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Post by Dolphin Ziggler Sun 02 Sep 2018, 6:15 am

*The image of the Tokyo Dome comes onto the screen, and a voiceover speaks

VO: At Genesis, 6CW was reborn in the land of the rising sun.

*Clips of Grace, The TA, Marty Helms lifting their titles from Genesis

VO:...and returned to England for more Anarchy

*Further clips of Uryu facing off with Max, McManus beating Faith and last wee’s conchairto attack

VO: But it’s time to turn things upside down

*An upside down shot of the arid lands of Australia comes on the screen, a kangaroo hopping across the shot. The voiceover man coughs and Feel It Still by Portugal. The Man begins to play. With a sudden flick, the image turns to night time Sydney, the Sydney Opera House and the Harbour Bridge in the background, both lit up.

VO: Tonight, 6CW goes down under and invades new territory. Eighty thousand rabid 6CW fans will witness a super show like no other, with every 6CW championship on the line.

HA: This is 6CW!

*The image zooms upwards and away from the harbour and flies in a blur to Stadium Australia. Eventually zooming in to see Paul Hogan standing outside the arena

PH: THIS is a wrestling show…

*From here we go live into the arena and pan the crowd

HA: Welcome to 6CW Beachfront Brawl, all the way from Australia

HE: They’re calling it winter here in Sydney, brother, and it’s been a cool 20 degrees all day - we best check the car windows for frost!

*Panning across the arena, we see many signs and a wild crowd. The shot pauses on a handsome and bearded 29-year-old man in a West Ham shirt, before we spot some standout signs:

“A dingo stole my baby!”
“I paid 100 dollarydoos for this ticket”
“Congratulations Steve and Chloe!”
“Respect! Respect! Respect!”

HA: Tonight we see the defence of every 6CW title, including what could be the end for Perfect Jack’s and Clarke James’s double title alliance

HE: Marty Helms puts his TV title on the line

HA: And Max Adamson returns to Australia with his boys Jacko Jackson and Frank Horrigan, defending their tag team titles against Uryu Ishida and Lion.

HE: But we begin the night with the grandest of them all, the championship that has reached unprecedented heights of prestige.

Dolphin Ziggler

Posts : 24115
Join date : 2012-03-01
Age : 35
Location : Making the Kessel Run

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Post by Dolphin Ziggler Sun 02 Sep 2018, 6:17 am

Match 1
6CW World Heavyweight Championship
Anthony Grace (c) vs Cerberus vs O’Callaghan

HA: Ladies and gentlemen we are live inside Stadium Australia.....75,000 are on their feet and I can barely hear myself think, Henry...

HE: Has to be one of the biggest crowds in 6CW history, our support base around the world once again blowing us all away and what a show this is going to be....

HA: It is the eighth Beachfront Brawl extravaganza and we are kicking it off with something very special, something we have never done before in 6CW history...

Ding ding

*The crowd erupt as Michael Bird steps into the ring, a huge grin on his face, and the big fight feel starts to emanate around the arena.

Michael Bird: Ladies and gentlemen.....a 6CW first........the following contest is scheduled for one fall.....A TRIPLE THREAT MATCH FOR THE 6CW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP!

HE: I can't believe the world championship is going to open the show......this has never happened before...

HA: Not in ten years of this company operating but tonight we break the mould.....the top three superstars in 6CW right now are about to vie for the richest prize in the industry.....buckle up folks because it does not get any bigger than this....

Strobe lights flit around the arena and then a darkness takes over, drawing whistles and cheers from the crowd. A golden light begins to glow through the entranceway before "Run this town" starts booming through the sound system...

MB: Introducing the challengers......first, representing the Republic of Ireland.....weighing in at 196 pounds.................."The Chosen Son".........O'CAAAAALLLLLLAAAAAAGGGGHHHHAAAAANNNNNN!

HA: Just a couple of months ago O'Callaghan had a cup of coffee with the 6CW Championship.....he was seconds away from realising that dream when he cashed in his Fight for the Right briefcase.....but just before the referee could make it a reality, Cerberus intervened and cost O'Callaghan the world title...

HE: O'Callaghan got screwed but he was also taking advantage of a very wounded champion, that won't be the case tonight and he's going to need his absolute best to pull this one off...

HA: He has the tools in the shed, at one point in seemed only a matter of time until we saw this man holding the world championship.....certainly the fastest rising star I have seen in 6CW's long history but he's stuttered and stalled somewhat as he approaches the finish line and he needs to get that old swagger back....the best technical wrestler on our roster, can he get the job done tonight?

O'Callaghan makes no acknowledgment of the fans as he makes his way down to the ring and climbs up inside. He removes his shirt, revealing the trademark golden trunks underneath, and then he ascends the turnbuckle to pose in front of the cameras....

HE: He looks in the zone.....but will that translate into his performance here tonight....

O'Callaghan is just climbing down off the ropes when flames burst from the stage and the crowd roar in approval as "Haunted" by Disturbed screams into life....

MB: Hailing from deadman's corner........weighing in at 275 pounds............the former 6CW World Champion..............Ceeeeeerrrrrrrrbbbbbbbbeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrruuuuuuuuusssssssssss!

HA: Has their ever been a more dominant, terrifying and destructive force in 6CW history?

HE: We've seen some monsters over the years but I think this guy is number one....he shouldn't even be allowed to compete after what he did to Anthony Grace in Japan....

HA: Cerberus brutalised Grace that night, he brutalises everyone that steps in his many this man is the uncrowned king of 6CW, he never lost his world title inside that ring and until someone can defeat him that belief is going to linger....

The giant form of Cerberus comes into focus on the stage and he just glares around the stadium as the fans in attendance chant his name. Cerberus stalks down the ramp and then climbs over the top rope, the referee becoming a barrier between the two challengers...

HA: Just two weeks ago it was O'Callaghan and Anthony Grace pairing up to take out Cerberus with a brutal steel chair attack......I believe that co-existence is the only way they can beat Cerberus here tonight....

HE: Team up, get rid of the big dummy and then duke it out to see who is number one.....perfect...

HA: You make it sound so much easier than it actually will be.....and I'd also like to see you call Cerberus a dummy to his face....

O'Callaghan doesn't break eye contact with Cerberus but his usual trash talk is muted. Cerberus has a trace of a smile on his face as he stares over at his rival before "Power" echoes out to a crescendo of boos....

HE: I really hoped the people of Australia would show more class and respect for our illustrious world champion....but I guess they're just as disgustingly deprived as back home.....

MB: And their opponent.........hailing from Hollywood, California.............weighing in at 245 pounds...........he is the reigning and defending 6CW World Heavyweight Champion........Annnnttthhhhhhhoooooonnnnnyyyyy Grrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaccccccceeeeeeeeeeee!

HA: Will you sit down....

The cameras pan around to show Henry Lloyd on his feet and applauding as Anthony Grace enters the arena under a great fanfare. He is sat in a huge golden throne that is carried out by an entourage dressed as golden clad warriors. The fans are booing and voicing their disdain as Grace waves at them...

HA: What is this monstrosity?

HE: The greatest entrance ever for the greatest 6CW Champion of all time....

HA: You can't surely believe that? After all the greats that have walked our hallowed halls...

HE: I do believe it because it is true....nobody has transcended this sport like Anthony Grace....he conquered Hollywood and then he conquered 6CW, his achievements are limitless...

HA: He's still yet to convince me he's anything but a luck merchant.....

HE: He defended his world title twice in one night just a couple of months ago..... No other world champion can boast such achievements, he already beat both those men in the ring....

HA: He was battered and violated by Cerberus inside that cage, he won on an absolute fluke......and he was unconscious when Cerberus stopped O'Callaghan from taking Grace's not rewrite history to suit your inane narrative....

Grace' throne is place at ringside and he steps off it to allow his entourage to remove his elaborate robe, laced in diamonds. Grace unclaps the 6CW Championship from around his waist as he enters the ring and then he holds it up in front of his opposition....

HA: Could be the last ever time Anthony Grace holds that strap...

HE: Wishful thinking on your part....

HA: You said it....

Grace and O'Callaghan lock eyes and then Grace nods at his rival and receives a nod back in response. The crowd boo as both men turn their attention toward Cerberus....

HE: Yes! They're gonna team up....

HA: Smart thinking, I'll give them that.....I'm sure Cerberus was expecting it, especially after what happened two weeks ago....

Cerberus stands his ground and begins to laugh at his rivals. Grace and O'Callaghan look a little unnerved by Cerberus' reaction, the monster holding out his arms and beckoning them to come and fight....

HE: He's unhinged...

HA: He's a fighter, he doesn't care about odds or the numbers game....Cerberus came here to maim and destroy, his gameplan has not changed.........ladies and gentlemen this is one fall to a finish, 6CW Word Championship on the line.....what a way to kick off this pay per view…

With the match underway, the three men stand in a corner each, the referee in the fourth, and wait for the first move. After about only 10 seconds of posturing, Cerberus’s patience breaks and he steps forward. His first step is matched by Grace, except his is followed by 10 or so more steps, and they’re scampering in the opposite direction to Cerberus. Grace gets out of the ring and down to the outside before the first 20 seconds of the match have gone by

HA: The man is a coward

HE: He’s smart, brother. This is a pay-per-view, he knows he needs to be on the screens to keep people invested. Sure, they’ve paid to see Grace, but if he wins this in 5 mins, 6CW is going to lose a lot of its audience. And repeat buys are important

HA: Repeat buys? You’re disgusting, you sycophant.

O’Callaghan shakes his head at Grace, but rather than copying, he steps towards Cerberus. Cerberus watches as O’Callaghan begins to open his mouth, and then hammers him with a big right hand. O’Callaghan is rocked, but not downed or deterred

HA: Now that is a statement. That would defeat some men.

HE: This is the O’Callaghan that scared people since his arrival

HA: Not the puppy dog he has been lately, you mean? I like this O’Callaghan. He isn’t nice, but he’s a competitor, a fighter.

O’Callaghan and Cerberus start to share blows and really fire at each other, and after a few rounds, they both back off a bit dazed. The crowd are loving it.

HA: We got a fight!

Grace just watches as the pair come together again. But this time, O’Callaghan decides to duck the right hand and fires two quick kicks inside the right knee of Cerberus, a punch to the gut and a European uppercut to rock Cerberus back. With the big man on the backfoot, O’Callaghan steps back to the ropes and jumps up and forward to hit him with an elbow to the head. Cerberus stumbles backwards again, but isn’t downed.

HA: You don’t knock the former champ over without real effort, not this early.

He goes off the ropes again, but now drops a low dropkick to the same knee that he had kicked before. Cerberus swings the leg back, feeling the pain, but just hops on his good leg before stamping down on the mat to fix the hurt one.

HE: Hasn’t that got to only hurt him more?

HA: He’d rather use it than not feel it.

Cerberus again stands, but he now doesn’t see O’Callaghan who has slipped behind him. He propels himself forward to drive his shoulder into the back of the targeted leg. This drops Cerberus, but only to a knee.

HE: The champ is here!

Grace rushes in and locks in a sleeper hold on the lowered Cerberus. O’Callaghan looks slightly bemused, but knows he’s got an opening on Cerberus. He fires in a superkick which jacks Cerberus’s jaw so hard that Grace is nearly thrown off as his head snaps back. O’Callaghan lands two punches before sliding out of the ring

HA: He’s not going for a break now too, is he?

HE: Oh no no no, he’s gone for some furniture!

O’Callaghan slides in two chairs. He holds a hand up for Grace, telling him to wait, then lines up a big shot to Cerberus’s chest

HA: Uh oh

HE: It was the delay…

Cerberus catches the shot, then manages to sling Grace over his shoulders and into O’Callaghan. He stands slowly, chair in two hands. He throws it out of the ring, then kicks the other one away so hard that it flies out and hits the commentary desk.

HE: Ahh!

HA: Oh get a grip! It looks like Cerberus wants this done properly.

Cerberus shakes his head, then smashes a fist into Grace’s. Just as he got to his feet, he is flattened, and the champ stays down. O’Callaghan looks less confident.

HA: He’s angered him

Cerberus lifts O’Callaghan up and whips him into the corner of the ring. Grace tries to attack him from behind but Cerberus overpowers him with ease and whips him into O’Callaghan and then runs at the corner.

Grace dives out of the way and O’Callaghan bears the impact of Cerberus who turns around and drops Grace with a big boot to the face.

HA: Once he’s on a roll…

HE: Brawn will soon find the brain malfunctioning again

Cerberus grabs Grace and chucks him at the opposite turnbuckle, slamming his shoulder straight into metal. He powers over to him and lifts him up with ease before sending him flying across the ring with a fall away slam. O’Callaghan has slowly pulled himself up onto the apron on the outside of the ring and quickly regrets it as Cerberus grabs him by the head and drags him inside the ring. O’Callaghan is unwittingly backed into the corner as Cerberus closes in. He aims a kick at Cerberus who easily catches his leg and drags him into the centre of the ring. He wraps his hand around his throat and lifts him off the canvas into a chokeslam before drilling him down in the middle of the ring

HA: The Irishman and the Hollywood star have got to hope this is not the script for this match

HE: Scripting like this should be banned, and I love good scripting.

The monster turns his attention back to Grace. Cerberus rolls him onto his front, he then stomps down on the world champion continually. Following this, Cerberus then runs the ropes and leaps into the air, splashing down across the back of Grace. He allows the world champion up to his feet, dragging him up and then slinging him over his shoulder.

