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6CWF PRESENTS "FROM THE ASHES" - Friday 9th June 2023

Uryu Ishida
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6CWF PRESENTS "FROM THE ASHES" - Friday 9th June 2023 Empty 6CWF PRESENTS "FROM THE ASHES" - Friday 9th June 2023

Post by JJJohnson Tue 30 May 2023, 9:30 pm

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Live from Birmingham Bowl, Birmingham
Start time: 8pm live on Amazon Prime
Official theme song: ‘Bring me to life’ by Evanescence


Bout 1
6WF World Heavyweight Championship
Marty Helms vs Tyler Roth

Bout 2
Daniel Reilly vs ???

Bout 3
6CWF European Championship
Time Attack (30 Minutes)
Cameron Faith vs Geoff Steel vs Johnny Oko vs Lex Hart vs Liam Wood vs Mike Hill

*Live performance from The Jonas Brothers

Bout 4
GazzyD vs Rex Adamson

Bout 5
The Trilogy
Submission Only (No time limits)
Eddy Kent vs Scott Harris

Main Event
6CW World Championship
Clarke James vs Uryu Ishida

Last edited by JJJohnson on Sat 03 Jun 2023, 9:16 pm; edited 1 time in total


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6CWF PRESENTS "FROM THE ASHES" - Friday 9th June 2023 Empty Re: 6CWF PRESENTS "FROM THE ASHES" - Friday 9th June 2023

Post by Marky Wed 31 May 2023, 3:19 pm

Photographers and assembled media are backstage at the Birmingham Bowl ahead of “From The Ashes”, when a black Ford Mustang pulls up at the rear entrance. From the camera flashes we can see it’s Max Adamson driving and Rex Adamson in the passenger seat, they are talking but we are unable to hear what they are saying. A parking attendant approaches from the building, and opens the drivers door for Max.

Max is wearing white chinos and a green and white striped shirt and sunglasses, as he enjoys the sunshine, Rex gets out of the car himself and is in a black Adidas tracksuit, earpods in, and an unhappy look on his face. Rex snatches his bag off of the parking attendant and shoves his way past the assorted media types, going into the building as security prevents any photographers following him inside. Max smirks as he stops by the media for a chat

Max: I’ll keep this short and sweet, obviously Young Rex is not at all happy with what went down on Proving Grounds last week. He should be going into this event, competing against GazzyD for the World 6WF World Heavyweight World Championship of the World. However, he is now competing in a NOTHING match, against GazzyL, he’s not GazzyD anymore, he’s GazzyL for all the L’s he keeps taking, for the NOTHING World Championship of NOTHING. And that is all because of the actions, or should I say inactions, of GazzyL.

Max removes his sunglasses as he continues

Max: But worry not, 6CWF fans. Rex has personally decided to make this NOTHING match count for, well… Something. Instead of GazzyD versus Rex Adamson, in a respectfully competitive match to crown the new 6WF World Heavyweight Champion, it is now GazzyL versus Rex Adamson, in what is now a blood feud. Rex has been robbed of the opportunity to compete to become a World Champion, like his Uncle before him, and now Rex will make Gazzy pay for that. It’s just business, until you cross that line and your actions directly create consequences. And I sympathise with Gazzy, to be fair. He’s had his head turned, Uryu Ishida is trying to steal his woman, Johnny Oko attacked him the week before, and now because he’s cost Rex Adamson a shot at the World Championship, he’s now got a p*ssed off Rex coming after him at From The Ashes. But it is what it is.

Max puts his sunglasses back on and grins

Max: Some things never change. I’ve retired from wrestling, and GazzyL is still walking around, trying to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders, taking on anyone and everyone, all at the same time. He’s gonna learn the hard way, what happens when you cross the wrong people. And speaking of “taking on anyone and everyone, all at the same time”…

Max lowers his sunglasses to the end of his nose, and looks down the camera

Max: …Hi Christy.

Max winks and then puts his sunglasses back on properly, before walking past security and entering the building


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6CWF PRESENTS "FROM THE ASHES" - Friday 9th June 2023 Empty Re: 6CWF PRESENTS "FROM THE ASHES" - Friday 9th June 2023

Post by Bentyf1 Wed 31 May 2023, 8:44 pm

[The camera opens to a brightly lit and warm corridor with the 6CWF logo displayed prominently in the background in bold red and black text. The camera zooms outwards revealing a big black door with Alex Walker sign posted on the door in gold text. The camera widens further and is met with an intense gaze of the Eddy Kent. Kent who is dressed in his usual 6CWF official T-Shirt of Levels above etched onto the shirt and black under armour training gear. Kent stares longingly at Walker's door, before wryly smiling, his bleached white teeth popping out. Kent turns away and looks into the camera, a confident smile now appearing. Kent licks his lips before speaking into the camera and to the 6CWF universe]

Kent: 6CWF universe, Birmingham… This is it. The final battle and what a fitting way to end this war. The submission match. A battle of wills, a contest of pain and suffering. But let me make one thing clear, Harris. Tonight, I don't just want to make you submit; I want to watch the lights fade from your eyes. I want to see the life drain from your body as I assert my dominance over you. the stage is set for a clash of titans, a battle that will test not only our physical limits but the very essence of our souls.

Kent: I want to make one thing clear, Harris. I’m not even angry or disappointed by what happened on Proving Grounds. Because as I predicted, while you are a peerless and ferocious competitor you just can’t make that extra step. And that’s fine but when you take away my opportunity to fight for the 6CW world heavyweight championship, that’s when things become even more personal between us.

[Kent Pauses, a twisted grin spreading across his face]

Kent: It’s fitting we find ourselves entangled in the brutality of a submission match to come. For it is in the realm of breaking points, that I thrive, where I extract the sweetest symphony of screams from those who dare step into my kingdom. The sight of an opponent writhing in anguish, begging for mercy, it fuels my deepest and darkest desires. I have all the time in the world, Harris to deliver punishment with surgical precision. Just think about that for a moment.

[Kent Raises an eyebrow, his ice cold blue eyes exuding confidence and malice]

Kent: But let me make one thing abundantly clear, Harris. tonight, at From the Ashes, I will not settle for a simple submission victory. No, that would be far too kind. I want to break you, both physically and mentally. I want to witness the desperation etched upon your face as you realize there is no escape from me. I want your family to see their hero being dragged through the mud…you will belong to me once this night is over.

