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Vainikolo signs for Exeter Chiefs

Effervescing Elephant
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Vainikolo signs for Exeter Chiefs Empty Vainikolo signs for Exeter Chiefs

Post by Effervescing Elephant Thu 09 May 2013, 2:42 pm

The one from Connacht that is.

Not seen much of Fetu'u, is he any good? Rob Baxter seems to think he'll suit Exeter's attacking style of play more than Connacht's.

Looks like we'll be making at least one more signing in the backs, maybe two.

Anyone have any thoughts? Really anything at all, i'm so bored...
Effervescing Elephant
Effervescing Elephant

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Vainikolo signs for Exeter Chiefs Empty Re: Vainikolo signs for Exeter Chiefs

Post by galwegian101 Thu 09 May 2013, 2:57 pm

Big loss for Connacht but it was coming. Fionn Carr will obviously slot in as his replacement. Has been electric for the past few months, especially against Ulster a few weeks back.

Great broken field runner but i would question his ability to link with others (he seems to just to do his own thing b4 being tackled) and his defence mightn't be the best

He could perform better if he gets more ball. Overall good signing for them


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Vainikolo signs for Exeter Chiefs Empty Re: Vainikolo signs for Exeter Chiefs

Post by HongKongCherry Thu 09 May 2013, 2:57 pm

Great signing and you're going to be very strong at wing next season.

I'm still surprised you guys didn't go in for Saull as an heir to Scaysbrook.

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Vainikolo signs for Exeter Chiefs Empty Re: Vainikolo signs for Exeter Chiefs

Post by Notch Thu 09 May 2013, 3:02 pm

He's electric with the ball in hand, very hard to tackle- to paraphrase Bill McLaren, if you catch him you get to make a wish. Very exciting to watch.

Pretty mediocre in other aspects but always good for a few awesome solo trys in any season and a few breaks from nothing in any game.

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Vainikolo signs for Exeter Chiefs Empty Re: Vainikolo signs for Exeter Chiefs

Post by Kingshu Thu 09 May 2013, 3:03 pm

He was the one that scored the try against Scotland for Tonga.

He is very good, but with Connachts backs all being young talented and Irish, and Carr returning from Leinster, I think they decided a NIQ wasn't required in the back 3.

He is a very good player and will become a favourite for you, is always a danger. Connacht were very good defensivly but lacked tries, I don't think its down to Vainikolo, but it does mean that not only does he have a nose for the try line, his defensive would be good as well.

In games i've seen him he's appeared to be the dangerman able to make line breaks, and cause problems in defensive for other teams.


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Vainikolo signs for Exeter Chiefs Empty Re: Vainikolo signs for Exeter Chiefs

Post by Golden Thu 09 May 2013, 3:05 pm

Kingshu wrote:He was the one that scored the try against Scotland for Tonga.

He is very good, but with Connachts backs all being young talented and Irish, and Carr returning from Leinster, I think they decided a NIQ wasn't required in the back 3.

He is a very good player and will become a favourite for you, is always a danger. Connacht were very good defensivly but lacked tries, I don't think its down to Vainikolo, but it does mean that not only does he have a nose for the try line, his defensive would be good as well.

In games i've seen him he's appeared to be the dangerman able to make line breaks, and cause problems in defensive for other teams.

Apparently they have signed Sinoti Sinoti from Zebre.


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Vainikolo signs for Exeter Chiefs Empty Re: Vainikolo signs for Exeter Chiefs

Post by galwegian101 Thu 09 May 2013, 3:14 pm

That's the thing about him Notch. Everything is "Solo". he never manages to offload the ball or pass it. Maybe the support play isn't the best at Connacht.

Hopefully he kicks on next year and doesn't become a back-up player. In the right environment he could really shine.


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Vainikolo signs for Exeter Chiefs Empty Re: Vainikolo signs for Exeter Chiefs

Post by Effervescing Elephant Thu 09 May 2013, 3:24 pm

From Rob Baxter interview:
"For us it's about how much more we can potentially get him in the game, if he's more involved in the game how many more of those moments will he have?"

I think he's sees potential to make him more of a team player. He'll have to be to fit in at the Chiefs. It's all about the team.
Effervescing Elephant
Effervescing Elephant

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Vainikolo signs for Exeter Chiefs Empty Re: Vainikolo signs for Exeter Chiefs

Post by profitius Thu 09 May 2013, 9:51 pm

Great on hard ground but hes not so great in soft ground. Overall agood player though.

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Vainikolo signs for Exeter Chiefs Empty Re: Vainikolo signs for Exeter Chiefs

Post by Hound of Harrow Thu 09 May 2013, 10:45 pm

I'd be more happy with the lads who have renewed their contracts if I was a Chiefs fan.

How some of the other clubs haven't poached your guys is beyond me.

Anyway, Chiefs have a set of backs with good accurate handling, so maybe you can set this lad free out wide.

Hound of Harrow

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Vainikolo signs for Exeter Chiefs Empty Re: Vainikolo signs for Exeter Chiefs

Post by Notch Thu 09 May 2013, 10:51 pm

Serious gas. He has the things that can't be coached so if you improve the things that can be...

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Vainikolo signs for Exeter Chiefs Empty Re: Vainikolo signs for Exeter Chiefs

Post by Kingshu Fri 10 May 2013, 7:10 am

Anyone know how good Sinoti Sinoti is?

For Connacht is Sinoti Sinoti a step up or down from Vainikolo?


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