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Post by RDW Fri 01 Jan 2021, 11:33 pm

On the occasion of my 30,000th post I hope no one minds me indulging in a bit of nostalgia.

Post number 1 was nine and a bit years ago. Since then there's been 29,999 posts of general gibberish, hopefully some decent rugby chat, and a lot of discussion with the mods about how to deal with the miscreants!

Or if you were to ask Mrs RDW - too many!

Like most people on here I joined following the death of BBC 606. There were several forums set up, but I joined this one as it seemed to have most of the Scottish contingent from 606 - most of whom are still here. A lot of those other forums are ghost towns now yet ours keeps on going.

And that brings me to my main message - thank you to everyone for keeping us going! We are literally nothing without posters.

Yes we don't have as many posters as we used to, but given what I mentioned about other forums it's great that we still have a workable number. People have other priorities in life and sometimes they just don't have the time anymore - a prime example of this is the fact that the original founders no longer post here.We have obviously had issues with problem posters in the past who have certainly had some collateral damage in terms of driving people away, which is really unfortunate. I first became a moderator around 8 years ago and it genuinely is a no-win job a lot of the time, and is incredibly difficult to please everyone. We are also just volunteers doing this in our spare time. I'm fully aware we don't always get if right!

Finishing on a high, there are a lot of good people on here and it's incredible to think how much time we have all (virtually) spent together.

Here's to the next 30,000 posts...!

Last edited by RDW on Sat 09 Jan 2021, 9:54 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Post by doctor_grey Sat 02 Jan 2021, 2:17 am

Despite you becoming a member of MI5, watching us, making us stay in line and in good order, it has been a pleasure. I came to 606V2 about the same time as you, just looking to keep the good Rugby banter going. Over the years we have shared (incredibly intelligent) opinions, supported our teams, and kicked around a few jokes. I took a bit of a holiday from the forum due to busy personal and professional reasons, but returned simply because this is a great place to talk Rugby as well as a few of life's joys and travails.

You deserve a pat on the back, and your efforts are truly appreciated.

Your loyal miscreant,


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Post by king_carlos Sat 02 Jan 2021, 10:05 am

Thanks for everything you do keeping the forum ticking over RDW.

I started posting on rugby forums with Scrum V on BBC before that moved to 606. For some reasons I have distinct memories of frustrations from some fans that the Wales side of the Scrum V forum kept going for a time after the rest of it had moved to the 606 domain. I also remember some lovely posts on 606 in it's dying days from long time posters.

Whilst there are inherent difficulties of online forums it's also a great way to reach people you otherwise wouldn't. As a lifelong Leicester Tigers fan (courtesy of an uncle I'm close with), who follows cricket through Yorkshire (grew up in Sheffield), Surrey (my dad stayed around 200m from the Oval whilst I was growing up) and Essex (granddad was a lifelong member), as well as international games forums like these give me a great means of discussing a range of topics with great people.

Whilst I've posted less about county cricket in recent years due to being busier I think the many discussion I've had with guildfordbat about cricket down the years illustrate this perfectly. Due to a lack of cricket on terrestrial TV growing up I watched a lot of VHS recordings my granddad made of county cricket, much of it from before I was born. As such I have very fond memories of watching overseas stars such as Malcolm Marshall, Barry Richards, Mike Procter, etc. I've had many lovely discussions with guildford over the years about that era of cricket as well as present day both of which he is very knowledgeable about.  I think it's brilliant to be able to reach people who I would likely never 'meet' otherwise.

I joined v2 soon after 606 on the Beeb closed and have enjoyed posting here ever since. Sometimes I'll post more, sometimes less but it's a cracking community. Posters come and go of course, many are missed and some are not but by and large a lot of great people have been a part of this community for going on a decade. Long may it continue!

I'll leave you with this gem I probably wouldn't have found without 606v2, courtesy of a former regular GLove.


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Post by McLaren Sat 02 Jan 2021, 1:13 pm

Congratualtions RDW. OK


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Post by BigGee Sat 02 Jan 2021, 9:08 pm

30,000 posts!



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Post by funnyExiledScot Sat 02 Jan 2021, 10:28 pm

I doff my top hat. I've thoroughly enjoyed posting on here over the years, and do try to get on here when I can (and not just on the regular occasions when Edinburgh school the Great Unwashed). A big thanks to all of you Mods for keeping Schizoid on his meds, and spell checking Jimbo's work (he doesn't really teach English does he??!).

Here's to 2021. The year of Finn Russell's Lions....

Last edited by funnyExiledScot on Sat 02 Jan 2021, 10:36 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Post by RDW Sat 02 Jan 2021, 10:30 pm

Thanks everyone Hug


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Post by RiscaGame Sun 03 Jan 2021, 12:38 am

Top man RDW. You and a lot of other Scots are the life and soul of this site.


