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Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.

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Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.  Empty Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.

Post by Morgannwg Sat 13 Oct 2012, 5:56 pm

I found a review for the new James Bond flick. Very good article, will cut and paste for you all.

Release date: 26 October 2012
Starring: Daniel Craig, Judi Dench, Naomie Harris, Javier Bardem
Director: Sam Mendes

What's the story? When an operation in Istanbul goes wrong, Bond is shot and declared deceased. He is resurrected by M (Judi Dench) to fight an old enemy whose cyber terrorism threatens the existence of MI6.

What did we think? Bond returns to form in perhaps the most beautiful Bond movie of them all. Sam Mendes steers the world's biggest film franchise through an escalating sequence of astonishing action scenes if never delivering much real espionage. Craig is excellent, taking the character to the limit.

Remember when we first saw Daniel Craig in Casino Royale? He was brutal: bludgeoning bad guys, running through walls and jumping off cranes. He lost his way in Quantum Of Solace, a follow-up afflicted by a confusing script and the credit crunch.

This is the successful return of Bond. First and foremost, Sam Mendes has crafted one of the most stylish blockbusters you'll ever set eyes on. Skyfall is masterfully shot, lavishing screen time on its star as he deteriorates and is resurrected.

Bond has never lost his edge like this. There's a moment where he stands at an MI6 testing facility, struggling to steady his weapon as he stares down the gun range through bloodshot eyes. Of course he'll make it back. But it's an arresting moment. We genuinely fear for him.

"Sometimes the old ways are the best," coos Naomie Harris (a magnificent, steamy performance) as she shaves him with a cut-throat razor (one of a sequence of wonderfully sexy encounters). And Skyfall delivers on that promise, unabashedly throwing in retro Bond touches throughout with plenty of humour. Judi Dench, in her most extensive and challenging Bond role, is made to defend the existence of 007, his old-fashioned ways and his type from the pencil pushers. So it's a delight to see her hop in the Aston Martin alongside Bond and go to war.

That's the moment, about two hours in, when Skyfall becomes a battle, set in 007's old family home. For half an hour or so, we forget the plot twists and go at it with all guns blazing. There are revelations, yes, but it might have been nice to have seen Bond outsmart the terror threat of Javier Bardem's cyber-villain, which never really happens.

In fact that's the only criticism you can level at this brilliantly realised and enormously ambitious blockbuster. There are no real spy games in Skyfall. That's not a criticism of Javier Bardem, who brings a bucketful of humour and creepiness to his villain. But he simply magics villainy out of thin air through his computer, before losing his marbles and going full tilt at M ('Mommy') and 007.

But forget it, the joy of Skyfall is to sit back and let it land, majestically, on the back of your eyeballs.

What was your favourite 007 film starring Daniel Craig and why? Does the article give a fair assessment of Casino Royale and Quantam of Solace?

I tend to agree with the article myself.

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Post by Morgannwg Sat 13 Oct 2012, 5:59 pm

Can I also say, I think Bardem will make a ruthless bad guy in the Bond franchise. Possibly the greatest yet.

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Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.  Empty Re: Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.

Post by Skydriver Sat 13 Oct 2012, 9:53 pm

Yeah, agree.

Casino Royale gave the franchise a shot in the arm. Really fresh and interesting to see Bond at the beginning of his 00 career, overconfident and making mistakes. Stark image for me coming out of the cinema was of Bond after that brutal stairwell fight (punctuating the poker game sessions), his white shirt soaking with sweat and blood - I saw this as a bit of a visual statement as to what this reboot was about. Impressive effort from the same director who had already once reinvented Bond for the 90s.

Didn't completely follow Quantum of Solace, and the fast-cut editing gave me a headache. Having said that, I enjoyed it more on a 2nd viewing on DVD (but still don't think it's as good as Casino).


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Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.  Empty Re: Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.

Post by mystiroakey Sun 14 Oct 2012, 6:47 pm

yeah i was just about to post this.

Skyfall is being rated as the best bond ever/!!!

looking forward to it even more~!

loved casino royale as well!


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Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.  Empty Re: Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.

Post by dummy_half Mon 15 Oct 2012, 9:23 am

Skydriver wrote:Yeah, agree.

