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What is the Worst Movie that you have ever seen?

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What is the Worst Movie that you have ever seen?  Empty What is the Worst Movie that you have ever seen?

Post by hbk48942 Thu 29 Aug 2013, 9:48 pm

title says it all

for me Angus Thongs and Perfect Snogging - not my cup of tea at all.


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What is the Worst Movie that you have ever seen?  Empty Re: What is the Worst Movie that you have ever seen?

Post by Dr Gregory House MD Fri 30 Aug 2013, 12:59 am

Titanic- probably isn't the worse film in terms of quality, but it's so long, so boring, and too big budget to be it's so bad it's funny

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What is the Worst Movie that you have ever seen?  Empty Re: What is the Worst Movie that you have ever seen?

Post by LivinginItaly Fri 30 Aug 2013, 5:09 am

Hangover 3 was a terrible movie. The first time I seriously considered walking out of the cinema, only stayed coz I thought my wife was enjoying the film and then discovered at the end that she also was bored.


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What is the Worst Movie that you have ever seen?  Empty Re: What is the Worst Movie that you have ever seen?

Post by Galted Fri 30 Aug 2013, 6:18 am

Excluding low budget sci-fi/horror, The Room, superhero films & any franchises my Bottom 10 would be:

Battlefield Earth
Sixth Sense
Run Fatboy Run
Meet The Spartans
Listen To Me
Shutter Island
Golden Compass
Red Tails
The Wedding Planner

Might change if I ever watch After Earth, Daddy Day Care,  Baby Geniuses or Gigli


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What is the Worst Movie that you have ever seen?  Empty Re: What is the Worst Movie that you have ever seen?

Post by rIck_dAgless Fri 30 Aug 2013, 6:20 am

freddy got fingered - man i hate that film, really, really hate it


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What is the Worst Movie that you have ever seen?  Empty Re: What is the Worst Movie that you have ever seen?

Post by Ent Fri 30 Aug 2013, 6:30 am

Lost in translation.


Dungeons and dragons runs it a close second.


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What is the Worst Movie that you have ever seen?  Empty Re: What is the Worst Movie that you have ever seen?

Post by Rowley Fri 30 Aug 2013, 6:36 am

The team that make all them spoof films like Epic Movie, Date Movie etc have made some spectacularly unfunny films. Really is staggering how bad some of them are.

I personally hated the Hangover II with a passion. Was a lazy cynical cash in. Must have taken all of about 3 minutes to write. "The first hangover made a lot of money, I know lets make the same film in a different city" "Good idea, lets go to the pub"

As a Bond Fan/obsessive I could also get quite upset about Die Another Day. Invisible cars and Madonna. Need I say more.


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What is the Worst Movie that you have ever seen?  Empty Re: What is the Worst Movie that you have ever seen?

Post by Mr Bounce Fri 30 Aug 2013, 7:19 am

I'm 100% with you on the Dire Another Day thing Jeff. And I love Bond...

However not even After Earth comes close to the "remake" of Rollerball. It is SO, SO bad. In one scene Chris Klein is supposed to have a five o'clock shadow after an overnight flight & it looks like the make up department used boot polish on his baby-faced cheeks. I lasted 26 minutes I think before switching it off.

Last edited by Mr Bounce on Fri 30 Aug 2013, 7:31 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Missed out a word!)

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What is the Worst Movie that you have ever seen?  Empty Re: What is the Worst Movie that you have ever seen?

Post by westisbest Fri 30 Aug 2013, 7:25 am

Evan Almighty

Just 2 off the top of my head that I thought were shocking.


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What is the Worst Movie that you have ever seen?  Empty Re: What is the Worst Movie that you have ever seen?

Post by rIck_dAgless Fri 30 Aug 2013, 7:31 am

westisbest wrote:Evan Almighty
dances with smurfs could have been ok if they had cut about an hour and a half out of it


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What is the Worst Movie that you have ever seen?  Empty Re: What is the Worst Movie that you have ever seen?

Post by Stella Fri 30 Aug 2013, 7:46 am

The worst film I have seen at the cinema was the remake of Inspector Clouseau with Steve Martin. It was just plain unfunny, and the fact that there were only about 10 people in the cinema didn't help.


