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6CW Proving Grounds Results 21st January 2020

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6CW Proving Grounds Results 21st January 2020 Empty 6CW Proving Grounds Results 21st January 2020

Post by JJJohnson Thu 21 Jan 2021, 7:58 pm

*The show goes live on air with a recap of World's End and the promise of all the fallout on tonight's Proving Grounds. The arena is empty once more but we get an announcement that screens will be fitted from next week to allow virtual fans to attend the event. Clarke James then enters with the 6CW Interim Championship and the mystery bag in his hand. We get a recap on CJ's win over Perfect Jack at the PPV as Henry Lloyd declares James the "True 6CW Champion". James walks around the ring and grabs a steel chair before carrying it into the ring. He places the bag and his newly won belt down before sitting on the chair in the middle of the ring with a mic.

*CJ says that he's waited almost two months to speak his mind, to give the world the interview they have been clamouring for. He goes on to explain that he was sick and tired of being the "bridesmaid". Of "carrying the bags" for people like Hero and JJ Johnson. But the final nail in the coffin was being labelled as some kind of "faithful lapdog" for Marshall Murdoch whilst his so-called friend showed nothing but ungratefulness. CJ said Marshall never would have been world champion if it wasn't for him and he was too arrogant to acknowledge it so CJ wanted to show him that he could take it away from him just as quickly as he won it.

*CJ reminisces on coming up with Marshall during the "COH" days. They were both seen as future world champions and it was always a brotherly competitiveness to see who could get there first. But Marshall left, gave up, whilst CJ worked tirelessly to get his opportunity. Only then Marshall came back and he got his chance that he didn't deserve. He stole CJ's place and he didn't give a damn. He also broke the oath that they made that they would work together to destroy Hero for never appreciating what they did for him. CJ accuses Marshall of being just like Hero, an ungrateful piece of (beep) who's success was built upon the hard work of others.

*CJ says his only regret is that he didn't take Marshall's sight completely but warns him that if he is foolish enough to ever return that he will finish the job. CJ says he is the only "6CW Champion" and he is the only real world champion in this company. He says there isn't a superstar on the roster worthy of challenging him but he's happy for them to form a queue so he can terrorize them all one by one, maybe even adding more flesh and bone to his growing collection.

*CJ says he's heard all the murmurings about his metamorphosis but he says this is the true him and the darkness within has just been waiting to let loose since day one. He says he doesn't need friends, allies or acquaintances because all they have ever done is hold him back from his true destiny. He says the Church didn't get him a world title, neither did JJ Johnson or Marshall Murdoch, Perfect Jack or Jackson Jackson. But they were all happy to use him along the way. CJ says he earned this title all on his own and it is time for the 6CW Council to announce him as the real champion because Murdoch ain't coming back and there isn't anyone else who can hold a candle to him.

*We get a shot of Jackson Jackson watching on a monitor backstage, looking disgusted, and then CJ picks up the mysterious bag. CJ says later tonight he'll open this bag and reveal the contents. He laughs as he says it won't quite be as spectacular as the "Is Kane carrying the old mask in the bag" storyline but it's something personal and he wants to share it with the world.

*James says he's going to take this time to apologise to nobody because he regrets nothing. He'd do it all over again, in fact if he had the chance he'd be even more ruthless and blood thirsty. CJ fires a warning to anyone who tries to take his "destiny" away from him. He says he almost blinded Marshall Murdoch and he almost ended Perfect Jack's career and they were like "brothers" so just imagine what he'll do to anyone else. CJ says this is the beginning of an era with no mercy, no remorse and no conscience. CJ promises that he will "bludgeon and batter" anyone who steps to him so advises the roster to think very carefully.

*CJ stands and says tonight he'll be in action and his first match as world champion will serve as a notice of what is to come. Don't say I didn't warn you. He picks up the title belt and the bag and leaves as the commentary team debate on what they have just heard and what is to come during CJ's reign as champion.


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6CW Proving Grounds Results 21st January 2020 Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Results 21st January 2020

Post by JJJohnson Thu 21 Jan 2021, 8:46 pm

*Renier Grohl appears on the big screen from his office. He talks up the massive success of the Next Big Things vs The Parasite Killers at World's End and goes on to confirm that the 6CW Council have decided to reform the 6CW Tag Team Championships. There will be a tournament, culminating at Genesis, to crown the brand new champions and the first two matches of an eight team tournament will take place here tonight. Grohl promises that 6CW will put tag team wrestling back on the map and that there will be more announcements to come tonight

*We see The Empire arriving at the arena in a limo and they are all smiles. Fleur Michaels is on hand for an interview but Charles Kramer tells her that they will be out at ringside later tonight to coronate the new 6WF World Champion and the King of 6CW, Karl Kramer. Fleur asks about Tyler Roth but Karl Kramer tells her that Roth isn't here because he got destroyed, just like anyone else will who is stupid enough to challenge the most dominant force in professional wrestling. Johnny Oko & Vortex are smirking as Charles Kramer tells Fleur that she missed her chance to be part of the "inner circle" and now she will have to watch from afar, just like everyone else, as The Empire takes total control of 6CW.

