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6CW Escalation Results 22nd August 2011

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6CW Escalation Results 22nd August 2011 Empty 6CW Escalation Results 22nd August 2011

Post by JJJohnson Mon 22 Aug 2011, 4:35 pm

The show goes live on air from inside the Braehead Arena in Glasgow.Processions of fireworks shoot high into the rafters and "I want it all" screams from the speakers as the cameras pan around the stadium.They pick up on a variety of signs in the crowd.

"Carnage was off the scale"
"6CWF Rules"
"Steel is god"
"Genesis sucks"
"Genesis Killer"
"I love Frosted Dice"
"Get well soon Dicey"

JT:Ladies and gentlemen welcome to monday night Escalation from the sold-out Braehead Arena here in Glasgow.Just six days after the historic Carnage pay per view and the superstars of 6CW are in action once again...bringing you the very best in professional wrestling.

HE:And this promises to be a great night....just days after losing the 6CW Title due to disgusting interference,GazzyD will have the chance to take back what truly belongs to him...

JT:Our main event will be for the world championship but there is going to be plenty of great action before we get to that....the 6CW stars lay it all on the line week after week and I am more than confident that this night will be no different...

HE:So on that note...lets get started...

*The action goes backstage to begin the show and Alex Walker is with Mr Gould in the General Manger's office.

Walker:So what are you going to do about it then?

Gould:I fail to see your point...

Walker:Reilly was banned from the goddamn building,you and the rest of the Board backed me on that decision and yet he still turned up....and he cost GazzyD the world title...I want to know what on earth you are going to do about it?

Gould:The board feel that Reilly's actions are those of a man that has been oppressed,punishing him could aggravate the situation further...

Walker:So he just gets off scott free? people are unbelievable...

Gould:I never said there would be no action....I just dont think Reilly being suspended or even fired is going to help matters...

Walker:So what is going to help matters?

Gould:First of all we have sanctioned that Reilly is banned from going anywhere near ringside for tonights main event,he has been informed that he will be fired should that happen.Secondly,we have told Reilly that for the forseeable future he will receive no championship matches...

Walker:How long for?

Gould:Until we deem that he has learnt his lesson,believe me Alex,we do not take Reilly's actions lightly...but let us not forget that Genesis got involved in that match aswell...would you suggest that I strip Sweetwater and Black of their championships?

Walker:Thats preposterous...

Gould:I thought you might say can therefore see my point.....I believe the board has been more than compensating on this keep your house in order Alex and we will do our utmost to do the same...

Walker:Well you see that you do...I am tired of being overrulled....after tonight,when Genesis is back on top....I will personally see to it that we get the respect we deserve....

*Walker stares at Gould and then the phone begins to ring

Walker:If you'll excuse me,I have to take this....


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6CW Escalation Results 22nd August 2011 Empty Re: 6CW Escalation Results 22nd August 2011

Post by JJJohnson Mon 22 Aug 2011, 4:36 pm

Match 1
Jackson Black/Michael Sweetwater vs Mike Hill/Mason White

"Numb" screams from the speakers and the crowd begin to boo as green jets shoot into the air.Jackson Black and Michael Sweetwater walk onto the stage wearing "Genesis" vests and their respective championships...

JT:Tag Team action to start us off tonight here on Escalation....Jackson Black and Michael Sweetwater both coming off huge wins at Carnage will look to get Genesis back on track..

HE:Everyone is going on about how GazzyD lost the world title but lets not forget that Michael Sweetwater retained the TV Title and Jackson Black became the first ever International Champion...Carnage was a good night for Genesis...and their true dominace will shine through again here tonight...

Black and Sweewater rolls into the ring and hold their titles in the air.The crowd begin to cheer as "Next Big Thing" blares out,pyros explode through the air and then Mike Hill appears through the smoke with a smile on his face.

JT:Former 6WF world champion,Mike Hill.He came up short last sunday in his quest to become TV Champion but tonight he has chance of redemption...

HE:No chance...Hill might have won big in that second rate company but he is nothing over here....and he never will be aslong as guys like Sweetwater and Black are around...

Hill smirks as he stands at the base of the ring,Black and Sweetwater are trying to goad him into the ring as "99 Things" blasts out and the crowd go wild for the arrival of Mason White.He walks out and flexes his biceps before laughing as fireworks explode behind him.He tags hands with the fans and then touches knuckles with Mike Hill...

JT:Mason White finally disposed of long time rival Yarmouth Blade at Carnage,now he has his sights set on bigger and better things...a win over a reigning champion tonight would certainly open some doors.....

White and Hill climb up into the ring as the referee gets between all four men.There is alot of trash talk and bickering before Hill and Black leave the ring.White smiles as he stares at Sweetwater and then the referee calls for the bell...

HE:Sweetwater may be small but he certainly packs a punch...Mason White would be foolish to underestimate him...

JT:I dont think there will be any underestimating from Mason White here....he knows he is in for a tough match...

Sweetwater and White circle before moving in for a lockup.Sweetwater stops short and stomps on the midsection of White.He punches him back to the corner and then chokes him to the count of four before breaking.White tries to rush out with a clothesline but Sweewater ducks it and connects with a dropkick to the back of White's head............1.................kickout.White scrambles back up and tries to kick the TV champion but Sweetwater catches his foot and then stomps on his standing knee before nailing a DDT...

1..........................2....................shoulder up.

JT:Michael Sweetwater has certainly developed a very unique style...

HE:And it has moulded him into a success....he can compete with anyone in this business..

Sweetwater tags in Black,drawing more boos from the crowd.They pull White up and hit a double suplex...................1.........................2................kickout.Black stands and he pulls White up for another suplex but White picks him up and drives him back into the turnbuckle...he tries to shoulderblock Black but the International champion gets his knee in the way and then sunset flips into a cover.............1....................2...............kickout.

JT:Jackson Black was involved in that stunning International Title match with Triple D at Carnage,both men put on a clinic,a real pleasure to watch...

They get back up and Black slams his knee into the midsection of White before hitting a gutwrench suplex,White tries to get back up but Black rushes off the ropes and the connects with a running enzeguiri to the back of White's head...................1......................2...............shoulder up.

HE:This is how a true team works,look at them swapping tags and keeping each other fresh...

JT:Very good tactics indeed...

Sweetwater climbs the ropes,after receiving a tag,and he comes off with a double axe handle to the back of White before Black nails a german suplex....Sweetwater slams fists into the back and head of White before running off the ropes and coming back with a fierce kick to the ribs,he then tries to lock White in a camel clutch...

JT:Sweetwater may have trouble getting his arms around White's neck here...

White rolls onto his back and uses both feet to kick Sweetwater back into the corner.He gets to his feet and rushes in for a spear but Sweetwater rolls away...

*Crowd groan

HE:White may have seperated his shoulder there....right into the ringpost...

White slams into the ringpost and then Sweetwater drills him with a russian legsweep...........1...............2........White kicks out.The TV champion gets up and he smirks as the crowd boo him before slapping White across the face...he shouts at him before laughing and running off the ropes,he rushes back with a pump kick...


The crowd roar in approval as White bursts from his knees and slams into Sweetwater in the centre of the ring.Mike Hill claps and stomps his feet as both men try to crawl towards their corners....

HE:This is bad,make it over there Mikey...

JT:Mike Hill is itching to get in there and show us all what he is capable of....GOT IT!

They cheer as White makes the tag to Hill.Jackson Black is tagged in as well but has no time to react as Hill springboards from the ropes and takes him out with a missile dropkick.They get back and Hill wipes out Black with a hill-can-rana before following up with a standing shooting star press....

JT:Unique offense...

1..........................2..................Black kicks out.

HE:It wasnt enough though...

JT:Maybe not but Hill looks fired up for this one...

Black struggles up and he swings into a right hand but Hill counters with an inverted atomic drop and a spinning heel kick.The crowd cheer loud as Hill runs to the corner and leaps up top...

HE:I cant watch...


*Crowd boo

JT:That no good...

The boos are rife as Sweetwater gets up on the apron and he pulls Hill's feet from under him,crotching him on the top rope.Hill sits in agony as Black slowly gets to his feet and walks to the turnbuckle...

HE:That is what you call true teamwork....look at that!

Black delivers a huge belly to belly suplex from the top rope and then slowly crawls into a cover...........1...................................2..................Hill gets his foot on the ropes.Mason White shouts words of encourgement as Black tags Sweetwater back in...

They pull Hill up and Black suplexes him up onto the shoulders of Sweetwater and they hit a neckbreaker combo...............1..................2...........kickout.Sweetwater drops two consecutive elbows to the chest of Hill before pulling him up and successfully slamming him down to the mat...

JT:Sweetwater going up top here....looking for that trademark foot stomp!

Hill rolls onto his feet and he ducks Sweetwater's aerial assault at the last minute.Sweetwater wobbles on his feet and then turns into a pele kick from Hill...



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6CW Escalation Results 22nd August 2011 Empty Re: 6CW Escalation Results 22nd August 2011

Post by JJJohnson Mon 22 Aug 2011, 4:36 pm

JT:Hill got the tag!

The crowd roar as White is tagged in as Jackson Black gets the tag aswell.Black runs at White but is floored by a huge clothesline.He gets back up and White grabs him and drills him with a belly to belly suplex,he gets up and White hits another belly to belly...

HE:Get out of there Jackson...

JT:Hat-trick!....can you believe the strength of this man...

The crowd go wild as White hits a third overhead belly to belly suplex on Black.He gets up and he flexes his arms with a big grin before beckoning for Black to get back up...

JT:White needs to watch out here...

Sweetwater jumps from the top rope but White swivels on the spot and catches the TV champion on his shoulders before nailing him with a huge powerbomb.White lets out a massive shout as he lifts Sweetwater up into the air again...

JT:Double powerbomb!


The crowd boo as Black kicks White in the stomach,dropping Sweetwater down to the mat,and nails him with his finishing move...


JT:Mike Hill to the rescue...

Hill flies from a springboard position and breaks the pin with a legdrop.He scrambles to his feet quickly as Sweetwater rushes towards him...

HE:Thats not fair..

Hill dropkicks Sweetwater through the ropes to the outside before grabbing the top rope and vaulting over them into a crossbody takedown.In the ring,Jackson Black stumbles up and waits for White to get up before hitting a t-bone suplex....

JT:Jackson Black has certainly worked hard to get himself to where he is today....but now as a champion he is expected to perform at all times...

