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6CW Proving Grounds Results 15th April 2021

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6CW Proving Grounds Results 15th April 2021 Empty 6CW Proving Grounds Results 15th April 2021

Post by JJJohnson Fri 16 Apr 2021, 1:58 am

*We begin with a huge, in-depth, recap of the Genesis PPV with Clarke James stunning Marshall Murdoch to win the Undisputed 6CW Championship before Karl Kramer emerges from the Elimination Chamber still the 6WF Champion. At ringside now and there is a stunning pyrotechnic display as the commentators welcome us to the show. They hype what we just witnessed at Genesis before leading into a rundown of what to expect here tonight. There is talk that fans will be allowed back for the Night of Glory PPV and beyond but we are continuing with the virtual audience for the time being. The ring ropes have been returned to their usual blood red and as usual the Spanish, Japanese and Social Media announce desks are situated at ringside whilst the 6CW broadcasters, Jeff Thadeus, Jack Reynolds and Henry Lloyd are situated up on the stage

*Show starts with Marshall Murdoch coming out to ringside, riled up. Murdoch doesn’t want to hear excuses from the 6CW Council about the referee dropping the ball or that he should be “pleased” that he can right the wrongs at Day of Reckoning because the fact remains that here and now he should still be the 6CW Champion. Marshall says he dominated Clarke James in the middle of the ring, proved beyond any doubt that he is streets ahead of his rival, only for CJ to steal his most precious, prized possession. Marshall accepts he should have finished the job earlier, he tried to prolong the pain and suffering for as long as possible, but he doesn’t know how Clarke James can look in the mirror and truly believe himself “champion”.

Marshall talks trash on CJ and runs him down, saying that only a coward could win a title in the way he did but admits that nothing should surprise him anymore because he is lower than pond scum and will stoop to any lengths to get what he wants.

But Marshall wants to talk about “Last Man Standing”. Because Clarke James can’t weasel his way out of that, he can’t find a shortcut or a cheap way of victory. In order to keep his 6CW Championship he must do something that they both know he isn’t capable of and that is keeping Marshall Murdoch down for a ten count. Murdoch says James can’t outwrestle him, he can’t outfight him so what exactly is he going to do? Marshall says he has had sleepless nights recently, not through stress or anxiety but the over stimulating knowledge that in a “last man standing” match he doesn’t have to follow any rules or adhere to restrictions. Every ounce of pain he inflicted upon James at Genesis is nothing compared to what is coming. Marshall said it goes beyond excitement, he is literally shaking with delirium because he knows that vengeance is nigh and it is going to taste “oh so sweet”. Marshall says the reason he is out here tonight, however, is not to b1tch and moan about what has past….and he doesn’t want to look to the future, either….he wants the present and he wants “Last Man Standing” here tonight if Clarke James is here and he’s “man enough”….

The crowd are fully behind this idea but it is James McManus who interrupts, flanked by his wife and The Fanatic. Marshall Murdoch looks taken aback by McManus’ presence. McManus wants Murdoch to put a lid on “yet another Murdoch/Clarke borefest”….Marshall has already been granted his re-match and he should be grateful for another opportunity handed to him on a plate. McManus says the only tragedy and disgrace right now is that the 6CW Council haven’t seen fit to name the Parasite Killers the #1 Contenders to the Tag Titles following their win at Genesis. They were quick enough to sign the “last man standing” match but he has yet to receive official acknowledgement that PK are going to get their shot.

Marshall silences McManus and says nobody gives a damn about PK….they didn’t in 2011 and they sure as hell don’t ten years later when they are still in the same position as a decade ago, without a single accolade to their name. Murdoch almost pities McManus’ wife for being married to such a loser and for The Fanatic, who has actually demonstrated some ability from time to time when he isn’t carrying around deadweight.

McManus is irate at the jibes but Murdoch keeps him quiet. He says McManus can do something useful “for once” in his career though. He says clearly Clarke James isn’t here, or he’s too scared to come out here and face him so why doesn’t James McManus take his spot. He says McManus is out here bleating about chances well now is his chance to face Marshall Murdoch live on TV…

McManus looks from his wife to The Fanatic and then nods. He vows to wipe the smile off of Murdoch’s face and when he does, not only should PK get their rightful shot at the tag titles but he’ll take Murdoch’s shot at the world title as well. Marshall looks mockingly gleeful as he waits for McManus to get in the ring. A referee appears as Jenny McManus gets her husband prepared and the commentary team hype this impromptu beginning to the show.

Last edited by JJJohnson on Fri 16 Apr 2021, 2:10 am; edited 1 time in total


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6CW Proving Grounds Results 15th April 2021 Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Results 15th April 2021

Post by JJJohnson Fri 16 Apr 2021, 1:59 am

Bout 1
James McManus vs Marshall Murdoch

*Jenny McManus is shrieking advice from around ringside as The Fanatic watches on, emotionless. McManus and Murdoch circle one another before engaging in a test of strength in the middle of the ring. Murdoch takes control with a side headlock into a back legsweep takedown. He looks to grab the ankle of McManus but he manages to wriggle free and escapes the ring, taking a break to be consoled by his wife.

*Murdoch mocks McManus as he gets back in the ring. They circle for another lockup but this time McManus plants a boot into Murdoch’s gut and then runs off the ropes, returning with a huge knee trembler to the head for a two count. McManus is scathing and mocking now as he slaps Murdoch around the head and keeps him grounded with boots and punches to the head each time he tries to rise.

*McManus finally drags Murdoch up and looks to set him for the “River Wensum Plunge” but Murdoch struggles free, keeping hold of his opponent’s wrist, before leaping into the air with a heavy MMA knee to the jaw. Murdoch swivels around back and waistlocks McManus. He then charges him into the corner before nailing a chaos theory suplex for a two count.

*Murdoch backs into the opposite corner and he wills McManus up for running at him for the “Drive By” knee. Fanatic grabs McManus by the trunks, through the ropes, and pulls him away as Marshall clatters into the turnbuckle. The referee warns The Fanatic as he stalks away.

*McManus waits for Murdoch to stand and then scoops him into a stiff backbreaker. He makes a cover but it is a two. He drags Marshall back up and he suplexes him across the ropes, leaving him dangling, and then he runs off the adjacent side before returning with a stiff kick to the head that brings Marshall back inside but once again it only gains him a two count.

*McManus heads for the corner and scales the ropes. He waits for Marshall to rise before leaping toward him with a crossbody. Marshall takes the impact but they roll through and amazingly end up on the feet where Marshall connects with a tremendous t-bone suplex. The three count is an inch away but McManus kicks out as Jenny is shown breathing a sigh of relief.

*Murdoch offers a hand to a groggy McManus, which he accepts, and pulls him upward into an overhead belly to belly suplex. Marshall rolls over into a full mount to deliver some brutal ground and pound which he is forced to break on the count of four. The commentators talk about how Marshall will need to curb his temper until “Last Man Standing” because he can still be DQ’d tonight.

*Marshall pulls McManus up and he slams into his head with forearms and keeps him in a Muay Thai clinch so he can drive knees into the midsection, taking all the wind from McManus’ sails. McManus staggers into the corner and Marshall doubles back on himself before running in with a leaping splash. He beckons McManus out and nails him with a lifting kneebreaker, keeping hold of his leg as he goes down to apply the anklelock.

*McManus is screaming in agony and tries to dart for the ropes but Murdoch drags him back and ups the ante. Jenny McManus then distracts the referee as her husband begins to tap out. The Fanatic gets up on the apron and he seizes Murdoch by the throat to deliver a chokeslam, breaking the hold and leaving both men down. The referee turns back and is confused by what he finds.

*Both men are slow to rise but a fist fight breaks out when they do. Murdoch’s punches are cleaner and harder which gives the advantage but then McManus rakes the eyes. McManus scoops Murdoch for the “Death Valley Driver” but Murdoch elbows his way free and then scoops McManus on his back for the “Texas Slam” (Alabama) only for Jenny to put her husband’s foot on the ropes.

*There are words between Murdoch and Mrs McManus before he turns back to centre. He seizes McManus by the hair and pulls him up but McManus stomps down on his foot and nails a big European uppercut before kicking Marshall in the gut and nails the “River Wensum Plunge” for a very, very close two.

*McManus complains to the referee as the commentators laud his performance thus far. He stalks Murdoch and then lifts him up as he rises for the “MK Ultra II” but Marshall rolls down the back, swipes his legs, and once again looks for the anklelock. McManus twists out on his back and kicks out with his free foot in Marshall’s face until he releases. McManus scrambles up and runs at Murdoch but it is avoided as he is sent flying into the turnbuckle. Marshall then rattles off a hat-trick of German suplexes.

*Marshall gives a signal to the crowd for “Marshall Law” which gets a roar. Jenny runs around the ring to distract the referee as The Fanatic climbs inside. Marshall turns as The Fanatic puts both hands around his neck. A chokebomb is imminent but Murdoch then kicks Fanatic right between the legs to break his grip. McManus gets back up and looks for the blindside attack but Marshall scouts it and sidesteps as the two members of PK collide and Fanatic is sent from the ring. McManus then turns back around into “Marshall Law”. The referee frees himself from Jenny McManus to make the three count as the crowd cheer.

*The commentary team praise McManus’ performance and confirm the 6CW Council will make a decision on the tag title scene later tonight, adding that he’s done their prospects no harm even in defeat. Marshall Murdoch receives props for a dominating performance after such a disappointment at Genesis. They wonder if Clarke James is watching and if he’ll have anything to say regarding Marshall or the 6CW Championship before the night is over.

