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6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage)

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6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage) Empty 6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage)

Post by JJJohnson Wed Sep 17, 2014 5:46 pm

(A black screen appears as the 6CW logo starts to flash a voiceover begins)

VO: Nothing is predestined. The obstacles of your past can become the gateways that lead to new beginnings

(Mr Jones and Daniel Magnusson are shown on screen)

VO: Co-existence is impossible

(The Uprising and The Authority are stood facing one another in a ring)

VO: There is no avoiding war

(Both sides begin to brawl as Jones and Magnusson watch both smiling)

VO: The beginning is always today!!!

(The scene goes live to the in Sydney Super Dome as twenty one thousand screaming 6CW fans are on their feet. The arena erupts into a panorama of blue, white, and yellow as a huge pyrotechnics display goes off.The camera moves to ringside where the commentary team is sat ready both Harold and Henry are dressed in smart suits)

HA: Ladies and Gentleman, apologies for sounding like a broken record but this is the biggest night in 6CW history

HE: Finally the Uprising gets what they deserve

(Harold shakes his head)

HA: The line in the sand has been drawn, where once two men stood head to head, only one man will remain after tonight

This is Beachfront Brawl


AND IT’S TIME TO PLAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage) Empty Re: 6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage)

Post by JJJohnson Wed Sep 17, 2014 5:49 pm

(The Wild Stallions are talking in the backstage corridors of the Superdome.)

NC: This is it.

BS: Bout’ time. You ready?

NC: Yep. This is the chance we have to take.

BS: And we will……

(There is a cough behind them and they both turn to see The Red Arrows standing in the corridor with their titles over their shoulders. It was Jack Hurst who coughed and he begins to speak.)

JH: That is quite emotional if I do say so myself. Worthy of those silly soap operas in this country. Complete fantasy, of course.

(Robin Reborn laughs and points at the Stallions.)

RR: You guys still think you have what it takes?!

(Billy Shaw walks up and eyeballs Reborn.)

BS: Who won at the last show? Have you asked your partner how it felt when that corkscrew moonsault landed?

(Hurst pulls Reborn away before he can speak and smiles at Shaw.)

JH: I will tell you what it felt like my dear boy. It felt like revenge. And we will have it tonight.

RR: As well as these smoking hot tag team titles!

(Cassidy stands by the side of his partner.)

NC: Smoking hot? Well make sure you keep them warm, because they will have new owners by the end of the night.

(Hurst scoffs and motions for Reborn to follow him. The Stallions watch them leave as the scene fades.)


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Age : 33

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6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage) Empty Re: 6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage)

Post by JJJohnson Wed Sep 17, 2014 5:53 pm

(Daniel Magnusson and Dean Andrews are walking down a backstage corridor)

DA: Really, the entire roster. Just like that?

DM: That was the deal, but then no sooner had we agreed verbally they changed their mind. No biggie for me but it's not how business gets done

(Andrews shakes his head)

DA: Wow. I still can't believe it?

DM: Well it's been and gone now and I'm not dwelling on the past and looking at what might have been, tonight we make history, tonight is the first day of a glorious future for 6CW

??: Is that over confidence Daniel?

(Magnusson stops in his tracks, turning he is faced with a smug looking Mr Jones)

DM: Michael, you made it. I heard there were travel problems?

MJ: As if I would miss this Daniel. Tonight I get to ruin you all over again, first time around was just the practice run. I can't wait to have you thrown out of my company!

(Magnusson laughs)

DM: Not this time Michael, your luck has run out, 6CW doesn't FEAR you anymore. Tonight we finally rid 6CW of the virus that is The Authority once and for all!!

(The two men are stood face to face as the scene changes)


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6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage) Empty Re: 6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage)

Post by JJJohnson Wed Sep 17, 2014 5:54 pm

Match 1
6CW Tag Team Championships
Red Arrows (c) vs Wild Stallions vs The Brotherhood

Ding ding

Ring Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen the opening contest of the evening is a triple threat match for the 6CW Tag Team Championships!

*Crowd pop

HA: What a way to get this historic night started….we’ve got 21,000 fans here in the sold-out Sydney Super-dome and they are expecting an evening of unrivalled action…

HE: And that is exactly what they are going to get….nine matches, six championship bouts….a once in a lifetime contest between JJ Johnson and Keith Leone and then our main event….the future of 6CW is in the balance, the control of the company is on the line as The Authority battle The Uprising inside the demonic War-Games structure…

HA: It going to be a night that lives long in the memory, I promise that….and we are kicking it all off with three-team collision for the tag team titles…

Blue pyros are pumping high into the rafters of the arena and then “Cold as ice” booms out to a huge reception from the Australian crowd.

RA: Introducing the challengers……………first, at a combined weight of 395 pounds……………the team of Billy Shaw and Nicky Cassidy……the Wiiiilllldddd Sttttaaaallllllliiiiooooonnnnnssssss!

HA: The Stallions earned this opportunity by knocking off the tag champions in non-title action ten days ago…

HE: These two goofs as tag champions would be worse than the ones we have already…they don’t even take this seriously…

HA: For a long time it seemed like Nicky Cassidy and Billy Shaw were content to live the party lifestyle but I have seen a more determined outlook from them in recent weeks….they look like a functional unit now and tonight is a huge opportunity for the,…

Nicky Cassidy lowers his fur coat to the floor and poses in front of the cameras as Billy Shaw bounces from one side of the stage to the other, geeing up the crowd. They high five and then sprint down the ramp, sliding into the ring via the bottom rope.

HA: Cassidy and Shaw bring a high-flying, risk-taking style to proceedings….I don’t think I have seen them in a dull match…

HE: They do crazy stuff, it entertains the apes in the crowd, but that style does not produce results…..

Cassidy and Shaw pose on opposite sides of the ring and then the lights go down and “CCClouds” echoes out to a chorus of boss from the fans inside the Allphones Arena. A mist hangs over the entranceway and then flames erupt as two robed figures appear on the stage…

RA: Representing The Brotherhood…….at a combined weight of 457 pounds…….Cody & Dylan Wright!

HA: The outsiders in this match….the brothers from Detroit are bringing the darkness to proceedings…

HE: This is a big night for The Brotherhood….first Cody & Dylan challenge for the tag titles and then Plague will defend his Xtreme Title with Joshua by his side…

HA: Will Joshua and Plague finally co-exist? We shall find out later but first all eyes are on Cody & Dylan….another high-flying, risk-taking team….

HE: But they also have an aggressive mean streak which is why they are my picks for this match…

Cody & Dylan lower their hoods and remove their robes at the base of the ring before climbing up onto the apron. They both have their faces painted, black and white, and there is a foreboding look in their eyes as they hop over the top rope.

HA: Two weeks ago on Anarchy it was Cody & Dylan who left the tag champions in a desperate heap….they spike piledrivered Jack Hurst on the concrete floor and suplexed Robin Reborn across the side of our announce desk…..the champions were still feeling those injuries when they lost to the Stallions last week and now the question is; have they recovered?

HE: Not in that amount of time…they may have healed to a degree but they will not be at 100%...

The Stallions & The Brotherhood occupy opposite sides of the ring and then “Prince Charming” plays out to a huge ovation from the crowd. There is a quick flash of pyros and then “Stronger” takes over to an even bigger pop…

RA: And their opponents………….at a combined weight of 445 pounds……they are the current, reigning and defending 6CW Tag Team Champions….Jack Hurst….Robin Reborn…..The Reeeedddd Arrrroooooowwwwssss!

HA: The Arrows won the titles over a month ago when they defeated Max Adamson & Enforcer in one of the upsets of the year…

HE: Only because Enforcer turned on Max before the match even started…

HA: Reborn & Hurst still won the match and that is the reason they are here tonight, defending their belts. They have really ignited this division and the crowd love them…

Reborn dances down the ramp and tags hands with the fans whilst Jack Hurst waves, a jovial smile on his face. The champions unstrap their belts as they climb up into the ring and then they showcase them in front of their opponents…

HA: Reborn and Hurst are fighting champions…they could feel hard done by having to defend against two teams tonight but they took it on the chin and here they are…

HE: They need to have a long look at those belts, they won’t see them again when this is over…

The referee hands the belts out to the timekeeper and then he goes through the instructions with all three teams. There is a brief pause, nods of understanding, and then the bell sounds to get the contest underway…

HA: We’ve got Robin Reborn starting out here with Dylan Wright….remember that the first team to score a decision will leave here as the tag team champions…

Reborn and Dylan tie up and then RR places his opponent into a side headlock. Dylan quickly backs up on the ropes and pushes Reborn across the ring but RR flies back and knocks his opponent down with a high-angled chop. They get back up and Reborn dropkicks Dylan to the corner before following in with a handspring elbow...

HA: Reborn showing no signs of discomfort with his neck so far…

Reborn then runs off the opposite side and he comes back a flying headscissors, sending Dylan crashing into the turnbuckle once again. Dylan drops down into a seated position and Reborn sprints with a sickening low dropkick to the face before dragging him away from the ropes………………1…………………..2………………shoulder up!

HE: Reborn looks like he wants a little revenge on The Brotherhood for the injuries he sustained a couple of weeks back…

Reborn gets back up and he tags in Jack Hurst, bringing cheers from the crowd. RR pulls Dylan up and then Hurst comes off the top rope with a double axe handle to the spine. They then whip Dylan across the ring and drill him with a double flapjack as he returns….

HA: Nice teamwork from the champions…

……..shoulder up. Hurst pulls Dylan up by the head and he looks for a suplex but Dylan manages to float over the back and he forearms Hurst in the back of the neck before grabbing his head and driving it down into his knee…

HE: Smart by Dylan….he went after the neck first and then made his move…

Dylan crawls to the corner and makes the tag to his brother. Cody quickly hops in and they whip Hurst into the corner. Dylan then drops down on his knees as Cody runs in and launches into a “poetry in motion” attack. Cody then gets back up and he floors Hurst with a clothesline before ushering him back up and he lifts him into a flapjack position before dropping him back into the ropes…

HA: That’s right on the injured neck of Hurst….not nice to watch but very effective…

Hurst staggers back, grimacing, and Cody turns him into a neckbreaker……………1……………….2……………shoulder up. Cody stomps down on the back of Hurst’s neck and then he pulls the tag champ to the corner before tagging Dylan back in. Dylan climbs onto the ropes as Cody lifts Hurst into a piledriver position…

HA: Oh no….not again, not another spike piledriver….you’ll break his neck!

*Crowd cheer

Hurst kicks his legs and then counters with a backdrop, sending Cody into the turnbuckle and causing Dylan to lose his balance. Hurst staggers to the corner and he climbs onto the ropes before nailing a huge superplex to Dylan…

HA: Jack Hurst showing his heart and spirit right there….but now he needs a tag…

Hurst slowly drags himself towards the outstretched hand of his partner, Robin Reborn, but Nicky Cassidy runs along the apron and barges Reborn out of the way, stealing the tag…

HE: Reborn wasn’t expecting that…

HA: All is fair in love and war…

Cassidy springboards into the ring and he dropkicks Dylan to the ground before welcoming him back up and he knocks him down with a spinning heel kick. Cody runs over but Cassidy ducks his attack and then nails a float-over DDT. Cassidy kicks up and he smiles before running the ropes and returning with a double “rolling thunder” to the members of the Brotherhood…

HA: Nicky Cassidy exploding into this match….the Wild Stallions are confident of winning those tag titles…

Cody rolls from the ring whilst Dylan staggers back up to his feet. Cassidy nails an inverted atomic drop and then he whips Dylan off the ropes and knocks him down with a dropkick as he returns. He clambers back up and tags in Billy Shaw…

HA: Get the cameras ready…Billy Shaw doesn’t do anything orthodox…

Shaw planchas into the ring and drives himself down across the body of Dylan before he drags him back up and nails a sit-out powerbomb…

Shaw is quickly back to his feet and he pulls Dylan back up before scooping him up into a fisherman buster (Shellshock)….Dylan scrambles and then manages to fall off the back of Shaw before countering with a Russian legsweep. He crawls his way to the corner and he slaps Cody’s hand…

HE: Cody Wright is bringing the titles to The Brotherhood….SENTON BOMB!

Shaw pushes his knees up and drills them into the spine of Cody as he comes down from the top rope. Cody staggers back up, holding his back, and Shaw plants him with a scooped slam before moving to the corner and climbing up the ropes…

HA: Now Shaw is the man taking the risk….STUNTING 101!

HE: Someone stop him…

HA: Stallions closing in…

Shaw lands the corkscrew moonsault to Cody Wright and he hooks both legs…
…………….Robin Reborn breaks up the cover!

HA: Reborn keeping the belts in the Red Arrows camp but that was close…

The referee moves in and escorts Reborn back to his corner as the action continues. Shaw looks a little disappointed but he pulls Cody into the corner and leaves him slumped against the bottom of the turnbuckle before making his way to the opposite side of the ring..

HA: Billy Shaw is not giving up, he knows how close his team is to winning this match…

HE: He’s going “coast to coast”…


Shaw prepares himself for the cross-ring dropkick when Dylan pulls his feet out from under him, crotching him on the top of the turnbuckle. Dylan climbs up behind Shaw and he lifts him into a back suplex, keeping his legs locked under the ropes as he dumps Shaw down to the outside on the back of his head…

Crowd: Holy (beep) x10

HA: Dylan may have just broken Billy Shaw’s neck with that move…hellacious…

HE: I told you The Brotherhood has a “mean streak”…

Dylan drops down onto the apron and he smiles at the broken form of Shaw on the floor. He then drops down to the hard flooring and he drags Shaw up before dumping him back in the ring…


Cassidy comes around the ring and he almost takes Dylan’s head off with a brutal superkick, sending him over the barrier and into the crowd. Meanwhile, Cody has crawled across and dropped onto Shaw’s chest…

HE: Cassidy might want to put his attention on the ring….new champions…

………..thr-Jack Hurst jumps into the ring and saves the match!

HA: The Red Arrows are barely holding on here…

Jack Hurst tries to fight with Cody but the referee quickly jumps in and intervenes. The distraction, however, allows Robin Reborn to drag Shaw closer to the ropes and make a tag…

HA: Smart move from the champions….INCOMING!

Reborn flies through the air and he takes out Cody Wright with a crossbody before ushering him back up and he crunches a roundhouse kick against his head. Reborn gees up the crowd and then he heads for the corner…

HE: Someone get in there and stop this…

HA: Robin Reborn is ready to fly…

Reborn leaps up top and he nods his head, obviously enjoying himself, and then he launches himself through the air with an incredible shooting star press…

HA: He got all of it….Red Arrows are soaring tonight…

……..Nicky Cassidy drags Reborn off the cover!

HE: For once I am happy to see that idiot…

Jack Hurst gets in and he goes toe to toe with Nicky Cassidy, engaging him in a fist fight. Hurst looks to land his “charm offensive” combo but Cassidy ducks the final punch and lands with a pele kick, sending Hurst through the ropes to the apron. The referee grabs Cassidy and pushes him back to the ropes…

HA: Cassidy is not the legal man, he needs to be out of here….


Dylan Wright is back on the ring, on the blindside of the referee, and he beckons for Robin Reborn to stand up before smacking one of the tag titles right in the champion’s face. Dylan throws the belt away and then places his brother on top of Reborn’s chest….

HA: No….not this way…

Dylan runs across and knocks Cassidy off the apron before he launches himself over the top with a crossbody take-down. The referee turns around and then slides down to make the cover…

HE: We have new champions…


The crowd are cheering as Reborn somehow manages to get his shoulder up off the mat. Cody turns to the referee and begins to complain but the official assures him it was a two count. Cody looks annoyed but then he drags Reborn back up and looks for the finish…


Reborn turns out and he pushes Cody to the corner before racing in for a diving splash but Cody moves aside and sends him crashing into the corner. He grabs Reborn’s trunks and rolls him up…………….1……………….2………….kickout. They get back up and Reborn lands a spinebuster before moving to the ropes again…

HA: Reborn is going to try and finish it here…

Dylan is back in the ring and he tackles Reborn to the ground, but not before Hurst can make the blind tag. Hurst quickly climbs up the ropes and he salutes the crowd before throwing himself down towards Cody…



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6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage) Empty Re: 6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage)

Post by JJJohnson Wed Sep 17, 2014 5:58 pm

The legdrop lands to the throat….
…………….Billy Shaw intervenes at a crucial time!

HE: None of these teams want their chance to slip away….

Shaw pulls Hurst up and tries to lift him for a powerbomb but Hurst kicks his legs and then swipes Shaw’s out from under him. Hurst drops back and he catapults Shaw into the corner but Shaw lands on the ropes and then floats back with a moonsault on Hurst….

HA: But Shaw isn’t legal…

Dylan runs over and tries to land a superkick but Shaw catches his foot and spins him around before kicking him in the stomach and he lands with a package piledriver…

HE: Get him out of there, referee….

Shaw looks pleased with himself but then Reborn grabs him and nails a backstabber from behind, causing Shaw to roll from the ring. Reborn then drags Dylan and Cody into the middle of the ring, side by side, before giving a signal to the fans…

HA: Robin Reborn is going for the finish…..450…OH NO!

Cassidy is back up on the apron and he pushes Reborn off the turnbuckle, sending him flying from the top rope and causing him to slam his head off the side of the announce table.

HE: Reborn’s neck just got twisted out of place again….he is done for…

Cassidy shrugs his shoulders and then he pulls himself up onto the top rope. He motions a belt around his waist and gives the fans the thumbs up before he launches himself into the air…


Cody and Dylan both roll in opposite directions and send Cassidy crashing down into the canvass. Cody then gets up and he and Dylan pull Cassidy up before flipping him up onto their shoulders….


The double powerbomb lands in the centre of the ring, driving all of the wind out of Cassidy and leaving him in a heap…


HE: They got it….did they get it?


Jack Hurst breaks the pinfall up just before the referee’s hand reaches the mat for the count of three. Hurst gets up and he lands with a “charm offensive” combo on Dylan and then repeats the same to Cody. Dylan gets up and Hurst suplexes him into a front slam and then he does the same to Cody…

HA: Jack Hurst is defying the odds, he’s fighting like he has never fought before…

Hurst then begins to make his way to the corner but Billy Shaw blocks him off. A pushing match ensues and then Shaw looks for a roundhouse kick but Hurst ducks it and then slings his opponent over the top rope to the outside. Cody is able to get back up and he clotheslines Hurst from behind and then begins to land heavy punches and kicks to Hurst’s neck. Cody then drags Hurst to the centre of the ring….

HE: Spike piledriver time………..this is over!


Cody tries to lift Hurst up three times but each time it is blocked off by Hurst. Hurst then spins clear before pulling Cody back up and scoops him onto his shoulder. Dylan runs over to help his brother but Hurst shows amazing strength to duck under and lift Dylan onto his shoulders at the same time…

HE: This isn’t possible….


The crowd erupt as Hurst drops both members of The Brotherhood off his shoulders and punts them clean in the guts. Dylan rolls out of the ring, coughing and spluttering, as Hurst drops down to cover Cody…

Ding ding ding

HA: They did it…despite the odds, despite the injuries….they have done it…

Ring Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen here are your winners…….and STILL 6CW Tag Team Champions………….The Reeeedddd Arrrrroooooowwwwwssss!

Jack Hurst is sat in the middle of the ring, a look of pain on his face as he rubs the back of his neck, as “Prince Charming” echoes from the speakers and the winners of the match are announced. Hurst stumbles up and the referee raises his arm in victory…

HA: What an opening match to this Beachfront Brawl PPV and what a showing from these three fantastic teams….they all demonstrated their ability and hunger to be the best in the division but tonight belongs to the defending champions; what guts they showed!

HE: I can’t believe it….after the injuries they sustained two weeks ago I never thought they would get through this match…

Robin Reborn rolls back into the ring, also holding his neck in discomfort, with the tag titles in his hands. He throws one to Hurst and then runs over and hugs his partner, delighted smiles now appearing on both of their faces…

HA: Jack Hurst produced a moment of sheer uniqueness and improvisation….considering the damage to his neck that was incredible strength….

HE: He did well, I can’t take anything away from either of them….I really thought they would lose tonight…

The Wild Stallions exit up the ramp looking disappointed with the result as Hurst and Reborn continue to celebrate their victory.

HA: Fantastic contest to start us out but don’t go anywhere folks because things are only going to get bigger and better as the night goes on…

Cody & Dylan huddle together and help each other into the aisleway before casting an ugly look back at the champions. Reborn blows them a kiss and Hurst gives them a wave before the action goes backstage.

Match result: Red Arrows via pinfall
Match time: 10 minutes; 13 seconds


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Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage) Empty Re: 6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage)

Post by JJJohnson Wed Sep 17, 2014 6:16 pm

*Timothy Allen is standing backstage with Bruce Bolan

TA: Welcome backstage 6CW. This is Beachfront Brawl and I'm backstage with Bruce Bolan ahead of his first PPV appearance. Tonight he faces the might of Ojore.

*Allen turns from the camera to Bruce.

TA: Bruce, tonight you face a beast. Ojore has decimated many a man on this roster before, how do you feel ahead of such a task?

BB: I'm here to do what I have to do.

TA: And are you not worried that one lucky win hasn't been worth the aggravation you have caused?

BB: I went in to that match and took the victory. That's all that matters.

TA: Are you not a little scared?

BB: There is nothing to fear. He is just a man who has come to fight. He'll be meeting a man on exactly the same mission.

TA: Do you really think you have come with the same --

*Bolan puts a hand up and stops Allen before the can finish the sentence

BB: It doesn't matter what his intentions are. I'm here to make a name for myself and he'll have as many problems to deal with as I do. Beachfront Brawl will be the first of man Bruce Bolan PPV wins.

*Bolan puts out a hand which Allen shakes and then exits as the scene fades


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Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage) Empty Re: 6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage)

Post by JJJohnson Wed Sep 17, 2014 6:18 pm

(Bam is walking through the backstage area when he stops suddenly in his tracks)

BS: Like O M G Totally and absolutely amaze balls

(Bam pulls his phone from his top pocket)

BS: Please tell me you'll stop for a selfie?

(The camera pans to show a rather startled looking Brian who points to himself)

B: Errrrrrrr Are you ttttttttttt……………….talking to me?

(Bam raises his eyebrows)

BS: Err yeah, like you are a total freakin legend. Every episode of Anarchy one name is top trend on Twitter and it ain't Bam

(Brian looks a little embarrassed as Bam wraps an arm around his shoulder and takes the photo)

B: Bbbbbbbbbb…………….but why would you ccccccc………….care about mmmmmm……………

BS: You totally represent the average man, you're just a friendly neighbourhood guy and people connect with that. You're living the dream that millions of people across the 6CW universe wish for

(Brian smiles)

B: Ttttttttt………………Thanks I gggggggg…………….guess. But you're the real hero. I'm nobody ssssss………….special. You're the ones pppppp………….people come to ssssss………..see.Hhhhhhhh………….How are you feeling?

(Bam rubs his head and appears pensive for a second, Brian speaks attempting to put his new friend at ease)

B:Nnnnnnnn………….No matter how bbbbbbbbb………….bad things get, there's something good out there, jjjjjjjjj…………just over the horizon

(Bam smiles and his trademark glint in his eye returns)

BS: I could do this all day


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Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage) Empty Re: 6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage)

Post by JJJohnson Wed Sep 17, 2014 6:19 pm

Match 2
Bruce Bolan vs Ojore

HE: Welcome back ladies and gentlemen, up next we have a match up that could well spell the end the short career of Bruce Bolan even before it has had the chance to get started

HA: I wouldn’t be so sure Henry. Ojore has a brutal history but Bolan has all ready shown he does not back down from a fight and he displayed a real ability in MMA for fighting against larger opponents

HE: Well there’s no doubting Ojore has the size and strength advantage. Bolan needs to show every ounce of talent to get a result here. I don’t fancy his chances!

‘Bonfire’ blasts out of the speakers and the crowd greet the former XTreme champion with a mixed reception

HA: A few months ago Ojore left a path of destruction never been seen before in professional wrestling and then he disappeared without trace after losing that said title

HE: But we have already seen in the short time since his return that the fire still burns strong and the hunger to destroy anything in his way remains

Ojore steps through the curtain, the burning crown sitting atop of his head. The man o war staring intently forward strides towards the ring

HA: Ojore looks fierce this evening

HE: Have you ever seen him looking anything else?

Ojore reaches the ring and steps through the ropes, he stands staring straight at the ramp waiting for the arrival of his opponent

“The Game” by Disturbed is booming out of the speakers. and the fans stand Bolan bounces out onto the ramp, pumping his fist into the air. He is wearing MMA style shorts, one half red and the other half black.

HA: Time for the 6CW PPV debut of Bruce Bolan…

HE: I know you have high hopes for him but as physical specimens go he’s hardly impressive….

HA: Bolan weighs in at 184lbs and this rookie is a fantastic mat wrestler with excellent submission skills…don’t let his size fool you…

HE: Not sure if mat wrestling is gonna get him to far tonight against the monster that is Ojore…

Bolan is full of energy as he bounces down the ramp as he slaps hands with the fans in the front row.

HA: Bolan is full of confidence and he truly believes that it won’t be long until he is contesting championship gold…

HE: Or it might not be long before he is eating soup through a straw

Bolan removes his vest top before pulling himself up onto the apron and then he leaps over the top rope. He stares straight at Ojore, smiling he beckons the big man forward

HE: Won’t need to ask him twice

Ojore steps to his opponent and Bolan throws some quick left and rights, Ojore does not break stride and grabs Bolan by the throat

HA: The Man o War doesn’t like Bruce Bolan one bit

HE: Ojore doesn’t like any one; he probably throws punches at his own reflection

Ojore pushes Bolan back into the corner still holding him by his throat, the referee jumps in demanding an immediate break. Ojore stares at the referee before slowly releasing his opponent and stepping backwards. Bolan stands shaking his head and holding his throat

HA: Bolan needs to decide on a plan of attack and stick with it

HE: Bolan should cut his losses now and leave

HA: That’s not gonna happen!!

As the referee continues to lecture Ojore, Bolan sprints out of the corner and lands on the big man with a flying forearm

Ojore steps back a little shocked as Bolan continues the assault with a barrage of rapier like punches and kicks

HE: This kids got some balls I’ll give him that

Bolan is unrelenting with his attack but he makes the mistake of getting to close to Ojore

HA: That’s the threat the former XTreme champion possesses

Ojore catches an attempted kick, grabbing Bolan’s outstretched right foot he picks his opponent up and tosses him across the ring, Bolan skids into the corner and as he attempts to stand he is met in the jaw with a running elbow. Bolan crumples to the floor, Ojore stands over his fallen foe and beats his chest, reaching down he grabs Bolan by the hair lifting him on to the turnbuckle

HE: This will not end well!!


Bolan slams hard off the mat and Ojore sits on the mat with a grin across his face

HE: He is enjoying this

HA: I hate to say it but I hope Ojore finishes this quickly

Ojore begins to stalk his opponent as Bolan slowly gets to his feet

HE: This is a real baptism of fire for the rookie.

Ojore narrows his eyes and grabs Bolan by the head, he raises a clenched fist ready to strike

HA: Bolan refusing to give in

Before Ojore can land the punch Bolan connects with a dropkick to the knee, Ojore drops to the mat and Bolan continues an attack on the leg

HE: This is a smart move from the youngster

HA: I told you, he’s a great technical wrestler

Bolan is stomping away on the knee and lower leg before snapping on an extended knee lock. Ojore struggles to get free as the referee asks the question. Bolan twists the lock in tighter

HE: I did not see this coming

HA: Bolan is really putting everything into that hold. Ojore is fighting against it with every drop of strength he has in his body

Ojore starts to stretch out for the ropes as the ref watches closely

HE: Ojore is using his strength advantage to move across the mat, he’s inches from breaking the hold

Bolan is giving it his all but Ojore is dragging him across the ring. Bruce pulls back on the hold once more but Ojore reaches out and grabs the bottom rope. The referee tells Bolan to break the hold and the former MMA star rolls away to the middle of the ring, Ojore stands kicking his leg out trying to get the blood pumping to the knee again.

HA: Bolan needs to stay on him, he can’t let Ojore recover

Ojore turns standing tall he faces Bolan just as the rookie sprints and dives with a full cross body. Ojore nonchalantly side steps the attack and Bolan flies head first over the top rope and hits the mat hard on the outside of the ring. Ojore turns, the smile returning on his face he slowly steps through the ropes and walks down the steel steps as Bolan lies still on the arena floor

HE: Uh Oh. Business is about to pickup

HA: This can not be good

The referee starts to count but Ojore pays no attention, grabbing Bolan by the hair he lifts his opponent to his feet, Bolan still appears groggy


Ojore throws Bolan into the ring steps and his back ricochets off the steel with a crack that reverberates around the arena. The rookie screams out in pain as Ojore continues to stalk his opponent


2, 3…………..

As Ojore reaches down at Bolan’s hair again the former MMA star uses a desperation move

HA: Thumb to the eyes

HE: Ooooooh technical

Ojore steps back his vision obviously impaired. Bolan jumps forward with a vicious spinning heel kick and the big man falls to one knee. The crowd cheers as Bolan raises both hands and screams to the sky

Ref 4, 5……………

Bolan drives forward with repeated forearms knocking Ojores head back and forth, he has a wild look in his eyes as he unhurls a furious attack

HA: He looks like a man posessed!!!

HE: I’m impressed by his intensity

Ref 6, 7……….

Bolan is striding back and forth considering his next move

HA: Bruce needs to focus, he needs to think about the bigger picture. A win against the former XTreme champion at a PPV is a huge accomplishment; he’s doing himself no favours outside of that ring

Ref: 8…………….

Bolan is pulling at his hair; he stares at his target and runs forward


As Bolan sprinted forward, Ojore gets to his feet and connected with a huge spear. The whole crowd exhale in unison as Bolan is doubled over on the mat, Ojore rolls to his feet

Ref 9………………..

HE: The man o war needs to get back into the ring

Ojore looks at the ref who has nine fingers raised; he tilts his head left and right before refocusing on Bolan

HA: I think Ojore has other ideas!

The former XTreme champion grabs Bolan and pulls him to his feet


Ojore tosses Bolan over his shoulder like a rag doll as the referee calls for the bell

HA: Double count out. But Ojore doesn’t seem finished

The bell rings and the referee jumps to the mat, Ojore steps towards Bolan again but the referee stands between them. Ojore breathing heavily stares directly at the referee who refuses to move

REF: Its over. Ojore. It’s over!!

Ojore smiles and pushes the referee to the floor

HE: He can’t lay his hand on an official!

The bell continues to ring

HA: Bolan back for some more!!

Ojore turns away from the referee and is met by a running knee to the temple knocking him straight off his feet. Bolan starts to trash talk

BB: This how you wanna do it? You wanna go?

Let’s go!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bolan jumps onto Ojore’s chest and starts to throw left after right, the man o war covers himself but the former MMA star continues with the attack. The bell continues to ring as the ringside is flooded with security and backstage staff, they drag Bolan away who is still shouting abuse at Ojore. The former XTreme Champion stands and pushes away the security; he has a small amount of blood dripping from his nose which he wipes away with a smile

HE: I get the feeling this isn’t over Harold. I’ll say now, this is not how I saw this one ending

HA: Absolutely Henry. Bolan has impressed a lot of people tonight, he stood toe to toe with the beast that is Ojore and he did not back down.

Bolan is still trying to break through the security team as Ojore walks slowly up the ramp as the scene cuts backstage

Match result: Double count-out
Match time: 4 minutes


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Age : 33

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6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage) Empty Re: 6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage)

Post by JJJohnson Wed Sep 17, 2014 6:21 pm

*A shaking camera bursts to life and the camera slowly focuses on the face of Simon Cagero. He looks dishevelled and is seemingly out in an alleyway.

SC: Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock Mr Sparkles. Playtime will soon be over. Can you feel it coming? That sense of fear, the rush of adrenaline and the shadow chasing you. All of that is me, Bam, and soon i'll be there. It's just a matter of time now; remember what I can do to you and now consider that this time the rules of this will be that escape will only cost you. So, you need to stay in my sights and that is a bad, bad place to be.

*Cagero spins around in a quick circle with the camera in hand before speaking quickly

SC: The games are over, it's time to get wasted...

*The scene cuts out.


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6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage) Empty Re: 6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage)

Post by JJJohnson Wed Sep 17, 2014 6:21 pm

*Christy James is backstage

CJ: Please welcome my guest Jimmy Phillips

*Phillips joins Christy, gives her a hug and then stands and holds his position, a look of real intensity in his eyes.

CJ: Jimmy this is another step on that road to the Year of the Talent. But is this Xtreme title match a step too far?

JP: Jimmy Phillips fears no one.

CJ: But isn't this a little bit desperate?

JP: There is no desperation. Every titleholder in this company has a target on their back. I don't care if I have to go through just one man to win a title or three men. I don't care if there's blood, barbed wire or baseball bats. The Xtreme title is waiting for my grasp and Plague, Joshua and Brown will soon learn just how determined The Talent is.

CJ: Do you fear The Brotherhood? Are you not worried about the demonic Joshua?

JP: They can write tell their stories and preach their verses, but there is no train that can be stopped by a scream. And I'm the juggernaut on the tracks, driving towards them faster and faster. They're about to get hit.

*Phillips walks away and leaves Christy staring after him as the scene fades.


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6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage) Empty Re: 6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage)

Post by JJJohnson Wed Sep 17, 2014 6:22 pm

Match 3
6CW UK Championship
Bam Sparkleston (c) vs Simon Cagero

He: It’s time for the UK title bout and if we see a repeat of Anarchy last week, we're looking at a new champion. Its Cagero versus Bam

Ha: I still think it’s disgusting that Bam is having to defend his title here. Its only two weeks since he was assaulted by his opponent here tonight. Cagero should have been suspended, not rewarded with a title shot

He: Give over, Bam should know that having a title automatically paints a bulls eye on your chest, he's in the wrong business if he doesn't. Besides you're always going on about him being a fighting champion. Now is his chance to prove it.

