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Liam Wood vs Rex Adamson (Fight for the Right Final)

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Liam Wood vs Rex Adamson (Fight for the Right Final) Empty Liam Wood vs Rex Adamson (Fight for the Right Final)

Post by JJJohnson Sat Apr 27, 2024 12:04 pm

Bout 1
Fight for the Right Final
Liam Wood vs Rex Adamson
Theme: "King of Kings" by Motorhead


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Liam Wood vs Rex Adamson (Fight for the Right Final) Empty Re: Liam Wood vs Rex Adamson (Fight for the Right Final)

Post by x12x Sat Apr 27, 2024 2:12 pm

The crowd jump to their feet as Revival Mode by Every Time I Die blasts through the speakers and The Viper Liam Wood makes his way out on to the stage, as the camera moves in close he can be heard saying "one more to go" before nodding his head and continuing down to the ring.

As Wood gets to ringside he take a mic from a stage hand before rolling under the bottom rope and hopping up to his feet, he takes a second to take in the attention from the fans before starting to pace the ring, his attention on his opponent at Night Of Glory

Rex, you know...a few weeks ago I responded to you on Twitter and joked that it would be an honour to face Max Adamson's nephew but that was see, it's not fair to compare you to Max because he's a legend of this sport who has achieved more than must feel that shadow you stand in and to hold that against you would be stupid... the thing I hold against you is that despite your potential, despite your talent and despite you being the hottest new wrestler in all of sports felt the need to bend the knee for Ed Kent and let him treat you like a doormat.

...every bit of skill you have is wasted and now you walk around calling another man daddy.

It's pathetic, it really is Rex...

Wood smirks at the camera and begins to pace the ring slowly, his attention locked on his opponent in the Fight For The Right Tournament as he continues to speak

the thing is though...I can tell that creepy uncle Eddy wants you to win the tournament because he knows that he has you right where he wants you and you wouldn't dare step a foot out of line...

...would you?

He knows that if you win the Fight For The Right tournament that his title will be safe and he won't need to have eyes in the back of his head...if his little lapdog gets that opportunity, he knows that he won't be man enough to step out from his shadow and pull the trigger...

...but me?
He doesn't want me to have that chance...

Wood stops pacing and walks up to he camera, getting in close as if talking directly to Rex himself

You my my decade long career I've been a lot of things and I've done a lot of things...both good and bad...I've done what it takes...yet I've never been someone else's b¡tch...
...I've never been someone's 'boy' and there's no one in this company who is son'ing's a shame that when you career finally ends you won't be able to say the same...isn't it champ?

Wood shrugs as he speaks one last time

The thing is though, when I look at you...I see a lot of the old me.

Hot headed and arrogant but don't get me wrong, this isn't me trying to act like a mentor you or trying to get you to change your, it's the's me wanting you to get worked up double down on your BS and rush in to our match so you make the same old mistakes I made when I was a kid like you because right now you're the only thing that stands between me and winning this whole damn thing.

So please forgive me if I don't wish you good luck.

Wood lowers his mic, a confident smile across his face as he remains standing tall in the ring


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Liam Wood vs Rex Adamson (Fight for the Right Final) Empty Re: Liam Wood vs Rex Adamson (Fight for the Right Final)

Post by Marky Mon Apr 29, 2024 5:28 pm

"Typhoons" by Royal Blood hits and Rex Adamson walks out onto the stage, wearing the full Adidas x Genesis black and green tracksuit and trainers combo, he looks bemused as he walks out onto the ramp with a microphone in hand, he walks down the ramp while talking.

Rex: Did you really think that was a good plan of yours? To come out here, make references to the fact Eddy Kent calls himself Daddy, and even admit publicly that you want me to get worked up? It's not gonna work mate.

Rex gets to the bottom of the ramp, and jumps up onto the ring apron, but leans on the top rope looking into the ring at Wood

Rex: See, what you've done, is use the same playbook everyone else has tried and failed with. The grizzled veteran, the former World Champion, sees the mistakes the youngster is making, apparently sees a bit of themselves in me, then tries to get under my skin... But I hate to break it to you, that has ended up exactly the same way our match at Born in Fire will end... With yet another former World Champion, double my age, staring up at the lights, with "Typhoons" echoing around the venue, and Rex Adamson being announced as the winner.

Rex grins as he enters the ring, maintaining eye contact with Wood as he continues

Rex: You wanna talk about Twitter. Here's the power of Twitter.

