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The brilliance of the championship

A Fine Folk.
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The brilliance of the championship Empty The brilliance of the championship

Post by mrsuperclear Mon 31 Oct 2011, 1:14 pm

The competitiveness of the championship has always been well known, but not the sheer extent of it. Usually, for example, a number of teams will still have hope that they can get into the playoff's on the last day of the season. This year, and last with Norwich, the competitiveness of the promoted league 1 sides has been exceptional. As a Southampton supporter I'm naturally delighted by this, but Brighton and Peterborough have certainly added to it. I'll be honest, I thought Peterborough would go straight back down to league 1 on account of the ridiculous amount of goals they conceded last season (scored 106 and conceded 75 last year in the league) and losing CMS to Brighton. However, they seem to be doing the same as last season (scoring a ridiculous amount of goals and conceding loads too - last season in League 1 they scored the most and conceded the second most all season out of everyone in the league - crazy) and good luck to them. Safe in mid table right now and only 5 points away from the playoffs so who knows.

I'm not sure how clear I'm making my points but, if you take every team in the Championship from 16th to 1st, would you be surprised if they finished, at the very least, in 6th place and made the playoffs? Because I wouldn't. What do people think 16th place in every other league will have ambitions of? It's unfortunate that Everton are 16th at the minute in the Premiership to make my point (they always are slow starters, aren't they?) but, in fairness, there's not a chance they'll finish 6th this year anyway with the traditional top 4,City and Spurs too far ahead of them. And that's what's great about the Championship. Every team that's 1st-16th now, and their supporters, should have realistic ambitions of getting into the playoffs. And where there is this kind of belief, better football and excitement is seen throughout the league. I know that, even though we're currently top of the league, that we may beat Middlesbrough at home but could just as easily lose to Peterborough tomorrow. Every team has to be respected in this league.

Do you guys agree on the competitiveness of the championship? Are you happy with the start your team has made to the season? Do you feel you can get promoted this season?


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The brilliance of the championship Empty Re: The brilliance of the championship

Post by hodge Mon 31 Oct 2011, 4:45 pm

Love the championship, everyone can beat each other and thats the best thing about it, no forgone conclusions about results


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The brilliance of the championship Empty Re: The brilliance of the championship

Post by Guest Mon 31 Oct 2011, 5:19 pm

I have waxed lyrical in other threads about the Championship. Best league in the world from an entertainment viewpoint.

You'll see a side involved in a 6 goal thriller followed by a 7 goal thriller followed by an 8 goal thriller followed by a 0-0!!

Good, decent and honest football.


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The brilliance of the championship Empty Re: The brilliance of the championship

Post by A Fine Folk. Mon 31 Oct 2011, 5:27 pm

The Championship is great, the unpredictability of every single match is class.

A Fine Folk.

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The brilliance of the championship Empty Re: The brilliance of the championship

Post by Corporalhumblebucket Tue 21 Feb 2012, 10:19 pm

With many a wobble West Ham and Southampton have remained at the top for a long period. (Hammers trying to show off by playing all their matches with only 10 men as well) But all sorts of changes in the play off positions, with Birmingham looking the most likely to challenge for automatic promotion. The bottom few seem pretty much marooned. But agree it's a great league for entertainment and unpredictability.


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The brilliance of the championship Empty Re: The brilliance of the championship

Post by kwinigolfer Tue 21 Feb 2012, 10:41 pm

Pompey marooned?
Or is that merely a naval analogy Chb? So long as you don't say anchored.
Hopefully we can get Warnock's reign off to a rotten start on Saturday.


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The brilliance of the championship Empty Re: The brilliance of the championship

Post by hodge Wed 22 Feb 2012, 12:21 pm

We (Bristol City) can somehow beat Southampton home and away, get a 0-0 at West Ham, then go and blow all that by losing 3-0 to Peterborough etc Laugh it's why I love the championship.


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The brilliance of the championship Empty Re: The brilliance of the championship

Post by Corporalhumblebucket Wed 22 Feb 2012, 10:01 pm

kwinigolfer wrote:Pompey marooned?
Or is that merely a naval analogy Chb? So long as you don't say anchored.
Hopefully we can get Warnock's reign off to a rotten start on Saturday.
Very Happy Unintentional - but if we're on that theme we could observe the problem is that the likes of Portsmouth are shipping too many goals...


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The brilliance of the championship Empty Re: The brilliance of the championship

Post by kwinigolfer Thu 23 Feb 2012, 2:46 pm

It's beginning to look as if we could be scuppered before reaching summer's dry dock . . . .
Relaunching after a re-fit in August, and presumably, League 1.


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The brilliance of the championship Empty Re: The brilliance of the championship

Post by Shot 21 LCFC Thu 23 Feb 2012, 5:39 pm

Leicester seem to have an uffoicial rule where if the team is above us in the table, then we beat them. If they are below us then we lose to them - so frustrating!!

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The brilliance of the championship Empty Re: The brilliance of the championship

Post by Josiah Maiestas Fri 24 Feb 2012, 1:15 pm

Leicester are destined to just miss out on the playoffs again, they have talent but seem to lack the battle against lower teams, unlike Reading, Birmingham and Cardiff have.
Josiah Maiestas
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The brilliance of the championship Empty Re: The brilliance of the championship

Post by dyrewolfe Fri 24 Feb 2012, 2:29 pm

My team (Middlesbrough) probably has one of the smallest budgets and squads in the division, yet have lurked around the top 6 for most of the season, only recently dropping to 9th after a run of poor results (after injuries and suspensions took their toll).

We seem to be getting our season back on track and are back in the play-offs, but Boro fans will tell you we rarely go into any game, confident of a result, be it home or away.

Have to agree that the unpredictability of the Championship is its biggest selling point. Second-biggest I would say is the lack of lazy, prima donna players on 6-figure salaries. You do get some cheating and dirty players, but it doesn't seem to happen nearly as often as in the Premier League.

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The brilliance of the championship Empty Re: The brilliance of the championship

Post by Shot 21 LCFC Fri 24 Feb 2012, 5:22 pm

Josiah Maiestas wrote:Leicester are destined to just miss out on the playoffs again, they have talent but seem to lack the battle against lower teams, unlike Reading, Birmingham and Cardiff have.

Spot on!!!

Shot 21 LCFC

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