The crowd begin to boo loudly as 'Pardon Me' starts to ring around the arena and Simon Cagero walks out to the stage. He stares around at the crowd jeering him as a smile appears across his face. He makes his way down to the ring ignoring the taunts of the fans before sliding in the ring and climbing to the top rope motioning a title belt around his waist

He: Oozing with confidence, and who can blame him? The last two Anarchy shows he has had Bam exactly where he wants him, he knows he can beat him, scratch that, he knows he can leave him bloody. If Bam had any sense he wouldn't bother showing up tonight

Ha: Don't be silly, he may not be 100%, but I'm sure Bam will still come out here and give it his all, and as we seen when he won the title you can never write him off

The crowd reaction quickly changes when 'Best Song Ever' starts to play. The crowd look excitedly toward the ramp but there is no sign of the UK champion. Cagero laughs to himself in the ring as Bams music continues to play

He: Well, it turns out Bam isn't as stupid as he looks. Maybe that attack from Cagero finally beat some sense into him

Ha: I'm sure there must be some kind of explanation for this......wait a minute

He: No Simon don't turn around

Ha: NSFW!! Bam came through the crowd and it’s time for him to take advantage of Cagero. How'd you like them apples?

He: Sickening, I expect better from a champion

Bam is fired up and soaks up the cheers of the crowd as the official checks on Cagero. Bam is still showing effects of the attack with his head heavily bandaged. He wants to go straight for Cagero but the official intervenes reminding him that the match hasn't started yet and the crowd boo

Cagero slowly gets to his feet dazed but looks angry toward Bam. He pushes past the official and the two meet in the centre of the ring and start to trade punches as the official signals for the bell. Cagero rocks Bam with a right hand and the champion responds in kind with a right of his own. Bam starts to get the upper hand but is caught off guard with a knee to the mid-section

Bam is doubled over and Cagero connects with an elbow to the back of his head and then hits a running boot to the side of Bam's head. The champion falls to the mat and Cagero carries on his assault by viciously stomping down on Bam in the middle of the ring

Cagero backs away allowing time for Bam to get to his feet and as he slowly begins to get up he closes in and pushes him up against the ropes. He Irish whips him across the ring, he aims a clothesline but Bam ducks underneath and bounces off the ropes again

Ha: Crossbody takedown, Bam is enraged here

Bam takes Cagero down and unloads a barrage of punches as Cagero tries to cover up

Ha: I don't think I've ever seen Bam this fired up, not that I can't blame him

The official has to pull Bam away before he gets disqualified. Cagero slowly gets up but is knocked straight back down with a clothesline from Bam, he jumps up but is knocked down again and then shoots up back up and runs into a standing dropkick. Bam quickly crawls over for the first pin attempt



Cagero kicks out and Bam stays on the offense. He drags Cagero up to his feet and backs him into the corner of the ring and connects with a couple of shoulder charges into the mid-section before whipping him into the opposite corner and following up with a running monkey flip

Ha: Cover



He: Shoulder up again, Bam seems a bit more pre-occupied with dealing damage to Cagero these covers seem to be a bit lacklustre

Bam gets to his feet and urges Cagero to do the same. He slowly gets up and Bam kicks him in the gut and sets him in position for a DDT

He: Northern Lights Suplex, Bam took too long and Cagero reverses with ease

Cagero picks Bam up to his feet and then throws him back down to the canvas with a scoop slam and follows up with an elbow drop. He waits for Bam to start getting to his feet and then stomps him back down and then drops over him and mounts him raining down a flurry of punches.

He: Clever from Cagero, he's targeting that heavily bandaged head area of Bam

Ha: He's sick, Bam needs to be careful he doesn't get any further head injuries

Cagero lifts Bam off the mat and then pushes him against the ropes, he Irish whips him across the ring and then knocks Bam down with a dropkick. He thinks about a cover but then stomps down across the injured head again only stopping before the official counts to 5.

Bam crawls toward the ropes for support as Cagero closes in, he lifts him up the rest of the way to his feet and then throws him into the corner of the ring and follows up with a running splash, Bam staggers out of the corner and walks head on into a headscissors takedown and then goes for the pin




He: Cagero close there, Bam a wee bit slow in kicking out

Ha: I don't think Bam really knows what’s happening with Cagero targeting the head already in this one

Cagero once again starts to connect with a flurry of mounted punches each one more vicious than the last as the bandage begins to perish around the head of Bam. He lifts him to his feet and then kicks him in the gut and follows with a snap suplex floating over into another cover



Bam throws his arm up in the air again breaking the pin. Cagero goes straight into a headlock and applies more and more pressure. Bam battles up to a standing base and delivers several elbows and manages to get free of Cagero's grasp. Bam runs off the ropes toward his opponent






Ha: Shoulder up from Bam

Cagero stomps on Bam and then pushes him across the canvas and out of the ring under the bottom rope. He stays in the ring and waits as Bam slowly pulls himself to his feet using the crowd barrier outside, Cagero bounces off the opposite rope


Cagero Lifts Bam up and leans him against the steel ringpost before going underneath the ring and appears with a steel chair. He swings slowly towards the bandaged head of Bam sizing him up before he arches the chair back

Ha: Wait a minute this isn't a hardcore match

He: Don't do it Cagero, you'll be disqualified



The crowd cheer as Cagero swings and wraps the chair around the ring post when Bam dives out of the way. He holds his wrists in obvious pain as Bam catches his breath


Bam gets to his feet catching a second wind. He rolls in and out of the ring breaking the officials count and then lifts Cagero to his feet. He connects with a knife edge chop across the sternum which is met with 'WOOOOOOOs' from the crowd, he connects with a second and a third forcing the challenger back before whipping him against the steel steps.

Cagero falls into the steps shoulder first. Bam sizes his opponent up and then hits a running squashing Cagero up against the steps. He once again slides back in and out of the ring breaking the count out before he lifts Cagero up and whips him against the crowd barrier

Ha: Bam looking to inflict a measure of revenge on Cagero here, he could've won by a count out a few times

He: Could've but hasn't. Rookie error if you ask me

Bam removes some of the protective mats from around the ringside and then grabs Cagero, he kicks him in the gut and then connects with a snap suplex against the concrete floor. Bam lifts Cagero back to his feet and then connects with a second suplex again to the unprotected floor. He lifts him up a third time and slides him back inside the ring.

Bam climbs onto the ring apron and waits as Cagero slowly gets to his feet






He: Not so quick, two count signalled by the official. Closest he's come though

Bam pleads with the official who confirms the count of two before getting up. He picks Cagero up and whips him into the corner of the ring and then hits a running knee and follows up into a bulldog into the centre of the ring and hooks the leg again





He: But not enough, Cagero kicks out

Bam looks to the heavens before fixing his bandages and then he begins to stalk Cagero as he gets to his feet

HA: NSF....


Cagero slowly pulls himself across the canvas enough to drape an arm over the upper torso of Bam




He: Thought that was it

Ha: Like I said Bam is a fighting champ, Cagero hits his finisher but Bam still won't quit

Cagero stares a hole through the referee and gets to his feet accusing him of a slow count. He walks over to the corner of the ring and starts to untie the turnbuckle exposing the ring. The official notices and grabs the turnbuckle out of Cageros hands and starts to tie it back on

Ha: wait a minute, what’s Cagero got there..........SON OF A.....BRASS KNUCKS TO THE HEAD. THAT LOWLIFE CHEATING SCUMBAG

Bam collapses to the ground, blood pouring from underneath his bandages after the shot from Cagero who drops over him for the cover

He: Ladies and gentlemen, your new UK Champion





The camera zooms in on Bam whose eyes are glazed over. Cagero looks less than impressed and drops down on him and tears the bandage from around his head before hitting a number of vicious right hands to the injured spot

Cagero gets up and pushes past the official and waits as Bam gets to his feet before he whips him into the corner of the ring. He climbs to the second rope and then rains down 10 consecutive punches capping off with a head butt

Bam staggers out of the corner of and Cagero kicks him in the gut





He: How is he doing this?

The crowd go wild as Bam throws his arm in the air off the canvas to the dismay of Cagero. The challenger drags him to his feet and hits several head-butts each one drawing more and more blood before throwing him out of the ring to the outside.

Cagero exits the ring after him and lifts Bam off the floor and drives him head first into the steel ringpost. He faces the crowd who are booing him and draws even more heat by signing the title around his waist and then he drags Bam over to the exposed part of the floor and kicks him in the gut

Ha: no...don't do this, he could already have a concussion as it is


Cagero lifts the limp body of Bam up and throws him back inside the ring and slides in after him, he hooks the leg again for the cover





He: He's merely delaying the inevitable

Cagero exits the ring to the apron and then waits as Bam somehow manages to get back to his feet

He: Springboard hurricanrana, cover




He: Finally this one’s over


He: Just stay down, he's like an annoying little bug

Cagero punches the mat in anger and then gets up and waits as Bam begins to stir

He: Lining him up for the curb stomp here, although his version is called Wasted






Both men are down in the centre of the ring as the official starts to count them both out. He reaches the count of 5 when they both begin to come around and starting crawling toward opposite corners of the ring. Bam is covered in blood as he pulls himself up but he charges at Cagero and knocks him down with a running clothesline, followed by a second. Cagero gets up again and Bam pushes him up against the ropes and whips him across the ring before knocking him down with a high knee

He: How is Bam still in this, he was down and out not long ago

Bam lines up Cagero and as he gets to his feet he bounces off the ropes and comes back with a disaster kick and falls on him again for a cover



He: Cagero shoulder up again, but he needs to get back in this

Bam is fired up and he jumps back up to his feet like HBK of old and then climbs up to the top rope facing out to the crowd

Ha: Ermahgerd!

Camera flashes go off all around the arena as Bam flies through the air with the moonsault from the top rope and takes out Cagero no sooner than he's got back to his feet. Bam quickly goes for another cover






Bam quickly gets up and exits the ring to the apron and begins to climb to the top rope. More and more blood is pouring from his head and he almost loses his balance as he climbs to the top

Ha: God only knows how Bam is still standing, and not only that but I think he might be looking at puking rainbows...INCOMING!!!

He: That’s a nasty landing.......WASTED!!

The crowd boo loudly as Cagero rolls out of the way of the frog splash and then drives the skull of Bam into the mat with the curb stomp, he doesn't even consider the cover and drags the champion back to his feet. He talks trash to his face before he takes some of Bams blood and smears it across his chest






Ha: Bam was brave in defeat, he never let the fact he wasn't 100% get him down, and if I know Bam he'll go away, he'll get to his best and he'll go again

He: Credit it where its due I never thought Bam could put up that much resistance but he fought one hell of a fight, but class speaks volumes, and that right there is class

Cagero is handed the title by the official and he stands over his fallen foe and lifts it high in the air as boos continue to ring out from around the crowd

Match result: Simon Cagero via pinfall (NEW CHAMPION)
Match time: 7 minutes; 50 seconds


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Age : 33

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6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage) Empty Re: 6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage)

Post by JJJohnson Wed Sep 17, 2014 6:27 pm

*A crowd is gathered outside the arena and security are holding them back behind the barriers near the doorway. A "We want Grace!" chant is echoing around the fans, mainly from young kids and their mothers. Christy James reports from in front of the fans...

CJ: We wait outside for the arrival of megastar Anthony Grace. This crowd is desperate to see the superhero of the screen who turned into their superhero of the ring.

*She turns to speak to some screaming young girls behind her.

CJ: What is it you love so much about Anthony Grace?



*Christy laughs and backs away, but the crowds volume turns a lot louder as the camera spins to see a limo arrive. Christy walks over as the door opens and out steps a grinning Grace, his Hollywood smile plastered over his face.

CJ: Anthony, a big night ahead with Jerome Dubois desperate to wipe the smile off your do you expect the night to go?

*Grace winks at a couple of fans before answering

AG: Well, Christy, with the support of these crazy fans you could say I'll be the winning card tonight...the Grace of Spades.

*Christy looks awkward but the crowd eat up the awful joke. Grace continues

AG: Dubois is a real test of my credentials and I hope I can do everyone proud tonight. I'm doing this for all the fans who come out here to support me and the ones who send me those love letters too.

*The crowd cheer and Grace turns to wave to them. The smile slides of his face as the French national anthem blares out of speakers outside the building. The doorway the crowd are waiting by bursts open and out steps Jerome Dubois with a microphone. He utters some French and it cuts over the music through the speakers.

JD: Look at zis! Ze little actor with his imbecile fans. Tonight you will ave your silly little words forced right back down your throat! Vive Le France! LOOK AT ME!

*The camera swings to see Grace signing autographs and paying no attention to Dubois. Soon the party atmosphere returns and Dubois is drowned out by the fans.

JD: You will ave your comeuppance!

*He drops the mic and leaves, the scene the same as if he had never been there


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6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage) Empty Re: 6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage)

Post by JJJohnson Wed Sep 17, 2014 6:29 pm

(Max Adamson is busy talking to Mr. Jones backstage.)

MA: Are you still having doubts over tonight?

MJ: Of course not, it was always going to be the conclusion. But with so much riding on this, I need to ensure we are on the same page.

(Adamson adjusts the 6CW title on his shoulder and looks confidently at the co-owner.)

MA: The page has already been wrote up and sent out. The result is obvious. Authority wins. Uprising walks away. Ladies and gentlemen, your leader of men for the next hundred years, Max Adamson!

(Jones sighs and lays a hand on Adamson’s shoulder.)

MJ: I admire your confidence, I really do. But losing, however remote, is always a possibility. To walk into this match and think it is already over is suicide. You need to have your eyes open.

(Adamson pulls away from Jones and laughs.)

MA: This is why I am in Authority and Enforcer isn’t. I am born champion, a soon to be living legend and the guy who will destroy one half of this company in an instant. And all that is because I am the best. You know that, Uprising knows that and if anyone still has any doubts, then they will be removed tonight.

(Jones says nothing, which makes Adamson continue.)

MA: Trust me boss. It is in the bag. When you fly back to England, you will be flying back as the 100% owner of 6CW.

(Adamson winks at Jones, before striding off confidently.)


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6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage) Empty Re: 6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage)

Post by JJJohnson Wed Sep 17, 2014 6:29 pm

Match 4
6CW Xtreme Championship
Edward Plague (c) vs Joshua vs Jimmy Phillips vs DeMarcus Brown

Ding ding

Ring Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen the following contest is a fatal four way match for the 6CW Xtreme Championship!

*Crowd pop

HA: Third title match of the evening….so far we have seen one change hands, one defended successfully….how will Edward Plague fare?

HE: If he has Joshua under his total control then I don’t see anything stopping him from retaining….I’m not taking anything away from his challenger but Plague and Joshua on the same page is a frightening prospect…

HA: You will not hear me argue against that…

The Australian crowd are in fine voice and then “Cold Ash” rips through the speakers to a standing ovation. The cameras pan around the arena, showing the many delighted faces, and then it zooms back in as the first challenger makes his entrance…

RA: Introducing the challengers….first, from Cleveland, Ohio…..weighing in at 257 pounds…..”The Talent”…..Jiiiiimmmmmyyy Phhhiiiilllllliiiiippppppssssss!

Phillips booms out onto the stage with a huge smile on his face. He points down at his t-shirt which has a slogan that reads “Day of The Talent”….he pulls the camera in close and speaks directly into it.

Phillips: Tonight is the night baby…..this is it, time to get me some championship gold!

HA: Jimmy Phillips has made many proclamations in the last nine months, guaranteeing that this year will be his….tonight he has the chance to make good on that promise…

HE: Phillips has put a lead weight on his shoulders and tonight he is going to sink….he’s piled so much pressure on himself and if he doesn’t walk out tonight as Xtreme Champion then it is back to square one for him…

Phillips walks from one side of the stage to the other, working the crowd, and then he turns on his heel and begins to march down the ring. He nods his head and motions a belt around his waist before jumping up onto the apron, sending red pyros up from all four turnbuckles.

HA: I agree that Phillips is in a high pressure situation but he looks confident….this could be his breakout match, the moment he truly arrives…

Phillips climbs into the ring and paces all four sides until “Gangsta Rap” roars through the PA system. There is a mixed reaction from the audience as silver and red pyros burst across the front of the stage….

RA: From San Jose, California………..weighing in at 260 pounds……Deeeemmmmaaaarrrcccuuusss Brrrrooooowwwwwnnnnn!

HA: It’s been a pretty lacklustre few months for DeMarcus Brown since he returned to 6CW…he has gone from “future megastar” to “unfulfilled promise” in a very short period of time…..I have no idea what has happened to this guy, he just seems to have lost something along the way and unless he can find it again, I worry about where he goes…

HE: Brown has lost his “killer instinct”….he used to be a no nonsense bad-a55 who enjoyed hurting people…he didn’t care what he had to do or who he had to hurt in order to get where he wanted to be….he needs to find it again…

HA: Perhaps the “Xtreme” division can re-ignite Brown’s fire….this is a division that has no limits, no rules….he was born on the streets, raised on the streets and this kind of environment is exactly what he is used to…

Brown appears on the stage, his hood covering his head, and then he raises his head to the camera. He removes his top and then his bandana, dropping them to the floor, before raising the chain around his neck to his mouth and he kisses it…

HA: Brown looks ready for a fight…if he can find the kind of form that he had in the wars with Ojore then maybe, just maybe, this can be his night…

Brown begins to walk down the ramp, his eyes focused on the ring, and then he walks up the steel steps and climbs through the ropes. He goes head to head with Jimmy Phillips and both men lock eyes…

HE: If I was Phillips or Brown I wouldn’t be worried about each other….I’d be worried about the two monsters coming their way…

HA: They are about to enter a waking nightmare…

The lights in the arena go down and there are screams from the crowd. Some of the fans cheer and some boo as the steady pulse of a heart beats through the speakers. The lights flash back on, a bright white, and then down again with each beat of the heart.

RA: From Parts Unknown……….weighing in at 247 pounds………..”The Puppet Master”….Joooossshhhhuuuuuuaaaaa!

HE: That name is no longer applicable to Joshua…

HA: What?

HE: The “Puppet Master”…..he doesn’t master the puppet anymore, McCoy belongs to Plague now and unless Joshua does what he says, McCoy is going to get destroyed…

HA: That is the threat that is on the table…Joshua seems completely and utterly reliant on McCoy, I can’t imagine he will do anything to jeopardize the future of the puppet…

The lights come back on completely and Joshua is stood at the bottom of the ramp. His head is lowered and a dark black curtain of hair covers his scarred, emotionless face. Joshua then walks to the apron and pulls himself up before stepping over the top rope…

HE: If Brown and Phillips have any sense they will attack now and get Joshua out of the way…

HA: You actually make a good point….Phillips was destroyed by Joshua last week on Anarchy and DeMarcus Brown has experienced the wrath of the monster as well….

Brown and Phillips look at each other and then at the dark figure stood in front of them. Joshua doesn’t look up, his eyes down to the floor, and then “CCClouds” plays out to a deafening crescendo of boos.

HA: And here is the champion….one of the monster dangerous men in this business, the leader of The Brotherhood….

HE: And with Joshua by his side he could be even more dangerous than ever…

The lights go out a lone light appears on the stage. The rest of the arena is then lit up by the thousands of phones and cameras that are recording the ongoing action…

RA: And their opponent……weighing in at 375 pounds………….he is the current, reigning and defending 6CW Xtreme Champion………..Edddwwwaaarrrddd Pllllaagggguuuueeee!

Plague’s face is illuminated by the lantern in front of his face and a sick smile crosses his mouth. He then throws the lantern down on the floor and the whole arena is shrouded in darkness. The lights then come back up and Plague is kneeling on the stage, his arms out wide by his side…

HA: Edward Plague won the Xtreme Title inside the “Chamber of Horrors” at Night of Glory….he ended the seemingly unstoppable reign of Ojore that night and inflicted his Brotherhood upon the world at the very same time….

HE: But ever since then Plague has been pre-occupied with Joshua and trying to convince him to join his ranks…

HA: It’s been a very up and down process for Plague but I think finally he may have his man…

Plague stands up, his championship belt in his hands, and then he starts his walk to the ring. He throws the title down on the floor and looks up at his opponents…

Plague: And the Lord did turn his back and abandon those who denied his existence in the presence of the non-believers…thou shalt atone for your sins…you shall pay the ultimate price….blood, flesh and bone….I shall devour all!

Plague laughs before pulling himself up on the apron and he climbs into the ring. He looks at Phillips and Brown before turning to face Joshua. He points at him and then orders Joshua to look back at the big screen…

HA: What the hell is going on here…..oh cmon…

HE: Well if Joshua needed any encouragement then there it is…

The screen comes on and Cody and Dylan are sat in a darkened room with McCoy shackled to a chair in the middle. Cody holds up a saw and places it next to the throat of the puppet…

HA: Joshua has a decision to make I guess….


Joshua stares at the screen and then he spins and faces Plague. For a moment, Plague’s smile falters but then Joshua whirls away and charges at Phillips and Brown, knocking them both down with a thunderous double clothesline…

HA: It looks like Plague has his man…

HE: He has total control and this does not bode well for Phillips & Brown….this could be a massacre…

Joshua drags Brown up and slings him through the ropes to the outside before focusing his attention on Jimmy Phillips. He drags Phillips to his feet and pushes him back to the corner, where he lands with big uppercuts to the body…

HA: There are no limits in this match, anything goes….the only rule is that pinfalls or submissions must take place inside the ring….

Plague rolls from the ring and he waits for Brown to get up before pulling him forward and he drives him into the ring steps, leaving him in a heap on the floor. Plague then pulls up the ring apron and he drags out a metal tray…

HE: Plague is not wanting to wait around….

CRACK! Plague swings the tray at Brown’s head but DeMarcus ducks and he scoops the massive form of Plague onto his shoulders…


Plague is too heavy and Brown collapses to the floor, the champion landing on top of him. Plague then picks the tray back up and he bashes it down against Brown’s arms and body…

HE: Plague and Joshua are going to work as one in this match….it is effectively a triple threat now…

HA: Except one of the competitors is made up by two monsters, more like a handicap match…

In the ring, Joshua whips Jimmy Phillips to the opposite corner and then he runs across after him. JP uses the ropes to pull himself up and he drives both of his feet into Joshua’s face….Joshua staggers backwards and Phillips lifts himself onto the second rope before jumping off with a heavy shoulder tackle…


HA: Remember that Edward Plague does not have to be pinned or submitted to lose his championship…

Phillips pulls Joshua up and tries to lift him into a suplex but Joshua uses his own power to push JP back into the ropes. He quickly makes a beeline for Phillips but JP ducks under his attack and then dumps Joshua over the top rope…

HE: DeMarcus Brown needs to be careful…

Edward Plague has Brown up and he is preparing to lift him into a powerbomb position on the outside but then Brown charges Plague backwards and drives him into the ring-post. Brown follows up with a series of right hands before grabbing Plague’s arm and he tries to whip him into the steel steps…..BOOM!

HA: That is the second time that Brown has hit those steel steps…

Plague reverses and he ploughs Brown into the steel, sending the steps flying across the arena floor. Plague grins and then looks up at the ring, where Jimmy Phillips is standing…

HE: Phillips is telling Plague to bring it, I don’t know how wise this is…

HA: Jimmy Phillips has no fear…

Phillips is beckoning for Plague to climb into the ring and fight him. Plague is grinning, clearly enjoying the challenge, and then he pulls himself up onto the apron and into the ring…

HA: Here we go….DAMN!

Phillips storms forwards and he begins to pummel Plague as he climbs into the ring but Joshua climbs back in and attacks JP from behind. He drags Phillips around and headbutts him back into the corner before grabbing Plague by the arm and he whips him towards the turnbuckle….

HE: That is impact…

Plague ploughs into Phillips with a huge splash and then he throws JP back out towards Joshua, who drives his boot up into the face of Phillips…

HA: And Plague takes the cover, I think this is how this team is going to work…

Joshua just stands over as Plague covers Phillips………………..1…………………….2……………..shoulder up. Plague stands up and then drops an elbow into Phillips’ chest. He repeats the process three more times before pointing at Joshua and ordering him to take over…

HE: This is perfect for Plague, he can take a breather any time he likes and just let Joshua take the reins…

Joshua pulls Phillips by the head and lands three solid head-butts to the back of his neck, sending JP staggering back to the corner. Joshua runs in and lands with a huge clothesline before lifting Phillips up onto the turnbuckle…

HA: Joshua ready to make this contest a little more dangerous now…

Joshua scores with a big uppercut and then he climbs onto the ropes himself. He grabs Phillips’ head and tries to pull him into a superplex. JP keeps one hand locked on the ropes and he uses his free hand to land big punches to the body of the monster…

HE: Phillips doesn’t want to fall victim here….

CRACK!....DeMarcus Brown climbs up onto the apron and he smashes a steel chair over the top and into the skull of Joshua, sending him toppling off the ropes and back down to the canvass. Plague quickly marches over but Brown jabs the chair through the middle rope and into the gut of the champion…

HA: Brown back with a bang….he’d love to leave tonight as a champion…

Brown climbs back into the ring and he follows up behind Plague and unleashes another chair shot, this time to the spine. Plague staggers and then Brown lifts the chair over his head and brings it down across the champion’s back again, dropping him down to his knees…

HE: DeMarcus Brown is feeling the “inner” beast….

Brown lifts the chair up again and prepares to bring it down across the back of Plague’s head but Joshua is back up and he runs into Brown, tackling him to the ground.

HA: How the hell is Joshua back up already?

HE: He’s a sick, twisted freak….that is how…

Joshua wraps both hands around Brown’s throat and he repeatedly pulls his head off the mat before bashing it back down against the canvass. Joshua then uses immense strength to haul Brown up to a standing position and off the ground…

HA: He’s going to choke Brown out in midair…

Joshua just holds Brown up, choking the life out of him, and all Brown can do is kick his legs in a futile attempt to break free. Brown’s eyes begin to shut, struggling against the lack of oxygen…….CRACK!

HE: Brown earns himself a reprieve…..he’s luckier than Oscar Pistorious in a murder trial…

HA: Are you trying to get this show taken off air?

Jimmy Phillips lashes the chair into Joshua’s back, forcing him to drop Brown to the floor. Joshua quickly spins around, his eyes locked on JP, as Phillips draws the chair back again…

HA: That chair shot barely made a dint…

Phillips swings the chair again but Joshua punches it away and then he grabs JP by the face and head-butts him backwards, causing Phillips to fall through the ropes to the outside of the ring. Joshua looks at Plague and then at Brown before he rushes at the ropes…


HA: Amazing athleticism from the big man

Joshua hauls himself over the top rope and clatters into Phillips on the outside, sending both men rolling into the aisleway. Joshua gets up and he drags Phillips back up before slamming him backwards into the ring barrier…

HE: Jimmy Phillips is about to incur the wrath of the monster…

Joshua backs up to the ring and he drags the steel steps away from their resting place before hoisting them up on his shoulders….he then walks back to where Phillips is slowly getting to his feet….

HA: Jimmy Phillips needs to get a quick scout on what is coming, his head is about to be crushed…

HE: He’s finished…..OH MY!

Phillips drops down and he tackles the legs of Joshua, causing the monster to fall forwards and drive his own face into the unforgiving steel. Phillips quickly crawls back to the ring and he rolls in as Edward Plague staggers up…

HA: Phillips just took Joshua out of play….TOUCHDOWN!

HE: No way…

HA: New champion….


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Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage) Empty Re: 6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage)

Post by JJJohnson Wed Sep 17, 2014 6:31 pm

Phillips crunches Plague into the mat with the “rock-bottom” and he hooks both legs…

HE: Did he get it?

The referee’s hand comes down for the three when DeMarcus Brown jumps in and breaks up the fall. Brown and Phillips both scramble up and they go face to face…

HA: There can be no time for alliance here, both these men want to be the champion and that means they need to go through each other….

Brown and Phillips look each other up and down and then they begin to go toe to toe with furious right hands. Phillips begins to stagger Brown back with his shots and then he looks for an Irish whip but Brown is able to reverse it and then drill JP with a Samoan drop as he comes back……………..1……………………2………………shoulder up.

HE: If these two can finish this match before Plague or Joshua can get back involved then one of them walks out as champion….that is the smart way of doing things…

Phillips staggers back up and Brown tries to scoop him onto his shoulders for an F-5 but JP drops behind and then charges off the ropes….


Brown ducks under the huge clothesline and then he charges off the ropes himself, returning with a huge spear…


HA: Phillips just got taken out of his boots…

The huge spear lands on Phillips and Brown hooks his legs…………1
………………Joshua drags Brown under the bottom rope and he seizes him by the throat….


Crowd: Holy (beep) x10

Joshua lifts Brown high up into the air and then he decimates him through the Spanish announce table, leaving him in an unconscious heap on the floor. Joshua is unmoved, no trace of emotion, as he looks down at the broken figure of DeMarcus Brown…

HA: Brown just got broken in half….

HE: Joshua is doing exactly what Plague wants of him…

In the ring, Jimmy Phillips is trying to stand up but he is grabbed from behind by Edward Plague, who drills him back down into the mat with a huge full nelson slam. Plague then runs the length of the ring, bouncing off both sets of ropes, before returning to the middle with a huge leaping foot stomp to Phillips’ chest…

HA: Phillips’ rib and chest area has taken a hammering…

Phillips rolls on his stomach and begins to cough violently, struggling to get air into his lungs. Plague then yells out to Joshua and orders him to pass some weapons into the ring….

HE: Plague wants to have some fun now….

HA: This is practically a two on one match….

Joshua rips up the apron and then he drags out a table and slides it into the ring. Plague grabs the table and begins to set it up as Joshua then throws in a huge roll of barbed wire…

HE: What the hell are these two building?

HA: I shudder to think…

Plague laughs as he grabs the barbed wire and he begins to wrap it around the table in the middle of the ring. Joshua continues to search under the ring for weapons and he pulls up a mysterious sack and throws that to Plague…

HE: What’s in there?

HA: I don’t even want to know….Plague is making a deathtrap…

HE: I knew that Joshua and Plague together would be a walking nightmare….

Plague grabs the sack and he begins to untie it before producing a small can from inside. He moves back to the table and begins to douse it in a liquid that falls from the can…

HA: Please tell me that that is not what I think it is…

HE: What’s he covering that table with?

Plague is laughing to himself, clearly in his element, as he continues to build something from a horror movie. He is completely oblivious to the fact that Jimmy Phillips is back up on his feet….

HA: Plague needs to turn around…..GAME-CHANGER!

HE: He built that torture table for nothing….

Phillips almost knocks Plague’s head off as he drills him with the huge running clothesline…………..1……………………………..2…………………………3!


Joshua grabs Phillips’ foot and he pulls him out of the ring, engaging him in a brawl on the outside. Phillips drives a knee into Joshua’s gut and smashes his face into the ringpost before landing huge punches, sending the monster staggering back towards the aisleway….

HE: Jimmy Phillips is fighting like a man possessed….

HA: He wants to be the Xtreme Champion and he is showing no fear and no intimidation in doing so….

Phillips lands with a huge right hand that sends Joshua staggering down onto his knees. JP then grabs the steel steps from earlier and he lifts them up onto his shoulders before following Joshua up the ramp….BOOM!

HE: Phillips is decimating Joshua…

The impact sends Joshua sprawling across the stage and then Phillips throws the steps away, a thunderous look on his face. Phillips then motions for Joshua to stand back up and he pulls the big man towards him….


Joshua lands brutal elbows to the side of Phillips’ head, knocking him groggy. He then pulls free and he puts both of his hands around the neck of Phillips…

HE: This is about to turn very bad for Jimmy Phillips….

*Crowd pop

Phillips looks worried for a second but then he kicks Joshua between the legs, taking all the wind from Joshua’s sails. Joshua falls down to his knees as Phillips staggers over to the Titantron structure and he pulls a metal pipe loose…

HA: Phillips is armed now….

HE: He’s going to knock Joshua into next week…

Phillips stumbles back towards Joshua and he swings the pipe at his opponent’s head, knocking him down on his back. Phillips throws the pipe to the floor and begins to stumble backwards towards the ramp…

HA: With Joshua down, Phillips can now make a fresh assault on the Xtreme Title…


The crowd gasp in shock as Joshua sits bolt upright and turns his head in the direction of Jimmy Phillips. JP shakes his head in disbelief and he picks the pipe up again and makes a quick rush for Joshua…

HA: Joshua is inhuman…

HE: He’s a freak of nature…

Joshua launches forwards and wraps his hand across Phillips’ throat, stopping him in his tracks. Joshua then charges backwards and he throws Phillips against the steel structure, snapping the back of his head off the metal. Phillips staggers away and Joshua picks up the pipe off the floor….


Joshua fires the pipe into the stomach of Phillips and there is a horrible cracking noise, followed by a scream of pain from Phillips. Joshua throws the pipe down and then he grabs Phillips by the throat and he bench presses him into the air…

HA: I think Phillips’ ribs may have shattered….

HE: That is the least of his worries….no don’t do it….OH GOOD LORD!


Crowd: Holy (beep) x10

Joshua just throws Phillips off the stage and sends him clattering on top of a table full of production equipment. The table doesn’t break but sparks fly and Phillips’ body bounces with a dull thud before he rolls off onto the hard flooring, no signs of movement from him. Joshua just stares down at the carnage he has caused…

HE: First DeMarcus Brown and now Jimmy Phillips; Joshua is a wrecking-machine…

HA: This is why Plague wanted him so badly…

Joshua turns away from the stage and he slowly begins to walk back down to the ring. DeMarcus Brown has pulled a huge steel chain from under the ring apron and he wraps it around his fist as he rolls in to fight with Edward Plague….

HE: Jimmy Phillips needs medical attention, his match is over…

HA: His dreams of championship gold may have just disappeared….but DeMarcus Brown is clinging onto his…

Plague grabs at Brown’s head but then Brown drives his fist up and uppercuts Plague, driving the steel chain into his chin. Plague staggers back and Brown climbs up the turnbuckle before jumping off with an axe handle, knocking Plague off his feet….

HE: Brown needs to move quickly because Joshua is coming….

Brown drops down on Plague’s chest and begins to batter him with furious punches, splitting his head wide open. He then unravels the chain from around his hand and wraps it around Plague’s throat, choking him…

HA: Brown is going to choke the life from Plague….he’s going to win the title….

Plague’s eyes bulge and his face quickly turns red as Brown really drags back on the chain, cutting into the skin of the champion. The crowd are roaring as Brown places his feet on the back of Plague’s neck as he pulls up….

HE: Plague’s finished….no man can survive this kind of torture…

HA: But Plague isn’t a man…

Plague’s eyes are streaming and his head begins to sag as the chain saps his oxygen supply. The referee is asking Plague if he wants to quit…

HE: Plague won’t tap but he’ll pass out and then this match is over….

Joshua is back in the ring and he kicks Brown in the side of the head, knocking him off the submission. Brown tries to get back up but Joshua lands with a huge uppercut, sprawling him onto the deck again. Joshua then picks up the sack from earlier and he pulls something out….

HA: What…..OH NO!

HE: It was gas….that was the liquid that Plague poured over the table, now it’s on fire…

HA: A flaming table wrapped in barbed wire…..this is something out of a demonic imagination….