Casino Royale gave the franchise a shot in the arm. Really fresh and interesting to see Bond at the beginning of his 00 career, overconfident and making mistakes. Stark image for me coming out of the cinema was of Bond after that brutal stairwell fight (punctuating the poker game sessions), his white shirt soaking with sweat and blood - I saw this as a bit of a visual statement as to what this reboot was about. Impressive effort from the same director who had already once reinvented Bond for the 90s.

Didn't completely follow Quantum of Solace, and the fast-cut editing gave me a headache. Having said that, I enjoyed it more on a 2nd viewing on DVD (but still don't think it's as good as Casino).

Hopefully this one will be more CR and less QoS. Casino Royale was probably the best Bond since Connery (aided and abetted by Eva Green heart ), while I agree about the fast cut editing of QoS just getting in the way. Also, it just wasn't a great story and the bad guy lacked any sense of menace.


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Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.  Empty Re: Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.

Post by compelling and rich Mon 15 Oct 2012, 9:46 am

agree with others in that i really enjoyed CR but thought QOS was abit cack so im glad to hear that skyfall has got back on track

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Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.  Empty Re: Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.

Post by Skydriver Mon 15 Oct 2012, 11:12 am

By way of M-style briefing in case you hadn't heard, it sounds from some of the reviews like they have ditched the whole Quantum "Big Bag Organisation" arc and indeed, may have jumped forwards somewhat. One of the write-ups said it felt like everything from Dr No through to Die Another Day had happened to Daniel Craig's Bond in the meantime. I don't know if the reviewer was stating this as a matter of fact or as an impression though (they may have said this because, so it is reported, there are quite a few references to the back catalogue given that this is the 50th anniversary... hope there are no frickin' invisible cars though).


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Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.  Empty Re: Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.

Post by Mr Bounce Mon 15 Oct 2012, 11:44 am

The only issue I've had with Skyfall is that (from a visual point of view ONLY) that Javier Bardem's character looks a bit like David Walliams in heavy make-up with a blond wig. I just can't get that comparison out of my head!

I have NEVER looked forward to a Bond movie so much since Goldeneye though...

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Post by Skydriver Mon 15 Oct 2012, 12:16 pm

Recall that Bardem also had a silly hair style in No Country for Old Men... Thought that was a Coen brothers thing, but perhaps this is one of his devices as an actor!


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Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.  Empty Re: Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.

Post by Morgannwg Mon 15 Oct 2012, 8:29 pm

I think his hair just looks silly when it is long because of his hairline, poor guy.

This is interesting, does anyone actually know what was going on in QoS? Who is this organisation that recruits/blackmails secret agents and is Bond and MI6 still after them? Does the film franchise, in particular Skyfall still focus on this story?

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Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.  Empty Re: Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.

Post by mystiroakey Tue 16 Oct 2012, 5:12 pm

The reviews are getting better and better..

Kinda peeved that USA gets this before us. But there you go! is what it is!


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Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.  Empty Re: Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.

Post by ChequeredJersey Tue 16 Oct 2012, 10:55 pm

Ive only really seen reviews that say it is excellent. it had 100% on Rotten Tomatoes yesterday, don't know if that's still the case. I'm so excited Very Happy

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Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.  Empty Re: Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.

Post by ChequeredJersey Tue 16 Oct 2012, 10:56 pm

The US doesn't get it first- we get it nearly 2 weeks early, it the Premiers at the moment

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Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.  Empty Re: Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.

Post by mystiroakey Wed 17 Oct 2012, 7:53 am

oh right.


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Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.  Empty Re: Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.

Post by ONETWOFOREVER Thu 18 Oct 2012, 2:48 am

Im sorry to throw a spanner in the works but I absolutley hate thia new bond.

Where are the quick witty 1 liners?

Where are the exploding cuff links and spinning rope cutting watches?

He can't even do the eyebrow thingy.

This Bond bores me no end, too serious too dull.


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Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.  Empty Re: Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.

Post by ChequeredJersey Thu 18 Oct 2012, 3:01 am

Each to their own, but this approach is actually the Old Bond from the books. And most similar (in terms of the major actors) to the Old Bond of Connery whose humour was far dryer and who was far more serious and quietly dangerous than Brosnan's "started off well then was immediately rubbish because the gadgets and plots got just a bit too ridiculous for even Bond" Bond or Moore's "just... No. Almost irredeemable" Bond who had about 2 "good" movies. I am a fan of the books and the first few movies and I love Craig's Bond, despite being from the Brosnan generation

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Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.  Empty Re: Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.