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Post by bsando Sat 09 Jan 2021, 4:20 pm

Some achievement RDW! 606v2 is the only forum I use, I'm not big on social media really but it's nice to have a place to talk rugby. It's been great to have been using it for what must be a decade now. I used the original 606 and was very glad to find this immediately after 606 was disbanded by those lazy cads at the BBC.

I think Scottish supporters have had plenty to discuss in the past decade so it's great we have 606v2 to share our opinions and learn more. I read a lot more posts than I write and it is quite fun to catch up on posts after a period of absence from the forum. I always try to read everyones opinions in a thread to get a better sense of the debate at hand and it is nice to see people put a lot of effort into posts and thread topics.


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Post by Pot Hale Mon 11 Jan 2021, 3:00 pm

Congrats from myself too, RDW.

Always enjoy popping into this site to talk about ______RUGBY_____ (fill in blank) and stuff.

Regards from the Hale clan and Mrs Harty.
Pot Hale
Pot Hale

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Post by tigertattie Thu 14 Jan 2021, 12:10 pm

Always a pleasure Really Daft Winger

AKA Flounder

30k posts. Not sure if that’s an achievement to boast about or just reflect on that you need to get out more (current situation aside)


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Post by WELL-PAST-IT Fri 15 Jan 2021, 10:32 am

RDW, that is about 9 posts a day, 365 days a year including closed season, my respect.

The Mods on here, although I have had occasional disagreements with some, are excellent and do try to keep it on an even keel when passions can often run very strong, especially in the current climate of Covid everything.

I am surprised that you get that many, with the state of Scottish rugby over the last 9 and a bit years, what did you find to talk about? Very Happy

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Post by LondonTiger Mon 25 Jan 2021, 7:23 pm

I suspect that Mrs RDW has appreciated that you are only cheating on her with a bunch of "rugger buggers"


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Post by flyhalffactory Sat 30 Jan 2021, 11:47 am

"Like most people on here I joined following the death of BBC 606. There were several forums set up, but I joined this one as it seemed to have most of the Scottish contingent from 606 - most of whom are still here. A lot of those other forums are ghost towns now yet ours keeps on going."

Hello Everyone
RDW 30k posts, unbelievable and absolutely incredible!. I salute you my man:notwortyh:
Like a lot of you I was on the BBC 606 site and migrated to V2, but work abroad, family, life in general, plus (my email account hacked and consequently deleted) I haven't posted since about 2013.
I was/still am flyhalffactory (not because I'm Welsh but because Phil (Bennie) Bennett is one of my all-time favs), I'm an old war horse, ex BSF hailing from Musselburgh and through too many a false dawn, watching Eng/Ire/Wal/Fra lift the 6Ns titles, I am still enthusiastic every time I see a Scottish squad and 2021 is no exception.

Apologies for my absence fellow posters, but hopefully my return will buck the trend and see an increase in great rugby posters


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Post by RDW Sat 30 Jan 2021, 12:13 pm

Oh wow Flyhalf you are a blast from the past! Comes say hello on the Scotland 6N thread - you'll find not much has changed in 8 years...


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Post by TightHEAD Sat 06 Feb 2021, 11:12 pm

Only 5653 for me. But all quality posts.

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Post by George Carlin Fri 12 Feb 2021, 5:27 pm

Ah, RDW my old china.

As the contributor of less than 15,000 posts, I am not fit to wipe the slavver from your antipodean drinking trousers but nonetheless I do want to say a few things. The first is to say thank you. It is truly a thankless task to keep herding the cats week after week and try to swallow curse words like After 8 mints at yet another jingoistic or abusive offering by some of the people who used to post here under the spectacular lie that they were principally interested in rugby.

The second thing is to say that these boards mean a lot to me. I don't have a Twitter or Instagram account and I barely post on Facebook. This is one of the few forms of social media which I have ever really cared about. I was on the old BBC 606 too and so I must have been posting on this forum for something like 12 years.

I associate these boards with 15 minutes of light relief as I was eating terrible Styrofoam dinners in huge law firms in the City of London at 8pm, knowing that whilst I knew I had another 5 hours of work before I could go home, at least I could have a break and a laugh talking about a subject that I love with genuinely funny people who like each other. The Scottish posters at the very least fall into that category and lots of other folks do too.

So thanks to you and to the people who make this board what it is.
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Post by RDW Sat 13 Feb 2021, 8:33 am

Fantastic posts GC - that means a lot Hug


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Post by R!skysports Thu 25 Feb 2021, 4:08 pm

This is what is really wrong with this forum.

We have new people popping in on here on a whim spouting delusions like Scotland could be a good team, that we have have a golden generation and that you have a Mrs...

I really only respect people who have earnt it by posting over 31,000 posts....all the rest are just flim flam

Congrats on the milestone


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