Plague is helped back up by Joshua and his usual smile has re-appeared. There is blood running down his face and deep lacerations in his neck but he doesn’t seem to care as he gazes into the flames….

HA: This is exactly what Plague wanted…he doesn’t care about his own bloodshed, only the suffering of others…and it is DeMarcus Brown’ turn to suffer…

HE: This is going to be unimaginable…

Plague then grabs at the head of DeMarcus Brown and he pulls him into the centre of the ring. He flicks his hair from his face and lets out an eerie laugh before he flips Brown up on his shoulders….


The “border toss” powerbomb is imminent when Joshua drops down to his knees behind Plague and lands with a huge low-blow, much to the surprise of everyone in attendance. Plague drops down to his knees, his eyes widening in shock, and drops Brown to the floor….Joshua grabs Plague’s hair and turns his head, looking deep into his eyes…

HE: What is Joshua doing? Doesn’t he know that the Brotherhood are going to destroy McCoy?

HA: Joshua has had enough of playing games with Plague….he wants him to know who did this to him….

Joshua then backs away to the ropes and he falls backwards over them. He turns his back and begins to walk up the aisle…

HE: He’s not even going to win the title?

HA: I don’t think the gold appeals to Joshua….McCoy’s safety is the most important….

Joshua continues to walk up the ramp as DeMarcus Brown starts to clamber back to his feet in the ring. The crowd are cheering as Brown looks at Joshua disappearing up the ramp and then at Plague, who is struggling to find his feet…

HA: DeMarcus Brown cannot believe the situation he is in….

HE: He just hit the jackpot….

Plague staggers up and then he turns around to face Brown. Brown looks Plague up and down and then at the flaming table. Plague looks at Brown and then a smile crosses his face…

Plague: You don’t have it, brother… don’t….

HA: Plague doesn’t think Brown will do it…


Brown shakes his head and then he shows great power to lift Plague onto his shoulders. He holds him there and smiles before throwing him into an F-5, smashing him through the flaming table…..



HA: How ironic that Plague set up that deathtrap and he is the man to fall victim to it….

Plague rolls and screams in agony as the flames are doused out by fire extinguishers around ringside. Brown pulls Plague away from the wreckage, ripping his skin on the barbed wire as he does, and then collapses into the pin…


HE: I don’t believe it….

HA: Seeing is believing, brother, and we just witnessed hell on earth….

Ding ding ding

HE: This is not what I was expecting…

HA: With Joshua and Plague in the same match I don’t think anything should be unexpected….one thing is clear after tonight…..there will never be an alliance between those two monsters…

Ring Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen here is your winner……and NEW 6CW Xtreme Champion…..DeeeMaaaarrrcccuuuussss Brrrroooooowwwwwnnnnnn!

The crowd are on their feet and applauding the carnage they have just witnessed. “Gangster Rap” is booming out of the speakers as DeMarcus Brown staggers into the ropes and sags to his knees, breathing deeply with the exhaustion of what he has just been through…

HA: It has been a terrible few months for DeMarcus Brown since he returned from injury….it seemed his luck was never going to pick up. But his heart, determination and a little bit of luck tonight has switched his fortunes immeasurably…

HE: I never believed Brown would be walking out here tonight as champion….especially after Plague and Joshua made their alliance…

HA: An alliance that was built upon rocky foundations…Plague has spent months trying to turn Joshua into a follower but now we know that the “Puppet Master” has no strings that can be pulled…it has cost Plague his championship…

HE: A serious wake-up call for Edward Plague….he’s made a serious error of judgment…

HA: And now I assume the attention of The Brotherhood will turn to Joshua….that battle is far from over…

Plague is still slumped in the wreckage of the table, no laughter and smile, as DeMarcus Brown stands over him with the Xtreme belt. Brown beats his chest and hauls the title in the air, drawing huge cheers from the audience…

HE: And now a new chapter has begun for the Xtreme division….Brown has his “killer instinct” back and I think we can anticipate plenty of action in the future…

HA: I’d bank on it….what a match this was. It is going to take some time for these men to get over the injuries sustained…

HE: I saw them help Jimmy Phillips out of here with an oxygen mask, I think he has some serious internal injuries…..and I don’t know what might be wrong with Plague…

Brown climbs from the ring and drops down to the outside, holding his newly won championship close to his chest. He raises a fist into the air and staggers up the ramp…

HE: And what about McCoy? Do you think The Brotherhood sawed his head off or did Joshua get to them in time?

HA: I guess we’ll just have to wait and find out…..what a night this is….still plenty more to come folks so do not go anywhere…

Match result: DeMarcus Brown via pinfall (NEW CHAMPION)
Match time: 18 minutes; 42 seconds


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Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage) Empty Re: 6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage)

Post by JJJohnson Wed Sep 17, 2014 6:35 pm

(Jackson Black is in the locker room when there is a faint knock on the door. He ignores it and carries on adjusting his wrestling attire and getting ready. The door slowly opens slightly but just enough for Black to shout out.)

JB: I’ve got no comment!

(The door doesn’t move and Black returns to his thoughts. After a few moments, the door opens just wide enough for Timothy Allen to pop his head into the room.)

TA: Sorry Jackson, but it is kind of obligatory for a PPV.

(Black says nothing. Allen slowly enters the room with a film crew, who start to set up. Black ignores them but his face gets more and more angry. Suddenly, one of the film crew drops a piece of equipment and Black gets to his feet in irritation.)

JB: What is wrong with you people?! I thought I told you I haven’t got time for any sound bites!

(He kicks the tripod which is carrying one camera and it falls to the floor with a bang. Allen quickly motions for the film crew to pack up. They do so hurriedly before exiting the room. Black turns to Allen and grits his teeth.)

JB: That goes for you too… can get the hell out of here as well.

(Allen looks intimidated but manages to get enough courage to speak.)

TA: You haven’t been seen for a while Jackson. People want to know what you think about your match with Jax Cutler. It is for the International Championship after all!

(Black looks at him annoyed and for a brief moment it looks as if he might punch the interviewer. However, Black calms down slightly and begins to speak in hushed tones.)

JB: I know who I am facing and I know what it is for. I don’t need the likes of you to tell me that. I don’t need the likes of Hathaway to tell me that. I don’t need anyone to tell me that! I don’t give a damn if people want to know what I think about the match. It just proves how backward they are and how much they don’t listen……

(Allen goes to speak but Black cuts in.)

JB: Forget it……you talk too much. Don’t think for one second that just because I am not here, that I haven’t kept tabs of what has been said. Hathaway wrongly believes I am the past of 6CW but he is wrong. I haven’t come back to reminisce old times. I have returned to put guys like Cutler firmly in their place. So Hathaway can go on prior to the match about how everything will be rosy afterwards. He will find out that you should only plan for the future when you know you have one. And for Cutler his future looks bleak, believe me.

TA: And this match will be a brawl to end all brawls?

(Black shrugs his shoulders and looks unmoved.)

JB: It will be whatever it will be. The ending will be my victory though. I hope Cutler is prepared for that, because his manager might look at him a whole lot differently afterwards.

(Jackson sits down on the locker room bench and completely blanks the interviewer. Allen nods in understanding and walks out of the room, leaving Black on his own.)


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Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage) Empty Re: 6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage)

Post by JJJohnson Wed Sep 17, 2014 6:39 pm

Match 5
"The Sequel"
Anthony Grace vs Jerome Dubois

Ding Ding Ding

Ring announcer: The next match is scheduled for one fall, introducing first from Paris France, he is Le Phenomene Francais and a 6CW Hall of Famer, weighing in at 275 pounds… Jerome Duboisssssssssssss!

“Mind Eraser" by The Black Keys bellows out of the arena speakers as Dubois makes his way out from behind the curtain, he pauses on the entrance ramp, turns and stretches his arms out wide as a crescendo of red pyros explode out from either side of the ramp.

HA: Here we go folks, this one has got real personal over the last few weeks and tonight we’ll find out just how far Anthony Grace has come in such a short space of time. Can he live with a man who has seen it all and done it all inside that ring… when the lights are on bright and it really maters?

HE: Jerome Dubois is a living legend, a first ballot fall of famer, Grace doesn’t stand a chance and do you know why? It’s because in this game you need more than catchy straplines, you need more than some cheesy Hollywood smile, these fans cheering your name means nothing if you can’t back it up inside that ring and tonight Dubious is going to show Mr. Amazing Grace just what it means to be a 6CW superstar.

Dubois makes his way to the ring ignoring gestures from the fans to tag hands; he climbs the steel steps, wiping his feet on them before entering the ring. Removing his robe he stands arrogantly in the center of the ring awaiting the arrival of Anthony Grace

Ring announcer: Introducing next, the opponent, from Hollywood… weighing in at 239 pounds… Anthony ‘Amaaaaaaaazing’ Grace!!!!!!!!

The arena lights dim and the crowd erupts in noise

HE: Mixed reaction for Grace yet again

A stage hand rolls out a red carpet, followed by Grace himself, he takes a knee and bows his head as Kylie Minogue appears from behind the curtain to sing ‘Amazing Grace’.

HE: Kylie!!!!!

HA: The princess of pop herself is here to serenade Grace to the ring, who better here in Australia than Kylie… what a coup! This my brother is what Anthony Grace bring to 6CW, exposure to the main stream, with this young man representing the company we are destined for very big things.

HE: We’ll see about that…

HA: Believe to achieve brother!

HE: Just listen to yourself! Are you a COG now?

As Kylie prepares to start her rendition she kisses Grace on each cheek wishing him good luck in the process. Grace crosses his chest religiously and kisses his fist, before jumping up and proceeding to the ring. He slaps hands with the fans at ringside buts seems to be heading to one particular fan at ringside.

HA: Little Timmy!!!!

HE: Oh give me a break…

HA: That young man was saved thanks to the charitable nature of Anthony Grace and look, he’s here to see his idol in person.

HE: Ringside seats can’t have been cheap!

Grace learns over the barricade and hugs Timmy who is wearing a ‘Citizens of Graceland’ T-shirt that reads ‘I’m A COG’

HE: Is this Beachfront Brawl or Surprise, Surprise???? Get on with the damn match!!!

HA: Grace showing the kind of humanity and heart that makes him the global superstar he is today.

As well as Henry, certain pockets of the crowd are aggravated by this and begin to voice their displeasure vocally.

HE: Grace maybe a Samaritan and a Hollywood superstar but that doesn’t stop him dividing opinion, there are many fans that resent his presence here and their not shy in letting him know.

Grace makes his way into the ring and the referee checks both men for foreign objects, with the official happy, he calls for the bell and match is on…

HA: Here we go…

Grace and Dubois waste no time in getting going and immediately lock up in the center of the ring, Dubois looks to overpower his opponent but Grace drives behind and takes the Frenchmen off his feet with a side Russian leg sweep.

HA: Grace taking the early initiative here

Grace gets back to his feet and looks for a running knee drop

HE: Nobody home!!!

Dubois rolls out of harm’s way and springs back up to his feet, rolling Grace up into a cover in one fluid movement.

1 count as Grace switches the momentum and rolls Dubois in a cover of his own, another 1 count as Dubois reverses again, this time with a sunset flip cover.



Kick out from Grace

HA: What a series of reversals, these two men are going to give it everything they have tonight.

Both men separate and are back on their feet, Dubois points to his head, indicating he’s too clever to get pinned by Grace. Grace smiles back and the two lock up again with Dubois swinging him into an Irish Whip, Grace bounces off the ropes and ducks under a closeline attempt, as Grace springs back yet again Dubois drops a shoulder and catches him with a delayed scoop up powerslam (ala Randy Orton) driving Anthony into the canvas.

HE: He’s just too smart, you know… you have to get up pretty early in the morning to catch out Le Phenomene Francais.

Dubois looks very pleased with himself as Grace holds his back in pain on the matt, wasting no time at all he immediately drags Grace to his feet and slams him into the turn buckle delivering a knife edge chop to the chest of the Hollywood A lister, which echoes around the arena…

Crowd: Whooooooooooooooooooooooooo

HA: What a connection!

HE: That’s it Dubs, do it again!

Crowd: Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Another thunderous chop to Grace causing the blood to rush to the surface of his chest which now looks bright red, as Dubois goes for a third…. The crowd erupt into joy as Grace blocks and reverses the position.

HA: Payback time!!!!

Crowd: Whoooooooooooooooooooooooo

Grace delivers three quick chops to the chest of the Frenchmen much to the crowds delight, he then takes three steps backwards and charges delivering a ferocious shoulder charge into the stomach of Dubois.

HA: Grace turning the tables

Dubois slumps into the corner and is now in a seated position, Grace moves over to the opposite corner and signals to the fans, audible boos can be heard around the arena as Grace charges again this time sending his knee crashing into the jaw of Dubois who collapses completely, Grace hooks the legs and goes for the cover…

HE: Get up Jerome!!!




Grace jumps up in victory, his arms in the air…

HA: The COG’s are going wild, what a victory for Anthony Grace!!

HE: You might want put the cork back in the champagne bottle.

The crowd groan as the big screen shows Dubois foot clearly resting on the bottom rope.

Grace pleads with the official as Dubs makes it take to his feet, Grace spots this and moves towards him with determination…

HA: He can’t do that!!!

As Grace approaches Dubois drives his finger straight into Grace’s eye causing him to momentarily lose vision, the referee reprimands the Frenchmen but he simply brushes him aside and looks to capitalise, driving his boot straight into the gut of his foe…

Dubois: Vive La France!!!!

HE: Garlic bomb, Garlic bomb

Grace lies on the canvas feeling the full effect of a venomous powerbomb from Dubois.

HA: Lateral press, this could be close


Kick out

HA: That was a close call, Grace showing great determination.

HE: Oh come on, climb out of Grace’s rear crevice will you

Dubois beats the matt in frustration as he looks up at the referee with distain, Grace is starting to get back up to a vertical base and Dubs instantly applies a front face look, slapping Grace over the back of the head as he taunts the crowd.

HA: Dubois showing absolutely no respect for Grace here.

HE: And why should he, Grace is a rookie and he’s a hall of famer.

HA: Ahh what an impact!

Dubois nails Grace with a vicious DDT, Grace lays motionless as Dubois gets back up.

HE: He’s heading for the top rope

HA: High risk, but high reward

Flashbulbs go off as Dubois fly’s from the top rope through the air, looking for a huge elbow drop.

HA: Nobody home!!!!!!!!!!!

Grace rolls away at the last moment as Dubs eats the canvas, both men are down with the referee checking on the competitors.

He starts his count

1, 2, 3, 4

Grace stirs first as he uses the ropes to regain a vertical base, Dubs is also starting to get back up… both men are now upright but looking very unstable on their feet.

The crowd cheer as Grace lands a big right hand, causing Dubs to stumble back, before he returns with a right hand of his own, they continue to trade blows in the center of the ring.

HA: These two men showing us exactly what their made of here, neither one willing to give an inch.

Grace starts to gain the upper hand blocking punch and delivering a huge uppercut that nearly takes his opponent off his feet.

HA: Dubois is seeing stars after that shot

Grace picks up speed and sprints off the ropes grabbing the head of Dubs and hitting a powerful bulldog. Grace springs up and looks around the arena, the crowd are really getting behind him now.


Boos can be heard in between the chant as the sections of Grace haters inside the arena let their feelings known.

What an impact!!!!!!!!

Dubois now back up goes for a labored right hand which Grace ducks under and reverses into a bridging pin German suplex…





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6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage) Empty Re: 6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage)

Post by JJJohnson Wed Sep 17, 2014 6:41 pm

No, Dubs just kicks out to keep this fight alive.

HE: I really don’t think Grace has it in him to put Dubois away.

Grace doesn’t give him any time to breath and is straight back on him with an Irish whip into the corner, Grace climbs the turnbuckle and delivers punch after punch as the crowd count along…

Crowd: 1, 2, 3, 4… 10

Grace hits the tenth punch to Dubois temple and drops to back down to the canvas…

HE: He cut him open

The official checks on Dubois as blood starts to rush from the cut on his forehead, meanwhile Grace crouches on the other side of the ring regaining his breath.

HA: Dubois looks hurt here, blood is streaming from that laceration above his right eye.

HE: It’s just a scratch; it will take a lot more than that!

Grace starts to pace impatiently and then darts at his opponent whose still in the corner…

HE: Car crash!!!!!

Just as Grace is about to nail a big splash in the corner, Dubois pulls the official in front of him, who ends up taking the brunt of the force.

Both the official and Dubs are down… as Grace checks on the referee he motions to the back for some help.

Dubois now back on his feet grabs Grace by the hair whilst his back is turned, but is caught by a big elbow thrown in reaction by Grace.

HA: This could be it!!!!

Grace sets Dubs up for the Ovation, as he holds his opponent he shouts…


Crowd: GRACE!!!!!!

He then hits his opponent with the Sister Abigal and drops straight into a cover.

HE: But there’s no official, what an idiot, hey dummy you need a referee to count!!!


Grace releases the cover and walks over to the ropes looking towards the entrance way.


The crowd go nuts as a new official sprints out from behind the curtain, Grace motioning for him to hurry up.

HE: Ball game!

As Grace turns around Dubois now back up charges and lands a huge spear going straight into the cover.

HA: Both legs hooked

The referee slides in and begins to count…




HE: I don’t believe it, he was done!

Grace kicks out on two and three quarters, drawing a huge reaction from the crowd.

HA: The COG’s are starting to believe here, Grace showing so much heart.

Dubois grabs the official by the scruff of the neck and starts to aggressively argue with him, the referee points to the 6CW badge on his chest and Dubois releases him, turning his attention back to Grace. He approaches and stomps on his stomach causing Grace to grimace in pain.

HE: Ha ha love it!

HA: Totally uncalled for!

Dubois looks straight at little Timmy in the front row and signals that this is the end for Grace, Timmy turns to his mother and looks away as Dubs locks in a sharpshooter.

HA: Submission hold locked in, right in the center of the ring, time to find out just how much fight Anthony Grace has in him.

HE: This is over, just ring the bell.

Grace screams out in pain as the camera cuts to a shot of little Timmy being comforted by his mother, tears streaming down his face.

HE: He’s got it synched in, there’s no way out for Grace

Grace screams out in pain as he arches his back trying to ease the pressure, the referee is checking him, asking the question???

Ref: What do you say Grace, do you quit????

Grace: No!!!!

Grace clearly in agony can’t hold on much longer, his hand rises into the air…

HE: He’s gonna tap!!!

The crowd pop again as Grace shakes his head, digs down deep and starts to drag both himself and Dubois towards the ropes, Dubs can be seen frantically shaking his head in disbelief…

Grace looks up and through the ropes can see Timmy shouting in the front row urging him to get to the ropes…

HA: He did it, he made it to the bottom rope

With one last massive effort he makes it to safety and the ref orders Dubois to break the hold, the Frenchmen refuses, shaking his head and swearing in French. Grace still in agony is crying out, beating the matt in pain. The official starts to enforce his count and makes it the full 5 before Dubs reluctantly breaks the hold.

HA: Grace is still alive in this match, but just how much damage did that hold cause.

HE: Grace is done; go on Jerome get back on him.

Grace is lying on the matt clutching the bottom rope clearly feeling the effects of the sharpshooter, when Dubois starts to land vicious boots to the body, Grace tries to cover up but the force of the stomps causes him to roll out of the ring and hit the floor. Dubois is quick to follow and picks up his opponent by the head on the outside and goes for a huge Irish whip into the steel steps…


HA: Game changer right there!

Despite his obvious fatigue, Grace somehow manages to reverse the momentum and swing Dubois straight into the unforgiving steel steps. Grace drops to knees still trying to catch his breath as Dubs rolls around in distress on the floor, blood still dripping from the cut above his eye.

HA: That move just equalised the playing field, Anthony is Grace is right back in this one.

HE: Are you kidding, look at him, he can hardly walk!

Grace attempts to pick up Dubois and force him back into the ring but the effects of the match have clearly taken their toll as he struggles to lift him onto the apron, Grace takes a moment to catch his breath before going back to finish the job…

HE: Don’t count the hall of famer out just yet!!!

Repeated kicks to the head!!!

As Grace grabs the feet of his adversary Dubois lands three imposing kicks to the body and head of Grace from his position on the apron causing Grace to fall back and learn against the announce table.

HA: Incoming!!!!

The crowd pop as Dubois launches himself off the apron directly at Grace, causing both men to slide over the commentary desk to the floor, narrowly avoiding the Lloyd brothers who make a sharp exit to either side of the desk.

HA: Both men are down on the outside, who can make it back up first and seize the advantage here.

Dubois rouses first closely followed by Grace and the two yet again begin to trade right hands on the outside, Grace uses his speed to duck under a right hand and delivers a shuddering atomic drop which rattles the spine of Dubois. As the Frenchmen winces in pain he slowly turns back around only to be caught by a spinning his kick to the jaw from Grace, taking Dubs off his feet.

HA: What agility from Grace, he’s proving to everyone that he belongs here in 6CW.

HE: He hasn’t won yet, never count out Dubois.

The referee remonstrates with Grace that he needs take this fight back into the ring, he respectfully agrees picking Dubs up and rolling him back into the ring, Grace gingerly climbs back in himself but goes straight to the turnbuckle ascending to the top rope.

HA: Grace going to the high rent district here.

HE: Get up Jerome, get up!!!

Flashbulbs go off all around the arena as he fly’s through the air with a ‘Fall From Grace’.


HE: YES, YES, genius from Dubois, he was playing possum!

Dubois rolls out of the way and Grace’s gets absolutely nothing from his High Angle Moonsault…

Dubois is straight to his feet and slowly picks Grace up to a vertical base…

HA: Culture Shock from Dubois!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dubs drills Grace with a powerful dominator that sends him crashing down into the canvas, Grace lays motionless…

HA: Lateral press

HE: Count it ref!!!





“Mind Eraser" by The Black Keys blasts out as Dubois jumps up and signals for the official to raise his hand...

Ring Announcer: Here is your winner, Jerome Duuuuuubois!!!!


HA: What a showing from Anthony Grace, my god that young man put up one hell of a fight against one of the finest competitors this company has ever seen.

HE: Stop talking about Grace and focus on the winner of this match, Dubois showed everyone today that it takes more than friends in the office and a Hollywood career to make it in 6CW, for my money Dubois is heading straight back to the top of this company, right where he belongs!

Dubois has already made it to the back as Grace starts to climb up, using the ropes for leverage he looks over at Timmy who is crying again… Grace rolls out of the ring and goes to comfort the little guy.

The camera shows a section of males in their 20’s jumping up and down, beer flying all over the place as they chant Grace Sucks at the top of their voices!

HE: Now those 6CW fans no a lame duck when they see one

HA: Everyone has the right to share their opinion brother, especially the paying public, but for my money Anthony Grace has won over a lot of people with his performance here tonight. In the end he came up against a seasoned veteran of the game.

HE: Grace got taken to school by Dubois.

Grace starts to make his way back down the ramp waving to the fans, signaling his appreciation of their support.

Match result: Jerome Dubois via pinfall
Match time: 12 minutes; 14 seconds


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Age : 33

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6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage) Empty Re: 6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage)

Post by JJJohnson Wed Sep 17, 2014 6:45 pm

*A video package starts with clips of Jax Cutler spearing his opponents, it shows him winning the Intercontinental Championship, it shows Michael Hathaway in his ear, Jax beating down Keith Leone before it finally rests on an image of Jax Cutler holding the title aloft, sweat dripping down his forehead.*

MH: The future of this company.

*The scene abruptly cuts when Michael Hathaway's voice is heard, he is sat down in a chair, looking straight down the camera. The International Title is on a side table next to him.*

MH: Is

*More footage of Jax Cutler suplexing people, hitting people with the Cutting Edge, his entrance and a lot of images of Michael Hathaway speaking to him and for him and about him. It cuts back to Michael Hathaway in his chair.*

MH: Jax Cutler is not just the future of 6CW, he's not just the future of wrestling, he's the future of human athletic potential. He is as close to perfect as an athlete has ever achieved and he is proving this week after week, show after show, match after match. Jax Cutler is working on a level that some thought wasn't possible. He is fast, he is strong, he is smart, he is technical...he has mastered professional wrestling and he's only just getting started. He takes conventions and squeezes them, he squeezes and crushes conventions until they are nothing but relics of a by-gone age. He has taken the standards set by the past and he has smashed them into a thousand million pieces.

Where is he now? The gym, training. He doesn't waste his time like these other so-called professionals do with these interviews, that's not his job, that's not what he's here for. He's here to fight, he's here to win, he's here to be the best. He will do all those things because of this dedication. I talk for him because Jax Cutler knows the importance of keeping in shape, keeping match fit, making sure he is ready for every fight, especially the big fights, especially the pay per view brawls.

This is why Jax Cutler is now the 6CW International Champion. It's not just his supreme natural talent that sets him apart; it is his dedication to the sport. He doesn't see himself as a show man or an entertainer, he is an athlete of the highest order and it shines through. When Keith Leone stepped into the ring with him, that fat waste of space couldn't live with Jax's superior athletic ability. Leone has heart, he has the ability to take a beating but when he is dissected as a professional wrestler, he is woefully inadequate. He is barely a professional; he's a pub fighter with charisma. The only reason Leone left that match with the win is because he realised it was the only way to escape with his career...that kind of desperation can lead to all kinds of miracles.

Jackson Black will have no such luck. Jax Cutler isn't going to stop for anything at Beachfront Brawl, he's not going to be caught out, he's not going to lose his championship to a wannabe Jax Cutler. Jackson Black is the past of this company, Jax Cutler is the future. Jax Cutler is the new and improved 6CW, he is The Main Event. 6CW will be sold on Jax Cutler for as long as Jax Cutler wants to stick around whereas Jackson Black will always be remembered as a solid wrestler who helped 6CW in its early days. While Jax Cutler will go down in history as 6CW's greatest star, Jackson Black will go down as a beloved fixture of 6CW's halls but ultimately could not live in a 6CW that had Jax Cutler in it.

The name is apt Black, Beachfront Brawl...because it will be a 'brawl' and when it comes down to a fight, man on man, there will only ever be one winner...Jax Cutler!

*Footage moves really fast so it's just a blur of bodies, but it is clear it is Jax Cutler's victories and beat downs. It eventually abruptly stops on an image of Jax Cutler standing over Jackson Black as Michael Hathaway's laugh can be heard in the background.*.


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6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage) Empty Re: 6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage)

Post by JJJohnson Wed Sep 17, 2014 6:46 pm

(Vincent Costello is alone in an empty locker room when the camera zooms in onto his face. He slowly lifts his head and starts to speak.)

VC: Survival. By any means necessary. Holding on for as long as possible even when every fibre of your body is waving the white flag. When you can feel yourself dying to scream “enough”, there is one last brain cell that remembers that you need to survive. Hang on for a bit longer. Even when common sense tells you that there is no point.

(Costello smiles evilly and nods.)

VC: That survival brain cell actually forms the whole part of Liam Wood’s head. When he decided that we would meet in this way, that brain cell was shouting out telling everyone that he could hold on. That there was a still a chance he could win. That the pain will soon subside.

(Costello smiles wider.)

VC: And like the fool he is, Wood listened to that brain cell. Even when those nearest and dearest to him begged him to forget about the idea. That to get involved in this match would end him. That even this brain cell will finally be extinguished, so that he is left a quivering wreck on the canvas. A vegetable. Evolution gone backwards as he returns to the gene pool.

(Costello turns away and stares at the floor.)

VC: You see Liam, I have been contemplating a lot since you smashed my head with that chair at the last show. How Costello’s Law is the very byword of this type of match. I don’t mean someone struggling to survive. I mean someone destroying all hope of survival for the other person. There is no way you will get me in a position to even start to utter those two words. It just won’t happen. All you will be left with is 21,000 people all realising that you should have listened. And your pretty little girlfriend screaming at herself that she should have tried harder to convince you.

(Costello looks up to the camera and looks irate.)

VC: Let me make things quite clear Wood…..and this goes to everybody who will witness the match. YOU wanted this. YOU chose the rules. YOU chose not to listen. So I will feel no guilt when I personally sign the death note that you have wrote for yourself. Just below your own signature……….

(Costello grins again.)

VC: Survival? Costello’s Law says only the fittest survive. And Wood is about to become extinct.

(He holds the grin as the camera backs away and the scene fades.)


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Age : 33

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6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage) Empty Re: 6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage)

Post by JJJohnson Wed Sep 17, 2014 6:47 pm

Match 6
6CW INT Championship
Jax Cutler (c) vs Jackson Black

Ding ding

Ring Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen the following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the 6CW International Championship!

*Crowd pop

HA: This is one of the most eagerly anticipated matches of the night….

HE: Two of the best mat wrestlers in the game, both men have a hugely physical style and they are driven to be the best…

HA: This match is all about proving dominance…both superstars believe they are the alpha male in this business but there is only room for one of them…

The fans in the Superdome are on their feet as “Watch me shine” blasts out to a very mixed reaction from the audience. There is a steady stream of fireworks that erupt over the stage, illuminating the entrance, and then the first competitor appears…

RA: Introducing first; the challenger…………from Phoenix, Arizona……….weighing in at 235 pounds……Jaaaaccckkkkssssooooonnn Bllllaaaacccckkkk!

HA: Former International Champion, the longest reigning in 6CW history…

HE: And he never lost that belt, it was stripped from him unfairly and now he wants it back…

HA: Black has always been regarded as one of the best wrestlers ever produced in this business, his skills relatively unmatched….and in recent weeks we have seen a ruthless side to his character, leading to him receiving this title shot…

HE: Black does what he has to…but for the first time he is up against a man who shares exactly the same ethos….they have so many similarities…

HA: And yet they also have many differences….the one common goal is that they both want to leave here tonight as the INT Champion…

Jackson Black strides down the ramp, focus in his eyes, with a towel slung over his shoulder. Black’s unshaven appearance gives him a look of intensity…

HA: Jackson Black sees a second reign as the INT Champion as his ticket back to the big time….before the closure of 6CW in 2012 Black was on the cusp of the main event, wrestling the likes of Keith Leone, Dicey Reilly, Lex Hart and Mr Kenty….he wants to get back there at any cost….

Black throws the towel onto the apron and then he rolls under the bottom rope. He circles the ring and then uses the ropes to stretch, working off any last minute tightness. He stands and relaxes his muscles as “Bridge Burning” booms out to unanimous boos….

HA: The INT Champion is an unpopular figure amongst the 6CW faithful but he neither cares or hesitates on that….he was built to destroy any obstacle in his path and he shows no remorse in doing do…

RA: And his opponent….weighing in at 283 pounds…………accompanied to the ring by Michael Hathaway….he is the current, reigning and defending 6CW International Champion……..Jaaaxxxxx Cuuuutttllllleeeeerrrr!

The crowd’s boos grow as the smug figure of Michael Hathaway walks out onto the stage, dressed in a crisp, designer suit. Hathaway grins broadly and holds up the INT belt as Jax Cutler strides out behind him, a cold confidence about the champion.

Hathaway: And still….And still the International Champion….tonight is the night, Jax….tonight is YOUR night….this is where you arrive, this is where they take notice of you and what you can do….

HA: Michael Hathaway has to be the slimiest individual we have ever come across…

HE: He’s just confident and can you blame him? He is the manager of the fastest rising star in 6CW….he handles the business of one of the most dominant champions in the history of 6CW…Hathaway knows he has a first class ticket to the top of the mountain as long as he is by the side of Jax Cutler…

Hathaway leads Cutler down the ramp and then they pause at the base of the ring. Hathaway puts his hand on Cutler’s shoulder and whispers into his ear, grinning as he does so, and points towards Jackson Black…

HA: Jax Cutler is receiving his final instructions…

HE: This is going to be one hell of a match…

HA: There are no fan favourites in this match but still the crowd are going wild….these people appreciate that they are about to witness a barnburner…

Cutler begins to flex his huge muscles and then he lets out an animalistic roar and walks to the ring. He leaps up onto the apron and climbs through the ropes…

HA: Jackson Black is showing no intimidation….he’s been in there with some of the biggest names in this business…

HE: But has he ever faced anyone as physical as Cutler? And someone who is at the top of their game the way the INT Champion is? This is a new challenge for Black…

HA: And it is also the biggest challenge of Cutler’s career so far….he’s still a first year rookie and this will give a huge indication of whether he is ready for the next step…

The referee stands in between Cutler and Black as they stand-off against one another. There is a fierce stare-down between both men and then the bell sounds to start the match off…

Hathaway: Show him what you can do, Jax….this is all about you, show them all….

HE: Hathaway imploring Jax to make a quick start….

HA: I don’t think there will be much of a feeling out process…

Cutler and Black begin to circle each other and then they lockup in the middle of the ring. Black tries to force his opponent back but then Cutler explodes with power and pushes Black backwards into the ropes…

HE: That is Cutler’s big equalizer….his strength is scary…

HA; Something that Black cannot compete with, he will need to find another way to combat the champion…

Black nods in appreciation of Cutler’s strength and then comes forward again. He then lockup for a second time and Cutler once again shoves Black back into the ropes, drawing laughter from Michael Hathaway…

HE: Black needs to re-think his strategy…

Black looks a little annoyed and then he comes back to the centre of the ring. Cutler merely stares at him as they look up and down and then they lockup for a third time…

HE: This is only going to end the same way…

Jax prepares to throw Black backwards again but this time Black falls backwards and pushes his knees up, monkey flipping Cutler across the ring…

HA: Jackson Black is a quick thinker…

Cutler gets back up and he charges at Black but is taken down by an armdrag. He gets up again and looks for a running clothesline but Black counters with a second armdrag. The crowd cheer as Black beckons Cutler back up and throws him into a hiptoss…

HA: Jackson Black showing his wrestling skills…

Black quickly jumps on Cutler and tries to pull him into a reverse chinlock but Cutler is able to squirm free. They get back up and Cutler clatters into Black and runs him back towards the corner…

HA: Sunset…

Black rolls over the shoulder of Jax before they get to the turnbuckle and pulls him into a pinning combo………….1………………….2……………….shoulder up. Cutler gets back to his feet and he drives his forearm into the jaw of Black, knocking him in a circle, and then lifts him into a huge belly to back slam….