HE:Like this...

Black climbs the ropes to the top and then launches himself into a picture perfect moonsault.He lands down on White,but takes two knees right into the chest...

JT:Mason White had him scouted all the way....BLACK HOLE...

White gets up and he waits for Black to stagger into him before spinning him around,before he can hit his finisher though he is booted in the stomach by Michael Sweetwater.Sweetwater grabs ahold of White...

HE:Sleep with the fishes...


Sweetwater looks for the fishermans suplex but he is pushed away into Mike Hill's path and takes the Over the Hill.The crowd cheer as Jackson Black stumbles to his feet and walks into the black hole slam...



JT:They did it....fantastic victory!

"99 Things" blasts out and the crowd cheer loud as Mason White and Jackson Black are declared the winners.They both shake hands and raise their arms as Genesis slide from the ring in dismay...

HE:How did this happen?....Genesis were on the verge...

JT:They took their eye off the ball,I told you that Mason White and Mike Hill are not to be underestimated....Genesis suffer another blow...

Black and Sweetwater look angry as they back off up the ramp,White and Hill continue to celebrate with the fans as the action goes backstage.


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6CW Escalation Results 22nd August 2011 Empty Re: 6CW Escalation Results 22nd August 2011

Post by JJJohnson Mon 22 Aug 2011, 4:38 pm

*The crowd begin to boo as the scene changes to backstage.GazzyD looks thunderous as he stands by with Christy James.

CJ:My guest at this time guys is none other than former world champion,GazzyD!

*Crowd boo

CJ:Gazzy it was six days ago that you lost the world title inside the elimination chamber....your body was pushed to its most physical limits and here tonight you have chosen to envoke your re-match you think its wise to do so at this point?

GazzyD:Do I think its wise....well let me ask you Christy,do you think its wise?...have you ever been world champion?

*Christy shakes her head

GazzyD:Exactly,so right now your opinion really doesnt matter.I have envoked my re-match because I am entitled to do so.I envoked my re-match because as much as my body is hurting right now,its nothing compared to the pain I feel knowing I am no longer world champion.

Last week at Carnage I entered the most barbaric match in wrestling history,a match I was forced into by the board of directors.The odds where firmly stacked against me,and yet I showed my credentials,I pushed right through,I outlasted the competition and just when I was poised to retain....I was sabotaged by that no good son of a (beep) Daniel Reilly!

*The crowd cheer Reilly's name

GazzyD:If there is one match that needs to watch his back even more so than Geoff Steel it is Daniel Reilly.Because Reilly has taken from me what I held most dear,he has caused unnatural suffering and for that he will never be forgive.Reilly's obsession with Alex Walker has cost me the 6CW Title and I promise Reilly that when our paths cross....its not Alex Walker he is going to have to worry about it,its me!

But as for tonight,tonight I face Geoff Steel,one on one for the title that I never deserved to lose.I tip my hat to Steel,he has worked his way up and he has paid his dues.But he is no GazzyD,he is not the history-maker and here on Escalation he is going to learn that the hard way.This is nothing personal against Steel,this is pure business because GazzyD is nothing if he isnt 6CW World Champion!

So maybe you think its unwise,maybe you think I am crazy for taking this match just days after having my body battered and bruised but to be quite frank I dont give a damn what anyone thinks.Geoff Steel has something that belongs to me,and tonight I'm taking it back!

*The crowd boo as Gazzy stares at Christy and then walks away.


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Age : 33

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6CW Escalation Results 22nd August 2011 Empty Re: 6CW Escalation Results 22nd August 2011

Post by JJJohnson Mon 22 Aug 2011, 4:38 pm

Match 2
Daniel Reilly vs Ibrahim Mureson

The crowd in the arena are waiting in anticipation and then they pop into the rafters as "Broken Dreams" screams out of the speakers,red pyros shoot up into the air...

JT:Here is a man that everybody is talking about,last week at Carnage he was banned from the arena...and yet he defied that order and ended up costing GazzyD the world championship...

HE:And you heard what Gazzy just said backstage....Reilly is going to pay for he has done...

The crowd are cheering as Reilly strides down the ramp,he looks around and nods his head before sliding into the ring.He goes to the corner and flexes his arms out in a pose as flashbulbs go off all around...

JT:Daniel Reilly set himself down this path just over two months ago now....his mission? get revenge on 6CW General Manager,Alex far he has struck deep blows into the body of Genesis...but can he maintain his onslaught?

HE:I think he could get slaughtered here tonight...

Reilly stands in the centre of the ring as boos break out and "Numb" seeps into the airwaves.Green jets of fireworks shoot into the air as the giant form of Ibrahim Mureson walks out onto the stage.

JT:One of Genesis' goliaths has been afforded the opportunity of destroying Daniel Reilly....and this man could do it aswell....Ibrahim Mureson is a tank...

HE:I bet he has been told to break Reilly in half...

Mureson stares angrily at Reilly as he climbs onto the apron.He points at his foe and mimes snapping something in half,but Reilly merely continues to stare at him.

JT:Reilly will not be intimidated,he knows the challenge on his hands...

The referee calls for the bell as both men circle and Mureson tries to initiate a lockup.Reilly quickly spins out back and slams fists into the kidneys of Mureson before backing away...Mureson turns around and swings a massive haymaker but Reilly ducks and dropkicks Mureson in the back....

JT:Reilly has to stick and point in engaging the monster at close quarters...

Reilly rushes into the corner but Mureson seizes him by the throat and hauls him against the turnbuckle.He stomps on the midsection of Reilly before whipping him hard across the ring....Reilly slams into the opposite turnbuckle as Mureson explodes into a huge clothesline....

HE:I told you,Genesis will be sick and tired of Reilly's games....he needs to be taken out of the picture....

Mureson drags Reilly up and then headbutts him back into the corner.He runs in a delivers a bodysplash before waiting for Reilly to stumble out and he lifts him into a huge sideslam.................1............................2................kickout.Mureson stands up and delivers three consecutive elbow drops.....................1.............................2..................shoulder up.

JT:Reilly needs to re-adjust here,because this behemoth will pound on him until there is nothing left....

Mureson drags Reilly up in a double underhook before lifting him skywards and nailing an implant facebuster....he gets to his feet and rushes off the ropes before coming back with a big splash....

HE:Thats it...


JT:Close call there....Mureson enforcing dominance here...

Mureson shouts at the referee before going to the corner and climbing onto the second rope.The big man looks down at Reilly before coming off with a flying splash...

HE:He really shouldnt of done that...

The crowd cheer as Reilly rolls away and Mureson slams into the mat.Reilly hobbles back up and he stamps at his foe before going to the turnbuckle and climbing up.He reaches the top as Ibrahim Mureson begins to get to his feet...

JT:Missile dropkick scores from Reilly....

HE:But he didnt take Mureson down...

The flying dropkick wobbles the big man but he doesnt go down.Reilly kicks him in the stomach and punches him back to the ropes before trying to whip him across the ring,Mureson easily reverses it as Reilly hits the ropes and comes back...

JT:Nice baseball slide from the former world champion...

Reilly slides through Mureson's legs on the comeback before getting up near the corner.Mureson rushes at him but Reilly dropkicks his knee,sending him into the corner,before nailing a shoulder thrust...

JT:Reilly gonna climb here.....

The crowd cheer as Reilly climbs onto Mureson and begins to adminster a ten punch.The referee begins to count as Reilly reaches the sixth punch...

HE:Whoah lookout...

Mureson grabs Reilly and pushes him hard back onto the mat,Reilly gets back to his feet as Mureson lets out a roar before knocking him down with a huge running boot...

JT:And just like that all the momentum is gone...

Mureson beats his chest as the crowd boo and then he grabs the dazed Reilly by the face and hauls him up...

HE:Reilly messed with the wrong people...Death Valley....


The crowd pop as Reilly jumps off the back of Mureson before catching him with the RKO as he turns around.Reilly rolls onto his knees as he looks around with a dark look in his eyes...

HE:I didnt even see it coming.

JT:I think thats the whole point....Reilly not going for a cover here though....I dont quite understand this...

Reilly nods his head before rolling from the ring and walking towards the timekeepers table.He quickly grabs a steel chair and the crowd cheer as he walks back to the ring...

HE:This guy is nothing but a mindless thug....absoloutely no need for this....

The referee tries to get involved but Reilly warns him off before beckoning for Mureson to get up....

JT:Perhaps Genesis' lesson is not yet over....OH DAMN!

CRACK!....The referee calls for the bell as Reilly slams the chair across the skull of Mureson.The big man drops against the ropes as Reilly drills the chair into his midsection before slamming it across the back.The referee is still trying to stop Reilly as he clatters the chair down once more into the head and chest of Mureson...

HE:This is just going to sit there and act as if thats ok?

JT:I dont condone that whatsoever....Reilly has overstepped a mark here....but hey Genesis wanted a fight,GazzyD said so himself....well here is a guy that wants to fight them...

The crowd boo as Kalki Singh rushes down the ramp towards the ring.He climbs onto the apron but quickly drops down again as Reilly aims a chairshot at him aswell...

JT:Reilly has snapped here.....

HE:He deserves to be fired....he is uncontrollable...

JT:Come off it.....Genesis are as much to blame for this situation as he is,Alex Walker even more so....if Walker is such a big man,why doesnt he give Reilly what he wants and fight him...

HE:Why should he?...Walker isnt a wrestler,he does not have to compete in matches with animals like Daniel Reilly...

JT:Well maybe he should think about that before he alienates people....because I get the feeling Reilly isnt going anywhere until he gets what he wants....

Singh continues to stare from the outside as Reilly stands over Mureson,chair in hand.The crowd are cheering loud as the action moves elsewhere.


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6CW Escalation Results 22nd August 2011 Empty Re: 6CW Escalation Results 22nd August 2011

Post by JJJohnson Mon 22 Aug 2011, 4:40 pm

*Josh Valour is shown training in the backstage area.The crowd cheer as Mason White strides into view.

White:Whats happening dude?

Valour:Just getting ready for my match with Cerberus....congrats on the win earlier!

White:Cheers pal....feels good to be on a roll right now....

Valour:Yeah hopefully after I dispose of my demon here tonight,I can get on a roll of my own...

White:Fingers crossed buddy....just keep focused and I am sure good things are going to happen....good luck!

Valour:Cheers man....see you around!

*White nods and then walks away before bumping into Christy James

CJ:Ah Mason,I have been looking for you?

