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6wE Episode Two - card - Sunday 27th January

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6wE Episode Two - card - Sunday 27th January Empty 6wE Episode Two - card - Sunday 27th January

Post by Marky Sun 13 Jan 2019, 11:27 am

Live from the Roundhouse in London

Uryu Ishida Title Celebration

Match One
Ultra Violent Championship Tournament
Semi Final Two
The Fanatic v Chris Patricks

Match Two
If Percy Percival wins he gets a 6wE contract
Percy Percival v Engel Harlequin

Match Three
The TA v Perfect Jack and Brandon Perez

Main Event
6wE World Championship
Handicap Match
Uryu Ishida (c) v Max Adamson and Liam Wood


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6wE Episode Two - card - Sunday 27th January Empty Re: 6wE Episode Two - card - Sunday 27th January

Post by x12x Mon 14 Jan 2019, 4:57 pm

As the scene begins we find ourselves in a small office in the backstage area of the Roundhouse. A small 6WE backdrop has been erected and in front of it we see the smiling face of 6WE interviewer Tim Allen.

Allen: Ladies and gentleman I am proud to introduce my guest for today, a man who makes his in ring debut for 6WE next week...Liam Wood!

Wood walks in to shot a lot less enthused than Allen and motions for Allen to start his questions

Allen: So Liam, during the last episode a lot of fans could see tensions building between yourself and members of the 400...starting with Max Adamson naming himself 6WE World Champion instead of giving you the belt as many believed would does this make you feel?

Wood shakes his head and looks annoyed at the question

Here we go again...the media spreading it's fake news and trying to tear down something amazing. You should be ashamed you little rat!

Allen looks a little shocked at the response but before he can speak, Wood continues to talk.

In 6CW the 400 dominated! We were a loyal team who did what it took and we took over. The TA were the Tag Team Champions, I ruled the UK and Helms was the Television Champion! The 400 couldn't be torn apart then and you won't do it now. You want to talk about things that actually annoy me? Lets talk about Uryu Ishida...that boy has NO business holding the 6WE title...he gets lucky once and now he's the World Champion...give me a break!

6WE needs a champion who can lift the belt up to the next level...not that joke of a wrestler. Trust me though...I'll be making sure his title reign is long forgotten...

Allen: Liam, I noticed you mentioned Marty Helms when talking about the 400 but if the reports are to be believed he hasn't showed any interest in signing for 6WE. Some are saying that this is a sign that not all is right...

Wood leans in to Allen causing the interviewer to stop mid sentence. Wood cuts him off quickly and speaks again through gritted teeth

More drama BS...more fake you work for 6WE or do you work for Heat because I want to talk about the business and you're too busy trying to come up with drama like a damn woman. Who gives a f**k what the fans think...they don't know sh¡t about the 400, they don't know sh¡t about the business and they don't know sh¡t about me.

When 6CW closed down everyone had a chance to think about the future...Marty not coming across straight away means I said, the 400 are good and they'll continue to be good. You want to talk about wrestling now or are you still trying to turn this in to a god damn soap opera?!

Allen clearly a little shaken by Wood's anger continues sheepishly

Allen: My's the questions the fans want to know

Who cares what the fans want?! At the end of the last episode the fans were cheering about Max losing the World Title and it being in the hands of that undeserving little moron Uryu. The fans are clearly stupid and the fact you want to pander to them reinforces my opinion that you're nothing more than an idiotic little puppet.

I'm going to say this one last time...

Wood takes an even more serious tone as he continues to rant

the 400 still rules the world even if Helms isn't here...the 6WE Title does NOT belong around the waist of Uryu Ishida...and I WILL be making sure that it returns to the right hands very very soon. You can try and pull the 400 apart, you can try and create cracks and talk about how Max “stabbed me in the back” but it won't work because at the end of the have no power in this world and you're just another name name, no hoper who for some reason was allowed to keep the job he's been doing so poorly for years now.

So do you have any more questions or was THIS your whole thing? Create BS drama where there is none? I would say I expected better of you but we both know that you've got no back bone and you'll jump through hoops for these fans. You're nothing but a weasel use this position that Max has given you to be a snide little're too scared to tell us how YOU feel so you borrow the sh¡tty opinions of the fans who at the end of the day still pay money to worship at my feet...

So...anything that isn't a dig at the 400?

Allen attempts to speak but Wood gives him a look that stops him dead in his tracks. Wood then simply stands up and walks away, the mic picking up his last words as he walks out of the small room

Who the hell rehired that moron?


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6wE Episode Two - card - Sunday 27th January Empty Re: 6wE Episode Two - card - Sunday 27th January

Post by Uryu Ishida Tue 15 Jan 2019, 11:37 am

Minutes after the match

Uryu is seen holding the title and walking backstage as he has sweat dripping off him. He spots Tim Allen clapping as the other crew members join in the celebration. Uryu raises his hand and smiles as the claps slow and stop.

Uryu walks over to the water cooler and tries to lift the container off, however two staff lift it off and dump the contents on his head, making Uryu jump at first but then smile as hes drenched in ice cold water as he sighs with relief as he slowly heads to the roof, staggering occationally as he ascends.

As he reaches the roof and looks around, he suddenly collapses and rolls onto his back, the title on his chest as he looks up at the sky and yells with all his might.


He pants heavily as he looks at the title and holds it tight to his chest, grinning.

