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Karl Kramer

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Karl Kramer Empty Karl Kramer

Post by JJJohnson Tue 08 Oct 2019, 4:04 pm

Name: Karl Kramer
Nickname: Cannonball
Height: 6’2
Weight: 367lbs
Age: 34
Class: Face

Catchphrases: Buddy!

Wrestling Type: Brawler

Appearance (Picture Base): Zangief or Eddie Hall. Mohawk, beard and built like a brick sh*those. All muscle, no flab.

Attire: Blue trunks and boots. No pads. Mohawk sprayed different colours depending on the event and where in the world they are. Outside of the ring he wears a white opened shirt that barely covers his mass and black trousers. He also wears a gold medallion and sometimes 70’s style shades.

Entrance Music: O'Fortuna
Example of Entrance: (like a quick description of their entrance)
The lights go down, and there is a pause. Then a cannon goes off and O’Fortuna kicks in. Cannonball strides down the aisle, eyes fixed on the ring or the opponent, while slapping the fans hands as he goes. When he enters the ring, he runs the ropes four times before waiting in the corner.

Finishing Move (3 maximum) :
Cannonball Run – 3-point stance in corner before a running flying clothesline to opponent
Karnage – Massive spinebuster to whipped opponent, usually as set up to Cannonball Run

10-12 (Or more if you wish) Common moves: Powerslam, headbutt, scoop slam, elbow strikes (basically any power moves)

Submission moves (if applicable):
Hug it Out! – Bear Hug which can also be used as a finisher submission


Before Wrestling: Former strongman, who has come to the fed to make a name for himself. Very approachable and oozes positivity but does have a short fuse in the ring. Tendency to go to the extreme when things aren’t quite going his way. Little is known about his past however and he does have links with a former 6CW star.

Promo style: Very over the top, think Dusty Rhodes. Lots of short snappy sentences and one-word answers. He has a habit of answering questions without giving a coherent response!


Posts : 9887
Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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Karl Kramer Empty Re: Karl Kramer

Post by TwisT Sun 28 Jun 2020, 8:12 pm


Name: Karl Kramer
Nickname: King Karl Kramer
Height: 6’2
Weight: 367lbs
Age: 34
Class: Unknown

Catchphrases: None

Wrestling Type: Brawler

Appearance (Picture Base): Zangief or Eddie Hall. Mohawk, beard and built like a brick sh*those. All muscle, no flab.

Attire: White trunks with no pads. White mohawk.

Entrance Music: O'Fortuna
Example of Entrance: (like a quick description of their entrance)
The lights go down, and there is a pause. Then a cannon goes off and O’Fortuna kicks in. King Karl Kramer appears with the royal robe and carrying his crown. The Consultant nows uses the sceptre as his cane. Karl strides to the ring with confidence as the music continues to play.

Finishing Move (3 maximum) :

Kiss The Ring – Regally holds his arm aloft in the corner before a running flying superman punch to the opponents face.

Karnage – Massive spinebuster to whipped opponent, usually as set up to Cannonball Run, but also a finisher in its own right. Also has a super "King Karnage" version which is a spinebuster from the second rope.

Cannonball Run - 3 point stance in corner before a running flying clothesline. Used rarely now as part of Karl's history.

10-12 (Or more if you wish) Common moves: Powerslam, headbutt, scoop slam, elbow strikes (basically any power moves)

Submission moves (if applicable):
King Krush – Lifting Bear Hug which can also be used as a finisher submission


Before Wrestling: Former strongman, who has come to the fed to make a name for himself. Now aligned with his uncle Charles Kramer - The Consultant. History between the pair as yet unknown. Winning the Road to Royalty tournament has meant the King is nearing his aim.

Promo style: Overly aggressive and menacing.


Posts : 17835
Join date : 2011-05-23
Age : 40
Location : Kent

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