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6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 14th August 2018

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6CW Anarchy -  Tuesday 14th August 2018 Empty 6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 14th August 2018

Post by Dolphin Ziggler Wed 15 Aug 2018, 4:55 am

*The ring is decked out with a row of chairs, and a red carpet. There is a hosts chair with a desk.

HA: Welcome to 6CW Anarchy!

*The old "This is your life" music hits.

Voiceover: Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome your host, the Australian Phenom, the Thunder from Down Under, Max Adamson!

(Out walks Max, wearing a full tuxedo with gold bow tie, carrying the familiar red book under his arm)

Harold: I wonder how much Uryu knows about this...

Henry: That's the point brother. It's a surprise tribute to the man known as Uryu Ishida.

Harold: If you believe this is anything other than a hatchet job then I worry about you...

(Adamson gets to the ring, he sits in the only comfortable chair in the ring (behind the desk) and places the book down. Adamson taps on the desk mic to ensure it's working.)

Max: Good evening ladies, gentlemen, and the gender neutrals. My name is Max Adamson, and it is a privilege, to be able to bring tonight's guest of honour to the ring and celebrate his career. I'd like to start by bringing out the man of the hour, too sweet to be sour, your friend and mine, Uryu Ishida!

"Mr Blue Sky" hits and the crowd respond warmly, as Uryu Ishida makes his way to the ring in his ring attire and a jacket. Uryu looks at Adamson with a feeling of trepidation, as Adamson stands and applauds. Uryu gets into the ring and reluctantly takes a seat near Adamson.

Max: How about that reaction huh? You've always been liked by these people, and while we've not always seen eye to eye, I'd like to think that now my career has come to an end, and yours is winding down, that we can let bygones be bygones and just remember the good times. And what a good time to reminisce right now ladies and gentlemen, because back in 6WF, many years ago, I was part of a stable known as Project X. Xanthi Rose laid the groundwork, Marlon was the enforcer, I came in to f*ck sh*t up, and win titles, but we needed someone else. We needed someone established to act as the glue. Uryu Ishida was that bonding agent.

(Adamson looks at someone in the front row who laughed)

Max: I said bonding. This is a serious segment dammit!

(Adamson recomposes himself as he sits forward in his chair)

Max: One fond memory of that time is when I was the Australian Champion, first time around. I was in a Ladder Match against Snake Eyes, the winner would be the Australian Champion and the 6WF European Champion. And because Uryu wasn't always Mr Squeeky Clean, he would affirm his loyalty to Project X, by interfering on my behalf, and ensuring Max Adamson won his first of many Championships under the 6WF and 6CW umbrella. Your thoughts Uryu?

(Uryu has a short smile on his face as he remembers the match. He goes to speak but Adamson cuts him off with his finger to his ear)

Max: I've just been told we don't have time to hear your thoughts here. Please welcome our first special guest, the other two members of Project X, Xanthi Rose and Marlon!

(Xanthi and Marlon make their way to the ring to light applause, Marlon has evidently not stayed in shape since retiring from wrestling, Xanthi still looks the same as she did back then.)

Max: A Project X reunion. I never thought I'd see the day. Almost brings a tear to your eye doesn't it? I mean, it got awkward for a few years after you two did that "Project XXX" DVD with the skinny oriental guy playing The Saint, but time heals all wounds.

(Xanthi and Marlon look awkwardly at each other and back to Max)

Max: But the biggest tribute to Project X is that I became a global megastar and Uryu Ishida still gets work, it shows how two of Project X went on to hit their peaks of superstardom and midcardom.

(Uryu looks annoyed as Adamson continues unflustered)

Max: But time to move on. And move on we did. Uryu Ishida found his feet in 6WF as the years went on. And after a while, love blossomed for Mrs Ishida's baby boy. He started dating 6WF Interviewer Clarissa...

(The crowd audibly gasps as Adamson brings up the female from their historic love triangle, Uryu just stares at Adamson)

Max: Now now, we're all adults here. If Edge and Matt Hardy can share a carefully edited "Table for 3" show on the WWE Network then I'm sure myself, Uryu Ishida, and our next special guest can co-exist for the purposes of an awkward photo op. Ladies and Gentlemen, please give a warm welcome, to former lover of Gregers, Uryu Ishida and eventually The Incredible Hunk himself, and former 6WF backstage reporter, Clarissa!

(The crowd boo as Clarissa walks out to the ring, she's gone a bit Dawn Marie since her 6WF days, but she still takes a seat between Uryu and Max, affectionately rubbing the arms of both men)

Max: Don't touch my suit jacket. Clarissa, you're looking... well? Either way, Clarissa you were an important part of the history between Uryu and myself. After all, it was me you came running to when Uryu abused you...

(Uryu immediately stands up as Adamson backs off)

Max: Whoa whoa whoa there, don't shoot the messenger, I did what any man would do in that situation, I listened to her pour her heart out about the abuse you gave her, and all I did was offer a shoulder to cry on, and a bed to sleep in...

(Adamson looks down the camera)

Max: ...mine...

(Uryu steps towards Adamson who immediately wheels his chair back away from Uryu)

Max: Alright alright, calm down mate. Clarissa made some bold accusations, and eventually we became an item. And Clarissa will tell you right now how that came about. Clarissa?

(Clarissa stands up, she smiles, and nervously takes a microphone in her hand)

Clarissa: I made the whole thing up.

Max: Yeah you - wait what?

Clarissa: I made the whole thing up. Uryu never hit me. He never abused me. I just wanted the attention.

(Uryu is visibly angry, Adamson is trying to convince us he's just as angry)

Max: Wow. I am absolutely... Wow. I'm horrified. Just... wow. I mean... Uryu and I could have still been close friends to this very day? But you ruined it, with your lies? You heathen!

Xanthi: You still hired Chris Hanson to out Uryu as a domestic abuser Max...

(Everyone in the ring looks at Max)

Marlon: And stole Clarissa from Uryu and had a full relationship.

Max: Okay you're not helping. The point is, it was Clarissa's lies that caused this to spiral out of control, it was all on her. All of it.

(Adamson keeps putting his finger to his ear speaking to his producer)

Max: No. No. Not now. I don't care. Ah f*ck. No!

Voiceover: Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome your final special guest, Chris Hanson!

(Adamson has his head down on the desk as Chris Hanson makes his way to the ring, completely unaware of the situation. He greets Uryu and says "you look different since we last met", Uryu goes to hit Chris Hanson but Marlon gets in the way to try and calm Uryu down.

Adamson is massaging his forehead as he tries to calm himself down, Marlon is holding Uryu back from kicking off, as Chris Hanson sits next to Clarissa)

Chris Hanson: Uryu, why don't you take a seat. Take a seat right over there.

Max: Not now Chris. I think we should wrap this up.

(All of a sudden, "Movies" by Alien Ant Farm hits and the crowd pops as Prime Time and Hollywood, The Producers, make their way to the stage)

Prime Time: WHAT UP 6CW?!

(Adamson is shaking his head in frustration)

Hollywood: We just wanted to come out here and just add to this heartwarming reunion. It was an absolute honour to be asked by Max Adamson to produce the infamous Chris Hanson and Fake Uryu scene.

Prime Time: Was it?

Hollywood: Well, it was when the cheque cleared!

(Prime Time and Hollywood high five)

Max: Okay enough. Enough. This was supposed to be a tribute to Uryu Ishida. With a hidden agenda.

(Uryu leans forward to listen)

Max: All this crap we've gone through, it hasn't stopped you having achieved your dreams. It hasn't stopped you being somewhat of a star in two different wrestling promotions. And yeah, I made some mistakes. I definitely shouldn't have hired those two clowns to produce. But I wouldn't change any of it. And frankly Uryu, neither should you. This is your life Uryu. A sideshow of events that made your mediocre wrestling career stand out far more than it should have. Even now, your greatest ever win was against me at 6WF Born in Fire. But even then, in the 12 months that followed, I'm the one who achieved success after success after success. While you're the one who got stale. I made you.