*The scene changes again as Mike Hill and Ricky Nelson are reacting to the new that the 6CW Tag Team Championships have been revived. The Next Big Things are hyped as they have been informed that they are in action next, opening the show. Mike Hill warns Nelson not to get complacent as they need to build on the amazing victory at World's End. Ricky Nelson believes they are the best team in the world and this is their chance to prove it. Mike Hill says that the performance at World's End barely scratched the surface of what this duo is capable of. The commentators are split in their predictions but Jack Reynolds believes The Next Big Things will be champions at Genesis.


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6CW Proving Grounds Results 21st January 2020 Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Results 21st January 2020

Post by JJJohnson Thu 21 Jan 2021, 8:47 pm

Bout 1
Tag Title Tournament
The Next Big Things vs ???

*The Next Big Things enter first and seem full of energy as the commentary team talk up their display at World’s End.

*Krasimir Marinov then makes a surprise return and introduces The Death Squad as their opponents.

*Varyag enters the ring and drops Hill/Nelson with a double clothesline. He then tosses Nelson from the ring with ease before displaying his power by hitting Hill with a stalling vertical suplex for a two count.

*Varyag headbutts Hill into the corner and stomps a vicious mudhole before rounding the ring and returns with a heavy back elbow. He tags in Castile. Castile climbs the ropes and onto Varyag’s shoulders before leaping off with a crossbody takedown on Hill as he staggers out. Hill gets back up and Castile runs the ropes before returning with a flying European uppercut but Nelson breaks it up.

*Castile whips Hill to the corner and hits him with a helluva kick that sits him down before connecting with a bronco buster. Varyag is tagged back in and he orders Hill to his feet before flipping him inside out with a running lariat. He stares across at Nelson and then hits Hill with a release powerbomb but Hill kicks out.

*The commentators marvel on the performance of The Death Squad thus far considering The Next Big’s win at World’s End. Varyag easily drags Hill up and scoop slams him before tagging Castile in. Castile drags Hill to the corner and seats him there before heading to the opposite side. He looks for “Coast to coast” but Hill moves, sending his opponent crashing against the ropes

*There is a race for the tag and both men get there. Nelson dodges Varyag’s attack and springs off the ropes before flying back with a heel kick to the jaw. Varyag staggers but doesn’t drop so Nelson runs the ropes again and returns with a dropkick to the knees. Nelson backs up in the corner and weighs his options before sprinting out. Varyag leaps up and counters with a tilt-a-whirl but Nelson turns it into a torndo DDT. Nelson hits a lionsault but Varyag powers out on two

*Nelson climbs out onto the apron and looks for a springboard attack but Varyag catches him in his arms. Varyag looks for the “Red Dragon” but Nelson manages to get off his back. Hill joins him and they superkick a knee each that takes Varyag down. They sprint to opposite corners and nail a superkick/running knee (Meet in the middle) combo to the skull of Varyag. Nelson covers but Castile breaks it at two

*Castile clotheslines Nelson and himself over onto the apron. Castile then nails a dragonrana on the solid wood that dumps Nelson on his head and falls to the ground. Castile is just hoisting Nelson up when Hill dives out of the ring with a suicide dive. Varyag then drops out and he hits the “Voyna Gospodin” running club on Hill, taking him out.

*Nelson is thrown back in the ring as Castile springboards in with a dropkick. Castile sets up for the “Marca De La Muerte” but Nelson avoids and nails the “Rapid Fire” (Crossrhodes) from nowhere. The three looks imminent but Marinov places Castile’s foot on the ropes.

*Varyag looks to take advantage and runs in but Nelson drop toe-holds him on the ropes. Nelson hits a 619 and then looks a springboard senton but Varyag nails him in midair with a sickening haymaker. Castile recovers and hits Nelson with a “Crown of Castile” (Croyts Wrath). Varyag turns and celebrates which allows Hill to come from nowhere and break it up.

*Varyag rushes Hill but he pulls down the ropes and sends him to the outside. Hill climbs out onto the apron and hits a diving double knee strike to the chest of the big man that sends him crashing back into the announce area, tumbling over chairs and equipment.

*Castile is back up and preparing for “Marca De la Muerta” on Nelson but Hill intercepts him with a buckshot lariat that flips him inside out. Marinov gets up on the apron but Nelson and Hill hit leap from opposite turnbuckles into a double dropkick (ala Jericho) to send him flying below.

*Hill climbs out onto the apron as Nelson lifts Castile up and they hit a springboard leg lariat (Hype Ryder). Varyag storms the ring but they dodge him and nail a “Total elimination” with heel kicks to the head and back of the knees. They take to opposite corners and hit “Next Big Moves” on El Castile from opposite corners to seal the three count.

*The commentary team rave about another exceptional performance. Jeff Thadeus labels them “Favourites” to be crowned 6CW Tag Team Champions at Genesis whilst Jack Reynolds think The Death Squad should be worthy of renewals with the company after their display. Henry Lloyd says we don’t know who else is in the tournament so it is too early to jump the gun but admits the fan friendly style of The Next Big Things will make them a duo to watch going forward.


