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6CW Apocalypse 19th June 2011 Promo Thread

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6CW Apocalypse 19th June 2011 Promo Thread Empty 6CW Apocalypse 19th June 2011 Promo Thread

Post by JJJohnson Sun 12 Jun 2011, 4:49 pm

Match 1
Falls Count Anywhere
Daniel Reilly vs Drake

Match 2
Tag Team Titles
Generation Zero (c) vs Frosted Dice vs Mason White/Yarmouth Blade vs Internecio/Cerberus

Match 3
Extreme Title
Keith Leone (c) vs Dicey Reilly vs Michael Sweetwater vs Josh Valour

Match 4
Triple D vs Geoff Steel

Match 5
TV Title
Last man standing
Mark Matzko(c) vs Anonymous

Main Event
6CW Title
GazzyD(c) vs Lex Hart vs Perfect Jack


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6CW Apocalypse 19th June 2011 Promo Thread Empty Re: 6CW Apocalypse 19th June 2011 Promo Thread

Post by Blade Sun 12 Jun 2011, 7:31 pm

Yarmouth Blade is sat in his lock room and looking at in the mirror, he has got a black eye from the big boot by Mason White on last week's show.

The crowd cheer as Mason White comes in to shot.

MW: Hey Blade, sorry about your eye mate, Is it ok?

YB: Just a little sore, mate and don't worry, these things happen.

MW: I was aiming for Frost but he moved out the way and then, well that happened.

White point's to blades eye.

YB: Like I said don't worry, you can make it up at Apocalypse and help us become the new tag champions of the world.

The crowd cheer as Blade says this.

MW: I will Blade, You can count on me.

YB: And try not to get distracted by Generation Zero, Frosted Dice and Internecio/Cerberus, we just need to pin on one of those guy's and become the champ's.

MW: Make no mistake about it Blade I wont let you down this time.

YB: I know Mason I know.

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6CW Apocalypse 19th June 2011 Promo Thread Empty Re: 6CW Apocalypse 19th June 2011 Promo Thread

Post by Blade Mon 13 Jun 2011, 10:37 am

The lights go down in the arena and the fans fall into a hushed tone in anticipation of what is about to occur. Suddenly an unfamiliar announcer’s voice is heard from the background.

Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen, before his huge title defence at Apocalypse, you are being blessed to have an audience with the biggest name in 6CW, the one and only...

Keith Leone!

“Even Flow” plays out and the lights come up as the fans descend into deafening levels of boos. Keith Leone then walks out onto the stage, wearing his Rayban Wayfarers, a pair of cowboy boots, dark blues jeans, a blue formal jacket with a t-shirt underneath that has the names “Geoff Steel, Lex Hart, Blue Dragon, Christopher Patricks, Code Effrego”, all crossed through with red marker pen. Leone then arrogantly walks down to the ring, before rolling into the ring under the bottom rope and looking arrogantly around at the fans in the arena, who continue to boo him.

Leone: Once again the hypocrites of the 6CW fan base boo their true role model as he blesses them with a personal appearance.

Crowd: A**hole, A**hole, A**hole.

Leone: Chant all you want, but all you have to remember is this, I may well be an “A**hole”, but I am the Extreme Champion and Undisputed King of Extreme A**hole, which is better than any one of you pathetic losers can say. But enough of the pleasantries, I am really out here to address the 6CW roster and fans on my match at Apocalypse, especially the three men who are all fighting to try and kick me from my throne. But before all of that you may notice something is missing with me tonight. (Leone mumbles too himself, going through the items of clothing he is wearing, before mockingly coming to a conclusion). That’s right, it’s the 6CW Extreme Title belt, but don’t worry, it’s just been “customized” as it were, and now for the first time, ladies and gentlemen, the new and improved 6CW Extreme Championship.

Suddenly from the top of the arena, the Extreme Title belt is lowered down. As the belt gets lower it is revelled that now instead of 6CW on the Championship Belt, it reads “Leone” and now has the words “King of” above the word “Extreme”. The title then reaches Leone and he unhooks it from the rope and puts it over his shoulder as he looks smugly out at the fans.

Leone: Well I thought as I will be the Extreme Championship for the foreseeable future, I may as well customize this belt, as it is owned by myself now.

Crowd: Leone’s a loser, Leone’s a loser, Leone’s a loser...

