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6CW Proving Grounds Sunday May 10th 2020 (Scars and Stripes Build Week 1)

Uryu Ishida
The Last Outlaw
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6CW Proving Grounds Sunday May 10th 2020 (Scars and Stripes Build Week 1) Empty 6CW Proving Grounds Sunday May 10th 2020 (Scars and Stripes Build Week 1)

Post by JJJohnson Mon 27 Apr 2020, 20:33

Bout 1
Liam Wood vs Varyag

Bout 2
Road to Royalty
Dicey Reilly vs Jimmy Phillips

*Robin Reborn introduces his new stable*

Bout 3
Road to Royalty
Marshall Murdoch vs Ricky Nelson

Bout 4
6CW United Kingdom Championship
Uryu Ishida (c) vs James McManus

Bout 5
Road to Royalty
Dante Phoenix vs Marty Helms

Bout 6
Karl Kramer vs Perfect Jack

Main Event
6CW Championship
Jackson Jackson (c) vs Crime Lord


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6CW Proving Grounds Sunday May 10th 2020 (Scars and Stripes Build Week 1) Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Sunday May 10th 2020 (Scars and Stripes Build Week 1)

Post by Marky Tue 28 Apr 2020, 00:46

Jackson Jackson is backstage, moments after retaining his 6CW World Heavyweight Championship at Day of Reckoning, when Fleur Michaels approaches him for an interview

FM: Jackson, a somewhat fortunate-

Jackson: Let me stop you there Fleur. I see it. I see everyone thinking I was lucky. Helms thinks it too. I dont f*cking care. I know what happened out there. I got knocked over with that Bullhammer. A lesser man would have collapsed to the mat and lost. Man like Jackson Jackson relies on his instincts, and instinctively pinned the knocked out James McManus, and gets the job done.

Fleur goes to ask another question but Jackson interrupts

Jackson: And people wanna talk about luck. Listen to my luck. Best friend brutally hospitalised, because I happen to hold this Championship. Thrown into a title defence against three men, where I didn't even have to be pinned to lose. On the back of a vicious Falls Count Anywhere match. There's your luck. It's about time something went my way. The closest Helms is got to my title was when I cracked him in the face with it after the match. He's back of the line now. Tell him to suck my left nut if he wants another shot.

Fleur is taken aback as she goes to ask another question but Jackson has already walked off, he shouts "AND STILL" as he walks down the corridor, his Championship over his shoulder


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6CW Proving Grounds Sunday May 10th 2020 (Scars and Stripes Build Week 1) Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Sunday May 10th 2020 (Scars and Stripes Build Week 1)

Post by Marky Tue 28 Apr 2020, 10:23

"Take me to the hospital" by The Prodigy plays inside the empty Emirates Arena, and the 6CW World Heavyweight Champion Jackson Jackson makes his way out to the ramp. He is dressed in black jeans, grey Adidas Gazelle trainers, and a black sweatshirt with the slogan "HUSTLER, DISLOYALTY, RESTECP". Jackson has his 6CW World Heavyweight Championship over his shoulder as he walks to the ring in the empty arena, quickly grabbing a microphone as he climbs the ring steps, and begins speaking immediately upon entering the ring

Jackson: So here I stand. STILL, the 6CW Heavyweight Champion of the World. It was a war, and I overcame three top tier contenders to retain my Championship. Which was on the back of a brutal Falls Count Anywhere match against Marty Helms. Which was on the back of a gruelling one on one Title defence against Uryu Ishida. So, you might expect me to not be surprised by the announcement that I am defending my Championship once again at Proving Grounds. Like I haven't proven enough lately. But such is the life of the Champ.

Jackson grins ruefully as he slowly paces around the ring

Jackson: People are asking me about the future of Aaron Heath. The fact is, I brought him in for my training camp, behind the scenes, paid for out of my own pocket. He's not returning to 6CW. It worked though, so he may be used again. Especially with this next title defence... Which I'll get onto in a bit. Firstly, I wanna talk about Marty Helms.

Jackson smirks as he mentions Helms' name

Jackson: I imagine Marty Helms is pretty f*cked off with me. I'm in no doubt that Helms and I will meet again. But right now, he lost, again. Just like he lost to me in the Ironman Tournament. Just like he lost to me in our Falls Count Anywhere match. There's no controversy here. Just because he knocked out James McManus before I pinned him. It's the nature of Multi Man matches. I had no Champions advantage. Yet I still got the job done. Two one on one matches between us, I got the job done. If Helms wants another shot at this, he needs to earn it. I'm giving him nothing. He's earned, nothing.

Jackson sighs, and continues

Jackson: Enough about him. Because at Proving Grounds, its Jackson Jackson versus Crime Lord. A dream match, not for the fans, not for anybody except me. This is a dream match for me. Allow me to explain. Let's go back about twelve years. Crime Lord was running amok in 6WF as part of The Dynasty. We all loved The Dynasty. My mates all preferred TGA. One weird kid liked River Ace. But I was a Crime Lord guy. I was a thirteen year old boy, with a Crime Lord poster on his bedroom wall. Crime Lord in 6WF is what got me hooked on wrestling, and wanting to become a wrestler. It's true.