Last edited by JJJohnson on Fri 16 Apr 2021, 2:11 am; edited 1 time in total


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6CW Proving Grounds Results 15th April 2021 Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Results 15th April 2021

Post by JJJohnson Fri 16 Apr 2021, 2:04 am

*We head backstage and there is a big crowd reaction as we see Cameron Faith standing by with Tim Allen. Allen welcomes Faith back and congratulates him on a memorable return at Genesis. Faith thanks TA and says it meant a lot to main event a 6CW PPV at the home of his beloved Glasgow Rangers but the fact that he left without the 6WF Championship means that he “failed” and he cannot afford to look at it any other way. TA asks what is next for Cameron Faith and CF makes it clear that his first port of call is to officially enter himself in the “Gateway to Glory” at Day of Reckoning. Faith says he’s heard comments his entire career about being a “nearly man” and “unfulfilled potential” so it is up to him to change that perception. Faith says everyone wants that headline spot at Night of Glory, the pinnacle of the business, and he will do whatever he has to in order for it to become a reality.

Geoff Steel enters the scene to another huge roar from the crowd. Steel and Faith acknowledge each other respectfully and Steel is glad to see another “real one” back in 6CW. Steel says they were both “unfortunate” at Genesis but he agrees with Faith’s assessment that it was a “failure” and it doesn’t pay to dwell on the past. Steel says he also has dreams and aspirations of headlining Night of Glory and the only opportunity left is winning the “Gateway to Glory” match so he’s in too. Faith nods his head, smiling. Steel says tonight they are partners and he respects the hell out of Faith but if it comes down to the two of them at Day of Reckoning then he will also do whatever he had to to win. Faith respects that and he wouldn’t have it any other way. But tonight is about The Wolf Gang. Steel says they took his chance away from him, they sabotaged a great main event in the name of their “phony agenda” and now they need to pay for that. Faith agrees, tonight they get even and then they move on. Steel says he’ll see Faith out there and leaves.

*Scene changes and we are in the Wolf Gang HQ. Robin Reborn can barely look at Ojore or Drake, both of whom are still sporting the battle wounds of the Elimination Chamber. Reborn is fighting his own temper as Drake tries to speak. Reborn silences him and says he doesn’t want to hear it. He doesn’t want to listen to snivelling or excuses. He put in the single greatest performance ever seen in an Elimination Chamber match, the most deadly match in the business, and what does he have to show for it? Nothing. And whose fault is it? He just glares at Ojore and Drake, who keep their heads bowed. Reborn should be here as 6WF Champion, he should be within touching distance of the main event at Night of Glory, and instead he is clawing and scrambling for any remaining chance to make that happen. Ojore and Drake know what they are up against, the oppression they face on a daily basis and how much harder they have to work to get a chance….and yet still they continue to drop the ball every single time and leave Reborn looking like a fool, making their fight for change look pathetic.

A knock comes at the door and Reborn yells that they’ll be out in a minute. He returns to his rant when another knock comes. He looks furious as he storms to the door and rips it open. We hear “Hello, old chap” and we see Jack Hurst, Reborn’s former tag team partner, standing there with a smile as Reborn looks stunned and the scene ends.

*We switch once more and Fleur Michaels is standing by with Jackson Jackson. Fleur wants to talk about social media comments made by Max Adamson and some quotes from a magazine following Jackson’s defeat at Genesis. Jackson’s jaw twitches as he listens to what Max had to say about his “fall from short term grace” and that with the revival of the tag division “Jackson can return to where he belongs”. Jackson takes the magazine from Fleur and rips it up. He doesn’t want or need Max Adamson’s critique on what happened at Genesis. He doesn’t need “that egotistical ar5ehole” to tell him where it all went wrong inside the Elimination Chamber. He was there, he’s the one who experienced it first-hand, and he is the one who has to own it and move forward.

He could talk about Max’s “stellar” career and his car-crash events with Hooligan and Ricky Hatton, the pathetic Jeff Brazier and Jody Marsh debacle and who can forget Captain Australia. Max throwing his toys out of the pram and starting another “fad” promotion because he wasn’t producing the goods in 6WF, being embarrassed by Uryu Ishida and losing his “fake Born in Fire record”….or how about the fact that he got busted for “popping hot” because he couldn’t achieve half of what he did whilst clean. Jackson is more than happy to lift the lid on what he witnessed during the days coming up with Max, the things he witnessed and the things he kept quiet out of respect for the man who brought him into the game…..but he’d prefer not to, because he never expected to find himself here. He thought Max would be happy for him, for what he has achieved in his career so far….proud even that his protege was making great strides after his tremendous tutelage.

He says Max should know that “setbacks” in your career happen, he had plenty himself….but that doesn’t stop anyone from mentioning Adamson as “one of the best ever”….with a list of achievements longer than my (beep)….and nor should it because Max Adamson deserves to be in the hall of fame, deserves the adulation and plaudits….Jackson looked up to him from the first day he met him….but that day has gone.

Jackson says Max’s desperate attention seeking is becoming tiresome, accusing the Australian of “riding his coattails” despite his claims that it is the other way around. Jackson isn’t interested in giving Max any more airtime and he tells Fleur that any mention of Adamson again during interviews and he’ll cut them off, he’s done talking. Jackson wants Fleur to know it isn’t personal but he is forging his own career, a pretty damn good one at that, and although Genesis didn’t work out for him….he knows that the good days are just around the corner. Tonight he’ll take great pleasure in “Jacking Off” Robin Reborn in the middle of the ring, in fact he’s going to “Jack Off” Ojore and Drake too because he feels generous….and then he’s going on to Day of Reckoning….entering the Gateway to Glory, spoiler alert, and throwing 29 other superstars over the top rope…..Jackson Jackson is headlining Night of Glory and there isn’t a man in the world who can put a stop to that.

Last edited by JJJohnson on Fri 16 Apr 2021, 2:10 am; edited 1 time in total


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6CW Proving Grounds Results 15th April 2021 Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Results 15th April 2021

Post by JJJohnson Fri 16 Apr 2021, 2:06 am

Bout 2
Cameron Faith/Geoff Steel/Jackson Jackson vs The Wolf Gang

*The commentators are debating on what Jack Hurst could possibly want when we return to ringside. The three faces enter first to huge ovations from the virtual audience and all three men interact respectfully as they wait for their opposition. Commentary move onto discussing all three men entering their names for the “Gateway to Glory” thus joining The Saint and Mike Masters in what is already promising to be the “most star studded” edition of the annual match.

*The Wolf Gang enter second and we get a montage of Robin Reborn’s performance inside the Elimination Chamber before being eliminated. The commentary team detect a prickly air between Reborn/Ojore and Drake and they wonder if it’s due to another failure to put The Wolf Gang on the map at Genesis or whether Jack Hurst’s reappearance is playing a part.

*There is a stand off between both teams and then Reborn turns to leave before swivelling back and leaping into the air for a dropkick. Geoff Steel anticipates the move and catches Reborn’s legs before driving him down to the mat and twists him into the “Steel Works”. Ojore quickly breaks the hold as a brawl breaks out. Drake grabs Jackson Jackson whilst Ojore seizes hold of Cameron Faith and they launch them against one another, causing them to roll from the ring. The Wolf Gang are left standing tall as Reborn looks at his “brothers”

*Ojore takes charges with Geoff Steel and launches him against the turnbuckle before targetting the body with solid punches. He whips Steel to the opposite corner with real power and then lifts him into a bearhug as he comes back. Ojore keeps the hold locked and squeezes the life out of Steel. Steel seems to be fading and the referee moves in to check but then he claps his hands on Ojore’s ears to force a break. Steel shows great strength to lift Ojore into a snap spinebuster as he charges in and then tags Cameron Faith.

*Faith goes up high and waits for Ojore to rise before leaping off with a elbow to the back of the head. Ojore staggers forward and that allows Drake to tag him. Drake and Faith circle before Drake lunges in. Faith is able to read the situation and avoids it before dropkicking Drake’s knees out from under him. Faith quickly lands a DDT to his kneeling opponent but Drake powers out on two. Faith tags in Jackson Jackson.

*Jackson asks Faith to whip him off the ropes and he does so, Jackson coming back and swinging Drake into a neckbreaker at high speed. Jackson then points to the corner and he goes high. The crowd applaud as he nails the “Jacksault” but Reborn breaks the count on two. The referee gets involved but not before Reborn has snapped off a “World Star” neckbreaker on Jackson.

*Jackson and Drake struggle for tags but both make it as Reborn and Steel tag in. Reborn avoids Steel’s attack and handsprings off the ropes before flying back with a heel kick takedown. Steel staggers up in the corner and eats a leaping bionic elbow that sits him down before Reborn lands a sliding clothesline in the seated position. Reborn beckons for Steel to get up and then scoops him on his shoulders. Reborn seems to be preparing for Jack Hurst’s “Washboard Stomach” and it gets the commentators intrigued but Steel catches Reborn’s foot. He spins him around but eats a whipped dragon roundhouse kick from the other foot as Reborn is twisting. Reborn heads out to the apron and looks for the springboard forearm which connects but Cameron Faith makes the save.

*Ojore pours in and he tackles Faith into the corner before unloading with a series of shoulder thrusts. Ojore backs away and then charges in for another but Faith spins over the ropes and lands on the apron as Ojore crashes into the ringpost. Drake pulls Faith off the apron and lands a huge boot to the face.

*Reborn beckons Steel up and attempts the “Wing Clipper” but Steel headbutts his way free. Steel ends up body pressing Reborn into the air and then drops him into a speared slam (ala Goldberg) before heading for the corner. Steel is looking for the flying headbutt but then Jackson slaps his leg to take the blind tag. Steel looks confused and annoyed as Jackson clambers in and stalks Reborn. He waits for him to rise and then looks for the “Jacked Off” but Reborn lands on his feet and nails the “Wing Clipper” from nowhere. The three count looks assured but then Steel comes off the top with the headbutt to break it up. The commentators talk about Steel saving Jackson after his rashness and desire to prove himself.