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6CW Proving Grounds Results 21st January 2020 Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Results 21st January 2020

Post by JJJohnson Thu 21 Jan 2021, 9:13 pm

*Renier Grohl is back on the big screen to tell us that Perfect Jack is currently at home recovering from the injuries he sustained at World's End. Grohl tells us that there is a possibility that PJ will return next week but he will need to be cleared by the 6CW Medical Team beforehand. Grohl confirms that Crime Lord has been suspended indefinitely for his attacks on 6CW officials and also confirms that Tyler Roth will be live via satellite later tonight to update the 6CW Universe on his own injuries and what is next for The Reaper. The door to Grohl's office bursts open and Marty Helms is there, rage all over his face. Grohl begins to protest but Helms silences him and demands Dante Phoenix one on one. Grohl says he'll pass the message on but Helms needs to prepare for his upcoming match, a match that includes Phoenix. Helms says he isn't interested in being UK Champion, he just wants Hellion and he will do whatever it takes to force Grohl's hand. Security arrives and Grohl reiterates that he will pass the message on. Helms does not look impressed as he leaves. The commentators confirm that it will be Helms vs Phoenix vs Uryu Ishida vs Jimmy Phillips next for the #1 Contendership to the UK Championship.

We see Gazzy and Christy arriving at the arena. We get a VT of Gazzy losing the TV Championship to Ethan Shaw and the ultimatum he issued to Christy after the bout. Back live and Timothy Allen is on hand. There is a clear atmosphere but soon Angel appears and Gazzy confirms that The Untouchables are back to enter the Tag Team Tournament. Christy smiles at Timothy Allen and hugs Angel but quickly breaks apart as Gazzy looks at her. Tim Allen asks about Gazzy going after the TV Championship again and Gazzy says he'll revisit when the time is right but tonight his focus is on the Tag Team Titles and his family. Gazzy and Christy hold hands as they leave but Timothy Allen has a concerned look on his face as he watches them leave.

There is a much more amiable atmosphere as Liam Wood and Emmy arrive at the arena and talk to Travis Sharp. Sharp says it is good to see 6CW's "Golden Couple" back together. Wood says it is early days but he feels blessed to have his life back on track. He's the UK Champion and he has his beautiful woman back by his side. Travis Sharp wants to know what is next for Wood and he says going down in history as the greatest UK Champion ever but admits he also has one eye on Night of Glory because he wants to feel the thrill of headlining the biggest show in the world once more. Sharp asks Wood if he has a preference on who wins tonight's #1 Contender match but Wood says he will fight anyone, anywhere and whoever steps up better be prepared. The Death Squad and Marinov enter the scene and there is a stand-off. Marinov sneers at Wood and there are veiled threats made but Wood reminds them what happened last time they tried to step to him. Marinov takes a step toward Emmy but Wood headbutts him into Varyag and then walks away with Emmy, leaving The Death Squad seething and Marinov with a busted nose.

*Jimmy Phillips is with Fleur Michaels. Phillips thinks it is disgrace that he isn't being considered for a world title shot given that he is the most in-form superstar in 6CW right now. But he guarantees that the "Haunting of the Hall of Fame" will leave tonight as the #1 Contender to the UK Championship and he will rip the belt from Wood's possession at the first opportunity that arises. JP says Wood is "no legend" but he will suffer the same fate as anyone else standing in his way. Phillips says there is nothing that will stop him becoming a legend in his game and he will continue to victimise anyone "past, present or future" who tries to take away his opportunities.


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6CW Proving Grounds Results 21st January 2020 Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Results 21st January 2020

Post by JJJohnson Thu 21 Jan 2021, 9:14 pm

Bout 2
#1 Contender (UK Championship)
Dante Phoenix vs Jimmy Phillips vs Marty Helms vs Uryu Ishida

*We get a rundown on all four competitors and their differing paths. Jeff Thadeus is tipping Uryu’s veteran instincts and long-term run at the top of 6CW to get him through whereas Henry Lloyd is adamant that Jimmy Phillips will make his mark tonight, calling it the natural progression in his career. Jack Reynolds says that if Dante Phoenix turns up as “Hellion” then he’s not sure anyone on the roster can handle it.

*Uryu is out first and the commentary team go over the triple threat match from World’s End. They debate on whether Uryu can separate tonight from all the other issues going on with Shaw/Gazzy & Christy. The Night of Glory sign comes into focus and there is a debate on who will be the headline act, could the UK Championship be the gateway to the big dance?

*Jimmy Phillips enters the fray as the most in-form 6CW superstar on the roster. The commentators talk about how JP may be on a mission to destroy the “legends” of the business but it means nothing without accolades of his own. Henry Lloyd believes that Phillips’ trajectory cannot be stopped and that winning the UK Championship is inevitable.

*Phillips paces the outside, eyes on Uryu, as we get a shot of Dante Phoenix heading for ringside. Phoenix is then attacked from the side by an irate Marty Helms. Helms puts a beating on Phoenix in the backstage area and then nails an “Infinity Edge” (Project Ciampa) but drops Phoenix across the edge of a production case instead of his knees. Phoenix is in agony as Helms handcuffs him to a set of railings and rips him to shreds with a kendo stick, leaving deep red, bleeding, welts across the front and back of Dante. Helms begs Phoenix to “bring the freak out to play” but Dante just slumps, breathing in rasps. Renier Grohl arrives with security and there is a confrontation between Grohl and Helms, which ends with Grohl pinned to the wall by his throat. Helms reacts badly to being told to “get to ringside” and informs Grohl that he has no interest in the UK Championship. Helms tells Grohl to make sure the 6CW Council sanction a match with “Hellion” otherwise he’s going to bring the whole company to a standstill.