Leone: Whatever little people, now onto the key matter of my opponents for Sunday. Starting off with one of the best up and coming superstars in 6CW at the moment, Michael Sweetwater. (Crowd boo). Now I can see a lot of myself in this kid, his unmatched abilities to most guys on this roster, his confidence in his own ability, and of course his impeccable style. All of these things make him a prime candidate to be a future star and possibly even Extreme Champion when I finally let this championship go. However the problem for you is the word “future”. You may be a good superstar now, but you still have a lot to learn, and I am better than you. Every match you have had so far in this company against Dicey and Valour, who has always been in your corner helping you? Me, that’s who. If you had just waited a while longer and had let me fully take you under my wing, I could have taught you all you needed to know about becoming champion, but unfortunately that ego of yours just wouldn’t let you wait, and now that is going to cost you when I have to beat some respect into you.

Then onto your little rival, Josh Valour (Crowd cheer). Yeah, yeah, cheer for the guy who is so pathetic that he makes you feel better about yourselves. From the moment this guy came into 6CW I knew he was just going to be a flash in the pan like so many have been before him. He believes that kissing up to you people and doing what is right will get him through here, but unfortunately he hasn’t gotten the idea yet that everyone in this business is so fickle that anyone is willing to stab you in the back, whether it be another guy trying to climb the ladder in this company, or just these fans because you have become too good for them. (Crowd boo and start throwing cups at Leone, who just shakes his head at them.) So if you really want to earn my respect this Sunday at the PPV Valour, what I suggest you do is make sure you don’t come anywhere near the ring, as that will show me that you have at least a part of a brain in that head of yours.

But then onto my final opponent, and the proof of the ultimate proof of the double the standards, the Emperor of Alcoholics Anonymous, Dicey Reilly. (Crowd give a huge pop.) So it’s ok to be a drunkard now and be foul mouthed, as long as you kiss up to the fans, but a real wrestler who gives it his all every week is in the wrong if he speaks his mind to the fans, it’s downright disgusting. Dicey, I don’t care what you have done in the past and who you have fought with, all I care about now is the fact that after every match you have, your body is deteriorating more and more and one day you are going to have to realise that it is all getting too much for you, and I plan to make that day this Sunday night at Apocalypse. You will inevitably come out here before then and make all of your “clever” remarks about myself and probably try to belittle me, but while you are doing all of that, I hope you just remember in the back of your head that I could well be the man who decides how long you have left in your career, because one day I am going to tire of your incesent interruptions to my business and on that day, you are going to seriously regret everything you have ever done to myself. Now hit my damn music.

“Even Flow” plays out as the fans boo and Keith Leone raises his Title belt into the air, before rolling out of the ring and starting to walk up the ramp.

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6CW Apocalypse 19th June 2011 Promo Thread Empty Re: 6CW Apocalypse 19th June 2011 Promo Thread

Post by Blade Mon 13 Jun 2011, 10:38 am

'Broken Dreams' blasts out as the fans boo for the arrival of Daniel Reilly. Reilly strolls out slowly, followed by Johnathan. He stands and stares around at the top of the ramp, before slowly making his way to the ring.

Henry: This man is sick, and yet he never seems to surprise me!

JT: Well his actions has found him up against Drake, and boy had Reilly better be ready!

Reilly rolls into the ring, as Johnathan follows, and Johnathan hands Reilly a mic.

DR: So when my music plays, you all boo, but do you know what? You are not booing me. You are not booing the fact that I am stood before you all. You are booing the fact that I am standing on my own two feet. And do you know why you are booing that? It's because every single one of you know that now I am cleared to wrestle, I am back as the most dangerous man in wrestling!

I am back competiting, and Drake, you are going to be the first to suffer at my hands. You see, despite what you may have done to me, you are not my number one concern. My number one concern is that once I have held the 6CW Championship, anyone else who happens to hold it, is seen as a disgrace. Nobody can match what I brought to the table as World Champion. In fact, there is no man alive who has held the 6CW Championship more times then me. Not one of these 6CW superstars can match what I have achieved here. I mean seriously, as if being the record holder for most 6CW Championships wasn't enough, I also hold the same record with the TV Title!

Not one man in this business has achieved close to what I have. And believe me, the 6CW Championship is coming back to it's rightful owner, as I make myself a three time World Champion! But before that, I need to take care of you, Drake. You injured me, Drake, and that wasn't a brave action, it was stupid!

Now me and you have crossed paths before. And every single time, I have came out on top! Even when you were in charge, I was the one man you couldn't control. You had no power over me, Drake. I mean come on Drake, let's be honest, I can beat you any day of any week, anytime, anyplace. So if you include the fact that I am looking for revenge, then that spells the end for you, Drake. You do not stand a chance in hell!

