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Chris Patricks

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Chris Patricks Empty Chris Patricks

Post by JJJohnson Sat 16 Mar 2024, 11:56 am

Name: Christopher Patricks

Nickname: ‘The Enigma'

Weight: 328lbs

Height: 6’2”

Age: 44

Hometown: Boston, Massachusetts

Class(Face/Tweener/Heel): Face

Personality: A Matt Morgan/RVD type of powerful highflier that puts it all on the line. A likable bloke who is very confident in his abilities

Entrance Music: “Refuse/Resist” by Sepultura

Entrance Details: The lights go out in the arena and his music starts and as the Heartbeat starts at the start of the song The Enigma flashes up on the Titantron then as the music kicks in Pyros go off as the Enigma appears on the ramp way and sprints down to the ring and flips over the top rope into the ring and poses for the crowd

Finishing Move 1: Puzzle Solver (5-Star Frog Splash)

Finishing Move 2: Enigma Bomb (Sky High)

Trademark Move: Springboard Spiral DDT

Submission Move: Leg Scissors

Highflying Move: The Big Bang (Arabian Face Buster)

Five - eight common moves:
Front Flip Piledriver
Jumping DDT
Step over Heel Kick
Split-Legged Moonsault
Powerbomb into the turnbuckle
Super Kick
Brain Buster

Taunts/Catchphrases: Chris touches the initials on both hands and points to the sky

Match Tactics (Clean/Dirty): Clean

Match Style:

Weapon of Choice: Steel Chair

Specialty Match: Any Hardcore type

Title History:
European Champion x1
Tag Team Champion (Max & Paddy)
Undisputed Champion x1


Posts : 9887
Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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