(Adamson stands up and stares at Uryu who is stood up at the other side of the ring)

Max: I made you. Clarissa leaving you for me, made you. The poorly produced Chris Hanson segment made you. That segment was your Katie Vick moment. That was your Heidenreich bumming Michael Cole moment. These horrible moments in your life made you relevant. And for that, for everything I've done, you should be thanking me for your life.

*With that, Max takes a step back and chuckles. His guests in the ring look a little uncomfortable and Uryu swipes a microphone from the nearest hand.

UI: You’ve had your moment here, Max, Bravo!

*He may be trying to show calm, but the lie can be seen in the shaking of his wrist. He stares at Max, fury in his eyes, tunnel vision.

UI: This is everything you would want, isn’t it? A big stage, a microphone, a chance to play out all your jokes. Yet, with all that, you can keep this safety net up, claiming retirement and injury, or whatever excuses you use now, so you can sit around and go as lame as your excuses.

*Max still laughs, and Uryu steps forward to really confront him

UI: You’re a coward, Adamson. You are a foot from me now, but you wouldn’t dare touch me. Even if you wanted to, you wouldn’t dare - you know what I am miles ahead of you. You’re withering away, hiding behind a couple of younger men like a predator, unable to become what you believed you once were. A fighter, a wrestler, a champion. All gone.

MA: If we’re going to have a pissing contest, Uryu, you’re starting handicapped.

*A mock laugh comes from Uryu

UI: Another one! Do you get paid to do this?

*Uryu turns to look down the ramp

UI: Walker? Is this the company you’re running? Paying a man for his weak words and mindless mouth? This is a wrestling company; HE IS A JOKE! This reflects on you, Walker, this all reflects on you!

*Adamson slow claps and it snaps Uryu back into the ring and onto his focus on Adamson.

UI: Hide behind it all, Max. With your tail between your legs, trying to emit bravado outwards. Who do you think you’re fooling?

*He now gets right into his face

UI: Maybe we can see just how much pain those meds block out…

MA: Try it, Cuckerspaniel, I’ll end you.

UI: I’ll give you a chance, Max. Beachfront Brawl, in two weeks, in front of your home crowd. Is there a better place to prove you’re the man you think you are? One on one, Uryu Ishida vs Max Adamson, Sydney, Australia.

*Uryu puts out a hand, which Max only looks at.

MA: I would say that the time is now, gentlemen. The time is now.

UI: The time is--

*Suddenly, having jumped the barriers from the crowd, out come Jackson Jackson and Frank Horrigan. They attack Uryu from behind, the guests in the ring scrambling. The boos are interrupted by cheers as Lion sprints down the ramp. He slides into the ring, under the bottom rope.

Jackson sees him first, but not fast enough and eats a superkick to the mouth. Horrigan reacts, swinging a big right arm, but Lion ducks underneath, runs to the ropes and flies back with a front dropkick that knocks Horrigan back and through the ropes. Adamson backs away into a corner, but Lion leaves him, instead getting Uryu to his feet. Horrigan is standing on the outside and Jackson brings himself back to his feet.

“Now hold on there, gentlemen”

*The possible standoff is interrupted by Alex Walker

AW: I let you do this, Max, because you said you would show the respect to Uryu that your social media messages have lacked. And this is how we end our introduction to Anarchy, with you cowering in the corner and your minions, the tag team champions no less, attacking a man from behind. And now Lion is here, maybe the only one who has shown any class so far this evening.

*Max has grabbed a microphone and retorts with anger

MA: You wanted some attention on Uryu, we gave him some damn importance for once in his worthless life. WE are more important than anything he has ever done or been! This is the best moment of his life!

AW: You, Max Adamson, have crossed the line! So have your boys. Before now, I had a match planned, based solely on merit. Now, I smile at the tantalising chance of some justice being served to the TA and their leader.

*The crowd cheer, sensing what is coming.

AW: Beachfront Brawl WILL see those tag titles defended. It will be the TA, on the home soil of their gracious leader, against Lion and the man you so despise, Uryu Ishida!

*The crowd pop


HE: There’s some feeling in this one, brother!

AW: It may have been This is Your Life, Max, but this is MY company! See you in two weeks, mate!

*The scene cuts away, first seeing the shock on Adamson’s face before fading away on the smile of Uryu.

Dolphin Ziggler

Posts : 24115
Join date : 2012-03-01
Age : 35
Location : Making the Kessel Run

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6CW Anarchy -  Tuesday 14th August 2018 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 14th August 2018

Post by Dolphin Ziggler Wed 15 Aug 2018, 4:56 am

*Backstage, Marty Helms is standing with Tim Allen.

TA: A fast start to the show tonight, Marty. Up next is a chance for either James McManus and Cameron Faith to---

MH: Hold up there, Allen. Do you think I care?

*He stares at Allen, waiting on response

TA: It’s, umm well, - -

MH: It is nothing important, they are meaningless members of this roster fighting for a chance to lose in a title match for two titles that still mean nothing compared to MY title.

*He shakes his head

MH: I cannot believe you tried to talk to me about that sh--

TA: WOOAH woah woah! Not during the interviews, please. I thought you might want to talk about titles, what with you not defending yours at this PPV…

*Helms smiles at the barbed comment by Allen

MH: You’re trying to bait me, little interviewer man. But there is no one to face me. That old man tried to insert himself into relevancy by jumping around near me, but all he is getting is the front row seat to my ratings boost. He’ll watch me beating up the Gary Busey of 6CW and his YouTube commenter.

TA: So you think you’re doing this all alone?

MH: Tom, I’m the best thing in this business, this company, any building we go to, any time in the past, present or future. This company, with its mindless owner and braindead, dribbling, hopeless fans, they haven’t got me on the PPV. I’d guess it’s a Grace thing, they can’t barter contracts with him if I’m boosting the buyrates and Grace is world champion. Whatever, Walker’s problem, and he is a problem. He’s wasting his time with that anime-spawned cuck out there when---

*Helms looks up and Allen turns to see what he’s looking at. Over walks Alex Walker, coming back from the ring.

AW: Fine speech, Marty. If I could take my hat off and scratch my bald spot, I would. Sounds like you have a lot to talk about and plenty of ideas to spout.

*Walker stands commanding, in control. Helms looks to answer back but stops himself

AW: Quiet now, smart man. Not smart enough though, sitting here trying to intimidate this little weasel and saying big words in the back. Beachfront Brawl is two weeks away, and you seem to think you’re at a different level. Maybe you prove it, as Mike Hill seems to have got your number a few times now.

MH: That washout is on no level, he--

AW: Is now the number one contender to the Television Title, and will face you at Beachfront Brawl…

*Walker smiles at the now angry Helms

AW: Now THAT didn’t feel like a waste of time

*He laughs and walks away with the scene fading on the face of Marty Helms

Dolphin Ziggler

Posts : 24115
Join date : 2012-03-01
Age : 35
Location : Making the Kessel Run

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6CW Anarchy -  Tuesday 14th August 2018 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 14th August 2018

Post by Dolphin Ziggler Wed 15 Aug 2018, 4:57 am

Match 1
To compete for the UK & International titles at Beachfront Brawl
James McManus vs Cameron Faith

HA: Welcome back to Anarchy, where it's now time for more singles action!

HE: And huge implications in this one....the winner earns the opportunity to fight for the International and UK Championships at Beachfront Brawl

HA: James McManus has been on a hell of a tear, arguably the best of his career but standing in his way is a rejuvenated Cameron Faith....

"Sad but true" blares out through the speakers and James McManus strides out onto the stage and the crowd boo. McManus holds up his arms before walking down the ramp. McManus climbs up the steel steps and then into the ring, where he again holds up his arms.

HA: McManus has always been a teak tough professiona but he's never realised his full potential, I think now he has found his level and the sky seems the limit....

‘I Fought the Law’ blasts out and the crowd continue cheering as Cameron Faith steps out. He storms down the ramp as the crowd chant his name, stepping through the ropes into the ring.