Everyone is talking about how I am meant to be running scared? You idiots obviously have a short attention span, because I am the man to beat here! And Drake, the rules say I can beat you anywhere I want to, and believe me, I'm going to take advantadge, Drake. RKO or Ankle Lock, I don't care, the conclusion will be the same for you, Drake. The end!

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6CW Apocalypse 19th June 2011 Promo Thread Empty Re: 6CW Apocalypse 19th June 2011 Promo Thread

Post by Marky Mon 13 Jun 2011, 10:38 am

"Sabotage" hits and the crowd jeers as Duke Dylan Debadguy walks out to the ring looking as confident as ever, he twirls a microphone in his hands as he waits for his music to die down, and he speaks;

DDD: So the GM of 6CW thinks he can mess with Generation Zero? Really? Generation Zero is much, much bigger than he can handle, and all I can see he is doing is trying to make an impact at the hands of Gen Zero. Well listen up you Pukester, nobody tells Duke Dylan Debadguy what to do. Nobody tells Generation Zero what to do. You might be the new man at the top of 6CW, but rest assured, Generation Zero is coming for you, Generation Zero is the future of this industry, and nothing you can say or do will ever, EVER change that.

Angealous discovered recently that if he doesn't stick with Gen Zero then you get hurt. Scorpion and Jackson had the decision to make, and they chose siding with the Baddest Man in 6CW! Geoff Steel, even without the 6CW Tag Team Champions behind me, I know that I can beat you, and deep down in your soul, you know it too. Unlike Debadguy, Steel is breakable. Steel rusts and falls to the wayside. Debadguy is a material that is unbreakable, does not corrode, with a very magnetic personality... Steel is your working class material, tough but quite frankly, not tough enough in these conditions.

Geoff Steel will soon discover that when you mess with Duke Dylan Debadguy and Generation Zero, your career gets shortened drastically. Whether you like it or not, you cannot back out of this deal, and I will administer your punishment with my own bare hands.

I should be stood here as the 6CW World Heavyweight Champion, but instead I find myself stooping to your insignificant level Geoff. Why is that? Why do you feel you can interfere in Generation Zero's plans and get away with it? Is it cockiness? Stupidity? Jealousy? Maybe Geoff Steel wants to be a part of Generation Zero... Unfortunately for you Geoff, you don't have the mindset or the capabilities required to be a part of Gen Zero, and I will put you out of your misery, just, like, that.


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6CW Apocalypse 19th June 2011 Promo Thread Empty Re: 6CW Apocalypse 19th June 2011 Promo Thread

Post by Blade Mon 13 Jun 2011, 10:38 am

Frosted Dice are in their locker rooms reviewing the footage from escalation.

JD: We were beautiful, man. We never looked in trouble and pulled off some major moves. The fans were behind us, momentum was behind us, destiny was driving us forward. And yet we lost.

Frost shrugs.

JD: Cat got your tongue? You never seem to speak when we are alone.

Frost points to his throat and then mock rubs it indicating its sore. He then takes another glug of vodka.

JD: Well you dont need to speak. I have enough of a mouth for both of us and you do your talking in the ring. Some of your moves this week were sick.

Frost smiles.

JD: Anyway back to this week - we can not let what happened this week happen again. We lost without even getting pinned. And we wont be pinned again this week - the other teams know that I am unpinnable and will target the other teams. You dont go 3 months without being pinned by chance. In fact Johnny Dice doesnt do chance at all. I know the outcomes of all the events I wager on. And my lock bet for this week is us as new tag champs.

Frost rubs his throat again.

JD: Mr Jones predicts that his twins of terror will claim the prize. But they couldnt even keep their hands on him. They may have power, but they dont have a single independent thought in their malformed craniums.

Frost chuckles a little before the pain of his throat stops him.

JD: And Yarmouth Blade and Jack Black are about to implode. Each week they end up doing more damage to each other than to their opponents. Stay out of their way, Jack - those two are on a collision course - that you can put the house on.

Frost nods.

JD: And finally the champs. Generation Zero. The men who systematically disabled Blades former partner. The men without conscious but with great back up from their goons. These are the guys we should be afraid of. If I know them - and I have done my research - they will have some devious scheme lined up. But unfortunately for them, our plan is even more devious......

Johnny Dice starts to whisper into Jack Frosts ear causing the Icelander to chuckle as the camera fades.

