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6CW Escalation 04 April 2011 Match Card

President Trump
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6CW Escalation 04 April 2011 Match Card Empty 6CW Escalation 04 April 2011 Match Card

Post by President Trump Tue 29 Mar 2011, 10:12 am

Match 1
Johnny Dice vs Cerberus

Leone's announcement about NoG

Match 2
The Untouchables/Mason vs Rook/Blade/Dicey

Match 3
Mark Matzko vs Jerome Dubois

Main Event
Over the Top Battle Royle
Daniel Reilly vs Lex Hart vs Perfect Jack vs GazzyD

Just promo below lads thumbsup

President Trump

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6CW Escalation 04 April 2011 Match Card Empty Re: 6CW Escalation 04 April 2011 Match Card

Post by Bull Tue 29 Mar 2011, 7:08 pm

When am i debuting ?


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6CW Escalation 04 April 2011 Match Card Empty Re: 6CW Escalation 04 April 2011 Match Card

Post by Blade Tue 29 Mar 2011, 7:11 pm

Blade and Rook are stood in there locker room when dicey walks in.

crowd cheer x10.

YB hi dicey, thank god we got a better partner than bloody ddd.

dicey, yeah i saw that last week what a mess guys but i will do my best to help you guys out.

Rook,yeah that would be great man.

YB,well tonight it gonna be The Untouchables/Mason vs Rook/Blade/Dicey and with you as our partner we will kick there butts all over the arena.

Dicey,well you hammer the hell out of the untouchables but leave me mason, i need to teach that son of a bitch some manners.

blade nods at dicey and they smile at each other as the camera spins away.

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6CW Escalation 04 April 2011 Match Card Empty Re: 6CW Escalation 04 April 2011 Match Card

Post by #GenZ Wed 30 Mar 2011, 4:31 pm

The camera cuts to an unknown backstage room. It’s poorly lit and a strip-light buzzes on and off intermittently, the walls are filthy and cockroaches can be seen crawling about on a surface.
A figure stands in the centre of the room with his back to the camera.
He slowly turns around and in the background the nursery rhyme ‘Ring a ring of roses’ begins to eerily play from a hidden speaker.
It’s Anonymous. Wearing a black shirt and black pants the distinctive mask glares out without emotion.

Anon: Welcome to Anonymous, we hope you enjoy your stay.
We were always here yet now we have arrived.
We have been here before yet we are new.
We are the past, the present and the future of 6CW.
We are everyone
Or are we no-one?
We are everywhere
Yet cannot be found!
We are everybody
Though nobody knows our name.

We are watching you.
Though you are now watching us.


We see you are subservient.
We ordered you to watch and you did.
We will do the same and the pattern will repeat itself for you are part of the machine.
You fall in line and remove the responsibility from yourself.
You obey the commands of others without doubt.
Without question?
Question everything.
Doubt everything.
But trust us? Believe in us?
You cannot trust us.

For we are liars, cheats and generally the bad guy.
We shall betray you.
But we are your new best friend.
We will protect you.
Or will we?

We are Anonymous
We are Legion
We do not forgive
We do not forget.
Expect us.


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6CW Escalation 04 April 2011 Match Card Empty Re: 6CW Escalation 04 April 2011 Match Card

Post by AberdeenSteve Wed 30 Mar 2011, 9:29 pm

The big screen goes black and the arena falls quiet. The only noise that can be heard is that of a feint crackling noise. Then on the screen appears the 1,2,3 countdown of older films and when completed the American National anthem begins to boom out the speakers.

The images on the screen are those of past wrestlers famous for the submission holds; examples are WWF's Bret Hart with the sharpshooter and Kurt Angle's infamous Ankle Lock. This continues for several minutes before the screen goes black again. The words "You thought they were good?" appear on the screen, coloured with the American flag. "The guru will be upon you" are the final words seen on the screen when it falls black and the music stops.


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6CW Escalation 04 April 2011 Match Card Empty Re: 6CW Escalation 04 April 2011 Match Card

Post by Gregers Wed 30 Mar 2011, 10:01 pm

(The arena lights dim before a sole bright light appears somewhat blinding the fans, a sole voice speaks)

VO: Unleash the Storm!

(White Light hits and the crowd pop as Jack Frost appears in front of the light before posing in his trademark White Leather Coat and Sunglasses. He makes his way down to the ring, he stops halfway down the ramp giving his sunglasses to a young fan to more cheers from the crowd. Frost then carries on before sliding into the ring and posing on the top rope to more cheers, he then grabs a microphone)

JF: Jones, Jones, Jones. All you are doing is angering the volcano, and soon we will explode. And yet you have the audacity to walk around running your mouth and hiding behind your two big boyfriends! Well Jones, its clear to me that your blowing more hot air than any Icelandic volcano ever has!

