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"The End?" - Eddy Kent vs Chris Patricks vs Max Adamson (6WF World Heavyweight Championship)

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"The End?" - Eddy Kent vs Chris Patricks vs Max Adamson (6WF World Heavyweight Championship) Empty "The End?" - Eddy Kent vs Chris Patricks vs Max Adamson (6WF World Heavyweight Championship)

Post by JJJohnson Sat 27 Apr 2024, 11:40 am

Main Event
6WF World Heavyweight Championship (If Max Adamson doesn't win he must retire)
Eddy Kent (c) vs Chris Patricks vs Max Adamson
Theme: "Numb" by Violet Orlandi (cover)


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"The End?" - Eddy Kent vs Chris Patricks vs Max Adamson (6WF World Heavyweight Championship) Empty Re: "The End?" - Eddy Kent vs Chris Patricks vs Max Adamson (6WF World Heavyweight Championship)

Post by Bentyf1 Sat 04 May 2024, 6:51 pm

Live on Paramount plus and Amazon Prime, our scene is set, the strong sun in the Spring sky is beating down on an Empty Hampden park with a few fluffy white clouds on the Glasgow skyline and beyond in Scotland. Hampden Park looks resplendent in the sun as the camera drones around and focusing in on the official Night of Glory poster, drapped over some of the stadium. There are also images of 6CWF superstars are being shown across HP by equally large poster. The camera pans down to the arena where 6CWF officials are milling around and technicians are adding touches to the Night of Glory set, ramp and ring. The camera pans around the stadium as the minimal noise of Hampden Park enveloped the colossal space, yet amidst the vacant rows and the empty ring sits two figures on black metalic chairs. Referee turned advisor, Ralph Santos dressed in a three piece suit with a poison green tie and a Hall of fame ring on his ring finger. The camera then reveals The self proclaimed, Daddy of 6CWF, end level boss and the leader of Genesis, Eddy Kent, the reigning 6WF undisputed World Heavyweight Champion, bathing in his glory, the coveted belt is being held by friend and advisor Santos, They both are in quiet chatter as lone figures in the grandeur of  Night of Glory, the biggest event of 6CWF history. The Night of Glory logo hung proudly in the rafters, another witness to the aura and presence that Eddy exudes. Kent is wearing poison green tracksuit nike bottoms, green and black nike shoes and his exclusive 6CWF Daddy is home shirt. The daddy is home line is in the same poisonous green as Genesis on the black fabric. As he sat there, an enigmatic presence amid the vast amounts of emptiness, the atmosphere crackled with anticipation, as if waiting for the world to converge upon this stage and bear witness to the intensity that Eddy Kent is ready to unleash. The camera zooms in on Kent and Santos who finish their conversation as Kent sits stoically, staring into the camera. Before Kent speaks, he nods at his friend Ralph Santos who stares into the camera with a sinister smirk and begins to speak as Kent scrunches his face and sits back.

Santos: Ladies and gentlemen... This is the best part of my day. Because I know none of you will ever, ever sit this close to true greatness. Now, you must hear me out because being close to the daddy of 6CWF, the single greatest wrestler in the world currently, my leader of Genesis and our 6WF undisputed world hevyweight champion is... it's... spiritually orgasmic! I can't put it any clearer than that... This man is on his way to being the greatest of all time and is your daddy... Eddy Kent!

Santos: Let me break it down for you, 6CWF universe. If you've never seen Muhammad Ali in his prime... if you never seen Tiger Woods in his prime... If you never got a chance to see Michael Jordan in his prime and if you never got to see Lionel Messi in his prime... 6CWF universe... I have one hell of a gift for you. We are only a mere few days away from your opportunity to see in his prime, at his best, in the ring, doing what he does and to continue to cement his status as the GOAT... the daddy of 6CWF... the end level boss...the leader of Genesis and your 6WF world heavyweight champion... EDDY KENT!

[ Santos looks at Kent with a grin as Kent sits up and nods at Santos. Kent then pats Santos on the shoulders before Kent takes a few seconds before speaking his poison and diatribe.]

Kent: Night of Glory... where it all begins again. I want to start with a demand... When Max and Chris walk down that ramp at Night of glory, the biggest triple threat match of all time, I want a thank you. I want a thank you from Max Adamson and Chris Patricks because I've made them relevant again. I've made Max Adamson relevant in twenty twenty four and I feel I deserve a thank you for that. I want Chris Patricks and Max Adamson to come down to that ring on main event Sunday and thank me because if it wasn't for me, Max Adamson and Chris Patricks would not be in the main event. They would still be doing pre show panels on Amazon prime sport.