HE: Cutler can wrestle too and he fancies his chances of outfighting Black tonight…

Cutler drives his knees into the side of Black and drives hard elbows down into the back of his opponent’s neck and head. Black tries to cover up and block the blows as Cutler continues to hammer home with different parts of his body…

HA: This is Cutler’s MMA style to a tee….he will look to damage Black in any way he can…

Black manages to crawl away from the shots and he grabs onto the bottom rope, forcing Cutler to stop his attack. The referee backs Jax away as Black slowly gets back up to his feet…

HE: Those elbows had an effect though, there is blood behind Black’s left ear…

Black rubs the side of his head as Cutler comes back towards him. Black lowers his body and fires forward with an elbow to Cutler’s stomach and follows up with a barrage of rights and lefts. Cutler begins to stagger back but then drives his knee back into Black’s gut, stopping him dead…

HA: One knee from Cutler and all momentum is gone…

HE: I honestly believe this is the future of this business….Cutler is a machine…

Cutler grabs Black and lands three more brutal knees before whipping him off the ropes. Black comes back and Cutler easily pushes him up into the air, leaving him to fall back down to the canvass with a thud…

HA; Now Cutler is starting to take control…

Cutler quickly pulls Black into a gutwrench and throws him into a suplex……………1………………2………….shoulder up. Cutler gets back up and he gutwrenches Black into a second suplex…Black holds his body as he stumbles up and this time Cutler picks him off the mat and drills him with a hard spinebuster…………………….1…………………..2………………Black kicks out!

HE: Jax Cutler is outwrestling the best wrestler on the roster…

HA: So far he is, it cannot be doubted…

Cutler lands with hard clubbing shots to the back of Black and then he drags him up and lands with another brutal knee to the stomach. Black falls back down on his knees and Cutler drives the point of his elbow right between Jackson’s eyes….

HA: The force of that show could break someone’s nose…

Black flails his way back to the corner and tries to pull himself up but Cutler charges in and crushes him with a body-splash. Cutler then drags Black away from the ropes and launches him into a huge release back suplex…

HE: The body of Black is taking a hammering…you can see the effort it is taking for him to breathe…

Cutler walks back towards Black and he pulls him into another gutwrench. He prepares to launch Black into another suplex but Black kicks his feet, blocking the move, and then he spins out and dives back into a chopblock…

HA: Black is a fighter though….and he is an outstanding submission wrestler, now he is going for the legs of Cutler…

Cutler drops down on his knees and Black quickly grabs his right leg. He lifts it off the ground and then slams it down into mat….he repeats the process five more times and then he drags Cutler to the ropes and places his leg on the bottom. Black uses the middle rope to leap up and then drives his knee down into the back of Jax’s knee….

HE: Michael Hathaway does not look so happy now….

HA: His client is being dissected now….this is turning into a real test of wills….

Cutler yells in pain and tries to crawl away but Black grabs his leg again and slams it down into the mat. Cutler rolls over on his back and Jackson grabs both of his feet…

HA: Black’s looking for the “Cloverleaf”…

HE: Jax does not want this…

Cutler struggles against the submission and then he fires punches upwards into the face of Black. Black stumbles and allows Cutler to kick out at his chest, sending him flying across the canvass. Both men get back up and Cutler charges forwards but is taken out by a dropkick to the knees….Michael Hathaway looks away and lets out a sigh…

HA: Black knows exactly where to go now….he’s cutting Jax down to size…

Black quickly grabs the leg of Cutler and he handstands into the air before driving his knee down into Cutler’s leg. He does this three times and then he pulls Jax into the centre of the ring and spins around into a figure four leglock…

HE: This is bad…

HA: Jax Cutler’s title reign is in jeopardy…Michael Hathaway can’t watch…

Jax yells out in pain as Black gets the submission locked in. He jams his foot right into the knee of Cutler and really pulls back, sending agonizing pain up the leg of the champion…

HA: What a statement it would be if Jax Cutler was forced to submit here by Jackson Black…

Hathaway is pounding his hand off the mat and screaming at Cutler to hold on but Jax is having real trouble. Black is using his hands to push himself off the canvass, extending the pressure, and he is looking right at Cutler…

HE: Black claimed he could outwrestle Jax….he has been so confident in his abilities…

HA: And this is why….never have I see Jax Cutler look in so much pain…

Cutler is shaking his head and refusing to give up but Black continues to press home his advantage, really turning his leg so that Jax’s knee is popping. Cutler slumps down on the deck………………1………………..2………….he has to sit back up in order to avoid being pinned!

HA: Cutler was almost caught out there…

Hathaway: Fight it, Jax…you can beat this, you are better than this…..a moment’s pain for a lifetime of gain…

HE: Hathaway is desperately trying to keep Cutler in the game…

HA: But I don’t know how long he can hold on…

Cutler is shaking his head but his face is telling a different story. He tries to reach out behind himself and grab the ropes but finds that they are too far away. He begins to slump back on his shoulder, beads of sweat falling down his face…

HA: Cutler’s title reign is fading into the abyss….

HE: Jackson Black’s second reign as INT Champion is moments away….

Cutler breathes deeply, trying to block out the pain, and then he shows tremendous power to push himself over onto his stomach and reverse the hold…

HA: Wow…

HE: That is crazy strength….now Black is in trouble…

Hathaway punches the air as the roles are reversed. Cutler is now stretching back but Black is able to untangle his legs and quickly grabs onto the ropes…

HA: What a close moment that was for both men….was that Jackson Black’s big moment?

HE: Well it is gone now…

Black kneels against the ropes and breathes deeply, a look of disappointment on his face. He then gets back up and makes a quick rush for Jax Cutler…

HA: Black does not want to rest….don’t allow Jax Cutler any time to recover…

Black grabs at Cutler’s leg and tries to pull him to the ground again but Cutler lands with hard punches and then a huge uppercut that staggers Black. Cutler then charges into Black and rushes him into the corner with sheer velocity before exploding with destructive shoulder thrusts…

HE: Black may regret not finishing the job when he had the chance…

Black doubles up and Cutler lands with furious knees and punches until Black slumps through the ropes and collapses to the outside of the ring.

HA: What a devastating attack….where the hell does Cutler get the energy?

HE: He is the ultimate athlete…

Hathaway is standing over Black with a smile as Cutler climbs out of the ring to join them. The referee is counting as Cutler drives Black back into the ringside barrier and then he lifts him off the ground and charges him into the ringpost…

HA: Straight back to the body….Cutler’s attacks have been constant and destructive…

Hathaway: That’s it, Jax…..crush him, crush his dreams…..SHOW THEM!

Cutler quickly throws Black back into the ring and he follows. Black is in a lot of pain, holding his ribs, and he tries to get back to his feet as Jax lines him up and sprints forwards….


Black counters with a drop toe-hold and the crowd cheer as he quickly grabs Cutler’s legs. He tries to turn him over into a “Cloverleaf” submission but Jax fights it and kicks out, sending Black back into the corner.

HA: Cutler does not want to get caught out like…..


Cutler is quickly back up and he looks for the spear again but this time Black sidesteps and sends him through the ropes into the ringpost. Black then locks his hands around Cutler’s waist and hauls him into a German suplex…he keeps tight hold and connects with a second suplex and then he hauls Cutler up once more…

HA: Black showing his energy levels….such determination to be the best….

Black roars as he throws Cutler into a huge release German to complete the hat-trick. Jax is flat on his back, staring up at the lights, as Black crawls across and drops an arm on his chest…
………thr-shoulder up!

HE: Michael Hathaway looks like he needs a respirator…..what a rollercoaster…


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Age : 33

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6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage) Empty Re: 6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage)

Post by JJJohnson Wed Sep 17, 2014 6:49 pm

Black gets up and he stumbles into the ropes, getting a breather. He then walks towards Cutler and he pulls him up into a front facelock…

HA: Black thinks he can finish this….the gold is in sight…FINISHING TOUCH!

Black shows his own strength to lift Cutler up off the ground for the “jackhammer” but Cutler floats over the shoulder and counters with a huge tiger suplex…


Cutler slams Black on the back of his neck…
……………thr-Black just gets his shoulder up!

HA: That was so, so close….Cutler showing how dangerous he can be even when his back is up against the wall…

Hathaway is urging Cutler to get back up and finish the fight. Jax and Black are both unsteady but they get up and walk straight into each other in the middle of the ring…


Black looks for the suplex but Cutler lands brutal head-butts to fight free and then he runs back off the ropes as Black staggers around…


HE: It’s over…

The impact of the spear leaves Black in a crumpled heap on the floor. Cutler sags on his back and takes a couple of moments to compose himself before turning over and crawling into the cover…

HA: Jackson Black’s body has taken a vicious beating…

HE: He is finished…valiant effort…



HE: Huh?

The crowd are showing their appreciation as Black just gets his shoulder off the mat in time. Cutler takes a look at the referee but he is assured that it was a two…

HE: How did he?

HA: Jackson Black displaying immense courage…

Hathaway: Don’t lose focus, Jax….he’s finished….this is your chance, don’t let him off…..END HIM!

Cutler gets to his feet, his huge chest heaving, and he looks down at Black and then shakes his head. He grabs the challenge and hauls him up before flipping him onto his shoulders…

HE: Black has been so brave, but it ends here…..CUTTING EDGE!

Cutler gets Black up for the crucifix powerbomb but Black manages to kick his way out and he drops behind Jax before running off the ropes and he returns with another flying chopblock to the knee. Cutler barely has time to yell in pain as Black grabs both his legs…


HE: Oh wow…

Hathaway drops down to his knees on the outside and looks on the verge of tears as Black gets the submission locked in tight. Cutler is in absolute agony as Black rips right back into the submission, sending pain into the spine and the legs of his opponent…

HA: Cutler got lucky once but can he do it again? Jackson Black is one of the best in the business when it comes to submission wrestling….

Cutler tries to claw his way across the canvass but he is finding it difficult to make any progress. Black is really sat into the hold, arching the spine of Jax in the wrong direction…

HA: There is only so long that any man can last through this…

HE: We’ve already crowned two new champions tonight, is this number three?

Cutler’s arm is quivering as he struggles to fight off the idea of tapping out. He reaches out for the ropes again but he finds them too far away. His head slumps into the mat…

HA: Cutler has no choice….this is over…

The referee is on his knees and asking Jax whether he wants to give it up. The champion isn’t even responding, the pain proving too much to even speak…

HE: I didn’t think it possible but I think Jax is going to tap out…

Cutler’s arm starts to raise into the air as Hathaway throws caution to the wind and pulls himself onto the apron, waving his arms to catch the referee’s attention. The official quickly moves over to get rid of Hathaway…

HA: He has no business up there….CUTLER’S TAPPING OUT…..REFEREE…

HE: He can’t see…


Cutler’s hand slowly beats against the mat but the referee is too busy trying to force Hathaway off the apron. Hathaway shakes his head and refuses to get down as Jackson Black releases the hold on Cutler…

HA: Jackson Black should be the new INT Champion right now…

HE: And now he knows why he isn’t….you better run, Michael…

Hathaway’s face drops as he sees Jackson Black making a beeline for him. Black grabs Hathaway by the front of his shirty and shakes his head before launching the manager over the top rope. Hathaway quickly tries to crawl for safety but Black grabs his leg and drags him back, applying an anklelock…

HA: Now Hathaway is going to pay….Black will snap his ankle clean off…

HE: He’s just a manager, Jackson…

HA: He just cost Black big time…

Hathaway is furiously tapping both of his hands against the mat as Black continues to torture him. The referee is trying to pull Black away but the challenge is reluctant to release…

HA: Jackson Black has snapped…

Black finally releases the hold and leaves Hathaway to huddle up in fear. Black then lands with brutal kicks until the manager rolls out under the bottom rope…

HA: Hathaway will think twice about getting involved in Jackson Black’s business again…

HE: But Black needs to think about his opponent…

Black is clattered from behind by Cutler, knocking him into the ropes. Black tries to fight back but Cutler lands with a barrage of knees to the body and then he lifts Black up and drops him across the top rope. Cutler pulls himself onto the second rope and delivers a huge fisherman’s plex………………..1………………….2……………….Black just manages to get his shoulder up!

HA: This is coming down to who has more left in the tank….I wouldn’t like to bet…

HE: Neither would I….this is touch and go…

Cutler pulls Black up and tries to nail an STO but Black lands with fierce elbows to the temple, breaking his foe’s grip. Cutler staggers away and then Black lifts him onto his shoulders as he comes back….


Black tries to nail a rolling fireman’s slam but Cutler lands with hard elbows to the jaw, knocking Black out of focus. Cutler drops back to his feet and he runs the ropes, only to return into a huge leaping enzeguiri to the temple from Black…

HE: Cutler is seeing stars….Black needs to end it….NO WAY!

HA: Is this wise?

Black quickly staggers to the corner and he starts to climb. He looks out at the jam-packed crowd, determination on his face, and then he flips off as he reaches the top of the turnbuckle…


Black lands with an incredible moonsault but the impact sends him rolling away, coughing and spluttering. He is doubled up in pain, clutching at his ribs…

HA: Not a wise move at all from Black, he may have dislodged a rib…

HE: But he may also have won this match….if he can get over and cover…

Black punches his fist into the mat and tries to get past the pain barrier. He slowly staggers back up to his feet but Cutler is already starting to move…

HA: Jackson needs to finish this properly….

HE: Cutler can take some serious punishment….


Black pulls Cutler into the middle of the ring and tries to lift him for the “jackhammer” but Cutler refuses to budge. He swings his huge fist forward and punches Black repeatedly in the stomach, until he breaks his grip..

HE: I thought Black was going to end it there…

HA: He still could…

Black staggers away and Cutler waits for him to turn back around before kicking him in the gut. He pulls Black in close and tries to flip him up but Black spins out and scoops Cutler onto his shoulders….


Black drills Cutler with the rolling fireman’s slam and he hooks both legs…


Cutler powers his shoulder off the mat before the count of three. Black looks shocked as he rolls onto his knees and stares at the referee…

HE: Cutler is inhuman…

HA: No he isn’t….Black made him tap earlier, there are weaknesses….everyone has them…Black just needs to expose them

Black gets up and he takes a deep breath of air. He waits for Cutler to start standing and then he lifts him into a big kneebreaker and quickly seizes his other leg…


Black leans over to roll into the submission when Cutler kicks his legs up and wraps them around Black’s neck. He pulls Black’s head forward and wraps his arms into the submission….

HE: He transitioned into a triangle choke…incredible…

HA: Black caught out….Cutler showing great presence of mind…

Black kicks his feet and tries to struggle free of Cutler’s grip but Jax has the hold locked in tight. He is pulling Black’s head forwards whilst pushing his knees up into the windpipe of his opponent….Black’s flailing but his fight quickly begins to diminish, the hold taking its toll…

HE: Black has had this match nearly won on so many occasions but you give up one chance and Cutler will punish you….I don’t know if Jackson can get out of this…

HA: Cutler is proving just how dangerous he can be…

Black’s arms are waving but he cannot do anything to budge from the submission. He tries to get one arm underneath Cutler and lift him off the mat but he only manages a few inches before he slumps back down again. The referee is asking Black if he wants to quit but he signals that he won’t….

HE: Black does not want to give up….after all the build-up…he would hate to be labelled a “quitter”….

HA: There is no shame if he gives up….it is better than a permanent injury…

Black tries again to pull free but Cutler locks his hands as tight as he can and really pushes his opponent’s head down, forcing Black’s face to turn a swollen purple colour. Black’s movements begin to slow and then they come to a standstill…

HE: I think he passed out…

HA: We need assurances from the referee before a decision is reached…

Cutler continues to lean back into the submission as the referee grabs Black’s arm and lifts it up….he lets go and Black’s arm falls straight back down. The referee then repeats the process and once again the arm of Jackson Black falls to his side…

HA: I think we all know the drill…if Black’s arm falls again this is over…

Hathaway’s head appears above the ring apron and he watches as the referee lifts Black’s arm off the canvass for a third time and then drops it…

HE: It fell…

Ding ding ding

HA: Jackson Black is out….he’s unconscious…

Ring Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen here is your winner…..and STILL 6CW International Champion…..Jaaaxxx Cuuuutttttllllleeeerrr!

Hathaway’s face breaks into a grin as he pulls himself up to a standing position. He begins to applaud as Cutler releases the hold on Black and “Bridge Burning” booms from the speakers…

HA: What a physical match that was….two warriors went toe to toe, neither one gave an inch and neither one was willing to quit…in the end Jackson Black has passed out from the pain…that shows how hard-hitting this contest really was…

HE: Black wouldn’t quit but he couldn’t fight any longer….he wrestled almost perfectly but he gave Cutler one chance and the champion took it…

HA: Jax Cutler has showed his credentials tonight….even when he was on the backfoot, even when his title reign looked over, he found a way to win and that is the sign of a champion….

HE: It is onwards and upwards for Cutler from here…

HA: Jackson Black should not be downhearted….he didn’t give up, he wouldn’t give up, and had it not been for Michael Hathaway he would be leaving here tonight as the new champion….Cutler performed admirably but he got a “get out of jail” card from his manager earlier in the bout…

Cutler snatches his belt from the referee and he raises it in the air before staggering to the ropes and he climbs out. Hathaway hobbles over to join him, wincing each time he puts pressure on his left ankle…

Hathaway: I told you….AND STILL….that was the performance of a champion, this was your night, Jax….you have arrived and now they will know…nobody can stop you, NOBODY….UNSTOPPABLE!

Cutler and Hathaway stand in the aisleway with smiles on their faces. Hathaway straps the INT belt around Cutler’s waist as the champion stares back at ring, where Jackson Black is slowly coming to.

HA: Jackson Black may have a complaint or two…this might not be the last time we see him challenge for the INT belt…

HE: He can complain but in the end he lost this match….Cutler proved superiority and I think he will be looking in other directions…

HA: Cutler has that belt thanks to his manager….Black would be the champion if not…I would say that is a legitimate claim for a re-match…

HE: I don’t think anyone will complain if these two lock horns again….I wouldn’t, don’t get me wrong…

Black is slumped against the ropes, holding his neck, and he looks up at the ramp as Cutler and Hathaway back away. Black spits onto the floor and looks annoyed as the cameras zoom in on his bloodshot eyes…

HA: Terrific bout to add to an already amazing evening….but coming up next is the first of our THREE main events, do not go anywhere….

HE: I can’t believe how good tonight has been and what is still to come….find me a better promotion than this and I will resign…

HA: Not likely, brother, 6CW is the golden goose of pro-wrestling….if we haven’t convinced you already tonight then just wait to see what comes next…

Match result: Jax Cutler via KO
Match time: 21 minutes; 13 seconds


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Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage) Empty Re: 6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage)

Post by JJJohnson Wed Sep 17, 2014 6:52 pm

(Liam Wood is walking quickly through the Superdome with Emmy in tow. She is struggling to keep up and is speaking frantically as she walks.)

E: Please listen to me…..

(Liam ignores her and carries on walking.)

E: Liam, it isn’t too late to back out!

(Wood stops and turns to face her.)

LW: So we flew half way around the world for nothing?! What are you even doing here anyway?! I need your support, not this crap!

(Emmy bites her lip and looks extremely upset.)

E: Of course I am here to support you, I just……

LW: Just what Emmy?! Just what do you want?!

(Emmy shakes her head and looks down to the floor.)

LW: This match is going ahead and I am going to make Costello quit! There is nothing more to discuss. You are either with me or there is no point you being here! You choose……

(Emmy can’t bring herself to look at him and Wood seethes with rage.)

LW: I am tired of this crap! I am going to get ready!

(He storms off out of shot, leaving Emmy alone. After a while, in-between sobs, she reaches into a pocket and brings out a mobile phone. She starts dialling a number and then lifts it to her ear.)

E: Hello….yes it’s me……..yes I know it has been a while but I really need your help……..Do you know who Liam is facing tonight?.......You do?.......Can you speak to him please?........He isn’t listening to me and I am scared he is going to get really hurt…..Well, I would feel responsible!........Please………please if you are truly his friend…….You will?!......oh thank you!.......Thank you Thunder!

(She takes the phone down from her ear and puts it back into her pocket. She then walks off quickly in the direction her boyfriend went.)


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6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage) Empty Re: 6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage)

Post by JJJohnson Wed Sep 17, 2014 6:53 pm

*A voice over from Harold Lloyd can be heard

HA: Ladies and Gentleman the following footage was recorded earlier in the week

*The scene opens up on Bondi Beach in Sydney. The beautiful blue ocean is slowly bringing in waves to the golden shore and the blazing sun beats down on all of the surrounding area. The cameras then pull out to a long shot of a man walking along the beach, looking out at the sea. As the figure gets closer we realise that it is JJ Johnson, dressed in shorts and sandals. He reaches the edge of the water and he sits down, gazing out into the distance with the water slowly lapping at his feet. The cameras pan in to JJ’s face.

JJ: Here we are…

*He pauses and picks up a few grains of sand, pouring them back down.

JJ: It seems like a lifetime ago that I stood on the cusp of such a high profile situation, nothing to gain and everything to lose…the pressure weighing on my shoulders, not knowing what is just around the corner.

But then I stop, I pause and I remember that it wasn’t so long ago at all. In fact for the past twenty two months I have awoken each day and faced the very same battle. Because every day that I am able to pull myself up out of bed, go about my daily business….is another day that I defy the prognosis that confined me to a wheelchair….every day I live with the pressure that it could all slip away in an instant….I might just realise that this is nothing but a dreamlike state and in the harsh, cold reality I cannot stand up, I can’t walk….I can’t be the man that I was born to be.

*JJ runs his finger across a scar on the side of his neck

JJ: Just one of many reminders of what I have been through….a constant re-visitation to the operating table, the anxiety and the impatience that filled me up each and every time I went under the knife…the worried look on my wife’s face, the dread that inhabited her eyes as she waited for the news that not only did she have a new born baby to look after but her husband just became an invalid and she was destined to wipe my a55 until the day I died…

*JJ shudders and then shakes his head

JJ: But enough of the dark times, reminiscing and hanging onto a past full of apprehension and fear….because as long as I allow that darkness to envelope me and weigh me down, I will never learn to swim once more….it’s time to welcome the freedom that has begun to wash over me….I’m a survivor…I am blessed to be in the position I am today and I’m not going to dwell on what I left behind….

*Johnson puts his hand down in the water and watches his hand as he moves it through the liquid.

JJ: I’ll admit that I have had second thoughts, third thoughts…..hell I counted all the way to a hundred and I still experienced doubts….nearly two years since the last time I laced them up….that fateful night in London, damn I still remember it like it was yesterday…I can recall each and every moment, each punch….each blow I felt….the twinges in my neck, the tremors in my spine….and then….nothing!

*JJ looks down and sighs

JJ: But we’ll leave that there because that’s the past and now I’m looking firmly forward, writing new chapters….forging a future that I don’t ever want to be forgotten. Knowing I was stepping in the ring with quite frankly one of the best in the business has given me countless sleepless nights…..I woke up to find Brandi watching videotapes of Leone’s bloodbath with Dicey in Dublin…I saw the tears fall and her body shake….I know what I am putting my family through, what I am putting myself through….and I know that there is a good chance that after taking an a55 whooping from Keith that my body is going to collapse once more….that this ill-fated return is going to erupt back in my face…

I know exactly what I am letting myself in for, I know exactly the kind of man Keith Leone is….I know that my blood is going to stain the Superdome and when all is said and done I will be lucky if my legs can support my own bodyweight…

But despite the countless times I have thought about throwing the towel in….the amount of times I have wondered whether it is all worth it…..whether or not…

*JJ pauses, his eyes full of emotion

JJ: …I can actually win this match…..whether this version of JJ Johnson can realistically go one on one with Keith Leone and walk away triumphantly……I look into the mirror and I know that I will never be satisfied until I know, one way or another…

I can listen to the opinions, I have heard them all….the pros, the cons….I have weighed them up time and time again….but until I get the answer in front of my face there will always be a niggle in the back of my mind and I will not rest until I know whether I can hang tough…

And so, despite my career hanging in the balance, I will be at Beachfront Brawl and I will be as fired up and as prepared as I have ever been for any match that has gone before it….because I have never had more pressure on my shoulders, more eyes watching me and waiting to see whether I can walk the walk as well as I talk the talk…

Keith Leone is going to turn up in fantastic shape, he’s undefeated since he returned and he’s taken out some of the biggest names of the roster in that time….there are no doubts that he hasn’t missed a step, he’s on point and I know that the man stood across the opposite side of the ring from me next Wednesday is at the top of his game…

But that’s exactly how I want it be, I couldn’t have asked for it to be different because otherwise I would never get the answers I need….let’s be honest because I could of walked into 6CW and demanded a match with anyone…I could have picked out a weak link and I could have massaged my own ego by knocking off a few stiffs who were hand-picked as cannon-fodder…

But in my own heart and in my own mind I would have known it was a lie, a sham, and JJ Johnson doesn’t get down like that….I have never lived my life that way….I live for the challenge and if I can’t rise to it any longer then I need to pack up my stuff and get the hell out of Dodge…

*JJ pushes himself up to a standing position. He kicks his foot out into the water.

JJ: Keith Leone is about as tough an opponent as I could have got, I mean he’s elite and probably one of the top ten superstars in the history of this business…I know fighting him is comparable with the matches I had with Cassius, Hero & The Saint….I know he is going to bring the very best out of me and that I will need a performance of the highest magnitude in order to compete from bell to bell….this is a Superbowl contest…..this is as big as they come…”once in a lifetime”….”rumble in the jungle”…..this is the “Battle of Beachfront Brawl” and whoever comes out on top is going to have the whole world at their feet…

Me and Leone are opposite ends of the spectrum, standing for every different things….but when it comes to competition we come to win, no holding back….this is what we live for, this is all we have…

Keith is fighting for immortality….he wants his name up in lights and his legacy sealed…he wants a place in the Hall of Fame and I respect the hell out of that….personally I believe he’s there already but he needs a career-defining win in order to seal the deal….I am his ticket into the history books….and I have looked into his eyes and I know he wants this more than anything he has never wanted anything in his life…

But like I said last week….I don’t want to win this match, I NEED to win it and come fight night that is going to make all the difference…..I need to justify my comeback, the rehab, the trials and tribulations I have forced my wife and daughter through….I need this because if I don’t win then I came back for nothing and I will not allow that to be the case….

If I fall flat on my face then I risked it all for nothing…..I threw it all away like a high-roller in Vegas and I did all without a consideration of the consequences….this is do or die….I either walk out of Sydney triumphant or I sit back and take stock on whether or not I can be a big game player in this sport anymore…

I have never put all my eggs in one basket like this, never have I gambled my life on a decision that I only have so much control over the outcome….I’ll turn up in ten days and I will fight like I have never fought before, the people are going to see the best JJ Johnson they ever have….but I can’t account for Keith Leone….I don’t know just how well he is going to perform…

*JJ picks up a stone and throws it high into the air, waiting for it to splash down in the water.

JJ: And despite my bravado and my earlier indication that I am not thinking about a negative outcome….I can’t help but wonder if I can actually do this…..I mean, can I?

Three years ago I would have entered this match without so much as a backward glance…I would have walked in there and laid a beat-down on Keith Leone like he has never had in his life….I would have told you, without a shadow of a doubt, that the only man leaving Beachfront Brawl as a winner is JJ Johnson...

But what about now? Seven surgeries, three months in a wheelchair and the toughest rehab I have ever experienced…twenty two months on the sidelines and not a single match on my ledger since Cassius Zhi left me attached to a respirator…

I have bounced back from oblivion, stared death in the eyes and fought back to stand in this position I am today….physically, mentally and spiritually I have travelled so far to get to this point….and when I get to the arena next Wednesday I’ll don a smile, I’ll play that damn audience like only I can….smile for the cameras, pose for the pictures….I’ll give them a night they will never, ever forget….

But behind that persona, behind the smoke and mirrors that doubt will linger….you want me to go on record and tell you what is going to happen at Beachfront Brawl?

*JJ looks into the camera

JJ: I don’ know…

*JJ half-smiles, his eyes telling a different story.

JJ: I need this, more than anyone will ever know……is it enough?

Well the countdown is on….

*JJ smirks

JJ: Tick……..tock!

*JJ turns his back on the camera and then begins to walk down the beach. The camera watches him go and then fades to black..


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Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage) Empty Re: 6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage)

Post by JJJohnson Wed Sep 17, 2014 7:00 pm

Main Event 1
EWF World Championship
I Quit
Vincent Costello © vs Liam Wood

HA: Our following contest is as personal as any match we have seen tonight….infact this may be one of the most personally intense rivalries in the history of 6CW…

HE: This is nineteen months in the making, this feud began the very first night that EWF opened its doors with the “Iron Man” tournament…

HA: And since that time both competitors have been at each other’s throats, so much has happened and tonight they get a chance to end it once and for all….the EWF Championship will be at stake but this is about much more than that…..let’s take you back to show you how this all started…

The beginning
EWF Iron Man
4th Feb 2013

JK:As if one Viper Drop wasn’t enough…..two seals the deal….


The crowd grimace as Costello pulls away in desperation and lifts Wood up into a flapjack position, before falling backwards, causing Viper’s head to snap against the top of the ringpost. Costello scrambles back to his feet and he punches Wood clean in the face as he staggers around…

JK: I think the force of the ringpost blow has knocked Wood out cold….

DF: Yeah and the rest…

JK; What do you mean?

DF: Check Costello’s trunks and you’ll find out…

The cameras pick up on Costello stuffing something back in his trunks as the referee comes back around and he makes the cover…

JK: This is over….but what happened?

DF: Let’s get a replay up and watch this……he pulled this from the backstreets without a doubt….

*The instant replays show Wood’s head snap off the top of the ringpost, and at the same time Costello pulls a gleaming item out of his trunks and wraps it around his fist before planting the punch on Wood’s jaw.

JK: He had brass knucks on…..cmon?....referee…

DF: Referee is too dazed to have a clue what went down there…..Costello beat the system….

JK: This result should be reversed, he cheated…

DF: He did cheat….but he did what he had to do, and got away with it…..this result stands and Costello has won a barnstormer here in Group A…

2-0 to Costello
EWF Conflict
6th May 2013

Wood shakes his head and turns back away, looking down at Costello, and he leaps through the air for a huge elbow drop…..


The flashbulbs go off but the crowd then groan as Costello rolls out of the way, leaving Wood to slam down into the canvass with real power. The world champion slowly begins to get back to his feet as Wood joins him in the centre of the ring and Costello drives ten unanswered knees into the gut of Wood, causing blood to spray from his mouth again, before he whips Viper off the ropes…



JK: That was scary….

DF: Vincent Costello at his damn best tonight….brutality at its finest…

The crowd boo as “Godfather” echoes out of the speakers and Vincent Costello is declared victorious, his hand raised in victory. He pulls his hand away from the referee and slicks his hair back before spitting down on Viper with disgust. He snatches his world championship from the official and hoists it over his head before looking back down at his fallen foe and saying “I don’t need you….I don’t need any of you” before he climbs from the ring and begins to exit toward the back.

DF: It was a great match….back and forth…but Costello went to those ribs in predator style time and again, he was relentless….it was only a matter of time before Wood crumbled….

Vincent Costello forced to relinquish the EWF Championship
EWF Conflict
7th July 2013

Costello is shown heading into parking lot and toward his Bentley. He opens up the door and takes one last look at his surroundings before climbing inside and starting up the engine.

JK: He’s just going to leave?

DF: It sure as hell seems that way….



*Costello is just about to pull the car into reverse as a huge object comes hurtling from the balcony above and smashes straight through the windscreen of the car, crushing the front of it. Glass is shattered all across the floor and the car alarm is sounding out as the cameras pan upward to show the thunderous-looking Ojore gazing down from the balcony.

DF: We need medics…

JK: It might be too late….Ojore just pushed that industrial waste disposal unit off the balcony….right through Costello’s car…

DF: This is unbelievable….

*Ojore begins to move toward the steps at the far end of the balcony and he walks down them, heading for the crushed car. Medics and backstage personnel are beginning to arrive on the scene as Ojore marches up to the car and he rips the driver’s seat door from the vehicle, sending it flying across the floor. The cameras get a good shot of Vincent Costello’s bloodied arm inside the wreckage as Ojore leans in and grabs ahold of something, dragging it out.

JK: Is he pulling Costello to safety?

DF: Not a chance…

*Ojore pulls the EWF World Championship out of the car and he looks at it before walking away from the scene. The front of the car begins to smoke and flames appear, sending the medics into pandemonium. Fire extinguishers are suddenly spraying everywhere in a desperate attempt to put out the fire.

JK: They need to get Costello the hell out of that car…

DF: I can’t believe what we are watching here…

JK: And what is Ojore doing with the championship, that doesn’t belong to him…

We go back to ringside and the crowd are stunned into silence from the events that are taking place in the backstage area. “Seven nation army” then hits the speakers and deafening boos accompany the arrival of Drake Callihan.

Callihan: You can all settle down…I haven’t got the time to play pantomimes with you. As you can all see, something very serious and grave has taken place in the backstage area. We were scheduled to have a world championship match right here tonight…but due to what we have just seen, there is no way I can allow that to happen…

*Crowd boo furiously

Callihan: Boo all you like but there is no way Vincent Costello can compete here tonight…infact until he has been examined I don’t know when you will next see Vincent Costello in that ring…

*Callihan is looking around at the audience, who do not look happy with what has happened.

Callihan: As a co-owner of this company, and soon to be sole-owner it is only right that I attempt to rectify the decision……that is why, I am formally announcing that at Day of Reckoning….inside the War Game structure………….the last superstar to score and pinfall or a submission……….will be the NEW World Heavyweight Champion…

*Crowd pop

JK: Oh wow…

DF: That is huge….Callihan has taken the championship off Costello and he has put it up for grabs inside War Games…

Liam Wood wins the EWF Championship
EWF Day of Reckoning
17th July 2013

There is a continued staredown between Phillips and Conrad and then the crowd pop as they slap their hands together and hug at the bottom of the aisleway. Inside the ring, Enforcer is all over the place as he gets back up….he looks out of the doorway at Phillips and Conrad, stood side by side, and both men give him the thumbs down as his eyes widen….



Crowd: ONE……

*Ultra pop



Ding ding ding

JK: Extraordinary scenes here inside the Elite Coliseum….

Rick Ambrose: Ladies and gentlemen here is your winner………..representing Team EWF (Crowd pop)…………….and the NEW EWF WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION………..THE VIPER…..LIIIIIIAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMM WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!



The crowd are in utter pandemonium as “666” blasts out of the speakers and Liam Wood is knelt over the blood-stained body of Enforcer. The War Games cell is beginning to lift back into the rafters as the referee walks over to Wood with the TV Championship and his newly won EWF World Championship….

DF: Liam Wood is the sole survivor….he is a double champion….he is the man….

JK: And this night belongs to him and the rest of Team EWF, they brought it like never before and they have condemned FEAR to the mortuary….the war is over and there is a new power in town….

