantage with a running clothesline.He drags Gazzy back up and whips him into the corner before following in...

JT:Gazzy up the ropes...whisper in the wind!

Gazzy nails the whisper in the wind...............1.....................2.............Reilly kicks out and both men scramble up.Gazzy throws a punch but Reilly ducks it and sends a knee crashing into Gazzy's stomach before whipping him off the ropes...

HE:Tilt-a-whirl...sitdown powerbomb...first fall...

Gazzy kicks out!

JT:Brilliant maneurvre from the challenger Daniel Reilly but GazzyD kicked out....

Reilly punches the mat but then stands up and he waits for Gazzy to rise,his eyes flare with animoisty as Gazzy gets up...



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6CW Draft Night April 25th Results Empty Re: 6CW Draft Night April 25th Results

Post by JJJohnson Tue 26 Apr 2011, 2:21 am

Gazzy sends Reilly into the ropes and then looks for a clothesline but Reilly backdrops him onto the apron.Reilly turns around and Gazzy shoulder thrusts through the middle ropes and then sunset slips back into the ring and a pin...................1......................2............kickout!

JT:Close but no three count right there....very energetic pace so far and you wonder how these men are expecting to last the remainder of this match...

Reilly rolls back onto his feet and aims a kick at Gazzy's head but he athletically ducks it and kicks back up.He waits for Reilly to turn around and then spinning heel kicks him to the ground before going to the corner...

JT:An opening perhaps....split legged corkscrew...

Reilly drives his knees up at the last moment and they collide with the champion's ribcage.He picks himself up as Gazzy is doubled up in pain and then takes him out with a running chopblock.He grabs the leg of Gazzy and executes three elbow drops to the ankle and then stomps on it repeatedly...

HE:Reilly showing his viper like tendencies now...targeting the ankle and softening the champion up...

Gazzy crawls towards the ropes but Reilly drags him back and tries to synch in a standing leglock,Gazzy pounds his elbows against the mat and then twists on his stomach and rolls away...he hobbles up in the corner as Reilly runs towards him...

JT:Gazzy span round the ropes...amazing athleticism...

Gazzy flips through the ropes(ala Christian) and kicks Reilly in the head,knocking him backwards.Gazzy spins out onto the apron and then vaults onto the ropes and springboards into the ring and dropkicks Reilly in the back...

JT:Reilly across the ropes....GazzyD gone dial it up.....619!

Gazzy nails the 619 and the crowd cheer as Reilly collapses on the mat.Gazzy grabs the ropes and jumps up...

JT:Springboard....450 HEADBUTT!





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6CW Draft Night April 25th Results Empty Re: 6CW Draft Night April 25th Results

Post by JJJohnson Tue 26 Apr 2011, 2:22 am

ding ding

Mike Bird:The winner of the first fall...............Danieeeeeeeeeeeeel Reeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiilllllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyy!

The crowd boo as Gazzy misses with the somersault headbutt and then Reilly capitalises with the RKO for the first fall.The referee gets in between both men...

JT:Rest period now of one minute after the first fall and GazzyD will need it...he has lost the first fall and is in serious danger of losing his world title...

HE:GazzyD is the risk taker but perhaps he has taken one risk too many because he is in dire straits here...Reilly needs one fall and this one is over and done with.....

The minute expires and the referee waves the contest back on.GazzyD is only just to his feet and looks groggy as Reilly licks his lips and then sprints across and takes him out with another chopblock.He puts Gazzy's ankle on the ropes and leaps up and drives all his body weight down....

JT:Reilly using the five count very well here....he knows he has the advantage and a weight has lifted on the challenger...

Reilly leans away with a smirk and then comes back and starts stomping on the ankle again.Gazzy shouts in pain as the referee pulls Reilly away again...

HE:Reilly has the advantage but he doesnt want to get himself disqualified....

Reilly applies a standing leglock and twists the leg and ankle of Gazzy with serious pressure.The referee leans down and asks Gazzy does he want to give up but Gazzy just shakes his head and uses his other foot to kick out at Reilly...