Post by dummy_half Thu 18 Oct 2012, 9:34 am

There were two good Moore as Bond films?

Which ones?

For me, Moore was far too interested in the jokey bits and in playing an exagerated version of himself - there isn't the coldness and danger that characterised Connery, Craig or Brosnan in Goldeneye (good film other than the scene on the beach which could easily be mistaken for a Bounty advert).

Oddly, I've heard it commented before that Timothy Dalton actually came closest in character to the Bond of the books - he was let down rather by weak stories and effects rather than his acting.

Agree that the Brosnan films did get preposterous (even for Bond) quite quickly - villains who have changed their appearance from Korean to European, invisible cars (that weren't) etc.


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Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.  Empty Re: Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.

Post by mystiroakey Thu 18 Oct 2012, 9:36 am

loved goldeneye- but not sure if that is nostalgia due to the greatest video game EVER!!

TBH i did enjoy the old bonds as a kid- but The only one i have really enjoyed as an adult is CR..

I think this one is gonna be simlar styling but just better and bigger and etc!!

bourne has made it pick up its game


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Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.  Empty Re: Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.

Post by bluestonevedder Thu 18 Oct 2012, 9:41 am

mystiroakey wrote:loved goldeneye- but not sure if that is nostalgia due to the greatest video game EVER!!

TBH i did enjoy the old bonds as a kid- but The only one i have really enjoyed as an adult is CR..

I think this one is gonna be simlar styling but just better and bigger and etc!!

bourne has made it pick up its game

AMEN to that.

You ever do One shot kill mode, with Slaps only? I always chose Oddjob because he was too small to be hit.

Ah, countless afternoons well spent.


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Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.  Empty Re: Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.

Post by mystiroakey Thu 18 Oct 2012, 9:56 am

yep My first half year at uni was spent playing that game!!!

I played that game inside out- The only cheat i couldnt get was from the second level!! completing the mission in under 2 mins or something- just two hardcore for me!

Yeah I would play one shot kill. Cant trust a player that played as oddjob- My mate used to do the same as well, I was allways Bond!


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Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.  Empty Re: Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.

Post by Skydriver Thu 18 Oct 2012, 11:05 am

Are you talking about the Facility level?

After my brother explained how it was actually possible, I eventually managed to get there with a whopping 2 seconds to spare. The trick is that you just have to go through the mission on a straight line, and hope that you bump into the Doctor on the way (which didn't always happen) - there's no need to wait until he finishes speaking. Otherwise keep moving, which means running sideways to circle the gas cylinders at the end and throwing all 6(?) mines precisely on the move.


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Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.  Empty Re: Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.

Post by mystiroakey Thu 18 Oct 2012, 11:31 am

Well played sky....good work


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Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.  Empty Re: Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.

Post by ChequeredJersey Thu 18 Oct 2012, 11:59 am

dummy_half wrote:There were two good Moore as Bond films?

Which ones?

For me, Moore was far too interested in the jokey bits and in playing an exagerated version of himself - there isn't the coldness and danger that characterised Connery, Craig or Brosnan in Goldeneye (good film other than the scene on the beach which could easily be mistaken for a Bounty advert).

Oddly, I've heard it commented before that Timothy Dalton actually came closest in character to the Bond of the books - he was let down rather by weak stories and effects rather than his acting.

Agree that the Brosnan films did get preposterous (even for Bond) quite quickly - villains who have changed their appearance from Korean to European, invisible cars (that weren't) etc.

I liked Live and Let Die. Possibly the Theme Tune swayed me, though. I also don't hate Octopussy

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Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.  Empty Re: Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.

Post by Skydriver Thu 18 Oct 2012, 12:18 pm

mystiroakey wrote:Well played sky....good work

If I recall, this unlocks invincibility mode?

Understand they did a version for the Wii as well, featuring Daniel Craig's likeness and voice. Haven't played it, but suspect it just won't be the same!


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Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.  Empty Re: Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.

