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6CW Draft Night Card April 25th

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6CW Draft Night Card April 25th Empty 6CW Draft Night Card April 25th

Post by JJJohnson Mon 18 Apr 2011, 1:25 pm

Match 1
Angealus vs Percy Percival

Match 2
Lex Hart vs Perfect Jack

Match 3
Rook/Blade vs Jackson Black/Scorpion

Match 4
Keith Leone vs Dicey Reilly

Match 5
Triple D vs Geoff Steel

Match 6
Mark Matzko/John Dice/Jack Frost vs Anonymous/Cerberus/Internecio

Main Event
6CW Title
2 out of 3 falls
GazzyD© vs Daniel Reilly


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6CW Draft Night Card April 25th Empty Re: 6CW Draft Night Card April 25th

Post by AberdeenSteve Mon 18 Apr 2011, 6:09 pm

Jackson Black is seen exiting his locker room. Christy James begins to shout to try and grab his attention but he ignores her, beginning to place a pair of headphones into his ears. Christy gets the camera to jog towards Black and gets infront of him.

Black stops and looks at the cameraman, he gives him a slap across the face and begins to trash talk.

“Who the hell do you think you are getting up and in my face like that?”

Christy Catches up and begins to ask questions.

“Jackson, Jackson .. Can we please get some information on this offer you have been given? Rumours have it as a new stable forming?”

Black stops and looks at Christy.

“Whoever told you that is speaking out their ass. This offer I have been given is top secret stuff and nobody gets to know until all is revealed. Especially a piece of trailer trash like you.”

Christy gives Jackson a look of disgust: “How dare you!”

Black : “You know I am right and so does your cameraman. Now get the hell out of my way, Jackson Black doesn’t waste his time on people that aren’t worthy.”

The 6CW superstar walks a little down the corridor before turning round and talking at Christy,

“I’ll give you a little bit of information.”

Christy’s facial expression lifts a little bit as she begins to walk towards Black.

JB : “All I have to say is that 6CW is in for a shake up. This offer is set to shake the entire 6CW roster to the core.”

Black then walks off back down the corridor and placing his headphones into his ears. He walks down the corridor and pretends to play the drums. Christy laughs to herself before looking into the camera.

“Well you heard it here 6CW fans, we are all in for a major shock. I for one cannot wait.”


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6CW Draft Night Card April 25th Empty Re: 6CW Draft Night Card April 25th

Post by Gregers Tue 19 Apr 2011, 9:25 pm

(The lights in the arena go black before a sole bright light appears and a figure stands arms outstretched before White Light hits and the crowd cheers as Jack Frost appears and poses as the pyro goes off. He nods to the crowd before running down to the ring and sliding in under the bottom rope. He gets to his feat and salutes the crowd before fetching a microphone)

JF: The Icelandic Enigma has returned to greet the 6CW Masses!


JF: Unfortunately I come to you to ask forgiveness. Last week Johnny Dice and me took our eyes off of the prize. That was a mistake. However, this week we get another shot at those two *beep* lumping imbeciles. The two monsters that Jones hides behind. Well Jones, you have unleashed the natural fricking disaster that hails from the volcanic isle. No longer shall this Icelander get pushed to the outskirts, no longer shall I be overlooked. You see Jonesy, I'm not afraid of your monsters oh no. But you should be afraid of the Cold Wind thatsa coming through. A sudden flash of the Northern Lights and you will come trembling to your knees.


JF: Which brings me nicely onto my tag partner, Johnny Dice. The only non-Icelander I've ever trusted, and you know why? Because he understands taking risks, because he understands leaving everything you know behind, he understands being forced to the outskirts. Dice and Frost, the next 6CW Tag Team Champions.


JF: But why wait until then for our crowning glory, Johnny get on out here and we'll show Jones exactly what he's messing with!


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6CW Draft Night Card April 25th Empty Re: 6CW Draft Night Card April 25th

Post by #GenZ Wed 20 Apr 2011, 12:05 pm

The camera cuts to backstage and a darkened room. Several monitors flicker with images in the corner as a shadowed figure sits in front of them. Zooming in it’s clear that on the screens are videos of Johnny Dice, Jack Frost and Mark Matzko. One of which appears to be real time footage of Matzko chatting to a backstage assistant.
The figure in the seat turns around slowly, his hands clasped together and the recognisable grinning mask looks down at the camera.

