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606v2 picks the England World up squad: Back Row

Effervescing Elephant
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Which back row should make the England World Cup squad

606v2 picks the England World up squad: Back Row Vote_lcap19%606v2 picks the England World up squad: Back Row Vote_rcap 19% 
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606v2 picks the England World up squad: Back Row Vote_lcap19%606v2 picks the England World up squad: Back Row Vote_rcap 19% 
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606v2 picks the England World up squad: Back Row Vote_lcap2%606v2 picks the England World up squad: Back Row Vote_rcap 2% 
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606v2 picks the England World up squad: Back Row Vote_lcap15%606v2 picks the England World up squad: Back Row Vote_rcap 15% 
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606v2 picks the England World up squad: Back Row Vote_lcap15%606v2 picks the England World up squad: Back Row Vote_rcap 15% 
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606v2 picks the England World up squad: Back Row Vote_lcap11%606v2 picks the England World up squad: Back Row Vote_rcap 11% 
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606v2 picks the England World up squad: Back Row Vote_lcap4%606v2 picks the England World up squad: Back Row Vote_rcap 4% 
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606v2 picks the England World up squad: Back Row Vote_lcap15%606v2 picks the England World up squad: Back Row Vote_rcap 15% 
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606v2 picks the England World up squad: Back Row Vote_lcap1%606v2 picks the England World up squad: Back Row Vote_rcap 1% 
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Total Votes : 123

606v2 picks the England World up squad: Back Row Empty 606v2 picks the England World up squad: Back Row

Post by robbo277 Tue 05 Jul 2011, 11:16 pm

Martin Johnson World Cup training squad announcement a couple of weeks ago got us all talking about who should be there/shouldn't be there/should go to the World Cup/shouldn't go to the World Cup etc. Now that the heat has died down a little bit and the squad has had a bit of time to sink in, who do we think should make the final 30? Over the next few weeks I'll post a series of polls so that we can select a 30 man World Cup squad.

Current squad- as chosen by you:
Props: Dan Cole, Alex Corbisiero, Andrew Sheridan, Matt Stevens
Hookers: Dylan Hartley, Lee Mears, Steve Thompson
Locks: Louis Deacon, Courtney Lawes, Tom Palmer

With Simon Shaw playing off against the "best runner-up" of the above back row vote. Tom Croft, Nick Easter, Hendre Fourie, James Haskell, Lewis Moody, Chris Robshaw, Thomas Waldrom, Tom Wood and Joe Worsley are the options available to you. Multiple voting is allowed (this is actually the second time I've posted this, the first time I didn't allow multiple voting and had to delete it). You know the drill by now. Vote for the back-row players you would take in your squad, and please do discuss your picks!

Squad selection criteria: 5 back row will be picked, however 2 of them will have to be able to play number 8. Players who I deem able to play number 8 are: Nick Easter, James Haskell, Thomas Waldrom, Tom Wood and Joe Worsley. If you want to debate this point, please do in comments and vote according to who you think can play 8. The 2 players able to play number 8 with the highest will be selected, before the 3 remaining players with the highest votes will then also be automatically selected. With those 5 players in the squad, the player with the next highest votes not already selected will go into the "forward's play-off" against Shaw.


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606v2 picks the England World up squad: Back Row Empty Re: 606v2 picks the England World up squad: Back Row

Post by Portnoy Wed 06 Jul 2011, 2:05 am

I selected my choices entirely on the basis of Englishness.

It's important to do so - otherwise you end up with a version of Jackie Charlton's ROI footy team. You don't have to use the rules just because they are there and in your favour.

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606v2 picks the England World up squad: Back Row Empty Re: 606v2 picks the England World up squad: Back Row

Post by Effervescing Elephant Wed 06 Jul 2011, 9:14 am

Could not bring myself to vote for Thomas the Tank. It just isn't right!
Effervescing Elephant
Effervescing Elephant

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606v2 picks the England World up squad: Back Row Empty Re: 606v2 picks the England World up squad: Back Row

Post by Cumbrian Wed 06 Jul 2011, 10:20 am

I can see a time in the future when it will be either/ or with Tom Croft and Tom Wood. Right now we need them both, but more competition from a genuine open-side would decrease this need. I went for


The thing is looking at it now, they are all similar players, there is no forager in there. If my comments about Botha wouldn't make me feel like a hypocrite I'd be tempted to select Fourie.


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606v2 picks the England World up squad: Back Row Empty Re: 606v2 picks the England World up squad: Back Row

Post by G2 Wed 06 Jul 2011, 10:44 am

I chose
Tom Croft
Nick Easter*
James Haskell*
Lewis Moody
Tom Wood*
* Can play No. 8

I couldn’t bring myself to vote for Fourie.

No. 8 is Easter with Haskell told to man up and play there if required, if Easter were injured & out of the tournament then call up Narraway.

Open side will have to be Moody as I think he will be Captain with Croft & Wood fighting over the No. 6 Shirt, the loser being a replacement

If Moody is not playing then Croft 6 & Wood 7


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606v2 picks the England World up squad: Back Row Empty Re: 606v2 picks the England World up squad: Back Row

Post by screamingaddabs Wed 06 Jul 2011, 11:06 am

It's hard to see beyond the very popular Haskell, Easter, Moody, Croft, Wood combination. Personally I think the "spare" place should perhaps be a back row with Croft covering 2nd in case of dire need. If that's the case I would take Fourie for his work around the break down. I wouldn't want to necessarily because he's basically a South African, however I agree with a previous poster on this issue, who said that whilst the eligibility laws are as they are you have to select on who is the best available player that meets them. At the same time these laws should be changed. This is not the thread to debate this though I guess - So I'll stop there!

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606v2 picks the England World up squad: Back Row Empty Re: 606v2 picks the England World up squad: Back Row

Post by doctor_grey Wed 06 Jul 2011, 11:12 am

screamingaddabs wrote:It's hard to see beyond the very popular Haskell, Easter, Moody, Croft, Wood combination. Personally I think the "spare" place should perhaps be a back row with Croft covering 2nd in case of dire need.

Completely agree! Courtney Lawes can play a mean flanker, as well. Combined with Croft being able to cover at lock, gives a lot of flexability.


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606v2 picks the England World up squad: Back Row Empty Re: 606v2 picks the England World up squad: Back Row

Post by George Carlin Wed 06 Jul 2011, 11:18 am

Are people really vetoing Fourie for drinking a big cup of Saffa each morning as a boy?
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606v2 picks the England World up squad: Back Row Empty Re: 606v2 picks the England World up squad: Back Row

Post by funnyExiledScot Wed 06 Jul 2011, 11:19 am

I think Fourie doesn't make it but only because Moody will certainly go as first choice 7, and both Haskell and Wood can also play 7 to a decent standard.


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606v2 picks the England World up squad: Back Row Empty Re: 606v2 picks the England World up squad: Back Row

Post by Effervescing Elephant Wed 06 Jul 2011, 11:26 am

Yeah have no issue with Fourie as regards residency, just that we have ample cover in that position. Waldrom is another matter entirely.
Effervescing Elephant
Effervescing Elephant

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606v2 picks the England World up squad: Back Row Empty Re: 606v2 picks the England World up squad: Back Row

Post by flankertye Wed 06 Jul 2011, 4:42 pm

I'd stick with Croft, Moody, Easter as our starting backrow. With Wood or Haskell on the bench.


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