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Jack Charlton has passed away.

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Jack Charlton has passed away. Empty Jack Charlton has passed away.

Post by westisbest Sat 11 Jul 2020, 9:21 am

Just heard the sad news of big Jack’s passing.

From an Irish perspective, he gave us great memories. Led Ireland to our first ever World Cup.
Was a character.
Loved watching his interviews and hearing stories from Italia 90.

Certainly did a lot for Irish football.

Will be missed.

RIP big Jack rose


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Jack Charlton has passed away. Empty Re: Jack Charlton has passed away.

Post by guildfordbat Sat 11 Jul 2020, 10:40 am

Thanks for the thread, Westi. You have to be up early here to beat Kwini to an obituary.

You are absolutely right to praise Jack Charlton as Ireland's manager. From an English perspective, as a player he helped give us our greatest memory.

I always remember the story (I've told it before but what the heck!) of Alf Ramsey being questioned by the press before the '66 World Cup as to whether Big Jack was really our best centre half. Ramsey replied along the lines, ''Of course he's not but he's the best person to play alongside Bobby Moore.'' Ramsey was spot on as Charlton's height and rugged approach proved an ideal companion to Moore's artistry and vision.

A one club man as well for Leeds over about two decades. I remember him coming up with a few useful goals over the years but was still surprised that, according to the BBC website, he is their ninth highest goal scorer of all time. Not bad for a centre back who I'm pretty sure never took a penalty in his life.

Anyway, RIP Big Jack.

Not too many of that '66 team left now, eh Kwini? Nobby Stiles still hanging on but has been in poor health for some time.


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Jack Charlton has passed away. Empty Re: Jack Charlton has passed away.

Post by alfie Sat 11 Jul 2020, 11:20 am

Memories of 1966 indeed... And as Westi says , subsequently great for Irish football.

RIP Big Jack


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Jack Charlton has passed away. Empty Re: Jack Charlton has passed away.

Post by westisbest Sat 11 Jul 2020, 11:25 am

My memories are more from an Irish point of view.

I know he was a great player, but his playing days were a bit before my time. Apologies if it’s a bit Irish sided from me, even though he was English.

Another English man we claimed Wink


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Jack Charlton has passed away. Empty Re: Jack Charlton has passed away.

Post by kwinigolfer Tue 14 Jul 2020, 9:30 am

guildfordbat wrote:Thanks for the thread, Westi. You have to be up early here to beat Kwini to an obituary.

You are absolutely right to praise Jack Charlton as Ireland's manager. From an English perspective, as a player he helped give us our greatest memory.

I always remember the story (I've told it before but what the heck!) of Alf Ramsey being questioned by the press before the '66 World Cup as to whether Big Jack was really our best centre half. Ramsey replied along the lines, ''Of course he's not but he's the best person to play alongside Bobby Moore.'' Ramsey was spot on as Charlton's height and rugged approach proved an ideal companion to Moore's artistry and vision.

A one club man as well for Leeds over about two decades. I remember him coming up with a few useful goals over the years but was still surprised that, according to the BBC website, he is their ninth highest goal scorer of all time. Not bad for a centre back who I'm pretty sure never took a penalty in his life.

Anyway, RIP Big Jack.

Not too many of that '66 team left now, eh Kwini? Nobby Stiles still hanging on but has been in poor health for some time.

I put my obvious lapse down to the time difference . . . . . .

I can't remember the exact numbers but, at one time recently, we'd lost more of the 1970 squad than the 1966'ers. Though Jackie may have evened things up.

According to wiki, Jack scored 70 goals in 629 League games, 95 in 762 appearances incl Cups & Europe.


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Jack Charlton has passed away. Empty Re: Jack Charlton has passed away.

Post by daraghj82 Tue 14 Jul 2020, 10:18 am

RIP Jack, our most successful irish manager ever and gave us great memories, pity we didn't qualify for euro 96 as it would be a better send off for him , as a leeds fan one of our greatest player, 21 years great service


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Jack Charlton has passed away. Empty Re: Jack Charlton has passed away.

Post by dyrewolfe Wed 15 Jul 2020, 1:21 pm

He had a big hand in Middlesbrough's history too. Was before my time, but the older fans speak very fondly of his time in charge, as do the players (including a certain Graeme Souness).

I mostly remember him for his exploits as Ireland manager, though was also aware of his legendary status as one of the '66 World Cup winners.

Rest In Peace, big fella.

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Jack Charlton has passed away. Empty Re: Jack Charlton has passed away.

Post by guildfordbat Fri 30 Oct 2020, 4:36 pm

In line with my fears above, Nobby Stiles has now died.

Similar in one sense (although anything but physically) to Jack Charlton, the small but rugged defensive midfielder was not a great player but was a vitally important one for England and Manchester United as his teams won the World Cup and European Cup.

Hoping he will be dancing once more with old friends tonight.


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