Anon: We are watching you Johnny Dice.
We are watching you Jack Frost.
And we are most definitely watching YOU Mark Matzko.

At the ladder match we showed the world that we are not a ‘one trick pony’
That we are not to be underestimated
That we are not to be taken lightly
We showed innovation
We showed improvisation
We showed initiative
We showed that we are THE future of this company.

Matzko we already tire of you.
We are bored by you
We grow weary of you
We have decided it is now time to put you out of your misery.
To end your insignificant existence
To crush your spirit
For it is better that way, for you, for us, for everyone.

And why would we do that?
Because we can
We control your destiny
We decide your fate
We make the decisions that your career, your life depend upon.
And we do it simply for the lulz.

For we are Anonymous
We are Legion
We do not forgive
We do not forget
Expect Us!


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6CW Draft Night Card April 25th Empty Re: 6CW Draft Night Card April 25th

Post by Adam D Thu 21 Apr 2011, 8:13 am

Johnny Dice appears on the stage as the crowd pop loudly. He is wearing a crisp black suit, white shirt and Aviators. He adjusts his sleeves and mimmicks throwing some dice as the pyros go off behind him.

He confidently strides to the ring slapping some hands on the way before rolling into the ring and stands alongside Jack Frost. He holds out his hand and shakes JFs hand before letting go and climbing the turnbuckles, soaking in the cheers. He finally climbs down and grabs a mic.

JD: Thank you for inviting me out here Jack. Its great to touch base with our fans without the need to fight for a change. Fighting......roll VT.

The titantron lights up showing the brutal beatdowns that Jack And Johnny received from Mr Jones' men. The camera stops on the bloodied arms of Johnny Dice.

JD: Reports of our demise have been greatly exagerated. The two of us stand tall here today, and if I do say.....

Johnny look Frost up and down.

JD: We are looking pretty cool! Well Frost is always cool but today even more so! Those beatings that were handed to us this Monday were just scratches on the surface of our very being. WE have forgotten them like yesterdays news.

Jack nods in the ring.

JD: We are moving on and moving upwards. And this week, we will show those two freaks on a leash what this team is all about. Winning. My streak will continue. It has too. I have a large wager on remaining undefeated in 6CW and so far so good. And what Jack doesnt know is that my hot streak is going to rub off on him.

Frost continues to nod.

JD: The reason he can trust me is that he knows what this undefeated streak means to me. He gets me. He knows that although I may bend the rules to my own advantage, I never break them. My Icelandic friend here, understands what I am willing to do to win and how I will back him with every breath in my body.

JD: We may look like an odd couple but I assure you this, we are for real. We have discussed the future and we have already mapped out our destinies. And that future is now a certainty.

The titantron flickers on with anonymous' meassage.

"Anon: We are watching you Johnny Dice.
We are watching you Jack Frost.
And we are most definitely watching YOU Mark Matzko."

JD: Well at least someone is watching Mark Matzko!

Frost and the crowd laugh.

JD: You think you can hide behind that mask forever dont you. Well I beg to differ. I already know more about you than anyone else on the roster. Did you really think you could turn up and steal my limelight? I have people looking into your past and it wont be long before I know who you are. You can bet your house on that.

JD: 6CW - there is a cold wind coming through this fed - Frost and Dice are cleaning up.

Adam D

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6CW Draft Night Card April 25th Empty Re: 6CW Draft Night Card April 25th

Post by Blade Thu 21 Apr 2011, 9:36 am

the arena goes dark and then cars hits and the crowd goes wild. Yarmouth Blade Frank Rook the tag team champions!

blade and Rook hold up there belts in the air and crowd start the core chant.

they walk down to the ring tagging fans as they walk down the ring and pick up mic's that have been left on the steel steps,roll into the ring and start posing to the fans. the music stops and they wait for the fans to settle down.

FR,Hello 6cw universe you are looking at your tag team champions of the world.

crowd x10

YB,erm still tag team champs Franky boy my friend.

FR, yeah sorry blade after the 4 way we had we are still tag team champions, and now on draft lottery night we have to defend these belts against 2 chumps called Jackson Black/Scorpion, me personally do not think that these guys will have a chance against us, what do you think blade my man?

YB,Well Franky boy I think these two guy's are pretty good wrestler's but not as good as the tag champs.but i ask you this Franky boy when the core win tonight and when the draft starts will we still be together?
they could split us up you know.