[Kent’s voice grows more sinister, tinged with a sadistic pleasure]

Kent: The moment we step into that ring, later tonight, Harris, every joint in your body will become a target. Every muscle, every limb, a target for excruciating pain. I will methodically dismantle you, piece by agonizing piece, until your spirit crumbles beneath the weight of my greatness. Your limbs will twist and contort in unnatural angles, just imagine it, Harris. The pain your family will see you in, because you dared step up to me in my kingdom.

[Kent Pauses, his tone dripping with arrogance and confidence]

Kent: But remember, Scott, this isn't just about physicality; it's a psychological warfare as well. As I apply my holds, I will whisper into your ear, reminding you of your insignificance, of your futile attempts to stand in my way. I will taunt you, mock you, and revel in your helplessness. The pain I inflict upon your body will be nothing compared to the torment I unleash upon your mind. And Scott, truth be told, I’m already living in your head.

[Kent Leans in closer to the camera, a wicked smile playing on his lips as his eyes slightly twitch maniacally showing how much Harris is posing a threat to Kent]

Kent: And when the moment of truth arrives, when your body is battered, your spirit shattered, I will seize the opportunity to lock in the Kentlock. The submission hold that will be etched into the annals of history as the instrument of your downfall and many after you, Harris. You will feel the world closing in, the oxygen depleting from your lungs, as you teeter on the precipice of consciousness.

[Kent’s voice then drops to a chilling whisper]

Kent: And just when you think it can't get any worse, I will push you beyond the brink. I will push you into the realm of darkness, where pain and oblivion converge. The lights will dim, the crowd will fall silent, and you, Scott, will succumb to the slumber of defeat, with not a submission but an utter knockout. A defeat so devastating, that will live with you for as long as you’re here on this earth breathing.

[Kent stares into the camera with a chilling intensity]

Kent: Tonight, I will continue to etch my name in the annals of 6CWF history as the one who not only conquers but destroys. And you, Scott, will forever serve as a haunting reminder of the greatness that is possessed by me,  and why I will be the single biggest threat to any champion or legend in this company.

Kent: So, prepare yourself, Scott, for the torturous brutality that awaits you in that ring. Tonight, you will learn the true meaning of suffering, the true depths of despair. And as your body lies motionless, your spirit broken, the world will bear witness to the undeniable truth—That Eddy Kent reigns supreme. And you will finally realise that I am levels above you.

[Kent turns away confidently after giving one last look at Walker’s door and a slight maniacal look in his ice-cold eyes, leaving the 6CWF universe with a sense of anxiety for the war to come and anticipation as the scene slowly fades away into a commercial break.]


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6CWF PRESENTS "FROM THE ASHES" - Friday 9th June 2023 Empty Re: 6CWF PRESENTS "FROM THE ASHES" - Friday 9th June 2023

Post by x12x Wed 31 May 2023, 10:42 pm

Revival Mode by Every Time I Die blasts through the speakers in the Copper Box Arena as Liam Wood slowly makes his way out on to the stage with a determined look on his face. Wood, wearing an old school British Bulldog t-shirt walks towards the ring to a mixed reaction with the majority of the fans in attendance reacting with hostility but with sections of die hard fans chanting his name.

Wood reaches the ring and takes a mic before rolling under the bottom rope and then up on to his feet as he begins to talk to the crowd in attendance.

When I decided to walk back through these doors it was because I was ready to achieve things I never had before. I was ready to make up for lost time and to prove to every single person who ever doubted me...that I was everything I ever claimed to be.

I was done living in the past but sadly, someone in the back didn't get the memo...

Wood raises his hand and as he names his recent opponents puts a finger up for each

...Sparxz, Machiavelli and Garcia...

Three men who have been put in the ring against me since my return based solely on the fact that I have some semblance of a history with them...the fact they once called EWF their home and because each one of them has stood across the ring from me a decade ago.

Wood shakes his head, slowly pacing the ring. Wood clearly frustrated with his recent opponents. Wood speaks through gritted teeth, not hiding his frustration well.

Someone running this place decided they wanted to play on the nostalgia of my career but each week they just lead another lamb to the slaughter...I proved that those men weren't on my level and that my name is the only name that should ever be mentioned when people bring up EWF.

I was the man who put that company and it's titles on the map, I was the man who took their secondary title and made it the main attraction before becoming the only person to hold it and the EWF World Heavyweight Championship at the same time.

Without me, that company wouldn't have been anything...

…yet, I still feel like the suits that pull the strings here don't quite see me for who I am...

...but they will.

Wood nods to himself, his tone seeming less frustrated but clearly motivated.

You see, in this world you have to go out and take what you want and at Proving Grounds, I did just that. I stopped letting other people make my decisions for me, I stopped letting the suits wheel out the next blast from my past and I put myself in to a match against five of the best this industry has seen. From legends of the game to the future of it.

I am not here to bad mouth those five men who I'll face at From The Ashes, I am not here to talk sh¡t for the sake of it...I say what I mean and I understand the battle that I am putting myself through for the chance to become the European Champion.

I understand the lengths I will have to go
I understand the risks I am taking
I understand just how ruthless I will be!

Wood pauses, the reaction from the crowd still a little mixed but more of the fans seemingly on his side from when he first came out to the ring.

When I told Sparxz that he was never a worthy champion I meant it and I left him broken. I told Machiavelli that he would regret stepping back in to the ring with me and I made his life hell...and just a few days ago, I delivered on a promise when I told Alex Garcia that he wouldn't be able to survive if he came back to face me.

Like I said, I say what I mean...I'm not here to talk to sell tickets, I'm not here to be a walking advert and my days of jumping through hoops are dead. When I talk, it means something and each and every one of you that walks in to the ring at From The Ashes needs to listen.

Wood pauses one last time, taking a deep breath before he speaks again. Wood seems to have a spark about him, the motivation clear to see going in to the debut PPV.

Hart, Faith, Hill, Oko and need to be ready, you need to be ready to face the best version of Liam Wood that this company has ever seen. You need to be ready to face a man who looks at every match as a way to prove himself and a man who is hell bent on walking out of this arena as champion.