Jackson smiles before looking at his Championship and continuing

Jackson: Fast forward to 2020, Jackson Jackson is all grown up. He's the World 6CW World Heavyweight World Champion of the World. Approaching one hundred and fifty days as Champ, which was won after winning a gruelling sixteen man Ironman Tournament. Potential, reached. And Crime Lord is back, destroying everyone in his path. Its mercurial. However.

Jackson takes the 6CW Championship from his shoulder and looks at it

Jackson: However Crime Lord, this is not your era. This is my era. Dont get me wrong, it will be an honour for me to go one on one with the great Crime Lord, and to do it over the World Heavyweight Championship. For our paths to cross like this, is everything I dreamed about as a thirteen year old boy. But now is not your time. Your era ended. Because since 2019, it has been the era of Jackson Jackson. I'm undefeated since 6CW was reborn. I'm the 6CW Heavyweight Champion of the World. Jackson Jackson in 2020 might struggle to beat 2008 Crime Lord. But he beats 2020's Crime Lord. The man who used to be Crime Lord. You've still got it Crimey, your win over Perfect Jack was very impressive. But I'm the top dog right now and I assure you, you will not take my Championship from me.

Jackson holds up his 6CW Title and stares into the camera


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6CW Proving Grounds Sunday May 10th 2020 (Scars and Stripes Build Week 1) Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Sunday May 10th 2020 (Scars and Stripes Build Week 1)

Post by The Last Outlaw Tue 28 Apr 2020, 15:21

Marky wrote:
Jackson Jackson is backstage, moments after retaining his 6CW World Heavyweight Championship at Day of Reckoning, when Fleur Michaels approaches him for an interview

FM: Jackson, a somewhat fortunate-

Jackson: Let me stop you there Fleur. I see it. I see everyone thinking I was lucky. Helms thinks it too. I dont f*cking care. I know what happened out there. I got knocked over with that Bullhammer. A lesser man would have collapsed to the mat and lost. Man like Jackson Jackson relies on his instincts, and instinctively pinned the knocked out James McManus, and gets the job done.

Fleur goes to ask another question but Jackson interrupts

Jackson: And people wanna talk about luck. Listen to my luck. Best friend brutally hospitalised, because I happen to hold this Championship. Thrown into a title defence against three men, where I didn't even have to be pinned to lose. On the back of a vicious Falls Count Anywhere match. There's your luck. It's about time something went my way. The closest Helms is got to my title was when I cracked him in the face with it after the match. He's back of the line now. Tell him to suck my left nut if he wants another shot.

Fleur is taken aback as she goes to ask another question but Jackson has already walked off, he shouts "AND STILL" as he walks down the corridor, his Championship over his shoulder

*With Adamson gone, in stumbles Marty Helms. He nurses cuts and cruises, a left arm that clearly won’t lift and an open wound on his head from the title shot right at the end.

Fleur goes to speak, but Helms interrupts. He stops, whereas before he seemed intent to walk past.

MH: Yes I heard him, Fleur. He may have rattled my head, but I’ve rattled his cage. There’s a lot to say for psychology in this business, and I don’t even need to be fully conscious to take all those words apart.

*He stops to wipe dripping blood from his forehead, painting his chest with a swathe of bright red amidst the other cuts and battered marks as his hand goes across.

MH: That is a scared man. He knows as well as I do that I had him beat. He’s had to break himself down further and further just to survive me. Not beat me, Fleur: survive me. He has never beat me, Fleur. Remember that. Not he and he alone. He's always had an ally or a loophole - he didn't get up, Fleur. Another match with me where he ended it unconscious.

*A medic runs over to try to see to Helms but almost falls to the floor as the Last Outlaw raises his fist

MH: Dont...

*He stares a hole through the medic before eventually the man runs away

MH: Dont you see the veil slipping, Fleur? I tried to reach Christy with this and I can try to reach you too. Even with blood and sweat in my eyes, I can see through him. He wants to talk luck because he knows just how much he’s had. He wants to spit spite because he knows it’s running out.

*He lifts his right hand again and this time we can see the swelling and displacement of his knuckles. There are clearly broken bones in his hand

MH: That knockout shot, I’m not using that again. I’m saving it until the next time I see that man. It’s end games, Fleur. One day he will have to face me one on one, there’s only so long they can keep the golden goose safe. And on that day, I’ll knock him cold one last time and bring an end to this charade.

*He starts to walk away, hobbling and shuffling as he does, but he stops and turns back

MH: His title, his name, his lies - I’ll bring them all crashing down. Mark my words.

The Last Outlaw

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Join date : 2012-12-20
Age : 36

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6CW Proving Grounds Sunday May 10th 2020 (Scars and Stripes Build Week 1) Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Sunday May 10th 2020 (Scars and Stripes Build Week 1)

Post by The Last Outlaw Tue 28 Apr 2020, 15:29

Marky wrote:

Jackson holds up his 6CW Title and stares into the camera

With Max Ada...Jackson Jackson standing in the ring waiting for Crime Lord, the screen bursts to life. No one is there and no message is delivered other than the end of his last match on 6CW television...