White:You have?

CJ:Yes.I was sent to find you....

White:Oh yeah...

CJ:Yes,Mr Gould has asked me to inform you that he was very impressed with your display here tonight.So much so that next week on Escalation you will face Jackson Black for the International Title....

White:You serious?

*Christy nods her head and then screams as Mason picks her up and lets out a triumphant roar.


CJ:Good luck for next week Mason...

*The crowd cheer as White fist pumps and walks away


Posts : 9887
Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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6CW Escalation Results 22nd August 2011 Empty Re: 6CW Escalation Results 22nd August 2011

Post by JJJohnson Mon 22 Aug 2011, 4:41 pm

Match 3
Frosted Dice vs Mr Kenty/???

"The Angel and The Gambler" roars out to a huge reception from the crowd in Glasgow.Small playing cards blast from a cannon as Frosted Dice stride onto the stage and hold their tag team championships above their heads.The crowd are on their feet as John Dice and Jack Frost tag their hands on the way to the ring...

JT:Frosted Dice continued their tag team dominance last week at Carnage as they defeated 6WF's Crime Lord and Marshall Murdoch....

HE:But now they are up against the next big thing in professional wrestling,Mr Kenty, and an unnamed opponent...

JT:Alot of rumours swirling around this week as to who will partner Kenty in this would seem he has approached over half of the lockeroom as he attempts to find a candidate that will help him secure his first bit of championship gold here in 6CW...

Frosted Dice climb into the ring and pose for the crowd before dropping onto the canvass and staring at the entranceway."Turn up the Trouble" blasts out and the crowd boo as Mr Kenty swaggers out in the dimness,he grins and then holds his arm up as a mic descends from the rafters...

Kenty:Hailing from Buckinghamshire,in the United Kingdom...........weighing in at 230 half of the next 6CW tag team champions..........MRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR KEEEEEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNNNNNTTTTTTTTTYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!


JT:Well he sure is confident in his abilities....

HE:Of course he is,you've seen him in action....I cant wait to see who his partner is...

Kenty swaggers down to the ring and then points at Frosted Dice before motioning a belt around his waist and laughing.Frosted Dice stare at him with bemused expressions and then...

HE:Oh wow...

JT:Not a partner I was expecting...

"Sabotage" blares out and there is a confused reaction from the crowd as Triple D walks out on the stage.he slicks his hair back and nods his head before walking down to the ring,he shares a look with Kenty before climbing up on the apron...

JT:Alot of people,including myself,seem very perplexed by this....not someone I would of expected to team with Mr Kenty,Duke Dylan Debadguy obviously has an agenda here...

HE:He wants to be a champion,and what better way than aligning yourself with the hottest talent in 6CW right now...

Dice and Frost share a look as Kenty talks tactics with Triple D.Debadguy nods his head and then goes to start the match but Kenty holds him back and says he is going to begin...

JT:A little mis-communication already?

Dice agrees to start with Kenty and the crowd cheer as the bell sounds to start the match.Both men circle and then lockup in the centre of the ring.Dice places Kenty in a headlock before twisting his arm around back and trying for a back suplex....Kenty flips back onto his feet and spins Dice around before kicking him in the gut and running off the ropes...


Kenty returns for a running neckbreaker but Dice swivels out and floors him with a big clothesline.He gets back up and Dice scoop slams him to the mat before tagging in Jack Frost....

JT:Kenty may have aspirations of being a tag team champion but it is going to take some effort to de-throne these two...lovely legdrop from Frost!

Frost comes off top with a legdrop to the back of Kenty's head.............1..................2..........kickout.Frost pulls Kenty up and looks for a suplex but Kenty falls off back and tries to set up a face-first russian legsweep but Frost spins out and counters with a northern lights suplex...................1......................2....................kickout.

HE:Im still buzzed about Kenty's choice of partner,if it is the old Triple D then I think we are looking at future champions...

JT:Duke certainly has a tendency to change his allegiances at the drop of a hat...but if he and Kenty are truly on the same page then they could be contenders...

Kenty gets back up and he draws his fist back for a punch but Frost takes him down with a fierce karate kick to the side of the head.Frost tags Dice back in....Johnny Dice climbs the ropes as the crowd cheer...

HE:I cant watch...

JT:Long shot connects...

Dice lands the flying elbow drop..........................1.................................2......................Triple D breaks up the count!

HE:Well in Duke....I knew you were back...

Triple D and Dice stare at one another as the referee ushers Debadguy from the ring.Dice pulls Kenty up and hits a suplex,he pulls him up again flips him for a powerbomb...

JT:Kenty just got drilled there...

The crowd boo as Triple D makes the blind tag before Kenty gets powerbombed.Debadguy climbs in the ring behind Dice,who is unawares, and connects with a russian legsweep...............1..................2...................shoulder up.

HE:Triple D is a mastermind,he started Generation Zero....he set the foundations for what is now Genesis....he deserves a damn sight more credit than he gets...

JT:And yet only six days ago you were telling us that he wasnt good enough to be on the roster...

HE:Shut your hole...

Dice gets back up and Triple D knees him in the midsection before hitting a vertical suplex.He swivels his hips and pulls Dice up again before hitting another,he drags Dice up for a third time...

JT:D to the 3!

Debadguy successfully hits the trivector and covers..........................1.........................2.............Dice kicks out.Frost claps his hands and tries to get the crowd riled up as Triple D clambers to his feet...


JT:So uncalled for...

The boos ring out as Triple D dropkicks Frost from the apron,sending him crashing into the ringside barrier.Kenty smiles from the apron as Debadguy places Dice in a reverse chinlock....

HE:I love it when Triple D displays this kind of attitude....this is what sets him apart from all of the rest....

Dice tries to reach his feet and twists into a front position until Triple D rakes his eyes and dropkicks him back into the corner.Debadguy runs in and connects with a bodysplash before pulling Dice out...


Dice amazingly reverses the tombstone attempt and hits a shoulderbreaker..............1.................2..............kickout.

JT:John Dice needs to make a tag here....

HE:But he has nobody to tag,Triple D made sure of that...

Dice clings to the ropes and pulls himself up as Triple D crawls back to his corner and tags in Mr Kenty.Kenty sprints to the corner where Dice is resting but takes a full kick to the face and staggers back...

JT:Still life in Dice yet...

HE:Not anymore!

Dice sprints out but Kenty gets his foot up and almost decapitates Dice with a big boot..........1..............2..........kickout.

HE:Its only a matter of time before Kenty becomes a champion in 6CW,he oozes class...

JT:I think class is far from what this guy oozes....arrogance and smarm come to mind...

Kenty pulls Dice up and forearms him back into the corner before stomping a mudhole in him,he whips Dice to the opposite corner and then flies across with a running clothesline...Dice staggers out and Kenty nails a massive spike DDT....................1..................2.............Frost breaks the count.

HE:I thought Dice's record was gone there....Frost was illegal right then,Frosted Dice should be disqualified...

JT:Give it a rest...

Kenty and Frost square up as the referee tells Frost to leave the ring.Kenty trash talks his foe before turning and grabbing Dice by the hair...


....................Kenty kicks out!

JT:Kenty's mouth almost cost him big right then...


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6CW Escalation Results 22nd August 2011 Empty Re: 6CW Escalation Results 22nd August 2011

Post by JJJohnson Mon 22 Aug 2011, 4:42 pm

They both scramble up and Kenty knees Dice right in the temple before running off the ropes and coming back with a swinging neckbreaker...................1....................2................shoulder up!

HE:Kenty is dominating here...have you ever seen John Dice in such a predicament,be truthful Jeff?

JT:No I havent,Kenty is sure holding his own with the tag champs...

Triple D stretches his arm out for the tag but is goes ignored as Kenty punches Dice back into the corner and facewashes him before nailing a running kick to the head.Kenty lifts Dice up top and follows...

JT:Kenty ignoring the calls of his partner for the tag,he needs to hope that doesnt come back to haunt him...


Kenty looks for a superplex but Dice fights out with solid rights to the kidneys before headbutting Kenty down onto the canvass with a bang.Kenty slowly gets up as Dice regains some composure and leaps into an impressive shoulderblock takedown....

JT:Dice scores with the aerial he needs a tag...

Triple D is shaking his head on the outside as Kenty lays flat out on the mat.Frost shouts words of encouragement as Dice slides towards him...

HE:Move Kenty....

The cheers go up as Frost makes the tag at the same time as Triple D.Debadguy sprints in but misses with a clothesline as Frost scores with sickening karate kicks to the legs,dropping Triple D to his knees,and then a massive roundhouse to the head................1.................2............kickout.

JT:Frost is all fired up...he doesnt forget Triple D's blindside earlier in the contest...

Triple D gets back up and Frost kicks him in the stomach before nailing a gutwrench powerbomb.............1..........................2...................shoulder up again.Frost goes to the corner and climbs up the ropes as Triple D slowly tries to make it to his feet....



Triple D leaps up and catches Frost in midair with a big dropkick to the ribcage.Frost clutches his midsection in agony as Triple D bridges him into a german suplex...............1.....................2..................shoulder up!

JT:This match is swaying back and forth....I really cannot tell where this one is going...

Triple D gets up and he slaps Dice across the face,Dice falls to one knee on the apron,and then Debadguy waits for Frost to get back up...

HE:Here we go....D TO THE 5!

Triple D scoops Frost up as Kenty slaps him across the back for the blind tag.Triple D drops Frost to the mat and turns around as his partner gets in the ring...

JT:What the heck is Kenty playing at here....Triple D was in the process of picking up a huge win...

Kenty shrugs his shoulders and goes towards Frost but Triple D pulls him back and asks "whats going on?".Kenty shakes his head and pushes him backwards before pointing at his chest and saying "I am the main member of this team"....he grabs Frost by the head...

HE:Kenty just letting Triple D know who is boss....nothing wrong with that...


The crowd pop as Triple D shakes his head and nails Kenty with Debad Intentions in the centre of the ring.Debadguy stares at his partner before slicking his hair back,smiling at the crowd and leaving the ring...

HE:What the hell is that....he hasnt really changed...

JT:Duke was along for the ride,maybe he had tag team gold on his mind but when he realised that Kenty wasnt a team player he revoked his participation....maybe Kenty will learn a lesson here...


JT:Don't screw around....3-D!

The crowd cheer as Frosted Dice stalk the groggy Kenty and then nail him with the elevated cutter,Frost hooks the leg......................1...............................2........................3!