Wood is still on his knees, looking at the championships in front of him, and tears begin to roll from his eyes as he pulls both belts toward his chest. There is a deafening ovation from the fans as Wood staggers over to the turnbuckle and poses….

Costello returns
6CW Anarchy
14th August 2013

Suddenly the lights dim and static begins to fill the arena through the speakers

HA: What now???????????

The screen flickers into life; An empty prison cell can be seen, as the picture becomes clearer, a man dressed in an orange jump suit is shown with his back to the shot learning against the barred window of his cells, his hands clenched around the bars, he appears to be staring out into freedom across the prison yard. A deep southern accent begins to talk:

"When a man is deprived of his freedom it does something to him, it flicks a switch inside that can never be turned off, it lights a fire deep within the mans soul that can either burn him up from the inside out or explode like a viscous rage laying waste to everything that stands in his way."

The man inside the cell lets out a blood thirsty scream as he drops to his knees

The southern voice continues:

"You shouldn't try to understand what you can’t control, instead you should...

The camera spins round to the jump suited man now on his knees and shows his face...

Man: RUN

The screen goes black and the arena is now pitch black

HA: What in the hell was that

HE: You can hear a pin drop – Nobody in this arena is leaving, everybody is on the edge of their seats!!!!!

Wood is staring at the screen, a look of bemusement across his face. The screen flashes once more

HE: Oh my god, listen to that reaction!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*The camera focuses on the screen; the fans are going crazy,

HA: He’s back, he’s here in 6CW and he has Liam Wood in his sights!!!!!!!!!!!

On the big screen appearing in bright writing with a red rose covered in thorns tangled around the writing are the words


HA: listen to the crowd, listen to the reaction!!!!!

Liam Wood stands facing the stage ushering Costello to show himself

HE: Where is he????????

The fans go crazy as Costello fly's out of the crowd and slides into the ring under the bottom rope; he quickly gets to his feet and begs the Viper to turn round,

HA: He hasn’t seen him, he’s behind you Liam!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wood slowly turns and as he does Costello cleans his clock with his trademark brass knuckles and lays Wood out cold in the middle of the ring.

HE: Wood is flat on his back. Vincent Costello is back in 6CW and he has knocked out the EWF Champion.

OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Costello lets out another blood curdling scream when out of the corner of his eye he spots the world title laying of the canvas, drawn to it like a magnet Costello grabs the gold and holds it close to his chest cradling it like a new born baby, he holds the strap to his cheek before snapping out the trance, he drops the title and pulls a single red rose out of his back pocket which he places on the motionless body of Liam Wood as Anarchy comes to a close.

(We then get a brief re-cap of the ongoing disputes between Wood & Costello. Wood losing the EWF Title to Enforcer and the subsequent rivalry with Thunder)

Never turn your back
6CW Day of Reckoning
6th April 2014

Smoke billows from behind the curtain and then green pyros shoot high up into the air. Strobe lights cut through the fog and then slowly the lights begin to brighten, revealing an empty entranceway.

HA: Where is Thunder?

HE: I guess he’s keeping Wood waiting…..Thunder had to wait almost three weeks to see Viper after Revolution…

HA: I don’t know, this doesn’t seem like a tactic that Thunder would employ…

HE: Cold feet then? Maybe he knows that Revolution was a fluke and lightning can’t strike twice?

The crowd look concerned and there are some boos as the stage remains unmanned, no sign of Thunder at all. Liam Wood is standing in the middle of the ring with a bemused look on his face. He puts his arms out, as though exasperated, and can be heard shouting to the production team “Where the hell is he?”

HA: This is a very confusing situation right now….Thunder is supposed to be here, he is scheduled for this match….

HE: I guess he bottled it and ran….it is the only explanation….

HA: I don’t like this….

Liam Wood continues to question staff members at ringside about the whereabouts of Thunder but nobody seems to have any idea where he is. Wood is shaking his head and then he begins to talk with the referee in the ring…

HE: Well if Thunder isn’t going to come out here then the referee should start this match and declare Wood the winner by forfeit…

HA: It seems a real shame to end it this way….but is there an alternative?....WAIT JUST A DAMN MINUTE!

Wood is telling the referee to call for the bell when the big screen suddenly lights up and documents a scene taking place in the backstage area. Thunder is shown being thrown across a room and his head collides with a set of lockers, dropping him down his knees. Another figure then moves into shot and the crowd boos furiously…

HE: Haha brilliant…


HE: He upset me earlier taking the UK Title from Tyler Roth but this makes up for it….

HA: I thought Costello was after The Authority, the fans were starting to warm to him…

The crowd watches on in shock as Vincent Costello picks up a chair and then rushes over and swings it toward Thunder’s head………………CRACK!


HA: Somebody stop this…

The chair smashes Thunder’s head right into the locker and leaves him slumped on the floor. Costello then kneels over him and pounds him with furious right hands to the face, opening up a deep cut along the hairline…

HA: What is the meaning of this?

Costello’s hands are covered in blood as he picks the chair up again…..CRACK!.....CRACK!.....CRACK!

HE: Thunder is being decimated here…

Time and again the chair finds its target, hammering down across any part of the body that it can find. Costello’s face is contorted with fury as he grabs Thunder’s hair and drags him into a kneeling position. He slams more punches into the bloodied face of the superstar and then begins to drag him away from the scene…

HA: This is heinous….and Liam Wood is just standing there…

HE: I think he is in a state of shock…

The crowd’s boos grow louder as Costello suddenly pushes Thunder out onto the stage and the fan favourite drops to his knees, blood running down his face. Wood makes a move toward the ropes and is about to climb out of the ring when Costello grabs Thunder by the scruff of the neck…

HE: Wood better move fast….

Liam Wood is about to sprint up the rampway when he realises what Costello is about to do. He freezes on the spot as the new UK Champion runs Thunder across and then just throws him off the stage……CRASH!


Crowd: Holy (beep) x10


The whole arena is going wild as Costello launches Thunder through the air and off the side of the stage. Thunder’s body crashes through three tables and lands on top of one the huge sound systems, sending sparks flying everywhere. Liam Wood quickly sprints down to check on his former friend as Costello steps back from the stage with a smile on his face…

HA: We need EMT’s out here immediately….Thunder is in a bad way…

HE: He’s not moving at all, that was one hell of a landing…

HA: He could have serious spinal injuries….

Costello begins to walk down the ramp toward the ring, soaking up the boos from the crowd, and then he rolls in via the bottom rope. Liam Wood is checking on Thunder and screaming for medical attention as Costello snatches a microphone from the ring announcer…

HA: This was supposed to be the end game in the Liam Wood/Thunder saga tonight….this is where it was supposed to finish…

HE: I’d say it is finished alright…

Medics arrive on the scene with a stretcher and they slowly begin attending to Thunder, although he is still showing no signs of movement. Liam Wood looks aghast at what has happened as Vincent Costello begins to talk…

Costello: Five seconds……just five seconds, Liam, is all it has taken to me to do what you couldn’t manage in almost six months…

*The crowd boo furiously as Wood diverts his attention from Thunder and stares back toward the ring, hatred in his eyes.

Costello: I got fed up of listening to podcasts, reading in magazines, and coming to the arena every week to hear everybody talk about Liam Wood and Thunder. The drama, the excitement, the broken friendship… about a broken record.

And there was all of you (points out to the fans) thinking that good old Vincent was coming to save the day against The Authority….

*He laughs

Costello: You really don’t understand me at all, do you? I don’t care about some pathetic war for power….because I take what I want, when I want….I don’t stand united with anyone and this company can burn to the ground for all I care because all I am interested in is revenge and gaining back what was stolen from me…

*He points back to Wood

Costello: I am sick and tired of everyone putting you up on some kind of pedestal, as though you are what everyone in the back should be aspiring to. I look at you and I don’t see greatness….I see a man who has capitalised on good fortune, created a false sense of success through the timely intervention of dumb luck and the misfortune of others.

*Wood is continuing to glare at Costello as the medics continue to work with Thunder in the background.

Costello: I stood by a watched as you proclaimed yourself the “Best in the World”….whilst everyone lauded you as the best that EWF had to offer….the world champion, the unbeaten TV Champion….Superstar of the Year……but not once did I hear anyone mention the fact that the only reason you stood on the mountain top is because I wasn’t around to throw you back in the gutter where you belong…

*More boos from the crowd

Costello: The only way you could have ever held that EWF strap is because I wasn’t there to stop you….because I was nursing my injuries and waiting for the all clear….because we both know, Liam, that when I am around, you will never be anything more than second best…

*Costello is smiling, evilly, as Thunder is slowly loaded up onto a stretcher

Costello: Your downfall didn’t start because of that loser you called a best friend….your career spiralled out of control because I came back and you realised that you couldn’t keep living a lie….you realised that I can see right through your bull(beep)….that I know that you are nothing but a fraud…

You think beating that piece of crap is going to put you back on track? You think gaining redemption over a nobody suddenly makes you big game once more? You don’t get to make that decision….you don’t get to make assumptions like that….the moment you took what belongs to me is the moment your fate was removed from your hands….the day you stole my prized possession is the day when Costello’s Law issued a warrant for your immediate punishment…I have been waiting for this for a long time and I am going to savour every moment , watching you cling to last desperate remains of your tenure with this company…

This isn’t the dawning of a new era, Liam, this is the end of the line for you….you don’t have another fairytale story in your locker, your glory days were extinguished along with the career of that pathetic waste of space next to you…

*Wood’s hands clench into fists and he begins to move back toward the aisleway

Costello: You wasted your time chasing a ghost, your best days are nothing but a distant memory….and because of your greed and delusion you have turned against everyone that ever cared about you….you turned your back on what you stood for…I may not have ever liked you, Wood, but at least when I was kicking your a55 in EWF you represented all of these losers that cheered you week in, week out…

*The crowd boo furiously as Wood looks around the arena

Costello: You even turned against them, and where has it gotten you? Nowhere. Leave being a bad guy to those of us who are actually good at it…..this empty shell that your walking around in doesn’t suit you….and quite frankly I won’t enjoy ending your career as much if you don’t put up a fight…

HE: I think this one is about to erupt, Harold…

HA: Oh I would bet money on it….Vincent Costello has just put Thunder out of action and now he has set his sights on Liam Wood…

HE: This has been a long time coming….Costello has never forgotten that it was Wood who took his world title when he was out injured…

HA: Months of bad blood is about to come to a head…

Liam Wood suddenly darts forwards, drawing cheers from the crowd, and he dives into the ring to confront Costello but the new UK Champion drops out under the bottom rope with a smile on his face. The crowd boo furiously as Costello backs into the aisleway with a grin and stares back at Wood as he exits…

Retribution and a score settled
6CW Night of Glory V
9th June 2014

HE: Of course he is….THIS IS IT!


The superplex looks imminent until Wood responds with another huge punch to Costello’s stomach and then he grabs his rival and delivers a huge top rope “rock-bottom”…

HE: He didn’t…

HA: Liam Wood paying homage to his best friend….THUNDERCLAP!


HE: I don’t believe it…

HA: Eighteen long months in the making, what a struggle, but finally Liam Wood has secured victory over Vincent Costello…..what a match, what an ending…

The fans are going insane inside the O2 as “666” blasts out and Liam Wood is declared the winner. Viper is struggling to get back to his feet but he staggers up and allows the referee to raise his arm in victory…

HA: It has been such a rough ride since he joined 6CW but Liam Wood now has some foundation on which to build….tonight he has gained retribution for Thunder, for Emmy and most importantly for himself….he has removed that monkey from his back and pinned Vincent Costello….

HE: He had to use someone else’s move to get the win….because there is nothing he can do that is good enough to beat Costello…he knows it and that is why he stole Thunder’s move…

HA: It was the perfect tribute to the man who was put out of action by Costello…you can make all the excuses you want, brother, but Liam Wood adapted when he needed to and tonight he is the man with his arm raised…

Wood looks down at Costello with great dislike and then he stumbles over to the ropes and climbs onto the turnbuckle. He poses at all four corners, soaking in the ovation, as the flashbulbs pop all around the O2…

Costello wins the EWF Championship
6CW Scars and Stripes
27th July 2014

HA: Vincent Costello won the “Key to the Kingdom” match just over an hour ago….a guaranteed title shot whenever he wants it….he senses an opportunity here and he is going to take it…

HE: This is insane…

Costello pushes the briefcase into the hands of the referee and tells him what he wants. The official nods and gives the signal to the timekeeper…

Ring Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen the following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the EWF World Heavyweight Championship!

*Crowd pop

HE: I can’t believe it…

Ding ding

HA: An impromptu match here to end the Scars and Stripes PPV….Enforcer has, seemingly, been left high and dry by his cohorts….and now Vincent Costello has struck….

Costello runs into Enforcer and he knees him in the face before dropping down on top of him and he begins to furiously land punches, staining his hands with Enforcer’s blood. Costello then stands and he looks down at Enforcer, plotting his next move, before he runs against the ropes and comes back….


Costello stomps Enforcer’s head down into the mat and he covers him….



Vincent Costello slicks his hair back and stares at the referee with disbelief. The official tells him it was a definite two count so Costello shoves him out of the way and makes his way to the ropes. He climbs up to the top rope, a manic glint in his eye, and he waits for Enforcer to start standing before jumping….


HE: Enforcer won’t get up from that one…

Enforcer’s head is once again flattened into the canvass and Costello makes the pin…
.. Bad Intentions burst back through the curtain and they sprint down towards the ring…



Ding ding ding


HA: Costello has done it…it’s been a year but finally he has got the EWF Championship back around his waist…

(We then get interview clips of Wood stating he wants a shot at the EWF Championship and Vincent Costello’s stalking of Emmy)

A feud reignited
6CW Anarchy
28th August 2014

HA: Enough now, this has gone too far already…

HE: I don’t think Costello has even begun…

Costello turns the chair on its edge and drives it down into Wood’s spine…..CRACK!.....CRACK!.....CRACK!.....CRACK!....CRACK!.....CRACK!.....CRACK!

HA: We need security out here….someone do something…

Wood’s yells of pain fill the air as Costello continues to drive the chair down into his spine. Costello is smiling at his handiwork…

Costello: You like that, Wood?....You want me to stop? Beg…..BEG!

HA: Costello is a sick, twisted individual….

The referee tries to intervene but Costello threatens him with the chair and sends him scarpering from the ring. Costello then lifts the chair over his head and brings it crashing down towards Wood’s skull…..CRACK!

HE: Oh my…

HA: This is too much…

The chair thunders off Wood’s head and leaves him unmoving in the middle of the ring. Costello throws the chair down and he begins to laugh at the crowd, antagonising them into booing even more….

HA: Costello is proud of what he has done…

HE: He has sent a message…Liam Wood wants a shot at the world title and now he knows exactly what he has to endure in order to have any chance of taking away Vincent’s most prized possession…

The crowd begin to cheer as Wood starts to stir beneath Costello’s feet. VC looks slightly surprised but then he shakes his head and climbs out of the ring, ripping up the ring apron….

HA: What now?

HE: Wood needs to just stay down, he is only prolonging the agony…

HA: Liam Wood will never lie down, not for anyone…

Costello takes his time to search under the ring and then he pulls back up with a large, heavy object in his hands.

HA: You have got to be kidding me….

HE: Now I think this might be going too far…

Costello pushes a cinder block under the bottom rope and then he rolls back in, a mad glint in his eye. Security and a team of referees are trying to climb into the ring but Costello grabs the steel chair and starts swinging, causing everyone to back off and give a very wide berth…

HA: What the hell is Costello doing with that cinder block? He can’t use it as a weapon…

HE: I think that is exactly what he is going to do…

HA: Liam Wood can’t even get up….this is totally uncalled for…

Wood, blood streaming down his face, is on all fours and trying to push himself upwards. The crowd are looking anxious as Costello then picks the cinder block up and ambles towards his opponent…

HA: No…cmon, Vincent….if there is any shred of decency inside…

HE: There really isn’t….

HA: You’ll kill him……OH MY GOD!

HE: Get the medics….this night is turning into sheer carnage….the medical bills will be huge…

HA: Liam Wood needs serious attention….this is heinous…

Costello hovers over Wood, a sick look on his face, and then he brings the block down and crashes it across the back of Wood’s head, knocking him completely unconscious and destroying the block at the same time. Costello drops to his knees besides Wood, a look of pure satisfaction on his face…

HA: This whole situation between these two world class athletes has gone too far….this is about much more than world championships…

HE: Both these men live to be world champion but their personal hatred for one another is taking this to a whole new level…

HA: Liam Wood may be out of action for some time after that….his neck may be broken, he is lucky to still be breathing…

Emmy accompanies medics down to the ring and she looks distraught, horror on her face. Costello looks out at her, grinning, and then he lifts Wood’s bloodied head off the mat to show her what he has done…

HA: This guy is psychotic…

HE: I don’t think Emmy should be out here, Costello has his eye on her…

HA: He better leave her alone….

HE: Are you going to protect her?

Costello stands up and pushes Wood’s head back into the mat before walking to the ropes. Emmy quickly moves to the opposite side of the ring, behind a team of security guards, as Costello drops down to the outside. He points at her and says “I’ll see you soon” but laughing and turning into the aisleway. Wood is slowly lowered from the ring and placed on a gurney, a neck brace fitted for precaution. Emmy has tears running down her cheek as she holds her boyfriend’s hand…

Retaliation & Stipulation
6CW Anarchy
7th September 2014

Costello is about to bring the chair down on Bolan’s head when he is spun around and blasted by a series of right hands from Liam Wood, who has just jumped the fan barrier. Wood continues to blast Costello with punches until VC staggers back to the opposite barrier and then Wood clotheslines him over the top into the crowd…

HE: Where did he come from? I didn’t think he was here…

HA: Wood wasn’t medically cleared to compete but nothing is stopping him from being here….and I suppose if he wants a fight then nobody is going to stop him…

Wood climbs onto the barrier and dives into the crowd, knocking Costello back to the floor and then he drills him with right hands. Costello tries to scramble free and make a break for it but Wood keeps chasing him…

HA: This is almost two years in the making between these two men, the hatred is at the highest possible level it could be…

HA: This fight has been carried up into the first floor of seats….dangerous place….

HE: The feud between these two men is “dangerous” so I don’t think that surrounding is out of place…

Liam Wood grabs Costello by the head and throws him into a stack of chairs, sending Costello sprawling across the floor. Wood then makes a beeline for his foe but Costello is able to grab a chair, turn it on its side, and then jab it up into Wood’s gut…

HE: If Wood thought he was going to outfight Vincent Costello in this kind of environment then he is stupider than he looks…

HA: After the injuries sustained by Liam Wood just ten days ago it may not be the wisest choice to pursue this fight right now…

Wood staggers away, winded, and Costello stumbles behind him and lashes the chair against his spine, knocking Wood down on his knees. Costello then kicks Wood in the ribs, rolling him closer to the first floor balcony….

HE: That is an almost ten foot drop, Wood’s neck can’t take a fall like that…

Costello, still holding the chair, walks closer but then stops and he calls for a mic to be passed to him by a production member. The crowd are booing furiously as Costello begins to talk…

Costello: You know, Liam, I probably could have guessed you would come after me tonight, in fact I knew exactly what you were going to do….you are that predictable. I had hoped that maybe, just maybe, what I did to you ten days ago might actually make you realise that coming after me is the most foolish thing you could ever do….but yet here you are!

HA: Liam Wood needs to try and get out of this position….DAMMIT!

Costello jabs the chair down into the back of Wood’s neck, making sure that Viper cannot get back to his feet. He then places his foot on the back of Wood’s head, keeping him in place.

Costello: Two weeks ago you proclaimed that you would do whatever it took to engineer a match with me for the EWF Championship….you claimed that the reason for that was because of my “obsession” and “stalking” of your precious girlfriend, the delightful Emmy…it certainly convinced all of these people, these stupid, pathetic sheep…

*The crowd boo

Costello: But I saw right through it, Liam, you are as transparent as ever….this isn’t about Emmy, it never has been and it never will be….that two penny (beep) is a dime a dozen, you could pick up another one like her at any tattoo parlour in this stinking city…..this is about your selfish, childish, pathetic ego that controls each and every one of your actions and emotions…your sad desire to be constantly patted on the back, told you’re the best, and loved by all…

This is about the EWF Championship….and the fact that you don’t have it….I do!

HE: Costello is telling the truth….Wood would never have the balls to say it how it is…

Costello: Don’t dress it up, Liam, don’t pretend to be a superhero because it doesn’t suit you….everyone knows what I do to grown men who wear spandex and pretend to be a world saver….have you heard from Thunder recently?

*The crowd boo and Costello grins

Costello: I crushed his dreams and his spine because he was another man who couldn’t see reality through his oversized arrogance and ego, he believed he was better than he was, he believed he was relevant….but just like everyone else who breaks Costello’s Law, he paid the price…

And now, Liam, you are going to pay the price…you are going to serve your sentence….and just because I can I am going to take everything from you and leave nothing…..your dignity, your career, your chance at being a world champion…and just before your eyes close for the final time I am going to show you how a real man treats a woman like yours….

HA: Costello is a disgusting piece of work…

Costello: You want a shot at the EWF Championship, Liam, then I have absolutely no problem in granting it… will be a pleasure to finally end this once and for all, end you and this ridiculous notion that you belong on the same level as me…

You were a big deal once, way back when EWF was just finding its feet, but face facts because ever since 6CW opened up its doors you have fallen into obscurity… have failed to adapt and you know what happens to something that fails to evolve in new surroundings? It becomes extinct…

And that is exactly what is going to happen to you, Liam… Beachfront Brawl I will put the EWF Championship on the line and just for you, to prove I am and always will be better than you, I will give you the opportunity to pick any stipulation you like….

HE: What a kind, fair guy Costello is…

HA: Real fair…

Costello: But let it be known that there is a very high probability that you won’t even make it to Australia….because thanks to you I just lost a match to a man who debuted ten days ago…..I don’t like losing, Liam, I don’t react well to it…you disrespected me once again, you embarrassed the heavyweight champion of the world…for every action there is a consequence…and this is yours….

HA: Oh no…cmon….you’ll break his neck…

Costello shoves Wood’s head forward with his foot, pressing it down on the front of the balcony, and then he raises the chair up over his head and brings it crashing down….



Wood somehow pulls himself free and sends Costello stumbling forwards, clattering his chin into the railing of the balcony. Wood scrambles up and he quickly grabs the steel chair before swinging…..CRACK!

HA: What a shot…




Each chairshot thunders off the top of Costello’s head until he staggers to the edge of the balcony and then falls, landing with a dull thud on the concrete floor below. The arena is going insane as security move in to make sure the crowd cannot get near Costello….

HE: He’s killed him….

HA: Don’t be stupid….Costello is breathing but he damn sure isn’t moving after that, Liam Wood just knocked him off of that balcony with a serious of brutal chairshots…

HE: That is heinous…

HA: It is no worse than what Costello did to Liam Wood last week….but this rivalry needs to find a conclusion because one of these men is going to end up seriously injured or worse….

HE: Well Liam Wood can pick any match he likes….Costello gave him the option…

Medics are on the scene and checking on Costello, who is showing some movement, as Liam Wood continues to look down from the balcony. Wood then picks up the mic that Costello was using…

Wood: I’ll see you at Beachfront Brawl, Vincent….and when you wake up I hope someone passes on the message….me and you…I QUIT MATCH!

*Crowd pop

HE: Oh wow…

HA: Oh wow indeed….Liam Wood & Vincent Costello in an “I Quit” match for the EWF Championship at Beachfront Brawl….this personal rivalry is about to go to a whole new level…

HE: The only way to win is to make your opponent utter the words “I quit”….what are these men going to do to each other?

HA: I shudder to think….it is going to be carnage in Sydney…

(The VT ends with Liam Wood and Vincent Costello face to face in the middle of the ring)


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6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage) Empty Re: 6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage)

Post by JJJohnson Wed Sep 17, 2014 7:01 pm

The action is now ringside and the crowd inside the Superdome is making an insane amount of noise. The cameras pan around to show hundreds of “Liam Wood” signs as well as armies of fans that are kitted out in official 6CW merchandise. The ring announcer is shown climbing into the ring….

Ding ding

Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen the following contest is an “I Quit” match for the EWF World Heavyweight Championship!

*Crowd pop

Announcer: The only way to win this contest is by forcing your opponent to utter the words “I Quit”.

HA: It is such a simple premise and yet hard to imagine either of these superstars saying those two words….the hatred and animosity is so deep between the champion and challenger that I don’t think either will give their rival the satisfaction of giving up...

HE: This is going to be bloodbath….Wood and Costello hate one another and tonight that hatred will manifest….I don’t know what they might do to one another in order to walk out victorious…

The lights in the arena dim right down and then flames begin to burn up from huge torches on either side of the stage. “Endseekers” then rips through the airwaves and the crowd begins to go nuts for the arrival of the challenger. An electric charge seems to run through the arena and bolts of pyros spark from all angles…

RA: Introducing first, the challenger………from Hereford, England……weighing in at 235 pounds……..Liiiiaaaammmm Wooooooddddd!

HA: For Liam Wood this match represents everything….he gets to become a two time world champion and end the feud between himself and Vincent Costello in just one night…

HE: But is he mentally prepared? This is a seriously intense situation for Liam Wood, there is so much pressure on him to deliver…he made the stipulation, he made the challenge and he is the one looking to protect his life from Vincent Costello…

HA: I have never believed that Liam Wood wouldn’t be confident heading into a big match like this…he knows the ramifications but he also knows that if he doesn’t settle this with Costello once and for all then it will never be over….Costello will never let it go…

HE: I don’t think the egos of both of these men will ever let it go….they can’t stand each other and losing is really not in their nature…

Liam Wood appears on the stage, drawing a bigger ovation from the fans, and then he raises his arms in the air as more pyros explode behind him. His eyes are full of fire and focus as he makes his way down to the ring…

HA: Wood has seen his best friend thrown from a stage and suffer spinal damage at the hands of Vincent Costello….he has seen his girlfriend stalked and terrified by the EWF Champion….and he, himself, has been the victim of many brutal attacks….this has been going on for too long and Wood needs to find a way to end this for good…

HE: I think this match, one way or another, will end it….how can it not? This is going to be pure barbarism…

Wood climbs up into the ring and then he goes to all four corners in turn, posing for his thousands of followers. He jumps back down to the mat and walks to the middle of the ring, focusing his gaze now on the stage. A huge “Liam Wood” chant rings around the arena before everything is drowned out by boos and “Killing in the name of”….

HA: There are very few more unpopular figures in 6CW than the EWF Champion…

HE: And does he care? No he doesn’t….he’s the world champion and he does whatever the hell he wants…

RA: And his opponent…….from Hell’s Kitchen, New York City………..weighing in at 225 pounds….he is the current, reigning and defending EWF World Heavyweight Champion…..Viiinnnccceeennnnttttt Coooosssstttteeellllllooooooo!

Purple pyros boom high into the rafters and then Vincent Costello slowly makes his way out onto the stage. He stands and listens to the reaction of the crowd, smiling slightly, and then he slicks back his hair and looks down at the ring, his smile growing wider. Costello pats the EWF belt around his waist and slowly starts his walk down the ramp…

HA: Vincent Costello is a two time world champion….his first reign cut short through injury and in his absence it was Liam Wood who picked up the mantle….Costello has never forgotten that, he always referred to Wood as a “paper” champion because Wood had never defeated Costello in singles competition up until their most recent meeting at Night of Glory…

HE: They are 3-1 in one on one matches….Wood dines out on that one victory but Costello has proven his dominance time and again….he is the current champion, he beat Wood to the “Key to the Kingdom” and he beat Wood to another world title reign….tonight he will beat him again, this time in a very brutal fashion…

HA: Surely you cannot defend the actions of Costello? He has been harassing a defenceless woman for crying out loud…

HE: Costello does whatever it takes to win, I admire that….he has never hurt Emmy, he merely got under Wood’s skin and exposed his weaknesses….that is the mark of a real champion…

Costello climbs up onto the apron and then steps through the ropes. The referee does a good job of keeping them apart as Costello unstraps the belt from around his waist and holds it up over his head….

HA: That is what this match is for, the EWF world title….but it is about so much more than that…

HE: I’m looking at both of these guys, the hatred is burning, and I really just cannot imagine it getting to a point where one will give up and give satisfaction to the other…

HA: It is a very difficult situation….but at some point it will have to happen…my only concern is how far this will go before we get to that point…

The referee hands the title belt out to the timekeeper and then he gives the signal for the bell to be rung. The crowd roar in approval as the bell sounds and Liam Wood bursts from the blocks and attacks Costello, knocking him back to the ropes and explodes with rights and lefts…

HA: Liam Wood doesn’t want to wait, doesn’t want to feel this out…he wants to fight and he wants to hurt Vincent Costello…

HE: This is going to be a brawl, make no mistake about it…

Costello tries to cover up as Wood continues to attack him with punches and then some well-aimed knees to the body, sending Costello tumbling through the ropes to the outside. Wood quickly climbs out onto the apron and then he runs across and dives off, taking Costello down with a flying Lou Thesz press…

HA: Liam Wood wants Costello’s head on a pole when this is all said and done…yes the world title is on the line but neither of these men wants their opponent to leave here tonight under their own power…

Wood hammers down with hard right hands and then he stands back up. He grabs VC by the head and drags him to a standing position before suplexing him onto the hard flooring….Costello writhes in pain as Wood pulls up the ring apron and drags out a kendo stick…

HA: Anything like this is legal in this match…

Costello is using the ring apron to pull himself up when Wood walks up behind him and unleashes with the kendo stick….WHACK!

HE: That is horrible…

HA: That will strip skin from the bone….

The stick lashes against Costello’s back and he is forced to roll back into the ring to escape any more. Wood quickly follows his opponent under the bottom rope and he lets go with the stick once again…WHACK!

HA: Costello doesn’t want to take too many of these…

Costello staggers back into the corner, breathing heavily, and Wood approaches again, this time swinging the stick towards Costello’s midsection.

HE: Well in, Vincent…

Costello kicks out and stuns Wood, winding him. He follows up with a series of right hands and then he runs off the ropes for more momentum…..WHACK!

HE: Oh no…

Wood swings the stick upwards as Costello comes back and fires it against his stomach, dropping VC on his knees. Wood then throws the stick down on the floor and he stands behind Costello before pulling his arms up in a full nelson whilst wrapping his hands around the jaw of the champion…

HA: Viper lock….Liam Wood is going to try and make Costello say “I Quit”….

Costello yells in pain as Wood wrenches back on his arms and head, excruciating pain building its way up the spine of the champion. The referee is quickly down on his knees, putting a mic in Costello’s face…

Ref: What do you say, Vincent? Do you want to give up?

Costello’s face is reddening and it is obvious that he is in a lot of pain. Wood continues to tug back on his head but Costello spits into the mic…

Costello: Get this heap of (beep) out of my face….

HE: I don’t think Vincent is interested in quitting…

Costello is slumped forward from the submission, clearly losing consciousness, but Liam Wood realises he isn’t likely to give up this way so releases the hold. Costello drops down on his face as Wood walks to the ropes and climbs out of the ring. He grabs two steel chairs from the announce area and heads back to the ring…

HA: Liam Wood is not afraid to take this match to the next level…his hatred for Costello means he is abandoning all civility….this is a war…

Wood slides the chairs into the ring and quickly follows. The crowd are cheering as Wood slips one chair under the head of his opponent and then he lifts the other one up…

HE: This is bad, he’s going to bash Costello’s brains in…

HA: Just like Costello did to him with that cinder block a couple of weeks back…

Wood looks down at Costello, hatred in his eyes, and then he lifts the chair over his head and brings it crashing back down…..

HE: Thank the lord…

Costello suddenly squirms forward and lands with a hard low blow, taking all the wind from the sails of Liam Wood. Viper staggers away and drops to his knees as Costello slowly gets to his feet…

HA: Costello doing what he has to in order to level this out…

HE: No rules against it…

Costello gets back up and he takes a quick breath before running across and kicking Wood in the side of the head. Wood drops down and Costello begins to stomp on him with sheer brutality, targeting any section of the body he can reach…

HA: This looks like a damn street mugging….

Costello orders the referee to ask Wood if he wants to give up whilst he continuously stomps down on the challenger’s head….

Referee: Did you want to give up Liam?

Wood doesn’t answer the question, remaining tight lipped, as Costello’s assault continues. Wood manages to pull himself under the bottom rope but then he staggers forward and collapses on the hard flooring….

HA: This is already becoming very difficult to watch….this is ferocious action….

Costello barges past the referee and begins to pull himself up onto the turnbuckle. He waits for Wood to start getting up before jumping to the outside with a double axe handle to the spine. Costello then drags Wood back up and runs him forward, slamming his head into the corner of the ringside barrier…

HE: Wood might be knocked out from that, real impact…

Wood is flat on his face, no movement at all. Costello then begins to pull the steel steps away from the ring and he lifts them up into his arms. He walks back to towards Wood…

HA: He’s going to drop the steps on the back of Wood’s head…

Wood manages to turn himself on his back and he kicks his feet up into Costello’s stomach, causing him to stagger away and drop the steel steps. Wood scrambles back up and he grabs Costello’s head before repeatedly bashing it down into the steel until VC collapses backwards onto the floor…

HA: Wood thinks that might be enough for Costello to give his title up…

The referee puts the mic into Costello’s face but the champion slaps the mic away and tries to crawl back up. Wood grabs VC by the head and he pulls him up before flipping him onto his shoulders….


Crowd: Holy (beep) x10

Wood holds Costello on his shoulders and then powerbombs him down on the steel steps, leaving the champion slumped in a heap. Wood stares down at Costello and then motions for the referee to ask him…

HA: Costello’s spine may be damaged…

Referee: What do you say, Vincent?

Costello: Tell that b1tch to suck my…

HA: We apologise for the language, folks…

HE: Costello not willing to give Wood the satisfaction…


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6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage) Empty Re: 6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage)

Post by JJJohnson Wed Sep 17, 2014 7:02 pm

Wood walks back to the ring and he grabs a steel chair from inside and pulls it under the bottom rope. Costello has dropped off the side of the steel steps but his hand is still resting ontop…..CRACK!

HA: Wood is looking to mangle any part of Costello’s body that he can…

Costello screams in pain and pulls his hand close to his chest, nursing the new injury. Wood grabs his arm and puts it back on the steps again before lifting the chair over his head……CRACK…..CRACK….CRACK!

HE: He’s going to break his hand…

HA: That’s the intention….

Costello rolls away and cradles his arm, clearly feeling a lot of discomfort. Wood orders the referee to ask the champion again….