No man standing wrote:
Ishida makes to move toward the edge of the truck but Jackson holds his hand out to block him. Uryu stares at Jackson and then nods as the world champion stands and stares down at Helms…..


Medical assistance is already on hand for James McManus but they all freeze in shock as Jackson Jackson launches himself off the top of the truck (ala Jimmy Snuka) and he slams down on top of Marty Helms, crushing him through the table to the concrete floor.

JT: Dear Lord almighty….Jackson Jackson just put his whole body on the line….

HE: Never mind him, Marty Helms is a broken wreck…

JR: They both are….we said before this began that it was personal but I don’t think we were expecting this….

JT: Look at McManus, look at Helms and Jackson…..they’re all supposed to be battling for the 6CW Championship in two weeks…

HE: And look who is left standing…damn sneak…

JR: Are we looking at the next 6CW Champion?

Uryu Ishida remains standing on top of the truck, just staring down at the carnage and mayhem that has ensued. Jenny McManus is looking up at him with cold fury and then goes back to her husband’s side whilst EMT’s begin work on Marty Helms and Jackson Jackson.

JT: For tonight, folks, we are out of time….thank you for joining us on what has been a wild, rollercoaster of an evening…..we will see you all in two weeks for the Day of Reckoning extravaganza…

JR: That’s if there’s anyone left to compete after what we have seen here…

The Last Outlaw

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Join date : 2012-12-20
Age : 36

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6CW Proving Grounds Sunday May 10th 2020 (Scars and Stripes Build Week 1) Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Sunday May 10th 2020 (Scars and Stripes Build Week 1)

Post by Crimey Tue 28 Apr 2020, 16:02

**Before Jackson even has time to process the video, 'Back in Black' booms from the speakers and Crime Lord appears onto the stage. He's wearing a grey suit, light blue shirt open two buttons down and is carrying a microphone. He strides down the ramp, as Jackson watches him walk down. Crime Lord slowly walks up the steps and steps through the ring ropes. He takes a few moments sizing up Jackson and the 6CW Championship before beginning to speak** 

CL: Have you ever heard the advice: "Don't meet your heroes"? Never has this been more true because meeting your hero is going to be the worst day of your life. 

**Crime Lord grinds his teeth a little.**

CL: What's interesting is the parallels between our stories Jackson. Over ten years ago, you sat watching 6WF and saw the best fighting. You watched as I tore through 6WF, winning championship after championship, rewriting the books on dominance, setting records and you were inspired. It's the reason you're stood here today, it's the reason you're holding that belt and it's the reason your face is plastered over every poster, advert and piece of merchandise this company pumps out. 

Then a few months ago, I was sat watching the new 6CW and their world champion appeared. I couldn't believe my eyes. This was it? The pinnacle of 6CW was Jackson Jackson. I felt sick. I was absolutely disgusted. You paraded around with that belt as if you were worthy of it, as if you winning was anything other than a sad statement about how far this company had fallen. It was in that moment that I knew what I had to do. I had a new mission, it was to come back and to show the world how pathetic things had become and how the new guys were not fit to lace my boots. I'm the reason you're stood in this ring and you're the reason I am. It's almost poetic - a tragedy even. A tragedy that your efforts to live up to Crime Lord, to emulate what I was able to achieve will only lead you to being broken by the Iron Man himself.

**Crime Lord smirks, before stepping closer to Jackson**

CL: I won't lie to you, a part of me hopes you enjoy it. This truly will be the pinnacle of your career, it will be the moment you are remembered for. I've been back months, I've already made my through those brave enough to face me and on the 10th of May I am placed to take my throne back. Thanks for keeping it warm kid and thanks for holding onto that...

**Crime Lord points to the 6CW Championship, he looks around.**

CL: I am the greatest to ever live, I am the best 6CW has to offer yesterday, today and tomorrow. Ask Perfect Jack, the form of his life, focused only on beating me and I nearly had him in 30 seconds. Ask Karl Kramer - fighting for trust fund, focused on beating Marshall Murdoch - no match for me. You're next Jackson Jackson. Focused on your little sob story, focused on the whispers about how you won at Day of Reckoning...


I am the most dangerous person you've ever stepped foot into the ring with and you will not be fighting just for your championship, not just for your legacy but for your career. I don't hold back and will not go easy. I am going to put you through hell and you will get nothing for it other than the satisfaction that the man to end it all for you, was the man who started it.


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6CW Proving Grounds Sunday May 10th 2020 (Scars and Stripes Build Week 1) Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Sunday May 10th 2020 (Scars and Stripes Build Week 1)

Post by x12x Tue 28 Apr 2020, 17:46

As Revival Mode by Every Time I Die blasts through the speakers of the empty Emirates Arena we see Liam Wood storm out on to the stage and quickly make his way towards the ring with a serious look on his face. Wood wastes no time taking a mic from ringside and sliding in to the ring and getting to his feet.