HE:This is all wrong....

"White Light" blazes out and the crowd cheer as Dice pulls Frost to his feet,they hug and then raise one another's arm in victory.

JT:Frosted Dice one again showing us all why they are regarded so highly,the tag team champions have defeated a stern test here tonight,many congratulations to them...

HE:Yeah they got lucky...if it hadnt been for that turncoat Triple D then we would of had a much different result...

JT:It was Kenty that effected this match....his own ego alienated Triple D,Duke had the match sewn up....if Kenty has ambitions in the tag team division then he needs to get his priorities checked at the door and a partner that is willing to deal with him...

Kenty skulks up the ramp,muttering under his breath,as Frosted Dice high five and wave him away.


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6CW Escalation Results 22nd August 2011 Empty Re: 6CW Escalation Results 22nd August 2011

Post by JJJohnson Mon 22 Aug 2011, 4:44 pm

*Mr Jones is talking with Mr Gould backstage

Jones:Do you think its acceptable?

Gould:I really dont see the problem...

Jones:They blindsided him...its an injustice....

Gould:I do not agree....

Jones:Why dont you wave your magic wand and give Internecio first shot at the winner of tonights main event?

Gould:There are plenty of men in line for that opportunity,you can tell Internecio to get in line and continue to impress in the ring...

Jones:I dont think you understand...

Gould:No I dont think you understand Jones.I get that your frustrated but Internecio was eliminated fair and square from the elimination cannot change that fact...

Jones:I people are all the same....well I guess Internecio is just going to have to make a statement in the ring....but let it be known that there will be repercussions...

Gould:I do not take kindly to threats...

Jones:That is no threat....that is a promise!

???:This man annoying you?

*The crowd cheer as Drake walks into shot,Jones squirms uncomfortably

Gould:No,no problems Drake....Mr Jones was just telling me how Internecio was unfairly treated last week...

Drake:Really?...funny that because it looked to me last week that the monster was human after all...sorry to break the news to you Jonesy but your big genetic freak isnt as bad as you say he is...

Jones:We'll see...just you wait!

Drake:Oh I'll wait...but I am less than run along and let this man do his job!

*Jones sneers at them and then walks off as Drake shakes his head.


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6CW Escalation Results 22nd August 2011 Empty Re: 6CW Escalation Results 22nd August 2011

Post by JJJohnson Mon 22 Aug 2011, 4:45 pm

Match 4
Extreme Rules
Josh Valour vs Cerberus

Action is back at ringside and the crowd boo as "Scary Music" plays out and Cerberus walks out among a blaze of pyros.He stares evily around at the crowd before making his way down to the ring...

JT:The next match will not be for the feint of heart,extreme rules has been chose to settle the differences between Josh Valour and Cerberus...

HE:I think both men will be pleased with that choice......this rivalry has waged for some time...

JT:Yes it has,let us not forget last week at Carnage when Cerberus defeated Valour to gain his place inside the Elimination Chamber...Valour will be after revenge against his massive foe here tonight...

Cerberus climbs into the ring as "Enemy" screams out and the crowd cheer.Josh Valour strides out onto the stage looking confident before nodding his head and beginning his descent to the ring.Cerberus spits on the mat as Valour climbs up onto the apron...

HE:So many great rivalries right now in 6CW but this is one that has really caught the attention,two young men really trying to make a name for themselves...

Valour climbs into the ring and immediately has to duck as Cerberus tries to blindside him with a bicycle kick.He rocks the monster with right hands and then backs off and tries to run back in with a clothesline but Cerberus counters with a backdrop to the apron.Valour holds on and he waits for Cerberus to turn around before slamming a fist into his face....Cerberus staggers back as Valour climbs the ropes....

JT:Valour taking an early chance....

Valour leaps off with a flying clothesline attempt but Cerberus catches him by the throat.The crowd boo as Cerberus sets up for a chokeslam but Valour boots him in the stomach and connects with a DDT................1.......................2..............kickout.Valour climbs to his feet and quickly leaves the ring to drag the apron up...

HE:Valour has had enough of wrestling his opponent...he wants to get "hardcore"....

The crowd cheer as Valour tosses a trash can into the ring before dragging out a shovel.He smiles as he holds the shovel in the air before getting back into the ring...

JT:I dont think Valour has gardening on the mind...

Cerberus slowly crawls to his feet as Valour swings the shovel back and then drives it into the midsection of his foe.The crowd applaud for more as Valour clutches the head of the shovel and then slams it into the temple of Cerberus....

HE:Cerberus is out cold....

.........................Cerberus powers out.Valour lets a smile cross his face as he gets up ,he takes hold of the trash can and slams it down onto the chest of Cerberus before going to the corner and climbing up....

JT:Valour looking to fly here.....LEGDROP!

Cerberus rolls away as Valour crashes onto the canvass.Cerberus gets to his feet,he bounces back off the ropes and then delivers a stiff kick to the head of Valour.The monster lets out a roar as Valour slides from the ring.....

HE:The action is allowed to go anywhere in the arena,but it must end inside the ring...

Cerberus follows Valour,he takes a chair from the announce area before walking around towards the aisleway.Valour stumbles up as Cerberus launches the chair towards him....

JT:Oh jeez...

Valour ducks and the chair collides with the ringside barrier,missing the fans by inches.Valour punches at the ribs of his opponent and then manages to lift him up and drop him on the barrier....he pulls Cerberus towards the ramp and tries to suplex him on it but Cerberus fights out and rocks Valour back with a massive uppercut...

HE:Dangerous area for these men to be in...we have seen some awful things happen in this type of situation...

Cerberus grabs the chair again and he follows Valour up the ramp.Valour reaches the top of the stage as Cerberus pulls the chair above his head...

JT:Valour fighting back here...

Valour kicks at the knee of Cerberus before grabbing the top of the entranceway and lifting himself into the air before swinging into an impressive headscissors...

Crowd:That was awe-some x5

JT:Josh Valour bringing out his whole arsenal here...

Both men crawl up on the stage and they both lunge for the steel chair.Both men have hold and they tug at it before Cerberus abruptly lets go and floors Valour with a bicycle kick...Valour tries to stumble up as Cerberus grabs hold of him...

HE:He's thinking Burn in Hell...

JT:Surely not from the top of the stage?

The crowd are on edge as Cerberus tries to flip Valour up for the tiger bomb but Valour swipes his legs and stomps down hard on the chest of Cerberus.Valour drags Cerberus up and suplexes him across the steel stage...

HE:Not a good landing whatsoever....

Valour gets up and walks towards the steel chair before picking it up.The crowd cheer as he raises it in the air before beckoning for Cerberus to get back up...

JT:Looking for the money shot...

Cerberus stuns Valour with a huge punch to the midsection before dragging him down the ramp and slamming him against the ringside barrier.The crowd boo as Cerberus stomps on Valour's chest and stomach before pulling him up and suplexing him backwards across the barrier...

*Crowd groan

JT:That could dislodge your spinal column....sickening impact...


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6CW Escalation Results 22nd August 2011 Empty Re: 6CW Escalation Results 22nd August 2011

Post by JJJohnson Mon 22 Aug 2011, 4:47 pm

Valour lays in a heap on the floor as Cerberus picks the chair up and haults it into the ring.He slams hard fists down into the back of Valour before picking him up into a bearhug and slamming him back into the ringpost...

HE:Valour's back is taking serious punishment long do you think he can stand up to that?

JT:I'd estimate not very long...

Cerberus throws Valour back into the ring before dismantling the steel steps and he launches the top half into the ring.Cerberus lifts the ring apron up and moments later he drags a ladder out as the crowd give a cheer...

HE:This is bad...

Cerberus places the ladder through the middle ropes and climbs into the ring.The ladder is still resting through the ropes as Valour stumbles up and he springboards over the ropes and legdrops the ladder into the air....CRACK!...

JT:Cerberus plan came back to haunt him...

The ladder slams right into the face of Cerberus,knocking him down.Valour quickly gets back into the ring and he lifts the ladder up before slamming it across Cerberus and climbing the ropes....

HE:What is this maniac thinking here....OH GOD!

Crowd:Holy (beep) x5

Valour leaps into the air for an aerial assault as Cerberus shows amazing strength to push the ladder up through the air and it collides in midair with Valour's head...

JT:That was truly sickening...

Cerberus clings to the ropes and he drags himself up before seizing Valour by the hair and lifts him up before drilling him with a brainbuster.Cerberus walks to the ropes and begins to climb up....


Valour grabs the trash can from earlier and lays it in his place as Cerberus crashes through it.Valour struggles to his feet and grabs the steel chair..........CRACK!.............CRACK!......CRACK!....

JT:Sickening shots with the steel chair...

Valour crashes the chair against the back of Cerberus,the big man staggers against the ropes and comes back,Valour raises the chair up...


The crowd groan as Cerberus seizes Valour around the throat and lifts him into the massive chokeslam before falling back into the corner.

JT:Both of these men are really laying into one another....but we must have a winner....

Cerberus holds his head as he stumbles into a pinfall.......................1.........................2..................Valour just kicks out.

HE:That was a three...

JT:It was close but I think Valour benefitted from Cerberus feeling groggy...

Cerberus spits at the mat and then he stands up.He grabs the ladder and lifts up before throwing it to the outside,he seizes the remains of the trash can and chucks that out before grabbing the shovel....Valour gets up.....SMACK!

HE:That'll do it....

The shovel bends in half and Valour collapses to the mat from the impact.Cerberus hauls that weapon from the ring and then grabs the steel steps....

JT:Dont do'll end the poor kid...

HE:I think that is the idea...

Valour gets back to his feet and just manages to duck as Cerberus tries to slam to steps into his head.He boots Cerberus in the knees,causing the steps to drop,before dropkicking Cerberus back into the corner.Valour staggers back up and he runs across,up the steel steps and launches himself into a solo poetry in motion....

JT:Excellent improvisation from the young Canadian....

Cerberus tumbles from the corner and Valour seizes the steel chair from the canvass and drives it into the stomach of his foe...

JT:Could've broken a rib....TOWER OF VALOUR...ON THE STEPS!

HE:No way...

The crowd pop as Valour manages to flip Cerberus up and he powerbombs him right across the steel steps,Cerberus flops in agony as he drops down and Valour falls into a cover...