*Drake clambers onto the apron and he takes the tag from Reborn. He kneels in the corner and builds up for the spear but runs straight into the “Act of Faith” superkick as Cameron Faith returns to the ring from nowhere. Drake swings on the spot and it allows Steel to nail him with the “Blade Cutter”. Ojore looks ready to get back in the ring as Jackson sprints over with a suicide dive to knock him back against the railings. The referee completes the three count as the crowd go wild and the commentators talk about Drake taking the tag from Reborn and ultimately failing once again.

*Jackson returns to the ring to join the celebrations. There is a little needle between he and Steel following their earlier confrontation but Faith seems to smooth it over. Faith congratulates both but then all three turn to stare at the “Night of Glory” sign. Commentary talk about how they all got a little retribution tonight but now focus turns to the “Gateway to Glory” and how only one man can realise a dream.

*Faith, Jackson and Steel leave the ring as Reborn and Ojore climb inside. Drake is just getting to his feet and he looks up at Reborn, almost pleading, before Ojore lands a huge chop across the top of his skull. Reborn is incensed as he drops on top of Drake and begins to unload with brutal punches, unrelenting. The commentators talk about how Reborn has snapped and his pursuit for recognition and position with the company has consumed him. Henry Lloyd sympathises and says Drake had plenty of chances but he kept letting the team down, there was only so much Reborn could talk.

*Reborn stands and he stares at Ojore, who glares back. Reborn makes it clear that it’s “me and you” as he bangs his chest and nods at Ojore. Ojore looks down at Drake and then back at Reborn and nods his head as the crowd boo. Reborn wants Ojore to get Drake up so they continue their beatdown when “Prince Charming” echoes out and Jack Hurst, dressed in a tailored suit and waistcoat, comes rushing to the ring.

*Hurst slides down by Drake’s side and holds his hand up to Reborn, pleading for mercy on Drake’s behalf. Hurst wants a mic. Ojore looks to get hold of Hurst but Reborn holds him back which makes Ojore’s eyes bulge.

*Jack Hurst wants to know what happened to his “best friend”. To the man who he has considered a brother, the man who he achieved so much with in this industry. Jack Hurst doesn’t recognise this version of Robin Reborn but he says it isn’t too late to turn it back, to repent and redeem. He knows the old Reborn is still in there….the high-flier, the Red Arrow, the real-life hero who dethroned the Puppet Master at Night of Glory….

*Reborn digests everything that is being said and his features begin to soften. His shoulders slump as Jack Hurst rises to him and after a moment they hug. The crowd are cheering as Ojore looks disbelieving. A “Red Arrows” chant now rings around and the commentators are nonplussed at what Jack Hurst has managed to do. Suddenly, Reborn’s features harden again, his smile gone, and he nods at Ojore who runs in and ploughs his head right into the unsuspecting Hurst’s chest. Hurst is struggling to breath on the canvass as Reborn drops on top of him and grabs his face. We hear Reborn telling Hurst that he never knew him if he thought that dancing, performing cretin was the real Reborn. This is realest he has ever been...he asks Hurst “why did you make me do this?” “why did you have to push me to this?” “You made me….if you’d just stayed home”….”But now you’ll have to see….just like everybody else….now you’ll open your eyes and you will recognise”.

*The commentators are shocked by the events as Reborn and Ojore stand together and Reborn lets out a wolf howl. They then leave the ring as a winded and visibly upset Jack Hurst sits up on the canvass to watch them leave. Drake is still sprawled out next to him as the debate rages on what is to come next in this situation.


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6CW Proving Grounds Results 15th April 2021 Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Results 15th April 2021

Post by JJJohnson Fri 16 Apr 2021, 2:08 am

*Backstage and there is a commotion at the entrance of the arena. A royal procession has gathered with trumpeters and drummers. A red carpet has been laid out as a limo pulls up and King Karl Kramer gets out, joined by his uncle, Charles Kramer, and Johnny Oko and Vortex. Karl Kramer is dressed in full Royal wear with the 6WF Championship visible under his gown. Oko and Vortex are, as ever, in their Samurai guard outfits whilst Charles Kramer has a crisp, designer suit on.

Karl Kramer is visibly banged up after the Elimination Chamber but he is full of himself as the procession continues. Confetti is thrown upon them as they walk onto the red carpet and head for the arena. The commentary team talk up the historic Elimination Chamber match and they debate on what is next for the 6WF Champion as we move closer to Night of Glory. All members of The Empire suddenly stop as Tyler Roth appears at the end of the red carpet, blocking the path to the arena.

Charles Kramer looks concerned until a wall of Royal Ushers (security) form a wall between Roth and The Empire. Tyler Roth doesn’t care how many of them he has to put in the hospital to get to The Empire but he’s eager to find out how many souls can be harvested in a single sitting. Security stand their ground but they look nervous. Charles Kramer holds up a piece of paper, much to the surprise of his nephew, and says this is from the 6CW Council stating that nobody that was inside the Elimination Chamber is entitled to the next shot at the 6WF Championship. He says Karl Kramer proved himself as the most dominant champion in history with defences in the “Open Gauntlet” and the “Chamber” so he has nothing to prove, he’s knocked off Roth twice now.

Roth, who is also bruised and cut from the Chamber, smirks. He acknowledges the piece of paper in CK’s hands but says he already got the memo when he went to see Renier Grohl. He says he didn’t come here tonight for “The King”….the colour drains from CK’s face as Roth points at Johnny Oko. He says “We’ve got unfinished business” and “We’re up next so get ready”. Johnny Oko looks to the other members of The Empire for some kind of relief but they seem as stunned as he. Roth is smirking and then he tells Karl Kramer that he’ll be back for him when the time is right, he can’t outrun The Reaper forever and the 6WF Championship will be his. Roth leaves as Karl Kramer turns to his Uncle with rage on his face. A dispute starts as Johnny Oko wants to know what they’re going to do about Roth. Charles Kramer tries to calm the situation and assures them all that “it will be taken care of”

*Liam Wood is live in the arena, greeted by a big crowd reaction. Wood, the UK Championship over his shoulder, is accosted by Fleur Michaels for an interview. Wood is congratulated on his victory over Jimmy Phillips at Genesis but now everyone wants to know what is next for The Viper? Does he expect Phillips to come back for seconds? And how about The Death Squad, does he believe they will rear up once more?

Wood first pays credit to Jimmy Phillips for “a hell of a match”. He says he and Phillips may not be friends but they tore the proverbial roof off of Ibrox in an all-out war and that leaves a level of respect between them. He has no doubts that his and Phillips’ paths will cross again in the future, maybe for the UK Championship or, who knows, something even bigger. As for The Death Squad….as far as Wood is concerned, the matter is finished. They came looking for him, they took their shot and they missed. They got a taste of the venom that runs through his veins but it was merely a flesh wound he imparted...if they are stupid enough to try again then he’ll inject them with a lethal dose of poison.

Wood says everyone wants to know what is next? He takes a moment and then he points to the poster on the wall across from them. The camera pans around to show the official advert for “Night of Glory IX”. Wood says this is all that anyone is thinking about in the locker-room and he is no different. Being a part of Night of Glory is special but being in the main event at Night of Glory is what dreams are made of. Wood’s tasted the fruit at the top of the mountain and he craves it constantly, the hunger consumes him on a daily basis. He says he knows as the proud owner of the prestigious United Kingdom Championship he will put on a show stealing performance should he be defending his title at the event….but he has one more chance, one more opportunity, and that is why he’s officially entering the Gateway to Glory (cue big cheers). Wood says the GtG is the “literal doorway to the Main Event at Night of Glory”….you win that match, you outlast 29 other men and you guarantee yourself the headline act on the grandest stage in the business. That’s what he intends….that’s what he wants and that is exactly what he is going to do.

Fleur wishes him luck and asks whether if he wins the GtG and headlines Night of Glory it may make him propose to Emmy. Wood is taken aback for a moment but then he smiles and says “who knows what the future holds”. He is about to leave when a backstage runner turns up with another gift that has asked to be passed on to Emmy. Wood wants to know who sent it but the runner says it was just left at reception. A six foot Statue of Liberty is then wheeled in by more runners. Wood’s eyes narrow and his jaw tenses. Fleur says “I don’t get it….roses, Statue of Liberty. What the connection?” but then she shrieks and moves backward as Wood punches the head off the statue. His hand is covered in blood, his breathing becoming forced, and he looks furious before storming away.

*Scene change and Renier Grohl, in a green suit, is standing by with Timothy Allen. TA thanks Grohl for his time but Grohl, who still has bruises under his eyes from Marty Helms’ attack, says it makes more sense to have a live chat about announcements and that the 6CW Council is more than happy for transparency on matters.

Allen first asks about Christy James. How is she? Does anyone know how she got the information as to where the “Destination Elevation” match was taking place? And will there be any repercussions for what happened? Grohl admits it was a tragic accident and everyone at 6CW sends their love and well wishes to Christy James, wishing her a speedy recovery. Grohl informs us Christy is now at home and “thankfully on the mend” but it may be some time before she can return to work. Grohl says they are still unaware of how Christy gained knowledge of the location because Uryu Ishida claims he never gave it to her but being an employee of 6CW it is likely she could have gotten that information from a number of sources. As for repercussions? Grohl can’t deny that what happened was abhorrent but any punishments handed out would have to be retrospective because, without being thoughtless, nobody did anything wrong at Genesis. He admits Ethan Shaw will be reprimanded for his “kidnapping” of Christy but what went down at “Destination Elevation” was a “freak accident”. He says neither Shaw of Uryu can be held responsible for that. Timothy Allen asks how GazzyD has responded to what happened? Grohl says Gazzy is, naturally, very angry and upset with all parties involved. He isn’t particularly pleased with his wife for putting herself in that position, although he’s obviously happy she is ok. He also blames Uryu and Ethan Shaw for the roles they have played in this whole business. Tim Allen asks if there is any truth in the rumours that Gazzy is threatening “legal action”? Grohl looks a little shifty and doesn’t give a clear answer but says that Gazzy will be here soon and he is hoping to talk to him in person so that they can “iron this all out”.