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What is the Worst Movie that you have ever seen?  Empty Re: What is the Worst Movie that you have ever seen?

Post by The Womble Fri 30 Aug 2013, 8:08 am

Seen many a stinker but these stand out as the worst I've seen:

The Royal Tenenbaums
Mortal Kombat: Annihilation
Big Daddy
The Womble
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Post by dummy_half Fri 30 Aug 2013, 8:20 am


Good reason never to take the film selection of my (then) 14 year old nephew seriously...

At least with really bad 'serious' films there's the possibility of it hitting the 'so bad it's funny' level, but bad comedies don't even have hope for that redemption.


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What is the Worst Movie that you have ever seen?  Empty Re: What is the Worst Movie that you have ever seen?

Post by Stella Fri 30 Aug 2013, 8:24 am

I quite liked Stepbrothers Rolling Eyes 

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What is the Worst Movie that you have ever seen?  Empty Re: What is the Worst Movie that you have ever seen?

Post by x12x Fri 30 Aug 2013, 8:33 am

Excluding the obvious films that are made to be bad such as Sand Sharks, Strippers vs Werewolves and Killjoy (think a ghetto version of IT) I'd probably go for Clerks, I watched it recently after my friends raved about it and despite a couple of funny lines I was pretty bored 90% of the time...maybe I missed something but it hasn't seemed to age very well.

Apart from that there are a long list of films I will always hate...the top one being Girl Interrupted, a film I have been forced to watch by so many different girls and it got harder to watch each and every time!

I have to say I'm shocked by some of the suggestions...Shutter Island for me was pretty good and I even liked Step was, what it's never going to be the greatest film ever but it never tried to be haha.


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What is the Worst Movie that you have ever seen?  Empty Re: What is the Worst Movie that you have ever seen?

Post by Galted Fri 30 Aug 2013, 8:47 am

xviperx wrote:
Apart from that there are a long list of films I will always hate...the top one being Girl Interrupted, a film I have been forced to watch by so many different girls and it got harder to watch each and every time!

Girl Interrupted, despite the Winona factor, was an immense shower of faeces.  I find it quite alarming how many girls regard it as one of their favourite films yet still expect some form of sympathy when they're on the rag.


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What is the Worst Movie that you have ever seen?  Empty Re: What is the Worst Movie that you have ever seen?

Post by Guest Fri 30 Aug 2013, 8:58 am

Blair Witch Project - never been this angry in the cinema before. Remember getting told off by my then girlfriend for repeatedly muttering "this is just f*****g s**t, can we go?" and being infuriated by these stupid girls all sat weeping at the end because it was "sooooooooooo terrifying maaaaaaaan" Really wanted to make friends with guy who stood up after 15 minutes and said "F**k this, I'm off to the pub!"

HIGHLANDER II - Dear God in Heaven, what the **** have you done to this classic film? Your whole plot basically rips up the premise of the first and everyone involved deserves a slow painful death (even worse than the one I suffered watching it)


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What is the Worst Movie that you have ever seen?  Empty Re: What is the Worst Movie that you have ever seen?

Post by Galted Fri 30 Aug 2013, 9:05 am

Thought Blair Witch was ok, what f****d it up was that all the tabloids had carried on months before it came out about how it was the scariest film ever


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What is the Worst Movie that you have ever seen?  Empty Re: What is the Worst Movie that you have ever seen?

Post by Guest Fri 30 Aug 2013, 9:29 am

Galted wrote:Thought Blair Witch was ok, what f****d it up was that all the tabloids had carried on months before it came out about how it was the scariest film ever
In my anger I appear to have missed that bit...might give it another go.


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What is the Worst Movie that you have ever seen?  Empty Re: What is the Worst Movie that you have ever seen?

Post by Guest Fri 30 Aug 2013, 9:34 am

What was that M.Night Shamalayan film "Lady in the lake " or something? Really utterly truly stpuedously boring. I only really liked Sixth Sense and Unbreakable but that was truly woeful.

What was the Bond film with Jonathan Pryce basically playing Rupert Murdoch? ("the World is not Enough"?)

Really, that's our super villain? What's next, Bond battles a Simon COwell type ego maniac.

