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Edward Plague

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Edward Plague Empty Edward Plague

Post by x12x Fri 15 Mar 2024, 3:16 pm

Edward Plague The_re10

Name: Edward Plague
Age: Unknown (believed to be in his early to mid 30's)
Height: 6ft 3in
Weight: 286 pounds
Billed From: The Plague Family Complex
Class: Heel

Thick dark beard and long dark hair (Bray Wyatt), Edward always has a sick smile across his face. While in the ring Edward will normally wear casual clothes such as black trousers and a dirt and blood stained white vest. When not wrestling Edward is sometimes seen wearing an old style Plague doctor mask.

Edward is an unhinged psychopath who is ready to show the people the light...a master of mind games his mission is to spread his message in any way possible, even if it means hurting everyone who gets in his way...even himself. Edward shows signs of a split personality and will sometimes fight against the punishment he inflicts on the people around him.

Entrance Music: CCClouds - He Is Legend (
Entrance Details: The lights in the arena begin to flicker and the titatron begins to turn to static before the lights go out all together...after a few second the lights come back up and Edward is stood on the stage, his plague mask covering his face, he walks towards the ring as the lights begin to flicker again. Edward rolls in to the ring and begins to pace the ring, usually shouting at the crowd before removing his mask and revealing a sick sadistic smile.


Finishing Move 1: Confession
Border Toss (

Finishing Move 2: The Purifier
Tombstone Omega Driver (

Submission Move: The Crucifix
A full nelson lock where the opponent is lifted off their feet.

common moves:
Strike attacks:

head butt
big boot
Clothesline from hell

Grapple attacks:
chokeslam (will hold opponent in the air by the throat for a while before finishing the move) fall away slam
military press (slam&drop variations)
german suplex
full nelson suplex (will sometimes do this out of The Crucifix)

Match Tactics: Likes to pick apart his opponents slowly and methodically normally starting with hard striking attacks and then moving on to slams. Slowly stalking his opponent and letting matches running much longer than needed just to inflict more pain.
Clean/Dirty Match Style: Hardcore, brawling, powerhouse.
Specialty Match: Last Man Standing.


Achievements (in e-fedding)
6CW World Champion (10th March 2024 - Present)

Gateway To Glory 2024 Winner

Title Reigns
6CW World Champion (10th March 2024 - Present)


10 years ago Edward was found wandering down the side of the motorway with nothing but a blood covered bible and no recollection of who he was. Deemed a threat to society he was placed in a mental health facility where his sanity slowly slipped away and he began to hear voices, as the time went on he further distanced himself from the people who were trying to help him and let the voice take over his thoughts, opinions and actions.

At first he believed the voice to be a higher power, as time went by he realised that he was in fact a higher power and had to spread his message. Over the next two years he used his superior intelligence and mind games to make the board of the facility believe that he was cured and that he was no longer a danger to the general public. Under the name of Edward Hart he was granted release and made his way to London England to join the Wrestling company 6CW to ensure that the eyes of the world were on him. Edward believed the violent world of wrestling would suit him perfectly and he joined to begin the purification under his true name Edward Plague.

In his first run in 6CW Edward waged many wars with other monsters and pushed himself to the limit. Sadly for Edward his attempts at building his cult and following failed and he was left defeated and alone. For a few years he hid away from society until the voice in his head returned and he knew it was time for him to start his family 2024, the Plague Family once again called 6CWF their home.


Posts : 8108
Join date : 2013-01-16
Age : 36
Location : London, UK

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