We move onto the Clarke James-Marshall Murdoch debacle at Genesis. Grohl says he doesn’t want to sound like a broken record with defending mistakes on the part of 6CW but they acted swiftly to rectify what happened by announcing the “Last Man Standing” for Day of Reckoning within minutes of the conclusion of last week’s 6CW Championship match. Tim Allen asks whether it would not have been fairer to “restore Marshall as champion” given that he never should have been disqualified but Grohl says the matter has been dealt with. He understands fan frustration and, of course, Marshall’s frustration but these things can happen, especially when the referee has been knocked unconscious for several minutes prior. Grohl doesn’t want to see some kind of “VAR system” introduced because The 6CW Council have done what is necessary. Clarke James, whether you want to accept it or not, is the current 6CW Champion but Marshall Murdoch will get his chance in just a couple of weeks to set the record straight, this time without any barriers in place. Grohl is sure it will be a match to remember at Day of Reckoning.

Tim Allen then asks about the 6WF Championship situation and the piece of paper that Charles Kramer had earlier. Grohl backs up the claim that Kramer will face a new challenge in the coming weeks as the 6CW Council would like to see fresh opportunities for those who have earned them. That doesn’t mean that any of the participants from the “Elimination Chamber” are out of the picture, just that they’ll need to get back in the queue and force their way back into contention. Grohl states that “competition is good” and this is the most competitive state 6CW has ever been in. Tim Allen asks if there will be an announcement on that tonight and Grohl says there will. TA also asks about Tyler Roth and the conclusion to the “Elimination Chamber” with many believing Roth should be the rightful 6WF Champion right now. He asks whether it should be Roth facing Kramer at Day of Reckoning but Grohl says there is nothing in the rule book, whether you frown upon it or not, for what The Empire did at Genesis. He admits he isn’t a fan of those kind of tactics but it is “anything goes” and they utilised that to their benefit. He acknowledges the belief about Roth and pays massive credit to him but says he was pinned in the middle of the ring by Karl Kramer, for the second time in a couple of months, so it would be wrong to give him the #1 Contender’s position. He says Roth came to see him and whilst they didn’t see eye to eye, they compromised. The 6CW Council agreed that Roth could pick his opponent here tonight as long as it wasn’t Kramer and he picked Oko so the deal is done and nobody will be wriggling out of it.

Finally we get onto the Marty Helms business. Renier Grohl cuts Timothy Allen off and says he knows the rumour mills have been swirling but here is the official confirmation; yes Marty Helms has been suspended for his actions but no Marty Helms has not signed to a rival promotion. Grohl says Helms doesn’t like him, for whatever reason, and he can’t make him but Marty Helms has a contract with 6CW and that means he is obliged to toe the company line, which means that when someone is appointed to a position of authority (himself) Marty Helms needs to respect the “hands off” sign. He admires Helms’ passion, although it is borderline psychotic, and he believes he is a tremendous addition to the roster, one of the absolute best we have, but he is severe danger of throwing that all away if he cannot control his temper. Grohl doesn’t want to suspend superstars, he didn’t want to suspend Crime Lord either, but they pushed and they pushed until there was no other option for The Council. Grohl says there is no official date set for the return but when Helms does come back he will be strongly reminded that he works for 6CW and must adhere to the same rules as everyone else. Tim Allen asks if Grohl is worried that in just a few months he has been the target of abuse, mental and physical, from Crime Lord and Marty Helms. That surely it isn’t part of his job role and maybe the 6CW Council should be affording him more protection. Grohl says this is the “hurt business” and he understands the frustrations of the superstars when results don’t go their way but he does hint that the situation is being looked at by The Council and maybe extra measures little be taken down the line.


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6CW Proving Grounds Results 15th April 2021 Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Results 15th April 2021

Post by JJJohnson Fri 16 Apr 2021, 2:09 am

*We switch back to ringside when “Limelight” by Rush roars from the airwaves. The commentary team cut short their talk on Grohl’s interview when GazzyD enters the arena. Gazzy is dressed in street clothes, jeans and a hoody, and he doesn’t look his usual buoyant self as he makes his way down to ringside. Most of the audience are cheering, as they usually do, although there is a smattering of boos in places which is picked up on by Henry Lloyd.

Gazzy is up in the ring and he takes a mic. It is clear that he is seething with a sombre edge. A “Get well Christy” chant starts up and Gazzy acknowledges it. He tells the crowd that it means a lot and Christy will appreciate all of the support she has received since Genesis. He tells us that she’s doing as good as can be expected and is on the mend. It’ll be some time until she can return to work, the mental scars healing longer than the physical.

But now Gazzy switches into the reason that he is here and his demeanour becomes severe. He says he’s so thankful his wife is ok but the fact is they shouldn’t even be in this position. He shouldn’t be here updating anyone on the fact that his wife fell twenty foot off a deathtrap….he says he shouldn’t have spent the last week tending to her every need, looking after her and soothing her through the night when she’s woken through nightmares….he and Christy should have spent the last week celebrating, celebrating his 6WF Championship win….this comment draws some boos from the crowd and Henry Lloyd accuses Gazzy of only caring about his lost title shot.

Gazzy tries to smooth this over by saying it isn’t about the title….it’s about Christy and what she’s been through….which he blames, solely upon Uryu Ishida!

The crowd boo this comment as well and commentary talk about why Gazzy isn’t blaming Ethan Shaw either. Gazzy says this all started with Uryu leading Christy astray….he told him to stay away, to leave her alone, but he persisted and pestered her….he made her a target for Ethan Shaw due to her friendship with Ishida and he did nothing to protect her….he accuses Uryu of telling Christy where the “Destination Elevation” was taking place, trying to play the hero, and because of that she nearly died...he says Uryu has clearly watched too many movies where he brainwashes a married woman into believing she loves someone else…but the fact is she doesn’t love him, she loves GazzyD….her husband….the man who has been with her every minute of every day for the last week…

Gazzy says Uryu scarpered from the hospital last week before he arrived because he knew...he knows what he has done and he is too much of a coward to face the consequences...he is responsible for Christy almost losing her life and he couldn’t even be man enough to accept that...he tells Uryu this is all on him and he wants answers…

Gazzy waits for a few moments and then he lifts the mic again. He says clearly Uryu is here, he doesn’t have a life outside of this place, but it is obvious that he doesn’t fancy getting his a55 handed to him here tonight….so instead Gazzy will get to his other piece of business and that is 6CW as a company…..providing unsafe work environments for its employees….he says Christy had no business being at “Destination Elevation” last week and regardless of whether they knew she’d be there or not, security wasn’t up to scratch….nobody saw her enter the hangar….nobody saw her approach the structure or climbing the twenty foot ladder…..he says 6CW has a duty of care and they failed miserably…..Gazzy says he has been with 6CW since day one, he loves this place like a member of his family but the fact is, his family is Christy and 6CW let her down….they let him down….and although it hurts him to have to consider it, legal matters have been discussed with his lawyers...

Renier Grohl is out at ringside all of a sudden and he’s trying to reason with Gazzy. He tells him that’s so relieved and happy that Christy is ok….and the 6CW Council also send on their well wishes….Gazzy tells Grohl to “save it”….he says they got the flowers, the fruit baskets, and all the “attempts to buy us”….but not once did anyone visit, after everthing he and Christy have given to this company…..Grohl is silent as Gazzy tells him that he would do anything for 6CW, the fans know that and everyone in the back knows it…..but his wife, the longest serving interviewer they’ve got, the face of 6CW Media, almost died at Genesis and they don’t give a damn...Gazzy lost his shot at the 6WF Championship to be at the hospital and they don’t give a damn…..Christy and Gazzy’s lives have been hounded and haunted for months by Ethan Shaw with Uryu lurking in the background like a stalker and the 6CW Council don’t give a damn….

Gazzy asks Grohl what is being done about Shaw?….what is being done about Uryu?…..he says they nearly killed Christy and there is no justice….so the only way Gazzy can see them taking this seriously is by taking this to court….he says 6CW don’t want that publicity, they don’t everyone talking about “unsafe work environments” for their non-performers….it is a lawsuit that any firm would kill for…

Grohl says what happened can’t be undone and words alone don’t do justice to how sorry everyone in 6CW is…..Christy is loved by everyone, Gazzy is respected by everyone….they are integral to 6CW and the Council want them to know that….Grohl says whatever Christy needs, she will get and they will spare no expense in making it up to her… for Gazzy, well Grohl can understand his frustration and anger….he knows he wants vengeance and he wants justice….he says what happened was a “tragic accident” but Ethan Shaw will be taken to task on his actions over the last couple of months and he will be punished….Grohl knows they can’t make it up to Gazzy in the short term but the 6CW Council, as a token of their apologies, are naming him #1 Contender to the 6WF Championship…

This draws a mixed reaction from the audience and the commentary team. GazzyD looks taken aback and keeps a stern look although there is a brightness to his eyes. Grohl goes on to say that Gazzy earned his spot inside the “Elimination Chamber” and he should have his shot at Genesis….five other men had their chance and they fell short but Gazzy is still owed a match with Karl Kramer...a match that will take place at Day of Reckoning if Gazzy chooses to accept it…

Jeff Thadeus can’t believe the 6CW Council are trying to bribe Gazzy’s silence but Henry Lloyd predicts that he will accept it….Gazzy seems to be deep in thought and then says that even if he was to accept the chance, the chance he earned, that doesn’t mean he’s dropping the lawsuit….he’d need proof that 6CW is truly sorry for what has happened, he’d need to see that in action….starting with Uryu Ishida!

Gazzy heard Grohl say Ethan Shaw would be punished but he wants to know about Uryu….Ishida needs to be dealt with for everything he has done, everything he has caused….Gazzy came here tonight for retribution but Uryu isn’t man enough to face up to it so he needs the 6CW Council to take charge instead….