JR: Liam Wood is hot off a desperately needed win at Day Of Reckoning and he looks intent to carry that on, I can't remember the last time I saw him so determined.

HE: One win?! Get over it...he'll be back to losing soon enough...he got lucky against Jimmy Phillips!

JT: Lucky? He nearly lost it due to an interference at the hands of his former enforcer Varyag.

HE: Yeah, an interference that cost Phillips the match and handed it to Liam Wood

Wood takes a moment to compose himself as he begins to pace the ring, his eyes locked on the stage

Varyag! Get your ass out here now!

Wood lowers the mic and continues to slowly pace the ring as he waits for his former ally to join him. After a few moments Varyag slowly walks out on to the stage with a mic in hand, as he makes eye contact with Varyag he lets a sick smile cover his face. Varyag slowly makes his way to the ring and stands at ringside looking up at Wood.

Be careful what you wish for old friend...

...for so long you've talked about proving that you are best in this company and now you get to do it, all on your own. No one to hold your hand or pick you back up, no one to tell you everything is going to be one to care when your skull is crushed and you are taught lesson...

...and that is why I am here.

Wood shakes his head but allows Varyag to keep speaking

I am here to break you and show you that all alone, you are nothing. I will make you regret every time you spoke to Varyag like a piece of dirt and teach you true respect. At Proving Grounds I prove that you are no longer needed...

Wood shakes his head as he replies

You see Varyag, this is the point where I would normally talk about how I've won this or won that but I have to say, I agree with's time for me to prove myself all over again, it's time for me to have a clean slate and prove that I deserve to be here and that I deserve to be at the top of the mountain once again.

At Day Of Reckoning, despite your best efforts, I put Jimmy Phillips in his place and reminded everyone that I'm not just a formality or some stepping stone that you can look past. I reminded Jimmy Phillips who Liam Wood was and next week, I'm going to do the same to you. I am going to make you regret this little shadow act you've been doing and make sure it the end of our match next week, all of this is going to be resolved, so you better be ready.

Wood's tone takes a serious turn as he continues to speak to his former friend

You see, what I told Jimmy Phillips was this point in my career...I have nothing to lose and everything to gain. I hit rock bottom and it honestly woke me up and put a fire under me.

Varyag cuts Wood off


Wood scowls as Varyag talks, Wood's pacing speeds up a little

...You have nothing to lose? No, you ARE nothing! You are worthless joke and I do company favour when I end your sad little career. You say you are at rock bottom, I say you are where you belong and I will keep you there...

...and when I break you and leave you beaten, you will realise that you had more to lose and there is nothing you can do to stop it. It is inevitable that I be the one to crush your hopes and dreams, that I be the one to wake you up from this pathetic, delusion of grandeur...

...and just like that you will continue to lose...

...just like you lost your World Titles and just like you lost Emmy!

At the mention of Emmy, Wood loses it and quickly makes a dash out of the ring at Varyag who is able to dodge to the side and quickly deliever a huge big boot to Wood that takes him down hard on the concrete. Wood begins to get back up but as he does he's grabbed by Varyag who throws his head first in to the guard rails.

HE: And just like that we get a preview of how Liam is going to get treated at Proving Grounds

JT: We need security out here!

Varyag smiles as he pulls a chair from under the ring and makes his way over to Wood who is pulling himself up from the ground but as Varyag lifts the chair security run out and make the save, causing Varyag to drop the chair and walk to the back, keeping his eyes on Wood as he does.


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6CW Proving Grounds Sunday May 10th 2020 (Scars and Stripes Build Week 1) Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Sunday May 10th 2020 (Scars and Stripes Build Week 1)

Post by TwisT Wed 29 Apr 2020, 15:10

The arena is still empty when a cannonball fire sounds off around the building. Charles Kramer walks out first, cane in one hand and a black briefcase in the other which is handcuffed to his wrist. Karl Kramer immediately follows and strides down the ramp to the ring. Charles remains on the stage as Karl enters the ring with microphone in hand. It looks as if he is going to start with a mad tirade but stops himself. He looks at his uncle and then back towards the camera.

KK: Match of the night......

He shakes his head and continues more aggressively.

KK: The usual way these party pieces go down is that the loser bleats about how he was cheated and that life is unfair. But I already knew life was unfair and cheating is just a way to get what you want. I have no problem f*cking someone up by smacking a cane over their head, just as I have no problem breaking someones neck with a clothesline. So when you live by that style, you don't complain when it is used against you. I lost. Murdoch won. Next chapter.

He points to his uncle.

KK: Uncle Charlie over there is holding onto your winnings Murdoch. You deal with that how you want. As much as you want to wanted it be part of my business, I am here to tell you that the guy is standing on that stage with 100k and that issue is between you and him. But I will warn you, as I do know my family and how f*ck people up so well, that he isn't going to let the small matter of you winning be a reason to give you the cash.

He turns back to the camera.