Post by mystiroakey Thu 18 Oct 2012, 12:21 pm

Its actually quite fun. But just not the same.. You do get the odd nostalgic moment..


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Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.  Empty Re: Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.

Post by Skydriver Thu 18 Oct 2012, 12:22 pm

ChequeredJersey wrote:
dummy_half wrote:There were two good Moore as Bond films?

Which ones?

I liked Live and Let Die. Possibly the Theme Tune swayed me, though. I also don't hate Octopussy

The Spy Who Loved Me was pretty good? Enjoyed The Man With The Golden Gun when I was younger too (good premise), but it's not one of the ones which has etched itself into the memory.

I think Timothy Dalton is underrated. Licence to Kill is one of my favourites, although I can understand why a lot of people don't agree (flip side of the same coin - it's a bit different).


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Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.  Empty Re: Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.

Post by bluestonevedder Thu 18 Oct 2012, 12:25 pm

Amazing recollection Sky- took me right back.

Might have to dig it out at some point and ee if it still works.

Haven't played the WI verison either, but I think that the hugely indextrious N64 controllers added to the game's charm.

Nothing like playing 'Stack' with your mates and unloading an RCP90 on them from top deck with minimal or no aim.


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Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.  Empty Re: Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.

Post by mystiroakey Thu 18 Oct 2012, 12:27 pm

I have every bond film on my Virgin Tivo at the moment... I dont think I will be watching them- maybe a couple!


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Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.  Empty Re: Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.

Post by Guest Sat 27 Oct 2012, 1:09 pm

Saw Skyfall last night and although it's very good, it's not as good as the hype that has been going around. I prefer Casino Royale.


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Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.  Empty Re: Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.

Post by mystiroakey Sat 27 Oct 2012, 6:17 pm

just been back.. was in bluewater anyway and then thought i wouold go and see it.. Got the last seats on the front row- i am still tripping out now...

But anyway good film. maybe marginally disapointed due to hype.. 8/10


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Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.  Empty Re: Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.

Post by Morgannwg Sat 27 Oct 2012, 6:19 pm

That's the problem with hype... Nothing lives up to it. I'll maybe go see it next week.

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Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.  Empty Re: Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.

Post by mystiroakey Sat 27 Oct 2012, 6:37 pm

It was my fav ever bond though- i was expecting something up there with the batman films.

And i actually think alot of inspiration was brought from nolans work. but this was warmer and didnt try to hard. just a tiny bit underwhelming i suppose.. still well worth watching


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Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.  Empty Re: Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.

Post by guildfordbat Sat 27 Oct 2012, 6:39 pm

I agree with Dummy that Roger Moore was a poor Bond and that his films generally reflect that.

However, to be fair, most of his Bond films were made in the '70s when tastes and styles were very different. Few films from that decade have stood the test of time and, indeed, many from that era seem more dated than others made years before. Certainly for me, Moore's Bond now seems far more dated than that of Connery.

The worst Bond was undoubtedly George Lazenby. So wooden he might have got dry rot. However, his one Bond film - OHMSS - was excellently scripted and fast paced with the most dramatic of endings. If ever a film deserved to be remade with a suitable leading actor, it is that one.

Seeing Skyfall tomorrow. thumbsup


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Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.  Empty Re: Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.

Post by ChequeredJersey Sat 27 Oct 2012, 11:14 pm

Having seen it on my own whilst killing time in Dublin, I am going to describe it in a way that probably won't make much sense:

It lives up to the hype btw, at least I feel it does. It is an excellent film in its own right. It is not a perfect film. It is also an excellent Bond film true to the feel of yhe franchise and its continuity with hints and homages to many of the movies and books and I love Craig's Bond- it is very true to my reading of the character. It is not, however the perfect Bond movie or even maybe the best. It has flaws as a film and as a Bond film. However, in the exact same way as the Dark Knight Rises (which it is very similar to in tone and to the Dark Knight, from which is borrows, too) it ticks most of my boxes and I loved it. It is as close to perfect as a film that a Bond movie could be whilst still being a Bond movie. For me.

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Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.  Empty Re: Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.

Post by mystiroakey Sun 28 Oct 2012, 7:14 am

it was a good film-I dunno if me watching it from the front row wound me up to much!!

Craig is the best bond i agree- I love a flawed hero!


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Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.  Empty Re: Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.