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6CW Apocalypse 19th June 2011 Promo Thread Empty Re: 6CW Apocalypse 19th June 2011 Promo Thread

Post by Blade Mon 13 Jun 2011, 10:39 am

the one and only hit's out of the arena speaker's and Yarmouth blade come's from behind the curtain and the crowd stand on there feet joining in singing to the Chesney Hawk's song.

JT: wow these fans are getting into this song.

HL: I don't know why? One hit wonder from Hawk, just like Blade is.

Blade bounce's down the ramp tagging fans as he goes, then Blade climbs up the steel step's spring boards him self over the top rope and does a forward roll in mid air then lands on his feet in the centre of the ring.

JT: This guy is great, I love him.

HL: he's not done any think for ages and every partner he has had, has either got them self's hurt or just hurt's Blade.

JT: May be this is why Blade is out here to try and figure thing's out with his partner.

Blade get's a mic from the ring announcer and then wait's for the crowd to settle down, Blade then put's the mic to his mouth.

YB: Hello 6cw universe.

Crowd are going wild.

YB: Wow, you guy';s are just nut's.

crowd cheer even more.

HL: Blade sucking up to this crowd.

YB: What a show we had for you last week, I mean we had a great tag match but unfortunately for me I got a big boot to my face and now eye I have black eye for my troubles, But hey that's what you get when you have a big monster of partner in Mason White.

Crowd cheer for Mason White.

HL: If I was Blade I would send White packing.

YB: Listen guy's Mason I have no hard feeling's man, I know you were aiming for Frost, Just next time make sure you hit one of the other guy's please man I still got a bit of an headache.

JT: Blade has got a real shiner from White, no wonder he has a headache.

YB: Now as for Frost saying that me and white are not on the same page, let me a sure you we are, and you think that we are not the team to fear, I beg to differ my friend.

YB: You see, we had that match won last week, but for one mistake it cost us, but there will be no more mistakes this week i can guarantee you that Frost.
If you underestimate me and White, you will lose, you go ahead and concentrate on Generation Zero, we shall just bide our time, Wait for the right moment and bang get the cover for the 1,2,3 and once again I will become the 6cw tag champion of the world.

YB: and it will Mason white's for ever title, so he will be more then will take get the job done this time around.
You know why we are going to do this?

YB: Because I am the one and only ( blade points the mic to the fans) and they shout back Yarmouth blade.

The one and only hit's and Blade slam's the mic on the ring mat and then grab's the top rope and launches himself high in the air does a 360 spin then lands on the floor out side the ring on to his feet.

JT: Look's like Blade means business, he look's to be in great form.

HL: Yeah but will his tag partner Mason White, he cost then the victory last week.

Blade start's to walk up the ramp and tag's fans as he goes.

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6CW Apocalypse 19th June 2011 Promo Thread Empty Re: 6CW Apocalypse 19th June 2011 Promo Thread

Post by President Trump Mon 13 Jun 2011, 12:29 pm

Leone is half way up the ramp when “Born to Fight” hits and the fans erupt into cheers, Dicey walks out with Bettsie over his shoulder and points her at Leone, which stops him in his tracks, Dicey smiles and raises his arms up in the air making the fans cheer even louder

Crowd: DI-CEY

Dicey: Whats your hurry “Mr Hardcore” you cant just come out here and spill your bullshit everywhere and just expect nobody to come out, I thought you’ve been in this game long enough to know that of have you taken too many head shots

Leone shrugs and gives a “Go ahead” gesture with his hands

Dicey: Your right Keith I could have come out here and cracked some jokes about you but that is waaaaay to easy and your also right in saying my body has seen better days but I aint finished yet and I wont be finished until that Extreme Title is around this waist (Dicey points to his waist), see Keith you have got this fight all wrong, me Im just in it to cause some damage, you see Bettsie has been neglected for a long time, I have been to wrapped up in my own Poopie to see what Dicey Reilly is really about, I have become a parody of myself, the token Drunken Irishman if you will, I know I enjoy an odd tipple here or there or everywhere but Im not this fun loving guy everyone thinks I am, there was a time in this place when but just at the mention of my name would cause bowels to open and grown men to cry, and that’s what I want again I am reversing the clock to a time when I was primitive…an animal a man that was feared above all else, I have done everything in this business but one thing and that’s be myself…