HA: Gotta be bad intentions here

HE: This shouldn’t be allowed, he’s Hollywood royalty!

Cerberus runs to the corner and drops Grace face-first into the turnbuckles with a snake eyes. Grace stumbles around, Cerberus again scoops him onto his shoulders and then walks to the middle of the ring connecting with a Death Valley Driver. Cerberus goes for the pin.

Ref: 1......................2.......Kick out!

Cerberus gets to his feet, he picks Grace up by the waist with a gutwrench like hold, he then flips Graceup into the air ready for a Crucifix Powerbomb, but O’Callaghan is up and fires a kick into the back of that right leg again, trying to damage and take away his base. Grace manages to drop down the back. He lands on his feet behind Cerberus.

The big man turns around, Grace catches him with a kick to the stomach and then O’Callaghan runs in and plants Cerberus face-first into the canvas with a Double Arm DDT. He covers. But Grace pushes him off before the ref can even get down to count.

HA: The same page no more.

HE: O’Callaghan hasn’t read ahead. Spoiler alert: Grace wins!

The pair come face to face and argue, but both snap back to the present danger as they see Cerberus sit up.

HA: I think they understand that this match will only be won by one of them if Cerberus is completely out of the picture.

HE: Brains over brawn, I tell you.

O’Callaghan pushes Grace to the other side of Cerberus, and he watches as O’Callaghan fires a kick at Cerberus’s head. It’s caught, but Cerberus can’t stop the one Grace has fired mere moments after. It smacks into his face, which allows O’Callaghan to free his foot and reload, this time smashing Cerberus’s jaw. They take steps back together with Cerberus dazed

HA: That one is in stereo!

Their kicks land at the same time and Cerberus is rocked. He drops to his back, downed by the two kicks. A shout of “the chairs!” can be heard from O’Callaghan, and both men go and collect a chair apiece. They get in the ring just in time for Cerberus to get to his feet. O’Callaghan swings again

HA: On repeat, he’s caught it again


From behind, Grace swings and smashes his chair into the back of Cerberus’s head. He wobbles, and O’Callaghan kicks the chair Cerberus is holding, kicking it smash into his nose from below.

HA: Still standing!

HE: Barely, he’s wobbling back

Cerberus drifts backwards and O’Callaghan charges at him. He hits a clothesline and breaks through Cerberus’s defence, rocking him with a clothesline and Cerberus has to support himself using the ropes. Grace flies in and the ropes still somehow hold Cerberus up. Then, as a pair, Grace and O’Callaghan hit a double clothesline that sends Cerberus tumbling to the outside.

HE: Time to strike!

It takes them a moment to realise that they may be better off finishing off the giant, so instead of fighting, both men step through the ropes. Grace just drops to the outside, but O’Callaghan runs on the ring apron and then flies off to land an elbow drop.

HA: I think the difference between the fighter and the faker were on show there. O’Callaghan does not want to relent. Grace is trying to just get through

HE: One is the world champion

HA: For how much longer?

O’Callaghan is directing traffic. They go under the ring and Grace comes out with kendo sticks. O’Callaghan drags a ladder.

HE: This is what Grace is trained for. He’s more Van Damme than Van Damme ever was. Jean Claude now goes to Grace to learn. And he takes Jackie Chan with him.

With Cerberus still down, Grace takes to hammering him repeatedly in the chest with the kendo sticks. After about 30 seconds of constant strikes, he stops to see what O’Callaghan has done. The red on Cerberus’s chest is raw and starts to bleed.

HA: While that was all going on, O’Callaghan has been setting up a bridge from the apron to our desk.

HE: And now he wants Cerberus up.

The pair work together to lift the weight of Cerberus and then place him on the ladder. Grace slaps him again with repeated kendo strikes to the chest, until they both become weak and bent in the middle.

HA: What now? Neither man surely wants to be the one to drive him through that table? They’d be handing their third opponent a golden ticket.

HE: Grace has convinced O’Callaghan to do a lot, lately. I can imagine O’Callaghan is about to sacrifice himself at the altar of our world champion’s charisma.

HA: Wait, what are they doing --- yeah, sure, we’ll move

O’Callaghan rather aggressively gets the Lloyd brothers to get out of the way, and then he stands one side of the announcer’s table. He gestures Grace to the other side. O’Callaghan gently lowers the ladder onto the floor, leaving it at a diagonal angle from ring to floor. Cerberus still resting with his head 4-5ft off the ground, his feet ever closer to the floor with the descending angle.

HA: What in the lord are they doing?

HE: Why are they carrying it?

The two men carry it over to Cerberus and then O’Callaghan gestures to raise it. The table is now high above their heads, both man’s arms outstretched.

HA: They couldn’t? They wouldn’t? They



The pair of men push it upwards and let it drop, crushing Cerberus, breaking the ladder, landing on and staying on top of Cerberus who is flattened underneath. They both look a little shocked, but also pleased with themselves.

HA: There’s signs of guilt, but far too much pride.

HE: They needed him out of the way, Harold. You said it yourself. This has done it, and maybe for a very long time.

HA: And now they have to realise where they are and what comes next.

They both slide into the ring and look over to the fallen man. Then they turn to face each other and it dawns upon them.

HA: Now they have to fight it out, brother. Any partnership has to be thrown aside

HE: Now Grace has to shine…

Grace looks at O'Callaghan and tries to reason with him but O'Callaghan shakes his head. Grace rolls out of the ring and looks in realisation at the wreckage around Cerberus and then at O'Callaghan.

HA: It looks like the master plan is starting to unravel.

O'Callaghan signals for Grace to re-enter the ring, but Grace has other ideas as he snatches his title from the timekeeper area and begins to walk round the ring towards the entrance way. The referee slides out of the ring and attempts to stop him.

HE: Get out of dodge Grace, O'Callaghan is a disgrace. They had a plan.

HA: A plan? They go out the window in these kinds of matches as soon as one realises there has to be a winner...

Just as Grace snatches away from the referee, O'Callaghan comes flying over the ropes with a huge suicide dive. The pair are laid out at the bottom of the ramp.

HA: It’s like a car crash out here, bodies everywhere.

As O'Callaghan and Grace both start to crawl to their feet, the 6CW Title lay under O'Callaghan’s gaze. He stares intently at the title.

HA: O'Callaghan wants it. More than anything, he wants that championship.

O'Callaghan is knocked for six by a superkick as Grace recovers himself. He drags O'Callaghan up by his head.


Grace whips O'Callaghan full force into the steel steps before grabbing the title belt. He stands over O'Callaghan and shoves it in his face.


Grace continues to talk trash to O'Callaghan as he drags him up once more and rolls him into the ring. He follows through the ropes and laughs as he stands over O'Callaghan.

HA: Give me a break! Somebody needs to tell Grace to get on with the task at hand.

O'Callaghan clings to the trunks of Grace as he tries to get to his feet. Grace shakes his head and slaps O'Callaghan round the back of the head. O'Callaghan shakes it off and gets to one knee. Grace throws a punch, but O'Callaghan blocks it before throwing one of his own into the gut of Grace who bends over wincing in pain. O'Callaghan gets up on both feet and strikes with a ferocious right to the side of Grace's head. Grace staggers backwards, but not before eating another shot.

O'Callaghan grabs Grace by the head and drags him to the centre of the ring but is caught off guard by a rake to the eyes. Grace whips O'Callaghan into the ropes and looks for the clothesline, but O'Callaghan ducks. On the rebound, he dives with a body splash landing flush on top of Grace. The referee rushes to ground.



HE: Grace kicks out at two.

Both men rush to their feet, exchanging hip toss after hip toss. O'Callaghan blocks an attempt by Grace before turning it into a snapmare. With Grace sat up, O'Callaghan hits a vicious kick to the spine.

He follows up with a dropkick and quick cover.



HE: Again Grace kicks out, Grace with the heart of a true champion here.

HA: Oh please.

They both again rush to their feet, with Grace perhaps the slower of the two as O'Callaghan runs off the ropes...


Grace goes for the cover after a flush superman punch connects sending O'Callaghan crashing to the mat.




HA: O'Callaghan got his shoulder up and Grace looks enraged.

Grace argues what he believes to be a three count with the referee.

HE: Get your head in the game Grace, O'Callaghan is stirring.

Grace shakes his head in visible disgust and spins round.

HA: That’ll get him focused on the title!

Grace winces in agony as O'Callaghan takes the 6CW title from the ground and slams it into the head of Grace.

HA: It’s over.

HE: Not like this, not like this!

O'Callaghan goes for the cover.





O'Callaghan raises his arm in victory as he rises to his feet.


O'Callaghan picks up the title and raises it above his head. But the referee is trying to get his attention.

HE: Grace got his foot on the ropes.

Sure enough a replay confirms Henry was right.

HA: Now its O'Callaghan arguing with the referee.


Grace stands over the lifeless body of O'Callaghan and points to his chest.


HA: Grace could do with making the cover here.

Grace orders the referee to count as he puts a foot on O'Callaghans chest.





HE: What’s Grace got to do?

Grace has his head in his hands and looks in dismay. The look turns to shock almost horror as he is sent crashing face first into the mat by a clever leg trip from O'Callaghan.

HA: CROSSFACE!! Centre of the ring.

Grace claws in agony desperately trying to reach the ropes as O'Callaghan attempts to get a full lock.

HA: Grace has nowhere to go, nowhere to run. Can O'Callaghan finally claim the 6CW Championship as his own?

HE: Grace is desperately trying to get out of this and O'Callaghan is struggling to lock it in.

Grace rolls onto his back, O'Callaghan tries to turn the momentum into a rear naked choke, Grace violently swinging elbows, his head, anything he can in O'Callaghans direction in an attempt to break free.

HA: You do not want to get into any sort of ground game with O'Callaghan that’s for sure.

Grace rolls once more, onto his front this time within touching distance of the ropes.


HA: He can't hear you!!

HE: I am willing him just like the millions of fans around the world are willing our true champion!

Grace grabs the bottom rope and clings to it for dear life. O'Callaghan gets to his feet and attempts to drag him by his legs. The referee pushes O'Callaghan away and gives him a talking to. Mean,while Grace seems to be playing with his fist.

HE: That’s it, Grace, use your head.

Grace pulls himself to his feet, he has wrapped a gold chain around his fist...


HA: NO! it didn't catch O'Callaghan flush.

Both men stagger back into the ropes, Grace exhausted, O'Callaghan in a daze.

HE: Oh my god...Oh. My. God...


HE: They don’t know, Harold. They haven’t seen him

The two men in the ring lock-up, but suddenly a roar from Cerberus can be heard above all the noise in the arena. Their arms go limp and they slowly turn to face what they hope isn’t there.


Cerberus climbs the apron and then strides over the top rope. He walks gingerly, but with purpose. Grace drops to the deck and crawls away

HA: O’Callaghan tries it - - no!

The Irishman steps forward, but he’s downed immediately with the bottom of Cerberus’s right boot. He struggles back up, with Grace still cowered down in the corner watching, and Cerberus grabs O’Callaghan by the throat with both hands. He sits him atop the turnbuckle and hammers him with a fist and walks away. O’Callaghan drops down. As he finally sits back up, Cerberus storms over at him

HA: Holy hell! He’s sent him into space and back!

HE: Goodbye Ireland!

Cerberus ran up and clothesline O’Callaghan off the rope and sends him flying onto the barricade in front of the fan. O’Callaghan doesn’t move as he hits the floor.

HA: Medics need to get out here now. Two sets, please, because Grace has just realised what fate awaits him too.

HE: Oh no, oh no, oh no…

Finally, Grace is left alone in the ring with Cerberus. He stays down, begging the giant as Cerberus walks over to him

HA: He’s been hiding from this, scheming, doing anything he can not to face up like a champion. Now he’s begging like a coward, and this is how his world title is taken from him. The abiding image

Cerberus kicks Grace straight in the face and then grabs the dead weight of the world champion off the ground and locks him in the chickenwing.

HE: This is sickening!

HA: I think this might just be karma

Cerberus holds him aloft in the chickenwing hold and then parades him around the ring. He then slams Grace’s head against the turnbuckle, before moving to the next and repeating, then two more times before walking to the middle of the ring



Ref: 1.................2..............3!








HE: I can’t believe they let this happen

HA: He fought, he schemed, he hid, he scurried, but Cerberus could not be stopped, flattened or squashed. Through ladders, flattened by tables, Cerberus made it through it all. And the two men he faced look like they may never be the same again

Medics hurry to the ring to check on Grace, at ringside to O’Callaghan, and 6CW staff come out to fix the announce table. As all this happens, Cerberus lifts his World title and the fans roar in approval.

HE: This didn’t happen. This isn’t happening…

HA: This is the sight that 6CW needed. This pay-per-view starts with fresh hope in the company, Cerberus has rid the grand stage of the Grace blight. And we are only one match in!

Cerberus finally steps over the top rope, looking down at a broken O’Callaghan, and walks down the ramp, leaving the bedlam behind him.

Dolphin Ziggler

Posts : 24115
Join date : 2012-03-01
Age : 35
Location : Making the Kessel Run

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Post by Dolphin Ziggler Sun 02 Sep 2018, 6:17 am

*Medics are rushing around backstage. The camera pans around the corridors of the arena. Bam Sparkleston is filming himself at a sink as he turns the taps on and off. As the cameras continue to pan, we see Jack Hurst is standing with Tim Allen

TA: Jack, a quick word tonight ahead of your match with Cameron Faith. How are you feeling? Prepared?