Grohl is about to reply when Uryu enters the arena to a huge ovation. Gazzy seems surprised but Uryu wastes no time in getting up in the ring. He takes a mic and signals for his music to be cut. He looks Gazzy up and down before shaking his head.

Uryu says this isn’t him. Being out here with a mic in hand, talking trash, but enough is enough. Uryu says he’s apologised, unreservedly, more times than he cares to remember. Apologised to Gazzy in person for everything that has happened because this was never his intention. He and Christy were friends, just friends, and he was happy with that….but Gazzy needs to take a look in the mirror because it was his own insecurity, listening to gossip, that made this whole situation was Gazzy’s insecurity that roused the interest of Ethan Shaw….he created the “love triangle” that never even existed…

Uryu says “how dare you” accuse me of telling Christy where “Destination Elevation” was….he would never, ever, intentionally put Christy in danger…..he has never felt worse in his life over this past week knowing he played a part in what happened and he will never forgive himself...but he doesn’t need Gazzy out here trying to run him down, casting aspersions and putting the blame on everyone else….not when he’s spent ten minutes running his mouth only to take a “backhanded title shot” just to keep your mouth shut…

Gazzy suddenly steps forward and he is in Uryu’s face. They glare at one another before Renier Grohl tries to pull them apart. Gazzy is sick of Uryu...sick of his presence….sick of him sniffing around his wife like a pathetic loner….sick of him questioning what GazzyD is all about….Gazzy says the 6WF Championship shot is his because he deserves it, not because he’s being “bought” by the Council….Uryu cuts him off and says it’s just convenient how a shot at the world title suddenly put Christy’s “life threatening situation” on the backburner….Ishida didn’t say anything when he took on Ethan Shaw instead of Gazzy, he didn’t acknowledge the questions that Gazzy was prioritising his own career over his wife’s honour….but he guesses the proof is in the pudding…

This comment causes Gazzy to smash his mic onto Uryu’s head and drop him to the floor. Henry Lloyd says “I guess the truth hurts” as Uryu staggers back up. Renier Grohl confronts Gazzy over his actions and this allows Ishida to sprint in and launch into a dropkick that sends Gazzy into the ropes. Gazzy rolls underneath as Uryu runs to the ropes and suicide dives out, taking Gazzy to the ground. Both men are rolling around on the floor, trading punches, as security pour down to pull them apart. Renier Grohl climbs to to get in between the warring superstars.

The commentary team talk about how this situation is boiling out of control as Gazzy and Uryu continue to try and get at one another. Henry Lloyd accuses Gazzy of showing his “narcissism” by accepting the 6WF Championship match with Kramer rather than pursue legal action for his wife...Jeff Thadeus admits to being a massive Gazzy fan but says the situation doesn’t look great….Jack Reynolds believes there is a case that Gazzy deserves his shot, having missed out at Genesis, but there is no doubting why people are going to be upset…..Gazzy seems hell-bent on putting all the blame on Uryu whilst taking none himself or targetting Ethan Shaw….

Uryu showing a more vocal, physical, side is also talked about. It seems that Gazzy’s barbs have finally taken their toll and they are on an “inevitable collision course”….the commentary team debate what Karl Kramer and The Empire may have to say about this turn of events as well as the action heads backstage.


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6CW Proving Grounds Results 15th April 2021 Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Results 15th April 2021

Post by JJJohnson Fri 16 Apr 2021, 2:12 am

*We get an advert for the “JJ Johnson Foundation” for underprivileged children and a special charity dinner that will be taking place after Day of Reckoning. This leads into Robin Reborn and Ojore storming into the backstage area. Travis Sharp tries to get a word on what just went down but Reborn snatches the mic from his hands. Reborn says he’ll conduct this interview, at least that way he knows his message won’t be edited or manipulated. Reborn says Drake was the “weak link” of The Wolf Gang and it took him awhile to admit it because “you don’t leave a brother behind” but change was necessary because their crusade is bigger than any one man. Reborn says it is almost fitting that Jack Hurst has crawled out from under his rock to come to Drake’s aid because he was the “weak link” of the Red Arrows too. Reborn carried them both but he won’t be carrying anyone anymore. Reborn knows he can rely on Ojore….he knows the “War Machine” is “built for this”...he knows that together they can take the Wolf Gang to the top and force this “archaic business” into a “new world order”….Reborn says that starts next week because he and Ojore are challenging Drake and Jack Hurst to a tag team contest and that will be the start of things to come.

*The scene changes and Tyler Roth is dead lifting some huge weights, preparing for his upcoming bout. Tim Allen knocks on the door and wants to get Roth’s reaction to the news that GazzyD will be the new #1 Contender to the 6WF Championship. Roth is indifferent to the news….he already knew it wouldn’t be him….but that won’t stop him from getting even with The Empire and with the Kramers. He says tonight he takes on and takes out Johnny Oko….that will be one down, three to go….and one by one The Reaper is coming for the souls of those who have wronged him...he says no matter how long it takes he will settle the score with The Empire….and then he will set his sights on the other reason he is here, winning world titles….Tim Allen asks about whether Roth will consider entering the Gateway to Glory now that both world titles seem to be occupied for Day of Reckoning...Roth smiles and tells Allen to ask the rest of the roster if they want him in that match….because he already knows the answer….once he throws his name in the frame, everyone else may as well stay home….Roth prepares to leave Allen asks “Is that a yes?” but Roth just laughs and walks out.

*The commentators talk about how Dante Phoenix nor Hellion have been seen since the beating inflicted by Marty Helms at Genesis. They hype Hellion’s incredible spirit but wonder if he will ever return to 6CW after a career-shortening assault. We then get an announcement that GazzyD vs Uryu Ishida will headline next week’s Proving Grounds. Backstage and we are inside The Empire’s locker-room. Karl Kramer is rewatching Grohl’s announcement regarding GazzyD challenging him at Day of Reckoning. He is angry at the “bias” of the 6CW Council, saying that Gazzy is “undeserving” but Charles Kramer tells him it doesn’t matter. GazzyD is one man, a washed up one at that, and even in his prime he couldn’t have lived with the “King”. He says Kramer just beat 19 men in an “Open Gauntlet” followed by 5 more inside the Elimination Chamber so what challenge does Gazzy really pose? He’s got his wife in need of 24-7 care at home and he’s preoccupied with Uryu Ishida too. Karl Kramer suddenly looks a lot brighter.

Johnny Oko clears his throat. He says they need to talk about Roth because he’s minutes away from heading out to the ring and the last time he saw Roth this angry he ended up with a crushed skull. Charles Kramer says Oko needs to relax because all is in hand, when has he ever been wrong? Oko just wants to know they’ve got his back. Vortex claps him on the shoulder and says they’ve got him. Karl Kramer puts the 6WF belt aside and tells Oko that he appreciates what his “brethren” did for him at Genesis and he’ll return that favour whenever, wherever. He says the fact Roth is still spouting about “vengeance” and “retribution” means he’ll have to be dealt with in a permanent manner because he is just going to keep lingering like a bad smell. Clearly the beating at World’s End and the beating at Genesis didn’t do the job so maybe they’ll have to go one step further. Charles Kramer agrees as the scene ends.


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6CW Proving Grounds Results 15th April 2021 Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Results 15th April 2021

Post by JJJohnson Fri 16 Apr 2021, 2:35 am

Bout 3
Johnny Oko vs Tyler Roth

*The commentators are in full hype for this upcoming bout as we get a re-run of Tyler Roth's issues with The Empire that date back to Japan when he first crossed paths with Karl Kramer and almost ended Johnny Oko's career. Now they will meet again here at Proving Grounds as Roth looks for a modicum of revenge after what happened at Genesis.

*Roth is out first to a huge reaction from the audience and he looks pumped. Charles Kramer escorts Johnny Oko out to the ring and Oko looks wary of what is to come. Charles Kramer gives him a pep talk at ringside before sending him into battle, Roth looks ready to cause mayhem as the referee struggles to keep him back.

*Roth bursts out of the blocks and looks for a huge clothesline but Oko manages to avoid it and then lands a swift roundhouse kick to the gut that doubles Roth up. Oko does his best to keep Roth at bay whilst maintaining distance and snapping off kicks to the legs and body whenever he can.

*Roth seems to have Oko trapped in the corner and he lunges but Oko avoids again. Oko nails the "Tic-Tac-Toe" combo of kicks to the knee, body and head before running off the opposite ropes for the "K-Oko" yakuza kick but Roth shows immense strength to duck under the kick and nail a backdrop that sends his foe over the top rope and crashing onto the concrete below.

*CK looks worried as he rushes to the aid of Oko but Roth is in no mood to wait around. He climbs out and drags Oko up before whipping him into the steel steps, leaving him crumpled on the floor. Roth smiles into the camera and says "We're just getting started". He pulls Oko back up and launches him against the plexiglass barriers around ringside (Ice Hockey style) before benching him over his head and throws him back through the ropes to the ring. Roth smirks at Charles Kramer before getting back in.

*Oko staggers up in the corner and Roth crashes into him and delivers ten consecutive clotheslines. He then seizes Oko by the throat and launches him across the ring with a huge Biel throw. The cameras focus in on the glazed look all over Oko's face.

*Roth rips off his vest and then he scoops Oko in his arms. He parades him around the ring before just launching him with a fall away throw. Oko stumbles back up and he is pumphandled into a uranage slam.

*The commentators talk about how it is just a matter of time. Roth gives a signal and he drags Oko up for "The Hangman" (Cradle Shock) but Oko somehow slips off the back. Oko runs off the ropes and returns with a bulldog takedown before Roth can turn around. Roth is already on his feet as Oko rolls onto the apron and then catapults back in with a DDT (ala Johnny Gargano) but Roth powers out on two.

*Oko goes to the top rope and comes off with a spinning heel kick that takes Roth off his feet but again a power out on two. Roth gets on one knee as Oko crashes a buzzsaw kick into his temple and fells him once more. Oko rushes for the corner again and looks for the "Kamikaze Moonsault" but Roth drives his knees up in time, taking all the wind out of Oko.