The crowd cheer as the bell sounds and "Enemy" plays out to the sold out arena.Valour is drained of energy as the referee picks his arm up and declares him the winner...

HE:I cant believe that result...

JT:Josh Valour said he could beat the monster....he said he could topple him,not many believed it but I guess tonight they were proven wrong....a fantastic performance from both men but its Valour that finally walks away with bragging rights....tremendous contest here on Escalation!

Valour topples from the ring and celebrates with the fans as Cerberus begins to get up in the ring.He looks towards Valour and snarls before shaking his head...

HE:That might've been the worst mistake Valour ever really think Cerberus is just going to take that lying down?

JT:I have no idea but i think tonight showed that Valour will not be intimidated no matter what happens.


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6CW Escalation Results 22nd August 2011 Empty Re: 6CW Escalation Results 22nd August 2011

Post by JJJohnson Mon 22 Aug 2011, 4:47 pm

*The arena doors swing open and Keith Leone enters the building as the crowd break into horrendous boos.Christy James approaches the Extreme Champion!


Leone:What is it?

CJ:Just a quick word about last weeks match with Dicey Reilly.Dicey is still in hospital after what happened...

Leone:And what? you expect me to show remorse?...Dicey Reilly knew exactly what he was getting involved in.There wouldnt be this kind of uproar if it was me laying in hospital whilst Dicey took all the plaudits.I am an Extreme Icon,I exist in that type of environment and I know exactly what it is that I am letting myself in for every single week....its not my fault that Dicey couldnt handle the pressure,he couldnt match up to me.....

What I did to Dicey Reilly was a message to all those that have tried to keep me down.I will no longer be silenced,I will no longer be squashed by the tyrants that rule this company.I am breaking down the barriers that blur reality,I am bringing professional wrestling back to the masses and I am doing it by any means necessary.

And if that makes me a bad guy then so be it,if that makes people hate me then I really dont give a damn.Because what I did to Dicey is just the beginning,every revolution has its casulaties,every war has its victims and I am setting in motion the biggest uprising this company has ever seen.

So get on your facebooks,get tweeting or whatever it is that you losers do nowadays and you tell all your friends that Keith Leone is on the verge of greatness.I am pulling this art into the mainstream,I am putting this business on the map...

CJ:And what is next for you?

Leone:What ever I choose to be next for me.There are no boundaries for me anymore.I have decided I am no longer playing by the rules,I wont follow the crowd because I dont want to be remembered as just another "superstar".I am Keith Leone,and I am responsible for the winds of change.What I have done will be talked about for years to come,and my name will be synonmous with change!

*Leone storms off towards his lockeroom as Christy looks bemused.


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6CW Escalation Results 22nd August 2011 Empty Re: 6CW Escalation Results 22nd August 2011

Post by JJJohnson Mon 22 Aug 2011, 4:48 pm

Match 5
Internecio vs Lex Hart

JT: Up next we have two guys who were in the incredible Elimination Chamber match last Saturday night, Lex Hart and Internecio.

HE: Internecio was screwed in that match, it took four other guys to eliminate him, including Lex, so I’m betting he is looking for some vengeance here tonight.

“Your Betrayal” hits as the fans boo loudly and slowly Internecio and Mr Jones walk out from the backstage area. Mr Jones starts applauding Internecio who then walks down the ramp completely focused on the ring, as Mr Jones shouts abuse at the fans. Internecio then steps onto the ring apron and over the top rope leaving Mr Jones on the outside of the ring still trash talking the fans.

“Burn in my Light” then plays out as the fans cheer loudly and Lex Hart walks out onto the stage. Lex points down towards Internecio before he runs down the ramp and slides in under the bottom rope, never taking his eyes from Internecio. Hart then raises his arm in the air to the fans and the referee checks on both men before calling for the opening bell.

The two men then start to circle one another attempting to see an opening to attack from, when suddenly from behind Hart, Mr Jones jumps onto the ring apron and starts shouting at him. Hart then turns around and hits a strong right hand to Mr Jones which causes him to fall back off of the apron, but as Hart then turns back around, Internecio hits a strong clothesline to him, leaving him stunned slightly on the ground. Internecio then hits two powerful knee drops to the side of Hart who grasps his ribs in pain before he is dragged back up to his feet by Internecio. Internecio then whips Hart into the ropes and on Hart’s return, Internecio lifts him into the air by the legs before slamming Hart back down to the mat hard with a spinebuster. Internecio waists little time before starting to punch Hart viciously in the head before again getting up to his feet and lifting Hart up off of the mat. Internecio then hooks Hart in a suplex position before lifting him high into the air and holding him in a stalled position for a few moments, before slamming him back down to the mat with a powerful impact. Internecio then noticing his opportunity slowly backs into the ropes before briskly walking back in towards Hart, jumping into the air, before hitting a leg drop to Hart and then going into the cover.

1...2kick out.

Internecio takes little notice of the kick out and merely starts attacking Hart again with powerful right hands until the referee steps in to intervene. Internecio then gets off of Hart and backs away slightly allowing the referee to check on Hart, but Hart merely pushes the referee away from him and starts trying to get back to his feet, but before he can do so himself, Internecio grabs a hold of Hart by the neck and lifts him fully to his feet, before throwing him into the corner and then proceeding to run in towards Hart and spearing him into the corner. Internecio then starts performing shoulder presses into the midriff of Hart, before Internecio backs off slightly and grabs Hart in a waist lock and then hits a belly to belly suplex to Hart who is left clutching his back and mid-section on the floor. Internecio then sits up Hart on the canvas and kicks him in the gut to make sure he stays in position, before Internecio runs across the ring and on his return hits a powerful boot to the head of Hart. Mr Jones then signals to Internecio for a move, before Internecio goes over to Hart, lifts him to his feet and positions him in a piledriver position, then lifting him onto his shoulders, before hitting a powerbomb to Hart. Internecio into the cover.

1...2...kick out.

Internecio looks up in puzzlement at the referee as he signals two, before Internecio merely shakes his head and again picks up Hart and whips him into the corner. Internecio then charges at Hart in the corner, but Hart manages to jump out of the way of Internecio at the last second and Internecio crashes chest first into the corner. Hart then seeing his opportunity goes to the corner, springs up to the second rope, before spring boarding back off to hit a springboard clothesline which stumbles Internecio. Hart then runs across the ring and then runs back in to hit a running clothesline which stumbles Internecio some more, Hart then manages to jump into the air and hits an enziguri kick to the head of Internecio who then falls from the impact of the kick. Internecio then slowly gets back to his feet while slightly dazed from the onslaught before Hart kicks him in the gut and then hits a snap DDT to Internecio, who is left stunned on the floor. Hart then runs across the ring and then runs back in to hit a jumping elbow drop to the chest of Internecio. Hart into the cover.

1..2kick out.

HE: Come on Internecio! You can’t get beaten by this loser.

JT: This former 6WF World Champion is now a loser in your eyes huh?


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6CW Escalation Results 22nd August 2011 Empty Re: 6CW Escalation Results 22nd August 2011

Post by JJJohnson Mon 22 Aug 2011, 4:49 pm

Hart quickly goes back on the offensive and delivers some stomps on the ground to Internecio before Internecio pushes him away. Hart though as soon as Internecio is back to his feet starts to hit knife edge chops to the chest of Internecio which brightens to a red colour after multiple impacts. Hart then whips Internecio across the ring and on his return Hart uses the momentum of Internecio to lift him into the air and then hit an inverted atomic drop to him, causing Internecio to stumble backwards in pain. Hart then follows and placing his head under the jaw of Internecio, then hits a jawbreaker to Internecio who falls backwards to the mat and clutches his jaw. Hart then shouts to the fans to fire himself up. Hart then stalks Internecio as he gets back to his feet before hitting a drop kick to Internecio who falls backwards into the corner. Hart then hits a couple more knife edge chops to Internecio in the corner, before lifting him to the second rope and positioning him. Hart then climbs to the second rope as well and puts Internecio in a suplex position. Hart takes a few moments to compose himself before he lifts Internecio over his head and both man crash down to the mat as Hart hit’s a superplex. Hart into the cover.

1...2...kick out.

Hart looks on at the referee in disbelief and pleads with him that it was three but the referee merely signals two. Hart though then goes over to the fallen Internecio before lifting him up and setting him up for the Hart Attack (Jackhammer). Hart though tries to lift up Internecio but can only go so far and can’t get him to the height he needs. Hart finally goes for it again but Internecio hits a hard right hand to the gut of Hart, before kicking him in the gut and then positioning him for the Last Flight (Black Tiger Bomb). Internecio then lifts up Hart with no problems and sets him over his shoulders, but Hart manages to roll off the back and lands on his feet, and as Internecio turns around Hart hits a super-kick to Internecio which causes him to stumble backwards across the ring. Hart then seeing his opportunity climbs the turnbuckles to the top rope and waits for Internecio to turn back around to him. Internecio though realising his situation dives for the ropes on the side of Hart’s left foot and the movement of the ropes causes Hart to lose balance and fall crotch first onto the top turnbuckle. Taking advantage of the situation, Internecio walks over to Hart, grabs him by the throat, before hitting a Chokeslam to Hart from the top rope. Internecio into the cover.


“Your Betrayal” plays out as the fans boo loudly and Mr Jones jumps into the ring and celebrates the win with Internecio. Mr Jones then goes over to Lex Hart and trash talks him before he pulls Internecio out of the ring and the two men slowly walk back up the ramp as the referee checks on Lex Hart.


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6CW Escalation Results 22nd August 2011 Empty Re: 6CW Escalation Results 22nd August 2011

Post by JJJohnson Mon 22 Aug 2011, 4:49 pm

*Yarmouth Blade is shown talking to Christy James in the back

CJ:Blade,after another disappointment last week at Carnage when you lost to long time rival Mason White alot of people are wondering where you go from here?

Blade:What sort of dumb question is that.I slip up once and already I am being written off.You people really are pathetic.White stole a win last week and he showed his true colours when he attacked me after the damn match.Lets not forget I was owning his a55 every week before that match....there is no doubt in my mind that I am miles ahead of people like Mason White....and I am raring to prove that!

CJ:Well tonight you face a man coming off a huge match inside the elimination chamber, do you view this challenge?

Blade:Like every other,easy!...Drake is nothing but a "never-was",coasting off some sort of reputation that he never earnt.Sure he was involved in the elimination chamber match but we all know how corrupt the board of directors are,they wont even let Alex Walker do his damn job.Drake has got places because of his name,nothing more.And tonight he is my first stepping stone to glory,I am going to show that no amount of string pulling and no amount of backstage pull is going to save him here on Escalation.