When I first started here I caused Chaos, breaking peoples noses, turning up drunk, kidnapping Sally Hendrix (Dicey sniffs Bettsie’s handle) ahhhhh still fresh, I was cracking skulls for fun and way before you, I don’t have to put names on a t-shirt to show people im hard they know, look at you, you pride yourself on being true hardcore but Keith that’s all you will ever be, a Hardcore relic, you wont amount to anything, just look at our careers, you’ve won a Hardcore belt in 6WF and an Extreme title here, see a pattern, me I have been Heavyweight Champ, Tag Champ and the longest reigning TV Champion in 6CW, I am the first and only Triple Crown champ and on Sunday I will cement my name into folklore when I demolish you, sweetpea and Valor and win the 6CW EXTREME TITLE and become the only GRAND…SLAM…CHAMPION

Crowd: DI-CEY

Dicey: Forget about them all…Daniel Reilly…Median…JJ Johnson…Ryan Rose…Diesel…Perfect Jack…GazzyD…Pinky Hart…Drake even Shinobi Blackbeard it will be Dicey Reilly who will be the greatest and you know what Keith I am going to really enjoy taking the belt from you…we both are

Dicey holds Bettsie up in the air as the fans start to cheer and Leone starts to pace up and down

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6CW Apocalypse 19th June 2011 Promo Thread Empty Re: 6CW Apocalypse 19th June 2011 Promo Thread

Post by Gregers Tue 14 Jun 2011, 4:49 pm

(The lights in the arena go down and the titontron bursts into action. On it are two men climbing a mountain. It is snowing and the wind is evidently roaring. The two men continue to climb and are almost at the summit. The camera then fades out revealing the 6CW Tag Title belts are sitting on top of the summit)

VO: A Cold Snap is coming through and the Roll of the Dice is in its favour!

(The video then fades to black as the words:

"Frosted Dice - 6CW Tag Team Champions - Sunday 19th June"

appear on the screen)


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6CW Apocalypse 19th June 2011 Promo Thread Empty Re: 6CW Apocalypse 19th June 2011 Promo Thread

Post by Steel Tue 14 Jun 2011, 7:02 pm

Just as Triple D is finishing his sentence Last resort bellows out around the arena as all the fans rise to their feet cheering for one of their favourite superstars. The noise in the arena becomes even greater as Steel steps out from behind the curtain wearing customized T-shirt which reads Generation Who? In Red letters he has a microphone in his hand. Geoff makes his way to the top of the ramp and waves.

Triple D can be seen in the ring becoming clearly frustrated at the lack of attention he is receiving from Geoff. Geoff eventually lifts the microphone he is carrying to his mouth and fixes his gaze upon Duke Dylan Debadguy.

GS: Well well look who’s out here all on his own for once, what a brave boy you are all the way down there in that ring. Well let’s see how brave you actually are because if you think I am just going to stay up here, you may want to exit that ring right now because i think it’s time me and you get things a lot more personal.

The fans cheer Geoff on as he makes his way down the ramp never taking his eyes off Triple D who is still stood in the ring not moving. Geoff reaches the bottom of the ramp and clambers into the ring and walks over to Triple D and stands nose to nose with him.

GS: What’s stopping me now from beating you all over this ring D?

Geoff takes a step back from Triple D

GS: You want to know why? Because I wouldn’t want you to be unable to compete this Sunday at Apocalypse. As much as it kills me not to put you in the Steelworks right here in the centre of this ring. I am willing to wait to finally get my retribution to make it all the sweeter on live Pay Per View. But it would not surprise me if you don’t show up at all this Sunday now that the rest of your talentless posse have been banned from interfering.

Honestly i cannot wait for this Sunday, Sunday is my night to show to everyone that I will not lie down and take beatings and never raise my hand in defence. I’m going to do the exact opposite and tear you apart limb from limb D, I I’m making it my personal mission to make Sunday night a night you will never forget for all the wrong reasons.

JT: I wouldn’t want to be Debadguy’s shoes at Apocalypse.

GS: What’s more D is I am actually hoping that the rest of Generation Zero do try something on Sunday because not only does that mean you will all be gone from 6CW forever, but it also means i get the honour of sticking my boot up all your behinds right out the arena doors. If you think for one second you will be missed just turn right around and keep on walking away because the name Duke Dylan Debadguy will be forgotten come the following Escalation.

Sunday Triple D, will be the time you begin to rue the day you ever angered Geoff Steel.

The crowd break out in cheers once more as Geoff begins to exit the ring backing away from Triple D.