HA: For years many have predicted that Cameron Faith would be a main eventer, a multi time world champion...

HE: Deluded idiots....Faith is a bottlejob, you'll see that again tonight....

HA: I dare you to say that to him...

Ding, Ding, Ding!

McManus and Faith circle the ring, eventually locking-up. Faith applies a side headlock on the tag champion, who quickly attempts to counter with a belly to back suplex. Faith lands on his feet behind McManus, who turns around and Faith hits a low dropkick to the knee. Cameron then bounces off the ropes, connecting with a swinging neckbreaker on the tag champ. He covers.

Ref: 1.............2..Kick out!

McManus powers out, both men roll to their feet. Faith puts McManus into an armbar, but the former tag champion draws Faith in before throwing him down into the mat with a Northern Lights suplex. McManus bridges over into the pin.

Ref: 1................Kick out!

Faith gets the shoulder up early, but McManus quickly hits a vicious football kick to the gut to stop Faith getting to his feet. This allows McManus to control the pace of the match, applying a side headlock. He brings Faith up to his feet before throwing him back down to the mat and keeping the hold applied.

The double champion fights up to his feet, he then whips McManus into the ropes, Faith stands in the middle of the ring as McManus rebounds off the ropes. McManus returns to the middle of the ring and takes Faith down with a huge clothesline. McManus quickly covers.

HA: This is an impressive start from James McManus, showing off his technical ability to out manoeuvre Faith.

HE: McManus knows he is on a whole new level now....

Ref: 1...............2............Kick out!

Cameron takes longer to kick out. McManus locks in an armbar hold, he lifts up Faith and hits a 2nd clothesline. He then releases the armbar, allowing Faith up before kicking him in the stomach. He lifts Cameron onto his shoulders, before driving him down with a short powerbomb, pressing the legs forward into a pin attempt.

Ref: 1................2..............Kick out!

James McManus hauls up Cameron Faith, he sets up for a powerslam only for the double champion to drop down the back. He drives a knee up into the back, before bouncing off the ropes and planting McManus with a running bulldog. Faith then runs off the ropes, hitting a baseball slide dropkick to the face of McManus as he sits up. He hooks the leg.

Ref: 1.................2.............Kick out!

Cameron Faith lifts up McManus, he then fires in a stiff knife-edge chop to the chest. He continues with the stiff knife-edge chops as McManus stumbles back in the corner, firing off the chops to loud woos from the crowd. Faith eventually relents, before running in and nailing a big leaping clothesline. McManus slumps down to the mat, Faith climbs up to the top rope...

HA: Frog splash from Faith!

Ref: 1.....................2.................Kick out!

The former tag team champion forces the shoulder up off the canvas. Faith locks in a sleeper hold, slowly lifting McManus up to his feet. He then pulls him down into a backbreaker, then popping back up to his feet and delivering a neckbreaker to the tag champ. Faith makes the cover again.

Ref: 1......................2.......................Kick out!

HA: Faith really has taken control of this contest, showed resilience early on and is now really making this match his own, the sign of a truly top level competitor.

Cameron Faith picks up James McManus, he kicks him in the stomach before connecting with a suplex. He hauls up McManus, hitting a second suplex. Faith attempts the third suplex but McManus blocks. He then counters with a suplex of his own, before keeping the hold applied.

McManus then delivers his second suplex, before dragging up Faith holder and hitting a third suplex. He covers.

HE: McManus wins the suplex battle 3-2, supreme technical ability

Ref: 1....................2...................Kick out!

James McManus slowly gets to his feet, he allows Faith up before hitting a boot to the stomach. He then punches away at the back of Faith with clubbing blows before lifting him onto his shoulders and successfully delivering the running powerslam on this occassion. He covers.

Ref: 1..................2.................Kick out!

Faith gets the shoulder up, James McManus lifts him to his feet and then Irish whips him into the ropes. He nails a spinebuster on the rebound. McManus then bounces off the ropes as Faith stirs...

HA: Knee trembler!

Ref: 1..................2.................Kick out!

Cameron Faith again gets the shoulder up. McManus clatters his opponent across the back and drags him up before trying to flip him into a powerbomb position but Faith drops out the front and counters with an x-factor facebuster....

HA: What a counter...big opening....

Faith drags himself to the corner and pulls himself up the ropes to the top turnbuckle. He looks out at the crowd and nods his head...


HE: Forget it...

The flashbulbs go off but McManus drives his knees up into the gut of Faith on landing and then makes the cover.....................1.................2...............shoulder up. McManus clambers back up and he ushers Faith to his feet...


McManus gets Faith up on his shoulders but Faith wriggles down the back into a pinning combo.......................1...
.....shoulder up!

They both scramble back up and Faith attempts to leapfrog over his oncoming opponent but McManus catches him in midair and powerbombs him into the turnbuckle before spinning him into a huge spinebuster on the comeback....................1..................2...........kickout!

HE: That was three....

HA: Referee says otherwise....

McManus complains to the referee but then turns back to Faith. He hauls his opponent up and flips him into a suplex, only for Faith to float over the back and scores with a backstabber...................1.................2........kickout. Faith gets back up and he stomps his feet, beckoning for McManus to get up....

HA: Faith tuning it up.....SUPERKICK....

McManus catches Faith's foot, blocking the kick, and looks to counter into a figure four leglock but Faith uses his standing leg to leap into the air with a crunching enzeguiri to the temple. Faith quickly heads for the corner....


.....shoulder up!

HA: Faith so close to Beachfront Brawl there....

Faith looks for the three but the referee tells him two. Faith gets back up and he draws on the energy of the crowd as he shouts for McManus to stand. Slowly McManus rises and Faith leaps forward...


McManus ducks and he kicks Faith in the stomach for the River Thames Plunge but Faith spins out back. He shoves McManus into the corner, running in after him...

HA: Shining wizard...

McManus staggers out of the corner after the knee to the head...


Ref: 1................................2..........................................3!

Ding, Ding, Ding!

HA: Wow!

HE: I told you...

Faith leaps in for the superkick but McManus dodges the impact and immediately scoops his opponent onto his shoulders, nailing him with the tombstone piledriver out of nowhere for the three count...

HA: I did not see that coming....

HE: It's time to stop doubting James are looking at the future of this business, he is a world champion in the making...

HA: I'm not going to talk about his world level credentials just yet but one thing is for sure, James McManus is heading to Beachfront Brawl to compete for the UK and International Championships....he could be on the cusp of something very big....

Faith is sat on the canvass, groggy, and cradling his head in disbelief. James McManus is stood in the aisleway with a huge grin on his face, taunting the fans as he motions a belt around his waist.

HE: The future is here, Harold.....drink it in...

Dolphin Ziggler

Posts : 24115
Join date : 2012-03-01
Age : 35
Location : Making the Kessel Run

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6CW Anarchy -  Tuesday 14th August 2018 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 14th August 2018

Post by Dolphin Ziggler Wed 15 Aug 2018, 4:57 am

*A camcorder shot bursts into life and we see a close up of Bam Sparkleston

BS: Hey BamFans! It’s me, the Bamilicious, FaBamlous, shouting out all my BamFFs as we head up to Beachfront Brawl. Time for all your bikini bodies and the bootylicious Bams to hit the Aussie beaches, let’s turn Bondi into Bamdi!

*He pans around the room where his usual entourage is enjoying themselves

BS: We are LIVE on BamCam TV with the BamFam, getting ready to take on Dirty Helms and Micky Hill, such L.O.Ls if I ever did see them

*Suddenly, the image is disturbed and we hear feedback noise. After 10 seconds, the face of Engel Harlequin appears on the screen, the room behind him much darker.

EH: Hehehehe, BAM! I’m here now, with my best friend.

*He points the camera beyond him and we see a stuffed toy tied to a chair in the middle of the room.

EH: He’s my best friend in the whole world, but he fell over. He fell into a puddle. He’s not all that clever hehehe! But I’ve tied him up; best friends help each other out. Now if he can just hold this match for me, the light in this room hehehe!

