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Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao: Build up to the fight thread.

Imperial Ghosty
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Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao:  Build up to the fight thread. Empty Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao: Build up to the fight thread.

Post by D4thincarnation Fri 11 Mar 2011, 4:52 pm

The biggest fight of the year is only 8 weeks away, it what should be an intriguing match up between two great attacking, power punching speedsters.

Manny Pacquiao maybe be the no.1 p4p fighter in the world but styles make fights and Shane's style could be Pacquiao undoing.

Manny although fighting at welter and at light-middle for his last fight is in reality still a lightweight at the most light-welter and will enter the ring around 148lbs mark while Shane will be expected to be around 160lbs giving him around a stone advantage.

As seen during the Margarito vs Mosley match up Shane used his physical strength to stifle Marg crowd him and not let him get his punches of.

Mosley is also a huge puncher, KO power in both hands and he has quick hands, has scored many a late KO in his career and will be dangerous throughout the fight.

When Mosley fought Mayweather he caught him with an overhand right that shook Floyd to his core and Mayweather was hanging on for dear life.

This was by no means Shane's best or biggest shot and with Pacquiao's open style we can expect Shane to catch Pacquiao with some big big punches.

Can Pacquiao survive punches like this? Shane is by far the most biggest puncher Pacquiao has faced and if Manny goes of the game plan as he has done in previous fight to show bravado, it could be a costly mistake.

Margarito caught Pacquiao 229 times during their fight and Shane is more accurate has fast hands and is a bigger puncher. If Pacquiao get caught up against the ropes against Shane it could be all over.

Shane did seem to gas out against Floyd but this was mainly down too his 17 months of ring rust and against Mora he put on another poor showing but was more active and was very unlucky not to get the decision.

But Shane never does well against defensive fighters like Mora, who is a middleweight, and Mayweather, he like boxers to come to him, throw punches and attack, that is what exactly what Pacquiao does.

Mosley is also and excellent body puncher and Pacquiao has been hurt to the body before.

Though Pacquiao is a huge puncher himself, Mosley has and iron chin, never been stopped and only down the once against Forrest after a clash of heads.

So can Pacquiao beat Mosley? He should be able to with his footwork, hand speed and skill but it is a dangerous fight for Pacquiao and with Manny looking for a KO he better be careful that Shane does not get one of his own.

How do you see this fight going? Could an upset be on the cards?


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Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao:  Build up to the fight thread. Empty Re: Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao: Build up to the fight thread.

Post by BALTIMORA Fri 11 Mar 2011, 5:01 pm

Haye Klitschko is not eight weeks away.


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Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao:  Build up to the fight thread. Empty Re: Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao: Build up to the fight thread.

Post by D4thincarnation Fri 11 Mar 2011, 5:02 pm

BALTIMORA wrote:Haye Klitschko is not eight weeks away.

Pacquiao vs Mosley will generate the most money I think.


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Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao:  Build up to the fight thread. Empty Re: Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao: Build up to the fight thread.

Post by HumanWindmill Fri 11 Mar 2011, 5:03 pm

D4thincarnation wrote:Pacquiao vs Mosley will generate the most money I think.

It's a fair bet that it's going to generate the most nonsense.


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Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao:  Build up to the fight thread. Empty Re: Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao: Build up to the fight thread.

Post by BALTIMORA Fri 11 Mar 2011, 5:04 pm

It's not a heavyweight unification fight. They don't come much bigger than that. No-one mentioned money.


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Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao:  Build up to the fight thread. Empty Re: Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao: Build up to the fight thread.

Post by D4thincarnation Fri 11 Mar 2011, 5:08 pm

BALTIMORA wrote:It's not a heavyweight unification fight. They don't come much bigger than that. No-one mentioned money.

Money generated is what determines how big a fight is.


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Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao:  Build up to the fight thread. Empty Re: Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao: Build up to the fight thread.

