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6CW PRESENTS WORLD'S END (Day 2 Results) - January 11th 2021

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6CW PRESENTS WORLD'S END (Day 2 Results) - January 11th 2021 Empty 6CW PRESENTS WORLD'S END (Day 2 Results) - January 11th 2021

Post by JJJohnson Mon 11 Jan 2021, 6:35 pm

*The show goes live on air with a recap of Night 1 with The Next Big Thing's victory, Liam Wood's reunion with Emmy, Crime Lord's suspension, Jimmy Phillips' win and finally the debut of Johnny Oko & Vortex to assist Karl Kramer in defeating Tyler Roth.

*The same stage setup as Night 1 in use as the commentary team reiterate that will be the final time we have a crowd at a 6CW event until further notice. "O Fortuna" then blasts out as King Kramer, Charles Kramer, Johnny Oko & Vortex enter the arena. Oko & Vortex are wearing expensive looking Kamishimo Samurai wear whilst King Kramer is adorned in his Royal wear, sporting cuts and bruises from the night before, and Charles Kramer has a crisp dark grey suit and a briefcase. The commentary team go over last night's event and talk about how CK promised more revelations here tonight.

*Charles Kramer gets on the mic first and he refers to his collective group as "The Empire" and announces that they are now the global power in 6CW. Forget about Genesis, or The Family, or wannabe factions like The Wolf Gang because this is the premier outfit in all of sports entertainment. CK makes it clear that these plans have been woven behind the scenes for quite some time and that nobody saw it coming....well nobody except for Tyler Roth.

*CK says this is the last breath he'll waste on Roth but he feels he should tell his story for him considering he won't back to tell it himself for some time. We find out that CK had been the General Manager in Japan when Roth first arrived. CK wanted to make him a star but their relationship went South. Kramer admits he could of handled the situation better but Roth came after him with a vengeance and he was forced to flee in order to save himself. Johnny Oko steps forward, face half concealed by a mask (Phantom of the Opera style) and CK explains that when Roth learned of Oko's loyalty he targeted him instead and destroyed his face, causing injuries that may never heal properly. When Roth turned up in 6CW CK suspected he was coming to finish what he started and he was proven right. He puts on his best sob story as he claims it was a regrettable decision but Roth had to be put down in order to protect the Kramer family.

*Jeff Thadeus tells the audience that he smells BS and there are massive gaps in CK's story but until Tyler Roth is around for his version we won't have the full truth. Henry Lloyd says he believes every word and it just proves what a loose cannon Roth was, that we should all be thankful he is gone for the forseeable future. Jack Reynolds says there is no indication Roth is out injured but he did take a bad beating last night so time will tell.

*CK says they can close the final chapter on that story now and move onto the future, a future where the King of 6CW sits on the throne that he deserves and his loyal subjects show him the respect he deserves. CK says they made a request to the 6CW Council to make KK a late addition to tonight's world title match, that he was so confident in his nephew winning the belt that he was willing to step in at such short notice after last night's war and still prove himself the best in the business. But that request was denied and once again shows the complete lack of faith and respect that this company has had in KK and the Kramer name since day one.

*So instead tonight they are going to create history with a moment that will never be forgotten. CK says there are many other companies out there, who would be proud to have KK as their world champion, representing their brand. And it just so happens they've found one. "Buffalo Solider" then echoes out and the crowd go wild as 6WF Alumni, Rasta enters with a world title belt over his shoulder. CK explains that on Monday 21st September 2015 at an event known as "6WF One Last Time" Rasta defeated Chris Patricks, Max Adamson, The Saint & Keith Leone in a shocking upset for the ages to become the 6WF Undisputed Championship. CK goes on to tell the audience that Rasta has been defending that title on the independent scene ever since.

*The commentary team scoff and the crowd boo but CK explains that Rasta has never gotten the recognition he deserves for being a world champion but tonight, live on pay per view, he gets to become the star he always should of and he'll get paid more than ever in his career for the privilege. Rasta is in the ring now as CK opens the briefcase at his feet and tells him that there is £50,000 as agreed. CK says he admires Rasta for being a fighting man and putting his belt on the line against a true challenger like his nephew. Karl Kramer allows his uncle to start taking off his Royal wear as the commentary team struggle to comprehend or believe what we are about to witness. Rasta looks down at the money once more and then shuts the briefcase, placing it in his corner, before unstrapping the 6WF World Championship and kissing it. A referee climbs into the ring as the members of The Empire wish KK good luck.


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6CW PRESENTS WORLD'S END (Day 2 Results) - January 11th 2021 Empty Re: 6CW PRESENTS WORLD'S END (Day 2 Results) - January 11th 2021

Post by JJJohnson Mon 11 Jan 2021, 6:36 pm

JT: I’m still struggling to get my head around what we are about to see here….

HE: Breathe it in, Jeff….you are witnessing greatness in the making…

JR: Is that what you would call it?

HE: What else?

Charles Kramer, Johnny Oko and Vortex are standing on the outside of the ring as the referee holds the 6WF World Championship into the air. Karl Kramer and Rasta are staring across the ring at one another…

JT: The last thing I expected to be doing at the beginning of tonight was to be calling a 6WF World Championship match….

HE: And yet here we are….King Karl Kramer is finally going to get his hands on the world title he deserves…6CW may have disrespected him but he will not be denied…

Ding ding

JR: And away we go…..KISS THE RING!

There is a moment of complete stillness and then Rasta steps forward from the corner and Kramer breaks into a sprint before leaping through the air for the “Superman” punch. Rasta dodges the blow just in time as KK hits the turnbuckle….

JT: Rolled him up…


JR: Uncle Charles almost just had a heart attack!

CK has his head in his hands & Oko/Vortex are halfway onto the apron as King Kramer just kicks out. They scramble back up and Kramer bursts forward again….


The crowd cheer as Rasta ducks again and this time counters with a drop toe-hold that fells KK on his front. Rasta then runs the ropes and returns with a “Boom drop” legdrop to the back of his opponent’s neck…

JR: Rasta has had that title in his possession on the independent circuit for six years now…..he won’t give it up easily…

1…………………...2…………….Kramer powers out!

HE: Rasta is no match for King Kramer…

JT: He’s doing pretty well thus far…

They get up again and Rasta runs underneath Kramer before handspringing off the ropes and returns with a back elbow. Kramer sways but doesn’t go down…

JR: I don’t think anyone from The Empire knows how to react to this….

KK is on unsteady legs as Rasta sprints for the corner and he climbs up high. The audience are willing him on as he launches himself through the air for a crossbody….

HE: Caught him….yes….

JT: Rasta may be in trouble now…..YES HE IS!


JR: Oh my….

King Kramer catches Rasta in his arms and then he swings him around and drills him with the ring-shaking spinebuster. Rasta is more than likely done for but Kramer backs up in the corner and kisses his fist. He nods at his uncle and his cohorts, the excitement evident in all of them….

HE: This is it…..we are on the verge now…….KISS THE RING…..OH YES!

JR: Rasta is out…

HE: Count it, ref…

JT: Cmon, Rasta…


ding ding ding



JT: This is nauseating…..what a slap in the face to a historic company….

HE: Slap in the face? This is breathing new life into 6WF and their most prestigious championship… is now being honoured by the King of 6CW….King Karl Kramer is 6WF Champion….

JR: That is not something I expected to hear, well ever….but most certainly not at the beginning of this broadcast….

HE: Uncle Charles delivers again…

JT: I’m going to need to see some ratification for this….

HE: Why? Rasta was the owner of the title…..he was compensated handsomely from defending it here tonight and he lost it, fair and square…..King Karl Kramer is now the 6WF Champion and The Empire is rising at a rapid rate….

The referee looks to take possession of the 6WF Championship but Charles Kramer snatches the belt as he climbs up into the ring. Johnny Oko and Vortex are applauding as Karl Kramer drops to his knees, overcome with emotion…

JT: Look at Kramer acting as though he just came through a war…

HE: He did last night against Tyler Roth…..and this is his prize…..the most deserving world champion of all time…

JT: Do me a favour…

Charles Kramer is gleeful as he stares at the championship belt and then places it into his nephew’s awaiting arms. King Kramer lifts the title and kisses it before standing up and pressing it over his head, drawing a torrent of abuse and boos from the crowd….

HE: These people should be on their knees for their king….

JR: Never going to happen…

HE: They will fall in line…..The Empire is taking control now….just look at this picture…

Johnny Oko & Vortex have climbed into the ring and they are congratulating KK on his victory. They all raise their arms as King Kramer parades the title in front of the cameras….

JR: Tonight we were set to crown an Interim 6CW Champion but it seems like perhaps we’ll have two world champions in town by time World’s End is over and done with….

JT: Three if you count Marshall Murdoch…

JR: The waters just got a whole lot more muddier….

HE: Who cares….this is the greatest start to a PPV ever….

JT: Another disgraceful exaggeration….

The cameras pan out for a long shot of all members of The Empire celebrating with the 6WF Championship as pyros go off and confetti falls from the rafters…

JT: Oh cmon…..he just beat up a 60 year old part-timer….

HE: He is a world champion, despite your attempts to discredit him….King Karl Kramer has the final jewel in the crown….

JR: One of the most shocking starts to a show I can ever remember…..this audience are stunned and so am I…..where do we go from here?

JT: Things can surely only get better?

JR: The landscape of 6CW has been altered again…..Charles Kramer has masterminded yet another moment of history….for better or for worse, Karl Kramer is now 6WF World Champion…

HE: Yes he is….I can’t wait to hear even more about this….

We get a final shot of King Karl Kramer as his uncle straps the 6WF Championship around his waist and then adorns him with the rest of his royal belongings. The Empire stand tall in the centre of the ring before the action goes backstage.


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Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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6CW PRESENTS WORLD'S END (Day 2 Results) - January 11th 2021 Empty Re: 6CW PRESENTS WORLD'S END (Day 2 Results) - January 11th 2021

Post by JJJohnson Mon 11 Jan 2021, 7:44 pm

*The commentary team are still in shock after what has just gone down as we go backstage and Marty Helms is standing with Travis Sharp. Helms is in a foul mood (as usual) as is guaranteeing a performance in his upcoming match with Dante Phoenix that will dwarf anything that has already been seen this weekend. Helms says Phoenix will follow Dicey into retirement and then if there is anything left of PJ after tonight's main event then he'll retire him too so that he can remove the stench of ever having being on Team Frost. Sharp asks Helms about there now being two world titles on the roster and Helms says it's only a matter of time until one belongs to him, but he won't be satisfied until he has both.

*The Empire enter the backstage area and Fleur Michaels wants to grab an interview but CK cuts her off and says there'll be plenty of time for talking when they arrive at Proving Grounds but now is the time for celebrating. Karl Kramer is already carrying a bottle of champagne and he invites Fleur to the celebrations but she turns him down. CK smirks and says soon everyone will want to be a part of The Empire. Fleur asks if they have ratification for the 6WF Championship, which draws some looks, but Charles Kramer tells her that a little bit of red tape won't stand in the way of the King's true Coronation and that the 6CW Council should be happy that they now have a world champion to be proud of. Fleur wants to ask about Oko & Vortex as well as Tyler Roth but CK tells her that Roth is a banned subject and everything else can wait.

*We get separate shots of Perfect Jack arriving at the arena with Daniel Reilly earlier in the afternoon before Clarke James turns up alone, carrying the mysterious bag he's had for weeks. The commentary team hype up the main event before we see Dante Phoenix staring at himself in the mirror in his locker-room. Phoenix grimaces in pain a few times and closes his eyes but then breathes deep, slaps his hand against the top of the mirror and leaves for ringside.


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Age : 33

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6CW PRESENTS WORLD'S END (Day 2 Results) - January 11th 2021 Empty Re: 6CW PRESENTS WORLD'S END (Day 2 Results) - January 11th 2021

Post by JJJohnson Mon 11 Jan 2021, 7:45 pm

Bout 1
Dante Phoenix vs Marty Helms

JT: I don’t even know what to say about what we have seen already tonight….

HE: We have witnessed history and you should feel privileged….The Empire is leading 6CW into a new era…

JR: I don’t know if privileged is the word but we have certainly seen history made…..The Empire ended Night 1 by revealing themselves to the world and they’ve begun Night 2 by reinstating the 6WF World Championship…

JT: I’m still not sure that is ratified by the 6CW Council but nevertheless Karl Kramer is now walking around with a world championship belt…

HE: No more than he deserves…..6CW missed a trick by not allowing King Kramer to join tonight’s main event to crown an Interim 6CW Champion but Uncle Charles always has a plan…

JT: I’m sure there’s going to be plenty more fallout from tonight’s opener but now is time to get on with the show...we’ve got four top class bouts coming your way and we’re ready for the first….

JR: The crowd here in Hampden Park are already fired up from that impromptu start so I think it’s time to give them some more…

A golden haze crosses the stage and flames fire in all directions as “Into the fire” booms through the airwaves to a big reaction from the 6CW audience. Dante Phoenix then walks out onto the stage, smiling as he soaks up the crowd’s energy…

JT: Huge ovation for The Divine Dante Phoenix…..

JR: This crowd know that when Phoenix is in the building that means they are about to witness some incredible, high octane offence…

HE: They also know that he’s a lunatic who should be in a psychiatric ward…

JT: It is well documented that Phoenix has had his issues over the last few months after a series of head traumas….we also know that he is battling a split-personality disorder with an inner demon named Hellion…

JR: We got our first glimpse of Hellion at Born in Fire when he ran right through James McManus….but there’s been no sign since as Dante has done his best to keep him at bay...Phoenix claims he has very little control over Hellion and therefore does whatever he can to contain him deep inside…

JT: We don’t have all the information but it would seem Hellion has manifested since Phoenix lost his family in a tragedy a few years ago…

HE: Which, of course, is a travesty that no one should have to go through but that doesn’t change the fact that he’s one sandwich short of a picnic….he should be in the same asylum that he locked Engel away in….