*Hurst scoffs

JH: Oh dear, Tim. Do you really think I need to prepare for Cameron Faith? I was about to say he was as much of a threat as a Scottish government debating with the English, but then I’ve heard about Alex Salmond

*Allen takes a sharp breath and tries to move on

TA: It’s been a long break, are you at your best?

JH: Isn’t that the same question in different words? You’re not very good at this, are you Tim? Not a lot changes there. Whereas you can’t get better, I always do. I’m better than before, which means I am still better than Cameron Faith.

TA: But what if you lose? No contract and no hope of a 6CW career.

JH: Pardon?

TA: Ummm, well

JH: Spit it out, imbecile.

TA: This is for a contract, it isn’t inconceivable that--

JH: I lose? To Cameron Faith? I’m not going to lose to Cameron Faith, little man. I am here in this god-awful country, this weird little hellhole, to bring some culture to 6CW. You just watch.

*With that, he walks away.

Dolphin Ziggler

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Post by Dolphin Ziggler Sun 02 Sep 2018, 6:20 am

Match 2
Engel Harlequin vs Bam Sparkleston

HA: Folks, we have seen incredible work here in the short time between matches. Both O’Callaghan and Anthony Grace have somehow walked away from ringside.

HE: O’Callaghan had medics around him the whole time, and we believe he is due a trip to the hospital.

HA: Indeed, he collapsed backstage, so our continued concern is with the Irishman.

HE: MY concern is with the real world champion...

HA: BUT! Enough about that. Singles action up next here at Beachfront Brawl!

HE: And this is what you'd certainly describe as a clash of styles, and probably of personalities too.

HA: The over-excitable, in your face, selfie-taking Bam Sparkleston takes on Engel, the deranged, aloof psychopath!

HE: And he's certainly not taken kindly to the attention Bam has been paying him.

"#Selfie" plays out as the cameras return to ringside and there is big cheers from the crowd as Bam Sparkleston makes his entrance. Bam is full of life as he makes his way down to the ring, tagging the fans hands and recording for his snapchat story.

"Its not over yet" then plays out and Engel Harlequin walks briskly out onto the stage. Harlequin looks, wide-eyed, around the audience and then begins to laugh hysterically. He shuffles down the ramp and rolls under the bottom rope, remaining on his knees as he surveys the arena. Engel then jolts to his feet as Bam stands beside him with his phone in his face, trying to capture everything for his snapchat story. Engel shoves him back forcefully and the referee has to step in.

HA: It's those kind of antics which have gotten to Engel!

HE: Let's get these two fighting!

Ding, Ding, Ding!

The bell rings to kick the match off, and Engel immediately storms in at Bam in the corner. He pushes him back into the turnbuckles and fires in a series of punches and knees that Bam offers very little resistance to. Eventually the referee steps in looking to intervene.

He forces Engel back, he smiles as the ref checks on Bam following his lack of fighting back. Bam nods his head vehemently and while reluctant to do so, the ref waves Engel forward.
Harlequin immediately runs back in and crashes a knee into the face of Bam who slumps down. Engel then stomps down on Bam repeatedly, before climbing to the 2nd rope to drive his stomps down right into the top of the cranium.

Engel eventually drags Bam out from the corner and hooks the leg on him.

Ref: 1................2....Kick out!

Engel gets to his feet, smirking. He stomps away on the head of Bam repeatedly, who rolls towards the ropes, only for Engel to drag him back away from the ropes and then drop a hard knee down right into the face of Bam.

Bam is dragged to his feet by Engel, who hits a kick to the stomach. He follows that with a number of clubbing blows across the back, before lunging down to extend his knee. He grabs the head of Bam and then drives it repeatedly into his out-stretched knee, a maniacal grin stretched across his face.

Harlequin eventually relents, but doesn't cover. Instead, he chooses to drag Bam over to the ropes himself. He looks down at Bam for a few moments, before than grabbing his legs and nailing a vicious-looking slingshot choke across the bottom rope.

Engel steps onto the ring apron and then springs back in over the top rope with a knee to the face. Cover.

Ref: 1.................2..........Kick out!

HA: We know that Bam is renowned for his fighting spirit but this is simply ridiculous. He has no business being here, he should be in hospital getting the best treatment available.

HE: He's a true fighter Harold, that's both a blessing and a curse. On this occassion, I believe his pride may well have gotten the better of him.

Bam kicks out. Engel drags him to his feet and cracks in a series of stiff right hands to the face, before launching Bam into the ropes. On the rebound, Engel leaps up into the air and knocks Bam down with a HHH-like knee to the face.

Engel then drags up Bam, cracking a knee into the stomach. He lifts Bam up into the air for a couple of brief moments, simply to deliver a gutbuster. Bam is then slung over the shoulders of Engel, who runs towards the ropes and drops the former world champion down across them, abdomen-first.

Harlequin then steps onto the ring apron, before running along and booting Bam in the head. Bam falls off the apron, Engel steps into the ring before running along and hitting a stiff double foot stomp to the gut. Cover.

Ref: 1................2............Kick out!

Engel goes back on the attack, lifting up Bam and firing off a succession of punches and kicks to the body and head of Bam, who falls back towards the corner. Harlequin unloads with another flurry of strikes, he then drags Wood back from the corner before Irish whipping him into the turnbuckles viciously from close range.

Harlequin then rests his rival up against the turnbuckles, before stepping back into the opposite corner. Engel then runs in, nailing a huge leaping forearm straight into the face. Engel stays leant up against Bam before hitting a flurry of forearm smashes from close range, driving pointed elbows down into the cranium of Bam, who's face is already a crimson mask.

HA: Engel is simply brutalising Bam here.

HE: This is difficult to watch Harold.

Engel eventually stops with the forearm smashes, he drags Bam away from the corner and lifts him into the air, dropping him down to the mat with a brainbuster. Engel covers, a forearm again digging into the face.

Ref: 1....................2...............Kick out!

Engel doesn't seem too annoyed by the kick out, he gets a seated mount position on Bam and then proceeds to pummel away at him with a ground and pound style flurry of punches to the head.

Harlequin eventually rolls away, dragging Bam to his feet. He kicks him in the gut and then puts Bam onto his shoulders, running into the corner and driving him into the turnbuckle with a huge powerbomb. Bam stumbles forward and Engel leaps into the air, nailing a vicious enzaguri to the head.

He doesn't cover instantly, instead allowing Bam to rise before running in and cracking him with a step-up enzaguri. Cover.

Ref: 1...................2...............Kick out!

HA: Bam is really having to fight just to stay in this match, Engel unleashing a lot of hatred in his direction.

Engel shakes his head for a moment but the smile soon returns to his face as he goes back to beating down on Bam with a combination of stomps and knee drops. He then drags up Bam, throwing him into the ropes and face-planting him on the rebound.
Bam is hauled back into the corner by Engel, who again attacks with a knees and open-palm strikes. Engel follows up with a spinning back elbow to the head, he then takes a few steps back, sprinting into the corner...


HA: Bam moves! He dived out the way just in time.

Engel crashes into the turnbuckles, Bam quickly rolls him up.

Ref: 1...................2.......Kick out!

Bam hauls up Engel, he launches him out across the ring and on the rebound connects with a spinning clothesline. Engel drags up Bam and then drops him down into the mat with a legsweep DDT. He hooks the leg.

Ref: 1..................2...............Kick out!

Engel forces the shoulder up. Bam throws him out across the ring and on the rebound, he connects with a leaping knee to the head. Bam goes to the outside, he stands waiting for Engel to rise and goes for a springboard leg drop bulldog which connects. He covers

Ref: 1....................2...........Kick out!

The duo rise up simultaneously, Bam ducks a clothesline and hits an STO backbreaker straight into a reverse STO. He doesn't cover, going up top...


HE: Perfect Moonsault!

Ref: 1..................2...................Kick out!

Engel gets the shoulder up. Bam hauls him to his feet, he throws him into the ropes and connects with a dropkick to the head. Bam goes to the outside, he dives down and nails a springboard elbow drop. He hooks the leg.

Ref: 1......................2...............Kick out!

Bam lifts up Engel, he kicks him in the gut...

HA: What the hell is he doing?

HE: He's going for the Self Fulfilling Prophecy!

HA: Goading Engel, I'm not sure how smart that is.

Engel blocks, he then counters with a big exploder suplex. Bam rolls up and walks into a big boot. Cover.

Ref: 1....................2.............Kick out!

Engel lifts up Bam and walks to the corner, flapjacking him into the top turnbuckle. He stumbles out of the corner, staggering around, Engel flies out and takes him down with a huge running knee to the head. Cover.

Ref: 1...................2................Kick out!

Engel smirks at the kick out. He gets to his feet and then stares down at Bam's crimson-soaked face, he proceeds to drive stomps down into the face, unrelenting in their pace and power.

He finally stops to lift up Bam and throw him into the ropes, where on the rebound he connects with a belly to belly throw. Bam stumbles up and Engel hits a spinning kick to the back of the head, Bam crumples down to the mat in a heap. Cover.

Ref: 1................2...............Kick out!

Bam kicks out. Engel drags him to his feet, cracking some punches into the head and gut. He then hauls Bam over his shoulders, walking to the corner and delivering a snake eyes. He follows this up with a second snake eyes, and then picks Bam up again.

HA: Another snake eyes!

Bam falls, dazed, out of the corner straight into a facebuster from Engel. He covers.

Ref: 1...................2................Kick out!

Engel drags up Bam, he walks towards the ropes and again drops him down stomach first. This is followed by punches across the back, before applying a front facelock. Engel hits knees to the face before finally planting Bam with a draping DDT. Cover.

Ref: 1........................2...............Kick out!

HE: Engel is seriously enjoying himself here.

Harlequin drags Bam to the corner, he lifts him up and then ala Matt Hardy begins to drive the head of Bam into the top turnbuckle. Engel then drags him out of the corner...


HE: And he's not content with just one!


Ref: 1............................2.....................................3!

Ding, Ding, Ding!

HA: And this one is over and done with!

HE: Engel gets the win, in a dominant fashion as well it has to be said.

HA: There was a lot of frustration built up inside of Engel that he's taken out on Bam
here tonight.

Engel stands over Bam, smiling. He takes the smartphone of Bam, glares at it and holds up Bam's head before taking a picture of him smirking.

Dolphin Ziggler

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Age : 35
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Post by Dolphin Ziggler Sun 02 Sep 2018, 6:20 am

*Backstage, Anthony Grace is standing with Charles Kramer

AG: Did you call for the press? This needs to be addressed

CK: Yes, Anthony. But are you sure? You need to recover.

*Grace looks down at himself, with bandages on his arms, cuts on his head.

AG: My body isn’t important, Charles. My image is.

*A man in a suit enters

CK: Ahh, Mr Drundridge, thank you for coming so quickly.

*He nods

AG: This will be easy, young man. I am going to speak, you are going to stand there and record.

*Grace stares at him for a second, studying the man.

AG: What can be said of tonight can only be described as sick and disappointing. This country has encouraged disgusting behaviour for too long. Cerberus was brought back to life by these sick and twisted drongos. It was like his big boot was powered by them, they were doing it through him. What kind of sick country would kick someone with a giant boot?

*He looks incredulously to Kramer, who suddenly nods.

AG: When will you Australians learn? In America, we stopped using corporal punishment, and things have never been better. The streets are safe. Old people strut confidently in the darkest alleys. And the weak and nerdy are admired for their computer-programming abilities. So, like us, let your children run wild and free! 'Cus as the old saying goes, "let your children run wild and free".

*Kramer and Drundridge just stand looking at Grace, who has lost himself in his speech. Kramer whispers to the reporter

CK: He is usually scripted…

*Kramer clears his throat and takes over

CK: Mr Grace would like it to be known that this will not stand, and he is blaming his loss entirely on the inability of 6CW to book him a private jet to Australia, helping him combat the obvious jetlag issues. Mr Grace will not accept this loss of his championship and shall be taking measures against 6CW in due course. Thank you.

*The reporter writes a few notes and then goes to ask another question but is interrupted by someone storming in

AP: Drundridge, come quick, we’ve got a story brewing

*As they scurry our of the room, the scene turns to a fight in the parking lot

Dolphin Ziggler

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Age : 35
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Post by Dolphin Ziggler Sun 02 Sep 2018, 6:21 am

HA: Who is that? I think that’s Wood, but whose head has he got in his hands?

*Wood knees the other man in the face then lifts the now bloodied man so he can speak to him. The dazed face of Mr Kenty can be recognised

LW: I’ve had enough of your life, I think we should end it

*He turns to the car next to them and smashes Kenty face first into the window. It doesn’t break, but a splattering of blood marks the window. Wood is furious


HE: Wood has lost it, this is insane

*He tries again, and this time Kenty’s head breaks the glass. A security guard reacts and runs over, but Wood spins quickly and kicks the guard’s leg out from underneath him.

LW: If I see you on your feet, I’ll see if any of these need two shots to break through too.

*Wood leans down and picks up a brick. It already has blood on it, which we can assume is how he ambushed Kenty. He hits his opponent in the spine with it and goes through his pockets, finding the keys. He then stuffs the rest of Kenty through the window.

LW: I’d bet this is the last drive you’ll ever take.

*With that, he goes to the other side, opens the door and starts the engine. Taking the handbrake off, he turns to Kenty.

LW: Goodbye, Ed.

HA: What’s he gonna do?!