For too long have I allowed people to view me as some sort of joke.I am a former tag team champion,I have achieved a damn sight more than the so called fans ever expected of me so as far as they are concerned,they can kiss me a55!

*Crowd boo loud

Blade:Here tonight I am going to kick Drake's backside all around the arena,I am going to prove all my doubters wrong....and I am heading straight for the top.


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6CW Escalation Results 22nd August 2011 Empty Re: 6CW Escalation Results 22nd August 2011

Post by JJJohnson Mon 22 Aug 2011, 4:50 pm

Match 5
Drake vs Yarmouth Blade

The action is back at ringside as "Pieces" plays out and the crowd cheer as Drake walks out and raises a big arm into the air.He stares around the arena and then begins to walk down to the ring with purpose.

JT:Singles competition coming up next folks.....two men looking to get back on track after dropping decisions last week at Carnage....

HE:But what fitness is Drake at?....Lets not forget he was involved in the Elimination Chamber...and everyone suffered in that match...

JT:Absolutely correct.....Drake was indeed involved in that historic match and his body was laid on the line....but that was a week ago,and I know Drake will want to get back on track here...

Drake climbs into the ring and he stares around the arena as "One and Only" kicks in and the crowd boo the arrival of Yarmouth Blade.The cocky superstar raises his arms in the air and smirks as he walks down the ramp...

JT:Yarmouth Blade faced a final showdown with long-time rival,Mason White at Carnage...Blade finally paid for what he put his former partner through...

HE:It was a travesty...and then White assaulted Blade after the match was over,despicable...

Drake stretches his neck and then walks around the ring as Blade climbs in.The referee has a quick word with both men and then signals for the bell...

JT:This month is a very big one for this company....lets not forget that come September,6CW will be involved with the superstars of 6WF in the Gold Rush Battle Royal....the winner of the monumental match will receive a world title match of their choosing at Born in Fire in November...

HE:It is a match where dreams can come true....

JT:And it would do any superstar the world of good to work up a good head of momentum before hand..

Both men look each other up and down as they stand toe to toe in the centre of the ring.Blade begins to talk trash to Drake before Yarmouth begins to jab him in the chest....

JT:It seems like Blade is going to try and talk Drake into submission...oh my.....

The crowd cheer as Drake suddenly drops Blade with a huge right hand.Yarmouth staggers back up and Drake boots him in the stomach before whipping him hard into the corner....Blade stumbles out and Drake grips him by the throat before lifting him into the air before slamming him down onto the mat...

HE:Intense start from Drake...but that wont do him any good at Destiny....

JT:On the contrary,the Gold Rush battle royal is not like your typical battle royal...elimination can occur by pinfall,submission or throwing your opponents over the top rope...

Drake bounces against the ropes and then lands an elbow drop........1.................2.........kickout.He pulls Blade up before launching him into the turnbuckle and stomping on his midsection....

JT:Drake still has that ferocity burning inside him,its hard to imagine that this guy has only been back in action for four months...

Blade tries to answer back with a knife edge chop but Drake headbutts him into a standstill before lifting him onto the top rope.Drake climbs onto the second and grips his opponent before going to the top...

HE:I cant watch....

The whole ring shakes as Drake superplexes Blade from the top rope before crawling into the cover............1.................2............kickout.Drake's chest heaves in and out as he climbs to his feet and wills Blade up...

JT:We were there last saturday,we watched that Elimination Chamber match and it is unimaginable what those six athletes put their bodies through....Drake is a lucky man to be in the shape he is...

He grips Blade by the neck but receives punches to the stomach as Yarmouth fights out.Blade quickly runs off the ropes but returns into a huge big boot....Blade is groggy as Drake bounces against the ropes and returns with a running neckbreaker.................1..................2.............shoulder up.

The crowd applaud the action as Drake attempts a suplex,Blade floats off back and tries for a sleeper hold but Drake counters into a sideslam.The LA native quickly goes to the corner and climbs up...

HE:You dont often see Drake go up top.....and thats why....

Blade rushes across and connects with a jumping kick to the head of Drake.Drake wobbles and Blade seizes him and successfully slams him down onto the canvass....Yarmouth goes to turnbuckle and climbs up...

JT:Flying shoulder tackle....could do it...

...................Drake kicks out.Blade gets up and he stomps down on Drake before slamming knees into the head...................1...................2................kickout.Blade bounces off the ropes and returns with a low dropkick to the face of Drake as he tries to get up...............1.................2..............shoulder up.

HE:Blade finding his rythym now....many people seem to forget that this guy is a former tag team champion,he knows what it takes to get the job done...

JT:He certainly does...I admire Blade's abilities,I just dont agree with his methods...


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6CW Escalation Results 22nd August 2011 Empty Re: 6CW Escalation Results 22nd August 2011

Post by JJJohnson Mon 22 Aug 2011, 4:51 pm

Blade drags Drake up and slams elbows into the back of his head before trying to whip him to the corner,Drake reverses it but Blade gets both knees up into the face as Drake follows in....

HE:Big chance have to take it....

Blade flies off with a missile dropkick but Drake swipes him in midair,slamming him down into the mat.He grips the legs of Blade before slingshotting him into the corner....he rushes in and connects with a stinger splash to the back of Blade before pulling him out....


..................shoulder up!

HE:Oh I thought Blade had him there......

The crowd cheer as Drake manages to kick out of the rollup attempt.They scramble back up and Blade surprises Drake with a back heel kick to the stomach before grabbing him by the head...


Drake shoves Blade back into the corner and rushes in for a spear but Yarmouth rolls away as Drake slams into the ringpost....

HE:Reverse DDT....

Blade nails the reverse DDT and quickly scurries to the ropes and climbs up,the crowd boo as he smiles...

JT:Swanton bomb....scores!

1..................2............foot on the ropes.

HE:How close can you get....

Blade gets on his knees and shouts at the referee before getting to his feet and kicking the ropes.He puts his finger up at the crowd,who boo,and then grabs Drake by the neck and tries to flip him for a powerbomb....Drake keeps his legs grounded and counters with a backdrop....


The crowd cheer as Drake waits for Yarmouth Blade to reach his feet and then runs right through him with a massive spear.Drake wipes a bead of sweat from his brow and then raises a big fist into the air...

HE:Oh no...

JT:We all know what follows the spear......

Boos break out as Mr Jones walks out onto the stage.The smug manager stands and glares at Drake with a sarcastic grin on his face...

JT:What does he want?....he has no reason to be out here!

HE:He's watching the action....

JT:Yeah right....

Jones walks slightly down the ramp but then stops as Drake steps towards the ropes.He glares at Jones...

JT:This is a trap....why the hell else would Jones be out here?

The referee pushes Drake back towards the ring and then leans over and shouts at Jones to leave the vicinity...

HE:He's just out here as a spectator harm in that....

JT:Blade's got that damn pipe....

The crowd boo as Yarmouth Blade has a steel pipe in hand and he crashes it into the head of Drake....Jones smiles on the outside as the referee turns and kneels down.................1......................2..............................3!

HE:Yes....excellent result!

The crowd boo as "One and Only" screams out and Blade is declared the winner.He kneels in the ring and stares at Jones in bewilderment.Mr Jones claps his hands and backs up the ramp...

JT:Yarmouth Blade picks up the win but you have to question Mr Jones' role in this situation....

HE:I think its quite simple....Drake stopped Internecio from becoming world champion at Carnage....earlier tonight Jones said that all of those responsible for that injustice would pay the ultimate price.....I guess that is one down....

JT:But why now?

HE:Why not....and I wouldnt even bet against another attack on Drake,Internecio is a monster I would not want to mess with...

JT:Anyway,big win from Blade here....he's back on the victory road and he has to feel good about that...


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6CW Escalation Results 22nd August 2011 Empty Re: 6CW Escalation Results 22nd August 2011

Post by JJJohnson Mon 22 Aug 2011, 5:00 pm

*The scene shows a split screen of Geoff Steel (the crowd cheer) and then GazzyD (crowd boo) getting ready for the main event.

JT:In just a few moments time these two men will do battle once again for the 6CW Title...

HE:In just a few moments GazzyD will recapture the 6CW Title and there will be no doubts about his ability...

JT:I dont there is any doubts in his ability anyways...

*Steel exits his lockeroom and he comes across Lex Hart.The crowd cheer as Hart offers his hand and Steel shakes it.

Hart:You did good last week Steel....really pleased to see you finally realising a dream...

Steel:Thanks...I still..

Hart:Yeah you still dont trust me,I get it...

Steel:Old habits...

Hart:Its understandable...ive done alot of things I am not proud of in my life but I am turning a corner and perhaps one day I will convince you and everyone else...

Steel:I hope so...anyways I need to get out there...

Hart:Absolutely....go and show them all what a world champion really looks like...

*Steel nods and walks off towards the entranceway.Lex watches him go with a focused look on his face.The scene changes to GazzyD staring at his Genesis teammates,Alex Walker opens his mouth to speak but Gazzy holds his hand up.

GazzyD:There doesnt need to be any talk....all of that will be done in the ring....its time to go out there and make a statement....nobody will forget this night...

*Walker nods from behind his desk as Gazzy grabs the door and exits


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6CW Escalation Results 22nd August 2011 Empty Re: 6CW Escalation Results 22nd August 2011

Post by JJJohnson Mon 22 Aug 2011, 5:01 pm

Main Event
6CW Title
Geoff Steel(c) vs GazzyD

ding ding

Mike Bird:Ladies and Gentlemen..........the following contest is scheduled for one fall.....and it is for the 6CW WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP!

*Crowd pop

JT:Well here we go team....just six days ago at Carnage,GazzyD lost the 6CW Title to Geoff Steel...but his privilidge as a former champion allows him a re-match opportunity....Gazzy has wasted no time in sanctioning this match....he wants the title back...

HE:And he is going to get it...I have never seen Gazzy more angry than before,he has promised to make Geoff Steel the shortest reigning champion in history and I think he will.....

JT:Both of these men were involved in that historic elimination chamber match,they laid their bodies on the line and defied the odds time and again....but tonight they go to war again...

The lights in the arena dim and the crowd boo loud as "Hell Yeah" screams out.A giant green "G" appears on the big screen and then fireworks explode into the rafters.Smoke billows from behind the curtain and then a shadow slowly follows...