"Look out Bond, he's going to release a double live album and we've only go a week to stop him!"


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What is the Worst Movie that you have ever seen?  Empty Re: What is the Worst Movie that you have ever seen?

Post by Galted Fri 30 Aug 2013, 9:53 am

The World is not Enough was pretty dire.  Recently watched Casino Royale to restore my faith in Bond films and has to be one of the weakest plots ever - foil terrorist financier's plot so that he gets into debt and has to host poker tournament then beat him in poker tournament so that he has (I think the plan was) to turn to MI6 for protection, then fall in love and have your heart broken, ffs.
And people mock me for liking Octopussy.

edit - Tomorrow Never Dies is the one with Jonathan Pryce not World is Not Enough.


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What is the Worst Movie that you have ever seen?  Empty Re: What is the Worst Movie that you have ever seen?

Post by Guest Fri 30 Aug 2013, 9:58 am

Galted wrote:The World is not Enough was pretty dire.  Recently watched Casino Royale to restore my faith in Bond films and has to be one of the weakest plots ever - foil terrorist financier's plot so that he gets into debt and has to host poker tournament then beat him in poker tournament so that he has (I think the plan was) to turn to MI6 for protection, then fall in love and have your heart broken, ffs.
And people mock me for liking Octopussy.
People mock me for liking Roger Moore over Sean Connery.

To be fair, most films have fairly insubstantial plots and Bond is no different. We don't watch them to be thrown curveballs every six seconds. We just want to go and watch some OTT stunts, thowaway lines when bad guys get dispatched and wonder if we're going to see a bit of side-boob.

When I say "we" I think I really mean "I"


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What is the Worst Movie that you have ever seen?  Empty Re: What is the Worst Movie that you have ever seen?

Post by Galted Fri 30 Aug 2013, 10:04 am

Also prefer Roger Moore. I'm also a fan of stunts (especially one first up then having the theme-tune blasted into my head), lines & side-boob. Don't really expect a memorable plot in a Bond but the least they could do is provide me with a diabolical rich genius who wants to blow up a continent or planet.


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Post by Rowley Fri 30 Aug 2013, 10:07 am

The plot to Casino Royale is reasonably faithful to the original book (told you I was an obsessive) Quite enjoyed that one. Some of the later Moore ones are terrible. Bond should not have liver spots and should certainly not look like I could take him in a fight.

Of the more recent ones Quantum of Solace was not great, you're making a Bond film not a Die Hard, a bit of story to break up the action and noise would not go a miss.


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What is the Worst Movie that you have ever seen?  Empty Re: What is the Worst Movie that you have ever seen?

Post by Guest Fri 30 Aug 2013, 10:12 am

Rowley wrote:The plot to Casino Royale is reasonably faithful to the original book (told you I was an obsessive) Quite enjoyed that one. Some of the later Moore ones are terrible. Bond should not have liver spots and should certainly not look like I could take him in a fight. Of the more recent ones Quantum of Solace was not great, you're making a Bond film not a Die Hard, a bit of story to break up the action and noise would not go a miss.
Sean Connery - Never Say Never Again - Kim Basinger stil has nightmares about their scenes together. Agree that Quantum...was a poor film however it was a great advert for every single expensive brand of designer s**t that no-one except the ponciest of gits would dream of spending money on.


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What is the Worst Movie that you have ever seen?  Empty Re: What is the Worst Movie that you have ever seen?

Post by Stella Fri 30 Aug 2013, 10:15 am

The Grinch with Jim Carrey. This is possibly as bad as Inspector Clouseau.

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What is the Worst Movie that you have ever seen?  Empty Re: What is the Worst Movie that you have ever seen?

Post by Rowley Fri 30 Aug 2013, 10:22 am

Us Bond fans do not class Never Say Never Again as a proper Bond film Dave.


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Post by Mind the windows Tino. Fri 30 Aug 2013, 10:26 am

Rowley wrote:The plot to Casino Royale is reasonably faithful to the original book (told you I was an obsessive)
Have I ever mentioned that Daniel Craig owns a house in the village next to me?

I know where it is if you want to steal something?

Mind the windows Tino.

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What is the Worst Movie that you have ever seen?  Empty Re: What is the Worst Movie that you have ever seen?

