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FA's 12 point plan for Grassroots

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FA's 12 point plan for Grassroots  Empty FA's 12 point plan for Grassroots

Post by Hero Thu Oct 19, 2017 12:25 pm

Yesterday in one of the Manchester youth leagues the FA announced plans to trial 12 new rules to improve the youth game, dependent upon the success of these rules they may then be rolled out across the country.

FA's 12 point plan for Grassroots  Farule10

What's everyone's thoughts in regards to the rules?


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FA's 12 point plan for Grassroots  Empty Re: FA's 12 point plan for Grassroots

Post by Ent Thu Oct 19, 2017 12:30 pm

What age groups?

Some of them are ridiculous, no coaching etc.


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Join date : 2011-05-02

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