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The Trump Presidency

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The Trump Presidency - Page 20 Empty The Trump Presidency

Post by Pr4wn Thu Aug 17, 2017 1:41 am

First topic message reminder :

Assault rifle.

That is not self-defence.


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The Trump Presidency - Page 20 Empty Re: The Trump Presidency

Post by No name Bertie Thu Jun 27, 2019 11:01 pm

JuliusHMarx wrote: ... the use of 'indifferent' in the phrase 'civil and indifferent manner' is an incorrect usage.
The only thing that is in incorrect usage here is your brain.
No name Bertie
No name Bertie

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The Trump Presidency - Page 20 Empty Re: The Trump Presidency

Post by JuliusHMarx Thu Jun 27, 2019 11:02 pm

No name Bertie wrote:
JuliusHMarx wrote: ... the use of 'indifferent' in the phrase 'civil and indifferent manner' is an incorrect usage.
The only thing that is in incorrect usage here is your brain.

Oooohhh, Bertie, you are awful.


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The Trump Presidency - Page 20 Empty Re: The Trump Presidency

Post by JuliusHMarx Thu Jun 27, 2019 11:04 pm

No name Bertie wrote:I have used the word indifference in published work but this is all about deflection.  I asked a simple question and received the usual evasion.

Oooh - published - you must be a genius who never gets anything wrong.


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The Trump Presidency - Page 20 Empty Re: The Trump Presidency

Post by SecretFly Thu Jun 27, 2019 11:05 pm

No name Bertie wrote:I have used the word indifference in published work but this is all about deflection.  I asked a simple question and received the usual evasion.

Only impure-thought, non-approved-opinion people are required to answer questions here.


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The Trump Presidency - Page 20 Empty Re: The Trump Presidency

Post by JuliusHMarx Thu Jun 27, 2019 11:06 pm

SecretFly wrote:
JuliusHMarx wrote:Indifferent, when meaning moderate, fair or tolerable, means average, mediocre (not fair as in even-handed).


No, not incorrect.
For example -


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The Trump Presidency - Page 20 Empty Re: The Trump Presidency

Post by JuliusHMarx Thu Jun 27, 2019 11:08 pm

I wonder if Samo and the Dalai Lama are the same person?


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The Trump Presidency - Page 20 Empty Re: The Trump Presidency

Post by SecretFly Thu Jun 27, 2019 11:43 pm

The Dalai Lama knows a thing of two about people who lack moral principle.  He accepted a 1,000,000 (supposedly never receives payment) donation from Seagrams Heiress Clare Bronfman ( who recently pleaded guilty to sex trafficking) to speak at an event attended by Keith Raniere (recently found guilty of racketeering and sex trafficking).  Oh the name of Raniere's organisation.... that NXIVM thing again.

No wonder the Dalai is out an about trying to stop Trump 2020.  NXIVM..... links, links, links..... links.  Dalai is working for the money he never gets now!


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The Trump Presidency - Page 20 Empty Re: The Trump Presidency

Post by JuliusHMarx Thu Jun 27, 2019 11:50 pm

But SF, you didn't answer my question.


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The Trump Presidency - Page 20 Empty Re: The Trump Presidency

Post by SecretFly Fri Jun 28, 2019 12:05 am

JuliusHMarx wrote:But SF, you didn't answer my question.

Incorrect.  A person can be indifferent to outcomes wished for (no wishes either way) and still contribute to a political debate.  It might be called political science.  The usage is fair.

Now back to the human trafficking, sex trafficking, child porn involved in well connected NXIVM?  The thing Establishment media wants to bury because of link, link, links...links. Panic.

Don't bother.  You're indifferent.  I get it.  Pretend it doesn't exist.  Taboooooooo

Dalai is working hard, though.  Good man - a little work for a change.  Get his heartbeat up.


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The Trump Presidency - Page 20 Empty Re: The Trump Presidency

Post by JuliusHMarx Fri Jun 28, 2019 12:09 am

SecretFly wrote:
JuliusHMarx wrote:But SF, you didn't answer my question.

Incorrect.  A person can be indifferent to outcomes wished for (no wishes either way) and still contribute to a political debate.  It might be called political science.  The usage is fair.