*He drops the brick into the footwell and the car bursts to life, driving forward suddenly. The staff who had come out and were approaching all get out of the way as the car speeds up and flies towards the exit. Careering off to the side, the car picks up speed and then smashes into the wall next to the exit. People scream


*People run over and Wood turns to the few that are standing, unable to move

LW: He started it, check the CCTV. And I finished him.

*Wood walks away and the scene fades with a team of people in pure panic around Kenty.

Dolphin Ziggler

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Join date : 2012-03-01
Age : 35
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Post by Dolphin Ziggler Sun 02 Sep 2018, 6:21 am

Match 3
Cameron Faith vs Jack Hurst

HE: we follow that?

HA: I’ve seen some depraved things in 6CW, that may be the worst.

HE: Wood isn’t right. He’s gone too far

“Prince Charming” by Adam Ant hits and the returning Jack Hurst walks out.

HA: And here comes Hurst, his first time out in front of the 6CW fans, desperate to earn a contract

HE: Dramatic night

HA: Oh no, I can hear it hitting you.

HE: Hear what?

HA: Grace lost, Henry. You can’t cry him back to his world title.

HE: Oh look, the focus is on the negatives. You haven’t even described Jack’s walk down to the ring, and now he’s already there

HA: Hurst did rush down, he clearly feels the need to get on with this. Nerves are surely on edge for him, he needs to win this to get that contract.

*Hurst circles the ring, a bundle of energy. He stops and watches the ramp as You Ain’t Stopping Me plays and out walks Cameron Faith.

HA: And here comes the rather frustrated figure of Cameron Faith.

HE: He’s on the card, isn’t he?

HA: He has a chance tonight, here at Beachfront Brawl, to prove his worth once more after a bad spell. Hurst will want this more than he’s wanted anything before, it’s his livelihood. If Faith can beat him, he’s showing that fire, showing that he still has that fire to attack his career.

*Faith walks down to the ring with a focus, his stare intently fixed on Hurst

HA: The man is a former 3 time 6WF Freeweight Champion, former 6WF European Champion, former 6WF Fight for the Right Winner, a former 6CW UK Champion.

HE: But now he is fighting for his career. If Hurst earns a place, we can only hope that it’s Cameron Faith’s spot.

*Faith slides into the ring and walks straight over to Hurst, the ref getting between them and keeping them apart

HA: He looks ready for the fight either way

HE: And Hurst didn’t back down, he wants this too.

*The ref ushers both men into separate corners and calls for the bell.

HA: And now they standoff

*The two men take steps towards the middle and then wait for the other to move. Finally, Faith stretches a hand out

HA: Faith wants to go old fashioned

*Hurst meets the hand, but then kicks Faith straight into the gut, before pounding on his back and knocking him down to the ground with constant punches to the back. He then stomps away until the ref pulls him back.

HE: There’s fire there, that’s for sure. Faith suddenly thought he was in a wrestling match, and Hurst has just reminded him that this is a fight.

*Hurst shouts at Faith to get up, but as the Scotsman goes to, Hurst runs over and superkicks him in the side of the head. He follows it up with a few dropped elbows, repeated 4 times.

HA: This is a fast start by Hurst, the man means business!

*Hurst stands Faith up and hits him with a few backhands to the chest, but then stops to laugh at the floundering Faith.

HE: There’s some arrogance in there now. Rightfully, he’s on fire.

HA: It may cost him.

*With that said, Faith smiles at the laughing Hurst and then sends him flat on his back with a powerful European uppercut. Faith moves towards Hurst, but a voice interrupts:

“The following interruption is being brought to you by The Beacon of Hope, Xavier Ross.”

*The message displays on the screen too, and Faith is distracted. He looks down the ramp

HA: He’s coming from the crowd! Ross has jumped the barrier!

*With Faith’s back turned, Ross slides in behind him.

HA: Release German!

*Faith is thrown backwards and lands heavily on his neck. He tries to stand to face his attacker, but Ross fires a kick into his gut and brings him up for the powerbomb.

HA: Powerbomb!

HE: No! Bucklebomb!

*Faith bounces back and Xavier brings him up and over for the Perfect Plex

HA: I’ve heard he calls that little set of moves “Light the Way”

*The bell has been ringing. Ross stands above Faith and Hurst rises to his feet. He goes to leave the ring just as the announcers calls the result

RA: The winner of this match due to disqualification is Cameron Faith!

HA: That’s Hurst’s job gone!

*Hurst turns back to the ring and starts to shout at Ross. He fires a punch at Ross, but it’s blocked and Ross fires his own back. Hurst goes back to the ropes, bounces off and runs back at Ross.

HE: Hurst fired into the air!

HA: And that is called The Awakening

*The big European uppercut after propelling Hurst into the air is enough to keep Hurst downed. Faith still hasn’t moved. Refuse to be Denied by Anthrax plays and Ross stands tall as the fans boo

HA: That’s early impact, and Ross has made himself known in this company.

Dolphin Ziggler

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Join date : 2012-03-01
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Post by Dolphin Ziggler Sun 02 Sep 2018, 6:22 am

*Tim Allen is outside the 6CW arena

TA: I’m outside Stadium Australia here as we are reacting to news that O’Callaghan is being taken to a local hospital with concern over the spinal injuries he received tonight. He will join Mr Kenty, who it is reported is safe but lost a lot of blood in the attack by Liam Wood earlier in the evening. It appears no life threatening damage was caused by the car crash, but the wounds on his head are likely to leave scars for life.

*He approaches the ambulance, and O’Callaghan is trollied towards him, strapped down to protect his back. Suddenly, medics are pushed aside as an angry Grace pushes them away


*O’Callaghan looks up at Grace, he tries to lift his head, but strapped down, Grace pushes him down by pressing his thumb to his forehead.

AG: This is your fault, O’Callaghan. I am a champion, and you are a chump.

*He pushes the trolly down. He snarls down at O’Callaghan and then begins to stomp on him, landing boots to the stomach again and again. Security can be heard coming from a distance, shouting at Grace. He leans down to speak to O’Callaghan

O’C: Don’t tread on me.

AG: What did you say, you ass?

*O’Callaghan just spits at Grace. Grace is furious, leaning down once more but is caught unawares as O’Callaghan fires a headbutt at Grace, breaking through from the restraints on his neck, head and shoulders. Grace looks to retaliate, but is then grabbed by security and dragged away. The medics come back to lift O’Callaghan up, and Alex Walker is by their side to help. They strap him down once more and load him onto the ambulance. Walker turns to Grace

AW: Your behaviour disgusts me. This is not how a champion acts in 6CW, Mr Grace. And this will not be forgotten. I don’t want to see your face again this evening.

*He turns to the medics and speaks to them as Grace is dragged away by security. The scene fades.

Dolphin Ziggler

Posts : 24115
Join date : 2012-03-01
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Post by Dolphin Ziggler Sun 02 Sep 2018, 6:23 am

Match 4
6CW TV Championship
Marty Helms (c) vs Mike Hill

Ding ding

Mike Bird: Ladies and gentlemen the following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the 6CW Television Championship?

The action is back at ringside as "Next Big Thing" crashes through the airwaves to a mixed reaction from the 6CW faithful. Mike Hill swaggers out onto the stage, the TV Title over his shoulder, and a big grin on his face.

HA: Do not adjust your screens, folks, that is Mike Hill with the TV Championship despite being the challenger...

HE: He stole that belt from Marty Helms and although I like Mike I think he might suffer here tonight for those actions....

HA: One thing I know is that Mike Hill holds no fear....he's faced them all, a veteran of the game.....and Marty Helms is a hell of a prospect but Hill is not daunted, even at his age he believes he is quite simply better in all departments...

Hill leaps up over the top rope and continue to strut around the ring before "Remedy" booms through to the speakers to boos from the Australian crowd. Marty Helms comes storming down the ramp, a destructive look on his face....

HE: Marty Helms means business here....

HA: He's on a mission to seek and destroy....

HE: He's cut a dominant figure through 6CW so far and I think Mike Hill's about to become the latest victim..

HA: But you can't sleep on Hill, he's a former world champion and arguably in his prime....Helms' emotional attachment to this match could become a hinderance...

Helms quickly gets into the ring and the referee has to stop him from charging through Mike Hill. Helms is shouting insults and chomping at the bit as Hill holds up the TV Championship whilst winking....

HE: We're ready for a fight....

HA: An amazing atmosphere here tonight in Australia but that is hardly surprising given what we have seen so far on this historic night at Beachfront Brawl...

The bell sounds and immediately Helms goes on the offense and darts across the ring with a swinging boot but Hill is fleet of foot to dodge and rolls his man up...


HE: Can you imagine?

HA: Mike Hill's had some quick wins in his career, that may have been his most notable.....but I get a feeling this one will get a whole lot more physical....

Helms is right back on his feet and throwing a big right hand but Hill dodges again and scores with several chops and punches of his own before seizing Helms' arm and attempts to whip him across the ring....

HA: That's not going to work....

Helms stands his ground and immediately pulls Hill back in his direction, lifting him up and spinning him around for a spinebuster....

HE: Another counter....Hill's on fire here...

HA: The veteran showing he's still got it....

Hill counters through the spin and plants his man with a DDT..............1..................2.............shoulder up. They scramble back up and Hill dropkicks Helms in the back, sending him to the corner, and then he rushes in and dives into a splash....

HA: People forget Mike Hill is a former two time world champion, they forget his pedigree....

HE: Well Marty Helms is getting a refresher tonight....

Hill pulls Helms from the corner and looks for a snap suplex but Helms uses his power to shove Hill back into the ropes and then rushes him....

HE: Hill is just one step ahead....

Hill pulls down the ropes and sends Helms flying over the top to the outside. The champion is stunned and angry as he gets back up...


HE: Even these fans are appreciating Hill's work....

Hill uses the top rope to propel himself over the top rope and he leathers Helms back to the floor with a floating clothesline. Hill gets back up and he sneers at the audience before landing a standing shooting star for good measure....

HA: Great work from Hill but he needs Helms in the ring, he can't win the title out there....

Hill seizes Helms by the back of the trunks and dumps him under the bottom rope. He then scales the apron and up onto the turnbuckle....

HE: Hill gonna fly.....OH WOW!

The flashbulbs go off as Hill goes sky high but his landing brings him right into the hammerfist of Helms, driving all the wind out of the challenger and flipping him inside out. Helms drags Hill back up and destroys him with a pumphandle slam....
.............shoulder up!

HA: Now the test comes for Mike Hill because he can bank on the fact Helms is gonna hurt him.....the champion has payback on his mind from two weeks ago....

Helms snarls as he clubs Hill repeatedly across the back and then he drags him up and drives vicious knees to the midsection. Hill is clearly winded as Helms lifts him into a suplex position and then slams him back down on his front....

HE: Marty Helms is a brutal street fighter and he doesn't play by rules, Mike Hill is in his game now....

Helms bounces off the ropes and returns with a thunderous kick to the ribs that sends Hill rolling across the ring. Helms uses the ropes to jump in the air and then drives his elbow down into the chest of his challenger..................1.....................2.......kickout!

HA: Helms has been holding that TV Title some time now, it is a belt with quite a history but he may just be one of the most dominant champions we've had....

Helms grabs Hill by the head and he pulls him up before launching him against the turnbuckle. He drives forward with a knee to the stomach and then follows up with several shoulders to the midsection, really banging Hill up to the body. The champion then lifts Hill up onto the top rope....

HE: He's got bad intentions now....

Helms climbs onto the ropes aswell before pulling Hill into a front facelock. He prepares for the superplex until Hill starts to battle back...

HA: Mike Hill does not want to get caught by this superplex......

Hill furiously fires away to the body and then he rakes Helms' eyes for good measure. He slams Helms' face down into the turnbuckle and then he climbs onto his back and spins around...

Crowd: Holy (beep) x5

HE: What a move...

The whole stadium is bouncing as Hill delivers a tremendous reverse hurricanrana from on high, sending Helms crashing down on his front in the centre of the ring. Hill takes a moment to get back to his feet and then he runs forward and scores with a sickening shining wizard....

HA: New champion...

...........shoulder up!

HE: I genuinely thought it was over there....

Hill quickly backs up in the corner and lifts himself onto the second rope. He waits for Helms to start climbing up before launching off with a legdrop across the back of the neck...................1..............2...........shoulder up. Hill gets back up and he seizes the champion's head....


Helms puts the brakes on and shoves Hill to the corner. He runs in after but Hill spins around the ropes, nailing a feint kick over the top, before going up high....

HE: Helms is shaky here....OVERHANG...


Hill launches off for the overhang neckbreaker but Helms downs phenomenal strength to catch his foe, upside down, on his shoulders and runs him into an incredible shellshock....

..........Hill just gets his shoulder up!

HA: When you have strength like Marty Helms it is an incredible equaliser....

Hill stumbles up and Helms wrecks him with a gutwrench powerbomb before heading to the corner. The crowd boo but Helms just scowls at them as he goes to the headiest heights....

HE: Not often we see Marty Helms that high....

HA: He wants to cause maximum damage.....

Helms reaches the top and wastes no time in launching himself through the air, driving his head straight into the chest of the prone challenger...
.........................Hill kicks out again!

HA: Hill is hurting here, he got the shoulder up but that huge headbutt has caused serious damage....

Hill is cradling his chest as he tries to stand and Helms grabs him by the back of the head, pulling him into place...


Helms flips Hill up for the powerbomb but Hill slides right down the back.................1...................2.......Helms kicks out. The champion flies back to is feet but Hill ducks under him and runs the ropes....


Helms is ready for Hill on the rebound and he smashes him into the canvass once again.....................1.......................2...........shoulder up. Helms gets to his feet and he rips his elbow pad off....