FR,I don't think they would do that mate, they wouldn't split a team like this up. me with my power and you the high flying mystery machine,Know way would they split us up, no chance in hell.

YB, I do hope so Franky boy because we are the one and only (blade points the mic to the fans) and the shout back THE CURE.

FR, And we are the tag team champions of the world .

Cars starts to play as the crowd goes wild and they start to walk up the ramp holding there belts in the air and tagging fans as they walk up the ramp.

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6CW Draft Night Card April 25th Empty Re: 6CW Draft Night Card April 25th

Post by Marky Fri 22 Apr 2011, 10:32 pm

MB: Ladies and Gentlemen, the number one contender to the 6CW World Heavyweight Championship...

(The crowd immediately jeer and boo)

MB: ...Duke Dylan Debadguy!

"Sabotage" kicks in and the voiciferous crowd gets even louder as Triple D walks out onto the ramp, he smirks as he holds both arms in the air, he is carrying a microphone and he walks down to the ring.

JT: Maybe now we'll get some answers as to why those rookies Jack Black and Scorpio and the other one got involved in 6CW World Title business and helped out Triple D in becoming number one contender!

H: Show some respect Jeff! First of all it's Jackson Black, Scorpion and Angealus, and second of all I believe Duke Dylan Debadguy was within seconds of winning that ladder match anyway!

JT: Somehow I don't share your point of view...

DDD: Well well well. Duke Dylan Debadguy proves his point in that 6 man Ladder Match and walks out as the number one contender to the 6CW World Championship! And as usual, all the sceptics can talk about is "how".

Here's something interesting for you all to digest. It doesn't matter one jot "how" I did it. What matters is that I did it! I, Duke Dylan Debadguy, stand before you as the next man to challenge for the 6CW World Championship! Well, once Daniel Reilly and GazzyD have sorted out their little situation this week anyway. You all saw how bad I am, how I am the baddest man in 6CW and how I proved it when I took Anonymous and I powerbombed him from high above the ring and rendering him incapacitated. The way I took 5 established 6CW guys and took them all down to Painsville!

At the end of the day, I was the one who was stood tall at the end of the match, holding a contract for the biggest prize in Wrestling! But I can't take all the credit, so I would like to thank the following people.

(Duke Dylan Debadguy reveals a list of people to thank)

DDD: In no particular order, I would like to thank;

Frank Rook and Yarmouth Blade. Guys, without our dull and uninteresting conversations, I never would have got the motivation to hit the gym harder and get to where I am today. So thanks to you two for being so god damn boring!

Gerard Dubois, thank you for the opportunity in The Cure and I am now repaying you.

Jerome Dubois, thank you for being my stepping stone.

Jackson Black, Angelous and Scorpion... Thank you three for seeing the light! Now, this isn't gonna be some churchie, preachie thing about me being your saviour or false prophet, what this is is me thanking you for choosing the right team. Thank you for siding with the winning team, thank you for giving your 6CW careers the boost they need, thank you for choosing life. I'll be honest, I don't fully understand your intentions as yet, I believe we will find out more this week, but what I do know is that your assistance will be greatly rewarded and I cannot emphasise what an outstanding decision you've made.

And finally, i'd like to thank this guy, you might know him, his name is Duke Dylan Debadguy! Duke, i'd just like to say, you are awesome! You are an incredible specimen of a human being, you are the reason people watch wrestling, you are the reason women can even be turned on enough to breed with their men, therefore responsible for the human race! And you are the next 6CW World Heavyweight Champion, so thank you Duke Dylan Debadguy. Thank you for being you.

(The crowd boos as Duke finishes his list and smiles as "Sabotage" hits again and he stands on the turnbuckle posing for the crowd)


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6CW Draft Night Card April 25th Empty Re: 6CW Draft Night Card April 25th

Post by Bull Sat 23 Apr 2011, 11:53 pm

scorpion is watching a reply of what happened last week

Scorpion picks up the mic ! as the crowd boo

Scorpion: Hahaha the 6CW universe are in for a Surprise as we promise to dominate your heroes , end there Careers .. FORCE THEM INTO RETIREMENT!

Crowd boo louder !

Scorpion:Blade and Rook the so called tag champions ha wait intill me and black destroy you in our match forcing the titles to become vacant!

Scorpion Grins


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