(Crowd laughs)

JF: But the question that needs answering is why me, why has that slimey son of a gun chosen me. Is it because I'm the future of this god damn company? Is it because he's a typical European discriminating against an Icelander? Well whatever the reason is I can guaran-damn-tee that the next time that this Icelandic Enigma faces one of your goons they wont ever wrestle again!

(Crowd: EN-IG-MA! EN-IG-MA! EN-IG-MA!)

JF: But you know what Jones, I thought it was about time that we evened up the numbers. So ladies and gentlemen, please be upstanding for JOHHHHNNNNNYYYYY DIIIIIICCCCCCCCE!!!!!!!!!

(The crowd pops as Johnny Dice's music hits)


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6CW Escalation 04 April 2011 Match Card Empty Re: 6CW Escalation 04 April 2011 Match Card

Post by Marky Thu 31 Mar 2011, 9:38 am

yarmouth blade wrote:Blade and Rook are stood in there locker room when dicey walks in.

YB hi dicey, thank god we got a better partner than bloody ddd...

Triple D stares at the monitor as he watches Yarmouth Blade and hears his comment. Duke smirks as Christy James approaches him for an interview.

CJ: Triple D, I-

DDD: That's Duke Dylan Debadguy to you.

CJ: Duke Dylan Debadguy, after an amazing showing against two monsters like Cerberus and Internecio, and getting the upper hand on Jerome Dubois, would you say it was a good night for you on Escalation?

DDD: It was an amazing showing, wasn't it! I, Duke Dylan Debadguy, took two of 6CW's biggest monsters, took everything they had, gave it all back and then some, and dished out a beating that only Duke Dylan Debadguy can dish out! You see Christy, there's a reason I call myself 6CW's resident bad guy. It isn't some gimmicky catchphrase used to sell T-Shirts. It is because I, AM, the bad guy in this business. I took Jerome Dubois, and with my Debad Intentions, I smashed the back of his head on the steel ramp! I took Frenchy McFrench and I made my point. Duke Dylan Debadguy is money in 6CW, not only that, I am respected. People bow down when they see me. They point me out in a crowd and ask for an autograph or a picture. Some cynics say it's because I carry around a big sign that reads "I'm Duke Dylan Debadguy, come here for a free autograph or picture!", but I say it's because I am simply sensational.

CJ: Duke, you don't have a match this week, do you think you'll be rested up enough for Night of Glory?

DDD: Christy, if i'm facing Jerome Dubois, i'd be ready right now! I am Duke Dylan De freakin bad guy! Jerome has nothing on me, I mean, sure, I work for his dad, but seeing as Gerard Dubois has put his career in the hands of Frank Rook and Yarmouth Blade, I'd suggest Gerard will be out of a job pretty soon. Which means i'll be freelance, which means i'll be able to do things my way. And I don't forget how people treat me Christy. As I said, the majority love me, my bad ass image, my awesome hairstyle, my boyish good looks, but there are some Duke Haters out there. I know, i'm shocked too. These Duke Haters are the minority who do not follow Dukeaism, these Duke Haters, they dislike Duke for no apparent reason. The Dukes of this world have been persecuted long enough Christy, and I will get my payback. Jerome Dubois is top of that list, and Frank Rook and Yarmouth Blade better stop running their mouths on me, or they'll be next.


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6CW Escalation 04 April 2011 Match Card Empty Re: 6CW Escalation 04 April 2011 Match Card

Post by Fernando Thu 31 Mar 2011, 3:53 pm

Cerberus is walking backstage and bumps into cj.

CJ : last week you made a impressive debut against triple d winnning by countout.

Cerberus: we could of easily ended his career between us but we were asked to take it lightly on him.

CJ: but you pounded on him?

Cerberus : if you think that's bad you haven't seen anything yet.

CJ: this week you take johnny dice, what are your thoughts on this?

Cerberus: the only way dice is leaving the arena is in the back of ambulance because i am the guard of the underworld and you will burn in hell....

cj: thanks for your time


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6CW Escalation 04 April 2011 Match Card Empty Re: 6CW Escalation 04 April 2011 Match Card

Post by Guest Thu 31 Mar 2011, 11:31 pm

The arena crowd are settling down for a 6CW houseshow when the lights go down and the big screen comes on



JT: Obviously anonymous up to his tricks again



Suddenly the crowd erupts as Airplanes hits and gazzy walks out to a standing ovation. He's wearing jeans, a t-shirt saying 'seeing is believing' and sunglasses. He salutes the fans to either side of the stage and then runs down to the ring and slides in under the bottom rope