HE: Here we go.....LIGHTS OUT!

Hill just managers to duck the bullhammer elbow and he leaps onto the ropes, springboarding back with a dropkick to the chest that knocks Helms into the corner. Hill crawls back up and he runs forward.....

HA: Nobody home....BOOM!

Helms sidesteps and sends his challenger against the turnbuckle before sprinting off the opposite ropes to return with an explosive big boot that leaves Hill out of it....

HE: Almost separated his head from his body....

HA: Forget it...

One...........two.............thre-shoulder up!

HE: Hill refuses to give up.....he feels he has a point to prove, he says he's better today than ever before in his career....

Helms complains about the speed of the count and then he gets back to his feet. He spits in fury as he beckons Hill up and grabs his head....

HA: He wants that powerbomb....WAIT A MINUTE!

Hill struggles against Helms' grip and they stagger into the ref, momentarily knocking him off balance, and it allows Hill to nail a blindside low blow. Helms is doubled up in agony and Hill drills him with a codebreaker before making the cover, his feet on the ropes....

HE: Surely not....


HA: Hill's stolen one....

The referee's hand comes down for the three when he notices Hill's foot on the ropes and waves it off. He warns Hill about his conduct whilst the challenger feigns innocence...

HE: I thought Mike Hill had pulled out a great robbery there....

Hill shakes his head and then he waits for Helms to get up and lifts him into an inverted atomic drop before dropping him with a spinning heel kick. Hill then rolls into the corner and leaps onto the top rope.....

HA: Hill senses how close he is now.....NEXT BIG MOVE!

Hill twists into the sensational 630 senton splash and he hooks both legs with a triumphant grin....


Hill is beside himself with rage and disbelief as the referee assures him it was a two count. Hill slowly gets back to his feet, catching his breath, and he waits for Helms to get up before rushing forward....


Helms is ready and waiting to spin Hill into a cracking AA spinebuster. The champion staggers back up, composing himself, and then he pulls Hill in and nails a jackhammer....

HE: And just like that...

1..................2..................Hill kicks out!

HA: Mike Hill showing his resiliency now..........brilliant stuff by both men.....what a night so far....

HE: I still can't believe we have a new world champion, there should be an inquiry...

HA: Why? Cerberus won fair and square, there is no debate....the Era of Grace is done, praise the lord....

Helms looks angry as he backs up in the corner, his eyes fixed on the doubled up figure of Mike Hill. The challenger slowly begins to stir as Helms stomps his foot on the mat and then rushes out....

HE: He's gonna end him for good.....PUNT....

Hill actually rushes forward into the punt kick and catches Helms' foot before swiping his standing leg, immediately trying to turn him....

HA: He wants the liontamer, incredible counter....

Helms thrashes from side to side, desperate to avoid the submission, and then uses his strength to throw Hill off him. They get back up and Helms looks for a big clothesline but Hill ducks it and springboards onto the ropes....


1.....................2..................Helms just kicks out. They struggle up again and Hill avoids impact with Helms' fist again before launching onto the ropes once more....



Hill flips over Helms' head, incredibly, and locks into position before attempting to flip forward again for the finish but Helms shows sensational strength to hold Hill in midair before spinning him out with an incredible sitdown powerbomb.......Helms gets back up, spit flying from his mouth, and he drags Hill back up....


HE: You bet....


HA: What a match.....

Ding ding ding

Mike Bird: Ladies and gentlemen here is your winner..............and STILL 6CW Television Champion........Marrrrrttttyyyyy Heeeelllllmmmmmmmmsssssss!

HE: He just might be the greatest TV Champ ever....

HA: The Last Outlaw does it again....Mike Hill pushed him all the way, tested beyond all measure, but Helms passed the test and he's still champion.....he dug it out and it is going to take something special to topple this man....

HE: He's destined for greatness.....that was a tough match and a lesser man would have succumbed because Hill was brilliant...but Helms is on the rise to superstardom, take a look because that's the future of 6CW right there....

HA: Could very well be....Mike Hill got under his skin, rattled him, and I think he made Helms doubt himself for a moment.....but Helms found a way, like great champions do, and he's got his championship back...

Helms snatches the title belt from the referee and holds it up over Hill's broken body whilst he trash talks his fallen foe. Helms wipes blood from his lip and then pounds his chest before pressing the championship close to him....he beckons the camera in close....

Helms: Who's next?!?

HA: Marty Helms throwing down the gauntlet....he's welcoming all comers....

HE: I'm not sure there'll be many....nobody wants that smoke...

Helms shakes his head and shoves Hill in the head with his boot before heading to the ropes and he climbs out to the outside. The fans boo the champion but he just holds the championship in their face as he strides up the aisleway....

HE: That was some match....can this night get any better?

HA: There's still so much more to come so don't go anywhere folks......

Dolphin Ziggler

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Post by Dolphin Ziggler Sun 02 Sep 2018, 6:23 am

*Max Adamson stands backstage in front of the cameras and a few gathered members of the press.

MA: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the real main event of 6CW Beachfront Brawl. Yes mate, this is the real deal. The TA, the premier tag team in the world of wrestling, the World Tag Team Champions of the World. And this is the chance for Jacko and Franko to put those silly billy to bed. Uryu and Lion aren’t ready for the pride of Australia, which is definitely my boys, The TA. This country has been talked down enough this evening.

*A hand goes up from the reporters

R: Karl Kennedy, Ringo Rango News - how do you respond to Anthony Grace’s criticism of the Australian crowd?

MA: I missed it, mate. Preparing the boys. What did he say?

R: He said the crowd were too eager for violence and were too eager to see Cerberus use his boot to kick Grace and O’Callaghan in the face.

MA: Ooh! Ah, that's it. I'm going to report this to me member of Parliament! Disparaging the boot is a bootable offense! It's one of our proudest traditions!

*The reporters stand and applaud Max, who puts his hand over his heart and bows before walking away.

Dolphin Ziggler

Posts : 24115
Join date : 2012-03-01
Age : 35
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Post by Dolphin Ziggler Sun 02 Sep 2018, 6:24 am

*On the other side of the arena, Uryu and Lion are in conversation.

UI: Did you come up with a name?

L: No, no name. We are two wrestlers together, our own names are important.

UI: Music?

L: The music is sorted. It has meaning, it continues my journey.

UI: And we don’t need a name?

*Lion shakes his head

UI: The Clinical Attack?

L: No

UI: Max Power?

*Lion shakes his head and just walks away

UI: Strange names, I know. But Lion and Uryu is an odd name.

*He chases after Lion

UI: I’d have called us Chazzwazzers!

Dolphin Ziggler

Posts : 24115
Join date : 2012-03-01
Age : 35
Location : Making the Kessel Run

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Post by Dolphin Ziggler Sun 02 Sep 2018, 6:27 am

Match 5
6CW Tag Team Championships
The TA (c) vs Uryu/Lion

HA: Tag Team Championships time, brother!

HE: Max Adamson’s boys are here for their easy pay cheque, Harold. This is going to be a quick one…

HA: I can’t see that, Henry. Uryu and Lion are experienced pros. And they’ve got bucket loads of heart too, professional pride as individuals and love for the business too.

HE: Lion has one dying leg and Uryu has one working brain cell. They’re losers who have teamed together to try double their worth, but they’re just doubly pathetic.

HA: They have had the TA on the backfoot lately, which is no mean feat.

*Music starts playing, the theme of neither the TA nor Uryu or Lion.

HA: And it looks like they’re coming out as a team here too, not as individuals.

*Lion and Uryu walk out together to Ascension by Vince Staples and Gorillaz. Uryu is pumped up, jumping around to get the crowd going, bouncing along as Lion walks down calmly.

HE: Look at these idiots. Just look at them

HA: They’re on the same page, they’re out here together and they’re surely going to push the TA to their very limits tonight. This could be their biggest challenge yet.

*The two men slide into the ring, Lion going to the turnbuckle and standing across the ring, facing down the ramp, all whilst Uryu is getting the crowd going and completely pumped up.

HE: That mute Lion may want to calm the abandoned puppy dog down. If he stays like this, he’ll blow up after a couple minutes.

*Machine Gun blares out and Frank Horrigan steps out from the back. Jackson emerges from behind him and puts his arms in the air with his index fingers and thumbs forming a triangle. The two start to step down the ramp, and at this point Max Adamson makes sure to come out with a delay to get some focus.

HA: Max playing his ego’s desires out on the stage

HE: Mind games. Uryu can’t get his focus off him, why not keep drawing it on?

*The TA slide into the ring together and Max walks up the steps. Uryu has settled down and stands with Lion.

HA: Look at this situation. Uryu is already foaming at the mouth!

HE: And look at those champions. The titles belong round those waists, it’s a perfect match.

*The ring announcer walks into the middle of the ring

RA: The following match is scheduled for one fall and is for the 6CW Tag Team Championships. Introducing first the challeng---

*He is cut off as Max Adamson grabs the microphone

MA: Introducing first, the team of two little boys that even the adoption services would put in a bag and toss into a river. He is from absolutely nowhere, he’s not even been hit with a few shells but still walks with a limp, the Cowardly Lion!

*Max is booed roundly but laughs to himself

MA: And his partner, the man even eunuchs feel has less masculinity than them. Residing in his mum’s basement: Leroy Jenkins!

*The boos continue and Uryu storms over to get in Max’s face. He is pushed down to the ground by Jackson Jackson, who then immediately eats a Superkick to the face. The referee jumps in the middle of the now angry Horrigan and the pumped up Lion.

HA: It’s chaos already!

HE: We haven’t even got to the bell!

*Max calms Frank and beckons him over to their corner, so Horrigan picks Jackson up with one hand and throws him over his shoulder. Uryu is up and joins Lion in their corner. The teams gather themselves and the ref, who sees the announcer has legged it, calls for the bell.

HA: This one is ready to go! It’s boiled over, but this is the real deal now.

*Horrigan ushers Jackson out of the ring and turns to face Lion, who stands across the other side. Horrigan takes the first step, which Lion echoes, but then is halted as Uryu slaps him on the back and steps straight into the fight. Lion turns to his partner, but Uryu has eyes for Adamson, and points at him before storming directly at Horrigan.

HE: Call that a false start!

*Uryu is too eager, but not tactical and runs directly into a big boot by Horrigan. Adamson hollers and claps from the outside

HA: Horrigan is not gonna look for the masterclass. He will beat a man into submission before he considers an Observer star rating.

*Uryu gets to his feet and turns to face Horrigan, who raises a flat hand and hits Uryu with a huge palm strike that knocks him to his knees. He pops back up and is immediately sent down by another. This repeats three times before Uryu eventually flops down to the floor, rather than on his knees.

HE: Oh ho ho, I don’t think this is quite what Uryu wanted from this.

HA: They’d have wanted this to start at a good pace, keep Horrigan down.

*Horrigan stamps down on Uryu a few times before getting Jackson into the match. He gets into the ring and aims a kick slapping into Uryu’s chest as he struggles again to his feet, which he quickly follows up with a dropped elbow as Uryu is flat on the canvas.

HA: Look at Lion, bouncing on the edge there. This is everything he was worried about. Uryu looks an amateur.

*Jackson lifts Uryu up and whips him into the ropes. As he is propelled back towards him, Jackson hits him with an elbow to the jaw, spinning around him as he goes, using the momentum. As he gets behind him, he then drops Uryu with a neckbreaker. He kips up and then bows to Lion in the corner.

HE: The manoeuvre, the movement, the chain of moves there. That’s excellence.

HA: And the bow is pure Adamson theatre, a real kick in the teeth.

*Lion just steps back and applauds. The pair exchange words

HA: Lion wants in

HE: I think he’s challenging Jackson.

HA: Jackson is the one in that team that is here for the challenge, and I think he may have just baited himself here. He wants Lion, he wants the competition.

*The crowd get up on their feet and chant for what they see is happening. They can see Lion holding a hand out for Uryu and Jackson lifts him. He gestures to face off with Lion and then throws Uryu over, letting Lion lean down and tag in. Lion walks in and the pair come together slowly.

HA: This is quite the moment! Max is livid!

HE: Jackson has let his ego get in the way of glory here, brother. Too right Max is livid, they were in control of that loser!

*Jackson swings a punch, Lion ducks under and fires one into his gut. With Jackson bent down, Lion drops back to the ropes, running back to kick Jackson on the ear. Jackson springs up instead, watching Lion go by. The challenger turns and has no time to react to the superkick that plants against his cheek and sends him crashing down.

HA: This one is going to be fast, ladies and gentlemen.

*Jackson wastes no second to get to Lion’s legs, raising his both and wrapping him into a quick boston crab. The masked wrestler keeps his hands underneath him, rather than letting it lock in with his chest pressed down, and pushes up. Jackson can’t lock in, and Lion rolls under the bridge he makes and propels Jackson off him. Jackson spins around to find Lion on his feet and both men stop in the middle of the ring, expecting the other to make a move. The crowd applaud in appreciation.

They waste no time, springing off opposite ropes. Lion ducks a clothesline as they meet, bouncing off again and then ducking under as Jackson jumps up over him. Finally, Lion jumps to the middle rope and spins around to crossbody Jackson, but the tag champion catches him.

HA: What strength!

HE: We are having a pound-for-pound battle here, it’s all about the talent, not the weight class.

HA: And slammed dow--reversal! How has he managed that?!