Post by BALTIMORA Fri 11 Mar 2011, 5:11 pm

No, you didn't specify terms for what is meant by 'biggest'. If you'd said 'most financially lucrative' then you may be right, but you did not. Haye-Klitschko will be a much bigger fight for the sport.


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Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao:  Build up to the fight thread. Empty Re: Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao: Build up to the fight thread.

Post by D4thincarnation Fri 11 Mar 2011, 5:14 pm

What was the last heavyweight unification fight and how big was that?


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Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao:  Build up to the fight thread. Empty Re: Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao: Build up to the fight thread.

Post by BALTIMORA Fri 11 Mar 2011, 5:20 pm

What relevance does that bear? When was the last lottery rollover and how big was that?


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Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao:  Build up to the fight thread. Empty Re: Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao: Build up to the fight thread.

Post by D4thincarnation Fri 11 Mar 2011, 5:22 pm

BALTIMORA wrote:It's not a heavyweight unification fight. They don't come much bigger than that. No-one mentioned money.

Thats the reason, if it is so big, tell us about it?


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Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao:  Build up to the fight thread. Empty Re: Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao: Build up to the fight thread.

Post by D4thincarnation Fri 11 Mar 2011, 5:24 pm

I'll will give you a clue, it was in 2008?

Surprise you don't know it, they don't come much bigger Doh


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Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao:  Build up to the fight thread. Empty Re: Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao: Build up to the fight thread.

Post by Rowley Fri 11 Mar 2011, 5:29 pm

It was Wlad vs Sultan Ibragimov but is hardly a fair comparison to compare a guy with a dull as dishwater style who doesn't speak a word of American with a big punching exciting charismatic fighter such as Haye.

Would also add most consider haye wlad a pick em, virtually nodoby felt the same for Wlad v Sultan and nobody beyond your tenuous attempts to reinvent Shane as Dorien Grey thinks it with Manny Shane.

Context is everything and Haye Klitschko is the bigger fight, of more importance to the game and more competitive and in the blue ribbon division. Wouldn't expect even handed comments from you when it comes to Manny but to claim him against a guy of 39 coming off a beatdown and a draw against an ordinary fighter compares to a heavyweight unification between two guys in decent form is right up there with your best. And on that note I'll leave you to it, since you seem intent on poisoning this forum as you did the last you can do it without my involvement.


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Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao:  Build up to the fight thread. Empty Re: Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao: Build up to the fight thread.

Post by D4thincarnation Fri 11 Mar 2011, 5:34 pm

It will generate the most money though and thats what makes it the biggest and I would not be surprised if Shane sprung and upset.


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Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao:  Build up to the fight thread. Empty Re: Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao: Build up to the fight thread.

Post by HumanWindmill Fri 11 Mar 2011, 5:34 pm

rowley wrote:Context is everything and Haye Klitschko is the bigger fight, of more importance to the game and more competitive and in the blue ribbon division. Wouldn't expect even handed comments from you when it comes to Manny but to claim him against a guy of 39 coming off a beatdown and a draw against an ordinary fighter compares to a heavyweight unification between two guys in decent form is right up there with your best.

Absolutely bang on.

D4, regardless of how much you wriggle, we all remember how you trashed Mayweather for fighting Mosley, and no matter how you try you simply cannot argue with any credibility that Mosley is a better fighter now.


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Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao:  Build up to the fight thread. Empty Re: Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao: Build up to the fight thread.

Post by oxring Fri 11 Mar 2011, 5:41 pm

rowley wrote:It was Wlad vs Sultan Ibragimov but is hardly a fair comparison to compare a guy with a dull as dishwater style who doesn't speak a word of American with a big punching exciting charismatic fighter such as Haye.

Would also add most consider haye wlad a pick em, virtually nodoby felt the same for Wlad v Sultan and nobody beyond your tenuous attempts to reinvent Shane as Dorien Grey thinks it with Manny Shane.