Kent: Max Adamson and Chris Patricks ten, thirteen years ago they were the men. Chris Patricks the man that came back from the dead. The man that is arguably the biggest wildcard in 6CWF history. And we have the hall of famer... Max Adamson. Max Adamson was the guy everyone talked about. Max, was the man who was untouchable in this ring and on the mic...nobody could touch him. I can't deny, nobody can deny that. He has held that 6WF world championship and champion to champion... I can respect that. But things get tricky to repsect Max in this era. No... I just cant. The reason Max Adamson is in the hall of fame, it's all because of me.

Kent: Chris Patricks and Max Adamson are relics. I've said it so many times but Patricks and Max Adamson are relics to a long dead era. Let me be real... if we could teleport back to 6WF in twenty fourteen in my current state, 6WF world still be breathing. Hell, even 6CW would be breathing because everyone would be winning, because of me. Max Adamson stole my world in twenty fourteen so this is personal... you could say Max Adamson dented my legacy back then. Daddy's doesn't forget because it hurts. It hurts knowing that my legacy has been tarnished by Max Adamson. So this is an opportunity for me to finally kill the legend of Max Adamson and finish his career on his biggest ever night on the biggest stage in the biggest triple threat match of all time

Kent: You could say Max Adamson is like a shadow hanging over me.. tormenting me. Sneering at my Genesis and my greatness but not for much longer. Because if it wasn't for me, nobody would be talking about Max a matter of fact nobody would be talking about Patricks. Nobody would care about Max Adamson or Chris Patricks. Nobody would be watching the 6CWF preview shows, listening to the podcasts from Max talking about the golden years with project X... Hell, if it wasn't for me, Max Adamson wouldn't be getting VIP tickets to the shows. Max Adamson wouldn't be showing off his hall of fame ring if it wasn't for me and Genesis.

Kent: Max Adamson and Chris Patricks have had their time... it's all down to me why people care about the likes of Chris and Max. But all that aside... I keep 6CWF on the front pages, trending on X, all over instagram, snapchat and Facebook. It's all down to me. Not the hall of famer, Max Adamson and his friend Chris Patricks. I'm on my way to being the greatest of all time...nobody can do the things I can do on this mic and in that squared circle. Not Max Adamson and certainly not his friend Chris Patricks. Again, if we could teleport back to twenty fourteen I would obliterate Max Adamson and it would be me paying the checks, keeping the business going.

Kent: The biggest triple threat, the biggest Night of Glory main event match of all time is a culmination of a rivalry which has taken over my life... and you think your daddy feels the pressure? No.. not at all. All the pressure is on Max Adamson. The fairytale that the 6CWF universe wants... but, I deal in reality. I deal in greatness and my greatness kills the fairytale and the career of Max Adamson. Lets say a year or two ago, Max made of stood a chance against me. The whole world is different, it's changed and changing... I've changed. I've evovled into something the world and Max Adamson has never seen before. I'm the daddy. I'm the leader of the greatest hall of fame faction in wrestling, Genesis. I'm the 6WF world champion for a reason... I have smashed every single wrestler in this company. I'm on my way to being th greatest of all time.

Kent: Genesis led by Eddy Kent as your 6WF undispiuted world heavyweight champion is a force unlike anything you've ever seen. I'm tired of being humble... i'm tired of being disrespected. I'm tired of my Genesis being disrespected week after week by those who cling to our relevancy. I will not rest until we have eradicated the remenants of the old 6CWF era allowing my Genesis that I will be leading into a new golden age where Daddy rules the world and Genesis has only perfection at the table. The stains of the Max Adamson generation will be scrubbed clean, and together, we will be levels above anything you have ever seen. This is my time... this is the era of Daddy.

Kent: Not only I'm going to obliterate Chris Patricks and Max Adamson. I'm going to condemn the Max Adamson name to the dust where it belongs... his career is going to die. and what comes next... well that's up to you, 6CWF universe.. Stand with Genesis and join me in leading the era of Daddy and the era of Genesis... or be condemend to the dust Max Adamson. The sun is setting and the clock is ticking on the career of Max Adamson and his friendship with Chris Patricks..  Max.. I'm going to send you back to Australia with your hall of fame ring  and back to mediocrity...where you belong. All you're going to have Max is memories... because the era of Daddy doesn't have space for you Max Adamson because I am levels above you. Your career... dies at Night of Glory.

