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Chris Boardman's 15-year world cycling record is broken

Perfessor Albertus Lion V
Adam D
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Chris Boardman's 15-year world cycling record is broken Empty Chris Boardman's 15-year world cycling record is broken

Post by Adam D Sat 05 Feb 2011, 1:05 pm

Australia's Jack Bobridge says he is "stunned" to have broken Chris Boardman's 15-year-old world record in the four kilometre individual pursuit.

Bobridge, 21, clocked four minutes 10.534 seconds in an Australian National Track Championships heat at the Dunc Gray Velodrome in Sydney.

He was 0.58 secs quicker than Britain's Boardman was in 1996, four years after he was Olympic champion in the event.

Boardman told BBC Sport Bobridge had produced an "incredible performance".

Bobridge's was not the only outstanding performance in Sydney. Team-mate Rohan Dennis posted a time of 4:13.399 during his heat - the third-fastest time in history behind Boardman.

But the 42-year-old Briton, now leading research and development work for the British cycling team, said GB would remain unflustered by the latest sign of Australian improvement, which follows their poor outing in the velodrome at the 2008 Beijing Games.

Bradley Wiggins won the individual pursuit title for Great Britain in Beijing but the event was subsequently dropped from the London Olympic programme by cycling's world governing body, the UCI, so Bobridge will not have an opportunity to convert his new record into an Olympic medal.

"His time is quite amazing. A lot of people never thought it would happen," said Boardman.

"But if it was an Olympic discipline, we would have Bradley Wiggins, Geraint Thomas and some other young lads focusing on this.

"As soon as it was taken out of the Olympics, our national team - very much Olympic-focused - absolutely stopped thinking about it completely. That competition ended.

"The Australians still hold it in high esteem, which is nice to see, and they've stuck with it.

"But the term that's been used for the British in the past is 'passionately ruthless' - our performance programme is funded to chase Olympic gold medals, period. If this doesn't count then why am I expending energy on it? It's a nice-to-have but ultimately it isn't the job."

Anna Meares picked up Australia's only cycling medal in 2008, a silver in the women's individual sprint, compared to Britain's eight golds and 14 medals in total.

Bobridge won individual pursuit gold at the 2010 Commonwealth Games - with Britain's top cyclists absent - and took part in the Beijing Olympic team pursuit, in which Australia came fourth and Britain took gold.

He rides with United States-based Garmin-Slipstream UCI ProTeam, and was also a member of the Australian four-man team that won gold in the team pursuit at the 2010 Track Cycling World Championships.

"I didn't think the record was going to come for a long time - I certainly didn't think it would come while I was on the track," Bobridge told reporters in Australia.

"To come around and see that on the board, I was honestly quite shocked.

"I thought the clock had stopped a lap early, so I had to look at it a few times, but then I saw everyone going crazy, and then it started to get a little overwhelming."

Boardman was the world time trial champion in 1994, took Britain's first cycling gold for 72 years, at the 1992 Barcelona Olympics, won three stages of the Tour de France and wore the yellow jersey on three separate occasions and set numerous world records - some of which still stand.

"This is a marker that shows Australia are in excellent condition," he said.

"Clearly they've got some strength in depth. They had a bad time in Beijing, then they went away and have reassessed. I'm aware they've been doing some wind tunnel testing - they've learned from what we have been doing and they are hungry for success.

"I expect them to be Olympic-standard this year and we'll see what we've got to contend with at the Olympics, but it's better to know than to not find out until after the event.

"There is no good or bad, there is just information. When you have that information you can work with it."

source bbc website -

Adam D

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Chris Boardman's 15-year world cycling record is broken Empty Re: Chris Boardman's 15-year world cycling record is broken

Post by Perfessor Albertus Lion V Sat 05 Feb 2011, 5:35 pm

~ 35mph by my reckoning, not bad.

Some of the shorter TDF time trials have yielded speeds in the lower 30s over undulating 10-15 km distance without the benefit of drafting which is even more impressive IMO, but could be helped with a favorable wind and slight elevation loss.

When Armstrong first retired, he was going to set set the flying mile and km record, but got into weight training and marathon running instead. Tough to get over 30mph for any length of time over level ground.
Perfessor Albertus Lion V
Perfessor Albertus Lion V

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Chris Boardman's 15-year world cycling record is broken Empty Re: Chris Boardman's 15-year world cycling record is broken

Post by SpenB Wed 09 Feb 2011, 11:28 am

I used to race (time trials, road and track).

I've seen willy moore and dangerfield on courses with 4 roundabouts being negotiated 7 times and a 90° left turn into a small lane to finish and the pair of them have returned in under 20min (ie 30mph) many times and if I remember correctly dangerfield did a 19m 03s once. Also the course was not flat but best described as undulating.


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Chris Boardman's 15-year world cycling record is broken Empty Re: Chris Boardman's 15-year world cycling record is broken

Post by chigiwigi123 Fri 02 Jan 2015, 11:47 am

Which is nice to see,and they've stuck with it...!!!!!!!!!!!!



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Chris Boardman's 15-year world cycling record is broken Empty Re: Chris Boardman's 15-year world cycling record is broken

Post by dummy_half Mon 09 Feb 2015, 1:23 pm

And the hour record has just been broken again

Rohan Dennis putting another half a km on the 'new' record since the change to pursuit type bikes.

Still think this is going to be nudged up another km over the next few months as the really serious ITT specialists get to grips with it. It will be interesting to see whether Wiggins greater affinity with track riding is a greater advantage than Tony Martin's absolute power.


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Post by Azabache Tue 10 Feb 2015, 3:30 pm

Without wishing to take anything away from these two, it's difficult to enthuse when the goalposts (i.e. bikes) have been changed. Come back Obree?


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Chris Boardman's 15-year world cycling record is broken Empty Re: Chris Boardman's 15-year world cycling record is broken

Post by dummy_half Wed 11 Feb 2015, 1:37 pm

Don't disagree - the current record is only between the marks set by Boardman and Obree in 93/94, and behind the Indurain and Rominger marks of later 1994 that were set on bikes not too far away from the current regulations. Rominger was up to 55.291km on a steel framed bike with 'conventional' aero bars and disk wheels. Other than some geometry requirements, there aren't enormous differences in equipment, and probably more fast velodromes to pick from that make up the difference.

Be interesting to see how close Wiggins or Martin can get to this level - would expect them to get above Indurain's best of just over 53km, but suspect Rominger's marks are out of reach (and make of that what you will...)


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Chris Boardman's 15-year world cycling record is broken Empty Re: Chris Boardman's 15-year world cycling record is broken

Post by dummy_half Mon 08 Jun 2015, 10:48 am

Well, for once my powers of prediction look to be reasonable - Dowsett moved the record up a bit from Dennis's mark to just shy of 53km, and Wiggo has moved it on to 54.526 km - better than Indurain ever managed but still 3/4 km behind Rominger's best (and also Wiggins's schedule).

Now, the question remains whether Martin and Cancellara will still be interested in chasing this mark - apparently conditions were not as good as they might have been, and so a 55km mark could be attainable.


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