Now back to the human trafficking, sex trafficking, child porn involved in well connected NXIVM?  The thing Establishment media wants to bury because of link, link, links...links.  Panic.

Don't bother.  You're indifferent.  I get it.  Pretend it doesn't exist.  Taboooooooo

Dalai is working hard, though.  Good man - a little work for a change.  Get his heartbeat up.

No, you fool - is Samo the Dalai Lama?


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The Trump Presidency - Page 20 Empty Re: The Trump Presidency

Post by Luckless Pedestrian Fri Jun 28, 2019 12:35 am

No name Bertie wrote:I have used the word indifference in published work but this is all about deflection.  I asked a simple question and received the usual evasion.

Is Razzle still going?

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The Trump Presidency - Page 20 Empty Re: The Trump Presidency

Post by Pr4wn Fri Jun 28, 2019 12:50 am

JuliusHMarx wrote:
No name Bertie wrote:
JuliusHMarx wrote: ... the use of 'indifferent' in the phrase 'civil and indifferent manner' is an incorrect usage.
The only thing that is in incorrect usage here is your brain.

Oooohhh, Bertie, you are awful.

*In the voice of Kenneth Williams*


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The Trump Presidency - Page 20 Empty Re: The Trump Presidency

Post by navyblueshorts Fri Jun 28, 2019 7:21 pm

Luckless Pedestrian wrote:
No name Bertie wrote:I have used the word indifference in published work but this is all about deflection.  I asked a simple question and received the usual evasion.

Is Razzle still going?

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The Trump Presidency - Page 20 Empty Re: The Trump Presidency

Post by TRUSSMAN66 Sat Jun 29, 2019 1:09 am

Joe Biden's campaign ended last night it seems... Demolished by all accounts

Debates are a pain when you are the frontrunner.

Looks like Kamilla Harris is back in business.


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The Trump Presidency - Page 20 Empty Re: The Trump Presidency

Post by Luckless Pedestrian Sat Jun 29, 2019 1:35 am

I heard Kamala (kiss) was very good. George Conway says she'd annihilate Trump.

Hillary Clinton was a better debater than Trump too, of course, but she was quite supercilious with it.

It'll be fascinating to see how Trump, the great outsider, deals with being the incumbent this time round. Drain the swamp? You've had four years. Lock her up? She's not your opponent any more.

His base is as rapt as ever.

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The Trump Presidency - Page 20 Empty Re: The Trump Presidency

Post by TRUSSMAN66 Sat Jun 29, 2019 3:44 am

I take the correction in good grace and wish everyone a good weekend..


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The Trump Presidency - Page 20 Empty Re: The Trump Presidency

Post by Duty281 Sat Jun 29, 2019 5:05 am

Very low-calibre candidates coming from the Democrat Party. When your front-runners are Biden, Harris, Warren and Sanders, you know you've got a serious problem.

Such an easy victory coming up for the Don in 2020, or whoever the Republican candidate is.


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The Trump Presidency - Page 20 Empty Re: The Trump Presidency

Post by Samo Sat Jun 29, 2019 7:36 am

He might even win the popular vote this time.


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The Trump Presidency - Page 20 Empty Re: The Trump Presidency

Post by TRUSSMAN66 Tue Jul 02, 2019 7:41 am

Biden still 12 points ahead of Sanders after the debates in the first poll since them...No massive bounce for Harris who is 19 behind..

In other news...(Emerson poll)..Head to Heads..

Biden ....55 - 45 Trump
Sanders.55 - 45 Trump
Warren...53 - 47 Trump
Harris.....52 - 48 Trump

Considering Clinton won by 3 points and lost the Election and sitting Presidents usually get an incumbency bounce..

All to play for against a Female candidate..

Trump's current approval rating is 43%....Only President close to that to get re-elected since WW2 is Harry Truman in 49.

Harry Truman hated living in the White House..Wife refused to live there with him....His Mother hated Lincoln because they were from Confederate stock and refused to sleep there unless he took all the Lincoln pictures down..

He called the WH.."The Great White Jail"..Reckoned it was haunted and that all the useless Presidents like Fillmore and Arthur used to wander it..

