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Hendo v Shogun II.. irrelevant?

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Hendo v Shogun II.. irrelevant? Empty Hendo v Shogun II.. irrelevant?

Post by Rinsure Thu 20 Mar 2014, 9:04 am

This weekend we've got Shogun v. Hendo II.

Hendo can't be long for the UFC, what with the TRT issue and his patchy record of late. Shogun revived interest with that KO of Te Huna, but can anyone really see him making a sustained run at the belt?

I can't see anything to get excited about here.

The rest of the card is fair to middling, nothing to get excited about, especially not the week after the Hendricks / Lawler bout.

Are the UFC putting on too many "nothing" cards? Quantity over quality?


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Hendo v Shogun II.. irrelevant? Empty Re: Hendo v Shogun II.. irrelevant?

Post by Guest Thu 20 Mar 2014, 9:55 am

Will be a decent fight but win or lose for either it will have little to no impact on the division or their respective careers for that matter. They are both coming to the end of their careers & will just be viewed as gatekeepers until a string of loses sees them finally cut or retire.

Is it the headline fight of the card, who else is on? The UFC are funny in that they stack cards & then have a few 'nothing' cards, might be better not to stack them to full & spread it out a bit.


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Hendo v Shogun II.. irrelevant? Empty Re: Hendo v Shogun II.. irrelevant?

Post by Rinsure Thu 20 Mar 2014, 11:56 am

Yeah, what's up after Hendo v Shogun? Is it Big Country against... someone? In Abu Dhabi? Another nothing headlining fight on a nothing card.

Then there's Bisping v. Kennedy, which is still a relevant fight in the MW division, I guess.


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Hendo v Shogun II.. irrelevant? Empty Re: Hendo v Shogun II.. irrelevant?

Post by Pr4wn Wed 26 Mar 2014, 8:42 am

Was actually a pretty good fight in the end. Henderson's ability to recover is outstanding.

Also, loving Maldonado too.


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Hendo v Shogun II.. irrelevant? Empty Re: Hendo v Shogun II.. irrelevant?

Post by Rinsure Wed 26 Mar 2014, 12:01 pm

Only seen the end of the fight, but what an end! The H-bomb landing flush on Shogun's nose. I understand he's having surgery on it this week.

Be interesting to see what Hendo does next, given he's got to transition off the TRT.


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Hendo v Shogun II.. irrelevant? Empty Re: Hendo v Shogun II.. irrelevant?

Post by Valero's Conscience Wed 26 Mar 2014, 12:36 pm

Henderson is looking old in his movements and also the granite chin is fading slightly.

In saying that, he can still take a punch better than most, recovers well and has the power to trouble anyone.

He would have to win two big fights to be considered for a title shot but I can't see him beating the Top 5 guys.

I would give him big fights against big names but not contenders to earn him his retirement fund. Hendo vs Franklyn would be good.

Valero's Conscience

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Hendo v Shogun II.. irrelevant? Empty Re: Hendo v Shogun II.. irrelevant?

Post by Pr4wn Wed 26 Mar 2014, 6:27 pm

No chance he beats Cormier, Gusto, Teixera or Evans.


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