[With that Kent stands from his black metalic and cricks his neck side to side. Kent then is presented his 6WF undisputed world heavyweight championship by Ralph Santos who looks at him with confidence. Kent looks into the camera, his face slightly red with intensity as he spat out the last of his venom. the trademark arrogant smirk creeps across his face as Kent taps at his wrist watch and mouths tick tock as the camera fades away.]


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"The End?" - Eddy Kent vs Chris Patricks vs Max Adamson (6WF World Heavyweight Championship) Empty Re: "The End?" - Eddy Kent vs Chris Patricks vs Max Adamson (6WF World Heavyweight Championship)

Post by Marky Fri 10 May 2024, 4:12 pm

We are at the Night of Glory Press Conference, the stage is set with associated press and fans, and the poster featuring Eddy Kent, Chris Patricks and Max Adamson provides the backdrop

Mike Bird: Please welcome, one of the challengers for the 6WF Heavyweight Championship of the World, Max Adamson!

The fans and press in the room cheer vociferously as “Stay too long” by Plan B plays (the theme music used when Max debuted in 6WF in 2008), he walks out in a navy blue suit, with a white shirt and gold tie, he is also wearing some horrific gold coloured shoes to match the tie, he warmly shakes hands with Mike Bird, and makes his way to the podium.

Max: Thank you all for coming out today, I know we’re all excited for Night of Glory, I’m aware that this might be my last match in 6CWF, so feel free to ask me anything. Reddit style. Doesn’t even have to be about the match!

A series of hands go up from the gathered media

??: Hi Max, Hugh G Rection here from, Night of Glory could be your very last time in a 6CWF ring… Looking back at your career, what would you say is your proudest moment, and what would you change if you could? Also, if you were to have a traditional retirement match, who would you put yourself against?

Max grins and nods in appreciation at the questions

Max: So, proudest moment, probably my first World Title win, the 6CW World Heavyweight Championship, when I beat Dicey Reilly to be the first “non original” to win the 6CW Title, there’s been many Championships won and lost over my career, but the first big one is always the most memorable and therefore proudest. Also despite my apparently huge ego, I’m very proud of being the manager when Jackson Jackson and Frank Horrigan were briefly the best Tag Team on the planet. In terms of what I would change…

Max smirks

Max: There can only be one… That time Uryu Ishida ended my Born In Fire undefeated streak… I obviously won the war, I won Clarissa and I won the 6WF World Heavyweight Championship with Clarissa by my side within a year of that, but that actual pinfall defeat… That’s the one I would change. I’ve rematched Uryu enough times since so he’s not who I’d face in a traditional retirement match. If I’m honest, in a traditional match, one on one, against one of my greatest rivals without ever really having a proper rivalry, knowing it would be my last match and my last chance, I would want to face JJ Johnson. Next question.

Max takes a sip of water as he awaits the next journalist

??: Mike Hunt, BBC Sport. With Rex favourite to win the Fight For The Right Tournament, are you worried that if you are successful, that your night could be ruined with a cash in from your own family member?

Max laughs

Max: I mean, he’s got to beat Liam Wood yet, which is no easy task, believe me. On the night we’ll know, that the Fight for the Right winner could definitely attempt to cash in on whoever wins the match, whether it’s me, Patricks, or even Kent. But also don’t forget, there’s a Hell in a Cell match that the 6CW World Champion has to endure on Night Two as well. There’s too many variables for that for me to worry about. If I don’t win, I have to retire. If I win and somebody cashes in the Fight for the Right on me, at least I’ll still have a job!

Max has another drink as the assorted fans and media laugh at his quip

??: Peter File, ITV News. Max, what would winning mean to you and your legacy? How would it stack up against previous title wins?

Max: As I said earlier, nothing would top the first World Title win. You never forget your first. But this would mean just as much considering I was retired last year. I think in terms of legacy, to win five World Titles, retire, come out of retirement, and win a sixth World Title in the Night of Glory main event… It would be insanely special. Another note for the legacy, I’d be the first to six World Titles under the 6CWF Umbrella. And the sixth one being fourteen years after the first… That would show what a ridiculous and maximised career I’ve had. Next question.

Max sips his water again as he waits for the next question

??: Ray Tard, Pro Wrestling Insider. If all goes to plan, what’s going to mean more to you? Winning your sixth World Title? Or beating Eddy Kent?