*Helms leaves and throws the keys to the handcuffs on the floor for Dante to be freed before walking away. Grohl readjusts himself, a look of loathing on his face, and then orders medics to tend to Phoenix. The action returns to ringside and Uryu is watching on the big screen, surprised, as Phillips crashes into him from behind. The commentators believe we now have a straight singles match on our hands as we get a shot of Liam Wood & Emmy watching from backstage.

*Phillips whips Uryu off the ropes and looks for a pop-up powerbomb but Uryu counters with a dragonrana in midair for a two. They scramble up and Uryu rolls under JP before springing off the ropes and returning with a tornado DDT. Ishida goes high for the “Split Second” but Phillips moves just in time and rolls from the ring.

*Phillips gets back on the apron and scales the ropes before leaping off with a flying lariat as Uryu gets up. Phillips hits a pendulum backbreaker for a two count.

*Phillips flips Uryu up for a powerbomb but Ishida lands out front. Two swift kicks to the legs followed by a pump kick to the chest sends JP back into the ropes. Phillips bursts back for the “Game-Changer” clothesline but Uryu dodges it and nails a pele kick to the top of the head, sitting Phillips down. Uryu goes to the apron and springboards back in with a dropkick to his seated opponent for a two

*We see Christy James watching backstage but she quickly switches off the TV as Gazzy & Angel enter the room. Uryu is out on the apron and looks for a springboard forearm but Phillips leaps into midair to meet him with a huge “pounce” tackle. Uryu staggers up in the corner and JP smashes into him with a clothesline before lifting him up and runs him out for a musclebuster which garners a close two count.

*Phillips sets up for the “Touchdown” but Uryu counters with a leaping STO (Paydirt). Uryu hits “rolling thunder” off the ropes and then he grabs Phillips arm and attempts to lock in the “Sunset” armbar. JP uses his power to turn his body and counter with a release German throw and then he and Uryu dodge one another’s attacks before Phillips comes back off the ropes with a rib-crushing spear for a two.

*Phillips looks for the “Game Changer” clothesline but Uryu ducks it and counters with an inverted DDT for two. Uryu waits for Phillips to get up and he hits him with running calf kicks to each leg, repeating the process three times as Phillips tries to get back up. Uryu then heads back out to the apron and scores with the springboard forearm but again only gets two.

*Uryu waits for Phillips to rise and then looks for a moonsault inverted DDT (Stylin’ DDT) but Phillips swivels through on the landing and shoves Ishida away. Uryu comes back off the ropes and Phillips attempts the pop-up powerbomb but Ishida jumps out back. JP turns around and eats a backheel kick to the gut that doubles him up. Uryu grabs his arm for the “Sunset” but this time Phillips manages to throw him away and scores with the pop-up powerbomb on the rebound, only for Ishida to kick out.

*Phillips sets for the “Game Over” but Uryu charges into the corner and up the turnbuckle before flipping over the back. JP spins and is taken out by a spinning heel kick. Uryu then hits the “Stylin DDT” and points to the corner.

*Phillips is out as the commentators talk up a huge moment for Uryu. Ishida heads for the corner for the “Split Second” when the big screen turns to static. We then get some kind of grainy CCTV footage of Christy & Gazzy. It seems to be on a repeated loop of Christy saying “I love you” and kissing Gazzy. Uryu is taken by surprise and struggles to remove his focus from the big screen as Phillips recovers and nails him with an uppercut. Phillips up the ropes and connects with a backflip fall away slam (ala Adam Page). Uryu is all at sea as Phillips locks in the “Game Over” and Ishida passes out, prompting the referee to call for the bell.

*We get hype from the commentary team on a potential Wood-Phillips showdown as the “Haunting of the Hall of Fame” goes head to head with the “World Eater”. We see Liam Wood watching on a monitor backstage, nodding, as Jimmy Phillips beckons the camera toward him and tells the UK Champion “I’m coming for my belt”.

*Phillips leaves the ring, motioning a belt around his waist, as a very dazed Uryu comes to. Ishida is talking with the referee about what went down and seems deep in thought as the official relays the information. The commentators talk about where the footage of Gazzy & Christy came from. Jeff Thadeus believes Ethan Shaw played his part whilst they all debate on what comes next for the trio of 6CW superstars, noting that it will all have to come to a head sooner rather than later.


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6CW Proving Grounds Results 21st January 2020 Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Results 21st January 2020

Post by JJJohnson Thu 21 Jan 2021, 9:39 pm

*We get confirmation via social media that the 6CW Council is considering sanctioning Marty Helms versus Hellion following on from what we have just seen. Robin Reborn then appears from inside the "Wolf Gang HQ". Ojore & Drake have returned and Reborn announces they will be entering the 6CW Tag Title Tournament, telling everyone that more gold equals more power and that will only add more weight to their mission to turn 6CW on its head. Reborn congratulates Jackson Jackson on his initiative at World's End but he found out first hand that even alone Reborn carries the power of the collective, a power that cannot be stopped or repelled. Reborn scoffs at the ineptitude of the 6CW Council to recognise his talent so now is the time to start pushing their agenda to the next level. Reborn says they are entering "Night of Glory " season and this is the time for their message to be heard. All eyes are on 6CW over the next few months, the media presence unrivalled, and when they are done there will be no denying of their position at the head of the table, nobody will deny them the VIP Experience. Reborn says they've fed on scraps for long enough but sooner rather than later they will dine like kings.