JT:Clean connection there and the hold is broken...

Gazzy connects with Reilly's chest and shoves him backwards before crawling up.He is very hurt as he uses the ropes for leverage and then Reilly runs behind and boots him in the ankle again.He slides from the ring and slams Gazzy's ankle against the apron before dragging him to the ringpost...

JT:No,this is uncalled for....dammit!

Reilly slams Gazzy's ankle against the ringpost three times and ignores the referee's threats of disqualification.The ref climbs from the ring and he warns Reilly as he pulls Gazzy's leg back again...

HE:This is not wise from Reilly,he will throw this away...OH NO!

Gazzy pulls back and Reilly stumbles forwards and collides with the ringpost as the crowd cheer.Gazzy just lays on the mat as Reilly is sprawled on the outside and the referee begins to count him out...

JT:Reilly's direct flouting of the rules has put him in trouble here....

1...............2...................3..................4..........Gazzy is crawling for the ropes as Reilly puts a hand on the ring steps..................5.................6............Gazzy stumbles up in the corner and Reilly staggers back against the ringside barrier.............8................9............Reilly makes last gasp dash...

HE:He's not gonna make it...

JT:Did he,....I dont know!

The referee makes the call and he allows the match to go on as the crowd boo.Gazzy hobbles forwards as Reilly staggers up and he punches him back against the ropes before looking for an irish whip but Reilly reverses with ease...Gazzy comes back as Reilly lifts him up...

HE:Black hole...

Gazzy spins three revolutions around the body of Reilly and then into a tornado DDT as the crowd erupt in cheers.Both men are flat on the mat and struggling...

JT:Both these men have already expended a serious amount of energy and the end is nowhere near in sight....

HE:Its all about being world champion Jeff,your body will go to unreal lengths for that...

Gazzy crawls to the corner and drags himself up as Reilly is struggling to get back to a vertical base.Gazzy climbs up the ropes gingerly and then scouts his opponent...

JT:GazzyD taking another risk here...

Before Gazzy can leap Reilly gets up and knocks his legs out from under him,causing Gazzy to fall in an uncomfortable position as the crowd wince.Reilly quickly climbs up the ropes and grabs ahold of his opponent...

HE:Superplex time...

The crowd cheer as Gazzy fights back with rights and lefts and then headbutts Reilly in the face and pushes him hard down onto the canvass.He quickly climbs onto the top rope..


The crowd roar as Gazzy nails the corkscrew into a senton bomb and hooks the leg after a moments recovery.............................1.......................2...........................3!

JT:He levelled it...


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6CW Draft Night April 25th Results Empty Re: 6CW Draft Night April 25th Results

Post by JJJohnson Tue 26 Apr 2011, 2:22 am

HE:No he didnt!

The crowd are gobsmacked as the referee points to Reilly's foot on the ropes,GazzyD slumps in disbelief as he looks at his opponent...

HE:Great ringsmanship from Daniel Reilly...and you see that look in GazzyD's eyes,that is the look of a man who has no idea what to do next....

Gazzy looks up into skies and then around at the cheering masses as he hauls himself back to his feet and he waits for a dazed Reilly to climb up before grabbing him...

JT:Gazzy needs something big...DEEP IMPACT....


Reilly spins out and looks for the RKO but Gazzy pushes him off,against the ropes.Reilly comes back with a big clothesline but Gazzy ducks underneath it and springboards onto the ropes and back with a dropkick takedown...Reilly is stunned...


Reilly somehow shuffles his body and drops down,dragging Gazzy's injured ankle out from under him and he synches in a brutal anklelock as Gazzy screams in pain...

HE:Oh this is it....GazzyD cannot take much of this...

JT:Out of nowhere and now we will see the intestinal fortitude of our 6CW Champion...

Gazzy is holding his head and screaming in pain as Reilly tworks away with serious pressure.Gazzy tries desperately to crawl to the ropes but he is dragged back and Reilly bends the ankle at a sickening angle as the referee asks the champion if he wants to give it up...

HE:He has to quit...nobody can withstand this much pain...