*Charles Kramer looks very worried now as Roth drags Oko up and powerbombs him against the turnbuckle before spinning him into a huge AA spinebuster as he walks back out. Roth drags Oko up is preparing for "The Hangman" when Charles Kramer begins climbing onto the apron. Roth shoves Oko aside and steps forward to confront CK, begging him to get in the ring. 

*The distraction allows Oko to get back up and he wills Roth to turn around before bursting at him for the "K-Oko" but Roth meets him in mid-sprint with a gargantuan discus lariat that spins Oko inside out. Roth stands and draws his finger across his throat to signal that the end is nigh.

*Karl Kramer suddenly rushes down to the ring and he drags Johnny Oko under the bottom rope into the aisleway, where he is propped up by Uncle Charles and the 6WF Champion. Tyler Roth just stares at them as they willingly take the ten count. The commentators talk about how Karl Kramer has spared Oko any further damage but he has already sustained a beating.

*Vortex suddenly comes from behind the announce area and gets into the ring before clattering Roth from behind. The rest of The Empire watch on gleefully as Vortex lands big punches before dragging Roth up. He demonstrates his strength to scoop Roth in his arms for the "Rupture" but Roth suddenly fights free and back onto his feet. Roth nails a pump through knee strike under the chin of Vortex, rocking him to his core, and Vortex staggers back into the ropes before walking into a swinging STO (Red Alert). 

*Roth kneels over Vortex and glares at Karl Kramer, Johnny Oko and Charles Kramer as the commentators talk about how the issues between these warring parties appears to be far from over.


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6CW Proving Grounds Results 15th April 2021 Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Results 15th April 2021

Post by JJJohnson Fri 16 Apr 2021, 2:37 am

*We see Renier Grohl making his way through the backstage area. He’s looking for Ethan Shaw but nobody has seen him and nobody seems to know where it is that he bases himself within the arena. Grohl makes it clear that if anyone sees him then they need to send him his way because he needs to talk with him. The scene then changes and Liam Wood and Emmy are shown. Wood is questioning Emmy over the gifts she has been receiving. Emmy seems hurt that Wood doesn’t believe her about not knowing where they have come from. Wood says they both know that the presents are pointing to a particular place and from a particular person. Emmy snaps back and reiterates that she doesn’t know and she hasn’t heard from “him” in a long time. Wood takes a deep breath and then apologises, stating that he just doesn’t want to lose Emmy again. She hugs him and says she understands and that she isn’t going anywhere, she just needs Wood to believe her.

*Fleur Michaels is joined by Krasimir Marinov and The Death Squad. Marinov says that Liam Wood has escaped them for now but karma will come for him eventually and that is a promise. But now the focus of The Death Squad is the tag team division and staking their claim for the tag titles, beginning tonight by defeating Revolution. Marinov says Castile and Varyag have been underutilised for years in 6CW and their talent ignored but their victories over the rest of the competition will ensure that they can be ignored no longer. He’s hearing all about these other teams claiming they deserve a shot at the gold but it will be The Death Squad who get their first by destroying all in their wake. Jimmy Phillips suddenly strides past and he glares at The Death Squad as the commentators talk about what went down at Genesis. Phillips looks angry and then storms away. Marinov ends the interview as Varyag and Castile follow toward ringside.

*Uryu Ishida is standing by with Tim Allen as the scene changes. Uryu is clearly full of emotion after what went down with GazzyD. He reacts to the news that he and Gazzy will meet in next weeks’ main event by saying that maybe it is for the best. He didn’t want it to come to this, he didn’t want to get involved in any kind of conflict with Gazzy, a man he’s always admired, but the situation seems to have gone past the point of return and perhaps the only way to resolve it is by meeting in the middle of the ring.

Uryu says he takes no pleasure in what is to come but he can’t just stand and listen to Gazzy’s accusations and lies without doing anything about it. He won’t be insulted or made to feel completely responsible for what happened to Christy. Uryu accepts his part in what happened at Genesis and he can never express just how sorry he is. He says Christy is his friend, she always will be, and he never wanted any harm to come of her. He’s apologised and apologised until he’s blue in the face but Gazzy stepped over the mark when he said he gave Christy the information about the location of “Destination Elevation” and he won’t stand for it any longer.

Tim Allen asks about the beliefs that Gazzy has potentially prioritised his own career and shots at the world title over Christy’s well-being. He asks Uryu’s opinion on that. Uryu says he won’t be drawn into casting aspersions but he understands why people may think that way. He admits he was surprised to hear Gazzy accept a shot at the 6WF Championship just moments after threatening a lawsuit. It is almost as though he was “bought” and he’d like to think that isn’t the case but everyone who saw it and heard it will make up their own mind on that. He believes Gazzy loves Christy and vice versa….but he also know Gazzy loves being a 6CW superstar and he loves the “limelight”….it isn’t a black and white scenario, rather shades of grey...but Uryu wouldn’t have gone about things in the same manner.

Tim Allen asks about the Gateway to Glory. Uryu wants to headline Night of Glory, he wants to win a world title, it is his career’s ambition….if that means entering the Gateway and earning that opportunity then that is exactly what he will do….everyone wants to write him off, he’s used to that his whole life, but he believes in himself and he believes sooner or later he will be world champion….he’s looked at the lineup already and it is an impressive field of names, if he adds his then he knows nobody will pay attention, nobody will put him in the “frontrunners”….so instead we’ll just wait and see….first and foremost he wants to put his issues with Gazzy to bed and move on from there, remarking that it has been a “rollercoaster couple of months”…

Allen ends by asking about Ethan Shaw….Uryu’s mood darkens further and says that Shaw is the lowest kind of specie. He is a dangerous animal with no remorse….Allen wants to know if their passes will cross again or does he think Shaw is done in his pursuit? Uryu says maybe he is...but maybe I’m not!


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6CW Proving Grounds Results 15th April 2021 Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Results 15th April 2021

Post by JJJohnson Fri 16 Apr 2021, 3:13 am

*One more scene change and Travis Sharp is with The Next Big Things, who are showing off their 6CW Tag Team Championships. Mike Hill once again goes on record to say he is a multi-time tag team champion in a whole host of promotions but he has never had a better partner or been part of a better team that this one right here. Ricky Nelson oozes praise upon his mentor for making this possible and they both state that this is just the beginning. It was amazing to leave Genesis as tag champions but they know the chasing pack is growing by the day and the real hard work starts now.

Sharp asks if they have a preferred challenge in the near future but NBT are happy to face whoever steps up. They list off some of the teams including Revolution, The Empire and even The Death Squad and they know they are all itching to earn a shot. NBT will defend against anyone because they want to be fighting champions, representing the tag team revolution and continuing to prove themselves as the standard bearers in the division. They aren’t competing here tonight but they’ll be keeping a close eye on the upcoming battle as they scout potential opposition.

Suddenly Jenny McManus leads The Parasite Killers into shot. She sneers that it was funny that NBT didn’t mention PK as future opposition because they are running scared. Mike Hill says it’s more to do with the fact they’ve already beaten PK twice and it would be almost embarrassing to have to do it again. James McManus steps in and gets in Hill’s face. He says they are just as much a part of this revolution as NBT and two “fluke” victories don’t make them better. If NBT are so confident then they’ll step up and put the titles on the line. Nelson states that PK need to get in the queue and prove they deserve another shot. Jenny shakes her head and says NBT know Chapter 3 won’t end so brightly for them and they will relinquish the titles to the “best team in professional wrestling today” which is why they won’t accept….Hill jokes that they can’t relinquish the belts to themselves. McManus tells them to keep laughing because soon they’ll be crying themselves to sleep over the lost of their championship gold. Nelson instructs them to use the energy flapping their gums to maybe win a match and then they can talk….NBT mock McManus for his a55 kicking from Marshall Murdoch earlier and then walk off, flaunting the titles as they do. Fanatic wants to go after them but Jenny McManus holds her hands up and says “let them have their moment because soon dreams will become nightmares”...All members of PK smirk evilly as the scene ends.

Bout 4
Revolution vs The Death Squad

*The commentators are talking about how explosive the show has been thus far as we return to ringside and then we get an in-depth look at the "Tag Team Revolution" that was sparked at the World's End PPV, culminating at Genesis with The Next Big Things winning the titles. Tonight we will see two of the chasing pack looking to prove their credentials for a future shot at the gold.

*Death Squad are out first, with Krasimir Marinov, and we look at their issues with Liam Wood since their return before their failed attempt at costing him the UK Championship at Genesis. Now their focus is on the tag titles, championships they have never held in 6CW up to this point.

*Revolution arrive, greeted by huge cheers, and they are once again in matching attire (Red & Black) as the broadcast team explore the "teething issues" that these former champions have been having. Perfect Jack's eye injury seems to have been fully healed and they have ironed out their differences after Daniel Reilly apologised for blaming PJ for the loss at Genesis, not knowing that Jenny McManus had played a huge part. We get a look at the history of Revolution as the commentators debate on whether they can restore former glories.

*PJ starts out with Castile and immediately takes the back and grounds him. Castile wriggles to free himself as PJ keeps control, even on the feet, and delivers knees to the back of the legs and back to weaken his opponent whilst maintaining the waistlock. PJ lifts Castile off the floor and slams him into the mat again as the commentators remark on his tremendous wrestling ability.

*They battle back to the feet and PJ looks for a huge release German suplex but amazingly Castile backflips out onto his feet. PJ gets up and turns to eat a leaping, rotation, heel kick to the face. They rise again and Castile dropkicks PJ into the ropes, only for Reilly to make the tag. Castile then tags in Varyag.

*Reilly shows no fear of the big man as they circle and then launches forward with flying fists. Varyag then responds with a huge knee to the gut. He whips Reilly off the ropes but Reilly vaults over him on the comeback, avoiding the backdrop, only to be lifted into a giant sideslam as he returns. Varyag grabs Reilly's legs and demonstrates his immense strength by spinning him around (Cesaro Swing) and then releases, launching him against the turnbuckle at speed.

