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Suarez to Liverpool latest

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Suarez to Liverpool latest Empty Suarez to Liverpool latest

Post by ADMIN Thu 27 Jan 2011, 12:10 am

Liverpool have been told by Ajax they have until Saturday to finalise a deal for Uruguayan striker Luis Suarez.

The Reds have already had a £12.7m bid for the 25-year-old turned down with the Dutch club holding out for an asking price of £21m.

Suarez has expressed a desire to play in England and Ajax coach Frank de Boer is keen to have the issue resolved as soon as possible.

"Liverpool know what they've to pay and we are sticking to our guns," he said.

"We don't want to lose him. We want to know by 29 January, after that nothing more will happen."

Earlier this week an Ajax spokesman said that Liverpool's bid for Suarez was too low compared to the reported £27m Manchester City paid for Bosnia striker Edin Dzeko earlier this month.

"Luis is our top goalscorer for the last three years and also the man with by far the most assists as well," he said.

"He was one of the big guys for Uruguay in helping them come third in the World Cup in the summer and he still has a contract with us for two-and-a-half years."


Quality player and easily worth £21m compared to some of the other prices thrown around for mediocre rubbish in the last year. Also it relieves the pressure on Torres as the only outlet for goals.


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Suarez to Liverpool latest Empty Re: Suarez to Liverpool latest

Post by hodge Thu 27 Jan 2011, 12:32 am

thing is he plays in the dutch league so his scoring record is more flattering than it seems, only a handfull come over and make an impact


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Suarez to Liverpool latest Empty Re: Suarez to Liverpool latest

Post by Guest Thu 27 Jan 2011, 9:16 am

hodge wrote:thing is he plays in the dutch league so his scoring record is more flattering than it seems, only a handfull come over and make an impact


Alfonso Alves
Dirk Kuyt
Ryan Babel

Classic examples of players who banged them in over there and failed to do so here.


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Suarez to Liverpool latest Empty Re: Suarez to Liverpool latest

Post by Marky Thu 27 Jan 2011, 9:34 am


I mean, outside of the Dutch league, who's ever heard of;

Ruud Van Nistelrooy
(Brazilian) Ronaldo
Robin Van Persie
Jordi Cruyff Shocked


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Suarez to Liverpool latest Empty Re: Suarez to Liverpool latest

Post by Guest Thu 27 Jan 2011, 9:44 am

Ruud wasn't a great footballer. He was a prolific goal poacher.

1 goal outside the box in his entire Utd career i believe.

Ronaldo was brough through by the great Sir Bobby Robson, so you knew he had ability.

Van Persie wasn't prolific, has was a product of the Feyenoord academt and Wenger scouted him!

Cruyff was cack.


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Suarez to Liverpool latest Empty Re: Suarez to Liverpool latest

Post by Marky Thu 27 Jan 2011, 10:09 am

You said it was about being a prolific goalscorer.

Ronaldo and Van Nistelrooy are two examples of players who scored goals in the Dutch league and then everywhere they went after that.

Not forgetting Bryan Roy, Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink, Clyde Wijnhard and Dennis Bergkamp.


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Suarez to Liverpool latest Empty Re: Suarez to Liverpool latest

Post by Guest Thu 27 Jan 2011, 10:16 am

I said...

"Classic examples of players who banged them in over there and failed to do so here."

And listed players. My point was actually that they never lived up to their fees.


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Suarez to Liverpool latest Empty Re: Suarez to Liverpool latest

Post by Big Daddy Bee Fri 28 Jan 2011, 5:07 pm

Just seen on the Liverpool 606 board that the clubs have agreed a fee at last and Ajax have announced a news conference for later this evening.

Don't know how true this is as the Liverpool board is usually full of WUMs but I'm getting slightly more hopeful about signing the guy. Fingers crossed that he is not coming as Torres' replacement.

Big Daddy Bee

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Suarez to Liverpool latest Empty Re: Suarez to Liverpool latest

Post by hodge Fri 28 Jan 2011, 5:25 pm

would say if Suarez pairs Torres it will cause a lot of premier league teams trouble as the thing about Suarez isn't just his scoring record he looks a handfull for defenders in games add to that the threat of Torres it could be a nightmare for defenders.


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Suarez to Liverpool latest Empty Re: Suarez to Liverpool latest

Post by Big Daddy Bee Fri 28 Jan 2011, 5:27 pm

Ooooh, it is now showing on the main BBC Sport page that we have agreed a £23m fee with Ajax.

Apparently personal terms have been agreed (if you believe everything you read on 606) and he just needs a medical and work permit.

I think this is great news :cheers:

Last edited by Big Daddy Bee on Fri 28 Jan 2011, 5:37 pm; edited 1 time in total

Big Daddy Bee

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Suarez to Liverpool latest Empty Re: Suarez to Liverpool latest

Post by hodge Fri 28 Jan 2011, 5:32 pm

BBC Sport says £23m :suspect:


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Suarez to Liverpool latest Empty Re: Suarez to Liverpool latest

Post by Big Daddy Bee Fri 28 Jan 2011, 5:36 pm

Oooops typo, I shall fix that :oops:

Big Daddy Bee

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Suarez to Liverpool latest Empty Re: Suarez to Liverpool latest

Post by FootyKnowItAll Fri 28 Jan 2011, 6:20 pm

I've heard it's 22.8m, which for me is a tad too high, I would've gone up to 17m maximum. It'll be interesting to see if he forges a formidable partnership with Torres.


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