JR: I think the revelation of Hellion gives more context to Dante’s issues with Engel in the first place….he knew, first hand, the chaos that could be unleashed so he locked him away to save 6CW….and now he’s trying to do the same for himself…

JT: Which, in some ways, is a shame because if he could harness the power of Hellion then he could be a real force here in 6CW…

JR: Which is why, I believe, Marty Helms demanded that Phoenix show up tonight as himself…..he prefers his chances against this version…

HE: Marty Helms will destroy any form of Dante Phoenix….Helms has been overlooked for awhile now by 6CW management and the fans alike….the former world champion deserves some respect on his name…

Dante Phoenix stands at the top of the stage and then raises his arms as more fireworks shoot into the air behind him. He rubs his temples for a moment and then begins to walk down the ramp…

JT: It’s almost crazy to think that less than six months ago these two men were teammates fighting off the Lawless Twins…

HE: Marty Helms was never part of that team….he was used because of his ability but he was never given the same respect or formed the same bond….I believe that is why he is hell-bent on getting even….he’s already as good as retired Dicey Reilly, we haven’t seen him since Born in Fire, and tonight he is going to inflict the same punishment upon Dante Phoenix…

JR: Helms is a man consumed by his own anger, he always has been… is what has made him so formidable over the last couple of years…...he battled through most of 2020 with a serious knee injury and perhaps that’s why he tailed off but the brutal fashion in which he dispatched Dicey Reilly at Born in Fire shows me that he’s more than ready to resume his reign of terror…

JT: Helms hasn’t fought since November so he’s had plenty of time to rehabilitate and get himself back to 100%….

HE: And Marty Helms at 100% is a frightening prospect for anyone in the world of professional wrestling…...this is the man that removed Cerberus, the Monster Hunter himself….

JR: One of the most blood-thirsty feuds we have ever seen and Helms came out on top, much to everyone’s surprise, and we haven’t seen Cerberus since Helms set his casket on fire...if that version of Marty Helms shows up here tonight then Dante Phoenix needs to be extremely careful….

Phoenix is halfway down the ramp when Marty Helms suddenly runs down behind him and clatters him across the neck and back, sending him rolling down the steel into the aisleway as the crowd boo…

JT: Yeah it looks like Marty Helms has found himself again…..dastardly tricks….

JR: Completely uncalled from Marty Helms, he’s more than a match for anyone in 6CW at face value without the cheap attacks…

HE: He’s here to teach Dante Phoenix a lesson… do whatever you need to in this business…..toeing the line gets you nowhere…

Phoenix rolls toward the base of the ring but quickly tries to get back to his feet, only to take a brutal kick to the head from Helms. Helms looks all kinds of fired up as he rags Dante to his feet and then runs him forward, launching him upside down against the ringside barrier…

JR: This is nothing but an all out assault from Marty Helms here….he feels he is a forgotten man in 6CW and this is serving as a reminder…

The referee has climbed from the ring and is trying to calm the situation but Helms barges past him and then repeats his attack three more times until Phoenix is a battered heap on the ground….

JT: Helms never had any intention of fighting Phoenix in a fair contest here tonight...he just came here to beat him up in the same fashion he did with Dicey Reilly…

JR: We haven’t seen or heard from Dicey Reilly since Born in Fire….that barbaric street fight will never be forgotten…

HE: And now the same fate awaits Dante Phoenix…

The official is still trying to reason with Helms but he doesn’t seem interested. He grabs Phoenix’ head and pulls it off the floor so he can stare him in the face…

Helms: You’re gonna learn the same lesson that everyone who crosses me learns….I am better than you…..and there isn’t anything I won’t do to prove it….

Helms lifts Dante’s head a little higher and then slams it down into the floor with a sickening crunch that leaves the crowd looking extremely concerned…

JR: Those head traumas of Dante Phoenix are being revisited here….

Helms drags the limp form of Dante Phoenix toward the steel steps and he leaves him slumped across them. He then stomps down on his foe’s head, crushing it against the solid steel…

JT: Dammit, this is sickening to watch….Dante Phoenix is being brutalised…

JR: We aren’t even watching a fight here….this is just an assault…

Phoenix convulses a little, his legs twitching, but then he goes still as Marty Helms backs away and pushes hair from his face. The crowd are booing furiously…

HE: It’s so great to see the old Marty Helms in full flow here….I missed watching him demolish people like this….

JT: I didn’t…..this is as uncomfortable as it comes….

Helms’ eyes just glow with malicious intent as he stares down at Dante Phoenix. The referee is trying to keep him at bay but he shoves the official to the floor and then drags Phoenix back up, resting him against the ringpost….

JR: Dante Phoenix can’t even stand up of his own volition….he’s up against the ringpost and the steel steps right now to keep him steady….I’m not sure what else Marty Helms can do to him…

HE: Oh there’s plenty…..Helms is just getting warmed up…

JT: We need security out here to stop this from going any further….JESUS!

HE: Too late…

Marty Helms pulls off his elbow pad and tosses it away before rushing forward and he slams a “Lights Out” elbow against Phoenix’ head, crushing it against the ringpost and leaving him to slump back down on the floor….

JR: Dante Phoenix is out cold here….he has been knocked out by Marty Helms and that may just be the tip of the iceberg….

JT: Concussion…..bleeding on the brain….who knows the extent of Dante’s injuries here…..this needs to stop NOW!

HE: Here comes the cavalry….

JR: Not before time….

Renier Grohl leads a security detail to ringside and they quickly get in between Helms and Phoenix to prevent more any more damage being done. Helms merely looks amused as he backs away toward the announce area…

JT: There is not one iota of remorse on the face of Marty Helms right now….he’s proud of what he has done…

HE: And so he should be….6CW has neglected his talent for too long but the Council will have no choice but to acknowledge what he has done…

JR: Oh I’d expect an acknowledgement…..Crime Lord was suspended a few days ago for unprovoked attacks….

HE: Crime Lord had prior warnings…

JT: Helms has had plenty in the past as well….

EMT’s arrive with a stretcher and they take great care to lift Dante Phoenix onto a gurney before strapping him to the stretcher. There are worried looks on the faces of the fans…

JR: Dante Phoenix needs immediate medical attention here…

JT: I’m extremely glad to see he is being removed as quickly as possible…..unfortunately Marty Helms is still here….

Helms has climbed up into the ring now and he is demanding that the referee raises his arm, declaring him victorious. The official is shaking his head as Renier Grohl joins them…

JT: I can’t believe the audacity of Helms here….

HE: He rendered Phoenix incapable of competing….he should be declared the winner….

JR: He attacked him from behind before the bell even sounded… was a cheap shot…

JT: Plus this match never even begin so how can Helms believe he won?

HE: Because he’s the only man standing….whilst his opponent is on his way to the hospital….

Renier Grohl is intimating something to Marty Helms and shaking his head which seems to be infuriating Helms. The referee is also making his feelings known as Helms shoves the official against the turnbuckle and then grabs Grohl by the front of his shirt….

JR: I don’t think this is wise on the part of Marty Helms…

HE: You think he gives a damn? He answers to nobody…

JT: He’ll answer to the 6CW Council if he harms Grohl, Helms is not above the law despite what he may think…

The security detail surround the ring now and climb up on all four sides. Helms seems amused as he tightens the know on Grohl’s tie, cutting of his air supply…

JR: Helms is pushing the very boundaries here…..and security are ready to step in…

HE: I don’t like their chances either…


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Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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6CW PRESENTS WORLD'S END (Day 2 Results) - January 11th 2021 Empty Re: 6CW PRESENTS WORLD'S END (Day 2 Results) - January 11th 2021

Post by JJJohnson Mon 11 Jan 2021, 7:45 pm

Suddenly the lights in the arena switch off completely. There are screams and cheers from the audience and then slowly a glowing orb begins to roll out onto the stage. The light from the orb seems to grow brighter and brighter in the darkness of the arena before it explodes and erupts into a fireball of gold, red and orange. The arena is completely dark once again as an eerie, uncontrollable, laughter fills the silence….

JT: That’s the same laugh we heard at Born in Fire…….WAIT JUST A GODDAMN MINUTE


HE: No, no…..he can’t…..he said he wouldn’t…

JT: The parameters changed when Marty Helms decided on a sneak attack…

Voice: From the ashes….heheheehe…..a Phoenix shall rise!

A red glow has now bathed the arena as flames begin to burn all along the stage. Marty Helms releases Renier Grohl, who quickly loosens his tie and breathes in deep gulps of air, and then he stares at the stage. Helms is momentarily stunned but then he nods his head and beckons for someone to come and fight…

HE: No amount of smoke and mirrors is going to frighten Marty Helms…

JT: Maybe not but he should be concerned….he just tried to cave Dante Phoenix’ skull in and yet here he comes….

JR: He may have the same face but this is far removed from Dante Phoenix….this is a whole different entity and if Marty Helms wanted a fight tonight then I think he’s about to get one….

More pyros explode but this time from up above the ring, showering Helms and Grohl with gold and red sparks. A figure then moves out on the stage

JR: How is he even still standing? We saw Helms brutalise him just minutes ago….

JT: Because Dante Phoenix and Hellion are on a whole different plain….I wouldn’t even dare to believe I know anything about the psychological makeup of either man…..all I know is this demon inhabits Dante’s vessel and I think whenever he feels particularly threatened or heightened in any way then Hellion comes to the forefront….

Phoenix’ hair has been braided down his back into red and gold strips whilst his face has been painted black and gold but his lips are blood red (A hybrid of Golddust, The Fiend, Willow & The Demon King). His eyes are a deep burning orange and he is adorned in an extravagant robe of fire colours. He drops to his knees amidst the flames burning all around him and he glares down at the stage….

HE: This is deeply unsettling….

JT: How do you think Marty Helms is feeling? He just cracked this man’s skull and yet here he comes…he’s standing and he’s coming for revenge...

JR: Even with that facepaint on he isn’t a match for Marty Helms….he’s about to get annihilated for the second time...

Phoenix’ tongue flicks out of his mouth as he bares his teeth in a grinning snarl and then he leaps back to his feet. He spins the robe around his head and the special effects appear to show the robe burning all around him until it falls back around his shoulders again. As he walks down the ramp, fire erupts on all sides….

JT: I didn’t quite believe my eyes at Born in Fire when I saw this entrance...and it hasn’t changed second time around...I am transfixed...

JR: We all are…

HE: Not Marty Helms...he’s just wondering what body part to break first…..everyone believes this Hellion is some kind of monster but Marty Helms has vanquished monsters before and when he does it again tonight there’ll be no doubting that he should be back in the upper echelons of this company...

Phoenix climbs up onto the apron and then he just stands there and glares at Helms, who doesn’t recoil. Renier Grohl looks bewildered as he motions for security to get down off the apron and let him out of the ring...

JT: Marty Helms may not be unnerved here but Renier Grohl is….he is out of there….

HE: Wait until he sees what Marty Helms does to Hellion and then he’ll have good reason to be worried….

Phoenix climbs through the ropes, his eyes locked on Helms the entire time, and then spins the robe over his head again as more pyros erupt and flames burn from the stage. Helms almost smirks at the arrival of a new nemesis…

JT: Marty Helms may be confident in his abilities and he may not be scared but I don’t care who you are, he will be apprehensive here…..moments ago he was full of himself after bashing in Dante Phoenix’ head but here he stands again and there isn’t the slightest trace of that assault…..Phoenix, or Hellion as it is, looks fresh and looks ready for war...

Phoenix grins again, baring all his teeth, before turning away to remove his robe. Helms readies his arm and motions for Phoenix to turn back around before ploughing forward…


The lights come back up as Helms launches the huge elbow at Hellion’s head but somehow he manages to duck out of the way at the last second. Hellion quickly sprints off the ropes and returns with a flying slingblade takedown….

JT: Marty Helms is getting his first glimpse of Hellion and I’m not sure he likes what he is seeing…

HE: He wasn’t prepared for this…

JR: The same way Dante Phoenix wasn’t prepared for the blindside attack….karma is a hell of an equaliser…

Helms is stunned as he gets back to his feet and he takes a full-blooded dropkick to the chest that sends him crashing back into the turnbuckle behind him. Helms stumbles back out, snarling, as Hellion springs off the ropes and erupts with a disaster kick to the jaw…

JT: Hellion taking the fight to Marty Helms here and Helms has no answer…

HE: He’s just figuring it out…

JR: He’s getting his a55 kicked….

Hellion leaps out onto the apron and he waits for Helms to get back up before catapulting back over for a slingshot DDT…

HE: Now he’s in trouble….now Hellion is going to be exposed just like Phoenix was…

Helms blocks the DDT as he catches Hellion in his arms and then he shoves him back into the ropes and drops him with a fierce boot to the face as he returns. Helms looks thunderous as he grabs Hellion by the head and pulls him back up…

JR: Marty Helms seems to have weathered the early storm here but he’s ready to inflict his own brand of punishment on Hellion now….

HE: They don’t call him the Monster Hunter for nothing…..BACK TO EARTH!

Helms flips Hellion up for the ferocious sit-down powerbomb but Hellion swivels around on his shoulders to nail an inverted hurricanrana (poisonrana) that slams Helms on the back of his head and rolls him over onto his knees…

JT: Helms wasn’t expecting that…..OR THAT!