*Engel lights a match and goes to the toy, which bursts into flames as the match touches him

EH: Oh no! Hehehe! Clumsy! All that petrol seems to catch on fire hehehe! Best friends do the darndest things, Bam…

*The camera clicks off and returns to the room where Bam and his entourage are. There is silence and shock. The camera stops and the scene ends.

Dolphin Ziggler

Posts : 24115
Join date : 2012-03-01
Age : 35
Location : Making the Kessel Run

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6CW Anarchy -  Tuesday 14th August 2018 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 14th August 2018

Post by Dolphin Ziggler Wed 15 Aug 2018, 4:58 am

*Uryu is pacing backstage in a rage with Lion standing, watching his new tag team partner’s anger. Uryu is rumbling and mumbling, lost in fury.

UI: The guy is just a waste of space, Lion. He used to be a wrestler, but now he is just a troll. Think of that, all the prestige he could have these days, but instead he just thinks of childish jokes. He should face me like a man, but he’s more of a mouse. The Malfoy behind his Crabbe and Goyle. I hate him, I hate him, I hate him!

*Lion just stays stood, calm, watchful. Uryu doesn’t even seem to notice

UI: Look at those chumps, standing there like guard dogs. Couldn’t face me alone, huh? Needed to get “the boys” involved? Well, I’ll put them down and cross his yard, drag him into my world and then cut his balls off! When I have those tag titles, then he’ll see what I am and what he wishes he could be: a wrestler!

L: You are indulging his whims, Uryu, and showing every error in emotion that will bring them their own victories, the titles, the match and a victory of emotions. They can take the win and your dignity...and I will suffer too.

*Uryu stops pacing and looks at Lion, but still shows his anger.

UI: Oh, should I just sit here and enjoy this then? IS that what you think?!

*Lion is unmoved

L: I think only of the match. If I show a lack of class by chasing him and playing games, what am I achieving? This may be about Max Adamson for you, but I am here as a professional wrestler. If you cannot show respect for your own ambitions, you should show respect for mine. For this lack of focus, it will be what defeats us.

UI: I am focused, we will show him.

L: Him? Is it Lion and Uryu versus Max Adamson? You disregard the talents of Jackson and Horrigan, they are tag team champions. They are competitors.

UI: They use him as a tool to cheat to victory!

L: They let their opponent fool themselves into competing with another opponent. If you are going to fight for these titles, you need to be with me, not against me. Facing off against Max, you make this everything he wants. If you are fighting him, you are leaving me to take on the two best tag teams wrestlers in this industry for the past year.

*The pair stare intently. Eventually Uryu breaks the silence

UI: I see you limping, maybe it isn’t me that’s the worry

*Lion steps away

L: I am not overly didn’t stop me beating you.

*That gets a smile from Uryu and the tension lifts.

UI: What are we calling ourselves?

L: I’m not interested in that. But I will sort the music

*As before, Lion walks away without another word, leaving Uryu standing there

UI: Oh come on, Lion! How do you do that in such a cool way?!

*He chases after him and the scene ends.

Dolphin Ziggler

Posts : 24115
Join date : 2012-03-01
Age : 35
Location : Making the Kessel Run

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6CW Anarchy -  Tuesday 14th August 2018 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 14th August 2018

Post by Dolphin Ziggler Wed 15 Aug 2018, 4:59 am

Match 2
Bam Sparkleston & Engel Harlequin vs Mike Hill & Marty Helms

The action returns to ringside with Marty Helms and Mike Hill already in the ring. Helms is shouting at Hill and holding the TV Title up in the air....

HA: Tag team action up next here on Anarchy folks....

HE: I'm not anticipating much teamwork here.....Hill and Helms can't stand one another....

HA: Mainly due to Mike Hill's attack on Helms last month......our TV Champion is not a forgiving man.....

HE: Which is a shame because these two could be a great duo....

HA: Mike Hill wants that TV Title, I don't forsee a partnership here.....SEE WHAT I MEAN?

Hill is lounging in the corner looking bored by Helms' rant but then he waits for Helms to turn his back and head toward the ropes before he runs over and dives into a dropkick to the spine that sends his rival flying through the ropes to the outside...

HE: The match hasn't even got underway....

HA: I can't say I'm surprised....

Helms tries to stagger back up to his feet, on the outside, as Hill front flips over the top rope and crashes into his foe with a senton splash. Hill kneels over Helms and rains down punches with venom...

HE: They were supposed to work together....

Bam Sparkleston and Engel Harlequin have appeared on the stage but remain frozen as they watch the action unfolding in front of them. Mike Hill throws Helms back into the ring and then follows him...

HA: I was kind of hoping to see how Bam and Engel worked here tonight after their teething problems of late but I don't think we're gonna get this match...

Hill picks the TV Title belt up off the canvass and he beckons Marty Helms back up and then he swings the strap at his head, only for Helms to duck and tackle Hill to the floor in the same movement....

HE: Now Mike Hill is going to pay...

Helms starts driving his forearms and elbows down toward Hill's head whilst the veteran tries his best to cover up. Helms clambers back up and he rips off his t-shirt before ushering Hill to his feet and he boots him in the gut....


Helms flips Hill into the air for a powerbomb but Hill counters with a hurricanrana that sends Helms flying into the turnbuckle. Hill staggers back up and he waits for Helms to turn around before dropping him with a pele kick...

HE: What is that idiot, Sparkleston, doing?

Bam has climbed up onto the ring apron and he is filming the action on his phone, Engel paces the outside, his dark eyes without a trace of emotion....

Hill grabs the championship belt once more and he slams it down on Helms' chest before heading to the corner and he climbs up to the top rope. The fans in the arena are going wild as Hill steadies himself and then launches through the air....


Hill comes crashing down but Helms moves aside at the last moment, causing his rival to crash into the deck. Helms quickly seizes Hill by the neck and rags him up before launching him through the ropes to the outside....

HE: This is getting out of hand now....

HA: It was out of hand the moment two tag partners started beating the hell out of one another....

Helms smashes Hill's head off both announce tables and then throws him over the table, sending Hill crashing into the steel chairs and equipment behind. Helms grabs a camera cord and wraps it around Hill's neck, choking him....

HA: Helms has a nasty, vindictive streak and Mike Hill has certainly stoked the fires of that....

Hill's face turns purple before Helms releases the cord and then he rags Hill back up and runs him forward.....BOOM!

HE: Hill is paying a very harsh price now....

HA: He should have known what he was getting into with Marty Helms....

Hill is smashed into the steel steps and then just drops to the floor. Helms seizes Hill by the neck and he flips him up into a powerbomb position before slamming him against the ringpost and then hauls him back into the ring....

HA: This needs to be stopped...

Helms slowly climbs back in after Hill and he circles him, a sinister smile crossing his face. Helms beckons for Hill to stand up whilst he removes the padding from his elbow...

HE: Hill's about to feel the bullhammer...

HA: Or is he?

Suddenly, Engel Harlequin rolls under the bottom rope and remains on all fours, glaring up at Marty Helms, who momentarily takes a step back. Helms looks unsure of Harlequin's next move....

HE: What is that basket case doing now?

HA: I long gave up trying to second guess the mindset of Engel Harlequin...

Helms starts to regain his composure and he smirks at Engel and shakes his head before turning back to Hill and he seizes his wrist, dragging him up....


Hill lunges forward at the last moment and lands a thunderous low blow on Helms, drawing a gasp from the crowd. Hill looks in a lot of pain but he manages to drag the TV belt off the canvass and he smashes it into Helms' face, sending him from the ring...

HA: Hill just knocked Helms for six...

HE: But he knows he's been in one hell of a fight.....

HA: He's still the only man standing.....

HE: Not anymore!

The crowd suddenly start cheering as Engel Harlequin gets to his feet and stares at Hill. Hill looks extremely uncomfortable so he keeps hold of the TV Title as he escapes the ring...

HE: That belt does not belong to Mike Hill...

HA: I don't think he cares, he wants out of Harlequin's presence....Marty Helms is gonna have to see Hill again to get his championship back...