GazzyD seems in utter agony as he reaches for the ropes,with little success.Reilly is literally frothing from the mouth as he kicks it up another notch...

JT:Reilly is going to keep going until Gazzy's ankle is snapped in too...look out...

Gazzy takes one last gamble and rolls forwards but Reilly mimics him with skill and keeps the submission locked in as the crowd groan...Gazzy makes one last swoop for the ropes but misses,his face is purple with agony as his hand lowers...

HE:He's tapping....he's tapping!

JT:I dont believe it....


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6CW Draft Night April 25th Results Empty Re: 6CW Draft Night April 25th Results

Post by JJJohnson Tue 26 Apr 2011, 2:22 am

The crowd erupt as Gazzy's left hand clasps the bottom rope and with the right hand he taps out.Reilly immediately releases the hold and raises his arm in victory...

HE:Daniel Reilly has won two straight...I didnt even expect that...

JT:He hasnt won....the referee is saying GazzyD got the ropes....the match continues...


The crowd are screaming and cheering as the referee pulls Reilly's hands down and tells them he hasnt won.Reilly seems incensed and pushes the referee back...

HE:Reilly cannot believe this...he saw Gazzy tap out.I saw Gazzy tap out...

JT:But he made the ropes first...that is the referee's call...

Reilly spits in fury and then walks back and grabs the ankle of Gazzy again and drags him back to the centre...

HE:There will be no doubt about it now...



Reilly just kicks out from the small package attempt from GazzyD.He quickly gets back up and he stomps on the injured leg of Gazzy and then lifts him into a kneebreaker before turning him on his stomach again...

HE:Anklelock time baby...

Gazzy forwards rolls and this time Reilly staggers into the corner.Gazzy gets up and hits a running body splash before getting up and hitting a monkey flip,which proples Reilly into the centre of the ring.Gazzy tries to get back up,but his ankle buckles...

JT:GazzyD is practically fighting on one foot...he is in real trouble here...

Gazzy takes his time and then he stands up in the corner,he begins to climb up the ropes and reaches the top rope as Reilly slowly gets to his feet...

HE:Things have not paid off so well for the champion from the top rope here tonight....I dont know how he expects this one to go any better...


Gazzy nails the moonsault onto the Reilly,as he stands up, and the crowd cheer.Gazzy seems worse for wear as he stumbles up and grabs Reilly by the head...

JT:Gazzy could be looking for Deep Impact...Reilly fighting back...

Reilly pushes Gazzy back into the corner and then runs in for a stinger splash but Gazzy gets his foot up and kicks Reilly backwards...Gazzy quickly steps up the ropes and launches himself off...



JT:Got him...


JT:Yes he did!

ding ding

Mike Bird:Ladies and Gentlemen....the winner of the second fall..........GaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzzyyyyyyyyyyyDDDDDDDDDDDD!

The crowd cheer as GazzyD's name is announced.The referee initiates the minute break as Gazzy crawls into the corner and sits down.Reilly is desperately trying to recover...

JT:Amazing heart shown by GazzyD to win that fall but he still needs one more....both these men do!

HE:I would say it is still advantage Reilly....Gazzy is on one foot,how much longer can he really survive?

JT:The Dragonrana was a moment of brilliance but GazzyD needs another...can the human highlight reel produce one more are will we be crowning a new champion here tonight?

The huge chants of "GazzyD" start up as the referee backs away and signals for the match to restart.Gazzy is barely able to stand and Reilly comes towards him,the champion kicks out and lands in the midsection and then with three solid rights until Reilly stomps on the injured ankle and then scoops Gazzy up and backbreakers him to the mat.

HE:Both of these just running on pure adrenaline here folks...this is a match that is good enough to main event any pay per view in any major company,but tonight you are getting it live and exclusive on television..


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6CW Draft Night April 25th Results Empty Re: 6CW Draft Night April 25th Results

Post by JJJohnson Tue 26 Apr 2011, 2:23 am

Reilly kneels over Gazzy and sends crashing shots to his head and then stands up.He staggers slightly but then he stalks his opponent,he watches and waits as Gazzy struggles to get to his feet,Reilly's eyes burn with focus...