HE: Costello might need medical attention…

HA: But will it be enough to make him give up?

The referee walks close to Costello and prepares to ask him but the champion kicks out at the ref’s hand and sends the microphone flying across the floor. Wood quickly moves in with the chair again but Costello draws something out of his pocket and throws it at Wood’s face…

HA: What the hell was that?

HE: Genius…

HA: Costello just used some kind of power, Wood is blinded…

Wood staggers away, trying desperately to clean his eyes, as Costello yanks the steel chair off him and swings it……….CRACK!.....The chair thunders off Wood’s head and sends him scrambling down to the floor. Wood is on all fours as Costello starts driving the chair down at his opponent’s back…..CRACK….CRACK…CRACK…..CRACK….CRACK….CRACK…..CRACK!

HE: Costello may have a broken hand but Liam Wood’s spine is being shattered by each of those shots…

HA: Each blow laced with evil intentions…

Wood is slumped on the base of the steel steps and Costello looks down at him with a mad glint in his eyes. Costello then lifts Wood’s head up and he folds the chair around his neck. The crowd look anxious as Costello backs away and lifts himself up onto the ringside barrier…

HA: Oh God….no not this…you’ll break his damn neck…

HE: I’m sure that is what Costello has in mind…it may be the only way to make Wood quit…

The referee is trying to convince Costello to climb down off the barrier but the champion just laughs and then he leaps off and towards the steel steos….



Costello stomps right down on the back of Wood’s head and crushes it into the steel steps. The crowd are on shock as Costello leans over Wood and orders the referee to check him..

HA: Liam Wood’s neck may be in pieces….I don’t think he is conscious…

The referee looks concerned as he kneels down next to Wood. The official checks Wood’s pulse and looks worried as he lifts the mic up.

Ref: Can you hear me, Liam? Do you want to give it up?

Wood: I…I…..noooo….

HE: Is this guy stupid? Why is he prolonging the pain?

HA: Wood is not going to quit unless he has to, unless he can no longer take any more…

HE: Costello has damn near broken his neck…what more is he willing to sustain?

HA: The hatred between these two runs deeper than we could have ever imagined…

The referee pulls the chair off of Wood’s neck and tries to make sure Vincent Costello keeps a distance. Costello looks amused as he watches Wood flopping on the floor…he then heads back to the ring and pulls up the ring apron…

HA: What else can Costello do….this is going too far now…

Costello slicks his hair back and he searches under the ring for a few moments before pulling out a cinder block, drawing an alarmed reaction from the fans in attendance. Liam Wood is using the ring-post to drag himself up as VC walks in behind him…

HA: No, Vincent don’t do it….you’ll shatter his skull…

HE: I don’t think I can watch this…


The referee tries to intervene but Costello barges past him and then rushes forwards with the block and pushes it towards the skull of Wood, which is resting against the steel post. Wood somehow moves away in time and the block shatters….

HA: Thank the Lord for that…Liam Wood’s life just flashed before him…

Costello drops the remains of the block on the floor and shakes his hand, clearly feeling some discomfort. Liam Wood manages to stagger away but then collapses back down on the hard flooring.

HE: Liam Wood can’t even stand up for more than a few seconds….this match has to be stopped…

HA: The match can’t stop until one of these two men says “I Quit”….

Costello kicks the apron in annoyance and then he walks around the ring to where Wood is lying. Costello grabs his rival by the head and begins to pull him up….


Wood drags out a fire extinguisher from under the ring and he sprays it into the face of Costello, temporarily blinding him. Wood then crawls up to his feet and BANG!

HA: Now Costello is seeing stars…

The extinguisher cracks Costello right in the face and knocks him to the ground. Wood throws the weapon down and staggers into the ring apron, using it to keep himself upright.

HE: Liam Wood may have a broken neck…

HA: I hate to imagine the sorts of injuries that have been sustained by these two men so far…

Costello’s nose is busted, blood streaming down his face, as Wood grabs him by the hair and throws him under the bottom rope. Wood drags himself onto the apron and he scales the ropes…

HE: I don’t think Wood should be taking risks like this…

HA: The world title is on the line, Wood will do whatever it takes…

Costello staggers up and Wood launches off with a huge flying lariat. Wood staggers back up and he stomps down on Costello’s injured hand before dragging him back up….he hooks his arms in place…


Costello rushes Wood back into the corner and tries to unload with a barrage of blows but Wood drives his knee up and winds Costello. Wood then drops back out of the ring and he grabs VC’s legs before pulling him into the ringpost…

HE: What now? OH NO…

HA: Wood’s going to try and break those legs if he can…

The crowd roar as Wood applies a figure four leglock around the ringpost. Costello is screaming in pain as Wood really lies back into the hold and extends the pressure being felt in the legs of his opponent. The referee has the mic in Costello’s face….

Ref: What do you say, Vincent?


HE: He’s going to shatter the bones…

HA: And Costello can do nothing about it….Wood doesn’t have to release this hold until Costello quits…

Wood continues to ramp up the pressure on the hold, drawing screams of agony from Costello, but the champion continues to refuse to throw in the towel. Wood finally releases the hold, leaving Costello wrapped around the ringpost…

HA: Costello’s legs may be damaged beyond repair but still he refuses to quit….what will it take?

Wood walks to the announce area and he grabs another steel chair before walking back to the ring. He closes in on Costello and swings…..CRACK……CRACK…..CRACK!

HE: Oh no…

HA: Each shot is dislodging another bone….

The chair thunders off Costello’s legs and slams them into the ringpost. Costello pulls himself into the ring and tries to crawl away but Wood gives chase. Wood walks behind Costello and continuously drives the chair down into the back of VC’s knees and ankles…

HE: Costello may never walk away…

Ref: Do you want to give up, Vincent?

Costello: No…

HA: Costello remains defiant…

Wood loses all control and he begins to smash the chair down into every part of Costello’s body. The steel crumples and twists as Wood hammers it down over and over again…

HE: Wood’s lost it…

HA: Costello has driven the challenger to this point…

Wood holds up the mangled chair, drawing cheers, and then he throws the weapon from the ring. Wood then drags Costello back up and he hooks his arms in place…



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6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage) Empty Re: 6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage)

Post by JJJohnson Wed Sep 17, 2014 7:03 pm

Wood decimates Costello in the middle of the ring with the pedigree/foot stomp, leaving the champion motionless on the mat. Wood kneels over VC, his eyes burning, and then he looks at the referee and orders him to ask…

HE: Enough is enough…

HA: This has to be it….Costello is finished…

The referee kneels down and puts the mic close to Costello’s face. Costello doesn’t seem to be respondent…

Ref: Do you want to end this, Vincent?

HA: I don’t know if Costello can provide an answer…

Ref: What do you say, Vincent?

HE: The match can’t end until he says it…

Wood stumbles back into the ropes and sits on the turnbuckle as he waits for Costello to provide an answer. The referee asks the champion once again…

Costello: Go to hell…

HE: Oh lord…

HA: How much more?

Wood shakes his head and stands back up, his legs resembling jelly. He drops through the ropes and begins to search under the ring again, this time producing a kendo stick. Wood climbs back into the ring and staggers over to Costello, who still isn’t moving….

HA: This is like something out of someone’s warped nightmare….these two warriors are pushing each other beyond their limits…

HE: Both of these guys are shaving years off their careers tonight…

Wood’s chest heaves in and out as he lifts the stick up in the air and then he brings it crashing down….WHACK!

HA: Look at the blood, how can Costello withstand this?

Each shot is more sickening and shreds the skin from Costello’s back, opening up deep lacerations. His screams fill the air and even the referee looks uncomfortable as the kendo stick shatters following the tenth straight strike…

HE: Give it up, Vincent…..for your own sake…

HA: Costello needs to think of his own health here…

Wood fixes his eyes on the referee and then points down at Costello, ordering him to ask again. The referee kneels down next to Costello…

Ref: Cmon, Vincent….enough now….

Costello: I’ll tell you when it is enough you son of a (beep)….

HA: Please God…

Wood falls back into the ropes and for the first time he looks a little lost for ideas. He looks at the bloodied carcass in front of him and then he pulls himself back out of the ring. He searches under the ring yet again and this time he produces a bag from under the ring. Wood rolls under the bottom rope and crawls back over to Costello….

HE: What the hell is in that bag?

HA: I really don’t think we should find out…

Wood holds the bag for a moment and then he unties it and begins to drop its contents on the canvass. The crowd groan as shards of glass cover the mat…

HA: Oh cmon, this is too far now…

HE: Liam Wood is desperate to end this….he really has been pushed to this…

Wood looks down at the glass and then he starts to pull Costello back up. He hooks his arms in place and drags him over the glass…

HE: You don’t think he would…

HA: I don’t know what Wood might do…

HE: Don’t do it…..OH MY GOD!


Crowd: Holy (beep) x10

Wood looks for a second “Viper drop” but Costello wriggles against it and then swipes Wood’s legs, dropping him on top of the shards of glass. Wood screams in pain and rolls away, glass cutting into his back and his neck…

HA: The sheer violence of this match goes past anything I have ever seen before….

HE: This is out of hand now…

Costello staggers around, struggling to stay upright, and then he grabs Wood and pulls him up, whipping him off the ropes….



The crowd groan and scream as Costello spins Wood around and drills him with a “black hole” slam onto the glass. Wood’s screams fill the air once more, blood streaming from his body, and Costello looks up at the referee…

Costello: ASK HIM!

The referee drops down next to Wood and he places the mic in close…

Ref: Have you had enough, Liam?

Wood: N…no….nooooo!

HE: The agony is etched all over Liam Wood’s face…but his pride is getting in the way…

HA: Pride comes before the fall….these two young lions have gone beyond anything I ever expected from them tonight….

Costello wipes blood from his nose, clearly annoyed with Wood’s decision, and then he begins to root in his trunks. After a moment he produces a pair of handcuffs and he locks Wood to the middle rope…

HA: What now?

HE: Liam Wood is going nowhere…..Costello’s Law has served him his sentenced…

The crowd look worried as Costello rolls away with a smile on his face. Liam Wood tries to free himself from his restraints but he can’t.

HA: Wood is handcuffed to the ropes….he is now at the mercy of the champion…

HE: Costello can do whatever he likes…

Costello pulls himself under the ring and drops to his knees as he searches under the ring. He then stands back up with a baseball bat in his hands…

HA: Oh my…

HE: Oh my indeed…

Costello smirks as he rolls back into the ring and approaches his opponent. Wood tries to kick out at Costello and keep him at a distance but VC just swings the bat into Wood’s knees…

HA: Costello can barely stand himself…his back, his legs and his hand have been obliterated….but his hatred of Liam Wood is driving him…

Costello then unloads with the bat into the gut of Wood, knocking all the wind from him. The referee tries to step in but Costello wards him off and then fires in another seven unanswered blows to the body…

HE: Wood’s insides are being destroyed…

Wood slumps and blood begins to leak from his mouth, dripping down onto the canvass. Wood’s eyes are closed as the referee walks forward…

HA: Liam Wood needs to end this now…

Referee: Liam, can you hear me….cmon now, Liam….this is enough now….what do you say?

Slowly, Wood raises his eye, blood still running from his mouth, and he looks up at Costello and then at the referee before shaking his head. The crowd give a cheer but Costello shakes his head and draws the bat back again…

HA: No please….STOP!


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6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage) Empty Re: 6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage)

Post by JJJohnson Wed Sep 17, 2014 7:05 pm

Costello suddenly lowers the bat as Emmy comes running down the rampway towards the ring, frightened concern on her face. Security and a team of referees follow her, trying to stop her from getting in the ring…

HE: What is she doing here?

HA: Please go back, Emmy….this isn’t the right place for you…

Emmy rolls into the ring and she stands in front of Liam Wood, begging Costello to leave him alone. She holds Wood’s head close to her chest, tears in her eyes, and pleads with Costello to stop…

HA: Please get out of there, Emmy…

Costello looks at Emmy and then at Wood, a sick grin crossing his face, and then he throws the bat down on the floor. Everyone looks stunned by Costello’s actions and Emmy nods in thanks..

HE: Costello giving Wood a reprieve?? Who would of thought it….


The audience explodes with boos as Costello grabs Emmy by the hair and yanks her away from Wood. He holds her in the middle of the ring and grins as she struggles against him. Liam Wood is going crazy and kicking out with fury, screaming at Costello to leave Emmy alone…

HA: You sick S.O.B….leave her…

HE: I can’t even defend this…

Costello draws Emmy in close and locks her head under his arm, as though he is going to DDT her. He stares at Wood, evil intentions in his eyes, and Wood motions for the referee to bring the mic over…

Wood: Please, Vincent…..look at me……please don’t hurt her…..please

HE: Is Wood actually begging?

HA: That is the woman he loves….he doesn’t want anything to happen to her…

Wood: This is between us, nobody else… don’t need to do this…..please don’t hurt her…I am begging you

Costello’s eyes light up at Wood’s words. He grins but then he lifts Emmy’s feet into an elevated position on the ropes, preparing to DDT her from a hangman’s position. Wood looks terrified…

Wood:.Ok…ok….I Quit….I Quit you piece of (beep)….you let her go right now or I swear to God…

HA: That’s it….Wood gave up…he had no other choice…

HE: Costello has stooped to a whole new level tonight….

Ding ding ding

Ring Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen here is your winner…..and STILL EWF World Heavyweight Champion……………Viiinnnccceeeennnnnttt Coooossstttteeellllloooooo!

HA: Costello retains the EWF Championship but that no good S.O.B had to resort to threatening a woman to do it…..NO GOD NO!


Crowd: A55hole x10

HA: I don’t believe it…

The bell sounds and Costello is declared the winner, bringing a grin. He and Wood continue to lock eyes and then Costello winks at his rival before drilling Emmy with a thunderous DDT. Costello kneels over Emmy and touches her lips before looking back up at Wood with a sinister smile…

HE: This is too much…

HA: This whole match was too much….these two men will never, ever, be the same but the end of this bout is completely reprehensible…Vincent Costello is worse than scum…

HE: Costello has taken this rivalry beyond an acceptable level, I can’t even defend him….Emmy was a defenceless victim…this was between Wood and Costello, nobody else…

Wood’s eyes are now full of tears and he looks furious as he continues to try and rip himself free of the handcuffs. Costello continues to smile as he stands up and then he grabs the baseball bat back off the floor…..CRACK!


HE: What a sickening exclamation point on this brutality…

Costello smashes the bat into the side of Wood’s head and leaves him slumped on the floor before he snatches the EWF belt from the referee and raises it over his head. Costello staggers to the ropes and collapses, blood still streaming from his nose, but he smirks….

HA: Vincent Costello and Liam Wood have been through a war that will never be forgotten….this was a bloodbath…

HE: Both of these men will need serious medical attention, it may be a while until we see them in a wrestling ring again…

HA: And poor Emmy….what has she done to deserve this?

EMT’s rush to the ring and begin to tend to Emmy as Costello rolls from the ring and staggers into the aisleway. He pushes past security and medics, all of whom stare at him in disgust, before making his way up the ramp. Liam Wood is cut free from his restraints, blood oozing from the side of his head, but he quickly crawls over to make sure his girlfriend is ok…

HE: Is this the end?

HA: What do you think….I cannot for the life of me expect that Liam Wood will sit back and take this….Costello just pushed the red button…

HE: But where can it go? I don’t know if these two should ever be allowed in the same ring together again…this may never end until one of these two stops breathing…

HA: It really is beyond control…

Emmy is placed in a neckbrace and lifted onto a stretcher as Liam Wood staggers over to her, anger and terror in his eyes. He is struggling to stay upright himself as he follows the stretcher up the ramp, the cameras showing many concerned faces in the crowd.

HA: That was the first of our three main events and if the next two are anything like this then I think this may just be the greatest 6CW pay per view of all time…

HE: No pressure then…

HA: Don’t go anywhere folks because coming up next is the “Once in a Lifetime” collision between JJ Johnson and Keith Leone…

Match result: Vincent Costello via submission
Match time: 25 minutes; 18 seconds


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6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage) Empty Re: 6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage)

Post by JJJohnson Wed Sep 17, 2014 7:10 pm

(The camera cuts to the dimly lit locker rooms in the arena where very little can be seen. The door to the corridor being pushed ajar allows a small ray of light in to illuminate some of the room, but only a locker and a few fitness items can be seen. The door then closes and the room is momentarily dipped into total darkness before the lights come on, and in the corner of the room a familiar hooded figure is seen seated. The camera then remains focused on the person as they begin to speak.)

Leone: The day is finally here, the moment that in 6CW has been months in the making, but in my career has been years.There is no longer any time for “face offs”, no more contract signings and hyping up the match with special sit down interviews, it’s completely out of the companies hands now and into ours.Can you feel it JJ? It must be so sweet knowing that in such a short period of time you’ll be wrestling in front of your adoring fans once again. Hell, I bet you even are happy now that I called you out for the liar that you are and prevented you from going back on your deal all those months ago, as now your return will be that much sweeter. You’re going to roll into Beachfront Brawl on a wave of anticipation and excitement and I’m sure you are going to deliver your fans so much in terms of emotion and wrestling skill. There’s only one thing that you can’t deliver to them, and that’s the victory you crave, that you “need”…….You see JJ, when we were growing up we were both told fairy tales as a way of hiding the true ugliness of the world and stop us becoming so cynical at a young age. But whilst I quickly saw through these stories for what they really were, it has become clear to me as time has progressed just how much they clearly affected you. You honestly can only see yourself as the hero of this story, not being able to comprehend how anyone would ever dislike you, whereas like those stories, I look past the face of it to see the truth…………

Your showboating, your arrogance and your cheap shots have done little to divert my attention, let alone impress me JJ, all they have done is reaffirm my beliefs as to what you are; a fraud. You still think of yourself as a hero to these people because you earned their respect all on your own, but the fact of the matter is JJ that’s a lie and you know it. From day one you were given everything you needed to make yourself into a star and that’s not even just from your days in wrestling. You were given natural talents like looks and charisma and you’ve used them well, I’ll never begrudge you for that, what I will begrudge you for is the way you were given shots others could only dream of. ……….

(Leone starts to raise his fingers)

Leone: Chris Patricks, Clarke James, Abe Abercorn, Marty Jarosik, the list goes on of guys that were held back so that you could make waves in this business, because JJ Johnson is the poster boy. We wouldn’t want someone coming in and ruining JJ Johnson’s story so let’s just give him another title shot, hell, “why don’t we put JJ Johnson’s match as the main attraction of this show?” You are correct in thinking that you’re a draw JJ, but would you really be that on your own, but I guess we’ll never know now, because history will only get to see you on the magazine covers you’ve graced.

(Keith Leone now raises his head and his face can be partially seen, but he still keeps his face partially covered by his hood)

Leone: Then we come to the Keith Leone story; from being the sad little loner at school to finally making it to the “big leagues” and having to bite and claw my way to the top. Whilst you were riding around in limos with a World Title over your shoulder JJ, I was nearly being burned alive in matches with Code Effrego and Blue Dragon. People always looked at me as the freak in our business because I seemingly never had the same goals as everyone else. Guys thought that being the best meant earning the most money, having the girls chase after you, riding in that limo with JJ Johnson. I’ve never bought that lifestyle though; I’ve always known that looks fade, that those same girls will be chasing after a new guy in a couple of weeks. That fame that so many people crave so much is so fleeting when you have nothing to really back it up with. So for years I’ve damn near killed myself to be the best, whether that meant I had to be beaten to a bloodied pulp by monsters, forced to submit by technical experts or be put through a table by crazed Irishman. Oh and whilst we’re on the topic of Dicey Reilly JJ, the way I threatened his “family” far outweighs anything I’ve done to yours. I put his family in real danger because I allowed myself to become the monster, the only reason I ever mentioned yours was to prove what an egomaniac you are and what you’re willing to sacrifice personally………So before you get angry at me try looking in the mirror and seeing if you like what you see. But I digress, I made true wrestling sacrifices to become the best and after a short spell in 6CW I was finally being recognised for my true potential. People were coming to 6CW to see the World Title matches were leaving talking about me, interviewers wanted to speak to me, 6CW was me. I didn’t look for fame, fame found me and I truly became the show stealer before I became the show. You’re right when you say that you are a guy that’s going to draw money JJ, but I’m the one that’s going to keep the fans hooked. It’s almost like a car; you’re the sporty exterior that grabs people’s attention, but I’m the engine that actually gets people to buy the car itself.

The two of us are true legends of this business JJ, no matter if I like the way we got here or not. In the annals of time we will both be remembered for what we achieved and the great moments we were a part of, but now it’s time to figure out so much more than that. At Beachfront Brawl we find out who can really “draw”, who do the fans truly back up and who the better man is. You say you need to win this match JJ, and this is a rare occasion I believe you, I can see in your eyes the animosity and desperation. You realise you teeter on the edge of obscurity if you can’t win tonight and that drives you insane. But here’s the question, what are you willing to give; and I’m not talking about your blood, sweat and tears. I’m talking the things that will cost you on the long run; are you truly prepared to put yourself in a wheelchair just to try and beat me. Because at the end of the day JJ that’s what you’ll have to do in order to beat me, throw everything you have and hope for the best. You just have to decide what’s worth more to you; your future ability to have a “normal” life outside of this business, or this one shot at true glory. I’ll see you out there JJ.

(Keith Leone now gets to his feet and looks around the locker room before brushing past the camera as it pans around to watch him leave the locker room before cutting away.)


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6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage) Empty Re: 6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage)

Post by JJJohnson Wed Sep 17, 2014 7:13 pm

(Daniel Magnusson and Dean Andrews are in sitting in Magnusson’s makeshift office at the Superdome. The two men seem slightly less friendly with each other as Magnusson leafs through some papers on his desk and Andrews just stares at him.)

DM: The response to the Johnson v Leone match has been very positive according to these social media reports. I have half a mind to set up a rematch at Night of Glory.

(Andrews looks confused.)

DA: It has the tagline “Once in a Lifetime” though…..

(Magnusson looks up and smiles.)

DM: First rule of putting on a show, always give the paying public what they want. If the match ends unsatisfactory for both parties then I am sure we are within our rights to make a rematch. Especially with the feedback it has been getting.

(Andrews nods.)

DA: I can’t believe either of them will just ride off into the sunset if they don’t get the right result.

DM: Exactly and we can use that to our advantage…..

DA: If we are still here of course.

(Andrews smiles but Magnusson looks slightly annoyed. He goes back to looking at his papers while speaking.)

DM: Two legends of this business having a match is big news, even here in Australia. I am expecting a spectacular match. One that will show us a sign of things to come.

DA: Where do either of them go from here?

DM: Who knows, but once the dust has settled, I am sure there will be suitable guys on the roster waiting to knock the old guys off their perches. It is whether they have the fight for it. The build-up has been very intense and at times it has been in its own little bubble. That is why it is getting the reaction it has. It provides people with a release…..

(For the second time, Andrews looks confused.)

DA: A release?

DM: Yes, something to the side of other 6CW matches. It has rumbled along nicely under its own speed and now it is ready for a fitting conclusion. If I can use it beyond Beachfront Brawl, then I will. Not many wrestling rosters have two legends such as that. As long as they both have an appetite for more, whatever the result, then I am sure there will be many sticking their hands up for a chance at them.

DA: Still planning long term?

(Magnusson looks up and nods.)

DM: Until they carry me away from this place – yes.

(Andrews says nothing as the scene fades.)


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Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage) Empty Re: 6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage)

Post by JJJohnson Wed Sep 17, 2014 7:14 pm

Main Event 2
"Once in a Lifetime"
JJ Johnson vs Keith Leone

HA: Are you ready for our next fight, Henry?

HE: I’m barely over the last one….but if you insist then you will find no complaints from me…

HA: This is one of the most eagerly anticipated match-ups in 6CW history….two icons of the business set to go one on one….this is about much more than titles and accolades, this is about proving a point…

HE: Keith Leone wants to prove that he is, without a doubt, one of the best ever….and JJ Johnson wants to prove that he still has what it takes after almost two years out with a career-threatening injury….

HA: This contest was announced in June and we have been waiting ever since but now the wait is over….the time is now…

The fans in the Super-dome are making a raucous noise as the action returns to ringside. The cameras pan up the tiers and show that there is barely a supporter in their seat. The lights in the arena then shut down, sparking a huge reaction from the fans in attendance.

HA: This is a special moment in the history of our promotion….this is one for the ages…

A single, electric blue, spotlight beams down onto the arena floor. It then begins to travel all around the Superdome, lighting up various places, and then it comes to stop at the entranceway. The audience are going wild in anticipation…

“La….la la…la...wait til I get my money right”

The entrance to “Can’t tell me nothing” ends and then “Remember the name” by Fort Minor booms out to an incredible reception from the Australian crowd. There are jets of silver and golden pyros that hit the rafters in process, exploding in a variation of colours and effects, and then JJ Johnson moonwalks out onto the stage, the noise now at overload.

HA: It has been almost two years since the last time JJ Johnson entered a wrestling arena for a fight….but despite all the odds, all the surgeries, he is here and he is ready…

HE: I never thought I would see the day but here he is….

JJ Johnson, dressed in a LA Lakers jersey, walks from one side of the stage to the other and really makes the most of the fans’ reaction. He beats his chest and points to his heart, thanking the crowd, and then he pauses at the top of the ramp and raises a lone first into the air…

HA: The “Coalition” salute….these fans thought they would never see JJ Johnson do that again, they never expected to see him wrestle again….but all the hard work, the dedication has paid off and tonight he gets to step into the ring once again…

HE: But how will the lay-off have affected him? He hasn’t wrestled in almost two years….

HA: JJ claims he is in the shape of his life, that he has never felt better….but I have to agree that the lack of ring-time may be a big factor…

HE: As well as the fact that we don’t know how well his previous injuries will hold up once this fight begins…

HA: That is also true…JJ needed life-saving surgery to fix his spine…this is a huge deal…

JJ stops at the base of the ring and he breathes in the atmosphere before nodding his head and sliding under the bottom rope. He strides over to the turnbuckle and launches himself up, posing for his adoring masses. He removes his top, revealing a chiselled torso underneath, and launches it into to the crowd….

HA: He certainly looks in great shape….

HE: Yes he does…but we also know that his opponent is too and Leone has been competing week in, week out for the past two months….he has the advantage…

HA: Most of the advantages are with Leone, it cannot be denied….the one thing JJ has over his opponent is big match experience….Johnson has been here so many times before but this is Leone’s SuperBowl, the biggest match of his career…

JJ drops down onto the canvass and he circles the ring, interacting with the crowd as he does so, and then he stops in the centre. He bobs from one foot to the other, beads of sweat running down the side of his head, and then “Limowreck” shatters through the speakers to another huge ovation from the 6CW faithful.

HA: The fans are split….this really is 50-50….Keith Leone is a 6CW legend, a future hall of famer without a doubt….this is the man that saved this company from the clutches of Genesis and Alex Walker….

HE: Leone is a hero to the 6CW fans….even when his actions step over the line they still love him and chant for him…

HA: That is the Leone way, he doesn’t care what he has to do or what he has to say in order to get ahead in this business…..but when it comes to in-ring performances he can back it up…

Red pyros continuously pour into the air and explode over the stage and then the spotlight falls on the entranceway. A hooded figure has made his way out into view and slowly they lower the hood, revealing the face underneath. Leone’s eyes are emotionless but he smiles as he listens to the “Keith Leone” chant that is steadily growing around the arena.

HE: Leone feels he has never been given the credit he deserves….he believes that he belongs on a level with the greats…he believes he belongs with JJ Johnson, Hero, Cassius Zhi etc as one of the faces on the Mount Rushmore of wrestling….

HA: And I agree….Leone is a phenomenal talent, a trend-setter and an icon….the only thing, arguably, missing from his resume is a victory over another “great”….tonight he gets that chance….a win here this evening and nobody will ever doubt his credentials again…

Leone slowly drops his jacket to the floor and begins his walk to the ring. The fans reach over the barricades and slap his shoulders, arms and back as he passes. He then makes his way up the steel steps and climbs through the ropes…

HA: This started out as a very respect driven rivalry but as the weeks have passed it has become more and more personal…

HE: As soon as Leone started talking about JJ’s family it became personal…

HA: Leone has tried to get inside the mind of his opponent and they have nearly come to blows on several occasions….

HE: But not one punch has been thrown between them, somehow….they have restrained themselves for three months….

HA: But no longer….you can see the look in both men’s eyes, they want to fight right now….

Leone stands across the ring from JJ and the two men lock eyes. The crowd are on their feet, the atmosphere is electric, and they are split in their support of both superstars. The referee talks to both men and gives them his instructions before stepping back to call for the bell. JJ and Leone take a step closer to each other and glare into one another’s eyes…

HA: This stare-down alone will go down in history…

HE: Remember this moment…September 17th, 2014….JJ Johnson versus Keith Leone in the Sydney Superdome…..HERE WE GO!

There are a few words exchanged by both men and then JJ opens up proceedings with a huge right hand to the jaw of Leone. Leone fires back with a punch of his own and suddenly both men are exchanging with punches in the middle of the ring…

HE: A good old-fashioned throw-down…I love it…

JJ’s punches carry extra weight and he begins to rock Leone back onto his heels. He pushes him back into the ropes and looks for an Irish whip but Leone is able to spin into the centre and he drags Johnson towards him…Leone lands with a boot to the gut and then an uppercut to the jaw before flashing off with knife edge chops. JJ tries to cover up as Leone goes to work with forearms and then looks for a whip of his own…

HA: There is so much pride at stake here….these two men have been used to winning their entire careers…but tonight one must lose….

This time, JJ reverses the whip and he sends Leone across the ring before hauling him through the air with a hiptoss as he comes back. Leone gets back up and JJ lands a left hook to the body and follows up with an overhand right to the temple…

HE: JJ’s boxing skills coming into use there….

Leone staggers into the corner and JJ thunders into him with a big clothesline. He then grabs Leone’s arm and whips him to the opposite corner. Johnson quickly sprints across after his opponent but only for Leone to drive both feet up into his foe’s face…

HA: Neither man looking to start at a snail’s pace…

HE: They may want to preserve a little energy…

Leone lifts himself up onto the second rope and he leaps off with a solid clothesline to JJ…………1………..2…………shoulder up. Leone hammers down punches into JJ’s back and pulls him up into a suplex…

HA: Leone trying to exert himself on this match early…take control…

Leone gets up and he kicks JJ over onto his stomach before leaping into the air and landing with a hard knee to the spine. Johnson yells out in pain as Leone then begins to stomp down on his back…

HE: Leone is going right to work on JJ’s spine…

HA: That’s the target, JJ must have known that coming into this…

Johnson crawls to the ropes as Leone hammers punches into his back and then runs the opposite side and returns with a jumping knee to the spine, sending Johnson through the middle ropes to the outside. JJ is on one knee, holding his back…

HA: Keith Leone will not hesitate to work the back, he said so in the build-up…he knows where JJ is weak and he intends on exploiting it…

JJ crawls back and he rubs his spine for a moment before Leone sprints across and suicide dives through the middle rope, taking Johnson down on the outside. Leone lands with a few right hands and then he drags JJ up and slams his back into the corner of the steel steps…

HE: JJ could be back in the hospital by time this match is over if he keeps taking shots like that…

The referee urges Leone to bring the action back into the ring and Leone smirks before dragging JJ up and throwing him under the bottom rope. JJ crawls towards the centre of the ring as Leone climbs towards the top rope…

HA: Leone has taken the initiative in this match….

HE: I think it was expected….that might finish it….

Leone jumps from the top rope and he drives his elbow down into the back of Johnson, drawing a yell of pain from JJ. Leone then turns his opponent over……………….1……………………2…………..JJ kicks out!

HA: JJ has had to work so hard to make his way back to pro-wrestling but you have to wonder if this was the right match? Or the right opponent? Leone will do whatever it takes to make sure he wins and that spells danger for Johnson…

Leone once again begins to stomp down on the back of JJ and then he lifts his head off the mat and applies a modified camel clutch, really bending Johnson at the spine. Leone digs his knees down into JJ’s back…

HE: This has to be torturous for JJ…

HA: This was the fear coming into this match….if the back gets damaged then Johnson’s career could be over for good…

The referee asks JJ if he wants to submit but Johnson shakes his head and tries to drag himself closer to the ropes. Leone continues to prise back on JJ’s head, really extending the spine, but JJ is eventually able to work himself across and grab the ropes…

HE: JJ saved himself there but the damage is already being done…

Leone releases the hold and then gets back to his feet, landing with more stomps to the back. Leone then uses the ropes to leap into the air before driving back down with crunching knees to the spine….JJ yells in pain and tumbles to the outside…

HA: JJ knew what he was getting himself involved in but you can’t help but feel bad and worried for him….this is looking grim so far…

The referee’s count reaches five before JJ manages to pull himself back up onto the apron. Leone quickly makes a beeline for him and grabs his opponent by the head, only for JJ to counter with a quick guiilotine across the top rope…

HE: JJ needed that…

HA: Anything to stem the flow…

Leone staggers backwards, groggily, and JJ uses the top rope to catapult himself back into the ring and floor his opponent with a big shoulder tackle……………1……………….2……………….shoulder up. They scramble to their feet and JJ lands a huge uppercut to the body of Leone before snapping him down with a DDT…
………..shoulder up!

HA: We all know that JJ will keep fighting whilst he still can, he’s made a career off it….but the back is hurting him, you can tell, and it is only a matter of time before Leone builds another attack…

JJ takes a breather for a second and then he drags Leone into the middle of the ring. He tries to flip him up for a powerbomb but Leone drops out the front and he jabs JJ in the throat before flipping him up…


JJ kicks his legs and he scrambles off the back of Leone’s shoulders before pushing him off the ropes and drilling him with a spinebuster (Ron Simmons style) as he comes back….
………..Leone gets his shoulder up!

HE: Leone has a crazy pain threshold….we’ve seen this guy take some serious beatings over the years and yet he still finds a way to win….can JJ really defeat him?

HA: I think Johnson has the tools to do it, but whether his body holds up or not is a different matter…

JJ lets Leone up and he smacks him with three right hands before whipping him off the ropes. JJ lowers his head for a backdrop but Leone greets him with a stiff kick to the face on the return and then charges forwards for a clothesline…


JJ drops his shoulder and drills Leone in the middle of the ring…………….1……………..2………..kickout. Johnson stumbles over to the corner and he begins to climb towards the top rope. He nears the top when Leone gets back up and drills him with a hard right hand to the jaw. Leone then climbs onto the ropes and lands with several more punches before dragging JJ off into a huge superplex….