HE: He'll be seeing him at Beachfront Brawl......this one has all the makings of an all out war...

HA: It sure does.....but what is Engel doing?

Hill disappears up the ramp with the TV Title whilst Marty Helms is down in a heap on the outside of the ring. The crowd are still cheering for Engel and chanting his name as he stares around the arena. Bam climbs through the ropes and is filming the reaction of the crowd with a smile on his face, leading the chants...

HE: The most bizarre link up I have ever known....

HA: Seems as though they may be back on the same page....Bam is leading the Engel Harlequin fan club here....

Bam sidles in close to Engel and snaps a selfie of the two of them together, but the flash on the camera goes off and temporarily blinds Harlequin, causing him to shuffle backward....

HE: What an idiot, Sparkleston really lacks brain cells...

HA: I just don't think Engel understands...

Bam holds up his hands in apology and just shows his phone to Engel and the picture of them together. Engel stares at the picture and then slowly a smile breaks out on his face...

HE: Engel smiling at a photo of himself? He really isn't right in the head....

Bam jumps up and down on the spot and claps his hands together whilst the crowd continue to cheer. Engel holds the phone in his hand and continues to survey the photo before he drops the phone on the mat and stamps on it....

HA: What the...?


*Crowd boo

Engel bursts from the traps and thunders into Bam with a clothesline that turns him inside out. Engel stomps viciously on every part of Bam's body he reach...

HE: This is brutal...

Engel is laughing hysterically as he drags Bam's face off the mat, tears running down Sparkleston's face, and then Harlequin slams his former friend's head against the canvass so hard that he leaves him cold.

HA: This is hard to watch...

Engel rolls from the ring and he quickly grabs a steel chair before heading back for the ring. He rolls in and he throws the chair own on the deck before heaving Bam's unconscious body up...

HA: You don't need to do this Engel..



Engel drills Bam with the DDT on the chair and leaves him in a heap. Engel then leans over his pray for a few minutes, laughing and muttering to himself...

HE: I guess the dark side of Engel Harlequin has resurfaced...

HA: Did it ever leave? People forget that just a couple of months ago he damn near ended the career of Keith Leone......he never confirmed any friendship with Bam Sparkleston, I'm inclined to believe this was all part of a sadistic, twisted plot....

HE: You might just be right......Bam was a willing guinea pig in Harlequin's experiment....

HA: And look what he's done....that's strange....

Engel leans away from Bam and continues to laugh as the cameras zoom in to show he has painted Sparkleston's face in an ugly clown's grimace. Bam is still out cold, unawares of what has happened, whilst Engel sits next to him and rocks back and forth whilst laughing....

HA: Folks we were supposed to have a tag team match here and instead we've had a brutal fight between one team followed by a sadistic, heinous assault between another....

HE: The tale of Engel Harlequin just took an even darker, more deranged twist......just what is this man capable of?

HA: I'm starting to worry if there's nothing he won't do....I truly am fearful for the safety of Bam Sparkleston now knowing that Engel views him as an enemy...

Dolphin Ziggler

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6CW Anarchy -  Tuesday 14th August 2018 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 14th August 2018

Post by Dolphin Ziggler Wed 15 Aug 2018, 5:00 am

*Elsewhere in the arena, GazzyD stands alone in the corridors. The crowd cheer as his face appears on the large screen. The camera is in close-up, and we see an angry looking hall of famer. As the camera pans out, we see him face-to-face with Liam Wood, who gets the boos we have come to expect of a man who once proclaimed himself the Face of EWF.

GD: It’s never a pleasure, Wood. If anything, it’s completely unnecessary.

LW: Ahhh, Mr Irrelevant. The weight that tried to drag me down with him. The little train that couldn’t. Should I stop, trainwreck? Or have you forgotten just how pathetic you are?

*Wood smirks but Gazzy is unmoved.

GD: Words, always tried those as your little shield, haven’t you, Liam?

LW: You struggle to use or understand them, Gareth. That’s why you followed the cult like a sheep. Whilst I used it, you were used and drained.

GD: Your insecurities never fail to amaze me. The ego was crushed, and it still hasn’t recovered. What are you even achieving anymore, Wood? You’re just bickering now, bickering with fans, bickering with Kenty and now trying to bicker with Grace.

LW: That the world champion and his cronies are clinging to me is no surprise.

GD: Our time together taught me many things, Wood. You clung onto Plague’s power to help you, and now you cling onto mine and Kenty’s legacies, our careers, the standing we have in the game, to try and keep your relevance. So what are you doing with Grace?

*Gazzy, now fully in stride, steps that last step to completely close the gap with Wood.

GD: It’s clear to me, and you know it’s clear to you: if your name is linked, maybe your paths will cross. That’s desperate, you’re desperate, and that is why none of us in this six-pack will be remotely worried by you. You’re done, Wood, and this is looking like the last nail in your coffin.

*Wood steps back, looking a touch shocked, but then slow claps and laughs

LW: Oh well done, Gareth. Darling, ton of respect for the bulls*** you just fed yourself. I can feel the mouthbreathers out there, all in the palm of your hand. They’re idiots, you’re braindead, and I am about to take two titles in one night. Tonight is a little warm up; don’t piss yourself when you watch me in action.

*Wood walks away, neither man showing signs of backing down, tension still in the air.

Dolphin Ziggler

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6CW Anarchy -  Tuesday 14th August 2018 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 14th August 2018

Post by Dolphin Ziggler Wed 15 Aug 2018, 5:01 am

*Faith is banging on Alex Walker’s office door


*The door begins to open, but out slinks Jack Hurst, closing the door behind him quickly.

JH: Oh look here, it’s the man that Pay Per View’s forgot. All dressed up and no one to fight. I presume the banging on the door was for a ticket. Although I’d ask you request three, so you can keep two spare seats, one either side, saving our audience from having to be too close to you.

*Faith just stares daggers at Hurst

CF: Why are you here? Nobody hired you, even when the place was desperate.

JH: And you’re quite the image of desperation, Faith

*Faith looks at him once more then just looks beyond and raises his fist to smash on the door again, over Hurst’s shoulder. This time, Walker comes out.

AW: Yes, Faith?

CF: I want a match. Beachfront Brawl. Some lucky break from that doesn’t count me out of the big events.

JH: Ha! You couldn’t wrestle yourself onto it, so I’m not sure the card deserves to be dragged down.

*Faith snaps and grabs Hurst by the throat.

AW: Cameron! This is ridiculous.

*Faith lets Hurst go. Walker smiles suddenly.

AW: Interesting idea. Jack is rather eager to work here again, his contract as Grace’s bodyguard wasn’t actually underwritten by 6CW, and after two months of legal back and forth, you’ve come to beg for work, haven’t you?

*Hurst loses his smug look.

AW: One of you wants a contract. One of you wants a match. Problem solved. Jack, if you can beat one Cameron Faith on the Beachfront Brawl pay-per-view then you will have a contract. Job done!

*Walker turns around and goes back into his office, leaving Hurst and Faith staring off.

Dolphin Ziggler

Posts : 24115
Join date : 2012-03-01
Age : 35
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6CW Anarchy -  Tuesday 14th August 2018 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 14th August 2018

Post by Dolphin Ziggler Wed 15 Aug 2018, 5:03 am

Match 3
Perfect Jack & Clarke James vs Liam Wood, Mr Kenty & GazzyD

HA: Ladies and Gentleman, a huge match-up next here on Anarchy!

HE: It's handicap action, as former tag team champions Clarke James and Perfect Jack look to improve upon their recent fortunes.

HA: Numerically though, the odds are stacked against them tonight.

HE: They go up against the team of Liam Wood, Gazzy D and Mr Kenty, a trio of 6CW legends.

The lights dim around the arena, a single spotlight shines to the stage as "Turn Up The Trouble" blares out through the speakers and the crowd cheer as Mr Kenty slowly walks out into the stage. . He marches down the ramp, tagging a few hands before clambering up the steel steps and then ascending to the 2nd rope.