KK: But yeah, match of the night, for what it is worth. Crime Lord must have sensed that so leached himself into the action. And you know what, I though that fraud didn't deserve the name, but he has done it again. He has been going on about how he has returned to show everyone again how good he is. He has been going on about how he snap his fingers and change the course of history. He has been going on about how everything he says is true and in little over a month he has got himself a title shot. So there he is sitting on his f*cking throne and deciding the whole organisation better bow down or he might just disappear again. And for what? Sub standard matches and the thoughts of a rambling old man.......

He walks across the ring.

KK:......and I know what he is going to say. I told you so. Never take your eyes off me. I am better than everyone. You are nothing.

He stares at the camera.

KK: So if I can't get my hands on him yet to prove him wrong, I will show the world that Perfect Jack can easily be dispatched if Crime Lord is what he says he is. He isn't a target. He isn't a hurdle. All he has become to me is something I can't wait to destroy. All what he is and all what he stands for. And when he wins that 6CW World Title as we know he will, then I will extinguish that flame that has returned inside him and take away what he craves so much. I will do to him what he has done to opponents down the years. I will embarrass him. I will place his face under my boot. I will grind it into the dust so much that he can only return via a f*cking reincarnation. Then I will take those cigars he loves so well, and use them to burn any history of him in this place.

He holds his stare.

KK: Yeah I lost the match of the night. But I gained the obsession of the year......

He continues to hold his stare and wait.


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6CW Proving Grounds Sunday May 10th 2020 (Scars and Stripes Build Week 1) Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Sunday May 10th 2020 (Scars and Stripes Build Week 1)

Post by JJJohnson Thu 30 Apr 2020, 03:41

(Dante Phoenix is in the backstage area with Christy James. Phoenix looks like a man who has fought a thousand wars but he manages a smile as Christy gives the camera crew the thumbs up to begin shooting)

Christy James: Dante's been quite a week...

Phoenix: You're not wrong, Christy...

CJ: The Asylum Match with Engel Harlequin has been the hot topic throughout the industry since Day of Reckoning. It was quite unlike anything we have ever seen before and it played out like a scene out of a Oscar nominated movie. They're calling you 6CW's answer to Batman...

(Phoenix stifles a laugh at this remark)

Phoenix: Look, I'm no Avenging Angel or Dark Knight, I can guarantee you that. The Asylum was psychologically draining and I feel sorry for anybody who ever has to step foot in an institution such as that...

CJ: You laid your feud to bed with Engel Harlequin on that night but what did that take out of you?

Phoenix: Engel has been somewhat of a plague in this business for some time but not a single soul has ever stepped up to do to him what I did. And I'm not looking for a pat on the back or congratulations because I was forced to do that and in doing so I had to become one with the darkness that I was looking to drive out. I had to go to a bad place deep within my own soul and the damage done is irreparable...

CJ: So how do you bounce back from that? How do you rebuild from such a personal rivalry?

Phoenix: The truth is things will never be the same after what me and Engel went changed my entire perception of the world around me...

CJ: You were forced to endure endless physical and mental had to revisit and relive the horrors of your past...

Phoenix: Horrors that I contributed toward and ones that will stay with me, haunt me until the day I die.....the one thing that I can say is that what Engel and Lawless did to me has given me purpose...

CJ: Are you referring to the file that you took with you from Cherry Falls? There have been rumours swirling all week, it seems a source of great debate...

Phoenix: It sure does...I've never felt more in demand...

CJ: How so?

*Phoenix produces his mobile phone and holds up the screen to Christy

Phoenix: My phone has been blowing up since Sunday, notification after notification.....nobody gave a damn about me or what I had to offer when it was loss after loss but all of a sudden I'm hot news....all of a sudden 6CW officials want to check in, everyone wants to know what's next for Dante Phoenix...

CJ: And what is next?

(Phoenix shrugs his shoulders)

Phoenix: Who knows....all I know is that I've got a lot of people squirming in their seats right now, a lot of people feeling very uncomfortable and I know there's people behind the scenes here in 6CW who'd like to see me disappear or that file vanish from my possession....

CJ: Do you plan on revealing the details of that file?

Phoenix: I haven't decided Christy but it sure as hell gives me leverage....I'm not holding information back as a ransom, I don't suddenly expect favours....I'm just weighing up whether I'm fully committed to taking the steps necessary....the moment I took that file out of Cherry Falls Asylum I put a bull's eye on my back....

CJ: Who is after you?

Phoenix: I expect in the coming weeks it'll all start to become clearer, all I can say is that I'm preparing myself for a war....and those who I hold this information on should be very careful how they approach the situation in front of them....because my eyes are open and I am seeing clearer than I have in years...

CJ: And what do you see in the future?

Phoenix: I'd hate to spoil the surprise, Christy, but let's just say it is going to be explosive....I've come to realise that I'm a ticking timebomb and that is a real problem for those who are sweating on me right now...

CJ: Care to elaborate?

Phoenix: You see that Netflix series, Afterlife?

CJ: Ricky Gervais, right?

Phoenix: About a guy who's wife passes away and he gets a new outlook...

CJ: And that's how you perceive yourself?

Phoenix: To a see I've lost everything in my life, I have nothing to lose and nothing to gain....that makes me more dangerous than anyone else....

CJ: But you said you have a new purpose?

