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Women's Euro

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Women's Euro Empty Women's Euro

Post by Mad for Chelsea Mon 24 Jul 2017, 12:00 pm

So this has started. England go in as one of the favourites after an impressive showing at the last world cup, and have started well with a 6-0 thumping of Scotland and a ground out 2-0 win over Spain, despite the latter having the vast majority of possession for pretty much the whole game. The game against Spain did see a rather odd incident, with the ref initially awarding a penalty to Spain at 1-0 before changing her mind.

Think it would have been an incredibly harsh pen TBH, so right decision in the end. England did have a goal ruled out for an at best marginal offside earlier on also.

Mad for Chelsea

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Women's Euro Empty Re: Women's Euro

Post by dummy_half Tue 25 Jul 2017, 7:30 am

The problem is that handball has been officiated wrongly for at least the last 20 years. The rule is that it is a foul if the player deliberately plays the ball with their hand or arm - you can probably count on the fingers of one hand the number of times this happens in a weekend of professional football.

In this case, the England defender was stretching to clear the ball, slipped and so ended up slicing the ball back over her head (and towards England's goal), with it striking her arm that had come up with her loss of balance. Was not even in the same ball park as 'deliberately', and indeed was much more in the 'couldn't do it again if you tried' category.


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