Bird:Introducing first......the challenger.................from Manchester,England...........weighing in at 221 pounds..........representing Genesis..............GaaaaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzzzzyyyyyyyyyyyDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!

JT:The former 6CW Champion,GazzyD began his reign in April at Night of Glory....he was the champion for five months,no doubts that he was a great champion but last week he met his match...can Gazzy fire back from the brink?....So often in his career he was regarded as an underdog,can he somehow recreate that persona here tonight?

HE:Why does he need to?...GazzyD is no longer and underdog,he is the crown jewel in Genesis,he is the "history maker" and after tonight he will be a two time world champion....

Gazzy walks out onto the stage,perspiration runs down his head as he raises his arms in the air and then strides down the ramp.The crowd boo and hurl abuse as he climbs onto the apron and leaps into the ring....

JT:GazzyD has vowed to make a statement here tonight,he said one way or another there would be events that these fans would never forget...

Gazzy walks around the ring and then the lights begin to flicker.Red and silver sparklers shoot through the arena air and then "Last Resort" roars through the soundsystem.The noise from the crowd is almost deafening...

JT:Will you listen to this ovation from the 6CW faithful,they are here in the masses to see the champion...

Bird:And his opponent...........from Sheffield,England..........weighing in at 259 pounds..........he is the current,reigning and defending 6CW WORLD CHAMPION...........Geeeeeeeoooooooooofffffffff Stttttttttttteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllllll!

The cheers continue to pour from the crowd as Steel walks onto the stage,6CW Title draped over his shoulder.He nods his head in appreciation before raising the belt above his head...

JT:Geoff Steel clawed his way to the top of the mountain,it took a heck of a long time but he acheived his goal last week at Carnage and this crowd recognise what he has done....

HE:Well I hope he enjoys the moment,because tonight he will realise that being a champion means defending that belt against world class opposition,and Steel just isnt cut out for it in my opinion...

JT:What more does this guy have to do to prove himself?...He went years without a shot at the bigtime,it took Genesis to stop him first time around and then last saturday he went through five other men and Genesis to reign supreme...I think Steel has done more than enough to show he is "cut out" for this....

Steel walks down the ramp and stomps at the base of the ring before looking up at GazzyD.Both men keep eye contact as Steel climbs into the ring and raises the belt up once again...

JT:That is what this match is all about....that is what both of these men want when this match is all said and done...the honour of calling themselves "6CW Champion" is on the line...who will it be?

The referee speaks to both men before holding the championship into the air.Steel and Gazzy go nose to nose as the bell sounds to start the match.Gazzy begins to talk trash to Steel before pushing the champion back,the champion responds with a push of his own...Gazzy smirks and then throws a right hand but Steel has it scouted and blocks,he punches Gazzy back to the ropes before whipping him across the ring.Gazzy comes back and Steel floors him with a huge clothesline...

HE:Keep your cool know you can do this...

JT:This crowd is electric here,they are expecting great things from these two men...

Gazzy gets back up and Steel backs him to the ropes again before going for another irish whip.Gazzy is sent running but he leaps into a handspring and flies back with an elbow...he gets up and runs off the ropes,Steel moves and Gazzy is forced to leap over him and run off the opposite side as Steel gets back up...


JT:SItout powerbomb!

Steel catches Gazzy in midair and slams him down into a powerbomb.............1................2...........kickout.Steel pulls Gazzy back up but takes three solid blows to the stomach and then Gazzy runs to the ropes and springboards onto them before floating back into a crossbody...

JT:Look at that strength!

The crowd cheer as Steel rolls right through and stands up with Gazzy in his arms before nailing a huge fall away slam.................1.........................2..................kickout!

HE:Steel getting his share of luck in the early going but Gazzy's experience and class will shine through...

JT:How biased can you be?...Steel is bossing proceedings thus far,he has an answer for everything that GazzyD attempts...

Steel grabs Gazzy by the hair and pulls him up before headbutting him back to the corner.Gazzy flails as Steel hits big shoulder thrusts and then drags him to the centre of the ring and connects with a firemans slam (Wastelands)........1....................2..............kickout.Steel drags the challenger up again and this time lifts him into a suplex position,he bounces Gazzy's legs off the top rope for leverage before twisting into a modfied neckbreaker...

JT:Whoah what a move from Steel...

HE:That was horrific...


Steel stares around at the sold-out crowd and then helps Gazzy to his feet before whipping him into the corner.He follows in but Gazzy slams his elbow into Steel's jaw,knocking him back,before going to the second rope....

JT:What a headscissors from GazzyD...

Gazzy flies off and he manages to headscissors Steel right through the middle ropes to the outside.Steel lays in a heap as the challenger slowly makes it back up...

HE:I told you it was only a matter of time before Gazzy came good.....LOOKOUT!

JT:Gazzy tipping the topee....

Crowd:Holy (beep) x4

Gazzy runs across and suicide dives through the middle ropes,taking out Steel on the outside as the crowd applaud.Gazzy uses the ringside barrier to pull himself up and he kicks Steel in the head,knocking him back down,before using the barrier to nail a split-legged moonsault across the champion...

HE:That is why they call GazzyD the "history maker"....this guy just makes things happen....

Gazzy looks at the referee,who is counting,and realises he cannot become champion on a countout.He drags Steel with all his might back to the ring and rolls him in...

JT:Smart thinking by GazzyD but he needs to watch he doesnt get counted out himself...

The count reaches seven as Gazzy climbs back onto the apron,he stares at Steel in the ring and then leaps onto the ropes...


JT:That could do it...


HE:New champion....


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6CW Escalation Results 22nd August 2011 Empty Re: 6CW Escalation Results 22nd August 2011

Post by JJJohnson Mon 22 Aug 2011, 5:02 pm


The crowd cheer as Steel manages to find the ropes at the very last minute.GazzyD shakes his head in disbelief as the referee tells him what has happened...

HE:I was sure we had a new champion then...

JT:We werent far off,Geoff Steel was dangerously close to relinquishing his championship right there....

Gazzy gets to his feet and argues with the referee before turning his attention back to the champion.He pulls Steel up and nails a faceplant suplex before climbing up the ropes again....

HE:Gazzy looking to really put Steel away now...CORKSCREW BOMB!

Gazzy holds his arms up and then leaps into an amazing corkscrew senton bomb (Spiral Tap) but Steel drives his knees into the back at the very last second.Both men are down on the canvass....

JT:This is all about being world champion....neither of these men entered this match at 100% and you have got to believe that they are already running on less than half....who has the biggest will to win?

Both men struggle up and Gazzy tries to slug Steel with a right hand but Steel immediately swipes his legs...


Gazzy counters into a small package......................1.........................2............Steel kicks out.They quickly get back up and Steel drives Gazzy back into the corner and hits multiple shoulder thrusts before whipping Gazzy,hard,across to the other side....Gazzy's back slams against the turnbuckle and he staggers out...


1...............................2...........................Gazzy grabs the ropes!

HE:Whoah,my heart went into overdrive then....

The crowd groan as the referee waves the pin attempt off and points to the hand on the ropes.Steel wipes sweat from his brow and nods as he gets up...

JT:Steel knows that GazzyD is a heck of a competitor and he knows he will need to be at his best to defeat his challenger....

Steel pulls Gazzy to his feet and he grips him around the waist before lifting him up for a powerbomb,Gazzy fires down with right hands before backflipping back onto his feet...he wobbles unsteadily as Steel rushes towards him but he takes the champion down with a drop toe hold and then follows up with a standing moonsault............1...................2............kickout.

HE:Great offense from Gazzy,he has been wowing the fans for years now....even if they dont want to admit it...

JT:Im sure any self-respecting 6CW fan will admit that Gazzy has amazed us all at many different points....I think his allegiance with Genesis is the main reason why people have turned against him...

Steel gets back up and Gazzy back heel kicks him in the stomach before grabbing his head in a stunner position and floating over backwards into a reverse DDT..............1..................2............shoulder up.Gazzy rushes off the ropes as Steel tries to get up and returns with a low hesitation dropkick....

HE:These are two elite performers in 6CW right now and this is a great match here on Escalation...

JT:Not going to argue that point one bit....fascinating contest....

Steel is suffering as he tries to get up so Gazzy underhooks both his arms and grins as the crowd boo him...


Steel swivels out at the last minute and tries to counter with a spinebuster but Gazzy reverses into a beautiful tornado DDT.....he gets to his feet and then leaps up top....

JT:GazzyD could be seconds away here....FROGSPLASH!

The crowd groan as Gazzy nails the flying frogsplash from the top rope and slowly crawls into the!



The crowd cheer loud again as Steel pushes his shoulder up and kicks out.Gazzy looks gobsmacked as he stares from the referee to Steel and back again....

HE:That was a slow count,it had to be...

JT:I dont think so....Geoff Steel is displaying his heart once again,he just will not stay down...

Gazzy looks horrorstruck as he slowly gets to his feet,he spits on the mat and stomps his feet as he wills Steel to get up...

HE:Just one more move Gazzy....thats all you need....DEEP...

JT:Death vallley driver!

The crowd cheer as Steel spins out from Deep Impact and pulls Gazzy by the arm onto his shoulders and hits the death valley driver.................1.........................2..............kickout.Steel and Gazzy both lay on the mat looking exhausted...

JT:It would be a shame to see this match end on a double countdown but what more do these men have left to give?

The count reaches eight as Steel stumbles into the centre of the ring and he kicks Gazzy in the stomach...



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6CW Escalation Results 22nd August 2011 Empty Re: 6CW Escalation Results 22nd August 2011

Post by JJJohnson Mon 22 Aug 2011, 5:03 pm

Gazzy swipes Steel's legs and then bridges over................1.......................2...........shoulder up.They both struggle back to their feet and Steel misses with a clothesline before eating a huge superkick that knocks him back into the corner.....

HE:He didnt even see it coming...

Gazzy rushes in and leaps into a monkey flip but somehow Steel pushes Gazzy back,sending the challenger crashing across the ring.Gazzy crawls back up as Steel sprints from the corner and floors him with a massive boot to the head...the challenger clutches his jaw as he gets back up...

JT:This match has truly been a testament to both of these warriors....STEEL WORKS!

The crowd cheer as Steel kicks Gazzy's legs from under him and successfully twists him into the liontamer.Gazzy howls in pain as Steel bends his back at a sickening angle and drives the knee into the spine...