Rex gets his phone out of his pocket and quickly types away, before grinning again, and putting his phone back in his pocket

Rex: You wanna question my skills, and if they're being wasted. Ask everyone else in the tournament I've defeated. Have another go Liam. See what you can rile me with. Let the Roast of Rex Adamson begin.

Rex smirks and holds his arms out wide at Wood


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Liam Wood vs Rex Adamson (Fight for the Right Final) Empty Re: Liam Wood vs Rex Adamson (Fight for the Right Final)

Post by x12x Mon Apr 29, 2024 9:28 pm

Wood pulls out his phone and clicks on it before smiling back at Rex

Very mature Rex...but is that it? You come out here, post a tweet that sounds like a 12 year old wrote it and then you expect me to put effort in?

Wood begins to pace but keeps his eyes locked on Rex

You're believing your own hype a little too much...'ve got talent and you're in the final for a reason but you're still new to this business and despite all the bravado and the promises you've not actually done anything with your career this point you're just a glorified henchman who's getting a little over excited

don't get me wrong, I love the confidence you have but I have to ask you a question...
don't you think this whole champ slayer thing is a bit much?

you see, you've walked in to a company with nearly two decades of history...a company that has seen countless people lift world titles above their head and here you are bragging about beating champions?

who hasn't?

Wood shrugs at Rex before continuing

The issue've not really been able to slay those champions when it's mattered have you? You've never been able to get the job done when push has come to shove...

...right now, the closest you've really come to a world title is when Eddy leaves the room and lets you watch his belt for him like the good little lapdog you are. There's a reason he wants you to win this tournament though isn't there?

He thinks you're too scared to use that contract on him... much for the champ slayer.

Wood lets a smug grin rest across his face and he keeps his eyes locked on Rex


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Liam Wood vs Rex Adamson (Fight for the Right Final) Empty Re: Liam Wood vs Rex Adamson (Fight for the Right Final)

Post by Marky Tue Apr 30, 2024 8:59 am

Rex smirks back at Wood, and immediately responds

Rex: You know, I'm not the Champ Slayer purely because I've beaten every single former World Champion I've ever faced... I'm the Champ Slayer because none of these former Champions have ever beaten me. And yeah, you're gonna tell me you're the one who's gonna do what nobody else has done, bring it on Liam. Bring it the f*ck on. You're right about me being overconfident, but I'm literally undefeated. I've earned the right to be overconfident.

Rex lowers the mic as the crowd boos, then lifts the mic up again

Rex: And as for "you've not really been able to slay those Champions when it mattered"... Despite going a year without being pinned or made to submit, I've had one single World Title opportunity. Which I earned myself. And that ended in a DQ because of outside interference. So I get myself some backup in Genesis, so that those outside influences can be controlled. But because 6CWF Management don't hand out title shots to anyone in the 18-30 Club, I'm forced to earn it myself again. And I'm doing it, by myself, again. Ask Uryu Ishida. Ask Daniel Reilly. Zero Genesis interference.

Rex sighs when Wood asks "what about Kent?" off mic

Rex: What do you want me to say? The winner of this tournament gets a shot at a World Title of their choosing. I haven't actually decided what to do because I haven't won it yet. But yeah, I could go after the 6CW World Championship, or I could challenge Eddy Kent in an all Genesis match...

Rex pauses as the crowd cheers that suggestion

Rex: ...But ultimately Liam, what the winner of the Fight for the Right Tournament does with his prize... Is none of your business. Because it won't be you.

Rex laughs as the crowd boos


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Liam Wood vs Rex Adamson (Fight for the Right Final) Empty Re: Liam Wood vs Rex Adamson (Fight for the Right Final)

Post by x12x Tue Apr 30, 2024 10:01 am

Wood shakes his head as he looks at Rex

I have to say Rex, I'm a little disappointed in all of came out and seemed angry that I said all this cliche stuff but THIS is all you have to offer?

This paint by numbers bullsh¡t?

If I knew that the best you could offer is an immature tweet, pointing out my age and telling me that you're going to beat me I would have stayed at home and done some chores...maybe watched paint dry instead.

Wood continues to mockingly tut and shake his head as he walks over to the turnbuckle and hopping up and taking a seated position before continuing to talk to his Night Of Glory opponent.

Lets say you do win've got a chance for sure, I'd be stupid to doubt you actually think that Genesis and Eddy Kent are going to still back you up in the same way? When you pose a threat to the actual leader of think they'll be there to call you family still?

If you do then I've got unicorn sh¡t to sell you because you'll buy ANYTHING.

Wood remains sat on the turnbuckle, his eyes locked on Rex as he speaks one last time

It's a tale as old as time...