Context is everything and Haye Klitschko is the bigger fight, of more importance to the game and more competitive and in the blue ribbon division. Wouldn't expect even handed comments from you when it comes to Manny but to claim him against a guy of 39 coming off a beatdown and a draw against an ordinary fighter compares to a heavyweight unification between two guys in decent form is right up there with your best. And on that note I'll leave you to it, since you seem intent on poisoning this forum as you did the last you can do it without my involvement.

In fairness - I think people gave up all hope of interest in a HW unification bout after Wlad Sultan. Haye's interest isn't really from his belt - it's from his mouth and his knockouts/KO style.

In terms of discussing a result - Haye needs to have more stamina than the Ruiz fight. He CANNOT afford to tire by the 8th against Wlad
Re: Mosley - D4 - I will defend you to the last here in terms of free speech - but you must keep consistent. I, along with everyone else remember your criticism of Mayweather. Mosley was made for money - it adds NOTHING to Manny's legacy. In fact, you could argue it detracts from it.

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Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao:  Build up to the fight thread. Empty Re: Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao: Build up to the fight thread.

Post by Imperial Ghosty Fri 11 Mar 2011, 5:43 pm

So D4 what was the bigger fight Mayweather/Marquez or Pacquiao/Marquez?

We all know what the unbiased answer is but I just want to see your answer

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Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao:  Build up to the fight thread. Empty Re: Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao: Build up to the fight thread.

Post by D4thincarnation Fri 11 Mar 2011, 5:45 pm

I said at the time it was the toughest fight Mayweather could have taken.

I did mention Shane's age and his ring rust, and though Shane has gotten a year older he has gotten rid of that ring rust and has not over trained as well.

Styles make fight, and Shane loves fighting an attacking style like Manny's and hates a defensive style like Mayweather.


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Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao:  Build up to the fight thread. Empty Re: Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao: Build up to the fight thread.

Post by D4thincarnation Fri 11 Mar 2011, 5:47 pm

imperialghosty wrote:So D4 what was the bigger fight Mayweather/Marquez or Pacquiao/Marquez?

We all know what the unbiased answer is but I just want to see your answer

You would have to take into account inflation and the financial climate at the times. Only really fair to do it for fights of the same year.

Haye vs Klitschko may be a bigger fight in this country but worldwide, it is Pacquiao vs Mosley.


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Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao:  Build up to the fight thread. Empty Re: Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao: Build up to the fight thread.

Post by Imperial Ghosty Fri 11 Mar 2011, 5:48 pm

Digging yourself into a bigger hole, what was the bigger fight?

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Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao:  Build up to the fight thread. Empty Re: Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao: Build up to the fight thread.

Post by D4thincarnation Fri 11 Mar 2011, 5:51 pm

oxring wrote:
rowley wrote:It was Wlad vs Sultan Ibragimov but is hardly a fair comparison to compare a guy with a dull as dishwater style who doesn't speak a word of American with a big punching exciting charismatic fighter such as Haye.

Would also add most consider haye wlad a pick em, virtually nodoby felt the same for Wlad v Sultan and nobody beyond your tenuous attempts to reinvent Shane as Dorien Grey thinks it with Manny Shane.

Context is everything and Haye Klitschko is the bigger fight, of more importance to the game and more competitive and in the blue ribbon division. Wouldn't expect even handed comments from you when it comes to Manny but to claim him against a guy of 39 coming off a beatdown and a draw against an ordinary fighter compares to a heavyweight unification between two guys in decent form is right up there with your best. And on that note I'll leave you to it, since you seem intent on poisoning this forum as you did the last you can do it without my involvement.

In fairness - I think people gave up all hope of interest in a HW unification bout after Wlad Sultan. Haye's interest isn't really from his belt - it's from his mouth and his knockouts/KO style.

In terms of discussing a result - Haye needs to have more stamina than the Ruiz fight. He CANNOT afford to tire by the 8th against Wlad
Re: Mosley - D4 - I will defend you to the last here in terms of free speech - but you must keep consistent. I, along with everyone else remember your criticism of Mayweather. Mosley was made for money - it adds NOTHING to Manny's legacy. In fact, you could argue it detracts from it.