*Varyag lets Reilly get up and then he Gorilla presses him. He walks Reilly to the ropes and then just throws him down onto the concrete floor as the audience looks concerned. PJ rushes to his partner's aid as Marinov applauds Varyag's strength.

*Varyag climbs out and he prepares for a running tackle but PJ pulls Reilly away and sends the big man against the ringpost. PJ then grips him by the waist and nails a German suplex on the hard floor as the crowd cheer. PJ helps Reilly back into the ring as Castile drops down to check on Varyag.

*PJ tags back in as Varyag gets into the ring. PJ avoids the lumbering attack and attempts another German suplex but this time Varyag drives backward and squashes his opponent in the corner before tagging in Castile. Castile runs the opposite ropes and then returns with a flying corner dropkick as Varyag moves. They drag PJ from the corner and Varyag nails a backbreaker, keeping PJ in place, as Castile comes off the second rope with a knee to the throat for a two count.

*Castile pulls PJ up and nails an exploder suplex into the turnbuckle before positioning him for a split-legged moonsault but again only manages a two. Castile goes to the top again and waits for PJ to rise but Jack sprints up the corner and connects with an overhead suplex from nowhere as the crowd cheer.

*Both men look for the tag and Castile makes it but the Marinov distracts the referee so that he misses Reilly's tag. Reilly is ordered from the ring, despite protests, as Varyag takes advantage and drags PJ into a huge stalling suplex. Varyag lands a running splash off the ropes but PJ kicks out.

*Varyag prepares for the "Voyna Gospodin" club but PJ ducks at the last minute and snaps off a German suplex. He crawls for the tag but this time Castile runs around and rips Reilly off the apron before the tag can be made. The commentators remark on how good The Death Squad are looking.

*PJ wills Varyag up and looks for the "Perfect Slam" but Varyag is too big and battles free before dropping his man with a big boot. He then tags Castile back in and Castile climbs onto his shoulders before leaping off with a twisting splash for a very close two count. 

*Castile stalks PJ and then runs at him for the "Marca De la Muerte" but runs straight into a hat-trick of German suplexes. Varyag rushes in but PJ avoids him and nails another German. Castile gets up and PJ nails a "Perfect Slam" on top of Varyag. The big man rolls from the ring but Castile just manages to pop the shoulder on two.

*PJ goes up top and lands an elbow drop from on high. He waits for Castile to stand and scoops him into a backbreaker before grabbing his legs. He sets up for the "figure four" but Marinov distracts the referee again as Castile taps out. Varyag is back in and he drops a huge leg on PJ to break the submission.

*Castile drags himself over and tags in Varyag but then Reilly is on the apron and PJ makes the tag. Reilly is in and he avoids Varyag as the big man topples through the ropes. Reilly drags him back through and lands the hangman's DDT (ala Randy Orton) from the second rope. He drags Varyag toward centre, with some effort, and then goes high for the frogsplash but only gets a two count.

*Reilly stalks for the RKO but Castile runs in for the blindside attack. Reilly dodges him and snaps off a spinning powerslam as he comes off the ropes. He drags Castile up and drills him with a fallout neckbreaker from a powerbomb position (ala Randy Orton)....Varyag is then back up and he lands the "Voyna Gospodin" club. The three count looks assured but PJ breaks it up.

*The referee is involved and he is escorting PJ back to his corner, with much arguing, as Varyag gets back up and glares. Varyag then looks down on Reilly before he is spun around and drilled by a "Touchdown" from Jimmy Phillips as we revisit what happened at Genesis.

*Jimmy Phillips is out in the aisleway, looking satisfied, as we turn back to the ring. Reilly and Varyag are both trying to recover. Castile gets in behind Reilly and lifts him into an electric chair position, preparing for "Crown of Castile" but Reilly drops behind and shoves him away. PJ is on hand to backdrop Castile over the top rope and he crashes down on top of Krasimir Marinov. The crowd are going wild as Reilly then beckons the groggy Varyag up and drills him with the RKO for the three count.

*The commentators praise all involved for another great tag match as we get another look at Jimmy Phillips' involvement. Phillips is shown on the stage and he nods before exiting backstage. Revolution are in full celebration mode whilst The Death Squad are struggling to get themselves back together. The commentators say that perhaps Revolution are a force to be reckoned with once again but Henry Lloyd is unconvinced, citing that they needed a "major assist" to pull this victory off.


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6CW Proving Grounds Results 15th April 2021 Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Results 15th April 2021

Post by JJJohnson Fri 16 Apr 2021, 3:19 am

*Jimmy Phillips walks back through the curtain with a look of intensity on his face. Fleur Michaels is on hand to talk to him about what just went down with The Death Squad. Phillips said that was all just about getting “even”. He says The Death Squad cost him the UK Championship because they couldn’t put their business on hold whilst he took care of his so they needed a little reminder of what happens when you cross the “Haunting”. We hear a suppressed laugh and the cameras spin around to show The Saint, who is sat tying his laces for the upcoming ME. Phillips asks “what’s funny?” but The Saint grins and tells him to continue his interview because he “wouldn’t want to interrupt”. But Phillips tells him you’ve already interrupted, acting like a “funny guy”, trying to mock me. Phillips says you made a big mistake coming back and tells The Saint that he doesn’t belong here. He reminds The Saint about how his new name “Haunting of the Hall of Fame” came about and says maybe The Saint will be next. The Saint stands now and the two men are toe to toe. Saint tells Phillips to take his best shot. Phillips sneers and backs off, stating “not tonight” but that their paths will cross soon enough, no doubt during the Gateway to Glory at Day of Reckoning and he promises Saint will be the first he throws over the top rope. Saint says he’ll be waiting as Phillips walks out.

Saint watches Phillips leave and then Fleur wants an interview about his return and tonight’s match with Mike Masters. Saint said he expected the kind of animosity Phillips just showed but he’s ready to back up the reasons that he returned. Saint reiterates that he is here for the 6CW Championship and to headline Night of Glory, two things he has never done in his career. He isn’t here on a part time schedule and he isn’t here to “steal opportunities” like people may think. Saint will wrestle every night against any opponent in order to climb the mountain and reach the top. Starting tonight with Mike Masters. He says he has no “ill will” toward Masters, he doesn’t even know him, but he was the wrong guy in the wrong place at the wrong time during the Genesis broadcast. Saint made his triumphant return and Masters stood in the way so he got a little taste of what the “Divine One” is all about. He wasn’t surprised that Masters demanded the match tonight because any “self respecting champion” would be expected to do the same. He doesn’t know much about GWF but Masters is a “World Champion” and he is also a former EWF Champion here in 6CW so he’s got pedigree. But The Saint’s pedigree speaks for itself and he doesn’t believe there is anyone on the roster who can compare with that. That doesn’t mean he should get chances that other’s don’t, not just on name value, but it means that he should be taken seriously every time he steps in the ring. Fleur asks if Saint has a message for anyone in 6CW who is questioning his return and The Saint smiles. He says he is free any time for anyone to step up and speak their mind, he’s happy for anyone to call him...just like he knows there will be 29 others at Day of Reckoning gunning for him...but one by one THEY WILL BE SAINTED!

The crowd roar as The Saint grins at Fleur and walks away

 *Change of scene and Vortex and Oko are voicing their anger and frustration to Charles and Karl Kramer. There is a little tension between the 6WF Champion and The Empire as they accuse both Kramers of not affording them the same level of loyalty that they show week in and week out. Karl Kramer gets up in Oko’s face to tell him he should show some gratitude after he stopped Roth from breaking his head like a coconut but Vortex asks “what about me?” and how Kramer just watched on as Roth beat him down. Vortex says they didn’t hesitate to answer the call at World’s End or to get inside the Elimination Chamber to lay waste to Roth on behalf of the “King” in order to preserve his status but this works both ways. Karl Kramer and Vortex are now eyeballing as Charles Kramer steps in. He says this needs to stop and calms the situation, stating that they are allowing Tyler Roth to come between them and that doesn’t need to be the case. Roth will be dealt with as and when but Kramer needs to focus on GazzyD and the 6WF Championship whilst The Empire need to concentrate on getting their hands on the Tag Team Championships. Oko starts again and says they would already be champions if it wasn’t for Roth but CK cuts him off and says he understands their frustrations and perhaps this arrangement has been “a little one sided”. Karl Kramer glares at his Uncle but says nothing. CK then tells The Empire he has secured a match next week against Revolution and PK for the #1 Contendership spot at Day of Reckoning. This seems to appease Oko and Vortex and after a few moments all is well in The Empire camp again. Apologies are made and Oko/Vortex both hug Karl Kramer whilst Uncle Charles smiles at them.

*Mike Masters is standing by with Travis Sharp, the gleaming GWF World Championship over his shoulder. Travis Sharp asks about tonight’s Main Event, the first for Masters in 6CW for many years, and how he sees things playing out against The Saint. Masters says The Saint disrespected him at Genesis, he knew he wasn’t prepared and he took full advantage of that with what “may as well have been a sneak attack”. He says The Saint seems to believe he can just waltz in here and takeover, catapult himself straight into the world title picture, but Masters isn’t going to allow that to happen...he says this isn’t 6WF and The Saint’s name won’t just open doors.