Wood lowers the mic as sections of the arena chant his name while other portions cheer for the other wrestlers in the match and some fans seem to boo Wood. As Wood looks around the fans in the arena a smile covers his face.


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6CWF PRESENTS "FROM THE ASHES" - Friday 9th June 2023 Empty Re: 6CWF PRESENTS "FROM THE ASHES" - Friday 9th June 2023

Post by Uryu Ishida Thu 01 Jun 2023, 6:48 pm

Uryu is seen sitting on a chair in the medical room getting checked over as his foot repeatedly taps the chair. The doctor writing a few notes down on his laptop.

UI: You know I'm good to go, so why the pre match checkup?

Doc: Uryu with your history of injuries and battling through them you know why. The board want to make sure everyone is one hundred percent.

Uryu scowls a little

UI: And certain members insisted on it I bet...He will not let it go.

The doctor pauses typing.

Doc: Look, I only do what is requested and she requested I...

Uryu quickly looks over at him.

UI: She?

Uryu looks down at the floor and nods understandingly. The doctor starting his typing again.

UI: I guess that's why I'm first to be examined. Is there anything wrong with me?

Doc: Not physically. You are in peak condition Uryu and I can clear you on that department. Mentally though, I have watched you the past few weeks and it's safe to say your confidence is good. You look focused in matches. Outside of them though you seem...distracted. Would you like to discuss it?

Uryu doesn't move and goes silent.

Doc: What about Max Adamsons comments earlier? He...

Uryu stands up and kicks his chair away.

UI: Max needs to keep his comments to himself!

The doctor continues typing as Uryu kicks the chair again.

Doc: I was talking about him promoting Rex Adamson. You have to stop assuming that...

UI: I am trying to defend a friend from his accusations! I am trying to be a good friend! I am trying to do things her husband should be doing and he has not done since returning! I...

Uryu goes silent, looks at the chair and sets it up again, sitting down as he covers part of his face, hiding what he is saying to the camera. The Doctor simply nodding and typing.

Doc: I see...well, I am going to clear you for your match but my advice is to solve other issues as soon as possible.

Uryu quietly nods and thanks him before leaving the medical room and slamming the door shut as he heads to the ring.

Uryu Ishida

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6CWF PRESENTS "FROM THE ASHES" - Friday 9th June 2023 Empty Re: 6CWF PRESENTS "FROM THE ASHES" - Friday 9th June 2023

Post by DarrenJS Sat 03 Jun 2023, 1:57 pm

Replying to Wood

As Wood waits in the ring, "Turks Theme" plays. The crowd are surprised to see Johnny Oko appear, in a suit, loosely fitted tie and open necked shirt. He is definitely older and bulkier, but the assured swagger is still there as he walks down to the ring. He is followed by four of his guards, younger and more athletic, looking like Oko of old with funky gelled hair and carrying katanas over their shoulders.

Wood eyes Oko as he makes his way to the ring, not knowing what to expect. Oko climbs the steel steps as his guards circle the ring, but more or less look disinterested in Wood or the crowd. Oko is handed a microphone by one of the guards and he pauses and looks down at it with some disdain. Oko sighs and turns to Wood, who is calm but also ready for a fight if one comes.

"Mr Wood, it has been a while. There is something slightly tragic that we are both here again talking about an upcoming battle. I mean no disrespect. I just felt we had moved on from such theatre, but I guess the pull is harder for others to fight against."

Oko leans against the turnbuckle and continues.

"I want you to be sure that unlike your superiors I listen to every word you say. The points you make about coming up against ghosts of your past rather than individuals for the future is valid. You are not a highlight reel of this groups history, but more someone who feels what they do is worthier of merit. It is that notion of bettering yourself, regardless of how hard others try to pull you back, that I admire."

Oko briefly looks at the crowd and towards the 6CWF logos. He notices the "From the Ashes" posters and smirks.

"Everything about this place reeks of ancient times. Even those eyes looking at us now are world weary, but were most certainly the same eyes that locked onto us years ago. In one respect it is pitiful, but in another the sense of loyalty should be applauded."

Oko turns back to Wood.

"As I say.....I listened to your words carefully. So please permit me to make a one observation."

Oko steps away from the turnbuckle and walks closer to Wood.

"This place seems sub standard without Liam Wood involved. But what is Liam Wood without 6CWF?  You say you made the decision to walk back through these doors but was that decision something you really had to think long and hard about? What has been your purpose whilst those doors were barred? What have you achieved? Is your existence based upon your success in this organisation of many names, or is this purely a by product of a life enriched in other ways?"

Oko stares at Wood.

"Put simply, do you need this place to survive?"

Oko holds his stare and smiles.

"Again, I mean no disrespect. I am just trying to understand why you are here. Is it as simple as redemption? Proving the doubters wrong? Being the figurehead you always thought you should be? All that may be true but when this organisation ultimately falls down again.....what next Mr Wood?

Oko turns towards the crowd.

"Win this match. Lose this match. To Oko the outcome means the same. I will return to my other interests and be just as prosperous as I have become outside these walls. When I say 6CWF means nothing to me, it is not ego but truth. I wish the actors and audience well but I have moved on beyond this theatre. I consider the bouts a satisfying sideshow to what I really want to accomplish."

He turns back to Wood.

"I appreciate Mr Wood that talk such as this is full of riddles and hidden meanings. And I appreciate your goal is to be a champion once more. But I want you to understand that European gold weighs very little beyond the cold hard reality of the outside world. Perhaps it is out there that you feel most alien, unsure of yourself, and not being able to fit in and be someone. Here you are Liam Wood, Mr EWF.....outside you are merely a Liam Wood, a signature for when you sign on every week."

Oko smirks and cocks his head to one side.

"I'm going to enjoy going on this nostalgia trip with this best version of Liam Wood that has ever been seen. Like those irritating washing detergent adverts I see on TV, it is always new and improved but ultimately does the same thing. Both always finishing without leaving any marks."

Oko returns to his turnbuckle and leans back.

"The lengths you ruthless you will be....I will be interested to see just how far you will push it. Because I promise you one this ring you may know no limits. But outside of it, you are entering a world where those limits do not even feature on a scale I measure by....

Oko lowers his microphone as his guards wander around the outside of the ring.