The other two contenders for a shot at Manny were Berto and Marquez, Mosley beats both IMO.

Pacquiao has decimated the welterweight division when he made his move up to welter it was one of the most competitive divisions around but Manny blitz through it and it is only Mosley left.


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Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao:  Build up to the fight thread. Empty Re: Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao: Build up to the fight thread.

Post by Imperial Ghosty Fri 11 Mar 2011, 5:52 pm

Still not the number one Welterweight in the world yet though D4

Imperial Ghosty

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Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao:  Build up to the fight thread. Empty Re: Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao: Build up to the fight thread.

Post by BALTIMORA Fri 11 Mar 2011, 5:54 pm

Three words describe D4: Painted. Self. Corner.


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Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao:  Build up to the fight thread. Empty Re: Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao: Build up to the fight thread.

Post by D4thincarnation Fri 11 Mar 2011, 5:54 pm

imperialghosty wrote:Still not the number one Welterweight in the world yet though D4

Think you will find that he is. Yahoo


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Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao:  Build up to the fight thread. Empty Re: Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao: Build up to the fight thread.

Post by Imperial Ghosty Fri 11 Mar 2011, 5:56 pm

But your holy bible Boxrec have Mayweather number one and we know how much you value their opinion Very Happy

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Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao:  Build up to the fight thread. Empty Re: Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao: Build up to the fight thread.

Post by D4thincarnation Fri 11 Mar 2011, 5:59 pm

No it is not, but your Holy Bible is the Ring and they have Pacquiao no.1. Wasn't it not so long ago you were saying that the ring title is the won that matters.


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Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao:  Build up to the fight thread. Empty Re: Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao: Build up to the fight thread.

Post by Imperial Ghosty Fri 11 Mar 2011, 6:02 pm

I did, just wanted to show you up, i'm well aware of the ring rankings and while your there you should notice there is no recognized number one at Welterweight Very Happy I rest my case

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Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao:  Build up to the fight thread. Empty Re: Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao: Build up to the fight thread.

Post by D4thincarnation Fri 11 Mar 2011, 6:07 pm

That no recognised champ but Pacquiao is ranked numero uno.

I don't need to tell you Pacquiao is the best at the weight and he is there on merit look he had to beat.

It should be interesting to see what type of figures this fight does because it could signal a shift in in power from HBO to Showtime.

The Fight Camp 360 shows will be up and running soon. Haye vs Klitschko will not be as well hyped in America, which is still the home of boxing.


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Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao:  Build up to the fight thread. Empty Re: Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao: Build up to the fight thread.

Post by Imperial Ghosty Fri 11 Mar 2011, 6:10 pm

I'm not saying Pacquiao isn't the number one but it's funny to how much of a hypocrite you are

You still haven't answered the question, which fight was bigger Mayweather/Marquez or Pacquiao/Marquez?

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Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao:  Build up to the fight thread. Empty Re: Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao: Build up to the fight thread.

Post by BALTIMORA Fri 11 Mar 2011, 6:14 pm

D4, how is this relevant to building the fight you mentioned?


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Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao:  Build up to the fight thread. Empty Re: Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao: Build up to the fight thread.

Post by D4thincarnation Fri 11 Mar 2011, 6:15 pm

imperialghosty wrote:I'm not saying Pacquiao isn't the number one but it's funny to how much of a hypocrite you are

You still haven't answered the question, which fight was bigger Mayweather/Marquez or Pacquiao/Marquez?

Hypocrite? How am I a hypocrite unless you think I go on a year or two vacation every now and again when a tough little guy come round my neighbourhood and that I go round attacking women and stealing their i-phones.


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Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao:  Build up to the fight thread. Empty Re: Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao: Build up to the fight thread.

Post by HumanWindmill Fri 11 Mar 2011, 6:16 pm

D4thincarnation wrote:No it is not, but your Holy Bible is the Ring and they have Pacquiao no.1. Wasn't it not so long ago you were saying that the ring title is the won that matters.