*We go to ringside as The Empire arrive. Karl Kramer is in full royal dress as his uncle announces him as the 6WF Champion. He reintroduces Johnny Oko and Vortex, proclaiming them the best team in the world and that they will prove it when they win the 6CW Tag Team Championships. Charles Kramer calls them the most dominant force in professional wrestling and promises this is just the beginning of their dominance, that soon all of 6CW will bend the knee. Charles Kramer hypes up his nephew's win over Tyler Roth at World's End and then puts a spin on his "gargantuan effort" to overthrow the longest reigning 6WF Champion of all time in Rasta. CK talks about how The Empire were disrespected and overlooked for so long by 6CW, that they should have been at the top of the mountain, so they took matters into their own hands and found a company willing to recognise their talent. CK says they will bring prestige and honour back to the world championship division and that his nephew will happily demonstrate his position by dismantling any challenger brave enough to take a beating. Renier Grohl interrupts and says he's glad that KK will be a fighting champion because the 6CW Council have not decided if they want to ratify the 6WF Championship or not. Grohl says KK will have to earn that right and he will do it next week in an "Open Gauntlet". The Empire are furious as Grohl tells them that because The Empire decided to look into other companies for a world title that now the 6CW Council is opening the door to any superstar from any promotion to turn up next week and stake their claim. If Kramer can win then he will be recognised as a true world champion within this company but if not then he'll be even less than a footnote in history.

KK is irate and wants to argue but Grohl smiles and says the announcements aren't over. He says KK claims to be the "real world champion" but we've already heard that from Clarke James tonight so they'll team up in the main event against opponents yet to be announced to see which one shines brighter than the other. The commentary team hype the "Open Gauntlet" for next week and deliberate on who might turn up as The Empire continue to voice their frustrations from the ring.


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6CW Proving Grounds Results 21st January 2020 Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Results 21st January 2020

Post by JJJohnson Thu 21 Jan 2021, 9:51 pm

*Clarke James is confronted by Jackson Jackson backstage. CJ is happy to oblige Jackson in a fight and promises him that he'll be retired just like "Horrigan" if he choses to pursue this. Jackson tells CJ he doesn't recognise the man in front of him and that suits him because he won't hesitate to bust his face. Jackson announces he is stepping up to challenge CJ & Kramer in tonight's main event. CJ seems amused and says there is no "Horrigan, Adamson or PJ" to have his back. Daniel Reilly walks in and says he's got Jackson's back and he promises that CJ will pay for what he did to Perfect Jack at World's End. CJ smirks and backs away as Reilly and Jackson touch fists.

*Jenny McManus is trying to rally The Parasite Killers ahead of their match with The Untouchables. She wants to put the disappointment of World's End behind them because that loss means nothing when they win the titles at Genesis. McManus kisses his wife and The Fanatic promises that Gazzy and Christy's divorce will be painless compared to what PK are going to put them through tonight.

*GazzyD & Angel are hyping each other up ahead of their tag team return. Gazzy admits to his friend that it's been tough as of late but he's so glad to have his "brother" back with him to watch his back. Angel tells Gazzy he'll always have his back, whatever he needs. Gazzy says tonight they get the band back together and he'll deal with everything else after that. Angel suggests that Gazzy should celebrate their win by fixing things with his wife and Gazzy agrees. They head for ringside as we get a shot of Christy, looking shifty, heading for Uryu's locker-room.


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6CW Proving Grounds Results 21st January 2020 Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Results 21st January 2020

Post by JJJohnson Thu 21 Jan 2021, 9:55 pm

Bout 3
Tag Title Tournament
The Parasite Killers vs The Untouchables

*PK are out first with Jenny McManus leading them. The commentators talk up the PK display at World’s End despite losing. Henry Lloyd says Jenny McManus doesn’t care about “displays” because all she wants is results and nothing but a win will be enough tonight.

*We get an extravagant pyro display for the arrival of The Untouchables. The commentary team talk about Angel coming back from a serious injury and they debate whether one of the best tag teams in 6CW history can turn back the clock tonight and advance. They also wonder whether GazzyD’s mind is focused given his marital issues and Uryu/Ethan Shaw looming over his headbutt

*Both teams confront one another in centre ring before a brawl breaks out between the two. The Fanatic hammers Angel back against the ropes and whips him across the ring but Angel returns with a brogue kick that sends Fanatic from the ring. James McManus looks to scoop Gazzy up for the “MK Ultra” in quick fashion but Gazzy battles off and shoves McManus into a running powerslam from Angel.

*Gazzy climbs onto the apron and takes the tag before springboarding in with an elbow drop. He drags McManus up for the “History maker” but McManus shoves him to the corner. Gazzy goes up the ropes and twists into a “whisper in the wind”. He beckons him up and looks for the “Deep Impact” but Jenny McManus climbs up for the distraction. Gazzy confronts her and that allows The Fanatic to return and he chokebombs Gazzy. Angel breaks the count before three.

*Angel drags McManus up for a “crucifix” powerbomb but Fanatic clubs him from behind. The two big men clash before McManus lands a chopblock to the back of Angel’s knee. Fanatic shows immense strength to get Angel on his shoulders as McManus lifts onto the turnbuckle and nails the “Midnight Hour”. Angel rolls from the ring

*McManus ushers Gazzy up and flips him for a “death valley driver” but Gazzy battles off and shoves McManus into The Fanatic. McManus comes back around and Gazzy nails the “Deep Impact” but Jenny McManus places her husband’s foot on the ropes.