Post by guildfordbat Mon 29 Oct 2012, 5:18 pm

guildfordbat wrote:I agree with Dummy that Roger Moore was a poor Bond and that his films generally reflect that.

However, to be fair, most of his Bond films were made in the '70s when tastes and styles were very different. Few films from that decade have stood the test of time and, indeed, many from that era seem more dated than others made years before. Certainly for me, Moore's Bond now seems far more dated than that of Connery.

The worst Bond was undoubtedly George Lazenby. So wooden he might have got dry rot. However, his one Bond film - OHMSS - was excellently scripted and fast paced with the most dramatic of endings. If ever a film deserved to be remade with a suitable leading actor, it is that one.

Seeing Skyfall tomorrow. thumbsup

Well, saw it yesterday and enjoyed it immensely.

No spoilers coming up, so don't worry. Fast paced and plenty of action but just about credible (by Bond standards) with nice touches of humour.I like the darker side to Bond as portrayed by Craig whilst the explanation of the villain's motivation was unusual and, in one scene, dramatically displayed.

Not convinced though that it will go down as the greatest ever. I feel the effect of several scenes will suffer even more than usual when shown on the small screen. Once it has been a bit more widely seen, I also suspect it may well become known as ''the one where ...'' and have less of an impact because of that.

All in all, recommend it highly but make sure you see it before hearing too much about it! thumbsup


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Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.  Empty Re: Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.

Post by GSC Tue 30 Oct 2012, 1:41 pm

Skyfall is an excellent watch and personally the best Bond film certainly for a while.

Craig is fast rising the ranks in terms of best Bond, love the intensity.

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Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.  Empty Re: Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.

Post by Skydriver Thu 01 Nov 2012, 10:50 am

Good movie. Definitely worth seeing on the IMAX screen if you can.

A different kind of Bond film, but very watchable and entertaining nonetheless. Some fantastic imagery and lighting. Surprised that Dave Arnold wasn't in charge of music again, but apparently, Sam Mendes chose someone else he had worked with before - the score is fine anyway.


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Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.  Empty Re: Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.

Post by Guest Thu 01 Nov 2012, 3:33 pm

It really is a different kind of Bond Movie. On reflection, it was quite a disappointment and will probably, most certainly, be remembered for what happens at the end. The storyline was incredibly poor.


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Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.  Empty Re: Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.

Post by Mr Bounce Sun 04 Nov 2012, 9:48 am

Just a bit of fun (NOT SAFE FOR WORK!!)

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Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.  Empty Re: Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.

Post by Ent Sun 04 Nov 2012, 9:31 pm

Like all the Craig bonds its rubbish, they've tried to update bond but its not Bond or a modern action film - it's caught I some sort of horrible mash in between that doesn't work.

The acting is missed (with the first female interest particularly awful) and Bardems character goes from a very interesting modern villain to a non sensical cliched Bond villain.

The story makes no sense either.


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Post by MIG Mon 05 Nov 2012, 12:05 pm

How did the story not make sense?!?!

I loved it, great Bond film with all the things you would want and expect as well as a little deeper insight into Bond and a great modern action film!
Bardem was the best Bond villain ever, needed more time if anything.

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Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.  Empty Re: Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.

Post by Guest Mon 05 Nov 2012, 3:05 pm

How you can call that a great bond film is astonishing. Was woeful. Decent openin half and hour with aload of british humour. Goes to shaghai which is beautifully shot and then the scene is a big anti climax. then the bond girl is introduced ans she's boring, followed by half an hour of nothing. then we got to an island and meet bardem whos' just an ex agent who dench did over and he just wants revenge. you dont get any idea of his actual plans or any depth to his past or character. he then escapes and theres this rubbish chase scene in the underground then they all retreat to the house which is strange and just sit and wait there. Bardem is desperate not to kill dench but he will still throw bombs in the house even though shes in there etc. then it ends with bond just throwing a knife in his back and he dies and then she does. truly appaling


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Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.  Empty Re: Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.

Post by mystiroakey Mon 05 Nov 2012, 3:08 pm

It was one of the best ever bonds for me john. But then i wasnt a fan of the old ones- Casino royale is by far one of my favs.

I feel bond had to go this way, and has been influenced by the bournes etc!

or it would have just died..