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6wE Episode Two - card - Sunday 27th January Empty Re: 6wE Episode Two - card - Sunday 27th January

Post by Perfect Jack Sun 20 Jan 2019, 7:19 pm

Timothy Allen is standing by at the interview area backstage where he's ready to introduce his next guest.

TA: Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, fresh off his debut in 6WE last week.....PERFECT JACK

Perfect Jack walks into shot and shakes Timothy Allen's hand.

TA: Welcome to 6WE Perfect Jack, last week you came very close in the over the top battle royal where the winner would receive a shot at the 6WE World Championship. How are you feeling right now?

PJ: Well to be quite honest with you, a little bit frustrated and a little bit disappointed. But immensely proud that I came so close to getting a title shot.

TA: Yes the 6WE fans were very impressed with your performance. The buzz on social media was incredible. Following on from the battle royal, it has been announced that you team up with Brandon Perez against The TA. Your thoughts on that?

PJ: I've had my run ins with the TA before and sure am looking forward to getting my hands on them again. But I hope my partner for the night is listening because the TA are a very slippery duo, they have no honour amongst themselves and they will try every trick in the book to get the win. I hope the referee for the match has his wits about himself too.

TA: Thank you for your time Perfect Jack, I wish you the best of luck in your match next week.

PJ: Thank you Tim.

Jack shakes Timothys hand as the scene ends.

Perfect Jack

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6wE Episode Two - card - Sunday 27th January Empty Re: 6wE Episode Two - card - Sunday 27th January

Post by President Trump Tue 22 Jan 2019, 11:03 am

The crowd are settling into their seats in the Roundhouse when the house lights go out and a faint heartbeat can be heard and just as the crowd realise what is happening Refuse/Resist by Sepultura hits and Chris Patricks walks out from behind the curtain dressed in a suit, he stops just before the ring and points to the sky before climbing in

Henry: I never thought I’d see this day…”The Enigma” Christopher Patricks back over here in the UK and wrestling

Harold: He has been gone along time but I am excited to see what he brings with him


Patricks soaks up the chants from the crowd

CP: Since my return last week all I have been asked was why I have returned after being away so long….well you have just shown why…


CP: When I won the 6WF Undisputed title for the 2nd time after my return from the “dead” I really thought that was the turning point in my career, the point where I could leave the car crash and all the lies behind me and really move on with my life but it all went again when the company folded and as quick as that it all went away again.

So I went home, picked up my life again and just got on with repairing the damage and well hey I’m here, healthy and ready to F**K SH*T UP


CP: I have kept my hand in the wrestling scene over in the states, doing a show here and there but when I got the call from Max (Crowd boo)…I get where your boo’s are coming from, Max is a lot of things and a douche is one of them but I couldn’t turn him down, he is a friend, not a great one most of the times but I always help a friend in need and that’s what this is, helping a friend and his company, I’m not here to lend my name to this place, I’m here to win titles, to get back that love I have for this sport and give you all a show that you come to expect when I step through that curtain, the British and European wrestling scene is in a golden age but it needs to keep evolving and innovating and I believe that with my help this place can be the front runner

Harold: You can’t help but love this guy and his passion; he has this crowd in his hands

CP: A lot of people have also asked about why I would want to be in the Ultra Violent Championship tournament? I was trained by two of the best hardcore wrestlers ever, RVD and Sabu, I travelled the world as a kid watching these guys preform night in and night out, putting their bodies through hell but always with a smile on their face because of the smile on the crowds face, I wanted that and I got that when I joined 6WF and got thrown straight into the Hardcore division to two of the very best these isles has ever produced…Blue Dragon and Keith Leone, we went to war and the only thing I regret with my time over here was that I never got my hands on the Hardcore belt, yes I won every other title going but that’s the one I wanted and this is my chance to do it. I will do anything to get that title around my waist and I have in the past to get what I want, I don’t care if it’s against a scary giant called Fanatic or a demented clown called Engel, I am here to bleed and to hurt and to afflict pain, I am the man who defied all the odds and kept his title and made a grown man URGENTLY PM the management, I am the man who won the Undisputed title twice against all the odds, I am the man who came back from the dead to fight…..I AM THE ENIGMA and I am the next ULTRA….VIOLENT…CHAMPION………


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6wE Episode Two - card - Sunday 27th January Empty Re: 6wE Episode Two - card - Sunday 27th January

Post by ncfc_Tooze Sun 27 Jan 2019, 7:17 pm

???- christopherrrrrrrrr christopherrrrrrrrrr
Christopherrrrrrrrrrrr patrickssssssssssss

The theme from Halloween hits and the fanatic sporting a new face paint theme comes to the stage his face paint now black and red. He has the mask of the eliminator in one hand and what looks to be a ripped chaos mask in the other. He stares at both before slowly walking to the ring. A red search light illuminating the arena. It goes out and now fanatic is shown in the ring. He laughs maniacally. He slowly to stand face to face with Patricks. He stares at him. Before grabbing the microphone from the enigmas hand.

F- this is my division this is my title and this is my time. This is my type of match. My type of tournament

The fanatic again stares at the mask of the eliminator.

F- the last time in wore this mask I destroyed every person that crossed my path I won extreme titles UK titles European titles. And what better way to prove that that person stills exists than by destroying the former world champion.

The fanatic licks his lips and rubs his hand over the mask before stopping and stroking the mask of chaos.

F- I even destroyed and ended the career of my own mentor. The man you made send urgent pms chaos. So what makes anyone think that I won't end you.

My time

Its time to rise

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