Helms is on his knees as Hellion charges off the ropes and returns with a low flying VT trigger knee to the face. Hellion rolls back out on the apron again as the crowd go wild…

JR: If Dante Phoenix can somehow manage to gain control over Hellion and use him to his advantage then he may become a serious force here in 6CW….he’s running roughshod over one of the most brutal stars in this company right now….BUCKSHOT!

Hellion flips over the ropes into the lariat on Helms that takes him off of his feet. The mysterious superstar then rolls to the corner and leaps up high….he perches there and waits before leaping off with a meteora takedown….

JT: Helms just can’t get to grips with Hellion….he’s too quick and too explosive…

HE: He has been caught off guard…..that’s all it is….

JR: He could be about to suffer something much worse than that now...Hellion lining him up...FROM THE ASHES!

Hellion’s tongue flicks out repeatedly as he waits for Helms to rise and then he steps forward and leaps into the “Black Mass” roundhouse but Helms ducks just in time. Helms quickly grabs the ropes and pulls himself to the outside…

JT: Helms getting out of Dodge here…

JR: He wants no part of Hellion…

HE: Give him time to prepare and due notice and I guarantee he will destroy Hellion….

JT: He’s destroying nothing tonight….he’s running for the hills…

The crowd boo as Helms glares at Renier Grohl and then storms up the rampway. Grohl watches Helms go and then turns back to the ring as Hellion has sat down on the canvass and watches his opponent retreating….

JR: I have a feeling that this isn’t the last time we see these two match up…..Marty Helms is irate and Hellion is far from satisfied…

HE: Dante Phoenix is a coward for hiding behind all that facepaint….he can’t face Helms like a man….

JT: Phoenix came out here to face Helms and he got brutally assaulted from behind… is that assault that awoke Hellion….Helms brought this upon himself and when the going got tough he fled….say what you want but there’s only one coward here this evening….

Helms stops at the top of the stage and he turns back to stare down at the ring as Hellion rises. Hellion climbs onto the ropes and stares up at his foe...Helms is shaking his head and looks furious….

JR: Marty Helms may be the “Monster Hunter” but tonight he met his match….this is one demon he could not conquer….

HE: Not yet but he will….it took a few tries to destroy Cerberus but he got the job done and Hellion will be no different….Marty Helms runs from nobody….he’ll regroup and then you will see…

Marty Helms spits on the ground and then turns on his heel to head backstage as Hellion just continues to watch him. Renier Grohl motions for his security detail to follow him up the ramp…

JT: This has been one of the most bizarre and surprising starts to a pay per view I can ever remember and there is still so much more to come…

JR: We have three exceptional bouts lined up…..two championships to be decided as well as a clash of two former world champions…..we have already been spoilt and the treats are going to keep on coming so do not go anywhere folks…

HE: I hope we get treat to seeing Hellion’s head on a spike before this night is all said and done...


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6CW PRESENTS WORLD'S END (Day 2 Results) - January 11th 2021 Empty Re: 6CW PRESENTS WORLD'S END (Day 2 Results) - January 11th 2021

Post by JJJohnson Mon 11 Jan 2021, 7:57 pm

*Backstage and GazzyD is with Christy James. Gazzy wants to win tonight and move forward with his 6CW career and their marriage, putting all of this drama behind them. He kisses Christy's hands and tells her he loves her and just wants to keep her safe. Christy says she understands and although she protests at first she then agrees to stay backstage no matter what happens. Christy tries to persuade Gazzy that his battle is with Ethan Shaw more so than Uryu but that seems to rile her husband up. Gazzy says that any man who comes for what belongs to him will be treat as an enemy, professionally or personally. Christy looks concerned as Gazzy picks up the TV Title and leaves the room.

*Renier Grohl has a wall of security around him as Marty Helms storms into the backstage area. Helms wants Dante Phoenix or Hellion or whichever disguise he wants to wear. Helms threatens that if he doesn't get what he wants then Grohl and the Council can pay instead. Grohl informs Helms that the Council don't respond to threats as seen with Crime Lord last night. Helms laughs and tells Grohl that he's nothing like Crime Lord and promises that if they make him an enemy then he'll destroy them all. Grohl says he'll have a word about organising a re-match with Hellion. Helms says "Good boy" and walks off.

*We get a shot of Uryu stretching in his locker-room. Fleur Michaels enters and wants to talk about the upcoming TV Title match and his issues with Ethan Shaw. Ishida continues stretching and meditating but says that Shaw started this and came after him, he doesn't know why but this is all about survival. He's never backed down from any of the villains that have pursued him before and he won't be starting now. Fleur wants to ask about the Gazzy/Christy situation but Uryu says he doesn't want this story to see him become the villain so he'll refrain from commenting. Tonight he just wants to become a champion once more and push forward in the quest for headlining Night of Glory. A knock comes at the door and Christy enters. Fleur has a gleeful look but backs out of the room to give them privacy. We get a shot of Ethan Shaw watching the Uryu/Christy interaction on a monitor. Shaw places a gloved hand on the screen as the scene ends.


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6CW PRESENTS WORLD'S END (Day 2 Results) - January 11th 2021 Empty Re: 6CW PRESENTS WORLD'S END (Day 2 Results) - January 11th 2021

Post by JJJohnson Mon 11 Jan 2021, 7:58 pm

Bout 2
6CW TV Championship
GazzyD (c) vs Ethan Shaw vs Uryu Ishida

Ding ding

Michael Bird: Ladies and gentlemen the following contest is a triple threat match, with a fifteen minute time limit, for the 6CW Television Championship!

*Crowd pop

JT: Ladies and gentlemen this next contest is one of the most highly charged and personal of this two day event…..triple threat rules for the 6CW TV Title but this is about much more than just championship gold….

JR: Where do you even start? GazzyD returned at Born in Fire and won the TV Title from Ricky Nelson….the same night we saw Uryu Ishida attacked by the mysterious newcomer, Ethan Shaw…

HE: After he got stood up by Christy James…

JT: And Christy James is yet another factor in all of this….the wife of GazzyD is also good friends with Uryu….which, naturally, has created an issue between those two superstars…

JR: Christy found herself caught up in the issues between Uryu and Ethan Shaw and that riled up GazzyD, who blamed Uryu for endangering his wife….

HE: Christy is a grown woman and she made that decision for herself….maybe Gazzy should be asking why his wife likes Uryu’s company so much?

JT: And it’s people, like you, stirring the pot that has given Gazzy that pause for thought…..

JR: Gazzy through the desire to protect his own wife has now found himself embroiled in this complicated three-way feud….

JT: Uryu, Gazzy and Christy have all found themselves on the hit-list of Ethan Shaw and that has led to tonight’s bout….

HE: Ethan Shaw has made it clear that he intends on ripping through the entire 6CW locker-room one by one….GazzyD and Uryu seem to be his first targets…

JR: I believe there may be a little more to it than that but time will tell...what we know is that Ethan Shaw is coming here tonight with the intention of maiming his opposition en route to winning the TV Championship….

JT: All three men have the desire to walk away with the TV Title but they also have their own, personal, reasons with getting one over on the rest of the playing field….this is, undoubtedly, going to be a very intense fifteen minutes…

JR: That is another variable to be considered….the two challengers, Ethan Shaw and Uryu Ishida, only have fifteen minutes to win the title so there is very little time to take a rest….this is likely to be a fast-paced affair…

Pyrotechnics spray across the front of the stage and then more shoot up into the night sky as “Hold on tight to your dreams” booms through the airwaves. The crowd in attendance applaud and cheer as Uryu Ishida appears in the entranceway…

MB: Introducing first, the challengers…..first, from Nottingham, England…..weighing in at 204 pounds…….Urrrryyyyyyuuuuuu Isssssshhhhhhiiiiiddddddddaaaaaaa!

JT: The first of tonight’s challengers…..currently the oldest member on the 6CW roster, the veteran, Uryu Ishida…..

JR: Uryu may be advancing in years but there is no doubt that he is in his prime...over the past few years he has surpassed any of his previous performances and achievements….

HE: That doesn’t mean much as he hadn’t achieved anything for the first five or six years in the business…

JT: Completely false and disrespectful…..Uryu was always a solid level competitor but he has advanced to a higher level in recent years, arguably he should of won world titles by now….

HE: That chance has passed him by now, he’s moved onto trying to steal other men’s wives now…

JR: Another unfounded claim…..Uryu and Christy have never appeared anything more than friends…

HE: So you’re saying he doesn’t fancy her?

JR: I have no idea if he does or doesn’t but casting aspersions that could potentially ruin a marriage is pretty low…..Uryu cares about Christy and vice versa….which is a key reason why we are at this point here tonight….

Uryu lowers his hood and unties his robe before making his way down the ramp and climbs up onto the apron. He leaps over the ropes and rolls into the centre of the ring…

JT: Ethan Shaw came after Uryu….Christy tried to protect Uryu and that made her a target…..Gazzy came to his wife’s aid and that made him a target too….Gazzy blames Uryu for involving him and his wife….that sum it up?

JR: It’s pretty close….I’d say it is a decent summation….

HE: All that will matter after tonight is that Uryu and Gazzy will be victimised and Christy James will need to leave the country to protect herself….Ethan Shaw is no joke and he’s not messing around….he is a walking bad intention…

JT: Uryu and Gazzy may not see eye to eye but they really may need to work together here tonight to protect themselves and Christy James…

HE: Never going to happen…

Uryu uses the ropes to perform some last minute stretches and then “The Devil” plays out to a crescendo of boos. The lights go down and smoke begins to pour from the entranceway…

MB: And secondly…..weighing in at 275 pounds….The Body Snatcher…...Eeeeeeetttthhhhaaaaannnnn Shaaaaaaaawwww!

JR: 6’6, 275 pounds…..Ethan Shaw arrived at Born in Fire and made one hell of a statement when he choked Uryu unconscious…..he then made a mess of Yarmouth Blade before beginning his pursuit of tonight’s opposition….there is no doubt that this man takes great pleasure in inflicting pain and suffering…..

JT: He is a sadistic powerhouse who oozes malice….we don’t even know Shaw’s true intentions here in 6CW but I fear for anyone who gets caught in his path….Uryu and Gazzy have both been on the receiving end already in the last month and you have to imagine they are going to have to sustain a whole lot more punishment here tonight, even if they somehow find a way to survive….

HE: They won’t survive….I don’t think Ethan Shaw is the kind of a man that leaves survivors…

JR: I don’t like the way he’s wielding that baseball bat….surely can’t be allowed…

JT: Technically there are no disqualifications in a triple threat bout, which is obviously a great concern given Shaw’s nature…

Shaw drags the golden baseball bat along the stage and then pauses at the top of the ramp. He stares around at the apocalyptic set and, noticeably, the giant tank to the right of the stage before continuing on his way to the ring. Uryu has stiffened and is watching his foe with real dislike as Shaw stops at ringside to remove his jacket….

JR: Even from up here on the stage you can sense the atmosphere between these two….this is how it all began at Born in Fire….

JT: And Uryu would love to be the one to end it here tonight…

HE: It’ll be Ethan Shaw ending it and anyone who gets in the way of that happening….

Shaw patrols the outside of the ring and is just starting to climb onto the apron when the lights go down again. “Limelight” screams through the airwaves as the crowd go wild and then an explosion from the stage sees a figure launch through a trapdoor…

MB: And their opponent…...from Manchester, England…………...weighing in at 221 pounds…..he is the reigning and defending 6CW Television Champion…...GaaaazzzzzzyyyyyDDDDDDDD!

JT: One of the greatest this company has ever seen…...Two time world champion, tag team champion and the reigning TV Champion….a 6CW Original that won that title on his very first night back following a two year hiatus….

JR: And GazzyD has feuded with them all, the very best in the business…..but has he ever been embroiled in something so personal? We are talking about his wife….

HE: That will be all the difference….Gazzy is fighting on two fronts here…..he’s stopping Uryu from stealing his wife and stopping Ethan Shaw from, well who even knows but it won’t be good….

JT: And stopping both men from taking his title as well…..this is a huge threat facing Gazzy here this evening…

JR: I’m glad Christy has kept her word and stayed backstage, this is not the place for her to be tonight….

HE: I hope she’s got her car keys at the ready to flee the scene when there is nobody left to protect her after this bout….

JT: What a sick thing to even joke about…

HE: I’m not joking and I’m just being a realist….I don’t know what Ethan Shaw wants with her but it is unlikely to be anything pleasant and I’d personally not like to see it….

JR: Let’s hope that either Gazzy or Uryu prevent that then and win this match….

Gazzy leaps out onto the stage and he acknowledges the cheers of the crowd but then fixes his gaze on Ethan Shaw, who has dropped back off the apron and walked into the aisleway with his baseball bat. Gazzy unstraps the TV Title from around his waist and begins to run down the ramp…

JT: Gazzy running right into the fire here, showing no intimidation….

HE: Years of getting kicked around has damaged his braincells….

Gazzy throws the TV Title toward Shaw and he whips it away with a swing of the baseball bat. As Uryu baseball slides under the ropes from behind and dropkicks Shaw in the back, sending him colliding into Gazzy and knocking both men down…

JR: I’m not sure that was Uryu’s intention….

HE: He knew what he was doing….taking both men out at once…..he’s desperate to be the apple of Christy’s eye…

Uryu looks a little stunned but then he turns back around and leaps onto the ring apron before moonsaulting off again onto Shaw and Gazzy as they stand up…

HE: You going to tell me he didn’t mean that either?