Incumbent Presidents always open ex Presidents libraries (Protocol)....Truman always resented the fact Nixon opened his...Hated him from the red baiting days..Reckoned he didn't have a principle in his body...

Mr T considered changing his mind not to run in 53 because he thought Eisenhower was a Moron....They didn't speak to eachother for 10 years after they had a huge row when the President Elect came to the WH to be shown around by the outgoing one..Truman said apparently "You aren't the slightest bit interested are you ??? and I'm wasting precious breath"

Some useless trivia there about Wild Harry T for you..One of my Favourite Presidents and the last Blue Collar President..


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The Trump Presidency - Page 20 Empty Re: The Trump Presidency

Post by Pr4wn Tue Jul 02, 2019 2:24 pm

I get the feeling that Trump will be most confident in going up against Biden.

Biden still represents the Democratic old guard, he's pure establishment and that's what Trump and his BS are strongest against. I genuinely feel that Trump will come unstuck against a more change-oriented candidate like Sanders or Warren.


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The Trump Presidency - Page 20 Empty Re: The Trump Presidency

Post by SecretFly Tue Jul 02, 2019 9:05 pm

The world has been reeling since the election of Donald Trump.  All the old certainties melted down and under reconstruction/rethink or being simply obliterated.... ; from Europe, to NATO, to Asia, to the courts, to mid-east, to tariffs, to single finger salutes to old reliables like the UN, endless 'needed' wars (big biz), the Climate Change Cult and gender identity politics

.... and Bernie and Warren will be the ones challenging all that with CHANGE as their battle cry? Shocked

When compared to Trump's 'change' administration they're just exactly what they've always been - career chatshop politicians clinging to socialist slogans then buying three homes (Bernie) on decidedly non-socialist incomes.

Sorry, but informed people see through that Champagne Socialist slush.  That's why the Democrats need open borders... new extremely needy voters required that aren't informed American citizens.


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The Trump Presidency - Page 20 Empty Re: The Trump Presidency

Post by Pr4wn Tue Jul 02, 2019 9:12 pm

SecretFly wrote:The world has been reeling since the election of Donald Trump.  All the old certainties melted down and under reconstruction/rethink or being simply obliterated.... ; from Europe, to NATO, to Asia, to the courts, to mid-east, to tariffs, to single finger salutes to old reliables like the UN, endless 'needed' wars (big biz), the Climate Change Cult and gender identity politics

.... and Bernie and Warren will be the ones challenging all that with CHANGE as their battle cry?  Shocked

When compared to Trump's 'change' administration they're just exactly what they've always been - career chatshop politicians clinging to socialist slogans then buying three homes (Bernie) on decidedly non-socialist incomes.

Sorry, but informed people see through that Champagne Socialist slush.  That's why the Democrats need open borders... new extremely needy voters required that aren't informed American citizens.

Tell me, succinctly please, none of the usual waffle, what is hypocritical about a wealthy person who wishes to pay more taxes along with the rest of the wealthy?

Bernie got rich because he wrote a bestselling book, a feat that not many can say they've accomplished. He's now proposing policies that will mean he will pay a lot more tax. What's wrong with that, exactly?


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The Trump Presidency - Page 20 Empty Re: The Trump Presidency

Post by SecretFly Tue Jul 02, 2019 9:36 pm

He's been proposing it all his adult life.... that's what's wrong with it.  It's slush for the masses to chew up and vote on as he sits down again in the saddle with a party that already screwed him once. And who said they screwed him?  Yep, Warren, a continuing member of the same party.

Bernie is a classic socialist - a lifelong hypocrite.  He needs people poor and discontent to get elected.  His sort have no intention - ever - of improving the lot of his base support.  He can have a fantastic long career in his talkshop job, blame all the bad guys for not being able to do anything, appeal for the votes to pretend This Time I mean business! - cream in the money, live a life of comfort... and pray that he always has a poor and discontented class to keep the career going.

BTW - what about Bernie's Russian connections?  All good when they were Communist orientated?  Trump=Bad.  Communism=good.