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6CWF PRESENTS "FROM THE ASHES" - Friday 9th June 2023 Empty Re: 6CWF PRESENTS "FROM THE ASHES" - Friday 9th June 2023

Post by Uryu Ishida Sun 04 Jun 2023, 8:10 pm

Mr Blue Sky blares out as Uryu walks out to the ring as he was still trying to compose himself, not slapping hands on his way into the ring as he hurridly asks for a mic. Yet as he brings it to his face, he looks around and all the crowd can hear is deep breathing. He stops and stares at the titantron as the image of Clarke James v Uryu Ishida for the 6CW World Championship appears on it. His eyes don't look away from it as he starts to talk.

UI: There it is...possibly the most important match in my career. A match I thought I would never have again. An opportunity at the 6CW World Championship. Oh I have been in battle royales, multi man matches and those with unusual stipulations but this...this feeling I have only ever had once. One on one for one of the biggest prizes in the business. Makes my hairs stand on end, I missed it. I missed feeling this...on edge. Like an old friend visiting you and patting you on the back, it has sparked something in me.

Uryu looks around at the crowd as he hears them chant his name, making him smile a little.

UI: You think I can win?

Crowd: YES! YES! YES!

UI: I know it won't be easy. Clarke has been around in wrestling as long as I have. He knows all the tricks of the trade and with his recent actions he is unpredictable. I hold his skills in high regard but his actions, well only he knows his plan and I think he likes it that way. Yet I feel I pushed a button I shouldn't have. I goaded him into playing nice and whilst we won, he couldn't do it. We had to win though him using a weapon. Am I happy about it? Of course not! Yet I seemingly paid the price for my gamble as he proceeded to beat the hell out of me as soon as we had won. Knowing him it was some twisted thank you.

Uryu starts pacing around the ring as he was struggling with his thoughts.

UI: You want an advantage? is that it Clarke? You know if you pull any stunts this time you will get nothing! You will lose the one thing you seemingly want and you will only have yourself to blame! Is it that you want to stick it to the man I have ever only had one interaction with? A guy I have never even had a match with? A man who...honestly I'd love to fight one on one because he has my respect! Come on, I know you are back there and out of respect I think I deserve to know what your plan is!

Uryu is standing in the middle of the ring patiently waiting.

Uryu Ishida

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6CWF PRESENTS "FROM THE ASHES" - Friday 9th June 2023 Empty Re: 6CWF PRESENTS "FROM THE ASHES" - Friday 9th June 2023

Post by x12x Sun 04 Jun 2023, 8:23 pm

Wood looks at Oko across the ring from him before taking a second to look at each guard, his attention then snaps back to one of the men who will face in at From The Ashes. Wood lifts the mic and begins to speak

The old Liam Wood would have denied everything you said, claimed that this company means nothing to him and without him it would fail but I think we'd all see through that, wouldn't we? We'd see it as nothing more than a front put up by someone who was trying to act like something he wasn't.

That part of me is dead and probably died the last time this company shut it's doors...the time off that gave me, the pandemic that stopped gave me a lot of time to think about not only who I was, who I want to be but also who I was going to be if I got a second chance at all of this.

Oko smurks as Wood speaks

You see, I've been in this business for a third of my life and in that time I've nearly lost this career a handful of times...I've gone toe to toe with monsters, I faced entire groups trying to destroy everything around me and I've been beaten up and left for dead but each time I got up and still achieved what I said I was going to do...

...I've put my body on the line for this... yeah, I clearly give a sh¡t.

Some of the fans start to cheer for Wood's confession, starting to get behind him

So you can walk out here and claim that this doesn't mean anything to you, that it's just another thing but you're either a good liar or you have no idea what you're getting yourself in to. For your sake, I hope it's the first one because you're going up against some of the best wrestlers in the world and a version of me finally gets it.

A version of me that's not running from who I am or what this business, this industry and this lifestyle means to me and that's why at From The Ashes, I'm the most dangerous man in our match...

...because I'm walking in knowing that this is my life and I'll do what it takes to make sure I get what I want.

Wood lowers the mic for a second and begins to pace, even more of the fans begin to cheer for him causing Wood to look around and shake his head.

When I say I care though, I need you to understand that I don't care about what these fans think...

The cheers are quickly stopped, replaced by boos

Wood: the end of the day they'll cheer for anyone who says the right things and jumps high enough and that will never be me...No I care about what I think, I want to look in the mirror and be proud of who I see looking back at me, I want to look back at my career and be sure that I deserved everything I achieved.

I put myself in our match at From The Ashes, I put myself in to it not because of the title it's for but because of what that title will represent. That title will represent that I walked in to the lions den against some of the best to have ever done it and I came out on top. It doesn't matter if it's the TV Title, the Europen Title, the 24/7 Title or a World Title...I wanted that match because that was the true challenge.

Wood pauses one last time, clearly very intense, the words of Oko clearly getting to him

So you can pretend that it doesn't mean anything to you, you can pretend that you're above this and that your ego isn't out of control but on Monday night, when push comes to shove and you have to put your body on the line, are you going to be able to do that for something that you claim you don't care about for a company you seem to have no faith in?

Because I promise you that I will and this company could have 20 years, 10 years or even 5 months left but while I'm still able to stand in this ring and give it my all...

...I'll do just that.

Wood lowers the mic and walks past Oko before dropping out of the ring and up towards the stage. Wood pushes past one of Oko's guards who shows restraint but keeps his eyes locked on Wood. As Wood reaches the stage exit he stops for a second and looks back at Oko, the two locking eyes one last time before their match at From The Ashes.


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6CWF PRESENTS "FROM THE ASHES" - Friday 9th June 2023 Empty Re: 6CWF PRESENTS "FROM THE ASHES" - Friday 9th June 2023

Post by DarrenJS Sun 04 Jun 2023, 10:26 pm

Oko holds his hand out and quickly calls out to Wood before he reaches the curtain.

"Mr Wood, before you make your exit let me just say this. Your words are filled with passion, purpose but most importantly honour. And the greatest of enemies can share respect when intentions are honourable."

Wood doesn't turn but does pause as Oko continues.

"I assure you I don't pretend but equally I don't take this challenge lightly. It will be one I shall enjoy participating in, whatever the result. Let us hope the rest of the combatants know what they are getting themselves into."