JR: I think he meant that one…

We get a shot of Christy James watching from the backstage area, biting her nails and looking concerned, before we see Uryu pick up the golden baseball bat…

HE: He wouldn’t have the balls…

JT: I’m not so sure….Uryu’s been pushed around a lot in recent years but he knows how to stand up for himself….he knows he can’t afford to hesitate with a man like Ethan Shaw…

JR: And yet hesitating is exactly what he is doing right now…

Uryu has the bat in hand and he seems to be toying with the idea of swinging at Shaw. Eventually he draws it back but then Gazzy grabs hold of the weapon…

JR: Gazzy not impressed that Uryu took him out…

Uryu and Gazzy struggle over the bat and that allows Ethan Shaw to get back up. Shaw uppercuts Uryu back into the barrier before planting his boot into Gazzy’s chest and sends him rolling back toward the ring. Shaw then grabs Uryu by the head and drags him back up the ramp toward the stage…

JT: Ethan Shaw not even looking to get the action inside the ring…

JR: Not when he can have so much fun up here on the stage…

JT: And I thought we were safe up here…

Shaw headbutts Ishida back toward the entranceway and then he charges at him…

JR: Uryu just turned into Spiderman right there….

Uryu leaps up and grabs the steel frame of the entrance so that he can plough both feet into Shaw’s face and send him staggering away toward the top of the ramp. Uryu drops back down before beckoning Shaw toward him…

HE: Uryu is an idiot….he’s actually goading Shaw…

JT: We know Uryu isn’t afraid of a fight…..WATCH OUT NOW!

Shaw looks annoyed at Ishida’s brashness and runs forward again but Uryu counters with a drop toe hold that slams his foe across the front of the 6CW announce desk. Shaw drops to the floor as Uryu starts to pull the covers off the table…

JR: There’s plenty of other tables available, Uryu…

JT: But none as ready at hand as ours…

Uryu drapes Shaw on the table and then climbs up on top of it as the audience cheer him on. Ishida seems to be considering his options when Shaw suddenly grabs his legs and pulls them out from under him…

JR: A little indecision there from Uryu has put him in trouble…

The back of Uryu’s head slams off the table as the crowd groan. Shaw looks ready to climb up as well when GazzyD lashes the baseball bat across his spine…

HE: That is Shaw’s own property…

JT: He shouldn’t have brought it to ringside then….

Shaw yells out in pain and then spins around to attack but Gazzy pounds him in the midsection with the weapon. Gazzy throws the bat aside…



The crowd go wild as Gazzy connects with his finisher on the stage and leaves Shaw slumped in a heap. Uryu has rolled off the table and he and Gazzy stare at one another…

JR: Shaw is out….Gazzy and Uryu can settle their differences now…

JT: I don’t think either man is convinced that Shaw is out of the running….they want to make sure…

HE: This isn’t a handicap match…

JR: We said they may need to work together…

Gazzy motions something and Uryu nods in agreement. They both grab the dead weight of Shaw and haul him up before throwing him back on top of the table…

HE: Leave him alone…..there’s a championship at stake…

JR: Shaw has done nothing but terrorise Uryu and Gazzy for the past couple of months….this is payback…

JT: And sending a message that they will not be intimidated…

Gazzy and Uryu stare at one another again before their eyes travel to the platform above the entranceway. Gazzy makes a move but Uryu stops him and points to his own chest…

JR: Uryu telling Gazzy that this one is on him….he feels responsible for endangering Gazzy and Christy so he wants to take care of this…

Gazzy takes a moment but then nods in understanding as Ishida rushes toward the steel structure. The crowd are going wild as Uryu scales upward toward the platform…

JT: Uryu is about ten foot above us right now….

JR: I’d say closer to fifteen….but however you cut it this is an extremely dangerous situation…

HE: Ethan Shaw does not deserve this…

JT: I don’t think you’ll find a queue to agree with you…..

Gazzy keeps Shaw pinned down on the table as Ishida walks along the platform to the edge. He looks down and then nods his head and leaps through the air….



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6CW PRESENTS WORLD'S END (Day 2 Results) - January 11th 2021 Empty Re: 6CW PRESENTS WORLD'S END (Day 2 Results) - January 11th 2021

Post by JJJohnson Mon 11 Jan 2021, 7:59 pm




The crowd are stunned and the cameras pans in on plenty of surprised faces as GazzyD hauls Shaw off the announce table just before impact and leaves Uryu to slam straight through it and crash onto the steel stage below….

JR: Uryu is done….I mean he is finished….you don’t survive a landing like that…

JT: I didn’t think Gazzy had that kind of devilment in him but there’s the proof…

HE: And now it’s down to Gazzy and Shaw to contest the TV Championship…

JR: Gazzy needs to get Shaw down to the ring now…OH MY WORD!


Gazzy stares at Uryu, who is unmoving amidst the wreckage, and then he pulls Shaw away for another “Deep Impact” on the stage but Shaw battles and counters with a backdrop that sends Gazzy off the side of the stage and crashing down onto the base of the tank to the right hand side…

JR: Gazzy just fell about five feet onto solid steel...he is writhing in pain right now…

JT: Gazzy has eliminated Uryu from proceedings but now he is in real danger himself….Ethan Shaw is as deadly as they come when he has an opponent hurt…

Shaw cracks his neck from side to side as he stares down at Gazzy before he retrieves his baseball bat and then jumps off the stage, landing on the base of the tank below. He then kneels on top of Gazzy and chokes him with the bat…

HE: Ethan Shaw is enjoying himself now….this is his element…

JT: Hurting people? Such a nice bloke…

HE: This is the hurt business…

Shaw finally releases and leaves Gazzy gasping for air on the floor. Shaw then drags Gazzy up and places his head against the solid turret…

JR: We saw Marty Helms do something similar to Dante Phoenix earlier tonight but I have a feeling this could be much, much worse…

JT: There wasn’t a baseball bat involved earlier…..


JR: Gazzy may have just escaped a fractured skull…

Shaw swings the bat at Gazzy’s head but the champion just manages to avoid it as it echoes off the solid metal. Gazzy then grabs the gun and manages to swing it around at Shaw’s head…



JR: Was it loaded? Surely not!

The gun hits Shaw in the temple and an explosion occurs that completely disorientates and deafens everyone in the vicinity. Shaw staggers back and Gazzy, stunned by what has happened, leaps up with a dropkick that sends Shaw off the tank and crashing on top of one of the burnt out cars below….


JR: Folks what started out as a TV Title bout has descended into something reminisce of the now defunct Xtreme division….

JT: GazzyD has now managed to take out both of his challengers...he just needs to get one of them to the ring and end this…

Gazzy stands on the tank and he stares down at Shaw, who has ploughed through the bonnet of the car, before he climbs down. He grabs Shaw’s boot and drags him off the vehicle before summoning all of his strength to drag him around the side of the ramp toward the ring…

JR: This is taking some effort from GazzyD because Shaw is unconscious but he won’t be complaining….if he can get Shaw in the ring then you’d have to imagine it is a foregone conclusion….

Gazzy’s groans of effort can be heard as he manages to prop Shaw up on the ring apron and then rolls him into the ring. Shaw is still as Gazzy gets up on the ring apron…

JR: Gazzy just needs to end this now….

JT: I think that’s the intention…

HE: Would you look at this?

There is a reaction from the crowd which draws Gazzy’s attention and it soon becomes apparent why. Christy James has rushed out onto the stage and she is checking on Uryu’s condition…

JR: I mean it is quite hard to make excuses here…

JT: Christy has never hidden the fact that she cares for Uryu…

HE: Gazzy told her to stay backstage…..he was trying to protect her and now here she is, stabbing him in the back…

JT: She has a mind of her own…

HE: Yes she does and we can see what is on her mind….

Gazzy is still on the apron and he is glaring up the ramp with a cold fury as he watches his wife consoling Ishida. Gazzy drops down into the aisleway as Christy’s gaze lifts to see him…

JR: Potential trouble in paradise here…

HE: Just trouble for GazzyD….thanks to his wife…

Ethan Shaw is back up and he reaches over the top rope to grab Gazzy from behind and pulls him up on the apron. Gazzy responds by reaching over his shoulder to seize Shaw’s head and guillotines him across the ropes…

JT: Gazzy working himself out of a hole there….


Shaw staggers back toward centre ring as Gazzy climbs up onto the top rope but then Shaw rushes forward and collides with the ropes, causing Gazzy to drop into a compromised position…

HE: You caused this Christy….

Shaw slams a vicious uppercut under the jaw of GazzyD and then he grabs him by the throat and launches him off the turnbuckle into a hard slam on the canvass, Gazzy clutches his back…

HE: All of a sudden Christy looks concerned for her husband and she wants Uryu to help…

Christy helps Uryu to his feet and is trying to direct him down to the ring. Uryu staggers onto the ramp and begins to descend…

JT: I’m not sure Uryu is coming to help the champion after what Gazzy did to him...but he is certainly heading to the ring on the hunt for the TV Title…

HE: Just another victim for Ethan Shaw…

Shaw is stomping down on Gazzy and choking him with his boot as Uryu pulls himself up on the apron. Shaw makes a beeline for him as Uryu uses the top rope to nail a step up kick to the head….Shaw staggers back as Uryu springboards in…


Uryu flies through the air but leaps into a pump kick to his injured body as Shaw takes a step back to gauge distance. Shaw then flips him up and nails a “dominator” powerbomb…

HE: Now Christy has two men taking a beating for her….

JT: You say it like this is all Christy’s fault….as though it wasn’t Ethan Shaw who started all of this…

Gazzy uses the ropes to get up but Shaw ducks under him and lifts him into an electric chair position before slamming him down on top of Ishida…

JR: Ethan Shaw in full domination mode now…

Shaw drags Gazzy back up and he scoops him onto his shoulders before running him into the corner and dropping him for “snake eyes” on the turnbuckle. Gazzy sways as Shaw then runs the ropes and returns with a huge big boot that sends the champion through the middle rope to the outside….

JT: Shaw and Uryu all alone in there now….this is how this all began…

HE: And how it will end…

Shaw watches Gazzy fall to the outside and then turns his focus back in Uryu. Ishida is in a lot of discomfort as he gets back to his feet and Shaw ushers him to his feet before charging in….



JT: Uryu almost stole it there….

Uryu leans back and allows Shaw to hit the deck before bridging over him for a nearfall. They scramble back up and Uryu dodges an attack of Shaw before springing onto the turnbuckle. He then jumps into the middle of the ropes and flies back with a tornado DDT takedown…

JR: Uryu defying belief once more….it has become a staple of his career in recent years..

JT: Uryu Ishida could be on the cusp here….from a death-defying crash earlier on to this...nobody would have believed it….SPLIT SECOND!

Uryu heads for the corner and he launches himself off into the 450 splash but he lands across the upturned knees of Shaw, sending him scuttling away. Shaw gets back onto his feet as Christy James has now hurried to ringside to check on her husband….

HE: I’m not sure Gazzy is going to want his wife near him right now…

Gazzy is rubbing his jaw as his wife lays a hand on his shoulder. He looks at her, momentarily, and then he begins to question her about her actions…

JR: Gazzy not impressed at all with his wife being out here….

Christy and Gazzy are deep in discussions but Christy is trying to get her husband back in the ring. Ethan Shaw is back on his feet and he whips Uryu off the ropes before pushing him into the air and sinks a huge uppercut under his chin as he lands…

JT: I don’t think Gazzy is going to be in a hurry to help out Uryu…

JR: Perhaps not but he may not want to save his title reign…

Gazzy points his wife toward the ramp but she seems reluctant to leave. He glares at her and she slowly backs up toward the aisle as he pulls himself onto the apron. He turns away from her and she stops moving…

HE: Defying her husband once again….this is not a good habit for Christy…

Shaw spots Gazzy getting onto the apron and he makes for him but Gazzy shoulder thrusts through the middle ropes into Shaw’s gut. The champion then catapults over the top with a legdrop to the back of Shaw’s neck….Shaw is already trying to get back up as Gazzy rushes back over to him…


Gazzy looks for the inverted twist of fate but Shaw spins out and shoves Gazzy into the turnbuckle before drilling him with a huge chokeslam as he returns…


Uryu sprints in behind and he boots Shaw’s leg out from under him with the fierce kick. Shaw drags himself back up and Ishida targets both legs on three separate occasions to keep him down….Uryu grabs Shaw’s legs and pulls him into place before heading for the corner…

JT: Uryu going for the kill now….

Shaw, although hurting, manages to hobble up and he grabs Uryu by the throat before he can leap. Uryu tries to battle against Shaw’s grip but can’t break it…

JR: He’s going to chokeslam him off the turnbuckle…


Shaw hauls Uryu off the turnbuckle but Ishida manages to wrap his legs around the head of his head in midair and sends him across the mat with a headscissors. They get back up and Uryu dropkicks Shaw’s knees out from under him and then grabs his arm….


Uryu looks for the cross-armbar but Shaw grabs the back of his trunks and throws him down onto the canvass….they both rush for their feet…


Shaw plants Uryu with the codebreaker and transitions immediately into the triangle choke. Uryu’s body thrashes as he tries to break free but he can’t…

JT: Uryu is in serious danger here…

JR: This is how Shaw takes care of business…..GazzyD is going to lose his title and not even know about that…


The crowd are cheering as Christy James gets back up on the apron to distract the referee. Uryu’s body seems to have gone limp but there is no official to make the call. Shaw soon comes to realise what has happened and he releases the hold, fixing his devilish glare upon Christy…

JR: Get out of there, Christy….