JT: Wow, the fans have just blew the roof off of this place, I think everyone, myself included thought it was Anonymous

gazzy grabs the microphone from ringside and waits for the chants to subside

g:Wow, not long now. We've only got one stop left before we reach the pinnacle of the sporting calendar. And this week you lucky people are in for a treat as you witness the same main event that will be witnessed by millions and millions of people the world over. Yours truly takes alast chance to try and build some momentum to take into the biggest night of my career

crowd: gazzy x 5

g: Its true these last couple of weeks haven't been my finest. Its true I've made some mistakes the likes of Reilly and Perfect Jack wouldn't have made, but the last couple of weeks dont matter, in fct I don't care if I'm he first man thrown over this top rope on Monday night. What I care about is that a week Sunday, all those mistakes, all that inexperience goes out of the window. Jack aside I may not like the guys I'm going toe to toe with, but that doesn't mean I don't respect them. But believe me I ain't gonna be in awe of any of them, they may not think so, but I'm confident that not only do I deserve my spot in the main event, but I also stand a bloody good chance ofwalking out the new heavyweight champion, and i know that all you guys believe that as well

gazzy points in a circle to the audience as they chant his name

g: and if thousands in attendance and millions watching at home believe I can do it, then there is no reason why gazzyD, the history maker, the human highlight reel, won't walk out of Night of Glory III with the gold around his waist. I urge you all to tune in over the next coming weeks because seeing......

crowd: IS BELIEVING!!!!

gazzys music hits as he goes to exit the ring


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6CW Escalation 04 April 2011 Match Card Empty Re: 6CW Escalation 04 April 2011 Match Card

Post by Adam D Fri 01 Apr 2011, 12:05 pm

Johnny Dice watches a replay on the monitor whilst cycling frantically on a exercise bike, in his changing room. He continues to peddle furiously as some of the backstage crew cheer him on as the clock ticks towards the 25 minute mark. As it hits 24:52 Johnny puts his arms in the air and cheers.

JD: 10 miles in under 25 minutes. Like taking candy from a baby. nice doing business with you gents.

A few of the crew members hand over their losings as Johnny warms down from the exercise. He takes a towel and mops his brow before jumping off and rewinding Mr Jones speech. He grabs a tonic water and cracks the top off before beckoning over the cameraman.

JD: Is this on?

the crew guy gives the thumbs up

JD: Mr Jones. I have been watching your little speech on behalf of your clients. And I have gotta say, that I am a little disappointed in you. Not for anything that you have done but what you have implied through your acrtions and words.

He puts the towel around his neck and swigs from the bottle.

JD: You see, the odds I was getting for my match against Circus Bus-

(the crew man corrects him)

JD: Cerberus - whatever. The odds were really good for me to win. they were the same kind of odds I was getting to beat your other monster. That was a good pay day and so will this be, as I had already layed down a tidy sum on this match. But for my fans taking a punt on it, the odds have shortened due to your ill thought out little speech.

Johnny replays the footage again.

JD: the last two weeks you have told me that your monsters would destroy me. You told the world how Johnny Loaded Dice would be a fly to be swatted away. How I had brought on my own doom blah blah blah. But now?

Johnny falls to his knees and mock prays

JD: "Please Mr Dice - dont get involved in our affairs"

Johnny gets back up

JD: Already you have realised that your two goons cannot beat the quickest ever wrestler in 6CW to win a title. Well I will be soon. I am no longer a irritant to you. Your actions have proved what I already knew. Johnny Dice always beats the odds. Johnny Dice always has a plan. Johnny Dice is someone you dont upset if you value your career.

Johnny dries himself one more time before throwing the towel into the wash basket. He picks up the phone and starts to dial as he motions the camera to shut off. As the camera fades to black, Johnny can be hear talking to someone....

JD: Eddie - get me all the info you know about Cerberus.....

Adam D

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6CW Escalation 04 April 2011 Match Card Empty Re: 6CW Escalation 04 April 2011 Match Card

Post by President Trump Fri 01 Apr 2011, 12:37 pm

Dicey is still sitting in Blades dressing room when there is a knock at the door, Blade opens it and a stagehand walks in

SH: Mr. Reilly sir, you asked me to tell you when Mason arrived…well sir he’s here

Dicey stands up and grabs the stagehand by the throat

Dicey: Where…is…he…

SH: I….I….I….I don’t know sir he a…a…arrived a few minutes ago

Dicey shoves the man to the ground and storms out of the room and thunders down the hall where he bumps into Christy

Christy: Whoa…watch it idiot

Dicey: Shut your mouth and tell if you have seen Mason

Christy takes a step back a bit shocked

Christy: I was talking to him a few minutes ago bu…

Dicey: Which way did he go and no bull Poopie, Ive never hit a woman before…well two but don’t make me make you number 3…TELL ME!!!!

Christy: He went towards the lockerooms I think, what do you want with Mason?

Dicey glares at Christy and pulls Bettsie out from beneath his jacket

Dicey: That SRA wannabe, son of a bitch has something that belongs to me and God help me im gonna take it back even if it means ripping Mason apart piece…by…piece

Dicey picks a chair up and launches it at a poster of Night of Glory, smashing the frame and leaving the leg of the chair sticking out the face of Mason before storming off down the corridor

President Trump

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