"Freedom" blares out through the speakers and the crowd cheer loudly as Gazzy D marches out onto the stage, he takes in the wild cheering of the crowd with a grin on his face. Gazzy builds into a sprint as he makes his way down the ramp, sliding in under the bottom rope. He and Kenty exchange looks...

"Revival Mode" by Every Time I Die kicks in and a lone figure walks out slowly on to the stage, taking his place in the spot light. The lights kick in fully and Liam Wood strides down to the ramp, staring down both of his rivals.

HE: What a trio this is, all current or future 6CW Hall Of Famers.

HA: That maybe so, and on paper you won't see many stronger three man teams, but team is the operative word here, just how will they co-exist.

"I am perfection" blares out through the speakers, and this is quickly blended into "Blind Faith" as Perfect Jack walks out onto the stage, followed closely by his tag team partner Clarke James. The crowd cheer as they walk down separate sides of the aisle to high five their fans.

HA: One of the most popular tag teams 6CW has seen, these two have gotten so used to championship gold, they must feel almost naked at the moment with the lack of it around their waist.

HE: It's the last they'll see of it for a while, hopefully Kenty, Wood and Gazzy can put the final nail in this coffin.

Ding, Ding, Ding!

Clarke James starts the match off against Mr Kenty. The duo lock-up in the middle of the ring, James is quick to apply a side headlock. Kenty counters with an Irish whip to the ropes, he ducks down only for James to leapfrog over the top. James bounces back off the opposite ropes only to be stopped in his tracks with a knee to the gut.

He lurches forward, Kenty hits a couple of clubbing blows down across the back. Kenty then slings James out across the ring with a gutwrench suplex. James stumbles up and Kenty nails him with a clothesline. Cover.

Ref: 1................2..........Kick out!

HA: Kenty started this one off strongly.

Kenty stomps away on James, he then drags him to his feet and throws him into the ropes. Kenty lifts James onto his shoulders and then drops him with a big samoan drop down into the canvas. James staggers to his feet and Kenty drives him into the mat with a face-first Russian legsweep. Cover.

Ref: 1...................2...........Kick out!

James again kicks out. Kenty once more boots away at him on the canvas, he then drags up Clarke James and slings him into the corner. Kenty runs in, crashing a big boot into the head. Kenty pulls James forward and goes for a DDT, but he is prevented from doing so by a flying Perfect Jack clothesline.

HE: Tremendous teamwork from these two, Jack got the blind tag to save his partner.

Perfect Jack drags up Kenty, he and James then deliver a variant of the magic killer on Kenty before James is forced to leave the ring.

Ref: 1...................2.............Kick out!

Perfect Jack applies an armbar before dragging Kenty to his feet and connecting with an arm drag takedown. He drags up Kenty in an armbar hold, he ducks under the shoulder and then slings Kenty to the mat with a Northern Lights suplex, bridging into the pin. Cover.

Ref: 1.................2............Kick out!

Jack makes the tag to Clarke James who steps into the ring. The duo lift up Kenty and hit him with a double atomic drop. James then feeds the boot to Kenty, he catches it only for James to deliver an enzaguri kick which Perfect Jack follows up on with a dropkick to the head. He hooks the leg.

Ref: 1................2............Kick out!

Clarke James drags up Mr Kenty, he throws him into the ropes and connects with a tilt-a-whirl neckbreaker. Kenty stumbles up, James hits a more conventional neckbreaker on this occasion. Kenty rolls up to a vertical base, James bounces off the ropes and connects with a spinning heel kick. Cover.

Ref: 1.....................2.............Kick out!

Kenty kicks out. James brings Perfect Jack back into the equation with a tag. They lift up Kenty, throwing him into the ropes and nailing a double hip toss on the rebound. Clarke James goes to the top rope, as Jack goes to the 2nd rope. They dive off simultaneously...

HA: Plancha and Leg Drop combination!

Ref: 1.....................2.............Kick out!

Perfect Jack lifts up Mr Kenty, he then snapmares him down to the canvas. Jack bounces off the ropes, nailing a neck snap. Jack retreats to the corner, he runs forward and then connects with a leaping knee to the face. Cover.

Ref: 1..................2............Kick out!

Kenty kicks out. Perfect Jack hauls him to his feet, he goes for a suplex but Kenty blocks, he then counters with a suplex of his own. Jack stumbles to his feet, Kenty flattens him with a huge boot to the skull. Cover.

Ref: 1..................2............Kick out!

Jack kicks out. Kenty hauls up Perfect Jack, slinging him over his shoulders and going for a rolling fireman's carry slam which connects. Kenty goes to head up top but Liam Wood tags himself in.

HA: And there you see the difference between the blind tag made by Perfect Jack and Liam Wood's on Kenty.

HA: One based on saving a team-mate, the other to one up him.

Wood climbs to the top rope, diving off and taking down Jack with a flying lariat. Perfect Jack rolls up to his feet, Liam Wood spins him around on the spot and then plants Jack into the mat with a swinging reverse STO. Cover.

Ref: 1..................2............Kick out!

Perfect Jack kicks out. Liam Wood clambers onto Jack, pummeling away at him with a series of big punches. Wood is eventually forced to roll away by the referee. He allows Perfect Jack to rise before throwing him into the ropes. On the rebound, Wood plants Jack face-first into the mat with a flapjack.

Liam Wood then bounces off the ropes once he sees Jack beginning to stir, so he can then meet him flush in the middle of the ring with a vicious looking discus elbow smash. He hooks the leg.

Ref: 1................2............Kick out!

Liam Wood climbs to his feet, he mockingly boots away at Jack a couple of times before allowing him up to a vertical base. He kicks Jack in the gut and then lifts him onto his shoulders for a powerbomb, but Jack counters with several punches down into the head. Wood stumbles back towards the corner, James is able to reach up and tag in.

Perfect Jack takes Wood down with a hurracanrana. He stumbles up and James runs out of the corner, hitting a leaping lariat. Cover.

Ref: 1.....................2...............Kick out!

Clarke James lifts up Wood, he throws him into the ropes and on the rebound, connects with an inverted atomic drop. James then runs off the ropes, where he floors Wood with a spinning heel kick to the face. He covers.

Ref: 1....................2.............Kick out!

Wood kicks out. Clarke James hauls him up and again Irish whips Wood into the ropes. He goes for another move on the rebound, this time a tilt-a-whirl neckbreaker...

HE: Headscissors! Incredible counter from Liam Wood!

James stumbles up unsteadily straight into a huge boot to the head from Wood. Cover.

Ref: 1.....................2..............Kick out!

Liam Wood applies a grounded double underhook lock on James, dropping some knees down into the back of his head. Slowly he brings James up to his feet and then throws him across the ring with a double underhook suplex. James rolls up to his feet, throwing a wild clothesline that Wood ducks underneath...

HA: Pele kick...

HE: And then the superkick! Let the party start!

Ref: 1..................2..............Kick out!

Wood gets to his feet, he stomps down on the head of James a couple of times before allowing him to his feet, where he then takes down James with a big belly to belly suplex. CJ rolls to his feet and Wood plants him with a snap DDT. Cover.

Ref: 1....................2...............Kick out!

James gets the shoulder up. Wood clambers onto James and drives huge punches into the head, before rolling away. James gets to his feet, Wood attempts an Irish whip to the corner but CJ reverses the momentum. He runs in but Wood flapjacks him face-first into the top turnbuckle, James stumbles out of the corner straight into a belly to belly suplex. Wood scurries over to make the pin.

Ref: 1...................2.............Kick out!

Clarke James once again kicks out. Liam Wood rolls James over onto his front and immediately begins working over the back, alternating knee drops and stomps to the back. Wood then throws James into the ropes, hitting a big spinebuster on the rebound.

Wood doesn't cover, he allows James up and boots him in the gut...

HA: James up into the air....


Ref: 1..........................2.......................Perfect Jack breaks the pin!

HA: Jack with the big save for his team-mate!

