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606v2 Cricket Hall of Fame

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606v2 Cricket Hall of Fame Empty 606v2 Cricket Hall of Fame

Post by Hoggy_Bear Mon 28 Oct 2013, 11:50 am

Attention!! Attention!!

Starting this week, the latest installment of the greatest debates on these boards, nay, perhaps the greatest debates on the whole of the World Wide Web. The 606v2 Cricket Hall of Fame!!

Forget trivial questions concerning the meaning of life, how to cure Western capitalism or whether GTA V is, like, the greatest thing like, ever, and contemplte instead the intricate philosophical connotations of Monty Noble's batting average, or whether the likes of Michael Bevan deserve their place amongst a pantheon of cricketing greats that already includes W.G. Grace, Don Bradman, Gary Sobers and Fred Titmus!!

Tell your friends. Tell your enemies. Tell all those people on Facebook who you don't really know but who you've befriended anyway because it makes you look more popular!!

You, on the motorcycle.!!

Everyone welcome. The more the merrier.!!

Come to the 606v2 cricket board and put forward the names of those cricketers who you believe deserve the ultimate accolade of entry into the 606v2 Hall of Fame* and

let the debate begin!!

(*2 names only per person, please refer to lists of those already chosen available on web-page, sensible suggestions only, no time wasters, terms and conditions apply)


Posts : 2202
Join date : 2011-01-28
Age : 58
Location : The Fields of Athenry

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