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The Trump Presidency - Page 20 Empty Re: The Trump Presidency

Post by TRUSSMAN66 Tue Jul 02, 2019 10:31 pm

SecretFly wrote:He's been proposing it all his adult life.... that's what's wrong with it.  It's slush for the masses to chew up and vote on as he sits down again in the saddle with a party that already screwed him once.  And who said they screwed him?  Yep, Warren, a continuing member of the same party.

Bernie is a classic socialist - a lifelong hypocrite.  He needs people poor and discontent to get elected.  His sort have no intention - ever - of improving the lot of his base support.  He can have a fantastic long career in his talkshop job, blame all the bad guys for not being able to do anything, appeal for the votes to pretend This Time I mean business! - cream in the money, live a life of comfort... and pray that he always has a poor and discontented class to keep the career going.

BTW - what about Bernie's Russian connections?  All good when they were Communist orientated?  Trump=Bad.  Communism=good.

Like something an eight year old kid would write..

Bless you.


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The Trump Presidency - Page 20 Empty Re: The Trump Presidency

Post by navyblueshorts Tue Jul 02, 2019 11:24 pm

TRUSSMAN66 wrote:Biden still 12 points ahead of Sanders after the debates in the first poll since them...No massive bounce for Harris who is 19 behind..

In other news...(Emerson poll)..Head to Heads..

Biden ....55 - 45 Trump
Sanders.55 - 45 Trump
Warren...53 - 47 Trump
Harris.....52 - 48 Trump

Considering Clinton won by 3 points and lost the Election and sitting Presidents usually get an incumbency bounce..

All to play for against a Female candidate..

Trump's current approval rating is 43%....Only President close to that to get re-elected since WW2 is Harry Truman in 49.

Harry Truman hated living in the White House..Wife refused to live there with him....His Mother hated Lincoln because they were from Confederate stock and refused to sleep there unless he took all the Lincoln pictures down..

He called the WH.."The Great White Jail"..Reckoned it was haunted and that all the useless Presidents like Fillmore and Arthur used to wander it..

Incumbent Presidents always open ex Presidents libraries (Protocol)....Truman always resented the fact Nixon opened his...Hated him from the red baiting days..Reckoned he didn't have a principle in his body...

Mr T considered changing his mind not to run in 53 because he thought Eisenhower was a Moron....They didn't speak to eachother for 10 years after they had a huge row when the President Elect came to the WH to be shown around by the outgoing one..Truman said apparently "You aren't the slightest bit interested are you ??? and I'm wasting precious breath"

Some useless trivia there about Wild Harry T for you..One of my Favourite Presidents and the last Blue Collar President..

Thanks for the Truman trivia, TRUSS. An interesting character - I need to read a good biography about him. Recommend any good ones?

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The Trump Presidency - Page 20 Empty Re: The Trump Presidency

Post by Luckless Pedestrian Wed Jul 03, 2019 12:14 am

That was interesting. I don't know much about Truman.

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The Trump Presidency - Page 20 Empty Re: The Trump Presidency

Post by TRUSSMAN66 Wed Jul 03, 2019 11:49 pm

Looking at the real clear average of the 5 polls since the two debates....Think Warren has suffered from not being put in the main one..

Biden 28
Sanders 16
Harris 15
Warren 12....

Interesting seeing Golden boy Beto plumbing the depths on 2%.


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The Trump Presidency - Page 20 Empty Re: The Trump Presidency

Post by Luckless Pedestrian Thu Jul 04, 2019 2:47 am

TRUSSMAN66 wrote:Looking at the real clear average of the 5 polls since the two debates....Think Warren has suffered from not being put in the main one..

Biden 28
Sanders 16
Harris 15
Warren 12....

Interesting seeing Golden boy Beto plumbing the depths on 2%.

I read that as 'rear anal cleavage' Erm

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The Trump Presidency - Page 20 Empty Re: The Trump Presidency

Post by TRUSSMAN66 Fri Jul 05, 2019 7:28 am

ABC poll.......

Sanders 23
Warren. 11
Harris.. 11

ABC poll....Who do you think has the best chance to beat Trump ??