JT:Daniel Reilly can sense how close he is to winning this close he is to regaining the 6CW Championship...


Reilly leaps into the cutter but Gazzy amazingly counters with a flip over diamond dust as the crowd cheer.Gazzy backs into the corner and uses the ropes to pull himself up,he is really struggling on his ankle but makes it up...

JT:GazzyD needs one last roll of the dice and he needs it to pay off...

Gazzy pulls Reilly up and irish whips him into the corner,he runs in but Reilly moves aside from the body splash and then he rags Gazzy from the corner and flips him into the air before powerbombing him hard on the back of his neck...

HE:That could shatter a bone like....

JT:But Reilly isnt content,he should have made the cover...

HE:He wants to finish it.....FROGSPLASH!

Reilly comes off the top with the frogsplash but Gazzy moves with a split second notice and avoids it.Reilly is doubled up as Gazzy manages to stumble over to him...


The crowd erupts into cheers as Gazzy nails the Deep Impact facebuster on Reilly in the centre of the ring...

HE:But he has got nothing left,his ankle is too weak...

GazzyD is just laid out on the mat and Reilly is down and out aswell.The crowd strike up "GazzyD" chants to spur the champion on,he tries desperately to crawl across...

JT:GazzyD is seconds away from retaining his title in what has been a match for the ages....but he needs to push himself...



JT:No way....

HE:It was Gazzy's ankle,it cost him too much time and allowed Reilly to recover...

The crowd are shocked as Reilly kicks out and GazzyD just slumps back on the mat in disbelief.He crawls to the corner and pulls himself up,he looks almost helpless as he reaches a vertical base...he looks around at the fans,who are chanting his name,and seems to take a little heart...

JT:Gazzy needs to suck it in and dig deep....


Reilly is up out of nowhere and he drills Gazzy with the RKO as he comes close.The crowd gasp as Reilly smirks and taps his head before hooking the leg...

JT:He came from nowhere...

JT:Cmon Gazzy!


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6CW Draft Night April 25th Results Empty Re: 6CW Draft Night April 25th Results

Post by JJJohnson Tue 26 Apr 2011, 2:23 am




GazzyD somehow kicks out of the RKO and Reilly looks flabbergasted as he screams at the referee and bangs the mat with outrage.He stands up and kicks the ropes before pushing the referee aside...

HE:Reilly is not impressed...not impressed at all....ANKLELOCK!

The crowd grimace as once again GazzyD's screams fill the air,Reilly is relentless with the anklelock and turns the appendage at a sickening angle...

JT:We maybe moments away from crowning a new 6CW Champion folks...

HE:No maybe about it...

Gazzy is almost on one foot as he tries to grab at the ropes but misses,Reilly drags him back to the centre...

JT:GazzyD has nowhere to run....ENZEGUIRI!

The crowd cheer as Gazzy nails the one footed whip kick to the side of Reilly's head,sending him into a daze.Gazzy staggers up and tries to instep Reilly...

JT:Looking for the skull crushing finale...

Reilly swings out of it and waistlocks Gazzy for a german suplex...

HE:This should do it...

Gazzy manages to run Reilly backwards into the corner,trapping the referee behind them both and knocking him out.Gazzy pulls away from Reilly and staggers into the centre of the ring...Reilly runs out at him...

JT:Gazzy dodged the clothesline....DEEP IMPACT!

The crowd cheer again as Gazzy hits Deep Impact for the second time and covers...


JT:He got him....he got him...

HE:No ref....there is no referee....

Gazzy looks across as the unconscious referee and he looks gutted.He tries to crawl across and revive the official...

JT:GazzyD has this match won....we need another referee...OH DAMMIT!

HE:No referee Jeff....but we do have Oliver Keane!

Keane sprints down the ramp and into the ring.Gazzy has his back turned as Keane low-blows him from behind and drops him to his knees.Keane shakes Reilly awake and then rolls from the ring and grabs a steel chair as the crowd boo...