The bad guy surrounds himselves with lackeys, gets them to do the dirty work and then takes the top prize when he gets the chance. Eddy Kent is the true leader in all of this obviously, so what does that make you?

Granted, you're not as pathetic as the other members in your little team but there can be only one daddy.

It's not you is it?

You and Eddy can pretend to be brothers and act like Genesis means anything more than Eddy and his backing singers but we all know the truth and it's written on the walls in big red letters...

I promise not to say I told you so when it finally happens.

Wood lowers the mic, remaining on the turnbuckle as he waits for Rex to reply.


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Liam Wood vs Rex Adamson (Fight for the Right Final) Empty Re: Liam Wood vs Rex Adamson (Fight for the Right Final)

Post by Marky Tue Apr 30, 2024 11:12 am

Rex laughs to himself before responding

Rex: I'm sorry for coming out here and telling you I'm going to win. Would you prefer me to say I think you'll beat me? Will that help you comprehend what's going to happen?

Rex shakes his head and slowly walks on his side of the ring

Rex: "Paint by numbers bullsh*t", from the guy who has said nothing original the entire time he's been out here. You don't like me mentioning your age apparently... Maybe if you weren't out here repeating yourself, rambling on about "you younguns", displaying signs of early onset dementia, I wouldn't f*cking have to.

Rex and Wood glare at each other from across the ring

Rex: Oh that got your attention did it? Where's that in your paint by numbers book?


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Liam Wood vs Rex Adamson (Fight for the Right Final) Empty Re: Liam Wood vs Rex Adamson (Fight for the Right Final)

Post by x12x Tue Apr 30, 2024 3:08 pm

[center]Wood smirks at Adamson's reply and drops down from the turnbuckle and moves in close to Rex

God damn you really showed your IQ with that tweet and now you're back it up aren't you?

Wood mumbles holy sh¡t under his breath before speaking again

You see, I'm not upset that you came out here claiming you're going to beat me...I'm disappointed that you've had nothing to actually say other than the usual cliche rubbish that you could say to ANYONE.

...a boy just wants to feel special you know.

Wood laughs to himself as he continues to rant.

The odd thing is, you want to talk about comprehension and continue to make the same joke about my age as if the 20th time is finally going to break me but I see right through this and you...'s all deflection...

Wood moves in even closer, the fans getting super excited as the tension continues to build

Wood:'s deflection from you admitting you don't trust Ed Kent...If you did, you'd come out and say that you do, but you can't do it because we'd see through that sh¡t eating grin that you're full of it.

So you deflect and act out like the child you are...

Max must be so proud...

Last edited by x12x on Tue Apr 30, 2024 8:58 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Liam Wood vs Rex Adamson (Fight for the Right Final) Empty Re: Liam Wood vs Rex Adamson (Fight for the Right Final)

Post by x12x Tue Apr 30, 2024 4:21 pm

Wood shakes his head and brushes past Rex, cockily knocking his shoulder in to him while heading out of the ring only to be stopped in his tracks by Rex who grabs his arm and spins him around causing Wood and Rex to once again be face to face but before Wood can react, Rex strikes.

JT: Wood probably should have seen that coming...

The fans boo as Rex slaps Wood across the face before turning away from Wood and laughing at the crowd, tapping his head as he does to motion he's one step ahead

RJ: I don't think we're going to have to wait till Night Of Glory to see these two come to blows!

Wood reacts angrily, quickly running across the ring and launching Rex over the top rope...he then backs up and waits for Rex to get to his feet before sprinting at the ropes and launching himself through and crashing both himself and Rex in to the guard rail.

Wood and Rex are quickly back up as punches began to fly and the pair make their way back towards the stage, neither relenting as they look to take each other out. As the pair reach the stage a handful of 6CWF security are called out and pull the pair apart only to be caught in the cross fire. The two men begin to throw the security off them, launching them off their respective sides of the stage and down on to the production equipment below. After a few moments only one security guard remains and he looks at both Wood and Rex who are staring at each other before looking at at the guard who holds his hands up and comedically throws himself off the stage, joining the other guards.

"THIS IS AWESOME" can be heard around the arena as both Rex and Wood charge at each other with Rex being the quickest, he hoists Wood up and off his feet and is tackles him through the arena entrance as the pair crash in to the backstage area.

We quickly cut to a much calmer part of the backstage area where we see 6CWF allums Percy Percival and Brandon Perez stood at catering and trying to decide what food they want only to have the bodies and Wood and Rex come crashing down, completely destroying the catering table and it's contents. Rex quickly gets up and attempts to pull Wood to his feet only for Wood to pick up one of the trays and crash it across Rex's head before slamming it across his back. Wood then walks over to Rex who is on the floor and attempts to bring the tray crashing down on him again only for Rex to throw a handful of food in to Wood's face giving Rex enough time to get up and charge Wood in to a wall once again.