HA: My word….that may have broken every bone in JJ’s back…

HE: Incredible impact…


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Age : 33

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6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage) Empty Re: 6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage)

Post by JJJohnson Wed Sep 17, 2014 7:15 pm

Instant replays show the top-rope superplex over and over before returning to the live action. JJ is flat on the canvass as Leone crawls over and covers him…
………….JJ kicks out!

HA: Johnson kicks out but you have to wonder what sort of condition his back is in….how much more can he withstand?

Leone sits up, his dark eyes full of malice, and he looks at JJ before getting back up to his feet. Johnson begins to stir, his hands immediately moving to his back, and he slowly stumbles back up to a standing position…

HE: Leone has Johnson where he wants him, he is dictating this….

HA: What a backbreaker!

Leone scoops JJ into his arms and he drills him with a sickening backbreaker, keeping JJ pressed against his knee on impact. Leone holds JJ there, pushing his knee into his spine, and then he lifts JJ again before nailing a second backbreaker….JJ yells in pain as Leone continues to push his knee up into the spine and then scoops Johnson up for a third time…

HE: Not three…

HA: A hat-trick of debilitating backbreakers from Keith Leone…

HE: JJ may never walk again after this….

Leone finally drops JJ to the mat and he covers him………………1…………………….2………………JJ just throws his shoulder off the mat. There are huge “Let’s go JJ” chants from the audience but they are met head on by “Keith Leone” chants from other sections of the crowd. Leone kneels over JJ and plots his next move…

HA: This is now becoming a difficult match to watch….JJ Johnson’s fairytale comeback is turning into a nightmare…

Leone lands a barrage of right hands to the face of JJ and then gets back to his feet. He looks down at his rival, no remorse, and then he begins to drag him back up to his feet. He places Johnson’s head between his legs…

HE: Not a piledriver….on his neck?

HA: Whether the impact is to the neck or back, JJ Johnson is in serious trouble here….

Leone tries three times to pull JJ into the piledriver but Johnson refuses to co-operate. JJ kicks his legs and then he counters with a backdrop, drawing cheers from his supporters. Johnson staggers to the corner and tries to recover but Leone is already up and sprinting forwards….


JJ moves, sending Leone crashing into the turnbuckle, and then he pulls his opponent around and scoops him up before dumping him right down on top of his head…
……………..Leone kicks out!

HE: I thought for a moment that JJ has stolen it…

HA: Leone needs to be careful with complacency….JJ may be injured but you give him a chance and he will make you pay…

Johnson crawls back up to his feet and he rests against the ropes for a minute before pushing back to the centre of the ring. Leone gets back up and JJ cracks him with a series of right hands before looking for an Irish whip….Leone is able to reverse and he sends JJ off the ropes but Johnson returns with a huge flying lariat. They get back up and JJ lifts Leone onto his shoulders before spinning him off into a side-slam…

HE: Brilliant…

HA: Could that be enough?

1……………..2……………..Leone pushes his shoulder off the mat. JJ rubs his neck as he gets back up to his feet. He listens to the roar of the crowd and then he beckons for Leone to stand up and join him….Leone obliges and JJ kicks him in the gut….


JJ looks for his patented stunner but Leone turns through and counters with a stiff neckbreaker….
…….thr-shoulder up!

HE: Just what JJ didn’t need….damage to his neck…

Johnson is flat on his stomach, rubbing his neck, as Leone gets back up. Leone drives his boot down into JJ’s neck and then he bounces off the ropes and returns with a big kneedrop to the injured area. JJ rolls over on his back and Leone grabs his legs, turning him into a liontamer…

HA: This is bad…

HE: Very bad….JJ’s done…

Some of the crowd cheer and some boo as Leone pushes his knee into the spine of JJ and really pulls back on his legs, applying maximum pressure. JJ yells in pain, his face contorted, as the referee slides down to see if he wants to give up…

HA: JJ may need to quit here, this isn’t just about the match…..his career, his health is on the line…

HE: But will he really give up….JJ Johnson?

Johnson is shaking his head, refusing to quit, but he cannot pull himself close enough to the ropes to save himself. Leone is really sitting into the hold, his knee right in the arch of JJ’s back, and his face is reddening from the effort he is exerting…

HA: This would be the biggest statement of Keith Leone’s career….submitting JJ Johnson live on pay per view…

HE: The referee might have to stop this if JJ refuses to throw in the towel….

JJ reaches out for the ropes again but he is still too far away to grab hold. Leone yanks back even further and JJ’s head slumps into the mat…

HA: I know how much it means to JJ to be able to compete once again but sometimes you have to bite the bullet and say it is enough….the damage to his spine will never heal…

HE: He has to tap-out….

JJ’s hand quivers and some of the audience think he is going to tap but suddenly he reaches out and grabs the bottom rope. The JJ fans roar in approval…

HA: Amazing heart and courage from JJ Johnson…

HE: But he can barely move….he only delayed the inevitable, it would seem…

JJ is hunched under the bottom rope as Leone releases the hold and staggers away. He looks down at JJ and shakes his head before walking back in. He stomps down on the back of JJ some more and then drags him away from the ropes and into the middle of the ring….


The ring shakes as Leone flips JJ up and then drills him with a thunderous sit-down powerbomb. JJ’s head bounces off the mat upon impact and then Leone covers….1

HE: JJ just, and I mean just, kicked out….but he looks spent…

HA: Right now it looks like only a matter of time before Keith Leone ends this contest…

JJ is sprawled on the mat, barely moving, as Leone starts to get up again. Leone stares down at Johnson and then at the fans around the arena. He nods his head before heading to the turnbuckle and he starts to climb…

HE: Leone knows that he has JJ in big trouble….he knows that he has fought the perfect fight so far…

HA: Leone is in the driver’s seat….and he is looking for a grand finale…

Leone places his left foot on the top rope and is just in the midst of balancing himself when JJ flies up onto his feet. Johnson sprints to the corner, up the ropes, and hauls Leone from on high with a huge overhead suplex…

Crowd: That was awe-some x5

HE: Where did he get that energy from?

HA: I have no idea….JJ Johnson displaying his heart for the world to see…

JJ and Leone are both flat on the canvass, unmoving, as the crowd goes wild. The referee is looking at both men and then decides to start counting…

HA: You can see how much this means to both competitors….they are laying it all on the line…

The count reaches six before both men stagger back up. Leone scores with a right hand but JJ answers with two of his own and a left forearm. He grabs Leone’s arm and he whips him off the ropes before tilt-a-whirling him into a backbreaker of his own..

HE: A little payback…

Leone starts to stagger back up ass JJ beats his chest and then runs off the ropes…

HA: Scissors kick….it’s been years!

Johnson crashes the kick down across the back of Leone’s neck and then he spins over and hooks the leg…
………..Leone just gets his shoulder up!

HE: Leone is being tested now….this is the best opponent he has ever faced and he is being forced to dig deep…

JJ listens to the cheers from the crowd and summons the energy to get back on his feet. He grabs Leone by the head and he drags him into the middle of the ring…

HA: Power…

Leone wriggles and kicks his feet, blocking the move, and then he counters with a quick backdrop. Leone staggers to the corner and he beckons for JJ to stand up before jumping back towards him…



The audience roars as JJ catches Leone’s foot and quickly turns him into an anklelock. Leone is screaming in pain as JJ rips and tears at his leg, twisting the ankle at a horrible angle…

HE: Leone is in deep water…

HA: JJ Johnson has made a host of hall of famers tap to this move…

Leone desperately scrambles towards the ropes but JJ drags him back and extends the pressure on the submission. The referee is asking Leone if he wants to quit but Leone is shaking his head furiously…

HA: Leone has been through hell and back in his career but can he withstand this submission….JJ may snap his ankle…

HE: Leone would hate to tap out to JJ…

Leone is tearing at his own head and yelling out in pain but he refuses to submit. JJ continues to work at the ankle, twisting it one way and then the other…

HA: Is JJ Johnson about to seal a perfect comeback….against all odds?

HE: Leone’s going to tap…

JJ really turns the ankle, pushing it to the brink of breaking, but Leone continues to shake his head. Leone reaches out and almost grabs the bottom rope but Johnson drags him back into the centre…

HE: Leone has nowhere to go…

Leone somehow arches his body up and then rolls forwards, dragging JJ down and he pulls him into a pinning combo…

HA: Leone almost stole one…

They scramble back up and JJ immediately lifts Leone off the ground and drills him with a kneebreaker before grabbing the ankle again….

HE: No escape….JJ smells blood…

Leone quickly makes a break for the ropes but JJ drags him back and synches in the submission again. This time Leone is able to roll forwards fully and sends JJ crashing forwards and into the turnbuckle…

HA: Leone needed that….he was in desperate trouble….


HA: Out of nowhere….


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6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage) Empty Re: 6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage)

Post by JJJohnson Wed Sep 17, 2014 7:15 pm

JJ staggers back around from the turnbuckle and walks straight into the superkick from Leone, dropping him flat on his back…



Some of the fans are celebrating a Leone victory when JJ pushes his shoulder off the mat. A huge “Let’s go JJ, Keith Leone” chant springs up again.

HA: This is sensational….this match is surpassing everything I expected….two icons not giving an inch…

HE: I can’t believe JJ kicked out…

Leone sits on the mat for a moment and he looks at JJ, whose eyes are closed, and he shakes his head with a small trace of a smile. Leone then drags himself back to a standing position…

HA: Leone knows how close he is…

JJ coughs and splutters as he tries to start standing back up. He sways unsteadily as he gets back to his feet and he walks straight into the path of his opponent….

HE: Leone can end it here…..TOMBSTONE!

JJ drops off the back and he quickly pushes Leone into the ropes before kicking him in the stomach as he returns…


The JJ Johnson fans take their turn to cheer as JJ delivers the stunner to Leone in the centre of the ring. Leone collapses and JJ quickly crawls into the cover…

HE: Almost two years but JJ is back…



The referee’s hand comes hurtling down for three when Leone throws both his arms off the canvass. JJ rolls off the pin and looks up at the lights, clearly in shock…

HE: I thought that was it….what will it take?

HA: These two men knew coming in that it was going to take something special to defeat the other…

JJ’s chest heaves in and out and then all of a sudden he kicks up onto his feet, drawing a huge reaction from the audience. He staggers back into the ropes but keeps his footing and then he beckons for Leone to stand up…

HA: Now it is JJ Johnson the cusp of a famous victory…..what a night this has been….

HE: Can JJ land one more big move to end this…..VIP EXPERIENCE!

Johnson scoops Leone up onto his shoulders for the sit-down tombstone piledriver but Leone kicks his legs and drops off the back before countering with a huge German suplex. He keeps his hands locked and nails a second before following up with a massive released third German suplex….

HA: Leone sparing no expense…

HE: And did you see how JJ landed on the back of his neck after every single suplex? That was damaging….

JJ is flat on his back, unmoving, as Leone begins to crawl for the corner. Leone pulls himself out onto the apron and he scales the heights before launching himself off, crushing his elbow down into JJ’s chest. Leone then crawls back to the corner and he helps himself up, waiting for JJ to stand…

HA: This could be it….JJ is barely able to stand, he’s taken a beating…..Leone has him in the crosshairs…

HE: End of the road….CONCUSS KICK!

Leone launches forwards for the superkick but JJ manages to duck underneath it. He kicks Leone in the stomach and looks for a stunner but Leone pushes him away. Johnson comes back and Leone boots him in the gut…


The crowd roar as Leone dumps JJ on his head and he covers him………………1……………………2…………….JJ throws his shoulder up. Leone gets back up and he starts stomping down on JJ’s neck and back again before heading for the corner. Leone climbs the turnbuckle, looking out at the crowd…

HE: We don’t often see Leone get elaborate like this…

HA: Nothing else has worked….MOONSAULT!

Leone reaches the top, flashbulbs popping all over, and then he launches himself off into a picturesque moonsault. He hurtles down towards his target but JJ drives his knees up at the last minute…

HA: Leone made to pay there….JJ needs to capitalise…

JJ is rubbing his neck again but slowly he drags himself towards the ropes. He grips the turnbuckle pads and helps himself up before climbing up the ropes to the top. The fans are chanting his name all around the Super-dome…

HE: With the injuries that JJ is carrying I don’t know how wise this is…

JJ perches himself on the top rope and he listens to his faithful supports before touching his heart. He stands tall and jumps….

HA: JJ ready to fly…

Johnson spins in midair, looking for a twisting legdrop, but Leone has already moved by time he lands. JJ lands hard on his posterior, sending reverberations up his spine, and Leone quickly moves in and grabs his legs…


HA: How can JJ Johnson withstand this?

Leone sits right into the submission hold and JJ screams out in pain, instantly feeling the pressure in his lower back. The referee is asking Johnson if he wants to quit but he shakes his head and tries to desperately claw his way across to the ropes…

HA: JJ needs to break this hold quickly….the longer he has to withstand it, the less chance he has of surviving?

HE: I think this is it…

Leone grunts as he tugs back on JJ’s legs, extending the pressure, and the cries of agony from Johnson confirm that it is working. JJ reaches for the ropes but he is still too far away, his head slumps on the deck…

HA: JJ is a proud man, he won’t quit voluntarily….but he may have passed out from the pain…

HE: I think he has….the referee is going to wave this off….

The referee takes JJ’s arm and he lifts it off the floor before releasing….it drops back to the mat. He does it for a second time and once again JJ’s arm flops back to the canvass. There are anxious looks from the fans as the ref lifts JJ’s arm again and releases….

HA: It falls and we have our winner…

HE: It dropped….


The arm seems ready to hit the mat when JJ pumps it back into the air, drawing cheers. JJ lets out a huge roar as he pushes himself off the mat and crawls to the ropes with Leone on his back…

HE: He made the ropes….he broke the submission…

HA: But at what cost?

Leone keeps the submission locked in until the referee’s count of four. Leone then grabs JJ’s legs and he pulls him back into the middle of the ring…

HE: He’s going to get him again…

HA: Inside cradle?


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6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage) Empty Re: 6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage)

Post by JJJohnson Wed Sep 17, 2014 7:18 pm

JJ grabs Leone’s head and pulls him down………………………1………………………….2…………………kickout. They scramble back up and Leone dropkicks Johnson into the corner before following up with a big splash. He runs JJ out into a bulldog and then he grabs him by the head and pulls him back up….

HA: JJ was playing possum…

JJ counters with a jawbreaker and then throws Leone across the ring in one swift movement with an overhead suplex. Leone staggers back up and JJ lifts him onto his shoulders…



The audience erupts as JJ spins Leone around and then sits down into the move, dumping Leone on his head. JJ pulls both of Leone’s legs up into the cover…

HA: JJ Johnson has defeated…


HA: What? My word….

JJ rolls off and raises his fist into the air but the referee has to inform him that Leone did just managed to kick out. Instant replays show that it was very close but Leone did indeed get his shoulder off the canvass before the three. JJ looks nonplussed as he looks up at the official…

HA: JJ Johnson has finished off so many opponents with that move but still Keith Leone remains…

HE: Leone is invincible….he just keeps coming…

HA: JJ has to be wondering what he has to do…how can he finish this match?

HE: Can he finish it? Can he beat Keith Leone?

JJ crawls to the ropes and he stares out at the 21,000 fans that are going wild. He takes a deep breath as he pulls himself up and then turns around. He looks at Leone, who is struggling to get up, and then he bounces back into the ropes and runs forwards….



JJ looks for a second scissors kick but Leone moves out of the way and sends Johnson crashing down into the deck. JJ holds his back as he tries to pull himself back up…



Leone lands with the devastating superkick to the jaw and the impact spins JJ around in a full circle before Leone scoops him up and drills him with the cradled tombstone piledriver…


HA: What a valiant effort from JJ Johnson…but in the end….


The referee’s hand hits the mat for the third time but suddenly his eyes travel to see JJ’s foot upon the bottom rope. He signals that the pinfall is void and orders the match to continue…

HA: But how? did JJ even have the mental capacity to find the ropes?

HE: I don’t know….instinct….

HA: Now it is Leone looking lost….he has just hit JJ with his best moves and still the Franchise remains….Leone is realising what it is like to face someone like JJ Johnson…

Leone slumps back on the mat and runs his hand through his hair. He looks utterly perplexed as JJ’s foot falls off the ropes and onto the deck. Leone slowly crawls back up and he grabs hold of Johnson’s legs….

HA: Leone knows that victory is so close…

HE: But how does he get it?

Leone tries to synch in another sharpshooter but JJ kicks out with both legs and sends his opponent staggering back into the corner. JJ begins to crawl back up as Leone rushes back out at him…

HA: What a powerbomb…

JJ pushes Leone into the air and catches him on his shoulders before drilling him with a powerbomb. Johnson then staggers over to the ropes and collapses, struggling with exhaustion. JJ pulls himself out onto the apron and begins to climb…

HE: Both of these men are running on pure adrenaline….there can be nothing left…

HA: Nothing except the desire to be the best….

Johnson is slow to climb the ropes and Leone is able to get back up and swipe his legs, crotching him. Leone then pulls himself onto the ropes and he lands with a series of punches and head-butts before he pulls JJ forwards….

HA: Leone has got JJ’s leg….he’s looking for a fisherman’s suplex…

HE: Not from up there….you’ll break his spine….

JJ holds in for dear life and then begins to hook away at Leone’s body. Leone doubles up and JJ then delivers a stiff uppercut, sending his opponent crashing down to the mat below. The audience goes wild as JJ stands tall and beats his chest….

HA: What is JJ thinking….

HE: Such a high risk….


The flashbulbs illuminate the entire arena and there isn’t a fan in their seat as JJ launches himself through the air and lands with the incredible aerial assault…..he thunders down on top of Leone and covers…

HA: He did it….

HE: What a match… of the best ever…

HA: Without a shadow of a doubt…

The arena is filled with support for both athletes as “Remember the name” screams out of the speakers. JJ Johnson and Keith Leone are both flat on their backs, staring up the ceiling, as the referee takes JJ’s arm and declares him the winner.

HA: I am privileged to have been here tonight and witnessed this match, first hand….two of the best ever have just put on a contest that will never be forgotten….

HE: This match had everything….just two icons scrapping it out, laying it all one the line, and leaving no stone unturned….it swayed one way and then the other but tonight belongs to JJ Johnson…

HA: Nearly two years out, his career seemingly over, but JJ Johnson has returned in a winning manner….he has proven that he still has what it takes to compete in this business….my god what a match…

Crowd: That was awe-some x20

HE: What an event this has been….and we still have a future-altering main event to come…

HA: The biggest match in this history of this promotion is our main event…..6CW has broken all records tonight….

JJ slowly staggers back to his feet and he stumbles into the corner for balance. The referee’s raises his arm in victory again and then JJ climbs onto the turnbuckle and poses for his adoring fans. He beats his chest and thanks them for their support…

HA: For my money that is one of the greatest matches in the history of professional wrestling, incredible…

HE: Wait a minute, Harold….round two?

JJ drops down off the ropes and he turns around to see Keith Leone standing in the middle. Leone’s eyes are locked on JJ’s and the two men square up…

HA: These two just put on a show to be remembered….they don’t need to prove anything else…

HE: Leone may have lost but he showed why he is going to be a hall of famer…


Leone suddenly offers up a hand and JJ takes it, a handshake between both men in the middle of the ring. The crowd go wild as they raise each other’s arms into the air…

HA: Great show of respect between two of the sport’s best….brilliant to see…

HE: How can they not respect each other after what they went through tonight?

Leone takes a step back and he nods at JJ before applauding the fans. A huge “Thank you Keith” chant rings out as Leone climbs through the ropes and exits. He turns his back and walks up the ramp, leaving JJ to lap up the appreciation of the crowd.

HA: What a fight….what a night….and do not go anywhere folks because coming up next is the big one…

HE: The Authority vs The Uprising….War Games for control of 6CW….can it be any more important?

HA: The future of this company is on the line….winner takes all…

Match result: JJ Johnson via pinfall
Match time: 30 minutes; 12 seconds


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Age : 33

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6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage) Empty Re: 6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage)

Post by JJJohnson Wed Sep 17, 2014 7:24 pm

(Daniel Magnusson is in the locker room with Dean Andrews behind him. The camera pans round to see Mike Masters, GazzyD, Enforcer, Nate Nack and Scott Harris standing in that order in front of him. Magnusson looks at each one in turn and breathes in deeply.)

DM: The time is upon us…..

(Enforcer scoffs loudly.)

E: Save us the pre-match pep talk. I don’t need to be riled up any more. I am ready.

(Magnusson looks at him for a few moments before catching sight of Masters and Harris taking sideward glances at each other from across the room.)

DM: For one night only, I expect a team to go out there and win. Afterwards you can go back to being single entities. But for the course of War Games, you will all fight for each other. Not WITH each other.

(Dean Andrews steps forward.)

DA: I know you guys aren’t stupid and I know you will take on board what Daniel says. But for me, I am staring at 5 of the best wrestlers 6CW has ever seen. Take a look at who you are facing……it just doesn’t compare. Uprising has former and future world champions and that is why we will win. On any given night, in any other PPV, this match would have walkover wrote all over it. It is about time you guys lived up to the expectations we have.

(Magnusson turns to him and nods.)

DM: There is so much more to accomplish and you will have a hand in it. But to lose now, would make that future vanish.

(Enforcer scoffs again and breaks out from the group.)

E: You really have forgotten who you are dealing with. I have faced this match before and I know what it means. I want to win. I will win. Even if I have to drag this team to my level to do it……..

(He barges past Magnusson and exits the room. Andrews goes to stop him but Magnusson shakes his head.)

DM: Leave him. I trust what he says.

(Nate Nack lifts his head at this and looks irate.)

NN: Does that mean you believe we aren’t at his level?

(Magnusson goes to speak but Andrews cuts in.)

DA: Of course we don’t think that……

(Gazzy looks at Andrews.)

GD: To be honest Dean, he is the guy that was with the other team not a month ago. I would be lying if I said the possibility wasn’t there that he may screw us over.

(Masters laughs slightly and places an arm on Gazzy’s shoulder.)

MM: I think we have our quota of moles in this team.

(Harris jumps on this and strides towards them.)

SH: You just can’t let it go can you. Always the man with the quips. It is becoming boring now.

(Masters grins at Harris.)

MM: Bite……..

(Magnusson holds his hands up and separates the two of them.)

DM: Gentlemen, if we can return to the matter in hand. The truth still remains that this match has your careers riding on it. So if you don’t care for each other, than at least care for that.

(Nate Nack shakes his head and walks past Andrews to the door.)

NN: Shame that some people here thought that there were careers not worth much once they made their big arrival. Guys happy to please a few by Wee weeing on others.

(Andrews goes to speak to Nate but he is already halfway out of the door. He slams it loudly and there is a period of silence.)

SH: Then there were 3…….

MM: 2 and a half Scotty. Enforcer was talking to you when he talked about dragging the dead weight.

(Harris squares up to Masters and they nearly come to blows. Gazzy gets between them and pushes both of them to each side of the room.)

GD: I am sick of being the babysitter to this team! This is the last time I stop you two from killing each other. Dean…..Daniel……I will leave you to sort the children out.

(Gazzy strides forward and leaves the room. Andrews looks at Magnusson confused and Magnusson motions his head for Andrews to go follow Gazzy. Andrews leaves the room and shuts the door behind him. Magnusson is left looking at Harris and Masters, who stare daggers at each other from across the room.)

DM: Looks like I will have to follow you two to make sure you get to the ring. Just remember one thing. The war is out there NOT in here!

(Magnusson backs away and holds the door open. Neither Harris nor Masters come forward at first, before Masters does a mock bow and extends his hand.)

MM: After you……partner.

(Harris grits his teeth and storms out into the corridor. Masters follows him grinning as Magnusson rolls his eyes. The co-owner shuts the locker room door as the scene fades.)


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6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage) Empty Re: 6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage)

Post by JJJohnson Wed Sep 17, 2014 7:27 pm

(Mr Jones is standing in one of the backstage corridors with Max Adamson beside him. Daniel Reilly, Alexander Altair, Justice Porter and Confidence Carter are lined up facing them with their backs to the wall. The four men seem slightly put out and are not bothering to look at Jones when he begins to speak.)

MJ: Gentlemen……

(Adamson holds his hand out and stops Jones from finishing.)

MA: If you wouldn’t mind boss, I have prepared something fitting for this moment. A speech to my comrades in arms.

(Carter groans under his breath and his partner looks up at the ceiling. Jones doesn’t seem to notice and instead beckons Adamson to continue. Adamson coughs theatrically and starts his speech.)

MA: My fellow War Games fighters. It is fitting for me, as your captain and World Champion, to take the time to acknowledge the test that we are about to undertake. As I look upon you all, I see 4 men straining at the leash to compete……

(Max looks at them while the four men look bored rigid. He ignores it and continues.)

MA: Four men, ready and willing to put their bodies on the line for a just cause. A cause that has built up over a long period of time. There have been highs and there have been lows, but I stand here believing in all of you and how you will help me win this battle.

(Altair looks up and grins.)

AA: Well, we are just a nice group of guys like that. We would not want you fighting on your own.

(Reilly sniggers under his breath. Jones looks at the pair of them angrily.)

MJ: Can we have our minds on the task in hand?!

(Reilly looks at him annoyed but keeps quiet. Max nods approvingly at Jones and then starts his speech again.)

MA: I know there are a few nerves floating around, but I am here to say that you have nothing to feel nervous about. I am confident that this match will end in positive fashion for us all and we will be standing at the end united and our hands raised in victory.

(Porter puts on a look of amazement.)

JP: You mean, you are going to share the limelight with us?!

(Max looks slightly confused and Carter drags his partner away.

CC: Come on man…..I am done listening to that guy talk.)

(Bad Intentions walk off out of shot. Jones looks at Adamson who shrugs his shoulders. Reilly looks at both of them and shakes his head.)

DR: You just don’t get it do you Max. While you were doing whatever it is you did before you became relevant, Alex and I were already part of Authority. Then you come in like the Messiah and think we should bow down. Well, in case either of you have forgotten, Alexander and I are former champions. We don’t need someone who was late to the party floating in and trying to hold our hands. When we win War Games, it will be because of Authority and not because of Max Adamson.

(Adamson looks irate but Jones acts as peacemaker.)

MJ: Of course! Max didn’t mean otherwise!

(Adamson turns to Jones.)

MA: I didn’t?

(Reilly sighs deeply and motions for Altair to follow him.)

AA: I will see you out there…….captain.

(The two men walk off leaving Adamson and Jones on their own. Jones looks at Max and the 6CW world champion understands the look he is giving him.)

MA: It will be fine. Trust me!

(Adamson pats Jones on the shoulder and then walks out of shot. Jones watches him go before looking to the ceiling and swearing under his breath.)


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6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage) Empty Re: 6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage)

Post by JJJohnson Wed Sep 17, 2014 7:29 pm

Main Event 3
"The Final Frontier"
The Uprising vs The Authority
War Games
GazzyD/Mike Masters/Scott Harris/Nate Nack/Enforcer vs Max Adamson/Daniel Reilly/Alexander Altair/Justice Porter/Confidence Carter

We head back to ringside and the atmosphere is at fever pitch in the Superdome. The huge cell structure is lowering around the ring as the ring announcer makes the introductions.

Ring Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen the following contest is the Authority vs Uprising WAR GAMES ELIMINATION MATCH!

*Crowd pop

HA: This is it, Henry….the future of the company hangs in the balance…

HE: The biggest match in the history of 6CW….it is all on the line. Either The Authority or The Uprising will cease to exist when this match is over….total control is on the line…

We then get a split-screen viewing of The Authority and The Uprising’s offices. Mr Jones is pouring himself a whiskey, Mr Hernandez hovering in the background, whilst Daniel Magnusson and Dean Andrews are deep in conversation. The cameras then return to ringside…

HA: It really does not get any bigger than this…the ten men involved in this match have huge pressure on their shoulders, the weight of the world rests with them…

HE: One shall rise and one shall fall….one way or another this war ends here tonight…

HA: Two men will start us out, one from each team, and then every three minutes after we will have a new participant join the proceedings….The Authority won the man advantage on last week’s Anarchy so they will always be in the ascendency until all the competitors have entered…

HE: Elimination occurs by pinfall or submission…..the last team standing will be victorious….

HA: I don’t think we can talk this matchup any more, it is exactly what it is and that is the biggest contest we have ever known…it is time to get this underway…

A huge “6C-Dub” chant is ringing all around the Superdome and then “Broken Dreams” booms out to deafening boos from the 6CW crowd. Red pyros flash into the air as Daniel Reilly swaggers onto the stage, holding his arms aloft…

HE: Daniel Reilly has been chosen to enter the battleground first for The Authority….a wise choice, he has the big match experience…

HA: Former world champion, tag champion, UK Champion….Daniel Reilly has done it all and he has proven a valuable commodity for Mr Jones…..can he help lead his team to victory tonight?

Reilly makes his way down the ramp and then he pauses in front of the huge dome. He presses his hand against the unforgiving steel and then tugs at it, smiling with malicious intent, before entering through the doorway. Reilly slides under the bottom rope…

HA: Reilly is a 6CW Original, here from the very beginning, and yet tonight he seeks to end this company as we have always known it….he wants to hand total control to Mr Jones and alter the landscape forever…

HE: Reilly wants to be a winner, he craves success, and he knows that under Mr Jones he will get opportunities to prove himself…

Reilly circles the ring, gazing around at the structure, and then he stands by the ropes and peers through the open doorway. He shakes the ropes and beckons for an opponent to come out and join him…

HA: And who have Daniel Magnusson and Dean Andrews decided should start this off for The Authority?

Reilly backs away from the ring, awaiting a foe, and then “Champion” echoes out to a standing ovation from the 6CW faithful. More red pyros boom into the rafters as Mike Masters makes his entrance…

HE: What a mistake….Masters isn’t a team player, in fact I am tipping The Uprising to lose because Masters and Harris are still on their team…

HA: It is a huge risk, I admit, because Harris and Masters are still at each other’s throats….their hatred of one another has cost The Uprising over and over again….but they are too talented to leave out of the equation….6CW needs these men to survive…

HE: I am telling you….Masters and Harris cannot work together and they will implode again tonight….their egos are too big…

Masters launches his t-shirt into the crowd and then makes his way down the ramp. He looks up at the “War Games” structure and nods his head before walking straight through the door. A referee on the outside closes the door behind Masters…

HA: So Mike Masters and Daniel Reilly will start this match off…..remember that if either of these men score a pinfall or submission over the other then that participant is eliminated…

HE: And in three minutes another Authority member will enter the match?

HA: Exactly….three minute intervals until we have all ten superstars….

Masters vaults over the top rope and he smirks as he gets right in Daniel Reilly’s face. Both men exchange words and the referee is forced to keep them away from one another…

HA: This is it, the end of the line….the final frontier…..Uprising vs Authority….who wins?

The referee gives the signal for the bell and there is a huge roar from the crowd. Reilly smirks at Masters and then shoves him backwards, only for Masters to jump forward again with a solid forearm to the jaw. Masters unloads with a series of punches and forearms before attempting to whip Reilly across the ring. Reilly reverses and sends Masters off the ropes before flattening him with a dropkick as he comes back…

HE: Reilly is a fantastic wrestler, so underappreciated….

HA: He has been a great acquisition for Mr Jones, his experience so valuable…

Reilly quickly places Masters in a headlock but MM fights back and gets to his feet. He lands with hard elbows to the side of Reilly and breaks free before landing with a dropkick of his own, sending Reilly into the corner. Masters follows in with a splash and then he grabs Reilly’s arm and tries to whip to the opposite side…

HE: Quick reversal by Reilly…


Reilly sends Masters to the corner and follows in but Masters heads straight up the ropes and twists back with an excellent corkscrew take-down……1……………..2…………shoulder up. Masters pulls Reilly up and hits a snap suplex before running to the ropes…


Reilly moves out of the way but Masters manages to land out on his feet. He runs back at Reilly and leaps up for an enzeguiri but Reilly ducks out, sending Masters clattering back to the mat, and then seizes his opponent’s ankle…

HE: Reilly’s going to make Masters submit here….

Masters yells in pain as Reilly twists at his ankle and applies the submission in the middle of the ring. MM refuses to quit and he quickly drags himself across the ring before diving into a forward roll, sending Reilly staggering through the ropes to the outside…

HA: Masters got out of jail there, that could have been dangerous…..INCOMING!

Masters quickly sprints off the opposite ropes and he returns with a suicide dive, slamming himself and Reilly backwards into the cell structure. Masters lands with more right hands before pulling Reilly up and throwing him back in the ring….

HA: Masters starting to gain a foothold in this match….taking control for The Uprising….

HE: He has less than two minutes to go before another member of The Authority enters the match though…

Masters climbs onto the apron and he waits for Reilly to stand up before springboarding back in with a solid forearm to the face. Reilly staggers back up and Masters kicks him in the stomach….


Reilly spins and he kicks Masters in the stomach before flipping him up and scores with a fallout neckbreaker……………..1……………………2……………shoulder up. Reilly bounces back off the ropes and returns with a leaping knee to the face before standing up and stomping down on every part of Masters’ body…

HE: Reilly will wear Masters down, he’ll grind him into submission until there is nothing left but scraps….wise choice for Mr Jones to allow Reilly to enter this match first…

Reilly drags Masters up to his feet and he looks to flip him up for a powerbomb but Masters counters with a hurricanrana. They both scramble back up and Reilly looks for a clothesline but Masters ducks under and springs off the ropes…


Reilly shows his own athleticism to leap into the air and catches Masters with a crunching dropkick to the head. Masters tries to roll out onto the apron but Reilly quickly drags him back through the middle rope and plants him with a hangman’s DDT….

HE: That could be a three….

…….shoulder up!

HE: Now Reilly is leading the charge….if The Authority are smart they could eliminate every member of The Uprising before any help can get out here…

HA: That is true….that’s the bonus of having the man advantage…

Reilly suplexes Masters into the air and then turns him into a solid slam on the mat. He then makes his way to the corner and begins to climb towards the top…

HA: Reilly taking a risk…

HE: It isn’t a risk if he knows what he is doing…


Reilly launches himself into a frogsplash but Masters rolls out of the impact zone and sends Reilly crashing into the canvass. Masters gets back up and he runs to the ropes and leaps into the springboard….


*Claxon sounds

HE: Quick…

The crowd boo as “MK Ultra” blasts out and Alexander Altair comes running down the ramp. He is motioning for the door to be opened as Masters drags Reilly back to his feet in the middle of the ring….


Altair jumps onto the apron but Masters quickly runs across and barges into him, sending him flying off and into the wall of the structure. Altair slumps on the floor as Masters turns back around….

