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Preparing for a 95km race?

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Preparing for a 95km race? Empty Preparing for a 95km race?

Post by kingraf Sat 19 Apr 2014, 7:49 am

So I've been guilted into entering the local 94.7km.... The furthest I've ever ridden was around 25km, and that was five-six years ago! The race is in about six months. Any good websites which could breakdown a decent training schedule?

I'm overall pretty fit, but cycling is a different animal...

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Preparing for a 95km race? Empty Re: Preparing for a 95km race?

Post by Good Golly I'm Olly Sat 19 Apr 2014, 9:44 am

RAF I'm afraid I don't know any sites but personally I'd suggest doing it in increments

Start off doing say 10-15km a week, then the next week maybe take that to 15-20 km and so on and so forth
Good Golly I'm Olly
Good Golly I'm Olly
Tractor Boy
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Preparing for a 95km race? Empty Re: Preparing for a 95km race?

Post by Nakatomi Plaza Sat 19 Apr 2014, 10:14 am

A few of my friends use apps like Strava, and sites like to track their progress.

Nakatomi Plaza

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Preparing for a 95km race? Empty Re: Preparing for a 95km race?

Post by Azabache Fri 25 Apr 2014, 3:20 pm

Is it a "race" or some sort of charity ride pub crawl? For both you'll need to get some miles in but, if it really is a race, then you'll be needing train in groups-ideally-and certainly will need to be riding at pace. Is it hilly? This is another factor.


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Preparing for a 95km race? Empty Re: Preparing for a 95km race?

Post by kingraf Sat 26 Apr 2014, 8:38 am

It's a legitimate race, but I've been told I'm riding for charity. That said, I'm not the sort to amble along a race. Want to finish upper field, or at least decently placed among the amateurs.

As for the hill, Johannesburg is pretty hilly, a few guys from the local athletics club ran the Boston marathon, and didn't know where on heartbreak hill until they passed it. I don't know the course outlay, but I'm pretty sure there isn't a stretch of road in Jozi which doesn't prelude a hill.

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