Biden 45%
Sanders 18%
Harris 9%
Warren 7%

If Democrats think Washington experience is the best way to fight Trump....Biden is going to be hard to stop......Certainly a troublesome poll for his challengers after his lamentable showing last week...Looks like no harm done.

Perhaps most striking of all is Sanders was the most popular with Independents that were asked about WH2020 candidates inc Trump...

Bernie Sanders 40
Tulsi Gabbard 35
Donald Trump 31
ELizabeth Warren 14


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The Trump Presidency - Page 20 Empty Re: The Trump Presidency

Post by SecretFly Sun Jul 07, 2019 7:39 pm

Kim Darroch, career 'Diplomat'.
What can I find....hmmmmm

Mid-80s involved in the Channel Tunnel project, at one time co-secretary of the UK-French Channel Tunnel Treaty group.  So an early interest/involvement in European infrastructure tie-ins confirmed.

European centric career then only intensifies from there. He serves at the British Permanent Representative to the European Union. From 2000, Foreign Office Director of EU comd.  From 2003, Director General Europe. From 2004, becomes Blair's main advisor on European Affairs. In 2007 back to the British Permanent Representative to the European Union as top dog.  So much vested career interest in the EU project confirmed.

Some time then spent as National Security Advisor....... and then on to Ambassador to the USA.

This is the man who thinks the Trump Administration "inept", "uniquely dysfunctional" and "divided" - also, this is a man smart enough to be an ex-National Security Advisor yet who somehow manages to let his thoughts on his host Nation's competency be 'leaked'.  Who knows, maybe another Russian Bot secure server hack? ..... Inept?

Anyway, Mr ex-National Security Advisor is late to the party in thinking the Trump administration is nuts.  He should try basing his intel research next time on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, CNN, the BBC and YouTube.  He might have arrived at his conclusions earlier than the social media dogs on the street did.  Sometimes James Bond just needs to watch TV to find out where the 'bad' folks are.

So this career British Establisment personage with many years of personal involvement in the political and physical integration of British-EU interests, this diplomat who first hinted to May that then President-elect Trump could be influenced by the British Government (to support a Remain alternative to a Leave referendum result perhaps?)
- incidentally yet another inept "leaked' memo from an ex-National Security Advisor -
....this Diplomat whose supposed intel collecting expertise was then trashed when Trump actually suggested that a die-hard Brexiteer Nigel Farage should replace him as Ambassador; this diplomat who watched the melt down of his own 'uniquely dysfunctional' and 'divided' British admin in a monumental show of historic negotiating incompetence on the Brexit issue........ this man thinks the Trump administration is not fit for purpose and "inept"?  Now there's a shock!

Hope the UK (foreign entity in the US) isn't going to try to influence the outcome of a USA Presidential election....... again.  Yet it seems it's already began the campaign to do just that.  Are the American Anti-Trumpsters 'colluding' with the Brits....... again?


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The Trump Presidency - Page 20 Empty Re: The Trump Presidency

Post by Pr4wn Mon Jul 08, 2019 12:38 am

What a bizarre post. Even by your standards.


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The Trump Presidency - Page 20 Empty Re: The Trump Presidency

Post by lostinwales Mon Jul 08, 2019 10:32 pm

SecretFly wrote:Kim Darroch, career 'Diplomat'.
What can I find....hmmmmm

Mid-80s involved in the Channel Tunnel project, at one time co-secretary of the UK-French Channel Tunnel Treaty group.  So an early interest/involvement in European infrastructure tie-ins confirmed.

European centric career then only intensifies from there. He serves at the British Permanent Representative to the European Union. From 2000, Foreign Office Director of EU comd.  From 2003, Director General Europe. From 2004, becomes Blair's main advisor on European Affairs. In 2007 back to the British Permanent Representative to the European Union as top dog.  So much vested career interest in the EU project confirmed.

Some time then spent as National Security Advisor....... and then on to Ambassador to the USA.

This is the man who thinks the Trump Administration "inept", "uniquely dysfunctional" and "divided" - also, this is a man smart enough to be an ex-National Security Advisor yet who somehow manages to let his thoughts on his host Nation's competency be 'leaked'.  Who knows, maybe another Russian Bot secure server hack? ..... Inept?