Phoenix: And I do because like the guy in that show I think it's time to start calling it how I see it....I'm not Bruce Wayne or Clark Kent, I'm not fighting for good or the liberation of freedom...but I know there is BS from the top to the bottom of this company and every time I see it I'm going to shout it from the rooftops...

CJ: And you don't think that might upset people?

Phoenix: Of course it will but that's the difference between me and 99% of the roster....because I don't care....I don't care if anyone gets upset or angry because there's nothing anyone can do to me that is worse than what's already happened...

CJ: It seems like a dangerous game to play...

Phoenix: A real-life Russian Roulette but I'm living a life with a deathwish hanging over me just waiting for somebody to grant it.....see I've sat in the bathtub with the razor blade, I've tied the noose on the rope and I've emptied bottle after bottle of prescription pills but as of yet I haven't made that decision to rejoin my family in the Beyond...

One day that time will come....or someone will make that decision for me...….but until then I'm going to be the fly in the ointment....the pain in the a55 for anyone and everyone who has exploited the system...

Vengeance, justice, call it whatever you want....maybe I just hung around Engel so long that I became the guy that just wants to watch the world burn....all I know is that 6CW is rotten to the core and it's time to start rooting it out, seed by seed...

CJ: At Proving Grounds you will face Marty Helms in the first round of the Road to Royalty tournament....does winning this tournament hold value to you, given your new self-appointed mission?

Phoenix: I'm still a performer, Christy, and as long as I'm contracted to 6CW I will do my utmost to give the fans what they want....winning the Road to Royalty would probably be the biggest accolade of my career thus far and I will endeavour to sit upon that throne at the end of it, especially as it'll be a royal middle finger to the system.....

CJ: Do you believe Marty Helms is overlooking you as he chases another shot at Jackson Jackson for the 6CW Championship?

Phoenix: I have been overlooked in every match of my 6CW career thus far....being the underdog is nothing new to me and I get that Marty Helms will be the overwhelming favourite going into this match but I don't really care...

He's bigger and stronger than me, he believes he should already be the 6CW Champion and he'll be looking to maim and destroy anyone who gets in his way....all of that points toward a very bad night for me but as I said earlier I have nothing to lose and that makes me more of a problem than Helms could ever anticipate...

He's used to intimidating people but he doesn't scare me....I'm fully aware of what is capable of, I've witnessed it with my own eyes, but taking a beating from Marty Helms is nothing but a cakewalk compared to what I've already been through...I'd be foolish to think he can't break me because we both know that he can....but overlooking me only serves my advantage....

CJ: I'd like to say I'm happy that you seem to have a spring back in your step but I have to be honest, Dante, I think this is a bad idea....

Dante: You're probably right, Christy, but I'm not looking for a happily ever after to this know as a kid when you're parents told you not to play with matches?

*Christy nods

Dante: Well I've always been curious as to what would happen if you doused your surroundings in petrol and then set it I get to find out...

(Dante gives a brief smile and then puts his hood up and walks off, leaving Christy looking concerned)


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6CW Proving Grounds Sunday May 10th 2020 (Scars and Stripes Build Week 1) Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Sunday May 10th 2020 (Scars and Stripes Build Week 1)

Post by Uryu Ishida Fri 01 May 2020, 10:35

Uryu is seen arriving at the arena with his UK Championship on his shoulder as he suddenly smiles.

UI: Christy! what brings you out here to greet me?

Christy stands by the entrance, microphone in hand as she smiles back.

CJ: I'm surprised to see you so cheerful Uryu. I mean you didn't win at Day of Reckoning so did you win the lottery?

Uryu stops and chuckles a little.

UI: I didn't win the main prize but I got a damn good second prize. And I'm not talking about the UK Championship.

Christy looks confused.

UI: Think back to the final seconds of the match. McManus is down, Jackson just gets hit with Lights Out and Marty Helms is looking like he's going to win. Who proceeds to take him down but yours truly. Now I admit I didn't see Jackson land on McManus but after looking back on it I am happy with what I did. Why? Because I got payback. Helms cost me in the Iron Man Tournament because he doesn't see me as worthy of being here.

Uryu looks down the camera with a smile.

UI: Well Marty, now you know how it feels to be so close to progress and to have it taken away from you. We are even, if you want to start something with me then bring it on! I can give as good as I get and Day of Reckoning proved that!

Christy looked at Uryu with concern.

CJ: What about other potential contenders to your UK Championship? McManus, Robin Reborns group. I have even heard rumors Marshall Murdoch and Liam Wood might be after your championship.

Uryu looks at his championship title and smiles.

UI: Christy, I am a fighting champion. I am a yardstick here and will take on anyone and everyone. McManus wants the title back? Fine! He can come and be the first to try and take it back! Robin wants to fight me instead of teaming up with me? Bring it on! Marshall wants to beat me for a better payday? Then he better bring everything he's worth to the table! Liam Wood wants to move forward? The door is right here Liam and you can try to break through it! I am here to fight and prove I am one of the best here and this UK Championship says I am! You guys wanna prove I'm not? let me know and we will fight, hell theres likely so many who think I don't deserve this I am gonna defend this title every damn week!