Oko pauses briefly and then shouts "Rei!". His guards immediately bow in Woods direction and then raise their heads, some of them smirking. Wood makes his way to the curtain while Oko continues to wait in the ring.


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6CWF PRESENTS "FROM THE ASHES" - Friday 9th June 2023 Empty Re: 6CWF PRESENTS "FROM THE ASHES" - Friday 9th June 2023

Post by The Last Outlaw Mon 05 Jun 2023, 6:32 pm

We start in a low-lit room where Marty Helms waits to be interviewed. JT sits across from him

JT: Ahead of 6CWF’s From the Ashes PPV, live on Prime Video this Friday, June 9th, I’ll be speaking to 6CWF World Championship contender Marty Helms in a series of interviews for the 6CWF audience. 

Having been facing the camera, JT now turns to talk to Helms

JT: Thank you for so graciously joining us, Marty. I know this is not really your kinda thing, usually, and we all heard the interview with that hack Meltzer, but now that you’ve agreed to talk, I feel it’s only fair I deliver some hard-hitting questions. 

MH: OOooo, scary! 

JT: You may mock, Mr Helms, but so far, you’ve done a splendid job of ignoring anyone else’s narrative, standing and controlling your own.

Helms interrupts

MH: Want to talk about narrative, huh? Sure you want to go there?

JT: I, well, yes, actually, I do, Mr Helms. You--

Helms interrupts again

MH: You asked. So, if we’re avoiding controlling the narrative, then tell me, why are we instructed not to talk about where this PPV will take place?

*JT looks concerned, his eyes dart to behind the camera

JT: Marty, I -- 

*Helms laughs

MH: Don’t worry, I don’t have anything to say. Not exactly the ones who’d chop my head off if I said the wrong thing, are they? 

JT: Can we move on..?

MH: Ask me a damn question then, otherwise you’re just a cheap microphone stand depriving metal of a job. Scab

*JT looks confused, but gathers himself

JT: Right then, let’s begin. Simple question, Marty: why do you hate Tyler Roth so much?

*That one gets a genuine, hearty laugh from Helms

MH: Roth? Why do I hate Roth? Why don’t you? I’ve told you people who I have some time for, and it’s a short list. Everyone else is below that, and they’re all above Uryu. In everything. Especially Christy…

JT: That doesn’t answer the question…

A different smile graces Helms’ face now. He’s seemingly a little impressed

MH: Got to say, you’re a better conversation since you found that set of balls. Why Tyler, indeed…but it’s still the wrong question. It’s everyone. It’s anyone. It’s all of them.

JT: But you said - - 

MH: Yes, I said Rex might be fine. He might be, Max was my kind of c***, but these Frak are always the worst, so he’s gonna have to truly brutalise someone to really prove himself. It takes something to impress me, and I have no time for all these old f***s hanging on, taking spots, slowing down the industry, and getting in my way.

JT: Yet it is Tyler you will face for the 6WF World Championship at From the Ashes, is your focus in the right place?

*Helms takes a second or two to respond this time

MH: Muhammed Ali, the greatest, a man so scared of me he was shaking when we met, he once said  that “it isn't the mountains ahead to climb that wear you out; it's the pebble in your shoe.” 

At From the Ashes, I will become the mountain all others have to climb to matter. But, to be who I am, I gotta be the pebble to be that mountain. He might have thought about that climb his whole life, but he never thought about the journey, just the end. I make every step hurt, I make you fall before the edge of that precipice. You don’t make the peak; I am the peak. For me to be the greatest, I’m the pebble that breaks ‘em and the mountain they fall down.

There is nothing I won’t do to move what’s blocking my path. You’ve seen desperate men in this company, you’ve seen despicable men, you’ve seen ‘em violent, cruel, arrogant and powerful. And none of them, not one of them, did it like me. Either they were clowns or clerics, they were fools or followers. 

I’m about to become the 6WF champion because I’m better than anyone else. I’m about to become the first relevant 6WF champion in more than a decade, probably ever. And I won’t give a single f*** about it, because I’m the kind of champion who makes the belt, not one of those desperate souls who needs a title to justify their existence. I want it cos these fans don’t want it, I want it cos then it stops any other f***er climbing that mountain. 

*He stops and looks at JT

MH: And that, that is where my focus is.

The Last Outlaw

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6CWF PRESENTS "FROM THE ASHES" - Friday 9th June 2023 Empty Re: 6CWF PRESENTS "FROM THE ASHES" - Friday 9th June 2023

Post by Mat Wed 07 Jun 2023, 3:14 pm

*The action goes to the backstage area, where Timothy Allen is stood facing the camera in the interview area…

Timothy Allen: Ladies and Gentleman…my guest at this time…competing in the Time Attack Match for the 6CWF European Championship…Mike Hill!

*The camera pans out to show Hill stood next to Tim Allen, staring down the camera as the crowd boos can be heard in the background, Hill smirks…

TA: Before we get onto your match this Friday, I just wanted to ask how excited you are for the first 6CWF Premium Live Event since the rebirth of the company, and also just how much have you enjoyed being back competing here in 6CWF?

MH: Well firstly Tim, let’s get one thing straight here, any time that Mike Hill appears on TV that automatically becomes a Premium Live Event. Hell, you’ve probably picked up 10 more Instagram followers, who aren’t members of your family, in the 30 seconds that you’ve been stood next to Mike Hill. That’s the standard Mike Hill is at Tim.

Is Mike Hill excited for From The Ashes…hmm…Mike Hill is…ambivalent. Sometimes Tim, you seem to forget who you’re speaking to. I am Mike Hill, I have main evented Born In Fire and Night Of Glory, led some of the greatest factions in the history of both of these companies, a multi-time world champion, a grand slam champion, someone who has had countless defining, iconic moments on the biggest stages. So a European Title match right before a mini Jonas Brothers concert? You’ll have to forgive Mike Hill for not jumping up and down like a little child like some of the other members of this roster who are just happy that they don’t have to plug a patreon account with 25 subscribers to make a living anymore.