Rex quickly shakes off the attack with the tray and grabs Wood throwing him hard in to the opposite wall as staff and backstage personnel do their best to get out of the way of the destruction being caused. Rex picks up what looks like an expensive camera and lifts it over his head only for a brave cameraman to grab it, stopping Rex in his tracks

Staff: I'm sorry Rex! I can't let you break that! It's a rental

Rex snatches the camera away and laughs before slamming it over the head of the member of staff taking him out but the distraction gave Wood the chance he needed and Rex is hit with a chair causing him to fall to his knees. Wood lands another chair shot as Rex begins to crawl down the corridor but as Wood looks for a third shot he is quickly taken off his feet and sent crashing through a door. The door is destroyed completely and Wood lays in a mess as it's revealed that Tyler Roth is the man who came to the aid of his genesis stable mate.

Rex takes a second to recover but smiles as he see's Roth. The pair quickly pull Wood up and begin to land blows, Wood does his best to cover up but the pair don't relent and drag Wood back in to the corridors of the arena before the brawl manages to make it's way outside in to the streets. The pair of Roth and Rex are in control but as Roth holds Wood in position he is caught with a low blow doubling Roth over and allowing Wood to get some space.

Wood and Rex once again begin to brawl landing punches with neither man backing down but as Roth gets to his feet and looks to involve himself again he is quickly dragged back down to the ground by three police officers. Another seven quickly burst in to the scene and begin tackling both Wood and Rex, finally being able to tear the two apart.

As the scene ends we see Wood, Rex and Roth all being placed in handcuff. Wood and Rex staring at each other, clearly wanting it to be Night Of Glory now.


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Liam Wood vs Rex Adamson (Fight for the Right Final) Empty Re: Liam Wood vs Rex Adamson (Fight for the Right Final)

Post by x12x Mon May 13, 2024 12:54 pm

A video begins to play as we see a brick wall that has been painted white, on the wall is the light of a projector. After a few moments the projector begins to show decade old footage of The Viper Liam Wood from the first time we, as wrestling fans, got to see him.

The footage shows a much fresh faced and confident Liam Wood as he begins to talk about his intention to join EWF and his promises that he would become a world champion and also make himself a legend of the business.

The footage then changes and shows Wood winning the EWF TV Title at the very first EWF PPV and begins to show clips of some of his bigger matches in EWF against the likes of best friend Thunder, long term rival Vincent Costello and other various names like Enforcer, Jimmy Phillips before showing the moment he became EWF World Champion after being the last man standing in the Fear v Team EWF War Games match

The footage then quickly changes again, this time showing the ups and downs of the past decade for Wood. More title wins followed by big losses, losing Emmy before their reunion. The footage then gets darker, showing Wood's rivalries with people like Engel, Vincent Costello and Mr Callihan before cutting to the brutal endings of these rivalries this year which saw Wood end the careers of both Costello and Engel.

The footage then cuts to that of Wood speaking in the ring, there is a clear difference to how he looks not just because of aging but also due to the career he has had. Wood almost has a different, darker look in his eyes but the confidence is still there.

but as the Footage shows Wood standing confident in the ring the footage seems to burn away and replacing it is a shot of Wood's opponent at Night Of Glory, Rex Adamson. The look Rex has in his eyes mimics the one Wood had all those years ago. The footage then starts to show Rex and the explosive start he's had to his career, the footage shows him defeating former champions and dominating his first year in the business

The footage then cuts to the brawl that Wood and Rex got in to but as it plays other projectors are quickly turned on and begin to show various other footage which show different battles from men fighting with sword, footage of from world wars, footage of different classic MMA and boxing matches to nature footage of lions fighting, as this plays a voice over can be heard

"In nature's grand design, old lions are indeed replaced by younger ones, their reign yielding to the relentless march of time. Yet, in the circle of life, there exists a timeless truth – that age does not dull the edge of a seasoned warrior, but rather tempers it into a finely honed blade.

Tonight we watch as legend meets future legend as one man will finally stand tall and step towards destiny...

...The Champ Slayer v The Viper

As the voice over ends the various projections are stopped until we only see the original one, the final image we see is that of Rex Adamson and Liam Wood standing toe to toe


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Liam Wood vs Rex Adamson (Fight for the Right Final) Empty Re: Liam Wood vs Rex Adamson (Fight for the Right Final)

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