Post by Stella Fri 30 Aug 2013, 10:28 am

I had a dream a few night ago that Daniel Craig was playing the piano to 'Arthurs Theme' whilst Christopher Cross sang Tumbleweed 

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What is the Worst Movie that you have ever seen?  Empty Re: What is the Worst Movie that you have ever seen?

Post by Guest Fri 30 Aug 2013, 10:28 am

Rowley wrote:Us Bond fans do not class Never Say Never Again as a proper Bond film Dave.
Sadly it does Rocky V. Live with it.

Had to endure Legally Blonde I & II many years ago along with Bridget Jones - The Edge of Reason. This post may belong on the thread where someone talked about dreadful women with fantastic t*ts being a reason for staying together longer than necessary


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Post by Guest Fri 30 Aug 2013, 11:03 am

Strictly speaking it's not the worst movie I've seen as I switched it off after about 5 mins, and that was the second Tomb Raider film.  That's how bad it was, I can't even recall its title.


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Post by superflyweight Fri 30 Aug 2013, 11:38 am

What Happens in Vegas - only went to see it because for some unfathomable reason I was stuck in Perth for a few hours and it was raining. Dreadful beyond description (both the film and Perth on a rainy day)

SALT - some Angelina Jolie crapfest (she's never been in a good film) that I went to because my father-in-law gave it 9 out of 10 and said it was better than Inception. I later found out that he hadn't understood Inception which makes him a moron and that his views on anything should be discounted out of hand!


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Post by Adam D Fri 30 Aug 2013, 11:39 am

The worst film I have possibly paid for at the flicks would be Wish you Were Here with Emily Lloyd.

And I paid to see Jaws: The revenge

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Post by Mr Bounce Fri 30 Aug 2013, 11:45 am

Cradle of Filth or something like that I think MediaCat?

Judge Dredd with Sylvester Stallone is pretty poor.

I have also had the misfortune of seeing Battleship. Possibly the worst "action" movie I have ever seen. It's got Rihanna in it, who is one of the worst actresses I have seen for a long time. Stick to the singing love. And don't do sh!te films like that.

And one film I never ever want to see again is Cannonball Fever, the 2nd sequel to Cannonball Run. It's got Michael Spinks in a cameo. He's one of the best actors in it. It is dire. And then some...

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Post by Paul Mac 6CW Fri 30 Aug 2013, 11:46 am

I watched Sharknado the other day and that was just awful but I am allowing it as I have convinced myself it was meant to be that bad -It was ironic Smile

In terms of bad flicks I've had to endure at the movies the majority are down to my wife insisting on picking most movies ever since she let me choose and I picked Broken Flowers with Bill Murray which I still say was a good film - Top of the pile of bad wife picks was The Holiday - Even with Cameron Diaz this is truly awful

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What is the Worst Movie that you have ever seen?  Empty Re: What is the Worst Movie that you have ever seen?

Post by Mr Bounce Fri 30 Aug 2013, 11:52 am

Sharktopus. I win.

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What is the Worst Movie that you have ever seen?  Empty Re: What is the Worst Movie that you have ever seen?

Post by Guest Fri 30 Aug 2013, 12:12 pm

The one with Jean Claude Van Damme and Rosanna Arquette. ("Nowhere to Run/Hide"?) quite apart from the fact that nothing happens in it, at one point JCVD gives a speech about his brother's weaknesses and says something like "He wasn't enough strong to cope"

Now, how many times did have the screw up the line "He wasn't strong enough" before the director thought "**** it, let's use what we've got".


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Post by Bull Fri 30 Aug 2013, 12:27 pm



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What is the Worst Movie that you have ever seen?  Empty Re: What is the Worst Movie that you have ever seen?

Post by Guest Fri 30 Aug 2013, 12:30 pm

So easy this one:

Mr and Mrs Smith


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What is the Worst Movie that you have ever seen?  Empty Re: What is the Worst Movie that you have ever seen?