HE:Dont tap can get the ropes.....oh no...

JT:The pain is excruciating,ripping at the back muscles of the challenger....

The crowd are willing Steel on as Gazzy tries desperately to make the ropes,he gets ever nearer before Steel drags him back slightly and applies more pressure...

JT:GazzyD has no choice....he has to quit....

HE:Nooo....he has to fight....he needs to make the ropes....

Gazzy is shaking his head and screaming "no" as the referee asks him if he wants to quit.He claws at his hair and continues to protest...

JT:No way can his body take much more of this......he's gonna tap...

Gazzy's hand trembles on the verge of tapping before he somehow reaches out and grabs the bottom rope.Steel keeps the hold locked in before breaking on three and collapsing to the mat...

HE:I told you Gazzy wouldnt quit....this chance means too much to him...

JT:But how much did that move take out of him? much did it take out of both of these men?

Gazzy is writhing on the mat,holding his back,as Steel struggles to make his feet.The crowd are clapping and willing the champion on as he wobbles onto a vertical base....

JT:Steel needs to pull something from the bag here...

He walks over and grabs Gazzy,who pushes him back....Steel tries to come forwards again as Gazzy grabs him by the neck and slams him backwards into the turnbuckle.Gazzy holds his back as he gets to his feet....

JT:No matter what happens here you have to believe these two men have found a new level of respect for one another...

Steel holds his neck as he tries to get up and Gazzy pulls him by the arm and tries to set up for his finisher but Steel spins out and drags Gazzy into a huge spinebuster...

HE:We need assistance....yes exactly...

JT:Oh cmon...

The crowd boo as Jackson Black and Michael Sweetwater run from behind the curtain and down the ramp.Steel struggles up and glares at both of them...

JT:These idiots have no business out here.....

HE:Its all Genesis Jeff.....see!

Steel shakes his head as Sweetwater and Black approach the ring and then the champion turns around into a spinning heel kick.Gazzy continues to clutch his back and then he slowly gets to his feet...

JT:This is a great match....we dont need Genesis out here....

HE:What on earth....?

JT:Its the right thing....

Gazzy staggers to the ropes and looks at Jackson and Sweetwater before telling them to go back.Sweetwater and Black look shocked and shake their heads but Gazzy carries on pointing...

HE:Why is Gazzy doing this?

JT:Because he wants to settle this match on his terms....maybe he needs to prove to himself that he truly can do this...

Sweetwater and Black exchange glances at one another as Gazzy turns back around and grabs Steel by the head....

HE:Here we go...




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6CW Escalation Results 22nd August 2011 Empty Re: 6CW Escalation Results 22nd August 2011

Post by JJJohnson Mon 22 Aug 2011, 5:04 pm


ding ding ding

Jackson Black and Michael Sweetwater slide into the ring just too late as the referee's hand comes down for the three count."Last Resort" begins to play as Black and Sweetwater lay the boot into the champion...

JT:This isnt right....somebody gets these idiots out of here....

The referee tries to intervene but Sweetwater pushes him to the mat and Genesis continues to assault Steel before picking him up and launching him from the ring.

Mike Bird:Ladies and is your winner......and STILL 6CW WORLD CHAMPION.....Geooooooooooofffffffffffffff Stttttttttttttteeeeeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllll!

The crowd cheer Steel's name but continue to boo as Black and Sweetwater stand in the ring over the fallen GazzyD!

HE:This is pathetic....and what was Gazzy thinking,Genesis was out here to help him win the match,he turned them away...

JT:He showed a little class...he wanted to do it his own way,Black and Sweetwater should of respected that...

The boos get louder as Alex Walker comes onto the stage,looking dishevelled as he walks down to the ring and slowly climbs in.

HE:Re-start the match Alex...

JT:Don't talk stupid,no way can that be allowed to happen...although I am curious as to why our General Manager is out here....

Walker:Get him up boys...

Sweetwater and Black nod their heads and then they help Gazzy to his feet...Walker looks a little shaken as he stares at his Genesis members...

Walker:Are you people happy now?....See it is each and everyone of your faults that we are in this position,all of your selfishness caused the B.O.D to sanction that elimination chamber match and look where its got us....GazzyD is too beaten up to reclaim the gold that rightly belongs to I tried to tell you to wait Gazzy,why couldnt you wait just a couple more weeks?

*Walker stares at Gazzy with dismay

Walker:My hands are tied,I would give you another re-match next week if I could but the suits have overruled me on that one....they said its time to get a new number one contender....that you need to prove yourself again...

*Gazzy wobbles unsteadily...

Walker:Ever since that goddamn Gould showed up things have gone from bad to frickin worse....we were on top,we ran a tight ship....and now look at this place....its a mess...

*The crowd are still booing as Walker opens his mouth to speak again.


*Crowd boo and chant a55hole

Walker:You sick and sadistic S.O.B's are just as responsible for Genesis' downfall as the B.O.D....just as responsible as Daniel stinking ingreats are the reason that Genesis has fallen from grace...

*Jackson Black suddenly snatches the mic from Walker.The GM looks very shocked as Black stares at him.

Black:Sorry boss but i think its time I made a goddamn stand here.Me and Sweety have been talking in the back and we are not impressed with the way this is going!

Walker:How do you mean?

Black:Ever since Carnage all we have heard about is about how GazzyD lost the world title.Not once have you or anyone else talked bout us,about how Michael retained the Tv Title....about how I became the first ever International Champion...

*GazzyD and Walker are now staring at Black,who has Sweetwater by his side.Sweetwater takes the mic...

Sweetwater:Not only that but we handed that elimination chamber match to Gazzy on a plate.Just like we were about to again tonight before he got all moral on us...

*Gazzy points his finger at Sweetwater,who clicks his tongue and shakes his head

Sweetwater:Not is the truth and you need to hear it.We joined Genesis because we believed it would help us grow into better competitors....we thought that under this banner we could rule this industry...but now it seems that all we were was a GazzyD tribute act....just a bunch of stooges to make sure he stayed on top...

Walker:I assure you both that was never the case....we were all in this together...what happened at Carnage was a minor blip....Gazzy knows he messed up...

*Gazzy then rounds on Walker and begins to shout at the GM

Walker:But Genesis needs to stay strong...otherwise our detractors will take that what you really want?

Black:What we really want is a little bit of damn recognition.We are belt holders in this company,right now we are the main stars of Genesis and we believe we deserve to acknowledged as such...

*Walker nods his head

Walker:Ok,I guess your right....

Sweetwater:No I dont think you get it....we signed up to this because we wanted to make a statement,we thought that having you as a leader would guide us to greater things....Genesis should be making history each and everytime we step in the ring....but because of him (points at Gazzy) we are a laughing stock right now...

*Gazzy gets right in Sweetwater's face and Walker is forced to intervene

Walker:Calm down guys,look we can sort something out....I just got off the phone with a very important client,he has some serious interest in what we are doing here right now and he informs me that he is more than willing to back us if the chance arises....

*All three men are now staring at Walker

Walker:But what sort of impression does it make with all this in-house fighting?.We need to keep it together....

*Gazzy pulls the mic from Sweetwater

Gazzy:Alex,are you just gonna let these two speak to me like that?.Need I remind anyone that I am a former world champion,I was selected to head this group....I am...

Walker:You already hit the nail on the head Gazzy...."former" are a former world champion,you are no longer the top dog.You status is no higher than Black or Sweetwater right now...

Gazzy:Are you kidding me?....

Walker:No I am not,Gazzy I suggest you keep your tone in check here...

Gazzy:Is that a threat?...Are you seriously threatening me?

Walker:No,of course I am not.I am merely talking facts,the facts are that you are no longer world champion....even when the opportunity arose for you to reclaim what you lost you decided to turn your back on your cohorts....that is not what Genesis is all about!

Gazzy:Then you tell me what its all about Walker?....Because from where I was standing I was still in that match until these two chumps got involved....if anyone cost me the world title tonight it was them....I didnt need any help...

Walker:And there lies in the very problem....Genesis has and always will be a faction of team morals.One hand watches the other and we all work to bring dominance...Jackson and Sweetwater came out here on my orders....a plan I drew together with our potential backer!

Gazzy:And who the hell might that be then?

Walker:For the time being he wishes to remain anonymous but lets just say that he shares the same ethics as I do....we established the plan that would bring world glory back to Genesis....a plan that your own pride allowed to backfire....

Gazzy:Well maybe if I was kept in the loop none of this would of happened!

Walker:It all amounts to the same thing....Genesis exists for dominance,Jackson and Michael are right,its not all about you....its about the collective.....its about Genesis ruling 6CW....our backer feels the same way,he wants Genesis on the map....he wants us all pulling in one great masterplan....and right now Gazzy,your not part of that plan!

Walker drops the mic as Black and Sweetwater suddenly attack Gazzy from behind and begin to stomp on him whilst he is down.

JT:What the hell is this....they are beating him like a damn animal...

HE:I think Gazzy just got his p45....

The crowd are booing as Black drags Gazzy up and nails him with the American Slam.He then grabs Gazzy's legs and turns him into a texas cloverleaf.Walker is smiling with enjoyment as Gazzy shouts in pain,Sweetwater rolls from the ring and grabs a steel chair....

JT:Wait just a damn minute...

Sweetwater rolls back into the ring,he lifts the chair up as Black continues to apply pressure with the submission hold....CRACK!....Sweetwater brings the chair down on the back of Gazzy's head before laying the chair against it and going to the corner...

JT:Enough is enough here.....we need to end this....

Walker kneels down as Sweetwater comes from the top rope and double foot stomps the chair into the skull of Gazzy,the sound is sickening and Black finally releases the hold.All three stand over the unconscious form of GazzyD...

HE:Gazzy may have a cracked skull after that...what a horrendous beating...

JT:Folks I am afraid that is all we have time for here tonight....sorry to end on such a shocking revelation but the show is almost at a close.....GazzyD's tenure in Genesis has been terminated in sickening fashion....

HE:And who is the mystery backer?....Who is really pulling the strings here?....I cant believe what we have just seen...

JT:I would believe it if I was you partner because that was chillingly real what we just witnessed....thanks for joining us guys and be sure to tune in next week for all the fallout from tonights show....goodnight!

HE:Night all!

The show ends as medics come to the ring to tend to GazzyD,who is still out cold.Genesis stand on the stage staring at their handywork before exiting to the back.


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Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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