*Gazzy wants to confront Jenny but has to react quickly to avoid a Fanatic attack. The big man slams into the turnbuckle and Gazzy hits him with a “history maker”. Gazzy drags McManus next to The Fanatic and heads for the corner. He climbs up high as Angel recovers on the outside. Angel smirks at his friend’s resilience and gives him the thumbs up. Gazzy prepares to leap but then Ethan Shaw spins Angel around and cracks him over the top of the head with the baseball bat, splitting him wide open.

*Gazzy is horrified as he leaps down but Shaw backs away with a smirk. Gazzy is yelling for medical attention as blood pools around Angel’s body. Jenny McManus shows no empathy at all as she demands the referee count The Untouchables out.

*EMT’s arrive to treat Angel’s wounds as Gazzy lets out a yell of frustration and anger. The Parasite Killers are back on their feet as the referee is given no choice but to start counting. Angel is placed on a stretcher as Gazzy weighs up whether to go with his friend or fight. On the count of eight he takes a deep breath and leaves with Angel, leaving Jenny McManus to whoop with glee

*PK are declared the winners via countout as Jenny McManus joins them in the ring to celebrate. The commentators talk about how PK got lucky tonight and owe a big assist to Ethan Shaw but Henry Lloyd believes they are a shoe in to win the titles at Genesis. James McManus talks trash into the cameras and motions for a belt around his waist as the commentary team talk about Angel’s horrific injury and what will happen next between Gazzy/Ethan Shaw.


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6CW Proving Grounds Results 21st January 2020 Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Results 21st January 2020

Post by JJJohnson Fri 22 Jan 2021, 2:15 am

*The commentators show us a bracket for the Tag Team Tournament with The Next Big Things & The Parasite Killers advancing to the semi-finals. Ojore & Drake and The Empire are confirmed for quarter finals as well as two more, as of yet, unknown duos. The action then goes backstage and we see Daniel Reilly and Jackson Jackson getting ready for the main event. Perfect Jack is on FaceTime to his two friends and is unhappy he can't get retribution of his own tonight but Reilly & Jackson promise to exact it on his behalf by separating CJ's head from his shoulders. Jack hangs up after wishing his friends luck and Reilly & Jackson make their final preparations. Both men declare their intent to enter the "Open Gauntlet" next week but tonight is about getting even for PJ.

*Angel is wheeled into the backstage area and is in a horrendous way. Gazzy is by his side and looks incredibly concerned for his friend as the ambulance arrives. Christy appears and Gazzy yells at her, demanding to know where she has been, before getting into the ambulance with Angel to go to the hospital. Christy is left alone as the vehicle disappears and looks in a deeply troubled mood.

*Tyler Roth is live via satellite. He confirms that he suffered a fracture to his cheekbone following World's End but a minor injury like that won't be enough to keep The Reaper from the door. He promises to rain down hell and fire upon The Empire when he returns because nobody outruns Death himself. Roth tells us that Charles Kramer's story about what happened in Japan is a load of (beep) and is about to give his version of events when the broadcast is interrupted by static and then grainy images of Christy James and Uryu in Ishida's locker-room. Christy is holding a cold compress against the back of Uryu's neck following his fight with Jimmy Phillips and Ishida turns to face her. They are inches from one another, staring into each other's eyes, when the tape stops running. The commentary team try to get Tyler Roth back on the line but the message of "The Empire" fills the screen instead. Jeff Thadeus says we are left with more questions than answers regarding both the Roth/Kramer scenario and Uryu/Christy/Gazzy but hopefully revelations will be imminent.

*Jimmy Phillips is the latest superstar to declare his intentions for the "Open Gauntlet" for the 6WF Championship when Liam Wood confronts him. The two men stare one another down before Wood warns Phillips to keep focus. Phillips tells Wood that he'll take Wood's UK Title too because that's what legends do. Wood laughs and says Phillips will never be a "legend" because in order to do so he'd have to actual beat some notable names and right now his resume is a joke. Phillips squares up and tells Wood to enjoy the brief "Indian Summer" that he's having in his career because the "Haunting" is coming for him and maybe when he's done, Emmy will fancy a ride on something new, just the same way she did when Costello embarrassed Wood. Phillips smirks as he barges past Wood and leaves the scene. Emmy appears and seems hurt when Wood is stand offish with her

Charles Kramer is doing his best to calm his nephew as Karl Kramer is destroying the backstage area following the announcement that he will defend the 6WF Championship next week. Oko and Vortex are in the corner, watching on, as Kramer launches a bench through the wall, leaving a huge hole. Charles Kramer promises KK that it will be in hand and nothing can stop The Empire but the King of 6CW is having trouble bringing himself back down. There is a cough from the doorway and they all turn to see Clarke James standing there. KK is angry but he's held back by his uncle. CJ wants to know if The Empire are ready because it's time for the "World Champions" to show what they are made of and teach some lessons. CJ then jokes that after next week maybe only one of them will be a champion, perhaps he'll even have two belts because the 6WF Championship is always something he's wanted. James laughs as he walks away and Karl Kramer goes wild again, launching more furniture around the room as his Uncle watches on in dismay.