Now is Mike Hill excited to get to beat the living hell out of his five opponents at From The Ashes? You’re god damn right he is. Mike Hill is just annoyed that the powers that be have seen fit to limit this ass whooping to 30 minutes but don’t worry, that’s still more than enough time for The Next Big Thing to prove his point. As for enjoying being back competing in 6CWF, getting to wrestle in front of these fans every week, especially here in Birmingham

*The crowd pop for the mention of the host city and venue…

Mike Hill couldn’t care less about that. These fans haven’t changed one bit, if it’s possible, they’ve got even more stupid. They are just as blindly loyal and ignorant as ever, sticking to their favourites all these years on, however many times they’ve witnessed their heroes fall short when it really matters. They still boo and abuse Mike Hill, refusing to recognise the greatness that stands in front of them…but that’s understandable, especially here in Birmingham, because no city knows mediocrity better than this one.

*The crowd descend into boos as Hill laughs to himself.

TA: As you mentioned, you compete against five others in the Time Attack match, including Lex Hart, a man adored by these fans who you have found yourself embroiled in a bitter rivalry with since the rebirth of 6CWF…

MH: Of course Lex Hart is adored by these fans Tim. They can relate to Lex Hart in a way they would never be able to relate to Mike Hill. Lex Hart could be one of these fans. You see Lex Hart is the definition of mediocrity. A man who has forged a career simply by climbing on the back of more talented or more powerful people. Propped up by the likes of Abe Abercorn, Perfect Jack, Alex Walker, Miss Jessica…the list goes on and on. Lex has never achieved anything of his own volition. A perennial failure in the biggest moments. Someone who constantly flatters to deceive. In fact, someone should probably check Lex’s birthday certificate, with a CV like that he must have been born in Birmingham!

*Hill laughs to himself as the crowd again descend into boos.

MH: Like Mike Hill said Tim, Lex could be one of these fans. In fact, after Friday night, after Mike Hill is done with him, he will be one of these fans. But don’t worry Lexy, Mike Hill will make sure you get a good seat. You see as always it’s not only the fans who have their favourites, but the board too, and Lex is certainly one of those guys. Why do you think that they’ve put myself and Lex into the Time Attack match rather than let us face off one on one to truly prove who the better man is?

It's because they’re scared. Scared of what Mike Hill would do to Lex Hart in a one on one match-up. Scared that one of their favourites, one of the guys who sells a load of rubbish pink shirts and sunglasses, was about to be beaten so badly, so comprehensively, so embarrassingly, that he’d never be seen again. Their little cash cow running off with his tail between his legs, all social media deleted, never to be seen again such was the beating that Mike Hill had given him. That’s why they’ve given him some back-up, including trying to get his old 6CW buddy Geoff Steel to help him out on the last episode of Proving Grounds.

Mike Hill understands though. After all, with a guy like Acer on the board, they have first hand experience of what Mike Hill can do. Acer was one of the biggest stars in 6WF, a part of the ASC with JJ Johnson and The Saint, they were going to run things forever…until Mike Hill and The New Dynasty turned up, then suddenly Acer was gone in 3 months. Mike Hill will give Acer some credit though, he came to his sense a lot quicker than most, a lot quicker than someone like Lex Hart who is still deluding himself into thinking he can beat Mike Hill.

TA: That’s probably enough about Lex Hart for the time being Mike, what about some of your other opponents in the match? For example, I think this maybe one of the first times you’ve ever faced Liam Wood, who has been experiencing a blast from the past since the rebirth of 6CWF with clashes against old rivals like Sparx, Machiaveli and of course his great foe, Alex Garcia?

MH: Who?

TA: Sorry what?

MH: Those names Tim, is Mike Hill supposed to know who those three people are? Mike Hill barely knows who Liam Wood is, let alone those three.

TA: They were three stalwart figures from EWF…

MH: Let Mike Hill stop you right there again Tim. What in the blue hell is EWF? Mike Hill has seen Liam Wood going on and on…and on about EWF yet it’s not something that has ever come across the landscape of Mike Hill…

TA: EWF was a pro wrestling company, quite anarchic and extreme, built up a cult following but was then swallowed up in a merger with 6…

MH: God damn it Tim, surely you got a Journalism qualification to get this job and yet you don’t know what a rhetorical question is?! Of course Mike Hill knows what EWF was.

What Mike Hill doesn’t know is why anyone cares about it now. It was a company that all the little nerds on the message boards went wild for but never made a penny in it’s entire existence, because no one who was there was worth even a jot of attention. And there in lies the difference between Mike Hill and Liam Wood.

While Wood was in bingo halls and leisure centres, throwing his bodies through burning tables or whatever the hell they were doing, for £10 and a Greggs Meal Deal, Mike Hill was headlining the biggest stadiums around the country, no scratch that, around the world, having match of the night, every night. And I’m sure that Liam has enjoyed doing his little nostalgia tour, beating these has-been, nobody, never-will-be’s to make himself feel better and chalk up a few victories for his win-loss record. But that won’t matter come Friday night. Because when he’s stood across the ring, waiting for the bell, staring at Mike Hill, quivering at the knees in the presence of a legend, the biggest superstar he has ever faced, he will realise that he is in way over his head. But that’s ok Liam, don’t panic, just stay out of Mike Hill’s way and we won’t have a problem, hell Mike Hill will even take a selfie with you afterwards where you can hold My European Title.

TA: And finally, just a word on your final two opponents, Cameron Faith and Johnny Oko?

MH: Well to be honest with you Tim, there isn’t a whole lot to say about Cameron Faith. Mike Hill has beaten that idiot more times than he cares to remember. In fact, this crowd probably can’t count as high as the number of times Mike Hill has beaten Cameron Faith. But obviously he’s a guy that again these fans absolutely love because he nearly became world champion, until he got distracted and lost his way. Some people just don’t have that killer instinct, they don’t have that little voice in their head or devil on their shoulder that allows them to do what is needed to get the job done.

As for Oko, Mike Hill likes the cut of his jibe. Mike Hill watched what Oko said to Liam Wood earlier in the week, about how he doesn’t need to win on Friday. About how winning or losing is of no relevance to him, it won’t affect his life outside of 6CW. Mike Hill admires what Oko has managed to achieve outside of the wrestling business. But it is a good job the result on Friday doesn’t matter to Oko, because he will not be winning.

