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Sin Cara

Scorch The Dragon
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Sin Cara Empty Sin Cara

Post by Scorch The Dragon Fri Jul 01, 2011 9:40 am

So it has now been a few months since Sin Cara burst onto our screens in a wave of publicity, hailed as an international superstar.

After a few matches where he won (with a few botches no less) he was quickly drafted to Smackdown, where he has had mini feuds with Chavo and now Cody, yet desite being told by the comm team how amazing he is, I am still to be drawn in.

I find his matches slow and predictable, his opponants seam to have to go so slowly to accomodate his style, almost waiting for him to jump on them to twirl him round. He does not seam to have a descernable finisher, and his lack of ability on the Mike, in my eyes is holding him back. PLus it really annoys me that they turn the lights yellow and blue when he wrestles!

Am I the only one who is bored of him already? What do you think of his first few months in the WWE? What would you do with him now?



Scorch The Dragon

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Sin Cara Empty Re: Sin Cara

Post by crippledtart Fri Jul 01, 2011 11:19 am

No substance to him at all so far, but he'll get numerous chances to prove himself because he's a Triple H project.

I think he will really struggle in a promotion where size and mic skills have traditionally been valued so highly. His success or failure could go a long way towards determining whether WWE will ever consistently give undersized workers a chance.


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Sin Cara Empty Re: Sin Cara

Post by Jammy31 Fri Jul 01, 2011 3:00 pm

Don't get me wrong here, I like the high flying style but I think that he's turning into another Evan Bourne. Both are great at what they do, and the crowds absolutely love them...but they just arent WWE's type for the big promo's and main events.

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Sin Cara Empty Re: Sin Cara

Post by talkingpoint Fri Jul 01, 2011 3:04 pm

for me its a double edged sword - WWE want to create a new and, to a certain degree, unique star that appeals to the latino population. But the problem with this is that his style doesn't 'fit' the WWE and makes his opponents look awkward while wrestling him. Because the WWE don't have a discernable cruiserweight division there aren't too many others who can compliment his style and work off of each other. So no I don't think his debut has generated the buzz or spark WWE were hoping for, but I don't think its all Sin Cara's fault. If he really was that big in Mexico he must be talented but unless he can learn English quickly and to a good enough quality he'll never be the next Rey Mysterio.


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Sin Cara Empty Re: Sin Cara

Post by Aaronb33 Fri Jul 01, 2011 7:52 pm

Wrestling as Mistico in Mexico, he left me absolutely speechless at times, he was THAT good. But (and it's a big but), he had guys his size, his style, his quickness working with him. I fear he'll be FE'd as soon as the buzz wears off and the fans start realising his matches (so far at least) have been sub-par to put it nicely. I think, though, that may be the best thing for him. With the way TNA has been going recently ("wrestling matters", pushing the X-Div), he could be a perfect fit...if they keep it up anyway. There are guys there that he could have phenomenal matches with...just imagine him with Red, Gen Me, MCMG...or AJ! They could be undeniable 5 star classics.

Anyway, that's my opinion....


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Sin Cara Empty Re: Sin Cara

Post by Derbyblue Fri Jul 01, 2011 9:20 pm

Well WWE signed Averno from CMLL who Sin Cara had feuded with while in the company, so I guess they have signed him as they hope the familiarity between the two will mean Sin Cara's matches go up in quality. I agree if he was in TNA with some of their wrestlers they could put on some great matches, though they'd probably book him getting run over by Abyss. He needs to learn to speak English to stay with WWE, I think they could have used Chavo as his manager before he left.


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Sin Cara Empty Re: Sin Cara

Post by The_Enigma Sat Jul 02, 2011 10:47 am

The difference is in today's wrestling vince wants the "big guys" so there are not many guys who can work with Sin Cara and keep the match going at a certain pace.

A long time ago when there used to be a Cruiserweight Divison there was a variaty of Cruiserweights, Such as the High Flyers, The Lucherdors, and even the grounded guys (Dean Malenko) and they all made an exiting division and put on some quailty matches. There aren't guys like that anymore on WWE's roster, Maybe they should try him against Trent Barrertta and maybe Tyson Kidd, These guys seem to be the better smaller guys who could put on decent matches if they were given the chance.


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Sin Cara Empty Re: Sin Cara

Post by The Awesome Giz Sat Jul 02, 2011 11:20 am

Apparently Triple H has taken him under his wing.

And Cara can ask for anything including who he wants to work with. His matches are predictable, but that said he's having to learn wwe style wrestling and when the lad speaks better english things should improve.

If I hear Cole say international sensation again though, it'll be sweet chin music to the tv.

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Sin Cara Empty Re: Sin Cara

Post by Ché Guerrero Sat Jul 02, 2011 2:08 pm

Am i the only person who thinks its a good thing that someone of his size is being pushed the way he is. All I'm hearing is moaning about his botches, at least his botches come from high risk moves rather than failing the simple stuff. I think his matches are entertaining and his inability to speak isn't hurting him yet, if it does they can always give him a manager.

Honestly i'll take him over Ezequiel Jackson and Mason Ryan anyday.

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Sin Cara Empty Re: Sin Cara

Post by Kay Fabe Sat Jul 02, 2011 2:24 pm

I thought his match with Christian was excellent, was that his first loss?

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Sin Cara Empty Re: Sin Cara

Post by Ché Guerrero Sat Jul 02, 2011 2:33 pm

Yeh i think that was his first loss, good thing too, no-one should be going cleanly over the no.1 contender. Actually wouldn't mind seeing a feud between the two of them

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Sin Cara Empty Re: Sin Cara

Post by Kay Fabe Sat Jul 02, 2011 3:18 pm

I thought they should have played the defeat up a lot more than they did to sell Christian as a genuine contender

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Sin Cara Empty Re: Sin Cara

Post by Buzzman Sat Jul 02, 2011 6:10 pm

He'll only be well recieved and built up with credibility if the WWE estabalish a proper crusierweight division. Then the crusierweight division can be all about the wretling rather than the storylines. But unless this happens then he'll struggle due to his lack of English.


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