D4, if ' Women's Weekly ' named Manny the best boxer / most desirable male / overwhelming choice as fantasy father to their kids, etc., etc., you'd be here crowing about it, whereas if Ring magazine named Floyd above Manny in the pecking order you'd trash them.

You can say what you like, but everybody familiar with your stance on Pacquiao knows that you are utterly inconsistent and irrational. Facts fly out the window and every single discussion about Pacquiao or Mayweather becomes another propagandist tool for you and another opportunity for you to preach your doctrine with the zeal of an evangelist, regardless of whether or not we wish to be converted. I don't wish to be rude, but this ' Manny is the white knight and Floyd is the big baddie who imprisoned the fair princess in the tower ' is a bit ' comic book, ' in my opinion. We might just as easily be discussing Superman, ( which, of course, we are doing in your eyes, ) or Batman.

Everybody and his aunt knows that Mosley is way over the hill, and your transparent attempts to big him up are laughable.


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Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao:  Build up to the fight thread. Empty Re: Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao: Build up to the fight thread.

Post by D4thincarnation Fri 11 Mar 2011, 6:17 pm

BALTIMORA wrote:D4, how is this relevant to building the fight you mentioned?

I apologise, what is your view on this great welterweight match up? How do you see the fight going.


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Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao:  Build up to the fight thread. Empty Re: Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao: Build up to the fight thread.

Post by D4thincarnation Fri 11 Mar 2011, 6:19 pm

HumanWindmill wrote:
D4thincarnation wrote:No it is not, but your Holy Bible is the Ring and they have Pacquiao no.1. Wasn't it not so long ago you were saying that the ring title is the won that matters.

D4, if ' Women's Weekly ' named Manny the best boxer / most desirable male / overwhelming choice as fantasy father to their kids, etc., etc., you'd be here crowing about it, whereas if Ring magazine named Floyd above Manny in the pecking order you'd trash them.

You can say what you like, but everybody familiar with your stance on Pacquiao knows that you are utterly inconsistent and irrational. Facts fly out the window and every single discussion about Pacquiao or Mayweather becomes another propagandist tool for you and another opportunity for you to preach your doctrine with the zeal of an evangelist, regardless of whether or not we wish to be converted. I don't wish to be rude, but this ' Manny is the white knight and Floyd is the big baddie who imprisoned the fair princess in the tower ' is a bit ' comic book, ' in my opinion. We might just as easily be discussing Superman, ( which, of course, we are doing in your eyes, ) or Batman.

Everybody and his aunt knows that Mosley is way over the hill, and your transparent attempts to big him up are laughable.

Well this is a forum to share views, I might have one view others may have another.

What is your view? Who is the number 1 welter in the world?


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Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao:  Build up to the fight thread. Empty Re: Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao: Build up to the fight thread.

Post by HumanWindmill Fri 11 Mar 2011, 6:21 pm

D4thincarnation wrote:
BALTIMORA wrote:D4, how is this relevant to building the fight you mentioned?

I apologise, what is your view on this great welterweight match up? How do you see the fight going.

Perhaps I could offer my views in regard to your two questions :

1. It ISN'T a great welterweight match up.

2. If God is merciful, very quickly into obscurity, leaving all involved in it with irreparably tarnished reputations.


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Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao:  Build up to the fight thread. Empty Re: Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao: Build up to the fight thread.

Post by BALTIMORA Fri 11 Mar 2011, 6:23 pm

Which great welterweight match-up? Has Mosley had to pull out? Does Pacquiao have a live opponent lined up that we've not yet heard about?


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Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao:  Build up to the fight thread. Empty Re: Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao: Build up to the fight thread.