Max grins mischievously

Max: Well Ray, I’d have to say the sixth World Title. What would be my third 6WF World Championship. For three reasons. One, as mentioned a moment ago, the first person to six World Titles. Two, I’ve beaten Eddy Kent before. On that note, that’s what makes this match so hard to call, all three of us have beaten each other before, and lost to each other before, it’s gonna come down to who’s best on the night. But yeah, reason number three… I don’t have to beat Eddy Kent to become 6WF World Champion… I could beat Chris Patricks. And to be honest, whether I pin Kent or Patricks, the overwhelming feeling of being World Champion and putting a nail in the coffin of Genesis… That would be the coolest part. Any more questions before we wrap up?

??: I’ve got a question…

The small crowd boos as Rex Adamson (flanked by Tyler Roth) walks into the Press Conference with a microphone, he glares at a fan who is booing him, before he approaches the stage

Rex: My question is, why did you even come out of retirement in the first place, let alone stay unretired? Lets look at the facts, you came out of retirement, and lost to Eddy Kent in Saudi Arabia. Remember? When I was attacked backstage pre-match? And then you challenged me at Born In Fire… And lost there too. I would argue, you’ve not had one single decisive victory since you unretired. And then you talked your way into a World Title match at Night of Glory that you didn’t even deserve… In fact, f*ck the question. It’s time this farce of a Press Conference ended…

Rex and Tyler walk onto the side of the stage, Max stands up ready to fight, the crowd erupts as Liam Wood walks out to the stage from the other side and smirks, he stands alongside Max, and there is an uneasy staredown as Rex taps Tyler on the chest and the two Genesis members retreat from the stage.

Rex and Tyler leave the room and Max and Liam fist bump on the stage


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"The End?" - Eddy Kent vs Chris Patricks vs Max Adamson (6WF World Heavyweight Championship) Empty Re: "The End?" - Eddy Kent vs Chris Patricks vs Max Adamson (6WF World Heavyweight Championship)

Post by President Trump Mon 13 May 2024, 9:18 am

There is a commotion at the back of the room as Chris Patricks stands up

CP: Well isn’t this quaint. Bedding in my replacement already Max? You do know if Woods here beats Rex then you might just be laying on your back looking up at him holding the world title.

Chris starts to make his way towards Max on the stage

CP: Or maybe…just maybe it could be me standing there the new champ. We made a promise buddy that we would not hold back and after some soul searching and weirdly a pep talk by Dicey Reilly of all people, I have to agree. There will be no holding back not against you and defiantly not against Kent or Woods there or your little d1ckhead nephew. I won’t be a footnote in anyone’s story especially since it was all my hard work that got you here Max or have you forgotten.

Chris walks onto the stage and sits on the table

CP: Don’t look at me like that, like you haven’t been letting good old Chris do all the dirty work so you could get here. You called me remember, you wanted someone you could trust to take it to Rex and Genesis. Someone who will go above and beyond and do what you hadn’t the heart to do to Rex. How long did it take for me to get it through your head that you need to be that b1tch to get what you wanted and I needed to be that friend to get you there. That’s what we are Max isn’t it…friends?

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"The End?" - Eddy Kent vs Chris Patricks vs Max Adamson (6WF World Heavyweight Championship) Empty Re: "The End?" - Eddy Kent vs Chris Patricks vs Max Adamson (6WF World Heavyweight Championship)

Post by Marky Mon 13 May 2024, 12:15 pm

Max smirks at Patricks

Max: Friends… It’s funny Chris, usually friends who wrestle each other will say some sh*t like “We’re friends until the bell rings”, but this is different. This is Night of Glory week. The physical fight may not begin until the bell rings, but the mind games have clearly started a while ago.

Max goes closer to Patricks

Max: But believe me Chris. Your attempted mind games will not work on me. We’ve been doing this for far too long to allow each other to get under our skins. But yeah, your friendship means literally nothing to me right now. And it sounds harsh, but to me, you Chris Patricks, are just one of the two guys who might cost me my career.

Max grins as he continues

Max: Obviously I prefer your company to Eddy the Kent Boy, but from a professional standpoint, you and him are one and the same. An obstacle that I will get past by any means necessary, to become a six-time World Heavyweight Champion, and prolong my career. I brought you in to help with this war on Genesis, but I will just as easily take you out if I have to.


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"The End?" - Eddy Kent vs Chris Patricks vs Max Adamson (6WF World Heavyweight Championship) Empty Re: "The End?" - Eddy Kent vs Chris Patricks vs Max Adamson (6WF World Heavyweight Championship)

Post by President Trump Mon 13 May 2024, 1:23 pm

Chris claps

CP: Here he is ladies and gentlemen, the real Max Adamson, the man that did what he could and that includes making his own wrestling company so he could call himself a 5 time World champ.