The commentary team debate once more on the "Open Gauntlet" and who will answer the challenge to be known as the 6WF World Champion next week. We get a recap on the progression of the Tag Team Tournament as well as the likelihood that Marty Helms will face Hellion in the near future and Jimmy Phillips will challenge Liam Wood for the United Kingdom Championship. The scene then changes and Renier Grohl is shown on his office once more. Grohl is rubbing his throat from where Marty Helms choked him whilst he is taking a phone call. Grohl is reaffirming that the 6CW Council needs more presence because he feels he isn't being respected in his role. The voice on the other end, a cold authority to it, promises Grohl that his cavalry is coming and when it arrives there won't be a toe put out of line again.

*A brief interview between Uryu and Timothy Allen sees Uryu refusing to answer any questions regarding Christy James or GazzyD, looking slightly shifty about the line of questioning but reiterating that Christy is a married woman. Uryu does confirm his intention to challenge for the 6WF Championship next week but also states that he will track down Ethan Shaw and even the score, whether he comes away with the TV Championship or not. We see a security camera up above and then the scene changes to Ethan Shaw watching Uryu on a monitor, a smile playing across his malicious face.


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6CW Proving Grounds Results 21st January 2020 Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Results 21st January 2020

Post by JJJohnson Fri 22 Jan 2021, 2:15 am

Main Event
Clarke James/King Kramer vs Daniel Reilly/Jackson Jackson

*Kramer enters first with the whole regal procession. The entire Empire accompany him to ringside whilst Clarke James enters alone, carrying the Interim 6CW Championship over his shoulder and the mystery bag in his hand. CJ doesn’t acknowledge his partner or any of his entourage.

*Jackson Jackson is out next and he and Clarke James just lock eyes with one another, neither breaking contact. Daniel Reilly then enters the fray and he and Jackson touch elbows before climbing into the ring. Jackson is sure to make the referee aware that he wants The Empire watched whilst Charles Kramer smirks from the outside.

*Karl Kramer raises the 6WF Championship as he is introduced and the commentary team talk about how this may be the last time he has the privilege with next week’s impending “Gauntlet” match. Jackson wants Clarke James to start the match with him but CJ shows no emotion or willingness so Kramer and Reilly take the reins for their respective teams.

*Reilly slaps Kramer in the face, which draws a whistle from Jackson, and then ducks a haymaker. He stomps at KK’s gut and looks for an Irish whip but it is easily reversed. Reilly comes back off the ropes and Kramer tries to pick him up but Reilly jumps out back. Reilly looks for the RKO as Kramer turns around but the 6WF Champ blocks and rolls from the ring.

*The commentators talk about how quick Reilly can end it as Kramer is consoled by The Empire and then hyped up. Reilly is mocking Kramer, indicating how close he was, as he gets back in the ring. Kramer looks angry but CJ slaps him on the back for a blind tag.

*CJ ignores Kramer’s remonstrations and gets in the ring. Reilly and CJ circle each other but CJ sidesteps the lockup and stomps at the side of Reilly’s knee, taking him down. He then gouges at his face until the referee intervenes.

*Jackson looks angry from the outside as the commentators talk about CJ’s vindictive streak. Reilly is back up, blinking, and Jackson begs for the tag, which is obliged. Jackson and CJ circle before JJ bursts off the mark with a flying dropkick to take his foe down. They get back up and Jackson takes James down with a drop toe hold before running off the ropes and returns with a low kick to the head that CJ just manages to avoid. CJ beckons Jackson forward but then sidesteps him and pushes him off the ropes. Clarke looks for a Samoan drop on the comeback but Jackson lands off the side and then hits a standing Spanish Fly for a two count.

*Jackson pulls CJ up and looks for the “Jacked Off” but James nails a very suspect shot to the nether regions, doubling Jackson up. CJ pushes Jackson into the ropes and floors him with a spinebuster on the comeback. He then drops on top of his opponent and rakes at his face until the referee stops him.

*The Empire look repulsed by CJ’s actions but Kramer slaps him on the shoulder for a blind tag. KK and CJ glare at each other as they cross paths. KK nails Jackson with three successive scooped slams and then runs to the corner for an imploding avalanche splash (ala Jake Hager) for a two count. Kramer drags Jackson up and flips him for a powerbomb before launching him at the turnbuckle. Jackson staggers back out and KK looks for a huge spinning sit-down powerbomb but Jackson counters with a headscissors that sends KK crashing into the turnbuckle. Kramer comes back around and Jackson superkicks him in the shin before drilling him with a legsweep DDT (ala The Miz)

*Jackson and Kramer both consider tags and JJ opts to bring Reilly in. Reilly leaps over the ropes with a hurricanrana on Kramer and then shows great strength to spin him into a powerslam as he gets up. Reilly heads for the corner and is preparing for a frogsplash when Vortex distracts the referee. Johnny Oko gets on the ropes to grab at Reilly’s heel and that allows Kramer to get up and nail the “Kiss the Ring” punch that sends Reilly crashing to the outside.

*KK distracts the referee now as The Empire go to work on Reilly outside the ring. They whip him into the steel steps before Jackson runs along the apron and flips off with a senton that takes both men down. CJ then attacks Jackson from behind and ends up smashing him in the face with a camera  as Charles Kramer watches on with a hard-to-read expression

*CJ slings Reilly back in the ring as Kramer stalks him. Kramer kneels in the corner and bursts out for another “Kiss the Ring” but leaps straight into an RKO. Reilly makes the cover and nearly has the three until CJ breaks it up at the final moment.