He says it takes “God given talent” nowadays to reach the summit and he’s lucky that he has it in abundance. He accuses 6CW of underappreciating him during his tenure with the company and that is why he prefers to remain a “free again” and keep his “options open” because when he wins tonight and secures his Night of Glory headline spot for a world championship of his choosing where he will be victorious….then the offers will come flooding in. He will be the most “sought after star in professional wrestling” and money will be no object to the companies who vie for his signature. He will be in charge then….a world champion in 6CW as well as the GWF World Champion….nobody can even come close to competing with that kind of stature. Masters says he can see Sharp looking at him, doubting him, but he’s used to that. Nobody has ever respected the “Masterful One” but they will and it will start tonight when he makes the loudest statement imaginable by dominating The Saint in the middle of that, live on primetime television. Sharp asks whether GWF are willing to let Masters defend his world title here in 6CW considering they are allowing this “crossover” but Masters says they aren’t “allowing” anything because he can do as he pleases, there is no contract holding him there. But he looks at the GWF Championship and says there is nobody worthy of this belt in 6CW. There is nobody worthy of him and his time either but he wants that Night of Glory main event so he’s dropping his standards to fulfil his destiny. Masters shoulders his title again and slicks back his hair instead of shaking hands with Sharp before walking away.


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6CW Proving Grounds Results 15th April 2021 Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Results 15th April 2021

Post by JJJohnson Fri 16 Apr 2021, 3:20 am

*Renier Grohl has finally tracked down Ethan Shaw’s “hideout”. He knocks on the door but there is no answer so he lets himself in. The room is darkened and filled with a desk, with a noticeboard over it, with pieces of paper everywhere. There are three different monitors on, each showing different images including CCTV footage of the arena, and then we see Ethan Shaw, sat in the shadows. Grohl looks around and surveys the room with disgust and horror. Shaw continues to just stare at Grohl states the reason he is here but he knows Grohl already knew that, indicating at the CCTV feed. Grohl says action must be taken and the 6CW Council have decided that they cannot allow Grohl to continue as TV Champion, so he is here to strip him of that privilege. This is for Grohl “kidnapping” Christy in an abhorrent crime that could have seen him landing a jail sentence. Grohl says Shaw is a “wicked individual” with not even the faintest trace of remorse for the things he has done. The TV Championship belt is on the desk and Grohl reaches for it. For a moment it seems like Shaw is going to throw an arm out to block him but then he returns to an impassive state as Grohl picks it up. Grohl states that the belt was meant to be defended every week, which is another reason it is being taken as Shaw is not “fulfilling duties” as champion, so therefore the 6CW Council have arranged alternative arrangements that will be announced next week.

Shaw continues to just stare, silent, as Grohl tries to get through to him about why he does the things that he does. He tries to bring up Christy and that she is doing ok but Shaw offers nothing. Grohl shakes his head, realising he is getting nowhere, and then he leaves the room. Shaw remains in the same position for another few moments before rolling his chair to the desk. He seems to be scribbling something and then he holds up a picture so he can see it clearer. We don’t see a face on the picture as Shaw pins it to his notice board but underneath we see where he has wrote “New Target Acquired”.

*Final scene change of the night and Clarke James is on the big screen from an unknown location. CJ isn’t here tonight, not because he’s scared or running but because he doesn’t need to be. He proved at Genesis that he is the Undisputed 6CW Champion, something he has told everyone since day one, and when it is time to do so again that is when you’ll see him. CJ doesn’t owe it to the fans or the company, or anyone, for that matter, to be there week in and week out for your entertainment. He says he’s been there and done that but now is my time, it is all about me and I do what I want when I want to do it.

He says Marshall Murdoch wanted to do “Last Man Standing” tonight but Murdoch can’t seem to fathom that he doesn’t call the shots any more, he isn’t in charge of this situation, so that match will happen exactly when it is supposed to and that is at Day of Reckoning, not a moment sooner. And CJ smirks as he recalls this “Belief” that the stipulation benefits the challenger when everyone seems to have already forgotten what he is all about. “Last man standing” means anything goes, which means he can break a glass bottle in your face, he can stab you in the head with a screwdriver, he can gouge out both of your eyes and damn well eat them in front of you if he feels like it…..he can do whatever it takes to keep you down for a ten count and he will, he has so many for tricks up his sleeve and he can’t wait to unveil them.

He taunts Marshall and laughs off this suggestion that the disqualification at Genesis was the only way he could win. CJ says he could have pinned Murdoch whenever he liked, he could have “slapped on the crossface” and made him tap whenever he liked, but Marshall being disqualified was just another “method of victory” and CJ outsmarted him to make it happen….you see Marshall was running his mouth about how he was a better wrestler, he was a better fighter….he was bigger, faster and stronger….CJ doesn’t believe it but even if it was true, the one thing he isn’t and never will be is smarter than Clarke James. And that is the difference. That is why CJ is 6CW Champion and Marshall isn’t….that is why Clarke James will never lose another match to Marshall Murdoch….because his mind is levels above….in chess he’d be three moves ahead whilst Murdoch was still grasping the rules…...he is built differently and that sets them apart…

It always has….since day one….he says Hero recognised it…..Marshall was the brute but CJ was the brains, he made the whole operation tick…..and CJ states that was when it all started….they were already on this path and Marshall didn’t realise it but he always knew that one day “enlightenment” would shine upon them and they would have to settle this…...Marshall, without even thinking, starting this process in motion by coming back to 6CW calling himself the “Chosen One” and bashing Hero’s skull in…..he says Marshall had no rights to that, that was for him to do...that was his legacy maker….and Marshall took it away from him because of his greed and oafishness….just like be got to the world title before CJ did….even then James was pulling the strings, making it all possible, whilst Murdoch soaked up the adulation….

But Murdoch showed no gratitude….he showed no respect….not one ounce of praise for the man who has made his whole career possible….CJ takes credit for the whole of CoH and Marshall’s achievements because he was the one tying it all together…..he is the “Creator”…..but now he looks upon his creation and he despises it, it repulses him, and it makes him sad to gaze upon it… he has no choice but to do the only he can and destroy what he has made…..destroy Marshall Murdoch and build again….start fresh…..The “Creator” must design a new world order, one that does not include Marshall Murdoch or any links to what has come before…

CJ holds up the pendants that he took from all the CoH members….he says he took them to destroy them...and there is only a couple more to collect until the job is complete… Day of Reckoning he vows to finish the job once and for all and kickstart a new era….

CJ looks deep into the camera and says “I love you Marshall, I always will, but now… you must perish like all the rest”.


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6CW Proving Grounds Results 15th April 2021 Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Results 15th April 2021

Post by JJJohnson Fri 16 Apr 2021, 3:42 am

Main Event
Mike Masters vs The Saint

*Masters is out first and is showered in boos from the crowd. He doesn't seem to care as he basks in the dislike and parades his GWF Championship as the commentators talk about how he could become the first ever non-6CW superstar to headline Night of Glory. Henry Lloyd is desperate to see him back on a full-time basis.

*The Saint is met by a wall of adulation and is afforded the most awe-inspiring entrance for his in-ring return. The commentators lavish him with superlatives and talk about his "hall of fame" career in 6WF. Henry Lloyd calls him "washed up" and doesn't believe he can make it in 6CW, which is why he never made the jump before now. The entrance continues for over five minutes as The Saint continues to lap up the ovation.

*The start of the match sees Masters use his speed to move around The Saint and cuts him down on numerous occasions with harsh leg kicks that end up leaving deep red swelling on the calves of the big man. 

*Masters goes to the well once too often with the kicks and The Saint catches his leg before flipping him backwards. Masters shows his agility to land on his feet but is floored by a huge clothesline as he lands. Saint drags him up and launches him over the top rope as the commentators talk about how that would be Masters eliminated if it was the Gateway to Glory match.

*Masters returns to the ring, embarrassed and angry. He dodges The Saint and lashes another kick to the back of the knee that sends his foe into the corner and then rushes in with flying knees to the back. Masters rolls out and onto his feet. Saint stumbles around and looks for a wild clothesline but Masters ducks and runs up the ropes before twisting back with a "whisper in the wind" for a two count.

*Masters sets up for the "Masterpiece" (Gringo Killer) but Saint twists through and shoves him into the ropes. Masters comes back and is tilt-a-whirled but he lands on his feet and stomps on Saint's knee before landing a leaping implant DDT for a two count.

*Masters goes out to the apron and he beckons for Saint to get up before catapulting himself back in for a crossbody but Saint catches him. Saint slings Masters on his shoulders and looks for a running powerslam but Masters drops behind and counters into a twisting neckbreaker for a two count. Masters runs the ropes and knocks Saint down with a running forearm but he keeps getting back up. Masters runs all four sides and each time Saint gets back up after the forearms. On the fifth attempt he leaps through the air (Superman style) and keeps Saint grounded with the forearm smash.

*Masters mocks Saint and the booing audience before heading to the ropes. He comes off for the 450 Splash (AirMasters) but gets nothing but canvass as Saint moves. Saint sets up and nails a rib-crushing spear as the crowd go wild. The three is a certainty but somehow Masters finds the ropes with his foot.

*The commentators applaud Masters' ring presence but question Saint's mistake. Saint shakes off the disappointment and looks for the "Saint's Row" (Jackhammer) but Masters falls behind and takes out the knee again with a stomp from behind. He then runs the ropes and returns with a "FameA55er" but Saint kicks out on two.

*Masters taunts Saint now whilst proclaiming himself the "Best in the World" and how nobody is taking Night of Glory away from him. He beckons Saint up and then runs to the ropes and springboards. He leaps back for the "Master Kick" (Disaster Kick) but Saint catches him on his shoulders and nails him with the "Divine Force" sit-down powerbomb.

*Saint then connects with "Saint's Row" the second time of asking for the academic three count and triumphant return to in-ring competition. The commentators praise both men for an explosive, fast-paced main event but the key focus is The Saint's victory and the message that sends to everyone in the locker-room regarding the "Gateway to Glory". The Saint basks in the fans' support as Mike Masters has rolled from the ring to lick his wounds. The broadcasters talk about how The Saint had to weather to the "Master Storm" but he came through and proved that he is still a "Divine Force to be reckoned with".

*The show ends with Jimmy Phillips coming from nowhere and levelling The Saint with a "Game Changer" (Clothesline from Hell). The commentary team are stunned as Phillips stands over The Saint and points his hand up at the "Night of Glory" sign.


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