Post by coxy0001 Fri 11 Mar 2011, 6:23 pm


You called Mosley:

Past it
Got no legs
The famous "34>35>36>37>38" quote

And various other things. You even PICKED MORA as a way of showing us all how much you didn't rate Mayweather's win over Mosley!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And no, it's not the biggest fight this year. For the sport Haye v Wlad is MUCH MUCH bigger in terms of the impact it COULD have for the division if Haye wins - but i wouldn't expect you to realise or acknowledge that because you're not a proper fan - you're a nuthugger who won't be seen on any boxing forums after Manny retires because you will have sweet FA to chat rubbish about!!!! Aside from Pacquiao/Mayweather/Martinez facing off against each other Haye v Wlad is THE BIGGEST FIGHT this year!!!!!!!!

ADMINISTRATORS - I thought we were going to clamp down on WUM articles? Because this is neither objective, factually based and is only intended to wind people up. The poster in question quite clearly has an agenda to discuss all things Manny and put a pathetic WUM spin on everything he writes. Ever since the main regular posters migrated across he's got nothing but grief, it only takes 1 person to ruin the boards and i would've thought that not having him would outweigh then positives of having him here. I mean he gets torn to shreds as we're all sick and bloody tired of his constant "Pacquiao this, Pacquiao that" comments which are BLATANT WUMS!!!!!!!


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Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao:  Build up to the fight thread. Empty Re: Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao: Build up to the fight thread.

Post by D4thincarnation Fri 11 Mar 2011, 6:23 pm

Yes I think this fight could be another Hagler vs Hearns. Mosley will come out wanting an early KO, and Pacquiao will fight fire with fire.


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Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao:  Build up to the fight thread. Empty Re: Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao: Build up to the fight thread.

Post by HumanWindmill Fri 11 Mar 2011, 6:27 pm

D4thincarnation wrote:Well this is a forum to share views, I might have one view others may have another.

In the first instance, I didn't challenge your right to express your views, so I'm not sure what your point is. I merely pointed out that your views are inconsistent, irrational, often inaccurate, relentlessly repetitious, and suck the oxygen out of decent debate about Pacquiao or Mayweather because everbody finds himself dealing with your propagandist rhetoric.

You're right ; we should SHARE views, and you don't have a monopoly on all things Manny.


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Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao:  Build up to the fight thread. Empty Re: Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao: Build up to the fight thread.

Post by Imperial Ghosty Fri 11 Mar 2011, 6:29 pm

Still not answering my question which is showing you up for the hypocrite you are or do you care to answer?

Mosley has never been the kind to go gunning for a quick KO and at the age of 39 I don't see him changing a habit of a lifetime

Imperial Ghosty

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Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao:  Build up to the fight thread. Empty Re: Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao: Build up to the fight thread.

Post by D4thincarnation Fri 11 Mar 2011, 6:30 pm

Old? Mosley is old for a boxer.
Shot? I said he seemed shot after Mora
Past it? Past his best, ofcourse he is. Thats why Mayweather waited that long.
Got no legs? not my line
Yes Mosley was gradually declining but now he has gotten rid of that ring rust and has not had a 5 month training camp, which is not good for you.


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Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao:  Build up to the fight thread. Empty Re: Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao: Build up to the fight thread.

Post by D4thincarnation Fri 11 Mar 2011, 6:32 pm

imperialghosty wrote:Still not answering my question which is showing you up for the hypocrite you are or do you care to answer?

Mosley has never been the kind to go gunning for a quick KO and at the age of 39 I don't see him changing a habit of a lifetime

As I pointed out it is not fair to compare fight from different years. Ali vs Frazier probably made less money than Haye vs Audley but it is obvious which one is the bigger fight.


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Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao:  Build up to the fight thread. Empty Re: Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao: Build up to the fight thread.

Post by coxy0001 Fri 11 Mar 2011, 6:33 pm

D4, he got rid of ring rust and "a long" training camp for Mora who he arguably lost to!!!!!! Remind me, how did Mora's next fight go!??!?!?!??!?!??!!!??!?

YOU PICKED MORA AS A WAY OF DISCRETING FMJs WIN - Do you think we're all idiots who've forgotten that?!?!?!??!?!