It might not be the world title that Mike Hill so desires, that Mike Hill so deserves but it is still a championship, and that is the only recognition Mike Hill cares about. After thirty gruelling minutes, Mike Hill will be announced as the winner, his arm raised, title wrapped around his waist and 5 opponents left strewn across the ring, all sorts of different emotions going through their heads.

But they will be united in one thing. They will pick their heads up off the canvas, look up and see Mike Hill stood triumphant in the middle of the ring, and they will all finally realise that Mike Hill really is that GOD DAMN GOOD!

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6CWF PRESENTS "FROM THE ASHES" - Friday 9th June 2023 Empty Re: 6CWF PRESENTS "FROM THE ASHES" - Friday 9th June 2023

Post by JJJohnson Thu 08 Jun 2023, 9:59 am

*We head backstage where the production crews are still in the process of setting up for tomorrow night's extravaganza. Tim Allen is standing at the interview area with Tyler Roth. Roth is dressed in shorts and a vest, looking like he just walked out of the gym.

TA: Right now I am joined by Tyler Roth....the man that tomorrow night will meet Marty Helms one on one at From the Ashes to crown a brand new 6WF World Heavyweight on Amazon Prime, a sold out crowd is promised....Tyler you have long said that you goal is to win a world championship in this company and now you find yourself on the cusp of making that a seems almost foolish to ask if you are ready, but...

Roth: But it's a question you're going to ask any way! Yeah I get it, Tim....I understand the whole schtick....sure physically nobody is going to question whether I'm ready to go, I'm always ready....but mentally? That's what everyone wants to know.....last week I found myself face down on the floor inside the Braehead Arena after Marty Helms kneed him in the back of the skull.....and now there are doubts? Now all of sudden there are concerns that I can't get the job done?

Look if you've followed my career then you know I've been up and I've been plenty down....I've had my a55 kicked by the biggest, baddest (beepers) in this business and the MMA MMA puts you in no holds barred environments with men who can snap your neck in an instant and the only way to learn how to survive is by being thrown in a the deep end and finding out whether you can swim....Marty Helms kneeing me in the back of the head and leaving me out is nothing new to me, I've been knocked out in sparring before....but what matters is game night....lights on bright....when the bell sounds and it's just me and him....that's when you'll see....that's when Marty Helms and the world will learn about The Reaper...

TA: What would it mean to you to leave From the Ashes as 6WF Champion?

Roth: I believe it would rank right up there as one of my defining achievements in my career....I've done a lot, won many things....but this is where it all began for me and I don't think I can ever have peace of mind and satisfaction until I've gone full circle and conquered this company....

And 6WF itself holds a dear part in all of our be put up in lights with guys like JJ Johnson.....Hero.....EZ Money.....Keith Leone.....Cassius Zhi.....that's a big deal, that's why I got into this business in the first place....I'm not sure Marty Helms cares or respects any of that....but I's important to me to continue the legacy of the greats that have preceded us....that have paved the way....

TA: What are your exact thoughts on Marty Helms? It's clear you don't like one another....he pretty much said he doesn't like anyone in his interview earlier this week....but you and he are about to collide for one of the biggest prizes in the business....over the last month you have seen him in action on multiple you respect his capabilities?

Roth: People forget that Helms and I came up together....we were running buddies for The Authority back in 2013....we trained together, practically lived with one another 24/7 for months....I saw him from his day one in this business so I know what he can ten years on am I surprised he's contesting world titles? No, not at all....he's got the fire, he's got the dog in him....I know he'll fight to the death in order to win.....the same way I will...that's why we were recruited, because of our drive....

But then comes a fundamental difference and that difference is getting the job see I don't need to stand and talk about my achievements, they are there for all to see....I went global and won practically everything there was to win before coming back here to finally tick this off of my list....and yet Marty has been here the entire time and he still has nothing to show for it?

And I'm the one who is supposed to be worried?

Marty Helms may hate reality but he needs a real big dose of it....and the reality is, he's a chokeman....a bottlejob.....he's had his chances, plenty of them....and each and every time he's fallen at the last hurdle....they even tried to hand him a world title once and 6CW chose to go out of business rather than put him at the forefront of their operations.....sure he went to war with Cerberus, I commend him for that, but what does he have to show for it exactly? A bunch of scars and a pat on the back for being a tough guy? I'm sure that helps him sleep at night with that massive chip he carries on his shoulder....

Marty Helms is good but he isn't great and I know it eats him up inside, probably why he's so mad at the world all the tiny (beep) syndrome.....just knowing you can't get it instead you shout really loud, break a few things and say something a little controversial....basically like a child without a father...

But don't worry Marty because tomorrow night, son, The Reaper is gonna make it all go away!

TA: Do you think it is wise to antagonise him?

Roth: Do you think it's wise to antagonise me? Last time I checked I'm the one who legitimately puts people out cold for a living....considered pound for pound the baddest (beeper) walking this Earth and I'm supposed to be scared?

I know Marty Helms is tough, like I've said, and I'll even go on record to say that this may be one of the toughest fights I've had....but so what? Bader was tough, Fedor was tough, Bhullar was supposed to be a boogeyman and each and everyone of them got crushed by my hand....I stained the canvass with their blood and tomorrow night at From the Ashes I will do exactly the same to Marty Helms...

Call it a prediction, a spoiler....I don't really care....Marty Helms will bleed tomorrow night and he will break, just like everyone else.....any battle, any war he has ever had before this is nothing compared to what he is about suffer...

TA: So is that your prediction?

Roth: I think I've made it clear but words and talking aren't really my actions will back up any claim I have made tomorrow night when there is just me and Helms inside the ring....then he can insult some more greats and whine about how he has no friends all the while whilst I'm punching his face in and shattering his dwindling hopes of ever being a world champion....

Marty Helms is the "Last Outlaw"...."The Monster Slayer"....and I can't wait to see that in all of its glory....because there is one monster that nobody can beat, nobody can run from, nobody can hide...

The Reaper waits for no man!

TA: Thank you for your time, Tyler, and good luck tomorrow night!

*Roth nods at Allen and then walks out of shot


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6CWF PRESENTS "FROM THE ASHES" - Friday 9th June 2023 Empty Re: 6CWF PRESENTS "FROM THE ASHES" - Friday 9th June 2023

Post by DP Thu 08 Jun 2023, 4:45 pm

The scene opens with the image of the Birmingham Bowl. The exterior spotlights make the building stand out against the night sky in the second city. The camera slowly pans to the right and reveals the promotional signage for From the Ashes adorned on the side of the building.