HE: She’s going to pay….she never should have been here in the first place…

JT: This whole night is about to take a very sour turn…

Christy seems almost frozen in fear as Shaw rises and moves toward her. He nears the ropes as Christy regains herself and swings a slap at him…

HE: Big mistake…

JR: I don’t think I can watch this…

Shaw catches Christy’s hand and her face whitens with terror. He then grabs a handful of her hair with his other hand…

JT: Let go of her, you piece of (beep)…

HE: Don’t anger him, Jeff, because you’ll be next on the hit list….

Christy is trying to pull away but she can’t as tears fill her eyes. Shaw looks venomous as he prepares to pull her into the ring….


Uryu and Gazzy are both back up and they clatter into Shaw from behind, freeing Christy in the process, before dragging him back toward centre ring and they land a double back suplex. Shaw then gets back up to his feet and eats a tandem superkick to the chest that sends him through the ropes to the outside…

JT: Shaw vanquished, even if momentarily….


Shaw is barely from the ring as Gazzy spins Uryu around and kicks him in the gut….


Uryu spins out and then he leaps up to crunch both of his knees under Gazzy’s jaw. Gazzy staggers into the ropes and comes back into a spinning heel kick…

JR: Uryu just flipped the tables on the champion….a modicum of payback for earlier…

JT: The only payback Uryu wants is Gazzy’s title…

HE: And his missus…

Uryu looks down at Gazzy and then at Christy, who has climbed down off the apron. He then heads for the corner and leaps up top….

JR: GazzyD’s night is about end badly…..Uryu is set here….SPLIT SECOND!

Ethan Shaw is back on the apron and he shoves Uryu off the turnbuckle. Ishida lands across the top rope, rib-first, and flips to the outside in a heap as Christy watches on with worry…

JT: Uryu just crash landed out of this match…

JR: And he’s left GazzyD at the mercy of Ethan Shaw…

Shaw steps back into the ring and he stalks the champion. Gazzy is dazed as he slowly gets back to his feet and Shaw moves in…



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6CW PRESENTS WORLD'S END (Day 2 Results) - January 11th 2021 Empty Re: 6CW PRESENTS WORLD'S END (Day 2 Results) - January 11th 2021

Post by JJJohnson Mon 11 Jan 2021, 7:59 pm

Shaw leaps in but Gazzy succeeds in spinning out so that his opponent lands on the canvass….the champion then grabs the ropes…



JR: I think that may have been the first pin of the entire match….

Gazzy is disappointed but he wastes no time in grabbing Shaw and pulling him back up…


Shaw counters with a backdrop but Gazzy lands out on his feet. He runs to the corner and up the turnbuckle…

JR: Whisper in the wind…..Gazzy turning it up!

Gazzy nails the corkscrew takedown and then he drags Shaw back up…


……...shoulder up!

JT: Gazzy a millisecond away again….

Gazzy sits for a moment and stares at the referee but the official holds up two fingers. The champion gets back to his feet and takes a deep breath…

JR: Gazzy wondering what he needs to do in order to put Shaw away here…

JT: Looking for the most potent weapon in his arsenal….DEEP IMPACT!

*Crowd boo furiously

HE: All legal in a triple threat match….

JR: That doesn’t make it right…

Ethan Shaw responds with a thunderous low-blow that causes Gazzy to drop down in a heap next to him. Both men are taking their time to recover as Christy gets back on the apron to remonstrate with the referee about Shaw’s actions…

HE: You got away once Christy, why tempt fate again? Just get backstage…

JT: For once I agree with you, Henry…

JR: Christy is putting herself right in the fire here…

Ethan Shaw takes a few more moments to get himself together and then rises, staring straight at Christy as he does so. Christy and the referee are still arguing…

JT: I have a bad feeling about this…..


Gazzy, although winded, senses the imminent danger and hauls himself up. He attempts to blindside Shaw but the challenge is aware of him coming and sidesteps out of the way, causing Gazzy to slam into his wife…



Uryu is back on his feet and instinctively catches Christy in his arms before she hits the concrete floor. Gazzy is shook from the collision but his eyes then widen as he sees Uryu holding his wife…

JR: Gazzy may just blow a gasket….

HE: That’s about to be the least of his worries…...CODEBREAKER!

Gazzy is suddenly spun around and drilled by the codebreaker from Ethan Shaw, transitioned straight into the triangle choke. Uryu seems torn but sets Christy down safely and dives for the ring…

Ding ding ding

JT: Too late…

Michael Bird: Ladies and gentlemen, here is your winner……….AND NEW 6CW TELEVISION CHAMPION…….Eeeeeeeeettttttthhhhhaaaaaannnnnnnn Shhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwww!

HE: Yes, I knew he’d do it….I just knew it…

JT: Gazzy was out….there was no escape for the champion and he had no choice….

HE: I’m not sure if the submission rendered him unconscious or the sight of Uryu groping his wife…

JR: Maybe a bit of both….shocking revelations here at World’s End as Ethan Shaw wins the TV Championship in his first ever PPV match…

Uryu slides into the ring on his knees and stays there as the referee calls for the bell. Ethan Shaw is kneeling, too, and facing Ishida with a dark expression on his face whilst Gazzy lies in the middle of them….

JT: Ethan Shaw promised victory here tonight and he has delivered on that… the process he seems to have created further cracks in the developing love triangle between GazzyD, Uryu Ishida and Christy James….

HE: Look at Uryu acting as though he wants to fight Shaw…..he should be thankful he got off lightly tonight and let Gazzy take the beating….he was busy touching up Christy whilst Gazzy got choked out….

JR: He saved Christy from a bad fall….I think Uryu is being done dirty here with your portrayal….he has never done anything untoward….he was pursued by Shaw to begin with and he was double crossed by Gazzy on two different occasions tonight….the only thing he didn’t do was win the match…

HE: That’s right he didn’t, Ethan Shaw did….the new TV Champion….

JT: And I think if Shaw and Uryu’s paths are to cross again it won’t be tonight….

The referee hands the TV Title to Shaw and he snatches it before rolling out into the aisleway. Christy James is now in the ring, looking tearful, and she takes a knee beside her husband…

HE: You caused this, Christy, this is all on you….

JT: What a ridiculous thing to say….

HE: If she hadn’t been flirting with Uryu then Gazzy would never have been dragged into this….if she hadn’t been out here tonight then Uryu would never of had to catch her and Gazzy wouldn’t of been choked out….it’s all on her, whether directly or indirectly….

Ethan Shaw smirks and slings his newly won belt over his shoulder before backing up the rampway. Gazzy is slowly coming around as Christy helps him to his feet….

JR: I have a feeling that Gazzy isn’t going to be impressed with his visitors here…

Gazzy is a blurry eyed and a little unsteady on his feet as he looks at Christy and then at Uryu. Christy is trying to talk with her husband but he points at her and then at Uryu and back again, becoming more and more agitated by the second….

JT: Gazzy really is irate here…

JR: He just lost his title….you can see why he would be…

Christy is trying to reason but Gazzy isn’t having any of it. Uryu moves closer and raises his arm in an apologetic manner but Gazzy slaps it away…

HE: Here we go….

Gazzy steps into Uryu’s personal space and they go nose to nose. The two men are talking quickly and the air is bristling with animosity as Christy tries to get in between them…

HE: She just doesn’t know when to back off….OH!

JR: An accident but still….this is getting out of hand…

Christy puts her hand on Gazzy’s arm but he reacts, instinctively, and throws her away so that she falls to the floor. Both men turn toward her in shock but it is Uryu who moves toward her first..

HE: Wrong move…

There is a mixed reaction from the crowd as Gazzy suddenly pulls Uryu back and kicks him in the stomach before delivering “Deep Impact”. Gazzy just kneels there and then looks at Christy, who doesn’t know how to react….

JT: GazzyD just levelled Uryu…

HE: Not before time…

JR: I’m not sure Christy sees it that way….or 50% of this audience…

Gazzy gets to his feet, leaving Uryu flat, and he looks at Christy for a long moment before offering his hand. She doesn’t move for a moment, showing trepidation, but after some deliberation she accepts and allows her husband to lead her from the ring…

JT: Christy leaving with her husband…

HE: She had to think about it…

JR: It’s been an emotional rollercoaster of a night…

GazzyD doesn’t even look back as he storms up the ramp with his wife in tow. When they reach the stage Christy turns back and looks as Uryu gets to one knee..

JT: I don’t think this one is over by a long way…..not at all...


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6CW PRESENTS WORLD'S END (Day 2 Results) - January 11th 2021 Empty Re: 6CW PRESENTS WORLD'S END (Day 2 Results) - January 11th 2021

Post by JJJohnson Mon 11 Jan 2021, 8:11 pm

*Robin Reborn/Ojore & Drake are standing backstage ready to give an interview to Timothy Allen. Renier Grohl then enters the fray with security, all wearing masks. The Wolf Gang look bemused until Grohl informs them that Ojore & Drake have failed COVID tests and must leave immediately. Reborn is free to compete as his test came back negative. Drake and Ojore want to protest but Grohl says this will turn into a police matter if they don't comply. Reborn is irate and blaming the corrupt establishment as his cohorts leave. Reborn tells Timothy Allen to shut up and promises that he who laughs last, laughs loudest before walking away.

*Jackson Jackson swaggers into shot with a smirk and hints that he faked the COVID tests, which draws a laugh from Timothy Allen. Jackson says Reborn came after him but he doesn't quite understand the severity of the situation he has started. Jackson says it is all jokes and (beeping) in someone's clubhouse but when the bell sounds all the jokes stop and that is when (beep) gets real. Jackson says there is two world titles on offer now and he'll have at least one of them by time Night of Glory arrives. Tim Allen asks about tonight's main event and asks for a prediction. Jackson says PJ wins by way of bodybag and walks off, rubbing the side of his head where CJ bit him.

*An advert plays
Sunday 14th March, 2021

*GazzyD and Christy are arguing in the backstage area. Gazzy is laying the blame at his wife's door for him losing his title. Christy is crying as Gazzy tells her it is time for her to make a choice


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6CW PRESENTS WORLD'S END (Day 2 Results) - January 11th 2021 Empty Re: 6CW PRESENTS WORLD'S END (Day 2 Results) - January 11th 2021

Post by JJJohnson Mon 11 Jan 2021, 8:11 pm

Bout 3
Jackson Jackson vs Robin Reborn

JT: I don’t know whether to laugh or applaud Jackson Jackson’s ingenuity….

JR: The prankster of 6CW has done it again…

HE: He’s an idiot and I can’t believe 6CW management have fallen for it….what an outrage…

JT: All talent were subjected to COVID tests for this event in compliance with Government regulations and if Ojore & Drake’s tests say they are positive then they can’t be here….it is very simple…

HE: But Jackson doctored the test results…

JR: Renier Grohl doesn’t know that, not yet anyway…

JT: So for the first time in a long time Robin Reborn must come out here alone and attempt to get the job done without his Wolf Gang buddies…

The lights dim and a lone spotlight hits the stage. A howl fills the air before “Sandwitches” echoes out of the speaker. Robin Reborn then appears in the entranceway with a dark scowl on his face…

JR: Robin Reborn doesn’t look happy, not at all….

HE: And he has all justification in that….he has been screwed over…

JT: Robin Reborn claims to be a top tier athlete…..if he wants to be 6CW Champion again in the future then he needs to prove he doesn’t need backup in every single fight….

HE: He doesn’t “need” the backup…..I’ve told you before that the “Wolf Gang” are a collective and they exist as one….they’re fight is bigger than you could ever comprehend…

JT: Yeah we’ve heard it all before….they’re fighting to change the “injustice” of professional wrestling…..

HE: Yes they are….

JT: Well they’ll need a position of power to do that and that means winning top tier bouts such as this one…..Reborn may not have his “collective” tonight so that means the pressure is all on him…

Reborn bounces from one foot to the other and then begins his stride to ringside. He leaps up onto the apron and climbs onto the turnbuckle, soaking in the reaction of the audience…

JR: Robin Reborn was once adored by the 6CW Universe….he still has his fans but the popularity is no longer universal…

HE: Who gives a damn….Reborn is fighting for truth and righteousness….if the idiot fans can’t see that then he doesn’t need them….fortunately there are some of us who are woke enough to appreciate the reality of the situation…

Reborn backflips off the ropes into the ring as “Take me to the hospital” rips through the airwaves and the crowd goes wild…

JT: Another former world champion looking to get himself back into title contention….this is a huge night for both of these men…

JR: But there’s only room for one of them to move forward tonight….

HE: And that will be Robin Reborn….I was always a Jackson Jackson fan but he became too engrossed with being a fan favourite and, like so many before him, he lost sight of what mattered….

JR: Jackson will be the first to admit his form has tailed off since losing the world title but he is still one of the most impressive performers on this roster….if he can hit his stride once more then I envisage more big success for him in the future…

JT: Jackson, like a few others on the roster, has also been dealing with the fallout of Clarke James’ transformation in recent weeks….he won’t use it as an excuse….

HE: Nor should he…

JT: Maybe not but there is no doubting it has had a profound effect on all involved….let’s not forget that just a couple of weeks before Christmas that Clarke James tried to bite Jackson’s eye out of his head….

HE: Dramatic much?

JT: We all witnessed it, Henry….don’t try and downplay it….Jackson could have been seriously injured, even disfigured….

JR: Which in turn is the reason we are here tonight….

HE: The reason we are here is because Jackson threatened to defecate in the Wolf Gang’s new HQ…

JR: After they mocked him for his issues with Clarke James….these two men have traded verbals and now is the time for it to become physical….

JT: All trash talking aside this has all the makings of a great bout….