Kenty goes to storm the ring but then stops, Gazzy is about to make a run for Jack but the delay from Kenty allows PJ to return to the ring apron. James and Wood begin to crawl towards their respective corners, where the tags are made...

HE: Perfect Jack and Gazzy D into this match!

HA: Two legends of this company!

Gazzy springboards over the top rope into the ring, he ducks a clothesline from Jack and then grabs him by the waist, delivering a snap German suplex. PJ rolls to his feet almost in shock and Gazzy cracks him with a couple of big rights to the chin. He backs Jack into the ropes and then sends him flying across the ring.

On the rebound, Gazzy meets Perfect Jack with a picture-perfect dropkick. He then goes up to the top rope...

HA: Huge leg drop!

Ref: 1....................2...............Kick out!

Gazzy goes straight to work after the kick out, he drags Perfect Jack to his feet and launches him into the ropes. On the rebound, Gazzy leaps into the air and nails a beautiful standing dropkick. Perfect Jack rolls to his feet, Gazzy goes for another Irish whip.

Perfect Jack reverses to send Gazzy into the ropes, only for the fan favourite to springboard back to take down Perfect Jack with a springboard missile dropkick. Cover.

Ref: 1..................2............Kick out!

Gazzy stands over Perfect Jack, allowing him to rise. He connects with some knees to the stomach, he places Perfect Jack into a front facelock before planting him head-first into the canvas with a DDT. Gazzy steps to the outside, he waits for Perfect Jack to get to his feet...

HE: Springboard forearm!

Ref: 1.....................2..............Kick out!

Gazzy D lifts up Perfect Jack, he goes for a kick to the stomach. Perfect Jack grabs it, Gazzy then counters with an enzaguri. Perfect Jack falls to one knee, Gazzy hits a neck snap but floats over to convert it into a jawbreaker, pulling down Perfect Jack's jaw across his shoulder.

HE: Tremendous innovation from Gazzy!

Ref: 1.......................2.................Kick out!

Gazzy D allows Perfect Jack to his feet. He kicks him in the stomach and goes for the Deep Impact, but Perfect Jack manages to push him away. Gazzy runs back in at Jack, who hits a back body drop. Gazzy rolls to his feet, throwing a wild punch that Jack ducks and then counters with a desperate belly to back suplex.

HA: Both men down on the mat, huge moment in the match-up!

Gazzy and Jack crawl to their respective corners, Liam Wood is reaching out for the tag...

HA: What the hell?!

HE: Kenty just shoved Wood's hand away!

HA: He wants it for himself!

HE: Perhaps still smarting from Wood's blind tag earlier in the match.

Kenty pushes the hand of Wood away to tag himself in. He runs into the ring, he grabs Perfect Jack by the leg. The veteran manages to stand up and then hit Kenty with an enazguri kick. Jack tags in James, who climbs up top...

HA: Blockbuster!

James hits the leaping move and in one movement, forward rolls onto his feet. He runs towards Wood on the apron to remove him from the match...

HE: Liam Wood removing himself from the equation, he doesn't want to help Kenty after that!

James smiles, shrugs his shoulders and turns around. CJ tags in Jack again, he then lifts up Kenty.


James delivers the Rock Bottom and Jack immediately lifts up Kenty...

HE: And now the Perfect Plex!

Ref: 1........................2............................3!

Ding, Ding, Ding!

HA: And that is all she wrote!

HE: A big win for Clarke James and his tag partner Perfect Jack here this evening!

HA: It might have been 3 on 2, but with the way Kenty, Gazzy D and Liam Wood worked together, it played right into the strengths of James and Jack.

HE: A well-oiled machine, they used their tag team prowess and perhaps more pertinently, their mutual trust, to win this match-up this evening and provide a much-needed momentum boost after recent weeks.

Dolphin Ziggler

Posts : 24115
Join date : 2012-03-01
Age : 35
Location : Making the Kessel Run

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6CW Anarchy -  Tuesday 14th August 2018 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 14th August 2018

Post by Dolphin Ziggler Wed 15 Aug 2018, 5:03 am

*With PJ and CJ celebrating on the screen, it pans out and we see the monitor in the back is being watched by Jackson Jackson, Frank Horrigan and the smug-faced Max Adamson, who starts to talk.

MA: Crikey, boys, if that’s the standard in this company, we really should be taking over every division. There could be a Max World Order, brothers.

*Horrigan and Jackson seem disinterested

JJ: We don’t care, Max. We care about the situation with Uryu you have got us into.

MA: Situation? Lads, the guy buys used ladies underwear off the internet, the only situation is that we’ll need hand sanitiser ringside for any time he touches one of us.

FH: You’ve got us into this match with your games, Adamson.

MA: So? These two are nothing. I don’t even know what Lion is.

JJ: He’s experienced in Japan and Mexico at least, Max. And Walker is on your back about this too, so we’ve got the boss’s eyes on this match.

*Max looks back and forth at Jackson and Horrigan, seeing the frustration

MA: Easy, gentlemen. They’re a new team driven by Uryu’s jealousy about me being everything fantastic in a man and him being repressed. You won’t just beat them, you’ll embarrass them. Uryu can’t take his eyes off me.

FH: And what if Walker calls you out when you play those ringside games, Max?

MA: It doesn’t matter. Lion has basically one leg anyway, and he’s the talent in that duo. If Lion is in, you target the leg. If Uryu is in, we school him. It’s a done deal, guys. Chill.

Dolphin Ziggler

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6CW Anarchy -  Tuesday 14th August 2018 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 14th August 2018

Post by Dolphin Ziggler Wed 15 Aug 2018, 5:04 am

*Moving on from the TA, the screen in the arena shows the back door opening and a huge cheer goes up as Cerberus walks into the building.

HA: Well there we are, here comes the monster of 6CW!

HE: Arriving late, I’m sure a little scared.

HA: Not sure this man has ever been scared of anyone or anything. Striding into the arena, there’s purpose in that walk

HE: He needs to remember it’s pens, not punches tonight.

HA: Just two more weeks for Cerberus to take back that 6CW championship

HE: That is Anthony Grace’s title!

HA: Cerberus never lost it, and I can see why Anthony Grace wheeled O’Callaghan into this one: protection.

*Timothy Allen approaches Cerberus

TA: Cerberus, are you planning to --

*Cerberus walks almost directly through Allen, his shoulder crashing into him and sending the interviewer flying. He doesn’t even look back and the scene then cuts to Anthony Grace and O’Callaghan, watching the footage together

AG: How are you stopping him then, mister? The old fighting Irish can’t be stopped just because he’s tall.

*O’Callaghan turns to face Grace.

O’C: All on me, huh?

AG: Worried? Not what I expected

O’C: I think we need to be ready for this to explode. He’s a dangerous maniac, not smart enough to sign paper. Does he use words? Can he write? I would guess he’s looking to sign it with a bloody palm print.

*Grace leans back in his chair and thinks

AG: Yes, we need a plan. Thankfully, I’m incredibly intelligent. But we can *sit* on that for a little while, my friend.

*Grace laughs, all at his own joke, which leaves O’Callaghan just a bit baffled and eventually he just takes his phone from his pocket and ignores Grace and the scene fades.

Dolphin Ziggler

Posts : 24115
Join date : 2012-03-01
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6CW Anarchy -  Tuesday 14th August 2018 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 14th August 2018

Post by Dolphin Ziggler Wed 15 Aug 2018, 5:04 am

The following message is an advertisement paid for by The Beacon of Hope

The fans watch on, unsure as to what will follow.  The black screen gives way to a silhouette which in turn becomes the picture of a man in front of the camera.  He is unknown to 6CW and to its followers, having never before been seen on its programming.

I don’t think you people appreciate who is in front of you right now and that’s understandable.  You don’t know who I am so of course you’re going to misjudge the magnitude of this moment.  For years you’ve been told…no, you’ve been brainwashed in to believing what you see in this company is the elite, that this is the gold standard in professional wrestling and there is no compromise, 6CW is the pinnacle.