Post by Guest Fri 30 Aug 2013, 12:35 pm

Azzy Mahmood wrote:So easy this one:

Mr and Mrs Smith
Really, I thought it was any sequel to "Batman Begins" or "Alan Sugar - How I made it to the top without having to employ someone like Azzy"


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Post by x12x Fri 30 Aug 2013, 12:39 pm

Mr Bounce wrote:Sharktopus. I win.
That never set out to be a good film though, it's in a class with Sharknado and Flight Of The Living Dead...they're made for cheap laughs from everything from the awful graphics to the stiff acting!

My next suggestion is Spiderman 3.


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Post by Guest Fri 30 Aug 2013, 12:40 pm

Here he goes again, Dave and his pointless insults that only serve to make him look like a 4 year old. I do wonder how people like you survive in the real world Dave Rolling Eyes


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Post by Stella Fri 30 Aug 2013, 12:43 pm

Avatar is getting a bit of stick, but it was pretty good.........imo of course.

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What is the Worst Movie that you have ever seen?  Empty Re: What is the Worst Movie that you have ever seen?

Post by Galted Fri 30 Aug 2013, 12:45 pm

Azzy Mahmood wrote:I do wonder how people like you survive in the real world Dave Rolling Eyes
By eating the flesh of the unfortunate ramblers who venture too close to his seemingly innocuous stone cottage.


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What is the Worst Movie that you have ever seen?  Empty Re: What is the Worst Movie that you have ever seen?

Post by Guest Fri 30 Aug 2013, 12:51 pm

Galted wrote:
Azzy Mahmood wrote:I do wonder how people like you survive in the real world Dave Rolling Eyes
By eating the flesh of the unfortunate ramblers who venture too close to his seemingly innocuous stone cottage.
Closeness is relative, I've been known to walk in excess of fifty miles to dispatch someone who "strayed onto my laaaaaaand!"


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What is the Worst Movie that you have ever seen?  Empty Re: What is the Worst Movie that you have ever seen?

Post by Guest Fri 30 Aug 2013, 12:53 pm

Azzy Mahmood wrote:Here he goes again, Dave and his pointless insults that only serve to make him look like a 4 year old. I do wonder how people like you survive in the real world Dave Rolling Eyes
Deary me, insults? INSULTS? Behave yourself, this is gentle ribbing at worst. I have to ask though, with you having such a sensitive nature, do you honestly believe that you'd make it as Lord Sugar's partner, especially when armed with the knowledge that everyone is going to rip the piddle out of you for that edible foil idea?


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Post by Hulking_up Fri 30 Aug 2013, 12:57 pm

Gang Law

Truly awful.


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Post by Guest Fri 30 Aug 2013, 1:12 pm

DAVE667 wrote:Deary me, insults? INSULTS? Behave yourself, this is gentle ribbing at worst. I have to ask though, with you having such a sensitive nature, do you honestly believe that you'd make it as Lord Sugar's partner, especially when armed with the knowledge that everyone is going to rip the piddle out of you for that edible foil idea?
Dress it up how you wish, an insult is an insult if taken that way by the recipient. And if you think my edible tin foil idea was a serious suggestion, then you need to fix your sarcasmometer, it is well and truly broken Laugh


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What is the Worst Movie that you have ever seen?  Empty Re: What is the Worst Movie that you have ever seen?

Post by STC Fri 30 Aug 2013, 1:36 pm

Sorority Row (2009).

Appalling. Brainless. Crap. Diabolical. Embarrassing. Frightful. Ghastly. Horrendous. Insulting. Joke. Kack. Laughable. Mind-numbing. Nefarious. Offensive. Poppycock. Queeze-inducing(?), Ridiculous. Shocking. Twaddle. Unbelievable. Vapid. Worthless. Xylophone-smashing, Yawn. Zero out of Ten.

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Post by Galted Fri 30 Aug 2013, 1:39 pm

STC wrote:Sorority Row (2009).

Appalling. Brainless. Crap. Diabolical. Embarrassing. Frightful. Ghastly. Horrendous. Insulting. Joke. Kack. Laughable. Mind-numbing. Nefarious. Offensive. Poppycock. Queeze-inducing(?), Ridiculous. Shocking. Twaddle. Unbelievable. Vapid. Worthless. Xylophone-smashing, Yawn. Zero out of Ten.  
Haven't seen it but guessing that your one-line review is far better than the film.


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