Jackson pauses at the base of the ring and he smirks as the referee is forced to keep Reborn at bay, the leader of the Wolf Gang talking trash in the direction of his opponent…

JR: Reborn still wound tight about Ojore and Drake not being here to back him up…

JT: Let’s just hope he puts as much energy into fighting as he does running his mouth….

Jackson mockingly shoos Reborn backward as he climbs onto the apron and steps into the ring. The referee reads both men the riot act…

JR: You can feel the tension building inside Hampden Park in preparation for the upcoming main event but this really does have the potential to steal the show….two superstars with fan friendly styles…

The bell sounds as both men circle and Reborn keeps up the war of words. They weave in and out before locking up in the centre of the ring…

JT: There’s very little to pick in terms of stature when it comes to these two….similar styles as well….

JR: Should blend well…

Jackson quickly yanks Reborn into a side headlock but then RR drives back into the ropes and shoots Jackson across the ring. Reborn drops into a plank and Jackson is forced to jump over him on the return before Reborn then leapfrogs over his foe on the second return. Jackson comes off the ropes for a third time and both men leap into dropkicks….

JT: Both had the same idea and neither just about managed the execution….

The boots of both men collide and then they scramble back up. Reborn rushes forward but Jackson sidesteps and pushes RR off the ropes again before swinging a roundhouse on the comeback….Reborn catches Jackson’s foot and then flips him backward but JJ lands on his feet just before Reborn dives through the air and catches him with a hurricanrana…

JR: High speed start to this contest….

Jackson is back up and Reborn forward rolls into a dropkick that sends his opponent into the corner. Reborn sprints and dives through the air with a bionic elbow to the top of Jackson’s skull, dropping him into a seated position….

HE: Not struggling too much without the rest of the Wolf Gang is he?

Reborn stares down at Jackson and then he does a lap of the ring and sprints back in before diving into a slide for a corner clothesline….

JT: Jackson scouted that one…..Reborn almost knocked himself out on the bottom turnbuckle….

Jackson rolls out onto the apron as Reborn smacks his face on the padding and lays sprawled on the deck. Jackson gets up and catapults back in with a plancha across the body of his opponent….

JR: Jackson looking to get his own foothold in this match now….he hasn’t been able to get started as of yet…

Reborn gets back to his feet and Jackson nails him with a European uppercut and then lifts him into an inverted atomic drop. He grabs Reborn’s wrist and whips him to the corner but Reborn leaps onto the turnbuckle and twists back…

JT: Jackson caught him…

JJ manages to catch Reborn on his shoulders in midair and they stumble a little before he succeeds in nailing a cradled slam…………….1…………………...2……………..shoulder up!

JR: Jackson did so well to gauge Reborn’s trajectory there and he is going to need plenty of that tonight if he wants to get the victory…

Jackson grabs Reborn by the head and he drags him up to a standing position….

JT: Reborn may just get JACKED OFF….

Reborn elbows his way free of Jackson’s grip before he can be scooped up and then he nails a double thrusted palm strike to the chest that sends Jackson against the ropes before dropping him with a crane kick as his foe returns…

JR: Straight out of the Karate Kid….

Reborn looks down on his opponent and then he runs the ropes and forward rolls back….


Reborn looks for a rolling thunder into a standing frogsplash but Jackson drives his knees up the final moment and winds Reborn in the process. Jackson struggles back to his feet and he drags Reborn into a double hooked tiger suplex…



JR: It’s Jackson who has come closest here in the early going but he’s had to sustain plenty of damage already himself….

Jackson takes a deep breath and then nods at the cheers from the crowd. He helps Reborn up and looks for a suplex but Reborn floats over the back….


JT: Looking through the old playbook….

Reborn looks for the “zigzag” neckbreaker but Jackson grabs the top rope at the final moment to protect himself send RR crashing to the floor. Reborn rolls onto his knees and Jackson slams a vicious buzzsaw kick against his temple before hauling him back up into a vertical suplex….

JR: Channelling his inner Guerrero here….

The crowd applaud as Jackson swivels his hips and he gets Reborn up twice more to complete the hat-trick of suplexes. He kneels for a moment to appreciate the audience’s reaction before heading for the ropes….

JT: Jackson Jackson has crafted his first big opening of the bout…..he’s got a Jacksault on his mind….

JR: Hits this and it is going to take some effort from Reborn to kick out….

HE: Reborn is far from done…

Jackson is climbing the ropes but Reborn somehow drags himself up off the canvass to swipe Jackson’s legs and cause him to fall on his stomach on the top of the turnbuckle. Jackson turns his body around to face the inside of the ring, preventing himself from falling down on the canvass….

JR: I don’t know how Reborn got up so quickly…

JT: Oh he’s hurting after those suplexes but he recognised the danger he was in…

Reborn draws boos from the crowd as he slaps Jackson across the face and then climbs up onto the turnbuckle. Jackson responds with a stiff European uppercut but then Reborn seizes him in a clinch before driving his knee up into Jackson’s jaw….

JR: That knee sent Jackson a little loopy….




Crowd: Holy (beep) x10


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6CW PRESENTS WORLD'S END (Day 2 Results) - January 11th 2021 Empty Re: 6CW PRESENTS WORLD'S END (Day 2 Results) - January 11th 2021

Post by JJJohnson Mon 11 Jan 2021, 8:12 pm

Jackson sways back on the turnbuckle as Reborn stands up on the top rope and then twists into a wheelbarrow position and front flips off, dragging Jackson off with him into a ring-shaking wheelbarrow bomb…..Reborn looks almost stunned by his own move but shrugs off his own pain to make the cover….

HE: Jackson is finished….

JT: Robin Reborn putting on a show here at World’s End!




Reborn is sat in disbelief as the referee indicates a definitive two count. Jackson coughs and splutters on the canvass as Reborn gets to his feet…

HE: Keep it cool, Robin...he’s no match for you….all you have to do is show that to this unappreciative world….

Reborn looks annoyed as he gets back to his feet and he presses a finger to his lips to silence the audience before he pulls Jackson back to his feet…

HE: That may not have got the job done but this will…...GOD’S LAST GIFT!

Reborn looks for the hooked suplex but Jackson spins free and kicks him in the gut. Jackson then yells “Superkick” but Reborn knows what to expect and jumps into the air…

JR: Reborn knows that Jackson always goes for the knees with that move….


Reborn lands on his feet once more and Jackson kicks him in the face for good measure, staggering him into the ropes. Reborn comes forward again and Jackson pulls him into a wrist clutched flip that results in a bridged cradle pin…………………..1……………………..2………………..shoulder up!

JR: Jackson almost tricked the leader of the Wolf Gang right there…

Reborn gets back to his feet and Jackson storms toward him but RR drops his shoulder and backdrops his opponent over the ropes onto the apron. Jackson lands on his feet and grabs at Reborn but eats a spinning back hook kick to the jaw that sends him down to the floor below…

JT: A little chance for Reborn to regain his composure here….take a breather…

HE: He’s fine….what he really wants is to teach Jackson a lesson…

The referee wants to keep RR in the ring but he isn’t interested, leaping out onto the apron. Jackson is down on the floor as Reborn jumps off with a double stomp to his back….

JR: Reborn is really starting to dial it up now…..

Jackson yells out in pain and then Reborn hauls him up and throws him back into the ring. The crowd are booing as Reborn turns back to them once more and raises his arms, welcoming the abuse…

HE: Robin Reborn is not here to be popular figure…..sooner or later everyone is going to conform to his way of thinking….he is doing what is necessary to instigate change in this business…

JR: Maybe, maybe not….but what he needs to do right now is focus on the match and not goading the fans…

Reborn smirks and then he turns away and pulls himself back up onto the apron….


Crowd: That was awe-some x10

JR: I’m not sure how either man carries on after that….

Reborn is back on the apron when Jackson runs across and flips over the top rope into a sunset flip powerbomb that drives Reborn down into the concrete floor below, his head snapping off the ground as he does so. Jackson Jackson just sits there, eyes glazed….

JT: Robin Reborn may be out cold…..Jackson Jackson’s tailbone must be bruised to high hell….

JR: An alarming crash landing there for both men but Reborn clearly suffered the brunt of it…

HE: You think? That was sickening to watch…

JT: Reborn played to the crowd too much….he allowed Jackson time to recoup and there is the consequence of that action….

The referee is on the outside checking on both men and finally Jackson is able to get to his feet, moving gingerly. Reborn is still doubled over in pain but Jackson pulls him up and throws him into the ring…

JR: Reborn is hurting badly here and Jackson can take full advantage of that….

Jackson rolls inside and he stumbles over to Reborn before getting him to a standing base…

JT: Jackson looking to end this now…..Reborn is getting JACKED OFF!



Reborn, somehow, manages to flip over the shoulder of Jackson before he can hit his finisher and then nails the “zigzag” neckbreaker. Reborn is bleary eyed but manages to throw an arm onto his opponent’s chest….


JT: Jackson fights on… have to believe that if Reborn had been more conscious then that would have been much more difficult to kick out off….

Reborn rolls back over on his knees and his back moves up and down as he sucks in deep breaths. He then gets to his feet and makes his way to the ropes, climbing out onto the apron….

JR: Performances like tonight show that Reborn does not need Ojore & Drake with him at all times….this is what he is capable of….


Reborn springboards through the air for the “phenomenal” forearm but leaps straight into a midair discus elbow smash from Jackson. JJ quickly drags Reborn up and charges toward the corner, running up the ropes…


Jackson lands the “shiranui” and he pulls Reborn away from the ropes to cover…………..1……………….2……………...kickout again from RR!

JR: Both of these men are now starting to find the heavy artillery….

JT: It’s just going to come down to who can select the right tool in the right time….

Jackson gets up and he looks down at Reborn, who is on his knees, and he seizes both of his arms before pulling him into a stiff knee smash to the face (ala Ibushi). Reborn just sways on the spot and Jackson drags him back up and suplexes him into a neckbreaker across his knee….

JR: Rough offence there from Jackson Jackson….

JT: Did what he wanted it to, though…..Reborn is in bad shape….

JR: Door is open and Jackson is walking right on through…..JACKSAULT!

HE: Nooooo….


Jackson is up the turnbuckle and he nods at the reception of the crowd before landing the incredible double rotation moonsault from on high….

JR: Jackson Jackson is about to kickstart his career…



There are shocked faces all around but none more so than Jackson Jackson, who can’t quite believe that his opponent managed it. Jackson doesn’t even question the referee as he knows what occurred….

JR: One of the biggest moves in the Jackson arsenal but Reborn was equal to it….sensational stuff….

Jackson gets back to his feet and he stumbles against the ropes, which keeps him upright, before beckoning for RR to stand again. Reborn is, obviously, slow to rise but eventually he does….


JT: Jackson worked on his ground game plenty on 2020….

Jackson locks his hands in place and he drags Reborn down to the canvass for the submission. He is just about to lock his legs for the body scissors but Reborn manages to roll backward and ends up on top of his foe…………………..1…………………..2………………..kickout!

JR: Jackson very nearly allowed himself to be pinned there…..Reborn countered beautifully….

They both scramble back up and Jackson jumps into the air but Reborn catches his legs and slams him back down onto the mat….

HE: Sharpshooter…..

Jackson thrashes from side to side and then manages to plant both feet against Reborn’s chest and shoves him into the turnbuckle. Jackson gets back up to his feet as Reborn rolls out and then leaps into an enzeguiri that lands on the temple...Jackson staggers against the turnbuckle and Reborn runs in with a brutal helluva kick to the face….

JT: That turned out the lights on Jackson….he’s down here…

Jackson takes a couple of steps out of the corner and then drops to the mat. Reborn stares at him for a moment and then heads for the corner….

JR: Reborn knows this is his chance….if he hits it, if he hits it….


The flashbulbs go off as Reborn launches himself into the incredible shooting star press and he lands flush across the chest of Jackson Jackson, bouncing off and rolling in pain after impact….

JT: The effects of this match catching up with Reborn….

HE: You can suffer afterward, Robin...make the cover….

Reborn sucks it in as he drags himself across the canvass and drapes his arm………………….1……………………..2…………………….3!


Reborn screams and yells at the referee as the crowd’s noise level grows after Jackson manages to throw a shoulder up once again. Reborn is far from impressed as he gets to his feet….

JT: Robin Reborn is not used to this…..that move served him so well during his days as world champion…

JR: It is still an exceptional move but Jackson Jackson is finding an inner mettle tonight….he wants this W badly….

HE: He won’t be getting it….I assure you…..Reborn just needs to keep a level head….

Reborn stomps down on Jackson’s body repeatedly until the referee intervenes. RR and the referee exchange words before Reborn pulls Jackson back up and just scoop slams him onto the mat again. Reborn shakes his head at Jackson and then heads for the corner….

JR: If at first you don’t succeed…..

HE: Joshua didn’t survive this at Night of Glory all those years ago so Jackson Jackson won’t either….BECAUSE THE INTERNET!

Reborn gets on top again and prepares for the twisting shooting star but Jackson manages to rise and he runs to the corner and swipes RR’s feet just in time. Jackson pulls himself up onto the ropes…

JT: Jackson fighting through the pain barrier here….looking to create his opening…...FOUND IT!


More applause and more flashbulbs as Jackson stands tall on the top rope before delivering a sensational top rope “Spanish Fly” that smashes Reborn down into the canvass…..Jackson is on his knees for a few seconds before hooking both legs….

JR: From the brink of defeat to victory….