Chris stands up off the table and walks past Max and Woods

CP: There are no mind games here my friend…and yes we are friends Max. There was no point coming out here and pulling a Michaels and Jennety. To be honest I don’t want that one way trip through the glass window and I ain’t f**king my daughter. As you said we are in this game too long and know each other too well. I came back with my eyes wide open much to many peoples beliefs. I did what I needed to do to get the wins needed to get us both here. I took it to Genesis and Rex when you couldn’t or wouldn’t. I got the wins for us Max…FOR US. Look where you are because I had the balls to go that extra mile like always. While you were still shaking with a chair in hand pondering on wrapping it around Rex’s head I was pinning Kent, Rex and the rest, showing the world that Max and Paddy are back.

Chris smiles at his friend

CP: You might not care about our friendship at this point in time and maybe I was a means to and end for you throughout this whole time like I have been told. Its fight or flight and I get that, you don’t want the dream to end now. You have the bug back, you want to see MAX ADAMSON back up in lights. You want to strut down to the ring with the gold around your waist just like old times, just to show Rex that Uncle Max still has it.

Chris walks up to Max and holds his hand out

CP: It is going to break my heart to break yours Max….it really is

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"The End?" - Eddy Kent vs Chris Patricks vs Max Adamson (6WF World Heavyweight Championship) Empty Re: "The End?" - Eddy Kent vs Chris Patricks vs Max Adamson (6WF World Heavyweight Championship)

Post by Marky Tue 14 May 2024, 7:40 am

Max laughs at Patricks and shakes his head

Max: I expected better from you Chris. You might as well be Paddy Jannetty, because you seem to talk just as much sh*t.

The media and crowd gasp as the stage is just Max Adamson and Chris Patricks face to face

Max: This was never meant to be about you, but just like old times, Chris Patricks can't possibly let someone else have the limelight. Back from the dead once again, only this time it was just your career that was dead, and you realised that you couldn't just exist in a boring life with Joyce and the kids...

Patricks glares at Max as he continues

Max: You can act like you came back to Professional Wrestling to save me, but we all know that me picking up the phone actually saved you. Some people can handle retirement. You couldn't hack it. I'm not pretending I could either, but I wasn't a one trick pony, I actually had sh*t to do after I retired. You sat on your backside watching Desperate Housewives while Joyce was the only Breadwinner. The fact you're even employed is because I arranged it. And here you are. Taking credit.

Max sarcastically applauds Patricks

Max: Bra-f*cking-vo.


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"The End?" - Eddy Kent vs Chris Patricks vs Max Adamson (6WF World Heavyweight Championship) Empty Re: "The End?" - Eddy Kent vs Chris Patricks vs Max Adamson (6WF World Heavyweight Championship)

Post by President Trump Tue 14 May 2024, 12:03 pm

Chris puts his hand down by his side and smiles to himself

CP: You expected better of me? No Max you expected everything of me. That’s why you called me and didn’t go with Uryu or the rest in your old friend graveyard. You mad the call because you needed what I can bring to the table, you called because you know I will jump in that grenade for you because we are friends…no family.

Chris rubs his chin in thought

CP: You’re right though I have died…returned and retired. I have seen the other side and believe it or not I was quite content. I am a family man first and foremost. I retired to spend that time with them because this business has taken so much time from us. I made that one else. I wanted to see my kids grow, try and get that time back. The same family that have welcomed you and Rex with open arms over the years, see you both as family. So to think I’m some teenage girl waiting by the phone for you to call and take me away couldn’t be further from the truth. I answered the call because you were calling and my family understood 100% what I had to do and now walking into Night of Glory, facing you and Kent for the World Title they still understand what I need to do.

Chris walks off the stage towards the back of the room and turns to look at Max and nods before walking out of the room

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"The End?" - Eddy Kent vs Chris Patricks vs Max Adamson (6WF World Heavyweight Championship) Empty Re: "The End?" - Eddy Kent vs Chris Patricks vs Max Adamson (6WF World Heavyweight Championship)

Post by Marky Tue 14 May 2024, 12:27 pm

Max is stood on the stage looking less than impressed after Patricks has left, the silence is broken by clicks from photographers' cameras, Max looks deep in thought as he sighs.

??: Max, what are your thoughts on what Chris Patricks just said?

Max seems distracted as he is still facing the door Patricks left out of, before turning back to the microphones

Max: Yeah... No more questions.

Max walks off in the opposite direction to leave the press conference area


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