HE: What a powerslam!

The crowd boo as Reilly spins Masters around and slams him into the mat………….1………………2…………shoulder up!

HA: Alexander Altair’s entrance into this match was short lived…

HE: But he did enough to distract Masters and hand the initiative back to The Authority…

Reilly kneels over Masters and begins to land with a series of sickening right hands to the face. Reilly gets to his feet and he taunts the fans…

HE: Take a good look people because these are the men who will be in the positions of power for years to come….

Altair staggers back to his feet on the outside of the cell and Reilly beckons for him to climb into the ring. They both circle Masters and lay the boot in before dragging him up. They push him back into the corner and lift him onto the turnbuckle before delivering a huge double superplex….

HA: Masters is being tested now…his endurance and pain tolerance…

HE: It’s still two minutes before anyone comes to his aid…

Altair covers…………………..1………………….2……………Masters kicks out. Altair uses the point of his elbow to drive down into the side of Masters’ head before he drags him back up. He shoves him into Reilly and then they prepare for a double powerbomb….

HE: This is real teamwork…something The Uprising know nothing about…

Reilly flips Masters up but MM quickly drives down with punches until they stagger back to the corner. Masters continues to land punches before he leaps onto the top rope and turns back into a flying crossbody on Altair………………1………………….2……………..kickout. Reilly rushes from the corner but Masters takes him down with a spinning heel kick and then runs the ropes…

HA: Lionsault….got it!

1…………………2…………Altair breaks up the cover!

Altair hammers down with punches and then he pulls Masters up and lands with knees to the stomach. He whips Masters off the ropes and knocks him down with a big boot as he returns. Altair then climbs from the ring and he rips up the apron, dragging out a steel chair from underneath…

HE: This is all perfectly legal…

HA: Yes it is…

Altair climbs back into the ring with the chair and he waits for Masters to stand up before taking a huge aim…..SMACK! Masters ducks and the chair clatters into the turnbuckle, allowing MM to roll his opponent up…………………1…………………………2……………..Reilly breaks up the count. Reilly quickly gets back up and he jumps towards Masters…


Masters pushes Reilly into the corner and then he chases in but Reilly leaps over the top of him and sends Masters crashing into the ring-post. Reilly grabs the steel chair off the mat and waits for Masters to turn around before jabbing it right in his gut….Masters collapses on the deck and Reilly covers……………….1……………………..2……………..shoulder up!

HA: The numbers advantage is starting to tell now….Masters needs some assistance…

Reilly grabs the legs of Masters and he catapults him upwards, straight into a hard European uppercut from Altair. Masters collapses back down across the knees of Reilly as Altair runs the ropes and returns with a huge legdrop…………………1…………………..2……………kickout!

HE: If Reilly and Altair can knock off Masters before the next member of The Uprising gets out here then you can forget about it…

Masters rolls onto his stomach, feeling the strain, and Altair begins to drive the steel chair down into his spine. Altair then drops down and tries to apply a camel clutch…

HA: Masters does not want to get caught out with a submission here, not when he has no assistance….

Masters fights against Altair’s grip and then he manages to turn out and kick his opponent away. Masters scrambles back up and Reilly quickly lifts him in the air for a spinebuster….


Masters kicks his legs and counters with a falling DDT on Reilly. He begins to get back up and he grabs the steel chair off the mat. Reilly stumbles up and Masters jabs the chair into his gut…

HA: Payback…


Masters throws the chair down but then turns around into a huge running knee to the face from Altair…………1………………….2…………………shoulder up. Altair quickly pushes Masters over on his stomach and applies a camel clutch. Reilly slowly crawls over and he grabs Masters’ ankle at the same time…

HA: They are tearing Masters apart here….he is in big trouble…

HE: One of these submissions is bad enough….no way can he withstand two…

*Claxon sounds and the crowd pops



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6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage) Empty Re: 6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage)

Post by JJJohnson Wed Sep 17, 2014 7:30 pm

The audience go wild as “Shoot the runner” booms from the speakers and then Scott Harris bounds out onto the stage. Harris unzips his hoody on the run and launches it into the crowd before sprinting inside the cage….

HE: Masters is going to tap….

Masters looks ready to give in when Harris kicks Reilly in the head and then tackles Altair off the submission. Altair gets back up and Harris launches him across the ring with a huge overhead suplex…Reilly storms forwards but, too, is thrown across the ring by a giant overhead suplex….

HA: Scott Harris has erupted into this match….you can see what it means to him….

Altair gets back up and he is drilled by a huge German suplex before Daniel Reilly suffers the same fate. The fans are going nuts as Harris then lands with a t-bone suplex on Altair before dragging Reilly back up and he scores with a dragon suplex…………………1……………………2…………..Reilly just kicks out!

HE: Harris better clear off….no way can he win this match, imagine the uproar…

HA: It would the ultimate middle finger to his father….can you imagine the look on Jones’ face if Harris leads The Uprising to victory tonight?

Reilly gets back up and Harris lifts him into an atomic drop before running him to the ropes and launching him over the top, smashing him into the side of the cell wall. Harris then turns his attention back to Alexander Altair…

HE: How long is left until the next entrant?

HA: Plenty of time yet….

Altair staggers back to his feet and Scott Harris grabs his arm before lifting him into the air, spinning him around and drilling him with an Olympic slam…


Harris then grabs Altair by his legs and he looks out at the sell-out crowd before applying a sharpshooter in the middle of the ring…

HE: Oh no…

HA: Scott Harris has Alexander Altair trapped….he has nowhere to go…

Altair flails and tries to claw his way to the ropes but he cannot budge himself close enough. Harris really sits back into the hold and Altair is forced to tap his hand to the mat.

HA: The Authority have lost their first man….Scott Harris has steamrollered through the competition…

Harris eventually releases the submission and stands up, a grin on his face. He then turns and goes face to face with Mike Masters…

HA: Leave the egos at the door tonight gents…

HE: Good luck with that…

Masters and Harris square up and there are words exchanged. Harris then shakes his head and turns away from Masters, turning focus to Daniel Reilly, who has pulled himself back onto the apron.

HA: Reilly is in there by himself now….2 on 1….

Harris grabs Reilly and he tries to suplex him back into the ring but Reilly clings on and then counters with a guillotine across the top, staggering Harris back. Masters quickly makes a beeline for Reilly but is met by a solid shoulder thrust through the middle rope. Masters staggers back into Harris and then Reilly launches himself over the top….

HE: Go on, Reilly….even with a man down he is still representing The Authority….

Reilly clatters into Harris and Masters, knocking them both down to the canvass. He then waits for Harris to get back up and jumps into him…



Harris locks his hands around Reilly’s waist and counters with a huge German suplex. The crowd erupt as Harris holds on and drags Reilly up again…

HA: Scott Harris is a suplexing machine….he is on fire tonight…

The claxon sounds and the crowd boos as Justice Porter comes bursting down the ramp. He leaps up onto the apron and then catapults himself into the ring with a huge lariat, knocking Harris down. Porter then charges into Masters with a huge shoulder tackle before dragging him back up and he slings him out of the ring. Harris stumbles back up and Porter decimates him with a “sky high” powerbomb….

HE: Now the tide has turned….now The Authority has control back…

HA: The powerhouse of Bad Intentions, the animal that is Justice Porter….

Porter rolls out under the bottom rope and he drives knees into Masters’ stomach before slamming him back into the steel cage. He repeatedly bashes the back of Masters’ skull into the steel and then he bench presses him into the air…

HA: That is scary strength….lookout, Mike….OH GOD!

Porter runs forwards and then he throws Masters through the air, sending him into the cell structure with a boom. Masters slumps down to the floor, unmoving, as Porter then turns his focus back to the ring….

HE: Get on Harris, make him pay for eliminating Altair…

Porter rolls back in and he knocks Harris down with a running clothesline before dragging him back up and drilling him with a belly to belly slam…………….1…………………2………….Harris kicks out. Porter gets back up and he beckons for Harris to stand…

HA: Porter doesn’t want to waste any time here…..JUSTICE IS SERVED!

Porter bursts forwards looking for a brogue kick but Harris catches his foot. Harris then swipes Porter’s standing leg…


Daniel Reilly clatters into Harris from behind, breaking up the submission. Reilly then stomps down on the back of Harris’ neck before backing away to the corner. His eyes bulge as he motions for Harris to stand up…

HE: He’s going to kick his head off….

HA: Reilly has some bad intentions…..

Reilly rushes forward and looks for a punt kick but Harris rolls out of the firing line just in time. Harris scrambles up and he dodges a running clothesline from Reilly…


The crowd roar as Harris drills both of his knees into Reilly’s face. He crawls towards the pin when Justice Porter drags him back and nails a huge backdrop driver, crushing Harris on the back of his neck. Porter then rolls from the ring and he lifts the apron up before dragging out a steel chair from underneath…

HE: Porter is ready to have some fun…

Mike Masters is just crawling back to his feet as Porter walks towards him….CRACK!.....The chair shatters off Masters’ head and leaves him in a slumped heap on the hard floor. Porter then climbs back into the ring and he waits for Harris to get up before running forwards and leaping into the air….


The crowd look concerned as Porter hammers the chair right into Harris’ face, leaving him in a heap on the floor. Porter then lets out a primal roar, dropping the chair at his feet, and he drags Harris back up…

HE: Time to level this numbers up I think…

Porter listens to the boos from the crowd and then he draws his finger across his throat. He hauls Harris up and flips him onto his shoulders….

HA: Things are not looking good for Scott Harris…

*Claxon sounds


The fans rise in unison as “Saturday Night” rips through the airwaves. Justice Porter drops Harris off his shoulders and turns to face the door of the structure as Enforcer walks out on the stage. Porter screams for Enforcer to come and fight…

HE: Teach this turncoat a lesson, Justice…

HA: Enforcer is a former EWF Champion, the former leader of The Authority….but tonight he is bidding to end the faction that he once led….

Enforcer rips off his vest and he stares down at the structure before marching to the ring. He walks straight through the door and dives under the bottom rope. Porter quickly moves in and begins to land kicks to the back but Enforcer gets up and responds with huge right hands…

HA: We have a fight right now….Enforcer and Justice Porter…

Enforcer rocks Porter back onto the ropes but then Porter fires back with an eye rake and a huge right hand. He pushes Big E into the ropes and whips him across the ring….

HA: Dodged that one…..AIRBORNE!

Enforcer ducks an attack from Porter on the comeback and he sprints off the opposite ropes before returning with a huge flying lariat. They get back up and Enforcer lashes chops into Porter’s chest before attempting another Irish whip…

HE: Justice Porter is just as strong as Enforcer….

Porter turns inside and he drags Enforcer towards him before lifting him up into a huge spinebuster. Porter shakes the ropes, laughing at the boos from the crowd, and then he orders Enforcer to get back up…

HA: Justice Porter is performing like a man possessed….could tonight be his coming out party?

HE: I told you Bad Intentions were the real deal…..SPEAR!

Porter sprints across the ring, looking for the spear, but Enforcer whips the steel chair up off the mat and smashes it into Porter’s face, leaving him sprawled. Enforcer then stands up and begins hammering the chair down into Porter’s back….

HA: Enforcer doesn’t care about The Uprising or The Authority….but he hates Jones and he wants him gone from this business….that is what is driving him tonight….

Enforcer throws the chair out of the ring and then he walks to the corner. He kneels down and waits for Porter to start standing before he comes rushing towards the centre…



Daniel Reilly dives across the firing line and he catches Enforcer with the flying cutter, dumping him on his face….Reilly pushes Enforcer over and hooks both legs…

HA: I don’t believe it…



Mike Masters hurtles from the top rope and he breaks up the cover by slamming down on top of Reilly and Enforcer. Reilly rolls away, holding his spine, and he grabs at the steel chair on the canvass before standing up…

HE: Get them, Daniel…


Masters springboards off the ropes and he kicks the chair right into Reilly’s face. Reilly sways around and Masters kicks him in the stomach….

HE: Please stop…


Masters drills Reilly in the middle of the ring and the crowd count along with the referee…

HA: This is beginning to look very bad indeed for The Authority…..they are two men down….

HE: It’s not over until it is over…

HA: The Uprising are in total control….Justice Porter is in a 3 on 1 situation right now…


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6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage) Empty Re: 6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage)

Post by JJJohnson Wed Sep 17, 2014 7:31 pm

There are “ole ole” chants ringing around the Superdome as Daniel Reilly is helped from the ring by the outside referees. The door closes on the structure once again and the camera focuses on Justice Porter, who is getting back up to his feet….

HA: Porter is a beast of a man but he is still only human….he is in big trouble…

Porter finds himself surrounded by Masters, Harris and Enforcer. He looks a little concerned but then throws caution to the wind and tries to attack. Enforcer blocks the punch and head-butts Porter in the face before Masters and Harris take turns in landing big right hands…

HE: This isn’t fair…

HA: This is how the match has fallen….The Authority are two men down, fair doesn’t enter into it…

Masters lashes chops into the chest of Porter and then he and Harris whip him across the ring. Porter comes back and he is sent flying by a huge double backdrop and then Enforcer drags him up and scores with a jackhammer….

HA: Porter barely surviving…this is not looking good at all for Mr Jones’ team…

Harris and Masters argue about who is going to take the next attack on Porter, a shoving match breaking out between them. Enforcer gets in the middle and pushes them both away, urging them to use their heads…

HA: Now is not the goddamn time….you are so close to victory…

HE: Even now, when they are on top, they can’t work together…

The claxon sounds and Confidence Carter comes sprinting down the ramp. Carter quickly enters the cell and he ducks under the ring apron before climbing into the ring with a light-tube….

HA: Carter needs to pull off something miraculous for his team here…

Enforcer, Harris and Masters all turn to Carter and trap him in the corner. Masters makes a quick break but Carter swings the light-tube and smashes it across the side of Masters’ head….

HE: Look at the blood…

Blood streams from the side of Masters’ head, staining his hair, but the melee allows Harris to move in and attack Carter. He lands with brutal right hands and then whips him from the corner, straight into the clutches of Enforcer….


Enforcer throws Carter across the ring with the slam and then he makes a break towards him when Justice Porter lands with a brogue kick to the side of Enforcer’s head, sending him flying through the ropes to the outside. Harris clatters into Porter and drills him with right hands before looking for an Irish whip…

HE: It’s not happening…

Porter reverses the whip and sends Harris across the ring before using his momentum on the comeback to throw him over the top rope. Mike Masters staggers back up, his face bloodied, and he grabs Porter from behind…



Masters turns Porter around for the “killswitch” but his head is almost taken off by a corkscrew roundhouse kick from Confidence Carter…

HE: That’s more like it…

HA: That is a shock….Mike Masters has been eliminated….

HE: Confidence Carter has turned the tide…

Carter kneels over Masters with a smirk and then he checks on Justice Porter. Bad Intentions then touch knuckles and roll out on opposite sides of the ring…

HA: For the time being it is back to two on two….

HE: And Bad Intentions are fresh…plus they are a team so The Uprising better watch out…

Porter rags Enforcer up and he runs him back into the cell wall before grating his face against the mesh. Enforcer yells out in agony drags him around the cage and then dumps him on the floor, blood leaking from the top of Enforcer’s head…

HA: This is all about total control of 6CW….

Carter drags Harris back up and he throws him under the bottom rope. Carter then pulls himself up onto the apron and he climbs the turnbuckle before launching himself off…


Carter looks for a 450 foot stomp but Harris moves aside at the final second. Carter lands on his feet but he stumbles off balance and Harris is able to grab hold of him…


Harris looks for the Olympic slam when Mike Masters leaps up behind him and drills him with a zigzag neckbreaker. The crowd are booing to the rafters as Masters pushes his bloodied hair from his face and looks down at Harris…

HE: I told you….I told you…


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6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage) Empty Re: 6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage)

Post by JJJohnson Wed Sep 17, 2014 7:32 pm

HA; Mike Masters has already been eliminated from this match….what is the meaning of this?

HE: Ego….Magnusson and Andrews have made the biggest mistake ever….and now The Uprising are folding….

Porter rolls back into the ring as Masters retreats under the bottom rope and staggers out of the cage. There are chants of “You sold out” and “A55hole” as Masters makes his way up the ramp…

HA: Mike Masters may have just handed control of this company to The Authority just to satisfy his own ego….these fans may never forgive him…

The claxon sounds and GazzyD appears on the stage, fire in his eyes. He looks Masters up and down before shaking his head in disgust and barging past him. In the ring, Justice Porter whips Harris off the ropes….


Bad Intentions put Harris down with the 3-D in the middle of the ring. Gazzy makes a sprint for the ring as the referee starts to count…
…………Gazzy slides in and dives over………………3!

HA: Dammit….

HE: Yes…

HA: Scott Harris is eliminated and now this match is evened up again…

HE: Bad Intentions, with a little assistance from Mike Masters, have turned this back in the favour of The Authority….

HA: 6CW needs a big effort from GazzyD now…

Gazzy quickly lays into Carter with kicks and punches before dropkicking him back into the corner. He does the same to Justice Porter and then he sprints across and lands a shining wizard on Carter. Gazzy runs Carter out to the centre and bulldogs him before running into the opposite corner and landing a shining wizard on Porter….he then runs Porter out and bulldogs him too…

HE: It is starting to get really nervous now….everyone knows what is at stake…

Gazzy stands up, the entire crowd roaring his name, and he grabs a steel chair off the mat before setting it up in the middle of the ring. He places Confidence Carter’s head on the seat and then he runs to the ropes, jumping into a springboard, before floating back…


Gazzy legdrops Carter’s face into the steel, leaving him slumped on the canvass. Justice Porter gets up and he tries to take Gazzy out with a brogue kick but Gazzy ducks under and he lands a superkick, which takes Porter up and over the top rope. Gazzy then jumps from the ring and he searches underneath the apron…

HE: What is he doing?

HA: GazzyD wants to guarantee victory for his beloved 6CW…

The crowd are going wild as Gazzy slides a table into the ring and then a ladder. He climbs back in and he sets the table up before dragging Confidence Carter to his feet, dumping him on top. Gazzy lands with a series of right hands before he begins to erect the ladder…

HE: This is bad…

HA: GazzyD is the “human highlight reel”……here we go…

The flashbulbs are going off as GazzyD begins to ascend the ladder. He gets to the top and is able to touch the roof of the cell. He looks down at Carter and says a little prayer before launching himself…


Crowd: Holy (beep) x10


Gazzy spins off the top of the ladder into an incredible corkscrew before landing down on Confidence Carter, crushing him through the table. Gazzy is hurting but he slowly manages to crawl across and put an arm on Carter’s chest….

HA: The Authority’s equality lasted less than three minutes….

……..Justice Porter tries to slide back in but Enforcer drags him back and smashes his head into the side of the steel cell……………………….3!

HE: Noooo….

HA: Confidence Carter is eliminated…..all The Authority’s hopes are now on Porter and the 6CW Champion…

HE: We still have Max….that is all that matters…

Enforcer is driving Justice Porter’s head into all four sides of the cell as the cameras now turn back to the stage. A number “10” has appeared on the big screen and it starts to count down…

HA: I guess it is time for the final member of The Authority to join the party…

HE: This is where the whole match gets turned upside down…

The counter reaches “0” and the claxon sounds. The entire arena descends into deafening boos as “Radioactive” booms from the speakers….

HA: Usually when a fighter returns to his home country he is greeted like a hero….but not Max Adamson, he has done everything in his power to make sure he remains the villain of the piece…

HE: Because he doesn’t need hangers-on, he doesn’t need anyone riding his coattails…Max Adamson is the 6CW Champion, the leader of The Authority…..and soon to be the man that crushes the Uprising with his bare hands….

Max Adamson appears on the stage and he listens to the reception from the crowd, cupping his hand to his ear to aggravate them even more. He then begins his walk down to the ring, unstrapping the 6CW Championship as he does…

HA: There is a lot of pressure on Max Adamson now….he needs to swing this match back in the favour of The Authority…

HE: He thrives off the pressure…

Enforcer is busy hammering down punches into Porter’s head, opening up a deep cut, but then he spots Max walking down the aisle. Enforcer makes a dash for the entrance but Max grabs the door of the cell and slams it shut on Enforcer’s head….

HE: Now these fools are going to pay…

Max climbs into the cell and he looks down at Enforcer with disgust before rolling into the ring. He kicks the wreckage of the table away and throws the ladder over the top rope before he beckons GazzyD to stand up…

HE: Gazzy has been a thorn in Max’s side for too long…

HA: Max has made Gazzy’s life a misery for almost two years….

Max runs forward and he slams the 6CW belt into the forehead of Gazzy, knocking him back down. Max then drops into the cover…

HA: Gazzy kicked out….he’s not going down without a fight…

Max nails Gazzy with crunching right hands and then drags him back up. He throws Gazzy into the corner and unloads with shoulder thrusts before running a lap of the ring and returning with a monkey flip, sending Gazzy flying back to the centre. Max then sprints forwards….


Adamson ploughs Gazzy’s head into the canvass and he covers him again……………….1………………………2…………………Gazzy gets his shoulder up. Max stands up, taunting the crowd, and he slaps Gazzy around the head before dragging him up again and he lifts him onto his shoulders….

HE: Goodnight Gazzy….CYCLONE!

Max looks for the F-5 but Gazzy counters into a tornado DDT. Both men are flat on the canvass as the audience strikes up “Let’s go Gazzy” chant. Gazzy begins to crawl his way to the ropes as Max gets back up…

HE: Max is still fresher though….GORE!

Adamson darts forwards and dives for the spear but Gazzy sidesteps and sends Max into the ropes, where he collides with Justice Porter. Porter is sent flying from the apron and into the door of the cell, smashing it off its hinges…

Crowd: Holy (beep) x10

HA: Justice Porter just broken in half….by his own teammate….

HE: Oh no…

Max holds his head in his hands and Gazzy sneaks behind him and rolls him up…

HA: He got him…

HE: No….Max kicked out….YES!

The referee is signalling that Adamson did get his shoulder off the mat in time, breaking the count. Max gets back up and Gazzy floors him with a roundhouse kick to the temple before making his way to the corner….


Max spins up onto his feet and he catches Gazzy on his shoulders before he can perform the aerial attack. The crowd as Adamson walks Gazzy to the centre of the ring….


Adamson drills Gazzy with the F-5 and he makes the pin…
…………………Enforcer dives across and breaks it up!

HE: Nooo….you are ruining the script, you turncoat…

Enforcer drags Max up and he begins to unload with huge right hands. He then whips Max across the ring and lowers his head for a backdrop as Adamson comes back…

HE: The 6CW Champ had that scouted all the way…

Max leapfrogs over Enforcer’s head and sprints off the opposite ropes, flying back with a crossbody attempt but Enforcer catches Adamson in his arms…


The crowd cheer as Enforcer throws Max across the ring with the giant slam. Enforcer then kneels down in the corner and motions for Max to stand up….

HE: Don’t get up, Max….don’t do it….

HA: Adamson has no idea what is coming…..


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Age : 33

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6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage) Empty Re: 6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage)

Post by JJJohnson Wed Sep 17, 2014 7:33 pm

The crowd’s boos are huge as Mr Hernandez comes running into the cage, sliding into the ring, and he dives on Enforcer’s back. Big E struggles for a second and then he stops still, Hernandez’s punches having no effect on him…

HA: Please tell me this is some kind of joke…

HE: The Authority are sticking together….

HA: This idiot has no business out here…

Enforcer reaches behind and he grabs Hernandez by the head before slamming him down onto the canvass. Big E’s face is full of fury as he drags Hernandez back up and decks him with a huge right hand….

HA: Just as he deserves…


HA: Dammit….

Enforcer turns back around and he is almost ripped in two by a huge spear from Max…

HE: Yes…

HA: This is a joke…Enforcer has been screwed here…

The referee’s hand comes down for three as the claxon sounds for the final time. The crowd cheer as “Unbreakable” hits the PA system and Nate Nack strides out onto the stage…

HA: Our final competitor….the longest reigning 6CW Champion of all time…Nate Nack is coming to get himself some of The Authority….

Justice Porter is back up on the outside of the cell and he waits in the aisleway as Nate Nack comes down towards him. They meet head-on and begin to trade with huge punches. Nate’s blows have the more telling effect and he rocks Porter back before grabbing him by the head and launching him into the side of the cell…

HE: This is it….the final four….Max Adamson and Justice Porter….GazzyD and Nate Nack…

HA: One of these men is going to secure victory for their team….this is the final effort, one last big push…

Nate tries to hammer Porter into the side of the cell again but Porter gets his hands up and blocks the impact. He knees Nate in the stomach and then slams his head into the steel, knocking him down onto the ground. Porter then begins to climb the structure…

HA: Cmon now….this isn’t necessary….

HE: They are going up?

Nack looks up at Porter and then he throws caution top the wind and gives chase. The audience is going wild as Nate and Porter both make it to the roof of the cell. Porter beckons Nate forward and he lands with hard right hands before trying to lift him onto his shoulders….

HA: This is so dangerous….someone’s career could end in a heartbeat…

Inside the cell, Hernandez is trying to help Max up to his feet when Enforcer slides back into the ring, a sledgehammer in his hand.

HE: He’s been eliminated….get him out of there….

HA: Enforcer has unfinished business with Hernandez….AND MAX!

Enforcer drives the hammer straight into Hernandez’ head, knocking him the ring and clean unconscious. Max then gets up and Enforcer slams the hammer right into his stomach….

HE: He’s not allowed to be out here…

HA: Enforcer may have been eliminated but he has left a lasting impression on this bout….

Max sags down to his knees and Enforcer looks down at him before throwing the hammer from the ring. Big E raises an arm in the air, drawing cheers from the crowd, and then he climbs from the ring and exits the cell…

HA: We have carnage all around us….we’ve got Porter and Nate fighting on top of the cell…

HE: I wish they would come down…

Porter tries to pick Nate up but Nate lands with hard right hands to the gut and then he scoop slams Porter on the roof, the steel grates sagging under the weight. Nate drags Porter up and he slams him again,…..and then for a third time…

HA: That roof is not designed for that kind of weight to repeatedly slam down on it…

Nate then begins to lower the straps on his singlet, drawing another huge reaction from the crowd. He pulls Justice Porter back up and he flips him up onto his shoulders….


Nate looks for the over-the-shoulder cutter but Porter manages to scramble off the back. Porter then spins Nate around and kicks him in the stomach before planting him with a DDT on the steel mesh floor. The grates sag again…

HE: I really don’t like this…

Porter then gives a signal to the crowd, who boo, and then he pulls Nate back up. He summons all his strength to lift Nate onto his shoulders….

HA: He’s going to tombstone him on the roof….

Nate kicks his legs and he falls behind Porter before locking him in a full nelson. Porter struggles but then Nate lifts him off the ground and nails a sit-down full nelson slam. The roof panel snaps upon impact and both men collapse through, landing with a sickening thud in the centre of the ring….

Crowd: Holy (beep) x10


HA: They are both still breathing but barely….what madness are we watching here….

HE: Is this what control of the company means to these men…

HA: Daniel Magnusson and Mr Jones are responsible for this carnage….because of this war we may have seen the ends of careers here tonight….

Nate Nack and Justice Porter are both completely unmoving in the middle of the ring. The fans are on their feet, disbelieving in what they are witnessing, as Gazzy staggers back up onto his feet…

HA: This is your chance Gazzy….end this thing….we need medics out here for Porter and Nack….

Porter is trying to move, trying to push himself up, but he is having great difficulty in achieving his goal. GazzyD quickly drags Porter forward and he hooks his arms…

HA: DEEP IMPACT….just to make sure you have to believe….

Gazzy pushes the unconscious Porter over on his back and covers………………….1…………………….2…………………..3!

HE: Get him to the hospital…

HA: Porter is gone….it’s two on one….

Gazzy begins to crawl over to check on Nate Nack when Max Adamson runs over and kicks him in the side of the head. He grabs Gazzy and throws him to the outside before he drags Nate up….



HA: My god….this place looks like the scene of a heinous war crime…

HE: That is exactly what we are witnessing…..and now we are down to two men…..Max Adamson of The Authority…..GazzyD of The Uprising…

HA: It all comes down to this….the next man to score a pinfall or submission will win this contest for his team, handing total control of this company to their leader…

HE: I can’t believe after everything we have witnessed over the last year and a half, this is it…

HA: The end of the line…


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Age : 33

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6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage) Empty Re: 6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage)

Post by JJJohnson Wed Sep 17, 2014 7:35 pm

A huge “6C-Dub” chant rings out as GazzyD staggers back to his feet on the outside of the ring. He pulls himself up onto the apron and climbs through the ropes as Max Adamson stumbles back to a standing position. Both men glare at one another….

HA: The hatred between these two men is unrivalled, everything that Max has put Gazzy through…

HE: Gazzy will always be in the shadow of Max Adamson….always…

Both men let out a roar and then they tackle each other in the middle of the ring, swinging like madmen. Max begins to stun Gazzy back onto his heels and then he whips him across the ring…


Gazzy flies back and takes Max down with the elbow assault. They get back up and Max looks for a kick but Gazzy catches his foot and then nails a step-over heel kick. The crowd are applauding as Gazzy then makes his way to the corner….

HA: One big move will finish this…surely…STARSHIP PAIN!

Gazzy springs off the top rope and looks for the attack but Max drives his knees up into Gazzy’s gut. Gazzy rolls away, winded, as Adamson clambers back up to his feet…

HE: And there it is….GORE….GORE….GORE!

The crowd groan as Max runs right through Gazzy, snapping his head into the canvass upon impact. Max has a triumphant smile as he hooks both legs…



*Crowd pop

HE: But how…

Max turns to the referee and stares a hole right through the official. There is an exchange of words but the official assures Max it was only a two count. Max looks thunderous as he gets back up and he pulls Gazzy with him…

HE: The referee’s may try and make a fool out of Max Adamson but nobody can stop the inevitable….The Authority are about to reign supreme…..CYCLONE!

Max lifts Gazzy up for the F-5, holding him there for a dramatic effect, and then he spins him up but Gazzy somehow jumps out the back and grabs his foe…


Gazzy drills Max with the “skull crushing finale” and he turns him over…


HA: What a night….what a main event….

This time it is Gazzy who turns to the referee is disbelief. He wipes the sweat from his brow, his chest heaving in and out…

HA: These men are so close, so close to ending this war that has plagued 6CW for over a year….

Gazzy stumbles back to his feet, falling into the ropes, and then he begins to clap his hands. The crowd follow suit and soon the entire Super-dome is making noise…

HA: Gazzy is setting it up….it’s time….DEEP IMPACT!

Max is slow, groggy, and confused as he staggers back to his feet. Gazzy kicks him in the stomach and hooks his arms for the finisher…


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Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage) Empty Re: 6CW Presents BEACHFRONT BRAWL (Live coverage)

Post by JJJohnson Wed Sep 17, 2014 7:37 pm

*Crowd boo


HE: Protecting his investment…

The biggest boos of the tonight can be heard as Mr Jones has run down to the ring. He crawls inside and then delivers a vicious low-blow to GazzyD, dropping him on all fours. Jones stands up and he yells at the crowd…

Jones: This is MY company….my show….I AM GOD AROUND HERE!

HE: You tell them, boss….

HA: Jones is an evil piece of trash….

Jones then climbs from the ring and he locates the sledgehammer from earlier. The crowd are booing furiously as Jones climbs back in. He begins to beckon GazzyD to get up…

HA: What the hell is this? He isn’t part of this match….

HE: He runs this place….he can do what he likes….

*Crowd pop


The arena is in threat of exploding as Daniel Magnusson enters the fray. He spins Jones around and nails him with a huge right hand, knocking him on the seat of his pants. Jones begins to crawl away, fear on his face, as Magnusson follows him…

HE: You stay away from him….

HA:Magnusson did the right thing….Jones has no business being out here…

HE: This is his business…

Magnusson continues to trash talk Jones but then he is spun around and lifted onto the shoulders of Max Adamson. Adamson snarls as he launches Magnusson into an F-5…





HE: Please kick out…


The cameras pan around the Superdome to show the gleeful and anticipated faces of the 6CW faithful. We shoot back to the ring as the referee’s hand comes down again…

HE: Nooo…..


Ding ding ding

HE: Noooo….please it be a dream….

HA: The only people in dreamland tonight are Daniel Magnusson, GazzyD and the rest of The Uprising….They did it….my god what an effort…’s over….The Uprising have won….The Authority are no more….

The noise is at breaking point in the arena as “Limelight” shatters through the speakers. The instant replays continuously show the moment when Gazzy nails Max with “deep impact” in the middle of the ring for the three count. Back live and Gazzy is up on his feet, a huge grin on his face as the “War Games” structure begins to lift into the rafters…

HA: It’s been eighteen long, arduous, months….so many casualties, so much blood, sweat and tears have been spilt….back and forth….6CW on the verge of collapse….but tonight, against the odds, The Uprising have prevailed…GazzyD, after the worst year of his life, has prevailed….he has led 6CW to victory….

HE: I’m going home…

HA: Then go, you won’t be missed….tonight is a celebration and it will never, ever, be forgotten….the landscape has altered but freedom is restored to 6CW….Jones and The Authority are finished….they fought a good fight but here this evening they lost….they gambled, laid it all on the line, and when it was over….they have nothing….

A massive “GazzyD” chant is ringing around the Superdome as Gazzy pulls himself up on the turnbuckle to celebrate. Daniel Magnusson is on his knees in the centre of the ring, a huge grin on his face, and he is also applauding the man in front of him…

HA: Magnusson and Andrews took a risk in coming back here….a risk by challenging Jones to this match….but they believed in those who were willing to fight….and even after Mike Masters tried to throw it all away, we still came through….we still won….

Mr Jones is sat on the outside of the ring, in a state of shock, as a rendition of “Na na na na….Na Na Na Na….Hey Hey Hey….Goodbye” rings around the Superdome. Max Adamson skulks into the aisleway, the 6CW belt tucked into his chest, and he doesn’t even glance in Jones’ direction as he flees the scene.

HA: What a night this has been, for my money the greatest night in 6CW history….the greatest PPV event of all time…and it has ended on the highest note possible…..this celebration will lead well into the night and they deserve it….incredible…

Pyros begin to explode and confetti falls from the rafters as Gazzy climbs down from the apron. He helps Daniel Magnusson to his feet and they shake hands before hugging in the middle of the ring. The show ends with Magnusson raising Gazzy’s arm in the air…

HA: Thank you for joining us folks…I hope you have enjoyed it as much we have….we’ll see you in two weeks for what promises to be a show to remember….all the fallout from tonight and so much more…..what is the future of 6CW?


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Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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