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6CW PRESENTS WORLD'S END (Day 2 Results) - January 11th 2021 Empty Re: 6CW PRESENTS WORLD'S END (Day 2 Results) - January 11th 2021

Post by JJJohnson Mon 11 Jan 2021, 8:13 pm


HE: NOT TODAY….OH NOT TODAY…..Robin Reborn won’t be denied, he will not have the Wolf Gang’s mission derailed…

Reborn kicks out and once again there is shock all around Hampden Park. Jackson gets back to his feet and he shushes the crowd as he grabs Reborn’s hand and snaps his fingers back…

JT: Jackson knows how close he has come….he knows that Reborn is weakened here…

HE: He’s weak himself…

JR: Both men have given so much in this contest….but what can either pull out of the bag to end proceedings?

Jackson places Reborn’s hand flat on the canvass and stomps on it. Reborn’s cries of pain fill the air before Jackson drags him back up and flips him into the air….

JT: Power….NO!

Reborn counters the powerbomb attempt into a hurricanrana that sends Jackson to the corner. RR gets back up and he sprints in but Jackson uses his momentum to lift him up and drops him across the top turnbuckle….Jackson pulls Reborn out….

JR: Reborn seeing stars….

JT: And now he’s getting JACKED OFF!


Jackson flips Reborn around with the pumphandle into the flatliner but Reborn lands on his feet and immediately drills JJ with a “Wing Clipper”…..the crowd are stunned as Reborn rolls out onto the apron….

HE: That is why Robin Reborn is one of the best in the world…..why he’ll be world champion again… can’t teach counters like that….

JT: That took all the wind from Jackson’s sails….he didn’t see it coming….

JR: Always the worst….


Jackson manages to get back to his feet but he stands straight into a springboard “phenomenal” forearm from Reborn. Reborn dismisses the reaction of the audience as he hauls Jackson up again…

HE: This is it….GOD’S LAST GIFT!



JR: That is damn impressive…..Reborn may not be my cup of tea but that was exceptional….

JT: Big, big win here for Robin Reborn at World’s End...he went it alone and he has defeated Jackson Jackson in a thriller….

HE: I told you he would….you all doubted it but Robin Reborn proved his credentials, as though he even had to…..

JR: Jackson fought valiantly…..he’s far from done at the top level in 6CW….but Reborn had his number here tonight and the rise of the Wolf continues….

JT: A quite simply brilliant bout and both men came within touching distance of the win but when it ended it was Robin Reborn who dug deeper and came out on top….

JR: It took all three of Reborn’s finishers to end this bout which just shows how tough Jackson Jackson really is…

HE: I hope the 6CW locker-room were paying close attention there because Robin Reborn just sent his most powerful message yet…..Ojore and Drake always create a formidable barrier but the leader of the Wolf Gang showed it is just as dangerous when you step beyond…

“Sandwitches” is playing out as the referee raises Robin Reborn’s arm whilst Jackson slumps at his feet. Reborn bows his head and raises his own arm before dropping to one knee….

JR: Robin Reborn is going to be targetting the top tier after tonight so it is only fitting that our next bout, the main event, will tell us who is leaving World’s End with the 6CW Championship….

JT: Marshall Murdoch remains World Champion in Recess so tonight we crown an Interim Champion….

HE: Murdoch isn’t coming back….tonight we crown a new world champion and that man’s name will be Clarke James….

JR: We are just minutes away, folks, so do not go anywhere because this promises to be as highly-charged and personal as it gets…...Clarke James, Perfect Jack…...Interim 6CW Championship on the line….coming next!


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6CW PRESENTS WORLD'S END (Day 2 Results) - January 11th 2021 Empty Re: 6CW PRESENTS WORLD'S END (Day 2 Results) - January 11th 2021

Post by JJJohnson Mon 11 Jan 2021, 8:24 pm

*Backstage and Perfect Jack is with Timothy Allen and Daniel Reilly. Reilly says it is time for PJ to do his thing and they embrace before Reilly leaves. PJ tells TA that tonight he's not going to stand here and feel sorry for himself or go over the issues with CJ for the thousandth time. PJ knows the man he is facing tonight is not his "brother" or the man he once trusted with his life. He knows CJ would end his career in an instant so he needs to go out there with the same energy and do unto others before they do to him. PJ says the doctors still don't know what CJ threw in his eyes at Proving Grounds but the pain still hasn't subsided and his vision is not fully restored. That being said PJ knows he's better than CJ and James knows it too, hence why he tried to take him out. Jack says he won't be done like Murdoch or even Jackson because he knows James is coming and that means he has the upper hand. Jack promises to get even tonight en route to winning his second world title. He promises to be the true representative that 6CW deserves. PJ doesn't want to talk about Kramer or the 6WF Title and he doesn't want to be drawn on Night of Glory either. He says tonight his only focus is Clarke James and the 6CW Championship and that is the worst news CJ could ever have received.

*We get a shot of The Empire's celebrations whilst they prepare to watch the main event. We see various members of the 6CW roster doing the same and then we see Clarke James sat on a bench in his own locker-room. It is completely silent as CJ just sits and stares, the mystery bag by his side. CJ has rosary beads around his knuckles and is twirling them in and out as a knock comes at the door and he is informed that it is time to go. He rises and looks at the bag but then decides to leave it and heads for ringside.

*An advert plays
Sunday July 25th 2021


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6CW PRESENTS WORLD'S END (Day 2 Results) - January 11th 2021 Empty Re: 6CW PRESENTS WORLD'S END (Day 2 Results) - January 11th 2021

Post by JJJohnson Mon 11 Jan 2021, 8:25 pm

Main Event
Interim 6CW Championship
Clarke James vs Perfect Jack

JT: I will never forget the chilling end to Born in Fire as long I live….the cold, soulless expression on Clarke James’ face after nearly blinding his former best friend….

HE: Born in Fire was the night that Clarke James announced himself a legitimate contender for the first time in his career and tonight he completes that journey by becoming the 6CW Champion…

JR: Interim…

HE: For now…

ding ding

Michael Bird: Ladies and gentlemen, it is now time for the MAIN EVENT OF THE EVENING!

*Crowd pop

MB: One fall to a finish for the 6CW Interim World Heavyweight Championship!

*More cheers from the audience

JT: We’ve been building up to this all weekend and now here we are….the main event for the chance to be known as the man in 6CW….these two men earned the right but only one can leave as world champion…

The lights in the arena dim right down to blackness and then a light seems to pulse through the air, growing brighter by the second. The word “Judas” appears on the big screen before “Blind Faith” screams out to tumultuous boos from the 6CW crowd.

MB: Introducing first….from Westminster, London…..weighing in at 214 pounds…..Clllllaaaarrrrkkkkeeee Jaaaaammmmmeeeessss!

JR: The man of the moment, for all the wrong reasons…….Clarke James’ barbaric attack on Marshall Murdoch at Born in Fire was followed up by savage assaults on more of his former friends including Jackson Jackson and, tonight’s opponent, Perfect Jack….CJ has completely abandoned any discernible shadow of the man he used to be….

HE: Because that man was a loser….and this version of Clarke James is a winner, a winner who is finally going to get his hands on the world title….

JT: CJ was mooted as a world champion ever since he joined 6WF over ten years ago but it never happened….he’s had a highly successful career despite that but it’s not enough…

HE: Of course it isn’t…..CJ has been forced to remain in the shadows behind men like Hero, JJ Johnson and then Marshall Murdoch….especially Murdoch…

JR: CJ did everything to support Marshall during his title reign but his friend’s snub was the final nail in the coffin….

HE: Murdoch was an ungrateful swine who deserved what he got…..he would never of won that title without Clarke and yet he had the audacity to tell him to stay away and keep out of his business…

JT: Marshall was grateful but he wanted to make it on his own and prove himself a worthy champion….Clarke took that personally and we all know what happened after that…

JR: Murdoch is still trying to recover his sight whilst CJ is looking to get his hands on the title….

JT: And if Marshall can’t return then CJ will be upgraded to full champion…

HE: Which is fitting as he is the man who took out Murdoch…

The cameras pan in but can’t get a good look at CJ’s face as he stands at the top of the ramp with his hood up. James slowly raises his head, ignoring the crowd’s response, and then makes his way down to ringside…

JR: Clarke James has been involved in one other match for the 6CW Championship and ironically that was during his tag team days with Perfect Jack….they were unsuccessful in wresting the belt from Cerberus on that night but here this evening is his first ever singles bout for the biggest prize in our company….

HE: Which means he’ll have a a perfect record when this one is over….

CJ just stands in the middle of the ring and soaks up the atmosphere, his hood still up, as the crowd boo and the music blares. He begins to unzip his jacket but then raises his head again as “Perfection” blasts through the airwaves…

MB: And his opponent………..from Robbinsdale, Minnesota…..weighing in at 260 pounds…….Peeeerrrrrffffffeeeeeecccctttttt Jaaaaaacccccckkkkkkkkk!

JT: Every single fan inside Hampden Park on their feet for the arrival of the Perfect One….

JR: Former 6CW Champion….Perfect Jack knows what it takes to climb to the mountain top…

HE: Ten years ago….

JR: You don’t forget….and on that fateful night at Born in Fire it was Perfect Jack in the opposite corner to Marshall Murdoch when CJ attacked…

HE: A match he lost….

JR: I’m not disputing that but PJ did make Marshall tap in that bout….had the referee not been unconscious then PJ would already be the full champion…

JT: And then, no doubt, he’d be the target of CJ’s ire instead of Murdoch…...perhaps that glass bottle would have exploded in his face instead….

JR: Jack hasn’t got off lightly as it is…..he’s still struggling with his sight after CJ threw that unknown substance in his eyes at Proving Grounds….we have no idea what was in it and PJ’s eye is still swollen…

JT: Yet another mark of CJ’s darkening mind….once upon a time he and Jack were Co- UK/International & Tag Team Champions….it was CJ’s most successful run in 6CW and they came within an inch, literally, of being Co-World Champions too……

HE: CJ said he would never forgive PJ for turning him into a comedy act and that he will make him pay for that here tonight…

JR: It’s the happiest I have seen Clarke James…..he moved in social circles with the likes of Jackson Jackson and Max Adamson, he was adored by the audience….but underneath the surface I believe this side of him has always bubbled, just waiting to boil over…

JT: And that’s why we have reached that point here tonight…...these two men were once the best of friends but now they are enemies on the quest for the biggest prize in 6CW….only one can claim it but who will it be?

Purple and silver pyros shoot into the air as PJ strides out onto the stage. The cameras pan in on his determined face and we get a good view of his swollen and puffy eye. Both eyes are open but it is clear that one is compromised…

HE: I’m amazed they even allowed PJ to compete…..a one eyed man has no chance of beating Clarke James….a man in the form of his life…

JR: A man that will not hesitate to blind his opponent to get the win, you mean?

HE: CJ will do whatever it takes….you should admire that….

JR: I don’t admire any man willing to bite his opponent’s flesh or break bottles in their faces…..that goes beyond competition….stepping in the ring with Clarke James has become a fight for your life…

JT: And that’s exactly what this has become….Perfect Jack is coming out here to win the Interim 6CW Championship but he knows he needs to protect himself at all times…..Clarke James doesn’t just want to beat him tonight, he wants to end him….he wants him to suffer the same way Marshall Murdoch suffered…

JR: PJ knows that isn’t his friend in there…..that man has long gone…...this truly is mortal combat…...AND HERE WE GO!


PJ reaches the bottom of the ramp and he and CJ stare at one another for a long moment before Jack breaks into a sprint. CJ throws off his jacket and storms forward but PJ dives under the bottom rope and through his legs. Jack is up and off the opposite ropes as James turns around and he floors him with a huge clothesline…

JR: Jack is all kinds of fired up and can you blame him…..this man tried to take his sight…

JT: And PJ knows he needs a quick start….he potentially needs to end this early because we don’t know the extent of the damage to his eye or how that may hinder him going forward…

HE: Even with two good eyes he couldn’t beat CJ….

JR: Jack has made a career out of beating the very best in the world...he’ll have full confidence going into this one…

CJ is soon back to his feet and the crowd “Woooo” as PJ lashes three brutal chops into his chest, leaving deep red welts, before whipping him off the ropes. James comes back and is hiptossed to the canvass before rising again and he’s snapmared down into a seated position….PJ kicks him in the spine and then runs the ropes and returns with a brutal kick to the mouth…

JT: This is as physical as I’ve seen PJ in a long, long time….it’s do or die here….he knows that….

CJ tries to get up as PJ slams elbows down into his back and then he pushes him against the ropes. He slams the palm of his hand against James’ chest before unloading with more and more vicious chops….

JR: Look at James’ chest….

There is blood on the chest of CJ from where the skin has been ribbed away. His head slumps but PJ lifts it up again and stares him dead in the eye..

JT: Jack wants CJ to know that it’s him doing this...returning the favour…

PJ grabs CJ’s wrist and looks for an Irish whip but James twists inside him and pulls him to centre ring….


Jack slams repeated elbows into James’ head until he releases and then he runs at him and decks him with a one-armed twisting neckbreaker…………...1…………………….2……………...shoulder up!

JR: CJ had one little glimmer but apart from that he’s not even had a sniff….PJ has been all over him…

PJ drags CJ up and attempts to score with a hangman’s facebuster but CJ succeeds in shoving away to the corner and rolls out of the ring…

HE: James didn’t even get a minute to settle into this….

JR: Oh boo-hoo…..CJ didn’t give Marshall a minute, or Jackson or PJ….

CJ is shaking his head with his hands on his hips as the referee orders him back into the ring. The official is ready to begin his count but PJ is in no mood to wait around and leaps out after his opponent. He runs around the ring after him and closes in….