*As Jackson goes to slam him down to the mat, he lifts Lion’s legs vertically in the air, but bringing him down, Lion wraps them around Jackson’s head and manages to flip him down with a headscissors. He sprints to the ropes, and as Jackson sits up, a running drop kick sends him crashing back down.

HA: Not a pinfall attempt yet, Henry. These men are not taking each other lightly.

HE: They are probably too breathless to duck down for it, but I’d appreciate the rest!

*Lion goes over and lets Uryu in with a tag. He sits up Jackson, putting him into a sleeper hold and dragging him to the corner. Jackson is touching the rope though, and Uryu is forced by the ref to release. He leaves him sat up in the corner and bounces off the ropes, hitting a running facewash kick. Jackson rolls out from the corner slightly, Uryu goes to the 2nd rope and hits an imploding splash. He covers.

Ref: 1.................2.............Kick out!

Ishida lifts up Jackson and he hits a series of clubbing blows across the back before lifting his opponent onto his shoulders. He sets up for a powerbomb but Adamson jumps onto the apron. He quickly drops down as the ref shouts, but the distractions allows Jackson to pummel away on the head of Uryu, managing to free himself. Uryu turns around and Jackson lands a desperate but huge superkick to the chin.

HE: A move that is so often a game-changer for Jackson, he'll be hoping that is once again the case right now - and gives him a chance to get back into this thing.

HA: Adamson is the move that has often been the game-changer!

Jackson crawls over for a cover.

Ref: 1................2...........Kick out!

Jackson gets to his feet and shakes off some of the punishment taken. He looks to exact a measure of revenge on Uryu by hitting some grounded blows off his own, driving knees into the face. He then lifts Uryu up to his feet, slinging him over his shoulders. He walks towards the corner and nails a flapjack onto the turnbuckle.

Jackson quickly steps back to the adjacent corner, before sprinting in and nailing Uryu with a Yakuza kick. He staggers forward out of the corner, straight into standing dropkick

Ref: 1....................2................Kick out!

Uryu gets the shoulder up. Jackson Jackson locks in a grounded full nelson hold, before driving a series of knees into the back. He eventually lifts Uryu to his feet and then throws him down with a full nelson suplex. He again looks to cover, Max proudly counting along outside the ring.

Ref: 1..................2..............Kick out!

HE: Jackson has got back into control of this match now.

HA: Every time Adamson gets in Uryu’s head, the concentration levels slip away from the ring and there are flaws to punish.

Jackson gets up to his feet, he allows Uryu to rise before hitting a spinning kick to the stomach. He tags his partner and Horrigan gets Uryu up into a powerbomb position. Jackson has climbed the turnbuckle and springs off to land an elbow just as Horrigan slams Uryu down.

HA: Beautiful teamwork.

HE: Looking very Shawn Michaels-esque with the way he dropped from the sky there.

Horrigan drops down for the pin.

Ref: 1...................2................Kick out!

HA: But even bigger heart on display so far by Uryu.

Uryu again forces the shoulder up. Jackson leaves the ring as Horrigan grabs Uryu by the throat and lifts him to his feet. He throws him by the neck, away into the corner, but his brutality is not matched by intelligence, and as Uryu lands, Lion can reach in for the tag to get back into the match.

HA: Ring awareness is a skill, Frank. One you need with you at all times

HE: I’m not sure he cares who he fights.

Lion springs up atop the ropes then propels himself in, but Horrigan swats him with the big right palm and sends him flailing down to the mat.

HA: Lion and Uryu have speed and heart as a pair, but neither of them have this brute force.

HE: The chemistry of the TA is unmatched in tag team wrestling. Speed and agility, power and brutality, and then all that brain behind them. Three more perfect men you will not find.

Lion stumbles back up and Horrigan runs at him with a big shoulder charge that turns him inside out, landing horribly.

HA: Ohhhh that could be his neck!

HE: Horrigan is laughing...and so is Max! There’s your drive to win, you fight first, ask questions later.

HA: That's going to hurt!

Ref: 1.................2..............Kick out!

Horrigan drags him to the corner, where he stomps down on the head of Lion until the referee steps in. The crowd boo, which only gets louder as the ref pushes Horrigan away and misses Adamson land a punch on Lion. As the ref turns, Max has walked away and has his hands in the air, mocking the fans and their protestations. Uryu is apoplectic with rage on the outside.

HA: There goes Uryu’s head again

HE: Gameplan on point.

Horrigan charges in, but his driven knees just smash the turnbuckle as Lion rolls out the way. He again runs the ropes, coming back to duck under a big boot by Horrigan. But as he reaches the other side and the ropes once more, Max catches his foot and Lion is stopped from propelling away.

HA: Uryu has had enough!

Uryu drops down and starts to storm over to Max. In the ring, Lion pushes forward once freed and flies at Horrigan, but the elbow strike to the chest has little impact. He goes for it again, but Horrigan expects it and catches him, lifting the smaller man over his head. Uryu sees none of this as he is now face to face with Adamson, screaming at him.


Over Henry’s laugh, we hear the sound of Horrigan dropping Lion down, but he drops him from high enough that Lion uses the bounce of the ring to go from horizontal, chest first bouncing off the ring to standing on his feet. He cracks a kick into Horrigan’s knee, and another, and then a third that finally drops Horrigan to one knee. But the giant still swings a big right that catches Lion and sends him flying into the corner.

HA: Max is egging Uryu on, he’s loving this.

*Uryu pushes Max, which catches the ref’s attention. He goes over to break it up, so Jackson holds Lion in the corner and Horrigan gathers himself then hits him with 6 feet 10, 375 pounds of a Stinger splash that crushes Lion. Jackson keeps ahold of him, so Horrigan walks away to the other side of the ring. The ref turns, Jackson lets go, but Lion doesn’t or can’t move.

HA: This used to be called a Ho Train, but nowadays we can’t say such things.

HE: I think they both end up in the same place, a man in the hospital without appearing to know how he got there

HA: But this will be real amnesia, not a story for the wife!

*Uryu is walking back to his corner and Frank eyeballs his opponent as he readies himself to run at Lion. Max then pushes Uryu from behind, which causes Uryu to stumble and then spin around

HA: Benny Hill time!

*Max runs and Uryu chases him. Horrigan is distracted, but turns to finish the job. As he runs in and jumps, Lion ducks underneath, takes a few steps and leaps to his corner for the tag

HA: But no one is home

HE: Max has done it again!

*Lion lifts his head to see his corner empty, then sees a laughing Adamson running from Uryu. Uryu catches him and spins him around, but the ref again halts it. Uryu drops his hand but still shouts at Adamson and the ref gives up.

HA: Lion is up again, and he is going in for more.

*Lion sprints over, ducks a clothesline, hops onto the bottom turnbuckle to spin himself back around but as he jumps and turns, he is damn-near killed as Horrigan flattens him with a sickening headbutt.

HA: Jesus!

HE: Did you hear that?! That thud?! Sickening!

*Lion gets up to his feet, but he’s dizzied and wobbled. He steps towards Horrigan, but then drifts backwards and falls down to the mat. Uryu’s attention is caught by the noise of the headbutt from before, and he sees that Lion is absolutely flat out. He sees what he has missed. Horrigan stumbles a little, and then turns to his partner and tags out.

HA: There is no way that all the damage was done to just one man there, just cos Horrigan’s head went forward, Lion’s broken skull would still hurt the giant.

*Jackson slips in and goes for the cover

Ref: 1.................2...............broken up!

HA: Uryu saves the match!

Jackson jumps up to confront Uryu, but the ref gets in the way and starts to push Uryu to his corner. Uryu relents, but Jackson follows and as Uryu turns to face the ring again from the apron, Jackson is right in his face. He talks and talks until Uryu cracks

HE: That’s not allowed, he’s out of the ring!

HA: Jackson talked the talk, Uryu couldn’t care less any more. That’s a slap heard around the arena!

HE: Jackson is shocked.

Jackson holds his face, but as he turns to look at Lion, he sees him still down and looking unconscious. The champion smiles

HA: I think Jackson knows that the battle and the war might still be won, whatever Uryu can do from out there.

*Jackson walks over to Lion and puts a foot on his chest for the three count

Ref: 1.................2..............Kick out!

HA: Not yet!

HE: How?!

HA: I’ve told you before, Lion has heart. And this Lion has courage too, aplenty.

HE: Jackson let Uryu in there, it gave Lion a second to recover.

HA: Oh god, look. Horrigan’s head is bleeding. And if he’s bleeding, what on earth must be under Lion’s mask?!

Horrigan wipes his hand across his head and smears blood on his face. Jackson looks, shrugs, and goes back to Lion. He leans down to pick him up and gets a kick to the head

HA: Signs of life!

Lion kips up, but the bad leg catches on the land and Lion stumbles, calling out in pain

HA: And that injury he’s been carrying rears its ugly head.

Jackson has time to react, lining up a superkick. Lion covers his face, and Jackson smiles as he pauses and then superkicks the bad leg. Lion flies down to the mat and writhes in agony.

HE: Just like Uryu has no focus, Lion only has one working leg. It’s a joke that the TA are even facing them!

Jackson drags Lion to his feet immediately, where he hits a couple of big knees into the stomach. He then lifts Lion into the air from behind and throws him over for a German suplex. Lion lands on his feet, but cannot hold it and collapses in pain.

HA: If the head injury wasn’t a killer, this leg injury could be the end for Lion.

Jackson pounces, kicking Lion in the side of the head and then grabbing the bad leg and spinning Lion over for a one-legged crab submission.

HA: That single leg crab puts the weight on Lion’s spine and his bad leg is contorted out of shape too. He has no power to push Jackson off, and no base strength to use with the pressure on the back.

HE: Genius.

HA: Hard to argue, even if it feels cruel.

HE: Killer instincts win titles.

HA: Yet Lion is still crawling here

Lion is dragging himself, in between howls of pain, to get that bottom rope. Uryu tries to get the crowd going and they respond, clapping Lion on, trying to will him to recovery. It’s blocked by an interruption from Horrigan, who bursts in and stamps on Lion’s head.

HA: Disgraceful, they’ve got the advantage.

HE: Hammer it home

The crowd boo and the ref pushes Horrigan to the corner. Distracted, he misses Max slapping the downed Lion in the face. As Jackson pulls Lion away to the centre


HE: What is that idiot doing?!

Uryu can’t handle it and sprints in, but ignores his stricken partner and dives through the ropes to wipe out Adamson. The crowd are on their feet, but they pause when they realise Lion is now stretching out from the middle of the ring, with no partner in his corner once more, and Uryu as hurt as Adamson by his dive through the ropes

HA: Suicida in more than just name, that’s self-inflicted by Uryu.

HE: He’s flattened Max AND himself, I think Max might well be delighted.

*Jackson cinches it in tighter in the middle of the ring, and knows that this is now a handicap match for the time being, against a man who can’t walk on one leg. Jackson drags Lion into his corner and tags Horrigan in. The hold stays on and Horrigan walks over and squeezes Lion’s head between his hands and then lifts.

HA: Oh god look at the angle! His spine!

HE: I don’t think it’s meant to bend that way!

The ref starts the count on Jackson, so he let’s go just before a five. Horrigan uses this opportunity to lift Lion into the air and then up into powerbomb position. Jackson tags back in and starts to climb to the top of the turnbuckle

HA: This will end it. Get ready for their Shiranui Powerbomb combination. WAIT A SECOND

Uryu springs up onto the apron and throws Jackson off, the tag champ landing sickeningly on the outside. Horrigan turns, then lowers Lion to see what is happening. With legs still around his neck, he looks over to see Uryu now on the turnbuckle, and he volleys Horrigan in the face like David De Gea again resorting to long-ball football at Old Trafford.

HA: He’s rocked him

HE: Head busted open, nose now busted open, Horrigan can’t see.

The big man stumbles back, Lion flopping lamely to the floor. Eventually, Horrigan steps forward but does not see the missile dropkick and Uryu flying to deliver it straight to his face. It knocks him down.

HA: An opening!

HE: But Lion is the legal man... and so is Jackson!

A huge cheer goes up as Uryu picks Lion up and puts him over his shoulder, dragging himself and his partner over to the corner. He places him down and then goes to get through the ropes. Standing on the apron he turns

HA: Ball game!

HE: Out the park, no faking it this time!

Jackson has caught up, planting a hellacious superkick into the jaw of Uryu as he turns around, expecting to easily tag his partner. Uryu flies to the outside, Jackson turns to Lion and props him up into the corner. He then fires him across the ring, but Lion’s leg gives out again and he drops to the mat.

HA: Jackson is seeing something here

HE: And he’s climbing to the top.

Lion lays out, flat, and Jackson surveys the scene from the top rope. He sets off



Lion writhes around, screaming the whole time, and Jackson gathers himself quickly. He locks in the single leg crab one more time, and Lion fights against it with no luck.

HA: Middle of the ring, no partner, Horrigan waiting to get involved if needs be.

HE: Max is standing over Uryu here, he’s not getting up.
HA: And the struggle is fading

Lion’s fight softens and softens, till eventually his hand is no longer reaching out for the rope. The ref checks him to see if he can respond.


HA: This one is over, folks. Lion has no more to give.

HE: Such a martyr. Just tap! Could give him one more year of this mockery of a career

The titles are brought in for Jackson and Horrigan, and Adamson joins them with the microphone.

MA: The winners of this match, the all-conquering, undefeatable, immeasurable, the one and only, 6CW WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS OF THE WORLD!!!!!!! THE TA!!!!!