Anyway, Mr ex-National Security Advisor is late to the party in thinking the Trump administration is nuts.  He should try basing his intel research next time on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, CNN, the BBC and YouTube.  He might have arrived at his conclusions earlier than the social media dogs on the street did.  Sometimes James Bond just needs to watch TV to find out where the 'bad' folks are.

So this career British Establisment personage with many years of personal involvement in the political and physical integration of British-EU interests, this diplomat who first hinted to May that then President-elect Trump could be influenced by the British Government (to support a Remain alternative to a Leave referendum result perhaps?)
- incidentally yet another inept "leaked' memo from an ex-National Security Advisor -
....this Diplomat whose supposed intel collecting expertise was then trashed when Trump actually suggested that a die-hard Brexiteer Nigel Farage should replace him as Ambassador; this diplomat who watched the melt down of his own 'uniquely dysfunctional' and 'divided' British admin in a monumental show of historic negotiating incompetence on the Brexit issue........ this man thinks the Trump administration is not fit for purpose and "inept"?  Now there's a shock!

Hope the UK (foreign entity in the US) isn't going to try to influence the outcome of a USA Presidential election....... again.  Yet it seems it's already began the campaign to do just that.  Are the American Anti-Trumpsters 'colluding' with the Brits....... again?

His job as ambassador is to serve the interests of the UK government. In that role he sent them confidential briefings with his views of how disfunctional the US government is behaving. Someone has seen fit to leak those communications, which must, amongst other things, undermine the man and his role.

His views on Europe are neither here nor there, except when they are made so by certain parts of the UK press, who would apparently not trust anyone who has ever had a holiday on the continent, let alone had spells living or working there.


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The Trump Presidency - Page 20 Empty Re: The Trump Presidency

Post by SecretFly Tue Jul 09, 2019 8:05 pm

Nope, lost....turns out he was just a distraction.  Another in a long long line of them.  I should have guessed.  

BTW, the interests of the UK government were first: ALLEGEDLY to stop Trump being elected in the first place - dossier hoax.  Second, to try to influence him into a more acquiescent role in championing British 'interests' - one of them obviously being deemed remaining close administratively to the EU against the wishes of the majority of the Referendum voters.  Trump won against all odds and diplomatic deceit across the oceans.  And he instantly let it be known that he wasn't about to play ball on being cooperative with British 'interests' either.

So anyway you want to look at it, the Euro centeric American Ambassador has been a he allows leaks to happen on his watch, more than inept might also work IF you believed all these leaks weren't approved by higher British 'Interest' groups.  For example, what harm could they do to a Trump administration now seeking re-election?  They might put a spanner in the works?  Oh my!  UK 'interests' establishment wouldn't sanction such biased anti-Trump administration revelations.  It wouldn't be proper.......... Cool

Anyway.... like I said, turns out his 'leak' has just been one more prepared distraction on what has been a BUSY weekend in the USA.  The ostrich keeps trying to keep its head in the dust.  Meanwhile, the inept Trump Administration are in the middle of some serious Swamp draining right now...just as promised in the inept election campaign slogan.


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The Trump Presidency - Page 20 Empty Re: The Trump Presidency

Post by JuliusHMarx Tue Jul 09, 2019 8:26 pm

So if you PM'ed me, and I published it, that would count as you allowing the PM to be leaked on your watch?


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The Trump Presidency - Page 20 Empty Re: The Trump Presidency

Post by SecretFly Tue Jul 09, 2019 8:39 pm

JuliusHMarx wrote:So if you PM'ed me, and I published it, that would count as you allowing the PM to be leaked on your watch?

If my role was to be 'diplomatic' about my correspondence in public - i.e., if I was meant to sustain a veneer of respect and courtesy on the outside whilst being brutally honest with you in private, if that was my role - then yes, I'd be negligent in choosing you to be PM buddy if you decided to simply publish my words in the open.

Now once might be considered a mistake - though the man is a very experienced career 'diplomat' - but more than once?  The spies will spy.  He doesn't control them.... but with his experience, he does or should control the specific avenues of honest secret opinion directed back to his bosses.  Don't you at least agree with that?