It will probally gross 1bill dollar world wide an all. So this bond could be the start of this franchise becoming massive again


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Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.  Empty Re: Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.

Post by ChequeredJersey Mon 05 Nov 2012, 3:42 pm

Well, for it to be a great Bond film, which for me means Goldeneye or the first 3 as Moore, let's face it, sucks irredeemably, the film woukd have to be outdated and irrelevant. The great Bonds are a little bit offensive, ridiculous and from an early time. I thought this was as close to that as we could get whilst being a good movie but I much prefer introspection, characters and themes over plot anyway so I couldn't care less that yhr plot "sucked". And what Bond film has a decent plot? I've seen about 20 films ever with a plot that was as of itself interesting, if that

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Post by Stella Mon 05 Nov 2012, 4:12 pm

Skyfall was good but I did prefer CR and the Home Alone style ending was a little weird.


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Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.  Empty Re: Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.

Post by SecretFly Tue 06 Nov 2012, 7:01 pm

Well, I think Daniel Craig remains a fantastic Bond who has so much potential to drive the Bond movies into areas they still unfortunately have not gone into - so firstly, Craig is still a great Bond, being constantly let down by script, story and direction.

I heard all the publicity, or most of it; the bit that said this was the best Bond possibly ever.... and I actually felt confident they'd finally worked out where to take Craig's version of Bond, and had taken him there. So I went to see it with a fresh and renewed hope that, this time, all the ingredients would be there in the right order.

But unfortunately, no - not by a long shot. Of Craig's Bonds, the first remains his best for me.

So what can I say of Skyfall? As my nephew and I said before seeing it, we like the name. Lovely name. Skyfall. Did I dream of this movie when I heard the title? Nope. I won't go into plot (which was very loose, bland and is twisted and turned to work itself into the big money set-pieces - but looked all the poorer for it)

The rhythm though; that journey from action to calm, to story telling through dialogue and back to action was abysmal. Long strands of action that might have been better placed in the middle of a movie than at the beginning. Long strands of brooding and nothingness in the bowels of the London underground as half sentences and alleged cool one liners do the 'depth and meaning'. I felt I was looking at an ambitious TV drama series rather than a two hour theatrical movie - much too much needless chit chat with nothing happening. It works on TV because the depth of character can be achieved through dialogue in episodic series. They have time to do the 'strained relationship' soap conversations and the time to do the action too, but a movie has to be much more refined in gelling both. A movie has to be much more dynamic or it loses propulsion.

Some beautiful set pieces; some beautiful images of light and darkness; a real understanding of Bond as ruthless, catlike assassin in places. So for the most part, it does LOOK good. It is certainly the Bond world most of us want him to cruise through but it's just all so muddled as a whole. And at times I think some 'serious' people involved in the production actually resist Bond and try to constantly make us aware of them rather than the character we are actually paying to see. In short - Bond will need another director for his next outing.

Finally, a few things that just didn't work for me.

The absurdity of a guy wanting to assassinate someone in London and yet needing a detour by all parties involved to Scotland for the final attempt to be made.

Bond's needless history. Bond is myth - that's his power. Not every hero needs the bloody cliched back-story to prove he has a past. We know he has a past - we don't need to know it, we can guess it - he isn't a soap character, he's an action hero. You can still make him real, you can still make him complex. He can still have his past but we as an audience don't need to have knowledge of it.

The come-and-get-me torch! Anybody who has seen the movie will know what I'm talking about - hilarious.


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Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.  Empty Re: Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.

Post by Ent Tue 06 Nov 2012, 8:12 pm

I don't like craig as bond and am not sure what he brings to the party?

As for the numerous plot holes people have mentioned I really want to know why Bardem the computer genius takes so long to decript the hard drive - presumably so we can see bond descend to depths.


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Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.  Empty Re: Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.

Post by Guest Wed 07 Nov 2012, 10:30 am

Ent wrote:I don't like craig as bond and am not sure what he brings to the party?

As for the numerous plot holes people have mentioned I really want to know why Bardem the computer genius takes so long to decript the hard drive - presumably so we can see bond descend to depths.



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Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.  Empty Re: Skyfall review and 007 Discussion.

Post by ChequeredJersey Wed 07 Nov 2012, 10:41 am


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