CJ anticipates PJ behind him and he moves a half step to the side before throwing him at the ring apron, where PJ’s head collides with the solid wood…

JR: Oh my….that eye has swollen in an instant…

PJ staggers back toward the ringside barrier and is pawing at his eye repeatedly. He eventually moves his hand away and it become apparent that he has suffered a serious haematoma….

HE: He looks like the Elephant Man…

JT: This is no joking matter….PJ is in a serious way here…

The referee has climbed from the ring and is immediately in deep conversation with PJ about whether he can continue or not. Jack is adamant and insistent that he’s good to go, despite only having one eye….

JR: We knew coming in that the eye of Perfect Jack was compromised but we had no idea that one shot like that would cause this….

HE: This bout needs to be stopped…

JT: Jack is a one eyed man in an a55 kicking contest and I have never seen many worse injuries than that….I’m not sure how he is supposed to carry on here…

JR: The referee is calling in a medic because he has a similar view…

Jack wants to get back in the ring but the referee pushes him back against the barrier whilst the EMT arrives. The doctor shines a light at Jack’s eye but cannot get past the swelling….he brings out a endswell to try and open it but to no avail…

JT: This has to be stopped…..

The medic is in discussion with the referee and Perfect Jack. Jack is nodding his head and the medic says something in turn to the referee…

JR: I think they’re gonna let this go on, you know…

HE: Never…

JR: They are….OH CMON!

The referee gives a signal to the timekeeper that the match is going to continue as CJ runs back in with a big boot to the side of Jack’s injured eye, dropping him. CJ chases the medic and the referee away and then drops down to slam punches into Jack’s face…

HE: This is on the referee and the medic, they just have stopped this match….

JT: No this is on Clarke James….do not deflect the blame….he caused that eye injury in the first place…

CJ stands and he drags PJ up before throwing him into the ring. He follows and then he drags Jack to his feet…

JR: Jack can barely even see what is happening here…..

JT: It may be for the best…….FAITHLESS!

HE: Get that belt….get it now…

CJ drives Jack down into the canvass with the rock-bottom and hooks the leg………………….1……………………..2……………………..3!


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6CW PRESENTS WORLD'S END (Day 2 Results) - January 11th 2021 Empty Re: 6CW PRESENTS WORLD'S END (Day 2 Results) - January 11th 2021

Post by JJJohnson Mon 11 Jan 2021, 8:26 pm

*Crowd pop



HE: Ridiculous…..absolutely ridiculous….

CJ’s eyes widen and although there isn’t a whole lot of emotion it is clear that he is furious. He stands up and glares at the referee…

JR: CJ cannot believe it….he’s a got an opponent with one eye and he just hit his very best move….but to no avail….

JT: He has underestimated the calibre of his opponent, which is almost laughable considering their history….

The cameras get a gruesome shot of PJ trying to Poopie up and the extent of his swollen eye, it looks like there is a growth on the side of his head. CJ delivers three stiff kicks to the injured area and then he drags Jack up once more…

HE: Another one will end the match….FAITHL-NO!

Jack suddenly spins around back and he locks his hands around James’ waist before delivering a series of German suplexes… follows another and then the hat-trick but Jack doesn’t stop there as he digs deeper and deeper….

JR: This has to be instinct alone…..Jack can’t even see what he is doing….

JT: He’s walked this path so many times before he is just retracing steps right now…...TEN STRAIGHT…..THAT IS INCREDIBLE!

There is a grunt of effort from PJ as he summons the last of his strength to complete the tenth straight German suplex, leaving both men completely out of it on the canvass. Jack, willed on by the crowd, urges himself up and staggers for the corner…

JR: I don’t know how Jack is doing this….how he’s even moving or fighting….lesser men would have thrown in the towel….

JT: Perfect Jack is a world class competitor and once again he is showing that tonight….you cannot buy heart like that…...DROPPED IT STRAIGHT ON A SIXPENCE!

PJ is extremely wobbly as he scales the ropes but somehow he makes it to the top rope and throws himself off into an elbow drop that lands straight into the heart of his foe. They both make it back to their feet and Jack kicks James in the gut….




*Crowd groan

HE: You were saying?!? Westminster bound baby….all the way….CJ is the Chosen One….you cannot fight fate….

The crowd think the three is imminent but CJ pops his arm off the mat just in time. It is hard to gauge Jack’s reaction as his face is so distorted but he slumps onto the canvass, his chest heaving…

JR: I’m not sure how much Jack has left to give…..he’s emptied the tank because he knows he’s on a timer….he knows sooner or later he will not be able to block out the pain that will be coursing through his body….

Jack crawls for the ropes and he uses them to get himself back up to his feet. He sways unsteadily and then he ushers CJ back to his feet, grabbing his arm as he does so….


CJ leaps out the side and he shoves PJ off the ropes before drilling him with a Samoan drop. They both get back up and CJ lands a snap spinebuster…………………..1…………………….2……………….kickout!

JR: And just like that PJ’s momentum is curtailed…..CJ knows he has weathered a storm there…

HE: No rainbows without storms…

JR: CJ doesn’t strike me as a rainbow kind of guy…

HE: But at the end of the rainbow is gold and that is what CJ is taking home with him….

The referee is forced to intervene and he gives CJ a very stern warning and as tries to dig his finger into PJ’s injured eye, causing Jack to scream in agony. Jack stumbles over to the corner and is dabbing at his eye as CJ waits for him to turn back around and then takes him to the mat…


HE: He will be blind after this….

James takes PJ down to the mat for the crossface submission but Jack rolls through and over to escape. They both get back up to their feet and CJ runs straight into a huge overhead suplex….

JR: PJ doesn’t even know where he is summoning this from but he’s fighting with absolutely everything he has….

CJ is up again and he swings wildly but Jack ducks into him and nails a saito suplex that dumps James on the back of his neck. Jack drags his opponent back up and scores with a t-bone suplex…

JT: That may do it…

1…………….2……………..kickout again!

JR: Perfect Jack, with one eye, is making believers out of us all here tonight….

HE: Not me….I don’t believe….

PJ is up again and he motions for James to rise before trying to scoop him onto his shoulders. CJ battles off the back and spins Jack around….


PJ ducks into the “rock-bottom” and counters with a northern lights suplex……………...1………………….2……………….kickout once more. They scramble up and Jack swings around back for another German suplex but CJ slams his elbow back into the injured eye…

JR: That’ll change the complexion…..FAITHLESS!

HE: It just ended the match….



This time there is clear thunder and venom on CJ’s face as the referee indicates a two count. James rises and gets in the official’s face…

JR: CJ can’t believe it….that’s twice now he’s been to the well with “Faithless” and twice PJ has kicked out…..that Interim World Championship still seems a lifetime away…

HE: It’s less than a second away….CJ just needs to close the show…

CJ ignores the growing energy from the crowd as he goes down into a prowling position to stalk Jack as he rises. PJ is trying to prise his own eye open as he struggles to a vertical base…

JT: CJ thinks if he hits it once more then it’s ballgame….

HE: It will be… final hurrah….


Jack, in desperation, ploughs his head into CJ’s temple to break his grip and then grabs his arm….


The cheers ring out into the night sky as CJ is ploughed into the canvass by the “Olympic” slam and PJ covers……………………...1………………………...2……………………...3!



Jack doesn’t waste any time dwelling as he quickly rushes back to his feet. CJ tries to stand but Jack almost flips him inside out with a chopblock to the knees from behind and then grabs his legs….



Clarke James’ desperate yells of agony fill the air as PJ spins around and then drops down into his patented submission. He locks it deep and jumps up and down on the canvass to crank the pressure to its maximum….

JT: If Jack doesn’t make CJ tap then he’ll happily snap his legs….he doesn’t care…..he wants James to suffer now…

HE: Fight it, Clarke...don’t submit….

JR: CJ has no choice…...he’s a million miles from the ropes…

JT: CJ was confident, he didn’t believe PJ would be able to beat him….

JR: That’s why he threw the powder in his eyes, to eliminate any chance….and yet here we are, PJ is about to win the 6CW Championship…

PJ cranks the pressure up again as the referee asks CJ if he wants to give up. James shakes his head, vehemently, but it is clear that he is in a world of agony. He tries to push his and PJ’s legs apart but he is having no luck. His hand shakes and quivers as he contemplates tapping against the canvass….

JT: James is going to give it up, he’s got not choice…..


James looks set to tap when he throws his body forward and jambs his thumb into PJ’s injured eye, forcing him to break the hold. Jack is crying out in distress as he pulls free…

JR: James risking a DQ right there…

JT: He should be thrown out….that was blatant….

HE: A final warning from the referee….he’ll take it…

The referee is giving CJ a piece of his mind but James barely even hears him. He grabs PJ and pulls him into a double underhook before flipping him into a piledriver (J driller)…...Jack is flat on the canvass as James heads for the corner…

JR: CJ is suddenly looking real proud of himself again…

HE: He’s about to become world champion….CORKSCREW SENTON!

PJ is suddenly up and he sprints to the corner and up the ropes for a top rope overhead suplex. CJ stops him, however, and rakes the eyes before shoving him back down. CJ then lands the incredible top rope senton…

JT: Perfect Jack rolled the dice once more but it wasn’t to be…


JR: But he won’t quit….he just won’t give it up…

CJ bites his own fist to keep the emotion inside as Jack manages to kick out. CJ gets back up and he shoves the referee from the corner as he crouches next to the turnbuckle and waits for Jack to rise. It seems to take an age but CJ never breaks eye contact…

JT: CJ looks like he may just lose his mind if PJ continues to defy him….



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6CW PRESENTS WORLD'S END (Day 2 Results) - January 11th 2021 Empty Re: 6CW PRESENTS WORLD'S END (Day 2 Results) - January 11th 2021

Post by JJJohnson Mon 11 Jan 2021, 8:26 pm


CJ suddenly pulls loose out of the corner and he swivels through the air for the tornado roundhouse kick….


*Crowd pop

JR: I can’t believe he actually tried to use Marshall Murdoch’s own move to win the title…

Jack catches CJ’s foot in mid flight and then swipes his standing leg. He locks his own leg into place for the submission but then CJ kicks up with his free foot and boots Jack right in the eye…






ding ding ding

JT: Wow….



JR: Judas actually did it….he won the big one…

The instant replays show CJ’s foot connect with PJ’s haematoma and burst it, sending blood and bile everywhere. Jack’s scream of pain fills the air as he staggers free and CJ scrambles up before nailing the tornado roundhouse kick for the three.

JT: Perfect Jack fought like a warrior….with one eye for the majority of this match…..but the damage was already done coming in…..the eye was a ticking timebomb and when it went off it was only a matter of time…

HE: Oh you’re a Clarke James believer all of a sudden are you? You wrote him off….but I knew….ever since Born in Fire it was a written in the stars, it was destiny….and Clarke James has fulfilled his own destiny….

JR: What a way to kickstart 2021….a very dark cloud has descended over 6CW….the Clarke James Era has begun…

JT: A scary, scary time…somewhere Marshall Murdoch is watching…..and if he wasn’t determined to get back then he will be now….the man who put him on the shelf is holding his championship belt…..

HE: No way will Murdoch ever come back…..that means having to face CJ and he does not want that….he got off lightly once but it’ll be the last thing he ever does if he tries it again…...this is Clarke James’ time now…..and nobody is taking it away from him...forget all the Interim nonsense, that man right there is your 6CW Champion….

JR: I believe Murdoch-James will happen….sometime, somewhere….there’s too much deep rooted hatred for it to not….

HE: Murdoch may never regain his sight…

JR: I don’t think it’ll matter….he’ll want vengeance and he’ll come looking, it is in his DNA….but right now is all about Clarke James…..Murdoch, Jackson and now PJ….James has cut all ties to anyone and anything that ever meant anything to him…

HE: Who cares? He’s got the world title now….none of those names you just listed ever got CJ to the top of the mountain, he’s done it all on his own….he doesn’t need anyone, they were deadweight and now they’re gone…..CJ is the last man standing and he is the 6CW Champion…

JT: Look at this out and out arrogance…

HE: He can as arrogant as he likes….he’s the man…

CJ is staring down at the blood-stained canvass and he motions for the referee to get PJ out of the ring. PJ isn’t even moving as medics arrive to help him under the ropes. The official is waiting with the 6CW Championship as James demands a chair and a bottle of beer….

JR: Look at this….I don’t think I have ever seen a title celebration like this…

CJ sits down in the chair and takes a swig of the beer as the referee hands him the title. CJ places the 6CW Championship in his lap as though it never belonged anywhere else. He doesn’t smile or cheer, he merely sits there drinking whilst the cameras pan in on his newly won title…

JT: CJ believes this is his rightful place at the head of the top table…..

HE: Because it is….he just proved that…

JR: So he’s not looking for streamers and confetti….this is enough for him…..his point has been proven…..this has been a long time coming and he wants the rest of 6CW to bask in the knowledge that they now reside underneath him….

We get one last look at the horrific eye injury as PJ is led backstage by the medical team. “Blind Faith” is echoing out of the speakers as CJ stands up. He places the 6CW Championship over his shoulder and then puts his empty beer bottle on the seat of the chair….CJ then reaches in his tights….

JT: He’s sick….

JR: What a profound moment….

JT: Is that what was in the bag he was carrying around?

JR: I don’t think so….I’m sure we still have that revelation to come…

CJ produces the rosary beads that were given to he and Marshall when they joined the Church of Hero. He drops them next to the beer bottle as the show comes to an end.

JR: Folks this has been World’s End…..I hope you have all enjoyed it as much as we have….we’ll be back very soon with all the fallout from this historic two day event…….thank you very much for joining us….goodnight!


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