JT:He has no business out here....get him out of here...

HE:He is protecting his interests...nothing wrong with that.....

JT:There is everything wrong with that...

Keane gets back in the ring with the steel chair and then he passes it to Reilly as he hauls GazzyD up...

JT:This is sick.....


CRACK!....Reilly slams the chair against Gazzy's head and knocks him down as the crowd boo.Reilly throws the chair down and then locks the anklelock in again...Gazzy screams as Keane kneels down in his face and laughs,before slapping him...


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6CW Draft Night April 25th Results Empty Re: 6CW Draft Night April 25th Results

Post by JJJohnson Tue 26 Apr 2011, 2:23 am

JT:Oliver Keane is loving this....they are brutalising the champion....

Keane walks over and begins to revive the referee as Reilly releases the hold and then stalks GazzyD...

HE:This is it....Reilly is primed and ready....GazzyD is a sitting duck...

JT:I cant believe what I am seeing....this was an amazing match until Oliver Keane got involved...

HE:Now it will have an amazing ending to go with the rest of it...

Reilly prepares for the RKO,Keane is smiling from the corner as "I am Perfection" screams out and the crowd go wild as Perfect Jack sprints from the back and down the rampway.Reilly and Keane look bewildered as Jack jumps into the ring...

HE:NO,what is he doing here....

JT:The playing field is levelled....

Jack just boots Keane in the face,flooring him,before turning his attention to Reilly,He ducks a right hand and then pummels Reilly back onto the ropes and whips him across the ring....Reilly comes back and Jack hits an impressive overhead belly to belly suplex as the crowd cheer....Jack grabs the steel chair as Keane gets up.....SMACK!

JT:Good night,god bless Oliver Keane you jackass...

Keane is unconscious as the chair connects with his head and Jack kicks him from the ring.Reilly staggers back up...

HE:We needs security....this man should not be out here...

JT:Neither should Keane,but I didnt hear you complaining then....

Reilly screams at Jack,spit flies from his mouth as he closes in on his enemy...

JT:Daniel Reilly vowed Perfect Jack would never be 6CW Champion ever again,Jack didnt like the way Reilly does business and this ladies and gentlemen is payback...

Jack stands his ground and then he looks around at the crowd,who cheer him on.Reilly draws his fist back to throw a punch but Jack just shoves him hard in the chest...

JT:Gazzy in waiting....DEEP IMPACT!




JT:Gazzy wins....Gazzy wins....Gazzy wins!

ding ding ding

HE:What a fix....Jack cost Reilly the title....

JT:Just like Reilly did to Jack all them months ago....

Mike Bird:Ladies and is your winner.........and STILL....6CW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION........GaaaaaaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!

Every single fan is on their feet as "Airplanes" roars out and the groggy referee hands the 6CW Title to a dazed and confused GazzyD.Reilly and Keane are both in the aisleway,Reilly is hoisting Keane up,he is seething at the mouth as he looks back at Jack...

JT:What a match...what a main event that was.....and when all was said and done,GazzyD is still the 6CW Champion...

HE:But only because of Perfect Jack...this is a disgrace,an outrage...

JT:Tell it to someone who gives a damn...Keane had no business out here either,Jack made sure this match went down as it was suppose to....GazzyD and Reilly both fought a hell of a fight but GazzyD has won this match...great respect here!

Perfect Jack sees Gazzy struggling on his ankle and he walks over and helps the champion up.Gazzy looks at him,clearly confused,and then Jack raises Gazzy's arm as the crowd erupts into more cheers and the "6C-Dub" chants ring around the arena...

JT:Folks it has been an action-packed night to say the least....the attack of John Liederman,the cancellation of the Draft,the emergence of Generation Zero and this five star match that has left nobody in any doubt about who the greatest wrestling company in the world really is...thankyou for joining us and we hope to see you again next week for Escalation...good night guys!


The show goes off the air as Jack nods respectfully at Gazzy and then leaves the ring.Gazzy hobbles around the ring,parading and posing for the adoring fans.


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