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6CW Apocalypse 19th June 2011 Promo Thread Empty Re: 6CW Apocalypse 19th June 2011 Promo Thread

Post by AberdeenSteve Wed 15 Jun 2011, 2:01 pm

Jackson Black is sat backstage in his locker room. He is sat on a bench with a towel over his head. He sits there in silence until there is a knock on the door. Black sighs before telling the person to come in. The door opens and Black smiles.

A unknown man walks onto the screen and sits beside Black who has his head in his hands. He places a hand on the shoulder of Black and begins to talk:

“What have you become Jackson? When I was sat out there in the front row, there was a moment that I believed you were going to knock out that punk, Triple D’s, teeth out. I really thought you had turned the corner and had decided to turn your back on the thing that has completely changed you. I was on the edge of my seat but in the blink of an eye I found myself disappointed after watching you throw away your opportunity to redeem yourself.”

Black lifts his head up and looks at the man. He shakes his head and begins to look angry.

JB: “What are you on about old timer? You know nothing about me and what I have learned and achieved whilst being under the wing of Trip..”

The man cuts Black off mid sentence.

“Exactly my point, you’re under his wing. When has Jackson Black ever needed to be under someone’s wing? I remember when I trained you as a youngster, you were eager to learn and always willing to learn. That was then, you were young and had to listen to others but since then you’ve gone on to become World Champion at numerous indy federations over in the States. So why do you need to be under someone’s wing? I know and I am dam sure that you know that you need no one to guide you to glory. I have trained and watched you for years Jackson and you don’t need Dylan in your life. You can make a name for yourself on ability alone. I have never worked with someone so technically gifted and these people in 6CW should be appreciative of your skills but instead they all hate you because of what Triple D has made you. All this will one day come back and bite you in the ass Jackson. Just be yourself, it’s all I ask.”

Jackson stares at the man before gripping him into a hug.

JB: “Michael, I really do owe everything to you. Thanks.”

Michael then pats Jackson on the back before exiting the room. Black watches him leave, sighs and then sits back down again.


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6CW Apocalypse 19th June 2011 Promo Thread Empty Re: 6CW Apocalypse 19th June 2011 Promo Thread

Post by Fernando Wed 15 Jun 2011, 10:45 pm

the camera cuts to a old abandoned fun fair , Cerberus is walking through the grounds passing by swings and slides and stops infront of the future tellers table

Cerberus See's the future tellers crystal globe sat on the table

Cerberus picks up the globe and looks deep into the globe

C: crystal ball , Tell me what my future holds

The Crystal Ball starts to appear with a picture

The picture shows frosted dice , yarmouth blade + mason and generation me all crumpled and bloodied whilst Cerberus and Internecio are standing titles aloft in the middle of the ring.

C: You all will bow down to use and there's nothing you can do about it

C: At Apocalypse the era of Hell will begin and no one will be spared

Cerberus throws the Crystal Ball to ground and walks off into the distance as the picture fades away


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6CW Apocalypse 19th June 2011 Promo Thread Empty Re: 6CW Apocalypse 19th June 2011 Promo Thread

Post by Blade Fri 17 Jun 2011, 11:55 am

Yarmouth Blade is in the back stage area talking to some stage hands and the crowd go wild Chanting Yarmouth, Yarmouth.

Blades look round and see's Christy James coming over with a microphone in hand.

CJ: Hi Blade can I have your reaction to what MR Jones has just said about you and Mason White not being good enough to be in 6cw.

YB: Hi Christy, He said that that did he?

CJ: Yes he did Blade, What's your reaction?

YB: My Reaction, Well let's put it this way with my skill and speed and Whites power we have one hell of a chance in winning the belts I once held with my former partner Frank Rook, who is having a great time now he has more time with his family.

CJ: How do you intend to win against Generation Zero © vs Frosted Dice vs Internecio and Cerberus?

YB: You see all the other seems seems to be fighting amongst themselves and seem to be forgetting about me and Mason White which will give us the edge that we need, Generation Zero will be the main problem as they have there goons to back them up, Frosted Dice are good but they are not better then me and Mason White.

CJ: And what about Internecio and Cerberus?

YB: What about them? They would be nothing with out MR Jones, he is very good at what he does?

CJ: And what's that Blade?

YB: He makes things happen and some how he got those two monster's together and made them click, That's all they are monster's they will not be able to handle me and Mason White we are just one team, we are friends and we will become the next tag team champions of the world.

As Blade say's this the crowd are going crazy.

CJ: Thanks for your time and good luck for tonight.

YB: Thank's Christy any time.

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