*CJ and Reilly brawl now and Reilly gets the upperhand before preparing for the RKO. CJ goes to the eyes again with a blatant gouge before running Reilly into the corner and launches him against the ringpost, leaving him to slump out on the apron.

*CJ just stands and admires what he has done until Jackson drags him under the bottom rope. Jackson goes wild as he slams the head of CJ off the top of the steel steps five times and then repeats the process on top of the Spanish announce table. Jackson rips the coverings off the table and suplexes CJ on top of it before raining down with more punches.

*Jackson climbs onto the apron and scales the turnbuckle. Johnny Oko comes for him but Jackson ends up hiptossing him off the apron onto Vortex, knocking them both down. Jackson then looks for the “Jacksault” off the turnbuckle through the table but CJ moves at the final moment, leaving Jackson in a battered heap on the floor. CJ just sits there, his title next to him, and watches Jackson in pain.

*Charles Kramer uses the distraction to slip the 6WF Championship to his nephew in the ring. KK swings the belt at Reilly but Reilly ducks the shot and kicks Kramer in the gut, forcing him to drop the belt. The referee is still distracted as Reilly clocks Kramer with the belt and covers. The three count looks imminent but somehow KK kicks out.

*Reilly ends up hitting Kramer with the hangman’s DDT off the middle rope and then follows up with a frogsplash from on high. He stalks for the RKO but Johnny Oko leaps on the apron. Reilly knocks him down and then dropkicks Vortex off the opposite apron. CJ then spins Reilly around and drills him with “Faithless” as Charles Kramer breathes a sigh of relief.

*KK recovers and CJ just glares at him before climbing out of the ring. Kramer waits for Reilly to rise and then nails a “Karnage” spinebuster for the three.

*CJ walks over and continues to stare down at Jackson, who is in a lot of pain, as Karl Kramer celebrates his victory. The Empire climb inside to congratulate him and then nail Reilly with the “No win, no fee” double team combo to rub salt into the wounds. The Empire then leave and take time to celebrate on the stage.

*CJ drags Jackson out of the wreckage and throws him into the ring before retrieving his Championship belt and the mystery bag. The referee tries to intervene but CJ threatens him and he scarpers.


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6CW Proving Grounds Results 21st January 2020 Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Results 21st January 2020

Post by JJJohnson Fri 22 Jan 2021, 10:16 am

*CJ places the bag and 6CW Interim Championship in the ring before grabbing a steel chair. He rolls in the ring and he waits for Jackson to stand before driving the chair into his gut and then slams it across his back with vicious effect. Jackson is writhing in pain on the floor as CJ pins him to the mat with the chair and sits on top of it. James gets on the mic and tells the televised audience that this is the beginning of the most violent, savage reign in the history of professional wrestling. He promises that he will satisfy his own bloodlust each and every night he steps in the building because there is nothing he enjoys more than to inflict pain and suffering. CJ holds up the 6CW Interim Championship and says it's "too shiny and pristine" and "not a true representation" of the champion that he is. He unties the bag and drops out another championship belt before picking it up. The belt is a "6CW World Heavyweight Champion" title with the nameplate reading "Marshall Murdoch" and it is stained in blood. CJ says this belongs to him now and will forever serve as a reminder of what he did to earn it. He says the nameplate will come off because this now belongs to him and he is the the "True 6CW Champion" and nobody is going to change that. CJ kicks the "Interim" Championship belt out of the ring and orders someone to "throw it in the trash where it belongs". He then asks if anyone ever saw that episode of Walking Dead where Negan was forced to make an example so that people knew he wasn't (beeping) around. Well tonight CJ is Negan and Jackson Jackson is about to become a very unwilling Glen. CJ smirks as he says "You all know what happens next".

*The commentators are horrified as CJ picks up the steel chair and he stands over Jackson, who is still down on the mat. James has a darkness in his eyes as he prepares to drive the weapon down into the skull of his former friend when suddenly "Papercut" screams through the airwaves.

*CJ looks like he has seen a ghost as Marshall Murdoch walks out onto the stage. Murdoch's hair has been shaved right down and there is a prominent scar across his eye, only adding to the murderous look upon his face. CJ turns his attention away from Jackson and gears himself up as Marshall makes his way down the ramp and then breaks into a sprint. James rushes forward, chair in hand, but Marshall drives into him and lifts him off the floor before slamming him down into the canvass with a spinning MMA style takedown. CJ tries to cover up as Marshall smashes down into his face with punches, forearms and vicious elbows. Murdoch targets any part of James' body he can reach as the commentators make their shock known.

*CJ, in desperation, reaches up and tries to claw at Murdoch's eye which forces Marshall off of him. Instead of fighting back, however, CJ then rolls from the ring and rushes for the aisleway. Jeff Thadeus calls him a "coward" as he picks up the blood-soaked 6CW Championship and carries it with him. Marshall Murdoch stands at the ropes and stares daggers at him, hatred pouring out, as Jack Reynolds says the "True 6CW Champion has returned" and that CJ is carrying his belt.

*The show comes to an end with CJ standing on his stage, cradling the title belt, as Marshall stares after him and the commentary team hype up Murdoch's return.


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