Uryu takes a few deep breaths, calming down.

UI: And thats ok. I am here to prove to myself I can still go at my absolute best. Matches every week defending this title will prove that. It will prove to the fans that my age is just a number and maybe I can earn another shot at Jackson. He knows I was a literal split second away from winning and I wouldn't mind another match with him. Hell maybe he wants one too just to put that doubt in his mind to rest. Don't worry this isnt like last time Jackson, you wont have me bumping into you demanding a match, I think you will agree I proved myself already and I can wait in line for a while. Now if you will excuse me Christy, this old man has a match to prepare for.

CJ: Alright, thanks Uryu.

Uryu smiles and heads into the arena.

Uryu Ishida

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6CW Proving Grounds Sunday May 10th 2020 (Scars and Stripes Build Week 1) Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Sunday May 10th 2020 (Scars and Stripes Build Week 1)

Post by The Last Outlaw Fri 01 May 2020, 21:39

*Marty Helms sits in his empty changing room. A knock at the door elicits a response, shouting a call to “come in.” With that, in steps Fleur Michaels.

FM: You asked to see me, Marty?

*Helms smiles a harsh smile

MH: I beckoned you for this interview, yes. If I’ve got to fulfil these duties, I’m going to pick and choose the when, who and where. And you, well I promised you the opportunity to learn with me...

*Fleur looks unsure

FM: H-how do you mean?

MH: Theres no threat, Fleur. If I’m unhappy with you, you will just leave. I do not strike women; I am not James McManus.

*She takes a step closer and brings forward a microphone

FM: Well then I’ll do my job. Marty, we spoke shortly after your title match at - -

MH: It wasn’t my title match. Two victims were put in there to protect the puppet, their paper champion. And how did that turn out? One sacrificed a chance of glory just to stop me, another laid down to be covered by the weight of an unconscious man.

FM: Have you heard Uryu’s words since then?

MH: Yes, Fleur. And they are nothing more than the proof to my words. He is insignificant in this business because he celebrates defeat. He celebrates me not winning. If he wants to know why I consider him no threat and why I won’t make the return visit to end him, it is that flawed attitude to thank. He belongs in the old school with his little veteran’s belt. I hope Reborn and Reilly enjoy their old age division with him.

FM: You speak about Robin Reborn and Dicey Reilly returning, what are your thoughts on that?

*He rolls his eyes.

MH: I think Miss Jessica is continuing to occupy a space in this industry she doesn’t understand and is turning back the hands of time to try find something relevance, let alone the days before he breasts kept her toes warm. Dicey Reilly wants to look at me in the eye again, I can send him back to his eight kids and his alcoholic wife.

FM: Isnt that a bit—

MH: And as for Reborn and his little gang? Stay out of my way, that’s the best route for them.

FM: In your way this week is Dante Phoenix

*Marty claps his hands together and laughs

MH: The spaz whisperer is back!

*The smile quickly fades back to a grimace

MH: If I have to win some tournament to jump through these little hoops Jessica sets up to protect her champion, so be it. Phoenix is in my way now, dossier of secrets or what. Now his little film noir project is over, he has to come back and have an actual fight. He thinks he escaped death before, wait till the real stuff begins. This isn’t creaking doors and jump shocks any more. If he takes a wrong step with me, I’ll kick his Frak brains out his head.

FM: St-strong words, Marty.

*He stands up

MH: Don’t say I didn’t warn him

*He walks out of the room without another word, leaving Fleur to shrug as the scene fades

The Last Outlaw

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6CW Proving Grounds Sunday May 10th 2020 (Scars and Stripes Build Week 1) Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Sunday May 10th 2020 (Scars and Stripes Build Week 1)

Post by Marsh Sat 02 May 2020, 17:57

(Marshall Murdoch is shown over Microsoft Teams, addressing the audience at home via his laptop)

MM (indicating the laptop): ‘New purchase, thought I’d treat myself, you see I’ve come into a bit of money recently, all thanks to Mr Charles Kramer. Not that I’ve actually received anything yet mind, but I know you’re good for it Charlie, tell you what I’ll send you the receipt, take it out of what you owe me.’

‘Because you do owe it me Charles, I’ve earnt that on more than one occasion now, and I really don’t want to have to ask again for what is rightfully mine. If you don’t hand it over then I’ll take great pleasure in snapping that chain you’re so desperately clinging onto, just to get to it. Just as I had great pleasure in knocking you cold out on Sunday, which is just the start of things to come if you don’t cough up.

(Marshall is distracted by a notification popping up on teams ‘Vlad is calling you from a team ‘Church Quiz Night’)

MM (under his breath, as he lets the call ring through): ‘That time already?’

MM (slightly distracted): ‘Where was I? Ah yes, is this the way things work around here? Broken promises, rewards for victories not upheld? Well I don’t operate that way, and when I win the Road to Royalty, I expect to be rewarded accordingly.