Their music plays, the two men celebrate and Max walks away to lean over the ropes. He sees Uryu on his haunches, and laughs at the rival he will not face, blowing a kiss then walking away to join his boys as they slide out of the ring and go up the ramp. Eventually, once they have left, their music cuts and it is left for the referee and Uryu to help a now conscious but injured Lion walk to the back, to loud applause from the fans.

Dolphin Ziggler

Posts : 24115
Join date : 2012-03-01
Age : 35
Location : Making the Kessel Run

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Post by Dolphin Ziggler Sun 02 Sep 2018, 6:28 am

*With the crowd noise from the tag match finish still reverberating backstage, Liam Wood comes into shot in the backstage area

LW: Didn’t I tell you all?

*He glares down the lens and then smiles

LW: Haven’t I already shown you all?

*He laughs

LW: I am the main event, and I have just carried five other men on my back to get them there. This is a pre-show match before my name was added. Washed up, waste of space, charity entrant; that just describes Gazzy, Mr Kenty and McManus. Less said about those two stand-in champions.

*He strokes his chin

LW: And now it’s only 4 other men that stand in my way, it just keeps getting easier

*The anger in his eyes flares again

LW: But soon it will be the end of this pay-per-view and it will end with the double champion Liam Wood standing tall. The lasting image. A legacy for Beachfront Brawl and another chapter in the greatest story in professional wrestling.

Dolphin Ziggler

Posts : 24115
Join date : 2012-03-01
Age : 35
Location : Making the Kessel Run

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Post by Dolphin Ziggler Sun 02 Sep 2018, 6:30 am

Main Event
6CW UK & International Championships (2 falls)
Perfect Jack (c) vs Clarke James (c) vs Mr Kenty vs GazzyD vs Liam Wood vs James McManus

HA: Welcome back folks to Beachfront Brawl, and what a show you have been treated to tonight!

HE: It has been fantastic from the get go, all action and some significant changes in the landscape of 6CW. And that's only set to continue next, here in our...

HA: MAIN EVENT! And what a main event it is, let me hand things over to our ring announcer to run through the contest.

Ring Announcer: Ladies and Gentleman, the following contest is your FINAL match of the evening and is the MAAAIIINNNN EVENT!

It is a FATAL FIVE WAY match scheduled for TWO FALLS! The first fall will be for the 6CW UK CHAMPIONSHIP! And the second pinfall will be for the 6CW INTERNATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP!

Titles can be won by pin or submission only, there is no count outs and no disqualification!

HA: This match was originally scheduled to be a 6 pack challenge match up but Mr Kenty was taken out earlier this evening in a brutal attack by Liam Wood.

HE: Wood improving his chances of winning a title, it was a clever move!

Ring Announcer: Introducing first...weighing in at 210lbs, he hails from Norwich, England...JAMES MCMANUSSS!

The opening bars of 'Sad But True' play. The hooded figure of James McManus appears on stage. He carefully throws his hood back and walks past the mixed crowd. He rolls into the ring and points to the heavens before backing off into the corner and stepping through the ropes.

HA: James McManus was unsuccessful when recently challenging for the TV Title, he'll be hoping for better times tonight.

Ring Announcer: Introducing next, he hails from Manchester, England and weighs in at 221lbs...GAZZZY D!

"Freedom" blares out through the speakers and the crowd cheer loudly as Gazzy D marches out onto the stage, he takes in the wild cheering of the crowd with a grin on his face.

Gazzy builds into a sprint as he makes his way down the ramp, sliding in under the bottom rope.

HE: Gazzy D has done most things here in 6CW but I don't think even he has won two titles in one match before.

Ring Announcer: Introducing the third challenger...from Hereford, England and weighing in at 235lbs...LIAM WOODDDD!

"Revival Mode" by Every Time I Die kicks in and a lone figure walks out slowly on to the stage, taking his place in the spot light. The lights kick in fully and Liam Wood strides down to the ramp, staring down both of his rivals.

HA: Wood took out Kenty pre-match, and he will get an opportunity to get one over on another of his rivals in Gazzy D during the contest.

Ring Announcer: Introducing the fourth challenger, he hails from Robbinsdale, Minnesota and weighs in at 260lbs...PERFECT JACK!

"I am perfection" blares out through the speakers, Perfect Jack walks out through the curtain to a good cheer from the crowd. He makes his way down to the ring, tagging the fans hands.

HA: Here's one of the men who held these titles until they were stripped from and made vacant by Alex Walker.

Ring Announcer: And finally, from Westminster, London, Englnad and weighing in at 214lbs...CLARKE JAMMESSSS!

"Blind Faith" roars out around the arena and the crowd pop as the camera shows James with his back to them, arms out-stretched. James spins on the spot to set off some pyro and then strides to the ring purposefully. He rolls in and exchanges glares with his opponents before embracing his tag partner.

HE: Let's see how long that loyalty lasts...

HA: Well let's get this thing underway shall we, what a match this promises to be...

"Power" rings through the air and the crowd descend into huge boos as Anthony Grace strides out onto the stage, accompanied by Charlie Kramer.

HA: What the hell are these two doing out here?!

There is no extravagance or showmanship on display, it's all business as Grace and Kramer march to the ring. They step in and Kramer goes straight to the referee with a piece of paper.

HE: Now what is this about?

The ref reads the note, he motions for the ring announcer to come over...

Ring Announcer: Ladies and Gentleman, by order of the 6CW Board, this match will once again be a SIX PACK CHALLENGE match as advertised. Taking the place of Mr Kenty, from Hollywood, USA and weighing in at 245lbs...ANTHONYYYY GRAAACEEE!

Grace smirks, he nods to Charlie who leaves promptly up the ramp.

HA: That adds a whole different element to this match!

Ding, Ding, Ding!

The bell rings to kick the match off, Anthony Grace immediately rolls out under the bottom rope and stands on the outside. James McManus steps forward to the middle of the ring, he beckons on one of the champions to take him on.

HA: McManus signalling his intentions early on here, he's going to fight the champions face to face.

HE: Liam Wood not quite as chivalrous!

Liam Wood blindsides McManus, taking him down with a running knee to the back. Wood pummels away at the back of McManus' head with punches before grabbing him by the waist and slinging him down into the mat with a German suplex. McManus rolls to his feet and Wood kicks him in the gut before planting him into the canvas with a snap DDT.

Wood chooses not to cover, instead picking up McManus and throwing him down to the outside. Wood turns back to the middle of the ring, where it is now Perfect Jack, Clarke James and Gazzy D left in the other corners of the ring. Perfect Jack and James look at each other, they nod. Clarke James strides towards Gazzy D while Perfect Jack beckons on Liam Wood.
James and Gazzy quickly become embroiled in a flurry of fists, while Perfect Jack takes a more methodical approach, offering a lock-up. Wood marches forward, locks with one hand only to then drive a boot into the abdomen. Jack lurches forward, Wood lifts him up into the air by the waist before dropping him down across an out-stretched knee to hit a gutbuster. Wood quickly transitions this through into a gutwrench powerbomb. Cover.

Ref: 1...................2..........Kick out!

HA: Wood with the first pin attempt of the match!

Gazzy D begins to get the better of his exchange with Clarke James, forcing him into a corner where he quickly unravels a succession of stiff open-handed chops to the chest of James. Gazzy then takes a step back before sprinting in to deliver a high impact looking elbow to the face. James stumbles out of the corner, Gazzy runs the ropes and then springboards back to deliver a dropkick to the face. He hooks the leg.

Ref: 1...................2.............Kick out!

We switch back to Liam Wood, who clambers onto Jack, pummeling away at him with a series of big punches. Wood is eventually forced to roll away by the referee. He allows Perfect Jack to rise before throwing him into the ropes. On the rebound, Wood plants Jack face-first into the mat with a flapjack.

Liam Wood then bounces off the ropes once he sees Jack beginning to stir, so he can then meet him flush in the middle of the ring with a vicious looking discus elbow smash. He hooks the leg.

Ref: 1................2............Kick out!

Again the cameras switch action to show Gazzy D, who stomps away on the right shoulder of Clarke James. Eventually he brings him to his feet in an armbar hold, Gazzy attempts an Irish whip but James reverses the momentum. On the rebound, James goes for a tilt-a-whirl neckbreaker only for Gazzy to counter with a flying head-scissors to take-down one of the champions.

Clarke James stumbles up to his feet, Gazzy kicks him in the gut and takes James down with a suplex. He keeps the hold applied, dragging James up and looks all set up for another suplex but instead transitions it through into a backbreaker. He covers.

Ref: 1...................2..........Kick out!

Liam Wood has a double underhook hold applied on the grounded Perfect Jack, he uses this position to allow him to drive knees into the back of the head. Eventually, Wood drags up Jack and launches him out across the ring with a tiger suplex. Jack stumbles up and walks straight into a jumping big boot from Wood.

He then goes up to the top rope, before diving off and taking down Jack with a flying lariat. Perfect Jack rolls up to his feet, Liam Wood spins him around on the spot and then plants Jack into the mat with a swinging reverse STO. Cover.

Ref: 1.....................2..........Kick out!

HE: The champs on the back foot individually here.

Gazzy D has James back at a vertical base and the former 6WF star fights back a little with some forearm smashes but Gazzy quickly quashes this with a jawbreaker. James stumbles around and walks straight into a beautiful dropkick from Gazzy D which is met with cheers from the crowd.

James stumbles up, Gazzy goes for an Irish whip but James reverses the momentum, sending Gazzy towards the ropes. In one fluid motion, Gazzy manages to leapfrog over the top rope and take out McManus on the outside with a big forearm smash. McManus stumbles to his feet and Gazzy grabs him by the head, launching him into the steel railings with a sickening thud.

Gazzy jumps back onto the apron but James has recovered, he runs in and cracks Gazzy with a leaping enzaguri kick to the head and he falls off the top rope. James turns around as Wood has Jack in position for a powerbomb.

Perfect Jack takes Wood down with a hurracanrana. He stumbles up and James runs out of the corner, hitting a leaping lariat. Cover.

Ref: 1.....................2...............Kick out!

Clarke James lifts up Wood, he throws him into the ropes and on the rebound, connects with an inverted atomic drop. James then runs off the ropes, where he floors Wood with a spinning heel kick to the face. He covers.

Ref: 1....................2.............Kick out!

Wood kicks out. Clarke James hauls him up and again Irish whips Wood into the ropes. He goes for another move on the rebound, this time a tilt-a-whirl neckbreaker...

HE: Counter with an arm drag!

James rolls up, Wood is about to level him with a superkick only for Perfect Jack to chopblock Wood down to the mat. Perfect Jack lifts up Wood, he hits a big atomic drop and follows that with a bridging belly to back suplex.

Ref: 1....................2...............Kick out!

Clarke James joins in with Jack as they pick up Liam Wood, they combine to throw him into the ropes and connect with a double hip toss takedown. Wood rolls up, Jack snapmares him down to the mat and then provides a hand as leverage for James to hit a standing moonsault on the former world champion. He hooks the leg.

HA: Former tag team champions and certainly showing that camaraderie is there even with their titles on the line.

Ref: 1....................2..............Kick out!

Jack and James lift up Liam Wood, each taking it in turns to launch punches and kicks at him, backing Wood into the ropes. The duo then bounce off the ropes, sending Wood flying down to the outside with a double clothesline. Clarke James and Perfect Jack turn-around to see an empty ring except for themselves.

HE: Let's see how friendly they are now!

HA: The crowd are certainly up for this, they want to see this clash!

Jack and James stare each other down, for a moment it looks as if they are going to come to blows but Jack then extends a hand and James smiles, shaking his partner's hand. They then lift their hands up getting ready for a lock-up, James then manages to apply a side headlock.

Jack hits a belly to back suplex but James lands on his feet behind PJ. James goes for a boot, Jack grabs it but the former COH man nails an enzaguri kick. James runs the ropes, hitting a lionsault and making the cover.

Ref: 1...................2.............Kick out!

Clarke James lifts up Jack, he hits a couple of European Uppercuts into the chin and throws Jack into the ropes. He goes for a Samoan Drop on the rebound but Jack manages to wriggle free from the back of James and then backslides him into the pin attempt.

Ref: 1.....................2............Kick out!

James gets the shoulder, him and Perfect Jack rise simultaneously but Jack manages to react quickest to take James down with a swinging neckbreaker. Jack hits a couple of boots down into the top of the abdomen before dragging James towards the corner, Jack goes to the 2nd rope before diving down to hit an elbow to the gut. He covers.

Ref: 1.....................2...............Kick out!

Perfect Jack gets to his feet, he quickly tries to lock in a figure four leglock on James but he has it read and manages to boot Jack away. He walks forward, CJ kips up and in one fluid motion takes Perfect Jack down with a clothesline.

HA: These two know each other so well, it's going to be difficult for one of them to gain the upper hand at all.

James goes up to the top rope, he waits for Jack to rise before taking him down with a flying clothesline and covers.

Ref: 1...................2..............Kick out!

Jack kicks out. Clarke James allows him to rise, he then lifts up Jack and then drives him down into the canvas with a scoop slam. James goes up to the top rope once again, this time he connects with a diving plancha!

Ref: 1.................2............Kick out!

Perfect Jack gets the shoulder up once again. Clarke James allows his tag partner to his feet and connects with a snap suplex, he goes up top...

HA: Third time the charm for Clarke James?!

HE: Not if James McManus has anything to do with it!