Plus...if we're going to be ruthlessly direct with your analogy then back to the basic principle.  You ask if I PMed you....... so that means you accept that the approved destination point might be the knowing 'leak' source?

And away we go back to my suggestion that the 'leak' was approved and a simple tool many governments use in the diplomatic wars of favouritism and bias.


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The Trump Presidency - Page 20 Empty Re: The Trump Presidency

Post by JuliusHMarx Tue Jul 09, 2019 8:46 pm

So if he e-mails his boss and his boss leaks it, or allows unauthorised access to it e.g. hacking or leaving his (the boss's) laptop unattended, then it's his fault?


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The Trump Presidency - Page 20 Empty Re: The Trump Presidency

Post by SecretFly Tue Jul 09, 2019 9:03 pm

If he's a career diplomat of his calibre - go over his career highlights again - he supposedly should know all these political and civil service people better than they know themselves - and IF he was genuinely duped by the 'leaked' opinion piece, if he WASN'T himself in on any such Governmentally controlled politically expedient 'leak' - then absolutely, that would make him guilty of being 'inept' in allowing himself to be so used.... not only once.  And if such was the case (that he was betrayed by his own people) then where is his resignation letter to the person ultimately responsible for betraying the privacy of his correspondence?

But you'll be glad to know that I don't think him inept because I think it was all a planned and approved 'leak' - perhaps a last flourish from the May administration to hopefully add their two cents to the American  Presidential campaign.  I assume both he and May know his time is over anyway if Boris becomes PM.  Nothing to lose...another reminder that Trump and his clan are unhinged idiots.... as well as a well timed distraction against other news. Politics at work.


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The Trump Presidency - Page 20 Empty Re: The Trump Presidency

Post by JuliusHMarx Tue Jul 09, 2019 9:14 pm

Way too early for the leak to have any effect on the Presidential campaign - would be far better to have held it back. But I guess Trump did fall for the trap by responding and giving it more publicity than it would otherwise have done. But then, he's not known for his strategic thinking.

Alternatively, it gave Trump a great chance to unleash on Twitter, and come to America's defence, which is what wins him votes, so perhaps it was all agreed by May and Trump to help him out a bit.


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The Trump Presidency - Page 20 Empty Re: The Trump Presidency

Post by SecretFly Tue Jul 09, 2019 9:34 pm

Ah wait until Trump's final day in office before deciding how good or bad his strategic thinking has been, Julius.  I think things are going just as he's planned, including the outrageous tweets.  He loves his tweets.... they're strategic I guess.

On the Ambassador thing...again, the guy doesn't have time...neither does May.  So he could hardly hold off on the Trump missives.  Had to use them when he had the power and position to make their tone more effective.   He'll be gone soon enough if Boris gets in.

On May potentially helping Trump out.  Well, you never do know until the fat lady sings, do you.  Stranger, much stranger, things are happening so yep..... even that's a possibility in this crazy world.


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The Trump Presidency - Page 20 Empty Re: The Trump Presidency

Post by Pal Joey Tue Jul 09, 2019 9:41 pm

Just between us few on here... I have a feeling the Queen likes Trump.

Don't ask me to explain why but their body language seemed to be in a sort of comfortable harmony when they stood beside each other in June or whenever it was. And I think he quite likes all of that pomp and ceremony... as someone who likes being the centre of attention would.

Well maybe "likes" is not the word but I reckon she would find him entertaining and kind of an interesting character to hang around with.

Last edited by Pal Joey on Tue Jul 09, 2019 9:45 pm; edited 1 time in total

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The Trump Presidency - Page 20 Empty Re: The Trump Presidency

Post by Galted Tue Jul 09, 2019 9:44 pm

Pal Joey wrote:Just between us few on here... I have a feeling the Queen likes Trump.

Don't ask me to explain why but their body language seemed to be in a sort of comfortable harmony when they stood beside each other in June or whenever it was. And I think he quite likes all of that pomp and ceremony... as someone who likes being the centre of attention would.

He's a cross between a court jester and a village idiot so she would love him. Probably lets him run round the grounds with the corgis.



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