(Another notification pops up)

Message from Xeres: ‘Where are you? We’re starting now, Vlad’s doing the music round’

MM:  (to himself) ‘Damn, that’s my strongest round. (Back to the camera) Ricky Nelson, I have to be honest, here I know very little about you, and maybe that makes you dangerous. You seem to be Mike Hill’s latest stooge, and I know better than most that he has all the tricks in the book and then some, so if he’s passing them on then I’ll have to be on my game. But just be warned, I came back to 6CW for three reasons, to remove Hero, for the money and to win the 6CW world championship, I’m only one month back in and I’ve ticked two of them off already, and if this tournament is the way of getting the third done then you’re slap bang in my way son. And I trust you’ve seen what happened to the people who stood in my way of achieving the first two. Let’s put it this way, they weren’t in my way for too long.

MM: ‘Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a quiz to win’

(Marshall clicks into the Church quiz video link to see Vlad taking the music round, but actually singing the songs in Russian, the sounds of what appears to be a Russian version of ‘Lovin Each Day’ can be heard as the screen fades out)


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6CW Proving Grounds Sunday May 10th 2020 (Scars and Stripes Build Week 1) Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Sunday May 10th 2020 (Scars and Stripes Build Week 1)

Post by President Trump Tue 05 May 2020, 11:45

Dicey is walking backstage when Christy James catches him for some words on his up and coming match with Jimmy Philips.

Christy: Dicey can I get a moment

Dicey: You can have as many moments as you want Christy

Christy: O....K so after you big victory against O'Callaghan last week what is the plan for Philips?

Dicey licks his lips and smiles

Dicey: Plan....when have I ever had a plan, there is no plan but going out there and fight and bleed for this company like I have been doing for most of my adult life. Last week just showed the world that I am not f**king about, I took out a wannbe king and I am ready to do it again

Christy: What about your little moment with Marty Helms

Dicey: What about it? he is another sham that has come in here when the company is depleted, dying, looking to make a name for himself and win an easy title but look it still hasn't happened...why I hear you ask because he's another billy big bollox that thinks all this is for his futherment in the world of wrestling. He doesn't give a Poopie about 6CW...about it's history about its struggles and potential, he doesn't care about any of it but I do as I always have. I bleed this company and I will do what is needed, what many dont have the balls to do to thin out the herd and get this place ticking again, you have had the Legends killer now you have Dicey Reilly...Potential killer, it all started last week with O'Callaghan and now Philips, it is time for all these wannbes to nut up or shut up, to better this company or get battered in this company...the free ride is over girls, Daddy's home

Dicey winks at Christy and walks off down the corridor

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6CW Proving Grounds Sunday May 10th 2020 (Scars and Stripes Build Week 1) Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Sunday May 10th 2020 (Scars and Stripes Build Week 1)

Post by ncfc_Tooze Tue 05 May 2020, 22:56

James mcmanus is shown walking down the corridor of the backstage area

Jm- Uryu uryu uryu I wont be coming to try and win my uk title back. I will be winning it.
You see I was seconds away from becoming world champion I was inches away from winning my first world title.
But I wont be making those same mistakes I made in that match this time round
My uk championship will be coming home with we once again
For you see uryu you are nothing more than a parasite that needs to be killed. A bug that needs to be squashed. And I am the last parasite killer

As mcmanus finishes his sentence he is approached by a shadowy hooded figure who whispers in McManus' ear and the two rush down the corridor

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6CW Proving Grounds Sunday May 10th 2020 (Scars and Stripes Build Week 1) Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Sunday May 10th 2020 (Scars and Stripes Build Week 1)

Post by Perfect Jack Sat 09 May 2020, 23:40

The following takes place moments after Perfect Jack's match against Crime Lord. Perfect Jack is sitting in the trainer's room under checkup from a 6CW doctor.

PJ: Easy there doc (as Jack winces in pain)

Doc: Sorry, just trying to be thorough.

At this point Fleur Michaels knocks on the door and enters.

FM: A moment of your time please Perfect Jack?

Jack sighs deeply and motions to Fleur to enter.

FM: Jack I just want to say that was a fantastic fight out there.

Jack cuts her off before she can finish.

PJ: Save it Fleur, I don't want your pity alright. I lost.....I lost.

FM: Sorry, I just wanted to get some of your thoughts on what's next for Perfect Jack?

PJ: What's next? Well, right now I'm at the lowest point I've been for a while. I started that match so badly, I nearly lost it in the first five minutes. Imagine me starting a match like that? Disgraceful. I'm at the bottom of the pile, back of the queue. I worked so damn hard to get to that number 1 contendership match and I go ahead and lose to that arrogant piece of cr@p Crime Lord? What do i do now? Do I give up and go home? Or do I shut up the nay sayers and the doubters? The ones who think I'm too old, too run down to wrestle anymore?

Perfect Jack pulls up his knee pads over his knees and stands up off the table.

PJ: I do the only thing I know how to do Fleur and that's wrestle. So come the next Proving Grounds, I start again, i start from the bottom and I start fighting to get what I want and achieve my dream of again becoming 6CW champion.

Jack walk pasts Fleur and exits the trainers room.

Perfect Jack

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