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Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao:  Build up to the fight thread. Empty Re: Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao: Build up to the fight thread.

Post by BALTIMORA Fri 11 Mar 2011, 6:34 pm

D4thincarnation wrote:Yes I think this fight could be another Hagler vs Hearns. Mosley will come out wanting an early KO, and Pacquiao will fight fire with fire.

Translation: Mosley will be good for three rounds, tops.


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Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao:  Build up to the fight thread. Empty Re: Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao: Build up to the fight thread.

Post by D4thincarnation Fri 11 Mar 2011, 6:36 pm

HumanWindmill wrote:
D4thincarnation wrote:Well this is a forum to share views, I might have one view others may have another.

In the first instance, I didn't challenge your right to express your views, so I'm not sure what your point is. I merely pointed out that your views are inconsistent, irrational, often inaccurate, relentlessly repetitious, and suck the oxygen out of decent debate about Pacquiao or Mayweather because everbody finds himself dealing with your propagandist rhetoric.

You're right ; we should SHARE views, and you don't have a monopoly on all things Manny.

My point is I would like to here your views as well as others on this fight instead of getting into the same old usual arguments time and time again.

What are the fighters strengths and weakness, what should the exploit, what game plans are there going to be? I might have missed something.

But instead of that, I get other questions nothing to do with the thread.


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Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao:  Build up to the fight thread. Empty Re: Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao: Build up to the fight thread.

Post by Imperial Ghosty Fri 11 Mar 2011, 6:36 pm

They are just a few years apart so it's easy to compare the two fights especially when one happened during a time of economic unrest and the other did not.

Inflation does not account for a 4 fold increase

So please answer the question and stop 'ducking' it

Imperial Ghosty

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Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao:  Build up to the fight thread. Empty Re: Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao: Build up to the fight thread.

Post by BALTIMORA Fri 11 Mar 2011, 6:36 pm

All this cack about not comparing fight revenue from different years is something that Mr Hypocrite has only started mentioning because he realises it's yet another way he can be shown up.


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Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao:  Build up to the fight thread. Empty Re: Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao: Build up to the fight thread.

Post by HumanWindmill Fri 11 Mar 2011, 6:37 pm

D4, I've got a serious question.

Do you think that the fact that so many normally mild and well balanced contributors are constantly blowing a gasket with you just might be something to do with your inconsistency ?


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Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao:  Build up to the fight thread. Empty Re: Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao: Build up to the fight thread.

Post by D4thincarnation Fri 11 Mar 2011, 6:38 pm

coxy0001 wrote:D4, he got rid of ring rust and "a long" training camp for Mora who he arguably lost to!!!!!! Remind me, how did Mora's next fight go!??!?!?!??!?!??!!!??!?

YOU PICKED MORA AS A WAY OF DISCRETING FMJs WIN - Do you think we're all idiots who've forgotten that?!?!?!??!?!

Mora was a middleweight, much bigger man that Mosley, good movement and defensive, that why I thought Mora would win after the fight I thought Shane won it. Bad fight to watch though.


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Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao:  Build up to the fight thread. Empty Re: Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao: Build up to the fight thread.

Post by BALTIMORA Fri 11 Mar 2011, 6:39 pm

Who did Mora go on to thrash after Mosley..?


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Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao:  Build up to the fight thread. Empty Re: Shane Mosely vs Manny Pacquiao: Build up to the fight thread.

Post by HumanWindmill Fri 11 Mar 2011, 6:41 pm

D4thincarnation wrote:My point is I would like to here your views as well as others on this fight instead of getting into the same old usual arguments time and time again.

What are the fighters strengths and weakness, what should the exploit, what game plans are there going to be? I might have missed something.

But instead of that, I get other questions nothing to do with the thread.

That's your favourite tactic. You push everybody's buttons and then feign innocence and injury when it all goes belly up. Perhaps you might consider that EVERYBODY logs in here to enjoy debate, and nobody enjoys being cattle prodded until he blows a fuse.


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