There are a few audible cheers from the crowd for 6CW as the man continues.

Consider this moment right now, your awakening.  The man you see before you is the one who will unchain you from this fallacy, the sky is once again blue and the grass greener than it has ever been.  I will allow you to see the world through your real eyes and not through the narrow lenses this company has given you.

The crowd look around at each other, confused as to what is going on.  The unknown man on the big screen turns his face upwards to the sky, eyes closed.  He pauses and takes a deep breath before lowering his head and looking back in to the camera.

And with your eyes now open, keep your attention directly on me.  I want you all to look at me and appreciate what you now feel.  You know something’s different, don’t you?  Can you feel it?  You’ve been fed mediocre, borderline acceptable content for too long and I have taken it upon myself to stand up against it and say enough is enough.  I will represent your values, your dreams and everything that makes you live and breathe.

Waves of unrest come through the stadium, the fans taking an obvious dislike to the tone and manner in which the gentleman on the screen is addressing them.

You will cling on to me as I drag this company from the rut it resides in.  Make no mistake, there will be discomfort at first.  It’s awkward when someone new delivers a few home truths which grates with the established company line.  But eventually my message will be revered, it will be held up on a pedestal as the moment this company changed forever.  Those who dare to disagree and, worse, challenge me will be made to accept my word as gospel either voluntarily or through force.  They…and you…will thank me.

A smile comes across the unknown man’s face.

When you know my name you will cheer it, when you hear my entrance music you will sing it and when you watch my matches you will feel it.  I am the Beacon of Hope you’ve been longing for…step in to the light with me, let's make 6CW a better place.

With that, the screen cuts to black with the following message read out

The following message was an advertisement paid for by Xavier Ross

Dolphin Ziggler

Posts : 24115
Join date : 2012-03-01
Age : 35
Location : Making the Kessel Run

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6CW Anarchy -  Tuesday 14th August 2018 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 14th August 2018

Post by Dolphin Ziggler Wed 15 Aug 2018, 6:10 am

*DING DING! Alex Walker stands in the ring with a table in the middle and three different A4 sheets of paper with a pen. Simple and obvious, but all that is necessary. The 6CW World Championship sits beside them.

AW: Welcome to our main event, the non-traditional main event, the contract signing for the Beachfront Brawl main event, which will see Anthony Grace defend his 6CW World Championship against the monster Cerberus and our prizefighter O'Callaghan.

*The crowd cheer and the lights go out. Haunted by the Disturbed begins to play and the crowd roar as bright red lights go on at the entrance and slowly Cerberus walks out stands in the red light.

HA: The man who never lost this title, and one who has been dogged by both Grace and O'Callaghan since the rebirth this year.

HE: Coming out first, keeping himself safe, taking the high ground

HA: This man fears nothing and no one. The power is there for all to see; this is not a man that anyone should take lightly.

*Cerberus marches down to the ring and the lights come up as he steps over the top rope.

HA: 6 foot 9 inches of hate, the twisted maniacal maniac is here to get things started.

*Walker stands back and lets Cerberus walk by him and then lean against the far ropes.

HE: We all wait for the star to arrive

*Run This Town plays and the lights in the arena go down once more. Then O'Callaghan appears, stands at the top of the stage, inhales the air and walks down to the ring, avoiding members of the crowd while holding his arms out, walking with a swagger to the music.

HA: Here comes a complicated man, Henry. Once focused purely on himself on his fight, he has since struck and allegiance of sorts with Anthony Grace

HE: The strongest men are always let down if they're not smart too. O'Callaghan is showing he's got every bit of both, and he's learning from the best in Grace.

*O'Callaghan slides into the ring and doesn't take his eyes off Cerberus, alert and ready. Cerberus steps towards him, so O'Callaghan drops down and slides out of the ring.

HE: Another smart move

*O'Callaghan goes to the timekeeper and grabs two chairs, sliding one in before getting back into the ring with the other.

HA: Not sure he's showing much bravery here

HE: It's just to take a seat, Harold. Clever move, clever as ever. And one for Grace too, because this is an Irish man of manners.

*Cerberus just keeps his eyes fixed on O'Callaghan, unmoved by the chairs and O'Callaghan's antics.

HA: And we await the champion...

*A massive gold “A” comes up on the screen as the music hits - Power by Kanye West. A spotlight appears on the stage and illuminates Grace as he appears. He punches the air as the main beat hits and the arena is bathed in gold lighting. Charles Kramer walks behind him.


HA: Oh brother...


*Once he reaches the ring, he climbs a turnbuckle and holds his necklace to the side and starts pointing to the “A” hanging from it. He then gets down and goes to shake Walker's hand, who obliges politely. The necklace is given to Kramer, and the pair go to O'Callaghan. The two chairs are set up, but Grace and O'Callaghan stand behind them. Kramer grabs a microphone.

CK: Alex, I think you can understand my client's reluctance here, what with that caged animal more likely to use that pen as a weapon than be able to write his own name. You know my legal team has checked that contract and we have made our own edits, which we demand Cerberus agrees to before this match takes place.

AW: Yes, Charles, I have seen the inclusions and, as you know, all but two were removed. Nine wastes of time, and two agreeable additions. Cerberus agrees that he will not touch Anthony Grace before the match and that no weapons are to be used in the pursuit of the title.

*Cerberus cracks his knuckles but does nothing else

CK: And my lawyers will be on standby to sue this company for every last penny of its pitiful cash reserves if those conditions are not met.

*Walker sighs

AW: Sure. So, Anthony, the champion, I think your name can go first, get things moving and make sure we have a title to defend!

*Walker stands ready, but Kramer looks to Grace who shakes his head.

CK: No, I don't think so. We all agree here, this needs to be concluded with a little bit of civility. We want Cerberus's name on that first, to ensure he stands by the agreement on those contracts.

*Walker rolls his eyes, but turns to Cerberus

AW: Wanna get this thing rolling?

*Cerberus pushes himself up and goes over to the table. He grabs the pen, but just eyeballs the two challengers.

CK: Sign it, moron. Just sign the paper and remind yourself of your damn place.

*Cerberus straightens up

CK: Oh, he's looking at me.

*Cerberus just stands there, staring at Kramer

CK: Sign the thing! Sign the damn thing!

*Kramer walks to Cerberus and grabs the pen he is holding to try and force the signature down. It doesn't work and Cerberus grabs him by the throat and picks him up off his feet to raise him to eye level, inches away.

HA: Kramer has made a mistake. That was not clever!

HE: This is assault! Assault!

*Cerberus signs the contract and then raises the pen in the air, digging it into Kramer's temple. Kramer is shaking his head and looks on the edge of tears, but with Cerberus distracted, O'Callaghan cracks the chair sideways behind Cerberus's knees and the champion drops down. Grace then swings and his Cerberus on the back of the head, sending him down to the mat

HE: Brilliant! A masterplan!

HA: Cowards, as ever these two are absolute cowards.

*Grace walks over to the table and puts his hand on his title, draping it over his shoulder. O'Callaghan and Grace suddenly meet eye-to-eye and the relaxed partnership drifts away momentarily

HA: He's still a challenger, whatever happens. Partnership only goes so far.

*The gazes don't drop, and both men grip the chairs in their hands even stronger. Without warning, Cerberus sits up, but both Grace and O'Callaghan swing around



*The two chairs are swung at exactly the same time and crash into either side of Cerberus's head simultaneously. Cerberus collapses to the ground and blood seeps from his head into the mat. Grace and O'Callaghan smile and both sign their contracts.

HA: Two weeks to Beachfront Brawl and Cerberus is cold on the mat.

HE: Grace strikes again, that brilliance never ends.

HA: Can Cerberus gets his revenge on Grace and O'Callaghan, and which man will walk out of Beachfront Brawl! Goodnight!

*The show ends with Grace and O'Callaghan holding each their hands in the air and standing above the downed body of Cerberus.

Dolphin Ziggler

Posts : 24115
Join date : 2012-03-01
Age : 35
Location : Making the Kessel Run

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