Within the image, the camera rests on Eddy Kent and Scott Harris. The camera zooms out and reveals 'The Sharpshooter' Scott Harris staring up at the building.

SH: The Birmingham Bowl. Home of 6WF for years, the scene of some of the most talked about moments in wrestling. Legends were made here, blood was spilled, tears were shed. This place is synonymous and rests firmly in the memories of thousands of people up and down the country and across the world.

Honest, hardworking people who give up their earnings, the fruits of their labours to come and be entertained. They came here in their droves to lose themselves for a couple of hours a week.

I remember sitting in those stands, screaming at the top of my lungs watching the likes of JJ Johnson, Cassius Zhi, TGA, Crime Lord, The Saint... I remember hoping and praying that one day I'd be able to follow in their footsteps and wrestle in this building.

Harris smiles as he gazes at the building.

SH: At 'From the Ashes', I finally get my wish. I get to live my dream.

And it's no ordinary match. It's not cut and dry. It's going to be all out war. Two men trying to inflict as much pain and suffering onto one another, with one goal in mind:

To make the other submit.

Frankly, this is the only way. This is what it has come to. Eddy Kent and I have gone the distance twice. Both of us the victim of circumstance on each occasion. This time though, one of us gets to put the dot on the exclamation point. One of us will get to put that 'W' in the column.

Kent Lock vs. The Sharpshooter.

Harris breathes deeply and looks to the camera.

SH: Kent, I don't think you appreciate just what you're getting into. I watched your address and all I heard was a man trying to convince himself that he is 'levels above'. It was just one mans ego parade. And I can't work out if its because you're THAT deluded or just stupid.

But what you are, Eddy, is someone who is clinging on with his fingers to remain relevant, to stop himself getting lost in the shuffle. So much so, in fact, that you're following Alex Walker round the place like a doe eyed junior, hoping and praying that you'll reap the rotten fruit of his obvious corruption.

You talk about etching yourself into the record books, yet all there will be is the asterisk against your name, showing that you can't get the job done on your own. Is that the type of man you want to be?

You've allowed the wrong people to worm their way into your ear for too long Kent and that's meant that you now can't see what's immediately before you. You look at our match and you're already thinking about your win... And that's a dangerous place to be.

Because we're going to war at 'From the Ashes'. You're going head to head with someone who lives for these matches. Submission wrestling is part of my DNA and you're going to come to a very painful realisation that you discounted me.

I won't stop, Eddy. I'll keep coming back at you, over and over again until one of us breaks. I was revered back in the Snake Pit as someone who didn't know how to quit. Its proved to be my undoing before but not at 'From the Ashes'.

These fans, these wonderful people deserve a class of wrestler that they can get behind, not sycophantic yes men like you.

It won't be about who was levels above the other. The outcome rests on the man who outlasts the other...

You're in for a very painful lesson, Kent. This Friday, we settle this once and for all and it ends with you tapping in the middle of that ring, your lasting memory being these people shouting those three words that will stay with you for the foreseeable:


With that, Harris smiles at the camera and walks away towards the Birmingham Bowl.


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6CWF PRESENTS "FROM THE ASHES" - Friday 9th June 2023 Empty Re: 6CWF PRESENTS "FROM THE ASHES" - Friday 9th June 2023

Post by Steel Thu 08 Jun 2023, 6:16 pm

The camera cut to the backstage area Geoff Steel can already be seen standing ready in his traditional red and white ring gear, Tim Allen is standing besides him wearing a sharp looking black suit, Tim holds a microphone in hand and begins to address the 6CWF universe.

TA: Geoff we are mere hours away from our first pay per view since the rebirth “From The Ashes”, any last-minute nerves?

GS: I get nervous before every match Tim no matter the scenario I find myself in, that’s not a bad a thing though it helps keeps your brain sharp, your body sharp and can push you on take your performance beyond its limits. Without nerves you are more likely to stutter and stumble when the situation changes from how you had planned ahead of time.

TA: It seems an almost impossible task with 5 others competing in the same match, do you have a strategy to help you succeed out there tonight?

GS: Well I’m not one to ruin surprises Tim I don’t want to give away any gameplan I’ve thought up, I’ve done my research and preparation though, studied countless tapes and spoken to a few previous participants who will remain nameless, There’s just that many variable to consider once the lights are shining upon that ring and the mayhem begins, how can you really prepare for that other than just ensuring you are in peak condition both physically and mentally, it will be a war out there,

TA: You’ve had incidents these past few weeks with both Mike Hill and Lex Hart, could that play a factor again tonight?

GS: The majority of their issues seem to be with each other it’s been very much wrong time wrong place and I’ve been collateral in all of this, I’m keeping my finger crossed out there tonight they concentrate on their personal battle and let me focus on the other very capable competitors. Of course, that won’t be the case though and I will be deemed a requirement in their feud, so I’ve also prepared for that occasion, neither of them are unknowns to me I’ve seen all of their tricks and exploits that could be unleashed to try force home any advantage, I know the damage it could cause if I put myself in the middle of that duel.

TA: You’ve spoken briefly about the other capable competitors in this match, your path has rarely crossed previously with Cameron Faith, Liam Wood or Johnny Oko, what are you expecting from them?

GS: I’m fully aware of who I am stepping into the ring with and whilst I don’t have a long history with any those guys, I know they are hardened veterans of the industry, guys who have though all over the world and won countless championships between them. There’s not a single competitor in this match you could write off as being considered a weak link everybody is a genuine contender for the championship, it should certainly lead to one heck of a match for all of the fans watching at home and in attendance.

TA: Most Importantly Geoff do you think you could win?

GS: I stand as good a chance as the next man pout there Tim, I wouldn’t say I’ve had the most productive in ring time since returning with a match that never was and then an interference the next week. I’ve been around long enough though to ensure that I keep myself in the mix. I wouldn’t be back in 6CWF if it thought there was a fight, I was sure to lose, I find real competition by looking in the mirror eventually you will see your rivals scrambling for second place.

TA: Thanks for your time, Geoff, good luck out there.

Steel nods and walks off looking focused as the scene ends.


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