Dolphin Ziggler

Posts : 24115
Join date : 2012-03-01
Age : 35
Location : Making the Kessel Run

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Post by Dolphin Ziggler Sun 02 Sep 2018, 6:31 am

McManus scoops James onto his shoulders from the top turnbuckle, he then throws James down off the apron with a brutal looking powerbomb. McManus then steps into the ring, Perfect Jack is up and runs at him, McManus takes him down with a standing side slam backbreaker. He hooks the leg.

Ref: 1.....................2...............Kick out!

Perfect Jack kicks out. James McManus lifts him to his feet and throws him into the ropes, knocking down Jack with a stiff shoulder block on the rebound. Perfect Jack stumbles up, McManus lifts him into the air for a suplex but then drops him down face-first. He covers.

Ref: 1........................2................Kick out!

James McManus gets up to his feet, he begins stomping away on the head of Perfect Jack. He then allows the veteran to rise to his feet before slinging him over his shoulders and running to the middle of the ring, connecting with a big powerslam. McManus again covers.

Ref: 1......................2................Kick out!

Again Perfect Jack kicks out. James McManus hauls him to his feet, booting Jack in the gut. He lifts him onto his shoulders...



Ref: 1...........................2..........................Anthony Grace breaks the pin!

HE: Grace breaks the pin!

HA: And it's the first time we've seen him all match!

HE: He might have lost his belt earlier in the night but that champions instinct remains.

Grace quickly drags up Perfect Jack and slings him out of the ring underneath the bottom rope, sending him crashing down onto his tag team partner Clarke James. Grace lifts up McManus and grabs him by the head, running him to the middle of the ring to connect with a bulldog. He hooks the leg.

Ref: 1.....................2..............Kick out!

McManus forces the shoulder up. Anthony Grace lifts him to his feet, he throws him into the ropes and then connects with a back body drop on the rebound. McManus rolls to his feet and Grace runs off the ropes, taking McManus down with a huge clothesline. He covers.

Ref: 1.....................2................Kick out!

Grace allows James McManus to his feet, he hits a knee to the stomach and Anthony Grace connects with a delayed vertical suplex. McManus staggers up, Grace plants him face-first into the canvas with a reverse Russian Legsweep. Cover.

Ref: 1.......................2.............Kick out!

McManus again kicks out. Grace lifts him up and hits a quick slam. McManus rolls to his feet...



Ref: 1............................2........................Gazzy D breaks the pinfall!

HA: The shoe on the other foot for Anthony Grace now!

Grace gets to his feet angrily, he swings wildly at Gazzy who rolls him up.

Ref: 1.........................2.................Kick out!

Grace again gets up, Gazzy goes for a boot, its blocked only to be countered with an enzaguri kick to the head. Grace staggers around and Gazzy runs in, taking down the Hollywood superstar with a slingblade. Cover.

Ref: 1....................2..............Kick out!

Gazzy allows Grace up, he goes for a punch but Grace blocks and then floats around the back to synch in a rear waistlock. Gazzy sends an elbow flying back to force Grace to release and then follows up with a pele kick. Grace falls groggily into Gazzy's path and he delivers a Michinoku Driver and then goes for the pin.

Ref: 1........................2...............Kick out!

Grace kicks out. Gazzy drags him up...


Ref: 1........................2...................Kick out!

Gazzy stands over Grace, waiting for him to rise...

HE: Liam Wood!

Wood dives in under the bottom rope, he takes Gazzy down with a superkick to the back of the head. He then picks up Gazzy and throws him into the ropes...



Ref: 1............................2..................................3!

Ding, Ding, Ding!



Ring Announcer: The winner of the first pinfall and....NEEWWWW 6CW UK CHAMPION. LIAM WOOD!

HA: Liam Wood having a successful night of it so far, he took out one of his most recent rivals Mr Kenty in a violent attack earlier tonight and now won a title at the expense of Gazzy D, his other main rival!

HE: And now look at the killer instinct, going straight for a second consecutive pin!

Dolphin Ziggler

Posts : 24115
Join date : 2012-03-01
Age : 35
Location : Making the Kessel Run

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Post by Dolphin Ziggler Sun 02 Sep 2018, 6:33 am

Liam Wood immediately covers Gazzy D again.

Ref: 1..................2...............Clarke James dives in to break the pin!

HA: Liam Wood very close to getting another title belt for his collection.

HE: James saves one of the least for the time being.

Clarke James immediately starts driving punches into the head of the grounded Liam Wood. He then drags him to his feet and slings him into the corner. James sprints in and takes down Wood with a shining wizard. He then starts pummelling down on Wood who is slumped against the turnbuckle, James then bounces off the ropes and connects with a running kick to the head. He covers.

Ref: 1...................2...........Kick out!

James gets up to his feet, he turns his attention to Gazzy D who has just got up to a vertical base. He cracks a series of forearms up into the grill of Gazzy who staggers back. Clarke James slings him across the ring and then takes down Gazzy with a big spinebuster on the rebound. James then climbs up to the top rope, he dives off...

HA: Beautiful corkscrew senton!

Ref: 1....................2..............Kick out!

Gazzy gets the shoulder up. James turns his attentions once more to another opponent, he picks up James McManus and goes for faithless but this time McManus blocks. He ducks his head under the shoulder of Clarke James and then throws him down to the mat with a Northern Lights suplex.

McManus gets to his feet and drives a series of knees down into the face of Clarke James, before lifting the former tag champion to his feet and then throws him into the ropes. On the rebound, McManus drops James into the mat face-first with a flapjack. Cover.

Ref: 1...................2............Kick out!

McManus hauls up James and then throws him firmly into the turnbuckles in the corner. McManus boots away at the stomach of James a few occassions, he then grabs James and then hits a series of short Irish whips into the turnbuckle, continually driving James' back into the turnbuckles.

McManus then lifts James onto his shoulders and walks to the middle of the ring to hit an inverted backbreaker. He hooks the leg.

Ref: 1...................2...............Kick out!

Clarke James kicks out. McManus drags him to his feet and then launches CJ into the ropes, on the rebound he connects with a snap powerslam. McManus then bounces off the ropes, he leaps into the air and connects with a vicious leaping double knee to the back. He grabs James by the waist and lifts him into the air, slamming him down with a German suplex.


Ref: 1......................2................Kick out!

McManus allows James to his feet once more, he lifts him onto his shoulders and then delivers the River Wensum Plunge! Cover.

Ref: 1...........................2......................Kick out!

Clarke James kicks out. McManus quickly puts him into the Boston Crab submission hold.

HA: This is fantastic wrestling from James McManus, he's worked over the back and now has the suitable submission hold locked in to take advantage.

McManus wrenches back on the hold, applying further pressure to the back of Clarke James. James yells out in pain as McManus leans even further back in the hold...





Ref: 1............................2.....................Liam Wood breaks the pin!

HE: Wood with the timely safe on this occassion!

HA: The double championship is still on!

Wood drags Grace to his feet, he slings him into the corner and then sprints in, cracking a Yakuza Kick into the head. Wood steps onto the apron and then vaults through to take down
the Hollywood Superstar with a spear! Cover.

Ref: 1......................2...............Kick out!

Grace powers the shoulder up. Wood drives a series of forearms and the point of his elbow into the face from up close before lifting up Grace. He lifts him onto his shoulders...

HA: Setting up for the lungblower...

HE: Counter with a hurracanrana!

Wood gets to his feet, he goes for a superkick but Grace side-steps and rolls up Wood.

Ref: 1....................2...........Kick out!

Wood kicks out, the duo rise and Grace kicks him in the gut and delivers a scoop slam. He goes up top...


HE: Grace going all out!

Ref: 1...........................2....................Kick out!

Grace gets to his feet, he stands over Wood who slowly gets to his feet...


Ref: 1................................2...........................Kick out!

HE: Even closer!

Anthony Grace pounds the canvas in frustration. He steps back to the corner, he waits for Liam Wood to rise before sprinting in...



Ref: 1..................................2............................Kick out!

This time it is Liam Wood left to berate the officials. Wood drags up Grace and hauls him to the corner where he hits a couple of knees to the gut. He then sits on the top rope, he pulls Grace in and lifts him up...





Ref: 1.....................................2.......................................




Wood gets to his feet and approaches Gazzy angrily on the apron, Gazzy fires back with a stiff forearm to send Wood stumbling. Gazzy then springboards in off the top rope and takes Wood down with a flying forearm smash! He covers.

Ref: 1...........................2.....................Kick out!

Gazzy lifts up Wood, he boots him in the gut and then connects with the History Maker!

Ref: 1...........................2..................Kick out!

Wood again powers the shoulder up off the mat. Gazzy hauls him up...


Ref: 1.....................................2...........................McManus breaks the pin!

McManus breaks the pin by lifting up Gazzy from covering Wood. He hauls him onto his shoulders and delivers the River Wensum Plunge!

Ref: 1.................................2.......................Kick out!

James McManus allows Gazzy to his feet, he then kicks him in the gut...




Ref: 1................................2......................Kick out!

Jack and McManus get to their feet together, Jack kicks him in the stomach...



Ref: 1....................................2..............................Kick out!

HA: Tremendous fight from James McManus!

Perfect Jack begins to work over the back of McManus with knees, he then drags him up and hits a spinebuster. He quickly steps that through into a sharpshooter!

HE: Sharpshooter locked in! Middle of the ring!

HA: This could be it, Jack could be keeping his title!

McManus yells out in pain as Jack wrenches back on the hold...




HE: Surely we aren't going to end like this again?!

HA: Could we still have co-champions?!

Both submission holds are locked in and McManus doesn't look like he can hold on for too much longer. The camera then pans to show Gazzy D climbing to the top rope slowly, but he is then joined by Liam Wood.

HA: Wood pummeling away at Gazzy!

Wood rockets punches into the head of Gazzy, groggying him. Wood then pulls in Gazzy...


HA: That's one way to break up that submission!

HE: Everyone down!

Wood and Gazzy roll out of the ring, as does McManus leaving James and Perfect Jack down on the canvas.

HA: Everyone is down...apart from one!

HE: Anthony Grace is ready to pounce.

Grace quickly rolls Jack out under the bottom rope, he stands over Clarke James...


Dolphin Ziggler

Posts : 24115
Join date : 2012-03-01
Age : 35
Location : Making the Kessel Run

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Post by Dolphin Ziggler Sun 02 Sep 2018, 6:34 am



Cerberus steps out onto the stage and Grace is almost frozen in fear. Cerberus is about to make his way down to the ring when Charles Kramer walks out onto the stage.

HA: Kramer's here to help his client.

HE: No Charlie, get away from him!

Kramer is remonstrating with Cerberus, trying to keep him away from the ring. Cerberus glares at him and then the crowd erupts as Cerberus floors Kramer with a huge right hand.

Cerberus then makes his way down to the ring...

HA: Grace is bailing! Grace wants absolutely none of this.

Cerberus marches to the ring, Grace rolls out and Cerberus takes chase around the ring. Grace is shoving camera men out of the way and trying to push the steps into Cerberus' path to try and stop the monster. Grace rolls into the ring and scurries across the other side but Cerberus grabs him by the shoulder and pulls him back. Grace retreats to the corner, cowering and begging for forgiveness.

HA: This is big trouble for Grace.

HE: Kramer's here! Come on Charlie!

HA: And he's got a steel chair!



Cerberus doesn't even flinch at the chair shot to the back. He turns around, snatching the chair out of Charles Kramer's hands. Kramer is now begging for forgiveness while Grace still cowers in the corner.

HA: This won't end well for Kramer!

Cerberus smirks and he swings the chair at Kramer, who manages to duck...



Kramer quickly scurries as Cerberus looks at James lay out on the mat for a second. Suddenly Perfect Jack comes storming in, he sends himself and Cerberus flying over the top rope with a huge clothesline.

HE: Perfect Jack looking to avenge his tag partner!

HA: And look at Grace! Look at the grin on his face!

HE: He's all alone! James is out cold!

Grace quickly runs over and covers James.

Ref: 1.............................2......................................3!

Ding, Ding, Ding!

Ring Announcer: Ladies and Gentleman, the winner of the SECOND FALL and NEEWWW 6CW INTERNATIONAL CHAMPION...ANTHONY GRACEEEEE!

Grace quickly slides out of the ring, Kramer already has the international championship in his hands and he passes it onto Grace as the two retreat quickly up the ramp to get out of the sight of Cerberus.

HA: What a way to end an enthralling match!

HE: For all the world, it looked as if Anthony Grace was going to have his night ruined by Cerberus but yet he has come out smelling of roses and with gold once again around his waist.

HA: He may not have been a part of this match but Cerberus was certainly the decisive factor in that second fall, inadvertently taking out Clarke James with a chair shot aimed at Charlie Kramer.

HE: Perfect Jack of course took exception to that and took out Cerberus, and you have to admire his loyalty to Clarke James. But you have to question how wise it was. It cost him, and James, the chance to retain at least one of their titles.

HA: In all that commotion at the end, you almost forget two titles were on the line in this gruelling match-up and it was Liam Wood who became 6CW UK Champion when winning the first pinfall, another man who loves to have gold around his waist.

HE: Liam Wood the UK Champion and Anthony Grace the new International champion. And quite frankly, I couldn't think of anyone better to hold that title. An International, multimedia, cultural superstar is now the International Champion, it writes itself!

*The show ends with a split screen, Liam Wood holding his UK Championship at ringside while Anthony Grace and Charles Kramer, confidence and arrogance restored, smiling with the International Championship while Cerberus stares up at them from ringside.

Dolphin Ziggler

Posts : 24115
Join date : 2012-03-01
Age : 35
Location : Making the Kessel Run

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